> Just A Normal Pony > by Rob_Rhapsody > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue: Breakfast And A Train Ride After Being Stuck In Another World > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- We were finally back.  Back in Equestria. After beaming off the ship, I quietly made my way into the library and made it up the stairs. I saw Gilda in my bed and crawled in and put my head on her butt and went to sleep, using her butt like a pillow. It was morning, and Twilight had just gotten up and was about to head downstairs when she noticed Rob was back… or at least she thought it was Rob, he looked like Rob… but he had a colored mane and tail, however, when she saw his cutie mark, there was no question that it was him. Twilight gently nudged Barb awake. “Barb… wake up,” Twilight whispered. “Wha?” Barb moaned as she slowly woke up. “I think Rob’s back!” Twilight whispered to Barb. “He is?!” Barb asked. Barb got up and went over to his bed and saw the pony sleeping there, at first she didn’t recognize him, but after a moment she got closer and smelled him. ‘Marshmallows’ she thought as she recognized his scent. “He’s back!” She whispered excitedly. Twilight then woke up Gilda, who was just as excited as Barb to see Rob. Barb was the first to try nudging him awake, however, he didn’t seem too pleased about it. “The only reason you should be waking me up is if the Library is on fire, if I open my eyes and the library isn’t on fire, then I’ll make it on fire, I’ve had a long journey and it was very exhausting and right now I just want to rest,” he grumbled before turning over and pulling his blankets tight onto himself. “Yup, it’s him,” said Gilda. “Only he would wanna keep sleeping and threaten whoever tried to wake him up.” “Well can you two try to figure out where he’s been all this time? I have to meet up with the girls,” said Twilight. “Ok,” they said as Twilight left. “I think I know a way to get him up,” Barb said with a grin. “Me too,” said Gilda with a knowing grin. Gilda stood up, depriving him of his pillow. Rob groaned and pulled the covers over his head, still reluctant to get up. Gilda grinned and tore off his blankets. “C’mon Rob, wake up,” she said. He groaned and refused to open his eyes. Rob groaned and opened his eyes. Both Barb and Gilda noticed his eyes were now red, but didn’t say anything.  “Well?” They asked. Rob groaned again. “Fine,” he groaned. I got up with a groan and got out of bed. “Are you ok?” asked Barb. “I’m fine,” I told her. “Where have you been?” Asked Gilda. “I don’t want to talk about it,” I told her before I left the room and began heading downstairs to make myself some breakfast. ‘Man I’m hungry,’ I thought as I walked into the kitchen. I used my magic to open the cupboards and took out a bowl, a pan, and a spatula. “I feel like an omelet would be nice,” I said to myself before opening the fridge and getting some eggs, some bacon, and cheese. I cooked up the bacon first, and while I waited, I cracked the eggs, mixed them with some milk, added some cracked pepper, and once the bacon was done I took the strips and used the bacon grease to make the omelet. I waited a while, put the strips in, added cheese, sprinkled it with salt, folded it over, added cheese on the top, and once it was done, I put it on a plate and put some ketchup on the side. “That smells good,” Said Gilda. “And it’s all mine,” I said as I sat on my haunches at the table and began to eat. “Ok,” Said Barb as she pulled out some gems to eat. I enjoyed my omelet and sighed contentedly. “Delicious,” I said as I smiled while Gilda made her own food. I cleaned up my mess and dishes and put them away after drying them. “So what are you going to do now?” asked Barb. “I don’t know,” I said. “Maybe I’ll head to Canterlot and speak with the Princess, she’ll need to know I’m back, you’ll send her a message won’t you?” I asked. “Not a problem, I’ll send it after I'm finished eating,”Barb told me. I nodded before heading down to the basement to retrieve my armor and putting it on before heading out. “See you later!” I callled. “Bye,” Said GIlda. “See you later,” Said Barb. I nodded before I headed off towards the train station. I bought a ticket and got on the train. I took my seat and began to relax and close my eyes. ‘I should probably get my story straight… I should probably tell her that I had a family matter to deal with and it took longer than expected, that’s reasonable and not entirely false either, so that should work,’ I thought before opening my eyes again. However, when I opened my eyes, I noticed there was a Mare staring at me, a cream colored pegasus mare with a brown mane. I ignored her for half the train ride, but she wouldn’t stop staring. I was about to say something, but she suddenly got up and approached me. “Hey, we’re almost to Canterlot.” She told me. “And?” I asked. “Aren't you getting off there?” She asked. “I was going to,” I said. “I’m not normally the kind of mare to ask this kind of thing but… would you mind rutting me?” She asked with a blush. “Wut?!” I asked. > Chapter 1: Guard Duty > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Wut?!” I asked. “I asked you to rutt me,” She said. “Why?” I asked. “I’m horny, and you look hot,” she said. I was speechless. She was very blunt and I couldn’t think of a response. Apparently she took it as a yes and brought me to one of the bedroom cars and began removing my armor. She was about to do something when I stopped her. “Wait,” I said. “If we’re going to do this, can I at least decide what we do?” I asked. “Sure, I don't see why not,” She said. “How about we start with a blowjob, then after, I will return the favor, and then we have sex?” I asked before sitting down on the bed and spread my legs. She grinned before she climbed onto the bed and started to kiss my sheath. “Mmm that’s nice, but don’t forget my family jewels,” I told her. She giggled before she licked my sack. “Mmm yesss,” I moaned as my stallionhood started coming out of my sheath.  As it came out she licked it all over. “So big,” she moaned before kissing the tip. “I’m not even sure I’ll be able to get it in my mouth,” she said before giving it a long slow lick from base to tip. She then moved down to my balls and started to give them some attention. I moaned contentedly. Unfortunately our time was cut short when the train stopped and the whistle blew. “Dammit!” I exclaimed. “Well see you later.” She said with a smile as she got up. “Hopefully,” I muttered before I used my magic to get my armor back on, trying my best to hide my hard-on underneath the armor. I got off the train and headed towards the castle. ‘I wonder if I could convince the princess to help me with this?’ I wondered as I made my way there. When I arrived, I was met by Shining armor. “Captain,” I nodded to him. “I see your back, why have you been gone so long?” He asked. “Urgent family matter, it took longer than expected and I wasn’t able to step away to send a letter to explain my absence,” I said. “Hmm, I see, well I guess you will be resuming your duties?” He asked. “Not just yet, I need to speak to the princess about an important matter,” I told him. “Then follow me,” Shining Armor said. I nodded and followed him. We eventually arrived at the throne room where Celestia was waiting. I bowed before her. “Your highness, I must speak to you in private immediately,” I told her. Princess Celestia looked at me suspiciously before she nodded to Shining Armor and he left. “I recommend we speak in your room,” I told her. “You needn't worry no one will hear us here,” She told me. “Ok, Princess… I know that you plan to make Twilight into the fourth alicorn of Equestria,” I said, watching as the color drained from her face and her eyes shrunk to pinpricks. “Who told you!” She asked with a furious look in her eyes. “You did,” I said with a shit-eating-grin. She gritted her teeth as she flared her wings. “And this is blackmail by the way,” I said, giving her a smirk. “I had my suspicions and you confirmed them,” I said. “Why are you doing this?” She asked. “Well, I was just thinking… if you have the power to make her an alicorn, why not make me one as well?” I asked. “You?!” She exclaimed. “But don’t get me wrong, I don’t just want to get it right away, I wanna earn it, I wanna deserve it,” I told her, making her features soften somewhat.  “Why do you want it?” She asked. “I wanna be an alicorn, simple as that,” I told her. “I’ll see what I can do, but until then please wait,” She told me. “Okay… and I was also hoping you could do something for me, you would do anything for your little ponies wouldn’t you?” I asked. “What is it?” She asked. “On the train ride here, I hooked up with a mare, however, before anything actually happened, we arrived at the station and I had to get off, now I have an “issue” that’s bothering me underneath my armor and it refuses to go down,” I told her. “Can you please help me with it?” I asked. She put a hoof to her head and rubbed it in frustration. “Are you seriously asking me to whore myself out to you?” She asked. “As if you haven’t been fantasizing about me,” I said, giving her a knowing smirk. “Return to your duties,” She told me with a glare. “Okay then, but remember Princess, I know your secret… your dirty little secret,” I said, giving her a dark laugh as I started to head towards the door with a smirk. “You have just as much to lose as I do,” She told me, making me stop. I didn’t look at her and only smirked. “If you actually had anything on me, you could have taken advantage of me any time you liked, if you asked me to make love to you, I wouldn’t hesitate,” I said. “I know more things than you know, your highness,” I said before leaving through the doors. I walked around, looking for something to actually do in the castle. At some point, I must’ve gotten lost. Luckily I stumbled into Rose, a guardspony who was attracted to me. “Hey there, stud,” She said with a smile. “Hey Rose,” I said as I looked down at her. “Wanna fool around?” I asked. “You know it.” She said. I smiled. “Let’s go to Princess Celestia’s bedchambers and have sex in her bed,” I said with a smirk. “Ooooh… that is so dirty… and soo hot!” said Rose. “Let’s go,” I said. Rose led the way to Princess Celestia’s bedroom and we quickly went inside. As we entered Rose locked the door and started to strip out of her armor. I did the same and revealed my raging stallionhood and sat on my haunches. “Here we are,” I said. “So how do you want to do this?” She asked. “First… I want to get her pillows and make sure that my scent is on them,” I told her. I got on her bed and began rubbing my body all over her mattress before I got her pillows and began grinding against them. “Now when Celestia goes to bed she smells my scent, she’ll associate that with comfort,” I said. Once I was satisfied I returned to Rose and stood in front of her. “Now… where were we?” I asked her. “You were going to rut me like the slut I am,” She told me. “Oh yeah,” I said with a grin as I sat on my haunches. “But I think I should get a bit of the edge off first, don’t you think,” I said, stroking my cock with my hoof. She smiled before she walked over and started licking my cock. “Ok if we role play?” I asked. “Maybe next time,” she said with a kind smile. “Okay,” I said, somewhat disappointed, then she started to suck on the tip. “Mm… you’re good at that,” I moaned. She did not reply and just kept sucking. “Okay, I can’t take it anymore,” I said before I began using my magic to lift her into the air before turning her around and forcing her ponut onto my cock, and forcing her down all the way to the base. “Fuuuuuck!” She screamed as she held onto her bulging stomach. “Ahhn… you’re bigger than I thought,” she moaned. “Mmmm….. so tight,” I moaned. “There’s so much!” She moaned as she twitched and her ass tightened around me. I moved forward and pinned her front to the ground before I began slowly humping into her. “OOOoh!” She moaned. “Damn you feel so good,” I moaned. “You do too,” She moaned. I started being more rough with her and began humping into her harder. “Yeah, rutt me you giant stud!” She moaned. “Rutt me like the dirty whore I am!” I didn’t reply and continued, her lewdness urging me on. “Fuck, I’m cumming!” She moaned. I moaned and began humping harder. “Me too,” I moaned. I bucked my hips one more time, making us both cum. “Mmmm,” I moaned. “Oh Celestia,” Rose maoned. “Let’s get out of here,” I said before I stood up and slowly began pulling out of her. “Ok,” She said. “Wanna clean me up?” I asked before she licked me clean. “Damn you’re such a slutty mare,” I said. “Let's get out of here before we get caught,” She said. “Yeah, yeah,” I said before I got my armor and began putting it all on. Then after she put hers back on we both left. After a bit of wandering around the castle, a guard approached me and gave me a scroll with orders to go on patrol. I checked the orders and followed the guard out. I made my way to the area indicated in the scroll and when I arrived, I noticed it was getting dark. However, I did a double take when I saw where I was. I had to check the scroll a few times before I actually believed the orders.  