> Sunrise Over Manehattan > by LateWork23 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1: Sunny-Side Up > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Maybe it was the smell of burnt eggs or permeating smell of pancakes that woke Daydream up, or the bright sunlight that leaked in through her open window. She winced as she stirred from her slumber, slowly sitting up and cracking her eyes open just a little bit. She immediately shut them after not anticipating the bright morning light, but after a few seconds she opened them again, met with the ceiling. Sitting up, she held one hoof to her mouth as she let out a big yawn and used the other to attempt to smooth out her curly mane. Using her magic, she grabbed one of the many hair ties that rested on her nightstand, tying her mane into a messy ponytail. She threw off the covers and, still with sleep in her eyes, started to stumble downstairs towards the source of the smell. Daydream was careful walking down the stairs, taking slow steps down so that she didn't fall on her rump this early in the morning. Entering the small dining room, Daydream yawned as she wiped the sleep from her eyes, scanning the kitchen before eventually spotting her girlfriend, up bright and early by the melody she was humming and wide smile. ''Good morning, sleepy-head!" Celestia turned to face her with a bright smile, holding a spatula and plate of fresh eggs with her magic. ''I made breakfast! Again. Pancakes, Sunny-Side eggs aaand...'' She gestured to the table. ''A wide variety of juices I picked up from the store! And Almond Milk. ...and restocked your groceries... But! Breakfast first! I need something to distract me before I spill the beans!-'' Celestia exclaimed, tapping her hooves excitedly against the tile floor. On the kitchen table was a plate of pony shaped pancakes with a side of sunny-side eggs, Daydreams favorite. She blinked a couple of times, looking at the breakfast before looking at the smiling alicorn. She must've had something planned or something to say, normally Tia would wait to start making pancakes this early in the morning, let alone visit this early. Daydream didn't mind, seeing as how she had a key to her house, and seeing her smiling face was always an amazing way to start the day. She chuckled softly, making her way towards the Alicorn and standing up on the tips of her hooves to give her a small peck on the cheek, receiving a small blush and smile as a response. "Breakfast at...'' A quick glance at the clock. ''...5 Am? You're not even up this early, Tia.'' Daydream said, pouring herself a glass of apple juice as she sat down at the table. Daydream took a small sip, the cold and striking flavor of apple juice causing her to shiver a little bit. ''I know, I know. But I couldn't wait any longer than I already have!" Celestia's horn lit up as she poured herself a cup of grape juice, taking a sip before setting it back down. ''You mean a lot to me, Daydream, and...I really want this to be special.'' She looked down at the table, her face having turn a soft shade of red as she glanced to the side, then looked back at Daydream. The way she said it sounded like a whisper, like she didn't want to risk anypony hear her say it. Daydream could feel her face turn slightly red as Celestia looked at her. Although the two had been dating for a while and Celestia had just retired, there was still a certain anxiety when the two expressed affection towards each other. Perhaps it was the still lingering fear that somepony would find out about their relationship or swarm the two whenever they were out in public. It made the times they did show affection hit harder, and something as simple as that made Daydreams heart melt. She rested a hoof under her chin, staring as the Alicorn began to dig into her pancakes, hurriedly. She chuckled softly, taking her fork and knife and starting to cut into her own. ''Dear,'' She started. ''If you eat that fast, you're going to choke. I sort of need you alive to tell me what you have planned...'' Daydream cut a small bit of her pancake and ate it, looking up at Celestia. Celestia opened her mouth to speak but paused, coughing a little bit as she held a napkin over her mouth. She winced a little bit but smiled at her nervously, taking a small swig of her juice. ''Ah, uh... right. You are going to love it! I promise. Cross my heart.'' She did a criss cross motion over her heart as she smiled. ''But...Breakfast first, right?" Daydream rose a brow as she levitated her fork, one of the eggs pierced through it. ''Oh, uh- Yes, breakfast first.'' Celestia nodded and smiled, taking another bite of pancakes. ----------------------------------------------------------------- After breakfast and spending some time doing the dishes, Celestia had led Daydream out