> The Equestria Chronicles: The Gallop Through Griffonia > by Slippin_Sweetie > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Homeward Bound > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It had been a month since their departure from Yakyakistan, and after much uproar and shock from across Equestria and The Crystal Empire about the fate of its former enemies Starlight Glimmer, Trixie Lulamoon, and Drone Thorax. Twilight Sparkles expedition had become something of an enigma to ponies. It was a beacon of pride and a rallying point for the pursuit of friendship. Still, all at once, it had left a sour taste in everypony’s mouth to think about Celestia’s and Cadance’s pardons for these newfound associates of her majesty. One a petty thief, charlatan, and former terror on Ponyville, a former cult leader, terrorist, and assassin, and a former invader now part of Equestria’s finest team of representatives in the pursuit of friendship. But in truth, it mattered not what the ponies of Equestria or The Empire thought; now, it was time for the expedition to depart once again. This month of political and legal maneuvering, pleading, and promises had finally allowed them to press forward. Everything was so tense for Starlight since that last conversation she had with Twilight on that mountain. Not that she any conflict since then, but she had grown distant from everyone, including her friends. Remaining friendly and cordial to anyone who approached but never instigating a conversation or social interaction. She had become a recluse of sorts, hiding away in whatever room or area was given to her and only appearing whenever she was summoned. Thorax, however, was determined to pull his friend out of her attempted solitude time and time again. He would converse with her, whether it be tea with him and Trixie or organizing an apology performance. The little changeling would not allow her to isolate much to Twilight’s pleasure. Who took pride in the little bug’s passion and adoration for his friend. It was not hard for Thorax to incorporate himself into pony society or friendship. He was naive but clever where it counted. Out of the three, he was looked upon more favorably by even the most hesitant of ponies. He had even made a few friendly acquaintances during his time in Crystal City. Despite Twilight and Cadance’s initial hesitation to allow the changeling to roam freely. Not out of the safety of the public but for his personal well-being. Trixie had her isolationist tendencies much akin to Starlight; however, this was more out of personal disdain and initial feelings toward the greater group rather than a desire to wither away into nothing. But despite her pride and disposition toward just about everypony, she still got on from time to time with the others. Thanks to Thorax’s persistence and Twilight’s guiding hoof. But Yona, however, was a bit different; she was a fish out of water. Completely enthralled with pony technology, culture, food, and custom. Excited to learn as much as she possibly could during her historical Förkörsrätt across Equestria and Griffonia. With Starlight and Twilight as mentors. With Starlight taking more precedence compared to the latter. Twilight thought Starlight could use the company and responsibility; after all, she did need a way to fill out those community service hours… Starlight quietly sat in her living quarters in one of the private train cars on its way to Manehattan, watching The Crystal Empire fade further and further into the horizon. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door before the door cracked open. A pair of curious eyes went from left to right before settling on Starlight herself. Yona opened the door and smiled at the unicorn before stepping inside and closing it behind her. It was a miracle at all she managed to fit through those doors. “Teacher pony!” Yona greeted, giving her a large smile. “Yona is excited to see big pony city! What is city like?” She cocked her head, awaiting a response. “Oh, Yona….Uhm….well, we’re going to Manehattan, I believe, or at least it’s our last stop…. I’ve never been personally, but I heard it’s a city that never sleeps.” fumbled Starlight. Another pair of eyes peered through the gap in the door, excitedly giggling before a rhythmic knocking occurred. “Hellloooooo? Can I come in?” You could practically hear the bouncing as if she were a rubber ball. “I’m respecting your privacy by knocking but also asserting my joy by coming in anyway~!” Pinkie practically sang. The pink party mare plonked inside, gazing at the private cart as she ooh’d. “Wow, Starlight, nice digs! But don’tcha wanna come out and get some snacks with us?” The unicorn raised a brow as she quickly pressed herself against the window, terrified at the possibility that Pinkie might hit her with a party cannon to the face, “Oh!....” she was outnumbered by two eager faces, “....Sure.” She was practically whisked away by two eager creatures and taken to the private dining car just in front of the caboose, Twilight and her friends sitting at one table with Thorax and Trixie sitting across the walkway to the left of them. Starlight decided to sit herself across from Thorax and Trixie, “Hey.” she said quietly. Thorax sipped on a martini as he smacked his lips happily, “Hey there! Gosh, can you believe it? We’re stopping by Manehattan! I can’t wait to see it!” “I tried to stop him from getting one, but he keeps slipping them by me.” Trixie pointed at the drink in Thorax’s hoof before giving Starlight a nod as a greeting. “Done moping around in your private room?” “Aw, c’mon, Trixie, don’t be a meanie!” Pinkie Pie plonked up, taking a seat beside Thorax. “Starlight just needed some alone time, and Thorax likes a little warmth in his tummy. No harm in that!” “There will be harm in it when his liver starts to fail.” Trixie snorted and rolled her eyes, taking a sip of coffee. At the other side of the cabin, Twilight waved from her table, giving her a kind smile. “What’s a liver?” Thorax asked to the amused chuckle of his companions. “...No, seriously, what is that?” Starlight rolled her eyes at Trixie, giving Twilight a slight nod as the serverpony trotted over to the mare’s table. “Anything to your liking?” he’d ask, showing her the menu. Starlight waved him off as Thorax quickly peered over from his seat, “Another drink, my good sir!” chimed Thorax. The serverpony nodded as he trotted over to Twilight’s table, “Anything to your liking?” “What of the wine?” asked Rarity. The serverpony handed the white unicorn a wine menu from his apron as he looked across the table, “We have a special today, corn chowder and pecan pie.” “Oooh oooh, two slices of pecan pie, please!!! No, no, wait, THREE slices! Topped with whipped cream!” Pinkie would hop in her chair, already excited for the delicious treat. “Oh, and do you have any expressos? Mama’s a Lil low on energy.” As if that were possible. “I’ll take a bowl of chowder and a slice of pie, and hmm… some of that Blackberry wine, if you please.” Trixie looked over her own menu, waving a hoof at the waiter as she scanned the list. “Oh, and cut him off after his next drink; I don’t need him stumbling around like a drunkard.” The showpony sighed. “I’ll take a slice of pie, too, and some cider!” Rainbow had her hindlegs kicked up on another seat, lounging back. Twilight gave her a dirty look before turning to the server. “Could I get a small glass of wine, your choice, and ah… a simple sandwich, please?” The princess asked with a friendly smile. “Make it two glasses of blackberry wine.” Chimed Rarity sweetly; she leaned in close toward the stallion, gently whispering in his ear, “Make those espresso’s decaf… for our sanity.” “I’ll take the apple’s foster.” chimed Applejack. The serverpony nodded, scribbling everyone’s order before looking back at Twilight, “Does a daisy sandwich on rye with our white wine work best for you?” He’d look over to the heifer sitting in a booth behind Twilight’s, “Anything for you, Ms?” “Oooh, that sounds delicious; that would be perfect!” Twilight nodded with a soft grin. “I am starving.” Yona looked up, having been distracted by looking out the windows at the land. She sat up and looked down at the menu, suddenly becoming unsure. “Uhhh….” “Ooh, just get a slice of pie and a sandwich if you’re not sure; it’s okay, you’re not used to pony food!” Pinkie grinned, trotting over to pat the heifer on the back. “Sure, what pink pony said,” Yona replied, nodding at the server. The serverpony nodded as he quickly trotted off into the next galley car. Moments later, another serverpony came out with a cart full of food. He placed each dish on the tables and set out the drinks and glasses for the wine, topping off Rarity, Trixie, and Twilight before leaving the wines on the cart and quickly trotting back into the kitchen. Thorax quickly sipped his martini and smacked his lips happily, “This stuff is better than the barrels of rum, mead, and cider back at Yakyakistan. I feel so…distinguished drinking from this tiny little glass.” Rarity let out a breathy laugh as she swirled her wine, “That’s nothing; if you want to feel distinguished and part of high-class society, we ought to go to Canterlot again!” “I thought Manehattan was kind of high society. Didn’t you go to Manehattan when you were a filly Applejack?” Pinkie piped up, taking a large bite out of her first pie slice. Trixie rolled her eyes, “Please, Manehattan isn’t much, and Canterlot isn’t that great either. Just a bunch of high horses with their snouts stuck in their plots.” Twilight chuckled awkwardly, doing her best not to be suspicious of Trixie. Even if she wasn’t planning something, something about the mare always got on Twilight’s nerves. “Well, I grew up in Canterlot; it was very nice.” Rainbow shrugged, “Does it really matter? Both have big buildings and stuff.” “Yeah, and I can’t believe I’m sayin’ this, but I agree with Trixie. Canterlot and Manehattan ain’t much but ritzy stuck-up mules pretendin’ to be the next Prince Blueblood.” huffed Applejack. Rarity scoffed, “Well, I can see that you two can’t appreciate the finer things in Equestrian society.” she said in the poshest high Canterlot voice she could muster. Thorax tilted his head curiously at the rabble of his pony companions, turning to Yona, “I guess we’ll just have to see it for ourselves, right, Yona?” “Yeah!” Yona smiled cheerfully. Trixie got up from her seat, “Excuse me?! Trixie only treats herself to the most luxurious of amenities! So what if Canterlot is the epicenter of the rich and wealthy? They’re incredibly stingy! And uptight! Oooh, if I have to hear any more of that dumb accent….” She shivered. “Honestly, you could stop faking that accent now; I’m sure Twilight and I can see through your act.” Twilight winced; it was true. Rarity’s accent was definitely put on, but Twilight was too polite to say anything about it. Rarity scoffed as she let out a haughty laugh, “Looks like you’re an Equalist now; I guess Starlight influenced you more than you thought she did!” “Puh-lease, I just want to get paid.” The showpony rolled her eyes, sipping her glass. Starlight rolled her eyes, “The prospect of equality isn’t as nonsensical as you make it, Rarity.” Starlight said firmly. “Er, no politics at the table, y’all,” Applejack attempted to soothe the situation before it became out of control... “This is so exciting to watch, though!” replied Thorax. “How about we just change the subject…?” Fluttershy offered meakly. Yona sat up, “Where pony going next?! Yona wants to see world!” “Ah! Well, we’re going to Griffinstone first, and I was thinking then we could make it to Swallowtail.” Twilight nodded, relieved to talk about something else. Applejack quickly turned to Twilight, both curious and trying to change the subject, “Er…what the heck is a Swallowtail?” Twilight brightened up and took out a book, flipping to a page that showed an illustration of a massive tree with roots that went on for miles. In the branches of this enormous tree, twisted up and around each other, was a sprawling city with decorations, lights, and festivities. “It’s an ancient city inside a tree, a mix of pegasi, harpies, griffins, and hippogriffs all living in one massive, sprawling tree! It’s known for its constant festivals, dance, and song! It’s a wonderful place; I’m sure Rainbow would like it there,” Twilight grinned. Turning to face the others, she became a little uncomfortable. “But… I’m not entirely sure how they’ll react when we bring in earth ponies, unicorns, and a yak!” “Why’s that? They got everything from ponies with wings to catbirds.” scoffed Applejack. “Well… they prefer those who can fly in the city. Otherwise, you can trade near the roots at the ground. But, it’s said so long as you can get up on the branches, you’ll be accepted.” Twilight shrugged, tapping a hoof on her chin. “I think Starlight will pass, as will I. Pinkie... Well…” She glanced over at the pink mare who was stuffing her face with pie. “Yeah, I think Pinkie won’t have any trouble.” Twilight chuckled lightly. “But why would they do that, only accept those who can fly?” Fluttershy asked softly. “Probably, so nopony falls to the ground.” Rainbow rolled her eyes. Applejack rolled her eyes at Rainbow Dash, “Rainbow, sometimes I wonder if you fell on your head as a foal.” “Applejack, no need to be rude.” Fluttershy gently rebuffed. “What?! It’s a good reason!” Rainbow threw up her hooves, “That’d be like putting an earth pony up on a mountain and expecting them to climb down on clouds!” “Why don’t they just make an elevator er something?” chimed Thorax. “Well, it’s a sort of right-of-passage, I believe. They prefer to have those who can fly, at least, as far as I am aware. But it’s a beautiful city and a great stop on our expedition, to begin with.” Twilight smiled optimistically. “Sounds fun! Anywhere with a party is my kind of place!” Pinkie cheered. “What about dragons?” pressed Spike. “Or changelings?” chimed Thorax. Starlight rolled her eyes. “She just said they prefer creatures with wings… Doesn’t Pinkie Pie have some sort of flying machine? Besides, Thorax can carry all of us.” “I do, in fact, have a flying machine, but I only whip it out on special occasions.” Pinkie Pie wiggled her eyebrows. Rainbow cocked her head in confusion. “Hopefully, they’ll accept all of us, not just some. That might be the issue we’re going to solve in the first place, but let’s be optimistic and hope that it’s not.” Twilight replied, sighing. “I’m sure it’ll be fine; it sounds quite lovely, Twilight.” Fluttershy smiled, “Hopefully, we can make some friends there too.” Thorax sighed as he slowly fetched the blackberry wine from the cart, pouring himself a large glass before greedily glugging down the beverage, “So… are we going straight to Manehattan?” “In fact, yes. I’ve requested an ship to get us from Manehattan to Griffinstone; from there, we should be able to walk or get a ride from somecreature there.” Twilight nodded, “I hope you don’t get boat-sick.” “So, how long are we going to be on the train? I’m getting a Lil claustrophobic…” grumbled Applejack. “Same here; I need to stretch my wings.” Rainbow groaned, stretching the appendages behind her. “Only for another fifteen minutes or so, and we should be there,” Twilight replied, looking over at the train schedule on the wall. “So we should get ready.” “Sounds good to me. I’m gonna take a Lil nap….” Rainbow yawned, kicking back in her chair. Twilight sighed and shook her head, chuckling softly. > To Encourage The Captain, Crew, And All > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The city was bustling as the train finally slowed to a halt at the station, hundreds of ponies climbing aboard and departing to their destination. For ponies like Applejack, it was strange not to hear the constant crow of birds calling to one another, and to ponies like Fluttershy, it was overwhelming to hear so many ponies talking to each other at once. But Yona, who had never even imagined such sights before, was enthralled. Her head was craned to look upward, staring at the skyscrapers, buildings she had never even dreamed possible.  “How did pony make building so big?!” Yona pointed at one of the larger buildings, mouth open in awe. Rainbow Dash snickered, smiling at the yak, “Well, you can do a lot when you can fly.” “And when you have magic,” Twilight chuckled, levitating her bags beside her. “Could yak have a building like that?” Yona wondered aloud, tapping a hoof to her chin, “Can Yona go up on building?” “Er... maybe some other time, Yona; I’m really sorry,” Twilight’s ears went down, “We need to catch that boat.” Starlight huffed as she strained herself, levitating Trixie and her bags, “Why do you have so much crap, and where are the volunteers!?” “Well, excuuuuse me for being prepared.” Trixie rolled her eyes. Twilight turned to the unicorn, “Well, our wagons should already be on the boat. I had them flown in. Otherwise… we’re carrying our luggage.” She rubbed the back of her head bashfully, “Sorry….” Thorax trotted out from the train car, “What’s all the hubbub?” “C-C-CHA-CHANGELING!” shrieked a pegasus, quickly alerting the other ponies around the area. Causing… a stir to say the least, with ponies fleeing the scene and screaming in terror. Thorax rubbed his temple, “Was it something I said?” “Great work, Thorax; you probably cleared the streets for the first time in a century,” smirked Starlight. “Well, I guess we don't have to worry about the traffic.” chuckled Applejack. “Oh my…” Fluttershy whispered, watching the ponies flee, “Should we do something?” Twilight sighed, “I’m not sure what we can do short of having Thorax shapeshift into a pony.” “I’m sure they’re all just super excited to see a Changeling, that’s all! They’re just running to go tell their friends!” Pinkie grinned, clearly not reading what actually occurred. “Well, regardless, we should keep moving. Thorax… maybe you should stay in the middle of the group,” Twilight gave the changeling a sympathetic look. Thorax sighed as Starlight patted his back, “Don’t feel bad; we can use it to our advantage; as Applejack said, the traffic is cleared, and so are the sidewalks. All and all, this is a positive.” Applejack sighed, “Don’t rope me into your schemes, Glimmer.” “Oh, bite me, let’s go.” huffed Starlight. Twilight led the way as they trotted down the street. If they happened to walk towards a group of ponies, a wide berth was given to them if the ponies themselves didn’t just run away. A few even recognized the six of them, waving at Twilight, some even hoping to get her autograph. She politely declined, even stepping aside for them to see the changeling. All in all, Thorax was quite useful here. “Just a bit further,” Twilight piped up as they trotted towards the pier. “It should be a large red ship, and the owner is named Salty Sardine. He’s quite a nice stallion, from what I’ve heard.” “Does he know he’s going to have a changeling aboard?” Fluttershy asked politely. “Uh… maybe…?” Twilight grinned awkwardly. Thorax sighed, slowly transforming into his pony disguise from his time in the Crystal Empire. “This is going to be exhausting; I hope you know I’ll need a steady stream of love to keep this form.” Starlight glanced at Pinkie Pie, slowly levitating her with her magic as she placed her next to Thorax, “Pinkie Pie, you have a travel buddy now. Congrats.” “Ooooh, I can tell you some stories when you’re on the boat! It’ll be like a sleepover, but… on a boat!” Pinkie squealed, wrapping a hoof around the changeling, “Don’t worry, it’ll be fun!” “I’m sure it will be.” Twilight sighed.  Stepping onto the dock, the group made their way to a large vessel, where Trixie could clearly see her wagon. She rejoiced, jumping for joy as she ran up onto the ship’s deck. “Oh, I missed this!” Trixie hugged the wagon as if it were an old friend, “Let’s hope this ship has comfortable lodgings. I don’t want to sleep on some raggedy sack.” Twilight rolled her eyes, “This is a boat, Trixie. It’s not going to be like a yacht.” “Whatever.” The unicorn huffed. “Well, I think it’s lovely.” Fluttershy smiled sweetly. The ship was full of creatures, Griffins, Abyssinians, and colorful Harpies manning the cargo and readying the vessel for departure. “Avast!” Barked the gruff sailorpony as he appeared from his quarters, “Yer Highness! It be a great honor to sail you and yer party across the Equus-Griffonia sea!” Starlight sighed as she looked around the ship looking rather unimpressed at the state of the crew, turning to Twilight, “You hired privateers to escort us?” “Is there something wrong, lass? QUIT YER BELLY-ACHING!” barked the sailor. “Well, it was either that or the Equestrian navy, and I’d rather keep the attention to a minimum,” Twilight chuckled before turning to the sailor. “It’s great to see you, Captain; I hope we won’t be too much trouble.” “Oooh, a real sailor!” Pinkie Pie plonked up, “Ooooh, you really do smell like salt! I know, I heard there was another name for sailors, but I can’t think of it right now...” The pink mare rubbed her chin, thinking hard. “Why didn’t we just take an airship or something?” Rainbow Dash crossed her arms, rolling her eyes. “Again, Dash, it’s not exactly subtle.” Twilight sighed. The captain scoffed at Rainbow, “You wanna be at the bottom of the sea!? Be my guest; go get yourself a fuddy-duddy and his airship! YAH, BLOCKHEAD!” “It FLIES!! And why else would they use them if they can’t go to sea? THEY’RE BOATS!!” Rainbow threw up her hooves; it seemed like she had argued this with somepony else. Salty rolled his eyes, “EVERYBODY SET SAIL, WEIGH ANCHOR, AND TIE DOWN THE CARGO!”  “I think it will be nice to be at sea; I hardly ever get to talk to sea creatures!” Fluttershy smiled brightly, “It will be fun!” The group wouldn’t exactly have living quarters, aside from the old wagons that were provided to them back in Yakyakistan. To put it mildly, the ship was packed, with just the usual crew and cargo. But now, with an additional ten creatures, it made things cramped.  Rarity groaned as she was practically clinging to the side of the ship, looking awfully green as she retched and hurled every other minute, “I think I would’ve preferred an airship…” she whined. Twilight trotted up to Rarity, gently rubbing her on the back. She knew how the poor unicorn must feel. Shining Armor always seemed to get sick whenever he was on a boat. “Take deep breaths, Rarity. Honestly, I don’t think it would have helped; the ship would have rocked back and forth either way.” “Just eat some peanut butter crackers; that always makes me feel better,” Trixie called out of her wagon, ensuring everything was as she had left it. Rarity covered her mouth as she retched at the thought of eating food, “N-no thank you….” “Suit yourself,” Trixie shrugged, ripping open a packet for herself. “I’m so sorry, Rarity.” Fluttershy went over to comfort the poor unicorn. Applejack stood unusually stiff as she practically clung to the rocking floor beneath her, appearing uneasy, “Just a few days til land, just a few days til land….” Rainbow Dash snickered, “You scared of the ocean, AJ? I wouldn’t have expected that from you.” “W-Well, it is a little... deep. It might be scary if you didn’t know how to swim,” Fluttershy held a hoof to her lips, considering the terrifying thought. “Oh, hush up, Rainbow. I ain’t scared of the ocean; I’m scared of being lost at sea or drowning!” “But doesn’t that mean you’re scared of water, then?” Rainbow snickered. “C’mon, Dash, don’t pick on her.” Pinkie grinned, “It’s okay to be scared. I’d be scared too! Because... I am now...” The pink mare started shaking, although her expression didn’t shift. “Did Fluttershy and AJ spook you?” Rainbow crossed her arms. “M-Maybe...” Pinkie replied nervously. “Don’t worry, we’ll be fine. This ship has great reviews.” Twilight smiled gently. Thorax peered over the side of the ship as he hummed, “I’ve never been at sea before…” he’d turn toward Trixie, “Have you?” Trixie looked over with a smirk, “Of course she has! I may not have gone to Zebrica or Saddle, Arabia, but I’ve traveled by boat a few times. It makes it easier to get to the coast if you don’t have to pull your luggage. I usually just work on my act while I wait.” Trixie twitched in surprise before chuckling. “You’ve certainly got the basics down; perhaps we try a few more advanced tricks! Let me see...” The mare pulled a small journal out of her cloak, flipping through the pages. “Aha, this one looks good! Card tricks look easy, but they’re quite tricky, actually.” She gave him a wink. Thorax carefully lifted a deck of cards from Trixie’s wagon as he began shuffling the cards, “Should I do the “is this your card” one?” “Go right ahead; I’d like to see how much you’ve picked up!’ Trixie grinned, taking a seat on the stairs of her wagon. Using his limited levitation magic, he’d present the cards to his teacher, “Pick a card, any card.” “Hmmmmm....” Trixie would look at the deck before slowly slipping a single card out. Queen of Hearts. Smirking, she would tuck the card back into the deck. “Alright, I’ve memorized it.” He’d shuffle the cards, pulling the deck apart as he put all the cards around him before presenting a jack of clubs, “Is this your card?” Trixie hesitated. With any other pony, she would have told them bluntly to their faces that they were wrong and how bad they were at this. But Trixie didn’t want to hurt his feelings... and that was strange, even for her. “Y-Yeah, great job, Thorax!” Trixie gave her best, the most genuine smile she could muster, clapping her hooves together. “You’re getting pretty good at this.” Thorax tilted his head, puzzled by Trixie's premature praise, “Are you sure…? Why don’t you check your cloak pocket.” He smiled expectantly. “Hmm?” Trixie’s eyes widened as she looked down, rustling inside her pocket until she found her card tucked neatly inside. How did he...? Thorax playfully nudged Trixie, “I learned from the best, I listened to your advice about misdirection, and I read Hoofdini as you told me to.” he’d smiled brightly at the mare.  Trixie gave Thorax a cheerful smile before letting out a sigh of relief, glad that he hadn’t asked why she had lied about something so simple... she didn’t even know herself at this point. “O-Oh, well, um...” The showpony rubbed the back of her head bashfully, wondering how she would explain this. Better divert attention, “Look! Uhhh... a dolphin!” "Where!?" Shouted Thorax as he galloped to the right side of the ship. “Where?!” Fluttershy trotted over, trying to catch sight of one. “No way there are dolphins out here!” Rainbow rolled her eyes. “I wanna see a dolphin!!” Pinkie Pie galloped over beside Fluttershy, eager to see the creature. The captain would trot by and give Trixie a look, smiling at her with his eyes as he sighed, “There be no dolphins in these waters! Too many boats, everycreature back in line, we don’t need a mare overboard!” The showpony blushed, giving him a look that asked, ‘what are you staring at?!’ before trotting back to her wagon, trying to busy herself and ignore the awkward interaction just moments ago. “Captain, if I may,” Twilight trotted up, “Can I ask how long approximately will it take before we arrive at our destination?” “Did you eat a dictionary this morning?” Rainbow crossed her arms. “Quiet ye landlubber!” snapped Salty as he turned to Twilight, “It’s a few days at sea before we reach GriffinHafen, then yer on your own!” “I’m a pegasus; how am I a ‘landlubber’? It makes no sense!” Rainbow threw up her hooves before flying away, grumbling to herself. Starlight examined her map as she began scrutinizing it with several cartography tools, “Captain, if I may, where is GriffinHafen?” The captain trotted over as he examined her map, “Impressive map, lass,” he’d fish for his map underneath his hat as the two began comparing for reference. “It’d be about a day’s walk from GriffinHafen to Griffinstone after that, maybe two with your wagon train…since bandits and pirates may take an interest if you travel between cities.” “Bandits?” inquired Starlight. “Opportunists to the core! They see a big wagon train like that and hear of a Princess; they’ll bushwack yah faster than you can say “blimey!” “But it shouldn’t be a problem. I heard you’re a powerful mage, and Twilight can defend herself!” chuckled the captain. “We should be fine,” Twilight replied, more in an attempt to soothe fears than anything else. “So long as we make it quick and don’t dally around.” "Ooh, ooh, what's GriffinHafen like?" Pinkie asked curiously. “Awful!” replied one of the Griffin crewmates. “Si, es malo!” lamented a Harpy. “It ain’t good, to put it bluntly,” chuckled Salty, “It’s full of greedy Griffs and tired drunken sailors from long voyages, so not exactly what you call a cultural center!” “Sounds a lot like Griffinstone….” Rainbow Dash crossed her hooves, frowning deeply. “It can’t be that baaad.” Pinkie waved a hoof, “I’m sure we can make some friends there! “Regardless, it’s only a stop on our way to Griffinstone. We’ll be fine.” Twilight nodded. “Unless you want to be in the company of a bunch of lonely drunken sailors who haven’t seen a pretty mare or hen in ages, I’d suggest you steer clear pink one!” warned Salty. “Heh, they’re liebe krank.” chortled a Griffin. “And how!” howled the rest of the crew in laborious laughter. Pinkie cocked a brow, clearly not understanding what the captain meant. Then her eyes widened, and she gasped, “Awwwww, thank you! It’s been a while since somepony called me pretty!” she grinned, “Thank you, Cap’n.” Twilight grimaced and nodded, “Thanks, we’ll steer clear of… anything like that.” Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes and sighed, “Pinkie, please… I think one of them just called us a name…” Salty rolled his eyes at Rainbow Dash, “Weren’t you friend’s with a Griffin? You mean to tell me you were buddy-buddy with a griff, and you don’t know a lick of Griffish!?” the captain howled in laughter. “Sie kann kein Griffin!” hooted the old sea dog, much to the amusement of the Griffin sailors.  “NO! She didn’t teach me any because she came to Equestria when she was a filly– a hatchling!! She barely knew any to teach me.” Rainbow Dash huffed, crossing her arms. “It’s okay, Rainbow; I’m sure she would have taught you if she could.” Fluttershy gently patted her on the back. “Oooh, I’d like to learn too!” Pinkie popped up. Salty howled, “Lass! What language do you think a Griffin learns when they’re first born? She didn’t teach yah because you’re as sharp as a smooth stone!” Applejack smirked before chuckling to herself quietly. Salty sighed as he turned to Pinkie, “Here’s all you need to know, ‘gib mir Bier, gib mir Henne’s und gib mir einen Job’ Give me a beer, give me a hen, and give me a job!” Thorax slowly muttered to himself, “Gib…mir…bier….gotcha.” “Please, don’t encourage him,” Trixie stuck her head out of her wagon, having overheard the mention of alcohol. Rainbow Dash spat and huffed, trying to figure out some way to one-up the sailor, “At least I don’t stay around a ship when I can FLY.” She sniffed, glaring at the griffins who were laughing at her, “Whatever, I’m gonna stretch my wings.” The Griffins unanimously let out a ‘bah!’ at Rainbow, waving her off with their claws as they returned to work. The spectral pegasus lifted off, the air pressure causing everycreature’s mane and feathers to ruffle. “Poor Dashie, she really likes Gilda. It’s not nice to make fun of her like that,” Pinkie stuck out her lip at the captain. Salty waved off the mare, “Bah! If she’s friends with a Griffin, she should know about their adoration for schadenfreude. Besides, everycreature needs a good scolding!” He chuckled. “Well, that might be true, but Rainbow takes her friendships pretty seriously. Telling her Gilda thought she was stupid wasn’t exactly the best idea….” Twilight rubbed the back of her head, wincing. “I’m sure she’ll come around,” Fluttershy’s ear flattened down to her mane, “... Probably.” Salty scoffed, “She’d better because if she doesn’t, this ship isn’t stopping for creatures who are willing to go overboard.” “Captain, I must say it’s been a pleasure sailing with you,” smirked Starlight. Applejack sighed, “Just give it a rest before she does something reckless.” “Yeaaah, it’s best not to push her buttons too much.” Pinkie scratched the back of her head. “Applejack’s right; just… go easy on her?” Twilight gave an awkward smile before sighing, “Well, let’s get settled, girls; we’re going to be on this ship for a while.” > Three's A Crowd > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It had been their second day at sea, and the weather was not fairing well for the party. With Salty’s assurance and expertise, there was nothing to fear. But the captain’s navigational skills couldn’t prevent catching a cold or illness from the freezing winds and the rain beating down on them. With that, every creature had primarily resided in their wagons, occasionally leaving to use the restroom or fetch themselves something to eat or drink in the mess hall. As the ship creaked and croaked above the sea’s thundering waves, Thorax quietly sat in front of Trixie and Starlight, taking this opportunity and moment of privacy to be his usual self again. Strangely, the changeling wasn’t that hungry despite spending a day in his disguise. Thorax practiced his magic with Trixie and Starlight, with Trixie doing most of the teaching and Starlight enjoying the company of creatures she more or less considered friends. “Okay, now all you need to do is select something small, something the pony won’t miss. Like this.” Trixie demonstrated the bracelet she put on for just such an example. “Now that you have your target, you need to distract them with something else.” Trixie gestured to the cards in his hooves, “It’s just like what you did… er, yesterday, but in reverse. Think you can manage that?” He’d shuffle the cards as he offered Trixie to take one. The showpony nodded, a slight smirk on her lips as she took a card. It was the Ace of Spades this time around… “I’d be impressed if you managed both tricks at once.” He’d carefully slip the card back into the deck, levitating the cards as he began twirling and spinning them around as if they were in a dance, “Now watch as I pull your card!” He’d present a ten of clubs, “Is this your card?” “Not this time,” Trixie smirked, waving a hoof. “Nice try, though. Want to try again?” Thorax would sigh, “Awwww, how about… this one?” He’d show the king of spades. Trixie winced, “Oooh, so very close! One more time, I know you can do it.” She gave him a wink, a cattish smile adorning her lips. He’d tapped his hooves pensively, “Weeeell….” he’d flash the queen of hearts, “Is this your card?” “Awww, you were so close before.” Trixie sighed, “Oh well, I guess we should try another trick, hm? Anything you’re interested in trying?” She stood up, stretching out. Thorax slowly nodded, “Maybe you’re right, but I got you a couple of gifts for being so patient with me.” He’d present Trixie the ace of spades and the bracelet. Starlight smirked as she looked over to Trixie, “Well, he’s certainly a fast learner.” Trixie’s eyes widened in surprise before she smiled brightly, “Well, now, that’s impressive! You truly are picking up quickly. I should advance your education then, perhaps something like the Magical Manticore Mouth-dive? No?” She chuckled, “I’m joking, but seriously, you’re doing amazingly well. I’m proud.” She took the cards and the bracelet back, “Oh, and if you’re ever short on bits, that slight-of-hoof trick always works.” She gave him a wink and a grin. Thorax beamed brightly as he humbly bowed his head, “Thank you, Trixie; it means a lot coming from a magician like you.” “Illusionist.” corrected Starlight as she rested her head on her hoof, seeming to observe this dance of flattery between the two, “Look at you, Trixie, you went from thinking Thorax was going to eat us to making him your right hoof stallion.” Trixie looked over at Starlight, quickly glancing at Thorax before looking away, “Well, he turned out to be… ah, a good changeling. And I AM a magician, I’ll have you know. I have my license! Or… had. Since you blew up my old wagon.” “Tch, call me if you ever want to learn some real magic.” Starlight grinned. Thorax lay down as he quietly listened to the ship creak and bellow as the rain beat against their wagon, “You two remind me of my brother and me.” Trixie perked up an ear, lying down on the boat beside him, resting her head in her hooves. “You have a brother? I kind of figured changelings had… a lot of siblings.” “Well, yes and no. We are all related since our title, or that our first names are Drone, is used to signify our unity. But, even so, we changelings still group up with our brothers and sisters.” He’d continue, “Your brother or sister is a changeling that was born in the same nest as you in the nursery, and Pharynx and I were the exceptions, the only survivors out of a bad batch of eggs.” Thorax would sigh, “We were often bullied for that; I was often bullied for that. But Pharynx made it so that all would respect him, fighting for his honor time and time again when he was just a hatchling. He’d defend me too… I wasn’t one for conflict, but he always had my back no matter how many times he said,” “‘This is the last time I save you, brother,’ or, ‘next time, you won’t be so lucky!’ " Thorax would smile for a moment, “He was a proud warrior and one of the strongest drones in the hive… I know it’s wrong to say, but I was so proud of my brother when he was promoted to swarm leader… I was so proud to hear that HE personally was chosen to lead one of our swarms during the invasion of Canterlot.” “... I was, however, terrified to find out that he personally chose me to join him as… as a soldier in his swarm….” Thorax lowered his head shamefully. “So you really were at the Invasion of Canterlot during the wedding?” Starlight said with intrigue. Trixie’s eyes widened. “I’m glad I was in Bridlewood at the time; otherwise, I would have been in a lot of trouble….” “How did you get out of there… how did you even escape?” Trixie sat up, intrigued by his story. “...Remember how I told you how I saw Twilight and her friends fight off an entire swarm…? I kinda got… knocked out during the scuffle; I was so taken back by their loyalty to one another, I kinda didn’t see the magical spell lobbed at me.” “I woke up in the medical hives, and Pharynx asked me what happened… I lied, and I said I fought those ponies with all I had… I told him the truth before I left the hive, and he was not happy.” “I pleaded with him to come with me, but he was enraged that I betrayed the hive… but I think he was more upset with the fact that I was potentially leaving him behind. He told me,” ‘I’ll do you the favor of keeping your disgrace to the hive a secret. I don’t want you ruining what I have got going for me because YOU can’t adapt! You’re not just a traitor, but an idiot for thinking friendship can make up for what we are! We’re changelings! We’ll always BE changelings!”’ Trixie and Starlight stayed quiet for a moment, absorbing what Thorax had just admitted to them. They couldn’t imagine Thorax being in any sort of army, especially not invading Canterlot. Trixie wondered if he ever had a choice to do what he wanted. “Well your brother sounds… well…” She wasn’t sure how to put it. “At least he kept it a secret? Honestly… I can’t imagine having gone through that. How did you make it to the Crystal Empire all by yourself?” Thorax shuffled a bit as he wrapped a blanket around himself. “I ran in the dead of night, cutting through forest and brambles until I made my way by following the Crystal Mountains; I cut through the peaks and the frozen wasteland before I slipped into the fields of Amore and eventually crossed the border into the city.” “It took weeks, and I didn’t use any of my magic to save my energy; I had to sneak under the cover of night; if you two hadn’t come along, I wouldn’t have lasted much longer.” “Well, I suppose it’s a good thing we stumbled upon you. Not sure I’d still be here if we didn’t.” Trixie gave the changeling a sympathetic smile before wrapping a hoof around him. Starlight raised a brow at the physical affection, quietly cataloging the moment as a smile crept on her lips. Trixie glanced over and noticed the look. Rolling her eyes as she blushed. “I’m guessing growing up as a Changeling isn’t very much fun, is it? What… what did you guys do when you weren’t… feeding?” The showpony asked hesitantly. Thorax didn’t even think to embrace and accepted the gesture, leaning into the mare as he continued to elaborate, “Well, I guess I did say I’d talk about the nitty-gritty details about being a changeling, huh?” “Well… we just build the hive, look for intruders, look for creatures to feed on, but sometimes Pharynx and I would wrestle… I didn’t like it, but it made him happy. Sometimes, the two of us would play chess from a board he stole from a pony merchant… we lost some of the pieces and replaced them with rocks and twigs.” “Aww, that’s kind of… cute? Maybe we can play chess together sometime. It’s been a while, and I’m a bit rusty, but I bet it will be a fun game.” Trixie smiled at him, “And I, uh… hope your brother is doing well, regardless of what he’s doing…” Starlight groaned at the sappiness, “Geez, Trixie. Thorax rubbed off on you so much you’re actually being nice to some creature that isn’t your reflection; bravo.” clapped the mare. Thorax snickered, “Hey, c’mon, now we’re all friends here. We survived a lot together, and those death-defying moments of sheer terror paired with an unbreakable bond naturally make us the best of friends.” Starlight would look at Trixie and then Thorax, her eyes slowly narrowing as the pieces carefully clicked together in her head. The lilac unicorn passed a knowing look to her fellow pony as she smiled, leaning back, "Trixie at least has you in an unbreakable grip." Trixie shifted her eyes between her and Thorax before releasing her grip on the changeling as she scooted away until she was at a healthy but friendly distance. Thorax tilted his head, seeming a bit perplexed at the sudden withdrawal. But quickly accepted it. “Yes, well, I CAN be nice… it just depends on who I am being nice to!” Trixie huffed, rolling her eyes. “And it’s not like you’re any better; you’re not screaming and yelling all the time anymore. I guess those talks with Twilight really opened your eyes.” She wiggled her eyebrows. Starlight scoffed, “It was an esoteric nightmare. I’m glad that month of near-constant check-ups is over… the magic talk and tea were nice, though.” “That month was so much fun; I got to talk to so many ponies. This one time, I got to talk to three members of the royal guard… for five hours… and it was really not much of a conversation more like an… interrogation. But I got free coffee though…! even though I couldn't drink it.” Thorax’s expression soured, realizing that wasn’t fun. Trixie grit her teeth, remembering that incident. She was still angry that they didn’t allow her to go back in with him while they were doing that. “I hope they didn’t treat you too badly; I swear if they roughed you up or anything…” Trixie huffed, “Well… anyways… er…” Thorax chuckled, “It's fine, they didn’t touch me, and everything was okay once Twilight and Cadance cleared everything up.” “It was nice to be back in Equestria, at least for a short amount of time. And even better, I didn’t have to do any community service!” Trixie snickered. “You two might’ve, but Twilight and I had to work through paperwork for hours just to formalize a pardon for all of us…Cadance was not giving anypony any favors then…” Starlight shivered at the thought of that massive paper trail. “But hey, at least we aren’t banned from The Empire, and by the time we get back from our adventure, we’ll be home free, and all of us can become performers.” “You want to become a performer?” Trixie cocked a brow, “Somehow, I didn’t really see that; I mean, I know you were talking about it, but… seriously? Not that you couldn’t do it, obviously; I’m just surprised.” “For a little while at least, I can handle the finances and prop you ‘stars’ up. Maybe I’ll break off once I can find a nice quiet place to live far, FAR away from anypony that knows me.” shivered Starlight. “C’mon, Starlight, it’s not ALL bad. After all, you’re a teacher, an official member of this expedition, and buddy-buddy with the Princess of Friendship; you totally redeemed yourself.” nudged Thorax. “I haven't redeemed myself to the ponies I actually care about,” she replied coldly. “Well, we could always go down to your town and say hello, y’know.” Trixie offered off the top of her head, “Er… you know. After we go on this big adventure and make all sorts of friends… the usual.” Trixie shrugged. Starlight bowed her head as she let out a gentle sigh; Twilight would’ve been proud to see these two so optimistic about the future. “Sure…why not?” Starlight slowly got up and gently pat Trixie on the back, “Why don’t I give you two some privacy,” she teased before leaving the wagon. Trixie’s ears went down, pairing it with an eye roll as her cheeks burned red, “Tch, whatever….” Starlight quickly galloped across the wet deck as she hurriedly rushed into the lower deck, slipping past the crew’s living quarters before sitting down in the empty ‘chow hall,’ which was just a small room packed with benches and surrounded by booze and hardtack. A hoof gently poked Starlight on the shoulder, prompting her to turn around. Twilight stood behind her, a soft smile on her face as she levitated two mugs of water and what little food they had brought along for the journey. “I know it’s not much, but a granola bar is better than hardtack, isn’t it?” Twilight gave her a friendly grin, “Mind if I sit with you?” Starlight perked her head up, “Oh, no, go right ahead….” she’d move over as best she could to allow Twilight a seat next to her. “Yeah….” she’d take a long sip of water before splitting the granola bar with the alicorn, “Friendship’s a real hard sell….” Starlight said absently as if it was some sort of a filler phrase. Twilight cocked her head, noticing something was wrong but unsure of what it was. “Are you feeling alright, Starlight?” She asked with some concern, “Are you feeling seasick?” “Do you see me hung over the side of the ship with Rarity right now?” she snapped. Twilight’s ears fell back, surprised by the outburst. “....sorry….” Starlight quickly summoned a clipboard, sliding it over to Twilight, “I did inventory again; we have enough food to get to Griffinstone and enough bits to cover ourselves for a while.” “It’s alright; just let me know if you don’t feel like talking, okay?” Twilight replied softly, “That’s good; I’m glad I’m not the only pony keeping track of those sorts of things. It gets a little… overwhelming doing it all yourself… even if I enjoy it, hehe.” Starlight would fetch herself a bottle of griffin rum from some of the stacks of crates that surrounded the room before she popped the cork. She said nothing as she quickly took a long swig from the bitter brew. “Um… is there anything you’d like to talk about, Starlight?” Twilight asked softly, unsure what to say. “I don’t think you’d want that, all things considered, Twilight.” Starlight grumbled, offering the bottle of the foul-smelling drink to the alicorn. Twilight cocked a brow, “And… Why is that? Starlight, friends are there for one another when they’re feeling down. What kind of friend would I be if I didn’t at least ask?” “Because I don’t think we can fix my problem in twenty-two minutes or a five-minute song.” She’d take a long swig again before pausing at the ‘friend’ bit. “Don’t kid yourself, Twilight; we aren’t friends. We are fulfilling our obligations to one another. This is… a mutual assistance pact or partnership.” “What does twenty-two minutes have to do with….” Twilight shook her head, “Starlight, I do care about you, and I want the best for you. Just because you did bad things doesn’t mean I’m not going to give you a chance. Unless… you just don’t want to be my friend. And that’s fine….” “It’s not that I’m opposed to being your friend; it’s that it’s….impossible for me to truly accept that I am deserving of something like that.” Starlight took another long swig as she slammed the bottle down. She’d continue, “Everybody’s just so happy; some are even happy to be around me, and I don’t know what I’ve done to earn this, and now I need to work hard to truly deserve this adoration, this forgiveness….” Starlight nervously chortled as she rocked in her seat, “This reminds me of when I first took control of Our Town; all that praise and support from my ponies made me feel like a fraud; I was a fraud. I was no savior, just an uppity mare with a chip on my shoulder.” The mare would continue to drink until she’d erupt into a coughing fit, the alcohol burning her chest as she sighed, “I’m a fraud, I’m not a tactical genius or strategist, I’m an opportunistic foal undeserving of your mercy or friendship.” She’d hiccup, “Thorax and Trixie deserve better; at least they have each other.” “Starlight, that’s not true.” Twilight scooted over, wrapping a hoof around the mare’s shoulders, consoling her the best she knew how. “Ponies do care for you, and yes, you might have done some awful things in the past, but you have been forgiven. There’s no one else to look to but you, Starlight. You’re going to have to forgive yourself.” The princess gently rubbed her back, quietly shushing her as she pushed the alcohol away, "I know right now that you’re going through a lot, but it’s good to talk to your friends about how you’re feeling. And I’m glad you were able to open up to me like that.” Twilight gave her a soft, gentle smile. “Starlight, I’m here if you need me, no matter what.” Starlight's face burned a bright red hue as she rubbed her eyes, “I drank too much…too fast….” she’d hiccup as she groaned. Starlight slowly looked over at the alicorn, now practically cradling her, “Why are you so nice to me…? I did my best to keep you away from me so you wouldn’t be my friend. Whenever I pushed you back, you always found time for tea or magic practice.” “Well… I learned a lot from my friends. Like Fluttershy said once, sometimes you just need a little kindness.” Twilight gently rubbed her back, “It’s going to be okay, Starlight. I know things will be rough for a while, but I’m here for you. Everything will turn out alright.” Starlight took a deep breath before sighing, “Okay…” she’d slowly grab the rum again and took a small sip. Twilight would slowly peel away, still unsure but wanting to give her some space. “Do you need me to do anything?” “....Take a drink.” Starlight said finally. “You want me to... drink?” Twilight cocked a brow. She’d offer the rum, “I’ve never seen you drink anything aside from non-alcoholic cider, and I’m not being miserable alone.” “Uh, well, I’m not sure that’s a good idea….” Twilight rubbed the back of her head, “Last time I drank, it was Applejack’s hard cider, and uh… I woke up in the middle of the street with a lampshade on my head.” “But… if you insist, I suppose I could take a sip.” Twilight took the bottle and took a polite sip of the alcoholic beverage. “Oooh… it burns. Eugh…” “This isn’t a time for good ideas; this is time to make memories….or the lack thereof,” she’d pull another rum bottle from a nearby crate. “That’s when you know it’s the good stuff,” she’d clink the fresh bottle with Twilight’s, “Drink up; we’re not leaving till we can’t feel anything.” “Oh boy… Can we invite the girls? I don’t know if I can drink all of that with you….” Twilight grimaced, looking down at the bottle with hesitance and partial fear. “Applejack would be great for this… if she weren’t sick….” Starlight gave Twilight a look, “Do you REALLY want to have Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie in on this?” “Well... I guess not...” Twilight grimaced before taking another drink. “Please don’t make me drink all of this...” Starlight groaned, “For Celestia’s sake, live a little, why don’t you? I’m not forcing you into anything; just enjoy yourself.” She’d take another drink, “Take the edge off….or at least enough to where I can see that infamous dance of yours.” “My dance?! Ponies have been talking about my dancing??” Twilight blushed, “Who said that?” “Fine, fine, okay.. I’ll try to relax and not be so… princess-y.” The alicorn sighed and took another, longer drink. Starlight chuckled, “Rarity told me about the time you had your birthday in Canterlot, and how the elites of Canterlot had to watch you get down to the beat.” “I am not liable for any damage caused to or by you, by the way,” informed Starlight as she chugged her rum bottle. “Well, one of us has to be responsibly– er, responsible! And if you’re getting me drunk, it’s going to be you.” Twilight gave her a look before taking another drink. “Mmhm, I think this is growing on me….” “That be the pirate rum me hardy, now let’s drink til we’re drink-dry.” she’d clink her bottle with Twilights before chugging the entire bottle of rum. > Sea Shanty > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hours passed, or that's what Twilight assumed. Rubbing her eyes, the alicorn wiped away a line of drool that had stuck to her chin. She had no idea where she was, but she hoped it was the wagon. Rolling onto her belly, Twilight got to her hooves, her head pounding. Exactly how much did she have to drink last night? "Never again… never ever again…." Her mouth tasted like the desert sand; she needed water and NOW. Scanning her surroundings, she was in the middle of the deck with the afternoon sun shining on her coat as empty bottles rolled around her. Fortunately, the ship's schedule and duties were being fulfilled adequately by the crew. Most of them didn't even do as much as bat an eye in her general direction. It seemed like normal behavior to them… Twilight's head ached as the offending sun's glare hit her eyes, as the desire for water drove her toward the chow hall once more. The darkness was comforting as she got a large mug of cool water to choke down. She'd noticed a lilac leg kicked up behind some tables into the air as a drunken growl echoed throughout the room. Wobbling her way toward the unicorn, Twilight took her mug of water with her over to the table. "Shtarlight?" Twilight slurred for a moment before shaking her head, "S-Starlight, are you alright?" The alicorn choked down another gulp of cool water; her mouth was still so dry no matter how much she drank. "T-Twilight," murmured the mare as she forced herself off the ground, "...My head is killing me; what happened last night?" "Ye drank a tenth of me stock and had yerselves a party in the chow hall," announced Salty as he trotted down from above the deck. "You're not mad, are you?" whimpered Twilight. Salty erupted in a cackle, "Mad!? I'm happier than a harpy during siesta time! You two gave everycreature here a show for the ages!" "A show??" Twilight cocked a brow, a little scared of what that term might mean… The alicorn glanced around quickly, trying to make sure no creature was staring at her, "What exactly do you mean by that?" The old sea captain slapped his knee, "Let's just say you got the moves Princess Twilight, and Ms. Glimmer, you fancy yourself a fiddle player one of these days." he hooted. "Yes sir, that was quite a party, and to think only you two were drunk to make it fun, usually everyone has to be out of it to see those levels of sheer idiocy." grinned Salty. Twilight let out a sigh of relief, "Oh, thank goodness…." She whispered under her breath. Although, her dancing wasn't exactly flattering either. "Frankly, I don't remember any of that…." Twilight chuckled, a blush on her cheeks, "I hope we weren't in too much trouble." Salty waved her off, "Not to fear, your highness, your company, was much appreciated." A Griffin would quickly shout from above deck, "CAPTAIN! PIRATES!" Salty gasped, "GET TO THE GUNS, TIED DOWN THE CARGO, AND EVERYCREATURE PROTECT THE PASSENGERS!" he quickly turned to Twilight, "You two stay here; I'll get your friends!" "Pirates?!" Twilight shouted, her wings splaying out, "But– how… is there anything I can do to help? We've faced worse before… even if I'm a little hungover. Which direction are they coming from?" Salty would stamp up on the upper deck, "They're coming North-East bound!" the sound of a distant cannon roared as the ship suddenly rocked, sending Salty into the air and out of sight as Twilight and Starlight were thrust into nearby cargo. "Augh…Come on, Twilight, let's get everyone and help the crew!" groaned Starlight as she climbed out from a pile of boxes. Scampering to the upper deck, a giant warship loomed in the distance as the small crew quickly took up arms, grabbing arquebuses, muskets, sabers, and cannon shots. Hurriedly loading massive cannonballs into their guns as the captain barked orders. "All Pegasi bring down the clouds to make fog; I want harpies to load the muskets; I want griffins to patch the haul! Everyone else protects the passengers!" Shouted Salty.  The expedition practically erupted from their wagons at the thundering sound of cannon fire and the captain's roar of orders. "What's going on!?" shouted Applejack. "Are we under attack!?" screamed Rarity. "Are the sailors drinking again?" shrugged Spike. "Pirates!!" Pinkie jumped up and down, pointing in the direction of the ship heading their way. "I hope they're the jaunty ones and not the ones that make you walk the plank!" "Pinkie, they're going to take the ship and everything worth bits on it, like TWILIGHT." Rainbow pointed in the alicorn's direction. "C'mon, Fluttershy, we need to help with the fog!" The blue pegasus disappeared as she flew up into the sky, Fluttershy following behind. "O-Oh my…" Thorax would gawk at the large vessel slowly inching toward them as its guns were lined at their ship. "We can help too!" Twilight shouted, grabbing Starlight, "We can create a shield. Do you know how to allow objects to pass through a barrier on one side?" "Yes, now let's hurry!" She'd begin focusing her magic on conjuring a shield with Twilight before a cannonball crashed next to the mare's, derailing their train of thought to say the least, as they dived for cover. The ship would begin moving closer toward them, its black flag and bird skull becoming visible to everycreature on board. "GET THE FOG, READY THE CANNONS!" Roared the captain, "READY, AIM, FIRE!" the ship would rattle as the cannons began to erupt. "Ladies, can we get that shield spell before they blow me ship into the sea!?" screamed Salty. "WE'RE WORKING ON IT!" snapped Starlight as she and Twilight began to focus on their magic again. Twilight clenched her eyes shut and focused all of her will into her magic, a bright magenta shield burning to life as it enveloped the side of the ship the pirates were firing towards. "Everyone get down!" Twilight shouted, bracing for the impact. Pinkie dove for cover behind some barrels, covering her head. As the shield was raised, the pegasi crew quickly masked their position with a thick layer of fog. So dense you could hardly see in front of you. The sound of thunderous cackles echoed through the roaring waves crashing against the haul as the sound of dozens of wings flapping began to fill the air. "PREPARE FOR BOARDING!" Roared the captain as he drew his saber, holding the blade's handle in his teeth as the crew readied their weapons. Suddenly dozens of thuds bounced off the upper deck as dozens of harpy and griffin pirates lined the deck, gripping their weapons tightly. Finally, a loud crow echoed through the fog as a young lamb came crashing onto the deck, "Well, well, look wha' we have here, a load of ritzy rich ponies from Equestria and a fat paycheck!" chuckled the lamb. "They don' know that these waters be the territory of Shanty! Teh fearsome pirate of the seven seas!" chuckled the lamb. A griffin crewmate huffed, "Least it isn't Captain Celaeno…." "Aye may be no Captain Celaeno, but I'll keelhaul yah's all teh same! Now give me your treasure. I know you got pretty's for me and my crew!" "Wait…how did you even get on board without wings?" prodded Applejack. Dazed at the sudden appearance of this scrappy creature. "I launched meself with a catapult, now give up yah gold or face me and me crew's wrath!" "YARGH!" thundered the pirates. Twilight stepped forward, trying her best to ignore the seasickness she was experiencing at the moment. Being hungover did not help at all.  "Shanty, is it? My name is Twilight Sparkle. I'm afraid we did not bring treasures with us, just a meager amount of bits to pay for our journey and supplies once we reached our destination. Your effort will be naught for much but pocket change for you and your crew." "Yeah, you could buy a bunch and bunch and buuuuunch of cakes with it, but not much else." Pinkie shrugged, giving the pirate a cheery smile. "I like your handkerchief, by the way; really pirate-y!" "No bits!? No gold!? We blast yah to Tartarus n' back just to hear ye tell us that there isn't anything to take!?" the fiery lamb would buck a nearby barrel into the sea, "BLIMEY!" she roared. She'd snap a look at Pinkie Pie, "Don't cha mock meh wit cha bubbly exterior ya buck-toothed chickened face quak! Somecreatures gonna pay for me efforts!" "Mock you? How was I mocking you? I really like it!" Pinkie looked disappointed, nearly heartbroken. "Pirates are… cool!" "We'll take all ye to the slave markets of Zebrica! I hope yah like work in the blistering sun then!" Twilight's eyes widened, "Slavery?! How could you possibly think of doing such a thing?" "It ain't personal! We just like money!" chuckled Shanty "Not on my watch!" Rainbow Dash shouted from above. The pegasus streaked down from the sky in a flash, barreling into Shanty at high speeds, pinning her to the floor. "You aren't laying a single cloven hoof on my friends!" "Rainbow!!" Fluttershy squealed. The lamb narrowed her eyes as her rectangular pupils locked with Rainbow's, "Oooohhh it's a brawl ye want? Them's fightin herds!" Shanty quickly bucked Rainbow off her as she shouted, "AVAST!" The ship erupted into a scuffle as sabers clashed, muskets fired, and creatures smashed into one another.  Rainbow skidded to a halt on the poop deck and dragged a hoof against the ground, letting out a huff of air from her nostrils. "YOU'RE ON!" Lifting into the air, Dash zipped towards the lamb, using her right hindleg to kick at her side, trying to knock her to the ground. "This'll be easy; I'm not called the Iron Pony Champion for nothing!" "We both know that's not true!" Applejack shouted over the crack of musket fire. "YER HIGHNESS, TAKE COVER!" Salty muffled as he dueled a griffin with his saber in his maul. Twilight summoned a shield to surround herself and Starlight, turning to her. "We need to stop this fighting! Do you have anything in your repertoire to stop them?! Anything??" Starlight would quickly scan the ship, "There's too many of them and too many ways that we'd hurt the crew! Just protect your friends and weather through the worst of this boarding!"  Starlight quickly fired a magical beam at a harpy pirate, causing the creature to crash into the sea below. Applejack snagged a griffin with her lasso as she swung the creature around, crashing him into nearby foes, "Twilight, make sure Spike and Yona are alright! We got this!" Twilight bit her lip before nodding, lowering the shields before grabbing Spike, lifting him onto her back before dashing into the ship. Yona wasn't above, so she must be below, hopefully in the mess hall and unharmed. Shanty tumbled across the deck as she hopped onto her hooves, cracking her neck as she lowered herself. "So yer fast, ay? Why don't cha try hitting this!" she'd quickly bounced around the ship, bucking off the mast as she darted toward Rainbow, kicking her in the face as she flew past her. Rainbow Dash hissed, rubbing her jaw before spitting. "I hope you're ready to look like a splat on the deck!" Flying up into the air, Rainbow went into a freefall, directly towards the lamb, before changing her trajectory. Kicking Shanty in the side before zipping around, kicking her repeatedly as she whipped around the pirate. Shanty chuckled as she peeled off the ground, "Oh, now ye done it…."  She'd bounce around Rainbow Dash as she clocked her in the face with her front right hoof, then quickly slid under the mare before kicking her into the air, bouncing after her before slamming her two front hooves into chest vaulting her into the deck. "Oof!" The pegasus called out before rolling over quickly, holding her ribs, "That was a good one, I'll give you that. Let's try this on for size!"  Flying into the air, Rainbow decked the lamb across the face with all of her strength, grinning as she did so. Shanty groaned as she was forced to the ground again. Meanwhile, Twilight and Spike galloped toward the lower deck in the search for Yona. "Boy, this is certainly more eventful than the last adventure!" chimed Spike as he narrowly avoided a musket ball from striking him, "Look out!" The dragon quickly blew a puff of fire into a griffin pirate's face as he attempted to strike Twilight. Focusing on her magic, Twilight raised a bubble covering everything but her hooves, running towards the doors below deck. "Be careful, Spike!" Bouncing up and down, Pinkie Pie used her momentum to slam herself into a few of the pirates, knocking them overboard with ease. "AYE, GET THE PINK ONE WITH TEH LARGE RUMP OUTTA TEH PICTURE, LADS!" roared Shanty. A group of pirates would surround Pinkie Pie, pointing their weapons at the mare. Many of them priming their guns to quickly finish her off. "Aw shucks, guys, if you wanted to play, all you had to do was ask! You know, I always wanted to be a pirate! Check it out–" Pinkie pulled her party cannon from out of nowhere, aiming it at a chunk of the harpies.  "LET'S MAKE THIS FIGHT A PAR-TAAAY!" The force of the confetti and air knocked the pirates on their behinds, giving Pinkie enough space and time to bounce into the air and on top of the pirates, bouncing off of their heads like they were trampolines. Applejack and Rarity charged into the fray, screaming. As the rough n tough farmer quickly bucked a few pirates away while the unicorn 'slapped' and bucked alongside her friend. "Y'all get back yah hear!" "Don't you lay a claw on her, you ruffians!" The ship would rumble as a giant sea monster would erupt from the depths showing its massive tendrils as it let out an enormous bellowing roar. As it waved, its tentacles around, batting a few pirates off the deck. Shanty turned over as her jaw dropped, "That be a Kraken! FIRE THE FLARES; ALERT THE SHIP TO OPEN FIRE!" A harpy would quickly fire off a flare as a volley of cannon fire would cut through the fog and strike the ship, crew, pirates, and any creature unlucky to be in its range. The Kraken, however, would remain unharmed, ducking back into the sea. "What the hay was that?!" Rainbow cried out, completely shocked by the sight of such a creature, her face going pale. Shanty would take the opportunity to sock the distracted Rainbow in the face, "I already said what it was, yah blockhead!" The Kraken rose from the sea before it smashed its massive tendrils into a group of pirates before leaping into the air, its body quickly shifting and changing to reveal it was Thorax, who quickly transformed into a massive bear. "Blimey! Tat be some sort of black shape shiftin' devil!" gawked Shanty, "Every creature prepare for battle!" There was silence, and the lamb awkwardly blinked, "....Prepare for battle!....lads?" she'd look around to see her injured men scattered across the ship. "....bollocks." huffed Shanty. "Looks like you're outnumbered." Rainbow sneered, crossing her front legs, her cheek and ribs already bruised from the brawl.  "Great job, Thorax!" Pinkie trotted over, "I had no idea you could turn into a Kraken!" "Me neither." Trixie poked her head out of a barrel, having jumped inside of it as soon as she saw the pirates heading in their direction. "Is everycreature okay out here?" Twilight poked her head out the door, "There was some shaking… but I found Yona." The alicorn looked around, "Er, what happened out here?" Yona shook, apparently terrified of how the boat vibrated and rocked side to side, looking green and ready to vomit, "Eugh… Yona no like boats, Yona want to go on land…." Shanty stamped her hooves into the deck, "Yah think I'm done just because I ain't got no creature power? Yah, forgot the massive ship tailing, yah?!" Shanty bounced over to one of her fallen pirates as she fished out a flare firing it into the air, "I hope ye like me reinforcements!" Shanty crossed her legs, standing proud, sure of herself, "Now I heard one of yahs was royalty, come with us, and nobody else has to be taken to Zebrica and sold as a slave!" "No way!" Rainbow hissed, getting up in the lamb's face. "How about we take YOU hostage, and we get all of your riches, and we don't throw you overboard! Unless you want me to FLY you out of here." The threat was thinly veiled. Shanty huffed, stamping her hooves in place, "I'll take on all of you! Nobody makes a fool out of Shanty!" "Oh dear, please, no more fighting!!" Fluttershy was trying to aid those who were injured, finding clean rags to wrap wounds. She did not discriminate, even helping the pirates who attacked them. Her hooves were stained with the blood that wasn't hers. "There's no need for more violence!" "But we can't give up–" Pinkie shouted before Trixie trotted up and stuffed a hoof in her mouth. "Let's just say we don't make deals with pirates." Trixie sniffed, flicking her mane.  Twilight bit her lip, taking several steps back. She couldn't go with a bunch of pirates to get ransomed off, but she couldn't allow her friends to be enslaved! Twilight stepped forward, ready to speak up, when Yona stepped forward. "Urgh… weird goat thing not take any creature! Yona won't let you." Yona lowered her head, showing her large horns, stomping her hooves like the warriors of her culture. Shanty would narrow her eyes at Yona, "You remind me of some other bull-headed calf that is too big for her britches! Stand down. I just want me money, so whoever is the Princess, step up, or I'll make sure that NOBODY gets off this ship alive!" thundered the lamb. Yona narrowed her eyes before lowering her head, digging her hooves into the deck, ready to charge at the lamb. "STOP!!" Twilight shouted. Yona halted, looking up at Twilight with fear in her eyes, shaking her head no. "Twilight, no, please, you can't!" Fluttershy hushedly protested. "It doesn't matter. I'll be fine; I'll go with them." Twilight sighed. "I don't want anycreature else getting hurt…." Rainbow shook her head, "We're not gonna let them take you away, Twi…." "Twilight, don't worry about it; we can hold our own; we can fight!" shouted Applejack. "Yes! As much as it's a shock, I can fight off these ragtag pirates!" pleaded Rarity. "Oh, quit yer bellyaching, all of yah! It's just business. Hey, maybe if you get the bits, you can buy her back!" chuckled Shanty. Starlight tilted her head at Twilight, "What? You can't just surrender now..."  Twilight turned to Starlight, sighing, "If it's true and she has reinforcements coming, all of these sailors aboard AND you will be enslaved. I don't want anycreature else getting hurt, and we already have so many injured. And it's not like I can defend us very well, being hung over." "Hmm… that gives me an idea, actually. What about a drink off?" Rainbow offered. "What, you mean like whoever drinks the most wins?" Pinkie Pie jumped up, "Ooooooh, I like that idea!" Shanty shook her head, "I ain't stupid, an' the last time I did that, I was seasick for a week! Take yer contest an' shove it!"  Starlight sighed, "If you win, you can take Twilight and half the crew." Shanty tapped her hoof to her chin, ".....and if you win?" "You'll resupply us and get lost." Starlight said firmly. "Oooouuu fair trade, I like that! Alright….which one of you thinks they can out-drink Shanty!?" chortled the lamb. Rainbow pointed at herself, and Twilight vigorously shook her head, "No, Dash, we both know you're a lightweight." "Aw, c'mon, I'm better than you! Don't tell me YOU'RE gonna do it!" Rainbow complained, throwing up her hooves. "You're already hungover; you already said so!" "I'm not; there's only one pony here with an iron stomach," Twilight turned, gesturing to Pinkie Pie, "Pinkie, no pressure, but do you think you can do it?" Pinkie Pie puffed out her chest, grinning brightly. "Why, of course, I can, your Aunty Pinkie, and drink anypony or anycreature under the table!" "Yona good at drinking too!" Yona raised a hoof, causing the others to turn to stare at her, "What?! Yona sneaked some at home." Shanty would seem to be the only conscious creature unphased by Yona's remark, "Aye! I would've sunk a bottle or two of tha' good stuff from me old captain when I was younger!" Shanty narrowed her eyes at Pinkie Pie, "You think yah a lead belly mare? You're nothing but a plushy tubby foal wit a curly mane and fuzzy brain! Get ready because tonight yer gonna regret ever picking up a drink around Shanty!" Pinkie grinned, giving the pirate a cheerful grin. "We'll see about that!" > What Will We Do With A Drunken Sailor? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was an hour in, and the drinks hadn't stopped yet. Liquor, beer, cider, anything and everything that was on the ship that had some form of alcohol in it, Shanty and Pinkie were drinking through it like a pony lost in the desert. Twilight knew that Pinkie could pack away a few ciders, but she had no idea how capable the party pony was. It didn't even seem like she was fazed by the alcohol! "Hic! Are you ready to give up yet?" Pinkie grinned, hiccuping and jumping up in her chair. She had a hoof around a large mug; Twilight wasn't sure what it was at this point, perhaps rum. "'Cause yer' ole Aunty Pinkie can keep going!!" "C'mon, Pinkie!!" Rainbow Dash cheered from the side, pumping her hoof in the air, "Show that little lamb who's the boss around here!" "J-Just don't drink too much; you'll get sick!" Fluttershy called softly, holding her hooves to her muzzle, stunned at the volume they had consumed so far. Trixie, who was standing in the corner of the mess hall, grimacing in disgust and nausea at the simple idea of drinking so much, especially with the ship rocking like this. Closing her eyes, she set a hoof on Thorax's shoulder, trying to steady herself. "No, you can't have any." Shanty cleared her mug of rum, wiping her maul and smacking her lips, "Ye think it's my first bender with something on the line!?" she'd slam her hooves on the table. "More rum, boys!" she barked as more kegs of beer, rum, and cider were dragged into the hall. Shanty quickly filled her mug as she glugged the foul-smelling drink down before letting out a huff pounding her gut with her hoof, "Aye!" "Bring it on!! I'll take a cider!" Pinkie grinned, "Oh, I really wish we had some of my Dad's ole Rock Whiskey! Ooooh, that'd knock us both on our flanks, hehe!" Twilight grimaced, trying to wrap her mind around how you could make alcohol out of stone and sediment. Using her magic, the alicorn handed Pinkie another mug full of cider, preparing several more drinks ahead of time. "Think I could get one?" Rainbow elbowed the princess. Twilight rolled her eyes, "Can you handle one mug of hard cider?"  "Yeeeees." Rainbow begged, "Please?" "Fine." Twilight sighed, handing her a mug as well. "How m-much more do you think they can take?" Fluttershy asked, turning to Applejack. "This is the most disgusting display of gluttony and greed I have ever laid my eyes upon….all things considered…. I'm willing to bet a few kegs til one of them drops….hopin' it's Shanty." Applejack tugged her mane anxiously before swatting the mug of hard cider from Rainbow's hooves. "You can't handle yourself on this stuff, Twilight; give her the regular batch." huffed Applejack. Rainbow Dash threw up her hooves, "Oh, COME ON! I hardly ever get this stuff, just this ONE time…." "Sorry, Dash, but AJ's right… and that one was watered down a bit anyways." Twilight gave her a shrug and a playful smile. Shanty would shove the mug away before picking up a keg and chugging the booze straight from the barrel. Pinkie Pie narrowed her gaze before stamping a hoof on the round wooden table, "Twilight!! More barrels." The alicorn sighed, reduced to little more than a hostess at a bar. Lighting up her horn, Twilight deposited three barrels onto the table. Lying down on her back, Pinkie opened her mouth as wide as possible, gesturing to the kegs and pointing a hoof at the taps. Twilight's eyes widened as she realized what Pinkie wanted her to do. Could she really handle THAT much? "Oh yeah, Pinks, don't stop til' you drop!" Dash flew over, pressing down all three taps, a concoction of all three types of alcohol at once. Twilight watched in horror and fascination as the earth pony's seemingly endless stomach took every last drop down her gullet. Shanty glanced as she slowly put the barrel down, watching in a mix of shock and intrigue at the sight of Pinkie devouring the sheer amount of alcohol. Bowing her head, she knew she couldn't beat that. "Aye… I forfeit…" she mumbled, drumming her hooves on the table. "WOOOOHOOO!!!" Rainbow cried, lifting into the air. "Take THAT, Mary's little Lamb!" "Oh boy…" Pinkie sat up groggily, getting up to her hooves. "I feel… jiggly. And wiggly. HIC! Does anyone have any sugar? I need sugar!" "Well, Shanty owes us a resupply, so let's see if she can't help us out." Twilight stepped forward, looking at Shanty. "Oh good, I'm really hungry…." Pinkie stumbled over, nearly falling on top of Applejack, "Hehehe, AJ, if you're an apple, why are you orange?" Fluttershy couldn't help but giggle. Applejack rolled her eyes. Shanty sighed, "Fine, but you're only getting whatcha need, not what you want, you prissy missy!"  The pirate crew would fan out, quickly withdrawing from the ship. Running up to the deck, Shanty was scooped up in the claws of her Griffin crewmates and taken away. The other creatures followed behind, watching closely. A few minutes later, a few crates of supplies were catapulted over, crashing into the deck as the massive gunboat sailed away. The creatures aboard flinched as wood splintered and shot everywhere. "I'LL GETCHA NEXT TIME, THOUGH, PINKIE PIE! THEN ALL OF YAH'S WILL KNOW THE NAME SHANTY!" roared the lamb. Pinkie ran to the edge of the deck, Fluttershy zipping forward to ensure she didn't fall over. "BUT WE ALREADY KNOW YOUR NAME; IT'S SHANTY!! OH, AND BYEEEEE!!" Twilight let out a long sigh of relief, slumping to the floor and wiping a hoof across her brow. "That was… anxiety-inducing. Is everypony alright? Are you okay, Pinkie?" "Never better, purple smart; ooooh, when did you get your wings again?" The pink mare stumbled over, nearly falling into the princess. Twilight caught her, letting out a small grunt. Rolling her eyes, she gestured to the girls. "Can somepony get her to the wagons? She needs to lie down… and get her a bucket and some water." "I'll fetch the water." Fluttershy offered, trotting down to the mess hall. Starlight tended to the injured with Fluttershy; even if they had won their freedom and a trivial amount of supplies, many were dealing with their fair share of genuine pain and injury. Captain Salty was one of them. The old sea captain having been cut across his side by a saber and needed to be stitched up, for example. Others needed musket balls fished out of them. Wounds needed to be cleaned and bandaged as well. It was a breeding ground for diseases and a potential illness outbreak.  Starlight seemed to be in her natural element, however, tending to these wounded souls and practicing a modicum of medicine work from her time as leader of her village. They never had battles or combat, but she did have to handle deep wounds from glassmakers hurting themselves or foals taking a rough tumble into some brambles or bushes. Fluttershy, despite treating animals, had more than enough experience to treat wounds on the harpy and griffin sailors. Their anatomy was familiar enough that she could reasonably work with them. The harpies were like the songbirds she had treated time and time again, and the griffins were much akin to domestic cats or the manticores she had famously assisted. The two were alone, with the injured being put to rest by an alcohol-induced coma. The gentle pegasus cooed at one of the griffin sailors, petting him behind the head like she would with the many eagles she took into her care. "There there, it's out now," She set aside some tweezers, having removed a musket ball shard, "Do you think you can walk?" The sailor nodded, a slight blush on his cheeks as he stood, wobbly making his way to the mess hall. Fluttershy stood up and smiled, trotting over to help the next patient, coincidentally right next to Starlight. "Oooh, this is a deep wound… and you say you fell into the fish barrel? We're going to need to sterilize this…." Fluttershy murmured worriedly, "Starlight, you wouldn't happen to have a spell like that, w-would you?" Usually, the pegasus wouldn't dare to speak to strangers so openly, but being distracted by her fear for the injured overrode any social anxiety she would have usually experienced. If Twilight wasn't busy tending to those on the other side of the deck, Fluttershy would have asked her for help. Starlight turned over as she examined the harpy sailor, "That looks like another saber cut across the breast…" she shook her head, "Magic can only do so much, besides you want to encourage the body to heal itself naturally…." Starlight trotted over, using her magic to pop a cork off of a rum bottle as she doused the harpy's wound in alcohol, the creature squawking loudly as his feathers ruffled up. Fluttershy winced at the sight, her ears flattening down to her skull. "Estúpido! Are you trying to hurt me!?" "I'm sorry. Do you want your deep flesh wound to become infected? No? That's what I thought." scolded the mare as she turned to Fluttershy, "Pinch the contact area together, and I'll stitch him up." "Oh my, can we at least give him something for the pain? Back at home, I had medication; I packed a small bag with me; maybe I can go find it?" The poor pegasus didn't want to see any more creatures in pain, especially if she was involved in inflicting it. She was starting to regret asking the mare for assistance. Starlight rolled her eyes and stuffed the bottle into the harpy's beak as the sailor quickly chugged the beverage, "Trust me, we'd be out of medicine before we'd even make a dent into all these wounded sailors, besides their drinks are… familiar to them." she'd chuckle. "Now pinch the skin together for me as best as you can." ordered Starlight. "Oohhh…" Fluttershy gritted her teeth, "Oh, alright! Just m-make sure to sterilize the needle first." She looked up at the sailor, tears in her large eyes. "I'm so sorry; I hope this doesn't hurt too much!" Placing her hooves on the harpy's chest, she did her best to pinch the skin together without hurting him too badly, her ears tightly pressed against her head as she clenched her eyes shut. Starlight nodded, pressing the needle to a lit candle before she used needle and twine to work her magic, carefully working her way through feathers and flesh as she stitched the sailor back together. The harpy squawked loudly as he clamped his beak shut, giving Fluttershy a small wink to put her at ease as he smashed his clenched fist against the bed, groaning loudly. The pegasus sniffled, trying not to let any more tears slip out. Starlight quickly snapped the twine between her teeth, "There, finished… now to get through a dozen more sailors…" she sighed. "I really hope we won't have to do that anymore…." Fluttershy gulped before turning to the sailor. "You should go lay down and rest, but first." The pegasus took a piece of fabric from her saddlebags, wrapping the wound and keeping pressure on it. "You take care, okay?" Fluttershy waved the harpy away as he went down to the bunks. Turning around to face Starlight, the pegasus took a deep breath.  "Well, there are three more harpies with slashes, but not nearly as bad. Two have musket wounds; a few were trampled in the commotion and need to be tended to." The pegasus listed off everycreature that she could remember, "And I think a few of them are suffering from scurvy…." "Topical." Starlight replied flatly. "I'm impressed you've been this much of a help, though, thank you." she'd quickly wiped her and Fluttershy's front hooves with a wet rag. "Not much we can do besides clean and patch them up; as for the trampling victims, they probably need casts… as for scurvy… I actually have plenty of experience in that. They need potatoes, oranges, something with vitamin C." "Oh, I think I might have some oranges in our storage; I could pass those out!" Fluttershy beamed, her head popping up. "Oh well, I've had to take care of injured animals before, I know it's not the same, but it's close enough." "I'm not a doctor by any means either; I just have practical experience from running my old village," she'd sigh, "Summertime always meant patching up the fillies and foals who played too rough…." "That's so sweet." The pegasus giggled. "We should tend to the injured first before giving out treats, though…." The pegasus murmured, "Gosh, I hope Pinkie Pie will be okay. She drank far too much for any regular creature, even an earth pony." Starlight scoffed, "I think she'll be fine after a nap… tell you what, I'll handle the rest of these sailors, and you take a load off." Fluttershy looked taken aback by the offer, "Oh no, no, no, I couldn't let you do all of this work by yourself, and I couldn't stand to sit by while others are hurt! Please, let me help. I promise I won't get in the way." "Well, I just didn't wanna upset you at the sight of… all of this." Starlight side-eyed the columns of wounded sailors behind her. "But if you insist… we have a lot of work to do." she'd quickly grab a load of medical supplies with magic before turning to Fluttershy, "Let's get to work." > Dead Mares Tell No Tales > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A few days at sea proved more trouble than it was worth for some of the crew and expedition. Many creatures were still wounded and injured from their prior entanglement with the fearsome Captain Shanty. But despite their wounds and fresh scars, the crew attended to their duties with the utmost diligence and repose. Salty himself stood proud of his veteran crew, himself tarnished by the blade of a wicked bandit from Shanty’s gaggle of villains.  The expedition wasn’t unscathed either; Pinkie Pie and Rarity were practically glued to the side of the ship at all times from unrelenting nausea or retching from the ship’s constant rocking. The scent of dried blood and alcohol permeated the air, pairing with the sea’s naturally salty aroma to create a sour odor and taste that stuck to every creature’s tongue and nose like a pack of fleas. To say they were disheveled was an understatement. The constant need to clean and treat the crew, paired with the natural dirt and grime that came with standing and working in such humid weather, made every creature filthy, adding risk for every beast involved. Wounds were at risk of infection, and scurvy crept like a shadowy phantom, slowly overtaking even the strongest of creatures. Death hung over the vessel, her presence an ever-looming threat. A reminder of every creature's mortality. From Princess Twilight to a common griffin, sailors were now equal on a fundamental level. Death’s gentle cold touch could be felt in each stale breeze. The scent of blood and salt put everyone on edge. Putting everyone’s mortality in question. There were murmurs of abandoning the seriously injured and ill. Letting the sea and waves overtake them. Death’s claws were slowly suffocating them anyway; why bother? Starlight quietly tended to one of the seriously injured crewmates, a griffin with a broken wing and bullet wound in his breast. Her wash rag was stained with crimson as she unwrapped the bandages from the griffin’s chest. The mare hoped, prayed, and pleaded; they’d reach land soon. Medical supplies were drawing thin, and so were the booze and alcohol that kept these wretched souls numb from their suffering. Dim candlelight reflected off her and the griffin’s eyes as she quietly tended to somecreature who may be taken by Death’s greedy claws at any moment. There was a gentle knocking at the door before a soft voice spoke from beyond it.  “Starlight?” The unicorn could recognize the voice as Fluttershy’s, her voice surprisingly calm. “Do you need any help?” Slowly, the door creaked open, the pegasus’ large turquoise eyes catching the light of the burning candle. “I-I’m coming in….” Stepping inside, Fluttershy closed the door softly behind her. On her back, her saddlebags were full of different medical supplies, some from her stock meant for treating animals, and some she improvised on the spot by taking clean linen and fabric from Rarity’s storage. Anything that would help treat the wounded. Turning to face the pair, Fluttershy stopped, holding a hoof up to her mouth as she surveyed the poor griffin. To Starlight’s surprise, she did not shed a tear; she simply trotted over and sat beside the pair, pulling off her saddlebags before tearing into her supplies. “This isn’t much, but it’s a mild sedative that might help with his pain. I don’t suppose he’s not been drinking, though….” She murmured, lifting out a needle before setting it aside.  Starlight lowered her head as she let out a sigh, “We’re in a bad way. I don’t think we can take any more days at sea like this.” she’d slowly look over at Fluttershy, “I just never dealt with something this… bad before.” The griffin slowly perked his head up as he groaned, “Wo bin Ich Jetzt…” he rubbed his temple with a claw, hissing as he reached for his breast, “Am I dead…?” Starlight tapped the end of the needle against the bedside as she carefully levitated the sedative into the griffin’s arm, quickly putting the creature to rest, “Not drinking enough, we’re really low on rum. That’s even with rationing out for the rest of the crew. We can’t last much longer.” Fluttershy would sigh softly before slowly sitting down beside the wounded sailor, gently laying a soothing wing on one of his arms, brushing it back and forth. She gently cooed, singing a gentle song under her breath. “Hush now, quiet now, it’s time to lay your sleepy head…” The pegasus barely sang over a whisper, “Hush now, quiet now, it’s time to go to bed… Drift drift off to sleep, an exciting day behind you, drift drift off to sleep, let the joy of dreamland find you….” Once she was confident the sailor was asleep comfortably, Fluttershy turned around to face the unicorn, giving her a remorseful smile. “I know how you’re feeling Starlight, it’s exactly how I felt when I first opened my cottage to all the creatures in Ponyville. Almost every day, I would have a rabbit, or a squirrel, or a wolf come to my cottage, terribly injured, and I would do my best to take care of them… Sometimes more than one or two a day.” Taking in a gulp of air, Fluttershy looked teary for a brief moment. “And sometimes… it wouldn’t be enough. I can’t count how many times I’ve had to let my little friends go. And I miss them every single day. But I knew that, before they passed, they were as comfortable as I could possibly make them.” “I know it can be bad, Starlight, but I’ve never let it change my optimism.” The pegasus gave her a soft smile, “I know that we can help these creatures. And I know that we will find help soon. No creature will die, I swear.” Starlight shook her head, “I fear it won’t even be their wounds or illness that’ll… dispose of them. There are whispers and talks of… getting rid of loose ends, as some sailors put it….” she’d look over to the far end of the medical bunks where creatures struck with scurvy rested. “I fear we can’t convince or fight against the entire crew if they decide our venture isn’t worth it anymore….” Fluttershy looked up and nodded, “I wouldn’t blame them either, but aren’t we closer to our destination than home by now? There would be no point in turning around now, especially now that we’re so close and we can get help in Griffinstone; Pinkie Pie and Rainbow have a friend there. We could get supplies….” “I’ve scanned my maps with the Captain’s; Griffenhafen is our best bet to resupply and help these poor souls get the medicine they need.” Starlight slowly sat down as she wiped the sweat from her brow with a clean rag. “Well, wherever we stop, we will get what we need. I’m sure of it.” Fluttershy nodded, looking determined.  “I haven’t seen anything this bad before; I’ve dealt with my fair share of bad winters and scraps, but this… all of this is just… so much.” she’d glance over to a pile of old bloody rags resting next to a bucket of filthy water. “I know it’s awful, but remember that you’re helping these creatures. Don’t feel bad because you can’t do more for them… I know how much it hurts.” She laid a gentle hoof on the unicorn’s shoulder. “... Maybe this is a sign.” Starlight said finally. “A sign of what?” Fluttershy whispered softly. “Maybe we should turn back; if this is the kind of odds we face not even a day on the continent, what do you think we’ll face once we actually get our hooves dirty? I mean, we have Yona and Spike with us; what if they get hurt or worse?” Fluttershy considered this for a moment, looking down at the floor beneath her before glancing over at the injured griffin they had just attended to. Her hair fell over her face, obscuring her face from view. “Well… I think we all knew it wasn’t going to be anything like Equestria and that it might be dangerous. Nopony can predict what may come ahead.” Fluttershy gulped, closing her eyes to take a breath of stale air. “I know what it’s like to be anxious… scared… terrified even. But I won’t let it stop me from seeing this through.” “We won’t let either of them get hurt, I promise.” Fluttershy looked her in the eyes, “We’ve faced the worst before…, and we’ve made it through. Don’t lose hope, Starlight. Everything will be okay.” Gently, the pegasus opened her arms, offering the unicorn a hug if she wished. Starlight slowly trotted over, embracing her comrade in a tight bind. It was peculiar to have Fluttershy, of all ponies, in a hug like this. For both of them, no doubt. But perhaps in this time of constant stress and fear, it was nice to have somecreature to hold and submit her worries unto. Despite not actively being a leader, the unicorn still held out with as much resolve and self-control as if she were back in Our Town.  The moment was somber and tender, with only the gentle creaking of the ship’s floorboards and the dim candlelight being the only thing to accompany them. Starlight let out a deep sigh as she allowed Fluttershy to withdraw from the hug as she saw fit, not wishing to entrap or upset her associate. The pegasus gave her one last gentle squeeze before slowly pulling away, giving her a soft smile. “... thank you… for the reassurance… you look tired, why don’t you get some rest? I’m sure your friends could use a kind face right now… they probably miss you up there with them.” offered Starlight. “You look far more tired than I do.” Fluttershy rebuked, “You look exhausted! Please, Starlight, you don’t have to tire yourself out like this… at least sit down and get something to eat.” The pegasus’ tone was motherly as if her word was final despite it only being a suggestion. Starlight usually would have waved off such a suggestion in her state of solitude and self-imposed isolation. She would’ve just toiled in her work and neglected the outside world around her. But Fluttershy was strangely moving and authoritative at that moment. She had to submit. “... Alright, I suppose if these poor griffins and harpies can’t be helped anymore…” she slowly rose to her hooves as a tidal wave of exhaustion crashed into her causing her legs to buckle. “Woah… I hadn’t realized how long I was working… How long have I been down here?” Starlight thought aloud. “For more than a few hours, at the very least. Come now, Starlight; I’ll help you get upstairs.” Fluttershy trotted over, offering the mare a shoulder. “You really need to get some shut-eye. You can’t take care of others if you don’t take care of yourself.” Being gentle, the pegasus led Starlight toward the stairs, trying to be quiet to not wake the sailors. “I promise I’ll come back down, check on him, and tend to the others.” She’d chuckle, “I can see why you’re the element of kindness…” the unicorn did her best to carry herself up the tall set of stairs, but she couldn’t help but lean on the pegasus at times. Fluttershy smiled, the expression lost to Starlight. The sun’s light blinded her as she instinctively raised her hoof to her eyes, “It was morning when I came down… it must be lunchtime by now…” mumbled Starlight. “Don’t worry,” Fluttershy squinted against the bright light, “I have some food in the wagons; you can rest and have something to eat at the same time. I even squirreled away an apple for you, still fresh.” She gave the unicorn a sweet smile, leading her toward the wagons. Stepping up to the wagon door, Fluttershy opened it and helped Starlight inside, leading her to her cot. Once the unicorn was settled, Fluttershy brought her a mug of tea, some crackers, and the apple she had promised.  “Eat up, you’ve exerted yourself, and you need your strength.” The pegasus nodded. Starlight exhaled deeply as she took a long sip of warm tea before taking a large bite from the fresh apple. She had longed for such a delicacy on a ship full of hardtack with the only fresh thing on board were weevils. She chewed very slowly to savor each and every instance of the richness and wholesomeness of the fruit. “Thank you again. You didn’t have to divulge such a luxury for me…” she’d wipe her mouth, “I get you’re the element of kindness, but… why are you so kind to somepony you barely know… or have such a bad impression of if you’re me.” Fluttershy gave her a charming smile, “Starlight, you’re not the first creature I’ve met who has done bad things to me or some other creature. I don’t suppose Discord rings any bells?” She chuckled heartily, “No, I believe everyone deserves kindness, no matter who or what they are and what they’ve done.” “You made a mistake, and despite how big it was, you admitted that you were wrong and that you wanted to apologize. I see that in you every day when you try to make yourself useful because you want to prove to everyone that you’re good, but more importantly, you want to prove that to yourself.” Fluttershy tapped a hoof on Starlight’s chest. “Am I getting close at all?” The pegasus waited patiently for her reply. Starlight grinned as she slowly shook her head, “Well, you’re missing the touch of self-loathing, but you’re certainly in the ballpark.” “And no offense but Discord is a wet noodle, I’ve read how he is around you.” she snickered, “What a schmuck…” Fluttershy blushed slightly, looking away. “Well, we are very good friends… but it wasn’t so easy in the beginning. In comparison, you’re practically an angel! He was… well, perhaps I can tell you another time. It’s a long story.” “I’m only saying that you don’t need to exhaust yourself, Starlight; give yourself a break every now and again. You’re only one pony.” Fluttershy laid a hoof on Starlight’s, patting it before pulling away. “And don’t lose hope in yourself or us.” “Trust me, I already know. I had several contingency plans and months to study everycreature in my previous quest for vengeance… which you know failed.” Starlight sighed. Starlight groaned as she sat up to finish her tea, “You don’t understand; you have room to fail and go below expectations. Friends will forgive slights against one another. But frankly, I have yet to earn such a privilege. In other words… I can rest when I’m dead or in Tartarus.” “Starlight, it’s not a race. It might take some time for everyone to warm up to you, but I don’t think anypony or creature will be angry or disappointed with you. You’re new to this; of course, you’re going to make mistakes.” Fluttershy drew up her brow, “Please don’t push yourself so hard, for my sake?” She gave the unicorn large puppy dog eyes that were nigh impossible to refuse. Starlight grumbled as she plopped back into her cot, “Fine… but only because you asked….” Fluttershy smiled brightly, “Good! Now let’s get you comfortable so you can rest.” The pegasus pulled the cover over the unicorn, adjusting the lamplight to something dimmer. Throwing one last look at the unicorn, Fluttershy stepped out of the wagon and closed the door, leaving Starlight to rest. > To Cure What Ails You > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The morning light had barely crept over the horizon as Celestia's sun kissed the weary passengers and crew. But treachery was afoot… as the few healthy griffins and harpies began to take up arms… Salty was quietly resting in his quarters, unaware of the incoming betrayal as the crew carefully made their way toward the makeshift medicine hall.  