Ronin: A Samurai's Redemption

by Lunar Gaze

First published

After seeing his father die in front of his eyes by a griffon, a ronin named Aka Kabuto vows to dedicate his life to avenge his father and regain his honor and learns to forgiveness himself and how revenge can cloud one's judgement.

After seeing his father die in front of his eyes by a griffon, a masterless samurai named Aka Kabuto vows to dedicate his life to avenge his father and regain his honor.
Join Aka Kabuto in this Japanese Edo-period inspired version of Equestria as he learns the meaning of forgiveness of himself and how revenge can cloud one's judgement.

Prologue: First Dawn of Spring

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Snow covers the ground on a cold winter’s morning. The only thing keeping Aka Kabuto warm in his room is some charcoal he safely burned overnight that he received from the village in his bedroom. As the sun beams on his face, he arises and rubs the sleep out of his eyes. “I wonder if spring will arrive soon.”

Per his name in the old language, Aka is a red unicorn with a brown mane with a ponytail tied from the back and orange eyes. He is 19 years old and 5 feet and 8 inches tall with an average lean, athletic build. He is just like your average stallion; aside from one important thing. He is a samurai. At least, that is how he was trained. From the moment he was able to walk, his father trained him in the art of katana and the ways of the samurai.

Aka puts on his niju-mawashi under his orange kimono and walks out of his room to the smell of delicious food filling his nostrils. Following the scent of food he wanders into the kitchen where he notices his father cooking breakfast.

Ohayo gozaimasu.” Aka speaks and bows to his father/master Yuuki Raikou out of respect. Yuuki Raikou—better known to Aka as ‘Raikou-sensei’ or simply ‘Father’—bows to his only son and only student. “Ohayo gozaimasu Aka-san.”

Raikou-sensei is an electric blue unicorn with a blue-green mane. He is in his mid to late 40s and stands at 5 feet and 11 inches. He is a retired samurai who served his country during the Ponito-Griffonstone War. “It seems the smell of breakfast has raised you from your bed.” Raikou-sensei says as he finishes putting food in bowls which consists of: rice, miso soup, tamagoyaki and pickled vegetables with some warm green tea to drink. After they set their respective bowls on the table, they clasp their hands together and say “Itadakimasu!”. As the stallions are eating breakfast, a question for Aka comes to Raikou-sensei’s mind.

“Aka-san, I have been meaning to ask you a question.”

“Yes, Father. What is it?”

“You turned 19 not so long ago. Many stallions your age would be going off into the world in their own professions. So I must ask—do you have any plans or goals for your life?”

Aka puts his bowl of rice and chopsticks down and thinks about his father’s question. He has never truly thought about his future but he’s always had a specific dream in mind from a very young age.

“Well, I guess my goal in life would be to go to Ponito and join the royal army to serve under the royal princesses. Then I will become a war hero and become famous just like you.”

“Aka-san, I am flattered that you wish to follow in your father’s footsteps–”

“Exactly! Then I’ll become a true samurai and protect the country from enemies who try to invade.”

“My son, I was not finished. You must let somepony finish their statements before chiming in.”

“R-right. Sumimasen.”

“As I was saying, I am glad that you wish to follow in my footsteps. But the reason why I joined the royal army was due to a time of war between Ponito and Griffonstone. I trained you to be a samurai because I wanted you to learn proper discipline, honor and a way to protect yourself and others in the face of danger. And there is one more thing you must know. It is better to follow the path you have forged for yourself rather than to follow the path of those who came before.”

Aka is taken aback by his father’s words. He never expected his father to shut down his goal. After a moment to recover, a verbally defeated Aka picks up his utensils and goes back to eating.

“Do not look so somber, my son. I never said I do not support your ideals. You may go to Ponito but you might take up a different profession.” Hearing this, Aka’s expression changes from somber to insightful. “You may become a blacksmith or you may learn how to make sake. But the most important thing I want you to do is settle down, get married and start your own family.”