into the living room. She sat down on the sofa, watching the Alicorn fumble with something just out of view. Daydream cocked her head to the side as Celestia dragged something into the living room with her magic, tongue sticking out slightly. It was... a suitcase. Two of them, actually. One of them was orange and the other a sky blue, medium in size and empty from the hollow sound they made when Celestia dropped them. She turned to Daydream, a bright smile on her face as she giddily stamped her hooves. ''...Suitcases?" Daydream cocked her head to the other side. She looked at them, and then Celestia. She paused, ears perking up. She opened her mouth to speak before Celestia jumped in, smile widening. ''I know you've taken some time off of work so we could spend some more time together and...I got to thinking! What better way to get away from work then actually get away from work!?" She exclaimed, throwing her hoof up. ''So...Suprise! I am taking you, my lovely lady, to an all-expense paid trip to the- from what you've told me- greatest city in Equestria... The hustle and bustle of MANEHATTEN!'' Celestia stood up on her hind legs as she dramatically threw her hooves out. Daydream knew how excited Celestia could get and how much she loved the idea of adventure, quite surprised she didn't want to go someplace like... The Galloping Gorge or Neighagra Falls. But Mantehatten... She had told Celestia when they started dating that she always wanted to go and see one of their famous Broadway shows or take a trip to the cities large library. Plus, it was close to where her parents live. Detrot, Daydreams home city. She was never able to afford a full trip to Manehatten, but from the stories her mother and father told her, she had always wanted to go. ''Tia, you...I...Did you- Did you save up for this?" Daydream could feel herself tear up a little bit. No one had ever surprised her with something like this before. ''You betcha,'' Celestia nodded her head, trotting over and gently taking Daydreams hoof into her own. ''I booked us a nice hotel, next to some nice restaurants, next to this really awesome amusement park with this roller-coaster that has a world record-'' She paused, stopping herself from rambling before chuckling nervously. Daydream gently bumped her head against the alicorns, smiling. ''It'll be grand, I just know it.'' Daydream said, pulling her head back and smiling. ''...Now when do we start packing?'' She tilted her head, levitating the orange suitcase and getting up from the sofa. Celestia beamed, jumping up and back. She pranced over to the blue suitcase and picked it up. ''Right now!'' She exclaimed. ''We have about 30 minutes to pack and get to our train-'' Celestia said, quickly with a bead of sweat. Daydream wheezed as her eyes widened. ''30 Minutes!? Tia!-'' > Chapter 2 : Mix-Up > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Daydream thanked the stars above that the two not only managed to pack but board the train on time. Of course, having to board a train with her very tall and very alicorn girlfriend was a very awkward experience, seeing as how some ponies off and on the train stared at the two like they were a six-headed hellhound. Still, though, Celestia had managed to find a roomette and they were quickly settled before the actual ride. Daydream had finished stuffing her suitcase into the overhead storage and plopped down onto one of the seats, sticking her tongue out a little bit before looking towards the window. Celestia, with wide eyes was staring out with an excited expression on her face. Daydream had never seen her this excited in her entire life, possibly ever. She'd imagine having to put on a constant mature and wise face would be emotionally draining, seeing as how she did similar in her field of work. Being a schoolteacher was fun but... It was also good to let loose. Celestia had saw her looking through the reflection, turning to look at her. "Isn't this exciting? I've never been on a train before... Do you think there'll be a train robbery? Or a murder when the lights suddenly go out? Or..." She did a dramatic pose, wiggling her hooves. "Basilisks on the train..." Daydream smiled softly, having to reach up to gently bump her head against hers. "I certainly hope not... I'd rather the ride go smoothly. Being on a train isn't that exciting in the grand scheme of things. It's normally just..." She levitated a bag of snacks she had bought from the train food cart, opening the bag and taking out a couple of fish shaped crackers. "Sitting back and enjoying the ride." She threw a couple of crackers into her mouth, then began to read one of the provided magazines. Celestia stuck her tongue out a little bit before smiling, shuffling closer to her marefriend. She set her head on top of hers, closing