However, fortunately for the injured and lame, their evil would not go unnoticed. Twilight had poked her head from her wagon to exercise her usual early morning routine, quickly noticing the crew. The alicorn slowly approached the group, her gaze uncertain and concerned. “Um… can I ask what’s going on?” Twilight asked slowly, feeling a twinge of nervousness. She could tell by the expressions on their faces that they weren’t happy. “Get back in your wagon.” ordered a harpy as he pointed his pistol at the alicorn. “We are protecting the health and safety of everyone on board; just stay out of our way.” informed one of the more cordial griffins as he lowered the harpy’s pistol. Twilight’s ears were pinned down to her skull, an ache growing in her chest as the anxiety grew. “What… are you planning on staging a mutiny? The captain is doing his best, and we’re really close to our destination. I know it’s been tough, but I will send a letter to Celestia so we may afford supplies once we land anchor. And payment, of course, for your injuries….” “Please reconsider; we don’t want any more injuries.” The alicorn’s ears flattened. "This ain’t a mutiny lady; this is preventing an outbreak of illness; there be scurvy at claw!” snapped another griffin. A harpy quickly slapped him, “Shut up, idiot. Are you trying to wake the captain?” “We need to burn them, so they don’t spread the plague!” shouted a harpy. “PLAGUE!?” erupted the crew. The ship quickly erupted into chaos as the newly formed mob rushed toward the medical hall. Twilight’s eyes widened; these creatures were incredibly confused and needed some direction, panicking when they thought they had no other options. Rushing after them, Twilight’s horn burned to light as she amplified her voice. “ENOUGH!!” Her voice boomed, akin to Luna’s Royal Canterlot voice. “Scurvy isn’t a disease or the plague; it can’t be transferred! You simply have a deficiency of Vitamin C! You need to have fruits like limes, oranges, and lemons!” The door to Salty’s quarters flew open as the earth pony awkwardly cradled a musket in his hooves, pointing it at the mob, “WHAT IS EVERYCREATURE YELLING ABOUT?” “Sir! It is the plague, the injured need to be burned!” shouted one. “No, throw ’em to the sea!” roared another crew member. “What!? How could you even consider such things!?” Twilight yelled, stamping her hoof. “We are NOT throwing any creature overboard and THERE’S NO PLAGUE!!” “I know tensions are high, and it’s been rough ever since we encountered those pirates, but we’re so close to our destination. I promise you will all be paid and your injuries will be taken care of. And we’ll take care of your scurvy. It’s not transmittable!”  “SHE’S CLEARLY MAD WITH THE PLAGUE CAPTAIN!” “SHE’S POSSESSED, BOREAS SAVE US!” “QUIET!” roared Salty as he carefully slung the musket over his back, “WE’RE NOT THROWING THE INJURED AND SICK INTO THE SEA, AND WE AIN’T BURNING THEM EITHER!” “Princess Twilight is as much of a scholar and scientist as she is a mage and magician; if she says they aren’t contagious, then return to your post!” thundered the sea dog. “I’m not risking my life next for these ritzy ponyfolks any longer! First, half of us get maimed in a bid with the pirates, and now we’re at risk for illness!? I’m not taking orders from no senile old colt!” roared a griffin as he slowly drew his weapons. The crew quickly erupted into a standoff as they were split into those loyal to the captain and those who wanted to secure their own safety. There was a unanimous click as flintlocks were primed and swords were unsheathed from their scabbards. “BLIMEY! YOU PRIDEFUL OLD FOOLS, WE ARE SO CLOSE TO GRIFFINHAFEN, AND YOU’RE GOING TO KILL YERSELVES RIGHT AT THE FINISH LINE!?” Twilight’s horn burned as brightly as the sun, and a flash enveloped the ship, and in the blink of an eye, every single creature aboard froze in place, unable to move. “ENOUGH!” The princess shouted, a vein pulsing in her neck. “I’VE HAD ENOUGH OF ALL THIS FIGHTING! We are close to Griffinhafen, and you can all go your own ways once we arrive. But for now, no matter WHAT we do, WE’RE STUCK OUT HERE AT SEA. So you can work things out once we touch land, but for now, WORK TOGETHER. Otherwise, none of us might make it!” “Senora… we’d love to work this out, but… none of us can work together if we can’t move.” mumbled a harpy through his now-clenched beak. “Can I trust all of you to not fight if I let you go?” The alicorn raised an eyebrow, her horn still bright, lighting up the deck. “I expect all of you to drop your weapons as soon as I do so.” There was a collective murmur of agreement from the crew. “Fine.” Twilight released the spell holding the sailor’s prisoner, although her horn was still primed to burn to life with magic again. “Now drop your weapons.” The crew begrudgingly obeyed as they threw their muskets and swords to the ground. Which unfortunately caused the weapons to discharge. Causing a thick screen of smoke to form as chaos once again erupted on deck. With the harpy and griffin sailors screaming bloody murder as they rushed across the deck in a panic. The thundering sound of gunfire caused the wagons to have their occupants pour out to see the ruckus. Twilight sighed, pressing a hoof to her face as she tried to soothe her anxiety. Lighting her horn up once more, she caused a gust of wind to disperse the smoke, clearing everyone’s vision. “Everycreature CALM DOWN!” The princess shouted, using one of the few spells she knew. A calming spell is usually meant to help ponies drift off to sleep. This would be useful, however. The crew quickly toppled over as they face planted into the deck below, succumbing to Twilight’s calming spell. Starlight trotted over to Twilight, whistling as she took a moment to take in the sheer chaos that would make Discord giddy.  “What happened, Twilight?” inquired Starlight. “Yeah, what the heck is going on around here? Are we under attack again?” shouted Applejack. “They were going to overthrow the captain; they were delirious, probably from scurvy. We need to get to GriffinHafen, and now.” Twilight rubbed her head tenderly, slowly growing a headache. “Those sillies, they know what scurvy is, right?” Pinkie Pie poked her head out, having finally gotten over her hangover. “Apparently not…” Twilight sighed. “Unfortunately, these sailor types aren’t nearly as educated as you are, your highness.” sighed Salty, “Unfortunately, we’re now at the mercy of the tide now without a crew.” Starlight tapped a hoof to his shoulder, “Well…we could be the crew.” Salty blankly stared at the expedition team for a long moment, “....Well, it’s better than nothing.” “I know a little bit about sailing, nothing done by hoof, but I’ve read plenty.” Twilight nodded, “At least enough for our journey.” “I have no idea what I’m doing, but I’ll give it a shot!” Pinkie shouted, pumping a hoof in the air. “Alright, let’s do this.” Rainbow nodded, “What do we need to do?” Salty quickly took off his hat as he made a quick prayer to Celestia before taking a deep breath, “Well, let’s tie down the cargo and put these men to bed.” Starlight quickly lifted a few harpies as she trotted toward the bunks, “Got it.” Applejack nudged Pinkie as she trotted below deck toward the cargo. “Twilight, you’re my first mate; make sure everypony is on task. Rainbow Dash, you’re my spotter, Rarity, tighten the knots, Trixie, check the munitions and gunpowder; Thorax, Spike, Yona, keep out of trouble!” roared Salty. “Yes, sir,” Twilight nodded, “Now, let’s get to work!” Rainbow Dash nodded, zipping up to the mast to keep an eye on the sea. Pinkie Pie gave the apple farmer a charming smile before trotting along with her, helping them get the sailors down into the bunks. Trixie gave a mock salute, “Whatever you say, Cap’n… Hey, why can’t Thorax help?” “Erm…well…” Salty put a hoof to his chin, “He can….watch the youngin's!” chuckled Salty, “Enough fooling around, get to work!” After a lot of misery and strife, by the early evening, the makeshift crew could see a lighthouse in the distance, shining its beams of light onto the ship and sea.  “Oh, thank Celestia,” chuckled Salty before he fainted, collapsing onto the deck as sheer exhaustion and stress finally caused the old captain to topple over like a house of cards. “We’re not done yet, captain. We still need to get to land.” Twilight nodded her head, lifting the sailor back onto his hooves. “Now we need to lay anchor at the docks and get all of our injured to the nearest hospital.” “I’ll go and scout things out!” Rainbow called before zipping off into the distance. The captain wiped his brow, “Well…Applejack and Pinkie Pie are strong enough to weigh anchor…Starlight and you can hoof the sails, so we slow down….” As the ship crept into port, the injured and lame creatures were quickly intercepted by knightly-looking armored griffins and nurses as they were flown off into the larger city. GriffinHafen was at the helm now, with its massive rustic-looking buildings and massive lighthouse watching over the village. Homes and businesses made of wood, stone fixtures, and clay-tiled roofs. It was much akin to a small pony village, a bit advanced compared to Ponyville. With a massive collection of ships and vessels lining the docks. Hundreds of griffins and some harpies littered the streets as they sold their wares and goods, haggling the passerby to buy. In the distance, they could see taverns, inns, and restaurants designed for weary travelers. The warm glow of the businesses enticed them like moths to the flame. An old wooden sign hung from two posts at the entrance of the docks, “Willkommen in GriffinHafen.” “This is so fascinating!” Twilight grinned and marveled at everything around her, somewhat familiar, but definitely griffin. She wanted to write down everything she saw, attempting to memorize everything before she could sit down and write it. At the moment, she was just hoping to get to rest, but first, she needed to ensure that all the injured sailors would be taken care of. “Alright, how about you girls get some rest? I have to tend to the sailors.” Twilight nodded to the tavern nearby, letting out a long sigh.  “Oh, come now, Twilight, you’ve worked as hard as the rest of us,” Fluttershy replied softly. “Well, somepony needs to take care of the sailors.” Twilight sighed, “Don’t worry, I’ll try not to take long.” “Better yet, somecreature, the sick, have been taken by the locals, I assume Rainbow Dash told somecreature in ponish. Salty and his crew aren’t in our obligations; let’s just go.” huffed Starlight tiredly. “Starlight, I have a responsibility as a Princess. I can’t just turn away from those who defended me and our lives, especially because of my title! I have to show that I genuinely took their sacrifices as seriously as they should be.” Twilight replied, her voice unrelenting as her will. “I’m sorry, but I have to.” “Well, if you think so… do you want any company?” Fluttershy gently offered. “These aren’t your ponies, princess; these are uneducated and frankly stupid backwater sailors. Besides, we have more important matters we need to get to Griffinstone and resupply. I know Salty can handle himself.” insisted Starlight. “Starlight!” Fluttershy chided, “Now, those sailors might not be ponies, but their pain and suffering still matter; they got hurt because they were trying to defend US and their ship!” “It’s okay,” Twilight held up a hoof, “Starlight, I know these things are new to you, but sometimes you have to reach out to make a friend and help them, even if they’ve caused you trouble. Reminds me of somepony I know….” She gave the mare a knowing look. Starlight scoffed as she displayed the massive map of Griffonia, “It’s a day’s walk to Griffinstone and probably a month’s journey to Swallowtail, time is of the essence, and we can’t squander it with these poor fools.” Starlight rolled her eyes at Twilight’s remark, “If I was this stupid to think scurvy was contagious or you were possessed for being rational. Then I would’ve expected you to have the good graces to have me incarcerated in a two-by-four cell with some keys to keep me distracted.” “Besides! These creatures worked for pay and took the job knowing the risks. We aren’t obligated to support them any more than we have!” stamped Starlight. Twilight sighed and rubbed her forehead, “Starlight, just because they are misinformed or delirious from sickness doesn’t mean we should just turn our backs on them! They need to be tended to, and I need to show the citizens of GriffinHafen that I care that some of their people were hurt! That’s very important.” “Seriously though, how are you not getting this?” Rainbow crossed her arms, staring at the unicorn. “Shut up, Rainbow Dash.” snapped Starlight. "Hey!" barked Rainbow Dash. Starlight quickly turned to Twilight, “Twilight, your presence here signifies that alone. You being here is more than enough. These griffins will probably make dolls and portraits of you to sell by the end of the week. Now I insist unless you WANT Griffinstone or Swallowtail to be swept up in a great calamity, then toil with pirates.” hissed the unicorn. Applejack scowled, “You need to watch your tone; you forget that WE allowed YOU to come along, so don’t boss us around like you wear the pants around here!” “Go play in the mud, bumpkin.” she snarled.  “Well, I never! You ought to show some respect around here. Applejack is right; you must remember that you are not as important as you think. You have yet to prove yourself any more capable than anypony else!” Rarity spat. “Don’t talk to ME about being capable; you were hung over the side of the haul, spewing your insides into the sea while I spent the last forty-eight hours playing doctor!” “ENOUGH!” Fluttershy was the one to finally shout, silencing everyone. “Clearly, we all need time to recuperate! Starlight and anypony else who needs it go to the tavern. Twilight, if you really need to go, then go.” The pegasus stamped her hoof, even impressing Rainbow Dash. “Thank you, Fluttershy.” Twilight nodded before turning to Starlight.  “I won’t say this again, so I hope you understand what I am saying clearly: do not insult or belittle my friends again.” Her tone was strict, giving Starlight a chill down her spine. “I understand you’re stressed, but you can’t say hurtful things because you’re not feeling good. Got it?” Starlight took a deep breath; although rattled by the demanding tone, she was not deterred. After all, she had resisted Twilight before. Nothing was really stopping her from bucking up to anycreature as of now. A fiery rage burned inside her as that familiar and bitter look formed on her face. Shooting daggers from her eyes as she seemed to stare down the ponies in front of her. “Starlight, I know you want to be your own pony, but when you have friends, you can’t insult them. They’re not punching bags; you can’t take all your feelings out on others because you’re angry.” Twilight sighed. “Starlight, I’m not mad; I just don’t want you to do that again, okay?” “There are no friends of mine,” spat Starlight, “Half of these ‘friends’ are imbeciles! Incompetent self-righteous fools!”  The mare quickly stamped off, shoving past Applejack as she mumbled to herself, cursing bitterly under bated breath. Thorax and Trixie trotted off the boat, bags in ‘hand’ “...What did we miss?” asked Thorax. Twilight sighed, “Starlight’s a bit… miffed. Do you think you two can go and talk to her…? Since you’ve known her for longer than I have… on good terms, at least.” “Well… we can try. But I can’t promise a miracle.” Trixie sniffed, “C’mon, Thorax, let’s go fix this mess.” The princess rolled her eyes, “Fine, the rest of you… get some rest. I’m going to go check on the wounded.” Twilight turned and stretched out her wings before flying off. > Welcome To GriffinHafen > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Starlight trotted onto a patch of rocky beach. As she began kicking up stones before quickly levitating a few rocks into the air and rocketing them into the sea. Watching as they crashed into the water and creating a massive splash. This, however, would not stifle the raging ball of anger inside her as she began crushing a stone in her grasp, turning it into a fine powder as she bucked another rock into the sea. “Ooof, throwing stones, huh? That’s a universal sign that you’re either depressed or peeved.” Trixie’s voice cut through the silence, the sound of two hooved creatures making their way closer to the unicorn. “Don’t suppose you wanna talk about it?” the magician threw back her mane, looking out upon the beach. “It’s quite nice here, I’ll give it that. But is it worth all of that violence? I don’t think so.” “With due respect Trixie, I’m really not in the mood for your antics…” grumbled Starlight as she sat down on a large stone. Thorax quickly trotted forward, “Oh come on, we’re all friends here. So you had a bit of a scuffle with Twilight’s friends. Big deal, Rainbow Dash is always spying on me, and I don’t fuss over it.” “Thorax, you’re used to being watched for one, and two, I am tired of these ponies and their… their self-righteousness! Ugh! We have done enough for those foolish sailors, and now Twilight wants to waste precious time playing up her public perception to a bunch of grouchy griffs!” “You clearly don’t understand how perception works.” Trixie rolled her eyes, “And there’s always a time and place for the Great and Powerful Trixie.” Sitting down beside the angry unicorn, Trixie sighed and rolled her eyes. “Twilight needs to keep up appearances; what would the griffins think if she gallivanted into their country with a bunch of injured sailors and didn’t give two flying feathers about them? It would be seen as an insult! And y’know, she’s the princess of friendship and all.” Starlight looked up at the unicorn, “How many bits did Twilight throw your way to spew this dribble at me, Trixie?” she hissed. “Nothing because this is technically volunteer work.” chimed Thorax. “Seriously?” Trixie rolled her eyes, “If I could have gotten paid for this, I definitely would have. No, this is simple. If you want an audience, you have to have a good image. When I was run out of Ponyville, I couldn’t get a single show because others judged me for my actions. So do you honestly think they won’t accuse Twilight of doing something wrong, walking in as she did with all of us?” Starlight let out a long sigh, “... You’re right… I’m just sore about all of this… it’s been a long voyage, that’s for sure… and I’m tired, dirty, and hungry… I’m sorry, Trixie, Thorax.” she yawned, rubbing her eyes, “But Rainbow Dash and Applejack can stuff it.” “Well… I guess we can take that and say you apologized to everypony.” smiled Thorax. Trixie shrugged, “Good enough for me. Speaking of being tired, dirty, and hungry, we are in a village now. Let’s go get something to eat. I’m starving.” she yawned, stretching out wide, “Unless you want to keep sitting here and mope.” Starlight trotted over beside Trixie, sighing, “...You think there’s someplace around Griffinhafen with a bath?” GriffenHafen, Or GriffinPort in Ponish. A sleepy little fishing village with dozens of shops, restaurants, and Inns to help give any weary sailor a pleasant time. Whether it be resupplying themselves with personal fixings, having a drink, or sleeping in a nice warm bed. GriffinHafen had all the essentials and then some. However, there was business and work for those who wanted to stay inland. A local market that sold produce and fish was on the next dock over, and one could always join the local guard if they really needed the bits. Dozens of griffins walked and flew above the village, minding their own business. Few took an interest in the expedition or the trio’s business. However, despite a few scammers or hagglers trying to fetch easy coins off them. “Hey there, friends, care for a watch?” cooed a grey griffin clad in a thick trench coat. “Oh yes, I’ve always wanted a watch!” beamed Thorax. The griffin chuckled before he quickly swung open the flaps of his jacket, causing Starlight to scream in terror. “What? You don’t like? These are authentic Roulette watches!” scowled the griffin. Trixie huffed a sigh and rolled her eyes, trying not to take pity on this scalper, “Puh-lease, I can tell just by the color and make that they’re counterfeit. Go and peddle your trash somewhere else.” she waved a hoof, dismissing the griffin without another thought as they trotted along. “Come on now, let’s find an inn and get some rest and something to eat.” The showpony sighed, “I’m starving, and I don’t want any more distractions!” she grabbed Thorax by the hoof, leading him away. “Sheesh, you’re really marehandling him, huh?” muttered Starlight as she quickly followed the pair closely behind. “It’s funny; I haven’t been hungry in a while with all the consistent love and feeding.” smiled Thorax. “I can believe it.” smirked Starlight as she eyed Trixie, “... Let’s go here. I see the expedition’s wagons.” she’d gestured to a large Inn with a more profound elegance in comparison to the rest of the village. Wood-carved pillars, new-looking white paint, and an ire of cleanliness permeated throughout the inn. It looked gorgeous inside, with black and white tile floors, marble pillars, and luxurious-looking furniture made of the finest materials resting by a nearby fireplace. Across the den was a large bar with aged and refined liquor lining across the bar with a delicious aroma of savory dishes and treats filling the nostrils of the trio. Thorax couldn’t help but envy his equine companion’s ability to truly enjoy the high-quality meals all but guaranteed to them. A well-dressed griffin in a tux would approach, “Names?” “Starlight Glimmer, Trixie Lulamoon, and Thorax?” replied Starlight confusingly. “Mmmhm… yes, follow me.” The griffin would beckon the group to follow, “The Kingdom Of Griffinstone has prepared lodging for you and has given you a large tab, so if you’re hungry or thirsty, don’t worry about it.” The servant led the trio down a long hallway before opening a door on the left side, revealing a massive suite, “It has the finest decor, two bedrooms, and a bath. Living room, kitchen, port view, everything you could possibly need.” Trixie’s eyes widened to the size of dinner plates, looking around as she marveled at the rooms. Everything here could be sold and she could live a comfortable life off of the savings. She couldn’t help but feel the envy that encompassed her at the thought Twilight Sparkle received this treatment daily while she had to work for her bits the hard way. “Could you perhaps bring us a bottle of your finest drink and something to eat? We’ve had a long journey, and we’re quite famished.” she gave the griffin a charming smile, “I’m sure you can pick out something to suit our palette.” “Yes, ma’am, I will get that for you right away,” the griffin quickly flapped away. Starlight slowly stepped inside the room, marveling at the interior, “If these walls could talk….” Thorax shed his disguise as he buzzed over on the oversized chair, resting his head on the feather pillow as he sighed, “Wow… to think I have it better than Queen Chrysalis herself….” Trixie raised a brow, joining Thorax as she laid down on a cushy couch, unable to stop herself groan in pleasure as her aching bones were finally able to rest. “How bad were your… uh, quarters when you lived at the hive?” Trixie couldn’t help but ask, “I know this is far better than my wagon… oh Celestia if I could only live like this every day…” Starlight closed the door behind her as she turned over to Trixie and Thorax, “I’m taking a bath; you two get the food and drinks whenever that griffin comes back.” Thorax nodded, “Have fun!” he’d glance over at Trixie, “Well, given the fact the hive is constantly changing to prevent intruders from getting in, you were always moving around and never slept in the same place at night.” He’d continued, “But I mean, you got a nice little slot on the side of a wall or in the ground where you could sleep in, so it wasn’t terrible. My brother had a blanket and pillow he took from a trader he fed off of, so we weren’t so cold.” Trixie couldn’t help but stare as she ground her teeth in frustration, “Seriously, they didn’t even provide you blankets or anything? That queen is… is terrible.” She couldn’t help but spit the words out. “Well… I’m just glad you’re away from that now.” She tried to look on the brighter side, “Now you can be treated like an actual person instead of a… gosh, I’m not sure. Seems like she treated you worse than a dog!” “I’ll probably get a bath soon, too. I’m filthy.” She looked down at the couch, cringing at the stains she was leaving on the fabric. “Yeah,” Thorax said through clenched teeth, cringing at the now soiled fabric, “Why don’t you get a bath too? There’s another bathroom in this suite, and I can get your food and drinks. So you can enjoy your dinner when you and Starlight get all clean.” Trixie yawned and nodded, standing up on wobbly hooves. After all of that travel and the walk through town, she was exhausted. “That sounds perfect... hopefully I don’t fall asleep in the tub. Be a dear and let me know when the food arrives, wouldn’t you?” she gave him a sweet smile and a flutter of her lashes before trotting towards the second bedroom and into the bathroom. A lavish bubble bath sounded marvelous. “Oh, yeah, sure!” the changeling beamed, presenting his best smile. Doing his best to hide how flustered he was. “Enjoy your bath!” he’d say, watching Trixie disappear as she trotted down the hall and into her bedroom. The changeling paused as he recollected the moment he had with Trixie. Something new and exciting had just happened, but he wasn’t sure what exactly it was. It wasn’t fear, hunger, or anxiety. That he could understand. But this warm and fuzzy feeling was foreign to him. For a moment, he wondered if he was coming down with illness or disease. But the horrible realization hit the changeling like a ton of bricks. “Merciful Chrysalis…” he’d thought, “Is this what it’s like to be in love?” His train of thought was soon derailed by a gentle rapping against the front door. “Oh, thank goodness.” sighed Thorax, content that he could ignore that revelation for a moment longer as he trotted to the front door, quickly disguising himself before answering. A chipper-looking Griffin greeted the disguised changeling, a cheerful smile on her beak. She was a blueish gray, clad with a stained apron, around her waist, with her tux's collar undone. The feathers atop her head were pulled up into a ponytail. “Hiya! You ordered room service, right? My name’s Gabby! Ooh, sorry, I was told to be more, um… professional,” she rubbed the back of her head before gesturing to the cart beside her, “Can I come in?” Thorax nodded, opening the door for the griffin, “Oh yes, thank you, we’ve been expecting you.” the changeling beckoned her inside. “And don’t worry about being professional. Princess Twilight is down the hall from us. We don’t expect the royal treatment, well, any better than we’re getting now, heh. We’re the uh… little creatures of the group.” explained Thorax. “You don’t look little to me,” Gabby cocked her head, not understanding. “It’s an expression,” smirked Thorax. She awkwardly chuckled, “Well, the princess sounds nice! But I’m not sure I’ll be serving her. They’ll probably send someone else….” She stuck out her lower beak for a moment before snapping out of her thoughts. “Right! We brought the best, fresh fruits and vegetables, baked bread straight out of the oven covered in butter– churned this morning, I might add!” she unveiled each dish as she went along, steam rising off the banquet, the scent flooding through the room, “Some fried vegetables, steamed carrots, a large salad….” She opened one tray, revealing a seafood platter. “Uh oh, this might have gotten mixed up… do ponies eat fish?” Gabby looked up at Thorax nervously. Thorax paused, tapping his hoof to his chin as he eyeballed the seafood platter, “... Yes.” he said finally, deciding to placate Gabby’s feelings. “But why don’t you join us for dinner?” offered Thorax, “You look like you could use something to eat yourself.” “Pheeew, good! Didn’t want to have to tell the chef…” The griffin sighed in relief, her shoulders sagging. Her eyes snapped open at the offer, looking at Thorax with an appreciative smile, “Oh, I don’t know, they’ll probably need me back down there soon…” However, her will was easily swayed by the scent of the food before her. “Although… I could just say I was serving you by… cleaning! And I do love cleaning my plate.” she snorted, giving Thorax a large grin, “Oh, and the wine! One of the most expensive we have, I might mention! You guys are getting the royal treatment!” “That’s great, and feel free to treat yourself to the seafood platter; my friends are…vegetarian by choice, and I really only wanted the wine,” explained Thorax. Thorax quickly used his magic to pop the wine’s cork as he helped himself to a generous glass of wine, swirling the beverage before taking a large gulp of the drink. “My friends are taking a bath, actually, so you can eat your plate without worrying about them being offended or jealous that you get to eat all that seafood.” Gabby grinned and nodded, helping herself to the plate of various fresh fish served raw. Picking up one by the tailfin, she slowly dropped the fish into her mouth and swallowed it whole without issue, licking her beak afterward. “Mmm! Fresh caught too! Well, more for me then!” Indulging in another few bites, Gabby sat down on her haunches and turned her gaze to Thorax, “So, what are you doing with the princess all the way out here? It must have been quite a journey! I went to Equestria once, I’m actually native to Griffinstone, but I travel a lot for work….” she paused, realizing she had been rambling, “Heh, sorry.” Thorax fumbled, peering to the side as he scrambled for an answer, “Oh well, we’re here on community service. Let’s just say we got ourselves in a bit of trouble in Equestria. But trust me, this is way way way better than the alternative.” “That’s funny. We’re actually on our way to Griffinstone. I’m sure you heard we’re on an expedition to spread the message of friendship and equality between creatures. Or at least that’s my understanding.” “Community service with a princess? You either did something really bad or really good!” Gabby chuckled before nodding, “I heard a group going to Griffinstone, but I haven’t had much time to catch up on the news… I work a lot of jobs. It’s expensive to keep a home in this city! But your cause sounds worthwhile. It would be great to strengthen ties with Equestria. It’d certainly make it easier to get there if I didn’t have to fly there myself.” Thorax nervously chortled, “I don’t have much experience with money and expenses. It’s a bit of a culture shock for me.” “Have you considered moving to Equestria? I’m sure you could find something worthwhile across the pond, not to mention that ponies are really generous.” Gabby shuffled a little bit, “I’ve… thought about it, but Griffinstone is my home, you know? I’d love to visit more often, but I’m not sure I want to leave my home behind, you know?” “But hey, if your plans work, I might not have to worry about that, huh?” She gave him a small shoulder bump and a soft smile. Thorax slowly nodded, “I know how hard it is to leave home. I left everything I’ve ever known to experience friendship.” There was a pause as the changeling allowed their words to sit and fester for a moment. “Yeah… the map is directing us to Griffinstone and Swallowtail.” “Swallowtail!? Oooh, I’ve been dying to get there! I want to rent a bungalow, but they are just so darn expensive! If I could get a job, it wouldn’t be so difficult, but they’re packed with griffins and ponies looking for work! This was the closest I’ve got!” Gabby sighed, throwing up her claws. Looking back at Thorax, she cocked an eyebrow, “But why are you going there in the first place? I get that the princess wants to make friends with other kingdoms, but… why now?” “From what I heard, this map was something magical. It highlights towns and kingdoms from across the land. The Lord of Chaos Discord prophesied that if the princess and her friends did not leave Ponyville and partake of this pilgrimage, the Griffin lands would be consumed in a great war that would consume the entire world in famine, death, and disease.” Gabby’s eyes widened dramatically, a look of fear crossing her face, “W-Well, I sure am glad she decided to come then! If you guys need any help, just give me a ring, and I’ll be there before you can say ‘Gabriella the Griffin!’” she gave him a cheerful smile, bouncing back from her earlier dismay. From across the room, a bedroom door cracked open, as Trixie stepped out, steam following her wake. Her mane was damp, wrapped up in a towel, and she was clothed in a snug red bathrobe. Her horn was lit as she adjusted the robe around her waist, turning to address the two. “I thought I heard someone in here,” She cocked a brow, turning to Thorax. “Letting the help eat our food?” Thorax subtly gestured for Gabby to leave with the empty silver tray that once held the seafood platter, “Oh no no, I was just finishing up this plate of hors d’oeuvres and requesting a uhm… another bottle of wine?” He’d look over at Trixie as he presented his best smile, “Gabby brought you and Starlight some fresh bread and vegetables. How about you help yourself while I get you a… glass of wine?” Trixie raised her brow again and sniffed, giving him the barest hint of a nod. “I would expect the food to be fresh, considering whom we are in the company of! And make that a large glass, would you?” Gabby snatched up the old plate of seafood and gave Thorax a questioning, almost teasing look before waving goodbye and quietly walking out the door. Thorax rolled his eyes at Trixie before waving goodbye to Gabby, “We’re a low priority. Just come by whenever you’re not busy!” He’d shut the door before shedding his disguise, letting out a sigh of relief, “It’s like taking off a tight belt around your waist after a long day.” “Where’s my glass of wine?” Trixie replied without much thought as she levitated herself a plate with an assortment of food, steam rising up and tempting her nose. “Oh, and while I’m thinking about it… don’t changelings need to bathe too? You don’t want to be a ‘stinkbug,’ do you?” She jested with a slight smirk. “Oop! Sorry,” Thorax said, quickly trotting back over to the living room and pouring a glass of wine for Trixie. The changeling passed Trixie a confused stare, “Bathe? Like molting?” Trixie gave him a rather strange stare, halfway between disgust and amusement, “Do you… know what bathing is, or…? Do you really molt?” “We molt; I mean, if we got dirty or grimy, we can wash, but we’re just going to get a new shell anyways, so.” The unicorn wasn’t sure if she should be revolted or curious and became considerably both, “So… what do you look like after you molt?” she took the glass of wine out of his grip, levitating it to her lips to take a long sip. “Sparkly,” he said plainly, “Like someone threw glitter on us.” A loud creak echoed from the opposite end of the suite as Starlight trotted from the other bathroom, wearing a white bathrobe and a relaxed expression. The usual scowl that accompanied her was absent. For once, she was in something of a good mood; her eyes widened to the size of planets at the sight of the delicious-looking food. Without a second thought, she quickly galloped over before helping herself to a plate of roasted vegetables and freshly baked bread. “What’s this I hear about molting?” asked Starlight with a mouthful of food. “Apparently, changelings don’t bathe,” Trixie smirked, taking a bite of steamed broccoli with butter and cheese. She delicately dabbed the crumbs from her lips before adding under her breath, “Stinkbug….” “Interesting,” Starlight said lamely. Thorax rolled his eyes as he sipped his wine, “I’m going to find something to read. Clearly, my ‘stink’ has offended the great and power-washed Trixie.” Starlight mused, “Well,” she’d quickly scarf down a slice of bread before devouring a pile of buttered carrots, “You two do that. I must get my lesson plan ready for Yona. I have to teach her healing potions.” The mare promptly cleaned her face with a napkin before snagging the robe off her with a spark of her horn and tossing it into a nearby laundry basket, “I’m sure you two will find something to do by yourselves.” Starlight looked over to Trixie, giving her a knowing look and a playful smile before trotting out the door. Trixie gave her fellow unicorn a mortified look, her face turning a strange shade of purple as she drew her hoof across her throat, shooting daggers at Starlight. “Sure, whatever…” rolling her eyes and lounging on the couch before undoing the towel on her head, letting her wet mane loose. Pulling a comb from one of her bags, she began to groom her mane into something manageable. Glancing over at Thorax from the corner of her eye, she decided to speak, if just to fill the silence that had now fallen over them. “So… is that hair or some kind of… fin?” She asked curiously. She was well aware that her questions could become annoying, but she was never very good at small talk. > News From The West > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight slowly cantered inside the hospital halls. Guided by oil lamps as one of the nurses had directed her to one of the doctors treating the injured sailors, but Twilight’s hooves felt like lead weights. She couldn’t help but feel a creeping dread, preparing herself for the worst. The clinical setting of the hospital didn’t help, she could appreciate the cleanliness and order, but this was… too clean. The smell of disinfectant stung her nostrils, reminding her of her younger years when she became ill. She hated going to the doctor, although logically, she knew it was the only way to get better. She supposed some habits were hard to break. Taking a turn down the left most hallway, the princess halted at the door with the number one of the nurses had given her. She hesitated to knock, soothing her frazzled nerves before slowly opening the door. She didn’t want to wake any of the injured, possibly drifting to sleep. Salty rose from his bed as he greeted the princess, “Greetings yer’ highness,” Whistled the Captain, “How is GriffinHafen treating yah?” Twilight’s eyes widened slightly, expecting a doctor or nurse to be inside. Glancing around, she slowly approached his bed. “It’s been nice, although, to be frank, I haven’t seen much of it.” She admitted, sighing deeply. “I spent most of my time just trying to find the hospital. Can you tell me how the sailors are doing?” Twilight glanced over at him, “You’re looking better.” The old sea Captain chuckled, “They’re a lot of rowdy, ignorant, and self-indulgent fools who got spooked. They’ll be fine after a day or two, and then it’s back at sea.” Salty smirked, waving off the alicorn with a hoof, “You’re too kind, princess, really. Oh, I have a letter for you from your brother and sister-in-law. They wanted me to withhold it till we arrived at port.” He’d fish for the letter in his saddle bags resting beside him, “Here we are.” Dearest Sister, We have the most wonderful news, a few weeks before your departure from The Crystal Empire, Cadance experienced a terrible illness. We all thought she had come down with the flu or worse, but fortunately, we have been given the most wonderful news. Cadance is pregnant, and while you may find it strange that I write to you alone. My lovely wife… is rather irritable and felt that it would be best if I wrote this letter to you while she is going through these exciting times. We’re sorry we did not inform you during your time in the Empire, but Cadance and I agreed that this news would be better with very few ponies knowing. Especially considering your journey and expedition did not need any additional hiccups. We hope you can forgive us for our secrecy and hope you understand when we ask you to only relay the news to a few trusted associates. We wish you safety and success on your journey to Griffinstone and send all of our love. Your brother, Shining Armor. Twilight’s mouth hung open after absorbing the letter. She was torn between excitement and slight betrayal; he had kept something secret from her yet again, but the excitement won out. She hopped up in the air, pressing the letter to her chest as she spun around. “I’m going to be an aunt!” She squealed in delight before realizing where she was and who she was with. Her cheeks burned red as she set the letter down, readjusting her tousled mane, “Hehehe… sorry about that.” Clearing her throat, she nodded, her smile slowly becoming less awkward, “I’m glad to hear the crew is okay; I was incredibly worried. If there is anything I can do to help, anything at all, please let me know.” Salty smirked as he slowly pulled out a bottle of rum and two glasses from his saddle bag. Pouring both drinks to the brim before handing Twilight one. “Congratulations, lass, let’s have a toast, shall we?” The alicorn’s jaw dropped once again, “W-What? How did you sneak alcohol in here? Can you even be drinking with the medication you’re on?” Twilight briefly glimpsed at the end of the bed, hoping to find a clipboard containing his medical information, but sadly found nothing. Salty smiled, saying nothing as he raised a glass for the princess and took a large gulp, “Long live the King and his family!” The room would shake as muffled shouting erupted throughout the hospital, “Long live the king!” “Heh, well, your highness, our tenure is concluded, you are no longer my passenger, and I am no longer your captain.” the captain rolled over in bed as he yawned, “You ought to go on back to those mare's before some sweet talking Harpy sweeps them on their hooves.” “Watch out for the blue air-headed one, yeah?” Twilight gave the old sea captain an unsure look, one of concern, amusement, and annoyance. Finally, she stood up and snatched the glass he had poured her, downing it in one quick gulp. She rarely drank, but the surge of heat going down her throat and into her belly felt like exactly what she needed. Setting the glass down, she gave the captain one last look before leaving. “I wish you the best, Captain.” She spoke one last time before stepping through the door, softly closing it behind her. Twilight paused before heaving a great sigh, pressing her weight against the door itself. It was a relief, but she wished she could do more… and after that argument with Starlight, she wasn’t exactly looking forward to going back to… whichever inn they were staying at. She slowly trotted back down the hall toward the hospital lobby, doing her best to ignore the feeling she had to do something. Right now, all she wanted was some rest and maybe something to drink. Her old antisocial ways rarely returned, but when they did, she usually spent time reorganizing the old library’s shelves. It was a soothing gesture whenever her anxiety became too overwhelming to handle. Right now, she wasn’t sure what to do. As she stepped outside the hospital Twilight could see Luna’s moon hung high in the night sky. Twilight had tended to the wounded and fretted for so long that she spent the entire day at the hospital. But the moon wasn’t the only thing to acompany her. A pair of armor-clad griffins saluted the princess, their gloves of iron clinking against their visors and chainmail. “Jó abend, Princess we are The Knights of Kerekasztala. I’m sure you had seen us escorting the wounded this morning when you first arrived at port, I am György Griff, and this is my squire, Gael.” The second knight bowed, “Your highness,” taking her hoof before giving it a gentle peck with his beak. György rolled his eyes as he swatted the younger griffin, “We have been assigned to assist you on your journey to Griffinstone.” Twilight gave Gael a small chuckle before turning to György, bowing her head in respect. “It’s a pleasure to meet you. I’m sorry if we met earlier; I was a little… frazzled after everything that happened.” the alicorn used her magic to smooth her mane again, unable to remember the last time she had used a brush. “Was there anything I can help you with? I feel awful this happened while I was aboard, and the injured… I just want them to be okay.” “Your highness, I assure you that you have gone above and beyond for not only your ponies but for our griffins and done everything in your power to ensure minimal pain and suffering. But now you must entrust the safety and health into the claws of our doctors and nurses.” The knights quickly kneeled at the princesses hooves, “We are at your service until you arrive at Griffinstone. For the road ahead is a dangerous one with bandits and pirates known to attack travelers along the road to Griffinstone.” Gael looked up at Twilight, lifting his visor to reveal his puffy white feathers and green eyes, “We’re your guards, basically.” György quickly swatted Gael, “Quiet! … But yes, we are your protectors.” Gael grumbled as he rubbed the back of his head, “And punching bags, apparently.” György swatted Gael once more as the younger griffin quietly grumbled. Twilight’s worried expression quickly melted into one of amusement, pressing a hoof to her lips to try and muffle the giggles threatening to pour out. Clearing her throat and regaining her composure, she nodded. “Thank you, that is very kind. Normally I would politely decline, but now I think it might be for the best.” Usually, she could handle herself, given her raw magical power, but she still hadn’t studied the necessary offensive spells she needed. She was told once that the best defense was offense, not that she wanted to start any fights. “Would you perhaps know the way to the nearest inn or bar? I haven’t eaten in… well, I’m not sure. Preferably they have… vegetarian meals.” Twilight gave them a soft chuckle, slowly passing them as she trotted towards the door. György quickly rushed forward as he and Gael began escorting Twilight from the hospital, “Oh, let us escort you to your room and inn that Griffinstone has arranged for you.” Gael nodded, “With vegetarian options.” “Yes, hear hear with vegetarian options!” cheered György. The knights would loudly escort the princess, their armor noisily clanged and clinked, echoing through the empty streets, eventually leading her to the lavish and expensive-looking inn. “Your friends and comrades have already checked in,” informed György. “Yes, so please relax and take a load off so we may leave tomorrow at daybreak.” chimed Gael. György scowled at Gael, “Excuse my squire’s impotence; he is merely ignorant of royal custom and due diligence. But it would be highly advised that you do get some rest to prepare for our departure tomorrow.” Gael rolled his eyes underneath his visor, “Sir, I don’t think we need to speak in Old Ponish every time.” György quickly swatted Gael once more, “Fool! It is merely proper Ponish, thoust haven’t even heard thine old Ponish tongue.” declared György, giving his squire a cocksure expression. Twilight shook her head and smiled, giving the pair a warm smile. “It’s alright. I don’t mind if you’re frank with me. I am the ‘Princess of Friendship’ after all.” “And thank you, I think that was all that was necessary. If you wish to return to your post or relax, please be my guest. I’m going to have a warm meal and a drink.” She chuckled, trotting towards the main desk. The two knights bowed at Twilight before taking post at the inn's front doors, “May Boreas’ light shine on you.” Twilight bowed in kind, thankful that they had helped her on her way. They seemed like fine knights. Shining Armor would get along with Gael best. “Ah, Prinzessin,” bowed the innkeeper, “Your party has already made themselves at home, your private quarters are room thirty-one, and the other suites are rooms thirty-two and thirty-three. Please enjoy your stay.” The griffin quickly surrendered a pair of keys to Twilight’s quarters before presenting his best smile, “If there is anything you need please let us know.” Twilight gratefully took the keys in her magic, tucking them into one of her saddlebag pockets. “Thank you. Also, could you send up a meal to my room? Something vegetarian and a large mug of warm cider would be nice.” “Yes, Prinzessin, I will make a note of that immediately,” the innkeeper would look back toward the kitchen and shout, “Köche, los los!” As Twilight left the lobby and walked down the left hallway, she’d eventually enter her room. A massive private suite filled to the brim with books, with each wall in the den and living room having a bookshelf. A large master bedroom and a large bathroom that was practically a spa all to herself. A large kitchen with a pantry full of teas and biscuits ready for her. It was like the room was tailor-made for her needs after a long voyage. She couldn’t help but stare in awe, wondering how they managed to make this room perfect for her. After she ate, she could de-stress by reorganizing the books in the room and then settle down with a bath and a warm cup of tea. She wasn’t sure what to do first, trotting over towards one of the shelves to pick out a book. As much as she wanted to organize, her legs were killing her, and she needed to lie down. Locating a comfortable couch, the mare fell into the comfortable cushions. Besides, her meal was coming soon. Flipping open the book, Twilight rested her weary eyes on the page, trying to decipher the words. Fortunately, the book she selected was written in Ponish, titled ‘Heiress of a Kingdom’ by Gibbon Gragg. ‘In the year 1005 ‘A.B’ or ‘after banishment’ referring to her highness Princess Luna returning from her exile, the Kingdom of Griffinstone under the regent Gaylen Gruff, or ‘Grandpa Gruff’ by his contemporaries had the pleasure of announcing a new heiress for the kingdom.’ Twilight could feel her eyes go heavy as she read along. Slowly, ever so slowly, the young alicorn’s eyes fell closed, and she slumped against the couch, the familiar feeling of slipping into sleep swallowing her whole. Any attempt to fight was weak, and Twilight couldn’t seem to care. > Journey To The East > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The morning sun had barely crept over the horizon as an orange and purple dawn illuminated the city in a comfortable hue of warm colors. Most creatures would be snug in their beds, but the expedition had to set out for their journey to Griffinstone. Applejack tied the final set of knots for the covered wagons, and after climbing out from the back of the supply wagon, the mare let out a sigh. “Alright, we’re all set, now everycreature, line up for a head count!” shouted Applejack. Pinkie Pie zipped up beside the apple farmer, nearly catching her off balance with the speed she managed to pull off. “Riiiiiiight here!” Pinkie delicately hooped Applejack on the nose, giggling as she bounced away. “Present,” Rainbow called as if she were back in flight camp, rolling her eyes as she lifted a crate into the back of a wagon. “H-Here…” A timid voice murmured, Fluttershy peeking out from behind the wagon, having been in a deep discussion with a flock of birds. Starlight took a long sip of coffee before quietly murmuring, “Here….” Thorax yawned loudly, “I’m here; Trixie is in the wagon.” Trixie popped her head out, giving the group a wave. The armor-clad knights descended from the top of the inn's roof, “Present and accounted for,” the two clinked their swords together as they stood firmly in the position of attention. “Yona?” called Applejack. One of the wagons rocked from side to side before the yak popped her head out of the back, giving Applejack a charming smile, “Yona here! Yona excited for adventure!” She looked ready to join Pinkie in hopping around but stopped and surveyed everyone present, “Uhh… where, pony princess?” “Or Rarity, for that matter.” huffed Applejack. “Probably getting some ‘beauty sleep.’” smirked Starlight. The inn doors would open as Rarity stepped outside, wearing an elegant winter coat to combat the frosted morning air. “I’ll have you know that I always account for the perfect amount of sleep so that I am beautiful no matter what the occasion is.” hmpf’d Rarity. “Now we’re just missing Twilight.” Applejack said, checking her list of creatures. “So who’s gonna drag her out of bed?” questioned Gael before getting swatted by György. “While my squire has a problem speaking out of term, his question still stands. Who will wake the Prinzessin?” inquired György. “I can, I can!!” Pinke raised a hoof, jumping up in the air. “Yeah, if you wanna give her a headache as soon as she wakes up.” Rainbow rolled her eyes as she slowly set her hooves on the ground. “Besides, she’s probably waking up now and freaking out thinking she’s late.” “Or she’s oversleeping because she was exhausted last night….” Fluttershy sighed, “Oh my, where’s Spike?” “Just getting Twilight out of bed; you’re welcome,” Spike said with a smug grin as he presented the princess to the group. “Oh, great work Spike. How are you feeling this morning, Twilight?” prodded Applejack. The princess rubbed her face, having visible dark rings framing her eyes as she squinted against the bright light of the morning sun. Her horn was burning that familiar magenta hue, a brush enveloped in her aura, taming her wild bed mane. She gave a mighty yawn before replying, smacking her lips. “Well, I didn’t exactly sleep on the bed last night… but the couch was comfortable.” She gave the apple farmer a lazy grin that quickly dropped, “Ugh, I need some coffee….” Starlight quickly handed Twilight a cup of warm coffee, “One step ahead of you. How else did you think I got everyone out so quickly?” Applejack rolled her eyes, “I got everyone up. You just handed them coffee.” Starlight scoffed, “Fine, you got them up, and I kept them up. Fair?” Applejack sighed quietly, grumbling to herself as she gestured to Rarity to help her hitch one of the wagons on her. “The journey will be about a day’s trip, and we intend to arrive by nightfall. If everything goes as planned that is,” informed Starlight. Twilight gave Starlight a grateful, tired smile, “Thanks.” She was glad their earlier argument was now water under the bridge. Frankly, with all the stress, she could hardly remember what they had even been arguing about. Taking the coffee into her grip, she took a long gulp of the brown nectar, smacking her lips in satisfaction. “Let’s hope one thing goes to plan for once….” Fluttershy murmured as she took a seat up front, wanting to look at the scenery as they passed by. “You could say that again,” Twilight sighed, resting on the back of the wagon, letting her hindlegs dangle off the edge. “Aw, c’mon, what’s wrong with a little action? Besides, it was kind of fun other than those sailors getting hurt!” Rainbow grinned but quickly dropped it when the others gave her an unamused stare. The griffins would give Rainbow Dash a firm nod of approval in contrast to her ponykin, “She has the making of a knight, that one.” whispered György to Gael. Gael quietly nodded as he marched beside the wagons. Starlight rolled her eyes, “Given the fact we have only two knights guarding us, Rainbow Dash, let’s hope for all of our sake we don’t run into any trouble.” György scoffed, “Have ye no faith? We are The Knights of Kerekasztala, defenders of the Kingdom and Boreas.” “Titles and faith will only get us so far. Let’s think pragmatically here.” retorted Starlight. “That, and we thought we were safe with a crew of sailors. Clearly, numbers aren’t quite as much of a deterrent as we thought.” Twilight sighed, shaking her head slowly, “But it’s no matter. We’ll simply have to keep our guards up.” “Or we could be sneaky,” Pinkie wrapped her hair around her face, making an impromptu mask, “Ninja Pie….” The pink mare first jumped into a bush back and slowly disappeared into the foliage. Yona couldn’t help but snort in amusement. “Whatever happens, this time, we’ll be ready.” Rainbow grinned, a determined, cocky grin on her lips. Spreading her wings wide, she took off into the air, heading straight up and barrelling through a cloud layer before returning a second later. “The weather looks good. I don’t think we’ll have any rain.” “That’s good. Our armor tends to rust in the rain,” replied Gael. “Yes, this is good. But be informed, Rainbow Dash, the road to Griffinstone, has many trees, so flying won’t do the rest of us any good. You need to stay with us less you be ransomed off to a Zebrican slave market.” warned György. “Puh-lease, like they’d be able to catch me.” Rainbow gave the knight a smarmy grin, crossing her front legs as she hovered in the air. “Wouldn’t be the first time we had the threat of slavery over our heads,” muttered Starlight. “I just can’t believe any creature would do that.” hissed Applejack. “Be fortunate that we aren’t heading to Unicornica…” whispered Gael. “You know never to mention that awful place, young squire!” snapped György. “Unicornica?” Twilight’s ear perked up, twitching at the mention of it. “I’ve heard stories and read a few books on the location, but I’ve never met anyone who has ever been there… what is it like?” “Kinda sounds like that play we did. Remember the place Rarity?” Twilight turned to Rarity, “When you played the part of Princess Platinum. Unicornia, I think.” “Oh yes, I quite remember how lavish I looked wearing that crown.” mused Rarity. György’s expression darkened, “No griff, harpy, or any creature dares enter Unicornica, unless they are dragged by chains.” “The griffins and what few harpies live in Griffinstone’s borders have the luxury of not worrying about the unicorn kingdom to the east. But what we hear down the grapevine from Swallowtail, it isn’t good,” explained Gael. He’d continue, “A powerful council of warlocks rules with an iron hoof, searching for the most powerful unicorn to become their monarch. But in the meantime, they keep their kingdom’s coffers full by capturing and enslaving griffins, harpies, even other ponies, and from what I hear, they sell them to the markets of Zebrica.” The color drained from Twilight’s face, “That’s just… just awful! How could somepony ever do that? Celestia certainly wouldn’t, especially if she knew something like that was happening!” The alicorn bit her lip, torn over whether or not she should write a letter to Celestia herself. But then again, she would probably just guide Twilight to handle the issue… “How close is this Unicornica you’re talking about?” Rainbow narrowed her eyes, cracking her neck as if she were getting ready for a fight. “If we’re close, maybe we can stop by, and I can show ’em a thing or two.” “May I see your map?” asked Gael as the griffin quickly examined the map. “... It’s a few weeks’ journey.” answered György, “Not to mention ill-advised, the Republic of Swallowtail has the borders secured, and the kingdom’s safety is secured. Besides, you are in no danger, little ponies. You are in the court of an alicorn princess. You are perfectly safe.” “There’s also a bunch of mountains that act as a natural wall to outsiders and invaders, which is why I assume Swallowtail never could beat those unicorns back,” replied Gael. “Unicorn magic would be pretty hard to beat with swords and cannons, too, I’d bet.” chimed Starlight. “What, do you guys just accept that this ‘Unicornia’ is–” Rainbow began before being cut off. “Unicornica.” Twilight corrected. “Whatever!” The pegasus snapped back before continuing, “You guys KNOW for a fact that some kingdom is kidnapping and enslaving creatures, and you’re just… not going to do anything about it…?!” She stared the two down incredulously. “Rainbow…” Twilight sighed, shaking her head. “What?! We’re all thinking it!” Rainbow threw up her hooves. “I-I wasn’t… n-not really. I was just hoping those creatures are okay….” Fluttershy mumbled, staring at her hooves self-consciously. The knights shrugged, “We’re defenders of our kingdom and our people; if– Boreas forbid, Swallowtail fell, then we would fight and defend against the unicorns.” explained Gael. “Yes, we are loyal to the heiress, for she is the holder of the Idol of Boreas.” nodded György, “While it is a shame that fellow griffins fall to the tyrannical hooves of these slavers, we can only afford to look out for our own. Until recently, the Kingdom of Griffinstone was a decentralized and near anarchic state.” “He saying we were barely a kingdom until a few years ago.” chimed Gael. “Yeah, I visited Griffinstone a while back. It was a dump.” Rainbow snorted. “Aw, c’mon, it wasn’t that bad. It was homey!” Pinkie piped up, a sudden dreamy look crossing her face. “Oh, that King Grover, what a charmer….” Rainbow cocked her head and stared at Pinkie in curiosity, disgust, and amusement. “Regardless, Unicornica isn’t our goal. If we can spare the time to help those in need, we will, but for now, we should continue on our journey as planned.” Twilight said firmly, giving the others a nod. Starlight gave an affirming nod to Twilight, “Let’s see to the map…” the unicorn quickly scanned her copy of the map. “Since this is a geographical map and not a political one, it’ll be pretty difficult to tell where exactly we are going, but it looks like….” “Oh…” she’d slowly look up at the group, “We’ll be heading eastward eventually, I assume to Swallowtail and Unicornica.” György rubbed his chin with his claw, “Then you will have to seek council with The Most Serene Doge of Swallowtail and speak to the…” his face scrunched with disgust, “Parliament.” “The Parliament?” Twilight questioned, adjusting her seat on the wagon as she eagerly listened, hungry for knowledge. Pinkie Pie sat down, too, balancing on her cottony tail. The knight scoffed, “From what I understand, it’s a council of fools who make and enact the law. With the Doge being a figure of authority who is voted by the locals into power alongside the clown cart of fools.” “It’s a cycle of fools electing fools to rule them. You’ll understand once you go to that cesspit of singing, partying, and headaches.” groaned György. “Yeah, the griffins in Swallowtail are only griffin in name. Those guys are… weird.” shivered Gael. “Partying?!” Pinkie’s eyes grew wide, as she shot up like a jack-in-the-box, a gleeful squeal escaping her lips. “That sounds like myyyyy kind of place!” She danced in place once she landed, practically prancing, “Ooooh, let’s get there soon! I wanna see how Griffins par-tay!” The two griffin knights looked at one another as they loudly sighed, “Ponies….” Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes, “I really doubt that it’s that great.” “I’ve never heard of the term ‘Doge’ before,” Twilight cocked a brow, “It seems familiar somehow….” “Let’s not get too excited here,” interrupted Starlight, “We still need to reach Griffinstone and make sure they don’t have any problems before we go to Swallowtail or Unicornica.” Pinkie sagged a little bit but perked back up immediately. “Oooh, we’ll get to see Gilda again! Aren’t you excited, Dashie?!” She turned to her pegasus pal enthusiastically. “Well, duh. At least this time, I won’t be dangling in a canyon nearly about to fall to my death.” Rainbow snorted, landing beside her friend to wrap a hoof around her neck. “I’m just glad you two showed up… even if you didn’t help much.” Pinkie giggled behind a hoof. “I’m excited to finally see Griffinstone; I know from your descriptions it wasn’t… exactly the way the historical texts describe it, but I’m hoping it has improved since your absence,” Twilight replied. “If we get moving soon, we should make excellent time.” “Sounds like a plan to me.” Rainbow nodded. “Then let’s get goin’!” Applejack called. The group climbed aboard, and with Rainbow Dash cutting through the sky and leading the way, they trotted off into the early morning. > The Toll To Griffinstone > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was noon, and the party was halfway down the road to Griffinstone. The Knights of Kerekasztala lead the way, guiding the expedition through a forest with thick brush and large oak trees hanging over them. The sun was just barely creeping through the limbs of these massive trees. The forest felt alive, brimming with natural flora and fauna. Many animals had come to greet Fluttershy, personally sensing her connection to nature and life. Bringing much amusement to the knights. However, the trail felt different as the wagon train trudged along, the dirt roads becoming narrow as the trees practically enclosed the group, making everything feel claustrophobic. The wagon's wheels were only inches away from the bramble and bushes. The forest seemed to darken with each step they took as a heavy feeling hung in the air. The knights kept a claw resting at their iron sabers as their posture tightened, their heads on a swivel at all times. "Something isn't right…." muttered György, "Hang back with the prinzessin Gael." Gael nodded slowly, falling back to the end of the wagon train where Twilight's wagon was. "Prinzessin, György senses that something isn't right. We advise you to be cautious as we go deeper into the forest," informed Gael. "Aw, c'mon, it can't be as bad as the Everfree Forest!" Pinkie grinned, poking her head out of the wagon to look around. In fact, it felt quite familiar to her. "T-That doesn't mean we shouldn't be careful…." Fluttershy murmured, gently pulling the party pony back inside. Twilight nodded, standing up. "We still need to keep moving. Please tell György to keep us moving, but carefully. I'll begin a few spells that might help us…." Levitating her bags to her side, she tore through the contents before pulling out a hefty tome of spells she had been studying prior to their journey. She flipped through the pages, calling Starlight to her side. "I have a Detect Life spell. I was hoping you could do that while I put up a small Shield spell. It won't be anything too powerful, but it will give us a moment to steel ourselves if we are attacked." She turned to the fellow mage, pointing at the pages with a hoof. Starlight quickly climbed out from her wagon and joined Twilight, "That shouldn't be too hard…." The unicorn's horn glowed as a magical aura encompassed the wagon train and beyond for what seemed like miles. Starlight focused as she detected the life that surrounded her. "We're in a forest; there are animals surrounding us, mostly small rodents and songbirds, a village five miles north, and a group of creatures coming from the main roads about a mile away." Gael quickly nodded, "Those might be bandits. I'll inform György. It'd be advised to raise the shield spell for yourselves." he'd said before running up ahead to his teacher. Twilight nodded before turning to Starlight, "Do you know how many creatures exactly?" She wanted to prepare her spell for the coming threat and didn't want to underestimate their possible adversaries. "D-Do we know that they're even bad guys? What if they're just travelers like us?" Fluttershy offered fretfully. "That's a good point!" Pinkie nodded her head. "And what if they are bandits, and we're not vigilant enough?" Rainbow spat back, "We need to be on guard!" "That's also a good point!" Pinkie said, immediately switching sides. Starlight clenched her eyes as her horn burned brightly, "Party of… seven… looks like it's seven creatures heading toward our direction. We'll see in about half an hour if they're friend or foe." sighed Starlight. The unicorn wiped a few beads of sweat off her brow as she looked over to the concerned ponies, "There's nothing to be worried about; we have Twilight, the knights, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and of course, Thorax and me." "The only creatures we should worry about are Spike and Trixie (don't tell her I said that.)," whispered Starlight, "Hey!" snapped Spike, "I can breathe fire too!" he said, snorting smoke from his nostrils. Applejack chuckled, "It'd be cruel to unleash your deadly fire on those bandits, Spike; we wouldn't wanna kill anycreature, would we?" Spike sighed, "I guess not." Rarity crossed her front legs, "I am capable of magic too, you know." "Noted," replied Starlight. "Hey, I heard that!" Trixie stuck her head out the window, "And Trixie is perfectly capable of handling some ruffians!" She swiftly brought her head back inside in a huff. "Whatever," Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes, "We'll be prepared for whoever it is and kick their butts if needed!" The pegasus punched the air, miming as if she were fighting someone in mid-air. "Alright, everyone inside. I'll stay near the back of the wagon if I need to get out in a hurry…." She knew the Knights probably wouldn't take very kindly to her putting herself in unnecessary danger. Climbing inside, Twilight sat down, facing the wagon doors before her horn burned to life. A magenta aura grew before slowly expanding larger and larger before eventually engulfing the entire party. The bubble seemed to disappear in the blink of an eye, but they could feel the magic surrounding them. "Hopefully, that will be good enough…." The princess sighed as she opened her eyes, sweat dripping down her brow. "If they lob arrows or gunfire at us, we'll be safe, or did you cast a shield that prevents anything from entering our bubble?" inquired Starlight. "It's more of a simple bubble shield expanded; it will block any attacks or anycreature attempting to get inside, but not for long. I was never as proficient in shield spells as my brother, but he taught me this one." Twilight gave the book a nostalgic gaze before carefully tucking it away. "W-Well, that's good…." Fluttershy sighed, smoothing down her mane in a gentle manner. Starlight tapped a hoof to her chin, "Let's hope they don't put too much pressure on us then…." It wasn't too long before Starlight peered her head out of the wagon and informed the group of the incoming creatures. As the knight lowered their visors and kept a firm claw on their swords, every creature braced for impact. But instead, a tirade of… colorful language was echoed throughout the trees. "IDIOT, IDIOT, DU HAST DAS RAD GEBROCHEN!" thundered a shrill and ridged voice. "FOGD BE!" replied a deeper voice. As their wagon approached, the group could see a group of two adult griffins arguing amongst themselves over a broken wagon wheel. Starlight let out a sigh of relief, "I guess they weren't bandits…." A white and light gray griffin with an eye patch and a worn cloth cap would approach, "Er, Sprechen Sie Griffisch?" he inquired. György gestured the wagons to halt as he and Gael approached the group cautiously, speaking in their native tongues as the rest of the expedition watched cautiously. Twilight couldn't help it. Overhearing the Griffins speak Griffish was too much of a temptation. Very few griffins actually spoke the language outside of Griffinstone or other Griffin cities. She tore open the journal Celestia had given her, writing down notes. Pinkie Pie would peer through the window excitedly, waving to one of the Griffins outside cheerfully. "Pinkie! Get down!" Rainbow hissed. The griffin quickly took note of Pinkie, giving a small wave with his claw, "Er…ponies!" he said in a thick griffish accent. "You're coming from Griffinport, yes?" his grey face seemed to brighten at the sight of the mares. "Eyes on me," ordered György. "Pónik!" shouted the griffin, much the pleasure of the other griffin. A group of hatchlings peered from inside the wagon, excitedly looking for the ponies, as they chanted 'pónik' excitedly. Quickly overwhelming the knights as they raced toward the wagons, peering inside each cart and fawning at the expedition. These hatchlings looked very young, having soft tufts of feathers made up of bright whites, browns, and greys, with a large pair of blue and green eyes gawking at the peculiar and foreign sight. A hatchling would approach Rainbow Dash, taking note of her wings, another would oogle Twilight's horn and wings. While another in Trixie and Thorax's cart would oogle and play with the many 'magical' items she had. Before one of the children would shout, taking notice of Yona's massive build as the flock of feathers quickly surrounded the Yak, taking note of her horns and bulk. "Nagy ló?" inquired one. “Nein! Eine große Kuh!” retorted another. Yona seemed overwhelmed and scared to move, hesitant that she might hurt these young griffins if she drove the wrong way. "Err… good little griffins…? No, hurt Yona?" "Uh… what are they doing?" Rainbow whispered to the others, "I know I'm awesome, but this is a little… weird." Fluttershy would coo at them, leaning down to nuzzle one of the younger hatchlings. "Aw, they are adorable!" "See! I knew they were friendly!" Pinkie grinned, clapping her hooves together. "No, Fluttershy said–" Rainbow sighed, "Ugh, whatever!" Twilight cocked a brow before sharing a look with Starlight, slowly climbing her way out of the wagon. The alicorn could hear the protests of Trixie, who was attempting to wrestle away her equipment from the newcomers. "Um, hello, it's nice to meet you." Twilight approached, doing her best to seem friendly, "My name is Twilight Sparkle." The griffins would obviously be the parents of these five little hatchlings, looking weary and exhausted. The father would take the princess's hoof, gently shaking it, "I am Gylde, and this is my wife Grace, and our children, Gunter, Gabriel, Gus, Giana, and Gwen." The mother would clear her throat as she'd bellow a loud cawing, quickly getting her hatchlings back in line. Fluttershy chuckled as the hatchlings scampered off, sighing as she watched them go. "We are very sorry about that. They just get excited when they see something or someone new, haha." sighed Gylde. "If you could help us, we'd be on our way to Griffinhafen," explained Grace, "It's just that my… husband's skills with a hammer are not as good as he claims." scowled Grace. Gylde hmpf'd as he crossed his claws, "As my wife rudely put it, we need help with our wheel. Could you help us?" The knights looked at one another before Gael sighed, marching over to the wagon as he began putting the wheel in place to make repairs. "It's no problem, of course. Frankly, we were expecting bandits of some sort, so you're a welcome surprise." Twilight chuckled, "It's nice to meet all of you. We're actually headed to Griffinstone, but you're on the right path to Griffinhafen." "Oh, I can actually help with the wheel if you like." She turned to the knights, her horn burning to life as she lifted the cart to the proper height and position. The hatchlings would watch in awe at Twilight's very minor display of power, awing at the bright lilac color. Gael gave an appreciative look to Twilight as he quickly used a mallet to hammer the wheel back into place. Gylde graciously bowed his head at the alicorn, "Oh, thank you, ma'am, we are indebted to you." "Oh, it's nothing, really." Twilight shook her head and smiled kindly. Grace gave a warm smile to the princess as she too bowed, "Yes, thank you…" she'd glare at the hatchlings, who quickly shouted, "Köszönöm!" in thanks. And as quickly as they came, they soon left, with all but Gylde packing into the wagon as they set off. Chuckling, the alicorn would wave goodbye to the group, sighing in relief once they were out of sight. "Well, thank goodness they weren't bandits… I'll be keeping the spell up, though, just in case." "Sounds like a good idea to me." Rainbow nodded, "Should I go scout ahead? Maybe I can break this tree cover…." "I don't think that's a good idea…." Fluttershy murmured. Moments later, Starlight screamed from her wagon, "WE'VE BEEN ROBBED!" "What?!" Twilight's wings flew open as she ran towards Starlight's wagon, peering inside. "Those little RATS!" Trixie hissed, baring her teeth. "I knew they were going through my things for a reason!!" Thorax gently pat Trixie's back, "They stole our bits…HEY APPLEJACK DID THEY STEAL YOUR BITS?" shouted Thorax. "Yup! It was a clean sweep! They stole all of our money and made out like a pack of thieves!" replied Applejack. Gael tsk'd as he shook his head, "Oldest trick in the book." before getting swatted by György. Trixie screamed in frustration before slamming the doors to her wagon, muffling her yelling further. Fluttershy turned pale while Pinkie stopped bouncing in place, her gaze shifting from anger to sadness. Twilight rubbed a hoof across her face, unsure of what to do. "Should we chase after them?!" Rainbow asked, gritting her teeth. It looked like she was ready to fire off like a bullet any second. "I…" Twilight muttered, "I-I'm not sure it's worth it…." György gently patted Twilight's back, "Fear not, your highness, if we continue on the main roads, we'll reach Griffinstone, and I'm sure the heiress is willing to compensate you for your measly coffers." Gael would search through Twilight's wagon before looking up from one of the chests, "How many bits did you have?" "A few hundred," replied Rarity, "It was enough for the whole journey." "For a family like that, that's a ticket to Equestria and the start of a new life, filthy peasants." snarled György, "Have they no shame? No honor?" "Well, the stereotype about greedy grifs rains true then," smirked Gael, getting swatted again by György. "We, Gael. Are better than the company of thieves!" retorted György. Applejack sighed, "Well, at least our supplies weren't stolen, probably because they couldn't hide a bunch of crates and chestfuls of food in their feathers and pockets." "That's a relief; how was I gonna bake without ingredients?! Especially if we're meeting an HEIRESS!" Pinkie squealed, twisting herself into the air. "I just hope they can handle Pinkie's energy…." Rainbow Dash whispered to Applejack discreetly. "I'm sure she'll appreciate the gift, Pinkie if we even have any time for you to bake…." Although Twilight really shouldn't question it if she found Pinkie with a perfectly baked pastry in hoof when they met the new leader of Griffinstone. "Then what are we waiting for? Let's get moving!!" Pinkie cheered, hopping back into one of the wagons. The others climbed inside, with Twilight hesitating in the back. Looking out at the forest, she slowly followed the others inside, paranoid that something was looking back at her. > Sweet Home Griffinstone > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As dusk approached, the wagon train had been climbing up a steep set of hills leading to a rugged mountain. Applejack and Pinkie Pie had been pulling the wagons as the griffin knights pushed behind them and steered them out of danger. Before the sun had finally set, the party could see Griffinstone in all its glory. The city had been practically rebuilt from the ground up since the last time Pinkie and Rainbow Dash saw. It could’ve been a whole new city entirely with homes made of fine wood-carved pillars, brick, and stone roofs. The streets were paved with stone and tiled roads. With lantern lampposts illiuminating the city. A rebirth, or renaissance as the Griffins called it, had occurred since Boreas’s idol was found and recovered. The heiress was proclaimed, and a newfound sense of Griffin pride. The massive tree was alive and well full of bright green leaves and its branches reaching out toward the heavens. The city streets bustling with happy griffins working and making money. The scent of fresh bread and scones filled the air. Wealth was everywhere, and thanks to good business and partial greed. Griffinstone was indeed a sight to behold. In the center of the city, standing boldly and with such elegance, is the old statue of King Grover. He was refurbished and cleaned with a new polish to it. As if the old king stood proudly over his newly reborn kingdom, like a phoenix from the ashes. Dozens of businesses lined the streets as the bazaars spilled onto the busy roads, selling many goods locally produced and foreign goods collected from Equestria and Swallowtail. The library had been rebuilt, and several new monoliths of griffin pride stood boldly above the humble city. A stone castle with a tapestry hanging above the gate with three strange symbols. Several temples, even more homes, businesses, and communal spaces were undergoing construction. Griffins would mine stone from the mountain, serving two purposes, to get resources to make bricks for homes and make living spaces. It was as if this metaphorical phoenix was only just spreading its wings to take flight. György took a deep breath before he sighed, “To think only a few years ago, this place was all just one big construction site.” “To think we were just a place where bums used to live.” Mused Gael. Pinkie Pie and Rainbow couldn’t help but trot ahead, the party pony pulling the cart faster than one pony could possibly pull. “Wowza!” Pinkie gasped, marveling at just how much had changed. Taking a deep inhale of the air, she sighed and smiled, “Now those smell like some good scones!” “Nevermind the scones, this place looks–” Rainbow whipped her head around, utterly shocked by how much they had done in such a short time, “Incredible! One little idol can make all of this happen?” “It looks lovely.” Fluttershy nodded, a soft smile on her lips as she spotted a clutch of hatchlings taking flight. "Certainly better than Rainbow Dash and Pinkie described, though it could use a few touch ups." chuckled Rarity. “It’s incredible!!” Twilight couldn’t help but trot in place, excited to explore. “I hope we have time to visit the library… oh, who am I kidding? We’ll make time!” Rummaging into her bags, the alicorn pulled out a familiar journal and began writing down all she could see. “Looks like that old charmer is still here…” Pinkie sighed and fluttered her lashes as they grew closer, spotting the statue of King Grover, “I’m glad this place got all fixed up!” Starlight couldn’t help but marvel at the city’s liveliness. Compared to the sleepier Griffinhafen, Griffinstone was a cultural center, an absolute marvel. For a moment, her mind wandered, thinking of her father’s insistence on the preservation of culture. How he would be ecstatic and proud that her little Starlight made it this far. The moment filled her with a warmth that quickly turned cold as the unicorn quickly focused on unpacking the wagons. “I guess I’m just happy it’s not a pigsty.” Trixie huffed, unimpressed. How could you compare, especially to the Crystal City or Canterlot? Applejack marveled, “That heiress must be really organized and motivated to do all this quickly. It couldn’t have been but a few years since you visited, right?” “You motivate a griffin with enough pride and bits for a lifetime; you can get anything done.” chuckled Gilda, approaching the group with a small band of servants and guards. Gael and György quickly knelt down at Gilda, the griffin quickly waving them off. “Eh, still not used to the royal treatment… ehhh… welcome to Griffinstone. Thanks for letting us know you’d be coming a month or two ago. Gave us plenty of time to clean up.” “Gilda!” Rainbow and Pinkie both jumped up, trotting and flying over to meet the griffin. Rainbow didn’t hesitate to wrap a hoof around the griffin and pull her tightly into a hug. Pinkie Pie did the same, practically dogpiling on top. “It’s nice to meet you again, Gilda,” Twilight nodded before noticing the others bowing and the so-called ‘royal treatment.’ “Wait… you’re the leader of Griffinstone?” Pinkie gasped, pulling her head back, “You’re a PRINCESS?!” Rainbow Dash couldn’t help but fall back and start snorting, “Pffft ha ha ha! Princess Gilda!” Fluttershy remained quiet, hiding behind their supplies. Gilda yelling at her and making her cry had happened long ago, and Fluttershy was stronger now, but she still didn’t particularly want to approach the surly griffin. Thorax gently nudged Fluttershy giving the pegasus a gentle reassuring smile. Gilda groaned as she embraced Rainbow Dash and Pinkie, slowly climbing out from underneath the dog pile, “I’m not a princess, I’m the heiress of Griffinstone, and in a few days, I’M going to be the Queen.” Gilda beamed proudly before smirking, “I’m glad these dorks didn’t ruin the surprise. I was worried some griff would just blab about me being the next in line for the throne.” Gilda looked at her claws before casually recanting her tale, “Yeah, so after you guys left, I went back for the Idol of Boreas.” Rainbow Dash cocked a brow, “Like… how? Didn’t it tumble down that gorge and into the abyss? None of us could fly down there!” Pinkie Pie bounced in place, nearly sending Dash flying as she inserted herself between the two. “Oooh ooh, did you use a reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaally long rope?” Gilda mused, stiffling a snicker, “Well, at first I tied stones to my ankles and tried to glide down…that nearly broke my wings, then I did try a really long rope, but I couldn’t support my weight at a certain point, and I was nearly stuck on the side of a cliff for a day.” She’d continue, “Then I went to the old library and read some books that gave me a few ideas, I wanted to use rocks and a parachute at first, but then I just made a really long pulley system with ropes and a bucket. I lowered myself to the bottom of the pit and got the idol.” “Then a bunch of griffins came out of the woodwork and said I was their new queen or whatever. Grandpa Gruff and my privy council handle all of that junk. I just tell them my awesome ideas, like rebuilding this city, making a bunch of schools and junk.” “You telling them to make schools?” Rainbow snickered before lazily lounging a hoof on the griff’s shoulder. “What happened to you? Hehe… now you know what I’m gonna ask next.” Pinkie Pie and the others waited silently before Rainbow poked Gilda in the side and rose into the air. “C’mon… it’s tradition.” She winked at Gilda, “You know the words by heart.” Gilda sighed, “Right in front of my future subjects….” she’d cleared her throat before rather dully singing. Rainbow Dash grinned and chanted along with Gilda with visibly more excitement, zipping around in the air with the lyrics before landing back on the ground. “Junior Speedsters are our lives. Sky-bound soars and daring dives. Junior Speedsters it’s our quest. To someday be the very best.” The servants would blankly stare, appearing to not understand the words of the chant or why Gilda and Rainbow Dash were dancing, quickly being ordered by Gael in Griffish to unpack the wagons. “Hey, it’s tradition. Besides, you can just tell them to never speak of it.” Rainbow shrugged. Gilda rolled her eyes lamely, "That's not how it works." “I thought it was great!” Pinkie grinned, “Yeah, make ’em do a Pinkie Promise! Ooh, do we all have to promise?” “I… don’t think that’ll be an issue Pinkie,” Twilight chuckled before turning to Gilda, “Thank you so much for allowing us to stay in Griffinstone, and I must say you’ve been doing great work here. Please let us know if there’s anything we can help with while we’re here.” “Yeah, no problem, I actually could, like….use your advice?” Gilda said bashfully, “Look, I’m going to be a queen, and Grandpa Gruff’s advice is….” “My advice is sacred!” squawked the old griff, as he perched himself above the group on a nearby lamppost, “It has been passed down for generations! It is key information that every king has learned since King Grover!” “Yes I KNOW Grandpa Gruff, I just think we should get some advice from an experienced Princess!” snapped Gilda. The older griffin huffed as he rolled his eyes, “You’ve been with ponies too long! Get these moochers a place to stay at the castle and the rest of you, LOS LOS!” Gilda sighed, “It’s been a few long years now… a very very long few years.” Gilda would gesture for the group to follow her, “We’ll get your stuff. Come with me to the castle. I need to talk to all of you, mostly you, Twilight.” Twilight gave the older, nearly geriatric griffin a strange stare before turning to Gilda with a smile, “Of course, I’m happy to listen and give you some advice.” “Since that’s all taken care of…” Spreading her wings, Rainbow gave the future Queen of Griffinstone a sneer. “Beat you to the castle!” She was gone before the words left her mouth, already speeding towards their destination. “You can’t just beat the queen in her own city!” shouted Gilda as she quickly flapped her wings after Rainbow Dash, “Cheater!” “Oooh oooh, me too!” Pinkie jumped up before disappearing in a puff of smoke. “How does she do that without any smoke pellets?” Trixie murmured to herself before shaking her head and grabbing her bags. Not long after, every creature was settled in the guest rooms with groups of three to four occupying a large room. Not nearly as lavish as the hotel in Griffinhafen, but it exuded a warm homey feel. With a fire place in everyroom, with rugs, and blankets made of fine animal pelts. Much to the dismay of Fluttershy, who was compensated with cloth. Gilda sighed as she roamed the castle halls quietly tending to a journal of personal ongoings and chores. She had changed a lot since she’d last seen Dash, it was almost like a dream when they were together. But she felt a tinge of anxiety. She’d mellowed out, lost her touch, maybe, dare she even suggest losing her biting sarcasm? Gilda quickly snapped out of her self-induced trance before stepping inside the banquet hall where her guests ate, “Hey everyone.” waved Gilda, “So let’s talk about your adventure or quest or whatever.” She'd pull up a chair at the end of the table, “Why are you guys doing this? Is Griffinstone in danger? And what can we do to help?” Twilight wiped her lips with a handkerchief before clearing her throat. “Well, a map of great importance is leading us all across Equus–” “–The Cutie Map!” Pinkie butted in before going back to her large slice of cake, slamming face-first into the plate. “... right,” Twilight sighed, “Frankly, we’re not sure what we’re going to face moving forward, but it tends to become obvious when we’ve reached our destination.” Sitting on the other side of the table, Rainbow nodded before wiping her mouth with the back of her hoof. “Yeah, trouble pretty much finds us everywhere.” “So, if there’s anything we can help with, well… anything, that’s what we’re here to do.” Twilight chuckled softly, “That means from political affairs to friendship issues… usually friendship issues.” “We’re not really sure what we’re going to be facing, so some supplies would be nice.” The alicorn continued, nodding to herself before her eyes widened. “Oh… we were actually robbed on our journey here… we were also hoping to acquire some funds?” Gilda scratched her face as she slowly nodded along to the pony’s explanation, “Wow, that’s a lot….” Gilda leaned back, rubbing her temple and dumping her claws against the table, “We can give you the bits, supplies, and help you venture through the continent.’ Starlight slowly pulled out her copy of the map and examined it cautiously, “We are supposed to be here but judging from your flourishing kingdom, I don’t think we have to worry about politics for now.” Gilda sighed, “Good, I hate court politics. Being a queen is complicated!” Starlight slowly examined Gilda’s worn expression as she tapped her hoof to her chin before looking over to Rainbow Dash, “I got a feeling this is more of a friendship problem.” Rainbow glanced over and nodded before getting out of her seat, trotting over to one of her oldest friends, setting a hoof on her shoulder. “Hey, anything you’re having trouble with, we’re all willing to help. Right guys?” The others nodded in affirmation, even Fluttershy. “If it’s something you just need to talk about, we’re willing to listen too.” The mellow pegasus spoke up, her soft voice cutting through the low chatter. “Sometimes it’s nice to just have somecreature to listen to what’s on your mind.” Gilda smirked, rolling her eyes as she grappled Rainbow before giving the pegasus a noogie, “I’m fine, I just need to relax a bit, and with Rainbow Dash here, I think I’ll be fine after we enjoy ourselves for a bit!” Starlight clicked her teeth as she examined the map, “Maybe it’s some other griffin then. We should keep an eye out.” Rainbow grunted and shoved Gilda’s claw away, pouting considerably. “Pfft, the one time I tried to care, and this is how I’m treated!” “Oh, it’s okay, Dashie. She’s just one of those tsu-nder-es.” Pinkie chuckled, somehow teleporting from one side of the room to the other in the blink of an eye. She hugged the two before squealing, “Griffinstone Buddies!!” "Tsunder-what?" questioned Gilda and Thorax aloud. Twilight turned to Starlight and nodded, taking a sip of wine. “You’re more than likely right. From all of our experiences, I’m certain that the issue will show itself soon, but it’s not always the first creature you meet.” “So what should we look out for?” Fluttershy asked, picking at her dandelion salad. “Guys, c’mon, I’m the soon-to-be queen. I can just get every griffin in Griffinstone to do an interview or something with you.” “Won’t that take forever?” asked Applejack. Gilda raised a claw in protest before considering the realities of her suggestion, “... yeah… no, maybe not.” Thorax tapped a hoof on the table, “What if there’s treachery afoot?” Gilda waved off Thorax, “No way, everybody loves me….to the point it’s kinda weird.” “Not an external threat against Gilda, or Gilda’s emotional state, so now we know it probably isn’t Gilda. Maybe it’s Grandpa Gruff?” suggested Starlight. Gilda snorted, “Nobody can fix that grumpy griff.” “You were complaining about that big gruffly-grumbly grumpy griffin!” Pinkie raised a hoof, “Maybe there is a friendship problem here!!” “Pinkie might actually be on to something here…” Twilight raised a brow, genuinely impressed. “Whaaat? It’s not like we do this all the time or anything….” the party pony giggled. “So maybe we should go and talk to him. Make him wise up.” Rainbow snorted, crossing her arms. “What exactly have you been arguing with him about?” Twilight cocked one ear to the side to listen to her better, taking a small sip of her glass. Gilda laughed, “Nah, Grandpa Gruff is fine. He’s just a sour old bat. He means well. He’s just stubborn about all this change. But it’s not a problem.” “Maybe you guys should talk to him, get some perspective about the more… uh… political…? … Institutional… governmental… stuff.” rambled Gilda, “He’s been the regent for the crown of Griffinstone for ages, he and his new apprentice know about Griffinstone’s deeper junk.” Twilight nodded, listening intently. The more she could learn about Griffinstone and its Kingdom, the better. She just sorely wished she hadn’t left her journal in her room. She decided at once to commit everything to memory. “That sounds perfect, thank you. If you could set aside a time in the day for us to meet with him, I’m sure we can find something to do.” The alicorn nodded, giving Gilda a comforting smile. “Plus, I’m fascinated to learn about your culture!” “Oh boy… don’t go nerding out on her, egghead.” Rainbow rolled her eyes. “I’m not an egghead! Besides, you read books too!” Twilight sniffed before giving the pegasus a devilish smile. “I’m so glad Twilight taught you how to read Rainbow Dash.” sneered Gilda as she chuckled into her wine chalice, “But I’ll get Grandpa Gruff to divulge you tomorrow, get you all informed on our Griffish needs.” “Hey!!” Rainbow pouted, color rising to her cheeks. “Just because I didn’t try in Ponish class doesn’t mean I couldn’t read!” “Thank you.” Twilight smiled, ignoring Rainbow’s outburst. “Hopefully, we’ll get an idea of what we need to do.” “Sounds like a plan!” Pinkie snickered, “Now, who wants cocoa?!” The party pony whipped out a serving platter with just the right amount of mugs, each filled with a delicious and warm chocolatey goodness. “It has marshmallows~!” Gilda raised her mug, “Prost,” before glugging the mug of cocoa down, “Hey, that’s pretty good, (Where does she get it from?).” > A Guide To Griffinstone History > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Morning arrived faster than expected. It could be the heavy dinner and long journey putting every creature to rest or the excitement of being one step closer to completing their journey quickly prompting the group to sleep early and rise early. Some creatures, however, preferred it if morning came and went. Grandpa Gruff is one of those creatures who happen to be lounging in one of the castle dorms. Gilda sighed before unlocking the wooden door with a skeleton key on her waist belt and then giving the door a firm kick. The thundering sound quickly caused Grandpa Gruff to sprout up like a spring seedling. “W-what’s happening!? What do you want!?” squealed Grandpa Gruff as he flailed around in bed. Gilda rolled her eyes, “Listen, you old buzzard, I order you to answer all of Princess Twilight’s questions about Griffinstone.” The heiress dug in her fur coat before tossing a few coins at the geezer. Gilda gently pat Twilight’s back before signing off, “I’ll be with Rainbow Dash let me know if you need anything!” Starlight quickly trotted inside as if to fill in Gilda’s absence, giving Twilight a nervous smile. Grandpa Gruff rolled his eyes before climbing out of bed, “Fine! Make yourself comfortable then!” Through the large oak wood doors lay a fine study room full of books and, more distinctively, liquor. The scent noticeably stuck to Grandpa Gruff’s breath when he spoke. Starlight and Twilight trotted over to a small table a few feet from the bar on the rightmost wall in the study, unsure of what to think of the old griff. “Well, speak up!” ordered Grandpa Gruff, “I don’t have all day!” The alicorn looked about the room in wonder, her mouth nearly watering at all of the literature bared before her. How much she just wanted to reach out and read one, just one… but the griff’s shrill voice dragged her out of her daydream. Twilight blinked and traded an unsure look to her unicorn companion, unsure where to start. “Well, I want to start and say that I studied some Griffin history, at least any of the books that survived in Equestria. I understand that trade has only recently flourished, and I was hoping to learn anything and everything about the kingdom from you. Gilda spoke…” Twilight paused, clearing her throat, “... highly of you.” Grandpa Gruff scoffed as he walked over to the bar, pouring himself a scotch glass of bourbon before taking a sip of the beverage. Swishing it in his maul before speaking, “I’m sure you’re referring to the recent up-and-up Griffinstone has been going through?” He’d continue, “Well, after the coronation of King Guto, the king went and ruled for twenty-three glorious years before the creature Arimaspi came and stole The Idol of Boreas. After the creature fell into the canyon with the Idol, King Guto thought it was a sign from the Gods of a Griffin Dark age. He then disbanded the clergy, nobles, and privy council, dissolving the Kingdom of Griffinstone, and in one last act of self-sacrifice to spare his species from what he assumed was the wrath of the Gods, King Guto took his royal dagger. Then he struck himself in the stomach ending his own life.” Grandpa Gruff’s expression was grim for a moment, as his look bore a heavy expression. One of sorrow and dread as the old creature seemed to mourn for a moment. Twilight’s face grew pale, and she drew away in shock. She had no idea something so dark had happened in their history. Glancing at Starlight, her expression relayed everything she needed to know. “I… I had no idea. I knew of King Guto, Arimaspi, and the Idol of Boreas. I knew that the kingdom fell, but nothing in the texts I ever read mentioned that the king….” Twilight shivered, swallowing the lump growing in her throat, “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to bring up something like that.” Starlight bit her lip as she inhaled air through her teeth, a nervous chortle escaping her as she could barely mutter an “Oookay.” Grandpa Gruff sniffled, flicking a dusty tear away, “It’s a great tragedy for us Griffins. The Idol is the thing that unifies most of us Griffins. It's a blessing from the Gods that gave us our wealth, and our pride. It motivates every griff to go get ’em!” “But then Gilda found the Idol, and I couldn’t believe it. I thought she was playing a joke on me. I was only a little hatchling when I was told of King Guto’s demise. I was raised in a generation of hopelessness. To see Gilda hold our salvation was the greatest thing these old eyes will ever see.” He’d continue, “I quickly held council with the nobles, and clergy, informing them of Gilda finding the Idol. We quickly agreed she’d be Queen, and as Gilda was informed of her new role. She quickly sought knowledge from only the wisest of noble scholars, spiritually intune monks and course, the practical knowledge of running a kingdom from yours truly and you have this beautiful city under works. Apparently, you can make cities when you hoard wealth for over a generation.” Twilight was relieved to move past most of the dark nature of the conversation, giving the old griff a small, gentle smile. “It is impressive what you have managed to create in such a short time. Incredible, actually. Pinkie and Rainbow Dash arrived here not very long ago and gave me… an unflattering description at best. How we haven’t heard any news of this boom is beyond me.” Slowly, Twilight would trot over to a seat, resting her hooves for a moment. “Is there anything that I should be privy to? I know Gilda wants advice from me, but it would be great to hear both sides of the issue both of you may bring up. I’d also like to ask if there is anything we can aid your kingdom with. Equestria would be happy to help, as would myself and our party.” “Yeah, her attitude; she needs to act Kingly! Er… Queenly!” mused the Griffin. “... Queenly?” questioned Starlight. “Yeah, she needs to be proper and regal!” squawked Grandpa Gruff. “Well, considering she grew up with Rainbow Dash. I think you’re outta luck.” snickered Starlight. “Look, just give her one of those emotional pep talks about friendship and kindness or whatchamacallit. Now, do you have any more questions?” Twilight shrugged, “Well, I’m not exactly sure what you’re looking for me to do… I don’t know Gilda very well, but like Starlight said, she grew up friends with Rainbow. I’ll try talking to her. Maybe she’ll have an idea of how to approach Gilda about the subject. But, considering how your kingdom is growing, I imagine that she’s ruling quite well.” Twilight couldn’t help but cock a brow. “What exactly is it that she’s doing wrong?” “She’s too soft, I tell you, this generation is soft!” ranted the Griffin, making it ambigious if the old geezer was even listening earlier, “I’m sure you understand being a creature thousands of years old. But these new hatchlings? Tch! Their whining and grumbling about ‘friendship’ and ‘passions’ like a bunch of sissy grifs!.” Twilight was somewhat surprised. She expected him to complain about her professionalism. Then her eyes widened to dinner plates. Wait– he thought she was thousands of years old like Celestia? She was just about to correct him when the door opened. A new voice would cut through the tirade, “Please exit the study; Grandpa Gruff needs space when he gets full of hot air.” a younger Griffin would walk into the study carrying a bunch of books and writing supplies. “Oh, hello!” Twilight stood up, approaching the young Griffin with a friendly smile. He stood out amongst the other griffins. His coat and feathers were bright blue. She wasn’t sure if she had seen a single other griffin with such a vibrant plume. “My name is Twilight Sparkle, and this is one of my companions Starlight Glimmer. A pleasure to meet you.” “Don’t give that one the time of day!” snarled Grandpa Gruff, waving his free claw at the Griffin while his other claw gripped his scotch glass tightly. “Gallus,” he’d snap his claw at Gallus, “Off to your studies, archive King Grifficus logs on new scrolls– the old ones have mold, then go study old Griffish, then do the chores!” Gallus rolled his eyes as he glanced over at Twilight, “I thought we banned slavery.” “You hold your tongue, boy, before I yank it out of your skull! We’re nothing like Unicornica!” hissed Grandpa Gruff. Twilight cringed at the reminder of Unicornica. She was still processing the idea of such a place and how it could have gone unnoticed by Equestria for so long. She decided she would write a letter the next chance she had, but for now, she wanted to learn more. “I want to learn more about Unicornica. I’d only heard of it a day before our arrival. It shocks me how it hasn’t come to our attention before. Equestria wouldn’t simply allow such a wretched place to exist if we had known sooner.” Twilight said this with the utmost conviction. She knew neither Celestia, Luna, or even Cadance would knowingly allow such things as slavery. They would have done something far sooner if they had. Grandpa Gruff tapped his claw to his chin, “Eeerrr… that’s more of the nobles thing, those knights that brought you might bring you to their Grand Master. Gallus and I handle the history and politics of Griffinstone, you see?” Gallus rolled his eyes, “They’re evil, weird ponies, and thank Boreas for Swallowtail.” “Swallowtail is full of unfaithful Griffs! Singing, dancing, partying!? INTERMINGLING WITH PONIES AND HARPIES!?” he scowled and hissed, “Disgusting!” Gallus sighed before leaning against his desk as he looked to Twilight, “Talk to the clergy or noblegriffs about anything that isn’t about our [i']glorious' history.” he grumbled. Twilight gave the young Griffin a sympathetic look before nodding to both of them, “Thank you, I think that should be all. If there’s anything that you think needs to be brought to our attention, or if you need any help, please just let me know. I’m going to try and speak to one of these clergy.” Turning to Starlight and nodding, she began to head for the door before glancing back to the rather depressed-looking Griffin. She halted, trotting back around. “Actually, would you happen to know where they are? If you do, it’s better than running around trying to find the knights.” Twilight hoped he would pick up the offer to leave the grumpy older Griffin’s company and the work he would have to do. That was the least she could offer him. Gallus smirked as he quickly shuffled toward Twilight, “Oh yeah, I know exactly where they are, I can take ’em right to yah.” He’d gestured the ponies forward as he quickly slipped out of the room. Starlight sighed as she looked at Twilight with a worn smile, “You never change, do you?” Twilight gave her a cheerful smile in reply, “What can I say? My friends rubbed off on me.” Turning to Gallus, she gestured a hoof forward. “Go ahead and lead the way and don’t worry, we have time.” she chuckled, shaking her head, “Also, would you mind telling me a little bit about the clergy, just so I know who I’m meeting?” Gallus snickered, “They’re a bunch of stuffy old buzzards. But at least they’re pretty nice, or the least greedy Griffins around. Which is funny because they’re the richest Grifs from all those temple donations. They believe in the authority of the Gods and spend time praying and sometimes conducting worship or ceremonies for the Gods. Or maybe some griff died or was born. They do all sorts of junk, or you’re visiting them because you got hurt and can’t afford a doctor.” Twilight nodded, that was pretty much what she expected from the clergy, and it was similar to Celestia’s many divisions and groups that made up her zealous theocrats. However, the only ‘God's’ they worshiped was Celestia and Luna herself, with the ocassional groups that even worshiped Twilight herself and Cadance. Even if the monarch's discouraged such a thing. With Celestia having not awknowledge any form of worship in thousands of years despite their feverous nature. “I’ll keep that in mind.” Twilight nodded. She paused for a moment before chuckling and shaking her head. She glanced back to Starlight, “Can you believe he thought I was as old as Celestia herself?” She suddenly looked worried, “Do I look that old?!” Starlight snorted, “Does Celestia look old? No, do we know she’s old? Yes, he might have thought you were older, but you look great.” She’d say confidently before nervously stammering, “I mean not to say you don’t usually look… good.” she’d clear her throat. Gallus slowly clacked his beak, “Awkward.” he’d beckoned the pair forward, “At the temple, the Bishop will ask you a question, “Salvation or Sanctuary,” say the second one. It will let you inside to seek council with the highest leader of the temple.” Twilight chuckled good-naturedly, not picking up on Starlight’s faux pas. That was until Gallus decided to make it evident to her. Her cheeks colored slightly, but she brushed it off. Starlight was still getting used to being around her after all. Starlight scoffed as she rolled her eyes at Gallus, “What? I can’t muck up occasionally?” Twilight quickly cut in, stiffling Starlight's question, “Thank you, Gallus, you’ve been a great help. And again, if you need any help, just look for one of my friends or me.” Twilight gave him a friendly smile, “Also, you might as well take the long way back. Just say I was asking a lot of questions.” Giving him a good-natured wink, she trotted along. Gallus smirked, “Will do. I’ll see you guys later tonight after our 'tour’. If you need me, I’ll be at the tavern.” the Griffin signed off before flapping away and quickly out of sight. Ahead lay a massive stone building with pillars of rock. Unlike the buildings surrounding it, it had a cold, practical, and near-primitive look compared to the rest of the advanced city. Specific engravings lined the wall. “Az élet istennője, Goddess of Life.” A griffin with a black face, clad in purple robes, approached, carrying a golden chalice akin to the Idol of Boreas, “Salvation or Sanctuary?” he inquired in a gentle, welcoming tone. “Sanctuary,” answered Starlight. Twilight approached the Griffin with a gentle, if slightly intimidated, smile. The architecture, while dark, was as beautiful and impressive as she had expected. She knew it was ancient. She could practically feel it. That, and her giddiness to see the inside. “We would like to speak to the clergy, if possible.” She asked softly as they stepped forward. There was a Gothic, grim, heavy feeling surrounding the temple. Stained glass depicting a gentle eagle tending her hatching and then battling with a fearsome wolf, before dying for the future of her hatchlings. The representation of life and death. Eyr and Maar. Candles surrounded an altar where a scroll lay on a podium. An image of a beautiful eagle rested in a photo frame surrounded by flowers. The bishop laughed, “Well, my dear, you are talking to a clergy member. I assume you’d like to speak to our Elder Grover Elijah?” Twilight’s head was on a swivel as she took everything in, committing it to memory, determined to make her recount in the journal as accurate as possible. She was beginning to regret not bringing Spike along, but the poor thing needed his sleep. She only snapped out of her trance when the bishop spoke, shaking her head. “O-Oh, heh, sorry,” the alicorn blushed, shaking her wings out awkwardly, “Yes, that’s what I meant. I was just distracted by how beautiful this place is. I don’t believe Equestria has any documentation of it.” The bishop mused, “My dear, the temple of Eyr is indeed beautiful. She is, after all, our Goddess of life, fertility, and agriculture. The epitome of life and family.” The bishop shook his head, “But your alicorn kin refuse to acknowledge their purpose. They are servants of Boreas, and they neglect their role of spreading his message. Which is why you ponies don’t worship and adore the Gods or even know them.” Twilight blinked, not comprehending at first what he had just said before it slowly sank in. Twilight wasn’t sure if she should be insulted or not. She glanced back at Starlight, unsure of what to say. Slowly, she did her best to fake a smile and nod. “Right…” she’d have to note that down and ask a few questions later, “Sorry, we don’t have much time. Could you please direct me to the Elder? I have a few questions for him.” Starlight shrugged, unsure of commenting since it was on the basis of religion, not even as a dictator had she touched that topic with a ten-foot pole. She remembers the waffle pony… it sent a shiver down her spine. She was content with holding her tongue for now. The bishop nodded before slipping behind a set of cloth before a gray and white Griffin clad in ivory robes, wearing a hood with gold trimming, approached. His beard was snow white and reached to the floor. The Griffin paused and mused at Twilight. “The immortal heiress, it is an honor to meet such a being of sheer power before I die. Thank you for granting me the privilege of meeting you. Is there anything I can help you with?” Twilight smiled softly, trying to side-step the dark tone of his possible imminent death. At least he was friendly... “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Elder Grover, and yes, I have a few questions for you about the kingdom.” she tipped her head down in respect before meeting his gaze, “I was hoping to help in any way I can, and I’ve been asked to give your new Queen advice on how to rule. Before doing so, I want every perspective I can so I have the whole picture.” Elder Grover smiled gently, patting the pony’s back, “Dear child, Gilda is the Queen. We are but her humble advisors. I will not question the authority of the holder of the Idol of Boreas.” He’d continue walking over to the podium, “I have a feeling you have some questions about our culture and maybe the region itself? I know that eager look in your eye, the desire, and hunger for knowledge.” Twilight’s brow crinkled, unsure of how to continue. She wanted to get advice for Gilda, but at the same time, it was true. She was incredibly curious. “Of course, you don’t want to question her authority, but she asked for my advice. I just want to make sure it’s in her kingdom’s best interest. I don’t want to wrongfully influence her in any way.” She sighed, rubbing the back of her neck, “But… yes, I am curious.” Twilight slowly sighed before fessing up to the Elder, “Your culture is fascinating to me, and I am sure there have been some massive changes in the time between now and the state Griffinstone was in not too long ago. It must have been mind-boggling.” Perhaps she could at least still get some context that might help her. The Elder cleared his throat as he gestured for Twilight to follow him around the temple. He'd then disclosed their history, “Griffinstone’s culture, and more importantly, wealth, was divided among the clergy and nobles. We did not trust the privy council, not to self-service themselves. We studied and kept up the traditions of worship.” Grover continued, “See when Guto abolished the kingdom, we held out hope that our survival and dedication to Boreas and the Gods traditions would eventually aid in the recovery of the Idol. When Gilda found it, we quickly informed the nobles and knights and used our collective wealth and knowledge to rebuild the city and train Gilda to be a monarch. She will be ready in due time.” “So… what did you mean about alicorns?” questioned Starlight. Grover smiled, gesturing to some golden tapestry dedicated to a giant lion named Boreas, “Ah, the ancient scribes read that Boreas is the master of all things and Gods. Ponies and other creatures claim that Celestia, Luna, Cadence, and Twilight are gods.” Elder Grover gestured to another tapestry on the opposite wall, with an Eagle surrounded by hatchlings and eggs, “We are the followers of Eyr and Boreas. We believe that Boreas originally made the pony race to aid in Griffish ambition and, unfortunately, broke away from his teachings. Most rigid of the clergy believe associating with other species is a sin. But I and many others disagree. I believe you are serving Boreas in the best way you possibly can.” The bishop scoffed as Grover chuckled, “I am sort of a rebel despite my old age… see, my name was Grayson Elijah Gruff, but when I became an Elder, I changed it to Grover to honor the first King of Griffinstone and who was blessed by Boreas himself.” Twilight listened intently, and while she disagreed with the Elder, she could respect his views. Twilight herself was considered somewhat of an outcast with the more religious ponies who saw Celestia as some untouchable being. It was difficult to give the same reverence that they did. Not that she didn’t revere Celestia, of course. She was just too familiar with her to scold ponies for using her name in vain or being frightened of her potential wrath. “It’s strange that Equestria has not had any of this recorded. I assume many texts have been lost to time, but… would it be possible to borrow or perhaps allow me to transcribe one or two of your texts? I promise I will use the utmost care.” She asked gently, not wanting to offend. The Elder nodded, “I can hand you the scribes that we have made for converts around the territory and Swallowtail. Some pony converts come back at times to thank us for showing them the truth of Boreas. Our teachings tend to spread via word of mouth through griffin traders and missionaries.” The Elder quickly fetched a set of scrolls for Twilight, explaining the origin of the Gods and the world from a Griffin perspective. “Twilight, right? I heard your name echoed through the Celestial and Lunarist circles. You are the immortal heiress, right? The successor to Celestia?” “I, err…” She wasn’t sure how to answer that, “I was her student, but I don’t know….” She shook her head, “It’s pleasant to meet you. Thank you so much for bringing this to me. I promise I’ll be careful.” She took the scrolls gently into her magical field, gently unrolling them one by one, recording each text in her journal. It didn’t take much time. Twilight had done this time and time before during her studies. It was practically second nature to her now. Grover nodded, eagarly observing Twilight scawl the scrolls into her journal, “Interesting, so interesting to experience an exchange of culture like this. This is a new era for griffins.” “Perhaps you should venture to Swallowtail to speak to the more religious ponyfolk. Although it is strange, you don’t carry much zeal for your God. Considering your position.” shrugged Grover, “Please let us know if we can do anything to help.” Grover bowed before walking back behind the cloth door and vanishing into the room. Starlight looked over to Twilight, “Want to talk to the nobles or go back and read those scrolls?” Twilight stared at the Elder as he walked away, raising a brow at his quip. Was she supposed to come in hailing Celestia as the one true god or something? Shaking her head, she turned back to Starlight and smiled. “As much as I’d love to read through these, it’s probably best to speak to the nobles before heading back. Want to give Gallus enough time, so it seems reasonable for him to be late.” She chuckled, throwing Starlight a wink. Starlight sighed as she rubbed her temple with a set of magic hands, “Alright…” the pair departed from the temple and quickly trotted down the walkway before bumping into a patrol of knights. Starlight quickly perked up, “Hey! We’d like to speak to the nobles!” shouted Starlight. The patrol leader stopped for a moment, staring at the ponies strangely. Before marching up to Twilight, “Your highness, how may we be of service?” Twilight grimaced and stepped forward, “Like my companion said, we’d like to speak to the nobles. It is a matter of importance, something your Queen has requested of me.” She tried to speak with as much authority and respect as she could muster. The patrol leader nodded, “I will guide you to the Grand Master. The rest of you! Maintain discipline and continue the route!” The other knights nodded before marching forward. “I will take you to the castle wall where our nobles plan and reside.” informed the Griffin. Soon they’d be let inside the castle wall, and after a climb up dozens of spiraling stairs, they made it to a small candle-lit war room where a circle of knights murmured around the table at the top on of the city walls guard towers. “Twilight Sparkle seeks council!” thundered the patrol leader. He'd then turn to Twilight, giving the alicorn a small bow, before turning to the nobles and saluting. Before walking out of the room. The griffins grew silent before they turned to examine her, their bucket helmets obscuring their vision and expressions. But the iron and tin helmets stared back like scowling eyes at the pair of ponies. They finally answered when the Griffin at the far most part of the table rose up, clad in black armor with a blue sash and robes adorning his breast piece. Taking off his helmet, a graying brown griffin revealed himself underneath the helmet. “I am Grand Master Gascon Griff. How may I be of service, pony?” Gascon said in a posh and haughty voice, reminiscent of a Canterlot accent with a Griffish accent. Twilight took a deep breath, trying to soothe her anxiousness in front of these strangers by soothing down her mane in a manner reminiscent of Fluttershy. She gave the council a small, nervous smile before clearing her throat. “Ahem, well, Queen Gilda has asked me for advice, and I wanted to learn everything there is about your great kingdom before I begin recommending anything. It should be for the good of your people and not something that just works for ponies.” Twilight began, “I will admit, it is also a personal curiosity of mine. If you are willing, I want to learn as much of your culture as possible.” “If she seeks your council, then it comes with the presumption that your culture and way of life would be shared, no?” Gascon raised a brow at Twilight, the old battle bird squinting curiously at the princess. Twilight subtly adjusted her wings, signaling her discomfort to any of those watching. Which was plenty. “As for your quest to find knowledge, I will oblige you. Long ago, our ancestors used to bully each other around thoughtlessly and without purpose. Fighting for territory, food, and resources like savage animals. Then the missionaries spread the message of Boreas. When we discovered Boreas and what it meant to be civilized we cultivated our combative ways into foraging weapons and armor. Then soon after King Grover showed us the Idol, and we submitted our loyalty to him.” The Griffin stretched as he continued, “But after King Guto abolished the kingdom, we were forced into exile into the woodlands, training and defending local griffins the best we could from bandits and, of course guarding the kingdom’s wealth. Waiting. After that old bird brain, Grandpa Gruff told us the Idol was found, we quickly collected our coffers and intended on rebuilding the old capital of the Griffin motherland.” Twilight nodded, “And that you have. It’s incredible what you have managed to accomplish so quickly. Two of my friends visited not long ago, and their description is wildly different from what I see now. It’s miraculous. I only wish I could have been here to see it myself.” The griffins smirked, beaming pridefully at the mention of their now glorious city, “Yes, thanks to the heiress, our pride was restored and the kingdom with it.” Twilight smiled softly. Then another thought came to mind, “I’ve heard of a place called Unicornica, which deeply troubles me. Do you have anything you can share about them?” Her expression grew serious, her brow furrowing. Gascon stroked his long greying beard as he pondered, “We don’t encounter the unicorns. Swallowtail provides a buffer between them and us. But from what we hear from Swallowtail traders coming and going to the city. There is a border war is constantly being fought.” He’d sit up and place his claws on the table before pointing to his map of the city-state, surrounded by forest with a massive tree standing in the center. Westward lay a river and mountains, providing natural defense for both armies, mainly the unicorns. “They seem to hold the eastern part of the continent and, from what I hear, trade in slaves.” stated the Grand Master. Twilight’s nose crinkled in disgust at the mention of slaves. She couldn’t bear the thought of the countless ponies and other creatures imprisoned and forced into labor. If she could get more information on it, she could better inform Celestia and Luna. “Thank you, I will make sure the Princess is made aware of this.” she tried to relax her face, not wanting to scowl any further, “You’ve been a great help. Is there… anything else you might be able to tell me? Or anything we can do for you?” The Grand Master shook his head as he took a long drink from a pint of mead resting on the wooden table before speaking, “No, Griffinstone is in the safe claws of The Knights of Kerekasztala guard over the nation. But I advise you to speak to Gilda and give her the best advice you can. We may be educated in the traditions of faith and nobility, but you have experience ruling creatures,” Gascon nodded at Twilight, offering a confident smile, “You will do fine, your highness.” The alicorn smiled at Gascon, flattered by his words– although, frankly, she wasn’t sure if she really ruled anything. “Thank you, I’ll do my absolute best.” Gascon would look around Twilight, examining Starlight curiously, “A shadow hiding in obscurity does not equate to a proper meeting of two creatures.” Starlight stepped forward, giggling nervously, “Sorry, I’m just the princess’s friend, assistant, thing.” Gascon snorted, “Alright, well, best be off then, less you care to join us for dinner. It’s hassenpufel.” “Hassenpufel?” Twilight attempted to pronounce it correctly, doing a manageably good job of it. She glanced back at Starlight before her stomach loudly made the decision for her. Blushing, she chuckled nervously. “Well… I don’t see why not. What do you think, Starlight?” Starlight rubbed her leg awkwardly, “What does hasselpufel mean?” “Rabbit stew,” smirked Gascon. “No, thank you,” chuckled Starlight, “Twilight, let’s go back to the castle and review what we learned.” she nervously chuckled as she tugged the princess along. Twilight suddenly went pale and chuckled, “Ehehe, never mind, you’re right. Thank you anyways for the gracious offer. Perhaps some other time. I bid you a good day.” She gave the council a bow before slowly trotting out with Starlight. Slipping into the dimly lit hallway before departing from the guard tower. “Well, that could have gone worse.” Twilight let out a long sigh as soon as they were out of earshot. Starlight sighed, quickly collecting her copies of the scrolls and scribbling down information into her saddle bags, “Well, at least we’re well-versed in the local culture. Now what?” Twilight looked around before turning to Starlight, giving her a light shrug. “Why don’t we get something to eat and then head back? Hard to think on an empty stomach.” “Yeah… that seems like a good idea. Maybe get something sweet.” Starlight smiled to herself at the thought of something frosted or loaded with chocolate. After exiting the guard tower and trotting into the street, the pair could see a cafe and street vendors selling scones down the road fom them. Able to smell all the recent scents and flavors from the dozens of bakers. “That sounds good to me. We should get some for the others, too. Pinkie wouldn’t forgive me if I got something sweet and she didn’t.” The alicorn chuckled before trotting to one of the vendors, ordering plenty to feed their group as a nice treat. Twilight bit into one of the pastries, letting out a groan of satisfaction. She levitated one of them to Starlight, her magenta aura enveloping it. Starlight quickly snagged the pastry with her lilac aura encompassing the treat, “Looks like another case of you doubting yourself again, Twilight.” Starlight said with a worn smirk, “But at least your book will be more detailed,” added Starlight. “I’m just surprised they trust me so thoroughly. I was expecting at least a little skepticism. Really, all I wanted to know was if there were any barriers or lines I shouldn’t cross, but I suppose I don’t have to worry too much about that.” Twilight shrugged, “But that’s true. I can’t wait to keep transcribing everything. Perhaps it can be published!” Starlight scoffed, “Twilight, these creatures believe Gilda has the blessing from powerful Gods. Of course, they trust you. Because Gilda trusts you,” Starlight cleared her throat, On another note, “If you want, I could donate my time and help you with your book….” Twilight looked up, her brow slightly raised, but she simply smiled and nodded. “That would be really kind, Starlight, and I’m sure Spike would be relieved to have a break this time. Usually, he transcribes things for me. Plus, it would be nice to get to know you a bit better.” Starlight chuckled awkwardly, “I think you know enough about me, eh heh…so Uhm....is Spike like a pet or your brother?” Twilight spat a chewed-up scone, nearly choking on it before turning to face the unicorn. She wasn’t sure if she should be furious or easy on her due to her lack of self-awareness. Closing her eyes, Twilight sighed. “Spike is like a brother to me. Please, never say something so hurtful like that again, especially in front of Spike. I know you didn’t mean it, but… there were a lot of rude Canterlot ponies who called him names like that….” Turning away, the alicorn’s face twisted, feeling herself cringe as she wasn’t sure how to escape this incredibly awkward situation they were thrust into. Rubbing her forehead, she turned to Starlight and attempted a smile. “C’mon, we should start heading back before it gets too dark.” offered Twilight. Starlight quietly apologized before looking around the city idly, “Yeah… let’s get going….” There was a long moment of silence before Starlight broke the tension, “I am really terrible at talking in hindsight.” Twilight snorted before giggling, glancing back at the unicorn as they trotted toward their lodgings, “Don’t worry; at least you’re trying. When I lived in Canterlot, I didn’t want to be friends with anypony, and I could hardly hold a conversation. Not that I wanted to. Of course, the only ponies I spoke to were my family… and Spike. It’ll take time, Starlight, but you’ll figure it out.” Starlight smiled timidly at Twilight, “Well, at least you’re willing to tolerate me. Thanks…” Twilight turned around and stopped, giving the unicorn an encouraging look. “I’m not tolerating you, Starlight. You’re my friend. You’re going to make mistakes. Sometimes friends get mad at each other, upset with each other. But they work through it because their bond is stronger than one little spat.” “I expect you to make mistakes, and I’m not going to blame you for something so insignificant when you’re still learning. Don’t be so hard on yourself, okay?” She smiled softly, gently laying a hoof on her shoulder before turning around. “Now, let’s get going.” > The Fox, The Falcon, And The Bull > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The kingdom of Griffinstone was brimming with life as Yona trotted through the streets. She had never seen Griffins before, although she had been taught about foreign kingdoms and creatures they knew from their texts Yakyakistan collected before the kingdom was isolated from the world all those years ago. But it was one thing to read it. It was another to see it for yourself. How differently it all compared from the texts her people had collected over a thousand years ago. She looked around at all the sights and smells. It was fascinating, exciting, and nerve-wracking all at the same time. Wandering through winding paths, Yona did her best not to trample over anygriff’s tail or bump into carts holding their wares. It seemed like other cultures didn’t provide the ample room Yaks needed to really move around comfortably. Walking past a few stalls, Yona’s attention faltered, and her rear end bumped into something wooden and hollow. She heard a crash and cringed, slowly turning around. “What do you think you’re doing?! You’re gonna pay fer’ that!” A griffin with peach-colored feathers snapped, pointing down to the vase Yona had just accidentally knocked over, shattered to pieces. “Yona sorry… er, Yona no have bits, but Yona can get them!” The young heifer tried to soothe the situation. She usually would have squared her jaw and threatened any competition with her horns, but she didn’t know the culture here. And a scuffle would probably just make the damage worse. “Oh yeah, sure, you’ve got money at home, huh?” The Griffin sneered sarcastically, “Yeah, right! Someone call the guard!” Yona’s ears flattened down to her braids, slowly backing up. She didn’t do it on purpose! “Fear not, the knights are here! Order! We demand order!” thundered a familiar voice. The Griffin escorted them to Griffinstone, György, was it? The knight gave Yona a wink before stiffening his posturing and making a stern expression with his beak, “What is the problem here?” Yona looked relieved for a brief moment, letting out a small sigh. The Griffin behind the stall sniffed and pointed at the younger heifer, “This… creature destroyed one of my products and refuses to pay for it! I would like to have her charged with theft!” “Theft?!” Yona’s eyes widened before suddenly becoming irate. “Yona, no steal from Griffin. Yona did it by accident!” “Whatever the case is, you owe me!” The Griffin reared up, slamming a claw against the stall. “Is that so?” György glanced at Yona for a moment before sighing. “Ignorant as you are, you are but a peasant. This fine creature is part of the Equestrian expedition led by Princess Twilight, a friend of our current heiress. Which I’m sure you know makes these creatures very, very important, yes?” sneered the knight giving the trader a firm scowl. The armored noble reached into his satchel before tossing a meager amount of bits at the merchant, “Here, take your bounty and rid yourself of our presence!” barked György. The Griffin’s eyes widened as his gaze went from Yona to the knight. Taking the small number of coins, he stuffed them into his pockets and grumbled, turning around a corner where his supplies were held, silently counting his earnings. Yona let out a long sigh and turned to György, bowing her head. “Thank you! Yona didn’t mean it, really. Yona is just too big for Griffin’s place!” She sniffed, kicking a stone in a somewhat dejected manner. She was excited to explore, no doubt, and she didn’t really want to leave, but the feeling of homesickness was growing like a fever. She missed her family, the first layer of snow, and butting heads with her friends. But she couldn’t turn back now. She needed to see this through. “Can knight take Yona back to castle? Yona is… lost.” She gave the Griffin a weak smile, looking around nervously. She didn’t want to chance another vase incident. György shook his head, “I’m afraid not. I could only spare this moment with you because one of your companions spotted you. I can take you to them.” he offered his best smile, gently placing his claw on her shoulder. Sensing the yak's dejected mood. The Griffin gently stroked Yona’s back before leading the yak up the street and around a corner where Spike was patiently waiting. “Oh, great work. Thanks for helping me out. I doubt that merchant would had listened to me.” chuckled Spike as he stroked the scales atop his head. “No trouble at all. Now I must be off.” György bowed before signaling goodbye to them as he departed. Spike turned over to Yona, “Sightseeing?” mused Spike, his claws placed firmly on his hips with his brow cocked. Yona shuffled in place, becoming a little self-conscious, “Yona just wanted to explore… see new things. Yona is just too big for Griffin things….” Now that she was out and about with non-Yaks, she realized just how much she stood out. She had caught many eyes staring at her during her stroll, something she hadn’t learned would be a problem. Being stared at like some sort of spectacle only made her pick up her pace. “Does… dragon ever feel out of place?” She asked suddenly, looking down at Spike. It almost appeared as if she had just remembered he was a dragon. Spike paused for a moment as the question was uttered. He slowly nodded before speaking, “You’re never quite fully accepted by everycreature. Someponies think I’m a greedy monster and dragons think I’m a ponified wimp.” He'd turn to Yona, attempting to change the subject, “Look, Twilight and Starlight are both out, and the girls are spending time with Gilda, and I don’t even want to know what Thorax and Trixie are up to.” he’d fake gag gesturing his claw to his mouth. “Let’s just explore the tavern together, get a few things for ourselves with the meager allowance I have, and have some fun that isn’t life-threatening or an existential nightmare.” Yona gave the dragon a sympathetic nod. She had heard a few of the remarks the griffins had muttered under their breaths, pretending she couldn’t hear. But she was glad for the distraction. “Yona want Griffin honey mead! Yona hears it sweeter than Yak– impossible. Yak mead best.” She snorted and stomped a hoof. Spike paused and realized he’d never been inside a tavern before, or a bar, or any place that sold alcohol. He was amused at the prospect of drinking. “Let me check my map of the city…” he’d quickly fish a map from a pack at his waist before examining it, “Hmm… we’re not too far from a place actually, let’s try it. C’mon, follow me. It’s a few blocks this way.” After racing past dozens of Griffs, the pair excitedly found their way to the tavern they so desperately yearned for. It was called ‘Boldog,’ a sizeable older-looking pub, rugged and improvised compared to the rest of the city. They assumed it to have been around before the rebuilding had commenced. Stepping inside, it was warm, with the fresh scent of porridge and gruel coating the air. The potent aroma of mead clung to their noses like glue. The bar was filled with old scraggly griffs, drifters, and bar flies but a few oddities were there, such as a young-looking, brightly colored Griffin. Spike seemed unimpressed and a little uneasy at the sight of the tavern, “Er… is this the right place?” Yona lifted her snout in the air and took a deep breath. “Oh yes, this good place!” She snagged Spike and trotted up to the bar, slamming a hoof down to get the attention from the Griffin tending it. “Yona want porridge and mead!” Was her simple demand, staring up at the bartender. It perhaps came off as too demanding due to her booming voice. She couldn’t help but shift uncomfortably as eyes fell upon her. The bartender paused, “Trinken Sie? No, no.” he’d cleared his throat as he attempted to speak his best Ponish, “I can give you the porridge, but I don’t want to waste a drop of liquor on a child.” A voice chimed in, “Don’t worry, Garrigus, these two are alright. They’re with the Princess from Equestria.” “Könnyű darabok.” winked Gallus to the bartender. The bartender smirked quietly, whispering to himself, “Easy moneys….” Gallus walked over from the far end of the tavern by the den, resting by the fireplace with a mug of mead for himself. “I heard about a baby dragon and cow moving with the princess. I’m Gallus, and I’m training to be the Queen’s top advisor.” bowed Gallus offering his best smirk. Yona’s draw dropped before her face turned red. She stamped a hoof, causing all of the nearby tables and chairs to jump into the air. “YONA NOT COW!” She sniffed, adjusting her braids as the other patrons gathered their senses, climbing back into their seats. “Yona is YAK. Yona is heifer.” “And you can’t be Griffin; you too colorful. Like pony!” She pointed out. Gallus waved his wing above his beak, “Say it, don’t spray it!” whined Gallus as he quickly adjusted himself, “So… what brings you two to Griffinstone?” questioned Gallus. “We’re here on a mission with the princess. As for Yona, she’s doing her culture’s right of passage.” “Uh huh… so you wanted a drink, right?” offered Gallus. Yona eyed the Griffin with suspicion, but the expression melted away at the mention of drinks. “Yes! Yona wants to drink Griffin’s drink. No drink better than Yak drink! Yona want to learn everything to bring back to Yak.” “I just wanted to try it out since everypony has at all these festivals, dinner parties, and holidays we keep finding ourselves attending, and I’m the only one who hasn’t had a drink.” shrugged Spike. Gallus snapped his claw as the bartender quickly fetched them a large mug of mead, placing the booze in front of the two young creatures. Yona gave a hearty grin at the mugs, “Yona, like, remind Yona of home!” Taking the sizable cup into her hooves, she tilted her head back and opened her gullet. The Griffin and dragon watched as the mead disappeared in 10 seconds flat. Setting the mug down, the heifer hiccuped before pressing a hoof to her mouth, looking a little sheepish. And then the motherload of all burps came up, practically reverberating through the room. Yona wiped her mouth, “Excuse, Yona.” Spike carefully picked up the mug with his claws before pressing his lips against the rim. Slowly tilting his head back as the liquid dribbled into his mouth. The taste was foul and burned. Spike couldn’t hold it. He had to spit it back into the glass before he vomited. Gallus laughed, “Wow, I thought both of you were just posers. Now I just know it’s the dragon. I guess yaks can handle their drink?” Yona gave Spike an empathetic look before turning to Gallus, “Yaks drink very much! During celebrations, for dinner, before battle, for breakfast….” She could have gone on, “Mother Yak milk mixed with mead for calf, make us strong against Yakyakistan cold!” She beat a hoof against her chest, raising her chin in pride. “Can Yona get more?” She raised her empty glass, licking her lips. “The more I listen, the more everything seems to make sense with you now,” Gallus said with a sarcastic bite. Yona simply stared back at him with a cheery smile. “My mistake giving you some mead to see if you’re a lightweight. All I did was warm you up!” The Griffin snorted, rolling his eyes. Spike looked over to Yona, “Wait, did they do it every time, and are the yak calves like a baby baby or like how I’m a baby, but I’m still able to do things.” Gallus blankly stared at Spike, “What?” “Y’know how some babies are helpless while others are more developed,” answered Spike. Yona didn’t seem to be following either, having trouble with the emphasis he was putting on words. She blinked and shook her head. “Not every time, but young calves need warmth and milk to survive harsh winter! Too many calf fall asleep in cold and never wake.” She stated this without so much as flinching as if it were a ubiquitously shared custom. “But Yona was fed lots of milk and mead, so Yona strong!” Looking down at Spike, the heifer raised a brow as if she had just realized something, “Dragon is baby?” Spike scratched his head, trying to remember the proper terminology Twilight used when describing what he was, “Uhm... I’m in the younger state of my development, but I’m around twelve.” Gallus scoffed, “I’m sixteen, and I’m practically treated like a baby, and I’ve developed way more than you did, baby thing. What about you, Yona? How old are you?” Yona still wasn’t exactly sure what Spike was saying, but she could understand Gallus just fine. She gave him a bright smile, “Yona turn sixteen two moon ago! Yona got traditional braid for coming of age!” She gingerly touched her braids, adjusting them as gently as possible. Gallus shifted his brow at Yona, “So do yaks just get to leave their hometown at sixteen? Wish that were me. I hate it here or at least working for my master.” sighed Gallus. Yona shook her head, “No, Yona is a little early to go on pilgrimage, and usually it is yak males… but Yona is exception!” She stamped a hoof. “Master? Are you an apprentice to someone?” asked Spike, loomering over the table toward Gallus. “Yeah, I’m Grandpa Gruff’s apprentice and learning how to be regent to her majesty’s privy council. One problem though, I never wanted to be like Grandpa Gruff, but I’m forced to.” The heifer raised a brow, “If Gallus were Yak, Gallus would trample those forcing him to do things he doesn’t want!” Gallus sighed, “He’s also my legal guardian; I’m forced to be with him til I’m eighteen, but I doubt anycreature would let me considering how important the position is. I wouldn’t hear the end of it.” “Have you tried talking to him about this?” prodded Spike. “Griffins don’t do that. That’s the thing the Queen’s gotta learn apparently, we don’t do ‘talking things out.’” scoffed Gallus. “Then why Gallus stay? Why not leave?” Yona cocked her head curiously. “Gallus could go to pony land or come to Yakyakistan!” “I don’t have the bits to get to those places. Moving is expensive. You have to pay off the sailors in Griffinhaffen extortionist rates!” “You know our journey brought us to Griffinstone for a reason. Maybe you’re supposed to come with us. I mean, your problems aren’t too far from what we’re used to.” offered Spike. “Really? Well, Twilight and her unicorn friend seemed to take a liking toward me… and Gilda is all over that one pegasus like peanut butter on jelly… why not. What do you think, yak?” prompted Gallus. Yona looked at the Griffin before smacking him on the shoulder and wrapping a hoof around him, “Yona happy to have more friends on journey! We should tell pony princess soon as we go back to castle!” She released him from her bone-crushing embrace before sitting back down. Gallus then collapsed on the floor like a pile of wet noodles before slowly climbing up to his feet. Yona giggled behind a hoof, watching as the Griffin righted himself. The Griffin groaned, “Great…I guess we’ll just go back to the castle and wait for Twilight then….” Spike interjected, “Actually, we were looking around town before we found you, and Yona wanted to come here, and I don’t really… jive with this place. I think we should go somewhere else for a bit, yeah?” Gallus sighed, “Sure, why not? Not like I wanted to work on my duties anyway.” The heifer nodded, “Yona want to see best places in Griffinstone! Gallus will give us tour?” She gave him large puppy dog eyes, resting her head on top of her hooves. Gallus relented as he sighed, “Well I was hoping to get your patronage one way or another, but not this way strangely.” Spike cocked a brow suspiciously at Gallus, “What do you mean by that?” Gallus shrugged to himself, “Nothing, let’s get going. I’ll show you the theater.” Yona didn’t seem to understand either, but she was excited to see more of Griffinstone. She hopped off her seat before giddily trotting to the door, glasses, and mugs jumping from their tables. “Yona so excited, let’s go!” She gave the pair a grin. There would be a consistent problem with many of their ventures to fun locales. Language. A substantial language barrier was presented to the small group. Reading books, signs, or going to a play would be more complicated than initially imagined. Gallus tapped a claw to his chin as he pondered where to take them, ‘Who would’ve thought Griffinstone, the capital of the Kingdom of Griffinstone, land of the Griffins, have creatures that mostly speak Griffish.” mocked Gallus. “This journey wasn’t exactly planned thoroughly. None of us had time to learn a new language!” argued Spike, crossing his arms firmly at Gallus. Gallus sighed, “You’re right… I shouldn’t have expected a baby to know what to do.” Spike grumbled to himself, festering as his anger bubbled within. Steam was barreling out of his nostrils as smoke escaped his maul, this little dragon was like a firecracker waiting to pop. And Gallus was a bit too close. Yona stomped a hoof, getting the pair’s attention. “Yona not want fighting with friends, Gallus; say sorry to Spike! Just because Gallus is grumpy doesn’t mean he can put it out on others!” She stepped between the two, being quite the large barrier. “Yona, don’t think princess pony would like griffin being mean to number one assistant.” Gallus threw his arms up defensively, “I’m just saying what I’m seeing.” Spike scoffed, rolling his eyes as he muttered under his breath, “Jerk….” Gallus snorted, scratching his chest fluff idly, “Alright, alright, I stepped on some paws. Big deal, let’s find something to do before Twilight gets back and I have to go back to work.” “How how about a game of cards?” offered Gallus. “What is with you and getting your mitts on our bits!?” snapped Spike. “I’m a Griffin; it’s in my nature.” shrugged Gallus, quickly playing off his sleazy behavior as merely his nature. “That not an apology! Spike deserves real apology.” Yona snorted, giving the Griffin an unamused stare. Although, at the mention of his ‘nature,’ Yona turned to Spike, nearly forgetting her initial anger toward Gallus, “Don’t dragon horde? Is it not similar to griffins?” “Yes, but I chose not to be greedy despite my nature and because I learned my lesson about being too greedy…” Spike cringed at the thought of him foalnapping Rarity. Gallus sighed and rolled his eyes, “Look, we can’t apologize for our natures, so let’s just drop it, okay? Say, I heard there were some dragons over at Swallowtail. Maybe you’d fit in with those guys.” Spike nervously chuckled, “Ehhh, probably not.” Yona sighed but accepted the situation. At least they weren’t mad at each other. She could only imagine what would have happened had they been Yaks. Half of the street would have been wiped out by now. “Why not?” Yona cocked a brow, “Spike is great dragon!” Spike blushed before waving off Yona, “I was raised by ponies. I’m considered a pony in the eyes of most dragons. That doesn’t mean I can’t kick it with the best of them. I just prefer life in Equestria.” Gallus slowly nodded, “So you just suck at being a dragon.” Spike grumbled, crossing his arms as he loudly scoffed, “I was going to be the Dragon Lord, but I chose not to!” Gallus slowly leaned over Yona as he rested his head in his claw, “Wow… you’re just plain dumb then! What kind of guy gives up an island full of gold and people respecting your every step!” Spike threw his claws up in frustration, “Shut up!” Gallus erupted in laborious laughter before hopping off Yona and sighing contentedly, “Well, that settles it. I’m with you guys if only to just watch the number of disasters unfold.” Yona had just about enough of Gallus’ nasty behavior. Turning towards him, she bowed her head, showing off her considerably large horns. She lifted her head back again, giving him a warning look. “Yona is happy with more friends, but if Gallus is trouble, Yona will fix trouble. If Spike not want to be Dragon Lord, he has choice!” She huffed, glaring at him judgmentally before pointing towards a small diner. “Food!” Suddenly, her serious expression dropped, and she began trotting forward, nearly knocking passersby to the ground. Gallus quickly held his claws up, “Hey, no trouble from me, y’hear?” he’d cringe at the heifers trampling, “We ought to put our pride aside and make sure she doesn’t get us in trouble, yeah?” Spike quickly ran after Yona, “For once, I think I agree with you!” > One Night In Griffinstone > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Another day had thus been concluded. As dusk crept over the heart of Griffinstone, the party returned to Castle Griffinstone after a long day. Gallus had sold his pitch on joining the expedition to Twilight with some hesitance from Spike, but nonetheless agreed to accept Gallus’ request and would offered to take him when Twilight and Gilda arranged their meeting. Tonight’s meal was strangely quiet for both Gilda and Twilight. The two were now isolated and alone in a private dining chamber. Sitting across from each other at a small table, eating potato soup. This soup was no ordinary soup; it was… extremely bland. Made of only ordinary potatoes, milk, and salt. Which was strange because all the food prepared for them by the royal kitchen thus far had been excellent. All of their meals were excellent. Why was this meal the exception? Gilda took a long sip of her broth before sighing, “Thanks for agreeing to help me, Twilight. I know we really don’t know each other that well. But, we both seem to have uh… a lot in common, I guess.” Twilight politely took a sip of broth before responding. She didn't hate the meal, but she wouldn’t mind never eating it again either. “You could say that. We were both normal citizens in our respective kingdoms before being thrust into power. Plus, we’re both friends with Rainbow Dash.” She gave the Griffin a soft smile, “And really, it’s no trouble at all. I love spending time with friends, even friends of friends.” “And it’s been really fascinating to explore your culture. I can’t thank you enough for allowing me and my friends the privilege.” She bowed her head subtly, showing her respect. Gilda waved her off, “Don’t mention it. I can only imagine the headache you guys are going through. Sorry if you don’t like tonight’s dinner, it’s hóvége. Since you like facts, here’s an interesting one… hóvége in Griffish means struggle.” She’d present the unimpressive-looking dish to Twilight, “Traditionally, it would be eaten by normal Griffins and well… y’know… peasants.” She seemed to dislike the term, her expression souring after she uttered the word, “But all the rich Grifs, the King? They’d eat this stuff whenever they had talks with the nobility or clergy or some super-rich trading Griff.” Gilda stirred her spoon idly as she stared into the cloudy white broth that looked like watered-down paint, “Apparently it’s a show of modesty, and… it also helps those rich and powerful types check for poison. Because hóvége is… flavorless…” She’d perk her head up as her eyes met with Twilight’s, “There’s a metaphor in there somewhere, right, or is it irony?” Twilight listened to Gilda’s story with great interest, committing the information to memory to stow away later. “I’ve never heard of that. Thank you for telling me. It’s fascinating.” “I suppose it’s a bit ironic for those in power to eat such bland food, especially when greeting guests. But the logic makes sense. Most poisons are bitter in taste, although there wouldn’t be much time to do anything after consumption….” She shook off that dark thought. The alicorn paused for a moment, gathering her thoughts as she swirled her spoon through the broth. She looked up at Gilda and gave her a soft look. “Gilda I know you asked me for advice, but honestly, I still don’t know what for. Could you tell me what’s going on? Most of your subjects seem to respect you, and while Grandpa Gruff is… well, rude, I don’t see him being a major issue….” Gilda tapped her spoon against her glass bowl, clinking the metal against the glass rhythmically, “Ehh… it’s mostly… uh… me, I guess that’s standing in my way.” She slowly dropped the spoon into the bowl, letting it sink to the bottom, “I just don’t think I should be Queen, like yeah, I found the Idol, but I grew up in Equestria when I was a hatchling and then I grew up poor as an adult. All this luxury, responsibility, and support is alien. It’s like I stumbled into a literal well of power.” Twilight nodded, “I think I know what you mean. All of it is just so… overwhelming. You feel like you don’t know what you’re doing.” Twilight sighed, knowing those exact growing pains that she was going through. “You feel like you don’t deserve to be where you are. It’s called Imposter Syndrome.” “Gilda, I can’t say what is ahead, but your citizens look up to you and trust that you have the good sense to lead your people. I know it’s frightening, but you’re not alone. That’s why you have the clergy, the knights, and Grandpa Gruff to guide you. If you’re worried, go to one of them for help. Or one of us, of course.” She gave the Griffin a soft, encouraging smile. “It will take time to settle into things… after I grew these wings, everything changed. Even going to sleep at night was hard because I didn’t know how to control these dang things!” She wiggled them for example, chuckling. “So I not only had to cope with my new responsibilities as a princess, I had to learn to control two new limbs!” “Sorry,” She seemed to suddenly realize she was talking about herself too much, “I don’t mean to imply you’ve got it easier… I’m just saying what you’re going through is natural. But you’ll acclimate.” Gilda gave Twilight a reassuring smile as she gently reached around the table to place her claw on the mare’s shoulder, “It’s been a long couple of years, and I’m still not quite used to it. It’s all like one big dream. I half expected to wake up back in my old shack on a bed of straw when I go to bed.” “I guess I just need more time, huh?” Sighed Gilda. Suddenly, Gilda slowly leaned in close toward Twilight’s ear and whispered gently, “Any uh… tips or hacks to get out of a meeting?” Twilight would snicker, hiding her smile behind a hoof, “Well, you can always say that you have ‘other matters to tend to,’ Celestia liked using that a lot. It also tends to help two-quarters of the populace can’t fly or know teleportation… but for your situation, I don’t think that will work.” Twilight's smile melted away into something softer, “Gilda, I can’t tell you what to do, nor can anyone else. If you believe you’re not fit for this, then no one can stop you from abdicating the throne to some other griffin. You’re not trapped here.” Gilda slowly looked down at the table, masking her touched expression with something more firm and familiar, “Heh, thanks for the comforting words. It’s a bit different here, though. I will have to either…’ make’ an heir or adopt one into the line of succession. But what Griff could contend as a good king or queen if I don’t leave an example for them?” “Besides, I’m pretty sure if I abdicate without an heir, the clergy and nobles will just take their money away, and we’ll be right back at square one.” nervously chuckled Gilda. Twilight’s brow wrinkled as she considered Gilda’s options. “Well, I suppose you could hold an election of sorts, perhaps find an apprentice you think would be a good fit, and help train them once you think you’ve learned enough to guide them.” “That or just… run away. But that’s not such a great idea.” Twilight rubbed the back of her neck nervously. Gilda laughed, “Election? Everygriffin here would vote for themselves and be at a deadlock. Nah… I’m tough, I can do it. Just needed a pick-me-up y’know?” Twilight couldn’t help but remember the straightforward advice that Grandpa Gruff, the clergy, and the nobles gave her. Which had become a very common lesson in her and other creatures’ lives. A simple mantra of believing in oneself tended to be a sort of cure-all for a lot of creature's problems. Twilight sighed, but she was glad Gilda was feeling better. “But what about you? Are you nervous about your journey?” offered Gilda, “You have a pretty big group. Is there anyone, in particular, that’s… not pulling their weight if you catch my drift?” Twilight sat up straight in her seat attentively and she shook her head. “Everyone’s doing their best, taking shifts pulling the cart, cooking, cleaning, etcetera.” Twilight replied, “Of course, you know, Rainbow. She likes to shirk her chores off to others when she can.” “That’s Rainbow…” smirked Gilda. Gilda suddenly stiffened up as her expression hardened, ”... Twilight… I don’t mean to alarm you, but the knights told me something.” She’d slowly look toward the door and around the room as if somecreature was possibly watching them. “But my knights have heard some things from the locals around GriffinHafen and did some… snooping… and I think one of your ponies is actually a Changeling,” whispered Gilda. Twilight tried to keep her face straight but was having a difficult time. She was never good at keeping secrets, at least not ones so funny. She couldn’t help but snort and start laughing, holding her stomach. Wiping away a tear and straightening herself, she looked Gilda in the eyes. “Oh, I know. His name is Thorax. He’s actually quite sweet. He only disguised himself to not cause any alarm or frighten any griffs.” “Oh, is that so? Geez, you’re making friends with Changelings? What’s next? Are you gonna tell me Fluttershy can make friends with cockroaches?” mused Gilda. “Honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised if she could,” Twilight chuckled before sighing. Gilda shook her head before replying, "Well, now that’s out of the way, I don’t really have much else to say, heh. Anything on your end?” “Gilda, all I want to say is that we’re here for you, not just us, but your people too. Every single Griffin I’ve spoken to has confidence in you… well, aside from Gruff, I think he just wants you to take the role a little more seriously….” “I know this sounds corny, but trust in yourself. You’re strong, brave, and intelligent. How else did you get the Idol out of that canyon?” she gave the Griffin a confident smile, resting a hoof on her shoulder. “How else did you help organize everything you built here? C’mon, I thought you were friends with Rainbow. Where’s that confidence?” Twilight gave her a playful grin. Gilda paused for a long moment, her expression blank and unfeeling. Before the Griffin heiress erupted in a fit of laughter, “Wow… that really is cheesy, but, yeah, you’re right… oh!” She’d quickly sat up, inching her seat closer to Twilight’s, “I know you have to go to Swallowtail soon but are you guys staying for the coronation ceremony tomorrow? The clergy and nobles are going to officially crown me, Queen. It hasn’t been done since King Guto for obvious reasons.” Twilight smiled. It always warmed her heart when she saw others lifted up. It made everything about her work (for lack of a better term) all the more rewarding. “Well, of course! We’re not going to just leave before such a big ceremony! I don’t think Rainbow Dash or Pinkie would forgive me if we did. And you know Pinkie with her parties… expect some cake.” She giggled softly. “Just tell her to prepare a party in the dining hall,” chuckled Gilda, “Those stuffy old bats would lose their mind if they saw as much as one stray balloon in the throne room during the ceremony.” Gilda let out a soft sigh, “Welp, I don’t have anything else to do or think about. I’m probably gonna go remind Rainbow Dash of the fact that I have claws and she doesn’t, ha! “ The Griffin quickly climbed out of her chair and collected the dirty dishes from the table before marching toward the door. Swinging it open, to both of their shock, Gallus tumbled inside. Gilda raised a brow, “Gallus? Why aren’t you with Grandpa Gruff? You know he’ll have us both by our necks if he finds you flaking!” Gallus nervously chuckled, slowly eyeing Twilight as the Griffin gestured his tail to Gilda and then himself, “I was just taking a break, y’know?” “Leaning against the door like that? What, were you spying on me? Did Grandpa Gruff get you to do this!?” Snapped Gilda, “That nosey bag of bones….” “No, no, actually….” Twilight got up from her chair, approaching the two. “I had meant to mention something before we were finished….” “I was… hoping to bring Gallus along with my friends and me during our excursion. He’s eager to come along, and we don’t mind having an extra pair of claws around.” She gave him a soft smile, “And, well… he’s just not very interested in his current line of work. I’m sure you can understand.” Gilda looked over to Gallus, who was smiling nervously and putting on his best impression of a monk for Gilda. The older Griffin gave the boy an unimpressed look before sighing. “Gallus is a troublemaker; he’s playing you for a chump.” “WHAT!?” snapped Gallus, “Am not!” “You just want to come along because you think they’ll roll over if you don’t do what they ask and to skimp out on your work here.” scolded Gilda, the scene would’ve made Grandpa Gruff proud. “Look, Twilight, Gallus is smart, too smart. He’ll swindle you of anything you can give him and pass it off to the next creature or wait til the last minute. He does it with his scribe work all the time.” Gallus quickly shot back up, “Only because I’ve done it since I could talk! Twilight you have to believe me when I say, I really, really want to come with you.” Pleaded Gallus. Gilda mused, “Oh, I bet you do.” Twilight blinked, trading looks between the two. She wasn’t exactly sure what had prompted this, but she was intrigued to hear more. “Now, I know teenagers can be a handful, but maybe allowing him a little freedom instead of piling more and more work on top of him might be good for him. Plus, traveling with us, he can learn about other cultures and the world at large.” Twilight gave them a grin, “Besides, it’s kind of my job to deal with troublemakers. I’m sure if anything happens, I can handle it.” Twilight ended her speech with a look towards Gallus, raising a brow at him in curiosity. What had he done in the past to warrant such judgment? Gilda sighed, “Fine, but I’m not going to be the one to tell Grandpa Gruff, and neither are you, Twilight. He’s gotta do it himself.” “Oh, you have got to be kidding me.” groaned Gallus, rolling his eyes, “Can’t you just, I dunno, pardon me?” Gilda hmpf before walking out the door, “I’m not Queen yet. Good night Twilight, and good luck with that one.” she eyed Gallus one more time before slamming the door shut, leaving the two alone. Gallus let out a long sigh, “Well, the cat’s out of the bag.” Twilight rubbed the back of her neck, wincing at the loud noise before turning to Gallus. “Do you want me to come with you? Like she said, technically, she’s not the Queen yet. So I technically… outrank her?” She shrugged, “Either way I don’t think she’ll be too mad. Now Grandpa Gruff on the other hoof… I’ll just be there to mediate in case things get ugly.” Gallus smirked, gently brushing himself and Twilight off, “I don’t think even you can stop what’s coming, so we might as well embrace it now while everyone is still tired and will 'sleep on it,’ great strategy for asking for things by the way.” Twilight shrugged, “If you’re ready for it, sure. Let’s go and see what his reaction is.” She was intrigued to see how things went, and to be frank, she was just going to make sure nothing terrible happened. It didn’t take long for the pair to walk down the empty halls toward Grandpa Gruff’s chamber. But strangely, it felt as if the floor was stickier, the air heavier, and everything darkened around them. Gallus’ confident aura seemed to diminish with each step he took. His stature and near-permanent smirk had shriveled up like a dried-out sponge in the Arabian sun. A newfound fear corked from within him as the blue Griffin seemed to falter. However, before he could second guess or reconsider, the Griffin was already at the door to Grandpa Gruff’s chambers. He took his claw and gently knocked on the door, “Grandpa Gruff?” “What!?” snapped the greedy old buzzard from the other side of the door. “Can I come in? I need to talk to you.” Gallus said firmly. There was a long silence before Gallus and Twilight received an answer, “... Come in.” Opening the door lay Grandpa Gruff’s chamber from earlier in the day. Stepping inside the pair would make their way to the elderly Griffin resting in his bed. “What’s this all about, and why is the pony here?” grumbled the old Griffin. “Well… I asked her if I could join the expedition to Swallowtail,” answered Gallus. Grandpa Gruff paused, seeming to scan the younger Griffin’s face, peering bitterly at the youth he raised before his expression softened, nearly becoming unrecognizable to Twilight and Gallus. His permanent scowl was gone, his eyes practically lunged to the back of his skull now, as he seemed to helplessly whisper, “You’re leaving…?” “Yes?” Gallus seemed confused at Grandpa Gruff’s reaction. Grandpa Gruff’s face seemed to harden like a stone in reply, “... Fine! Go! So that I can finally be rid of you for once and for all!” Gallus tilted his head as the young Griffin’s expression changed from confusion to panic, “Wait, go as in right now? Like, that sounds like you don’t want me, like, at all!” “I don’t want you, boy, get out of my sight! Now!” snapped Grandpa Gruff; he’d quickly thrown his pillows at Gallus as he sat up from the bed, “Get out, get out!” Gallus quickly scampered out of the room as he narrowly avoided his grandpa’s onslaught. Grandpa Gruff slowly let out a long sigh before sitting back down on his bed, “Your Highness, please… close the door. I will explain everything….” Twilight had watched the entire scene in stunned silence, but she had picked up the cues that the geriatric Griffin was exuding. However, she didn’t want to speak for him fearing her intervention might make the situation worse. Turning, she would grant his request, slowly closing the doors before returning the pillows to Gruff’s bed. Approaching the bedside, she would sit down in a nearby chair, giving him a silent nod to continue. “I’m… sorry for my outburst,” Grandpa Gruff said uncharacteristically quiet. His voice was less shrill and active, now somber and gentle. “I never thought he’d bring you along. I knew this day would come very, very soon. But not like this.” Grandpa Gruff rubbed his bald temple as he sighed. “... I’m rambling…” he said finally, “... He needed that final push… to make sure he would never want to come back around here again.” “Your highness, I don’t mean to bore you with the details, but I want you to know that I have been very, very hard on Gallus for a time. To teach him how to be a lion, and recently I was even harder on him because I wanted him to gather the grit and courage to finally say enough is enough and be the Griff he’s gotta be.” “He can hate me for the rest of his life, and you can think I’m wrong or a fool for doing it this way. But…” he’d smile, “My methods seemed to work for the past seventy years.” he’d chuckle. He’d slowly look up at Twilight, “Take care of the boy, he’s smart, real smart. But he’s prideful and lazy, don’t let him make you roll over.” Twilight’s expression softened as the old bird revealed his true colors, and it took all Twilight’s willpower not to hug him. He had been rather rough on Gallus from what little she had seen and heard. But she could tell deep down he honestly did care for him, even if he hated or refused to show it. She gave Gruff a nod and stood up, stepping over to his bed to lay a hoof over his claw. “I swear, I will keep him safe.” She bowed her head, “And I promise I won’t let him bulldoze me. I’ve dealt with troublemakers before.” Pulling away, she slowly stepped towards the door, only turning back to say one more thing. “Oh, and… maybe give him a real goodbye tomorrow.” She gave him a soft smile, “It couldn’t hurt.” “If I FEEL like it.” scoffed Grandpa Gruff, waving off the alicorn before nuzzling up to his pillows and sheets, “Now go on– get out of here. Some of us have to attend a coronation tomorrow!” Twilight rolled her eyes and bade the grumpy Griffin a good night, gently closing the door behind her. Little did he know, there would be a cold glass of water and two painkillers on his bed stand waiting for him the following day. > Long May She Reign Over Us > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was early in the morning when everycreature was sprung out of bed to join and observe the coronation ceremony. Most of the expedition was a little groggy with a few exceptions, but the most remarkable exception out of them all was Rainbow Dash. Who was up on her hooves as soon as she was told why they needed to wake up early at four-thirty in the morning. It was still dark outside; the sun hadn't yet crept over the horizon. But the city was lively as ever, the throne room filled to the brim with noble and clergy Grifs lining a beautiful purple carpet that was rolled out. At the throne stood Elder Grover Elijah with his Arch-Bishop by his side, holding a crimson pillow with King Grover's crown resting atop it. Whispers echoed throughout the throne room before the large doors began to creak open. Gilda, clad in beautiful garbs of silk, walked down the aisle. To Rainbow Dash and the Equestrian expedition, it looked like she was getting married. In the eyes of the Griffish Clergy, she, in a sense, was. Gilda was to be in a union with Boreas, their God of Gods and ideally a servant of him, enacting his will in exchange the soon-to-be Queen would be given the ultimate authority. Her unquestionable divine right to rule Griffinstone in whatever way she saw fit. Gilda would give Rainbow Dash a quick glance, flashing 'devil horns' at her with her left claw, gesturing to her. The pegasus grinned, softly pumping her hoof in the air. Once at the throne, Elder Grover would begin speaking, "Today, we are here to crown our heiress, Gilda Griff, daughter of Boreas and adoptive daughter of Gaylen Gruff, better known as 'Grandpa Gruff.' Today we are here to celebrate the union between our Lord of Lords, Boreas, the creator of everything, King of Kings, and the supreme God of the Gods, and our new Queen, servant of Boreas and the people." The elder would put out a large decorated platinum saber with golden decals on the handle and special runes engraved on the blade. The blade shimmered in the little sunlight that was creeping through the windows. Gilda would kneel, bowing her head to the elder before he placed the blade on each of her shoulders and finally pointing the tip of the blade near her neck. Symbolizing the threat of death if Gilda did not serve Boreas or her people. "By the will of Boreas and by my authority. May Eyr, Goddess of fertility and life, bless you with an heir, and may you reign long, and may Boreas protect you… rise… Queen Gilda Guto of Griffinstone!" Gilda would slowly rise to her paws as the Archbishop stepped forward, placing Grover's crown atop her head. "The old King is dead! Long live the Queen!" shouted the elder. The nobles and clergy would echo in unison, "The old King is dead! Long live the Queen!" The throne room would erupt in applause, and with it, the formal coronation ceremony was concluded with the sun rising above the horizon. Rainbow took the first moment she could to approach her old friend. Her cocky grin was more proud than ever. Not only was one of her friends a princess, but one of them was a Queen! She couldn't imagine a cooler ruler. Although now, she couldn't help but worry that it might put a strain on their already previously bruised relationship. She missed her old friend; sometimes, the ponies in Ponyville were just a bit too soft. Approaching the newly crowned monarch, Dash bowed her head deeply, flashing her eyes up at the Griffin with a sarcastic smile. "So, how do you feel, your Highness?" "C'mon Dash, don't start already." Twilight approached, nearly startling the pegasus. How'd she sneak up on her? Twilight smiled, giving the Queen a bow, "Looks like you outrank me now, hehe. How are you holding up?" Gilda smirked, giving a firm punch on Twilight's shoulder, "I feel like you're a dork. Enough with the formalities!" the Griffin shouted, drawing the attention of everyone in the throne room. "If anybody deserves some praise, it's this gal!" the Queen would point at Rainbow Dash, "Without her and Pinkie Pie, this place would still be a dump, and I'd still be in the dumps." The Griffin stiffened her posture, pointing her claw at the Griffins in the room, "So I order you to party THREE times harder than you normally would to honor my friends, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie!" The Griffins mused, applauding the two mares. Twilight held a hoof to her head, knowing exactly what this would do to the pegasus' already massively oversized ego. There was no stopping that now, and then there was Pinkie. Oh boy, did Gilda truly know what she was possibly starting? Rainbow Dash's eyes widened, turning to stare across the large room of creatures clapping for her. To be frank, she didn't really think she deserved that much credit. Although, if they had never arrived at Griffinstone, then none of this would ever have happened… she could have never reconnected with Gilda. Now that she was really lucky for. Pinkie Pie, however, was drinking it in, "You heard the Queen! She wants you to par-tay, so are you gonna PAR-TAY?!" Twilight didn't even try to question the party cannon Pinkie pulled out of thin air, simply ducking out of the way as the party pony ripped the cord, sending confetti and sprinkles flying through the air. "Oh boy, I hope you know what you started." Twilight chuckled, only slightly nervous. Gilda grinned, "Gotta set an example to my people, don't I, Twilight? Besides, if you party all morning long, by the time you have to go, you'll be so tired and hungover; by the time you wake up, you'll already be in Swallowtail!" She laughed. Twilight visibly relaxed. Gilda was in charge here; if Pinkie Pie was allowed her antics, then she was sure it would be fine. She chuckled, "If you insist." "To the banquet hall!" called the Queen. While most of the clergy politely left the party, The Knights of Kerekasztala did not hesitate to erupt in a rowdy celebration. Not caring at all if it was uncouth or respectable. Drinking and dancing in the large banquet hall as dozens of servants and chefs served the guests platters of fresh food and barrels of booze. György was happily dancing with Pinkie Pie, the uptight knight now cutting loose and breaking it while down clad in heavy armor, "I call this one, entering the dragon's lair!" he'd carefully creep on his tippy paws, slowly swaying around in a funky dance. Pinkie grinned from ear to ear, glad to see the merry mood that was flourishing. It was hard to imagine that this was the same Griffinstone they had visited not so long ago. "Oooooh, nice one!" the party pony giggled before standing up on her hind legs, "I call this…." She began to slowly move her hooves, almost in a hypnotic fashion, "... the dance… of the rattlesnake!" She began to make strange hissing noises, her hooves moving as if they were two serpents ready to strike. "Whaddya think?" She gave the griff a cheery smile. György pounded his claw into his breastplate before letting out a proud laugh from his belly, "Ha ha! Pinkie, my dear, it seems your talent matches your beauty!" The party pony's cheeks grew bright red before waving a hoof, giving him a bashful smile, "Oh György, you charmer!" Rainbow Dash flew beside Gilda, only setting down once they were inside the banquet hall. She instantly snapped up the first thing that looked like cider and began to chug it down. Twilight sighed, pressing a hoof to her forehead. 'Here we go….' Gilda raised her kuska to Rainbow Dash, quickly glugging down a pint of mead, "Hey Gael! Can you dance like György!?" Gael lifted the visor from his helmet, "Please, unlike him I don't move like a legless chicken!" György scowled, jabbing his claw at the squire, "Then put your money where your mouth is then!" Gael grinned, drawing his saber as he stabbed it in between the floorboards, quickly flying upward as he perched on the sword's claw guard. His feet rested on the hand guards before the Griffin danced atop the claw guard, kicking his feet as he crossed his front legs. The armored knights gathered around Gael, clapping their claws together as the sound of clapping and armor clinking and rattling began to create a melody. Rainbow Dash would slam down her cup and grab another, beginning to bob along to the rhythm as it traveled across the hall. Even Twilight began to tap her hoof, her expression growing softer. "That's pretty good!" Pinkie approached the younger Griffin, impressed with his ability. "Hmmm, how about… this?!" The mare jumped up, and just as she was about to hit the ground, froze in mid-air and began doing a jig. Even Rainbow had to rub her eyes and do a double-take. The Griffish Knights would erupt into roaring cheers, their armor rattling loudly as they began circling around the mare, cheering and applauding in their native tongue. "Buli! Buli! Buli!" they'd clamor, with some even throwing roses and kisses at the mare. "Thank you, thank you! I'll be here all night and a little bit in the morning!" Pinkie gave the crowd bows, still somehow hovering above the ground. Gilda laughed, "I've never seen Griffins this into a party before!" Grandpa Gruff groaned from a few seats down the massive table, "They act like hatchlings, some noble knights they are!" The banquet door flew open as The Grand Master of the Knights stepped into the banquet hall. All of the knights became dead silent as they stopped their cheering. Quickly maintaining order and discipline as they stood in the position of attention. Gascon looked up at Pinkie Pie just hovering in the air before he took his bucket helmet off, "......" Twilight paled, cringing as she slowly shrunk into her seat, sipping quietly at a goblet of wine. Rainbow coughed, nervously glancing up at Gilda to gauge her reaction. Even the Queen felt tense at the stoic looking knight. Pinkie blinked and adjusted herself, her front hooves hitting the floor before a second later, her hindlegs joined her. She gave the knight an awkward grin that transformed into a real one, trotting up to greet him. "Hiya, are you here for the party?" She exuded excitement, eager to make him smile. "Want some dessert? Cake, pudding… pie?" She offered each option in her hoof before fluttering her eyelashes playfully. "Pinkie!" Twilight couldn't help but groan from across the room. The Grand Master smiled as he stroked his graying feathers and beard before he gestured to Twilight it was alright. Turning to offer his claw to the pink mare, he smiled. "May I have this dance?" The Knights would applaud, and cheer, “Heil dem Großmeister!” Gascon laughed, the old Griffin raising his claws, "Feiern, feiern!" hyping up his band of young lions. Gilda grinned, "Oh ho, The Grand Master approves! Way to go, Grand Master!" Pinkie giggled and graciously took his offered claw, "Why yes, yes you may!" Twilight watched with a slack jaw. To be frank, she was surprised everything was going so… smoothly. She had expected at least one bump in the road. Rainbow nudged Gilda with a smirk, whispering, "Ya think she's gonna take a griff to bed tonight?" "Rainbow!" Twilight squeaked, having overheard. Rainbow was never that great at being quiet. "Whaaat?! It was just a joke!" But the rainbow mare gave the Griffin Queen a subtle wink. Gilda slowly took the mug of Cider from Rainbow Dash, "I think that's enough drinking for you, old friend." chuckled the Queen. "Hey!" Rainbow pouted, sticking out her lower lip. She crossed her front legs, letting out a loud rush of air from her nostrils. The Grand Master quickly took Pinkie by the front legs, gripping her hooves as he promptly stood on his hind legs, taking the mare and dancing with her. The old Griffin was full of a familiar youthful vigor that his younger lions had. Despite his age, he went as far as to twirl and dip the pony. He even picked up Pinkie by the waist and held her over his head, much to the thunderous cheering of the knights. Gilda whistled, "I never seen an old guy dance like that, think you could pull something like that, Grandpa Gruff?" she'd leaned over to look at him. Grandpa Gruff scoffed, "What, do you want me to have a broken hip? Get out of here." Applejack hooted, "Yeeeehaw! Now, this is a hoedown! Get it, girl!" called Applejack. Pinkie elegantly posed as she was held in the air, a large, unending grin on her lips. When she finally touched the ground, she turned back to join her friends, but not without brushing her long curly pink tail under the Grand Master's chin, tossing him a smile. Twilight was still unsure if Pinkie was just being friendly or if she was genuinely trying something… The Grand Master took a bow, a large smile on his face as he watched Pinkie Pie trot over to his table. The old Griffin blew a kiss at the mare in reply. The old gentlegriff laughed and smiled like he was reliving days of yore. "I've never seen such an elegant display of tomfoolery before, the Grand Master is so… graceful, and Pinkie is so… goofy." grinned Rarity, taking a sip of wine before looking over to Twilight, "What do you think Twilight? Care for a dance with the Grand Master, or shall I have the honor?" The alicorn turned to Rarity, ready to open her mouth to reply, when Rainbow Dash's wheezy laughter interrupted her before she could get a syllable out. "Ppppfftt, her? DANCING?" Dash held her ribs as if it were the funniest thing she had ever heard, tears in her eyes. "You could get me drunk and tie my hooves together, and I STILL wouldn't be even half as bad a dancer as Twi over here!" Twilight's cheeks colored, "That's not true! I'm… not that bad! And to answer your question… Uhm… Should I?" Applejack did her best to stifle a laugh, letting it slip out as she giggled along with Rainbow, "I'm sorry, sugar cube, but she's right. You got as much rhythm as a stringless banjo." Rarity hmpf'd wrapping her hoof around Twilight and pressing her cheek against Twilight's, "I think Twilight is perfectly capable of dancing with that gentleco– creature… with enough wine, that is." Gilda laughed, "Wow, you must be really something. Now I HAVE to see. C'mon, Twilight, dance with the Grand Master!" Twilight's ears flattened down to her mane; she was really that bad? She tried to catch Pinkie's eye to gauge her reaction, but it seemed she was either trying to avoid eye contact or was too busy making googly eyes at the Grand Master. "If I'm that bad, I don't want to embarrass myself!" Twilight squeaked, cleared her throat, and then glanced around to ensure no one overheard her outburst. "If you want to Rarity, you can dance with him." "Oh, I don't think you're that bad…" Fluttershy murmured. She had stayed reticent and nearly hidden the entire time. It was a miracle she hadn't tried to sneak off yet. Perhaps it was out of duty, or just being polite. The Grand Master approached the table, bowing at the Princess and Queen, "Mi a felhajtás… what's all this ruckus about a dance?" The old Griffin plucked Twilight out of her chair before taking her to the dance floor. Adjusting the Princess into a bipedal posture, they quickly began to strut across the dance floor in a tight dance. Surprisingly Twilight was keeping up with the speedier elder Griffin. Applejack whistled and cheered, "Way to go, Twilight!" Rarity clapped her hooves together, "You look great, darling!" The Grand Master would mimic something Twilight would recognize from her studies as Harpy salsa dancing. The way they strutted together, with their faces close to one another, the deep dips, and such. What was more surprising was the fact that the elder Griffin hadn't injured himself yet. Twilight's heart was in her throat, and at the beginning of the dance, she was stiff as a board, unsure of what to do and terrified of accidentally stepping on one of his paws. She was also struck by the lack of personal space, trying to avoid staring him directly in the eyes. Slowly but surely, she began to relax, follow his movements more fluidly, and actually enjoy it. It was certainly not something she did every day. "You're doing great Twilight!!" Pinkie hollered, cheering her on. "Woohoo!" Fluttershy's voice was just distinct enough to be heard over the crowd. Rainbow Dash simply wolf-whistled, giving the alicorn a teasing, sarcastic look. Gilda whistled loudly, "Go, Twilight! Go, Gascon!" Applejack waved her hat in the air as she hooted loudly, "Get it, Twilight!" Rarity felt a tinge of jealousy now that she realized what dance she just gave away, letting out an amused chuckle, "Very good, darling!" Pinkie nudged Rarity with a sly smile, wiggling her eyebrows up and down suggestively before giggling, practically falling out of her seat. Rarity rolled her eyes in reply as she took a sip from her wine gobblet. Gascon twirled Twilight as they dipped once again, the old gentlegrif beaming with joy, "Oh, I haven't danced like this in years, and you are doing so fantastisch!" he'd grin at the mare, "Do you want to know an old trick from when I was a young cadet in training?" Twilight let out a small breath she hadn't realized she'd been holding, looking up at Gascon with curiosity and hesitation. "I-I'm glad you're having fun! Sure, I'd love to." The Griffin picked Twilight up by the hips before taking to the air, quickly holding her up and guiding their movement. It looked as if they were dancing on a floor despite not actually standing on anything. Twilight tried not to show her surprise before chuckling, "Oh, it should have been obvious… creatures always seem more graceful when they're flying. Hehe, thanks for the tip." Spike watched Twilight and the Grand Master dance with Yona and Gallus at the far end of the banquet table. He'd glanced over at Yona and Gallus, "This is the longest time I ever watched her dance. Usually, I can only see so much before my eyes hurt." Gallus snorted, "Makes you wonder if those goofy knights ever danced with each other to get that good." Yona snorted, drinking a large mug of mead while everyone was distracted. Licking her lips, she took another large gulp before replying, "Yak dance better, Yak STOMP and make rock fall down from mountain! Puny Griffin and pony don't even make mug jump from table." Spike slowly raised his claw to retort, "What about that avalanche you guys caused when we stopped by." he'd tease. Gallus laughed, "I guess the Yaks are the best at self-sabotage!" Yona's face colored, and she narrowed her eyes at the young drake. "Yak can handle snow, unlike dragon! And that not Yak fault, cannon ball was too loud, pony princess say so." She sniffed and stamped her hoof on the table, making the plates nearby jump by a foot. Gallus scramed as he prevented a few dishes from falling on the floor, "Hey watch it!" "Come now, Y-Yona, no need to get excited." Fluttershy squeaked, nearly halfway under the table. Spike chuckled, patting Yona's side, "I'm kidding, I'm kidding." he'd quickly peer at Fluttershy under the table, "Woah Fluttershy? Are you okay?" Gallus snorted, crouching to the mare's eye level, "Sheesh, not much of a creature person, are yah?" Fluttershy winced slightly before pulling herself out from beneath the table, giving the three a nervous smile. "Oh, I was just a bit startled, is all. You know how I am with crowds…." She gestured to Spike with a tilt of her head. Yona looked a little apologetic, "Yona, not mean to scare Shy pony. Yona, sorry." "No, no, it's okay; I know you didn't mean it!" The pegasus held up a hoof, "Please, don't hold back for my sake, it is a celebration after all." The Grand Master concluded his dance with one final twirl as he and Twilight carefully dropped to the ground. Like two autumn leaves falling from a tree. The Grand Master let go of the Princess, bowing to her one last time before the banquet hall erupted into thunderous cheers. Gallus smirked, "Guess the dance is over. Who would've thought an old guy had that much kick in him?" "Yeah, I was worried he'd break something." winced Spike. The torches and candles that lit the banquet hall went out as a bright light quickly beamed in the banquet hall. "Ladies and gentlecreatures!" called Starlight, directing a subtly placed miniature spotlight with her magic to herself. The unicorn was wearing a tux and wore a top hat. She was beginning to regret agreeing to help Trixie and Thorax with their improvised stage show. But Trixie seemed insistent upon spreading the word of her exploits across the continent. Claiming it was the perfect opertunity to do so during a time when they wouldn't make much money from their community service. "In honor of her royal highness, the Great, and Powerful Trixie has decided to perform a death-defying stunt, the legendary, the famous Moonshot Manticore Mouth Dive!" Twilight did her best not to roll her eyes at the display; of course, Trixie would pull something like this. Giving the Grand Master a bow and a wave, the Princess returned to her seat, awaiting the spectacle about to unfold. Which was a bit of a half-truth. The stunt itself was going to be heavily staged with the help of Starlight's magic and Thorax's shape-shifting. A pretty clever plan for fantastical magic on such short notice. Better than parlor tricks, that was for sure. Starlight quickly shined the light on Trixie and Thorax disguised as a terrifying Manticore. Trixie grinned as she stepped on stage, a sly grin as she debuted her new look. The crowd couldn't help but let out soft 'ooos' as they recognized the feather-lined cloak she now wore. It had plumage similar to a griffin's, giving the impression she had a downy, feathery mane. "As you can see, I, the Great and Powerful Trrrrrrrixie, have captured a wicked Manticore from beyond Griffinstone. It is a wild beast, but nothing that the Magnificent Trixie could not handle. Manticores are known for swallowing their prey whole, but luckily…." She paused for dramatic effect, "Trixie is an experienced, Powerful magician." Throwing her changeling friend a wink, Trixie trotted over to the canon Pinkie had already prepared for her. As insane as the mare was, she had good supplies and didn't dare question where the party mare got them from. "Please, if any creature is faint of heart, you may want to avert your eyes, for the SHOCK and Awe you will experience may cause you to fall unconscious or COLLAPSE out of fear!" The unicorn warned before taking off her hat and cloak (she didn't want to singe such nice new clothing), trading it for a helmet and a slightly less flashy cape. However, in her mind, Trixie was quite terrified. She knew that Starlight was very talented, and it had been her own idea, but she really, really hoped that she knew what she was doing here. Because, frankly, Trixie was just winging it. Never a good thing for anyone who didn't have feathers. Climbing inside the large and appropriately decorated cannon, Trixie held her breath, bracing herself. She didn't like rollercoasters, so this, of all things, wasn't exactly an upgrade. It didn't help that she didn't know when they'd light the fuse. Starlight quickly cast several illusion spells on her and Thorax before lighting the cannon's fuse with a fire spell. Thorax slowly opened his jaw as he readied himself quietly, pleading with Starlight to teleport Trixie into the box behind him. The cannon would erupt, rocketing Trixie out as she barreled toward Thorax's mouth, the changeling quickly slamming his jaw shut just as Trixie flew inside his maul. Trixie could have sworn she hit the back of his throat but the next thing she knew she was inside the wooden box just like Starlight said she would. Starlight trotted on stage, tapping Thorax on the shoulder as the 'manticore' opened his mouth showing the audience nothing was inside. Starlight then walked over to the small wooden box, opening the door to reveal Trixie inside. "Tah-dah!" sang Starlight. The Griffin knights would whistle loudly as they clapped. Even Gilda was struggling to pick up her jaw that was on the floor, "Wow! She's amazing! That was some crazy magic!" gawked Gilda. Starlight wiped several beads of sweat from her brow as she allowed Trixie to speak. “T-T-Ta-daah?” The magician managed to mumble out, stumbling onto the stage before catching herself. She rapidly shook her head, clearing her throat. "Of course, as you can see, nothing is too Great or Powerful for the Magificent Trixie!" She threw a hoof up in the air, several small lights bursting to life, spelling her name. "Thank you, thank you." She took a bow, taking the opportunity to bask in the attention. Sliding a glance toward Thorax, she gave him a small wink and an exhausted smile. Twilight was still rolling her eyes, biting her tongue as she attempted not to sarcastically explain how easy the trick they had just performed was. Trixie had been less of a pain as of recent, but she still didn't appreciate her general attitude. "Psh, please; I'll tell you about her later." Rainbow snorted, leaning back in her seat. Starlight focused her will on quickly lighting all the torches and candles with her magic before quickly cleaning up the props, carrying them with her magic before trotting off to put all the clutter away. Thorax slowly slinked away behind Trixie and transformed back into his pony disguise again, doing it, so it looked like a magic trick in itself. Applejack chuckled, "Well, looks like they've been working on their charlatan showponyship." Rarity snorted, "I thought it was rather impressive, actually. Which is rare for her since everything she does is tacky and fake." Gilda's brow shifted at Rarity and Applejack, and she thought SHE could be a mean girl. "Let's just say our initial impression of Trixie wasn't exactly a great one." Twilight gave Gilda an uncomfortable, nervous laugh before shifting in her seat, watching as Trixie and Thorax walked off. Trixie gave the changeling an exhausted smile, "You did great out there. How did it look from your end?" Thorax leaned close to Trixie's face as he whispered, "It looked like I actually had you in my mouth! I could have sworn I tasted you!" chuckled Thorax. Trixie's face turned from blue to red. Did he have any idea of the implications of what he just said? The pair trotted over to the massive banquet table before taking a seat next to one another, "But you should really thank Starlight, she did a lot of the work. But I'm glad I could help Trixie. Maybe when we come back here after our community service hours have been fulfilled we can get paid!" Starlight quickly trotted back into the banquet hall, adjusting her tuxedo and hat before taking a seat next to Trixie, giving the mare a smug smile, "Weeeellll?