> Green Isn't Your Color, It's Mine! > by Nagiman > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Getting Started > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Please Ocellus, please please please," the whining sound of the begging Queen Mesosoma lingered in the air as she groveled on her knees with pleading purple eyes. The new changeling queen grasped onto the blue changeling's sundress with both hands, her eyes staying locked on the deep blue eyes of Ocellus while sparkling in the room's light. "Just this once, I beg you please." The green queen being a drama queen over such a simple ask. Ocellus covered her face with her palm, embarrassment filling her cheeks with red as other changelings passed on through the common's area of the hive. "Fine, I'll go with you to Canterlot tomorrow for some shopping, if you stop that pleading and groveling right now your highness. It doesn't look good on you." Just wishing could disappear and never be seen again, Ocellus felt her heart wanting to burst from her chest and leave the shell behind because death would be sweeter than being embarrassed by the Queen of the hive. Jumping up from the floor with glee, followed by a regal gown that flew up for a few seconds before cascading down with its pink frilled hemming, Mesosoma took hold of Ocellus in a death-like grip, sinking the little changeling into her breasts where the light turned to darkness and air faded into nothingness. "Thank you, thank you, thank you so much Ocellus. I've always wanted to go shopping in Canterlot but I didn't want to go alone for the first time and Barb is gone away with Dusk Shine to the Empire. We'll leave first thing in the morning, I'm so excited." Her breasts jiggled, rubbing Ocellus's face between the soft pillow flesh. "Can't... breathe..." Ocellus managed to squeak out before being let go by Mesosoma. Her lungs gasping for air on release, hands resting on her knees. Despite being almost crushed or suffocated by the queen, Ocellus still held her composure in front of her. "First thing in the morning, got it," she panted out. "Yes, first thing. I'll see you in the morning Ocellus," she said with a singing tone to her voice as she headed out of the commons area. Mesosoma bounced in her step dragging along the long flowing dress she wore. Ocellus took a few moments before grabbing the closest chair she could find to relax. Her face was still a bit red from being stuck between the big bosom of Mesosoma and in front of a good portion of the hive as well. Never had she felt that embarrassed before. One other thing was bothering her though and had bothered her most of her life; that was the envy she had of all the other female changelings who had bigger breasts than her. Ocellus had always had smaller natural boobs, no bigger than a thirty-two B-sized cup while most other changelings had that in a C-cup while Mesosoma had that in D-cup. To have her face shoved between that hulking bosom was an affront to her dignity and an insult to her size in her mind. Knowing that Mesosoma would not waste a second come the morning, Ocellus got up from her seat, and marched off to her room, leaving a trail of jealous tear drops that she hid as much as she could from the other changelings. She wasn't going to let this get her down and it was for the Queen and as a drone, she would do what she needed to at her request, even if it hurt inside doing it. Ocellus was right when it came to the morning, Queen Mesosoma was at her bedside shaking her in excitement. The sun had not even cracked the horizon from their home in the desert land. The queen was dressed in casual wear instead of her normal regal attire. Donning a tight-fitting baby-blue mini-tee that showed off her naval area, a pair of black yoga pants that pronounced her bottom curves as well, and a pair of red running shoes. Her face was ever so bright with a smile that would scare anyone to wakefulness as it did to Ocellus. With a scream that echoed through the hive hallways, Ocellus jumped up in her bed, covering herself with the blankets as her brain tried to rack in the situation. Her mind internally screamed to herself, "Intruder, intruder, run, scream, do something." "Shh... calm down Ocellus, it's just me, Mesosoma. Please dear, just calm down." She pulled down the blanket shield and rested her hand on the blue changeling's head, giving her a calming rub over her pink fin while gently shushing. As Ocellus finally stopped her screaming and opened her eyes to the Queen calming her, "I'm so sorry Ocellus, I didn't mean to frighten you. We have a bit of a trip ahead of us to get to Canterlot. You can sleep away on the trip there but we need to get going soon if we want to arrive by the afternoon." Still blurry-eyed with tears in the corner of her eyes, Ocellus nodded to the green changeling. Her body felt heavy as she pulled the blankets off her, letting her purple silk pajamas free from under the blanket. "I'll be ready shortly your highness." She slid off the bed, her body aching as she stretched to get it loose enough to move. Mesosoma shook her head, "No need for the formal address, I've told you before just Mesosoma is fine. I'm not like what King Metamorphosis was with us. Just hurry along though, I don't want to keep the driver waiting too long." She gave a wink and a wave to Ocellus before leaving her room. It didn't take long for Ocellus to change into a suitable yellow dress with a green ribbon belt, with short socks, and blue running shoes. Heading out she grabbed a straw hat with a matching green ribbon tied around the base of it. Once down in their carriage, she took her seat across from Mesosoma, the warmth of the inside interior bringing a smile to her face. Still tired, she closed her eyes, taking a few breaths before drifting off to dreamland once again, the bumpy road giving a soothing motion as it traveled along. Mesosoma gave a caring smile to the sleeping changeling before turning to the window of the carriage and staring out into the wasteland that she called home, knowing full well that in time they could transform all they had around, taking it little by little. Before long though she found herself fighting with her eyelids until they closed and she drifted off to sleep with Ocellus, joining in the subtle snoring choir as the carriage carried onward. > Big Breasted Bitterness > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The carriage shook awake the two changelings inside as it hit the cobbled roads of Canterlot. A rickety sound of wood hitting the stone as it bounced between the small cracks of the street and the sound of the citizens all about echoed against the carriage walls. Mesosoma and Ocellus rubbed their eyes clear of the sleep and took in the near noontime sun that blazed down upon Equestria. Looking out the carriage windows the sidewalks brimming with life on that warm spring day, ponies mingling with each other, vendors with carts out and about, guards doing patrol around the city, and peddlers on street corners playing music for change. "Oh wow, I didn't know the city was so big and busy," gasped Ocellus as she planted her face against the glass window. Her eyes drowning in the stunning visual beauty that was Canterlot. Her heart skipped a beat as she felt all the love flowing around in the air as if it was a buffet that only one could dream of. "Now you know why I asked you to come with me. Just because I'm a queen doesn't mean I should have to go in alone in such a busy place, especially if I can take a friend with me. I've seen the streets when I visited last with Prince Solaris but I wasn't able to go out due to how long our business took." Mesosoma stuck her head next to Ocellus's and wrapped