her eyes with a smile. ... Her mane was soft, she realized. Incredibly so, actually. The two of them has never actually... Cuddled, now that she thought about it. It was always either quick little meetings or going undercover before Celestia had to make a get away from suspecting ponies. But now they were close, and Celestia could feel her heart pound. The way her ear flicked when she slightly shifted positions, the sound of her breathing or even the way she remained in a content smile... Her mane wasn't just soft. She was soft. "... Daydream." The pink mare looked up from the magazine and at Celestia. "Yes, Tia?" "... You- Your mane is ... Incredibly soft." Celestia said, slowly before raising her head again, then plopping it back down on top of Daydreams. Yep. It was soft. Impossibly, almost. Daydream opened her mouth to inquire about her marefriend, but was stopped then Celestia brought her closer, her expression one of bewilderment. "How-? How is it-" Celestia shook her head, looking down at a very confused but very amused Daydream. "... Maybe I'm just born with it? Or maybe it's neigh-belien-" Daydream flipped her mane a couple of times for dramatic flare before chuckling. Celestia blinked a couple of times, before playfully rolling her eyes and putting a wing around the unicorn. Daydream placed her magazine down and shuffled closer to the taller mare, snuggling next to her and resting her head against her. Celestia felt her face turn slightly red at her touch. Her wing was secured around her, and as she smiled, let herself savor the feeling of warmth. After a bit, the two would eventually drift off into sleep, still in their embrace. It hadn't even dawn on her she may have left something important back at Daydreams house... The whistle blew, and the train to manehattan started it's coarse towards it destination. With luck, they would arrive at the city mid-afternoon with plenty of time to unwind without much incident. ... Hopefully. -------------------------------------------------- The loud sound of the train whistle caused the both of them to jolt up in surprise, even more so when Celestia accidentally bumped her head against the back wall. With a groan she rubbed her head, wincing in pain before realizing it was their time to get off. She helped Daydream get up from the floor after realizing that, in her shock, she fell and began to make sure they had everything. Right. Suitcases, check. Pink girlfriend, check. Right. That was everything. Suitcases in tow the two would exit the roomette and deboard the train, triple checking everything before anything else and eventually getting a taxi to the main city square. Daydream's eyes widened as from where she was standing, it was...wow. Large billboards advertising multiple different Broadway's, the smell of food from local stalls hanging in the air. The sounds of ponies moving and going about their daily lives, some chatting on phones and some not. Some talking with a group of friends or trotting hurriedly down the sidewalk. All of this came together in a wonderful aroma of city life and its culture, one which almost caused Daydream to start tearing up. As much as she wanted to dive headfirst into the action, she and Celestia needed to get to their hotel room first. Speaking of which, she looked too her right. Celestia had already packed a map of the city and assumingly other essentials for a city visit, judging by the variety of 'thrill seeking pony' pamphlets stuffed into her suitcase. Her nose was scrunched up in though, her magenta eyes scanning the paper like she was trying to decide what she wanted from a menu. Daydream stood up on the tips of her hooves to get a peek at the map, raising a brow. Multiple locations had circles or hastily scribbled writing on them, either accompanied by a sun or heart mark next to them. Daydream tilted her head to the side and before she could ask, Celestia's eyes widened and she quickly closed the map, smiling nervously at her. ''Ah, uh...That's a surprise. Trust me, it'll be best if you...'' She trailed off. Celestia seemed to be looking towards a street-corner, ears slowly flattening against the side of her head. On the street corner where she was looking was a large group of ponies, all armed with cameras or recorders and staring at the two with wide eyes. Oh no. Paparazzi. Celestia felt a small pit of dread form in her stomach as she noticed Daydreams uneasiness, raising a hoof to ask her if she was okay before she was interrupted with multiple flashes of cameras and quick questions from the ponies they saw earlier. ''Princess Celestia, is it true that you and your sister retired!?" ''Who is the mare you're travelling with!?'' ''What will happen to Equestria after the sudden drop in Carrot Stocks!?!" Celestia winced as she opened her