~" Taking her seat, Trixie glanced over at her fellow unicorn, narrowing her eyes. What was that tone for? Was it the fact she needed help with her performance or was it… Thorax? "... Thank you, Starlight. You truly are a Great and Powerful assistant." The magician gave her a nod of gratitude before shifting into a sideways stare. What was she getting at…? Starlight mused, placing her top hat on top of Thorax's head, "That's what I thought. But next time, could you let me at least have a day's notice? I'm only one pony." "Yeah yeah, fine…." Trixie rolled her eyes. Thorax chuckled, "Well, I'm glad that's settled. I thought we were great. Now is anyone else thirsty?" "Trixie will take a light wine." The magician held up a hoof. Starlight smirked, getting up from her chair, "Please allow me." she'd give Trixie a knowing smile before walking off to the bar. Trixie cracked open one eye, leaning back in her seat, drained from the anxiety of her performance. She returned the smile with an almost outraged look, her cheeks turning pink. Thorax sighed, "So, we're going to Swallowtail after this. Are you excited?" Turning to Thorax, her expression melted away, giving him a lazy smile instead, "I've heard good things about it, and I know for a fact that we can make plenty of bits there… if we can get there. I don't know much about the place, but I've heard rumors." "So I guess… yeah, I'm excited. How about you? Not nervous, are you?" She gave him a slightly teasing grin. Thorax rolled his eyes and gave Trixie a playful grin, "No, not at all; I just hope you aren't afraid of heights." He chuckled. The changeling let out a sigh, and the party started to level out as more food had been prepared. The guests were now talking and eating instead of dancing, a natural break in the party. It was quiet to the point where you could use a normal voice to talk, and Thorax felt he ought to speak. Being honest about his intentions with his close friend and future business partner felt like the right thing to do. Thorax took a deep breath, "Can we talk about something?" Trixie was in the middle of taking a sip of water when he asked the question, choking for a brief moment before turning to him. She wasn't sure, but it felt like her heart skipped a beat. "Uh yeah, sure; what is it?" She replied in a rather uncharacteristically meek tone, frightened and intrigued by what he might say. Thorax smacked his lips as he opened his mouth to speak, the words struggling to come out. He'd clear his throat before quickly recovering himself, "Uhm… can I get you something to eat?" he'd say quietly, embarrassed of himself. Trixie cocked a brow, confident that what he wanted to talk about wasn't getting her food. Leaning her head into her hoof, she stared him right in the eyes. "Is that really what you wanted to talk about?" Thorax fumbled for a moment, an overwhelming tidal wave of anxiety crashing against the fiber of his being. He felt like he was shriveling up inside. "Yes!" he'd answer, his words sounding like a desperate plea, "Let me get you something to eat; you look famished!" Trixie held back a disappointed stare, unsure of why she felt so let down. Offering her best smile to combat the growing restlessness within her, "Oh...um...some bread, I guess." The two could have sworn they heard Starlight groan from across the hall. > The Mysterious Maiden > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- By lunchtime, the party had ended for the Equestrian guests, with Starlight and Twilight already taking precautions for their departure. Starlight tied down the cargo in the supply wagon in case of bandits and set up a shield spell on the treasury they had for purchasing supplies in Swallowtail. The journey itself took around a week for the wagon train due to the hilly and dense terrain. Fortunately, Gilda had given the expedition György and Gael as protection, with the knights themselves receiving a blessing from the Grand Master himself thanks to Pinkie Pie’s charm. The mare was even given a box of the Grand Master’s favorite tea and a small handwritten note expressing his gratitude to her and Twilight. Most of the expedition was either plastered, exhausted, or asleep in the wagons. Applejack, Starlight, Twilight, Fluttershy, and the knights were available to ensure the party was on schedule and remained undeterred. They had departed from Griffinstone and were at the bottom of the cliffs going eastward to Swallowtail. Applejack and Gael pulled the wagons along through the dense woodlands as Twilight and Starlight went over their maps, finances, and supply ledgers to estimate and plan for the road ahead of them. Fluttershy was busy nursing an intoxicated Rainbow Dash, who sank one too many ciders and a party-pooped Pinkie Pie that spent all morning and lunch dancing. At least Rarity was able to take care of herself by just climbing into her cot and having a nice cat nap. Starlight trotted beside Twilight as she scanned the map, “Captain Salty’s map has a couple of villages on the way to Swallowtail. The closest one on route is about three days away, called…’ Pluma.’” She squinted at the foreign word. György peered down from atop the wagon he sat on, “That’s a Harpy village. You can tell by the name of it.” Twilight scanned the map and nodded, “I suppose if we have time, and if we need supplies, we can stop by and rest.” “I hope they’re friendly….” Fluttershy murmured, sitting down and resting her hooves. She had finally managed to get Dash back into bed. “I’m sure they will be,” the Princess smiled reassuringly, turning back to the map, “Although, I wouldn’t be surprised if there was a bump on the way….” György chuckled, “If there is trouble, they’ll have to go through us! And not even the strongest of those brutes can break my armor!” the proud knight boasted flashing his knightly blade to the ponies. Starlight rolled her eyes as she folded up the maps and packed them in her saddle bags, “Everything has been going smoothly, too smoothly. Something big is going to happen; I can feel it…” hissed Starlight. Applejack scoffed as she turned back to face her, “You’re overthinking it. There’s no scale of good to bad that needs to be balanced. The job just isn’t as hard as we thought!” Spike leaned on the table, resting his head on his claw, “C’mon, when has anything for us ever been easy?” Twilight bit her lip and thought back, “He’s… kind of right. But we shouldn’t panic; we should be ready for the unexpected.” “How can you expect the unexpected?” Fluttershy’s ears flattened to her mane, looking confused. “I just mean we should be prepared.” Twilight gently patted her pegasus friend on the back. Starlight nodded, “I agree; we got robbed of our supplies last time because we let our guard down.” The group pulled their wagons into a massive open field that spanned for miles, with another forest faintly in the distance. Tall grass lined the field with a few laid-out spots of flattened grass that created a path for travelers. As they walked through the field, they heard giggling and laughter echoing through the brush. “Pinkie Pie, that’s not you, is it?” Twilight raised a brow nervously, her ears twitching at the noise. “No, she’s asleep; I made sure she was tucked in before I dealt with Rainbow,” Fluttershy replied, sinking low enough to hide under the table that was inside her wagon. “György, Gael, can you check what that might be? But be careful….” Twilight asked; she didn’t want to endanger the griffins. The Knights nodded, drawing their swords as they began stalking the area. The giggling persisted, and it was getting closer. It sounded like Pinkie laughing; it was bubbly and sweet, like cream soda. “Who goes there!” shouted Gael. “Raus hier sofort!” shouted György. There was a quick movement in the grass when Gael suddenly fell to the ground disappearing in the tall grass. Screaming loudly before he was dragged under. “GAEL!” screamed György. Twilight didn’t hesitate to dart out of the wagon, using her wings to propel herself into the air, “György, get back to the wagons; make sure the others are safe!” she commanded, keeping above the grass, her eyes scanning the path. What had just happened? “Starlight, use your life detection spell! I don’t want to accidentally hurt Gael!” Twilight shouted towards the wagons. György flew upward, soaring above the grassy field before returning to the wagons, gripping his sword tightly. Starlight quickly focused her will on conjuring and casting the detect life spell. Taking a deep breath before turning northward, “Over there! There are two creatures over by those bushes!” Laughter echoed through the brush, “Hahaha! Quit it! Help! Help! She’s tickling me!” called Gael in a desperate plea of laughs. Starlight galloped toward the sound casting a shield spell around herself as she dove into the grass, following the life energy emitting from Gael and the stranger. She tore through a maze of grass before finding the knight practically put in a headlock and tickled by a large fluffy Alpaca. “....Twilight! I found Gael!” called Starlight. Twilight quickly flew over, the stern expression she had been wearing moments prior melting away into confusion. She immediately recognized the creature as an alpaca, but she couldn’t recall any herds in the area. “Gael, are you alright?” Twilight asked, her horn burning to life as she attempted to wrestle the cottony foe from the griffin, “Hey, stop it!” Gael squirmed in the creature’s grasp, “Yes, your highness, but she has the grip of a bear!” “What the heck is going on out here?” Trixie rubbed one of her eyes as she left a wagon, trotting out to see the commotion. “Some ponies are still nursing a hangover!” The Alpaca giggled as she and Gael were moved toward Twilight before the creature wrapped Gael AND Twilight in a tight loving bind. Starlight winced, “Oh boy, don’t worry, you two, I’ll fix this!” The mare attempted to pry the three apart with magic, but somehow the Alpaca’s grip was like enchanted iron chains. Twilight let out a small squeal like the squeak of a dog toy, trying her best to wrestle herself out of the Alpaca’s grasp, but it seemed near impossible. This Alpaca would give Pinkie’s hugs a run for their money! Finally having enough, Twilight focused on her magic and enveloped herself and Gael before teleporting them a yard away from the beast. The alicorn wiped the sweat off her brow. It was difficult to wrap paper-thin magic around a creature in contact with something, especially another living creature, without causing damage. “Yikes… I think I’ll just go back to sleep….” Trixie cringed, slowly backtracking toward the wagons. The Alpaca giggled, quickly leaping toward the heavens and floating in the air as she puffed up her wool like a balloon. Drifting toward the ground, she landed in front of Trixie, dropping down and raising her flank to the air like a puppy wanting to play. Starlight quickly attempted to fire a paralyzing spell before the creature jumped out of the way by tackling Trixie and cuddling up to her. Nuzzling her face against the mare as she snorted and laughed. “AAAA, IT’S GOT ME! HELP!” Trixie squealed, trying her best to squirm out of its grip. Just like the others, however, she had no chance. “Just stop squirming, and I can get you out!” Twilight trotted over in a hurry. If the blue unicorn would stop moving, she could probably teleport her out just like she had done for herself and Gael. However, Trixie didn’t seem in the right state of mind to cooperate. The Alpaca looked over at Twilight and the others before smiling brightly at her, “☟︎□︎⬥︎ ♍︎♋︎■︎ ✋︎ ⬧︎♋︎⍓︎ ✋︎ ●︎□︎❖︎♏︎ ⍓︎□︎◆︎✍︎ ✋︎ ♍︎♋︎■︎🕯︎⧫︎ ♌︎◆︎⧫︎ ✋︎ ♍︎♋︎■︎ ⬧︎♒︎□︎⬥︎ ♓︎⧫︎✏︎” her tone and accent were muddled and muffled like she had something in her mouth. Starlight scratched her head, “Twilight, do you know a Comprehend Language spell?” The knights pointed their swords at the creature, “What should we do with her?” “That doesn’t sound like any language I’ve ever heard of….” Although, to Twilight, at the same time, it sounded familiar. She could have sworn she had overheard Discord or Pinkie murmuring a similar dialect to themselves on occasion when they thought no one was listening. But she just wasn’t sure of just misremembering one of the two's moments of sheer insanity. Twilight paused, scrutinizing the Alpaca, ignoring Trixie’s squeals and whines. Well, she wasn’t aggressive or hostile, just aggressively friendly, if anything. It was better than being robbed again. Unless this was another trick… Twilight sighed and shrugged. “Excuse me, are you lost?” She asked the stranger, hoping she at least understood Ponish. Gael would speak after the Princess in an attempt to see if she understood Griffish, “Bist du verloren?” The Alpaca laughed, nuzzling and squeezing Trixie as she nodded to both Twilight and Gael, “✋︎ ♍︎♋︎■︎ ◆︎■︎♎︎♏︎❒︎⬧︎⧫︎♋︎■︎♎︎ ⍓︎□︎◆︎📪︎ ♌︎◆︎⧫︎ ⍓︎□︎◆︎ ♍︎♋︎■︎🕯︎⧫︎ ◆︎■︎♎︎♏︎❒︎⬧︎⧫︎♋︎■︎♎︎ ❍︎♏︎✏︎.” Starlight mused for a moment pulling out a few spell books from her saddlebags, “Tongues, Comprehend Language, add an area effect to the spells….” Twilight rubbed her chin as she observed the Alpaca; her ear twitched as she turned around to overhear what Starlight was planning, “Starlight, be careful mixing spells together; we have no idea how they could possibly interact.” She warned gently. Twilight wasn’t opposed to magical experimentation, provided it was in a safe environment. Starlight rolled her eyes as she scoffed, “Trust me, Twilight, I may not have a formal education at Celestia’s School For Gifted Unicorns, but I can keep up with you and your brother in a magical duel.” The mage quickly flashed purple, red, and blue sparks from her horn before fixing and merging the magical properties of the spells. The Alpaca tilted her head as Starlight cast the experimental incantation at the creature. The maiden gasped as the strange magical essence slipped into her mouth. She’d quickly snort and laugh again before erupting in a coughing fit. Her voice squeaked and squealed, just like Pinkie Pie’s. It even had that bouncy sing-song pitch like her, “Holy moly sweet merciful cherrychalupa! You did something! I feel really weird! I’m talking so much! I can finally TELL people how much I love them!” she’d erupt in a fit of laughter before dropping Trixie on the ground as she plonked in place. Trixie groaned before quickly crawling away, hiding herself beneath a wagon, utterly terrified. Twilight blinked and cocked a brow before slowly approaching the Alpaca, “Sooo… can you understand us now? I’m sorry if I’m being rude, but… who are you? And why did you jump, Gael?” She gestured to the young griff, “You startled us quite a bit, you know!” The Alpaca giggled nervously, bashfully kicking her hoof in the grass, “I’m sorry, I lost my voice to a band of warrior mages. Ironically, a unicorn took my voice, and the next one I see gives it back! But, uh, that was… a few weeks ago… I kinda went crazy, and uh… well, the last few weeks is just a blur of floof and hugs, hehe.” She’d pull a picnic basket from her chest floof, “I’m Paprika of the Alpake clans, but I sorta got kicked out of the village because of my curse and for associating with outsiders, hehe.” she’d snicker to herself as if it were some sort of inside joke. Twilight would blink rapidly but immediately become intrigued, her flank hitting the grass. She hadn’t studied too much about alpacas, except for a brief overview, so the opportunity to learn was not one she was willing to slip by. “A unicorn took your voice?” She sounded incredulous and a little more than outraged. Why would someone do that to her, to anyone? Twilight was just glad she was safe. “How did that happen? And what are you doing all the way out here?” Trixie slowly scuttled her way out from under the wagon, dusting herself off, “And who do you think you are accosting the Great and Powerful Trixie like that? Don’t any creatures have manners anymore?” She sniffed, climbing back into her wagon and snapping the doors shut. Paprika giggled, “Mhm! You go over to the mountains that border Swallowtail and Unicornica you’ll find bands of mages and The Republic Guard getting into fights and skirmishes! It’s hard for the Alpake to live in the mountains because we can’t cross the border without getting caught in the crossfire!” The Alpaca seemed to frown as her expression darkened, “So many creatures getting hurt or worse… so I decided to help! Clearly, the issue is just a lack of communication and understanding, so under the peaceful teachings of The Alpake, I tried to make peace between the nations! With banquets and hugs!” Paprika smiled brightly, “The Harpies, Ponies, and Griffins were great! We drank and partied; we even got food and supplies from them to help the village!” Her expression went into a deep frown, “But the elders cast me out because interacting with those armies threatened the tribe! But I wasn’t discouraged. I went to the Unicorn camp with a humble offering of food and drink! But they laughed at me, and when I tried to explain to them that I was only trying to make peace between them, their commanding officer used a dark incantation on me, cursing me to only speak in forgotten and ancient tongues until my inevitable demise…” she’d bow her head in defeat and look like she was on the verge of tears. Starlight slowly reached out to comfort the Alpaca before Paprika quickly hugged the mare and bouncing excitedly in place, “But thanks to you, I can talk, I can sing, I can do poetry, and tell stories! You’re the nicest Unicorns ever! You must be from Elder Quill’s group of reformed Archmages!” “Elder, who?” Twilight cocked her head, trying to process everything that had just happened. She shook her head, gathering her thoughts. “I’m so sorry that happened to you, Paprika. What they did to you was unforgivable, your clan and that unicorn. If you can describe them to me, I can promise they will never do that again.” Twilight knew it was unlikely she would ever run into that pony, but if she did, she want to be prepared. “Oh, my former elder is known to the tribe as Elder Adobo; seek council with him if you want to discuss helping the tribe and letting me back in! I really miss the cria! The kids need me!” pleaded Paprika squeezing Starlight tighter as she sobbed. The Alpaca quickly gathered her resolve before wiping her tears away, “S-sorry, I just love babies and the little ones so much! The ponies who attacked me? Well, they wear leather and iron armor, and the one pony who cursed me was dark blue and had a black mane, dark brown eyes, and a chalice for a cutie mark!” “They tried to keep me in their camp too! But I kick their flanks to next week! I'd rather die before being put in chains!” huffed Paprika as she got on her back legs and proceeded to sock the air with her front legs as if she was training for a brawl. Starlight quickly teleported out of the Alpaca’s grasp before gathering her breath, “She’s strong!” she wheezed. “I know what you mean....” Twilight snorted to her companion before turning back to Paprika, mindful to keep her distance from her iron grip. “We’re headed for Swallowtail. If it’s not too much of a detour, we’d love to help,” the alicorn gave her a soft smile. They might be on an important journey, but they couldn’t ignore a creature needing help, “We’ll definitely be keeping an eye out for that unicorn.” Paprika had a focused, vicious expression on her face, scowling at Twilight before suddenly clapping her hooves together, “OH WAIT! Did you mean MY Elder or The pony elder? Hahaha!” she’d snorted. Twilight looked puzzled and a little taken aback. That look in her eye was almost… threatening for a second there. “Errr…” “Swallowtail?” Paprika perked her head up, interrupting before Twilight could speak, ”If you guys are going to Swallowtail, then why are you taking the long way? Hey! Why don’t I show you the fast way? It’ll take less than a day! AND… it’s mmmmaaaaaaagic.” she’d giggle and stare at the group with a goofy smile. Glancing between Starlight, Gael, and Paprika, Twilight considered her options. This Alpaca was… a little scary. She would almost dare to say Paprika was on Pinkie’s level of unpredictability. But, if she was telling the truth, it could save them days and a lot of supplies… “I… suppose. It would be a great help.” Twilight shrugged before nodding. “Better than taking days to get to our destination. But how is it magical?” “It’s a series of magical caves said to be blessed by Eyr Goddess of life, according to Griffish folk. The story goes that Eyr wanted to create a way to protect travelers from bandits and soldiers harassing them. So she raised a magical cave that could get you across the continent in a day’s journey!” explained Paprika. “Only the pure of heart may enter, so bandits, conquerors, and oppressors beware! Or else you will be lost inside the caverns FOREVER!” warned Paprika, leering toward the group with an intense stare, “They call it the Szentély...” Twilight listened in fascination, her magic pulling her journal and quill out from the wagons to where they sat. She made sure to record it all, eager to take note of every detail. After she was sure she got everything, she stood up and teleported the book back inside, turning to Paprika. “Well, let’s go then!” Twilight grinned at the Alpaca, “I want to see this cave!” Paprika laughed and bounced, “Alrighty, this way!” she’d plonk ahead before leading the group across the grassy field, “This will be so much fun! But…” she’d slow down, bouncing next to Twilight, “You never told me what YOU are doing, are you missionaries and exiles from Unicornica?” “Oh, sorry, I didn’t realize we didn’t introduce ourselves!” Twilight blinked, looking rather embarrassed, “My name is Twilight Sparkle, and this is Starlight Glimmer. The rest of my friends are inside the wagons resting up, but I’m sure you’ll meet them soon. We’re actually from Equestria, but we just recently departed from Griffinstone. We’re a… friendship expedition.” She rubbed the back of her head, chuckling awkwardly at how that sounded. Paprika ouuu’d “Ooohhh Equestria! I heard that mumbled amongst the traders! I thought you were part of Elder Quill’s lot! His gaggle of Archmages are all around the territory! So you’re just here to make friends? Wow! How noble! I knew we’d get along!” Starlight grinned as she leaned close to Twilight’s ear, “I’m glad that Pinkie is asleep for this….” Twilight chuckled and whispered back, “I thank Celestia for small favors.” Turning back to Paprika, the Princess smiled softly, “I consider myself a mage, but I’m not sure if I qualify as an Archmage. But you’ve been mentioning that name a lot, Quill. Can you tell me a little bit more about him? I’d like to know everything in the area, so we know what to expect.” Paprika dug into her picnic basket before tossing a whole apple in her mouth, crunching it up before swallowing it whole, “Well, back when I lived with the Alpake, we’d get all kinds of people telling us about their Gods, Goddesses, Spirits, The Divine, blah blah blah. But this guy is different. He’s the most rational zealot I’ve ever met! He says that the Goddess of the Sun is named Celestia, and she’s immortal and timeless but just a normal creature like the rest of us! Get out of here!” laughed the Alpaca. Paprika looked over at the Princess, “But anyway, it’s like the old Ponish religion got an update; it’s completely different from the old Archmages that climbed up the peaks told us that if we didn’t pray to Celestia and Luna, we’d feel their righteous fury. Now it’s friendship, tolerance, and befriending the very creatures, you meet! A complete one-eighty!” Twilight slowly turned to swap a look with Starlight before looking back at Paprika. She wasn’t sure if she should laugh or be aghast at what that implied, “... I assume that Quill and these Archmages haven’t been to Equestria in a long time?” the Princess raised a brow, already certain of the answer. Paprika shook her head as she poured Starlight and Twilight a fresh cup of tea from a pot that came out of her picnic basket, “Quill and his lackeys claim to have seen Equestrian culture and their way of life. It inspired him to spread some sort of ‘New Truth’ as they call it. The guys who haven’t seen Equestria are probably the ones saying that there will be HECK to pay whenever the sun God decides to wreak havoc on the non-believers.” Starlight stared at Paprika with a shocked expression at the Alpaca pulling random junk from her basket. She was like Pinkie in every way. Oh and the cult like behavior of the Archmages. “Tea?” offered Paprika. Starlight slowly took a cup before drinking. “Oh goodness, if only Celestia knew about these ponies….” Twilight shook her head sadly. How had news of this not traveled to Equestria? She supposed the Crystal Empire had just recently come back, so contact past the Crystal Mountains was nigh impossible for a thousand years. Perhaps these ponies face a similar situation, “And yes, please, I’d love a cup.” Paprika handed Twilight’s mug as she sighed, “It’s so nice to talk again! Hugging and cuddles can only express so much love; words are everything!” Starlight cocked a brow at Paprika, “I thought the saying went, ‘Actions speak louder than words.’” “Well, talking can get pretty loud, too, y’know.” Paprika giggled. After crossing the grasslands, the rest of the party would wake up or recuperate enough to join the rest of the expedition in assisting the journey and meeting Paprika. Making a small camp when their group pushed a few miles into the woods that bordered the grasslands. The group would set up their wagons and supplies in a secure area, with a few dense trees blocking them from view from the main road incase of any potentiel banditry. Applejack was preparing lunch for the group, having conjured an improvised stew made from vegetable stock and some fresh ingredients harvested from the forest and brought from Griffinstone. The apple farmer hummed to herself as she tended to the stew pot, “Seems like we just keep making new friends the more we stay here, right fellers?” Rarity nodded, “Yes… although I never would have expected Pinkie Pie to have a long lost sister that was an Alpaca….” “I’m surprised too; she even sounds like Pinkie….” Fluttershy murmured, watching the Alpaca with subtle awe, “Thank goodness, she’s still asleep. That celebration really tired her out.” Stumbling out of her wagon, Rainbow Dash emerged with a mane sticking up in every direction, a blanket wrapped and tangled around her midsection. The pegasus smacked her lips and glanced around before her eyes landed on Paprika. Sniffing, she turned to the others, “What did I miss?” “Not much, you know the deal. New friends.” Spike chuckled from his spot next to the blazing campfire, roasting a marshmallow until it was black as coal. He popped the morsel into his mouth and chewed as he spoke, “Basically, Alpaca Pinkie.” “Oooh,” Rainbow yawned and shrugged, flopping down onto the ground, basking in the flame’s heat, “Wake me up if anything happens… and for food. Definitely for food.” Paprika set out a large blanket for everycreature to sit on as she pulled out plates, a tea set, a bowl of fresh fruit salad, sandwiches, and lemonade from her basket. Applejack whistled, “At least she can make a meal!” admiring the delcious looking food with greedy, hungry, eyes. Thorax yawned and rubbed his eyes, “You ever wonder how Pinkie and Paprika can get whatever they need to get out of thin air?” “Best not to think about that, Thorax, for the sake of your sanity.” Starlight chuckled as she cataloged the supplies with the Alpaca in mind now. Gallus gritted his beak, “I don’t like the vibe that Alpaca gives off….” Spike looked up at Gallus with a puzzled expression, “Why? She’s harmless.” Gallus squinted suspiciously at Paprika, “She’s too nice and too bubbly for a creature that isn’t a pony….” Spike’s expression dropped to an unimpressed glare, “Uh huh….” Yona tilted her head at the new curiosity. Paprika vaguely reminded her of a Yak if it were severely malnourished and had no horns. Frankly, the only thing the two shared was their dense fur, which Yona could appreciate after being stared at during their stay at Griffinstone. She had heard more than one remark about her being ‘shaggy.’ “Weird packa-thing is nice. Yona is okay with it.” She sniffed and nodded in approval as if her wordwere final, stomping a hoof lightly. Paprika looked over at the group of younger creatures and beckoned them over, “Well are you three going to just stand there, or do you want a sandwich!” Spike quickly ran over, “Well, I’m not skipping out on a free sandwich!” Gallus raised his claw to protest before groaning, quickly following suit to get himself a sandwich. Paprika giggled, handing the young Drake and Griffin some sandwiches. Yona wasn’t far behind, jumping to hurriedly greet the zany Alpaca, her short tail wagging in excitement, “Yona, never meet Alpaca before! Yona is Yak, Yona on Pilgrimage!” Paprika picked up Yona, scooping her up as she lifted and carried the hulking Yak as if she was a tiny puppy, “A pilgrimage, wow! Your tribe LETS you explore with outsiders!? Sign me up!” she’d quickly spin around with Yona before placing her on the picnic blanket and placing a sandwich on a plate in front of the now dazed Yak. Applejack whistled loudly as she alerted camp of lunchtime, “Alright, y’all soups on! Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Trixie, get your rear ends up before you go hungry!” Rainbow would groggily groan and get up on her hooves, using the very tips of her wings to drag her through the air and over to the line for food. “Finally…” Trixie exited one of the wagons, rubbing her eyes as she yawned. “I was starving… oh, hello, strange huggy creature.” she greeted Paprika rather dismissively, trying to stay out of her hugging range. The Alpaca saying nothing as she stared at the unicorn with a wide smile. They waited a moment, but after a while, it seemed like Pinkie had yet to wake. Fluttershy stood up, “I’ll go check on her; she must have exhausted herself….” Paprika giggled to herself as she pulled out more plates and bowls from her small picnic basket. Applejack couldn’t help but give the maiden an appreciative smile. At least they didn’t have to worry about dirtying up their dishes. “So does anyone want a sandwich or some bread with their stew?” offered Paprika digging out a large bread loaf from her basket. “Me!” Rainbow stuck her hoof up, her mouth already salivating, “Make it a hoof long– no, five hoof longs! With all the fixings!” “Rainbow, don’t demand things from our guest! It’s just not polite,” Rarity admonished the pegasus, “A small sandwich would be lovely, dear.” smiled Rarity giving the Alpaca a flowery gaze. Fluttershy finally returned with Pinkie Pie in tow as bowls were being filled. The earth pony still looked exhausted and, frankly, still asleep. Fluttershy carried her on her back and gently laid her down on the picnic blanket close to the fire. “Pinkie refuses to get up, and she won’t tell me why,” Fluttershy said with concern, looking down at the sleeping party pony. Her face was blank save for the soft, slightly twitching smile on her lips. It looked as if she were having a deep dream. “I y’know, I think Discord could probably figure out why.” chuckled Spike. Starlight raised a brow at the young Drake as she scrutinized the new guest at their camp, “What, can there be only so much chaos going on at a time?” “Yeah, basically.” shrugged Spike, sure he heard this information from the Lord of Chaos himself. Then again, Discord wasn't exactly known for telling the truth more rather for his over exaggerations... Paprika snorted, “Who’s Discord?” the Alpaca peered over at Pinkie, examining the mare, pressing her hoof to her forehead, “Well, she isn’t sick!” Gallus yawned, “No, but she did dance with, like, a dozen knights.” The Alpaca giggled to herself, quickly pulling out the ingredients for a small cucumber sandwich and five hoof long sandwiches. Arranging the requests as she spoke, “Dancing is great cardio, and I’m sure any creature would be tuckered out after dancing with a dozen creatures!” Paprika quickly slid the sandwiches over to the mares. Rarity gingerly took her small sandwich, “Oh thank you, Paprika, these look wonderful,” she’d side eye Rainbow Dash, “We’ll eat EVERY SINGLE BITE.” “Oh yes, we don’t waste food around here,” Applejack said before taking a bite from her stew. “Great!” beamed Paprika, devouring a whole head of lettuce in one large cartoonish bite. Twilight blinked in awe at the sight before slowly chewing on her own sandwich, unable to look away. How was a creature able to devour an entire head of lettuce in under a minute? She was certain Spike and Starlight were right and thanked Celestia that she hadn’t woken up yet. After taking another bite of her sandwich, the flavor hit her tongue with a delectable intensity, and she began to chow down. Rainbow Dash sighed contentedly before throwing a look at Rarity with a slightly smug smirk on her lips. “Well, I hope she’ll be okay….” Fluttershy murmured before fetching herself a bowl of stew. “We should make sure we save her something to eat….” Paprika tapped a hoof to her chin, “Don’t worry, I know how to wake her up!” The Alpaca quickly fished for something in her basket before shoving her entire head and neck in the small container. Rustling around, she finally retrieved a small glass jar filled with a white substance. Starlight had several questions, a lot of which were of the horrifying and nightmarish variety. “It’s Alpake smelling salts. It’ll take her right out of dreamland!” smiled Paprika before picking up Pinkie, popping the glass cork before airing the strong-smelling salt into the mare’s nose. Spike slowly got behind Twilight as he wrapped his arm around her, peering around her waist, “Do you think Discord will show up once Pinkie AND Paprika get going?” Applejack slowly slipped a few painkillers into her maul before taking a swig of water from her canteen, “At least Fluttershy will be happy with some familiar company….” “I’m hoping he does, Discord might be the only creature that could stop them….” Twilight pushed the young Drake further behind her back, readying herself if she needed to put up a powerful shield. Just in case. “I’m… I don’t think I’m hungry anymore….” Fluttershy squealed as she slowly scurried behind a wagon, only her large eyes peering out to watch. Pinkie’s ears twitched before flopping left and right, her tail twitching madly before her eyelids fluttered open. She blinked before staring directly into Paprika’s eyes, looking entranced. “Oooh, you’re pretty!” Pinkie giggled, coming nose to nose with the Alpaca. “What’s your name? Where are you from? OOOoooh, where’d you get that neat scarf?” She pointed to the blanket across her back. “It’s so nice to meet a new friend! My name’s Pinkie Pie, but they probably already told you that, hehe!” The mare lurched forward before wrapping Paprika up in a hug that could rival hers. “I’m gonna watch this from… way over there.” Rainbow grimaced and darted into the sky, breaking through a cloud layer and out of sight. Paprika squeezed Pinkie in an iron bind, and onlookers swore they heard bone crunch and cartilage break. The Alpaca hopped off the picnic blanket to allow the terrified guests a meal with their show. The pair landed a few yards away on a patch of grass, Paprika smattering the mare’s forehead with a loving kiss, “Mmmmmmmwuuah! I’m Paprika, thank you so much, you’re pretty too, I like your eyes! Is your wool naturally pink!? We make our blankets using our own wool!” Paprika squealed, spinning around with Pinkie Pie until the two resembled a pink and fluffy tornado. Pinkie blushed playfully before grabbing Paprika, squeezing her tightly once more, and giving her a long kiss on the cheek in an attempt to match Paprika. “Oooh, I like you!” she still hadn’t let go of the Alpaca, squeezing her even tighter as she swung Paprika around, shoving her face into the thick wool on her neck, “So soft!! No wonder you’d make it outta your own wool!” Paprika giggled as she was swung around and around. It was as if two titans were testing the waters with each other in a competition to see who was the strongest and sweetest creature around. Starlight had already cast a shield spell on herself. There was a level of anxiety hanging in the air as the two playful creatures interacted. As if an unstoppable force met with another unstoppable force. Giving Paprika one last good squeeze, Pinkie let her go, plopping her back to the ground, “Wool? Hehe, silly, ponies don’t have wool! But my mane and coat, yes, are natural.” Pinkie struck a pose as if she was emulating Rarity, flipping her poofy mane. Paprika clapped happily at Pinkie, whistling loudly as she pulled a bouquet of roses from her wool, tossing it at the pony, “Gorgeous!” she’d quickly hop on her hooves and puff up her wool and shake. Like a dog just getting out of a summer shower. “Well, it’s nice to meet you, Pinkie Pie; I’ll be your guide and friend until I can get you guys to Swallowtail. I’m sure your friends can explain the deal to you if they haven’t explained it to you already!” grinned Paprika. Pinkie Pie giggled, “I think I got it. That’s great; we’re always happy to have new travel buddies! Ooh, we’ve already picked up Yona, Gallus, Starlight, Trixie, and Thorax! If we picked you up too, it would be six! Wouldn’t that be neat?” “Oh, oh, and tell me everything about being an alpaca, and I’ll tell you everything about being a pony! Do you have cakes and cookies and ice cream and lollipops?” The party pony began to chatter away. It was nigh impossible to stop her now. Spike let out a sigh of relief, “Maybe it’s like when two negatives make a positive? Like they level each other out by being so crazy.” “Let’s hope,” gritted Starlight. “I’m afraid we can only catalog the effects as they occur. It might be a delayed reaction or a build-up over time…” Twilight felt itchy all over; it just felt wrong to have two of them, “Just… be careful. Starlight, how long is that translation spell going to work?” Starlight felt her throat swell up as she swallowed back a wad of spit, “F-Forever.” she whimpered. “FOREVER!?” Applejack yelped, her mouth hanging open. Starlight raised her hooves defensively, “I counteracted the unicorn’s spell. It was relatively simple; it was just a simple Confusion spell. All they did was make her forget how to speak Ponish, I guess!” “... So we can just turn it off?” offered Spike. Rarity gasped, “Spike! I would have expected better to think you’d suggest such an awful thing…!” Rarity looked over at the pair’s incessant rambling before wincing, “On second thought….” Starlight rolled her eyes, “I’m not doing that, the spell I used was more like three spells, so it’d be pretty hard to reverse….” “We’re not going to take away her ability to talk,” Twilight gave an unimpressed look to Rarity and Spike, raising an eyebrow, “I just hope those two don’t get into trouble… or make any.” Paprika shook her head at Pinkie Pie, “Sorry, but my loyalties lay with The Alpake and cria…” she’d sniffle, her eyes burning with tears at the thought of her beloved cria, “I JUST MISS THOSE LITTLE GUYS SO MUCH!” she sobbed. Pinkie’s smile turned into a big frown, turning to scoop the Alpaca up and hold her like a foal, rocking her back and forth. “Awww, it’s gonna be okay! You don’t gotta tell me about your cookies and cakes n’ stuff… please don’t cry! You’ll make me cry!” She stuck out her lower lip before giving her a smile. “Ooh, wait, I know a way to turn your frown upside-down!” Pinkie seemed to disappear for a split second, leaving Paprika hanging in mid-air before returning in the blink of an eye. Throwing a bag of flour in the air, it landed on top of Pinkie’s head in an explosion of white powder, turning her pink coat white. “Taaaa-daaa! It always worked on the foals!” Paprika laughed, quickly pulling a feather duster from her wool before cleaning off Pinkie till she was quite literally sparkling, “I’m sorry for getting so upset. Every time I think of the little ones and how I’m not…” her lip quivered as tears threatened to spill, the Alpaca swallowing back her sorrow with a smile, “W-What’s a lolipop ice cream cookie cake? I don’t think I ever had anything I didn’t forage or trade for that sounded like that.” Pinkie stuck her lower lip once again, her eyes getting large. “No wonder you’re so sad! If I couldn’t go back home to Ponyville and make everypony happy, I’d be a mopey-dopey-pokey!” she gasped, “YOU’VE NEVER HAD A COOKIE?!” She set the Alpaca down and ran back to the wagon, “Stay RIGHT there, missy!! I’m getting you so many sweets you’ll wonder how you’ve ever gone without ’em!!” Twilight looked incredibly frightened then, “Maybe we should get to cover… I don’t want to see what happens when they’re BOTH on a sugar high….” Applejack pressed a hoof on Twilight’s shoulder, “Wait a second, I have an idea….” she’d whistled to Paprika, “Hey Sugarcube, you’re our guide, right!? Why don’t you pull the wagons with me!” “Good thinking, Applejack. Might as well give them something to tire them out.” grinned Rarity. Spike gently tugged on Twilight’s leg, “Be sure to cast a shield spell on me, yeah?” Twilight let out a little sigh of relief, “It’s worth a shot, at least.” She looked down and whispered to Spike, “Already have the spell charged up.” Paprika bounced over to the wagons, her legs scrambling around wildly as the Alpaca ran in place, “Sure, I can help; I guess we can get some dessert in after we head toward the caves, yeah?” “Whaaaaaat?!” Pinkie skidded to a halt in front of the group, “But I just made caaaake!!” She displayed the delectable treat to everyone; it was a giant chocolate frosted cake with cookies shoved haphazardly into it at every side and angle. Apparently, she hadn’t thought of just crumbling it onto the cake. “No, actually I just wanted Paprika to be able to experience the texture and consistency of the cookie, thank you very much!” Pinkie Pie shouted to no one in particular… Twilight stared at her, then quickly shook it off. Pinkie being Pinkie… The party pony rolled her eyes at some unsee voice before turning to the others, “C’moooon, just one slice before we hit the road? Hmm, hmm? I know you wannaaaaa!!” She wiggled the treat in front of them tantalizingly. Starlight rolled her eyes, “Pinkie, the plate is empty.” the mares eyes shrank, “Wait–” Paprika licked her frosted and cookie-crumb-stained lips as she smacked her chops, “Wow, that was a really weird-tasting bread, or was it fruit? It was sweet like an apple but bready like bread!” Applejack quickly pushed Paprika to the wagon’s hitch and tied her down, the Alpaca giggling to herself as she began vibrating, “I feel REALLY GOOD!” The maiden’s eyes widen to the size of dinner plates as the sugar high dropped on the Alpaca like a bomb, “HOLY CHERRYCHALUPA, I FEEL LIKE I CAN FEEL THE SEAMS OF REALITY TEAR APART AS THE SPIRITUAL WORLD AND OUR PHYSICAL PLAIN COLLIDE IN UNISON IN A BEAUTIFUL CLASH OF THE MINDS EYE AND OUR REALITY!” The maiden was somehow moving in frames as the wagon began to rush forward, “C’MON, I’LL SHOW YOU THE CAVES, THE CAVES, THE CAVES!” she laughed, “What a funny word!” Applejack quickly scrambled after the wagons, “Wait, hold on, you got to wait for us!” Pinkie grinned in excitement and hooked herself up to a wagon, “I like her spirit, c’mon girls!” She then proceeded to stuff a cake into her mouth and began plonking at a surprising speed after the sugar-infused Alpaca, “WAIT UP FOR MEEEE!!” Twilight sighed, “Well, I guess we better get going....” > Enter Eyr > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As the party walked through the dense wilderness, a strange feeling hung around the air. A powerful magic that coursed around them with an unmistakable aura. But this power felt… welcoming instead of intimidating or overwhelming. It reminded Twilight of Celestia and Luna in a way, powerful but comforting. Paprika stopped the wagons before freeing herself from the hitch and sniffing the area. Pressing her muzzle against a smooth stone on the ground, the maiden quickly gave the stone a small tap, watching it sink into the ground. The earth began to thunder as the ground in front of them tore itself open and spat out large stones surrounded in a beautiful blue aura. The magic, or whatever mysterious unseen force, seemed to arrange these massive stones and boulders into a cave with a large entrance encompassing the structure. By all physical and scientific measures, the massive cave that stood before them would go nowhere. Just a few hundred feet in, and they’d hit a wall. But Paprika seemed undeterred, “Alright, just follow me!” The Griffish knights rushed forward, “Are you mad!? This is clearly a real structure made by the Gods themselves; you’ll die if you enter!” warned György. “Why didn’t you say anything before now!?” snapped Starlight. “You guys thought it was real?” questioned Gael, “I thought we were just following this homeless person as a joke.” György smacked the back of the young cub’s head, “Fool! The Gods are real!” Gael groaned, rubbing the back of his head, “Ow!” Paprika blew a raspberry, “You silly billy, the legend says those of pure of heart may enter. Anybody can enter as long as they’re pure about their intentions. Besides, you can’t turn back now!” “That’s true; we already came aaaaaaaaallllll this way out here.” Pinkie offered, gesturing with her hoof just how long they had traveled, “We might as well try!” “That’s true, and I’d rather not have wasted a whole day’s supplies for nothing,” Twilight sighed and gestured to the others. “Alright, let’s just be ready for anything. Gael, György, if you’re uncomfortable with following us further, I understand.” György shook his head, “We’ll follow you for YOUR sake, not ours! We have the blessing of Boreas and Eyr; our faith will protect thee!” Gael rolled his eyes, “Besides, if we go back, Gilda will have our necks if she finds out we ditched you guys and Rainbow Dash.” Paprika snorted before laughing to herself, “Well, you guys want to help creatures and make friends. Just be honest with yourselves, and you’ll be fine! Just remember why you’re here!” Starlight took a deep breath before casting several shield spells on the way. Her horn crackled and popped with intense power as she used her magic, “This place is really, really strong with magic, Twilight; I think we’ll be okay if we encounter any trouble.” Spike nervously stroked his head scales, “But if you guys are empowered here, what about a… monster?” gulped Spike. Applejack rolled her eyes as she did her best not to think about that possibility, “Can we not think about that now we’re about to enter a deep dark magical cave?” “Yeah, really,” scoffed Gallus, eyeing up the massive structure, “Why are we even listening to this stranger in the first place!?” “Well, she’s a friend!” interjected Thorax peering from under a wagon as the changeling cowered in fear. “We just met her like a few hours ago!” retorted Gallus. “Wamp wamp,” giggled Paprika, “However you feel about it, we’re too far to quit now, now come on!” she’d quickly strapped herself in before pulling the wagons forward, “Next stop, Swallowtail!” As they entered the cavern, the knights would bow their heads, praying to their Goddess of life for protection. Twilight exchanged a look with her friends before letting out a long sigh and a shrug. Paprika was right. What choice did they have? “Strange, we must be on a magical layline….” Twilight scrutinized the interior of the cave, but she could definitely feel the spike of magic. It was like flying or being at a high altitude; she could feel the pressure in her ears before they popped as they stepped further inside. “Well, whatever’s going on, I trust her! She’s nice, and her wool is super soft!!” Pinkie giggled as they trotted along– or the others trotted, and she bounced. It was a wonder nothing in that wagon strapped to her was broken. “I-I’m not sure, but… we’ve gone this far.” Fluttershy, reflexively, kept glancing back at the entrance, terrified it would close and swallow them whole. Rainbow Dash grabbed her, directing her eyes forward. Fluttershy looked down at her friend, noticing her determined expression. “Rainbow?” “Don’t think about it, don’t think about it, don’t think about it….” The spectral mare was mumbling under her breath. “Oh, Rainbow, are you claustrophobic?” Fluttershy asked, suddenly concerned. “Wha–” Dash blinked, snapping out of her trance, “No! I just don’t like not being able to fly… cus’ it’s too tight in here….” Twilight turned her head to give the pegasus a cocked brow. Rainbow stuck her tongue out in response. As soon as every creature was inside the cave, the entrance collapsed, blocking their way back. There was a loud shriek as everything went dark, but a moment later, sets of crystals began to glow a deep blue, illuminating the path. “S-Sorry…” Fluttershy mumbled. Paprika giggled, “Just follow the path, and we’ll be out of this cave by supper time!” Fluttershy sniffled with fear but slowly followed. “This place is a sanctuary…” whispered Gael, “I thought they were just legends….” György nodded, “We must keep this place a secret so that it remains as such. Many enemies of the Kingdom would use this to endanger our people.” György perked his head as he came to a realization, “Wait, how did you know where to find the Szentély!?” Paprika blew a raspberry at the knight before giggling to herself. Much to the knights displeasure. A large eagle soared above the party, seeming to give each and every individual a judgmental glare. The Knights quickly tensed up. “Is that Eyr…?” whispered Gael. The eagle dived at the group before racing into the darkness ahead of them and cutting around a corner. György studied the eagle, showing mindfulness and respect as he bowed his head at the creature, “This is most definitely a home of the Goddess… her presence is strong here….” Gallus rolled his eyes, “I think one flew in here while we were talking. I mean, Pinkie Pie’s tail does kinda look like a squirrel.” The young Griffin was not nearly as spiritual or religious as his armored counterparts. Much to their insult. “Does it really?!” Pinkie attempted to turn around but was blocked by her wagon. Thorax seemed to exercise caution when he studied his surroundings, “Is there anything that lives here? Anything that might want to… eat us?” Paprika laughed, “No…! Maybe… it depends on if that Eagle thinks we’re worthy.” Gael bowed his head as he let out a deep sigh, “I think I just killed us all.” György laughed, “Not to worry, my squire, your shaky faith won’t be the demise of us! If anything, it’ll be… the… unfaithful… and… non-believers around us….” the knight seemed to pause as he let out a small defeated, ‘oh.’ “I’m sure, even if we don’t believe in your faith, that Eyr might find us worthy. Our intentions are pure, and we don’t intend to harm or insult the gods in any way.” Twilight said, attempting to comfort the knights and herself. Ever since she was a filly, she was more logical than a superstitious pony. She was fascinated by learning how things work, but the more she did that, the less magical magic seemed to really be. “M-Maybe I could talk to it and ask it to guide us?” Fluttershy offered, gently taking flight. She was far more comfortable flying in tight spaces than her old schoolmate. The cave quietly rumbled as the path in front of them caved in, blocking the way. Suddenly, a passage would open beside them with part of the firm stone wall shattered like glass into fine gravel. “I don’t think we’ll be able to talk to that bird now!” shrieked Spike, squeezing his eyes shut. The group peered inside the newly formed passage, seeing a massive room where the previously mentioned eagle sat on a stone throne surrounded by those strange glowing crystals. Gallus slowly looked over to Fluttershy, “Well, there’s your opportunity to talk to the bird.” he'd nudge the mare jokingly. Fluttershy’s ears were pinned to her skull, trembling as she looked around at the others. “Don’t worry, Fluttershy, you don’t have to go in there by yourself,” Twilight stepped forward, gently setting a hoof on her shoulder. “I-It’s okay, I-I can do this,” The meek pegasus whimpered, gathering her courage before she slowly stepped through the passage and into the room. “H-Hello.. my name is F-Fluttershy, and these are my friends,” Fluttershy approached hesitantly, trying not to tremble too much. But there was, one thing she was confident in was her ability to speak to animals, “Um… I was wondering if it’s not too much of a bother if you could help us get to Swallowtail?” The eagle scowled at Fluttershy as a voice escaped the beak of the beast; the eagle’s voice was distinctively female, with a deep and authoritative tone, “You dare ask for my assistance ye of little faith? Does thou not see there’s contradictory and a selfish preconceived notion!?” “The Goddess!” shouted the Griffin party members, quickly taking a knee at the sight of her. The eagle rolled her eyes before a blue and green magic hue surrounded the Goddess. Revealing her true form to the expedition. The closest thing comparable was if an eagle and a Harpy had crossed over. The Goddess was bipedal with emerald green silk robes and a large wooden scepter made from the limb of a massive tree that was visibly enchanted with powerful magic. She pointed her rod at the Griffins, “Cease your groveling! I do not need the adoration of mere mortals to know if they are worthy of my sanctuary!” “Who art thou!?” thundered the creature, “Who is the organizer of this caravan? I demand you to reveal yourself!” Fluttershy let out a small, muffled squeak, quickly walking backward before inevitably tripping on her own tail and rolling back to the group. “Oh brother, we should have invited Luna along. At least they’d be able to understand each other...” Rainbow muttered sarcastically, helping Fluttershy to her hooves. Twilight took a deep breath, letting it out slowly before she stepped forward, a determined look on her face. She still wasn’t sure that this creature was truly a god. What she had seen so far was impressive but not out of the question for an experienced sorcerer… or a changeling. “My name is Twilight Sparkle; I hail from Equestria. My friends and I are traveling to Swallowtail to spread friendship and hopefully turn right the wrongs that have been done to your people. We do not seek to insult you or your home; we were told those pure of heart may seek passage.” The alicorn did her best to seem respectable and determined as if she knew what she was doing. “I do not intend to judge myself or my friends; that is not our place. But please, if you do not find us worthy, then please spare my friends.” The Goddess sneered, peering down at the alicorn, “Equestria? Thou have traveled very far and taken quite a detour from their homeland, yes?” The mighty creature paused as she stroked the white feathers on her head. “Thou is willing to die for thine kin?” Eyr mused as she took a moment to study Twilight, “... Truth be told, I have left my sanctuaries abandoned for a long time. Only the faithful and wise may find these caverns. But thou is neither faithful nor are you educated enough to know the land.” The Goddess quickly pointed her scepter at the alicorn, “CONFESS! WHO AMONG YOU KNOWS THE SACRED KNOWLEDGE OF THE TEMPLE!” Paprika bounced in place, “Me! Me me me me me!” shouted the Alpaca. Eyr’s expression shifted to something akin to a disappointed parent, “... Oh… you… thoust has made companionship with a fool?” she looked down at Twilight, “That one went mad and wandered the forest for weeks! Thou only found my domain by sheer… luck!” Paprika giggled and snorted. The ancient Goddess rubbed her temple as she let out an exhausted sigh, “Oh my me… Boreas, you choose the strangest of champions….” The Goddess quickly raised several stone chairs and tables for the expedition to sit down at, “Rest! I require knowledge of your exploits before I can let you cross my sanctuary!” Twilight exchanged looks with her friends before nodding and taking a seat at the table. “Where do you want us to start? Oooh, I think I have the Elements of Harmony somewhere in the wagon!” Pinkie offered, waving a hoof as she bounced up and down in her seat. “I don’t know if we have to go that far, Pinkie….” Twilight chuckled, gesturing for the other, more nervous travelers to sit down. “Perhaps we should start at the map?” Rarity offered, flipping her mane as she sat down. The alicorn nodded, “That’s probably a good place to start.” Twilight began regaling the supposed Goddess of their adventure, starting in the Crystal Empire, Yakyakistan, and beyond. After a while, she needed to rest her throat, her friends chipping in to recount the story. “Oooh, the pirates were my favorite part!” Pinkie grinned, “Except for the Harpies getting hurt, of course, but everything else was fun!” Twilight sighed and rolled her eyes, “But, yes… we’ve been on quite a journey.” Eyr seemed content with the long-winded explanation, slowly rising to her talon, “It seems you speak the truth, and your intentions are clear. So thou have passed my initial impressions….” The Goddess would spread her wings, “However! This does not account for a lifetime of misdeeds or evil! Thou must be weighed for their past actions, there are scales that must be balanced, and to ensure that I know thou will not share this sacred knowledge of my temple, you will all be placed on the scale!” The Goddess smashed her scepter into the ground, the piece of enchanted wood seeming to take root as it grew into a large tree resembling a scale. Before, Eyr plucked a large feather from atop her head and placed it on the scale. “If thou weigh more than my feather, then you cannot be trusted to leave. Your soul is filled with hatred and evil. With that in mind, I will send you to Maar, where you will be trapped in the Underworld for the rest of time!” warned Eyr. “But… if thou weigh less than my feather, you are not loyal or trustworthy enough to leave! You lack the integrity to preserve my temples secrecy, and you must remain here until your scales are balanced!” The knights and Gallus were extremely terrified. A new sense of faith plagued their thoughts as a sense of guilt washed over them. Spike gulped as he raised his claw, “How much of the past is being judged here? Is there a cutoff?” Eyr scowled at the dragon, “No! Thou will be judged for every infraction! Every lie! Every misdeed! Shall be weighed against you!” Twilight looked over at her friends, a little nervous but confident that none of them would be going to ‘Maar,’ wherever that was. Just when she was about to open her mouth to ask a question of her own, Pinkie Pie jumped forward. “Ooooh, that looks like fun!” She didn’t hesitate to scramble on top, the scales bouncing up and down as it tried to come to a balance. The scale would hobble and sway up and down for a moment before settling, revealing that Pinkie weighed as much as Eyr’s feather. The Goddess peered down at the mare, “Thou is still plagued with the ignorance of youth. You have a lot to learn before thou is thy best self.” Eyr picked up Pinkie Pie before giving her a firm shake, “You will live a long prosperous life.” she’d then place the party pony back in her seat, “Who will be weighed for their actions now!?” thundered the Goddess. Pinkie giggled joyfully; she was happy, although Twilight was pretty sure she didn’t understand what had just happened. “I’ll go next, why not.” Rainbow shrugged, pulling herself into the air before gently setting down on the scales. Despite her nonchalant attitude, she was preparing herself to flutter the tips of her wings just in case the odds weren’t in her favor. The Goddess glared at the pegasus, sensing her deceptive intentions as the scale creaked beneath her hooves, before leveling out evenly, “Your pride and hubris will be your downfall time and time again….but you will rise above it despite your falls.” Eyr grabbed Rainbow Dash before giving the mare a firm shake, stroking the pony's mane, “....Thou will die satisfied.” she’d placed Rainbow Dash down. Rainbow Dash’s expression melted from insulted, confused, and then mildly frightened. “Er… thanks?” “Who will rise up to the scales!” called Eyr. Rainbow Dash would poke Fluttershy in the side, encouraging her to go up, “C’mon, it wasn’t so bad, besides you’ll be fine. If I passed, you definitely will.” She gave the meek pegasus a confident smile. “O-Okay…” Fluttershy nodded, fluttering up before taking a seat on the scale, nervously wringing her hooves. The scales nearly dipped too low before quickly snapping upward and evening out, “You being here is the greatest act of courage you will ever commit….” Eyr gently picked up Fluttershy before giving her a firm shake. “Your best years are ahead of you.” she’d placed Fluttershy down, “Step forth!” Fluttershy looked rather dazed and relieved as she sat down as if the worst had come to pass. Rarity whimpered before nervously stepping forward and climbing on top of the scale, squeezing her eyes shut before opening them once the scale quit moving. “Jealousy and envy will be your undoing if you cannot find satisfaction with the company and life you keep,” Eyr warned, giving the unicorn a stern look before scooping the pony up and shaking her. Rarity whined, “I think I’m going to be sick!” “You will have all you desire once you overcome your need for luxury.” informed the Goddess. Rarity grumbled, “Did you get that from a fortune cookie?” Applejack slowly stepped forward, “Guess I’ll go next….” Climbing onto the scale she stared directly at it embracing whatever judgment she got. Fortunately, the scale leveled out, “Upholding tradition has no value in itself unless the tradition is worth preserving. Embrace the future.” the deity grasped Applejack before shaking her. “W-Woah!” squealed Applejack. Eyr gave a firm nod to Applejack. “You will rest knowing that you did your best for your loved ones.” She scanned the group, “Who will step forward!” Twilight sighed, “I suppose I should go–” “YONA GO NEXT!” A loud, brash voice cut the princess off. The frightened and visibly nervous yak stepped forward, her heart beating wildly, but she attempted to mask it with bravado. “Weird griffin-harpy thing doesn’t scare Yak! Yak, take stupid test!” The princess bit her lip and cringed, giving Eyr an apologetic look for the young one’s behavior. Yona climbed aboard the scale with some difficulty, her bulk and short legs didn’t help. The scale sank, touching the floor for a moment bringing the heart of every creature to their stomach as they thought Yona was doomed to Maar. But fortunately, the scale shot back up and bounced high above the ground for a moment. Before finally settling. “Your ignorance and pride will be a continual source of humiliation for thee. You feel isolated and alone on your quest for knowledge.” The Goddess grabbed Yona straining for a moment before giving her a long slow shake. “Ngh, you will– hgh,” struggled Eyr before using both wings to shake the yak, “You will be the start of a new age for your tribe, and you will be at the forefront of it!” the Goddess gasped as she placed Yona back on the ground. She huffed, “N-Next… just go on the scales…” Eyr wheezed, catching her breath. Yona seemed exceptionally proud of herself, although a troubled look crossed her face when she finally began to process what the Goddess said. She sat down and looked at the stone table thoughtfully. Twilight looked around before finally standing up, “I’ll go next. Honestly, I thought I would be first.” “You snooze, you lose!” Pinkie blew a raspberry at the princess, who simply rolled her eyes. Stepping onto the scales, Twilight steadied herself before sitting down, feeling a lump in her throat. She couldn’t be a bad pony, right? Although she had used Sombra’s magic… if only to do good! There was no other way around that! The scales seemed to barely falter; Eyr raised a brow stroking her feathers, “You are afraid of a life without your friends. Dark times are lying and waiting for you further down the road.” The Goddess scooped up Twilight and gave her a firm shake before placing her down, “A great award awaits in the near future.” Twilight was surprised by the outcome. She had expected the scale to move at least a little bit more than that. She wasn’t sure if she should be flattered or skeptical. The Goddess turned to Thorax before turning her beak up at him, “Your illusions do not fool me! Reveal yourself!” ordered Eyr. Thorax quickly revealed his true form to everyone as he nervously rubbed his leg, gauging the Griffins and Paprika’s mixed reactions. He sighed before stepping up to the scale. The scale bounced upward before snapping evenly, “You are at a crossroads. Big changes and choices are ahead of you and you question everything about yourself.” She’d give the changeling a shake. “You don’t have to worry about your brother. Things will be better in due time….” The Goddess stared at Trixie, as she placed Thorax down, “You, come.” Trixie jumped in place, her eyes darting around as if she were looking for a way to escape. It was clear to everyone that she was terrified of being judged. Even Twilight could feel pity for her. She just hoped that she wouldn’t be stuck here. The showpony trembled as she stepped forward, weakly climbing onto the scales. She wished she was as strong as Twilight or Starlight at that moment, even more than she usually did. At least then she could teleport away or blast her way out. Clenching her eyes shut, Trixie awaited her judgment. The scale sank and pressed against the floor for a moment, and then very, very slowly, the scale rose upward and evened out. Eyr approached Trixie, “Your jealousy and envy will be your undoing if you cannot find peace with yourself and those you have a perceived jealousy of.” The Goddess then grabbed Trixie and shook her before placing her on the ground, “However, you have people in your life that will help you find peace.” Trixie let out a shuddering sigh of relief before falling, and unable to catch herself, she simply fell limp to the ground. Fluttershy came over to gently pick her up, setting her down in a seat. “I suppose… Spike, do you want to go next?” Twilight offered, “I’m sure you’ll do just fine.” Spike sighed as he looked at the massive scale practically looming over him, “Thanks a lot, Twilight.” “Oh, don’t be such a drama queen.” Twilight rolled her eyes. Grumbling, the young drake climbed onto the scale, sitting down in a huff. It didn’t even move. Eyr seemed unphased, “You still suffer from the ignorance of youth. How could you not? You have centuries to grow.” She’d then shake the young dragon, “You’ll start wondering how everything changed so quickly for you.” smiled Eyr placing the dragon down. Spike rubbed his tail, “That’s… reassuring?” Starlight galloped up to the scale before hopping on; it seemed to slam into the ground like a heavy weight was suddenly thrust on it before it slowly squeaked upward. Eyr shook her head, “You have a long road ahead of you…” she said mildly before grabbing the unicorn and shaking her. Starlight laughed, “H-Hey, that tickles!” “You will have more friends than you will ever know.” Eyr nodded before placing the pony down. Eyr took a deep breath as she looked over at the Griffins, “You were in Boreas’s light since you were hatchlings. Though your faith in the Gods varies, I’m starting to think whatever case of hubris or apathy is plaguing you. Is starting to seem rather burdensome, yes?” The Goddess grinned. Gallus nodded,” Y-Yup, I’ll confess all my flaws right here if you want!” offered Gallus. “Please don’t send us to the Underworld!” pleaded the knights. Eyr sighed, “Calm down; nobody is going to the Underworld. You’re all pure of heart… even if you struggle with your imperfections and impurities.” The Goddess quickly grabbed the scale and ripped it from the ground, its limbs retreating into the base of the staff of the scepter before Eyr quickly snapped the stone chairs, tables, and throne back into the stone floors an walls around them. Paprika piped up, “What about me!?” Eyr pressed her wing to her temple, “I already did you the first time, fool!” Paprika snorted, “Oh yeah.” “Well, I’m glad that’s settled….” Twilight let out a sigh of relief. She had been a little worried about Trixie and Starlight, but she was thankful everything had ended smoothly. “So, can we go now?” Rainbow groaned, “We were kinda busy before you stopped us.” “Rainbow, don’t be so rude! She just wanted to make sure that we were good!” Fluttershy admonished gently. “I thought it was fun!” Pinkie grinned, bouncing up and down. The Griffins stared at Rainbow Dash slack-jawed. Did she not realize this was a literal God? They wondered if she talked like that to Celestia or Luna... Eyr rolled her eyes at Rainbow Dash, “You are all sworn to secrecy; never share the location of this place!” The stone wall behind her collapsed as the Goddess transformed into an eagle. Taking flight out of the cave. Starlight sighed deeply, “Wow… that’s… huh… you know I see things differently now…” “That was the most stressful and intense therapy session I ever had.” sniffled Rarity, dabbing her face with a washcloth. As the group stepped outside, they stood atop a large hill overlooking a massive tree in the distance, standing proudly in a sea of much smaller trees. It glowed brightly like a giant lamppost in a sea of darkness. The sound of music faintly playing in the distance echoing throughout the forest. Hundreds of creatures were visible in the air and at the bottom of the tree. Upon realization from looking at a nearby tree, it was discovered all these smaller trees were actually growing from one set of massive roots spanning above and below ground for miles. After the group pulled out their wagons from out the cave, the cavern behind them would sink quietly into the ground. There was virtually no evidence of it ever having been there, aside from one small smooth stone lying on a patch of grass in the clearing. Twilight barely noticed the cave closing behind them, her attention fully absorbed as she looked upon the giant tree. She couldn’t help it; her breath was taken away. Oddly, it almost reminded her of her old tree house… if it were a massive, sprawling city. Frankly, it was beautiful. “Finally, I can stretch my wings!” Rainbow zipped through the air, making several loops before slowing down, “Wait, where did that Eyr chick go?” Pinkie Pie looked around curiously but was unable to find her, “Huh. Guess she went back into the cave!” The Griffin members of the party collapsed on the ground, “That was the most existential thing I ever watched, and I didn’t even get judged!” shouted Gallus. Applejack looked up at Rainbow Dash, narrowing her gaze. “Hey Rainbow Dash, can yah not egg on the IMMORTAL GODS next time! We’re lucky she wasn’t impatient!” “Did she tell us our future or something at the end of our readings?” questioned Spike as he recollected the incident. Paprika laughed, “It’s just some readings; it’s like tarot cards!” “We could’ve died!” snapped Rarity. “Aw c’mon, we don’t know for sure if that Eyr chick was a God! She coulda just been a really powerful sorcerer or whatever….” Rainbow Dash crossed her arms and huffed, tossing her mane out of her face. “Right, Twilight?” "Heresy!" shouted György, insulted by the mares lack of faith. Completely baffled that she denied their Goddess divinity despite being judged by her not even ten minutes ago. Twilight hesitated, wincing before she turned to reply, “Well, we can’t be certain, but either way, I’d like to have some distance before I make any judgments myself. Let’s just be happy everyone is okay, and we still have our supplies.” “Let’s just go; I wanna see the pretty lights and see the parties and games and and–” Pinkie Pie bounced into the air, giggling with glee. “I can’t wait!!” > New Friends Are Waiting In Swallowtail > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the heart of this metropolis lies the soul of every living creature that resides in Swallowtail. The Great Tree was the cornerstone of the Republic since its foundation. It was a safe haven for flying creatures to escape predators for centuries, evolving from escaping wild beasts to escaping the iron jaws of slavery. For over one thousand years, this great Republic has stood firmly in the center of the continent, spanning several cities and roads. The tree, the city of and the name of the Republic itself, Swallowtail, was merely the capital and heart of the nation. Now, as Twilight Sparkle stood at the base of the tree, she could feel all the life pulsating and fueling the city to act. The tree provided everything for its residents, shelter, fertile land, building material, water, and naturally, protected them from the elements. In return, the residents remained vigilant, continuously treating the tree of parasites and disease and ensuring The Great Tree may continue for another one thousand years. No matter where you stood within the city, life could be felt in every nook and corner. Even at the bottom of the tree were dozens and dozens of earth ponies and creatures who were, unfortunately, unable to fly and resided in dozens of hastily built shacks, tent encampments, shelters, and institutional centers like schools or hospitals. But despite the shakey living conditions, every pony the expedition saw passing through the slums at the tree’s roots was brimming with hope that inspired them to persist and live, not just live even… flourish. Paprika had mentioned that hundreds of earth ponies and other creatures had fled from Unicornica and the surrounding territories to Swallowtail to escape the Border War and slave raids. And while the Alpaca’s explanation wasn’t very in-depth or thorough compared to Twilight’s standards, she would take what information she could get. All was revealed in the conversations of the passerby. Whispers of strained resources, neglect, and even accusations of limiting the supply of the commoners were all common topics echoed at the bottom of the tree, and yet, despite all of the difficulty, the creatures at the bottom of the tree. The earth ponies, in particular, all seemed to have determined and an even joyous resolve. It seemed that these creatures were making more than due with what they had. Despite the rough-looking ghetto that greeted the party, it was clean, it was peaceful, and it was safe. There was even enough prosperity for sets of bazaars and shops to open at the base of the roots so that those among the ‘wingless’ as referred to by the ‘winged’ aka the Griffins, Harpies, Hippogriffs, Pegasi, Dragons, and so on. Several armed Griffins, Harpies, Hippogriffs, and Pegasi were littered across the bottom of the roots in stations and posts to protect and assist the refugees and migrants the best they could. Starlight seemed to take an interest in the scence as she mentally compartmentalized the state of the lower city’s slums, “They seem… happy despite living in the gutter of a city…” commented Starlight thoughtlessly as if it were a mundane fact. Applejack furrowed her brow at the unicorn, “It’s called making due with whatcha got. Ain’t no point in being miserable in a miserable situation; it’s counterproductive!” scolded the mare. “I don’t know….” Fluttershy murmured as a colt and filly trotted by, playing with their pet mutt, “I think it’s rather nice. Some ponies, and um, creatures, prefer a simpler life….” “That’s a nice way of putting it, Fluttershy dear, but frankly, Applejack is right. They are simply making do with what they can, although I certainly wouldn’t be as happy about it….” Rarity winced at the civilians’ plain, saggy, and often torn clothes that seemed to hang off them in tatters. Twilight sighed, “It’s not our place to judge them or their lives. If they need help and we can provide it, then we’ll do what we can. Agreed?” “Yeah yeah yeah, let’s hurry up and get onto the branches! I wanna see everything!” Rainbow’s eyes were wide as she gazed up into the canopy, eager to see what awaited her. Apparently, the stories had given her enough of a reason to be excited. “Me too!!” Pinkie raised a hoof before bouncing ahead, “I can’t wait to see all the parties and music and games and new friends and and and–” “We GET it!” Twilight raised her voice before wincing, hoping she didn’t just make themselves the center of attention. Clearing her throat, she spoke quietly, “Let’s try not to make ourselves stick out too much, okay?” “Okaaay…” Pinkie sighed dejectedly. Paprika sighed, stopping to a dead halt, “Well, this is where we separate!” the Alpaca bounced ahead, stopping to turn as she faced the group, “I can’t get into the city because I’m of the ‘wingless’ aka, I can’t fly! So I’m going to go help The Alpake and end the Border Wars, so every creature here can flourish!” The knights nod, “Yes, and because you have arrived in the city, we must depart back to Griffinstone.” György bowed. Gael collected himself from the back of a wagon, “I’m sure the Doge will be interested in meeting you once the city hears of your arrival.” “We bid thee farewell.” saluted György. Pinkie would sniffle, her eyes growing large before she belted out a large wail, grabbing Paprika, György, and Gael in a massive hug, squeezing them tightly. “I’m gonna miss you guys soooo much!!” Pinkie whimpered, big fat tears falling down her cheeks. “P-Promise me, you’ll write! And that we can visit! D-Don’t forget my name, okay?!” Rainbow sighed, pressing a hoof to her face as she shook her head, looking away as if she were trying to pretend she wasn’t with them. “Oh, brother…” “Pinkie, let them go; I just said we shouldn’t draw attention to ourselves!” Twilight tried to keep her voice down, her horn lighting up as she attempted to wrangle the party pony away from the three. She just managed to get the two knights loose. But Pinkie absolutely would not let go of the Alpaca. Twilight gasped for breath, sweat going down her brow. How was she that strong? Gael and György strained as Paprika gave Pinkie and the knights a returning squeeze. The two armored Griffins gave the Alicorn a grateful smile. Wiping her brow, Twilight returned their smile. “Thank you so much for your service; it has meant a lot to us. I bid you safe travel back home, and please, if you ever need anything, do not hesitate to contact one of my friends or me.” György bowed, giving the Princess a gentle peck on the hoof, “I have a feeling we will cross paths again very soon.” Gael scowled at his master before giving his senior Griff a firm whack against the back of his head. György shot up like a bottle rocket before snapping a look at Gael before laughing. “Well… it seems you have the last laugh, my squire!” György chortled. Twilight couldn’t help but laugh too. Gael bowed to Twilight and smiled, the pair walking away from the wagon soon after. The group waved their goodbyes, and good lucks, watching them go before turning back to their wagons. Paprika cradled Pinkie, “It’ll be okay, Pinkie Pie! I’ll be around here with Elder Quill and Yellowtail, and if not, I’ll be a few miles away near the border! And if anything happens….” The Alpaca puckered up before pressing her lips against Pinkie’s, giving the pony a long sloppy kiss before snapping away from her and placing the earth pony down. “You’ll always have a place on my friendship list!” the Alpaca pulled out a large scroll from her wool with the names of several different creatures, including Pinkie and the expedition. Pinkie’s eyes went wide again, but she didn’t seem to dislike the act nor pull away. She smiled brightly afterward, “And you’ll always have a place in mine! I can’t believe we both have friendship lists, hehe!” Rainbow and Twilight stared in shock while Applejack hid her face behind her ponytail in the lack of her hat, face burning. Rarity blinked several times before coughing, breaking the silence between the group. “Well, that was… spontaneous.” Rarity cleared her throat once more. “Do you think they’re…?” Rainbow whispered before being cut off. “Dash! Get your head out of the gutter!” Twilight chastised quickly, not wanting to imagine anything the Pegasus might suggest. “I was just gonna ask if they’re together! Geez…” Rainbow pouted, crossing her arms. Paprika looked at the group and then at Pinkie Pie before erupting in laborious laughter. Pinkie chuckled before giggling along. Applejack rolled her eyes at Rainbow Dash, “They’re friendly, I’ll give you that. But I think you could give Pinkie Pie a smooth stone, and she’d kiss it if it was nice enough...” she huffed. “And I have! Quandisimo was such a charmer…” Pinkie sighed dreamily. Thorax grumbled, “I wish I had that confidence….” Starlight peered at her changeling companion with piqued interest before turning to Paprika and Pinkie, “Well, that was… something; I guess we’ll catch you later.” Paprika nodded before bouncing away, “Likewise!” Pinkie grabbed something from the wagon just as Paprika was gaining some distance. Pulling an object out, Twilight only realized what it was when the party pony began to yell, “DON’T FORGET TO WRIIIIIIIIITE!!!” Turns out, it was a megaphone. That left their ears ringing for the next few minutes. As they departed, the group followed the roads along the tree’s massive roots toward the inner lower city. Eventually, they were slowed down by the hoof traffic and caravans that littered the bottom of the tree. As they went further under the roots, torches and lantern-lit lamp posts lined the paths revealing the dozens of different encampments, homes, and businesses filling the slums. But a voice would cut through the rabble and rumbling of the city goers, “Rejoice! For we live in an era of friendship and tolerance! Please, if you can, donate alms to the poor youths of Swallowtail so that our future generations may be able to read and write!” As Twilight and some of the more perceptive of the group turned to the voice, they saw a pony wearing a dark robe with a golden-lined insignia of Celestia’s cutie mark embroidered on his cloak. He was a young unicorn stallion with a greyish-blue iron coat with dark circular spectacles resting on his nose. With a straight and clean-cut mane, he stood on a large crate above the pedestrians as he rang a silver bell calling for donations for the poor. He seemed a little too clean-cut and educated for the slums. “Find it in your heart to support our schools for the Earth Pony and Wingless among us!” He called out. Twilight instantly knew that they had to speak to this pony, Celestia’s sun on his robe could only mean he was a friend to Equestria, or at least she hoped. Locking eyes with her friends, she tilted her head in his direction, and they nodded in silent agreement. Wrestling their way through the busy traffic of the other creatures around them, they finally managed to squeeze themselves as close as possible to the stallion’s crate without blocking anyone’s path. “Excuse me, sir?” Twilight called out. She suddenly realized it might have been a good idea to wear something to obscure her wings… Reflexively, she tightened them to her barrel, “I don’t suppose you could help us?” The stallion quickly hopped off the large wooden crate before studying the expedition, a little perplexed by the large wagons and well-fed group. Everycreature there looked clean and tended to. “Of course, sister, I will do my best.” the stallion took note of them, “What seems to be the problem? Do you need a place for the wingless among you? I understand that shelter and housing is a common issue but don’t worry, we will get everyone here a place to sleep.” Starlight looked over to Twilight, “I’m… going to take everyone up a head a bit….” The stallion nodded at Starlight, “Be mindful of your belongings….” Starlight signaled for everyone to move along, leaving the stallion and Twilight alone for a moment. Twilight glanced back at Starlight and subtly nodded before turning back to the stallion, “My name is Twilight Sparkle. I was told there would be a stallion in Swallowtail named Quill… I’m going to assume that’s you?” she gave him a soft, friendly smile, “I’m a friend of Paprika’s if that name’s familiar.” The stallion’s gentle expression quickly melted into that of a surprised and bewildered gaze, “Twi– …Twilight Sp– Sp-Sparkle….” The stallion seemed to falter as beads of sweat dripped off his forehead. The stallion quickly recollected himself as he wiped his brow with a rag. The stallion slowly stripped his cloak off his body before covering the Alicorn's wings, “You mustn’t reveal your nature so openly around here. Lest you and your party be swarmed en masse…” whispered the unicorn before veering back, “I am Elder Quill Feather, Archmage of The Reformed Sol Invictus Temple.” Quill bowed low before Twilight, “At your service… what brings you to Griffonia?” Twilight couldn’t help the color that came to her cheeks, “Ah… yes, I only realized that after I had already entered the city… I just hope no one has noticed, but I haven’t been swarmed yet… Thank you.” She used her magic to adjust the cloak around her wings and flank. “As for what brings me here… my friends and I have been summoned by a magical artifact to write wrongs, essentially.” She gave Quill a nervous smile, “I realize that sounds a bit silly, but we’ve been doing it for a while.” Quill seemed to excitedly note everything Twilight said on a scroll, eyeing between the paper and the Alicorn before him, “If they hadn’t noticed you yet, they surely wouldn’t notice you now.” The mage quickly put the cloak’s hood over the Alicorn’s head, “Silly? No, no, no, this has been a long time coming. It was foretold ever since our Elder Archivers and Mages were told of the ‘Cutie Map.’” The stallion seemed to hold back joyous energy as he excitedly trotted in place. “I was right!” he’d whisper, “Those stuffy old Unicornican zealots thought they were so righteous that the Cutie Map wouldn’t call upon them!” the stallion laughed to himself as he collected himself, “I’m sorry, your Excellency, forgive me. How can I be of service to you? You must want entrance to the upper city, right?” Twilight breathed a sigh of relief that she wouldn’t be mocked or belittled, but the joy, energy, and general willingness to serve her made her mildly uncomfortable. Most of the time, especially when she was in Canterlot when somepony was treating her… well, like royalty, she would hesitantly follow along or gently put them down and explain how she didn’t need special treatment. “You’re fine; actually, I’m quite interested to hear about Unicornica.” She gave him a soft smile, “And yes, my friends and I would like access to the upper city, but please, you can just call me Twilight. I’m… not overly fond of the titles I’ve been given. In exchange for entrance, perhaps we can help you? I was already considering a donation.” Quill seemed to violently shake in place with a roaring excitement. His studies could have never have prepared him to speak with Twilight herself! The Immortal Heiress!? Heir of Princess Celestia herself, THE Goddess of the Sun and life? How could he refuse anything from her? The Archmage nodded, “Yes, yes, of course, I have contacts in the Republic Guard who can get you and your comrades to the tree with your supplies intact. I will tell you everything I know of the Unicorns. All I ask of you is to please spare the effort to speak to his Excellency the Doge.” “That’s fantastic; thank you so much.” She gave him a bright, grateful smile, “Of course. What is it you would like me to speak to him about?” Twilight paused, looking at their surroundings. Was the street the right place for this conversation? “Perhaps we should find a quieter place if we’re going to have an extended conversation? I don’t want to have to shout for you to hear me.” She chuckled, gesturing they move forward. “I’m sure you know of a place where you and I, and my friends, can rest for a moment.” She just hoped they could catch up to them. The Archmage adjusted the glasses on his nose, “Please let him know that the wingless need more supplies and support from up in the tree. We can’t keep going on like this forever. There needs to be a concentrated effort on actually helping the refugees and migrants here….” The unicorn quickly nodded, “Yes, yes, I will arrange that. Please follow me; I have a place where you can rest while I arrange for the Guard to assist you….” Quill galloped ahead, leading the caravan to a small temple made from the natural root formations that had occurred during the tree’s life. The most fascinating aspect was how the wood and brick fit together seamlessly. Celestia’s cutie mark rested at the top of the temple, the symbol made of stained glass. The expedition broke off from the wagons during this break in between travel. As they arrived, dozens of ponies wearing cloaks and robes would pour out from the temple. “Get me Captain Iron’s; tell him that it’s Elder Quill, I need him and his platoon here, please!” insisted the Archmage. The mixed group of Elders and Mages consisting of Earth ponies, Unicorns, and even some Pegasi quickly splintered off, galloping, teleporting, and flying away in several directions. Quill quickly beckoned the group inside the temple, where the simple, clean interior presented itself. Sets of benches lined the temple where resting at a podium and altar were images of all of the alicorns, Twilight included, displayed in stained glass paintings much akin to the one back in Canterlot Castle. The symbols of the Sun and Moon were plastered all over the temple as Elder Quill quickly began to clear out the basement and back rooms revealing several cots, blankets, and food for the guests. “Please, take what you need and rest; we will be here for a moment….” Quill sighed as he quickly began lighting candles around the temple. Starlight looked around the temple, finding pleasure in its simplicity and humility. It was essentially a shack on the side of a tree. Another religious temple? It was starting to become apparent that Griffionia was a very spiritual place, with the Griffins and Eyr coming to mind as the topic sprung up. The Archmage quickly looked at the many party members that occupied his church, “So… Uhm… I am Elder Quill Feather, Archmage of this temple; if anyone needs anything, please don’t hesitate to ask.” “Thank you, Elder Quill, you’ve been very kind.” Twilight bowed her head softly before looking up at the images of Celestia, Luna, Cadance, and herself. Back in Canterlot, she was a little hesitant over the depictions of her acts and feats of heroism with her friends, but they served as a reminder and something as a trophy of their accomplishments. Here, it felt like she was being worshiped and that just struck her as very... uncomfortable. Looking back down at Quill, she gave him a soft smile. “And as for what you said earlier, I will make it a priority to see that the creatures on the ground are given aid. We won’t sit idly by while ponies and other creatures need help, right girls?” “Oh yeah!” Rainbow pumped a hoof in the air, “We’ve done the impossible; this’ll be easy.” “I-I don’t know about easy, but we’ll do our best,” Fluttershy murmured uncertainly. “Mmmmgh mmhh mghh!” Pinkie shouted through a mouthful of apples before chewing and swallowing, “Oops, sorry! I said we won’t let anycreature down, cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!” “Oh boy, not a Pinkie Promise..” Dash sighed. “At least no one will be in any danger this time.” The Archmage seemed to have a relieved expression wash over him like a hot shower after a long day, “Oh, you have no idea how much of a relief that is… truly we are indebted to you more than we already are….wait what happened last time?.....” Starlight slowly perked up, “So… does anyone want to ask the big question, or am I going to have to break the ice as usual.” Rarity rolled her eyes, “Likewise darling, just get it over with so we save ourselves the embarrassment.” Starlight huffed, “Is this place like a temple we saw on Griffinstone?” Quill shuffled a bit, “Oh ho… right, Equestrians don’t worship Celestia like the locals tend to… well, you see, the foundation of the faith is from ancient scholars who recorded her grace’s feats during the old Kingdom’s foundation.” The Elder quickly trotted down before entering the back room to fetch a tea kettle. “I’m sorry if this will bore some of you. If you like, please quietly entertain yourselves, ehehe...” the unicorn fumbled, trying not to spill the tea, “But when Equestria was founded, many ponies took it upon themselves to worship Celestia because of her terrifying power– and the fact she gave the land now known as Equestria, or The Old Kingdom, to the three tribes. I’m sure you know of Unicornia. Well, to put it simply, after Princess Platinum surrendered the crown to Celestia and allowed her Excellency to unify The Old Kingdom, many nobles from Platinum’s court exiled themselves to distant lands.” Quill cleared his throat, “The native ponies you see here today are either migrants from Equestria and The Crystal Empire or from Unicornica. A majority of which are from Unicornica, and to put it mildly… while you ponies over in Equestria eventually were taught to see Celestia, Twilight, Luna, and Cadance as merely humble servants of normal ponies like you and me. We continued the tradition of worshiping out of terror and fear. However, during a pilgrimage to Equestria, my friend Yellowtail and I discovered, among several of our former Elders and Mages, that Equestria, in fact, does NOT fear the Goddess and that Luna had returned!” The unicorn took a deeeeeep breath before panting, “I know that was a lot, but hopefully that clears up a majority of your questions. Your Excellency… heh…” he’d looked at Starlight awkwardly, “Y...you.” “It's Starlight Glimmer… and yeah… that was… a lot, but I think we get the message….” Starlight shrugged, she wasn't really as bookish as Twilight and hadn't expected that much of explanation. Twilight had been paying very close attention, having pulled out her old journal, making sure to write down each and every single detail amongst those she had already taken note of. Once Quill was finished speaking, she put down her quill, letting out a small and satisfied sigh. “Thank you, Elder Quill. We’ve heard of Unicornica, but not from anyone who has been there directly, or knows of its history. What you say does corroborate with what I know of Equestrian History. Many of the nobles at that time who had not accepted Celestia and Luna’s rule seemed to disappear. Many ponies used that as evidence of the Princess’s corruption, but I never believed it. And this just makes it official.” Quill seemed to have let an exasperated laugh escape him, “Ironic! It was the nobles who left who were corrupt! They misuse our scripts and knowledge to entrap and enslave the populace into serving them!” Twilight paused, taking a breath. “There is one thing I would like to know, in detail, however. Unicornica is taking slaves?” The unicorn cleared his throat, “Excuse me… I apologize…” He’d collect himself, “It’s… true the Kingdom is known for slave raids. In fact, the Border Guard has been repelling slave raids since the Republic’s foundation centuries ago. Actually, the anniversary of the first Unicorn-Swallow war is only a fortnight away, where Unicornica tried to enslave the entire Republic because of a large number of Pegasi fleeing their rule and joining the Great Tree.” Twilight’s nose wrinkled in disgust. How they could be taking slaves and, even worse, attacking the one place those refugees could possibly regain their lives. She knew she absolutely had to do something to stop it, but she needed to be careful. “Thank you again, I realize it must be uncomfortable talking about such things,” the Alicorn gave him a soft, gentle smile, “If there is anything else you could tell me about Unicornica, it would be beneficial. I have a feeling we’re going to be dealing with them one way or the other..." Quill pondered for a moment, “The Elders are very very devout theists, they believe that you Twilight are the Immortal Heiress, next in line for Sol Invictus, the Unconquerable Sun. You are the heir to Equestria and are a Goddess. They don’t believe you’re like me or your friends. They truly believe you are divine! Infallible!” A new voice quickly cut through the Elder’s tirade, “Because she is, Brother Quill!” called a teal earth pony clad in robes, with a long curled blond mane. Quill shook his head and groaned, “Brother Yellowtail, this isn’t the time for a theological debate; we are in the presence of her Excellency!” Yellowtail scoffed, “Please, if anyone believes in her Grace’s message, it would be Twilight herself. Nopony is simply chosen for ascension! Twilight’s essence and spirit are that of the divine. She has an enriched soul like that of Celestia and her fellow alicorns!” Quill sighed, “...Your Excellency, this is Elder Yellowtail. He is more… theologically outspoken in comparison to me.” Yellowtail rolled his eyes, “Outspoken? I believe in the power of her Grace, for she is Sol Invictus, protector of life, guardian of the sun itself, and creator of everything… but rest assured, brother, I am only here to inform you and our guests of Captain Iron Sides arrival….” Quill’s eyes widened, “So he arrives… Twilight, our time grows near, less you lose your opportunity to reach the tops of the tree.” Twilight was a little boggled, wanting to say something to object to Yellowtail’s assertion of her godhood, but thankful for the distraction. She was only disappointed that their conversation had to end so soon. “Thank you so much, Elder Quill; if there is anything that you need, please don’t hesitate to send me a letter or contact one of my friends.” She then turned to his companion, “And it was nice to meet you, Elder Yellowtail.” The Elders took a bow at Twilight, “Blessed are we in the presence of the sun.” replied Yellowtail. “We will be here at the temple or around the lower parts of the city doing what we can to help the poor,” answered Quill, “But please, The Doge and Parliament are the way to getting these creatures’ help. You and your friends have enough sway as celebrities, let alone objects of worship.” Yellowtail seemed to have an offended expression at his brother in faith before assisting the expedition back into their wagons. A group of soldiers led by a plucky-looking orange pegasus waited outside the temple. “Elders,” bowed the Pegasus, he’d quickly salute to Twilight, “Your Highness, it’s an honor to serve you. You saved my hide back when you and Spike the Brave and Glorious stopped that demon Sombra from casting The Crystal Empire back into the frozen wastelands.” Spike turned to Twilight and smirked, wiggling an eyebrow. Twilight softly snorted in amusement, trying to fight back a smile. “Well, I’m glad you feel so indebted to us; how are we getting to the tree?” Starlight questioned. “We tied your wagons in chains, and we’re using a pulley to hoist your carts up to the inner city, near the training center.” Iron Sides answered confidently, pointing to the massive, sturdy chains. A Harpy quickly flapped down from one of the larger branches before landing next to the Captain, saluting, pressing his wing to his