To his surprise, Aka laughs hysterically at his father’s words. “Oh Father, that was a very good joke. But you know my heart will always belong to the sword.”

Raikou-sensei puts down his bowl and looks at his son with a calm yet direct look. “A katana cannot bring you love and happiness.” Aka returns to reality after he is hit with a sense of truth. “It cannot fill your heart with joy and warmth like the love of a mare can. There are many beautiful mares throughout the land. I hope you will find love while you are still young.”

“It seems I’m getting two cases of father’s wisdom this morning. But I will admit that you are correct. But I have to ask. When will I inherit the family katana?” Aka says as he looks over to the living room where the family katana is being displayed with its handle facing to the left side symbolizing the current time of peace. It is a katana with a black handle, a light blue scabbard that has a symbol of a dragon on it, and a red hanging cord that perfectly compliments all 3 of each other.

“When I believe you are ready to wield it, my son. Until then, you must be patient. Now, finish your breakfast. We will have to train quickly. I have gotten a message from the pegasi that there will be a blizzard tonight.”

The two stallions are outside in the snow covered courtyard. The air is cold yet calm. The student and his master bow to each other before going into their stances while holding their wooden practice katanas. Aka looks at his master with a firm, focused glare while his master makes the same face.

“Ready? Hajime!

Aka rushes forward at his father and throws a downward slice. However, Raikou-sensei is easily able to block the attack. Aka throws another slash to his father’ right side, but again Raikou-sensei blocks the attack. These two blocks make Aka become frustrated.

“Remember, Aka-san. A samurai must keep calm and not let his emotions get the better of him.”

Heeding his father’s words, Aka takes a deep breath and calms his nerves. After this, he fakes an upward slash and manages to strike his father in his clavicle. An impressed Raikou-sensei nods at his son’s attack.

“Very good, my son.” Aka is proud after landing a blow on his father. “But don’t celebrate too quickly.” All of a sudden, Raikou-sensei grabs Aka and throws him into the cold snow.

Samui! Samui!”

“You must remain focused in battle, my son. Just because you landed one strike, that doesn't mean that the battle is over.” Raikou-sensei extends his hand to help his son back up to his feet. However, seizing this opportunity, Aka uses his father’s hand to throw him over his shoulder and puts his father’s right hand into a joint lock.

“And what was that about remaining focused in battle?”

A little time later, Aka and his father notice that the snow and wind begins to pick up faster. It seems the blizzard decided to come earlier than they expected. In an attempt to keep themselves warm, they sit by the irori in the living room with some hot green tea to drink. As the night rolls around, the blizzard shows no sign of stopping. Suddenly, a loud banging noise can be heard from the front door. Raikou-sensei stands up and quickly walks over to the door. When he opens the door, he sees a griffon shivering from the cold. She seems to be an elderly female griffon with light brown feathers.

“You must be the great Yuuki Raikou. I have finally found you. Please allow me into your house, sir. I am freezing to death. My wings seem to be frozen so I can’t fly home. Will you help an old lady in need?”

Being the kind, chivalrous stallion he is, Raikou-sensei walks the old griffon into his house. He brings the griffon over to the irori and gives her some warm food and warm tea. Aka is a little bit more suspicious of the old griffoness and he wonders why she would arrive at his house specifically. Nonetheless, if his father let in a guest he chooses to be respectful. Out of respect for the elderly, Aka serves the old griffoness a bowl of warm udon noodles and a cup of tea.

“Forgive me, but I don’t believe my father and I asked for your name nor why you were out in the blizzard all by yourself.”

The old lady takes a long sip of her tea before taking a deep breath. “My name is Genkai… And I was traveling to meet my friend, but then the blizzard hit all of a sudden before I could fly back home. But I think my wings are starting to warm up.”

“I see… But there are many other houses in this village. Why would you choose mine out of all of them?”