her arm around the blue changeling's shoulder. Gulping down her excitement at a new world to view instead of the wasteland hive area, Ocellus felt anxious about going into the public eye, her nerves taking hold of her. Without thinking about it, her magic started to take effect, sending her body into a changing spree, from changeling to pony, to dragon, to griffon, then back to changeling and on a cycle of randomness. Her voice cracked into a high-pitched squeal as she tried to get out words but failed to do so. Letting out a chuckle at her friend, Mesosoma gave Ocellus a poke with her finger. "You might want to get yourself together. Changing like that might look pretty bad, especially if you do something too big. Besides, we have a pact with the ponies so no need to be nervous around them. We're coming up to our first stop as well, a little place to eat before we get going shopping." Mesosoma gave a wide grin to Ocellus as she took her seat once more. The carriage came to a quick halt sending Ocellus flying across the interior against her seat, flinging her dress up over her chest, leaving an exposed lower half to Queen Mesosoma. In her rush to get dressed and out, she had forgotten to put on new underwear and had now flashed Mesosoma with her bare bottom. Red flushed Mesosoma's face as she got a look at Ocellus's bare butt, not knowing what to say to the little changeling. "Ah... are you... Ocellus, are you... alright," she managed to squeak out, trying not to embarrass the blue changeling. Stroking down her dress and then tending to the bumped head, Ocellus stood up, winching as a small tingle of pain writhed at the point of impact on her skull. "I'm fine, just a little bruise is all. I didn't expect to stop so suddenly." She reached for her hat and placed it on her head. Mesosoma opened the carriage door, the sun even brighter outside than previously seen. The sidewalk had a section cornered off with tables and chairs with umbrellas providing shade to the patrons of the restaurant they had stopped in front of. Fresh air and a cool breeze whipped through the air as she set her feet onto the solid ground. Behind her Ocellus followed, stretching her limbs to get the joints moving again after such a long ride in the carriage. Going to the front the queen said to the driver, "Go on and have a few hours to yourself, we'll meet you back here then to head home." The driver nodded to the queen and cracked his reigns to get the trained crawlers moving with their scaly hides and six legs. Ponies on the street watched the sight of the weird creatures going by. "Now then, shall we have something to eat first then go about our day?" Mesosoma gestured to the restaurant with an open palm guiding the way. Ocellus's stomach spoke for her with a growl that could wake a village and blushed. "Yes, I'm so hungry, the love only gives so much. I could go with something nice." She proceeded to walk toward the building, a cool draft blowing through her legs making her shiver just a bit. Still clueless about her panty-less state. Inside was nothing too special, something a bit toned down compared to what fancy cuisine would be found in other places of Canterlot. The floor was a simple tan tile, with booths with big cushy red seating and a table between them, windows allowed for a view into the business for passers-by, the smell of freshly cooked food filled the air, and the diner seemed to be half full with customers. A blue stallion unicorn with blonde hair welcomed the pair in, with a big smile and friendly wave. "Welcome ladies, please take a seat wherever you choose, a server will be with you in a moment." He pointed toward the myriad of booths that were open for them to choose from. Mesosoma gave back the same enthusiastic smile, while Ocellus shied behind the queen. Still worried about how others would react to them in their normal forms instead of hidden away never to be known, Ocellus kept herself hidden as much as possible using Mesosoma's big body as a wall of sorts to hide away. Once seated in their booth, the menus were already laid out for them to pick through immediately. It only took a few seconds for Ocellus to bury her face in the menu while Mesosoma looked around the establishment to see how many ponies would notice them but nary much attention was given to them. With a fair selection of food to choose from, Ocellus couldn't decide what she wanted from off the menu. Everything just sounded so good but picking just one thing was a momentous task for her. Picking over the top of her menu, her eyes were near level with Mesosoma's breasts which rested on the table with their size, her menu blocked Ocellus out of view from ogling the pleasure pillows through the small t-shirt. Her face turned red again as she hid behind her menu once more, not wanting to get caught staring at something she wanted so badly without her magic. Mesosoma didn't seem to notice right away the odd behavior of her companion for the day, chalking it up as maybe some nerves still worrying Ocellus. A small hint of jealousy wafted through the air to bitter the taste of love and happiness that flowed around but without a sign of who could put off that little bit. Setting down her menu, she grabbed a napkin and started to fold away at it forming a small sailboat with the paper as she waited for Ocellus to make her choice. Behind her menu though, Ocellus stewed in her bitter jealousy of Mesosoma's beauty until her concentration was broken but a cheery female voice. "Welcome ladies, what can I get you for today?" A light brown mare with dark-oak hair pulled up with pencil and paper in hand. "I'll give the fish and chips a try with green tea to drink," Mesosoma replied first before Ocellus could drop her menu. Ocellus buried herself in the large folded sheets of paper still trying to pick something but didn't want to show her face flushed red. She let out a, "Umm...." as she browsed through it all to pass some time. Unbeknownst to her, Mesosoma had gotten the waitress's attention silently while she browsed. After a minute she decided that should be enough and made her choice. "I'll have the clam chowder with a cola to drink." She set the menu down with the biggest smile she could muster, trying not to be noticed by the waitress. "Alright, I'll get this order into the kitchen and bring your drinks right to you." The mare took the menus from off the table and left the two changelings sitting there. Looking around once more to make sure no one had seen anything, Mesosoma slid the piece of paper she had gotten from the waitress and slid it over to Ocellus, her face burning red as she did. Not wanting to cause a scene was a big thing for her and embarrassing her friend would be another issue as well but it had to be done. Letting go of the folded piece she gave a hushed shush to Ocellus and nodded to the paper. Picking up the note, Ocellus unfolded it and kept it close to her body. Upon reading it her whole head turned red, her body burning not from rage but the sheer will to fade away, and her heart sank as fast as a ship on the ocean with a hole in the bottom. "Excuse me, your highness, I'll be right back," she said meekly before getting up from the table and taking off to the bathroom at a quick pace." Mesosoma watched as the blue changeling disappeared behind the door labeled 'Ladies' and sat there, her face frowning a bit. She thought to herself, maybe she shouldn't have given that note and let things be but couldn't shake that she was right in doing so at least with some subtly to not alert everyone around of the situation or let something happen that would pronounce it to the world. Meanwhile, in the bathroom, Ocellus paced frantically back and