I was sent to patrol Canterlot’s red light district. I glared at the scroll and growled as I began doing my duty. I didn’t actually care that this kind of thing was below me, I was more upset that I was sent here of all places, and as I walked down the street I saw a few ponies having sex in public either mounting or being ridden by their partners. In one alleyway I saw a group having an orgy.  I tried my hardest to ignore everything happening around me, but it was difficult to ignore a raging hard-on underneath my armor. “Hey there, need a little help.” Said a mare wearing lingerie. “Trust me when I tell you, you’d end up split in half if you tried to get it in,” I said as I continued on. “Oh my…” she said. I continued moving on and apparently made it to the Interspecies areaof the district, and when I rounded the corner there was quite a bit more happening in the open with a small dragoness being gangbanged by a group of 10 ponies, along with a mare being dominated by a teenage male dragon, and other exotic species having sex with ponies and each other while ponies watched. “I’m starting to think that I’m being punished,” I muttered to myself. “Do you want to be punished?~” Asked a female griffon in dominatrix garb, who suddenly appeared behind me.  “No thank you,” I said before moving on, but as I walked by the dragoness gangbang, the female dragoness in a crazed lust lifted her head and kissed me as the other ponies had their way with her pussy and ass. After the kiss, I froze for a moment before attempting to move on. I finally finished with my patrol duty when morning came. I was walking back to the castle when I was met with Shining armor carrying a letter. “The princess asked me to give this to you,” He told me before he gave it to me with his magic. “Oh joy,” I groaned as I struggled to stay awake. I took the letter in my magic and looked at Shining armor. “Any ideas on what this is about?” I asked. “I was told it's for your eyes only,” He told me so I opened it to take a look. [qoute]Captain Rob Rhapsody, your recent assignment to patrol duty has been extended to last every night up to the next week, and you will be accompanied by two guard ponies. ~Princess Celestia[/qoute] I groaned and facehoofed. “Fine, have the guard ponies she assigned to me meet me in that inn over there,” I told Shining Armor. “If I’m doing the night shift, I might as well change my schedule a bit,” I said. Shining nodded and headed off towards the castle.  I began heading towards the in and thinking about a few things. I’m probably the largest unicorn stallion in Equestria, whereas all the other ponies here are able to walk underneath me and walk right between my legs. Oddly enough sometimes ponies don’t even notice they’re walking underneath me if they’re not focused on anything but their own business. And due to my size, my junk is larger by comparison to other stallions, though it is hidden underneath my sheath most of the time, when I’m aroused it’s not easy for anypony to miss unless I’m hiding it underneath my armor like I am now. I banished these thoughts from my mind and focused on reaching the Inn where I was to meet up with the guard ponies Princess Celestia assigned to me. As soon as I reached the Inn, I told the innkeeper to send the guards up to my room when they arrived. I headed up to my room and removed my armor. After taking a moment to stretch out and relax, I heard a knock on my door. “Come in,” I said. The door opened to reveal the two guard ponies Princess Celestia assigned to me. They were both Bat Pony stallions. One of them was a light blue Bat Pony with a dark blue mane and tail, and the other was a dark blue Bat Pony with a light blue mane and tail. "You must be Captain Rhapsody," the light blue Bat Pony said as he spoke for the both of them. “And you two are?” I asked. "My name's Light Star," said the light blue bat pony, "and this here's my brother, Dark Star." He gestured to the dark blue Bat Pony beside him. “Uh-huh…” I said before letting them in. "Well, Captain Rhapsody, we've been told that you're going to be our new captain, and that we're to help you with patrol duty for the next week," Light Star explained. “Guess so,” I said before closing the door behind them. "So, Captain," Light Star began, "what sort of things do you want us to do while we're on patrol duty with you?" he asked. “There is,” I said. “Stay out of my way,” I told them, my expression turning dark. Honestly I wasn’t surprised that the princess gave me two pat ponies to work a night shift.  The next couple days were a bit taxing on my forced celibacy, but I made it through, however, tonight was probably going to be a bit more difficult than the rest. I was walking down the streets of the Red light district, and it was like freakin’ Mardi gras out here. ‘Do they have Mardi gras?’ I wondered before shaking those thoughts out of my head and attempting to focus on my surroundings, although considering the last couple days, it wasn’t the best choice. As I walked down the street I saw the dragoness that was gangbanged from a few days ago sucking off a pony in an alley. I didn’t pay them much attention until the pony she was sucking off hit her. I looked towards my other guards, but they weren’t paying attention, instead they were watching a few mares make out, so I decided that I’d punish them later. I walked towards the two silently, however, the dragoness didn’t seem to need any help. As soon as the pony hit her, the dragon started growling and tackled him to the ground before she stuffed his head into her mouth and forced him down her throat. I immediately walked away after that. “Okay, now I’m starting to understand why I kept getting reports on missing ponies, they got a little too rough with the predators and they got eaten, I’ll probably have to report that, I think it would be self-defense so I shouldn’t have to do any follow ups… or maybe I