iron helmet, “Sir, we’re ready to pull.” “Good work, now everypony with wings, follow me; the rest of you pick a wagon and stay in it. If the Border Guard finds you up among the branches, they’ll toss you back down the tree.” Iron Sides warned. Twilight nodded and turned to the others. “Be careful, okay? I’ll be watching and make sure that nothing goes wrong.” “Aw, don’t worry silly-filly, we’ll be fiiiine!” Pinkie waved a hoof nonchalantly. “I-I hope so…” Fluttershy squeaked nervously, looking up at just how high they had to go. “Fluttershy, you can FLY remember?” Rainbow Dash groaned, pulling the meek Pegasus off the ground. “Geez… you guys be careful, alright? I’m gonna make sure this one gets up there.” Yona quaked in fear as she lay on the ground, “Yona not ready to fly, Yona want to stay on ground!” Gallus rolled his eyes as he scoffed, examing his large wings as he took a moment to admire his 'perfect' physique, "C'mon Yona it's not so bad!" the yak scoffed and grumbled in reply. “What she said!” Trixie trembled as she climbed into her wagon, taping and tying everything down in hopes it wouldn’t fall over in the process. Thorax trotted anxiously in place, looking between Starlight and Trixie, “Uhh… uhhhhmmm….” Starlight smirked, trotting over before giving the Changeling a firm bump with her rump, pushing the Changeling inside the wagon with Trixie. The Changeling stumbled inside, smashing his face on the wagon floor as he landed in front of Trixie, His face resting between the mare’s legs. Trixie’s face lit up, a light blush crossing her cheeks as she helped the Changeling up and inside the wagon. “I know I’m amazing, but no need to fall for me.” She chuckled and gave him a wink. Turning to Iron Sides, Twilight gestured to Spike, pulling him onto her back. “Is it alright if he rides with me? I want to make sure he’s safe.” Iron Sides peered over at Thorax as he mumbled to himself, “Lucky guy…” he’d look over to Twilight, “Baby dragon ay? He’s welcomed among the Dragon tribes mostly, but… it shouldn’t be a problem.” Spike perked up, “Dragon tribes?” Iron Sides gestured to the drake to slow down, “Ay amigo, we’ll get there when we get there.” “I’m interested to hear about the dragon tribes, but let’s get settled first.” Twilight nodded. Applejack sighed as she and Rarity climbed into their wagons, “C’mon, Yona, we’ll be fine.” Applejack gestured for the Dri to come along. “Yes, I’m sure it won’t take much time at all.” insisted Rarity. Yona laid on the ground shaking for another moment or two before struggling to her hooves, climbing inside with Rarity and Applejack. “White pony has strong magic, right? Can catch Yona?” She looked at Rarity as if she were the only lifeline she had. Rarity offered Yona her best smile, “Why yes, I know some telekinesis magic from my time as a seamstress…I…could…yes I can catch you.” answered Rarity if only to put this poor Yak’s worries at ease. Iron Sides tweeted a whistle at Yona, “AY AY, C’MON LITTLE CALF LET’S GET A MOVE ON, WE’RE ON SHORT TIME HERE!” snapped the Pegasus before he quickly shoot a look at Starlight, “Why aren’t you in a wagon!?” “I can fly.” sneered Starlight, quickly casting a levitation spell on herself. Iron Sides mused, “Huh, alright then, blue mare, Griffin, banana cream, magic unicorn, your highness, follow me.” the Pegasus quickly spread his wings as he took flight toward the large tree limbs. As the wagons were slowly hoisted above. It didn’t take long for Twilight, Gallus, Starlight, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy to arrive at the tops of the tree. Seeing the sprawling festivals and celebrations overtaking the glowing city that shined like a star in the night, dozens of colorful lanterns lined the canals overflowing throughout the branches. According to Twilight’s research on Swallowtail, the creature made canals that had been carved throughout the tree, which were used to travel across the massive tree’s huge limbs and circulate water through the tree and to its residents. The sound of music and song echoed throughout the cities as dozens of colorful Harpies and Pegasi could be seen dancing and celebrating in the streets and canals. Food vendors, liquor, and shops lined the streets as the scent of rich fatty food filled the air, demanding the attention of any passerby. Even the Republic Guard could be seen slacking a bit compared to the Guards at the tree’s roots. Casually drinking and playing card games as the group landed near a large wooden structure. Twilight couldn’t help but be mesmerized. It was truly beautiful and unique to anything she had seen before. She tried to commit everything to memory; she had so much to write down. “Okay, everypony, Griffin, and Dragon. Welcome to Swallowtail proper. Now here’s what’s going to happen, Twilight is going to walk up to the Guards and tell them that she’s the Princess of Equestria and needs to speak to the Doge. BUT she isn’t going to tell ANYBODY that Captain Iron Sides and his platoon assisted you in getting up here.” The Pegasus eyed every pony, Gallus, and Spike, “Got it?” “We understand; thank you, Iron Sides.” Twilight bowed her head respectfully. “We owe you a great debt. Don’t hesitate to ask if there’s anything we can do.” Gosh, she was doing a lot of that today… Rainbow Dash looked around, taking count, making sure everyone was present. When she counted one short, she couldn’t help but yell, “Hey, where’s Pinkie?!” Twilight looked around, a little concerned when she heard the party pony’s familiar voice echoing throughout the tree's branches. “Here I am!!!” Coming up over the branches, Twilight witnessed Pinkie Pie flying up in her own flying contraption, pumping the pedals on the machine to keep the propeller above her going. It was a fascinating invention; if only it would stick around long enough for her to study. “Sorry, it took me a bit to find this, and I just had to show off, hehe!” Pinkie grinned as she finally sat down. “Oops, I’m supposed to be in the wagons… sorry!” “AWE WAIT, THERE’S A REASON–” several sets of spotlights would shine on Pinkie Pie, “.... there’s a reason why we don’t get many Earth Ponies up here….” A roaring alarm shrieked loudly as dozens of Harpies, Griffins, Pegasi, and Hippogriffs poured out from the training center and branches from the dozens of tree limbs. Quickly swarming Pinkie, Iron’s platoon, and the small group. Gallus turned white at the sight of the Guard looming over them, "I'm too young to go to jail!" “PUT YOUR WINGS AND HOOVES IN THE AIR NOW!” ordered the Griffin Captain among the swarm of armored-clad creatures, armed with muskets, spears, and even some taking position at the edge of branches above with what appeared to be cauldrons scalding oil. “... Damnit,” grumbled Iron Sides, slowly raising his hooves up in the air. The Griffin captain was clad in Griffish armor akin to The Grand Master from Griffinstone, with the exception that his helmet exposed his face and his robes had the mark of a Swallow on them instead of Griffinstone’s emblem. Twilight would slowly turn her head to face the pink party mare; the look on her face was indescribable. “Eheheh….” Pinkie chuckled weakly, “Um… sorry?” The Princess would sigh deeply before her horn burned to life, pulling the cloak off of her back. There was really only one way to de-escalate the situation. Approaching the Griffin captain, Twilight spread her wings and bowed. “I… apologize. I realize that creatures who cannot fly aren’t… welcome in the upper branches, but I must speak to the Doge. I promise, we mean no harm.” “IRON SIDES, WHEN THE GENERAL HEARS ABOUT THIS, HE’LL HAVE YOU BY YOUR BALLS!” Shouted the Griffin, seeming to ignore Twilight entirely, “DO YOU HEAR ME? I WILL HAVE YOU BY YOUR–” Starlight quickly covered Spike’s ears as the Griffin Captain went on a colorful tirade about having Iron Sides by his testicles and… phallus. Particularly in a set of iron vices with scolding oil poured over top of them. Iron Sides was lost in a trance caused by these horrible, awful threats before he quickly regained himself, “HEY SITZPINKLER, THIS IS A PRINCESS FROM EQUESTRIA!” he snapped, “GET THE DOGE, FOOL!” The Griffin slowly looked down at Twilight before letting out a long sigh, “YOU GET OFF THIS TIME, IRON SIDES, BUT NEXT TIME THE GENERAL WON’T BE SO EASY ON YOU….” The dozens of soldiers quickly dove down, grabbing the wagons by the chains to hoist them up. In the Doge’s Palace, residing in the center of the tree along the longest canal around the tree sat a massive structure made of marble and stone. Unlike the building that it surrounded, it could not compare to the Doge’s Palace. Its fine marble and stone stood out in a sea of carved wooden homes that looked like doll houses compared to the immaculate palace. Dozens of statues lined the beautiful garden surrounding this marvelous work of ingenuity. Each was dedicated to a Doge or one of the dozens of brave Generals who defended the Republic throughout history. But Twilight couldn’t focus on that; she could only focus on the beautiful marble fixtures, statures, or luxurious places where everything was either an ancient artifact or antique from Swallowtail’s past. Or even the fine art and furnishing of the site itself. No, she couldn’t quite focus on that with the leader of Swallowtail sitting just inches away from her. Wearing a lovely crown studded with beautiful gems, garbed in beautiful crimson-colored robes. But it wasn’t his Excellency’s dress that got her attention, it was his… features. The Doge was a soft, plush-looking Diamond Dog with a yellow cream-colored coat, bright big brown eyes, and a near-permanent smile on his face that acted as his neutral, mind you, neutral resting face. Perhaps she should actually thank Pinkie for her spontaneous act of chaos. Twilight imagined it would have been a process to get an audience with the Doge if she hadn’t. Although, then again, looking at him, maybe it wouldn’t be so complicated? Hopefully, he would be understanding of their mission and the plight of the creatures below. Although, then again, you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover. The Doge took a long sip from his coffee mug, “... Espresso?” offered the Doge. “Um… sure. I don’t usually drink the stuff, but I have a feeling I’m going to need the energy.” She chuckled softly, “Ah… I… just want to apologize for our entrance. I didn’t intend to frighten anyone. My friends are just… well, Pinkie’s unpredictable. I hope you can forgive us.” The Doge chuckled, pouring the Princess a cup of the rich, creamy brown beverage into the mare’s mug, “Unexpected, huh? I know a lot about that; I mean, look at me.” he’d gesture to his whole body. “A Diamond Dog stuck in a tree with a bunch of birds, now if I was an Abyssinian or house cat I would be in paradise.” The Doge took a sip of his espresso, “Your… trespasses are excused, and no, I won’t make your wingless friends climb up the tree like I had to when I wanted to live in the tree.” The Doge drummed his paws on the fine oak table before them, “Well… if you don’t mind me being so… forward. Why are you here, Princess Twilight of Equestria?” Twilight kept a friendly appearance, but the way the Doge spoke made her a little… nervous. But she just tried to tell herself that they were both unsure of each other. Taking a deep breath, she slowly let it out, soothing her anxiety. “Well, for many reasons. One of them is a magical artifact that is pointing my friends and me in the direction of the Griffinlands and beyond. It… points us in the direction of those who need help. So… we’re here to help.” She gave him a soft, if awkward, chuckle. “I realize it sounds a bit… silly, but it’s true. I always want to learn more about this Unicornica and if there’s anything I can do to help protect your people.” The Doge’s expression scrunched up into a bitter scowl, “Unicornica….why would you want to learn about a cesspit like them? Slavers don’t you know….” “I… simply want to learn more about them so I may know how to defend others against them. Know thy enemy, or so I’ve been told.” Twilight replied softly, raising a brow, “I’ve heard of what they’ve done, and it disgusts me.” Twilight remembered that she also had to fulfill a promise to Elder Quill, “I was also hoping, in return for helping your people. You could help the creatures below? They are in a state of extreme poverty. They need supplies.” The Doge seemed to let out an exasperated sigh at Twilight’s requests, “What did the wingless down there sign a petition too? This isn’t how this works! I am NOT the leader of the whole operation! It’s the bloody Parliament! It’s those stuffy elitist Griffins and Harpies who haven’t changed since the time of Falco!” lamented the Diamond Dog. The Doge laughed, “You ask me for help? The Pegasi and ponies here see you as a God! Just tell them and the Unicorns to fix whatever issues you have!” The Dog laughed and laughed, wiping his tears away with a handkerchief. His laughter seemed more of a reaction to overwhelming stress rather than amusement. Twilight’s expression softened as she recognized the stressed expression on the Doge’s face. Now she wished Fluttershy was with her; she would know how to handle this… “Sir, I don’t wish to overstep my grounds, but… are you alright?” The concern was blatant on her face. She could understand the stress they must be mounting on his shoulders. The Doge collected himself as he slowly let out a deep sigh, “..... I’m not sure what it’s like in Equestria where you can have some sort of Divine infallible Goddess or whatever fix your problems on a whim with little to no resistance.” The Diamond Dog cleared his throat, “But here? Oh my God, I was elected as a JOKE, everycreature here thought it would be funny to elect the one Diamond Dog among them, the ONE wingless who has formally integrated in the tops of the tree.” “Unfortunately, the Parliament didn’t find that joke very funny; every step I take to legitimize my rule and authority has been usurped! I try to send more supplies to the poor? Put it to a vote! What’s that? The Parliament thinks I’m siphoning money and supplies to fund my personal endeavors? Fund an investigation, vote for an investigation, vote for that vote! Tit for tat!” shrieked the Doge. The creature cowered as he covered his face with his paws, “Oh, your highness, if only you COULD help me… please just use your Goddess magic to fix all of this!” pleaded the exasperated creature. Twilight bit her lip, looking around awkwardly as if there was someone else that could handle this situation. The mixed-match staff of ponies and Griffins seemed to gesture to Twilight to ‘cut it off’; this was just an everyday occurrence for The Doge. The poor creature was well known for his stress...Taking a breath through her nose, she hesitantly reached out with a hoof and patted him on the back. “Well, I don’t really… consider myself a Goddess, but I’ll try my absolute best to help you. You were elected as a leader. You should be taken seriously as one.” her voice was gentle and encouraging, “Just tell me what I can do to help.” The Doge stared at the Alicorn with a blank expression, looking genuinely shocked, “You… wow… I hate to do this to a guest on a state visit but, well…” he’d lean back in his chair, “... I need people to take me seriously before the winged creatures even consider looking into the wingless below.” The Diamond Doge slowly leaned forward as he looked Twilight in the eye, “I have a plan, but it will take time. Weeks, but it’ll be worth it. In two weeks, the anniversary of the first Unicorn-Swallow war will be celebrated. I need you to help me accomplish some of my political ambitions in my name, and in exchange, I will give you and your friends diplomatic immunity. You are all exempt from the rule of law, we’ll work together to maneuver the politics, and then we help normal creatures like you and me… well… just me, and the wingless I guess.” Twilight pursed her lips. She wasn’t exactly sure what to think of this Doge. On one hoof, he could be playing her as a fool to gain more power. On the other, some creatures desperately needed help. “I think we can manage something of the sort. I just hope that these ambitions are solely for the people,” she nodded, slowly sipping her expresso. Her tone wasn’t judgmental, simply a warning, “Regardless, whatever I can do to help the… wingless, as you call them, I’ll do my best to make it a reality.” The Doge quickly pulled a champagne bottle from his robe sleeves before popping the cork. Sprawling the liquor around the room, screaming mad as if Twilight had told him he won the lottery, “HAHAHA! TAKE THAT GRAND CHAIRCREATURE, FRANCESCO. I’M NO JOKE; I AM DONATELLO DOGAMY DOGE! I AM THE VOICE OF THE WINGLESS; I AM THE VOICE OF THE PEOPLE!” The servants quickly protected Twilight from a spray of fine booze soiling her, one Harpy even ruining his lavish tux for the Princess, the Doge quickly pouring a glass of sparkling champagne for his newfound ally. “Twilight Sparkle, we will help Swallowtail, and we will help this continent flourish in a new age!” Twilight gulped. What exactly had she just gotten herself into…? Dammit, Pinkie... > Delegated Dinner Plans > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After many delegations and maneuvering, the expedition successfully entered the tree’s upper branches and the greater city, however, with much resistance. The Parliament was… not thrilled, to say the least, about the inclusion of the ‘wingless’ party members in the tree. Fortunately, through the Doge’s direct order and side-stepping another set of votes, the group found themselves inside the Doge’s Palace, the only place the Parliament would agree to house them– or so the Doge would say. His Excellency returned to the Palace to the anxiously waiting group after many hours of patience and anxiety. From the whispers of the servants, there were rumors of finally removing his Excellency from power or throwing the group out of the city entirely for offending the ‘sacred’ rite of passage and the city’s culture. Housed up in the private dining hall, the group patiently awaits the Doge to deliver the news and their dinner. Thorax marveled at the beautiful interior of the private dining hall. It was a massive room with a large banquet table made of fine cherry oak wood, with silverware made of gold, and glassware made of the finest of crystals directly imported from the Crystal Empire. Just across the room, several yards away was a small bar and a private study filled to the brim with books and expensive booze. Everything was made of only the finest materials, from the richest wood to the most pristine crystal and marble. The Changeling marveled at the sight of the marble floor; it was so clean and pristine that one could see their own reflection. The Changeling slowly leaned in close toward Rainbow Dash, quietly whispering, “Do you think this place has the good cider? Or do you think they have something more fancy and crazy?” Rainbow glanced over at the Changeling and snorted, rolling her eyes, “Pffft, knowing these guys, it’s probably fancy. Gilda really only drank Equestrian stuff when she was over there, but she did say the Yaeger– Yager?-- Jägermeister was popular in the Griffinlands. Always wanted to try it– darn it, I shoulda got some during the ceremony!” The pegasus slapped a hoof to her face. “Don’t you even think about getting drunk again, mister!” Trixie practically shoved her head between the two, bumping Rainbow Dash aside. “Trixie isn’t going to mingle with some drunkard, and we JUST got here. Have some self-control!” She stared at him with her large, violet eyes, demanding he take her seriously. Thorax nearly replied to Trixie with a 'yes, ma’am', before clamming up to save himself from a horrible, embarrassing tirade from Dash. Offering his best smile as penance to the domineering and authoritative mare, “Heh, well, I’ll try not to….” “Hmph,” The showpony sniffed, “I suppose that will have to do.” “What are you, his mom?” Rainbow spat out before grimacing, glancing at Thorax. “Err– sorry? Wait, is Chrysalis your mom?” The Changeling looked over to Rainbow Dash and gave her a quiet nod, “Mhm, one Queen for one hive.” “Oof,” Rainbow hissed, “That’s rough, buddy.” “I think this place is beautiful,” Fluttershy sighed. The beauty of nature intertwining with architecture nearly felt like home. She missed her cottage quite dreadfully and all of her animal friends. Rarity marveled alongside Fluttershy, “Oh, it is simply divine! Look at these genuine Crystal Empire wine glasses. Oh my goodness, REAL gold silverware? It feels like we’re inside a painting; I think this Palace could contend with Canterlot's!” “I just hope we’re not too much of a bother while we’re here….” fretted Fluttershy. “I’m sure it will be alright,” Twilight sighed, “Or… we’ll deal with the problem when it comes.” “.... I’m really sorry, girls.” Pinkie looked down at her hooves. Her usual jovial nature had been toned down while they waited, a guilty look plastered on her face. “I hope I didn’t ruin anything….” “Oh, Pinkie, it’s fine. You didn’t mean anything by it.” Twilight gave the party mare a comforting look, “Besides, we’re here now, and that’s what matters.” An amused huff escaped Applejack’s lips, “I think that little stunt got us in faster than any formal meeting we could've arranged.” Pinkie slowly sat up, her cheery smile coming back to her lips. “Thanks, girls. I was just worried I messed up big time!” The large sets of doors would fly open as a well-dressed Harpy clad in a lavish-looking purple cloak and adoring a large-brimmed hat of the same color. His bright green and yellow feathers reminded Fluttershy of the macaws she’d occasionally tended to. The creature seemed to look at The Doge with disdain and disgust as if a giant rat was following him. His face only seemed to harden at the sight of the 'wingless' at the table. “I see you fully intend on doubling down on your embarrassing legacy, Donatello.” sneered the Harpy. “Do not speak to me in that way, Chaircreature! I am entitled to my proper titles and due respect as any other elected official!” snarled the Diamond Dog, his club tail instinctively smacking against the marble floor. “The day I refer to you as your Excellency is when the Unicorns drag me in chains.” spat the Chaircreature, turning to the group. “Buongiorno,” bowed the Harpy, “I am Chaircreature Francesco Garcia Martínez González the third. But you may call me Sir Francesco or Chaircreature Francesco,” he’d eye Twilight, “Princess Twilight, we are honored to have you in our presence… but you have disrespected Swallowtail, The Republic, and our sacred ways and through much debate and the Doge’s… .disregard for our traditions… you are allowed to stay.” The Harpy narrowed his eyes, “However, if you continue to disrespect and disregard the laws of the land, then we will banish you from the upper city. If you continue to disobey Parliamentary authority, you will then be banned from entering the country….” Francesco looked up at the rest of the group, “As for the wingless among you, be on your best behavior and watch your step… lest you fall down…” with a flick of his cloak, the Chaircreature stamped toward the door. “Oh no, I insist. PLEASE join us for dinner, Chaircreature!” sarcastically bit the Doge. “I’m sorry, Donatello, if I wanted to eat garbage, I would fly down and eat with the earth ponies.” The Harpy spat before slamming the door behind him. The Doge clenched his paws as he visibly trembled with rage, looking on the cusp of literally exploding. But his Excellency took a deep breath before greeting his guests with a giant smile. “Prost!” ordered the Doge, and in an instant, dozens of Harpies and Griffins quickly stormed the dining room with plates of familiar Equestrian meals. For the first course, it was daisy salad, blackberry wine, and butter with bread. For Yona was a Yakistani mushroom stew, Gallus was given a salmon platter, and for Spike, a bowl of diamonds. The Doge approached the table and placed his crown on the down before sitting down at the end of the table facing his guests, looking weary but happy as ever. “My friends, despite everything the Parliament has done to keep you away, I have done everything in my power to allow you to stay. And as long as you stay, you will always have my protection and blessing.” Spike greedily rubbed his claws together before stuffing his maul with a large hunk of diamond, “I like this guy already!” Rainbow glanced over at Applejack, cocking an eyebrow as the two seemed to communicate silently. This guy seemed a little… kooky, to put it nicely. “Oooooh, this looks GREAT!” Pinkie grinned before beginning to mow down the meal in front of her. Yona sniffed her stew before taking a lick from the bowl. “.... close to Yak, but not perfect!” She glanced towards the Doge and his exhausted appearance. “But… Yona okay with that.” smiled the Yak. “Well, that Chaircreature Francesco was a piece of work….” Trixie grumbled, picking at her food as she glared at the door, “Reminds me of some of the upper crusts in Canterlot….” Twilight couldn’t help but agree. That sort of attitude was widespread in Canterlot, especially among the elites. Despite being incredibly antisocial in her youth, she had to rub shoulders more than once with socialites and the like under Celestia’s tutelage. The distaste they had for others who weren’t exactly like them always left her confused and irritated at how someone could be so full of themselves. “Thank you so much, really.” Twilight stood from her seat, giving the Doge a bow. “I understand how difficult that must have been for you. Politics have never been my forte, but I know how difficult it can be to be kind and respectful to creatures who are not giving you the same treatment.” “It truly is awful!” Fluttershy piped up, looking incredibly disheartened. “How could they treat you so cruelly? Just because you can’t fly doesn’t mean you don’t deserve common decency!” She attempted to stamp her hoof on the table to make her point, but nothing so much as vibrated, never mind move. “Yeah, I’d just kick their butts. So what if some creatures can’t fly?” Rainbow leaned back in her seat as she swirled her glass of wine. The Doge seemed to take a vested interest in Fluttershy, his expression seeming to falter into shock. Before, he’d tend to his salad, eating out of respect for his guests and to suppress his gaze rather than actually wanting to eat a pile of daisies and raw veggies, wincing as he took a bite. He was a carnivore, after all. Chewing through gritted teeth and swallowing a chunk of daisy, the Diamond Dog smiled, “It’s alright… I’m used to it.” chuckled the Doge, “If only it were that simple, Celestia, God, sweet creator Boreas, I would give up the palace to fight the Chaircreature to gain full control of the Parliament.” The Doge took a greedy glip of wine before he sighed, “Now, as much as I would like your stay to be for pleasure, I’m afraid I’m going to need your help. But… why don’t we introduce ourselves? My name Is Donatello Dogamy Doge, but you all may call me Donatello or Donny if you like.” Spike gulped a large diamond before piping up, “Spike the Dragon, at your service.” Applejack gestured to the Doge from the far end of the table, “I’m Applejack nice to meetcha!” Rarity raised her wine glass to the creature, “I’m Rarity, and I must say that this Palace is simply stunning!” The Doge snorted, “Really? I thought it was trying too hard.” he’d look over at Gallus, “Are you from Swallowtail, young Griff?” Gallus snorted, “No way, I’m from Griffinstone. It’s Gallus, by the way.” The Doge briefly gave Gallus a judgemental stare, “Ah… well, I hope you enjoy Swallowtail then. I hear it’s not that popular among you, Griffinstone Griffs.” Gallus shrugged, "I wouldn't know, I was stuck in a library for most of my life..." Thorax raised his hoof, “Uh, yes, sir, I’m Thorax.” The Doge seemed to examine Thorax’s worried expression and seemed to gauge his name, seeming to make a mental note of that before smiling to his guest, “A pleasure to meet you.” “I am the Great and Powerful Trrrrrrrrrixie!” The showmare nearly launched from her seat as she stood on her chair, snapping into her signature pose. “A pleasure to make your acquaintance.” She quickly bowed before sitting back down, attending to her meal. “I’m Rainbow Dash; just call me Dash.” Rainbow lifted up a hoof, her mouth half-full of a improvised sandwich she made. “Yona is Yona!” The heifer called, pulling her snout out of her stew, covered in the brown liquid. Rarity couldn’t help but cringe. “I’m Pinkie Pie! Oooh, I like your name! Sounds familiar, like from somewhere deep underground… hmm, maybe I read it somewhere….” Pinkie tapped her hoof against her chin. “Aw phooey! I wish Paprika was here; she’d know!” Twilight couldn’t help but roll her eyes and snicker. “And, um, I’m Fluttershy. It’s very nice to meet you, and thank you so much for letting us stay in your lovely home. Um, and if you need any help with any animals or critters in the tree, just let me know….” The mellow pegasus gave him a sweet, gentle smile. “I, um, took care of animals at home. I’m not a veterinarian, but….” “Fluttershy’s great at taking care of animals! Ooh, you should tell him about the tea parties!” Pinkie grinned, “Twilight, didn’t you say she wrestled a BEAR?” “Well, uh…” Twilight hesitated, rubbing the back of her head. “Oh, I was just helping Harry with his neck. He has back issues, the poor thing… I hope he’s doing well.” Fluttershy brought a hoof to her lips, looking fretful. His Excellency paused at the bear story, his expression melting into a pleasurable smile as he seemed to think of something. The Diamond Dog quickly tugged at his collar as he masked his flustered expression. Only Twilight could pick up on the Doge’s ever-growing interest in Fluttershy. The Doge clapped his paws together, “Ha! What a rich cast of characters I have here. A showmare, a Princess, Earth Ponies, Unicorns, a Dragon! What a treat!” The servants quickly returned with the second course of the meal. A massive lasagna was placed on the center of the table alongside bottles of red wine. It was apparent to Twilight that Donatello’s meal was symbolic and a gesture of good faith and equality amongst the table. Serving them food from their respective cultures and having a peasant dish cemented the fact. The Doge would even go as far as to SERVE each and every single creature at the table himself, giving everyone a large cheesy, saucy, and gooey piece of the pasta dish. Ironically despite being the host, the Diamond Dog acted as if HE was the guest. “My friends, I need all of your special talents and skills to help me win public favor and sway the Parliament into helping my fellow wingless below the tree. But it won’t be easy… There is much to do. The Dragon Clans are talking about leaving the tree. I heard there are rumors of them considering… pillaging the tree for our coffers and THEN leaving….” The Doge sat down at the end of the table once he had given everyone their food, “This cannot stand; the Dragons tribes are essential to our protection. Long ago, one of the first Doges, Senor Benito Olivarez– a Harpy, had made an agreement with the Dragon Clan leader Kaar Strongfang. In exchange for yearly tribute from our coffers, we received protection from the Dragons.” “Well… let’s just say over the years, the meaning and intent of this agreement have been blurred. Some interpret Benito’s offer as a sign of submission and Dragon authority. Others say Benito’s cunning and diplomacy turned these potential enemies into friends. But despite the Dragons having as much right to live among us in the tops of the tree as any other winged creature… they tend to live amongst themselves in The Great Tree’s Hollow.” “Now, I need the Dragons to… reconsider leaving the tree. Spike, I believe you are the right creature for the job. I’ve heard your name is echoed throughout the Pegasus community for your heroics in the Crystal City.” smiled Donny. Spike beamed brightly, stroking his ego as he crunched on another diamond, “Not to mention I’m friends with the Dragon Lord; this will be cake.” The Doge clapped his paws together, “Wonderful! Applejack, Pinkie Pie, I need your agricultural expertise. There are a few villages a few miles down the roots that need your green hooves.” Applejack smirked, “Well, I don’t see no problem with that, but Pinkie isn’t much of a gardener or farmer.” “She’s… not?” the Diamond Dog looked over to Pinkie. Pinkie gave the Doge a bright smile, “No, silly, I was raised on a Rock Farm! Hehe, I might not be able to grow stuff that well, but I sure can bake! Try this!” she whipped out what seemed to be a peanut butter creme pie, tossing it on the table. Somehow it was still steaming as if it had just come out of the oven. “Don’t question it. I’ve tried. It just hurts your brain.” Twilight spoke straight out, poking her portion of lasagna. It wasn’t that she didn’t appreciate the effort of the Doge or the staff, but… it was just so… cheesy. “Maybe we should wait until after dinner before we have dessert… and it might be rude to the staff not to at least try what they’ve made first,” Fluttershy spoke gently. Twilight nodded before turning back to the Doge. “As for the Dragons, I’m sure Spike will be perfect for the job. Rarity and I also met the Dragon Lord. We might be able to aid him as well. Unless you have something else, we can help you with. I’m not really sure I’d be any good at growing plants….” “Twilight, you’re an alicorn, remember? ALI-corn. It means you got earth pony magic stuff too!” Pinkie leaned over the table and booped her on the nose. The Doge greedily took the pie completely distracted by the delcious treat, “Oh my, how did you know this was my favorite! Forget the formalities; I’m going to have a slice of this!” he’d clear his throat and adjust himself, slowly serving himself a large slice, “Oh my… ho ho…” he’d slowly slip a bite of pie into his mouth. It brought the pup to tears. The Diamond Dog quickly fished his handkerchief out of his robes before dabbing away the tears, “Oh… AHEM… well, worry not, I have tasks for all of you.” After eating another bite of his pie, he’d collect himself, “Pinkie Pie, you seem to bring happiness and joy in everything you do. Why don’t you go to the border and help raise the morale of the Republic Guard? We had this… Alpaca? Llama? She used to come around, but… I think the Unicorns attacked her because of her efforts in aiding our soldiers. She disappeared a few weeks ago...” Pinkie Pie frowned briefly, knowing exactly who he was talking about. But the look on her face quickly rebounded, cheerfully nodding. “You got it, Donny! I’ll make sure every Pony, Pegasus, Griffin, and Harpy has a big ole’ smile on their face! Pinkie Promise!” The Doge nodded and looked over to Twilight, “Twilight, you are the most important creature here for our effort in aiding the wingless. I need you to return to the lower city and seek contacts that can help us formalize an effort in aiding the wingless. Find local community members and leaders.” “Of course, and I already have a place where I can start. Have you heard of Elder Quill? He’s the one who helped us get in contact so we could get up the tree in the first place.” Twilight questioned, “In fact, he’s the one who wanted me to speak to you on behalf of the creatures below.” The Diamond Dog looked over to Twilight, tapping his chin, “Elder Quill, Elder Quill… I’m afraid not. Is he some sort of zealot or missionary?” “I believe he’s a sort of missionary, some sort of reformed religion that the unicorns in Unicornica practice. I’m curious myself, but he was a great help. I believe he can aid me in contacting more community members and perhaps more information on Unicornica.” Twilight nodded, considering the Stallion. He was a little odd but very kind. The Doge nodded, “A creature of the people… well then, I trust you will gather all you need to know and do what you think is best regarding our Stallion Of Faith. I trust your judgment.” He’d look over to Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash, “Rainbow Dash, you are legendary in the Pegasus community; perhaps you could… inspire and motivate the locals into helping their fellow ponies and creatures at the roots of the tree. Fluttershy, do you think you could assist Rainbow Dash?” Rainbow Dash grinned confidently, “That’ll be a breeze! Don’t worry; I’ll get them pumped up in no time.” Fluttershy looked a little timid, glancing down at the table. “Uhm, I... I can try. I-I don’t know if I’m very good at, um, inspiring others.” “Aw c’mon, Fluttershy, that’s not true, and you know it.” Dash nudged her gently. The Doge seemed to give an understanding nod to Fluttershy, “Hm… no. I have something better suited for you. We can discuss the matter privately. You do not have to go with Rainbow Dash if you aren’t comfortable.” Fluttershy looked up, pleasantly surprised. “Oh, t-thank you, that’s very kind. I’ll do everything in my power to help you and the creatures below. I don’t want to be a burden.” The Doge passed a small wink at Fluttershy. The mellow pegasus blushed, unsure how to respond to the gesture. Before The Doge clearing his throat, “Trixie, Rarity, I need you to harness your natural magical abilities and help our Guard better understand the Unicorns.” “They don’t know much magic, I’m afraid, “chimed Starlight, slowly revealing herself beside the Doge as she lowered her invisibility spell. The Diamond Dog collapsed on the floor, “Where did YOU come from!?” shrieked the Doge, clasping his heart as he fought to catch his breath. “Was that REALLY necessary?” scolded Rarity. Starlight rolled her eyes, “It’s Starlight Glimmer by the way. Look, I’m sorry for the sudden appearance, but… I’m just a bit skeptical, is all. I mean, I heard somecreature's say that we were going to be tossed to the ground soooo…I kinda took initiative...” she’d give the Doge an apologetic smile before helping him to his paws. The Doge dusted himself off, “You made your point… you may assist in helping The Republic Guard understand Unicorn magic so we can defend ourselves from it…” he’d clear his throat, “Rarity, Trixie, if you aren’t very good at magic, then what can you do?” “Well, I’m a seamstress by trade; perhaps I could help provide clothes for the poor?” offered Rarity. “That is a fantastic idea!” beamed the Diamond Dog, “Perhaps you could also win the favor of the upper crust by providing some of your finer works?” Rarity pressed a hoof to her chin, “Well… I suppose I could try if I have enough time. Even making simpler shirts and trousers will be taxing over time.” “Rarity, I will give you an army of seamstresses and the world supply of cloth if it means you deliver.” grinned the Doge. Rarity let out a giddy laugh, “Oh my! Think of all the beautiful AND practical clothes we could make for everycreature!” The Doge gave a firm nod before looking over to Trixie, “What about you? What can you do?” Trixie harrumphed, crossing her hooves. “Trixie is a magician by trade, her tricks may not be ‘real’ magic, but Trixie is more than amazing just as she is and Thorax is my Great and Powerful Assistant. If you want us to be useful, we can entertain the masses! That is the only thing Trixie should be, adored and applauded for her tireless work!” The Doge seemed… unimpressed, “I see… are you Twilight’s Jester?” Twilight couldn’t help but snort, pressing both hooves to her mouth in order to stifle the laughter threatening to slip out. Oh boy… Trixie’s fur seemed to stand on end, rising from her seat as if he had just spat in her food and called her the worst slur imaginable, “How DARE you accuse me of being something so lowly and WRETCHED as a JESTER. I attended Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns! I’VE TRAVELED ACROSS EQUESTRIA AND BACK!!” Getting up from the table, the showpony trotted to the door. “I’ll be in my quarters. It smells like DOG in here….” she swiftly opened the door and slammed it shut behind her, leaving the group to themselves. The Doge seemed rather puzzled at the outburst, looking confused and bewildered if anything, “What’s wrong with being a jester…? I was a circus clown for a while….” he’d shake his head. “Trixie, wait!” called Thorax and Starlight. Starlight quickly galloped after her. Thorax nervously piped up, “Please! Uhm… she’s really, really nice! Once you get to know her....she might’ve thought you were insulting her!” exclaimed Thorax, an overwhelming sense of anxiety plaguing the poor Changeling. Speaking up like this to an authoritative figure never ended well for someone of his kind, and then there was the whirlwind of emotions swirling inside him when he spoke of Trixie. Thorax’s face burned bright red as he stammered, his words trailing all over the place as he tried to collect himself, “I’m sorry if she offended you, your Excellency; she’s actually really, really supportive and kind! But, uh, there’s a lot more to stage magic than most ponies would think! It takes a lot of practice and dedication, It’s an art form if anything!’ The Doge paused, giving an understanding smile and a gentle nod, “I apologize… I didn’t mean to offend her. Perhaps I judged her too harshly. Why don’t I sponsor one of your magic shows, and you can present it to the locals up in the tree? I will present you to the upper crust if you do well enough. I’ll even pay you for your efforts.” Thorax was dripping with sweat at this rate as he smacked his lips. He felt like he was going to throw up from the stress and anxiety plaguing him, “Thank you, I need to be excused for a moment…” he’d quickly gallop out of the room. “WOW, that was awkward,” laughed Gallus, “He looked like he was about to cry or spill his guts out!” The Doge let out a pleasurable sigh, “Heh… I remember a girl like that back in the mines…” the Diamond Dog reminisced for a moment before turning his attention to the rest of the table, “Now then, how about you two?” he’d look over at Yona and Gallus. The Griffin was taken off guard as he gave a rather unsure look at Twilight and then the Doge, “I’m uh… I was a scribe and archiver for a while in Griffinstone. I’m pretty sure Yona and I are supposed to learn about the places we go to or something. Make friends? I guess?” Yona perked up, “Yona is learned under great potion teacher Starlight pony! Yona need to learn things to bring back to the village and make Yak better! Yak STRONGER!” She slammed a hoof against the table. Twilight cringed, thanking Celestia the heifer didn’t damage anything. “These two are under my responsibility, so please come to me if they get into any trouble,” Twilight spoke up before getting a pointed look from Yona. “Hey, I’m just being preventative, I’m not saying you are going to get into trouble, and that means if you get hurt or need help.” “I see; these two are under your and Starlight’s tutelage….” The Doge seemed to walk over to the Yak and Griffin, “Hmmm… we can’t have you two causing trouble while everyone else is doing something important….” The Doge clapped his paws together, “Worry not, I will enroll both of you into a school!” “Oh, you have got to be kidding me,” groaned Gallus, “I already HAD a formal education; I was a literal scribe!” The Doge crossed his arms and gave the younger creature a firm glare, “Then you can either go with Spike or go to school while you remain here, or you can just fly your rump back to Griffinstone because I don’t have anywhere else to put you. I’m the Doge, not a babysitter.” Gallus grumbled, “Fine, I’ll go with Spike….” Spike winced, cringing to himself, "Great..." “Yona go to school?” The heifer cocked her head in confusion. “Yona go to school in village. What is Swallowtail school? … Will Yona have to fly again?” She shrunk down in her seat the best she could, looking nervous. Twilight bit her lip and gently laid a hoof on her back. “I’ll… see what I can do for you about flying. Perhaps Starlight and I can come up with something. I don’t want you to be left on your own and afraid. I promise we’ll keep you safe.” Yona sniffled and looked up at the alicorn, giving her a grateful, if hesitant, smile. The Doge smirked, “Don’t worry, Yona, it will all be arranged for you, and what better way to teach you about this great city and its creatures than to put you with all of the normal happy creatures your age? You’ll learn something AND make friends!” “Yona make friends?’ She slowly lifted her chin out from under the table. “... Okay, Yona, go to school.” The Doge slowly returned to his seat, sinking into the chair as he let out a relaxed sigh, practically deflating into his seat, “Alright… yeah… this is nice, a fully functioning set of plans and dinner guests that don’t hate my guts. Could this day get any better?” “Actually, I was wondering….” Fluttershy murmured, “Could I just…?” The gentle pegasus leaned over the table and scratched the Doge behind his ear, giggling softly. “I’m sorry, I’ve wanted to do this since I saw you! You looked so sad when you came in….” The Doge’s face turned bright pink as his tail instinctively smacked and clattered against the chair he was sitting him. He was praying to every deity in the book, hoping that he wouldn't let a bark or yip slip out. The Diamond Dog leaned into the scratches, letting a few muffled barks slip out of his muzzle, “It’s quite alright,” he’d again mask his expression as he gave the mare a gentle smile, although his tail and eyes spoke for him. He was in heaven. Fluttershy looked positively delighted, and Twilight was certain the pegasus was holding back from cooing at the Doge. She had no idea how exactly that was going to end, but she’d only step in if she needed to. He’d quickly snap out of his daze, just long enough to get the last course of the meal. A massive chocolate Black Forest gâteau, with chocolate shaving and cherries daintily placed on swirls of whipped cream. The Doge couldn’t care less about the cake, though, partially because it was deathly poisonous to him. But mostly because he desperately craved the head scratches. If he had a ring on him, he would’ve proposed to Fluttershy then and there. The Doge slowly ate a bite of his peanut butter pie as he indulged in Fluttershy’s physical affection, surprisingly maintaining composure despite his tail noisily banging against his chair, “Please enjoy the rest of your meal; tomorrow we will all attend our duties. Any creature away from the city will return here in two weeks on the anniversary of the Unicorn-Swallow war. Then if everything goes as planned, I will have enough traction from the people to enact some reforms to help everyone!” Graciously taking a slice of cake before Pinkie inevitably demolished it, Twilight sighed happily. “It feels good to have a concrete plan in place. I’m impressed. I doubt many others could devise a plan in such a short time.” “I just hope things do go according to plan….” Fluttershy murmured, having neglected her cake as she indulged the Doge in more pats and scratches, “But I’ll try to be positive!” “That’s the spirit!” Pinkie pumped a hoof in the air before grabbing the remaining chunk of cake and swallowing it whole as if she had unhinged her jaw like a snake. The Doge barked…. literally, a bark escaped him as he turned a deep shade of red, “... Excuse me.” Fluttershy giggled, “It’s alright! Now, um… do you mind if I have a slice of that pie? Pinkie, um… finished the cake...” > Enter The Dragon's Den > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spike thought today was going to be easy. His status within the Dragon community was respected. He was the hero of The Crystal Empire, initially the Dragon Lord, before giving the title to Ember. In Ember’s presence, any who disrespected Spike would result in a punishment akin to insulting the Dragon Lord. While Spike was respected, that didn’t exactly mean he was liked. Spike, for many Dragons, was seen as an enigma, conqueror of the trials but Dragon only in name in the eyes of many. Spike went against his nature. He was friends and family with species outside his of own kind. He didn’t even know much about how to be a Dragon due to being raised by ponies, and while some refer to Spike as “Spike the Contended,” others mockingly refer to him as “Spike the Pony.” Unfortunately for Spike, he was ignorant of the reality of how Dragons truly felt about him outside of the presence of the Dragon Lord. As the young Dragon was carried by Gallus to the Hollow of the tree, he had an optimistic outlook… aside from the fear of falling down. Gallus groaned, “Don’t think this will become a common thing, dude.” “Trust me, I’m having as much fun as you are…” grumbled Spike. The two landed on a small platform overlooking the base of the tree where the roots sprawled out for miles. They could even see some of the Earth Ponies going about their day on the ground. However, as they looked inside the Hollow, they saw hundreds of Dragons going about their usual Dragon business, wrestling, hoarding, and sleeping. However, there were some peculiarities. There were businesses and stands selling ‘steamed gems,’ hot coals, and ‘deep fried diamonds.’ Spike was already salivating at the sight of those delicious-looking battered fried jewels. Gallus nudged Spike, quickly snapping him out of his daze, “Strongclaw? Or whatever?” Spike nervously laughed, “Oh… uh… right….” he made a note to try those gems later... As the two walked inside the massive Hollow, they saw that it was bigger than they initially thought. There were levels and layers to the inside that could go as low as the ground level of the tree all the way to the top. Dozens of dragons soared above and dove down to the lower levels. As they progressed further, they saw a few bands of dragons flying into the tree with mounds of gold and jewels. Spike pointed his claw at the Dragons, “Maybe we should follow them?” Gallus sighed, “Alright–” “Hey!” The pair would turn around to face a dragon, covered in similar armor Ember had worn during the trial for the throne of the Dragon Lord. It was definitely a female dragon, not quite as old as Ember, and the armor she wore definitely was battle-worn. There were deep grooves and gashes and even breaks in the armor that had to be soldered together to repair it. A helmet covered her head that hid her features, but her scales were bright orange, and what fringe was exposed was a tart shade of purple. Her colors reminded Spike of somepony familiar; the only difference was her deep teal eyes hidden behind the helmet itself. “What exactly do you think you’re doing? You think you can just waltz in here and…” Her eyes went past Gallus, turning to Spike. “Oh… are you babysitting him or something? Whose kid are you dropping off?” Gallus snorted and started laughing, “Bahahaha– Oh– oh! What did you say? ‘I’m friends with the Dragon Lord; this will be cake?’ Haha!” Spike crossed his arms and snorted a puff of smoke, “It’s been a while, okay! Maybe they don’t recognize me….” he’d shove Gallus out of the way, “I’m not anybody’s kid, I’m Spike The Dragon, and I’m here to speak to Strongfang on diplomatic business.” he said in the most Twilight-Esque way possible. Gallus looked over at the Dragoness, “I’m just here because he can’t fly.” Spike grumbled to himself as he did his best to appear friendly and cordial to the guardscreature. She snorted, steam escaping her nostrils as she scrutinized the baby dragon closely. “Hmmm… I’ve heard of ‘Spike’ before. I just didn’t realize you’d be so… little. I figured you’d be taller.” “Eh, whatever. I’m not really paid to care that much, so if you’re lying, it’s your head, not mine.” She shrugged, shaking her head. Pulling off her helmet, she revealed her face. She had a slim snout and a round face, and her fringe looked closer to hair than spines, strangely enough. “I’m Smolder; I help guard part-time. Mostly cus’ I get bored, and the pay is better than nothing. Kicking butt is pretty fun too.” She studied her claws for a moment before looking up at the pair, “So… I guess you want to go meet Leader Strongfang? No other reason why you’d hang around this dump if you could be anywhere else.” Gallus and Spike looked at one another with rather surprised expressions. Spike thought this would be harder, mainly because he knew how fussy Dragons could be. But he wasn’t complaining. “Oh sure, can you take us to him?” asked Spike. “Will there be more flying involved?” added Gallus. Smolder gave Gallus a deadpan stare. “Where exactly do you think we are? Of course, we’ll be flying there, you featherbrain. C’mon, you’ll have to present yourself to the Guardsmaster before you see him, though. Security reasons.” She gave them a wave, leading them further inside the Hollow. They went deeper and deeper down, past the ground, and even further down. At some point, they had to question how far down the roots went. Eventually, they reached a section where heat seemed to grow. Steam released from pockets of stone around them, making the air thick and soupy. Dozens of dragons crowded around geysers that shot out steaming hot water, lying down as if it were a sauna. Dragons lounged in deep pools of steaming water, hot springs having been adapted and redirected from water from the canals above for all to leisure in. Bioluminescent mushrooms grew from the dirt and roots themselves, living in synchronicity. This was a sacred ground meant only for their kind. Many noticed the newcomers and snarled, particularly at Gallus, making rather rude gestures as they passed. Gallus replied with several rude gestures of his own; they weren’t the only ones with a middle claw. Spike rolled his eyes. “Ignore them. They won’t do anything while I’m with you.” Smolder waved them off, giving a few the stink eye. Soon they entered a large chamber where the roots seemed to cradle the stone and dirt above them, leaving a cavernous expanse that seemed to go on for miles. But something huge filled a massive portion of that space, its breathing reverberating through them. Before they could step inside, a dozen dragons covered head to claw in armor blocked their way, a single one standing out, his armor nearly pristine. “Halt! Present yourselves and state your business!” He barked, gripping an iron spear in his claw. “Oh, shove it. You know who I am. These two want to see Strongfang.” Smolder rolled her eyes, turning to the others, “Introduce yourselves….” Spike bowed respectfully to the Guards, “Spike The Dragon, I’m here to talk to Strongfang on official diplomatic business.” Gallus lamely waved, “Yeah, uh, Gallus Gruff, I’m just here because I didn’t want to go to some namby-pamby Swallowtail school and because shorty here can’t fly.” Spike gave a firm punch on the Griffin’s side. Gallus squawked, his feathers ruffling as he passed a glare at Spike. A couple of the knights looked between each other and snickered, especially at the punch. Smolder rolled her eyes and gestured to the Guardsmaster. “So, can they come in or not?” The Dragon’s eyes seemed to light up before pulling off his helmet, revealing himself. He was a rather striking-looking dragon with pink fringe, pure white scales, and bright red eyes with pink sclera. He had a big grin on his face, his wings flapping as he approached them. “Spike! Do you remember, it’s me, Fizzle! Oh, dude, it’s been a while!” The teenager grinned, “Remember that one time you almost broke that phoenix egg?” Spike turned a shade of red at the mention of the phoenix egg, quickly shaking it off as he faced Fizzle, “Fizzle? Woah, you live in Swallowtail? I thought you guys lived in the Dragon Isles. What are you doing here!?” Spike quickly ran up to his old acquaintance giving his fellow Dragon a crisp high five. Even the other Guards had to give props for that one. The sound was just divine. Fizzle gave the young drake a warm smile, “It’s cool to see you, lil’ dude. Yeah, I kinda moved out here. Ember was chill, but there wasn’t much work down there, and some friends decided to ‘make it big’ here. You can see how that went, but it’s not all bad.” “Wow, so he really is the Spike everyone’s talking about?” Smolder cocked a brow. “And here I thought he’d be burnt to a crisp.” “Nope, he’s the real deal.” Fizzle nodded, “He’s good to go in, but good luck. I’m pretty sure he’s, uh, napping.” “More like hibernating….” Smolder sighed and rolled her eyes. “C’mon, let’s go and wake him up….” Massive iron gates opened before the cavern, groaning in protest before slamming against the rock walls. Floating above an enormous horde of gold and gems that practically overflowed was a massive, long, wingless dragon resting on a group of clouds. He had two thin white whiskers at the ends of his muzzle, a smooth scaly body that was as blue as the ocean, with white scales going down his back. The Dragon was wholly unique to Spike, and that was saying something. He met Dragons that were short, tall, fat, and skinny, but Strongfang was long and narrow, looking very regal and, dare he say, elegant for a Dragon. The Dragon opened his eyes, eyeing the group with his deep crimson orbs. The clouds quickly shifted as the Dragon slowly and carefully sat up. The clouds around his body seemed to follow his movements to a tee. “Who dares disturb my slumber…” grumbled Strongfang, stroking his whiskers with his claws. He reminded Spike of Discord upon further consideration… “We have visitors, Spike the… Brave and Glorious, savior of the Crystal Empire, friend to Dragon Lord Ember, and his… steed.” Smolder gestured, flying up slightly so the massive Dragon could hear her without needing to shout. “They wish to speak with you.” Strongfang peered down at Spike, squinting to see him, “You’re Spike the Brave And Glorious, Former Dragon Lord and friend of Ember The Dragon Lord? YOU, a pathetic-looking Drake, with no wings, you who live among Ponies?” the Loong laughed, “Oh how dreadfully sad….” Spike quickly brushed off the insults as he maintained his composure. It wasn’t the first time he was belittled by a prideful Dragon, “Strongfang, I am here representing Twilight Sparkle and his Excellency The Doge.” The Loong waved off Spike, “You have no right to speak to me, child! You have yet to prove yourself as the creature you say you are! Do you know who I am!? I am Kaar Strongfang, the Honored Father, father of the Longma and Kirin! I am the father of countless generations of Dragonkin! I am the last of the Loong, a survivor of Celestia and Luna’s terror on Monsterkind!” The Loong roared as he snorted fire and smoke, “You have no right to come into my domain and see yourself as equal to me!” Smolder rolled her eyes, “Geez, you’re really going all doom and gloom on them, huh?” Flying up to reach his height, she stared him directly in the eyes, “Did he say he was equal to you? Calm down; it’s not like he was asking to take over or anything.” Strongfang growled as he peered at Smolder, leaning close to her, “My beautiful daughter, as strong and as intelligent as you are. You need to show respect to your elders!” the Dragon let out a horse cough, smoke dredging up from his throat and nose. “Augh…” he’d slowly lay back down on his clouds, breathing heavily, “You have gotten me all tired now…” he’d cough into his claw and sigh, “My time draws near, and here standing before me is some Drake and Griffin who think themselves the next clan leader….” Spike and Gallus were mostly bewildered if anything. Spike quietly thought the old Dragon was a relic and a bit of a coot, and if Gallus could hear his acquaintance’s thoughts, he would’ve agreed. For he, too, thought the Clan Leader was a bit senile. “Strongfang, I didn’t mean to make you so… upset. I just wanted to get a better understanding of your… relationship between you and Swallowtail.” explained Spike. The Loong grumbled, “The Republic does not respect Dragonkind, my children, or Clan members. Their tribute grows smaller, less and less each year. My Dragons grow restless, tired of the disrespect and disregard for their efforts to protect this tree… My children and my heir deserve a secure future!” “So tell your master and tell The Doge that my Dragons, my Clan, and myself deserve the respect we earned!” snapped the Loong. “I’m sorry to hear that, sir, but I heard there are rumors about leaving the tree? Is this true?” asked Spike. The elder Dragon nodded, “Yes, my son, my heir, and his clique have been talking of leaving this place for greener pastures after my death….” “Why don’t you leave now?” chimed Gallus, “You seemed pretty discontent already.” Strongfang let out an offended gasp, “Who gave YOU permission to speak to me, Griffin!? Honestly, the sheer nerve…” he’d sighed, “I am very, very old… my bones ache, my endurance is not what it used to be, my golden chalice is low of the drink of life….” “Moving now would be too… tiresome, and my children and Clan have decided to honor me by allowing me to spend the rest of my days here with my family….” The Loong gently patted Smolder’s head with the tip of his claw. The orange drake looked up at her father, and for a brief moment, Spike could recognize the nearly broken-hearted expression on her face. Dragons did live for centuries. Some were even older than Celestia and Luna themselves, perhaps even Strongfang himself. But they weren’t immortal or ageless like the Goddesses, and nature did eventually take them. He probably still had a few good years left, but the pain was there. Smolder’s expression quickly changed into a respectful nod and a dutiful, if smug, smile. “Also, don’t call me a princess unless you want a black eye and your head stuck in a geyser.” “But uh, how is this little guy going to exactly… convince The Doge and Parliament to do that?” She gave the pair an unconvinced look. “That Doge, by the way?” She began making a twirling gesture beside her head, “Definitely something loose in there.” Strongfang mused, “He won’t, that’s the thing. The Republic’s cup is one with no bottom! The Doge is weak, he has no authority, not even his peers respect him… though I must say he is one of the few that truly appreciates our sacrifice…” the elderly Loong stroked his whiskers as he seemed to slowly relax. The Dragon exhaled steam from his nostrils as he seemed to look at Smolder fondly for a moment, “All Dragonkind can do is maintain and honor the agreement between Sir Benito and I… for he was an honorable, respectable, and a just creature from a time far gone….” “But sir,” chimed Spike, “The Doge is working toward winning over the public. My friends have traveled all the way from Equestria to fix whatever problems you have!” The elder Dragon raised his brow at Spike, “Hm… you said you represented Twilight Sparkle…?” the Dragon stroked his whiskers, “The Immortal Heiress… next in line for the indomitable power of the sun… not even I could defeat such power in my prime….” The Loong pondered quietly for a moment, running his fingers through several gold coins, “... If you were present during the Gauntlet of Fire, then my son should recognize you…” the Loong smashed his fist against the ground as he roared loudly, “GARBLE!!!!!” Spike’s eyes shrank to the size of dimes, “Garble…?” Smolder’s eyebrow went up at Spike’s reaction, “You know my brother? Figures, if you know Fizzle, then you would definitely have run into him.” There was a long pause before a familiar voice boomed out from the other side of the cavern, the tone highly annoyed and grating, “WHAT?!!! WHAT’S SO IMPORTANT YOU GOTTA WAKE ME UP?” While Smolder was franker with their father, Garble gave no attempt at reverence to his father, whining like a typical teenager. Stomping inside, smoke billowed out of his nostrils as he came into view. He was without armor and had clearly been somewhere within the hot springs from the water dripping down his scales. His attention wavered for a moment, his eyes landing on Spike. A flurry of emotions passed through his face; confusion, wrath, suspicion, and finally, a conniving grin. Garble’s large, uneven teeth were bared as he spoke, shifting his eyes from the young drake to his griffin companion. “Well, well, well, looks like the puny pony lover showed up just so I could get a laugh. What are you doing here, twerp?” He looked about ready to stomp Spike, glaring down at him. It was very obvious he hadn’t forgotten what he had ordered Garble to do all that time ago. Spike quickly shot up, glaring up at Garble, a trail of smoke spewing from his nostrils, and maul, “Great, you’re here too?” Spike grumbled, “I thought this was going to be easy….” Gallus snorted, “Serves you right for being so cocky.” “ENOUGH! ALL WILL SHOW RESPECT TO ME! GARBLE, BEHAVE YOURSELF IN MY PRESENCE; YOU ARE THE HEIR TO THE FLAMING PEARL AND THE SON OF HEAVEN, SHOW SOME RESPECT OR FEEL MY WRATH!” thundered Strongfang, his mouth bellowed with fire as the clouds beneath him thundered. Garble managed to look at least a little guilty at his father’s reprimand, putting his head down, but Spike caught him rolling his eyes. “Yeah, yeah, whatever….” “I see you two were the best of friends,” Smolder smirked, sarcasm laced through her voice. “I don’t suppose you were the guy who made my brother hug everyone he saw during the Gauntlet?” Spike stifled a laugh, doing his best to appear as respectful as possible in front of Strongfang, “Uhm… yeah, that was uh… terms of a prior agreement we made….” Gallus snorted, covering his mouth, “Wow, you lost to this guy? You outta be embarrassed!” Garble gritted and bared his teeth, instantly becoming enraged again. “It wasn’t an agreement; you ORDERED me to hug every Dragon I saw, and I couldn’t explain why! All just because you were holding that stupid scepter! You’re lucky you were holding that thing. Otherwise, I would’ve–” “Ahem,” Smolder cleared her throat, gesturing with her eyes at their father. The threat died in Garble’s throat as he let out a sigh. Gallus erupted into a fit of laughter, “You didn’t let him tell him why!? Oh, I thought you were just a goodie-two-shoes!” the Griffin howled in laughter, “Oh my Boreas, what I would give to see this guy just hugging a bunch of Dragons!” Even Strongfang was struggling not to chuckle, “Y-you–” he’d swallow, regaining his composure, “That is… perhaps I misjudged you, Spike, it seems even in your time among Ponies… you still have that Draconic grit….” “However! Even if you personally have won my favor, I will measure you and my son’s words, what entails a future under your guises lead for The Clan….” The Loong looked down at Garble, “Garble… my son, you are my Heir to the Clan, Heir to Heaven, and the Flaming Pearl… what is your vision of our people?” Garble crossed his arms and smirked, rising into the air as he pumped his wings, “I’ll see to it that Dragonkind is given what we rightfully deserve. The gold, jewels, and riches they have stolen from us, the respect for our strength, and access to the branches above. We’ve got wings; there’s no reason they shouldn’t let us up there!” He sneered, tapping a claw against his arm. “I say we TAKE what we want if they don’t give it to us. And if it comes down to it, we’ll tell them we’ll BURN down the tree if they don’t do exactly what we say. We’ve protected it for ages. If they don’t want to honor our agreement, it’s only right we take back what we’ve given them!” Smolder sighed, “Here we go again….” Strongfang quietly nodded, considering his son’s words, “Spike, what entails if we Dragons continue to maintain a relationship with the Republic?” Spike rolled his eyes at Garble, “The Doge and Twilight Sparkle are talking about gaining the support of the normal creatures who live in the branches and below ground so that The Doge can enact reforms.” He’d continue, “The Doge and Twilight want everycreature from Dragon to Earth pony to be seen as friends and equals! The Doge even said Dragons are essential to the Republic’s protection! I don’t know everything, but I believe there is a greater threat that demands everycreature’s attention, the Unicorns.” Strongfang nodded, “Yes… the Unicorns… but if we leave, who is to say they will be much of a threat to us?” “But who is to say they won’t go beyond the tree? Beyond Swallowtail? What if they come after you?” retorted Spike. The Loong was silent, considering and weighing the two Drake’s words, “... If our tribute is raised… and an effort is made by the Republic to treat us as equals… I am swayed… but in truth… it matters not if I am convinced.” he’d slowly point at Garble, “Garble will soon take my place, my son, what do you think of Spike’s words. Remove your disdain for him, and weigh what his offer truly means to you.” Garble’s face twisted into one of disdain, appalled that he actually had to consider Spike’s words rather than outright objecting. He grumbled softly to himself before spitting out, “Do you REALLY think that the Republic cares anymore? I think they’ve forgotten how important we are and how dangerous we can be when we’re upset. The pitiful amounts they’ve been giving us and their excuses are proof enough that they’re not going to respect us, so why should we do the same? Do you really think that your dumb pony friends are going to magically get the Parliament to start caring? Fat chance!” He'd scoff, “And the unicorns– please! We’ve defended against worse. I’m not going to be beaten by some stupid horse with a horn. We’ll raid them first, take what we want, and burn the rest.” He let out a snort and grinned, satisfied with himself. Spike did his best not to snap at Garble, this assignment was of the utmost importance, and Twilight was counting on him to win the favor of his fellow Dragons. The Doge needed all claws on deck right now. He remembered Chaircreature Francesco, and his disdain for The Doge was much akin to Garble’s disdain for him. Spike took a deep breath and calmly tried to speak to his fellow Dragon in a respectful and humble tone, “Garble, I have seen the effects the Unicorns had on innocent creatures. I met an Alpaca named Paprika that was driven mad by their magic! What if the lowered tribute wasn’t out of disrespect or malice but because of the dozens and dozens of soldiers that protect you and the tree from the Unicorn’s attacks?” Gallus nodded, “This is true, I’ve heard of their exploits, and I’m from Griffinstone. The Unicorns are known for enslaving every and any creature that isn’t a pony, and if you ask me, I think we’re all better off now being hobbled off in chains. I mean, do you guys KNOW what they do to creatures like us?” Strongfang slowly nodded, “Yes… the severing and clipping of wings….” “Yeah, and how is that our problem?” Garble sneered, crossing his arms. “There’s hardly ever any dragons being taken– we would have noticed. The last time they had taken one of us was months ago, and it was a hatchling. They’re too scared to try and take one of us on. You better be ready, ‘Spike the Twerp and Puny,’ because you’d be their prime target.” “Dude…” Smolder didn’t look impressed, staring at her brother with subtle disgust. Gallus stared slack-jawed, his eyes bulging with disgust, “Bro… that’s not cool.” “What?! You know I’m right, those stupid ponies and birds would have been overrun long ago without us, and they want to give us this garbage in exchange? Why shouldn’t we turn a blind eye? It’s not like they get up in arms when a dragon goes missing or gets hurt!” Garble hissed, gritting his teeth. Spike wanted to say something, anything to get under Garble’s skin, his throat burning with fire and smoke, but he quietly exhaled, the smoke billowing out. Strongfang snapped his claw, “Garble! May I remind you that in the face of danger, YOU are responsible for protecting the Hatchlings, that being the Clan leader means you are responsible for protecting your brothers and sisters AND their hatchlings!” The elder Dragon pointed to Spike, “You are responsible for his safety so long as he remains here!” The Loong snorted fire as he slowly rested once more, “But… in your arrogance, you speak some truth….” Garble looked a little cowed at that, looking away. He only looked up again when his father relented. Spike refuted the drake, “Garble, I heard there are soldiers a few miles down the way protecting everycreature. In fact, my friend Pinkie Pie should be over by the border right now. What you said isn’t the truth. They’re quite literally up in arms about this!” The teenager crossed his arms and huffed, “Yeah, right, like they aren’t just angry about their own being taken. Not that they shouldn’t be angry about that, but– whatever! So what? I don’t care about the earth ponies and the unicorns that aren’t from Unicornica. I care about those dumb birds up in Parliament making it impossible for us to do our job!” “We can’t send any parties out; they’re afraid we’ll ‘instigate another attack’ with Unicornica when they know that it’s them sending the raiding parties. Do you expect me to just, what, walk up there and act like… you?! Like one of your prissy ponies and play nice?!” He threw his claws up in the air, looking ready to break something. Spike had to carefully consider his options. In hindsight, the Doge was a little optimistic about the whole thing. He would’ve brought Twilight if he knew he had to argue against stubborn ole Garble, “Didn’t you guys already fight a war? I don’t mean to be disrespectful, but if you think you alone can defeat the Unicorns, then why didn’t you do it during the first Unicorn-Swallow war?” Strongfang let out a deep sigh, “Their magic and mountains provide a strong defense. I remember the war all those years ago when the Former Doge called us to arms…” the Loong seemed to grow quiet, having a ghostly expression on his face. “... I saw many strong Dragons and noble warriors perish… Their numbers and magic nearly killed me when I attempted to break through their mountainous strongholds and magical shields….” Strongfang stroked his whiskers, “Both of you have strong, compelling arguments, but you are each other’s opposites.” “Garble, you are Spike’s Yang to his Yin. You speak with fire and fury, while Spike maintains level-headedness and wisdom….” The Loong looked at the two, “... Perhaps we should seek the wisdom of the Flaming Pearl and see what the sacred fire whispers through its crackling flame….” Garble looked rather insulted that he was being compared to Spike of all dragons, a disgusted look crossing his face. Uncrossing his arms, he slumped over and sighed. “... Fine, but it’s just gonna tell you what I already said!” “Garble, I love you, brother, but sometimes, I don’t know….” Smolder couldn’t help but laugh, shaking her head. The Loong strained as he slowly rose up, his old bones cracking and snapping as he struggled to fly on his magic clouds, “We must go to the bottom of the tree where the Flaming Pearl is kept.” The Loong cleared his throat as he let out a thundering roar that shook the group, letting every member of the clan know that Strongfang was seeking council with the ancient Flaming Pearl. “What exactly IS the Flaming Pearl…?” Spike asked curiously. Strongfang huffed and puffed, snorting steam and coughing up smoke, “It is part of the sun that fell to Equestria in a ball of fire and where I came from. The Flaming Pearl birthed me, and to keep its eternal flame burning, I dedicated my life to protecting it and having as many children as possible. So long as my Clan remains, the pearl’s eternal flame shall never die.” “Now come, we must seek the pearl’s wisdom!” he’d quickly fly out of the room and dive below, deeper under the tree. Gallus sighed and promptly scooped up Spike in his claws as hundreds and hundreds of Dragons quickly followed after them. At the base of the tree, surrounded by darkness, lay only one thing; a flaming orb of blue fire resting above a pedestal of gold. No Dragon dared reach to touch the sacred flame beside Strongfang. Strongfang placed Spike and Garble beside him, “My Clan! My children! Our future lay in the flames of the pearl, may Heaven bless us and the Flaming Pearl be our salvation….” The Loong carefully held the Pearl in his clutches. The flame burned brightly, burning different shades of blue, white, orange, and red before snapping out of the Loong’s claws and swirling around Spike with blue fire. Spike could feel the flames’ intense heat, but it didn’t burn or harm him. It was rather pleasant, actually, like a warm hug. “Oh… I see…” whispered Strongfang as the pearl quickly darted over to Garble, the flame soon burning red as its heat and flame engulfed Garble. The heat of the flame was unbearable, even for Garble, before finally, the Pearl raced over to Smolder, who was standing among the crowds next to Gallus. The flame turned white, as it hovered in front of the Dragoness, and the young drake heard a quiet faint whisper for her to touch the sacred fire… “What…?” Garble whispered under his breath, not understanding what was happening. “Uh, dad, why is it coming near me? I wasn’t even involved in this argument!” She raised her hands up, stepping away from the pearl out of instinct. The pearl only seemed to follow her, curiously awaiting her touch. Strongfang quickly roared, “Back away from Smolder!” The crowd soon dissipated and moved away from her. The pearl remained, expectantly waiting for her to grasp it. Strongfang held his claws together as he anxiously rubbed them, “Smolder, listen to the crackling and whispers in the flame….” The flame crackled and popped, and as Smolder carefully listened, she could clearly hear the whispers, ”Take me into your claws… hold me….” The voice was sweet like honey and soft like a dove’s coo. “It… it’s telling me to hold it….” Smolder hesitated, not daring to get near it, but the temptation was growing too much to bear. Finally, she closed her eyes and reached out, the palms of her claws making contact with the pearl. The Pearl felt pleasant; it was warm, familiar, like family. As her claws touched the flame, she could hear the Pearl whisper,” Daughter of Heaven, Daughter of Strongfang… you are next in line for the throne. The Heavens will sing your name, and among your brothers and sisters, you will be revered….” The pearl returned to Strongfang as the flame burned black, he frowned, “My time grows nearer….” he’d slowly look at Garble, “My son… was the Pearls fire too much for you?” A pained look came across Garble’s face, and it was clear to all who were present that he was deeply ashamed and embarrassed. He couldn’t speak. He simply nodded in affirmation. Smolder seemed utterly taken away, shocked, and terrified all at once. “I-I… I can’t do it! I haven’t even… I just do guard work! I can’t lead… There has to be a mistake… that can happen, right?!” “Quiet!” roared Strongfang as he exhaled smoke, “... the Flaming Pearl has spoken… Garble, my son…it appears you have fallen out of Heaven’s favor. The universe has deemed you unworthy of taking my place….” Strongfang seemed as disheartened as his son, but he looked toward the pearl, “But the flame whispers tales of your greatness, my son… but you will learn humility and pain will be your teacher….” The Loong listened to the crackling of flames as his expression lightened, “The universe and Heaven demand you go on a pilgrimage to the lands of the Longma!” “The who?” Gallus and Spike cocked an eyebrow. “It’s a… subspecies of ours.” Smolder explained quickly, “Father, I… I’m not sure if I’m ready for such a thing… I haven’t even considered it! Shouldn’t I… prepare or something?” Garble stood silently, eyes on the floor, dejected. Spike couldn’t think of a time the drake had ever been so disheartened. “Smolder, Heaven and the universe have decided you are worthy of taking my place when I die…” the flames crackled and popped, “Yes… Heaven…. thank you. Smolder, Garble… it appears both of you will be leaving me… Smolder, you will go with Spike and learn the wisdom and knowledge from Equestria and beyond…!” The flame burned a deep shade of blue and purple as it flickered and crackled, “... Spike, your wisdom and words ring true, and Heaven has ruled that you and your methods will be our people’s ticket to peace and prosperity, and the Heaven’s have allowed you to bask in the sacred flame. Spike, were the flames too much for you?” The drake was sweating. All of this was getting intense. He really didn’t expect all of this during his diplomatic mission, “Uhm…” he’d swallow, “No…? It felt rather pleasant….” “The Heavens have deemed you worthy, you are an honorary member of the Clan and my son!" declared Strongfang. “WHAT!?” shrieked Spike. Smolder chuckled, “Err… weren’t you listening? He’s the father of… well, I’d say at least fifty percent of the dragons here, if not all over the world. You probably are related to my dad, if very, very distantly.” Strongfang chuckled, “Yes… either that or you are descended from Torch’s lot….” he’d huffed, “I miss that old fool….” Garble snorted, flame flying past his lips, “And don’t think just because he said that means I’m going to start treating you like a brother, or anything other than the namby-pamby pony lover you are.” Spike chuckled, “I uh… wouldn’t expect anything less from you, Garble….” Strongfang sighed, “Well then… I suppose we need to prepare for your departure then, Garble, heed my words. In the far off lands of Neighpon lay the lands of the Kirin and Longma. Go to the island of Formaresa and follow the peaks of the hills and mountains of fire, and you will find the Empire of Huoshan, a city built over the gaping maw of an active volcano. When you arrive, tell the soldiers you are the son of The Honored Father and tell them The Flaming Pearl sent you. Travel light, the Longma do not believe in frivolous things like luxury as we Dragons do.” The Loong looked over at Smolder, “Smolder, The Heavens have crowned you my heir and destined you to take my place. But I cannot reasonably teach you how to be Clan Leader in the time I have left. Heaven has deemed you must join Spike on his quest and learn from his Equestrian lot and from the lands beyond Swallowtail and Griffonia. Be mindful, my daughter, show respect to your Equestrian hosts, but be mindful of from whence you came.” Smolder’s eyes widened, and she bowed deeply before returning to her claws, “I… thank you, father. I promise I’ll make you and our kind proud. I… guess I should get ready, huh?” She glanced over at her brother, feeling a deep sadness for him. She wished he was coming with her and Spike; it would have been a comfort knowing she had someone she trusted on her side. The expression on Garble’s face was unreadable. Forlorn, angry… but not at her. Nor at Spike, really. He looked up at her, nodding. “Don’t worry. You’ll be fine… and you’ll be a great leader, take it from me….” Garble spoke quietly, a surprise coming from him. It was then Spike could hear a note of… sadness? Strongfang couldn’t help but feel disheartened, he knew of Smolder and Garble’s fondness for one another. But he, of all creatures, would not deny or usurp the Flaming Pearls' authority. His expression softened to that of a contented smile, “My children, do not be saddened, in the infinite knowledge of the universe and the Heavens, it has been foretold that all of us will come out with prosperity and blessings that will last us generations!” Strongfang raised the Flaming Pearl as it burned a golden flame, “I proclaim that this day is worthy of celebration! The Heavens have called upon these three Dragons and foretold that they all shall achieve greatness! Their names will be etched into the annals of history! They will carry on a legacy for generations to come!” Smolder managed a smile, nodding. “Heh, might as well celebrate, right…?” “While we can, at least….” Garble mumbled. The crowd of dragons let out cheers and blasts of great flame, the temperature in the cavern rising rapidly. Smolder sighed and approached Spike and Gallus, giving them each a nervous smile. “Well, I guess I’ll be traveling with you, squirt.” Smolder gave the younger drake a smile. “You better be as ‘brave and glorious’ as they say you are.” Spike grinned, “Hey, you don’t destroy King Sombra if you aren’t at least one of those things.” Gallus cleared his throat. The Griffin was soaked in sweat, “Yeah, great, another religious celebration, right of passage,blah-say-blah. Can we go somewhere else? Preferably where I’m not being cooked alive?” > Ink And Quill > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The slums below the branches of Swallowtail proper were a complete whiplash compared to the upper-crust living quarters they had been blessed with by the Doge. Ponies of all kinds trotted about, although mainly Unicorn and earth. There were plenty of other species. Dragons flitted to and fro, some wearing thick and heavy armor, hefting large weapons over their shoulders. Others simply seemed to be going about their day like every other creature. Twilight adjusted the cape draped around her shoulders, pulling up her hood before she prepared to descend. She didn’t want to gather a crowd; she had been fortunate that no one had noticed last time. Slipping her wings through the slits in her cloak, she glided down to the hustle and bustle below. Cows were trading milk, goats their cheese, and even a fair few deer mingled in the crowd. Passing by a packed open market, she noticed a train of wagons led by a Saddle Arabian stallion, ready to trade their goods. She was surprised to spot a Zebra or two in the mix– years of only knowing Zecora made it feel like she was the only one of her kind sometimes. The less shocking was the Crystal ponies. They fared far better than the others, bringing in wealth and bits from the Crystal Empire, having not yet been touched by the poverty surrounding them. A small part of her wondered if Celestia had open trade with Swallowtail, that was definitely something she would have to bring up with the Doge and, if possible, the Parliament. Noting that down in her head and squirreling it away, Twilight landed softly on the ground. This was the most likely place he had to be; otherwise, he was probably out soliciting donations for the needy. Twilight approached the temple, the familiar sun cutie mark glowing brightly in the sun. It brought her some sense of comfort. Sometimes she desperately wished she could call upon Celestia for guidance, pleading that she come here and deal with this herself… but Twilight knew she couldn’t. She had to prove to herself more than anyone else that she could do this. Hesitating at the door, the alicorn took a deep breath before politely knocking on the large doors. Twilight wasn’t sure if it was alright to simply walk in unannounced. Another pony would trot up to the door. Looking over at Twilight with a puzzled expression, “You don’t have to knock, y’know, all are welcomed to worship.” the mare was a scraggly-looking earth pony with a large scar across her left eye, the entire pupil and sclera a milky, dull-white, and blue in contrast to her right eye. She had a lime green coat and yellow mane. Wearing nothing but a tattered robe with several sewn patches. Her cutie mark was a slice of key lime pie. She’d open the door and nudge her inside, revealing that the temple was packed with dozens of ponies, a few Griffins and Harpies, and the odd creature or two. Twilight looked a little embarrassed, chuckling awkwardly. “Rrrrright, thanks…” Stepping inside, she marveled once again at the stained glass depictions of the princess and herself, then turned her attention to the massive crowd that had been gathered inside. Quill and Yellowtail were standing across the temple organizing the portraits of the Alicorns as they began lighting the candles surrounding the temple, “Okay, everyone, please sit down if you can and allow us to go through communion…” ordered Quill. Twilight quickly found an available seat in the back. Although she was cramped against a rather large hippogriff, she could barely see Elder Quill and Yellowtail on the chancel. “It seems we have some new faces today,” smiled Yellowtail, “We welcome our new friends to The Reformed Sol Invictus Temple. Now, if you’re new, we like to start out by recounting a tale from our Goddess.” The earth pony quickly stood at the podium as he flipped through a massive book, “Chapter two-hundred and fifty-three in the Book Of Revolution, verse one, twenty-three. ‘Behold, for thou have been given a wholly unique ability from one another. If thou art to survive, then all of you must work together if thou is to survive. For a unicorn cannot use their magic to make their wheat for the bread they consume. Nor can an Earth pony produce the harvest without the union of their Pegasi brothers and sisters giving the humble farmer his rain, and none of you may survive without the Earth pony’s harvest.’ Quill would speak, “For you see, everyone, before Celestia ruled The Old Kingdom, all of us were divided. Unable to work together because of jealousy and pettiness, and for that, we barely survived famine and death. It wasn’t until we decided to embrace one another as brothers and sisters– as equals, and under the guiding light of Celestia and Luna all of us now prosper.” Yellowtail nodded, “Yes, and for our creatures who aren’t ponies, you too are expected to cooperate, from The Book of Revolution, chapter three-hundred, verse three twenty. ‘If thou hasn’t shown compassion and kindness to any and everycreature. Then thou have done a disservice and dishonor. It is the duty of everycreature to help those who are in need.’ Listening intently, Twilight hung on every word, frankly enthralled by the concept of a religion born from Celestia and Luna that was practiced outside Equestria. From what she could remember, a lot of what they spoke of was very similar to modern-day teachings, although, to be frank, Twilight stopped reading those books once she actually met her. It was a little awkward to ask why she didn’t prevent ponies from dying or suffering if she was all-powerful. It made for some very tough conversations for a filly who was far too young to be asking those sorts of questions. She did recognize; however, the text was clearly inspired by Equestrian historical texts, however far more forgiving. The depictions of Celestia and Luna of the time weren’t quite as… accurate or appealing to the present day. Twilight sat back quietly before glancing from side to side. Adjusting her cloak, she pulled out her journal from a saddlebag she had brought along. It had been a long time since she had attempted writing by mouth, and if she were in any other situation, she would have used her magic. But she didn’t want to bring any attention to herself whatsoever, pushing herself to the task of recording everything as accurately and neatly as possible. “But it’s important to remember that despite how merciful and groundbreaking our Goddess was, even when Monsters and Wendigos terrorized the lands of Equestria, our Goddess was imperfect and susceptible to mistakes as we are!” exclaimed Quill, “She is one of us!” Yellowtail nodded, “From the Book of Fury chapter one hundred verse five thirty, ‘If thou dares utter the name Luna whether it to venerate or praise her. Then whoever spoke shall feel my wrath. For I am the sole leader of Equestria, and I alone raise the Sun and Moon. No one else but me will have this title and role, now and forever.” Quill nodded, “Now, what does this mean? Does it mean Celestia is evil?” The temple would collectively shake their heads and say, “Noooooo.” The Elders smiled, giving the Temple a firm nod. Quill spoke, “Exactly; Celestia is just as fallible and capable of making a mistake as we are! But that doesn’t take away from all the good she has done for us. If Luna can forgive her sister for banishing her to the moon for a thousand years, and her sister forgave her for usurping her, then we can forgive one another and learn to excuse our imperfections and fallible actions.” He continued, “Only then if we lower our expectations to something a bit more realistic, if we surrender our pride, let go of our anger and hatred for one another, then we can form a union and create something truly beautiful.” Yellowtail closed the book, “Thank you, brother, now it is time for prayer…” the earth pony quickly pulled out a scroll, “Gloria soli, beati simus in calore.” The temple would quickly repeat the prayer, “Gloria soli, beati simus in calore.” “Glory to the Sun, blessed are we in its warmth.” translated Quill. “Sol enim bonus est.” recited Yellowtail. “Sol enim bonus est.” repeated the temple. “For the Sun is Good.” translated Quill. “Gratias agimus Sanctitati eius.” echoed Yellowtail. “Gratias agimus Sanctitati eius.” repeated the temple. “Give thanks to her Holiness.” translated Quill. “Finis.” finished Yellowtail rolling up the scroll. “Finis.” repeated the temple for one last time. “The end.” sighed Quill, “Okay, everybody thank you for coming for daily worship. If anycreature likes, we’re giving out clothes and food to the hungry and cold, and we offer reading and writing lessons to any creature who needs it. Whether you need to learn Ponish, Griffish, Harpic, or Draconic, we will dedicate the rest of the afternoon to those who need it.” The temple quickly dispersed, with some staying to socialize, receive donations, or quietly waiting to receive tutoring while a majority of creatures left the building. Twilight took a deep breath as the creatures left. It felt like she had been claustrophobic the entire time, only able to ignore it by pouring through her work. Spitting out the quill she had been using, she realized she’d definitely have to throw this one away. It was far too chewed up. Hopefully, she wouldn’t have to write down anything anyways; her jaw hurt by the tail end of the sermon! Tucking the journal away, the alicorn quickly maneuvered her way through the crowd, attempting not to jostle or get her cloak torn or snagged. Approaching the chancel, she finally caught sight of Elder Quill speaking to one of the many worshippers who had attended. Slowly, she crept up behind the stranger, trying to catch the stallion’s eye. “Keylime Pie…” chuckled Quill, “Good to see you again, sister….” “Elder Quill, I see you everyday!” smiled Keylime Pie, “I brought you something~” cooed the mare. “Oh? What is it?” Quill glanced over at the figure behind her, his eyes widening in realization before he quickly snapped his gaze back to Keylime. “Just a few cans of food I got working at the store today… I can’t believe they just throw food away because of a dent in the can.” The mare pulled out a few cans of food from her tattered cloak before handing the Archmage the food. “Oh, thank you, sister… bless you….” the Unicorn graciously bowed at his earth pony companion. Keylime shook her head, “No, I should be thanking you for all the good things you and Yellowtail do for us. This is nothing compared to what you do every day….” Quill hugged the mare, pulling her to his side, “It’s creatures like you who keep us going… you have a great day now, Keylime….” Keylime gave the Elder a firm squeeze before trotting off, “See you tomorrow, Elder.” Twilight couldn’t help the soft smile, watching the two. What Elder Quill was doing for this community was really having an impact on the creatures within it. The Unicorn let out a sigh, slowly locking his eyes with Twilight’s, “Come with me.” The Elder led Twilight to the back of the temple, closing the door behind him. Inside revealed the storage room, full of food, clothes, blankets, and bottled drinks ready to be given away. Aside from the shelves of food, there were two cots on the hardwood floor, a large wooden dining table with two chairs with a pack of cards scattered across it, and a small wood fire stove packed away in the corner of the room. “I’m so glad you’ve returned. Did you meet with the Doge?” The alicorn pulled off her hood, grateful to finally reveal one of her appendages. She would have to keep her wings under the cloak, despite how much they itched to stretch. Who knew who might walk through. “I did. You might have heard that we got into a little bit of… trouble on the way up. Luckily the Doge was very obliging and understanding. He allowed my friends and I to stay, including those who can’t fly.” Twilight sighed, worried about giving him the news. “As for the aide for the wingless here below… it’s going to take some time. Frankly, the Parliament doesn’t seem to respect him very much. It’s as if they treat him as more of a mascot than a leader for the people.” “But don’t worry, we’ll be making progress quickly. My friends and I have split up tasks, and one of mine is to make contacts here and try to strategize a plan with the community members and leaders.” She gave him a bright, optimistic smile. “Conveniently, I happen to know of one.” The Archmage’s eyes lit up like a colt on Hearths Warming Eve, “Excellent… as for general strategy, I suppose me and Yellowtail are the only real figures of authority here– besides whoever has the most bits….” The Unicorn slowly trotted over to the table, cleaning up the cards as he offered Twilight a seat, “What does the Doge want exactly?” The alicorn sat down, giving him a nod of thanks, “Well, firstly, he needs the Parliament to respect him, which means he needs the public to back him. As I said, they don’t seem to respect him, so in order to get any laws or reforms to be passed, there needs to be outside pressure. Otherwise, nothing will change.” “We need to first formalize our cause, put it under one name, one group. Make it a voice that they cannot ignore. My friends are also doing the same, from the ground to the upper levels of Swallowtail,” Twilight looked determined and energetic to get started, “Once we have a majority, they cannot ignore him or us any longer.” Quill was preparing some tea while Twilight spoke, not even looking at the kettle as tea bags flew around and quickly placed themselves on the stovetop, several logs and kindling floating into the wood stove. “I see; well, I suppose there are a few ways we could achieve this. Option one, you could publicly reveal yourself to the citizens of the lower levels and assert yourself as a divine and religious authority. But you seem a little…” he’d clicked his teeth, “Uncomfortable with the prospect of being worshiped like a god, yes?” Twilight chuckled softly, looking down at the floor, “Well… you could say that. It wasn’t really that long ago that I was just a normal unicorn like you….” she let out a little sigh, “Sometimes I wake up in the morning and forget I have two appendages on my back. So all of the… worship and praise just doesn’t seem… earned. I mean– I have earned some things, of course. I’m not going to say I’m not talented, but….” She paused, trying to find the right words, “I… guess I just don’t see myself among the leagues of Celestia, Luna, and other powerful celestial beings. I’m honestly nothing without my friends, and I mean that literally. Without them, likely, Equestria would still be locked in an eternal night….” “I think… maybe I could reveal myself… but not as some sort of goddess. More of a… shepherd, perhaps?” that was the best term that she could come up with. Quill smiled before laughing to himself, “You remind me of Yellowtail… he was so afraid of becoming an Elder, ‘oh Quill, I can’t I’m unworthy, I’m just an Earth Pony, I was a slave, I am unworthy, Celestia would never, I could never.’” The Unicorn fished a pack of matches from his robes before lighting one of the sticks and tossing it into the woodstove, slowly kindling the fire, “An important aspect of our organization is the message that you, Celestia, Luna, and Cadance are just like normal creatures. The only difference being your job.” Quill placed sets of silverware, dishes, and mugs on the table as he spoke, maintaining eye contact with Twilight as he put together a small salad for the two, “In a sense, you are a Shepherd; you guide and lead creatures all the time. But if you personally do not want to live out your existence as a god, who am I to deny you happiness and comfort?” Twilight let out a soft sigh of relief, thankful that he did not insist on treating her any differently. It always made her feel so wildly out of place when she was given special privileges, and now that she had two giant advertisements of precisely who and what she was, it was becoming more and more difficult just to be treated… like a pony. “Thank you. But I promise, I’ll try in any way I can to make this happen,” she slowly reclined into her seat, “Back in Equestria, I was treated more like a celebrity than a royal, but I suppose I’m going to have to get used to new perspectives hm?” the question was rhetorical, and she chuckled softly to herself. “Now, do you know of any other community members that would be willing to aid in the cause? It would be best to meet with them before announcing anything to the public, yet– better to show a united front rather than being blind-sided.” Quill shook his head, “I’m afraid, aside from a few families and cliques made up of different species, it’s just me and Yellowtail who have any resemblance of authority.” A loud hissing and screeching erupted; Quill quickly jumped up to grab the tea kettle and poured himself and Twilight a mugful, “But I can gather a crowd and contact merchants and local business owners. I know dozens of creatures personally, and so does Yellowtail.” Twilight lit up, gently bowing her head in thanks as she levitated the tea up to blow on it, cooling it just enough to take a sip. “That’s good; I was expecting this to be a bit more tricky, actually….” She let out a sigh of relief, “But, to be completely honest… I’m not certain what I’m going to say… It usually takes me a week to come up with a speech, and then I practice it for a few days in a row with flashcards, so I make sure I have it down….” The alicorn let out an embarrassed chuckle, “Heh, I guess I can’t really rely on that now, huh? So, what I mean to say is… if you have any pointers, it would be greatly appreciated.” Quill looked around as if there were some creature else that Twilight was talking to, “M-Me?” he’d nervously rubbed his hooves as he took a bite of salad, “Uhm… well speak from the heart, speak your truth, and get through with it. I, uhm… I used to imagine the crowd as infants and that helped me personally.” chuckled Quill. The alicorn couldn’t help but let out a gentle laugh at the thought. Perhaps that would work well for stage fright. Taking the fork with her magic, she began to pick at her salad before taking a small bite. The Elder took a deep breath, “Twilight, I need to be honest with you… Yellowtail and I are… wanted creatures.” She perked up and looked at Quill curiously. She wasn’t particularly suspicious of him; he had been far too kind for her to consider him a threat. “What could you and Yellowtail have possibly done to warrant your arrest?” Quill sighed, “I was born in Unicornica, and raised to be a part of the clergy. I believe I briefly told you of the pilgrimage I took to Equestria. A rule for the clergy is to not speak to the natives or anypony in Equestria. We are to be unseen, unnoticed, and unheard.” “Well… I was a naturally rebellious young colt, so I snuck off with Yellowtail and some of the younger stallions, and we explored the city of Canterlot and talked to a bunch of different ponies. We learned so much… too much. I was horrified, confused, and terrified of what I had done. I was afraid for Yellowtail; I thought I had killed my best friend by taking him with me.” “But one day, I spoke out against The Grand Archmage and said that we were not following Equestria, Celestia’s message, and we were outcasts, hated by our neighbors justifiably so. The Grand Archmage pulled me aside and warned me to never speak out like that, or I’d be put to death by the Regency Council. They make up what Celestia said, what the ‘truth’ was, and what ideas and words even meant. The Clergy was just barely holding on to power and did everything in their power to protect creatures like you and me… from the outside world.” “So in one last act of defiance, I used an amplify voice spell and declared that The Church was heresy, the Regency Council was evil, and Unicorn authority had no basis in faith. After that, I escaped with Yellowtail through a resistance network and made it to Swallowtail. But I have… a ten thousand bit bounty on my head, and there are…” he’d quietly whisper, “Spies… assassins everywhere. But I refuse to be silenced, and neither does Yellowtail… so if you believe this is too much of a risk… I understand.” Twilight looked upon Quill with a concerned, worried expression that slowly melted into something else, “I can’t believe you had to go through such struggles to free yourself and your friends of that tyranny. You should be proud of your bravery. And thank you, I appreciate your honesty. I know how difficult that must have been to tell me of all creatures….” she gave him a soft laugh. “And as for the danger… well, I’m sure at least some of my exploits with my friends made it back to Unicornica whole and untouched? I promise I can handle myself well enough, and I’ll protect you and Yellowtail as best as I can.” Her smile softened considerably; the thought of Quill– or any creature being killed for such a thing disheartened her deeply, “Luckily, my brother made sure I excelled in Shield magic.” “I’m no novice at attack and defensive magic myself. I collected a few scrolls and books on the topic myself,” chuckled Quill, “I doubt they’d lay a hoof on you, Twilight. Most creatures who believe in Celestia think you are the Immortal Heiress, next in line for the throne. “ “Oh yes, I think I remember someone referring to me with that title… I’m not really sure what to make of it, but it doesn’t matter. I just don’t want you or anyone else getting hurt.” her tone was soft but firm. She turned back to her salad, stabbing a ripe cherry tomato before popping it into her mouth. The Unicorn quietly ate for a moment before looking up at Twilight, his eyes seeming to trail around the room as if he avoided looking at her, “...Were you writing in a book during the service?” Twilight perked up before becoming slightly embarrassed, “Ah, well… yes! I’m recording everything I’ve seen so far on our expedition. I admit I was really intrigued by your sermon. I don’t mean to insult, but were you perhaps inspired by Equestrian scripture? I mean, other than the obvious.” She chuckled. Quill nodded, twirling his cup of tea idly as if it were a fine wine, “Yes, our faith’s holy book is commonly referred to as The Equestria Chronicles or Equestrian Chronicle. The collection of the history of Equestria. Our religion more or less uses the stories and quotes from Celestia and Luna as the foundation for our faith’s moral character.” The Unicorn’s expression became intrigued as he tilted and peered his head toward Twilight’s cloak, “Do you mind sharing what you have written down so far? I’d love to read of your exploits.” The alicorn perked up and smiled, pulling the journal out of her cloak before gently setting it on the table. “Not all of it is my writings, actually. Some of them are actually from Celestia herself. She made this so I might be more familiar with the land and creatures we may encounter. I knew I had to record everything so the information could be spread far and wide when we returned to Equestria!” Twilight smiled brightly, “I’ve written down quite a lot, so I’ll just choose the most interesting logs. Otherwise, we would be here all day.” Flipping through the pages, she eventually stopped on a page detailing their dealings with the pirates who attacked their ship, Pinkie drinking the lamb under the table, and the injured creatures who eventually healed. Then Yakyakistan, regaling the Unicorn about the village, culture, and even her experience with Starlight Glimmer. That she felt a little guilty about, it almost felt like gossiping, but she only spoke the truth and of the aftermath that brought her into their expedition. And she couldn’t forget Thorax, Trixie, and Yona. She couldn’t help but be a little worried for the Yak. Turning a page, she landed on Griffinstone, meeting with their new Queen, exploring the culture, and speaking with Grandpa Gruff. Gilda and Rainbow Dash hanging out, Twilight helping the griffin ready herself for her new position, allowing Gallus to join them. By the time she was done with that page, Twilight needed a drink of water. Her throat was absolutely parched from talking at such length. She gave Quill a shy grin as her voice seemed to die, taking a long gulp of her tea. Quill’s paused, giving a firm nod as they spoke, “This is… that’s so… brilliant!” erupted the stallion, eyes bright and full of foal-like wonder, “My goodness gracious! This has to be the greatest collection of recent history in years!” Quill quickly took the book as he greedily skimmed through the pages with a smile glued to his lips. As he muttered its contents, his horn lit up, and he instinctively scrawled the information down on sets of scrolls he pulled from a shelf across the room. “My gosh, Twilight, you’re simply brilliant!” praised Quill as he looked at the alicorn with wonder, “Not that I didn’t think you were brilliant before; I mean, you are a hero and savior of Equestria. After all, but I’m… I’m at a loss for words, my dear!” The Archmage took a long sip of tea as he collected himself, blushing awkwardly as he idly tapped his hooves together. Twilight looked up in surprise, quickly noticing the blush on the stallion’s face. She realized what that meant, finding the color rising to her cheeks. “Um, thank you!” She couldn’t help but adjust her mane, “It’s nothing, really; I’ve always enjoyed recording my adventures. Honestly, it’s become something of a ritual or tradition when I, or one of my friends, go through something significant. Writing it down helps you remember and consider what you’ve learned, rather than forgetting it.” “I, um, I’m glad you like it! Feel free to copy anything down; just please be careful with that. Celestia gave it to me, hehe.” Twilight smiled softly. Quill gasped as he learned the book’s origin, recoiling in both fear and wonder, “Oh my, I hadn’t realized this was something this important. My apologies, let me return it….” Quill quickly raced through the book, now using two quills as he copied the information down before snapping the book shut and returning it to Twilight. “Well, I hope you’ll still have room in your book once you’re through with Griffonia!” laughed Quill. “You’re fine, I promise! She wouldn’t mind.” Twilight gave him a soft gaze and a chuckle, “I hope so as well! There’s just been so much to record. I might have to make another journal to fit it all!” “Perhaps we can have an exchange? I was wondering if I could look through one of your Chronicles. I’m quite interested in it. I’d like to have one, so I may compare it to Equestrian texts.” Quill quickly got up from his seat, “Certainly, I will fetch that for you right away, excuse me.” The stallion promptly left the room before, moments later, Yellowtail stepped into the backroom, tobacco pipe dangling from his mouth as he whistled and smoked to himself. Yellowtail seemed to be on autopilot for a moment as he made himself a cup of tea before he turned to face Twilight, “Well, he’s certainly happy.” chuckled Yellowtail. Twilight blinked, wrinkling her nose before subtly clearing the smoke with a hoof. It wasn’t her place to tell others what to do, especially in their own homes. She was nearly distracted by the scent when the stallion spoke. “Oh, uh–” The alicorn hesitated, unsure of what to say. “Well, I did just give him a journal Celestia herself had written, so… I’d be pretty happy too.” Although Twilight had a feeling that wasn’t what Yellowtail was getting at. The earth pony gave a firm nod as he puffed on his pipe, “Despite my diligence, I’m a pretty lousy elder. I’m no scribe; I’m a hooves-on kind of colt.” chuckled the Elder, “But ever since you showed up my friend Quill has been over the moon and back. Dying to hear as much as possible and record everything.” Yellowtail sipped his tea as he exhaled smoke from his nostrils, “You certainly made his year.” He chuckled. Twilight couldn’t help the blush that came to her cheeks, looking down at her cup of tea, swirling her spoon around in the liquid to give herself something to do. “Ah, well…” She mumbled, trying to find her words. “He’s a very kind stallion, and he seems quite intelligent. I’m… eager to learn more from him, and I’m sure he is too.” Yellowtail peered at Twilight curiously before returning back to his tea and pipe. As Quill stepped back into the room, “Apologies everypony, I had to give goodbye hugs and kisses and such.” Quill cleared his throat as he placed a massive book in front of Twilight, straining, “Here we are, The Equestria Chronicles.” sighed the stallion. Yellowtail raised his hoof, “I’m confused; surely you, of all pony’s, know of our species’ history and spirituality.” questioned the earth pony. Twilight smiled at the Unicorn, “Thank you, Quill. I imagine that must have taken a toll,” turning to Yellowtail, she gave him a somewhat nervous grin, “Well, I do, but I want to compare between traditional Equestrian history to your own chronicle. From what I heard earlier, it’s quite similar, but I can’t help but be curious. Plus, I’m weak for a good book.” Looking down at the hefty tome, the alicorn could almost feel herself begin to salivate at the possible new information. The sheer size of the volume was impressive, which meant all the more information to take in and record. Her horn burning to life, she opened the book to the first page and instantly became absorbed. She began multitasking with ease, writing in her journal, turning pages, and sipping her tea simultaneously. “We personally use the old Chronicle and more modern renditions of Equestrian history so we can have a fair assessment for the faith.” explained Yellowtail, “Celestia and Luna don’t need tall tales to show their power and character.” Quill nodded, “Yes, the old Chronicle is a collection of older texts from the time of Starswirl The Bearded and stops about two hundred and fifty years after the banishment of Princess Luna.” Quill continued, “However a majority of Elders and Archmages, even the Unicornican one’s record and relay tales of great ponies like Cadance, yourself, Shining Armor, and your friends. As figures of veneration or sort of… 'spiritual elderhood', as the old Archmage said. If they weren’t alicorns or Unicorns.” Twilight murmured to herself, repeating their words as her eyes kept scanning the pages, the feather quill in her magic never stopping its scribbling as it wrote everything down. That was until she eventually processed the words, her focus slowed, and she turned to the stallions with some interest. “Even in Unicornica?” She seemed a little uncertain, “I want to ask what they believe about my friends and myself, but I’m not entirely sure I want to hear it. Considering their track record against non-Unicorns….” “Ah… well… we sorta thought you and your friends were...” Quill fumbled. “We thought your friends were your slaves,” answered Yellowtail bluntly. “W-We were taught by our elders that you were a merciful and kind master that was firm but fair with your five spiritual and physical slaves who were bound to you,” explained Quill, “Obviously just a horrible way to justify the institution of slavery!” Twilight’s face twisted into one of disgust and anger. How dare they twist her relationship with her friends into something so– so vile?! She set down her journal and her pen, not wanting to spill any ink onto the parchment. “I had no idea any creature could twist words and… lie like that. I knew ponies could but… to such a degree, it’s almost unfathomable,” her ears lowered, turning to the two stallions, her anger turning to sadness, “How could they do this? Who began such awful teachings?” Quill bowed his head in shame as he elaborated, rubbing his hooves together nervously, “The general message and theme were that alicorns were divine beings; submission to their authority was mandatory. Even for Unicorns, and to prove that fact, we were shown and taught that all of your friends, even ones as beautiful and held in high regard like Rarity, were obedient, loyal, and dedicated spiritual and physical slaves.” Yellowtail chuckled, laughing to himself, “I can’t believe we thought that was true. But thank goodness many ponies in the old temple don’t believe in the garbage the ‘theists’ in the Council believe in… shameful….” She couldn’t believe it, shaking her head. But it was beginning to make sense… Old, archaic forms of Equestrian religion, specifically towards Celestia and Luna, did indeed state that submission to the ‘Sister Gods’ was mandatory. Otherwise, one would be burned with the might of the sun, then their ashes scattered into the sky by the moon. But how she and her friends were twisted into this message couldn’t help but hurt. How many ponies believed those stories? “Well, I am grateful there are at least some creatures that don’t believe it….” Twilight sighed with little relief, “But I can’t believe somepony would do such a thing in order to gain power… and how Equestria or Celestia herself hasn’t heard anything of the sort!” “Unicornican society is very secretive and rigid; only the highest of Unicorns and spiritual leaders can leave the country legally, and everyone else is trapped inside. Nothing gets in or out. Not to mention the coded language and use of old Ponish keeps public conversation controlled and private.” explained Quill as he rubbed his brow. Yellowtail looked over at Twilight as he slipped the pipe out of his maul, “Take it from me, your Excellency. As a former slave and guard, I only knew what I needed to know to fulfill my ordered task. I didn’t know anything. I didn’t know how to read or write. I didn’t know anything past counting, addition, and subtraction. Many Earth ponies who don’t go to the guard are only taught one language, either Griffish or Ponish, so organized revolts are impossible.” “That is… barbaric,” Twilight couldn’t help the clear disgust on her face, the idea of keeping knowledge intentionally away from ponies, especially colts and fillies who were blossoming minds needing information to learn about their world, was horrific, especially to a princess who valued knowledge so highly. “I cannot believe this! I must send another letter to Celestia and note everything down. Ponies, creatures, regardless of their species, should never be slaves and be content with a life of servitude!” She stamped her hoof. Turning to Yellowtail, her expression turned softer, more apologetic. “I’m… I’m so sorry that nothing was done sooner. But we will stop this, I promise… but how did you escape?” Quill and Yellowtail gave an appreciative smile to Twilight, a relief washing over them as somepony they held in such high regard and authority validated their beliefs they sacrificed so much for. Quill rubbed his eyes as he fought back a teary expression of gratitude. Yellowtail smiled as he looked over at Quill and then back at Twilight, “I was a gift to Quill’s father from a Unicorn Captain I served under. His father, Racing Feathers, was a brave warrior who climbed his way to the ranks and saved my old master’s life during a Republic raid. His loyalty awarded me to him.” The Earth pony looked over to Quill before sighing, “Fortunately for me, I was more or less adopted into Quill’s family. They are probably one of the few families in the Kingdom ever known to do that. But Quill’s father was a top Pegasus warrior, and his mother was a lower-level Unicorn scribe. A pretty middling life by most Unicorn standards.” The alicorn listened intently, not wanting to lose a scrap of information. Not only was it his story, but it gave her an insight into the society and culture that Unicornica had. Twilight’s brow raised, turning to Quill, “Your father was a pegasus? But I thought all non-unicorns were slaves?” Perhaps she had assumed wrong, and it was only earth ponies? “Technically, we’re all slaves to Celestia and Luna, but at the top are Unicorns, then you have free Pegasus, then Earth ponies, enslaved ponies, and at the very bottom are enslaved sentient creatures,” explained Quill, “The only way ponies go into slavery is if they break a serious law, most commonly treason and terrorism. If a pony so much as speaks against the crown, they would be bound in chains… but not only them but their entire family would be bound in bondage forever as well.” “So most non-Unicorn ponies act subservient to Unicorns anyway because if they don’t, they’ll be forced to in chains. Since generations of fear and discipline were instilled into them, most ponies just act submissive out of societal pressure.” “Not to mention that any Unicorn with the extra bits to spare can just buy some poor Harpy or Griffin to be their servants…” spat Yellowtail. Twilight brought her hooves to her lips, she wasn’t sure how but that seemed even worse than what she initially thought. It sounded… it sounded horrible, even worse than Tartarus! At least those imprisoned in Tartarus weren’t enslaved; they were prisoners! But these ponies, these creatures, their lives were nothing but struggle, hatred, and fear. “This is horrific...” Twilight shook her head, “I cannot let this stand. After my friends and I are done in Swallowtail, we must travel to Unicornica and stop this at once! Innocent lives having their hopes dashed away, their future being tarnished by selfish ponies who believe to be their betters! The sins of the father are not sins of the son, and even so, speaking one’s mind should not be a crime!” The alicorn took a deep breath, realizing her horn had started burning to life during her rant. She let out a small squeak and licked her hoof, pressing it to her horn to aid in halting the magical surge threatening to break free. It sizzled out like a flame being extinguished. “Ehehe, sorry about that….” Yellowtail and Quill looked at one another with a confident smile. “I think we have a plan….let's talk option two.” > All Quirky On The Western Front > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was early in the morning when Pinkie left. She was among the first to leave the Doge’s palace, escorted by guards from the Great Tree to a supply wagon heading toward the border. There were about six or so Griffin guards and three earth ponies had dragged the supplies out into the vast and open countryside where the earth pony and other 'wingless' farmers were. The journey occupying the marjority of the morning, though Pinkie hardly noticed in her slumber. Those who were in eyeshot of the caravan could be seen peering and gawking at the armored and heavily armed patrol marching along a long dirt road. The Captain, a Griffin named Gerhardt, a scrappy-looking black and brown Griffin clad in Griffish armor, wearing a red surcoat over his armor with a golden thread that resembled a large tree in the center. With an eye patch and a large scar that raced across his eyelid and underneath the patch, a sizeable cavalier hat sat atop his head, with a crimson feather poking from the brim. The feather was symbolic, giving away his experience and suffering in this conflict away from home. It was up to Pinkie to boost morale and brighten up these weary soldiers’ days. But something was off… something felt familiar. A Griffin perked his head up and called out to the train, “Someone is running toward us ahead of the road.” Gerhardt chuckled, “Relax, it’s just a civilian; we’re too deep in friendly territory for any Unicorns… whoever they are, they’re in a hurry...” “... Sir, they’re not slowing down… I think they’re going faster.” Warned the Griffin trooper. “... HEY!” called Gerhardt, “SLOW DOWN– … wait… is that– EVERYONE TAKE COVER!” Several troopers screamed as they were tossed in the air and landed behind Pinkie’s wagon. Gerhardt included, “Augh....Oh… Paprika… good to see you… I thought you were….” The springy Alpaca landed in front of Pinkie Pie as she hopped excitedly, scrambling her legs around as she raced in place, “Dead? Never! I just took a short vacation.” Giggled Paprika as she immediately hugged Pinkie in an iron grip, “Pinkie!!!!” She quickly swung around wildly with the mare in her front legs as the Griffin guards got up and tended to their fresh wounds, “Well… I’m glad you knew of Paprika at least… (though that puts a wrench in my party plans....)” chuckled the Captain nervously. Pinkie beamed excitedly, squeezing the Alpaca back with as much strength as she could possibly muster. She couldn’t help but snuggle her cheeky into Paprika’s coat, giggling joyfully. Paprika snorted, “Sorry, Captain, but Pinkie already knows me! If anything…you should be afraid…” she blankly stared at the Captain with a large smile. “Of course, I know Paprika; why, she’s practically my sister from another mister!” The pink mare turned just enough to face Gerhardt before snapping back to Paprika again, “I can’t believe you’re here; I was so worried we’d never see each other again!” Slipping seamlessly from the Alpaca’s grip and the wagon, Pinkie flipped over Paprika, landing on all four hooves, “Maybe you can help me out! I’m gonna show the soldiers what a pony party is like! Ooh, maybe you can show me what an Alpaca party is like too! Eee, this is gonna be so much fun!” She sprung into the air, bouncing up and down with a bright smile. Gerhardt adjusted his hat before sighing, clasping his claws together as he prayed, clenching his eyes shut as he hoped and wished that Boreas would spare him from any calamity that these two creatures could do in in a few days. “Oh goodie, I was just coming up the road to make sure the supplies were on the way!” beamed Paprika clapping her front hooves together excitedly, “The camp is just a few miles up the road, should be there by lunchtime!” smiled the Alpaca. Gerhardt wrangled his displaced and dazed Griffins back in line before the earth pony haulers pulled the wagons back on the road, and just as Paprika promised, they arrived at the large encampment just a few miles down the road. Massive tents crowded a large field that was separated by a large river that sat by a forest, where in the distance, several large mountains peaked above the tree line and into the horizon. It had taken hours, but they made it to ‘Tent Town,’ or at least that’s what a small picket sign read that was riddled with powder and shot holes. Hundreds of Griffin, Harpy, and Pony soldiers walked around the camp, patrolling, guarding, cooking, cleaning, and maintaining the ‘town.’ Inside the town were non-combatants and civilians offering services to the soldiers. Food, jewelry, trinkets, and other goods were sold by merchants that passed through the camp. Farmers sold their food for bits, not only supplying the army with food but getting money from the exchange as well. It seemed Swallowtail’s mercantile sense never left any of its institutions, not even during a time of war. A Pegasus, wearing a steel chest plate and a cloth cap, fluttered over. A distinctive gold cloth lined the trim of the cloth cap as she peered at the supplies, and then Pinkie smiled, welcoming who she assumed was a recruit. “Welcome to Tent Town Priv–” Her expression changed in a split second, snapping, “YOU ARE OUT OF UNIFORM SOLDIER; WHERE IS YOUR ARMOR!?” Pinkie seemed unperturbed by her shouting, a broad smile growing on her lips. In a split second, the mare zipped forward, nearly nose-to-nose with the Pegasus. Taking a deep breath, she boomed, matching her volume, “HI, IT’S NICE TO MEET YOOOOOU!” “My name’s Pinkie Pie; what’s your name?” Her smile was bright and friendly, “Ooh ooh, can I call you Sollie? That’s a cute nickname, Sollie the Soldier! Hehe!” The party mare turned, gesturing to the Alpaca, “Hey Paprika, do you know this Pony? She’s shouty!” A few of the griffins behind them cringed, shifting uncomfortably. Even the most mischievous of them wouldn’t be brash so openly like that. Pinkie Pie still didn’t seem to notice, bouncing up and down; her energy seemed to be unending. “Ooh, I didn’t know we get armor! I’d love to be a knight.” Paprika had left Pinkie’s side, standing behind the shifting and cringing soldiers. The sherbet orange mare turned red, almost crimson with rage, as she bit her lower lip, seeming mere moments from exploding. The soldier's cowered in terror before the loudest tirade in the continent’s history came to fruition. “DID I ASK FOR A NAME MAGGOT? I ASKED FOR YOUR ARMOR; BUT YOU WANT TO KNOW MY NAME RIGHT? MY NAME IS SARGENT SUNSET ORANGE. BUT YOU CAN CALL ME SERGEANT ORANGE OR SERGEANT. AND WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU DON’T HAVE ANY? YOU EXPECT ME TO BELIEVE ANY OF THAT MAGGOT!?” roared the Pegasus. She instantly snapped, looming over Pinkie as she pressed her hoof repeatedly into her chest, “THE TRUTH IS YOU LOST, AN EXPENSIVE PIECE OF REPUBLIC ISSUED EQUIPMENT, AND THAT ARMOR IS GOING TO COME OUT OF YOUR POCKET! AND YOU WILL REMAIN IN THIS MARE’S ARMY UNTIL YOU ARE FIVE HUNDRED AND TEN YEARS OLD. BECAUSE THAT IS THE NUMBER OF YEARS, IT WILL TAKE TO PAY OFF THAT SUIT OF ARMOR AND TO RECOVER THE AMOUNT OF BRAIN CELLS YOU HAVE CLEARLY LOST.” The Pegasus quickly scooped Pinkie up, cocking her in her right hoof like someone throwing a hoofball, “NOW GET OUT OF MY FACE AND DON’T COME BACK TIL’ YOU LOOK LIKE A SOLDIER!” And with one mighty swing, she chucked Pinkie Pie several yards into the camp, perfectly landing her right in front of a large tent that acted like an armory. Where, somehow, Paprika was expectantly waiting for her there. “Hehe yeah… that’s Sargent Orange… she’s uh… all serious…” nervously chuckled Paprika. “Wuhh…” The party mare managed to get to her hooves, stars filling her vision for a brief moment. Pinkie shook her head quickly, still a little dazed, “... p-pretty birdie….” Snapping back to her senses, the mare looked up, “She’s got one wicked throwing hoof! She’d be great at hoofball!” Her smile returned quickly, shaking off the shock of the impact. Pressing a hoof to her ear, Pinkie winced softly, “Ooo, my ears are still a-ringing!” “So, armor, right?” Trotting up, she curiously looked inside the tent, her tail swinging left and right. “You think they have anything in my color? Hehe, now I sound like Rarity….” Paprika laughed, “If you think that’s bad, you should ask about the peach incident.” “Let’s NOT do that!” Gerhardt flapped over, landing in front of the two before adjusting his hat, “Paprika, how did you? … Ugh… never mind, sorry about that, Pinkie. I had to explain to the Sergeant that you were just the entertainment, haha… (wait, how did Paprika get ahead of me?” “Er, listen, Pinkie Pie,” explained Gerhardt, “We’re not exactly sure… look, the Doge said that you would know what to do once you got here? Just tell me what you need, and I can get the Sarge to help.” “Ou ou!” bounced Paprika, “I can help too!” Gerhardt let out an exhausted sigh, patting his face with a washcloth, “Er, of course, Paprika, you’re a favorite around here.” He gave the maiden a worn but genuine smile. Pinkie Pie grinned, “Of course, I’ll need all the help I can get, and with a creature of your skills, I know this’ll be a cinch!” The party mare wrapped a hoof around Paprika’s shoulders, squeezing her to her side. “Okay, we’re gonna need streamers, lights, party hats….” Pinkie began listing everything one might need for an extravaganza of a party, going rapidly, “Cake, cookies, confetti, sprinkles, sugar, oooh ooh, pudding of course, music….” “Griffins like games, right? Ooh, maybe we can play Go Fish or Pin the Tail on the Pony!” Looking up at Gerhardt, the joyful look in her eye was completely sincere. “I love party games! Ooh, Paprika, what kind of games do you know?” “Hmm… well, there’s this one game we Alpaca love! It’s racing stones down a mountainside or PRETENDING to be a stone tumbling down a mountainside; the second one is really fun!” giggled Paprika. Gerhardt had been writing down Pinkie’s list of goods she’d requested, nodding to himself, “Games… got it…” scribbled the Captain before stuffing his paper into a satchel, “Well, I’ll go talk to the chefs then and see what we have if you two want there’s the small bazaar in the center of camp, and the chow tent is where I’m going.” “Let the chef know if he needs any help. I’m a mean lean dessert-bakin’ queen.” The party mare looked rather proud of herself, “I can bake a cake in under thirty minutes!” Pinkie gave the Griffin a wink before nodding eagerly. Paprika licked her lips, “It is lunchtime, and we could ask all the soldiers there what they want for their party!” Gerhardt peered to the side, nervously chuckling, “They’re all gonna say booze….” “That sounds great, we can see what the party guests will want, and we can eat. It’s a win-win!” Pinkie grinned, “Oh right, booze! Of course, we’re gonna need tooooooooons of that, rum, cider, whiskey… anything we got!” Bouncing beside Gerhardt, she gave him an easy smile, “Lead the way, sir knight!” She bowed dramatically, giggling to herself. Gerhardt tugged the cloth bodysuit underneath his armor around his neck as he blushed, nervously chuckling as he cleared his throat, “Right then, come along then, ladies.” Paprika tilted her head curiously at the Captain, nudging him playfully as she gave the Captain a knowing look, causing the Griffin knight to squawk uncomfortably as his face burned red. As he escorted them to the Chow Tent. It was a massive kitchen and banquet hall where dozens of troopers and guards sat and ate while a dozen chefs and cooks prepared pounds of food and gallons of juice for the soldiers. Today was vegetable soup and grilled cheese with apple juice, no less. Gerhardt walked up to the chef, lifting his hat to the blue and cream Hippogriff cook wearing white work clothes stained with red broth, a feather net atop his head, “Gabriel, this is Pinkie Pie, you know Paprika….” The Hippogriff grinned, “Oh yeah, how could I forget?” the Hippogriff looked down at the mare, “So what’s up?” “Oh!” Gerhardt handed the chef a list of Pinkie’s requested supplies. The chef paused as he mumbled to himself, reviewing the list, “... Mhm… yeah, I can do that; just ask around to see what the grunts want.” “Nice to meetcha! Oh, I don’t think I’ve ever met a hippie-griffin!” Pinkie Pie sprung forward, wrapping around, nearly tying herself into a knot to squeeze between him and list, pointing things out, “I’m a baker too, so if you need any help baking, I can do it, no problem! I make a mean flambé.” The Hippogriff squealed and squawked as he was squeezed, causing his cooks and chefs to look in amusement and confusion at the display of affection, “What the Hell just happened?” replied Gabriel, gobsmacked. Disentangling herself from… herself, she snapped back to her original spot next to Paprika, grinning as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened. “Oh, and we’ll need plenty of booze– do you have any punch bowls? And maybe limes? Ooh, ooh, and cherries! Lots and lots of cherries!” The mare decidedly did not explain why she needed those items. “Hey, Pappy, what can you cook?” With ruffled feathers, the chef stamped angrily as he shouted at Pinkie, “What was that!” he quickly blinked as Pinkie returned next to Paprika. The Hippogriff quickly face palming, “Oy vey… another Paprika in pony form.” The chef sighed, “Alright, whatever, just don’t… don’t touch me…” shivered Gabriel.” “Okey dokey, loki!” Pinkie didn’t seem bothered by his reaction if she seemed to notice it at all. Giggling softly, she nodded, “Sorry about getting all twisted up. Sometimes I get too excited meeting new friends, but I’ll be on my best behavior!” The mare jutted out her jaw and snapped into a mock salute, looking incredibly serious. The expression quickly melted away, giggles wracking her form as she tried to hold back her usual overwhelming energy. “Is there anything you’d like at the party?” She asked suddenly, “This is going to be a celebration of all the hard work everyone has been doing, so I want to make sure everyone is having the best time ever! So just let me know if you want anything super extra special, okay?” She looked briefly between Gabriel and Gerhardt, “If a single creature isn’t having fun at this party, then I will have failed as the Party Planning Pony that I am!” She brought a hoof to her chest as if she were taking an oath, “I, Pinkamena Diane Pie, will not rest until every pony, griffin, and hippogriff has the greatest party EVER!” Gabriel and Gerhardt looked between one another before clapping and applauding Pinkie’s speech, the soldiers in the banquet hall joining in as they cheered and toasted the pink mare. “Hear, hear!” called the troopers. Paprika giggled, “This is going to be so much fun!” “Oh, you KNOW it, sister!” Pinkie zipped forward, wrapping a hoof around the Alpaca’s shoulders, “This party’s gonna outshine anything that’s on the branches of that tree; even Celestia’s gonna be like:” The party mare seemed to jump up, hovering in mid-air before fluffing up her mane accordingly, doing her best impression of Princess Celestia, “Oh my, what an absolutively amazing fantastical party! I just know that’s Pinkie Pie and her friends!” Plopping back down on the ground, she gave the troopers several bows before beaming once more, “So if any of you griffs or pegasi want something special, lemme hear it!!” Paprika watched in pleasure and amusement at Pinkie’s reality-breaking display of prowess and power as the bewildered and now terrified Gerhardt was drenched in sweat as he helplessly patted his brow and face with a handkerchief, quietly praying and pleading in his native Griffish tongue as he swallowed back the fear and anxiety that had practically suffocated him. Gabriel, who was also observing Pinkie, though he took note of the mare’s 'finer qualities', giving his Griffin comrade a playful nudge and a sly wink, “We certainly won’t be short on any kind of cake, right Captain?” Gerhardt rolled his eyes, his face burning with embarrassment and slight frustration as he quickly attempted to take control of the situation once again, lest it spirals into madness, “Er, Ms. Pie!” called the Captain. “Let’s just scale back the party. Make it like the one’s from your hometown in Equestria perhaps? I was informed by His Excellency that you were a Party Planner?” “I sure hope we’ll have cake; it ain’t a party unless there’s cake involved!” The mare grinned, seemingly unaware of what his tone really meant. Turning to Garhardt, she nodded eagerly. “Yeah, I was the resident party planning mare of Ponyville! Ooh… I hope nopony’s come by and taken my place!” A sudden concerned look passed across her face before her joyful gaze returned, “Ah well, Ponyville needs to have fun too, even when I’m away!” “So you don’t want a big, fantastic, fantabulous party? Oooh… I just wanted to show everyone how excited I am to be here, my friends and me! But if you don’t want a big party, I understand….” Pinkie dug a hoof into the dirt, suddenly reminded of something, “My big sister doesn’t like big parties either… “So it’s okay! I’ll make it the best, most fantabulous tiiiiiiiny party ever!!” She grinned, whispering as she picked up a small pebble, holding it like a precious stone. Gerhardt shook his head as his head spun, to him she babbled, and Ponish wasn’t a first language. Despite his extensive use of the Equine dialect, he still had his cases of misheard, mistranslated, and misinterpreted exchanges. He didn’t want this mare of all creatures to be on the list of incidences. Less his head be put on a pike for failing a direct order given by the Doge. Gerhardt adjusted himself as he affixed his hat properly before clearing his throat, “Er… tell you what. I have a feeling if I try to keep pulling you back and controlling this operation, I’ll be more twisted than a pretzel… you’re in charge of the entertainment. I’ll just stick by you for report purposes.” Gabriel laughed, “C’mon Gerhardt, the party hasn’t even started, and you’re already folding over to her!” Gerhardt grumbled as he placed a claw over his temple. Paprika snorted, “I think the Captain is giving us the go-ahead for the best party ever!” exclaimed the maiden. The Chow Tent erupted into cheers and shouts for requests of booze, sweets, and a collection of hardy and fatty stews and meals from Griffin and Pony alike. It was going to be a busy day for the cooks and Pinkie. “Eeeeee!!” Pinkie Pie zipped over, wrapping Gerhardt up into a signature pink hug, squeezing him tight (but not too tight!), rocking him around in her arms before setting him down. “Thank you, thank you, thank you!! I promise this is gonna be the best party ever! And I promise, it won’t get too out of control; it’ll be a regular… hoot!” She giggled, taking a split second to nuzzle her face into his feathery chest before zipping to Paprika’s side, wrapping a hoof around her. Somehow Gerhardt was still in her grip, pressed to her side. The Griffin puffed up into a feathery ball of fluff, his face, and cheeks a deep crimson as he nervously chortled and chuckled to himself. Squawking awkwardly as he was cradled like a hatchling, a sense of embarrassment washed over him as his comrades laughed and envied their Captain. “C’mon, we got a lotta work to do, and daylight’s burnin’! Hehe, I sound like Applejack….” To say that it was a lot of work was an understatement. After all, it’s not easy feeding an entire army and the civilian guests within it. Dozens and dozens of cakes were made, and hundreds of pounds of stock, fish, eggs, flour, and other ingredients went into making this entire banquet and celebration plausible. Gerhardt managed the chaos with a cool head and swift quill while Gabriel whipped the cooks into shape. Paprika got a formal education in all things baking from the pink mare, and it wasn’t long before she was in on the baking and food prep. Conjuring fruity pastries and delicious salads from thin air with her basket of treats. With Pinkie seeming to educate the maiden on both pratical baking knowledge and otherwordly expliots against the very fabric of their shared reality. Finally, the kitchen could take heart and a deep breath after that. Pinkie and Paprika were the star gals of the night, being the organizers and executors of such an elaborate and in-depth way of showing these weary souls a good time in between the conflict that consumed all of them. Its presence looms over the event like a shadow. Tonight was an escape. Food crowded the dozens of tables with barrels of booze lining and crowded the tent’s rightmost corner as troopers lined the tent out into the camp. Games, gambling, drinking, and music filled the camp as the sounds of instruments, and folk songs filled the air. For a night, they could enjoy themselves, the food, the drinks, and the company, and enjoy the company they did. However, alcohol did play a prominent role in aiding the event too. Gerhardt rested atop a lone barrel, resting his weary claws on the large crate before him. Fishing a wood-carved smoking pipe as he began smoking, puffing on the pipe, he puffed smoke sighing in relief as the weary and exhausted Captain attempted to unwind with a quiet sigh. Wiping the sweat from her brow, Pinkie took in their work with a bright smile. Had they had more time, she might have managed to find someone with construction experience to help build a Ferris wheel. Now that would have brought everything together. Ah well, they did the best they could with the time they had, and she had spent the last hour or two serving food and drinks and helping with party games. It had been an exhausting amount of fun. With an exhausted sigh, Pinkie slunk to the ground next to Gerhardt, a satisfied smile on her lips. “Good job, and thanks for helping out! Boy, that was a doozy….” She giggled, a slight snort following her laughter, “Gerhardt-y, are you not gonna join the fun? Oooh, you smoke? My pap-pap does that too!” Her grin was wide, but she was clearly a little tired. “Mmm… this pink Pony just needs a little rest, then she’s back on her hooves… Where’s Paprika?” The Captain shook his head quickly as he chuckled softly at Pinkie Pie, “I’m not much of a…’ party animal’ as you ponies say. I did my job, the boys are happy, and I didn’t upset the Doge. What’s not to like…?” The Captain slowly climbed out of his seat, hoisting Pinkie up from the ground and seating her atop the crate to rest before he sat down on the ground across from her, mimicking the posture and demeanor of a cat as he rested on the dirt. “I believe I saw her-” a high pitch giggle echoed from a distance as the Captain was interrupted, “Er, I saw her in the bouncy castle you somehow packed despite not having a suitcase or wagon of your own. Are you going to explain how you do that, or am I just going to sit in mystery?” Gerhardt said, more as a question to the universe than Pinkie herself. Pinkie laughed softly at the giggles in the distance, grateful that Paprika was enjoying herself. Half of the fun planning and making this party had been spending time with her. Rolling around to get herself comfortable, the mare turned to Gerhardt with a cocked brow, clearly not understanding he wasn’t speaking directly to her. “What do you mean?” She considered his question momentarily, “You mean how I put the bouncy castle together, or how it works? Silly!” She giggled, shaking her head. “If you mean how I can pull things outta nowhere….” She leaned forward, nearly tilting herself off of the crate, her neck seeming to stretch, so her snout met his beak, “....... I dunno! I’ve always been able to do this stuff, ever since I was an itty bitty lil twinkie Pinkie! Well, maybe not always. When I was super itty bitty, before I saw the rainbow, I don’t think I could do any of the stuff I can now. But after that, BOOM!” “I tried asking Discord, he’s one of my friends who’s super duper smart, and he said he had no idea! Can you believe that? The Lord of Chaos not knowing? It must be a riddle trapped inside an igneous!” Gerhardt simply glanced at Pinkie before blankly staring at the encampment as he processed all of that knowledge. Quietly whispering, “Discord?...not sure?....” in disbelief as he collected himself before sighing, “....Right… secrets we aren’t meant to know trapped away….” Paprika trotted over, a party hat dropping to the left of her head. She honked and played with a party favor, “Boy Pinkie, this party thing is the bee’s knees! If only Alpace could know about this. But I’m sure we both know we’ll get to that in a few thousand words.” Gerhardt raised a brow, “A few thousand words?... Do you mean hours or days?” Paprika giggled to herself. Pinkie grinned knowingly at Paprika, throwing her a wink before turning to Gerhardt. “Oh, don’t worry about it, silly; some things are best left unsaid and better written!” Pinkie sat up, a new energy revitalizing her, “Besides, it’s time for you to enjoy the party too! Remember, this is a party for everyoooooone, including you!” She poked him gleefully. “C’mon, I wanna see you smile!” Gerhardt groaned as he was poked, grumbling as he slowly took off his Captain’s Cavalier cap before slipping it over past his face and resting it on his chest, offering the Pony the sweetest, most genuine, award-winning smile on the continent. The camp was quite literally illuminated by his bright smile. Awe turned to chaos as several men began screaming and groaning in agony, with somepony screaming out helplessly, “MY EYES!” Gerhardt quickly clamped his beak shut before slipping his hat on top of his head, “There…happy?” “I sure am!” replied Paprika. “That’s one pretty smile, Gerhardt! You should use it more often!” Pinkie grinned, “C’mon, let’s go eat or play some games. We can’t have put all this effort in just for you to be a party pooper.” Jumping up from the crate, she landed beside Gerhardt and somehow slipped underneath him, lifting him easily, “Want a pony ride? We don’t have a carousel here, but I can make it work. Now hold on tight!” Digging her hooves into the ground, Pinkie launched herself into a gallop, giggling joyfully. “Race you, Paprika!” “Scheisse!” shouted Gerhardt as he was seemingly hoisted onto the mare’s back, instinctively flailing his arms in the air as they raced away, the other troopers laughing and gawking at the sight of the racing pony and Griffin. The Alpaca quickly galloped after her, panting happily; it reminded Pinkie of Winona. “Let’s put him on the dance floor, Pinkie!” shouted the Alpaca. Gerhardt grasped his cap as he buried his face into his hat as a terrified shriek left his body. “Now, that sounds like a plan!” The party pony grinned, radically changing course as she zipped through the tents, the scent of frosting and booze in the air. Finally, they three landed in the middle of the dance floor, a band of griffins and pegasi playing up a storm. Slipping Gerhardt from her back, she grasped the Griffin’s claw and pulled him into a dance, giving him a grin. “Don’t be shy,” “It’s a party, after all! So let’s PARTY!” > Seize Your Moment > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The most talented unicorn needed a nice, relaxing bath to unwind and relax after such a stressful day. Trixie still couldn’t believe that dog had thought she was Twilight Sparkle’s jester of all things… she had a brief fantasy of rolling up a newspaper and smacking him on the head. How incredibly insulting! Trixie would never allow herself to stoop to such a level, even if it were Celestia herself! She heaved a sigh, peeling one of the cucumber slices from her eyelid before tossing the morsel in her mouth. At the very least, their amenities were to her standards, that being luxury. If she could find a servant, she’d order a massage by now. “What Trixie wouldn’t give for a nice martini….” She murmured to no one in particular. A gentle knock rapped against the bathroom door as Thorax’s voice echoed from the other side of the door, “Trixie? Are you ready to talk now, or must I keep dodging thrown objects again….” “Tell her the next time she throws something at me, I’m turning her into a skunk!” barked Starlight loudly. Thorax sighed as he shouted back, leaning against the door, “Starlight, you’re not helping! Look, Trixie, the Doge didn’t mean to offend you and is offering us an opportunity to perform in front of a live audience, and he’ll pay us!” Trixie grumbled, sinking halfway down into the tub until her mouth was below the water, blowing bubbles in annoyance. A part of her wanted to yell at him to go away, but she still needed her alone time. Another factor, however, told her he was trying his best, and she shouldn’t chase him away. She rolled her eyes at her own tender heart; Trixie really needed to stop being so kind. Pulling herself into a sitting position, her horn lit up, and she unlocked the bathroom door with a soft click. Stepping inside, Thorax noted that the mare’s mane was pulled into a towel to avoid getting wet. The scent of lavender filled the air, bubbles filled the tub, and several candles lined the porcelain and the window nearby. Trixie glanced up at him with a soft frown, pulling the remaining cucumber slice from her face and tossing it at the changeling. “... He better apologize for calling me a jester! But…” She rolled her soft purple eyes, “I suppose payment would be nice… and an audience to adore me? It’s only natural.” Thorax had been entranced by the sight of Trixie as she appeared from behind the door, the subtle smells of lavender and the scented wax candles paired with those gentle purple eyes lulled him into a trance. A warmth and blush was forming on his cheeks. Before a dull wet slap emanated off Thorax’s face as the piece of vegetable smacked against the changeling’s face, with the creature wincing slightly as he quickly tossed the cucumber slice aside in a nearby trash bin and returned to reality. “Hey!" whined Thorax, "Come on Trixie, I’m sure it’s all a big misunderstanding, but…maybe you should ah….” Thorax stammered, turning away from the mare and toward Starlight, who was sitting in the den on an oversized velvet couch. The unicorn looked up and quickly answered, “Apologize to the Doge and not make us look bad?” replied Starlight. Thorax nodded, “Y-yeah, you did…ah…overreact just a bit.” Trixie sat up straight, her face coloring a shade of purple that clearly meant another argument was going to erupt. “ME? Apologize?! For what, being rightfully angry at being demeaned?! I am not a jester and I will not be treated as such, especially for somepony like Twilight Sparkle….” She slammed a hoof into the door as if it were a table, a loud bang echoing throughout the entire guest suite. The venom in her voice was unmistakable. While she could tolerate the Princess, the thought of being under her employment or, even worse, a source of entertainment made her skin crawl. Trixie would not be made a fool. Thorax tensed up, instinctively cowering beneath her. A changeling drone like him lived underneath a matriarchal dictatorship ruled by Queen Chrysalis. And while Trixie wasn’t nearly as tyrannical as his old queen, she could be as equally as bossy, more so. Thorax swallowed as he fought the urge to tremble before he smiled. “C’mon Trixie, it’s not like he would have had prior knowledge of your greatness. We are in foreign lands; you just have to show the Doge how great and powerful you really are!” offered Thorax, his eyes glowing brightly as a large grin crossed his lips. “Then he’ll understand, and this big misunderstanding can be all cleared up!” Starlight peered from the couch as she snapped her journal shut, stuffing the book into her satchel, “Regardless, I think this would be a good way to get some bits. We still have debts and fines to pay off back in Equestria.” Thorax quickly turned to Starlight and gasped,” Ou ou! We could get some souvenirs or maybe try some of that Harpy tequila!” Trixie paused, considering the changeling’s words and tone of voice. Of course, she could impress the Doge. It wouldn’t be difficult; after all, how clever could a Diamond Dog be? She had tricked far more intelligent creatures. Sighing dramatically, the showpony pulled herself from the door and trotted into the standing shower, her horn lighting up before pulling the shower head down. She rinsed herself off, making sure not a single sud was left on her coat. “Fiiiine. Trixie supposes she can dazzle the poor pup later… can’t be that hard. Maybe I’ll just throw a tennis ball around.” Pulling the towel from her mane, she dried her coat carefully. “And for Celestia’s sake, will you stop with the alcohol? You might not work like a pony, but I doubt whatever functions as your liver isn't meant to take this much booze.” “Whenever you’re done gloating and brown-nosing, will you two come into the living room and help me plan out the Doge’s show!?” Starlight said as she shouted from the living room. Thorax rolled his eyes as he turned away from Trixie, “Likewise, I’ll see you in a few minutes.” he winked. Raising a brow at the changeling’s wink, Trixie toweled herself off, “It’s not gloating if it’s true, Starlight. Besides, when did we plan on doing this? We just got here. I’m not performing for at least a few days. Don’t tell me you’re already stir-crazy.” “We’re pressed for time; besides, this isn’t a vacation. I have to help the Republic Guard understand unicorn magic. So I can’t be at the performance like last time. That means we need to plan ahead; now, get your fat flank in here so we can finish this before we’re in a rush!” Starlight yelled. Trixie let out a whinny in exasperation, her head poking out of the open doorway to give Starlight a stinging glare, “Trixie will have you know that most stallions prefer their mares with a lil junk in their rump! No wonder you haven’t been getting any attention~.” “What do you mean, we ALL share the exact same body type!” groaned Starlight in exasperation. She swore that mare would marry her own reflection if she could. What was Thorax all jazzed up about? Starlight sighed, shaking her head. Love truly was blinding. Starlight rolled her eyes as Thorax looked between the two with a dazed and confused expression. Giving Starlight a slight smirk, the showmare sprayed herself with a few different perfumes before stepping out, looking completely refreshed. “Why can’t we just do this after you help the guard? Besides, aren’t we paying off what we owe by going on this little voyage?” Trixie let out a soft yawn, slumping into the couch. Thorax tapped his hooves together nervously, “Actually, this trip is just for the mandatory volunteer hours. We still owe The Crystal Empire bits for the damages we caused….” Starlight sighed, “Yeah, yeah, we know I’m a screw-up already. That’s why I’m here, for Pete’s sake. Now let’s get to business, alright? Since I haven’t had the time to train you, Trixie, I did you the favor of making a few explosive elixirs since civilians aren’t allowed to own fireworks up here.” The unicorn quickly revealed several colorful potions and corked bottles of dozens of magical fizzy brews, “You can use them for your entrances and exits. I also have some froggy foggy bog brew for a thick fog and mist, I have some shadowy smog, and crimson cloud potions too.” recounted Starlight. Thorax’s eyes peered excitedly at the magic, “Gee, Starlight, where did you have the time to do all of this?” Starlight chuckled, grinning, “Let’s just say Yona and I haven’t skipped any of our lessons during this long journey.” “Regardless, I have all your pyrotechnics laid out. Now you just need to make a plan and let me review it.” beamed Starlight, a familiar proud and cocky smirk creeping across her face. Trixie immediately perked up at the potions, her eyes widening to the size of dinner plates. “Well, at the very least, Trixie’s Great and Powerful Assistants were capable of doing something useful! Trixie was sorely missing her fireworks too….” Taking one of the bottles in her hooves, she held it delicately as if it were a newborn foal. “Trixie is going to take the best care of you~!” The blue unicorn stroked the glass bottle as if it were going to coo back at her. Glancing up at Starlight and Thorax, Trixie sighed, “You think Trixie just… makes up these performances on the fly?! Trixie isn’t a pegasus, you know! That performance for the Yaks was an act I… borrowed. It takes weeks of planning to make a decent stage show. Trixie is powerful, but she is no miracle worker!” “Uh… maybe we could improvise?” Thorax offered helplessly, attempting to prevent a full-on argument between the two. Starlight sighed, rubbing her temple and massaging the sides of her head with her hooves, “The point of all of this is to circumvent the need to improvise. Can’t you two just rehearse one of your sideshows, Trixie? Surely you can just cobble together a performance off of a bunch of tricks, you know?” Trixie huffed, cradling the potion to her chest, “Of course, you wouldn’t understand the complexities of a performance, Starlight Glimmer. Trixie takes her time to craft a story behind her performances to enchant her audience into shock and awe at her wondrous abilities. Do you really think that happens overnight?! You should be ashamed of yourself!” Rolling her eyes, the showpony turned to Thorax with a softer look, “At least Thorax can somewhat understand. Or at least, he tries.” Starlight rolled her eyes as she scoffed, “Puh-lease, skip the plot and give the people what they really want, a set of amazing tricks, back-to-back.” Thorax bit his lower lip before he spoke up, “Well, I mean, that’s good and all, but without a story, there’s nothing to hold the show together.” corrected Thorax. “Then just tell an old story again!” groaned Starlight. Trixie huffed, rolling her eyes dramatically. “Honestly, Starlight, between Thorax and you, it’s clear that you didn’t have a childhood at all! But I suppose that stealing cutie-mark business took precedence, huh?” Before that nasty remark could take over the conversation, Trixie kept bulldozing along, “Besides, Trixie doesn’t tell a story more than once– and she doesn’t mean re-telling a story. Trixie always makes things more entertaining!” “Trixie prefers to research an area before performing too– best to know what your audience is familiar with, so they can contextualize your performance to their own lives.” Somehow, the showmare had managed to slip in a genuine point. Starlight shot daggers from her eyes at Trixie for that low blow. She had done her damnest to avoid that topic of discussion from anypony, and for Trixie to throw a metaphorical wad of dirt in her eye made her previous point moot, to say the least. “Hogwash!” snapped Starlight, “You’re a carnie charlatan that panhandles from town to town with the same set of tricks and toys! Just make a story based on Equestria. Wouldn’t it make sense to advertise how unique and different you are to the locals instead of just drawing upon what they already know!?” retorted the unicorn. Thorax quickly piped in, “Ladies, ladies, please! Let’s not fight; now, both of you bring up pretty good points! Trixie’s right. We should learn about the locals first, but Starlight, you make a good point! Maybe we should showcase just how different we are and give Swallowtail an Equestrian performance, bottom line.” Something suddenly… clicked as the bug paused for a moment, his expression vanishing instantly for a moment as the gears in his head turned. This could be an opportunity to finally talk to Trixie and hang out with her alone. The changeling quickly turned to the mare as he desperately stammered. “I think you and I should explore Swallowtail and see how we can incorporate what we know into the show while Starlight helps the Republic Guard,” offered Thorax, “...O-of course it’s whatever anypony wants!” Trixie was ready to throw yet another biting remark at her fellow unicorn when Thorax interrupted. It gave her a moment to cool down and think… yes, that would be acceptable. Frankly, anything would be better than arguing with Starlight, even if watching her lilac fur turn a bright red in anger was incredibly amusing. Levitating a glass of wine from the nearby table, the showpony lounged against the couch and swirled the beverage around, taking a dainty sip, “That sounds like a lovely idea. It would also give us time to relax before engaging with that dog again… did you have anything in mind?” Starlight narrowed her eyes between Thorax and Trixie, quickly picking up on the changeling’s subtle shift in demeanor as Starlight’s expression turned into a cool and calculating stare. Thorax froze as his eyes locked with the mare’s for a moment in those brief seconds. Thorax was like an open book to Starlight, with pages full of anxiety and existential dread. Making his move, was he? She smirked, a gleam of pride in her eye as she snapped away from Thorax so as to not blow his cover. The changeling let out a sigh of relief as he quickly turned to Trixie. “Er, well, the canals are the lifeline of the tree and city. Maybe we could travel down the waterways and explore the city and culture.” offered Throax, recounting some information from Twilight’s many hyperactive explanations of the city’s history. Starlight rose from the couch as she stretched, collecting her journal as she scrawled a collection of thoughts into its pages. Starlight sighed, “Well then, it seems you have this under control. Stay out of trouble. I’ll see you in a day or two.” nodded Starlight as she trotted toward the door. Trixie’s gaze snapped between Starlight and Thorax, understanding something had happened in a short few seconds, but she couldn’t identify what. Whatever it had been, it was enough to disarm Starlight’s rampant anger issues, which was strange enough. Regardless, the showpony would take what she could get– the less yelling, the better. “That settles it then; try not to do anything I’d regret," Trixie called to Starlight’s retreating form, “And don’t let the door hit your flank on the way out!” Thorax’s eyes trailed after Starlight as the mare flinched at Trixie’s jab, the mare shooting the performer with one last glare before the door quickly swept shut. The changeling let out a soft sigh of relief as he promptly retained his attention on Trixie. He had now executed the first step of a heavily improvised plan. Turning to Thorax, Trixie gave the changeling a soft, lazy grin, “So, the canals… I suppose that’s acceptable– if we were to travel the branches, you’d need to carry me.” The changeling reeled back at the realization that he would have to carry her. The changeling chuckled as he rubbed the back of his head, blushing “R-Right, haha….” The changeling quickly transformed into his pony disguise as a green haze filled the air around the changeling. Thorax quickly turned himself into his pony form, now with a pair of Pegasus wings. The faux pony flew up as he flapped his wings, hovering over to Trixie. Reaching out, he offered to pick her up, “I'm sure a few navigators can escort us through the city by gondola. We can explore the different parts of the city and see the variety of shops and local events.” Thorax said, almost mimicing Twilight's tone of voice as he regailed all of his forcibly collected information. Trixie cocked a brow but lifted herself from the couch and into Thorax’s grip without complaint, a smirk growing on her lips. Now this was the kind of treatment she deserved, being waited on sole and hoof. Yet, it was different than having a servant. She knew that much. She actually trusted Thorax not to purposely drop her. The smirk softened into something sweeter, milder, the showpony wrapping a hoof around his shoulders to steady herself. “That sounds like fun. Think we can put it on the Doge’s tab?” She couldn’t help her mischievous grin, “It’ll be a… performance expense.” “I’m sure he wouldn’t mind if we don’t put too much on his tab….” Thorax answered cautiously as he flew through the den and out the nearby window, soaring above the palace garden and canals as Thorax flapped his wings toward the nearby city. Music already filled the air as dozens of cheering voices echoed from the city. As hundreds of lights limuminated the merchant metropolis in all it's glory. A few minutes later, Thorax carefully placed Trixie on one of the many docks that were carved into the sides of the canals. Landing in front of her at and turning toward one of the large local markets that peppered the city palazas and streets. Dozens of musicians and singers lined the streets as merchants and salescreatures offered wares and goods to passersby. It was hard to tell who was a partygoer and a trader. Thorax quickly fished a tour brochure from a small rack in the plaza’s center as he read from the pamphlet, “According to this, Swallowtail hosts dozens of parties every day, from birthdays, promotions, weddings, to graduations, there’s always a reason to celebrate.” “Besides that, we could visit other parts of the city and try some Griffish scones or maybe some Pegasus Pastries!” “Mmmm, scones…” Trixie couldn’t help but mutter, swallowing back a mouthful of drool. No matter where she went, the street food always seemed to be her downfall and where she lost most of her bits. Shaking her head to clear her thoughts, she turned to Thorax. “Hmmm, we shouldn’t go to any ragers– do you know what those are? Oh, what am I saying… let’s just not go to any parties that are too… loud. It’ll defeat the entire point of us relaxing.” She paused, “I mean, research. Researching. You know what, let’s go try some of those scones. I didn’t really get to eat that much during dinner, now that I think about it….” “Researching she says!” cackled a Harpy, soaring down from the rafters as the brightly colored and dressed musician descended below, “I see a pair of tourists without a song, a serenade to guide them!” grinned the blue and yellow Macaw, clad in black and white with studded sombero, jacket, and slacks with a large guitar hanging off his back. “Oh, we don’t need–” the Harpy quickly cut off Thorax. “Please, allow me, AHEM.” The Macaw quickly began strumming his guitar. “Oohhhhh, Oh pequeños ponis, pequeños ponis, pequeños caballos y yeguas de colores!~” sang the Harpy as the two were quite literally swept off their hooves by several musicians clad in matching outfits, wielding several different instruments. A trumpet, a guitar, and a trombone player had scooped up the two and brought them along through the city as they sang in their native tongue. “This is all very exciting, but don’t you think this is a bit much!?” called Thorax. “Try to live a little Thorax!” Trixie called over the chaos. “Nonsense! We saw you come from the Doge’s Palace. We know you’re esteemed guests, so we’ll show you the best the city has to offer!” exclaimed the Harpy as he blew a piercing whistle, “Amigos! Let’s have a toast to The Doge, Princess Twilight, and our friends here!” The mariachi band roared in howling cheers and whistles as the city street erupted into celebration. Harpy, griffin, hippogriff, and pony alike gathered instruments, food, and drink to celebrate. As if they were looking for any excuse to cut loose. Before long, the party had entirely forgotten about Trixie and Thorax, leaving the two to their own devices in the middle of a packed plaza party. Trixie had enjoyed the excitement while it was fresh, but now that they were in the middle of a packed party and the attention wasn’t on her, it was growing less and less enjoyable by the second. Turning to find the changeling within the crowd, she grabbed ahold of his hoof to avoid losing him in the sea of partygoers. Pulling him out of the packed street and onto a more straightforward and linear path, the unicorn sighed, “You know what that meant, right? I hope the Doge doesn’t think too much about the sizable tab we’ve unknowingly given him… please don’t tell me you drank too much.” Thorax’s head spun as the noise and buzz from the party. It dazed him so much, the noise and bustling ponies. It was like Manehattan with double the eyestrain and migraines. The changeling offered his best smile as his eyes trailed off. Boy, this did not turn in his favor, did it? The changeling did his best to hide his distaste for the current situation as he awkwardly chuckled, “Uh…no.” Thorax looked around at the dozen of happy creatures dancing and partying. Pondering over the growing feeling of disdain as he attempted to salvage his original plan, he turned to the mare, “Er, Trixie…?” He quickly froze as he tried to wrangle his thoughts and wants into Ponish, “Ah, let’s… uh… get a drink and snack before taking a gondola down the canal?” Trixie turned and raised an eyebrow, unsure of how to translate his tone but curious to see what was on his mind, “Sure, I could use something to eat. And the gondola sounds beautiful.” Trotting to his side, the showmare leaned against him, resting her head on his shoulder. “Besides, I could rest my hooves too….” “Frankly, the only thing I’ve learned about this place is that they love to party… maybe Pinkie Pie would be a better fit than myself….” Now that was a new one, admitting she wouldn’t be the best at something. But perhaps it was better to kneel rather than try and challenge the party pony’s abilities. Thorax tensed up at the contact but sighed in relief, eager to leave the noise from the party that managed to materialize from thin air. The harpies were at the forefront of all of this partying. Thorax wouldn’t mind it. He wasn’t a recluse or anything, but this plan of his required him to move quickly, or less, he might lose his chance to finally talk to Trixie alone. “I think I saw a few bazaars offering some food. I’ll get the gondola; you go get yourself something to eat; not like I need it or anything.” chuckled Thorax. Trixie nodded, “Fine, I’ll try not to be too long… ooh, that looks good!” The mare was already trotting along. Her nose and eyes had locked onto something in the distance. It gave the changeling some time to think about how he would approach this. The showmare herself wasn’t entirely unaware of what was happening either, she could feel something was about to happen, but she couldn’t quite put her hoof on it. One thing she did know, however, was that Thorax didn’t avoid a good drink unless there was a good reason. She just hoped it was good news. It took a good twenty minutes, but eventually, the unicorn returned, a small bag of snacks in tow. She must have stocked up with a large pastry stuffed into her mouth. Trixie offered one to the changeling, giving him a muffled, “C’mon, they’re good!” Thorax had managed to secure a gondola in that time, grateful that the navigator was too deep in a drunken stupor to resist Thorax technically apprehending the griffin’s vessel. The changeling sat, waiting for the showpony. The gondola shifted as Trixie climbed inside, rocking the boat quite literally for a moment. Thorax quickly wrangled the vessel under control as he politely refused the pastry, “Ah, sorry, I’m trying to cut back on the physical food as of late.” The changeling chuckled as he quickly thrust the oar into the water and drifted the gondola forward. Dozens of large marble and wood streets and bridges hung over the pair, as light and lantern lined the walls and street posts surrounding the canals. The gentle sound of a single accordion player echoed through the empty waters as dozens of other parties’ faintly echoed in the distance. Thorax relaxed and put the oar back into the gondola once the vessel began leading itself down the winding canals. The changeling let out a deep sigh of relief once the pair were finally alone, “Finally… so Trixie, uh… how are you holding up? We have sorta been thrust into this big journey and… really hadn’t had time to talk about it up until now, so… are you… okay? Is… that the right thing to even ask?...” For a moment, the unicorn simply stared at Thorax, trying to pick apart what felt like a word salad of the exact words tossed together. She could tell he was nervous and anxious about something. She knew it would take him some time to get around to it. Her expression softened, and she let out a low, sweet chuckle, relaxing into a lounging position. Trixie was careful not to rock the boat as she moved, critically aware that anything sudden could send them flipping over. “Honestly, Thorax, you act like I’ve never traveled before. Nothing is ever going to be perfect, even if I expect it to be….” She gestured with a hoof, rolling her eyes before returning her warm gaze to him, “But I always expect the best. Now I’m wondering what you’re expecting….” Thorax slowly peered off to the side, staring at his reflection in the glistening water. He could see his changeling form, his true form. The dark, murky shadow permeated the clear and deep blue water. The changeling’s voice grew tense as his tone and voice stiffened into something oddly serious, “I…know you can travel alone…but…I think… I’m asking what you think about traveling with me so far…uh…maybe what I’m trying to say is…I want to keep traveling like this…forever?... Maybe under better circumstances or…uh….” the changeling slowly shifted back as he retained his focus on the unicorn. “So I wanted to know what you thought about me…traveling with you, of course.” offered Thorax. Trixie had begun to smile as the changeling struggled to find his words, and when he finally turned his head to meet her gaze, she was already leaning forward. Closing her eyes, she planted a kiss on his cheek, a warm chuckle leaving her. “I thought we already agreed, but sure, we can go over the plan one more time. After we’re done with this business with Twilight Sparkle and what we owe the Crystal Empire, the Great and Powerful Trixie wouldn’t see why she wouldn’t have her Great and Powerful Assistant beside her….” “So, does that answer your question?” Thorax turned a deep shade of crimson as he clammed up, both surprised and bewildered. Had they always agreed to this? Was something like this always on the table? Or was he too blind and naive to realize? The changeling shook his head as he quickly looked over to the mare. “I… yeah… that makes sense; I guess I was overthinking all of this.” laughed Thorax as he slumped over the side of the boat, “... I’m just a little surprised. It was only up until a few months ago that my life was a constant bid for survival; now I’m traveling across the world and discovering a part of myself that I never knew existed.” “Part of me has to thank you for that. So…no matter what happens… I guess you and I will always have some part of one another supporting each other… maybe that’s just the changeling in me talking….” “I think you’re just overthinking things.” Trixie chuckled, trying and failing to hide her smile behind a hoof, “But I know this is all a new experience for you, and I appreciate the thought.” “Thorax, I know this is kind of new to you, and I won’t lie, this is novel to me too… having someone around that doesn’t hate my guts and actually wants to travel with me is a first, so…” She glanced to the side, shifting awkwardly, “It’s nice to have you around. So I’d rather you didn’t leave when this was all over.” Thorax scratched the back of his head as he flatly chuckled, “I um…I don’t know how we’re supposed to do this…was this supposed to happen? Aren’t we supposed to change?.... What’s Starlight’s place in all of this?....” he pondered aloud. “I don’t really think there’s a rule book to this, so don’t worry too much.” The unicorn chuckled, giving him a lazy shrug as she gazed into the horizon. “Maybe things have changed, and you just haven’t noticed. Or maybe it doesn’t matter.” “As for Starlight… well, I doubt she will want to travel along with us, especially if she keeps getting chummy with the Princess and her friends. Besides, probably for the best, considering how much we fight.” She couldn’t help but grin at that. “Besides, I wouldn’t mind some quality time with my favorite assistant~.” Thorax pressed a hoof to his chin as he quietly considered Trixie’s words, his eyes lighting up at the offer to spend more time with her. Not thoroughly picking up on the duel meaning of the phrase, “I’d like that a lot, I enjoy the many friends we’ve made along the way but… you and Starlight really are my favorites….” His expression shifted for a moment at the mention of favorite ponies…he wondered what his brother was doing as a sad sigh escaped him for a moment as his eyes and expression softened, “....I guess we’ll just have to wait and see what the future has in store for us….” Thorax quickly perked his head up, “Oh, right! We were supposed to get research for the show; I totally forgot for a second!” Trixie cocked a brow, wondering if the changeling entirely understood her tone and what she was implying. At the very least, he didn’t seem to have any aversion to it. Hopefully, with some time, he’d figure out what she meant. Letting out a soft chuckle, the unicorn fell back, shaking her head. “Oh, who cares? You said a couple of days, meaning we have plenty of time. Besides, sometimes research is just watching from a distance.” Gazing up at the sky, she pointed upwards. Floating lanterns littered the sky like tiny stars, illuminating Luna’s already beautiful night sky. Thorax turned to Trixie, his eyes resting on her as he quietly whispered. "Just watching from a distance..." he slowly smiled as his eyes trailed up to the night sky above. > Hooky > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Within the hollow of the Great Tree, Strongfang, leader of the Griffionian dragon clans, sat before his kin. His subjects and family commemorated their newfound friends, destinies, and revelations. While most were celebrating Smolder’s place as heir and Spike’s adoption within the family, a small part of the event was for Garble, who had been essentially exiled to far of lands for failing to pass the Flaming Pearl’s divine scrutiny. A large banquet table was laid out before the dragons, with a massive pile of gems crowding its surface. The Loong dragon mused as he crunched loudly, contentedly smirking as he spoke, “Well then, I suppose you will have to depart after the banquet. Where will Smolder and you be residing?” Spike looked up to the Loong as he quickly scarfed down a ruby before speaking, “Ohm… uh, the Doge’s Palace?” The Loong cackled, “Well! Less they lay the out red carpet, then! Good, good….” Gallus looked up toward the sunlight that had crept through the hollow’s entrance, watching where the shadows were coming from to gauge the time. “This took about a day, and we still have plenty of time before we were supposed to meet back with the greater group. Do you know what that means?” Spike paused, “....We get to relax?” Gallus snorted, “Ha! No! We get to go to some stuffy Swallowtail school for Boreas’ knows how long!” Smolder glanced up from her pile of gemstones, looking remarkably uninterested in the meal when the griffin had piped up. Her expression twisted into one of annoyance and sarcasm, “Hah! You two have to go to school? What a waste! …” The young dragoness looked up at her father, her ears tilting downward. “... Don’t tell me I’m going to have to tag along for THAT too….” Gallus rested his claw and elbow on the table, resting his head into his claw and grinning, “Oh yeah, you’re on team ponies. That means we gotta sit still and learn about junk we won’t use for a bit.” Spike rolled his eyes as he crunched on a gem, “Yona’s been going to the school. I’m sure it’s fine. Besides, it’s not like we’ll have to go daily like normal students. We’re part of Princess Twilight’s expedition across the continent; we’re basically celebrities.” Strongfang peered across the table, “Is that so?” Gallus snorted, “Not at all! I hadn’t heard of Spike until I met him a few days ago.” Spike sighed, “Well, it’s not like Griffinstone was in any position to be in the know from what Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash told me.” Gallus scoffed, “Whatever; I know you’re not trying to talk crap about Griffinstone when I KNOW Ponyville and half of Equestria is just a bunch of hicktowns full of dorks like you.” Spike passed a frustrated look at the griffin before bitterly sighing and taking another bite out of his ruby. Sitting in the corner, Garble snorted and rolled his eyes at the quip. “Like you, prissy griffins are any better. One dumb statue, and suddenly you decide it’s worth the time to rebuild. You dumb bird-brains have a one-track mind.” Smolder sighed, shifting uncomfortably, “Great, I’ll have to deal with all of the socialites up in the branches too? I didn’t sign up for this… can’t we skip to the part where we’re punching and kicking unicorns or something?” Spike raised a claw to retort before Gallus loudly interrupted, “Oh, don’t get me started on you dragons.” pained Gallus, giving the dragoness a cocked-eye expression that was a mix of gleeful and annoyed, “From the time I had to carry Spike in here up to now, you guys had been nothing but a pain in my tail feathers.” Spike rolled his eyes, “Oh yeah, why?” “It’s hot and humid in here! You guys live in a humidifier! And you dragons always talk like you know it all; what would you about Griffinstone?” Strongfang peered down curiously, “You speak boldly in the presence of a court made up mostly of dragons. Are you confident in your security with Princess Twilight, or are you too arrogant and stubborn to realize you’ve talked ahead of yourself?” Strongfang said sternly, letting the griffin know he was treading on thin ice. Gallus nervously chortled as he waved off the elder dragon before looking over toward Spike, “Let’s get going; the sooner we get back to the Doge, the better.” Spike sighed, “But I just got to my sapphires...” Smolder sighed deeply, rolling her eyes, “We can take some with us if you want, but I doubt it would be a great idea. It’s not really wise to advertise gemstones where you can get easily robbed.” The two passed a confused glance to one another before looking at Smolder. She paused and quickly amended the statement. “Well, not me, of course, but y’know. You two.” Gallus crossed his arms, “What, do you think I can’t defend myself?” “That seems to be what she’s implying.” grinned Spike. “Shut up! She’s calling you a wimp, too!” groaned Gallus. Smolder snickered, “Yeah, pretty much. If I even accidentally belched in your direction, I’d send your griffin here up in smoke. And Spike, well… it’s pretty easy to grab a target that’s so… slow.” Garble’s lips twisted into a smirk, “You’ve got that right. Little twerp.” Spike rolled his eyes; he had heard all of this before while chasing Gauntlet of Fire. However, a part of him wanted to rub in his victories in everyone’s faces out of sheer spite. He contended with chewing on a piece of sapphire instead of insulting someone and bruising their pride. Gallus scoffed, rolling his eyes, “Dragon fire is overrated! A dragon your size can be put down with a basic musket or iron sword! Someone like Spike could beat Garble in combat if he were trained for thirty minutes with a small muzzle-loaded pistol!” Spike turned away from his gems for a moment and shrugged, “I don’t know too much about these ‘muskets’ or ‘firearms.’ Ponies really only use magic to defend themselves, and violence isn’t that big of a thing back home.” “Of course, it wouldn’t; you’re a weak namby-pamby pony lover. Guess that’s why it’s so easy for the unicorns to take those earth ponies.” Garble snorted, tossing a ruby into his mouth. “Tch, you’d think that wouldn’t you? You think dragons can’t hold your stupid fire guns?” Smolder gave her brother a dirty look before turning back to Gallus, “I guess you’ve never seen a well-trained dragon breathe fire down the barrel of one of those things, huh? It’s not pretty, I’ll tell you that much….” Spike rubbed his temple, “Guys, I don’t think you get the point of this. We’re supposed to work together, not jab at each other for our differences.” Gallus rolled his eyes, “Get a load of this guy. Can we all agree that Equestrians are a bunch of pansies?” Smolder and Garble traded looks before nodding, the older letting out a puff of dragon fire, “Yeah, agreed.” “‘Sides, ain’t it good to figure out what we’re bad at so we can… improve, or something like that?” Smolder raised a brow, gesturing with a claw. Spike released an exasperated sigh as he rubbed his temple, “I did what I needed to do for Twilight. That’s all that matters… alright, let’s get back to the Doge and tell him we completed our mission.” Gallus grinned, flapping upward before scooping Spike in his claws and soaring up toward the hollow’s exit, “Alright then!” laughed Gallus as Spike shrieked in surprise. Strongfang looked over at Smolder, giving her a firm nod of approval, “Go on, they need you now.” Smolder couldn’t hide her hesitation, biting her lip before she flew up, giving her father a brief hug on the tip of his snout. She had a feeling she wouldn’t see him for a while, and Smolder preferred to get the sappy stuff over before she regretted it. “I guess so… I’ll see you later, Dad. I’ll be back soon.” She gave her father a tight-lipped smile. Strongfang nodded, smiling with his eyes as he silently surrendered his daughter to destiny, “Goodbye Smolder....