mouth, slightly blinded by the flashing lights and overwhelming chorus of voices. She backed up into Daydream and stumbled a little bit, using one of her wings in an attempt to cover the unicorn. Her horn lit up and in a split second, the pair teleported just a few feet away from the crowd. After a few moments of regaining their composure, the two made a mad dash towards the hotel, crowd following them and steadily getting closer as one of the unicorns even attempted to teleport in front of them, only to fail and trip into a food stall. Daydream squinted her eyes as she grabbed the map from Celestia with her magic, finding the location of the hotel rather quickly. She quickly folded it before she could see anything else, then picked up the pace. Celestia could keep up easily, but the lengths the ponies behind them were going to get them to stop was...scary. Impressive, but scary. Some used magic to try to levitate cameras in front of them only to have Tia 'accidentally' bump them away with her wing or even try to trip them, but still the two kept running. Eventually they reached the doors of the hotel, Celestia grabbing Daydream with her magic and practically throwing her inside before slamming the doors behind her, huffing and puffing. Daydream blinked as she landed on the soft cushions of a conveniently placed sofa, letting out a shaky wheeze. Her heart was beating fast due to the adrenaline, and judging by Tia's face, so was hers. "... Whew. ... Oh! Looks like we're here already." Celestia chuckled after a moment of silence, in an attempt to break the tension and uneasiness. Daydream looked up at her and eventually around the room, eyes widening in awe at the sight before her. It was elegantly decorated, a large crystal chandelier hanging above like it was a shooting star removed from the sky. It was like a fairy-tale castle from one of the stories she read as a filly brought into reality, only...maybe more expensive and with no free mini-fridge snacks. She remained on the sofa, legs slightly sore from the sudden run for her life. Daydream watched Celestia confidently stride up to the counter, though, smiling a little. Celestia approached the blue and violet Pegasus receptionist with a stride of confidence, resting one hoof on the counter. ''Hello! I've come to check in. The exquisite package? Celestia's the name.'' The Pegasus stared at her with a bored expression, slowly blinking before sighing. She chewed on her gum, loudly and had the expression of somepony who didn't get paid enough to be there. She looked up at Celestia. ''Yeah..No, sorry. No name.'' Celestia paused. Her ears perked up and her brow furrowed in confusion. She tried to look over the counter, but the Pegasus drew back with the board. ''No, no that can't be right- Uh...Check again?" She smiled nervously as she tapped her hooves against the floor as she started to get nervous. Celestia glanced back at Daydream, who was still looking at her surroundings in awe. ''Oh buck. There can't be an issue, I spent the last of my bits on this room... Did I get the wrong one? No... ...Did I talk to the wrong pony on the phone? It was the Daybolt hotel...right?'' Celestia's mind raced as her panic rose, then it dawned on her. It wasn't the Daybolt hotel. ...It was the Daybolt motel. She was snapped out of it by the receptionist's stern 'ahem'. ''Look, Pri-'' Then she paused. ''...Ma'am. I can't do anything for you. No room, no service, get out. Those are the rules.'' She tapped a sign on the counter. ' no room, no service, get out. ' Celestia's ears flattened, and she stammered with her words, struggling to find something to say as she stared at the sign, then then the pony. She raised her hoof but lowered it, then cast her face down to the floor. ...Buck. H-How would she explain this too Daydream? Would she be mad? No... ...But what if she would be?! She looked back at her again. Celestia would have to tell her. She would rather it come out from her then have the receptionist get somepony to kick them out. She trotted over to the sofa, sitting down next to her. Her expression of panic must have been quite obvious, because the minute she sat down Daydream looked up at her with a worried expression. ''Tia...? What's wrong?" ''theres a...uhm...'' Celestia took a deep breath, then let out a nervous chuckle. ''Uhm...Mix up. with the... ...rrrrooms.'' > Chapter 3 : Making the most of it! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The ride to the motel was an experience to say the least. Luckily, a janitor that worked at the hotel was nice enough to let the two escape through the back door when they found that the paparazzi ponies were there, waiting for them like sharks lured to fresh chum. The pair waved down a taxi cart and although a few bits short, managed to get a ride. Daydream looked out the window as the taxi drove, then looked over to Celestia. Her ears were down, and she looked genuinely upset at not just the situation but... at herself. Daydream placed a hoof on her back and tilted her head, giving her a small smile to try to cheer her up. ''Hey... It's okay, Tia. There are loads of fun things for us to do still.'' Daydream said, holding up her hoof a little bit. Celestia looked at her, then down at the ground. ''I...I know, but I really wanted this to go off without a hitch. And the way you looked so... just...amazed with everything.'' Daydream felt her heart sink a little bit. Truly, it wasn't her fault, Tia was probably too excited to double check to see. Daydream knew that she tended to...rush into things sometimes. ''...Tia,'' She started. ''I'm just happy to be with you. No matter what happens, as long as you're by my side, I don't mind where we are.'' She gave her a soft smile. Celestia looked back up at her and smiled back. ''...As cheesy as that may sound.'' Daydream looked to the side with a light blush. ''...Alright. ...It's still a shame about the hotel, though.'' She sighed. Daydream let out a soft chuckle, holding a hoof up to her mouth. ''...The gesture still means a lot, Tia.'' She had to sit up a little bit to bump her head against hers. ''We'll make the most of it.'' Celestia perked up a little bit, then took Daydreams hoof into hers, squeezing gently. ''...We'll make the most of it.'' She said, with a firm nod. ''Plus, this...Is only just a small bump in the road! I still have loads of stuff planned. We'll just need to travel a little bit farther... And judging by the cost of this taxi, uhm... I hope it's alright if we walk?" She scrunched up her nose a little as she smiled nervously. Daydream snickered a little bit, then nodded. ''I don't mind one bit, Tia.'' ------------------------------------------------------ They arrived too the motel, and it was certainty...something. The neon sign at the check-in on the side of building flickered occasionally and a gruff looking stallion sat, reading a magazine. There was a bag of what Daydream hoped was trash and not a body, and the general condition of the motel was grimy. Still, though, she was optimistic and genuinely excited for whatever Tia had planned. Daydream was the first to exit out of the taxi, and then Celestia, who already had the suitcases. She trotted over and offered to take them, and Celestia go check in. With a nod and a quick peck on the check, Celestia trotted over to the check-in building and approached the counter. ''Uh, Hello! I'm here to check in!'' She smiled, as brightly as she could. The stallion looked up, then down and then back up with wide eyes. He set the magazine down as he quickly stood up, as if at attention. ''P-Princess! Uh,'' Then he paused, looking at her with a puzzled expression. He opened his mouth to speak, but she stopped him with a raised hoof. ''I'm, ah, retired. I suppose it hasn't gotten to everypony yet...'' She chuckled, nervously. ''Uh... ...Celestia is the name.'' Celestia lightly tapped the counter. The stallion blinked a couple of times, before turning around digging through a box. Celestia let out a sigh of relief as he pulled out a key and slid it towards her, with a nod. He coughed a little bit, looking past her shoulder and then at her. ''So... Who's the mare?" Celestia paused. She was about to reply with a 'nopony', however stopped herself. She was retired, and that meant that she didn't have to worry anymore, right? So, with a proud smile she grabbed the room key and held her head up high. ''My Marefriend! We're spending some time in the city.'' Celestia almost stamped her hoofs after saying it. The stallion still seemed a little confused but nodded, understanding and grabbed his magazine. ''Well, uh, congrats. Enjoy your time together.'' He said, already invested in his magazine. Celestia nodded and looked down at the room. Room 12. She trotted back out and over to Daydream, who was outside and looking up at the sky. She had one suitcase on her back and holding the other with her magic. She smiled at her approach, perking up a little bit. Celestia took the suitcase off her back, the two starting to walk towards the rooms. Celestia unlocked and opened the room, holding the door open for Daydream with a small bow. Daydream chuckled, trotting inside and turning the light on. The inside of the motel was what you would expect. Tacky pictures hung on the wall, yellowed wallpaper and musty carpet on the floor. The room smelled like cheap perfume and cigars, with a light hint of cinnamon in the air. There were two beds inside of the room, and to the back was presumably the bathroom. There was an old television resting on a similarly old table, and under it was a