“I heard from my friend that the famous war hero, Yuuki Raikou lives here. I have heard so many stories of your strength and bravery during the Ponito-Griffonstone war. I may be a griffon myself, but I must acknowledge your war efforts. Especially defeating the mightiest samurai in Griffonstone, Ginta-sama.”

“I thank you for your adoration, but I didn’t defeat him so easily. He was very strong and we were equally matched.” Aka ears perk up as he is about to listen to his father’s greatest war story. He might have heard this over 100 times, but to Aka this story never gets old. “I’m sure you have this story back in Griffonstone, Genkai-san. He was slightly taller than I was. He looked physically stronger than I was. He almost defeated me until I was able to get the upper hand. However, despite him begging me to finish him off, I decided to spare his life. The only thing I was left with was a scar around my upper chest.”

“Ahhh, I love hearing that story, Father.”

Just then, it seems the blizzard has finally calmed down. Without any hesitation, Genkai stands up from her seat and begins to fly out of the house.

“Wait, it’s still cold and dark outside. Wouldn’t you like to stay here until morning?”

Sumimasen. I wasn’t planning on staying very long. I must return to Griffonstone at once. I’m glad my wings were able to warm up.” Genkai flies down and bows to the two stallions. “Arigato gozaimasu, Raikou-sama. Arigato gozaimasu… uh what did you say your name was again?”

“Aka Kabuto.”

“Ahh, thank you as well, Aka-san. Sayonara.” Genkai exits the house and flies away into the night.

“Father, do you think we’ll see her again?”

“Maybe, my son. Hopefully she will treat us with the same kindness.”

The next morning, the sun’s beams hit Aka’s face. As he gets out of bed, he looks outside his window and sees that the snow has melted. Flowers are in bloom and sakura petals fall gracefully around the field. Today is the first dawn of spring.

After breakfast, Aka and his father are training as usual, but this time they are using real katanas. However, their training is cut short by another knock at the door. “It must be the farmers delivering fresh vegetables. We will continue our training in a moment. Wait in the living room, please.”

Aka does as he is told. Raikou walks to the door with his katana sheathed and slides it open. However, once he opens the door his heart sinks all the way into his stomach. A griffon whose feathers are a dark gray, slightly towering over Raikou-sensei gripping his katana at his hip is smiling at Raikou-sensi with a sinister look on his face. Raikou-sensei’s memories begin to flood his mind. He knows who this griffon is. The griffon is Ginta of Griffonstone.

Ohayo goazimasu. Yuuki Raikou.”

“G-Ginta?! I thought you were still Griffonstone. How did you find me?!”

“What’s going on out there?” Aka runs out of the living room and into the doorway. “Otou-sama, who is this?”

“STAY BACK AKA-SAN! Go back inside. This is between me and Ginta.”

“T-this is Ginta?” Upon realizing that this very griffon is the same griffon Aka’s father has told him as long as he can remember, Aka has never felt this sense of fear before in his life. Obeying his father, Aka runs back into the living room.

“Ginta, how did you know where I live?”

“Ahh, you can thank that old woman, Genkai. I ordered her to find where you live.”

“No… that old woman. After Father and I showed her kindness and welcomed her into our home. SHE WAS A SPY?!!!”

Ginta without skipping a beat draws his katana in a silent challenge with Raikou-sensei. To disrespect Raikou, Ginta does not take off his shoes. As quickly as Raikou-sensei is able to draw his katana, Ginta throws a downward strike but he is able to block. However, Ginta’s attack feels heavier and stronger than it was all those years ago. Raikou and Ginta move into the living room while Raikou is only able to step back and block Ginta’s oncoming attacks.

“Father!” Aka prepares to draw his katana to help his father but Raikou yells at him to stay away.

After managing to block Ginta’s attacks, Raikou manages to attempt to throw a strike at Ginta. But this attack was in vain. Ginta blocks Raikou’s attack and chuckles sinisterly. “It seems you’ve gotten weaker.” He moves close to Raikou’s ear and whispers “You should have killed me when you had the chance.”