forth, her body turning as red as her face as she wanted to just die that the queen had seen her ass when she fell, let alone without her panties on. Never once did she think about it as there was no need to question if she was wearing her clothes. "Stupid, stupid, stupid. Ocellus you're so stupid. How could you have forgotten to wear underwear," she said to herself in a hushed tone as she slapped the sides of her head with her hands. Thinking hard she battled with herself, she could always just turn into some critter and run for it but that would leave Mesosoma by herself, she could try to play it off as intentional but then she'd look like some sort of pervert who got her jollies off by running around commando, or they'd have to stop in a store to grab some before continuing on their day. Clenching her teeth in frustration it had to be number three as the answer but she'd have to suffer through lunch wearing nothing under her dress. Mesosoma got a bit worried while waiting, as the waitress returned with their drinks she said, "I'm heading to the bathroom to check on my friend, still bring out the food for us." The waitress looked her in the eyes and nodded, "No worries, do what you need to. It should be a few minutes for the food to be ready." Getting up, she headed to the bathroom to check on Ocellus, her heart feeling heavier each second that she wasn't there. Opening the door, she saw her friend still pacing, her finger stuck between her teeth. Closing the door gently behind her she approached the blue changeling with open arms to wrap them around her. Sinking the smaller one between her breasts once again and rocking her side to side in a motherly sway. "Ocellus, I'm so sorry about that but I just had to tell you somehow so something wouldn't happen that could be much worse. If you want to leave right now we can." Ocellus once again buried in the big breasts of the green queen tried to breathe, her voice muffled by the large chest pillows as her vision darkened. "That's... okay... we... can... stay..." she muttered out through the burial chamber that was a big bosom. "Really, are you sure? I know this isn't a very good situation for you." Meso pulled the changeling out from her bosom and looked down at her gasping for air. "Sorry, I keep forgetting that they seem to bury others." Coughing a few times to regain her breath, Ocellus closed her eyes trying not to think about those monstrous marshmallows that once again tried to kill her. "That's fine, it's fine. Just can we stop at a clothing shop first after we eat so I can deal with... you know." She made a head gesture downward towards her lower half. "Yes, of course, no complaints on that one Ocellus. Let's just eat as if nothing is wrong and we'll be on our way. The food should be out there any minute now according to our waitress." Mesosoma patted her friend on the shoulder before they both headed back to their table. Lunch went as normal as possible, with Ocellus sneaking peeks at Mesosoma's chest now and then, seeing the knockers for what they were and not what they were doing as Meso struggled around them awkwardly. To the blue changeling focusing on what was in front of her and not the things around her was always a bit of a downfall when it came to doing work outside in the desert but made her stand out a bit as the queen was catching the odd look at her but brushed it away as just looking at the moment. When they finished eating and paid, the pair left the building, the cool air tickling the exposed Ocellus more now that she knew that she was bare. She crossed her arms over her chest, to keep some warmth and hide a bit of her dignity as the cool air perked her nipples which poked against her dress. "Let's just find the closest place, I'm not much in a picky mood in this predicament." "That's fine with me, there's a shop right over there." Mesosoma pointed across the street, a simple sign with 'Lustful Lingerie' in fancy script writing over a white background, their windows filled with mannequins dressed in all sorts of garter belts, stockings, corsets, thongs, frills, and all other bedroom attire. She grabbed Ocellus by the arm and dragged her across the street to the building. Inside was a wide range of colors, sizes, types of lingerie, and a welcoming atmosphere with calm classical music playing at a low volume. Half mannequins hung on the wall sporting bras or panties depending on the type of half, hangers lined under them on shelving with tables sitting on the floor filled to the brim with choices. Dressing rooms had a sign pointing toward the area hanging from the ceiling with a front desk in the center of the building for checkout. The room smelled of sweet cinnamon with a hint of vanilla and the lighting dimmed just enough to give a loving mood. "Don't you think this place is a bit too much for something so simple? I don't think I need to spend my life savings on some undies." Ocellus pulled against the queen's dragging weight without success, her nerves going wild with how crazy everything looked from a glance. Mesosoma shook her head and stopped pulling Ocellus into the shop, just to the side of the door. "You do not need to worry Ocellus, this whole trip is on me, to begin with. You aren't spending a dime on any of this. Come on, let's find something nice in here. I'm sure there is something that will catch your eye." With a wide grin, Meso set off looking through the piles of lingerie the shop had to offer, keeping the blue changeling close in view to make sure she didn't take off. Nervously, Ocellus crept around, her eyes drowning in the flood of colors and shades of all the underwear. Seeing the sizes range from smaller than her to much larger; there was even one bra she saw that had cups as big as her head which shocked her. As she roamed around she spotted a cute dark pink set with a black frilly section that extended down off the cups, the pair of panties having a thin string waistband with the same frills forming rows, going down the front and back of the underwear with light pink bows at the start of her bikini line. "That's a cute one Ocellus, you should try it on," Meso said coming up behind the changeling. In her hands was a frilled bra made of deep blue and light purple, each cup a different color with a pink tied bow in the center of the cups, and a matching pair of panties that were split down the middle with reverse color order of the bra. A pink bow was centered on the front with another one on the back opposite the front. "I even found one that looks pretty good. If you see anything else you like go ahead and try it too." Her face turning deep red, Ocellus noticed how big the bra was for the set that Meso carried. It was as if she was being taunted by the queen, even if unintentionally, in her mind. Breaking a fake smile out she replied, "Yes... of course, I will. That looks pretty good, it should suit you." She picked up the set that had caught her eyes and held it up to herself as if to measure if it would be too large for her height. "Thanks, I'm going to try it on right now." Meso gave a small excited jump and made her way to the changing rooms. Ocellus waited until she disappeared before mocking the queen behind her back. Mimicking her speech to herself in a hushed tone. Still not happy with how her body was treating her, she moved along with the cute pink set. Once in the changing area, there was a large mirror along the wall, with stalls that used cloth blinds for doors. Taking to an open stall, the changeling removed her dress, as she slipped the cotton panties up with ease. The small waistband gave a feeling as if they could fall at any moment but didn't. The bra was something new to her, having to put it on