should pass it on to somepony else? Yeah… I’ll do that,” I muttered to myself. After that the dragoness walked out of the alley where she was approached by another pony, his intentions to have sex with her obvious. I ignored her and continued on. Eventually I made it to a bar, where I decided to stop by since it was the end of my shift. The bar wasn’t anything special, I got a simple drink and knocked it back. “Hello there,” said the Dragoness from before as she sat beside me. I looked down at her full stomach. “Hey,” I said, taking a swig of a second round the bartender gave me. “Need a little pick me up?” She asked. “I guess,” I said. She gave me a little kiss before she slipped down and started to undo the lower part of my armor. “Woah! You don’t waste any time at all do you?” I said. “I have a quota to meet,” She chuckled as she licked my sheath. “If you’re wanting some bits, I’m not going to give you any,” I said. “Thats alright,” She said. “Okay then,” I said as my cock started to come out of my sheath which she eagerly took down her throat with ease. “Mmm…you taste good,” she moaned. “Thanks,” I said as she began deep throating my cock taking it to the base. “Wanna go somewhere more private?” I asked. “Why not take me here?” She asked taking my cock out of her mouth before licking the entire length. “Because I don’t think anypony wants to see anything I wanna do to you,” I said. “Sounds fun.” She said, pulling herself off my cock. I quickly brought her back to the Inn and began removing my armor and as I did so the dragoness licked my cock and balls. “I’m really looking forward to this,” She said. “Me too,” I said. “So do you want to fuck me now or do you want me to keep sucking you off?” She moaned. “How about you use your feet?” I asked. She chuckled before she said. “Take a seat,” She told me. I did as she said and sat on my haunches against a wall. After a few seconds, she started to use her feet to jerk me off.  “Mmm…” I moaned. “Those are some good feet,” I moaned. “Thank you, and I hope you don't hold back in return,” She moaned. “Oh I won’t,” I said. Before anything else happened, the guards assigned to me walked in without knocking. “Most ponies knock,” I said, “Sorry Sir,” they said in unison as the dragoness kept jerking me off with her feet as she playfully looked at the two bat ponies. “Do you mind if they join in?” I asked her. “I don't mind.” She said looking over at them. “Alright, you heard her,” I told them. “Take off your armor and get over here,” I said. They did as I said and removed their armor.  “So how do you three want to do this, do you two want to pound my holes while I suck off your commander, or do you want my holes for yourself?” The dragoness asked us. “I have an idea,” I said. “What is it?” asked one of the bat ponies. “I use her ass, and you two can share her mouth,” I told them. “She has a seat on my lap, and you two get to use her mouth.” “Oh, and here I was hoping to get a bun in the oven,” the dragoness said jokingly. “You’ll get something in your belly,” I said. The dragoness smiled before leaning over and taking the cocks of both bat ponies into her mouth. She began to suck them off, moaning as she tasted them. “Have a seat,” I told her, gesturing to my stallionhood. She chuckled and climbed onto my lap, spreading her ass before taking my cock into her asshole. It was tight, but she was obviously used to this. She began to ride me, her tail wrapped around my hips, as she continued to suck off the two bat ponies. I could feel her body heat as she rode me, and the sensation of her ass gripping my cock was exquisite. The two bat ponies seemed to be enjoying themselves as well, moaning and thrusting their hips forward into the dragoness' mouth. “Oh fuck,” Moaned one of them as her tongue wrapped around their cocks. “This feels so good…” I moaned. She started riding me faster as she sucked off the two bat ponies. Just then, Gilda came in. “Mind if I join?” Gilda asked. “Glad you got my letter, did you find the place okay?” I asked her. “Yeah,” she said before she came over and gave me a kiss on the cheek. “Oh, looks like they’re getting close,” I said as I watched the two bat ponies humping into the dragoness’ mouth. The two ponies exploded in her mouth and she drank their cum gleefully. Both of the bat ponies passed out. “Mmm…. They were good,” the dragoness moaned as she rode me harder. “How did they taste,” I asked. The dragoness smiled and licked her lips. "Like blueberries and cream." She giggled, her breath warm on my ear. “Wanna do something I think is hot?” I asked her. She smiled. "What do you have in mind?" she asked. “Eat them,” I said to her. She looked at me with a playful glint in her eye. "You mean eat them alive?" she asked, licking her lips. “Yes,” I said. The dragoness looked at me with a mischievous glint in her eye. "You know what that means, don't you?" she asked. “Yeah, do it,” I told her. The dragoness grinned and leaned over the two unconscious bat ponies. She brought one closer before she opened her mouth wide and forced his head and shoulders into her throat as she began to swallow him alive, helpless as they disappeared into her dark, foreboding maw. It was a brutal and primal act, both terrifying and arousing to watch. “Now the other one,” I said. The dragoness grinned and opened her mouth, revealing a long, sinuous tongue. She reached out and carefully took the second bat pony, easing him into her gaping maw. I could see her throat working as she began to swallow him alive. The sensation of power and dominance coursed through me as I watched her consume her prey, and I felt a surge of desire well up inside me. “I’m going to cum,” I moaned. The dragoness grinned and looked at me with a predatory glint in her eye. "Then come inside me," she said. I felt her hot, slick insides gripping me as I exploded inside her. “Fuck,” She moaned. “Gilda, anypony see you come in?” I asked. “Nope,” she said. “Good, they didn’t see her either,” I said. before she knew what was going on I put some duct tape around the Dragonesses mouth and nodded to Gilda. “Eat,” I said. Immediately Gilda opened her beak and closed it around the dragonesses head. To make things less graphic, it looked like she was slurping up a spaghetti noodle. Once the dragon was taken care of, Gilda let out a big belch and laid on her back, rubbing her stomach. “That was good," she moaned. “That takes care of that,” I said. “So what now?” Gilda asked. “Now, you digest those three while I come up with a cover story,” I said. Before I laughed. “I got it… they left, sometime during the day, while I was working on some paperwork and they didn’t come back,” I said before going over to the desk with a few papers I had to fill out.  “Now what?” asked Gilda. “I’ll be doing paperwork,” I told her. “Tell no one what happened,” I said.  “If I did, I would probably be executed immediately, and so would you.” She told me. “Meh,” I said before ringing up Ultron. “Ultron, two memory wipes, for me and Gilda, after that, beam her back home, take any evidence from this room and store it on the ship,” I said. I had been going over the paperwork and the bat ponies still hadn’t returned. “I wonder where those two bat ponies went,” I muttered as I continued doing paperwork. > Chapter 2: Visiting Old Friends And Making New Ones > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After my patrol duty was over, I was ordered to return to Ponyville. Today I was going over to Rainbow Dash’s to apologize for what happened before I left. Rainbow was sleeping on a cloud that was just above the town.   I cast a cloudwalking spell then teleported up to talk to her. When I got close she seemed to stir before she lifted her head and jumped when she saw me. “Oh it's you.” Said Rainbow spitefully. “Hey Rainbow… I came to apologize, I’m sorry for what I did to you before I left.” I told her. Rainbow stared at me for a bit before she closed her eyes, and sighed. “Just don't try something like that again.” She told me. “So are we cool? Can we still be friends?” I asked her. She looked around for a bit before she walked towards me, and gave me a peck on the cheek. “Yeah, we’re cool.” She said with a smile. “So… uh, wanna go out later?” I asked with a blush. “Hmm, I’ll think about it.” She told me. “Okay,” I said before Rainbow flew off. I jumped down and headed off to meet up with somepony else, not sure who, so I decided to wander around, and as I wandered by the apple ranch I saw Applejack kicking some trees. “Hey Applejack,” I called. “Howdy Rob,” She replied. “What’s up?” I asked. “Just bucking apples,” She told me. “Okay then, see you later,” I said before heading off. “I wonder what I should do now?” I wondered. Just as I was thinking about having Ultron beam me up to the ship… Barb came running towards me. “Rob!” She exclaimed, skidding to a stop in front of me. She was out of breath, and I’m not sure how, but she was sweating too. “Rob!” She exclaimed. “How are you sweating? Reptiles don't even have sweat glands,” I muttered as she tried to catch her breath. “I *gasping* have a letter from the princess!” said Barb, out of breath. “Okay,” I said. “What’s it about?” I asked her, laying down in a loaf to be eye-level with her. “She has a job for you, *gasp* she needs you to return to Canterlot immediately,” she said, slowly getting in control of her breathing. “Seriously?!” I exclaimed. “I was just there!!!” I growled. I picked up Barb and teleported back to the library. “Gimme a quill and paper,” I said. She looked around for a moment before she brought me them. I quickly wrote something down on the parchment and rolled it up. “Send it,” I told Barb. “Ok,” said Barb before she lit it on fire with her breath and it turned into a wisp of smoke that went out the nearest window. “So what did you tell her?” She asked. “I told her that I’m not her gofer, I’m a soldier, and if she wants to ask me to do something, she can tell me what she wants in a letter instead of having me come allllll the way back to Canterlot, after I was just there,” I said making Barb’s eyes shrink to pinpricks. “You said what?!” exclaimed Barb. “I’m not going back there after I just returned to Ponyville last night,” I said. “A guy’s gotta set some boundaries,” I told her. “You’ll get kicked out of the guard or worse imprisoned!” Barb yelled. “I wouldn’t be too worried,” I said, thinking about the blackmail from the other day and Barb could only sigh. After a couple minutes Barb belched out a new letter. I picked it up with my magic and prepared to read it. I read over the letter slowly. “Hmmm…” I muttered. “What does it say?” Asked Barb. “It says that I’m going to be put in charge of a new task force that will be in charge of exploring and researching the paranormal and unexplained…” I said before looking at her. “So… I talk back and I get a promotion?” I said, somewhat confused. Just then Barb belched out a new letter. I picked it up and read it. “And apparently these are my first new orders, there’s been reports of an Akhlut, some kind of cryptid, sighted around Manehattan,” I said. “So what do you plan to do now?” Barb asked. “I just got my marching orders, I’ll have to head to Manehatten,” I groaned before I headed down to the basement to get my armor and put it on. “Let everypony know I left,” I said as I got ready to open the door. “Stay safe,” Said Barb. “You should worry about the other guy,” I said with a chuckle before I left. After leaving the library, I headed to the train station and met up with a group of ponies that told me that they were hoof-picked to be in my squad. One of the members of my new squad surprised me, it was Moon Dancer. She looked like a Bizarro version of Twilight… It was kind of freaky. “Hello,” she said with a smile. “I’m Moondancer, I’m supposed to be your team’s researcher,” she said. “okay,” I said before looking at the rest of my squad. There were three other members. An earth pony stallion, a pegasus stallion, and a bat pony mare. “Okay, sound off, who are you and what do you do?” I said. The first pony to step up was the earth pony, his fur was autumn orange and his mane and tail were light brownish blond. he looked a lot like crocodile dundee, he even had the reptile skin vest and the hat with teeth in it and everything. “Oy'm dunday, Oy'm a huntah and trahckah, baest in the biiez, hah hoighness side yah'd be naydin me," said Dundee. “Oy've muynaged t' hunt and trahp just abeow' every koind of creettah Oy could in Equestria and bayawnd!” He added. His Australian accent seemed a little odd, but I didn’t wanna bring it up, although I found it strange he had an accent like that. This world didn’t even have an Australia… although I have seen a few kangaroos in some