minifridge. Celestia walked in and jumped on one of the beds, shifting a little before sitting up, a pillow pierced through her horn. Daydream removed the pillow with her magic, chuckling a little bit as she set it aside. ''It's very, erm...'' Celestia looked around, tapping her chin with her hoof. ''What's the word... Homey?" She tilted her head. ''Homey is...Certainly one word to describe it.'' Daydream paused, then looked under the bed. ''Uhm...Check the beds for bedbugs before we go to sleep tonight.'' She mumbled. Daydream got up and lifted the mattress with her magic. She glanced over at Celestia, who was already rifling through the mini fridge. ''...Are these free?" She squinted her eyes at a can of Blue-Bull. Celestia looked over at Daydream. ''Normally they aren't, but...'' She had to sit up a little bit to even attempt to look inside of the mini fridge. There weren't any price tags on any of the drinks inside, so they were either provided by the motel or costed way more than they should. Daydream watched as Celestia shrugged and opened the Blue-Bull, taking a long sip before scrunching her nose and coughing, wheezing. ''AGH- Shoot- Why is it spicy-'' She held her hoof over her nose. Daydream snorted, then started to chuckle. Celestia scrunched up her nose as she looked over at Daydream. ''Have...Have you never had a Blue-Bull before, Tia?" Daydream sat up a little bit, a small smile creeping on her lips as she stared at her. ''I've- Yes! I just haven't had one in a while...Agh, I think some shot up my nose, Blegh-'' She rubbed her nose as she walked over to the bed Daydream was sitting on, sitting down next to her and shaking the carbonation from her nose. ''Agh... I used to drink these when I had to prepare for a long meeting... I say drink, but I really mean chug.'' Celestia sighed, setting it down on the nightstand next to the bed. ''I'd usually crash at the end of the day, that's why I eventually had to stop.'' She shuddered a little bit. ''So many cans...'' She mumbled. ''Well...'' Daydream started, shuffling closer to her. ''Luckily, you don't have to drink anymore of that stuff. Or worry about meetings or... anything like that.'' She looked down. From what Celestia had told her, it was certainly a doozy. And emotionally draining from the sounds of it. She couldn't imagine the weight of an entire country resting on one's shoulders, nor having to put on a smile 24/7. She could respect her because of that. Putting on a brave face even though the situation was grim and being a leader was something Daydream admired and aspired to be and tried to do, even as a teacher. She felt a soft wing wrap around and pull her closer. Daydream looked up at Celestia, smiling softly and sitting up. She kissed her check, then rested her head on her neck. She could feel her tense up but relax, her head resting on top of hers. Though they were in a dingy motel, Daydream couldn't feel more at home when she was with Celestia. She was warm, quite fitting for the alicorn who could raise the sun. Behind her stoic and calm demeanor was a genuinely bubbly and adventurous pony who, although could get in-over her head and act quickly, could always make Daydream smile or laugh. One of the many reasons she loved her... Her thoughts were interrupted by Celestia's light yawn. She moved her head and laid down on the bed, pulling the covers over her. ''We got a big day tomorrow- I want to be up bright and early for us to make the most of the day!" She announced. Despite the mix-up, Celestia did in fact plan a big day ahead for the two of them. Daydream smiled, then settled down for bed as well, pulling the covers up to her head. ''Well, I can't wait. I'm sure you've been dying to show me.'' She let out a tired chuckle as her horn lit up, going to turn the light off. She paused upon hearing Celestia's soft snoring, blinking a couple of times. ...Wow. She never knew how fast she could fall asleep. She shook her head as she smiled, then turned the light off. ''Good night, Tia.'' > Chapter 4: Nightmares > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Daydream winced and scrunched up her nose when the bed began to shuffle. The motel room was dark and dimly lit by the light of the old lamp on the bedside table, illuminating the room in a soft but weak yellowed glow. She yawned softly, her ear flicking as she began to wake up more. Celestia's large wing was wrapped around her, holding her close as the pair slept. Daydream's eyes wandered to the alarm clock on the nightstand, letting out a soft sigh when she read the time. It was 2:00, and they still had a few hours before they did anything for the day. ''Mh...'' Celestia stirred and shuffled in her sleep but quickly settled, her wings gently rustling. She was holding onto Daydream and pulled her just a bit