as if it were a shirt with an adjustable strap in the back if it felt too loose. Outside the room, she could her Mesosoma talking to herself. "You look simply divine Meso, just beautiful. It brings out your eyes, but this bra is a little tight, might need to go up another size." The changeling queen posed in the mirror, as she looked at the different angles of her clothing to make sure it looked good. Her hands fondled her breasts for a bit seeing if adjusting the shoulder straps would be enough to fix the tight-fitting mess. Looking down at her chest, Ocellus could barely feel the bra against her breasts, the cups covering it as they should. She grasped at the cups and squeezed her tits for a bit, the cotton most certainly a high quality to prevent chaffing but still she couldn't help but feel shame in her size. Mesosoma felt a sudden rush of envy flow through her emotion field, this time much sharper than at the restaurant, and for sure she knew who it was coming from now. There were only two other creatures in the shop, Ocellus and the mare at the counter. Certainly, it wasn't the mare at the counter. "Ocellus, are you okay in there?" she asked through the curtain but didn't receive a response at all. She waited a bit before asking again, but still, no response, when she asked for the third time the curtain flew open and a red-faced Ocellus walked out and planted herself in front of the mirror. Ocellus stared at her body in the mirror, both her and Meso standing side by side reflection-wise. She shook a bit as she looked on while the queen slowly approached. Once in range, Ocellus reached out and grabbed hold of one of Meso's breasts and said, "It isn't fair. Why do you get to have such big boobs and I'm stuck with such small ones." Her other hand fondled her breast, comparing the soft flesh that squished more than her own. It hit her like a ton of bricks, the grabbing, the words, the full-on wave of pure jealousy and frustration slammed Mesosoma like a brick wall. She wanted to scold the Ocellus for her outburst but also felt where she was coming from when she was much younger. Instead of getting mad, she let gently removed the hand grasping her breast, and moved behind the changeling, wrapping her hands around and pulling at the Ocellus's chest from below her tits, giving them a perky shape. "You want bigger breasts for your natural form, but you don't seem to know the challenges they present for having them. I used to be like you Ocellus, in terms of size and I miss having those smaller ones as they made it easier to do certain things." "Wait, what? You're jealous of smaller boobs?" Ocellus responded confused. Her eyes locked with Mesosoma's through the reflection in the mirror. "How could you want smaller when you get so much attention for having the ones you do?" Mesosoma let go of Ocellus's chest, wrapping her arms around her in a warm embrace, setting her head on top of the smaller changeling. "Just because they are big doesn't mean they are great. The attention I get with them sometimes is a bit more than I want but they also come with other problems, like trying to get my food or the constant back pain from the weight of them or finding the right bra for support to reduce that back pain. I'd prefer to have my smaller ones back just because I wouldn't have to deal with those problems but just remember Ocellus, you aren't even done growing yet, you still have a few more years to finish developing, so you may end up with bigger than you have right now." She planted a kiss on the blue bug's head before letting her go. Ocellus turned around, her heart sinking fast as she took in the fact that her jealousy of bigger breasts could be a problem in the future for her, not for being jealous of them but that she could end up with more problems from having them. "I'm so sorry, I just feel like I'm so small when I look at all the other changelings around me who have bigger breasts but I never stopped to think of what it could mean for having bigger naturally as magic-wise it isn't long that you hold those problems." She wrapped her hand around her other arm and gave her foot a kick forward, now cowed by the wisdom of the queen. "I hope I haven't made things awkward or bad. I didn't mean to grab you either, it just happened." "You have nothing to apologize for Ocellus, jealousy is a monster that everyone has to conquer at some point, and if left alone it can do some strange things. So what do you think? Do you want that cute set? I'm sure getting mine, just need to trade out this bra for a slightly bigger one." Meso pulled the strap with her finger to give her some breathing room for the tight clothing. "Yes, I'll take this one, it's super cute and I like the way it feels. Even though the cups are a little bigger it means I still have room to grow into them as well without having it not fail either." Ocellus cheered up, her mood now much better with her understanding. Mesosoma nodded with a smile. "Good, now take the tags off them so you don't have to pay then change again, I'm going to swap back to my stuff and grab a bigger bra. Then there is a special store I want to stop at where size does matter, in there." She gave a wink to the Ocellus before heading back into her change room. Ocellus looked baffled that Meso just said that size didn't matter and now it did? She tried to piece it together before shaking her head clean of the mixed message and going to put her clothes back on. Removed the tags of both the bra and panties and held them to the side as waited for Mesosoma to finish getting dressed again. It wasn't long for Mesosoma to finish changing and swapping her bra out to a bigger size, before paying for both sets of lingerie. As fast as she was changed was as fast they were out the door and walking through the cobbled streets once again, now heading deeper into the city. Now Ocellus didn't feel as drafty as before with coverings for her lower half, leaving her with time to think through Mesosoma's words further. "I'm still processing everything you've said back there and I'm still getting some questions coming to mind but the biggest thing that's itching my brain is you saying that my size didn't matter before saying that size mattered where we're going next." Ocellus was trying to keep pace with the queen's stride with her smaller legs. "Well it does matter there but not in terms of your chest, it matters in the size of the things they sell. I would have thought that to be a bit obvious." Meso let out a small fit of laughter as she took another turn, the streets becoming more barren as they moved closer to their destination. Ocellus took a few seconds before her eyes lit up like light bulbs turning on in her head to the answer. "Oh... Oh, I get it now. So, where are we going though?" She looked around at the buildings that seemed more like homes and not shops. Mesosoma stopped abruptly in front of a door, that didn't seem as different as any other. "Here is where we're going." She walked up the few steps before opening the wood door and walking inside as if she owned the place. The blue changeling was shocked that the queen would be entering someone's house without knocking. She rushed the steps trying to get up to the queen to stop her from committing a mistake until she walked into the building herself and was smacked by a store hidden inside, this one selling much more adult material in a small space. All over the walls were phallic toys of all manner of shapes and sizes, shelves lined with various hanging boxes, and clear packaged toys as well. The lighting was dim enough to see the things on the shelf but not bright enough that you'd stand out from a crowd. Her eyes managed to catch sight of Meso