zoo’s I’d go to, so I think there’s something in this world like Australia and I just don’t know where it is. “Nice to meet you Dundee… on an unrelated note… have you ever hunted crocodiles?” I asked. "a few yayh," he said, giving me a grin. I gave him a neutral look and nodded slowly. “Kay,” I said before looking at the pegasus. They seemed to be an average gray pegasus guard from the castle. “And you?” I asked. “My name is Jet,” He told me. “I assume you’re here to be our bodyguard?” I asked. “Correct,” He said. “You don’t say much do you?” I said. “Negative,” He replied. “I’m going to make your task simple, do not attack anything or anypony unless you are given the order, is that understood?” I said. “Understood,” Jet simply said. “Good,” I said before looking towards the final pony, The bat pony mare, she was dressed in jungle explorer attire and had saddlebags packed full of equipment. “And you?” I asked. “Midnight,” She told me. “Okay, good to meet you all, now let’s get on the train,” I said. The four began to follow me. We got on the train, and Dundee regaled us with stories of a few things he hunted. I found out that he never killed anything he hunted unless he didn’t have any other choice. Anyway, once it got dark we made our way to our rooms in the sleeper car. I was about to turn in for the night when I got a knock on my door. When I checked the peephole, I saw it was Jet. I opened the door and let him in. “Something I can help you with, Jet?” I asked. “Yes,” he said. “Okay, and that would be?” I asked. "I require sex," Jet said. “You wanna have sex with me?” I asked. "Yes," Jet said. “Okay, do you need me to do anything?” I asked. "Yes," Jet said. "Rut me in the ass,” he said. “Do you want me to return the favor?” I asked. "No," Jet said. "I do not wish for you to reciprocate." “So… are you gonna suck me off then I fuck your ass?” I asked. "No," Jet said. "I require penetration solely in the anus." “Okay, but can you suck me off first so I can be hard?” I asked. "Yes," Jet replied. “Okay, but our armor stays on,” I said before I reached underneath myself and undid my codpiece to allow him access to my sheath and balls. Jet walked beneath me and stuffed his muzzle into my sheath and began licking. His tongue was rough against my length, and I had to bite back a moan as he started sucking my stallionhood down his throat. He was surprisingly good at this, his tongue swirling around my length, his lips sealed around me, his hot breath tickling my sensitive flesh. I reached down and gripped his head, feeling his warmth and strength through his fur as I held him in place. He continued to suck on me, his eyes closed, his focus entirely on the task at hand. I could feel my control slipping, my hips beginning to move of their own accord, fucking his face. I pulled Jet off of me, my cock still wet with his saliva. "Alright, Jet, you've gotten me good and hard. Let's get you on the bed," I said, guiding him over to the bunk. I climbed on top of him, my still hard length pressing against his ass. I positioned myself at his entrance, feeling the heat of his body through his fur as I slowly pushed in. “Mmm… you’re tight,” I moaned before I slowly started fucking him. Jet lay beneath me, his eyes closed, his muscles tensing as I thrust into him. His ass clenched around me with each stroke, milking my cock as if it were a dairy cow. His breath hitched in his throat, and his tail began to twitch behind him. I could feel myself getting closer, the tension building inside me as I fucked him harder and faster. “You better be stroking yourself cuz I’m not touching it,” I told him. I continued to pound into him over and over. Jet's moans filled the air, his hips rising to meet mine as he sought friction against my stallionhood. His muscles trembled beneath my touch, his teeth gripping the sheets as he fought to hold back the pleasure. “I hope you’re ready, I’m gonna cum soon,” I told him. Jet's reply was a muffled moan as he reached down and gripped his own cock with his hoof. He began to stroke himself, his other hoof bracing himself on the bed above my hips. His eyes rolled back in his head, his muscles tensing as he felt the familiar tightness building in his groin. His hips lifted, urging me deeper inside him as he continued to stroke himself, his cock leaking pre-cum onto his hoof. "Cum with me, and you better not make a mess," I grunted, feeling my own release building inside me. I slammed into him harder, my thrusts erratic and desperate. Jet arched his back, his neck stretched, and he managed to take his stallionhood into his muzzle and suck himself off. His hot mouth engulfed his length, and I could feel the tremors in his body as he neared orgasm. His hips bucked wildly beneath me, and I was lost in the sensation of his muscles gripping and releasing my cock. I could feel the familiar tightening in my own groin, and with a final thrust, I came, my seed spilling into Jet's hot body. Jet's lips tightened around his cock as he felt the warmth of my release, and he continued to stroke himself, milking my orgasm from me. His eyes rolled back in his head, and his back arched as he came, his hot cum spurting down his throat. He moaned deeply, his body shuddering with pleasure. Once I was finished, I slowly pulled out and stood up. “Ok, fun’s over, get out,” I said. He nodded before he cleaned me off with his mouth, then left.  I settled down on the floor, the bed was a bit messy, and I got comfortable after putting my codpiece back in place and closed my helmet. I was about to go to sleep when I remembered horses could sleep standing up, I decided to try it out and I stood up, facing the window.  