> First Light > by Jamin P Rose > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > First Light > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- An averaged sized stallion with a white coat and red mane—decked in blue padded armor with black highlights and a bit yellow 70 on the back—stands shoulder to shoulder with a dozen other ponies, all dressed in the same armor. Standing in front of them is a pony dressed in a jumpsuit similar in color and barring the same yellow 70. Behind those two, a massive door with a large robotic arm connected to it.  The mare in front of them, who has a brilliant blue coat and white mane, clears her throat, "May I have everypony's attention." Any small chatter that was happening immediately stopped. Each pony standing at attention, eyes forward, ears up and listening. “Today marks the first time in 220 years that any of us have stepped outside of the Stable.” The mare says her voice carries across the room like a wave. “You are the best and the brightest of Stable Security. Regardless of what you find up there, I know that the best of the best are handling it. I know that there is a chance that you may never return…” She pauses for a moment to take a deep breath before continuing, “If you are not back in one week, the door will be sealed and you will be considered lost in the line of duty. Your names will be added to the wall and honored until the end of time.” She points to a wall along the entrance to the Stable. Carved into the concrete are hundreds of names and at the top of the wall, in bold letters it says, ‘Perdidit in Ignis’. Each pony in the line salutes her. “Go forth brave souls, have faith in the Princesses and even the fires of Tartarus will not stop you.” She says before stepping to the side. A technician works their hooves across a console next to the large robotic arm and a moment later sirens sound, warning lights flash and the arm begins to move. Slowly it pulls the massive, two foot deep, reinforced steel door back from the wall, rolling its gear shaped form across massive teeth in the floor. The light from the stable floods into a long tunnel that stretches upwards into darkness. With a deep breath the stallion with the white coat and red mane is the first to step forwards. Once he’s started he doesn’t stop as the others follow behind him. Even as the door closes behind them, he keeps walking, each step is steady and sure as he marches up the length of the tunnel. When they finally reach the top, a large hatch stands in their way, barred from the inside and slightly rusted from the centuries. Working together the group slowly removes the bar from the hatch and pushes it open. Brightness like nothing they’ve ever experienced floods into the tunnel making them shield their eyes as they step outside. As their eyes adjust to the word they find something they never expected. Trees growing with healthy leaves, a gentle breeze lacking any kind of pollutant. Some wild grasses even starting to grow again that look amazingly healthy. “Can you believe it, Firework?” One of the others in the group says as they walk up to the white coated stallion. “It’s like Equestria is healing.” “It is, I didn’t expect this at all.” Firework says with a big smile. “I think the Overmare is going to be quite happy to hear this, however we need to recon the area.” “You’re right, and that’s why you’re in charge.” The stallion says as he starts looking around. The area they’re in is a small dip in the land, mostly covered by new trees and bushes. For the most part things appear to be quiet, as they secure the area. However as they work jaunty polka music begins to approach causing alarm. Firework quickly organizes the ponies into defensive positions around the area while he stands there as bait. The music continues, getting louder and louder until the source reveals itself. A strange floating robot ball that hovers along playing the music. Slowly the thing floats to a stop in front of Firework. It hovers there for a moment before the music crackles and stops. “Hello, there’s no need for alarm.” A mechanical voice says from the robot. “I’m a friend.” “If you are a friend then show yourself instead of hiding behind that machine.” Firework says holding his ground and staring at the robot. “I am many, many miles away from here. I am simply using this sprite bot as a way to speak to you. You’re from Stable 70.Rarity and Pinkie’s project.” The mechanical voice says as the robot bobs up and down. “I wasn’t sure you’d ever come out of there.” “I did,” Firework says with a firm look on his face. “I would like to know your name, and how you knew I was here.” “My name is Watcher and a friend of mine saw you come out of the hatch over there. All thirteen of you.” Watcher says as he bobs around a bit as if making a sweeping motion with his leg. “A friend huh?” Firework asks as he pulls out a lighter from his pack as well as a few tube shaped things. “I’m going to need proof that you’re not lying in wait somewhere nearby with your ‘friend’.” “Tune your pipbuck’s radio to DJ-Pon3’s station.” Watcher says. Firework stares at him suspiciously but does just that, music playing through the device on his foreleg.  After a few moments the music stops and a male voice comes onto the airwaves. “Hello out there in the wasteland! Sorry for the quick interruption, but I’m doing this as a favor for an old friend of mine, Watcher. I hear there’s a pony out there that’s doubting his word.” The voice coming from his pipbuck says. “And if you’re still doubting him head on down to Cloud Reach, I have a friend there who can put you in direct contact with me. Sorry about the interruption folks, now back to the wonderful voice of Velvet Remedy.” The music starts up again, though a different song. Firework shuts off the radio and looks at the sprite bot. “I still don’t trust you fully, but I am willing to meet this DJ Pon3 fellow’s friend, however it is something that I have to discuss with the Overmare.” “I understand your hesitation, I will let them know through DJ Pon3.” Watcher says with a little jig. “Farewell for now.” The robot gives off a burst of static and resumes playing the polka music as it floats away. Firework watches it until it’s out of sight, and stays perfectly still until the music fades. Only then does he signal for the others to come out of their hiding spots. “I want a pair of guards just inside the entrance of the tunnel, the rest of you are coming with me. The Overmare needs to hear about this.” Firework orders as he starts back towards the hatch they came out of earlier. The trek down the tunnel is quick, and before long he’s at the door they had left not an hour ago. Standing there as the door opens he wonders what else could be up there beyond the area around the hatch. When the door is out of the way, he walks back into the stable and over to the Overmare. “Overmare, there’s been an interesting development that I would like to discuss with you and Chief Plate in private.” Firework says as he gestures toward the door to the admin wing of the stable. The Overmare nods and leads the way there, collecting Chief Plate along the way to her office. The three of them settle down at her desk and Firework takes a deep breath. “Overmare, dad, I have a lot to tell you…”