already looking over a shelf of dildos in the few seconds it took for her to process where they were. "Um... I didn't think we'd be going to a place like this. Couldn't you have come on your own for this?" Ocellus spoke in her quiet tone to the queen. "No, of course not. Barb told me about this place and I just knew that it would be a perfect place to bring you out to. Considering that we're still new to the pony society, I figured it would be a good chance not only to get you out of the hive but to let you see what the world has to offer in terms of sexual pleasures that you would have missed out on under the old King." Meso didn't even take her eyes off the shelf before picking up a fair-sized orange buttplug with little nubs over the device. "What," Ocellus gasped in horror, her body turning red as she felt her legs become weak. "This whole time you wanted to bring me here? To look at... these things." She poked one of the fake cocks that sat on the shelf, causing it to wobble a bit. Meso nodded her head to the younger changeling. "Yes and no. I wanted to bring you because the outside is still strange to most but also because I know more about the hive than you think I do, especially when it comes to the emotions of others." She turned to face Ocellus, her lips trying not to laugh but keep a serious face. "I've passed many chambers but yours had a feeling of loneliness coming from it, one that could have the void filled. I thought about it for a while and couldn't come up with an idea to fix said problem, then when I was speaking with Barb she told me about this place and what it offered that helped her through a season of dragon heat and I just knew what had to be done." She wrapped an arm around Ocellus, slowly walking them along the small shop, trying to keep her friend occupied as she kept looking at things. "I... I... how... just..." the flabbergasted Ocellus muttered as she was taken for a ride through her own mind without knowing she was being taken on one. "Ocellus, this world is much different than ours was, we've changed quickly but we haven't adjusted and I want you to be able to be one of the first few that can help change our world more, however, first I need to make sure you can understand yourself more. Being jealous of your tits being small is only one step, giving you the ability of self-love is another, and making sure you understand given love is the last as we don't want a changeling going rogue and bringing down problems with our new friends." Meso reached up and took hold of a toy that was as long as her arm, it was purple and covered with rings made of the same rubber-like material. She wiggled it around testing its elasticity before reaching for a much shorter phallic device as well that was smooth and green. Ocellus no longer was afraid of being in the shop they were in but more confused about all the things that Mesosoma knew about her that she didn't even know herself. Before she could say another word, Mesosoma had slipped out of sight, leaving her standing by the row of toys that seemed to resemble torture devices but with the painful portions removed. Looking at the boxes she saw the size of some of the mares on them, having once again those big chest balloons that she craved, her mind slipping back into the jealous mood that they would be able to have those things without much work. "Alright let's get out of her little miss green," Meso's voice said from behind her, a black bag stuffed within the lingerie bag hung from her shoulder. "I think you need some fresh air and maybe some ice cream as well to cool that head of yours. I can taste the bitter mood once again." Pouting, Ocellus followed along, giving the shop one more eye before leaving behind the strange place. The fresh air took her breath away compared to the stuffy atmosphere of such a small space. "I don't know why, I just can't stop thinking about it. I know you're right but why do I have to wait longer and see if my body grows more, can't it just happen now." "Ocellus, it can happen now with your magic but if you want your natural body to grow bigger then you have to wait and see. Just understand that big boobs doesn't mean better, otherwise you'll grow bitter with your regrets of not loving who you are." Meso stopped the blue changeling on the side roads and walked behind her, throwing her chest over Ocellus's head and nearly covering her entirely. "You see this, well you can't see it but you understand that my chest is big enough to bury most in my breasts but because of that, I don't get to see them react when I give them a hug, I can't get a full embrace as much as another, I cause small problems because of this size. So once again, please just think more on it. When we get back home we'll discuss it more if you want in my chambers but for now though, let's enjoy the rest of our time here in Canterlot, okay?" "I'll try my best, I promise," Ocellus said through the hat made of tits that covered her head. Light was revealed back as Mesosoma pulled her chest off her and let the sun shine again. "Good, now for that Ice Cream cause I want something sweet right now." Meso clapped with excitement before taking off at a quick pace, leaving poor Ocellus to keep up. > Overcoming Loathing With Love > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The pair of changelings walked into the hive entrance, arms loaded with bags from various shops from Canterlot. The moon started to rise on the horizon as they returned from their day trip. Each one of them with big smiles and drooping eyelids as they marched into the hallways, leading through the sleeping chambers. Reaching Ocellus's room first, they stopped in front of it, setting the bags down from their arms and giving them a rest. "Thank you again for today Mesosoma, it was quite fun out in the city, even if it seems pretty scary going about." Ocellus tried to embrace the queen for the first time but found it a bit difficult to not bury herself in her royal rack. "Told you, bigger isn't always better but you are most welcome Ocellus, I'll let you settle in for a bit and get some food, but come to my chambers in a few hours, there are a few minor things I want to talk to you about that require privacy." Meso pulled the changeling right into her bosom once again, burying her in the pleasure pillows and letting her get a full hug in without complaint. Letting go of their embrace, Ocellus gave a cordial bow to the queen. "I'll make sure to come as soon as I can. Thank you again for the day, even if it was filled with some embarrassing moments." Mesosoma nodded and waved to the changeling as she picked up her bags and continued onward to her bed chambers, leaving the blue changeling alone with her bags. Ocellus opened the door to her room and brought the bags of clothes and souvenirs into the small space, setting them on the floor next to her dresser. Exhausted from a long day of walking around and traveling, leaving her feeling as heavy as lead when she trudged over to her bed and dropped on it face first. Her legs hung over the bed like wet noodles as she stretched her arms out, her face turned to the side and she closed her eyes, taking in the warmth and comfort of her room. "It was a good day, I just wish I could stop thinking about Meso's breasts as she told me," she said to herself in a hushed tone. It wasn't long before she drifted off into dreamland. Deep in the haze of Ocellus's dream, she stood dressed in the most regal of clothing, taller than before and with the much-improved bosom she wanted so desperately. Her vision was obscured by the vast amount of boys swarming around complimenting her on her looks; begging and pleading with her for a chance to show how