closer with her wings, keeping her secure. Even in the dim light, she could still make out the features of the alicorn. Her blue, green and pink mane in a slight mess as some of the colors intermixed, the light bags under her eyes from countless sleepless nights. Scars from battles long since won now only light patches on her snow white coat. Her breath was relaxed and warm as she slept, like a warm summer breeze. Despite the chill of the room and the darkness, she still shone through. Celestia began to stir more in her sleep, her ears flattening against her head as she began to hyperventilate; a nightmare. Daydream knew these all too well. Even after everything regarding her and her sister, she still suffered from terrifying nightmares and terrors from time to time. She was still wracked with guilt, guilt of what she had done and what she hadn't done in all of her years. Daydream felt her heart sink immediately, sitting up slowly as to not startle her awake. "I-i'm sorry... I'm so, so sorry-" Tia muttered, slowly shaking her head. Her voice quivered and wavered, and she was trembling. Daydream held and gently shushed her, brushing her hoof against the back of her head as she tried to comfort her. She knew very well that Celestia had demons, ones she knew about and others that Celestia kept too herself. Daydream worried about the alicorn, despite her insistence that she was fine. Celestia had begun to calm down after around 10 minutes, her nightmare slowly fading as it presumably ended. "It's okay," Daydream hushed, her voice barely above a whisper. "You're okay, Tia... Go back to sleep, you're okay." She planted a small kiss on her forehead, shutting her eyes. Daydream herself began to drift back off into sleep, using her magic to bring the blanket closer to the two of them. She kept holding the Alicorn in her arms as she snuggled up against her, falling right back to sleep. ------------------------ ---------------- -------------------------- Soft rays of sunlight poured into the room through the cracks of the blinds as the morning sun began to rise into the sky, causing Celestia to yawn and begin to wake up. She wiped her still damp eyes and pulled back her hoof with a sigh, her ears flattening. Looking up and in front of her, she smiled softly at the sight of Daydream asleep and sound. She hated when she had those nightmares with Daydream. The last thing Celestia wanted was to put her problems and demons of her past onto her, even if it was through her nightmares. But now wasn't the time to focus on that! She had an entire day planned for just the two of them and she refused too let it go wrong. She carefully got up and out of bed, making sure she didn't wake Daydream as she trotted over to their suitcases, opening hers and examining the contents. She, of course, had made sure to grab plenty of adventure pamphlets. Despite Daydreams gentle and generally very soft nature, she loved the thrill of adventure equally as much as Celestia. She grabbed a couple from the suitcase, letting out a soft hum as she looked them over. She knew how she wanted to end this vacation off, of course, but that didn't mean she couldn't have other fun things planned their entire visit. But today was going to be simple, and today was going to go well. First, breakfast, and... Celestia was having a hard time deciding between rock climbing, a theme park and zip lining. She glanced back at Daydream and then back down at the pamphlets. As much as Tia would like to do all three and then some, she didn't want to tire her out on the first day. So, setting them aside, Tia trotted over to the bed, leaning down to Daydream to kiss her forehead. "I'll be back, I'm gonna go grab us something to eat," She whispered. "mmmhkay," Daydream mumbled, softly. Her ear flicked as her forehead was kissed. She nuzzled her head into the pillow she was using and let out a small yawn. Celestia nodded, and headed out. Today was gonna go well, she thought. Today was going to go well and nothing is gonna keep that from happening. As she trotted outside and towards the nearest restaurant she could locate, she'd look up at the morning sky. Once she had to worry about the placement of the sun and the perfect time to start the day and hardly had a time to ever appreciate it. Now here she was, enjoying the simple pleasure of just... Getting breakfast. Waking up next to some pony she loved. Simple joys of life, too her, were a luxury before. Getting the chance to meet and truly connect to somepony, or really anyone, was such a rarity that she didn't even think it was possible. But as she entered the diner, and approached the counter with an order in mind, her nightmare from that night began to fade away from her memory, replaced instead with what kind of juice Daydream wanted to drink.