(I love you.).” Descending to meet her brother, she rubbed her upper arm, hesitating momentarily before hugging him. Garble blinked, his hands hovering over her before finally giving in, patting her on the back. “Just… do your best, I guess? And kick some butt for me.” Garble gave her a toothy grin, giving her a final pat on the top of her fringe. “Heh, you too, big bro.” She snickered, rubbing her eyes to hide the fact she was nearly tearing up. “Alright… let’s go.” It was a quiet, peaceful evening in the garden. His Excellency was sitting on a bench, daintily gripping a cup of coffee as he pondered on his ambitions, goals, and upcoming arrangements. A glimmer of pride and hope had beamed within the depths of this diamond dog’s soul; his clubbed tail wagged and smacked against the iron and wood bench as he chuckled warmly to himself. Sighing pleasurably, the Doge of Swallowtail sips his coffee while looking at the glistening blue water within the canal resting beside the Palace Gardens. “Peace and quiet… is there nothing that can disturb the tranquility I feel?” questioned Doge almost mockingly so. A soft clicking of hooves interrupted the tranquil silence, a familiar soft yellow pegasus joining him in the garden. For a moment, she seemed just as surprised as he was, her face lighting up in fright and embarrassment. A soft pink dusted her cheeks, opal eyes flicking from him to her hooves. “Oh, ah, I’m sorry… I didn’t realize someone else was out here. I-I hope I wasn’t interrupting.” She slowly backed away, far too meek to meet his gaze. The Doge instinctively clasped his paw, resting his clenched fist atop of his chest, right above his heart, as he smiled at the pegasus. A red blush, uncontrolled warmth, and a smile spread across his cheeks, his eyes resting on the mare as he spoke gently and assuringly. “Oh, good evening Ms. Fluttershy! No, you aren’t disturbing me at all, is something wrong? Are your living quarters not to your liking?” Fluttershy gave him a soft smile, her retreating hooves slowing to a stop before she eventually stepped forward to join him next to the bench. “Well, I-I overheard there was a garden, and I was hoping there might be some critters here. Canterlot Castle had a garden full of wonderful animals, but I didn’t have much luck making friends there….” Gently brushing her mane, she still struggled to meet the Doge’s gaze, “No, thank you, my room is very nice. I-It almost reminds me of my cottage back in Ponyville… but not nearly as fancy.” Clearing her throat, she gazed at the horizon, some of the tension in her shoulders easing, “I-I hope I didn’t interrupt anything. I understand you must be very busy….” “Ah well, there are plenty of birds and squirrels in the tree, let alone this garden....” chuckled Doge, his eyes following the pegasus as he sipped his coffee, “Please, it’s nothing. I’m just glad your friends are so willing to help the creatures of Swallowtail.” “But… about that thing, I wanted your assistance with….” purred the Doge. A loud thud and a strained groan echoed next to the pair as Spike dropped to the ground and skidded across the grass and stone tile before stopping perfectly at the pair’s feet. “Spike the Brave And Glorious? Er, how did your mission go? Are the dragons staying here in Swallowtail?” questioned The Doge, not even bothering to ask why his associate was dropped on the ground. Spike groaned, pulling himself up from the ground as he dusted what dirt and grass stains had clung to his belly before sighing, “Yeah, they’re willing to stay and help. I even got a new friend with us.” “A… friend?” mused Doge, a worried expression crossing his face, “They have wings, right?” “Yeah,” Gallus angrily answered, “Why?” “Oh uh… makes my job easier to explain to the Parliament...” sighed the diamond dog, “Well, where are they?” A mischievous voice boomed behind the Doge and pegasus, a wave of hot air following their wake, “Right here.” Fluttershy gasped, jumping at least several feet into the air before crashing back to the ground, looking dazed and frightened all at once. Smolder grasped her sides, unable to stop the peals of laughter escaping her. “Oh wow, I can’t believe how far you jump! Hah, you pegasi really are a bunch of fluff balls!” The dragoness shook her head, wiping an amused tear from her eye. The poor yellow pegasus trembled slightly, looking far too frightened to climb to her hooves. “U-Um, it’s n-n-nice to meet y-you?” Fluttershy managed to chatter out, catching her breath from the sudden shock. Smolder grimaced, rubbing the back of her head. “Er… sorry.” chortled Smolder. The Doge grumbled before letting out a small dissapointed sigh. Coffee had splashed back into his face and chest, staining his once luxurious crimson and purple robes and attire brown. Rarity would have been in medical shock had she seen the horrid display. The Doge whimpered as he slowly licked his muzzle and chops clean as he tiredly stripped the stained clothes off his person, “It’s, er… nice to meet you… well, it will be my pleasure to tell you all that for your effort serving the Republic and for convincing the dragon clans to assist us. You will be put in a Swallowtail school alongside your friend Yona.” Spike raised his claw, “This decision wasn’t based on the coffee spill, was it…?” His Excellency shot an annoyed scowl at the drake before conducting himself once more, “I will speak no more of the incident. Now all little creatures will go to bed at once.” “We’re like teenagers, man, not hatchlings!” grumbled Gallus. “AT ONCE!” snapped the Doge, his face twisting into a knot of rage and fury. Spike and Gallus quickly collected themselves as they scrambled inside the Palace. Smolder cringed internally, her ears flattening to her sides as she slowly followed the pair inside, presenting an apologetic look to the Doge. “Well, that wasn’t exactly what I meant… I swear I didn’t know it was hot….” His Excellency sighed as he looked to Smolder with a tired expression, “It’s alright, child; no amount of physical burns can compare to the number of times the Parliament and Chaircreature Francesco have put me to the coals. Politically and emotionally….” Fluttershy held a hoof to her lips, her eyes widening as her brow knit in concern. “Oh goodness, are you okay? How hot was that coffee? Oh dear, we should check and make sure you weren’t burnt too badly….” Pulling herself up, the pegasus fluttered to the Doge’s side, already checking him for any wounds. “At least it was an accident. You poor thing….” Looking down at Fluttershy, the Doge smiled as he gently stroked the mare atop her head, “Let’s get inside; it’s getting dark….” As Smolder followed Gallus and Spike into the grand hallway, a young, familiar-looking heifer nearly stumbled and crushed Spike under her weight. The orange dragoness was just barely fast enough to catch the yak before she completely lost her balance, gritting her teeth in an excursion. “Dragon and Griffin back! Yona so… tired…” Yona barely seemed bothered and nearly allowed the dragoness to take all of her weight. Smolder gave Spike a few more seconds to pull himself from under Yona before leaping away, allowing the yak to topple to the ground. “Yona don’t want to go back….” “The heck is this hairy thing?” Smolder gasped, catching her breath. Spike groaned as he squirmed from underneath. Yona, as he wiggled away, “Geez! You look beat; what was it, some military school?” Gallus snorted, “No dummy, Swallowtail schools are for rich creatures and elitists. Yona probably got either embarrassed, bullied, branded, hazed, duped, deceived, or picked on.” Yona let out a long groan, knocking her head to the ground and sending everyone in the vicinity a couple of inches into the air. “Yona too big for hallway, Yona too big for desk, Yona ‘too dumb’ to read Pony and Griffish books… Yona doesn’t like stupid school; Yona wants to learn potions with Starlight pony!” “Geez… don’t blame her.” Smolder rubbed the back of her neck, “Why do we even have to go there? Just to… keep us busy?” Gallus scoffed as he looked to Smolder, “Uh yeah, we’re not important enough to be sent off on our own errand to do because we’re ‘kids’! I get having Spike stay in school; look at him! ...Spike? Earth to Spike?” Spike grew quiet, a pained expression crossing his face as memories of early adolescence filled his vision. The Canterlot elites weren’t much different from the ones in Swallowtail, and Spike was often bullied and belittled for his appearance, let alone undermined for being different. The drake took a deep breath as he approached Yona, placing his claw on her shoulder and looking the heifer in the eye. “I’m going to help you have a good day at school tomorrow, and I won’t let anyone pick on you for not knowing how to do something.” Yona sniffled, peeling her face up from the floor, looking Spike in the eyes. When she realized he was serious, she wiped her face, struggling but managing to turn to him with a smile in return. “Spike is a good friend. Yona is glad Spike’s friend will be there.” Pulling her heavy limbs from the ground, Yona finally stood up, sighing heavily. “But Yona won’t be happy about going… Yona don’t like Swallowtail food….” Smolder snickered, her expression softening as she witnessed Spike’s kind offer. Stepping towards the group, she set her claws on her hips. “Yeah, well, don’t worry. This time we’ll have your back. And… we can probably bring something to eat, right? Wait, do we get room service here?” Gallus glanced down at Spike with a surprised look. For a moment, he was about to make a snide remark about Spike’s small frame and appearance and how ridiculous the notion of him promising somecreature like Yona that she’d have a good day tomorrow. But Gallus realized the true meaning behind his words. For a moment, he didn’t feel like the wittiest and most clever creature in the room. “...Hey!” called Gallus, spotting a servant pony trotting down the halls, “Get us room service!” The pegasus let out an annoyed huff before pushing her cart along. As she grabbed a bell with her mouth before ringing it. Moments later, a few servants arrived, and two griffins wearing lavish tuxedos approached the group. “Good evening.” greeted the butlers. “Yeah, I’ll take some fish soup; I’m starving!” Gallus said with a snap of a claw, "Make it snappy!" Smolder stretched out her wings before rising into the air, crossing her arms as a self-assured smirk rose to her lips. “I’ll have as many jewels as you can get. I prefer Turquoise.” Yona seemed to catch on to the game they were beginning to play, stomping her hoof to gain the servant’s attention, “Yona wants root stew, real root! With grass and herb! No fancy Swallowtail stuff or Yona SMASH.” “Hah, I like her already.” The dragoness grinned. The Griffins sighed as they scribbled down the group’s requests, “Ich bin müde, wann ist unsere pause?” grumbled the first griffin. “Hamarosan testvér, már csak néhány óra…” smiled the second griffin. The following day came, and so did the uncomfortable part of waking up at the crack of dawn. Each of the kids awoke to a servant gently but firmly knocking on their door and informing them of their responsibility to the Doge and themselves to go and learn at the prestigious Republican schools. Spike was barely conscious; everything felt… bad. He felt sick, tired, and agitated. Equestrian schools started at 9 am, and Spike was used to getting an extra three hours of sleep. But if any creature was tired, it was Gallus. That poor griffin looked like he fell out of the tree. “Morning guys…” yawned Spike, “You guys sleep good?” Gallus blinked, “Coffee first, talking later.” growled the griffin. Yona blinked, glancing around the table, looking no worse for wear. Perhaps it was due to Yaks waking up at the crack of dawn when the sun hit the snow just right, or maybe she was already acclimated to waking up for school. Nevertheless, she didn’t seem to be looking forward to their education. “Yona doesn’t want to go… why can’t Yona just learn from here?” She slumped against the table, staring at her plate with disinterest. Smolder sighed, rubbing both claws down her face, lying so far down in her seat she was practically slipping to the floor. “Ugh… why did I agree to this….” “Because it’s for the greater good!” called the Doge from across the room, “Buenos Diaz ninos y ninas! Glad to see the happy smiles.” smirked the Doge as he sipped his ICED cappuccino coffee, “I got all of you backpacks with supplies, and I packed your lunches!” Gallus looked up from his cup of joe as he yawned, “You did all of that for us? ...Wow, at least you’ll throw us a bone before boring us to death….” Spike looked at Yona, “I guess he gave you your stuff yesterday, huh?” Yona slowly looked up, “Yona have a bag, but Yona wears it on horns. Too small…” She gestured to the pack beside her. It wasn’t for lack of trying, there was a large strap that could possibly go around the yak, but without magic or claws, it was hard to imagine how Yona could put it on herself. Spike quickly assisted Yona as he adjusted the straps, sliding the pack over her horns, and set the bag atop her back before tending to his breakfast porridge. “Uh, thanks, I guess….” Smolder stared at the bags and supplies, unsure of how to feel. “So, uh, how long is this going to be? I figured I could be more useful as a guard or something….” “Schools are like eight hours in Equestria,” answered Spike. The Doge nodded, “It’s the same here; you’ll have the same classes, and then once everyone returns, you can all withdraw from your formal education if you wish.” Gallus sighed, “Smolder’s right. We’d be more useful doing literally anything else.” The diamond dog sighed, “Look, we need to mind ourselves and our appearance. This isn’t just a mission where we beat up the bad guys and have dinner afterward. We need to care about our public image. Sending little ones to the frontlines of a war doesn’t exactly constitute that image of benevolance!” Smolder rolled her eyes, “Puh-lease, dragons are built to be warriors from day one. That’s why we can breathe fire in the first place. We learn through experience, not through your dumb books.” Yona snorted, raising herself a little straighter. “Yak is like Dragon. Yak, learn to be strong first! Yak learn through stories, Elders sing over fires of warriors long past! Dumb books teach dumb things. Yak is better!” The Doge sighed, rubbing his temple in frustration. “Look, you can whine and propose your case all you like, but it doesn’t stop the fact you all will remain in school till everyone else is done with their objectives.” Spike sipped his tea as he chewed on a gem, “I think you guys should try to see the best in this. Maybe we’ll learn something useful?” Spike weakly proposed. The Doge clasped his hands together in relief, “That’s the spirit. Now off you go! There’s a large gondola waiting for you at the dock by the canal!” Gallus perked up, “Wait, now?” “Yes, now. Go!” Barked his Excellency. Yona slumped from her seat to the ground as if she were boneless, her hooves disappearing into her mass of fur. “Yona so tired….” Smolder groaned, “But I barely ate! Ugh, fine…” Flexing her wings, Smolder lifted herself from her seat and over to Yona, just barely managing to get the yak to her hooves. “C’mon, you big lug… it can’t be that bad….” The quiet and scenic ride down the narrow canals toward the inner city exposed one of the few quiet parts of the day. Swallowtail’s bright and lively city was dim and quiet, with only the rippling water and the coo of morning doves to accompany the students down the canal. Spike was scribbling down his notes and report for Twilight as he gazed upon the sleepy villas and watched the few lights twinkle above. Gallus had been splashing his face with water as he grumbled for air, “Too early….” The group slipped into a deep tunnel that was pitch black. They couldn’t even see the creature next to them before the navigator lit his lantern, illuminating the path. Smooth stones and brick lined the tunnels had maintenance pipes lining the walls with signs in different languages warning about the dangerous water pressure in the pipes. The literal light at the end of the tunnel approached as the group exited the darkness and drifted into another part of the city. The Harpy guiding the gondola smiled, “Ah, Student Street, to be young again, haha! You kids are lucky; school is so easy and fun! You guys have it made, be sure to get into some trouble, for my sake!” laughed the Harpy, reminicsing. The city was less urbanized and condensed, resembling something more akin to a small village with more space between the branches and canals. The most defining feature of Student Street was the schools for every age demographic. From Primary Schoolers to University students, the entire area was littered with young creatures. There were several shops that catered to the many needs of these students; coffee, office supplies, restaurants, and even a few pubs for older pupils. It was clean and organized, with a few lightly armed and armored guards scattered throughout the town as the group approached the dock. “Ah ha, well, here we are.” grinned the navigator, “This is where we depart for now until we meet again.” Yona seemed relieved to finally leave the gondola, trembling as she stepped onto the dock. “'Is better than flying, at least….” She murmured to herself, letting out an anxious shiver. Smolder stretched, smacking her lips as she hovered a few feet above the group. “I think I might have caught a nap in there… alright, Yona, you’ve done this before. Where do we go?” The yak blanched, caught off guard by the question. “Uhh… Yona doesn’t know; Yona had a guide first day… so many places, too many creatures….” Looking at the yak closely, it was apparent she wasn’t accustomed to so many strangers being around her at once. It must have been a total culture shock for her. Gallus tsked as he shook his head and climbed out of the gondola, “Ladies, you just aren’t seeing it.” “Seeing what?” hmpfed Spike. “Look, going to school is great and all. And it’s not like we have much of a choice in going, right? … But they never said which school we had to go to, right?” offered Gallus. “Where are you going with this?” questioned Spike as he gave the griffin an unimpressed glare. “Why don’t we just sit in a college lecture or stay in a gym or lunch period all day?” replied Gallus. Yona blinked. She had never thought of it like that. She had heard of the term ‘hooky’ before but had never thought of actually doing it. But considering the day she had yesterday, she wasn’t looking forward to repeating it. “Yona would like lunch. Yona still hungry.” The yak perked up, a small smile lifting her lips. Smolder gave Gallus a toothy grin, “Heh, now you’re thinkin’. Let’s make sure we keep movin’ around so they miss us.” Glancing over at Spike, the dragoness rolled her eyes. “C’mon, don’t give me that crap. Just think of it like this, you need to… report all of this to your princess, right? Might as well get a perfect sample of all they have to offer.” Spike sighed, “That’s actually a really good point… but let’s just… stay back and not cause any trouble, okay? The last thing we need is to get negative press on us while everypony else is working hard to help the Wingless below on the ground.” Gallus sighed deeply as he groaned, “Oh my God, you don’t have to guilt trip us! We’ll be fiiiiinnnneee, sheesh.” Spike gave an annoying grunt before gently patting Yona’s side, “Alright, alright, fine, but we need to get a good sample for my report to Twilight, so I choose where we go.” Gallus crossed his arms, “Why do you get to choose!?” “Because I’m Twilight’s number one assistant, let’s go to the universities. She’ll probably want a history lecture or something…” sighed Spike. Yona looked relieved, giving Spike a very grateful smile. “Thank you, Spike. Yona will not forget dragon kindness.” Smolder let out a deep sigh, “Uuuuuugh… fine. But you only get to choose the first class. Then we go to lunch, deal? After that, we can go to another one you want, then vice versa.” “Fine, but let it be known that I can’t save you if you get in hot water. I’m just Twilight’s assistant. I don’t have the same luxuries as her or anything. So if you break the law or get kicked out, I can’t help you.” Spike warned. “Yeah yeah, we’ll do our best now. Let’s go.” Gallus grumbled, rolling his eyes. Stepping inside the lecture hall, the group were a little surprised to see one familiar face in the crowd. Starlight Glimmer, allbeit looking a little disheveled and exhausted as the mare idly scribbled the lecture presented by a large owl perched at the bottom of the podium. “Uh, why are you guys looking at that unicorn so weirdly?” Smolder whispered. “That Yona’s potion teacher! Uh, should Yona and friends sneak away?” The yak seemed unsure of what to do and a little antsy. Gallus rolled his eyes, “She doesn’t know anything, just act natural.” the griffin approached Starlight, even going as far as to sit beside her. “Hey, Starlight, what’s up?” greeted Gallus. The mare looked at the griffin, a little surprised but pleased to see him, “Er, Gallus? What brings you here?” “I could ask you the same thing,” replied Gallus. “Oh uh… wasting time I guess… I had to fill a report in for some officers in the guard, but I don’t have much else to do now….” answered Starlight. “Don't have much else to do now ey? Listen, the Doge sent us here because we’re a waste of space in his eyes. But we can help. We need an opportunity to shine. Do you catch my drift?” Starlight peered behind Gallus, seeing the rest of the group before sighing, “I see….” The mare quickly rose to her hooves before trotting up to them, “Well, let’s get a move on.” “But what about my report for Twilight?” piped Spike. “Forget about it.” answered Starlight, “Not like anything they’re teaching here can’t be found in a book; besides, Twilight loves reading books….” Spike chuckled, “Er… I guess that’s true; but what are you doing here?” “These lecture halls and campus' aren’t too far from the military academy. I had nothing else to do besides identifying spells that Unicornican soldiers use against Swallowtail’s troops.” Gallus flapped his wings as he stretched and yawned,, “Sounds like you had your work cut out for you then, let’s get out of here.” “Now hold on, won’t Twilight and The Doge get mad at us if we just go behind their backs like this?” questioned Spike. Starlight chuckled, stroking the drake’s head with a magic hand before sighing, “Don’t worry, I’ll chaperone you guys and teach you some real magic… I think I have a fun learning opportunity in mind for you all right now. Remember those bottles we made for Trixie, Yona?” Smolder cocked a brow, unsure of what to make of this unicorn. As a rule, she never really trusted unicorns, not even the ones that strode the roots beneath Swallowtail. This one, however, piqued her interest. Yona perked up, nodding and giving Starlight a wide grin. “Yona, remember!” Starlight trotted toward the door, “I’m not even going to question the extra dragon in the group!” laughed Starlight. Spike scratched his head as he watched her leave, feeling an unusual aura come off the unicorn as he looked over to Gallus, “Are we sure about this?” “Yes, why are we even having this discussion? Let’s get out of here!” snarked Gallus. Spike sighed, “But my report….” > Whispering Meadows > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The beautiful sound of bird song was one of the first things to bless her ears, her eyes slowly fluttering open as the unicorn greeted the sun’s warmth. She yawned, stretching out like a cat, before falling limp against the mattress once more. Rarity couldn’t think of a more luxurious place to sleep in such a gorgeous palace. A home befitting a princess, even if it didn’t quite meet the awe-inspiring beauty of the Crystal Empire’s castle. For a moment, Rarity wondered what could have woken her up so early, and she almost fell asleep again within a moment. KNOCK KNOCK. “Eeep!” Jumping from her bed, Rarity swung her head around to face the door, rubbing her eyes. “One moment, dear, let me put my face on, and I will join you!” Had her alarm not gone off? Checking the clock, her eyebrows raised past her hairline. It was nearly the crack of dawn; who would dare wake her up at such a time? She sighed. No, no, she knew who. Applejack was accustomed to waking up early; she supposed she couldn’t be surprised she’d expect the others to have the same schedule. Heaving a dramatic sigh, the unicorn took her sweet time preparing for the day. It took forty minutes and several more reminders that patience was a virtue before Rarity finally opened the door, looking just as pristine as she always did. Giving Applejack an indulgent smile, she flipped her mane. “Good morning darling, I hope I didn’t leave you waiting!” Stepping towards one of the more oversized mirrors in their suite, she took to admiring her reflection. “But who could blame me for taking my time? Heheh, oh, excuse me. What is on our schedule today, if you could kindly remind me?” Applejack had been sitting across the hall on a small bench, appearing bored, idly looking around at the many paintings and art pieces in the palace’s luxurious hallways. The mare huffed in reply, climbing up to her hooves as she gestured for her friend to move on. “I’m on a pretty tight schedule, actually, being that I’m the only earth pony of the group that knows how to farm. But as for you, yer’ supposed to make clothes for the local townsponies and plan some sort of new… fashion line?” A joyful laugh echoed through the hall as the Doge appeared from around the corner, looking as pleased as ever. He approached the two mare’s. “No, no, no, fashion line implies it’s open to the public. I commissioned Rarity to create blueprints and designs for my experienced seamstresses to copy and then gift to the many merchants and their mistresses occupying the Parliament.” The diamond dog stopped in front of the two ponies as he took a deep bow, “Thank you both so much for partaking in this errand for me. You both are doing a great thing for the local community first and foremost. But of course, I personally appreciate the gesture as well!” laughed his excellency. Applejack cocked a brow at the quack president. In her eyes, this was no different than doing the dirty work for some Canterlot elite back in Equestria. Bugh, the thought of politics made her hide curl. Why couldn’t folks just see reason and do what was right without being bribed? She shook her head, sighing to herself, “Yeah, it ain’t a problem; where are we going again?” “Ah yes, there are a few villages not too far from here that share a large cotton mill and farm. The farm is owned by an associate named Whispering Meadow; she’s a pegasus and the plantation owner; she’ll get you two settled.” explained the Doge. “Now, luckily for you, madam Rarity, I had already arranged your luggage and riding accommodations last night. But please, try your best to be timely…” fretted the dog. “Ah, thank you ever so much, your excellency; I promise you that the designs I will prepare will dazzle the Parliament and any other creature who wears them!” Rarity grinned, giving the Doge a small curtsy, “Oh, and that is fantastic! I usually have Spikey-Wikey collect my luggage.” Somewhere Gallus is smiling smugly to himself. Trotting ahead, the unicorn flicked her tail and glanced back, “Well, come now! We can’t take all morning, now can we? Doge, your majesty, do you perhaps have any wise words for us before we leave? I like to know the creatures I will be working with before I do so. I hope you understand; I’ve had some… unpleasant experiences that I’d rather avoid repeating.” The Doge cocked a brow at the unicorn’s question, finding the inquiry somewhat…perplexing, having lived among many creatures in his time. His excellency barely questioned the diverse ecosystem that had been cultivated in his domain. He scratched his muzzle and awkwardly chuckled, “Er, mostly earth pony refugees, a few harpy and griffin guards, Mrs. Meadow’s family, of course… ah… there is a bit of a bandit problem… A field report mentioned some diamond dogs rustling milk from a nearby cattle corral. But I don’t think that will be a problem; my kind prefers to live in the caverns beneath the mountains north of the border.” Rarity sniffed, suddenly stopping before glancing back at the Doge with a strangely intimidating smirk. “Ohoho, don’t worry, I have plenty of experience dealing with unruly Diamond Dogs and other ruffians. Perhaps while we are there, if we can spare the time, I’d be happy to help with that little issue.” She chuckled before continuing her stride, “But that sounds perfectly agreeable; I cannot wait to meet Mrs. Meadow. Thank you, your excellency; I believe that is all I need to know for now.” Applejack passed a look to the worried Doge as he adjusted his crown nervously, “Er… right. What she said…” mused Applejack. Doge nodded, smiling sweetly at the two, “Alright then, I’ll send a chariot to pick you two up in a week or so. Farewell, and happy travels!” waved the Doge. Applejack smirked, “See yah later.” Stepping outside the main entrance of the palace, a Harpy chariot driver flaps over to the two before landing in front of them. Brushing any dust or excess feathers off his blue waistcoat and dress shirt, he turned to the pair, “Hola, are you two ready to leave for Whisper Meadow’s?” “Yes sir.” nodded Applejack, trotting ahead to hold the carriage door for Rarity, “C’mon sugar cube, daylights burning.” “Oh, now, now, I’m right behind you, darling.” Rarity tsked, climbing into the carriage after her. Getting herself comfortable, the unicorn stretched herself out, squinting out the window. “Hopefully, this won’t take as long as the Doge expects; I’d rather not be gone for any longer than a week. What do you think, Applejack?” She didn’t wait too long for her to reply, tapping at the small window to speak to the driver. Applejack said nothing, not like it mattered; Rarity had little interest in her reply. Content with pondering to herself. “Excuse me, sir, how long will we expect to be traveling?” She asked with the utmost politeness, fluttering her lashes as a soft addition. The driver looked down at the mare's, “Oh, you’ll be there by lunchtime; sit tight.” chuckled the Harpy. The stallion earth ponies quickly hauled the carriage to a large wooden platform with chains and ropes holding the platform up by a pulley system. Applejack froze in terror as she watched the platform subsequently dangle them over the Great Tree’s massive limbs, the markets and slums visible at the root of the tree. Not to mention the dozens of living creatures below. The stallions huffed and trembled against the straps and reins that bound them to the wagon as the platform and carriage were slowly dangled and placed on the ground, slowly rolling off and heading down the main road out Swallowtail. Applejack sighed, “I’m sure glad to be back on the ground. Frankly, I’m pretty darn sick of living like a bird.” Rarity sat back, relaxed as much as she could, and gave Applejack a soft smile, “Applejack dear, try to lighten up. And think of it like this, you’re experiencing life like harpies and pegasi do.” She gestured with a hoof, “I doubt many others get that opportunity. There’s a saying for that, isn’t there? ‘Trotting a mile in another’s horseshoes?’” She continued, “Besides, I think it will give me more than enough inspiration for this new line. Perhaps I can bring it back to Equestria as well! Oh dear, I hope Sassy is taking care of things while I’m gone….” “Well, some of us aren’t exactly keen on being out on an entirely different continent so far from home… this place is so strange; nothin’ makes no sense out here!” complained Applejack in a unusually agitated and frustrated tone. She sighed, flicking her ponytail to her shoulder, “Sorry…I don’t mean ta’ rain on your fashion parade Rarity, it’s just… I don’t like it here. Ponies aren’t… pony-like.” stumbled Applejack, “Do you get what I mean?” Rarity paused to consider what her friend said, glancing out the window. Indeed, the pegasi they had been acquainted with weren’t the ponies she had grown up surrounded by, but she had accepted that every society had its own culture. Even understanding that, she couldn’t fault Applejack for being concerned. “I understand completely, dear, but understand that this isn’t Equestria. This is an entirely different culture, with its own rules and way of doing things. It doesn’t necessarily make it wrong.” The unicorn smiled at Applejack, “But remember, we’re all cut from the same cloth. Perhaps you just need to look a little closer to see that.” Applejack cocked her brow at Rarity as she attempted to take in the scenery of this strange land. Shaking her head at the sight of the poor peasant ponies that dwelled below the tree’s roots, she let out a frustrated sigh, “I just don’t understand why no ponies are helping each other! I get the birds want their tree to themselves, but they ain’t helpin’ no one, not to mention the unicorns who are hurtin’ ponies and twisting the truth to bully and push honest folk around just make my hide crawl.” “And you know that honesty is a make or break for me, and knowing that hundreds, maybe even thousands, or tens of thousands of ponies are being duped into believing a bunch of hogwash makes me think this place ain’t worth its luster and fancy scenery. It’s all show and fancy talk with no substance.” Applejack harrumphed, even more discontent now that she had divulged in her bubbling distaste and disdain for Griffonia, Swallowtail, the Unicorns, and their quest. Rarity took her eyes off of the window and back to Applejack, heaving a sigh. For the most part, she had been doing her best to ignore the negatives about Swallowtail, although now it seemed to be rearing its ugly head more and more often. Why couldn’t this have been one of their more straightforward friendship missions? But then again nothing as of late had been so simple... “Applejack dear, you know me. I live for luxury and beauty, so I must apologize if it seems like I’ve been… gleefully ignoring the problems around us.” She paused for a brief moment, carefully selecting her words. “I just know that, very soon, things will become more complicated, and I’m hoping to enjoy the simpler issues at hoof than think about the ones looming ahead.” “The politics here are everything dear; you know Equestria’s elite, now imagine a bunch of greedy griffins and harpies– and I don’t mean greedy due to their nature–” Rarity gave the farmer a look, “Are in power. There’s no Celestia pr Luna here to bring them under one unified front; the Doge certainly isn’t up to that task….” “Let’s just try to focus on the things that we can change, okay darling? One baby step at a time.” She gave Applejack a charming grin, patting her on the hoof. Applejack let out a disgruntled groan in response to the word ’politics,’ like a filly being told to wake up for school on a Monday morning, “Ugh, politics… now I know this place is terrible, I’m getting political! What’s next? Am I gonna run for Mayor once I get back to Ponyville? … now wait a minute that ain't a– dang it, there I go!” Applejack sighed, “This place is cursed, Rarity; the sooner we can get a boat back to Equestria, the better….” It didn’t take long before the carriage was dragged away from the city in the clouds. As the massive tree fell further and further away in the distance until disappearing behind the horizon once the carriage entered deep inside a thick dark forest. The sunlight just barely slipped through the branches of the many trees inside the woods as the sound of hooves meeting gravel echoed throughout the wilderness. The Harpy driver hummed to himself as he began singing a lonely trail song to himself, strumming a quiet guitar as he sang. The gentle spring breeze paired with the soft melody of the instrument created a lovely ambiance, the Harpy singing a song of a little place called the ‘Cotton Gin.’ Though Rarity and Applejack wouldn’t be able to fully understand their coach’s song, given he sang in Griffish tongue. But from what they picked up, this ‘Cotton Gin’ was… something, and before they could ponder further or ask their driver what the song meant, a gentle rocking rattled the carriage to a soft stop. “We’re here!” called the driver as he hopped off the driver’s seat and quickly opened the door for the mare's, “Welcome to The Whispering Meadow plantation!” The Harpy bowed, giving the pair a soft smirk. It was a large estate surrounded by dozens of acres of cotton and tobacco fields that littered the countryside. Dozens of earth ponies worked and tilled the land while a handful of pegasi above watered the crops with rain clouds. As a few republic guards patrolled the area near a small outpost just outside the property, a breeze swept through, ruffling their manes. A large plantation house sat at the end of a long gravel road, towering over the pair. It was magnificent, the biggest home the two had ever seen. Even Applejack hadn’t witnessed anything like this during her stay with her Orange kin. The two-story home was held up by marble pillars, a massive front deck that was a perfect white, with a giant porch swing sitting beside the home’s huge doors. The dozens of beautifully crafted windows lined the top and bottom of the house, and the stained and masterfully created glass depicted many art pieces from the local plant life, wildlife, and of course, cotton. Suddenly, the giant doors rattled as the iron locks loudly clack and clink before finally creaking open…. An older-looking mare peered from behind the door, her coat a soft white and her mane an old grey that had been pulled into a bun. Though she was older, she was still beautiful by pony standards, despite her age. She had bright cool blue eyes and a soft smile that melted Applejack and Rarity’s heart. “Well, I wasn’t expecting Doggy to send me a pair of beautiful mare's for hard work!” The mare greeted her guests. Stepping forward, she revealed the dark brown patches on her coat alongside her bee cutie mark. “You must be Applejack and Rarity; I’m Whispering Meadow.” bowed the pegasus. Rarity gave their host a gracious smile, stepping forward before performing a small curtsy. “And the Doge did not tell us a beautiful mare would let us stay in her home. Splendid to meet you, Mrs. Meadow. I am Rarity, and this is my friend Applejack.” The unicorn introduced themselves, “I hope the Doge only told you good things; I’d hate to give a bad impression.” “The Doge can hardly leave a good impression for himself, so I took everything he said with a grain of salt…for your sake of course.” chuckled Whispering. Applejack seemed… puzzled as she looked around at the farmland as if it were all purple and neon pink, “... Where’re your crops?” The older pegasus blinked, turning to the earth mare, “Er, whatever do you mean? This is a cotton mill and tobacco plantation hoho…” grinned Whispering Meadow, “And it’s mighty profitable! Keeps my workers and me sleeping easy without worrying about those bandits….” Applejack huffed, “Bandits, huh? Diamond dogs?” Whispering Meadow mused, “So I suppose he did bring you to speed, less he threw you to me without giving you a rundown of this place…come with me.” beckoned the mare. Stepping inside the house, the large plantation home was rugged but sophisticated; unlike the Doge’s Palace, it was wood furnishing and a ‘homey’ choice of decor over the fine marble, and elaborate paintings and pottery that had littered the palace halls. Here it felt like entering grandma’s house when the pair were only fillies, the feeling of excitement and comfort washing over them as they were escorted to a large dining room. “Make yourself comfortable; we’re having daisy salad for lunch,” smiled Whispering, “So what brings you Equestrian ponies so far from home?” “Uh… magic map,” answered Applejack. Rarity cleared her throat, giving her companion a teasing smirk and a raised brow. “What my lovely companion means to say is we were sent on a mission through a magical artifact. It directs us to areas that have issues with… interpersonal conflicts. I do hope the Doge told you we are traveling with Twilight Sparkle.” “I do hope we aren’t imposing too much; your home is lovely! So homely, yet so chic! And might I add, clean…” The unicorn glanced at Applejack with a pointed gaze and goading grin. Applejack rolled her eyes, “Just to let you know, we aren’t afraid of a little hard work or gettin’ dirty either.” The farmer grinned, tossing a competitive look to Rarity. Whispering Meadow studied the two carefully as she poured the three a glass of water, chuckling softly to herself, “I’m sure you all have a lot of history… but we’re grateful for your help regardless if you’re with Twilight Sparkle or the peanut gallery.” The dining room doors suddenly flew open as a loud bang echoed through the home, “Those damn diamond dogs went too far!” shouted a new voice, shrill and high in pitch, as a set of talons and paws pattered across the floor. A white pigeon griffin with a black beak and bright green eyes stamped in, wearing a tricorn hat, brown tunic, and slacks with a large musket and satchel hanging over his side and back, “Mrs. Meadow, those fleabags robbed our supply carriage!” The mare slammed her hooves on the table in frustration, “What’s the point of stationing the Guard here if they can’t do a fu–...” Whispering’s eye slowly turned to the two mares, “... excuse my Prench… it seems our meeting has been cut short. That carriage has my bits, grain, and seed. If we don’t get it back, then I won’t be able to pay my workers or prepare the next harvest.” The griffin muttered to himself in an unfamiliar tongue, grumbling, “Don’t worry ’bout a ‘ting Mrs. Meadows; I’m sure my Barny Boys and I can fetch your cart back no problem!” laughed the griff, looking absolutely panicked and terrified, “That’s a guarantee!” The pegasus quietly rested her head on the table and sighed, “... Applejack, Rarity, I know you’re here to use your talents to help the Republic… but can you two please make sure that wagon is returned to me?” Applejack quickly shot up from the table, “Now this is something I can comprehend, roundin’ up some no good bushwackin’ rustlers, yee-haw!” “Ooohh hoo, that’s a feisty Eart-mare, that’s a real dandy!” chuckled the griff. “Glendon, if you fail this, you aren’t getting paid either.” The pegasus gently reminded him. “Awe… er… feck.” spat Glendon, peering fearfully at the floor. Rarity shared a glance with Applejack before stepping forward, flipping her mane most elegantly, “Well, this shouldn’t be of any issue! I promise that we will have your cart back before dawn tomorrow. I have a bit of experience dealing with Diamond Dogs and common ruffians alike; this is nothing.” Giving the griffin a smirk, she approached him and gently bumped him with her hip, “So darling, do you happen to recall which way these ne’er-do-wells went?” Glendon grinned at the mare as he shifted his brows eagerly at her, “Oh, I like ya a lot, missy– alright wot happened… er… right, I was hitting the pub with me lads Greyson and Gwynn… then poof! The damn cart went missing right under our fecking beck's!” “Now, I know what cha thinking lass, you’re thinking ‘Dia Maith! Toe’s birds were havin’ a bender and got their seat swiped!’ But no lass, they got the drop on us and ’ad their guns first. We were itchin’ for a fight, but the barkeep didn’t want lead and blood all o’er his bar!” “So, would these ruffians perhaps still be there, or do you know where they might take this cart?” Rarity listened intently, giving the griffin an expecting look and an attentive smile. Regardless of species, Rarity knew when to use her looks to get what she wanted. “How long ago was this as well? I do hope you didn’t exhaust yourself flying back here. Thank goodness you weren’t hurt– but how are your companions?” Applejack cocked a brow as Rarity seamlessly understood this strange Griff’s thick accent and droning, incoherent way of speaking. It was like listening to Twilight divulge into some obscure magical topic or mage’s history; it made her head spin. (“Er…you got all that?”) whispered Applejack. “Wait, Rarity is right; where are Greyson and Gwynn?” shot Whispering as she perked up from her seat. Glendon scratched his head as he ruffled his feathers, “Oh… er… I don’t know... ‘thing was, we had a bit of a scuffle outside (since he’s said nothin’ about fightin’ outside his pub!) of the bar, and I don’t know for sure, but ah think everyone scattered, and those mangy mutts managed to scurry away with the carriage.” Rarity tutted, clicking her tongue as she walked around the griffin. Her horn was enveloped with a blue light as she adjusted and dusted off his clothing, shaking her head. Once she was satisfied, she stepped back. “Let’s hope for the best and that your friends are alright and are simply trying to return the cart. As for now, we should return to the scene of the crime and try to track down these thieves.” The unicorn turned to Applejack, “Does that sound like a plan to you, darling?” “Right then, Luv, ‘suppose I should get my Barn Owls so we can er…” he slowly slid his musket off his back, cocking the hammer back as he shot the two a grin, “solve the situation amicably, yea?” deviously cackled the griff. Applejack bit her lower lip, “Er… let’s try to hold back on blastin’ folk unless we gotta, might not be worth gettin’ the whole band together, y’know?” “I agree; I’d rather this matter not get any messier than it already has.” Rarity nodded in agreement. Glendon clacked his beak together in response, cocking the hammer back to safety as he grumbled to himself, “Bleedin’ hearts….” Whispering Meadows sighed, “Well now, that’s settled; you three must be going! Feel free to use the chariot you arrived in; I’m sure Jugo will be happy to help.” “Bah! Not that hippy dippy happy; he’ll be too busy singing about the posies and pansies that he’ll lose the cart!” complained the snappy griffin. “By all accounts, the cart is already lost, and so are your guys; now shove off Glendon, go on!” scolded Whispering, stamping her hoof on the table in frustration like an angry mother. The griffin clicked his tongue as he kicked the dust before him, “Bollocks, fine, fine, I’ll go get ’em… see you girls outside…” grumbled Glendon as he marched out. Rarity sighed, watching as the griffin left before turning to Whispering Meadows. “Well, I suppose this goes against my plans of a relaxing early morning brunch and discussions over a nice cup of tea, but duty calls. Perhaps you have any advice or wise words for us before we depart?” The mare nodded, “Er, yes… Rarity, it would be wise if you hid your horn, dearest… Unicorns aren’t exactly seen as friendly, welcoming neighbors of the community, as you know, so watch your step…” warned the pegasus, “If you don’t return by nightfall I’ll send a party after you.” Applejack nodded as she quickly got up from her seat and trotted out the door, “Got it; keep Rarity’s magic on the down low, and get the wagon. Let’s get it.” Rarity sighed, turning to the pegasus mare with a soft smile. “In that case, do you suppose I could borrow a scarf?” Several minutes later, the unicorn trotted out with a large blue scarf wrapped around her head, tucked just right in order to hide her horn yet still look fashionable. Stepping inside of the carriage, Rarity glanced toward Applejack and noticed her look. “What? I’m not going to trot around in some garish robe or cloak! I may need to hide my horn, but I can still be glamorous doing so~.” Applejack rolled her eyes, “We’re trying to get back a stolen wagon if you forgot; bringing unwanted attention to yourself might slow us down or, worse, get us into trouble. Don’t you remember that we’re going to a bar in the middle of the country? What if some stallion gets the wrong idea about you and then finds out you’re a unicorn?” Glendon chortled, peering from the back of the carriage, “You’re implyin’ I won’t ‘ave Rarity’s heart by the end of this trip, right luv?” winked the griffin. Rarity let out a charmed giggle; as Applejack quickly shot a look at the griffin, “Oh, you hush up!” Jugo, their carriage driver from earlier, peered down from his seat as he smiled at Rarity, “Well, it seems we’ll be driving together, won’t we, amiga?” “Hey, I’m tellin’ yah right now, if yah think you’re gonna be singin’ roadies all day instead of shotgunin’ you better think again!” shouted Glendon, “I won’t be having all that sissy, flowery, girly songs during my feckin’ road trip.” Jugo shook his head, strumming his guitar in reply. “Come now, you two; I don’t see why a little music can’t make our quest a bit more tolerable.” Rarity tutted, waving a hoof. Jugo chuckled, puffing his collar in reply, “See, Glendon? Why can’t you be more like Rarity here?” “You better keep that beck clamped down, or I’ll shove this beer bottle up your arse!” grumbled Glendon. Rarity winced, “Er, now Glendon, was it? Tell me a bit more about what these ruffians looked like.” He peered back around the cart to see Rarity, “Yeah, there was a pack of these shaggy-looking hounds, clad in these fancy blue waistcoats and leather caps. Tink’re real big shot gangsters and bootleggers.” laughed Glendon. “You’ll know ’em once yah seem them,” replied Jugo. Applejack peered around the wagon, noticing the supply, “Er… that’s a lot of whiskey– what’s that for?” Glendon chuckled, “Let’s just say those poochie's are getting one hell of a fiery cocktail, hehe! I even got the cinnamon-spiced kind too, aha! I’m a poet!” cackled Glendon as he gleefully packed the bottles of spiced booze into the cart. Jugo peered down at the mare as he strummed his guitar, “Don’t expect much out of this bandito.” “Oy! I was a bandit, now I ain’t; just because I don’t rob rich creatures down the long way doesn’t mean I have to stop makin’ firebombs and lovin’ a good ol’ fashion shoot out.” hmpf’d Glendon. Jugo’s eyes rested on the mares, “See? Need I say more?” “There’s nothing wrong with a little action, so long as it’s kept to a minimum.” Rarity chuckled softly, “But I’d rather not start any fires or gunfights if we can avoid it. You said these hounds were wearing waistcoats? I’m surprised they would be so well dressed!” “I suppose the term’ diamond dog’ might have two meanings… the vermin we encountered were not so… civilized.” The unicorn turned to Applejack hopefully, “Perhaps we may be able to reason with them?” Glendon laughed as he loudly cut off Applejack, “Reason? It’s on sight! Blam! Blam!" shouted the griff, gesturing the firing of a musket with his claws, "That’s right; those fleabags can get all of the smoke and non of the water.” Glendon nodded to himself, crossing his front legs as he whistled, “‘Sides luv, they’ll see a pretty face like you and Applejack deere and think, ‘Oh, that’s a free trip to the pub’ and try to ransom you.” Applejack huffed, “No offense, Glendon, but I think we should see this out ourselves before we go in hard like that. ‘Sides, maybe this was why we’re supposed to be here.” Glendon snorted and scoffed, cackling bemusedly, “Well, look at yew, tinking yer some sort of disciple of Eyr missy? Just come out of temple mass? Wot make’s yah think you can reason with them?” “We’ve been through worse, right sugar cube?” Applejack said, turning to Rarity with a smug smirk. “Quite right, darling.” Rarity returned the farmer’s smile with a grin of her own. “It wouldn’t be the first time we’ve dealt with Diamond Dogs or any other type of ruffian. We may be beautiful, Glendon, but we aren’t afraid to ‘rough it,’ as my dear friend Applejack here would say.” She patted the earth pony on the arm. “Neither would it be the first time I was kidnapped by dogs, but I quickly taught them a thing or two.” She tittered, recalling that adventure from so long ago. “So don’t you worry about us too much~” Glendon crossed his claws and scrutinized the pair before finally sighing, “Alright, if yew thinks you can talk yer’ way out of a brawl, then be my guest. But don’t shy away from the brawl when it does happen, okay?” Applejack chuckled, “Oh don’t you worry, we ain’t yellow.” “Lest I be in the company of a couple of pant-pissers right then– let’s get on with it!” Glendon barked, stuffing the rest of the cargo in the back of the wagon before flying up and landing next to Jugo in the driver’s seat. “Well, come on then, we don’t got all day!” called Glendon. “The work never ends, heh….” AJ sighed as she slowly climbed into the back of the wagon. Rarity smiled and gently closed the door behind her. “For mares like us, darling? It never does.” > Cement The Truth > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- With much delegation and relative speed, it only took Quill and Yellowtail's morning to assembled quite the entourage of characters and creatures, from a cattle clan of merchant bovines that sold milk crowding the corner of Elder Quill’s temple to the many earth ponies that filled the pews. The few ironclad creatures who were members of the Republic Guard held the door shut as Griffin and Hippogriff members of the congregation flocked over to the temple. The Elders had prepared a meeting, gathering whatever friends, followers, and members they had through holding their service, conducting charities, and mingling with the community. Twilight herself, however, had been stowed away in the back room as the guests slowly trickled into the temple. Quill combed his short mane, enveloped his robes with his magic, and straightened and dusted off what dirt had managed to cling onto his garb. The unicorn quickly turned to Twilight, adjusting his spectacles before clearing his throat to speak. “Well, it took all day, but my Elders managed to gather what little connections we have throughout the roots. I will speak to them to rally them to your cause; that way, you don’t have to brandish yourself and assert your godhood to convince them. They should believe in the weight of our words without divine authority.” Quill explained. “Is there anything, in particular, you want me to talk about? Er, anything I wouldn't go over myself rather? O-Of course, if you want to speak, I can’t stop you.” The unicorn stammered, anxiously combing his mane as he rhythmically drummed his hooves on the floor. Twilight, for her part, was doing her best to stay calm. She never particularly saw herself good with crowds, so she dearly sympathized with Quill’s anxious squirming. She stepped forward and gently laid a hoof on his shoulder, offering him a comforting smile. “Just speak from the heart, and trust your words. I won’t step out so long as you don’t need me to, but you have my fullest support, Quill.” She gently pulled her hoof away, gazing at him, “I know you’ll do great.” Quill seemed to tense up, freezing as Twilight touched him. Unsure of how to respond to the physical contact, being a creature of faith was one thing, but being at the hooves of your God? That was an entirely different ball game, but to have blossoming romantic feelings for your Goddess? That was something of a complex situation Quill had no business being in. He laughed anxiously before a gentle knock subdued any potentially awkward situation from coming to fruition. Yellowtail quickly peered into the back room as he whispered, “Quill, they’re waiting.” “Oh gosh…” Quill swallowed, quickly placing his comb on the table as he cleared his throat, scrambling for his note cards, and promptly regained himself, “Thank you for coming over… mhm mhm… that’s a cabbage soup recipe.” mumbled Quill, tossing a stray card aside. “Quill,” whispered Yellowtail, now in a more horse and grating tone. “I’m coming, I’m coming–” Index cards quickly spilled from the Archmage’s cloak as hundreds of index cards, potions, and other trinkets poured from his cloak. Quill stood completely embarrassed as the Elder could only bite his lip in reply to his accident. Yellowtail smashed a hoof in his face as he quickly scrambled inside the back room, “I told ya to clear out your magic pocket; it’s not limitless!” “Grab a broom and let me get my cards!” shrieked Quill. “Everypony, just calm down.” Twilight’s voice managed to cut through the rising tension, her horn lighting up. Every single card, even ones that hadn’t managed to fall from Quill’s pocket, flew into the air and hovered in place, “I just so happen to be very good at organization. I also use cue cards; great minds think alike, eh?” Magenta light casts over the alicorn’s face as she concentrated, using only a few seconds to recognize each card and place them into a group. She then organized them into alphabetic and numeral order before finally offering Quill each finished stack. “Deep breaths everypony, in and out.” The magic felt from the pocket piqued Twilight’s interest. Within the confines of the robes was no pocket; inside, a dark blotch pulsated atop the Archmage’s dress. Perhaps the Princess could discuss this rare, potentially unseen magic with the Elder later. But for now, it was showtime. Quill brushed himself off as he gave the alicorn a gracious smile, “Oh, thank you, you truly are a lifesaver; maybe after you’re done saving Griffionia, you can save me an afternoon organizing scrolls.” “Oh, I would positively love that!” Twilight beamed; an afternoon of organizing her library sounded wonderful right about now… Yellowtail groaned, “Remind me never to allow you to dupe me into assisting you again.” Quill chuckled, “Regardless…” he turned to Twilight, “It means a lot to me and Yellowtail that you’re here. In more ways than one, and more than you can imagine, we are greatly honored and humbled by your presence here with us today… and… I just wanted to thank you. As a friend.” Yellowtail cocked a suspicious brow at Quill’s delivery of that last part, slowly trotting to the broom and dustpan in the corner of the room before sweeping up whatever dirt or dust that had been ejected from Quill’s magic pocket and onto the floor. The alicorn raised a brow, but her smile was still as kind as ever. “Well, of course, Quill, I couldn’t think of being anywhere else right now. Just let me know if you need anything before you go up there. I know you’ll do fantastic; just try to remember your crowd trick.” She chuckled and gave him a wink. Quill nodded, trotting toward the door, “I’ll try not to, haha!” With one swift motion, he was cut off from his friends, now left to his own devices in front of all these creatures. Quill swallowed as he trotted in front of the podium, noting all the curious eyes locked on him. A large dairy cow raised her hoof in the air, the seat underneath creaking and squeaking with every movement, “Well? Are you going to speak or what?” gabbed the merchant. Quill sighed, “Ladies and gentle creatures, thank you all for coming. For too long, many of you had to contend with subpar living conditions, poor education, and the threat of an invasion looming over you. Tided with the fact that at least it wasn’t Unicornica.’ “ The unicorn slowly placed his hooves on the podium, standing upright as he spoke to the crowd, a tingling burning heat scolding his heart, “But no longer, we cannot reasonably contend with these conditions anymore if we are to win this war. How are we supposed to support Swallowtail and her armies if we aren’t given the same liberties and privileges as any other creature here?” “How can this fair Republic claim to be a bastion of freedom and culture, a salvation from the shackles of slavery, the archaic monarchy of Griffinstone, and the hostile bandits if every creature can’t enjoy it the same rights and privileges?” Quill’s lip quivered as he dabbed his face with a washcloth, catching his breath as he swallowed back the lump that was threatening to choke him, “(Just like we practiced…).” “I… am a refugee, as are my Elders and many of my followers. As are many of you, I needn’t go on regaling the struggles of our situation, nor will I promote any kind of self-pity or groveling. If we are going to be treated as equals, then we need to prove ourselves more than deserving of such rights… but the task won’t be easy, but fortunately… we’re not alone.” “For you see… Princess Twilight Sparkle is, in fact, in the city itself; I, herself, and the Doge are working toward enacting change to better our situtation!” The crowd began to speak over him, not halfway through mentioning the princesses, each creature turning in their pews to talk to one another. Many of the earth ponies in the crowd, which consequently sat at the front, began to cheer and smile. Those in the back, however, seemed far more skeptical. “You expect us to believe this princess has our best interests at heart?” A creature called from the pews, an older cow with a silvery coat. Her face was worn with age, but Quill could tell she was far younger than her wrinkles let on. “Bah, you’re blinded. Y’think if any of them princess-types cared what was goin’ on here and in Unicornica, they’d have done somethin’ by now?” A murmur grew as different creatures nodded in agreement. Even a few of Quill’s most loyal shifted uncomfortably in their seats. Quill quickly spoke up, firing back with vigor but compassion; these creatures were not his enemies nor members of Parliament seeking only to line their pockets. These hard-working creatures had lost most, if not everything, to be here and sacrificed so much to survive everyday. The unicorn gave the heifer a gentle look in reply, “My friends, I understand that we have all lost so much because of this conflict and because of the tyranny of Unicornica, but I assure you, I promise you all that Twilight Sparkle is here and has been working toward our emancipation. But I assure you her absence was not because of her choice. Word of our conflict hadn’t reached Equestria up until recently.” “Twilight has told us it is not just her duty as a Princess to help us; nay, it is also her responsibility to abolish slavery in Unicornica and bring forth an era of peace, prosperity, and friendship throughout the continent! But she will need our help; how can we expect her to tackle and reform our Republic, let alone a hostile empire if we aren’t willing to trust and work with each other first?” Creatures in the pews continued their murmuring, a mix of support, confusion, and hostility. The cow looked less than impressed, her eyes narrowing considerably. “Yew may have lost a lot, but we’ve lost far more. If this Princess cared so much about helping us lowly creatures, where is she now? Why should we trust you on your word, hm?” She tilted her head. It was then Quill noticed the large brand on her flank, softened and faded with age but still present. She was probably one of the milkmaids who escaped the chains of slavery, just like dozens of the other attendees lining the temple benches. “If she’s here, why ain’t things changed yet? Why are we still sufferin’ every day to feed ourselves… and our young.” There was a distinctly bitter note at the end of her speech, several bovines in the audience stepping forward to place a hoof on her shoulder. Quill took a deep breath; no. He would not stoop so low and reveal Twilight, not now. He could convince a neighbor to trust him off of their relationship and by reason alone. The unicorn sighed. “This isn’t a competition between who has suffered the most, madam; whatever you have gone through, I can’t imagine being in your stead. But believe me when I say that Princess Twilight has been working with me and delegated me to represent our needs to the Doge. We’re working on things quickly, but things take time. Politics are a timely affair afterall...” Quill took a deep breath, bowing his head to the podium as he collected himself, “... I prided myself on truth and risked my life on the preservation and spreading of it. If you don’t believe that Princess Twilight is here, fine; if you don’t believe the Doge or the members of Parliament are on our side either, then that’s okay too. But I need you all to please put your faith in me and my congregation and trust that we will do right by you, your families, and this community as we have since we settled here all these years ago.” “If my words aren’t enough, what more do I need to do to prove to you all that we are all friends here? That we have nothing but the best intentions?” The older cow sighed deeply, shaking her head, but the features on her weathered face softened just a bit. Whatever fight that had been in her slowly left, her head slowly tilting upwards to meet his gaze. “I ain’t gonna stop you or no one here from goin’ ahead, but let me tell you this; yer askin’ for trouble. Ain’t no good deed goes unpunished.” Peering from behind the curtain, Twilight felt a chill go up her spine, quickly shaking off the sensation. At the very least, the rest of the congregation seemed hopeful, nodding to one another as the murmuring settled down to something reasonable. “My sentiments exactly…” replied an icy voice from the back as a large stallion clad in a dark cloak rose up, “Quill Feather, the Council demands your head!” thundered the stranger. Everything seemed to slow down. As an emerald green aura burned brightly as it enveloped the unicorn’s horn. The Guards at the door quickly scrambled for the pony as a few brave creatures dove for the assassin aswell. Suddenly, there was a crackling sound and the sound of a dull, heavy object toppling the wooden floor below as screams of terror rang out. The unicorn quickly cast several different spells to uproot the congregation, freezing the floors, setting fire to the temple’s chronicles, scrolls, books, and attacking the guards with pure laser fire. Yellowtail stormed out of the back room, screaming. “QUILL!?” Twilight felt her blood run cold, her mind running in circles as she stared at the chaos before her. Her hooves felt like lead weights, and it took every last bit of her willpower to force herself to move. Once she did, time seemed to catch back up to her. “EVERYONE DOWN!” Her voice boomed across the temple, the alicorn darting through the curtains and into the air. Magenta light encompassed her horn before shooting outward in several directions. The fires froze in place, the licking flames seeming to slow before reverting back, repairing the pages as if nothing had ever happened. The creatures caught on the icy flooring were levitated into the air and dropped somewhere safe. The final spell Twilight put most of her concentration into was holding the assassin in place. Confident he was going nowhere, she craned her head around to face Yellowtail and Quill, shouting at the former, “Is Quill okay?!” Quill was lying on the floor, now turned to pure obsidian, by a spell similar in nature to the one Celestia and Luna used on Discord. Yellowtail strained as he quickly pushed his friend back up on the podium as if that would be the cure for his friend’s transformation. The assailant strained momentarily, reeling his head back in disbelief, as did everyone else in the room. The unicorn could only utter, “P-Princess Twilight Sparkle?” he sputtered. The alicorn’s face paled, hesitating briefly before turning her gaze down to the unicorn in her grip. Her lip curled, and for a brief moment, she couldn’t help but fantasize about throwing him around the room. She reminded herself there was a counterspell for Discord’s imprisonment; perhaps the same could be done for Quill. “You will perform the counterspell and free him at once,” That was all Twilight could get out, not trusting herself to speak calmly, “... and you will tell us who sent you.” The unicorn seemed to shift, looking confused as he tilted his head at the mare, “What? What are you talking about? Why would you ask me to do this? Have I been obeying your will by subduing this traitor?” Yellowtail quickly snapped from the podium, “Turn him back, or I’ll use your horn as a toothpick!” The unicorn scoffed, “You are beneath me! All of you! Look at how all of you cower before me because all of you slaves and vagrants know to fear and respect the Council's Authority; you cowards can hide behind the walls of these degenerates all you want. It will not save you from the judgment and retribution that is coming! The only one here who has any authority over me is our Goddess before us!” Twilight’s grip around him seemed to tighten before she quickly relaxed. She had to remind herself that even if this pony was evil, that didn’t mean she should sink to their level. It was difficult, however, hearing the stallion speak such vile things. “SILENCE!” Her voice boomed across the room again, silencing the mutters and hisses from the crowd and the assassin alike. Turning her attention solely on the unicorn, Twilight pulled him closer, lifting him off of the ground so he might look her in the eye. “You will not ever speak to these creatures like that ever again. You have been sold lies, and I am here to write the wrongs that Unicornica and your ‘Council’ have wrought.” Her voice was strict, even, and surprisingly calm for what had just occurred. Twilight’s expression was schooled into extreme disappointment, anger boiling just below the surface. “Now, I ask again, perform the counterspell and free Quill. I no longer need to ask who sent you since you made it so very clear.” The unicorn seemed to consider her words as he silently ducked his head and fired the spell that quickly freed Quill from his stone prison. The unicorn gasped greedily for air as he patted himself down, “Oh, thank you, I thought I was going to be like that forever….” The unicorn spoke, “I don’t believe the dribble this pony has uttered today. But I am honor-bound to obey the authority of the Goddess and carry out her will as taught by the Council.” The unicorn quickly tore off his cloak revealing his large stature, dark ebony coat, and mane paired with his bright green eyes stared back at Twilight. Despite the sudden, almost unbelievable shift in demeanor, this pony was dead serious, staring Twilight into the depths of her soul with nothing but sincerity. “WHAT?” shouted a Harpy from the back. Twilight let out a deep sigh, thankful that Quill was okay. Turning her attention to the assassin, she ensured her grip was still tight enough to keep him held, shifting slowly in front of Quill if he happened to think of firing again. “... What is your name?” It seemed like the best place to start. His coloring reminded her of a changeling for some odd reason, but he was certainly no Thorax. “Why were you sent here?” “I am Agent Arroyo, or Dancing Water, battle mage for The Kingdom of Unicornica and The Privy Council.” explained Dancing, “I was sent with the intention to lower morale, disturbing the peace by turning this wanted traitor of the Kingdom into a permanent reminder of our reach.” explained the stallion. “It appears our intelligence either hasn’t found out about your arrival or hasn’t reached the Council. Regardless, it seems that either I have been misled or you are uninformed. Either way, I highly recommend you come with me to Unicornica so that you may parley with the Council. There is no way they would not obey your direct authority.” Quill quickly shouted, “Do you honestly think we’d believe you? The Council has a history of rewriting, well… history!” Dancing scoffed, “I dedicated my life to the Council and the Goddess; why do you think I’m here?” “Other than to assassinate a stallion without any sort of trial? Have any of you even attempted to reach out to Equestria or Celestia herself?” Twilight leaned forward, raising a brow. She had to remind herself that this stallion was more than likely entrenched in this mindset of obedience and likely never thought to question it. Twilight sighed deeply, shaking her head. “Nevermind. I do fully intend to travel to Unicornica, but I will certainly not do it under the company of a criminal and attempted murderer. Someone call the guard!” There was a slight murmur as several ponies and griffins left, making haste to find more authorities to control the situation. Twilight turned her gaze back to Dancing Water, “Are there any others in the city we should be aware of?” Dancing Water slowly scanned the room as he bowed his head, “....Well, it appears I have not only failed my mission, I have also failed my kingdom and my Goddess. The only way I can redeem myself is death.” Quill quickly peered from behind Twilight, “Er, I’m sure they’ll give you a fair trial and due process; I’m even willing to help you move away from Unicornica’s leash. You can do whatever you want now, don’t you realize it?” offered the Archmage. The stallion paused to consider his words before deeply sighing, “Unfortunately, I have dedicated my life to this. Now there is nothing left for me here, and I have no other purpose in continuing my existence… I shall be rid of myself….” Quill quickly darted out from the podium, “NO WAIT–” A bright emerald hue engulfs the room, and moments later, Dancing stands before the crowd, now turned into pure obsidian. Quill slowly trotted toward the living statue as he gently pressed his hoof to the pony’s muzzle, “... at least he didn’t…” he sighed. Twilight felt an icy chill down her spine. The sensation of the magic used felt wrong and unpleasant; she gently set the statue of Dancing Waters down on the floor. She slowly approached the figure, shaking her head. “I don’t understand; why would he do this…?” She murmured, slowly turning her head to Quill. “I....I’m sorry. I promise I’ll free him. No creature deserves this sort of fate.” Quill bit his lip as he ducked his head low, “... No… if you do, he’ll–.....this is the only way he can continue in his eyes… Dancing believes this solution appeases all parties, including the Council.” he took a deep breath, “We have a lot of work ahead of us Twilight, ponies like Dancing are a dime a dozen, and as much as I want to help him understand the lies the Council has fed for him for a lifetime, we… have bigger fish to fry. At least this way, he won’t hurt himself or anyone else.” Quill quickly looked around at his followers, friends, and guests, “Is everyone alright? Does anybody need medical attention!?” The crowd nodded, thinner than before, most of the creatures having fled after the unicorn had turned himself to stone. The old cow who had been heckling him was propped against a wall, her face stricken with shock. The fear was present, and it seemed as if her hooves refused to carry her. Twilight took a deep breath and stepped forward, giving Quill a nod. “I understand. Let’s do what we can for the creatures here and then move on to the rest.” Yellowtail slowly trotted toward the back room, “I’ll… go get the broom….” Quill and Yellowtail, alongside his congregation, had been cleaning up the temple to the best of their ability, salvaging burnt goods, sweeping up broken glass, and assessing the damage while tending to whatever injured remained. Nearby, the Guards quickly examined the scene, watching the entrance closely. Captain Iron Sides, fortunately, had been on the scene and was regaling the situation and the attack on his men to the local police detachment, leaving Twilight to her own devices as she helplessly watched the shaken and terrified creatures tend to themselves. But a gentle, familiar voice called from behind, “Excuse me…Twilight Sparkle?” A white mare with a soft pink mane greeted the alicorn, “I need help sending a letter….” The unicorn quickly fetched a small scroll from her satchel, revealing the letter Twilight had sent to Celestia regarding Unicornica. The alicorn’s eyebrows shot up, studying the mare closely. For some reason, she was sure she had met this pony before. “Um, I suppose. How did you get a hold of my letter…?” Twilight felt comfortable yet suspicious all at once, “Have we met before?” The mare gently batted Twilight on the muzzle with the scroll, warmly chuckling. Saying nothing as she turned around and trotted away, “Come with me.” Leading her away from the temple and trotting down the street, the pair would duck into a nearby underpass. The mare slowly slid the satchel off her body, revealing the instantly recognizable sun cutie mark on her flank, “I had to pull us away to talk in private; I’m not supposed to be here….” Twilight’s eyes widened to the size of dinner plates, “C-Celest–!!” She threw her hooves over her mouth, managing to stifle her voice from rising above a shout. Confident she wouldn’t shout again, she removed her hooves and whispered, “What the hay are you doing here?! Did you read my letter? Did you see what that unicorn did?!” It took a moment before she caught her breath, easing her pounding heart. “S-Sorry, this is just… all so overwhelming.” Celestia smiled, doing her best to remain composed and calm despite her identity being nearly revealed. Slowly she turned to the wall beside her and, with a spark of her horn, opened a portal to Canterlot Castle, “Why don’t we talk somewhere private….” Stepping through the portal was surreal; just like that, they were back in Equestria, and with another spark of her horn, the portal was sealed, and Celestia transformed back into her usual self, “Much better, now then, why don’t we discuss this over some tea and cake?” smiled Celestia, “Walk with me.” she gestured with her head. Twilight felt like her hooves were going to turn to jelly at any moment, but she quickly trotted alongside her fellow Princess, trying to order her rapidly spinning thoughts. “I… I don’t understand, Princess… why hasn’t anything been done yet for those creatures?” She finally looked up, unsure of what to expect in response, “How could a place like Unicornica exist?” Celestia’s expression shifted from warm and motherly to remorseful and regretful as the alicorn slowly sighed, “...Twilight, when I gave you the power of an alicorn, I gave you a lot of responsibility, and there’s no pony I trust more than you to bare that… burden.” “Luna and I had to make a lot of hard choices for the betterment of everypony… and unfortunately, I have no domain or authority over Griffin lands. You know that I won’t force every creature to accept my rule. This is why Equestria has neighbors like the Crystal Empire, the Buffalo tribes, the Dutchy of Reine, and YakYakistan. We are not conquerors or warlords….” “But that doesn’t mean I will allow threats like Discord or Chrysalis to terrorize Equestria… but as for the other lands like Griffionia, Neighpon, and Zebrica… those lands are in the control of, shall we say, erm… local deities,” explained Celestia. Turning down one of the many halls and passing through the dozens of private chambers, the two alicorns entered a small den. Lavender and cyan crystal walls and pillars paired with the finest of marble to match the lining of the exterior. A pair of comfortable and large-looking chairs sat before a large crystal coffee table with their tea and sweets already prepared and awaiting their arrival. Celestia trotted over to her seat, sitting down as she fancied herself a cup of tea and a slice of pound cake, “Discord tells me you’ve already met Eyr.” Twilight tried her best to calm down but found sitting still in her chair to be very challenging at moment. Neither did she feel particularly hungry, not even looking at the cake for a second. Something about the thought of eating after an attempted murder twisted Twilight’s stomach into knots. “Yes… I wasn’t entirely certain at first but yes. She seemed a little… rude, frankly. But she was kind enough to let us pass.” The younger alicorn nodded, sipping her black tea without much thought. “But still, even if the Griffinlands aren’t ours, we have a responsibility to protect those we can, don’t we? If I had known entirely what was happening, I would have asked Eyr the same.” Celestia remained calm, carefully slicing a bite of cake with the side of her fork before pricking the morsel with her utensil and gingerly eating the treat before taking a small sip of tea and then wiping her mouth with a cloth napkin. “Twilight… I understand your sentiment, as did Luna and I did all those years ago, but…” her expression darkened, her soft eyes turning cold as an empty stare met Twilight, “... We lost a lot of good creatures trying to do the right thing. The road to Tartarus is always paved with good intentions, and because of our intentions, all of us ‘Gods’ caused countless deaths in our ‘righteous’ cause.” Celestia sighed, “... It was a war for the world, and unsurprisingly if everyone is fighting one another, no one will get anywhere, and we realized this. So all of us from across the land, come Griffish deity to Dragon Lord, we traveled to the End Of The World and established peace between each other.” “It was said that each powerful being was given a race and land to govern as they saw fit, and Luna and I were given Equestria since we had those lands under our control prior to the agreement. That is why Luna and I cannot leave the continent of Equus nor intervene in your quest… directly, that is.” Twilight’s brow wrinkled, trying to absorb all of this information. She tried to think of what question to ask first, but there were so many she had difficulty putting them in order. “So… you’re hoping I can do something? But… I’m only one pony princess! Even with my friends, this is an entire kingdom.” She shook her head, setting her cup of tea down on the table. “And… wait, ponies were created? I’ve read the Equestria Chronicles, but I never… took them literally.” “Twilight, focus.” Celestia tutted softly, giving her former student a warm but stern look, “Twilight, you’re an alicorn, and someday you will take my place and rule with my sister over these lands. That is an enormous responsibility with a massive weight. But I know you are right, no matter how powerful, intelligent, and diligent you are. You are just one pony… which is why I have someone inside Unicornica ready to help you.” Twilight blinked a small sense of relief washing over her, the anxiety that weighed on her chest easing just a bit. “Somepony inside of Unicornica? Who is it?” The younger alicorn slowly looked up, feeling restless and confused, wanting to take action. “I delegated Prince Blueblood to Unicornica; he is currently being reviewed as a potential candidate to inherit the crown of Princess Platinum and rule Unicornica.” explained Celestia, taking another bite of cake before continuing, “You are to marry him.” Twilight was halfway through a sip of tea, quickly spitting it out in a spray. Gagging and coughing with tears in her eyes, she turned to the Princess and shouted, “WHAT?!” > Feudalism At It's Finest > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight looked up at her beloved ex-mentor, her jaw slightly dropping. Did she really just hear the Princess say that? The mare shook her head, one hoof coming up to rub at her ears. She must have misheard Celestia because there was no way she could possibly think that was a good idea. "Ehehe, C-Celestia, do you think you could repeat that?" She asked nervously, squirming in her seat. "Because I swear I thought you said…" Staring at Celestia, Twilight realized at once that this was no joke. Twilight jumped up from her seat, eyes wide with confusion and denial. "Wait– you're serious? I-I don't want to marry Blueblood! I mean, no offense, I just… why BLUEBLOOD of all ponies?!" Celestia remained composed, the warm aura that had once encapsulated her being replaced with something more cold and stoic. The alicorn idly scraped her fine china plate with her fork of silver as she collected the right words to say to her confused former pupil. She slowly placed the plate and fork down on the coffee table in front of her, letting out a shallow sigh, "Twilight, I understand this is sudden. But this isn't a marriage made out of the love for two ponies. This is political…Twilight, consider this a lesson in court politics." The alicorn rose to her hooves, gesturing for her fellow Princess to follow before leaving the crystal suite and into the castle's hallway. "Blueblood is my nephew, and I am his aunt. That gives him a huge advantage regarding his consideration as King of Unicornica. As he told me, the clergy are deeply devout to my image of divine authority and see Blueblood as the rightful King by default." "As for you?" she peered down at Twilight, her expression mute, "You're an alicorn, but not only that, you are the living embodiment of the element of magic. If you marry Blueblood, that will solidify Equestria's influence… and I could take over." Her voice went cold as she stared toward the doorway ahead of them, "And finally atone for neglecting the ponies of Unicornica." Twilight's jaw moved silently as if chewing on what Celestia had just said. She remained quiet for a moment, mulling over the information. Celestia's logic wasn't flawed; it made quite a bit of sense, more than Twilight cared to admit. It wasn't as if Twilight wasn't aware of arranged marriages; she had been raised in Canterlot; it was hard not to notice the couples that trotted past, not even glancing at their partner. Despite her lack of interest in such topics, as a filly, she briefly wondered why a pony would get married if they didn't love their partner. "But… surely there's another pony that would have been a better choice!" Twilight finally found her voice, "I mean– do you remember the Grand Galloping Gala a few years ago? He mistreated my friend Rarity. I was just happy she was angry instead of crying…." "And how did Blueblood get there anyways? Did you… send him there?" Twilight raised a brow, craning her head to look Celestia in the eye. Celestia nodded. "Yes, I do remember the Gala, which is why I sent Blueblood to Canterlot's Royal Guard Academy to whip him into shape. I couldn't have someone as important as him become another decadent noble looking only to service himself." "Which is why I made sure he had no luxuries, privileges, or exemptions from what any other guardspony had to endure during service. On top of that, I was very, very clear on where I wanted him to be sent. " "First, I sent him to the Mysterious South for his first deployment, then when the Crystal Empire returned. I sent him to help garrison the frozen borderlands of the Empire. Once you told me of Unicornica, I had him withdrawn from the guard and delegated him to Unicornica on a diplomatic mission." "Officially, he's there to be reviewed as a candidate for the crown. But he's also been gathering intelligence and relaying it back to Canterlot. Simply put, he's changed quite a bit and more than capable of doing his duty for Equestria...and his aunt." Twilight listened intently, hanging on Celestia's every word. She understood Celestia's logic; a noble pony with lineage going all the way back to Celestia and Luna would be more than perfect for a society of unicorns obsessed with their own purity. Still, she couldn't help but feel that any other pony, stallion, or mare would have been a better choice. "But… won't anypony be suspicious that a mysterious Prince from Equestria suddenly arrives to become ruler?" The lavender mare began chewing her lip, her mind already going through thousands of scenarios of what could go wrong. "And myself as well– even if I am an alicorn, would they really just… let me walk in and… eugh, marry Blueblood?" "You didn't… write him a letter of recommendation, did you?" The thought could have been almost humorous to Twilight if she wasn't so frazzled. "No offense, Princess, but… I really doubt your nephew has changed that much in such a short time…." Celestia answered, subdly side-stepping Twilight's critique of her nephew, "Yes, I gave him a recommendation letter to Unicornica's council. The clergy took the letter and put it in their archives alongside other relics." Celestia paused, noticing Twilight's growing anxiety and her growing distance from the alicorn. She let out a small sigh relaxing as the familiar warmth around the Princess returned. "Which is why I have you and your friends working alongside me. Twilight, the nobles of Unicornica are not happy about Blueblood's submission to be King nor my meddling, which is why I have a suggestion for you." The Princesses stopped at a set of large ballroom doors chained shut with an iron lock binding them shut. Celestia quickly summoned a small key before unlocking the door as the chains and lock fell to the floor. The loud crack and the large doors creaking open created an uneasy ambiance. Stepping inside the old ballroom, it looked beautiful despite its age and neglect. Dozens of once beautiful flowers now lay shriveled and decayed in dozens of marble vases. A cloth banner hangs above with a message printed across. '99th Annual Convocation of Creatures!' Twilight looked up in awe at the ballroom; how had she never noticed this part of the castle before? As a filly, she had made it one of her goals to know everything about Canterlot Castle in a foolish attempt to impress her beloved Princess. The young filly hadn't seen even half of what the castle had to offer. "Long ago before Luna and I had waged war with the world. Equestria was just another nation among many, Luna and I were just starting to rule the tribes when our ponies encountered some unfriendly neighbors…." The Princess trotted past the many tables in the ballroom before pushing open another set of doors revealing the convention, full of old booths with the names of many ancient empires and kingdoms lost to time. With a few exceptions… Celestia trotted over to a dusty old booth, wiping the dirt and grime off with a magic hand before revealing the letters. 'Griffinstone' "Of course, we had to take care of that little problem, and we soon realized that Equestria couldn't simply keep itself isolated from the rest of the world. So Luna and I traveled across the world to establish formal relations with the many kingdoms, states, and republics that made up the world at the time." "....We got pretty tired of flying around, so we just decided to host the first annual Convocation Of The Creatures. And every ten years, friendly nations worldwide hosted the convention in their capital cities. It was a way for the creatures of the world to peacefully meet and show off their culture, art, and most importantly of all… desserts." fawned Celestia as she reminisced. Twilight couldn't help but let out a small giggle at that, shaking her head. "Seriously, Prin– er, Celestia, I know you like your sweets, but… that's just silly." Celestia shared a small laugh with Twilight if only to ease the looming tension around their conversation. Enjoying the brief break between the serious nature of their discussion. "But… that's truly amazing; you were able to gather all of the creatures and actually speak to them, one on one?" Her eyebrows shot up as she thought, "Honestly, I don't think I've ever heard of the 'Convocation of The Creatures'. How… old was this tradition? And when did it stop?" Twilight was more than sure that she would have noticed a plethora of different species visiting the castle, despite her antisocial behavior. Celestia turned back to the dusty decreped booth sighing deeply as she rubbed the old wooden stand, "We held ninety-nine conventions, and we held that tradition for nearly a thousand years. But our pride and ego got the better of us, so we never had another." Celestia looked down, feeling a sense of shame and regret wash over her, "It was then only nine years later, just one year before the one-thousandth anniversary of the convention. War broke out and consumed the world." "We only wanted to help; Luna and I just couldn't stand for the injustices that consumed the lands outside of Equestria and our influence. But… I now realize it was pigheaded of me to think I could fix the world's problems by strong-hoofing everycreature into cooperation, and not only that, but I could defeat all of those 'gods' and powerful creatures that stood in our way." "We fought like rabid animals, and friends turned to enemies… and after all of it, after everything was said and done, what did we have to show for it? All those kingdoms, republics, and friends we made were gone now… by that time, I was alone. Luna had been exiled to the moon." Celestia's expression fell into an empty stare, "So… after that… I withdrew from the world… and by consequence, so did Equestria… now I see I can no longer ignore this. If I won't fix this, then it seems fate will make somepony else make amends for my failure. I'm sorry it had to be you and your friends Twilight. If it were up to me, none of this would have ever happened…." Twilight bit her lip, shifting from hoof to hoof before she finally trotted next to her fellow Princess. She only hesitated a moment before reaching out and wrapping her hooves around Celestia's swan-like neck, pulling her into a hug, "It's okay, Celestia." Twilight said softly before pulling away, "I forgive you." Flashing her a smile, Twilight scanned the room again, "I know many ponies don't like to admit it… I know I sometimes have difficulty admitting it to myself, but…." "You're a princess, but that doesn't mean you're perfect. You'll make mistakes and do bad things, but you're just a pony. An alicorn, yes– but still, just a pony." She gently laid a hoof on Celestia's shoulder, "You were just doing what you thought was best. And I, for one, think the Convocation of Creatures is a brilliant idea!" "I think it's imperative to begin again and rebuild our trust with other creatures. Things have gotten this bad due to lack of communication, so we can only fix this by talking to them." The lavender alicorn nodded to herself, "And that shouldn't be too hard… right?" Celestia did her best not to shed a few tears, it had been a very long time since she had touched upon those tender feelings of remorse and regret. But mostly pride and joy at Twilight's growth and kindess, at the very least she didn't make a mistake in making Twilight her sucessor and most importantly, friend. Celestia smiled, "My Twilight, you read my mind. I was just going to suggest that you tell the Doge Of Swallowtail to host the first annual Convocation of creatures in over… my, nearly two-thousand years now…." Twilight couldn't help the smile that rose to her lips, feeling a filly-like burst of energy. Compliments from Celestia always did that, although Twilight did her best to temper that excitement now that she was a mare. "Th-Thank you, Celestia. I suppose great minds think alike?" She giggled awkwardly. Celestia tossed her small playful wink in reply before continuing, "Have the Doge host the convention, and I'll have Blueblood represent Unicornica since… the tensions between the two nations… well, I'm sure you're aware. You'll represent Equestria, and perhaps you should invite Gilda to the convention. Griffinstone has existed in some capacity and attended the convention since its inception." "Then, when the time is right, Blueblood will announce his intention to marry you, and you'll accept. Obviously, you'll tell the Doge our plan so he doesn't think an alliance between Equestria and his arch-enemy is forming in front of his very eyes." "Then once Blueblood is crowned King and you Queen, you'll surrender your crown and titles to me. Then I will take care of the rest. With this, Equestria will be able to rule a majority of ponies and have a hoof hold on Griffionia, and peace and prosperity will flourish after some time and rebuilding." explained Celestia. Twilight's nose wrinkled again at the thought of marrying Blueblood, but she supposed if it was all just for show, she could… tolerate it. Sighing deeply, she nodded. "I don't really like the idea of marrying… Blueblood of all ponies… no offense, of course. But I suppose if there's no other way, then… I'll do it." the younger alicorn took in a deep breath, puffing out her chest. "But I won't tolerate him if he starts treating me like he did Rarity… also, I'd like him to apologize to Rarity as well. She definitely deserves it." "I will make a note of that." assured Celestia, "I promise." she smiled. Twilight beamed, "Sounds like a plan, Princess. I'll make certain the Doge knows what we are doing. Should we tell Gilda as well? It might be nice to have griffins on our side if something goes… wrong." Twilight shot up, giving Celestia a nervous grin, "Er, not that that's going to happen, of course! I'll do my best to ensure things go according to plan." Celestia giggled softly, "If you feel the need to tell Gilda then you are free to act. But I'm sure you know that it's best if we keep this plan between as little creatures as possible....Oh! One more thing Twilight, if there's a better option or if you can find a solution that works better for you, then you can act on your own accord. I trust you will do what is best for everypony." Celestia peered down, giving her former student a gentle smile and a pat atop her head with a magic hand. Celestia then slowly reeled back before sighing, "Well then, are you ready to go back to Griffonia? I can place you where ever you have been before." Twilight nodded, almost bowing her head to her older Princess; the feeling of being safe and comfortable almost overrode any feelings of discomfort or anxiety. Smiling softly, she turned her gaze back up to Celestia. "Thank you, Celestia. I'm honored that you trust me with this, and I promise I will not let you down." "Well, if you had any books on the subject of Unicornica, or really… any books on politics, or being an ambassador… that would be really helpful." The lavender mare sighed, "I miss my library…." Shaking herself from her thoughts, she gave Celestia an awkward smile, "Er– never mind. I'm sure I can do it… and maybe they have some books back in Swallowtail…." Celestia nodded, "Ambassador Twilight, hm… that has a nice ring to it…." With a flash from her horn, a large stack of books neatly wrapped in ribbon levitated in front of Twilight. The books ranged from different language dictionaries, to books on diplomacy and war. Celestia then opened a portal to Swallowtail by placing a spell on the floor before them. Peering through the portal, Twilight could see the Great Tree standing proudly above her with the sounds of songbirds and music echoing below. “Hm… sounds like fun; I wish I could visit….” Celestia sighed, "Perhaps you should consider speaking to Eyr about helping you… oh! And beware of Maar." Twilight was practically drooling at the sight of the books, eagerly taking them into her hooves, eager to crack one open and have a good read. She quickly snapped herself out of her daydream as soon as Celestia began to speak again, paying close attention to her ex-mentor. "I-I can try, but she wasn't particularly… nice? I mean, maybe she was just in a bad mood…" Twilight took in a breath, "Don't worry, Celestia, I promise I'll do my best and make sure things go smoothly…." Stepping towards the portal, Twilight stopped mere inches from it before turning back. "Um… could you maybe tell me about Maar? The name sounds familiar, but…." "Ah yes, I apologize. Ponies would know him better as the Grim Reaper or Death. Whatever he goes by, he is the incarnation of death itself. He has many forms, but he resides in Griffionia because of the looming war, I assume… Now go, gather your friends in Swallowtail, and get the Doge. We have a lot of work to do." Twilight nodded as she turned back to the portal and gave Celestia a winning, if awkward, smile, "I promise, Princess, I won't let you down!" she said as she turned toward the portal. Twilight let out a sigh of relief, feeling a little frazzled and worked up from the Princess' sudden appearance, "Well, here goes nothing…." Spreading her wings, the young alicorn took flight as she flew through the portal unsure of where to start. Perhaps the Doge first, then she would make Quill aware of what would happen. She just hoped that things would go over smoothly with the Doge… "Good luck Twilight!" called Celestia one last time as she sealed the portal behind Twilight. Finally catching sight of the palace, Twilight fluttered down until her hooves made contact with the floor, quickly trotting inside. Noticing one of the many griffin servants, she trotted up to him and gave him an awkward smile. "Um, excuse me… could you perhaps lead me to the Doge? If he's available." The servant nodded and, without another word, led her to the Doge's office. One swift knock on the door and it opened; Twilight quickly moved inside. "S-Sorry, I hope I'm not interrupting anything. I have news from Princess Celestia, and… we have a plan." Doge quickly shot up from his desk, nearly knocking over the dozens of papers that were stacked on top. Quickly moving away from the massive fire hazard before walking over to Twilight. The Doge was clearly not expecting her, wearing less formal attire. Doning a simple worn cloth shirt and slacks. Seeing the Doge of such a rich merchant Republic look so ragged was strangely quaint and charming. Doge cleared his throat, "Princess, what brings you back so soon? Is something wrong? Are you in danger?" Twilight offered the Doge a small, understanding smile, her horn lighting up to organize the papers on top of his desk. She knew just how frustrating paperwork could be. The Doge gave her an appreiative look in reply. "Well… no. I mean, no more than I usually am." She chuckled, "No, no, I spoke to Princess Celestia just a few minutes ago. She gave me some news about Unicornica and a few other things…." "But first, I want to ask you, have you ever heard of the Convocation of Creatures?" The Doge quickly perked up his ears, flicking at the mention, "The Convo- but of course! It's been a pet project of mine to revive the tradition, but I have been swamped as of late…why?" Twilight beamed, "Princess Celestia wants to revive it too. And we have an idea of how to get into Unicornica…." The Doge seemed baffled at the notion of Celestia of all ponies wanting to revive the convention, "... Huh… ironic. I can appreciate the sentiment, I guess; I'll take all the help that I can get. What's her plan?" "Well… I'm not entirely happy with it, but this is the idea," "We will hold the summit here and invite all of the leaders here, including Unicornica. They will send Princess Celestia's nephew, Prince Blueblood, as their representative. I will be here as Equestria's representative and obviously you'll represent Swallowtail." She'd continue, "The main focus is to try and smooth tensions, but once we near the end, Prince Blueblood will stand up and… ugh, propose to me. Since I am already a Princess and an Alicorn, Unicornica will be chomping at the bit to try and have me rule beside him. Once the marriage is finalized, we will give our power to Celestia and overthrow Unicornica's nobles." Taking a deep breath, Twilight sighed, her voice a little hoarse from speaking so much, "At least, that's the working plan. I'd rather not marry Blueblood, but… if that's the only way for me to get into Unicornica, I'll do it." The diamond dog took Twilight's words into careful consideration, clicking his tongue and sucking air through his teeth as he clasped his paws together, "Yeeaaahh…. that's not going to work. The marriage bit? Sure, the influence and securing power from the hostile unicorns, okay? But having Equestria as a neighbor… eeeeeeeehhhhhh…." The Doge slowly held his paws together, "Perhaps the territory should be given to Swallowtail or at least governed by someone who is a democrat and not an immortal absolute monarch." laughed the Doge. "Oh, the Parliament would have a field day if I let Equestria just annex a third of the continent… but the Convocation could work as something more of an alliance between friends against Unicornica. We could just host the event with you, Queen Gilda, and myself and forage a plan to take Unicornica ourselves." "Because no offense Twilight, but Princess Celestia is the last person I want to be my next-door neighbor." Twilight reeled back, very much offended despite his kind way of putting it. Her eyes bulged in surprise, and she had to take a step back to steady herself, "Wh-What? Why wouldn't you want Celestia here?! She'd take care of everything, stop those horrible ponies from hurting more creatures, and imprison every single one of them! She'd probably banish them and imprison them where they were banished!" She threw up her hooves, "Princess Celestia is one of the kindest, sweetest, most caring ponies I have ever met! Yes, she's our Princess, but she doesn't make all the choices! She has her council for that, dignitaries– what's wrong with Celestia?!" Twilight snorted, realizing at once just how excited she had gotten. Clearing her throat, she sat down on her haunches and blushed, giving the Doge an apologetic smile. "I-I mean… I understand why you wouldn't want all of that territory to become a part of Equestria, but… she has the best intentions! She doesn't want more territory; she just wants to stop those unicorns from hurting ponies! She didn't say that she would be keeping Unicornica, only that she would take power… she never said it would be permanent." Twilight hadn't realized during her tirade that his excellency had been laughing at her. The Doge laughed, holding his sides as he quite literally howled in laughter, "Twilight Sparkle! I didn't take you for the naive type! Come now, Princess Celestia, maybe a sweetheart now; I don't doubt that a thousand years of isolationism tempers the heart." "But the Celestia, I know? The Warrior Princess? The Unconquerable Sun? Sol Invictus? The one who led armies across the continent in an attempt to subjugate the land and fought with Eyr and Death himself just to rule and lord over us and force her beliefs unto us?" "This sounds like a ploy to reinvigorate the idea of Equestria ruling the world. Many other creatures may have forgotten the War For The World. But I refuse to let My Republic and creatures fall. It is my sole duty as The Doge to protect my nation and creatures." Twilight blinked; she certainly hadn't been expecting that. She still felt offended for her ex-mentor, but for some odd reason, she knew that what he said held some truth. Thousands of years ago, Celestia and Luna were warriors, protecting ponies from monsters and darkness of all kinds. Celestia had never attempted to shy away or hide away from her history or the actions she committed. But still, somewhere deep down, Twilight felt the need to defend Celestia. "Perhaps she did things in the past, things I'm sure she regrets now. But the Celestia I know is not a conqueror; she is not a tyrant. She was my teacher, the pony I would trust with my life. I can promise you, I can give you my word, that Celestia does not want to take Unicornica for her own." "I understand that you have a duty to protect your citizens, but Celestia also has that duty. Ponies, griffins, dragons… who knows how many creatures Unicornica has harmed, enslaved, or even…." She hesitated for a brief moment, "... killed. You must understand that Celestia can't just sit idly by while that happens, right?" The Doge was quick to retort, tempered by his years of debating and arguing with the parliament, "I understand her position, but I nor the Parliament would be comfortable with the idea. In fact, if the Parliament even heard or knew of this, they would accuse you of treachery and cast you and your friends out of Swallowtail entirely…." The Doge sighed, rubbing his temple and feeling the fire and passion in his heart's temper as he walked over to a small table next to the door and poured himself a whiskey. Lighting a cigar before puffing on the tobacco. “Ugh…politics…. I'm sorry to be so…rude…I know you mean well, and I want you to understand that I want to end slavery across the continent; I would end slavery worldwide if I could. But I'm only one diamond dog, and Celestia, at the end of the day, is just one pony. And even if she's as old as time itself, she'll make mistakes, and worst of all, she'll have habits and biases that'll harm and affect the local creatures here." "Have you ever considered the consequences of having an Equestrian Princess rule over formerly enslaved creatures who were terrorized, beaten, and brainwashed into fearing and worshiping Celestia? Don't you think even if Celestia herself personally rebuked everything taught to them, that fear will just go away?" "No, they need to be ruled at home. By their friends, by their community, and Swallowtail can be that community. Twilight, I am more than open to Swallowtail and Equestria being friends, allies, but…from afar…. that's just the nature of politics." He sighed, taking a drink of whiskey before pouring Twilight a glass, "It's messy…and impolite." Twilight opened her mouth to give a rebuttal but swiftly closed it, her mind racing as she considered the Doge's words. It was true; if Celestia somehow showed up to Unicornica and simply blasted all the bad ponies away, the creatures underneath them would still be terrified and more than likely fall back into comforting familiarity. The thought sickened Twilight, but she didn't know what else to do. She slowly took the whiskey, too sick to drink. Idly swirling the beverage in her lavender magic as she spoke, "I… I see what you're saying, but how else can we stop Unicornica? They might listen to me, but I'm the youngest alicorn! I'm surprised some of them even consider me a 'God'... Celestia is far more powerful than I will ever be. At the very least, she could oversee what's happening? I'm sure we could do something…." "But I don't see Celestia having biases. She's always been kind and thoughtful to every creature she has met. She doesn't look down on creatures; she wants to help them. And yes, she's made mistakes, but it's always with the best of intentions." "I… I just don't think I have the authority to make them listen to me. I-I'm powerful, but not nearly that powerful…." for a brief moment, she wished her brother and sister-in-law were here. Surely Cadance and Shining could have been some help… Shaking her head, Twilight sighed, "But if you don't want Celestia to… take care of this issue, then what can we do?" The Doge paused, lowering his guard momentarily as he approached Twilight, gently patting her back. Giving her a reassuring smile, "There is no need to doubt yourself, Princess; I have a plan myself. As I said, we could rally Griffinstone to our side, and with their knights, Swallowtail's guard, and Strongfang's dragons, we could defeat the unicorns in a sweeping offensive." "Ho ho, the thought of that makes me smile; friendship really is magical…" the Doge fawned, daydreaming of his and his allies, armies crushing the enemy unicorns in a glorious battle. Twilight bit her lip– she didn't like that plan at all. "Doge, forgive me, but… I'm no warrior. I was a scholar, first and foremost. I might have studied a few offensive and defensive spells, but I am nowhere near Celestia, Luna, or even Cadance's level." She shook her head, "I can't lead an army and ask creatures to endanger their lives. The only way we can do this is without bloodshed." "And, if we did, we'd be no better than they are..." added Twilight. The Doge sighed as he took a long drag of his cigar, letting the thick smoke pass through his nose and mouth, "Twilight, I admire your dedication to the preservation of life. But there are times where sacrifice is needed, and the mark of a great leader is knowing when to fight and when to remain calm and steady." "Swallowtail has been fighting for its existence for well over a thousand years. We are not afraid of a fight if it means protecting our loved ones and