good they could be. It was the best dream she could have until it turned on her. Mesosoma appeared, having much larger tits than her in more scantily clad clothing which turned the males away from Ocellus to her. The younger changeling's face burned red with rage as she watched her admirers turn away from her. In her anger she failed to notice her breasts growing with every second she looked on with envy to the queen, until they reached a size that caused her to fall forward and continued to grow. Panic set in as she couldn't stop the growing bust until it reached a breaking point and popped. With the loud ringing springing her eyes open in surprise, a knock at her domicile brought her back to the real world. Slowly lifting herself off the bed, she stammered, "C-c-coming." Her mind still drifted in the haze of her dream-turned nightmare as she shuffled over to the door. As the door opened, Mesosoma stood on the other side, dressed in a baby-blue nightgown as she waited with her arms crossed in worry. She didn't let the changeling open the door fully before rushing in and wrapping Ocellus in a tight hug. "It's okay Ocellus, it's okay. You didn't show up after a few hours and I decided to come by to see if you were alright but I felt your emotions going wild and knew something was wrong." She swung the blue changeling side to side as she swayed her chest. Ocellus went pale as she felt her body being crushed by the queen's arms and chest combined. Her lungs drained of air as her body slowly went limp like a rag doll as she was held in the embrace before she managed to squeak out, "Can't breathe." Once she was let go, she gasped away on the floor, trying to get her footing about her. Coughing as she spoke, "I... I'm... sorry about... not showing up. I fell... asleep so... quickly." "Sweetheart, don't apologize for that, it's not a big issue. Your emotions going wild is an issue though as it can affect everyone else around the hive, intentional or not." Mesosoma held her hand out to help Ocellus to her feet. "We're talking that this is an emergency level talk. Come with me, we're going to my chambers this instant. You're not in trouble for having your emotions but we need to help you fix them and there are only a few good ways I know how from my time in the Crystal Empire." Taking hold of the queen's hand, Ocellus was raised to her feet and dragged out of her room in a hurry. Struggling to keep up with the swift-moving Meso, Ocellus had to put a small sprint into her step to keep from being pulled back to the ground and dragged through the hallways. "Slow down, please, I don't need to be pulled this fast." She huffed as her legs started to feel a burn from the lack of exercise as she preferred to stay inside and read books. Mesosoma ignored the plea of the smaller changeling, making sure that not a second would be lost in fixing a big problem. "No time to slow down Ocellus, we have a night ahead of us." Her speed made for good time, as they arrived at the royal bed chambers within a couple of minutes. The inner chamber was decorated with a mix of pastel and earthy colors, pink painted the walls with a brownish red tiled floor. A giant bed sat against the center of the back wall, draped with see-through curtains and dressed with a yellow blanketing. Lilac and lavender filled the air with the sweet scent coming from the burning incense at the side table. Over on the left wall a dresser, standing mirror, and wicker basket sat lined neatly near a closed closet door. On the opposite side sat a large bookshelf that consumed nearly the whole wall with its size. Books galore filled the holes of the shelf but they weren't the only thing, many shaped sex toys also lined a portion of the shelf, leaving nothing to one's imagination of what the queen did in her spare time. Closing the door to her room with her magic, Mesosoma let go of Ocellus from her grasp and faced her directly. Blocking the door to her room so the blue changeling would be forced to stay for the time being. "Now Ocellus, I need you to talk to me seriously. Can you remember what happened in your sleep to set your emotions wild as they did?" Her tone was stern but still motherly as she didn't want to scare Ocellus but wanted to come off more concerned. "I... I don't remember much about it. There was you and me, and then I remember a loud pop before I woke up and heard the knocking on my door." Ocellus lowered her head, feeling as if she was a child being scolded for something she couldn't control. Closing her eyes and taking a few seconds, Mesosoma nodded to the changeling with some understanding of the situation. "Ocellus, I'm not mad at you if it seems like I am. I'm concerned for the safety of not only everyone in the hive but you as well. If too many negative emotions are fed on, we'd revert to what we were." She approached the slightly cowed changeling, her face glowing with love as she approached. "So tonight I need to teach something very important about loving yourself just as much as you can another." Ocellus gulped down a lump that had formed in her throat as she had the queen down to her level to meet her eyes directly. Something felt different as if a spell was cast on her that made her heart skip a beat as she became lost in those purple orbs for eyes. She trembled for a bit before her fears were taken away by Meso locking her lips with hers. Tenderly their lips pressed against each other in a soft but firm embrace, with her arms held still by Meso's hands as they melted into a passionate bliss that only broke when the queen retreated with a smile. "First rule of loving yourself is knowing you are loved as well by others. Ocellus, do understand that if you can't feel the love of others at that moment, it doesn't mean you aren't loved." Meso swept the younger changeling off the ground with a quick motion of her arms, holding her tightly as she carried her over to the bed where she set her down on the soft blankets. Her lips returned to Ocellus's and continued to kiss her with love and passion, her chest pressing against the smaller one as she did. That warm embrace left the changeling speechless, her heart racing more as the smell of love and lust wafted through the air between the two. Ocellus drowned in the positive emotions even with her envy trying to break through as she felt the big bosom press against her, it was blocked from entering her mind with those soft pecks from the lips of the queen. She felt soft touches of gentle fingers grace her the side of her neck and down over her arm as she was disarmed of her will. Meso stopped once again after a few minutes of making out romantically with Ocellus, her body hovering over the smaller one. She reached down at the hem of her nightgown and lifted it over her head, letting free her body of the silky covering and showing off her newest set of lingerie she had bought earlier that day. "Now then, let's prepare you for the next step of learning to love yourself." She reached for the green ribbon that surround the waist of the yellow dress and pulled it free as if unwrapping a gift on Hearthswarming Eve. Ocellus turned red as she stared into the chest of Mesosoma while she was undressed slowly. Her legs felt like jello when she lifted at the hem of her dress and pulled it up over her head. Now on display in her underwear, she felt exposed even though she had stood in front of Meso earlier in the underwear, this felt different, more intimate than just doing shopping. Covering over her chest with one arm and covering her groin with the other, she blushed hard and turned her face away. "I... I don't know. This doesn't feel like it would help me." "Non-sense Ocellus. You've got a beauty of your own