Once I was comfortable, I slowly drifted off to sleep. “Hey, wake up!” Said Moondancer. I slowly woke up and turned to look at her. “Hey,” I said as I opened up my helmet. “Wanna get some breakfast?” She asked. I nodded and followed her to the dining car. “So what do you want to get?” She asked. “I think I’ll get some bacon, scrambled eggs, and pancakes,” I said, tapping my chin. “I think I’ll just get some cereal.” Said Moondancer. “Ok,” I said after sitting at a table and we got our food and started eating. The food was delicious, it was like eating at a denny’s. The others soon joined us and got their own food to eat. “Alright, who knows what we’re looking for in Manehattan?” I asked. Everypony in the group looked at each other before shaking their heads. “Okay then, I guess I’ll have to explain,” I said before I explained what we were looking for. “We… are going to Manehattan to search for a Cryptid, we’re looking for a creature called a Akhlut,” I told them. “Naevah heahd of one of those befoah,” said Dundee. “That’s because they’re extremely difficult to spot, they’re a creature that looks like an Orca, a killer whale, however they’re much different from an average cetacean,” I said. “How so?” asked Moondancer. “Akhluts have legs so they can walk on land,” I told them. “So shouldn't it be easy to find if it's on land?” Moondancer asked. “Not really, I’ve been going through the reports, it’s only been sighted during the night, and very briefly,” I said. “So do we stake out the beaches?” Asked Midnight. “No, our best bet is to gather intel from the witnesses,” I said. “Affirmative,” Said Jet. “For now, we can go over all the information we have at the moment,” I said. As soon as the train made it to Manehattan, we set up in a hotel room before we began asking around. Each witness gave the same description. However, each description they gave reminded me of someone. After a few hours we returned to the hotel. “Any of you find anything new?” I asked. They each looked at each other before looking at me and shaking their heads. “Okay then, I guess while we’re here, we can do some sightseeing, if anything changes, we tell the rest of the team,” I told them. “Alright,” Said Moondancer After leaving them all to go sightseeing, I bought a small rowboat and rowed out into the open water. It was near midnight when I found a good spot to rest and drop anchor. I looked around and down at the water below, the air was still and the sea was starting to calm. I removed my armor and set it down before getting out a few snacks. I opened a bag of pork rinds and some beef jerky and began eating and enjoying the quiet. As I took some bites, I heard the water making some sudden splashes coming from my left. When I looked, there was nothing, then I heard something to my right. Again, nothing there. Then something bumped the bottom of my boat. I couldn’t see anything in the water when I looked, then I saw a glimpse of a dorsal fin before it disappeared. I was being stalked. And I had a feeling I knew what it was. Then, I saw a shadow cast by the moon and slowly turned to see what was behind me. When I turned around I was shocked when I was met with a kiss by Orca. “Orca?!” I exclaimed as I looked at her after the sudden kiss. Orca was a girl I had before I arrived in Equestria, she’s actually Orca from the DC universe, but she’s altered, originally she was basically a humanoid, but now she has a tail and looks more like a busy feral, a feral with boobs. She’s kinda anthro and can stand upright, but it’s more comfortable for her to walk on all fours. She can blend in with other orcas, as long as they don’t see her arms and legs. “It’s good to see you again, Master, I missed you!” She said as she swam on her back and circled the rowboat, showing off her breasts as she did so. “I missed you too, but… you seem bigger, did you grow?” I asked. “It has been at least a century since we last saw each other, and I guess I may have done a bit of emotional eating,” she said. “I guess, but you seem fatter, and it looks like you’ve gotten a few new curves, I like it,” I said as she came up to me.  She wrapped her arm around me and shoved me into her cleavage. “You always did like big girls,” she said with a chuckle. “Oh yes,” I moaned as I nuzzled into her breasts. ‘Her boobs are so large, they’re bigger than me!’ I thought as I licked at her breasts. She moaned as I nuzzled my face into her breast. “You’re so soft, and your skin is so smooth,” I moaned before I found her nipple and began sucking. Orca moaned and groped her free breast before she moved me up to her face. She smiled when she saw my dick then put me against her face and began sucking on my dick. I moaned as she sucked on my stallionhood and stroked her head with my hoof when she sucked a little harder. I was enjoying myself so much that I almost didn’t notice the sound of a boat engine and the lights coming towards us. “Oh crap!” I groaned. “Open up,” I said as I opened her mouth and quickly got inside before closing it. “Dive! Dive! Dive! And don’t forget my boat and armor!” I said before I felt her move down. I didn’t know how far down we were going, but I started to notice how warm it was in her mouth, and how moist. I was lying on my stomach on her tongue, facing the entrance and I could feel her tongue on my stallionhood. My behind was back towards her throat and I couldn’t help but grind against her tongue, turned on by the fact I was inside the mouth of a large predator. “Mmmm, so big, you could easily swallow me in here,” I moaned as I continued grinding and began leaking pre.  “Do I taste good? I’m just a little marshmallow after all, I bet I taste delicious,” I moaned as I ground against her tongue. I gave her tongue a long slow lick. “Doesn’t it feel good to have prey in your mouth?” I moaned as I made out with her tongue. “This feel good? Good, I love being in here,” I moaned before I moved my dick back towards her throat and moved my hips, getting pleasure from feeling my dick in her throat. “Mmm, Get ready Orca… you're going to get my marshmallow fluff filling,” I moaned as I felt myself getting close. I got so heated up and out of impulse I did one final thrust as I came down her throat. She moaned loudly as she gagged in the climax.  “Mmmm, did that taste good, Orca?” I moaned as I rubbed her tongue. She moaned once more in pleasure as another way of saying yes to me. So I let go of her to relax for a minute and moved my dick back up and began hugging her tongue, still leaking cum. I felt her cleaning off my rod as she started to lick off the remaining semen on my tip.  “Good pet,” I moaned before continuing, “Now be a good girl and swallow your marshmallow,” I said as I ground my groin against her tongue. She stopped licking and started to suck on me and started to make me feel hard again. “Come on baby, finish your treat,” I moaned as I hugged her tongue and humped against it. I pulled her tongue closer as my thrusts became faster and faster and her moans sounded like gags. I began inching myself back towards her throat and humping her tongue harder. “Come on, I know you want to, I taste good don’t I? Swallow me,” I moaned as I continued humping. She complied as she held me with her tongue against the roof of her mouth and let me slide into her throat. “Yes my pet, eat me like the predator you are,” I said. She made a huge gulp and moaned as she felt the leftover taste when she swallowed me. “Fuck yesssss,” I moaned. —Orca POV— Rob landed in her stomach and she felt a huge bulge in her belly as she sat down inside an underwater cave. “Mmm, you were delicious,” she moaned. She began to get up with her belly moving with each step. Her pussy was swollen and red with arousal. “Fuck master, you make me so horny,” she moaned. She felt so hot and bothered by the swaying weight in her stomach and began groping her breasts, giving one a lick with her tongue before sucking on the nipple. She also started to rub her pussy from the sexual pleasure. “Master feels so good inside me, and I feel so horny! His taste must also be an aphrodisiac,” she moaned. She began to rub harder until she could think of nothing else. Her breathing grew heavier as she felt her pussy get wetter and wetter, she could feel the juices dripping down her legs. She began to rub faster and faster, her eyes closed, lost in the sensation of her own touch. She slid a digit into her folds and began to fuck herself with it, feeling the warmth and tightness around it. The sounds of her wetness echoed through the cave, a muffled symphony of pleasure. Her hips bucked and she threw her head back, the pressure building inside her. Her free hand found her clit, teasing it in circles before pressing down firmly. She gasped and her eyes rolled back into her head. Her rubbing grew more frenzied as she approached the edge of her climax. The feeling grew stronger and stronger until she couldn’t hold it back anymore. Her body tensed and she let out a moan that echoed through the cave, her pussy spasming around her digit. She came hard, her orgasm washing over her like a wave, her body trembling with the aftershocks. After a while she came down from the afterglow and began gagging and trying to get him out of her stomach. She eventually vomited him up and started coughing. “Fuck,” she groaned, wiping her mouth. “It was nice in there,” said Rob as he looked up at her. “You're welcome anytime,” she said, moaning as she rubbed her stomach. “You are so hot,” said Rob, which made her blush. “Can I play with your boobs again?” He asked. “Of course,” She said before she groped her breasts and laid on top of him, pinning him beneath her breasts. “So big and heavy, and so soft!” He moaned as he nuzzled into them. “That tickles,” She said. “Such soft boobs,” I moaned. “You really are the perfect package, large soft boobs, thicc thighs, fat ass, you’ve got the right amount of pudge, and you’re huge!” I said before getting out from underneath her. “So what now?” She asked. “I don’t know, now that I’ve found you, I should probably bring you back to the new ship… although if I go back emptyhoofed… emptyhooved?… anyway, I’m a captain of the royal guard, I led a whole team here, I can’t go back with nothing!” I told her. “So what do we do?” Orca asked. “We’ll have to see what Celestia thinks, odds are she only wanted me to investigate, but if she allows me to keep you, I’ll probably be able to keep you on the new ship,” I said. “Sounds like a plan.” Orca said with a smile. “C’mon let’s head back to the surface,” I said as I grabbed my armor and began putting it on. Once I was ready, I started to focus my magic on teleporting the both of us back to land. “This’ll feel a little weird,” I said. “I’ll be fine,” She said. “Okay,” I said before I teleported us both back to shore. Thankfully it was nighttime and nopony saw her or me. “Where to now?” Orca asked as she looked around. “I’m gonna have to find my team, I’m also going to have to get a train car that you can fit on,” I told her. “But what should I do until then?” She asked. I was about to say something before I froze when I heard a scream. I turned and saw a pony couple apparently out for a midnight stroll. “Nothing to see here! Royal guard business!” I yelled, hoping they’d calm down. But instead of listening, they ran. “Well, that’s going to be trouble,” I groaned. “We should go,” Said Orca “Yeah,” I said. We started moving somewhere secluded, where there were no prying eyes. “Stay here, I’ll go get my team and we’ll move you out of here,” I told her. “Ok,” She said. I nodded and quickly went off to find my team.   After I got my team, I picked up Orca, managed to get a flatbed train car, and we headed back to Canterlot where I brought Orca to the castle when it was dark. Originally we were going to talk to Princess Celestia, but she had a tough day and was in bed, so Princess Luna was in the throne room to greet us. “Greetings,” She said as she looked at me, my team and Orca. “Hello your highness, we’ve found the creature that your sister has given us the task to find,” I said, gesturing to Orca with a hoof. Orca was bound in a few chains, merely for show, and wearing a collar and a few cuffs around her front legs and hind legs. Orca knew not to speak so she wouldn’t raise suspicions. “I see,” Luna said, raising her hoof to her chin. “So how do you plan to take care of it?” She asked. “Excuse me?” I asked. “I’m sure you know we can't just let it wander around,” Luna said. “I suppose I could probably find property somewhere in Ponyville, and maybe build an enclosure,” I offered. “And how will you acquire the funds for this?” Luna asked. “I have them, I like to save up money,” I said. “I see hmm, well as long as it doesn't cause any trouble I have no problem with this arrangement,” Luna told me. I nodded and left the throne room. We made our way back to the train and headed back to Ponyville. “I think everything turned out rather well,” Orca said. “I wasn’t expecting her to have me keep you,” I said. “Me neither,” She said. “I figured she would have put you in a cage or something,” I said. “Yeah, but I’m glad she didn't,” Orca said as she stretched, similar to how a cat stretches. She stretched for a while before she got up and started to look around the town. “So where are you gonna put me till you can build me a place to live?” She asked.  “You can probably stay in the lake, until then, I’ll keep looking,” I told her.