Ginta slashes upward and slices Raikou’s left wrist, causing Raikou to scream out in pain while his wrist bleeds all over the floor. Raikou tries to lift his katana with his right hand, but Ginta lunges forward and stabs Raikou in the stomach, letting his blood drip all over Ginta’s katana.

Aka is horrified at this sight. Before breathing his last breath, Raikou turns to his son and says “Aka-san… run…” After saying his final words, Raikou slumps over and dies at Ginta’s blade. Seeing his enemy die on his blade, Ginta yanks his sword out of Raikou’s stomach letting his lifeless body fall to the floor in a pool of his own blood. Ginta smiles knowing that the stallion who defeated and dishonored him has finally fallen. Ginta slowly turns to Aka and laughs.

“F-father…” After seeing his father die right in front of his eyes, a sense of anger fills Aka’s body like it has never done before. In a fit of rage, Aka looks at Ginta straight in his eyes and prepares to draw his sword.

“Ohh, you wish to fight me?” Ginta questions in a mocking tone.


Aka draws his sword and charges at Ginta. Ginta, showing his superior technique, guards against Aka’s attack and throws a knee strike at Aka’s solar plexus making Aka not being able to breathe. Ginta kicks Aka’s knee and Aka loses his balance and falls on his back. Ginta steps on Aka’s chest and holds the tip of his katana near Aka’s throat.

“....Do it.”

“I don’t believe I will. I don’t wish to finish you off when you are still so weak. If you wish for a rematch; come to Griffonstone… after I take over Equestria and rule as its rightful emperor.”

Ginta turns his katana around to its blunt side and strikes Aka in the head. Aka sees Ginta smiling over him and his vision fades to black.
After regaining consciousness, a disgruntled Aka struggles to stand up. Once he gathers his surroundings, he sees his father laying in a pool of his own blood. He runs to his father’s body and shakes his awake, holding on to that sliver of hope that he is still alive. He also notices that the family katana is missing from the display. He puts together that Ginta has stolen it from his household. He then moves his ear to his father’s heart… he can’t hear a heartbeat. Once he realizes his father has passed away, tears flow out of Aka’s eyes and in a sense of sorrow and anger he screams aloud “FATHER!!!!”

A day has passed since Raikou’s death. The village decided to hold a small funeral at Aka's house. It is raining, and is covering his head and face with a bamboo hat to hide his shame from the rest of the village. After everypony has left, Aka is kneeling at his father’s grave while crying.

“Father… I…I have failed you. I couldn’t protect you… It’s my fault you were killed in such cold blood… I have brought dishonor upon our family and myself. I can’t live with knowing that my honor was stripped away from me. And so… only death can bring my honor back.”

Aka takes out a small tanto from his hip and raises it to prepare to commit seppuku. He is hesitating. He can’t bring himself to drive the tanto into his side to join his father in death. He drops the tanto and hangs his head in shame. “Dammit… dammit, dammit!!!”

“No… I can’t die while your assassin is still living. I must avenge you. I know you will not be able to rest peacefully until your killer is dead.” Aka stands up and looks to the sky.

“I vow to get revenge on Ginta and that old woman who sold us out. I will kill Ginta and restore honor to my house and to me.” Aka stands firm and takes a deep breath. “Ginta of Griffonstone! I will never forgive you nor Genkai! I will come to Griffonstone and avenge my father…! Until then, I must go to Griffonstone… on my own.” He grabs the tanto he was going to use to kill himself with, and slices off his ponytail and puts it on the ground next to his father to show his dishonor.

After making up his mind, Aka gathers as much food, water and other supplies he’ll need for his journey. Before setting out, he looks at his house one last time. He walks to his father’s grave, and gives one last bow to his father and begins walking, with his katana on his hip, to Griffonstone.

For the first time in his life, Aka is a samurai without a father. A samurai without a master. A samurai who wanders the land alone. A samurai known as… a ronin.