that others dream to have. Just look at those perfectly plump pillows that you think are so small. I think they are a thing that others would deem a good size, nothing too big and not too small, just the right handful." She cupped her palm around the breast and pushed on it gently, the soft flesh giving way against the cotton and lace of the bra covering it. Her hand pressed with a firm hold as it moved the boob around slowly clockwise, her eyes staring into Ocellus's orbs as she did. "See, you have plenty to offer with just this alone, it's soft yet firm, a perfect mixture. Don't doubt your self-worth over some wild aspiration that seems to drag you down." "But... but... but..." she nervously responded before having a finger placed on her lips with a shushing noise following. Mesosoma took Ocellus's hand and placed it against her breast, letting the hand sink into what was practically a mound of jello from the sheer size of it. "See, compared to yours, mine can't be groped or fondled more intimately. You have something that some want. Try some more Ocellus, explore around and see what you can find that makes it good to have your smaller size." Nervously, Ocellus removed the hand from her groin and reached up and took hold of Mesosoma's other breast, the same sinking feeling overcoming her hand along with a hefty weight to it as it pushed back against her palm. Her heart raced as she moved around the boobs with both hands, feeling like it was wrong but at the same time right in doing it. She felt her jealousy slowly fade away as the weight felt like she wouldn't be able to carry them without the help of some upper back strength or a very large bra that was bigger than Meso was wearing. As she moved around, one hand managed to slip under the cup of Meso's bra and make contact with the soft nipple laying underneath eliciting a moan from the queen. Her face flushed red as she started to apologize for going past what she should have. "That's fine Ocellus, nothing wrong with it at all, here let me help you with it." Mesosoma sat up on her knees for a few seconds while she undid her bra and threw it to the side, letting her orange nipples show along with the mass of her breasts. A small scar line on the side of each breast that looked old. "What happened?" Ocellus questioned as she pointed to the scar lines just slightly covered from view from the size of the breasts. Mesosoma smiled at her, knowing full well that now she'd have another thing to talk about with problems. "Those old scars. I had to have surgery to reduce the size of my breasts back when I lived in the Crystal Empire away from the old hive. They had gotten so big they caused my back too much pain. I reduced from a size way too big for myself to this, and still wish I could go smaller but doing so would remove too much that could cause other problems." She laid down beside the blue changeling, her bosom spreading to the side and splaying out, showing a bit more of the scar marks. "Here, climb over the top of me and you can feel them in a different way. Don't be afraid to explore anywhere how you see fit." Those scars dug deep into her mind, seeing that even at her current size, the queen wishing to be smaller than that started to smash the envious feelings Ocellus had held for so long. She didn't want to have to go through surgery to shrink her breasts to deal with the sheer size they could grow to be, in fact, she'd prefer if she'd stop growing now. Taking a stronghold of the words this time, she felt happy with her own body a bit more, a bit more confident with her own image. With that newfound confidence, she straddled herself over Meso's stomach, her hands taking a place on each tit and feeling over the mass. The soft nipples bent against her palms as she rubbed the fleshy mass, her eyes stuck on them before moving up to Meso's face where she felt her heart jump in surprise at the happy queen. Her breaths deepened as she felt the hands dance across her chest, that tingling feeling of another's body touching hers that she hadn't had since her time in the Empire. Mesosoma was delighted as she reveled in the exploration of the blue changeling. This is what she hoped would happen to remove Ocellus from her terrible feelings and it was working. A surprise hit her when Ocellus's lips pressed against her neck in little pecks before moving down her chest, the lithe lips then pressing against the side of her breast before it met her nipple with a wet tongue and small suction. That change in Ocellus brought joy to the queen along with the pleasurable feeling from the lapping at her breast as if a child was feeding from its mother. Switching from one breast to the next, Ocellus didn't let out her time with the tits of Meso, her tongue making sure to rub the little nub sticking out of them was plentiful. Her mind became clear of the doubts she was having earlier about how this would teach her anything, leaving nothing but the blissful tranquil mind with personal time with the queen and learning more about herself. She was enjoying this more than the attention she was getting from her dream, it felt more personal and powerful with the one-on-one session. Laying still while the changeling went at her bosom, Mesosoma used her magic to levitate over one of the few toys from her shelf along with the bottle of lubricant that she kept in her nightstand. "Ocellus dear, I want to add to this feeling you're having. Things will feel a bit weird to start with but will feel natural after a little bit. Do you trust me?" Ocellus looked at Meso's face from her position, giving her an okay hum through the breast that was currently in her mouth. Not wanting to stop the pleasure she was giving to the queen or leaving her currently euphoric mood. "Alright, I'm going to start it now," Meso responded to her pacified friend. Having to use magic while keeping the mind focused was much more difficult than imagined compared to a disguise that required little effort after applying. The set of anal beads that she picked had floated behind Ocellus, leaving her unaware of what was to come. The bottle popped open with a little click and drizzled the clear fluid over the set of beads, the smallest one being the size of the tip of her pinkie and the largest one the size of a golf ball in a string of seven beads. Next, the magic tugged the pink panties to the side enough for Meso to have access to Ocellus's pucker in order to drizzle more of the fluid on it. As the cool liquid poured over the tight pucker of Ocellus, her eyes lit up with shock as the temperature shift made her shiver. Taking a moment to release the tit in her mouth she turned around and saw the little ring of the anal beads poking out over the top of her ass along with the bottle of lube. She was about to say something when the first bead poked through the small hole with ease, bringing with it the chill lube and spreading it inside the hole. She gasped in shock at the sensation as the next one moved in, then the third, and fourth bead. This wasn't something she thought someone would use for sex, it was usually frowned upon just speaking of its functions of it let alone playing with it but she couldn't deny it felt good in a strange way. Mesosoma's magic met some resistance trying to push the last three beads into the tight sphincter of the blue bug, as she seemed to be clenching down on the ones already inside. With a bit of wiggling, she managed to work the last few orbs into the butt of Ocellus, leaving just the ring outside for extraction later. "Now that is a face that seems overly pleased with the results of those beads. Now Ocellus, I want you to take your panties off and sit your pussy on my face." Ocellus's face went red, her lips puckering at the request of Meso. She wanted her to sit her bare butt on her face. "I.. if... that's what you want me to do," she sheepishly said before standing up over the queen and sticking her fingers under her waistband, and pulling down her underwear. The fabric slid down her legs with ease, allowing her to pull them off her foot with a single tug from her hand and let them fall onto the floor. Adjusting her position she lined up her body with Meso's face as requested and lowered down slowly so as to not fall and hurt her queen in the process. As she sat down, the queen's horn perfectly lined up between her ass cheeks, giving a nice hotdogging to the horn in the process by accident. Puffy pussy lips pressed against Meso's face as Ocellus settled on her as requested. Sticking out her tongue she lapped along the vulva and tickled the clitoral hood and clitoris as she moved the mouth organ back and forth, tasting sweet juices that started to drip from inside the blue changeling. Her own body was heating up from the erotic actions and tasting the blissful emotions filling the room, she could feel her panties becoming wet with her juices. She could feel Ocellus writhing in pleasure above as she shuffled side to side each time her tongue crossed over the little clitoris when it winked and the muffled sounds of her squeaks. This was something wild and weird but oh so good feeling to Ocellus. She couldn't help herself when it came to moving as it tickled ever so slightly as she was teased with some of the best work Mesosoma could do with her tongue. Her body felt hot, her ass massaged, as Meso's hands gripped her and squeezed with her fingers. Drool started to drip out of her mouth as she melted into a pool of sexual pleasure, even going to the point of playing with her own breasts and appreciating how easy they were to feel around. Though her stamina wouldn't hold out much longer as the tongue pierced between her lower lips and started to dig away at the inner walls of her pussy which sent her into a minor orgasm that caused a flood to leak down onto Meso's face. The sexual fluids dripped into the queen's mouth with the flavorful nectar from the younger changeling. Drinking away the stream of liquid that dripped out of Ocellus's pussy, Meso used that time to pull another item over with her magic and drop it on the bed next to her. She was ready to have some fun for herself as well to give the grand finale to the pair of them and finish the lesson of self-love. She gave a couple of taps on Ocellus's thigh with her hand to get her attention and was released from under the blue changeling's butt. Her face was covered with the clear fluids that had dripped from her. "I hope you enjoyed that, I certainly had a time." Ocellus sat there her eyes glazed over and staring at the ceiling, her chest rising and falling with her heartbeat. She let out a smile that grew from cheek to cheek before answering. "I didn't think you could feel this good. It can't be this easy for that." "Dear, it can get as much or little as you need through it. I still need to have some fun as well in this whole thing too." She grasped the purple double-headed dildo in her hand and crawled between Ocellus's legs. "So one last go and we'll call it for the night then." She rubbed one end of the dildo against Ocellus's vulva, coating it in the fluids that had remained behind before slipping it in slowly until it stopped moving inward with the ribbing of the toy rubbing against the inner walls. Letting out another gasp followed by a purring moan of delight, Ocellus let the dildo reach fully inside, the rings that pushed against her walls giving more pleasure than that tongue did. "That feels really good." Her body clenched down on the toy resulting in her ass clenching on the beads sending a double massage through her nether region. Her legs were moved to give more space on the bed as Meso pulled the other side of the dildo upward creating an L-shape with the toy. Mesosoma now happy with the position Ocellus was in, moved her panties to the side and inserted the other end of the dildo into her own vagina, letting the new feeling fill her inner temple with a pleasurable time. As she sunk down on the toy she got down on her hands and knees, her face hovering over the blue bugs, their eyes meeting in the blissful haze. Pressing her lips against Ocellus, the two locked together again as their chests pressed against each other, both making small humping motions with the toy, sending it back and forth between each other. They made small bites on each other's lips and invaded each other's mouths with their tongues, together the two of them became one in their feelings. Ocellus drifted into a whole new feeling she didn't know existed. Her body was starting to sweat from the heat generated by the two of them working their hips and legs with minimalist movements. Her heart couldn't stop racing as it pounded faster and faster in passionate lovemaking. Never did she think that two females could love like this without the other changing their genitals through their magic but this was something similar in a way. Her moans were matched by the queen as they made out, her lips becoming slathered in saliva as they switched to a french kiss. Her thoughts now were more on how much she felt loved and how much she didn't want to change herself anymore, she was perfect the way she was. The queen broke away from their kiss and leaned back on the bed, weaving their legs to get the dildo as deep as she could in her own pussy. With the new position, she humped harder on the toy causing Ocellus to scream out in pleasure while she did the same. "Yes, yes, oh fuck yes." Both changelings moved as much as they could as they enjoyed the dildo together, the movement causing their vulvas to kiss as they meet in the middle of the toy, their juices spreading on it and the bed at the same time. The room filled with moans and wet slapping sounds as they went wild for the next ten minutes before they finally broke the dam walls that held back a tidal surge of feminine juices that sprayed the other and the bed. As Meso climaxed she pulled the cord of anal beads out of Ocellus which caused her to squirt even harder to the point of splashing the underside of the queen's breasts. Both couldn't hold themselves back as they drained themselves of all their energy. When the orgasmic bliss subsided, the two collapsed on the bed, heaving from lack of oxygen from the constant screams. The bed sheets lay in ruin from their climaxes, the toy soaked in fluids, and both their legs felt like jelly. Mesosoma crawled over and laid her head next to Ocellus, her eyes heavy as she spoke. "That's how you have both self-love and shared love. So I have a question for you Ocellus. Do you think you'd want to go out into the world and see it for yourself as I did?" "Would I still be able to come home? I wouldn't want to be left out on my own forever," she replied. "Of course, you'd be welcome home anytime. There is a school going to open up in Ponyville according to Prince Dusk Shine, and I'd like you to be a representative for us. It would be your chance to meet others and see the differences in the world in a single spot." She took hold of Ocellus's hand gently. "I think it would be nice to learn more, after what you've shown me about myself." Ocellus wrapped her fingers around the hand that held hers. Mesosoma nodded quietly to herself. "Good, good. One last thing Ocellus." "What's that?" She questioned. "Don't become a jealous green goblin again. Green isn't suited for you, it's my color." Meso poked the blue changeling's nose with her free hand as they two drifted to sleep on the large royal bed.