our homes. I don't know Celestia personally, but I do know history, and Celestia nor Luna never shied away from a fight if it meant protecting their ponies, you said so yourself." "Hell! Even if you and your friends fight, if it means saving the day, you KILLED King Sombra, did you not? What is stopping you now? Is it because the creatures we're fighting aren't immortal beasts of incredible power and just normal ponies capable of evil?" Twilight hesitated, unsure of what the answer was. Whenever she and her friends fought against creatures that threatened to harm Equestria, she never really thought too deeply about why they did what they did or where they even came from. Perhaps even the changelings had loved ones if Thorax was an example. Chewing on her lip, the alicorn sighed, "We didn't– Sombra's death wasn't intentional. We had no idea what would happen when the Crystal Heart was put back in place. Even now, there are rumors he is still haunting the Crystal Mountains….Doge, I don't know what creatures told you about my friends and me, but we never run into a situation looking for a fight. We do what we can to solve the situation amicably, and if we can't…." She lowered her head, "Well… we do what we must. But we never, ever intentionally tried to hurt another being. I'm sorry, but I am not a warrior." The Doge shook his head, "I never said you had to go fight and lead armies, just that you have to be brave and not be afraid to fight." the Doge rose to his paws, taking a drink, "Come, let's talk more about this. I believe we need a second opinion; perhaps that Quill fellow has a solution we can't see…." he gestured for the alicorn to follow before stepping outside his office and turning to one of his servants. "Ready the guard for my descend to the ground!" barked the Doge. The griffin servant nodded, quickly flapping away and out a nearby window. Twilight couldn't help but feel the growing anxiety and dread looming over her. It seemed that no matter what choice she made, somepony was going to get hurt or worse. She could only hope and pray that Celestia's plan could work and that The Doge and the Parliament could see reason. A faint feeling of relief and hope passed through her at the thought of Quill possibly mending the situation. A local educated pony like him could devise a compromise that everycreature could work with....hopefully. Her head perked up, Quill! She had nearly forgotten about Quill and the attack on the temple, "Er, Doge? Can we get down to the ground as quickly as possible?" The Doge turned around, giving the Princess a firm nod before clapping his paws together, "Double time! Los, los!" shouted Doge. > The Town Of Tevye > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The group made their way through the sprawling cotton and tobacco fields of Whispering Meadows’ vast plantation, the soft trill of crickets following their wake. Jugo, the carriage driver, was singing atop the driver’s seat to the pleasure of the stallions drawing the carriage along and the mares inside it. Despite the soft and sweet melody of the harpy’s guitar and song, Glendon, the griffin riding shotgun for him, felt stiff and irritated, as if he had rashes all over his body that made him itching for a change of scenery. A few worker ponies and pegasus waved at the chariot. Many did not show much interest in the carriage or its inhabitants, tasked themselves with work harvesting the fine white cotton and bright green tobacco leaves. A few guards posted around the plantation were busying themselves with cards, drinks and singing songs of their own as they burned the daylight away. Glendon growled, straining as he spread his front legs and wings apart, “Graaaah! Why are we riding slow!? We lost our pay and supply!” Jugo sniffed, “Glendon, breaking the stallions isn’t going to do anything, besides they gotta take us back, right boys?” The stallions huffed in reply, “Glendon can drag us there if he wants us to go faster!” snapped an ebony stallion in response. Glendon shot up, “You may be a stallion, but I ain’t seen a bigger pack of jackasses all season!” Applejack thumped the top of the chariot’s roof in reply, “Y’all quit bickering, we ain’t even left the plantation yet, and you’re already at each other’s throats!” Clearing her throat rather loudly, Rarity opened one of the carriage windows to stick her head out, flashing her sapphire eyes in the warm sunlight. “Please forgive my friends; I’m sure you are doing your absolute best! It has been absolutely lovely so far, and might I add, the view isn’t anything to scoff at either.” She gave the stallions a flirtatious smirk, her eyes flicking to their flanks. Giggling to herself as she pulled herself back inside, she turned to her companions, raising a brow. “Now, now, there’s no reason to begin fighting; we’ve barely begun our journey. How about we introduce ourselves properly? I shall go first, ahem… It is so gracious and kind that you would meet me, Sir Glendon. My name is Lady Rarity, and I hail from Equestria. You may have heard of me, I am an up-and-coming designer, but I don’t wish to boast.” Turning to Applejack, she gave her a soft grin, “Now you, my dear.” Applejack rolled her eyes, finding Rarity’s gawking to be impudent and ironic, considering the mare’s faux Canterlot appearance and demeanor. She shifted her eyes to the mare, letting out a small sigh of frustration at the formalities. “I’m Applejack, and I’m just here to make sure everything goes smoothly.” asserted the farm pony. Glendon whistled, peering down the side of the chariot and into Rarity’s window, shooting the white mare a playful, flirtatious smile and greeting Applejack with a tip of his tricorn, “Pleasure to meet you; I’m Glendon. Leader of the Barn Owls and mercenary at your service! If you couldn’t tell from the number of bullets, booze, and boomsticks we have, I’m not exactly shy of a fight!” “But yah know I’m something of a patron of the arts, least in my book, ho ho!” he drummed his claws on the side of the wagon, his eyes seeming to naturally shift toward Rarity, his not-so-subtle interest in the mare growing, “Now you said you were a designer? Well that’ll come in handy I bet since I’m gonna marry luv, I promise!” winked the griff. Suddenly the griffin was yanked upward, “Alright, settle down. You barely met the mare!” groaned Jugo, “Least you’re consistent when it comes to rushing into something…” Applejack gave her fellow pony a knowing look, her expression a mix of concern and amusement. Jugo hoisted himself down, gripping the wagon’s side as he peered inside the window, “Hola, I am Jugo Hosea. I enjoy long walks on the beach, playing my guitar, and not having to drive the clinically insane around.” “Hey, fock off!” snapped Glendon. Jugo cocked a brow at Rarity and Applejack, his eyes gesturing upward, “See what I mean?” Rarity could barely stop giggling, having to blink back tears of amusement lest she ruin her perfectly set mascara and eyeliner. “Oh ho ho, you simply are a riot, darling! Well, it’s a pleasure to meet both of you, as I’m sure my companion here can attest.” She gently laid a hoof on Applejack’s shoulder, a playful grin on her lips. “I am quite glad for the company myself, we’re usually a team of six, but we’ve run into some extenuating circumstances, as I’m sure you can tell.” The unicorn tossed her mane, making sure her curls were just as perfect as they were this morning. “Oh, and my darling friend Applejack here failed to mention she’s a farmer herself and quite a talented one at that! Dear, that was half of an orchard you cleared by yourself, wasn’t it?” Applejack huffed, crossing her front legs, giving the harpy a suspicious look as she shifted awkwardly in her seat, “Yeah… suppose I did, didn’t I?” Glendon whistled, generously eyeing her legs and thighs, “Not bad. Suppose that would explain a few things!” Jugo hoisted himself up in his seat atop the carriage again, “Well, maybe after this, you can get some petty bits working the plantation.” “Er, cotton and tobacco ain’t my specialty,” replied Applejack. “What is it then!?” shouted Glendon. “...Apples?” answered Applejack thoughtlessly. “Well, now I feel silly...” huffed Glendon. “CHECKPOINT!” roared Glendon. Applejack shot up from her seat, smashing her head against the ceiling before slamming back in her seat, hissing as she rubbed her temple. As the wagon slowed to a crawl. Rarity had managed to brace herself, one hoove steadying her as she placed it against the carriage, looking no worse for wear. Tutting at her friend, she checked her for bruises, “It seems we got a little too distracted with our conversation. My apologies Applejack.” Opening the carriage window, the unicorn scanned the plantation before cocking a brow. “Glendon, what do you mean checkpoint? Are we to pay a toll?” Jugo fluttered down, opening the carriage door for the mares, “Mrs. Meadows leased the Republic Guard to help protect the place. They’re just making sure who’s leaving the plantation.” Glendon yawned, smoothing his feathery head down, “Morning tin heads! How goes the patrol?” Stepping around the carriage, the pair could see a small wooden fence gate with a small patrol of guards creatures. From a brief glance, the mares could see a pattern within the unit; two earth ponies tended a small fortified structure as they tirelessly moved sandbags around, while the few pegasi above seemed to be moving from post to post around the plantation delivering letters. While the few griffins and harpies there manned the camp and were armed to the teeth with muskets and swords. A few creatures stepped up to the group to examine them, poking and prodding them with basic questions before allowing everyone to cram back into the wagon and carry on into the wilderness ahead. After a few hours of riding through winding dirt roads and claustrophobic trails, Glendon could see a small sign ahead, squinting at the small text, “Hey! We’re close to Tevye! That’s where we got bushwacked!” Applejack awoke from her restless sleep as she groggily peered out the window, gazing upon the dreary-looking town. Surrounded by a misty haze that blanketed the entire village in fog. The smell of mud and the humid air filled the nose of every creature that stepped foot inside the town proper. The cool arid breeze that had followed them from the plantation seemed to completely disappear. The pungent scent of Tevye’s musky humid air assumed its place instead. Glendon took a deep breath, “Smell that air? That’s freedom, haha! Outside of Republic authority, and outside of Republic taxes, haha!” cackled the griffin. Rarity couldn’t help but grimace; the few ponies and griffins she could see in the mist were dressed in drab, dirty work clothes, carrying little other than the frowns on their faces. She couldn’t put into words how absolutely dreadful it looked. The only light that could be seen was within darkly tinted windows and the few scattered lanterns marking the streets. Even overlooking their lack of fashion sense, the smog only made the place dimmer, muting whatever color there had been in the first place. Taking a small sniff of the air, the unicorn instantly began to cough and sputter, wincing and rubbing her nose as she turned to her companion. “It’s, ah… very… homey?” She couldn’t use her charms this time, looking at Applejack for a sense of direction. “Are you certain we can find traces of those hooligans in this… fog?” “Fock, yeah, it’s homey; it’s my hometown! Welcome to Tevye, independent of Swallowtail, Unicorns, and family feuds for over a hundred years now!” Glendon quickly flew off the wagon, “Alright, everyone out; we’re hoofing it for the rest of the journey.” Applejack climbed out of the wagon, appearing rather apathetic toward her new surroundings, lamely pressing her hooves into the mud as she looked toward Jugo, “Why are we leaving the carriage and stallions behind?” “Investigating!” shouted Glendon, flapping above the group, “C’mon, c’mon, we don’t have all day! We have to go back to the watering hole, y’know, gather clues and the like?” Jugo sighed, nodding, “Yeah… that makes sense….” “Damn right, it does!” hmpf’d Glendon as he quickly dove to the ground skidding across the mud before stopping behind the wagon, opening the back of the carriage to his armory. Glendon rubbed his claws together as he quickly began adorning his body with pistols, daggers, and black powder grenades, filling his knapsack with lead balls before slinging a musket over his back, “Now, let’s party!” “Is this an interrogation or an execution!?” shouted Jugo giving the griffin an exasperated look. “It’s a diamond dog problem, remember? We gotta put down some Old Yellers! HAHAH!” Applejack winced, “That’s dark… look, let’s stay focused. Where’s the bar you were at?” Glendon sighed, “Fine, fine, follow meh.” “Wait just a moment, dears!” Rarity shouted, still very much inside the carriage. She looked simply disgusted and horrified, staring at the fetlock-deep mud covering the entire street. She couldn’t imagine what lied in such filth or how it gathered so much here in the first place. “I did not come on this journey to ruin my perfectly washed coat! Applejack darling, did you perhaps pack some… ah, what did you call them? ‘Galoshes’? Or perhaps even rain boots?” It looked as if the thought of getting mud on her sent chills down her spine. “Oh dear, I simply should have seen this coming; perhaps I could have asked Ms. Meadows if she had any I could borrow…” “Oh come on, Rarity, we have Glendon threatening to get gun-ho on everypony, and you’re over here complaining about a little mud!?” snapped Applejack. “Oy! Politely, piss off! A lady needs her boots!” Glendon attested, showing a strange gentlemarely streak, “Worry not, my lady, I packed boots for you and your friend in the back.” Glendon quickly rummaged through the back of the wagon, rocking it gently before plotting over to Rarity, presenting the mare with a fresh pair of yellow rain boots, “I’m afraid it’s not the most stylish thing, darling, but it’ll keep your hooves clean.” winked Glendon, giving the mare his best smile. Jugo rolled his eyes at the display, walking over before smacking the back of his head, “Focus, fool.” Glendon quickly snapped back, “You idiot, can’t you see I’m trying to be classy!” groaned the griffin. Rarity giggled with delight, gratefully sliding the rain boots onto all four hooves. “Why thank you, my dear Glendon, at least someone was thinking of their guests!” She gave Jugo a playful grin, “Just one moment; I need to make sure nothing gets in my tail, either. Thankfully I remember to pack plenty of bobby pins and hair ties!” Quickly adjusting her tail and mane into something shorter, she turned to her pony companion with a flash of inspiration in her eyes. “Ooooh, Applejack, would you like your tail in a bun? Maybe some pigtails in your mane?! You’d look positively adorable!” Applejack quickly slipped on the boots as she huffed, “I’d rather not draw any attention in such a shhhhiiiiii….” “Oh, oh, c’mon, say it. Say the dirty word I know you want to say!” cheered Glendon clasping his claws together like a proud parent watching their child say their first word. Applejack swallowed, “Such a sight… I’ll keep to myself… really could use my hat right now…” She sighed sadly at the thought of Applebloom and her kinfolk back home. What she’d do to see their faces now. Applejack trotted forward, “C’mon y’all, let’s get moving.” Jugo nodded, “Right, right.” The harpy quickly put a scabbard around his waist before sheathing a short sword, tightening a satchel around his chest. Grabbing a lantern before closing up the wagon and gesturing for the stallions to leave, “Get back here by tonight.” Glendon sighed as he watched the stallions pull the wagon away from the group, “Great… I forget my damn whiskey! Fock! Now I’ll have to buy a few bottles to make some fire bombs, Boreas bloody bastard son!” cursed the griffin as he bitterly stamped away from the group. Jugo gestured for the mares to follow, “He’s burning off steam, c’mon.” “My my, what a temper. I hope that wasn’t how he got into such trouble in the first place!” Rarity noted but seemingly unbothered. “Alright then, Jugo, please lead us to this… wretched hive of scum and villainy, if you would. Perhaps we can ask some local creatures here if they witnessed anything, even if it is quite…” She gagged softly, “Well… smokey. One of them must have seen something.” Jugo huffed, crossing his wings, “Knowing that griff? He may have well started it… Let’s go.” he’d beckoned the mares to follow as he started following the firey griffin ahead of them. Applejack mused, bumping her flank against Rarity’s as she playfully pushed the mare, “C’mon, Rarity, it’s just a little mud. Not like the smell’s gonna kill ya.” “This smell? Darling, are we smelling the same thing?” Jugo whistled, “Oop– there he goes into the Watering Hole.” Looking up at the old tavern, it was in a dingy state, much like the rest of the village’s homes and businesses. Glendon had finally cooled off by the time he took the first step up the stairs toward the entrance. Glendon grumbled, “Bastards… alright then, girls, I’m gonna need you to use your feminine charms on those sorry sacks inside there and fish for information.” “You want us to get into a seedy dingy tavern and get buddy-buddy with the locals? That’s a sure way to get us into some trouble!” retorted Applejack. “Hey now, they’re not gonna talk to me! … I hope less they are that drunk to think I’m a bloody hen, ho! Look, we got yer backs; I won’t let them harm a single hair in your pretty manes, right?” Jugo turned toward the mares, “It’s your choice at the end of the day… I won’t let Glendon trick you into believing this is the only way to do this. If you have any ideas, speak now.” “Oh, come now, Applejack, I’m certain you know how to get your way. You’re a beautiful mare, after all!” Rarity chuckled, fluttering her eyelashes. “Perhaps you just need some training? It is a skill that requires some tact and experience, which I can give you both.” “All you have to do is make them think that it was their idea to even tell you something in the first place.” The unicorn grinned, “Be sweet, laugh a little at everything they say, and you’ll have them doting on every request you give them. Although, it’s always good to start small and work your way up.” Pausing, she glanced at both Jugo and Applejack, “What? It’s not like I use my talents for evil, you know! This is important! And besides, it’s just a part of being a lady; you get more flies with honey than vinegar, as they say.” The two stared back at Rarity as if the mare were a siren. Jugo at least had the ghost of a smile on his face. Glendon, however, seemed more enamored by Rarity, if that were possible. “I don’t know if I can do that, Rarity, I’m the Element of Honesty after all, and that kinda seems like lying… and I’m not lacking confidence either, I’ll tell you that much.” prided the mare, laughing, “I know what I got!” Glendon clicked his tongue, “Well, at least you’re not chickening out. Just do your ‘ting, and we’ll watch out for trouble, yeah? Now get going.” gestured the griffin. Jugo creaked the door open for the mares, “I’ll be right behind you…” The tavern was just as both of the mares imagined it to be, dirty and dark, barely illuminated by lanterns needing oil and a flickering fire toward the left of the bar. The few booths that lined the walls had many a character, ponies and griffins slumped into their seats, already within Luna’s realm. The few awake scowled in their direction, eyes already locked on to the particularly colorful mares. Rarity raised an eyebrow towards Applejack and confidently trotted inside, not showing the nervousness she felt deep within her core. Across the tavern was the den where the large fireplace was kept alight. With a large stewpot hanging above the raging flame. Surrounded by animal skin carpets and trophies hanging on the walls. Plaques with animal heads dangled from the wall. The lifeless eyes of the many heads of bear, and wolves, seemed to be staring down and whoever was in the den. Scanning the scene, Rarity thought it best to introduce herself to one that was awake, alone with few inhabitants nearby, and looking the least surly out of the bunch. She settled on a griffin in a booth near the fireplace, as he was too busy looking into his mug to notice their entrance. Too bad most of the stallions were already dozing off, as she surmised they would be much easier to convince. Sending a glance Applejack’s way, her gaze seemed to say, ‘You can either join me or find your own conquest’ before trotting in the griffin’s direction. She put on her best smile, her voice almost like a purr, “Hello there, would you mind some company~?” Applejack cocked a brow as she watched Rarity trot toward the barfly. Taking note of the decrepit and haggard-looking establishment. Looking worse for wear upon a thoughtful glance. Trotting toward the bar, she watched Rarity from a distance. She ordered a whiskey to temper her nerves and slipped a few stray bits from her satchel to the bartender. A few of the stallions who were still aware of their surroundings took note of Applejack, some turning to their companions to whisper to each other. The farmer managed to pick up one conversation, something to do with her finely sculpted rump. What she would’ve done for a hat with a wide brim to hide under. A million and one things could go wrong in a place like this, Applejack quietly prayed to herself for a moment. Rarity approached the griffin sitting in the nearby booth and was sober upon closer inspection but looked haggard, aged from stress and hard work than time itself, with graying and white feathers prickling across his head and neck. His eyes were a deep green full of a deep-seated sadness. His clothes were ragged and dirty, his shirt full of holes and tears, and his slacks were no better. The creature peeked his head up once Rarity had come close enough for the griffin to notice. “... What’s a fine mare like you doing in a place like this?” His voice was scraggly and raspy. Sounding dry despite the booze and drink. Rarity took note of the griffin’s poor state of dress and nearly gasped, biting down on her tongue, aware that her usually dramatic flair might not be appreciated here. She noted the expression on his face, the emotion in his eyes, and felt herself grow guilty for what she needed to do. Hopefully, she could make it up to him. The poor fellow, she was certain she had packed a few extra rolls of linen; perhaps she could make him something a bit more… approachable. “Oh, you could say I’m just passing through, but perhaps you could convince me not to, handsome~” Rarity purred softly, fluttering her lashes as she leaned into the table. “I saw this… lovely little establishment and thought a refreshment might be in order… and don’t worry, I’m not looking for a free drink, darling; a lady can pay for her own beverage.” Slipping three bits from a satchel on her side, she set them on the table, using the opportunity to lean in further. Her luscious hair fell over one of her eyes, framing her features as if she were some Canterlot model. “Now, what’s a handsome griffin like yourself sitting alone? It must be quite dull without a friend or two…” The griffin listened to Rarity’s words, his expression shifting to an amused smirk; the old bird softened as he sipped his drink, “You’re awfully kind, miss, but I know that look in your eye.” he’d sipped his drink, “You want something, and frankly whatever it is ain’t worth coming around here…” “Take your business and be quick with it before trouble comes knocking. Robbers, thieves… worse for a mare like yourself.” he’d sip his drink, “I assume you’re with the orange girl too?” Applejack had been quietly sitting at the bar, slowly enveloped in the growing tension surrounding her. Compliments and flattery were one thing, but ogling and disrespectful comments were unacceptable. And she didn’t care where she was or what they had to do. Nobody would come up to her and talk to her like that, or else the bar would have another brawl break out… She glanced toward the bar’s entrance, noticing Jugo and Glendon occupying a booth near the exit, studying the two girls and their surroundings just as Applejack had been doing for Rarity. Finding some comfort in knowing the two had her back. Rarity turned and glanced over at Applejack, noting the expression on her face and tense frame. She wasn’t as accustomed to gossip or comments on her appearance as she was, but hopefully, she could handle herself long enough to avoid starting an argument. “Oh yes, my lovely companion there needed something to soothe her nerves. She’s not from here either; we’re tourists, as you might have guessed.” Rarity giggled softly, holding a hoof to her lips. “My my, quick on the take? Well then, I suppose I will be blunt then?” Clearing her throat, Rarity did her best to keep her voice polite and playful, not wanting the griffin to assume she was accusing him of anything. “My companion and I are searching for a wagon that has been stolen from a friend of ours. A brawl had nearly broken out earlier today, and we hoped someone might have seen something?” Shifting in her seat, Rarity leaned forward again, a small smirk on her lips, “I’m sure an eagle-eyed griffin like you saw something~?” The griffin smirked, “Ah, I’m sorry little lady… wagon theft is common around these parts. I’d take it as a note to head back over yonder toward Swallowtail roads.” he’d chuckle dryly, “It ain’t funny… just sad… this place used to be a good town…” “Tell you what… just to give you some closure, I saw a local and his buddies fight some diamond dogs. Headed toward some cavern, an old mine that the Harpies used to work, called it ‘Caverna De La Muerte,’ a cavern of death… so if those fools ain’t dead by now, they will be.” The griffin took a long swig of his drink, his face seeming to lift and look lively despite the grim topic, “I guess the problem would’ve taken care of itself by then. After all, possessions ain’t nothing compared to your immortal soul, right?” The room went cold around Rarity, despite the large fire that burned brightly near them, the stranger’s aura followed the chilling air. His sad eyes were paired with a cool smile. “I mean…you of all ponies would know, wouldn’t you… Rarity.” Rarity blanched and immediately sat back, her eyes growing wide with surprise and fear. Something about this wasn’t right; she felt a tingling in her spine that skittered up her neck, nestling under her horn. Chills ran up and down her spine, her pearly white coat standing on end. “I-I…” She blinked several times before clearing her throat, trying to maintain her composure. Something about this stranger was off, but she wouldn’t let that stop her from accomplishing her goal. She could play this off… Tossing her mane, Rarity simply smiled, flashing her sapphire eyes, “Oh, why of course, you have heard of me, darling; where are my manners? I am Lady Rarity, hailing from Ponyville. It’s a rather small town in Equestria. I assume you’ve seen some of my work? My Fall set last year was rather popular, if I do say so myself.” “But ‘Caverna De La Muerte’ you said? Would you perhaps have directions…?” The griffin smiled, nursing his drink as he hummed, “Oh Rarity…you can certainly say a feller like me has been well traveled… and well educated. I know looks can be deceiving, but like the creatures of the world, I come and go in many-a-ways…” The griffin’s eyes stared into Rarity’s, seeming to analyze the nooks and crannies of her soul, drumming his fingers on the table, “I know all about you Rarity, I’m something of a super fan… I know your dress line-ups… all of them. I knew since you started your first line-up… and I will be the first to see your last…” The stranger perked up and rested his head on his claw as he swayed gently in his seat, “Oh, I’ve known you for a real long time. Since you were born, actually, I knew you’d be something special too… hey… can I have an autograph…?” The griffin sat and slicked his feathers back, “Oh, I’m sorry little lady. Where are my manners…you asked me a question first.” he’d reach into his sleeve and hand her a map, “But if I were you, I’d cut your losses and let…. nature take its course, you believe in Darwingism right?” Rarity felt her skin crawl, unsure of what the strange griffin was getting at, but it was steadily becoming uncomfortable in his presence. It felt like, even though they were surrounded by other creatures, they were the only ones in the room at all. She couldn’t even find it in her to look away, even for a brief second, paranoid by what this stranger might do in those few, short seconds. “I, um, I’m flattered!” She struggled to find the words to keep this civilized, wanting to ask a few select questions but unsure if she wanted to know the answers. “Er, well, I always welcome a fan! I didn’t know that my lines had gone so far as Swallowtail, but it’s good to know that sales have been going well…” See her last line…? She resisted a shudder. Distracted by the request for an autograph and his shift in demeanor, Rarity sat up and looked down at the map, trying to memorize it to the best of her abilities. Glancing up at the griffin, she forced a smile upon her lips, but it was very obviously not as well-practiced as her earlier performance. “Aha, thank you very much… er, why of course, I have heard of the concept, but Charles Darwing is a… controversial figure in Equestria for multiple reasons…” “Might I ask why?” Rarity raised a brow, perking up, “Oh my, I nearly forgot the autograph! Oh, but I don’t believe I have a pen on me…” Whatever this was, she wanted to be as polite as possible. For some reason, she felt like she was getting played, not the other way around. The griffin slammed a piece of paper on the table with an ink quill at the ready in front of Rarity, rocking the table but not causing any spilling or damage. The creature stared intensely at Rarity as he eagerly tapped his claw on the paper. “Here, I have everything ready. I knew you would be coming here after all… now sign here…” Her eyes slowly fell on the paper, I hereby forfeit my immortal soul and allow myself to be transferred to the land of the dead by Maar/Death/Grim Reaper/ (or your preferred deity name). I surrender all ties to the mortal world and its inhabitants and agree to cross over. “I’ve always been a fan of Charles Darwing’s work; I’m as big of a fan of him as I am of you, actually. Mostly because of how… real it is. How real and beautiful your work is… just like Darwing’s.” As soon as Rarity’s eyes had scanned the whole paper, she finally found the courage to peel herself from her seat, stumbling backward rather than elegantly stepping away. She felt sick, the blood draining from her already pale face. “Is this some sort of joke?!” She hissed, all of the sweetness in her voice gone in an instant, “How dare you do something so… vile! Not even Pinkie Pie would do something so revolting, even in jest!” Flicking her mane, Rarity did her best to regain her composure, slowly turning her back to the strange griffin before walking toward Applejack. “I thank you for the directions, sir, but I am not someone to be made a fool of. Good day!” His voice was a whisper as she retreated; Rarity could almost hear the smile in his voice. “Oh, but I’d never joke about something like that, Rarity! Oh well, I’ll see you real soon…” and in the blink of an eye, he was gone. Applejack got up and quickly trotted over to Rarity, “Are you alright? Who the hay was that weirdo?” Rarity shivered, gritting her teeth as if trying to shake off the deep feeling of wrongness wrapped around her. Turning to her friend, she wasted no time, trotting up and giving her a hug. “G-Goodness, I have no idea, but it was… s-something else Applejack.” Rarity winced, burying her face into her friend’s shoulder, a moment when the finely manicured unicorn didn’t care if her makeup was smeared. “Sorry, I just… needed that.” Pulling away from her friend, the unicorn adjusted her mane and scarf, clearing her throat. “At the very least, I know where we need to go next… he said something about a ‘Caverna De La Muerte’ and said the Diamond Dogs were headed that way. It isn’t too far from here; I can point it out on a map…” “But if I never have to meet that creature again, Oh Celestia, it would be too soon…” Sighing, she stepped up to the bar and stamped a hoof, gaining the bartender’s attention. “Please tell me that this place has gin and tonic. Otherwise, I’m going to scream!” “Calm down, ye fackin’ mule, jeez…” The bartender sneered, grabbing a glass and a bottle. Jugo and Glendon approached the bar taking their places on the stools, “What’s happening, luv?” chimed the griffin among them. Jugo cocked his brow as he paid for Rarity’s drink, “Well, I guess we aren’t getting that cart then.” “The fock you mean, it’s just an old mine!” snapped Glendon, “Rarity got the information, right?” Applejack nodded, “Yeah, just because she talked to some… mysterious creep doesn’t mean we can’t get the cart back.” Jugo shook his head, “Everyone who enters the caverns never leaves.” “Probably ’cause those diamond dogs are hogging up the lot and not letting them leave!” snapped Glendon. Rarity instantly snapped up the glass, swallowing half of her drink in a very un-ladylike fashion. After talking to that stranger, she seemed too distracted to care about what others thought of her. “I’m not going to let some superstitious legend or some strange griffin stop us from getting that cart back,” Rarity sat up straighter, stamping a hoof against the bar, “Ms. Meadows is counting on us to retrieve what has been stolen! Don’t tell me you two fine, strapping creatures are afraid of a little campfire story, hm?” Jugo crossed his wings as he huffed. Glendon quickly started mashing his claw against the bar as he angrily berated his comrade. “See, this is why we don’t let pansies on the damn mission, ’cause they turn piss yellow!” Jugo rolled his eyes, “Fine. Don’t say I didn’t warn you. I’d get fired for leaving you guys by yourselves anyway…” Applejack rubbed her hoof on her face, “Well, I'm glad this cavern ain’t far from here at least…hopefully we can just run back and get help if there's trouble." "Don't worry ladies, Glendon's here to make sure nothing's gonna happen!" smirked Glendon, "Oy barkeep, give me a whiskey for the road!" > P.O.W: Pinkify Our War > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ‘DOOT-DOOT-DOOT-DOOOOOOOT!’ blared the sound of a bugle. “Raus aus den Federn!” called Gerhardt, “¡Levantarse! ¡Vámonos! Rise and shine, soldiers! Don’t tell me you’re tuckered out from partying!” shouted Gerhardt, his voice booming and thundering throughout the encampment. Paprika and Pinkie had collapsed from a sugar crash the night before, a blur of sugary and alcoholic drinks paired with a bounty of rich foods clouded their thoughts. The pair were sleeping soundly in their cots before being awakened by the bugle’s call and the Captain’s bark. Paprika yawned as she sat up from her sleeping bag, her mouth stained with pink frosting and crumbs. The taste of sour booze hung on her breath and tongue like ticks on an ass. Her ears flicked attentively as she yawned. “Morning Pinkie, you sleep okay? That was some party; I don’t think I ever ate so many treats before!” she burped, “Excuse me, hehe.” Pinkie groaned and stretched out on the ground as a loud yawn escaped her. She was usually accustomed to waking up earlier, helping the Cakes with the twins, and prepping the food for Sugarcube Corner. But after filling her belly with booze and sweets the night prior, it was a miracle she woke up at all. “Mmmmm, five more minutes?” She mumbled, pulling herself out of her sleeping bag. “I’m gonna need some extra sweets to wake me up… do you think they have hot chocolate here?” Turning to her alpaca friend, Pinkie gave a hopeful look. Paprika snorted, “Hot chocolate? Pinkie, before yesterday, these poor saps hadn’t had anything so yummy in a long, long time! C’mon, after roll call, they usually serve breakfast with coffee.” she said, slipping out of her cot and puffing her wool coat. “Mmm, coffee?” Pinkie let out another loud yawn, smacking her lips, “Yeah, I guess that’ll work… as long as there’s still plenty of sugar to put in it!” She grinned, finally finding the energy to hop out of the tent. “What do they serve with breakfast? Oooh, some pancakes would be nice. Or Prench toast!” The party pony licked her lips, almost salivating at the thought. “Whatever it is, I hope it’s tasty!” Near the center of camp, the entire unit was standing at the center of attention or engaging in roll call as Gerhardt, Sergeant Orange, and a few other officer ponies, griffins, and harpies walked along the many rows of soldiers, checking to ensure there weren’t any missing stragglers asleep in their barracks or tent. Gerhardt noticed Pinkie and Paprika emerging from their tents as he handed off his clipboard and quill to a nearby officer, making his way over to greet the two. His stern, stonewall expression turned into a pleasant smile. “Good morning, girls! Sorry for the disturbance; you may return to your cots if you want to sleep in; roll call doesn’t apply for you two.” Chuckled Gerhardt. “Oh, don’t worry, Captain, I’m used to waking up suuuuuper early from my days with the Alpaca,” replied Paprika. “And I’m used to waking up early to bake for Sugarcube Corner! Well, maybe not this early…” Pinkie snickered goodnaturedly, pressing a hoof to her lips. “Applejack would have been a better choice if you wanted a soldier. She can wake up when the sun’s not even up yet!” Yawning and rubbing her eyes, the pink party pony knelt down, stretching herself in a very cat-like manner. She even wiggled her tail, giggling to herself. “Oooh, my tail says today’s gonna be exciting! So, whaddya got planned for today, Mister Knight?” She threw him a wink for good measure. “Actually, I don’t have anything for you to do, Ms. Pie.” answered Gerhardt, “You accomplished the Doge’s goal of raising this unit’s morale. “Hell, you even gave us fresh food and goods for the next few days. We were actually considering sending you to the Capital.” Paprika bounced excitedly as she flailed her arms, “Ou ou! Gerhardt, can Pinkie and I travel to the Alpaca? I could use her powers of partying and perfect curls to convince my tribe to let me back in! … And y’know, open contact with the outside world…” Gerhardt cocked a brow, “You mean to cross the mountains by yourselves in the middle of a warzone? I’d be strung up by the tail if Pinkie Pie was injured under my care.” “I guess that means you’ll have to come too! Right, Pinkie?” Paprika said, turning to Pinkie. Pinkie grinned, bouncing her head eagerly, “Well, of course, he has to come along; he is our Knight!” She wrapped a hoof around the griffin, nuzzling into him without a care in the world or for Gerhardt's stern image in front of his troops. “Besides, it’d be awfully lonely with just the two of us!” “C’mon Gerhardty~ it won’t be that bad!” Pinkie Pie slipped away, bouncing up and down in excitement, “Besides, I can be pretty sneaky when I want to! Just say the word, and I can disappear!” She was about to speak again when her stomach spoke up, grumbling loudly in complaint. “Oop! Sorry, tummy, I almost forgot about you! C’mon, you two, let’s go get some grub! … you guys don’t actually eat grubs, do you?” Gerhardt burned a bright shade of pink as he adjusted his hat, brushing his feathers across the brim before shaking his head as he sighed. “I suppose I wouldn’t be able to convince you otherwise, lest you run off on your own without any supervision…” “Aw, c’mon Cap, don’t trust me to take care of my BFF?” snorted Paprika. Gerhardt shook his head as he beckoned the two toward the chow hall, “And no, we don’t usually eat grubs unless the situation calls for it… Fortunately, we’re having leftover soup with bread for breakfast today. I suppose we should stock up on calories if we’re climbing today…” “Don’t worry; I know all the shortcuts and secret trails to get us to the village. We’ll be there lickity-split!” chimed Paprika. “Mmmm, lickity-split… makes me think of banana splits…” Pinkie licked her chops like a dog, her pace slightly speeding up as they approached the mess hall, “Well, I’m glad we’re not eating grubs! I accidentally ate a bunch of worms once, baked them into muffins… yeah, that was not a good day…” She looked a little green just thinking about it. “And hey, we don’t gotta climb if we don’t wanna!” Pinkie turned around, her hooves messing with something unseen, but the group definitely heard honks and squeals of horns following in Pinkie's wake before she finally turned around, holding up her flying machine. “It’s hoof-powered! Or should I say… horse-powered!” She giggled with delight at her own joke, “Hey Pappy, ever flew before? It’s soooo much fun; I love feeling the wind in my mane!” A soft sigh left her lips, “Sometimes I think I was supposed to be a pegasus…” she said somberly, looking toward the sky with a nostalgic look. Whatever had just been haunting the mare imediately passed, her cheery smile returning, “But hey, better than nothing, right? Now c’mon, I’m starvin’!” Gerhardt stared blankly at the flying contraption as he quietly murmured about hearing an Earth pony using something like that fairly recently. Now confident that Earth Pony was Pinkie. Clasping his claws together, he quietly prayed to Boreas that their journey be safe and uneventful. Paprika stared eagerly at the device, “Fly!? The closest I ever got to flying was jumping off of a really steep cliff and floating to the ground!” Gerhardt quickly cut in, “We can’t fly near the mountains, lest we risk getting shot down by magical projectiles or heaps of flaming trash by the ‘unicultists.’” he said as he raised the tent flap for the two girls to let them inside the tent. The smell of simmering soup and stew and freshly baked bread permeated the air. “Why don’t you two find somewhere to sit while I get breakfast for us,” Gerhardt said as he walked away from the two, mainly to avoid any potential argument or further discussion on the topic. Paprika sighed as she shook her head, “Another time then….” “Awwww, well, hey, Pappy, we can always give it a test flight here! I mean, no one’s gonna shoot you down near Swallowtail, right?” Pinkie snickered, settling into a seat at one of the tables, patting the spot beside her. “Oh, it’s really great! I’m sure you’ll love flying. Buuuuut now I’m curious…” Pinkie rubbed her chin in thought, “What’s the Alpaca like? I’m hoping they’re just as nice and sweet as you! Oooh, should I bring gifts? I could make a cake! I’d call it… a ‘Nice to Meet You’ cake! What do you think?” Flashing her bright blue eyes, she looked up at Paprika expectantly. Paprika climbed into her seat next to Pinkie as she nervously chortled, her smile faltering as she awkwardly gnawed on her cheek, “Uhhhmmm… very, uhhhh… depressing? They’re all pretty worried about the fighting outside the village and pride themselves on their isolation but uh… I guess they’re all pretty… uhhhhh… boring?” she chuckled. “I was actually the first to try and make everyone have a bit more pep in their step by making ponchos and gift baskets for everyone! The older Alpaca really didn’t like that, but the kids loved it! So I guess they tolerated it for a while, that is, until I decided to reach out to the outside world.” “They uh… kicked me out after that. ‘Banished forever’ is the term Elder Adobo said.” recounted Paprika. Pinkie’s ears flopped down, her smile slowly disappearing into a pout. Hearing Paprika’s story nearly made her weep; she couldn’t understand why any creature would kick Paprika out! “Well, that’s just… oooo, that makes me mad!” Pinkie frowned, stamping a hoof onto the table with surprising force, causing the plates of others further down to jump a few inches in the air. “How could they make you leave your home?! They’re– they’re supposed to be your family! And family doesn’t do that!” She snorted, “I know what I’m gonna do now! I’m gonna go down there and tell ’em how much they’re going to miss you! And how good of an alpaca you are, and all the friends you made! We’ll make them sorry you ever left, and they’ll beg on their hooves and knees to take you back!” The aggravated expression slipped away, a small smile on the party pony’s lips. “At least, that’s my idea…” Pinkie offered with a small smile. Paprika stifled her sadness with a grateful smile as she hugged Pinkie, “That’s a great idea, Pinkie! Maybe I can bring some stuff to help ease them into letting back in….” she hummed. Gerhardt soon arrived at the table with a tray of food for them, “So, do you have a plan for your reintegration, Paprika?” “Oh yeah! Pinkie’s gonna convince them that I’m a great alpaca while I bribe them with supplies!” answered Paprika without a hint of sarcasm. Gerhardt looked between the two as he slowly sat down, “Is that so?” Pinkie was already neck-deep in the soup before Gerhardt set it on the table. She removed her face from the meal, nodding eagerly at the griffin. “Heck yeah, we are! If they kicked Paprika out of there, we’ll show them what they’ve been missing!” Sticking out her… abnormally long tongue, she licked her face clean, smacking her lips in satisfaction. “Mmm, this is good! Reminds me of the rock soup from home but with more flavor! Have you ever had rock stew? Or rock whiskey? Mmmm, now that’d definitely woulda knocked the sense outta all of you!” Gerhardt stared at Pinkie as she devoured her food tray as Paprika daintily picked up a spoon before tossing it aside, picking up her bowl, and pouring its contents directly into her maul. The griffin rubbed his face as he dipped his bread into his soup, “Are the rocks for seasoning or…?” “I’ve licked rocks before, if that’s any consolation!” answered Paprika. Gerhardt looked at Paprika with a bewildered expression. “Y’know, for the minerals!” “Oooh, rocks are definitely used for seasoning! Not much plant life grows where I was raised!” Pinkie licked her lips before biting a chunk from a loaf of bread, “We farmed rocks and sold them to ponies who needed them! Sometimes it was geology, sometimes it was the gemstones on the inside! Those were always my favorites.” “But I gotta admit, I miss the crunchiness of rock soup. It might not be sweet, but it tastes like home.” She let out a soft, nostalgic sigh. “I never asked my poppa how he made his rock whiskey, but I know two shots will put you out, and three will have you going to the nearest hospital! … Yeah, that wasn’t a fun trip, but the ambulance ponies were nice!” “Tch rock farm… Equestrian culture is so bizarre.” Gerhardt mused as he shook his head, unsure if this was normal behavior for Equestrians or if Pinkie’s family was just a bizarre exception. Unsure of the answer. “Boy, do I hear you, Pinkie... We can hardly grow anything ourselves; maybe the village can be your home away from home once everything is said and done.” giggled Paprika. “Hey, rock farm work is tough! My family’s done it for generations; that’s why we can do this!” Pinkie scooped up a stone from the dirt floor before placing it in her mouth. She made a show of holding it between her teeth before crushing it under her molars. “Mmm, bentonite! It’s creamy! Wanna try?” She stuck out her tongue, showing the grit in her mouth. Gerhardt winced, ("What are you?...") Swallowing the mouthful, she nodded eagerly at Paprika’s question. “Heck yeah, maybe I can show ’em rock farming! It’s really easy when you know what you’re doing, and you could sell them for a bunch of bits!” “Well, after breakfast, we can pack, start the trek, and hopefully be back before dinner time.” Gerhardt sighed before doing a double take. Pinkie nearly drooled, “Mmmm, dinner time…” Gerhardt held his beak as he winced at the sight of Pinkie devouring a rock, “I guess mama was right about the starving ponies in Equestria bit… guess I should’ve eaten my greens after all.” Paprika winced at the sight herself before giving the pink party pony a rousing applause, “Nice trick!” she sighed, “Dinner does sound good right about now…” Gerhardt groaned, “But you two just had breakfast!” It was late morning by the time everyone had packed for the journey ahead and the small wagon Paprika and Gerhardt had loaded for the Alpaca. The trio was making steady progress through the dense forest shrouded in shadow. The Captain was on high alert as he carried his musket, cocked and ready for any threat that dared lure in the darkness. Paprika tugged the cart, the four wheels behind her squeaking loudly as the wooden wagon creaked and bellowed under the weight of the supplies, humming a soft song as she moved beside Pinkie and Gerhardt. The trees were dark ebony, with bright green leaves that blocked the sun above, a few stray beams of Celestia’s sun peaking through the dense brush. Their branches twisted and curled like broken bones and seemed to be reaching toward them, swaying gently along with the morning breeze as they crackled and creaked. Gerhardt shivered, “I hope you know where you’re going, Paprika; it’s not smart to stay in the forest exposed like this for very long…” “Don’t worry, we’ll head northeast away from the patrols; trust me, I know what I’m doing. I’ve been through here like a bajillion times!” replied Paprika. “I’m just worried about keeping my one good eye intact…” he said as he gently brushed his claw over his eye patch. Pinkie Pie let out a raspberry, suddenly appearing right next to Gerhardt as they walked down the path. “Oh, don’t worry, silly, we won’t let any meanie-pants unicorn hurt you! Besides, I can be pretty fast, y’know!” Bouncing up and down, Pinkie gazed up at the trees above them, letting out a pleasant sigh at the breeze ruffling her mane and coat. “Too bad we can’t fly there… that’d have been super duper extra fun! But I guess getting zapped down wouldn’t be very fun at all… How close are we, Pappy? I hope we’re close. I’m starving!” Paprika chuckled as she turned toward Pinkie, “Not very far now! Just through the woods, across the valley, down the river, and through the amber caves! We’ll be there in no time flat.” Gerhardt sighed as he quietly fetched his map from underneath his hat, reviewing the paper as he guesstimated their journey’s distance in tangible measurements. His claw skimmed through the article, revealing the dangers of the road ahead, his face turning pale. “Have you gone mad? You want us to enter enemy territory!” questioned the griffin. “I can’t help where you goobers decide to draw lines on a map! That’s the way it’s always been for my people!” answered Paprika, “Besides, I thought you were going to protect us or make sure I don’t cause a ‘diplomatic incident’ or whatever.” “Paprika, I didn’t say you’d cause a diplomatic incident. I said you are one.” sighed Gerhardt. Pinkie Pie raised an eyebrow, “What does the laundromat have anything to do with this? C’mon, it’s just a little shortcut, Gerry! Can I call you Gerry? Cus’ Gerhardt is a kiiind of a mouthful. It’s like a tongue twister!” “I’m sure we’ll be fine as long as we follow what Paprika says. Like she said, she’s done this for a loooooooong time; I’m sure Paprika knows what she’s doing!” Pinkie lowered her head, looking up at Gerhardt with her big, blue eyes. “You trust Paprika, right? She’s your friend!” Paprika mashed her head against Pinkie’s, quickly following up by pressing their cheeks together and giving the griffin a suffocating look with her own lavender eyes. Gerhardt scoffed as he promptly separated the two and stamped off, “I trust that one of you will be the death of me by the end of this!” huffed Gerhardt, “And don’t call me Gerry!” he said with a final hmph. Paprika shook her head and dragging the cart along as he trotted behind the Captain, “He’ll be fine once we get to the village. I’m sure of it…” “Awww, but I like Gerry…” Pinkie pouted, sighing heavily, “Oh well, I’m sure I can figure out another nickname!” Turning, the party pony nodded excitedly, “I’m not worried; I’m sure he’s just a little nervous. But once we show him there’s nothing to be afraid of, he’ll be laughing with us, hehe!” Poking the Alpaca in the chest, she winked, “Race you back to Gerry!” “I was spry once,” thought Gerhardt, “I was once the cream of the crop and a handsome griffin, a creature in his prime… now I’m babysitting two bimbos who are going to co-sign my death warrant…” The journey through the woodlands was uneventful, calm aside from the distant crack of musket fire that cut through the trees every so often. The tranquil sound of bird song was interrupted by sounds unknown to nature. It dampened the beautiful sound of the forest and the spirits of the Gerhardt and Paprika. This place was once untouched by the tide of war, and now it was almost impossible to imagine it as any other than a potential battleground. Signs of contact were present, with every other tree or dirt road having signs of sentient life and combat. One of the larger trees, which looked twisted together like a giant pretzel, was partially burned and damaged. Hoof prints and claw marks scattered across the dirt, telling a story of fight and flight. Another tree ahead had its trunk splintered open, with bits of wood dust and splinters resting on the ground below the damaged tree with a lone horseshoe sitting underneath a pile of dust. Gerhardt shook his head, rubbing his eye patch as he scanned the former battlefield. “This was from last month… we… dispatched some of our guys to secure a few unwanted 'visitors' from the area. I’m sure you can put together what happened afterward…” Paprika bit her lower lip anxiously as she glanced at the horseshoe sitting alone. A chill crawled down her spine as she pondered the possible fate of its owner. She had done her best to avoid any areas where active combat was, as it wasn’t in her nature to… seriously hurt creatures, purposely at least. And that one time she found herself at the wrong place, at the wrong time, she had nearly paid for it with her life. Had it not been for her quick thinking, who knows what horrible fate would have befallen her. “Yeah…” Paprika said quietly. Pinkie could sense the shift in the air, her once bright smile softening into something more appropriate for the situation. A part of her wanted to ask exactly what happened, but she knew it would only bother Gerhardt, and Paprika wouldn’t like to hear about it either. “Hey, it’s okay. Let’s just try to keep moving and stay out of sight; that way, we won’t run into trouble! That’s what we do back in the Everfree Forest, and that’s a pretty dangerous place. The weather does what it wants, and the animals don’t need caretaking! It’s super weird…” Pinkie offered, “I’m sure we can handle anything that comes by!” Like clockwork, something would rustle in the bushes, and then appearing before them was a young unicorn stallion. With a dark purple coat and sandy blonde mane, he squeezed through the brambles, panting heavily as he quickly shook off whatever leaves, branches, and thorns that had attached to him. The pony was clad in dark leather armor covering his torso and flank, obscuring his cutie mark from view. The colt looked confused and dazed. The stallion quickly snapped his head toward the group in front of him, his eyes widening in surprise, shock, and horror. “Do you think we can handle that?” quipped Gerhardt, as he quickly snapped the musket on the young pony. The stallion quickly turned to Pinkie Pie with a pleading look as he trotted in place, “Please, don’t let it kill me!” Gerhardt grumbled, “Great, a scout… and he’s green too…” Pinkie, for her part, didn’t seem surprised at all. In fact, she appeared giddy, trotting beside Gerhardt to lower his weapon. “Come on, Hardty, we can’t hurt him! Just look at how scared he is, and besides, he hasn’t done anything to hurt us!” Turning her attention back to the newcomer, Pinkie Pie put on a wide, friendly smile and bounced her way forward. Landing softly a few hooves away, she stuck out her hoof to shake. “Hiya, my name’s Pinkie Pie! Sorry for scaring you; we don’t want to cause any trouble. We’re just passing through! I’m sure you know how that is: climbing through bushes, sticker bushes, and flower bushes… I love flower bushes, ooh, and berry bushes!” “Oops!” Pinkie giggled, realizing she was talking at the speed of light, “I didn’t even introduce my friends! This is Paprika and Gerry! Don’t worry; we like meeting new creatures. I hope we can be friends! What’s your name?” …….. There was a long silence as all parties looked at each other with confusion. Gerhardt and the unicorn kept their eyes focused on each other. The pony in question hesitantly backed away from the mare until he heard her name. Slowly taking her hoof to shake. “Pinkie Pie…? You’re THE Pinkie Pie? What are you doing with these… creatures?” he said with genuine confusion, unawarely insulting the non-ponies among them, “I thought you were with Twilight, I thought you were in Equestria!?” shrieked the unicorn, “My Goddess! Have the end times come!? ARE WE ALL DOOMED TO BURN BY CELESTIA’S SUN!?!?!?” Gerhardt snapped the hammer of his musket back in place as he placed the butt of the weapon on the ground and leaned against it. Giving the foalish colt an unimpressed look. “SPARE ME!” cried the unicorn. Pinkie Pie began to giggle, snort, and straight up started laughing, falling on her flank and rolling about. “Hehehee, that was a good prank! You’d be an amazing actor, silly stranger! But yeah, I’m Pinkie Pie! I know I’m usually with my friends, but Twilight’s busy right now with a unicorn, so I’m here all by my lonesome… except for my new friends! Well, Paprika is sort of new but older than Gerhardt. But not that she looks old! She’s beautiful!” Paprika bashfully waved off the mare. Wiping away a tear, the pink mare rolled over before getting to her hooves. “Don’t worry, silly; Princess Celestia is probably having day court right now or a delicious slice of cake! She orders a lot of special items from me, actually.” Pinkie snuck in a wink before leaning closer to the unicorn’s ear, mock-whispering, “She loooooooves red velvet!” Falling back, Pinkie bounced up and down, her smile still as cheery as it was before. “Soooooooo, are you gonna tell us your name, ooor am I gonna have to guess? Hmmmmm, Violet Star? No, wait, I’m thinking of Amethyst in Ponyville… Oooh, I should save some berries for her; maybe I can ship them!” Rambled Pinkie. “She looooves fresh blueberries, and her birthday is two weeks away! Can you believe it?! I hope her party is nice, even if I’m not there to host it… But I’m sure it’ll be great! I’ll just have to send two gifts to make up for it!” Pausing to finally catch her breath, Pinkie glanced around, finally noticing the roiling tension. “Whaaaat? C’mon guys, don’t you know that birthdays are critical!!” The stallion shifted uncomfortably as he glanced between the three, overwhelmed by the information and stress of their present situation. The stallion sat down slowly as he rubbed his temple with his hooves, “I am… Soaring Comet, and… I, uh… we aren’t… in trouble…?” he asked meekly. “She’s not, you are.” Gerhardt replied as he sat up and shifted the weapon back on Soaring, “To keep things brief for my guest here, your Kingdom has done a lot to be in trouble with my people, and now? You have to bear the brunt of the punishment,” he said, snapping the hammer back in place. Paprika had grown quiet and stiff, keeping back behind Gerhardt as she stared fearfully at the stallion in question. Despite his age and naivety, both creatures feared the unicorn. Not for what he personally was but for the potential for violence and danger he could pose against them. There was a hallowing feeling as the air grew heavy, and the raw, animalistic tension grew. A strange scent was present; a mix of sweat and something foul and bitter clung to the air. The stallion dug his right hoof in the dirt as his nostrils opened wide with every anxious breath. Paprika whimpered as a low bellow escaped her, the wool on her body frizzing up as Gerhardt slowly turned to Pinkie Pie. His eye full of fear and rage toward the stallion in question, trembling in its socket as if demanding the mare she step aside and let him do what he believed needed to be done as a sharp whinny escaped the stallion. Pinkie Pie’s brow furrowed, glancing between the three creatures with uncertainty. She had no idea why Gerhardt was so serious about punishing someone who had done them no harm. He was a unicorn, so what? She had dozens of unicorn friends back in Equestria. How were they really any different? Letting a sigh escape her nose, Pinkie cleared her throat. Perhaps the forest reminded her of that song, or maybe the collective fear of the others, but it fell seamlessly from her lips. “When I was a little filly, and the sun was going doooown~.” “The darkness and the shadows they would always make me frooooown~” “I’d hide under my pillow, from what I thought I saw, but Granny Pie said that wasn’t how to deal with fears at all~.” “So she said, ‘Pinkie, you gotta stand up tall, learn to face your fears! You’ll see that they can’t hurt you, just laugh and make ’em disappear~!” Within a split second, the pink pony had snatched both Soaring Comet and Gerhardt, pulling them against her sides. Both screaming in terror as they were helplessly dragged along with Pinkie. “Why did the ponies become friends with the Griffins? Because they both wanted a stable relationship that could soar to new heights!” Pinkie giggled, “Ooh, here’s another good one… What do you call a Griffin that’s good friends with ponies? A neigh-bird!” Pinkie giggled, squeezing the pair in a tight hug before letting them loose. “Why are you all acting like such silly fillies? Just ’cause we come from different places doesn’t mean we can’t be friends! Comet here hasn’t done anything wrong; he looks barely older than a colt! You know you can’t hurt him; wouldn’t that be against your knightly code!? And I wouldn’t let you either.” “You know what griffins and ponies have in common? They both can laugh and have a good time, so why not have a good time together? That way, everyone can be friends! I know there are bigger problems, but… that doesn’t mean we can’t try!” Pinkie pouted, her lower lip quivering. “We gotta at least try!” Soaring squealed in both terror and delight as he was swept away, almost becoming entranced in Pinkie’s song and infectious joy, just as any other pony in Equestria would. Gerhardt, however, was unimpressed. Scowling disapprovingly at Pinkie. “He may be a colt now, but he will get bigger, and he’ll be a cold-blooded monster with enough training and experience. Ponies don’t change, creatures don’t change!” snapped Gerhardt as he slung the musket over his back and tackled Soaring to the ground as the young pony let out a surprised shout. “I wasn’t ready!” whined the colt. “Shut up, boy!” snapped Gerhardt as he quickly grabbed a rope from his satchel, tied the rope around the pony’s neck, and dragged him to the wagon where Paprika was. Before tying the colt to the back of the wagon “ALRIGHT! I have had it up to here with all of you!” grumbled Gerhardt, “Now we’re going to deliver these supplies and get back to camp without any more stragglers or interferences or so help me, Boreas. I will turn this caravan around!” The stallion slowly raised his hoof as he peered from behind the wagon, “But I just g-” “Quiet! You’re a prisoner!” snapped Gerhardt. “Oh…” Paprika quickly raised her hoof, “Do I have to be near the prisoner?” Pinkie’s face twisted into something that was not normally seen by any pony, genuine frustration. Stomping back to the wagon and up to Gerhardt, she leaned into his face, her hindlegs bucking and wiggling in the air. “What do you think you’re doing, mister missy miss?! You’re treating him like… like a bad pony! But he hasn’t done anything yet; he hasn’t hurt us! Just ’cause he comes from somewhere awful, that doesn’t mean he’s bad! My friend Dashie thought all Griffins were meanies after meeting one griffin, but they made up and were friends again! Do you think it’s okay for a pony to say all griffins are bad because they met one bad griffin!?” She hopped into the air, suddenly hyperactive and more animated than before, “Does that make ANY sense to you?! You– you’re making us the bad guys! And I don’t wanna be a bad guy! I bet if he Pinkie Promised, he wouldn’t tell anyone we’ve been here! Friends never break promises, and I can tell he’d be a great friend if you just gave him a chance!” Turning her head to the Alpaca, Pinkie continued her tirade, “Pappy, my friends were super scared when they met you; they weren’t sure if you were a friend or some trickster who wanted to hurt them! But they gave you a chance! How can you not give this pony the same chance we gave you?!” Paprika shifted uncomfortably, “Well…Pinkie Pie…maybe Gerhardt is treating Soaring like a bad pony because he…is a bad pony.” “Neigh!” cried Soaring, looking genuinely distraught at the notion of being a bad pony. Gerhardt sighed, “Look, I am not basing my decision because he’s a unicorn! He is the enemy! We are at war!” Pinkie gave them both a very unconvinced look, “It’s definitely because he’s a unicorn! But even if it wasn’t because he’s a unicorn, you’d still be judging him from where he’s come from! How can you expect there to be any peace if you don’t give anyone a chance to prove themselves as good?” Trotting to face Soaring, she sighed, “I know that he probably believes a lot of stuff that’s not true, but it’s not his fault that he was lied to. He grew up like that, just like I grew up on a rock farm, just like how you grew up in your village, just like in your mother’s nest. Just like how Twilight was born a unicorn in Canterlot… a place doesn’t make a creature who they are, what they do is!” Turning her head back to Gerhardt and Paprika, she stomped her hoof. “I’m not going to let you hurt my new friend!” “Just as the prophecy foretold.” Soaring beamed, “Obviously, the Immortal Heiress’s own servant will obey her will. Which means I’ll be okay! Everything’s coming up, Soaring!” proclaimed Soaring before tripping over a rock and quickly scrambling back to his hooves. Gerhardt rubbed his claw against his face as he grumbled, “Friend… friend. Ja, of course, he’d be your friend! Why not! Let’s just befriend the Regency Council and get matching iron shackles while we’re at it!” scoffed the frustrated griffin as he stamped off, “Give a Unicorn a chance, feh…” Paprika hesitantly looked over to Pinkie Pie, “I dunno Pinkie, I love making friends as much as you do, but… are you really sure we can befriend…” she’d side-eye the colt tied to the back of the cart. The purple stallion in question was watching his own tail swat flies… Pinkie raised a brow as Gerhardt stomped off but decided not to chase after him. Fluttershy would probably say he needed time to cool off… Turning to Paprika, she glanced briefly at Soaring Comet before returning her gaze, “Paprika, were you afraid of Rarity and Twilight when you met them? They were both unicorns. Well, I mean, Twilight used to be a unicorn, but you know what I mean. Just because someone has an extra body part doesn’t make them bad!” Her big, sky-blue eyes looked up at the Alpaca, “If I were a unicorn, would you have been my friend…?” Paprika laughed, “Afraid? Of course not, I wasn’t afraid of them, silly. I saw your friends traveling together with a pair of Griffins, and nothing would have changed because you’re different from them! One of your unicorns broke a curse that was placed on me by a Unicornican mage.” “I’d only be afraid of you if you were a stallion, silly!” answered Paprika without a hint of sarcasm, “Everyone knows those guys are the unicorns you avoid. (‘Cept Elder Quill.)” Soaring looked across the wagon, “Is it because of the loud chain armor? I hate being around other stallions because of how noisy it is…” “...Uhm…” Paprika slowly looked over to Pinkie, “I think we should uhm…” she’d look at the colt for a second, “... Uhhhhhmmm… can we…. put it away?” Pinkie Pie furrowed her brow before quickly melting into a soft frown, her ears falling slack. It was as if Paprika had just deprived her of something with that answer. “He has a name, and his name is Soaring Comet!” Giving a loud harumph, she climbed into the back of the wagon with the unicorn, snatching the handles of the double doors. “Now, if you excuuuuuuse us, I’m going to get to know OUR new friend more. Maybe you should go check on Gerhardt…” And with that, she snapped the door closed, Pinkie’s face twisting into a sob. Why couldn’t everybody just get along? Soaring had managed to climb into the wagon. Concentrating his magic the best he could without strangling himself or giving cause for suspicion from the other creatures. Prying the doors open as he flung himself into the wagon, crashing and skiding across the floor before hastily closing the doors shut and sliding into the near corner on the wagon floor as he looked at Pinkie Pie with relief and gratitude. The mare looking up from the ground with a teary expression for a moment before cleaning herself up. She would've laugh or even giggle hadn't she been so distraught. Sitting up as Pinkie checked on the colt. "Are you okay?" The colt shot up as he quickly gave the Earth Pony a bow, “Thank you, Lady of Laughter. Mistress of Joy, O’ Heir to Happiness Itself, for sparing my life. I am in your debt… now then about a potential escape plan.” he’d eye the earth mare with piqued interest. Letting out a soft sniffle, Pinkie rubbed her eyes with her forearm, putting on a half-baked smile, her ears still lowered. She looked nearly heartbroken. “M’sorry, I’m not feeling like a super spy escape right now… besides, Gerhardt would shoot you, and I don’t want you getting hurt. Don’t worry, I’ll convince them to let you go; I won’t let anyone hurt you. But please… just call me Pinkie Pie. Or just Pinkie… Pinks is okay, too; Dashie calls me that all the time.” She began smoothing and combing through her mane, an anxious tic. “I don’t know what those meanie unicorns told you, but Celestia isn’t okay with what they’re doing. But she can’t leave Equestria either… Twilight doesn’t like it, either. The slaves, how they treat creatures… I know that’s a lot to take in, but a lot of stuff you were told is wrong.” Her brow was wrinkled from tension, but her eyes were soft as the summer sky. “I don’t expect you to believe me right away, but I hope if we can be friends, that you’ll try to see things my way.” Soaring quietly shifted closer to Pinkie, attempting to comfort her before being snagged back by the rope around his neck, wincing a bit as he shuffled back to get as comfortable as possible. He tilted his head curiously and looked at Pinkie with a mix of intrigue and confusion. “I don’t understand… I don’t… know of any slaves, and I’m not sure… all I know is what my dad, my mage, and my mom tell me. And mom said that if I didn’t get into the academy, I would be homeless or something… Dad said it’d make me less of a sissy.” The stallion cleared his throat as he sighed, “Are you sad? Did they make you their prisoner, too?” Pinkie sighed half-heartedly, “I don’t know what to think right now, but no, they didn’t make me a prisoner. I’m just a little… miffed at them right now, that’s all. I think we all need a moment to calm down…” “I’m just a little misty-eyed, but it’s okay. I just don’t like seeing creatures fight. I don’t understand why we can’t all get along.” Flopping down, she rested her head on her hooves. “I wish one of my friends were here right now… Twilight would know what to do…” > Caverna De La Muerte Part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The walk was only two or so miles north of the village; the dark, boggy dew and fog that flooded over Tevye seemed to immediately lift as they escaped its borders. Stepping into a clearing leading toward the mountains, the group noticed the abandoned mine shaft in the distance. The land was withered, cold, and hard. Their hooves and claws clacked and tapped against the dirt and rock. The air was drier, and the chill caused a little bit of blood to dribble from Applejack’s nose. A startled yelp escaped the mare as she hastily dabbed and cleaned at her face. “Eugh! What in Tartarus, I’m bleeding!” yelled Applejack. Glendon winced, “Air drier than a weak old bone, and boy, the air pressure jumped! Can anyone else feel that? Jugo?” Rarity winced, feeling the passages of her nostrils burning as well. She instinctively covered her nose but thankfully found that she was not bleeding. Which was for the best. She did not feel like cleaning blood out of her pearly white coat. “How high above sea level are we exactly?” Rarity murmured more to herself than to anyone else, peering across the landscape. While the fashionista was no scholarly mage like her dear friend Twilight, sensing magic was innate in all ponies, but especially in unicorns. Something about this place sent chills down her spine. “... I suppose we’re going in the right direction, but something feels… off.” The unicorn raised her knee to her chin, pondering what it could be. “Are any of you familiar with magical leylines?” Applejack gripped a cloth over her muzzle and pressed it firmly against her nostrils as she winced, tears forming as she coughed, “It burns really bad… I dunno about magical landlines, but maybe this place really is cursed…” Jugo crossed his wings as he turned to the group, “See? Clearly a warning, we need to turn bac–” “SHshshsh!” barked Glendon, “Want to ‘ear what Rarity has to say,” he said, waving the harpy off. “Leylines, my dear Applejack, leylines.” Rarity tutted, overseeing her hooves, “They were also called Mana Lines, but that’s more of an archaic, scholarly term. Twilight would most definitely know more than I on the subject, but I do remember some of the basics…” Pulling back her headscarf, the unicorn would close her eyes and focus, a blue aura burning to life around her horn. For a moment, she said nothing until something seemed to snatch a hold of Rarity herself, or at least her horn, dragging her several yards forward before nearly stumbling to a stop. The group gave chase, attempting to keep up with her speed. “Aha! I knew I was right.” Stomping a hoof at the ground, her horn seemed to illuminate what looked like roots streaming through the dirt and stone. It took a moment to realize that, no, her magic was not making the roots glow, but instead, its own radiance showed through. The experience was akin to an echo. It was difficult to describe. Like a synapse, sending a message back and forth, sending and receiving. The spell faded, and so too did the twisting patterns below. “Do you remember my gem-finding spell? Silly me– of course you do. Well, all gemstones are filled with different amounts of magic, almost like a battery. I hoped that the spell would also work on magical leylines…” Clearing her throat, she turned back to her companions. “I believe the reason why Applejack here is having such an adverse reaction is due to being an earth pony. While unicorns are more attuned to magic by intentionally manipulating it, earth ponies are likelier to use the inert magic around them than conjuring their own.” “Which means, if I am correct… that our destination will be at the very heart of a major leyline…” Rarity bit her lip, “Twilight might have been able to identify what kind of leyline this is, specifically. Canterlot has a Major raw magic leyline, or the ‘Leyline of Absolution,’ which is why it is a hotbed for Canterlot Elite and unicorn scholars alike– the magic beneath their very hooves bolsters their capabilities.” Stepping towards Applejack, she laid a hoof on her shoulder. “Ponyville has one as well, although it’s not quite raw magic like Canterlot. Ponyville’s is named ‘Line of Abundance’... I’m sure you can connect the dots.” Rarity gave her friend a small, comforting smile. Applejack was thoroughly impressed with Rarity for the first time in a long time. Though the fact they were essentially in the center of powerful magic didn’t sit right with her, perhaps it was her nature as a farmer who preferred the simple and direct approach rather than the fantastical and abstract answers that magic offered, even with something as universal and adaptable as potion-making made the earth mare shy away. It felt unnatural and wrong to exploit the forces of nature in such a way. It wasn’t necessarily the right way, but it was her way, and her way kept Applejack alive and healthy, and nothing beyond that mattered until now. “Well, Rarity, I’m certainly glad you’ve been receptive to Twilight’s rambling and lecturing…” grumbled Applejack as she tossed a bloody and ruined rag. It looked as if some Griffin had been butchering or if somepony had just cleaned up a murder with the cloth. Jugo shook his head as he tsk’d, “Madam Rarity, if I may. This place… it is unwise to assume it’ll be anything like your Canterlot or Ponyville in Equestria. This cavern is the domain of Maar himself. Who knows what actually lies inside it. If you can feel the magical power, and if our friend Applejack is shooting blood out of her face like this… perhaps this is a sign we should turn around…” Glendon, who had been staring and listening full-heartedly to Rarity despite his ignorance on virtually every level of the subject Rarity had been discussing, had taken every note and fragment of information like gospel truth. Feeling even more heart-struck and pressed for the mare, seeing her as intelligent as she was beautiful and generous. To say he was invested was an understatement, “Ah, shut up! I’m sure Rarity here will just hit whatever ghost or demon with the finest and prettiest sparkles and magic we’ll ever see! She’s buddy-buddy with a god after all!” smirked Glendon. Rarity giggled delightfully, waving a hoof at Glendon. “Oh, well, ehehe… I won’t say I’m a weak, helpless damsel, but I’m not quite as… well-versed in combative magic like Twilight or Starlight. But I can put up a fight, don’t you worry!” Trotting up to Applejack, she pulled out a spare rag from her supplies and offered it to her. “And Jugo… I’m not entirely sure what kind of situation we are treading into, but we made a promise to Mrs. Meadows. We can at least try. Perhaps they only made camp near the mines rather than inside…” Although she knew better than that. Diamond Dogs preferred to live deep underground. Which made it even stranger that the Doge lived in a tree… “And besides, the cave was just given a spooky name. So what if the stranger who gave me directions was a little… creepy. I say we should at least go down there and take a look.” Turning to Applejack, she frowned softly. “Unless you don’t want to, of course. If you feel like it, perhaps you should stay behind. The effects will only become stronger the closer we get to the source.” Applejack shook her head, “You kidding? I’m not leaving y’all behind to whatever is inside there, and besides Rarity… you’re an honorary Apple. When you’re family, I’d do anything for you ... in this case, entering a literal cavern of death.” “Awww, Applejack!” Rarity nearly teared up before remembering her mascara. She wrapped a hoof around her friend and nuzzled her cheek against the farm pony’s own. “That’s so sweet! And, of course, the same goes for you! Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom are practically sisters, too… oh, how I miss my sweet little Belle.” Glendon quickly drew his pistols as he beckoned them forth toward the entrance of the mine, “Well, how bloody poetic, but instead of us dying, let’s make sure whatever blood is spilled is from some thieving flea-ridden Diamond Dogs!” cackled Glendon as a sadistic smile crossed his beak. Jugo sighed as he grabbed the lantern that was dangling from a strap on his waist, fetching a match and striking it against the side of the lantern, he would light the wick before leading the group forward, being the tallest of the four by twice any of their size. “I’m not a coward, but I don’t warn you because of any fear or concerns of my own. I give my life to Mrs. Meadows. I just don’t think it’s fair you foreigners have to clean up our mess. Worst of all, you are the guests of the Doge and Princess Twilight… this doesn’t exactly look good on us…” Glendon scoffed, “Bah! You focus too much on politics. I just know for a fact these lovely mares aren’t a pair of damned autocrats!” Pulling away from her embrace with Applejack, Rarity turned and cocked a brow. “I understand, Jugo, but please remember that we chose to come along. We’re not prisoners of any sort. We could walk away any time we see fit. But it is our duty, neigh, our obligation to see this through. It wouldn’t exactly be an amazing impression of us if Mrs. Meadows realized we didn’t even make an attempt.” “So just try to be… optimistic? Perhaps this will be far more simple than you imagine.” offered Rarity as she attempted a soft, encouraging smile. “Now, please lead the way, my good sir.” Jugo grabbed a flask from his knapsack and took a long swig in reply before slipping the booze into his cloth bag and muttering a prayer in his native tongue. Climbing up the small rocky incline toward the caves’ entrance, they could see the deep blackness that almost appeared to be staring at them, daring whoever to enter. Jugo unsheathed his iron blade as he raised his lantern light toward the darkness, illuminating several small paw prints and scratch marks on the stone walls and floor. The air was thick with an intensely musky and pungent scent, nearly choking them. “Tracks look new, just a few hours old in fact… still wet…” muttered Jugo. “Small puppy prints, definitely on the right track, let’s go then!” barked Glendon, his voice echoing through the cave. “If they hadn’t scattered by now…” whispered Applejack. “Keep yer’ voice down.” Jugo bonked Glendon with the bottom of his sword’s handle, “Quiet stupid… now let’s keep our voices low like she said…” "Ow! I already heard you!" whisper yelled Glendon. Rarity’s horn burned to life as they approached the entrance to the mine. If she could guess, it looked aged, probably abandoned within the last fifty years. And she did have quite a bit of experience exploring old mining caves. Looking down at the tracks where carts would have heaved their supply to the surface, she could tell there hadn’t been any ponies in the area for quite some time. “Hmmm…” Sniffing the air, Rarity gagged, recognizing the wet dog scent. “Yes, blech– W-We’re definitely getting close…” Slowly trotting inside, the strong magical sensation immediately fell over them, almost akin to air pressure– like a bubble attempting to keep them out. But once they were inside its radius, the resistance disappeared immediately, allowing them access. “Seems I was correct about the leyline… Applejack dear, let us know if you start feeling unwell, okay?” Rarity turned, her brow drawn up with concern. A crackling voice interrupted the farmer before she could reply, “Pony should be worried about herself and not her friend…” “Two ponies? And birdies? We will feast tonight!” Eyes glinted in the darkness ahead of the group, the light of the lantern and Rarity’s magical aura briefly illuminating their orbs. “Quiet, you idiots! INTRUDERS, hooves, claws, and wings where we can see ’em! And don’t get smart.” A click was heard, the hammer being pulled back from a firearm. Slowly, a large, soot-colored Diamond Dog slipped from behind a large boulder, aiming his weapon at Glendon specifically. Seems the dog had noticed their guns first, his nostrils flaring. Two other diamond dogs stepped out to join their leader. One appeared to be a pug-like canine with a squished-in face and tongue limply hanging from his mouth. The second almost resembled a mastiff, massive in size, with thick wooly fur. All three of them wore similar red petticoats, and to Rarity’s surprise and delight, they were in excellent condition. “Calm down now, gentledogs. I’m sure there is a way to resolve this peacefully…” The unicorn began delicately. Glendon’s white face burned a bright crimson. He snapped his pistols at the nearest pair of dogs as he made ready, “LAY A CLAW OR HARM A SINGLE HAIR ON THESE PONIES COATS AND I’LL MAKE YOU INTO A COAT!” Jugo tensed up as he stared at the three. Stepping in front of the ponies as, he gripped his sword and prepared himself for combat, “Look, all we want is the wagon you stole from Mrs. Meadows… nothing more and nothing less. We aren’t here for you, so don’t make this about you.” Applejack examined the darkness as she quickly skimmed for any rocks or stalactites hanging above that they could use to distract the three dogs, glancing at Rarity skittishly. “Glendon, please!” Rarity trotted up slowly, gently laying a hoof on his arm. “There is no need for violence. I am sure they are reasonable creatures…” The soot-colored Diamond Dog narrowed his eyes, but his aim was steady. His comrades shifted, one wielding a rather large machete, the other a pickaxe he must have found inside the mines. “Now, I realize this is an… uncomfortable situation to be in. But perhaps we can come to an… agreement? There certainly must be something you would like to trade for the wagon in question…?” The pug-like dog sneered, “Ponies not trustworthy, will not give promised! Will trick us!” “Shaddup, you idiot!” Their leader hissed, shooting him a glare before returning to Rarity and Glendon, “We are the Candidates, the best of our pack, and we have claimed this wagon for ourselves!” Rarity blinked, looking at the others before putting on a soft smile, “The ‘Candidates’ eh? It’s a very intriguing name. I apologize for my rudeness. I nearly forgot to introduce ourselves. I am Rarity, and these are my friends Applejack, Jugo, and Glendon. I apologize for interrupting you after what must have been a very tiring day, but we really must have that wagon back. Perhaps we could strike a deal? We may not be in Equestria, but I’m almost positive that Diamond Dogs loving gemstones is universal~” The gang traded looks and briefly whispered to one another. After a moment of consideration, their leader took another step forward and into the light. “I am David. And yes… we would consider a… hmm, exchange if you make it worth our while.” His weapon was still drawn, but he seemed to be intrigued by her offer. “How does a dozen diamonds sound?” Rarity offered with a sweet grin. Applejack slowly leaned in and whispered, “Do you know where diamonds are located?” “Of course, dear! Well… it’s not an exact locating spell, but I would find them eventually!” Rarity chuckled, although she, too, could feel a twinge of nervousness deep in her gut. “Yeh well, fock off David.” sneered Glendon, “We ain’t doing no deals til all bets are off; everyone put the weapons down. Otherwise, this is a bushwhacking, not a barter! That’s Thieves Guild Code. Even you mangy mutts should get that, given you’re all so closely knit together and tighter than a gaggle of nuns.” Jugo cleared his throat, “What my friend is trying to say is that he’s hoping that him being a thief and fellow bloodthirsty gunmen will convince you to make whatever deal as civilized as we can…” David sneered, not lowering his weapon for a second. Rarity cringed, gritting her teeth briefly before taking in a slow, soothing breath. It took all of her focus not to think about the wet dog stench under her tongue. “Quite right, Jugo.” The unicorn nodded, “I think all of us…” Rarity paused, glancing at Glendon, “Er, most of us would prefer not to start a fight. And if we are to speak about this rationally, we should both lower our weapons, correct?” Her last word was pointed, her eyes aiming the quip at Glendon. The armed creatures slowly lowered their weapons. The diamond dog sniffed, “Hmm… s’pose if we can get enough gems, it’ll be worth tradin’ the stinkin’ wagon. But ain’t gonna be no dozen. We want the wagon’s weight in gems, otherwise– no deal.” Rarity’s face twisted, and she took a second to force it into a polite smile. “I… suppose… that could be accomplished. But that will take some time…” David barked out a laugh, “Ha, we’ve got all the time in the world, pony! It’s gonna be a loooong night.” “...” Rarity opened her mouth to reply, but a freezing chill went down her spine, her jaw snapping shut. The sensation was dreadfully familiar… “All the time in the world? That’s… very subjective…” replied an icy voice in the darkness, “How long is that do you think? Thirty years or so…? Or are we counting in dog years?” chuckled the voice. David’s fur stood on end as he flipped around, waving his firearm into the pitch black of the mines ahead. His ears twisted from side to side, trying to detect precisely where the voice had come from. “SHOW YER’ SELF, COWARD!” Rarity’s horn flared, clenching her eyes shut as she forced more of her magic into her illumination spell. Being in the dark at that moment just felt too claustrophobic, as if the void were the jaws of some great beast that would swallow them up at any second. “I… I-I recognize that voice…” Jugo’s feathers hitched to the top of his head, lifting the small hat from his head. The air seemed to plummet into a freezing drafty chill, the cool breeze flowing over the seven of them. Glendon quickly took the initiative and aimed at David’s back. But something deep inside him told him not to pull that trigger. The voice chuckled before laughing, “If you insist…” and with a loud SLAM, the entrance of the cave was sealed. The earth beneath their claws and hooves shattered like fine glass into the endless abyss below, with only Jugo’s lantern light providing them with their only source of light in the sea of darkness. The group free falled, screaming desperately as they flailed helplessly against gravity. Applejack swam through the air and toward Rarity as she desperately reached for her. “RARITY, DON’T LET GO OF ME, WHATEVER YOU DO, DON’T LEAVE MY SIGHT!” shouted Applejack. The Diamond Dogs let out their own yips and barks, howling as they fell deeper into the darkness. David had instinctively fired, the powder-shot briefly illuminating the mine before fading away, leaving an imprint of a strange, dark mass on their eyes. Glendon quickly spread his wings as he attempted to fly, his spread wings revealing the tightness of the pit. They were just barely scraping the edges as they fell. Glendon, unfortunately, learned this the hard way as his wings smacked and battered themselves against jagged, sharp stones. The griffin screamed in agony as he desperately snapped his wings back to his sides, writhing in pain, “OH BOREAS MY WING, MY WING– I THINK I BROKE MY WING!” Jugo gripped the lantern tightly to his chest as he prayed, his eyes sealed shut, and body clenched tightly to himself as he fell, “Boreas… rette uns, hilf uns, zeige uns Barmherzigkeit…” Rarity couldn’t help it. She screamed the sensation of weightlessness before the sudden fall. She struggled against her terror, her body tensing up as she awaited the sudden stop at the bottom. Her eyes finally snapped open at Applejack’s voice, looking into her bright green eyes. Snatching her hooves, she pulled her friend into a tight embrace. Rarity knew that she wasn’t nearly as capable as Twilight or even Starlight Glimmer, but she knew the basics. And while she wasn’t the strongest or most well-versed unicorn in Equestria, it wouldn’t stop her from trying. Closing her eyes, Rarity focused on her magic and nothing else, her brow furrowing deeply as she sensed the power surrounding them. Gritting her teeth, she attempted to reach out, trying to use the leyline to enhance her spell. A bluish aura crept over all six of the creatures, sweat beading on Rarity’s forehead as she pushed herself further and further. The light on her horn grew larger and larger as her magic wrapped itself around them, enveloping their forms. Yanking back her head, Rarity appeared to be straining her neck with the effort before it became evident what she was attempting. Levitating multiple objects was one of Rarity’s specialties. It was almost a necessity in her line of work. But levitating five different creatures at the same time, including herself? That was something she had never attempted before, and right now, it was the only thing between them and becoming a smear on the cave floor. There was a subtle snap as the drop went from helplessly falling to slowly descending, thanks to Rarity’s incredible effort and the deep, magical presence of the caves. Rarity could feel something… more than what she initially bartered for when casting the spell. But it wasn’t from her own performance. It felt… foreign, like something or someone was subconsciously influencing her mind and magic. Flashes of images and events that hadn’t happened yet and ponies she had never met before appeared in her mind’s eye, confusing and overwhelming all at once. She could see… Princess Cadance and the girls surrounding her by her bedside surrounding a beautiful young pegasus foal in her forelegs, a group of happy and exhausted faces surrounding the child. Before she could process this vision, another soon replaced it, of a different pony. An orange earth mare with a pair of bright golden burning amber wings and a horn made of brilliant, intense magic. The visions would persist, showing the foal grown into an adult, now emboldened with a pair of large majestic wings and horns. Then images of four ponies surrounded by powerful magical crystals and the orange alicorn. The pictures of the alicorns flickered in her mind’s eye as she lost focus from the near trance she was in. Rarity gasped breathlessly as if she had been holding her breath for some time, feeling light-headed and drained. Her magic went in and out briefly, sending a jolt through the creatures as she caught them again. It took several minutes before they finally reached the bottom, the unicorn collapsing to the ground bonelessly. Her body and mind were overwhelmed with the magic sensation. David let out a grunt and a bark, his ears twitching as he received one in reply, “Idiots, sound off!” “M’ here!” The mastiff called out, groaning as he lifted a sizable stone off his back. “Pugsly… I’m not sure, though…” The Diamond Dog bared his teeth, climbing to his feet before squinting in the darkness, “This is all YOUR fault; this was a trap, wasn’t it?!” He jammed a claw in Glendon and Rarity's direction before scanning their surroundings, “PUGSLY! WHERE ARE YOU?!” Jugo was wheezing as he rolled on the ground, feeling himself for any injuries, “Thank you… thank you…” he said as he climbed to his feet and reviewed his surroundings, raising his thankfully undamaged lantern toward the darkness. Ignoring David, he attempted to find his sword and, more importantly, a way out. Glendon sat up as he felt his wings, bruised and sprained for sure but not broken, though it damn well felt close enough to it. He winced as he got up and turned toward David, “US? WHAT DO YOU MEAN, YOU BLOCKHEAD? WE CAME TO YOU SECOND AS A GROUP. NONE OF US COULD’VE PULLED A STUNT LIKE THAT SO FAST!” Applejack, who had been cradling Rarity in her legs, had been gently shaking and nudging her awake as she desperately pressed her right ear against the mare’s chest and face to ensure she was breathing and her heart was beating properly. Her eyes fought back tears of sorrow and frustration at the situation as she snapped her head to the two bickering creatures. “WILL ALL OF YOU JUST GET A GRIP!? WE BOTH GOT FOLKS MISSING AND INJURED; Y’ALL ARE BICKERING AND FIGHTING OVER NOTHING! I, FOR ONE, AM NOT DYING HERE. I GOT FAMILY BACK HOME, I GOT A LIFE BACK HOME, AND SO DOES RARITY!” she looked down at her friend, noticing her slowly returning to consciousness. “Rarity?...” whispered Applejack. “I found Pugsy,” Jugo said. Approaching from the darkness with his lantern in claw, the three yelling creatures hadn’t even noticed they were in near-pitch darkness during their squabbling. Jugo’s expression was mournful and harrowing, lowering his hat to his chest as he looked David in the eye, “It isn’t pretty… a predator got him when a rock pinned him… he was the unlucky one… I’ll help ya bury him if you like.” > Caverna De La Muerte Part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “What… WHAT?!” David reared back, his face growing pale underneath his charcoal coat. “You can’t–” The diamond dog stared hard at Jugo before stomping into the darkness, a deep growl filling his throat. The sound ceased in a few short seconds, David returning with empty eyes. The fur around his collar stood on end, his tail between his legs. “He… he was lyin’, right boss?” The Mastiff shuffled forward, “... boss?” David flinched away from his comrade, shaking his head. The Mastiff seemed to shrink, shoulders slumping, hanging his head. “Ugh…” A soft murmur left Rarity’s lips, her brow wrinkling as her eyelids fluttered open. As the light from Jugo’s lantern flowed through the cavern, the unicorn snapped her eyes shut, pain slamming into her like a sledgehammer. “M-My head… A-Applejack, darling, are you alright…?” Applejack sniffled, tears spilling from her eyes as she warmly embraced Rarity, chuckling as she choked down tears, “Just fine, sugar cube… just fine… I think the Diamond dogs lost one of their own… Rarity… I’m nervous…” Jugo had finished the impromptu burial thanks to the quick work of the diamond dogs, placing the diamond-studded dog collar on top of the burial site, a small stone resting on top of it to hold the trinket in place. The group shared a brief moment of silence in honor of their former friend, or, in Jugo and Glendon’s case, enemy. They all backed away from the grave site and approached the two ponies, forming a small circle as Jugo placed a lantern at the group’s center, huddling desperately around the light. “Alright… so… what’s the plan? What do we do?” Applejack asked as she quickly got to her hooves and cleaned herself up. Glendon rubbed his brow with his feathers as he sighed, “Well, given our lack of weaponry and our first fatality… ’m willing to truce… I’m willing to talk yeh…” He gave David an apologetic look. As the leader of his own band of misfits, he could only imagine the pain he was feeling right now. Jugo quickly turned to Rarity, “The map! Rarity, do you still have that map on you?!” The unicorn slowly climbed to her hooves, limbs shaking with uncertainty. She felt light-headed and wholly drained; her bones ached, and her mouth was as dry as a desert. Rubbing her forehead delicately, she attempted to light her horn and take the map from her bags, but a shock of pain shot through her body. “Ack–” Wincing against the pain, she instantly extinguished her horn. “I-I think so…” Opening her bags with her teeth, she managed to pull the paper out without too much struggle. “I think I.. overdid it there…” David let out a soft growl, his tail slapping heavily against the cave floor. “Not need ponies dumb map. We can sniff our way out.” Glancing at his companion, the giant Mastiff nodded and got on all fours, sniffing the ground. Walking a few steps, his ears perked up, “There’s a draft this way…” David nodded, “We move.” Glancing back at the grave site, he closed his eyes. “We will be back for Pugsly…” Jugo quickly snapped a look at David, “If anything, we need to be careful of the mercury and the dozens of narrow caverns that we could get stuck in; there was a reason my people were chosen to mine here… ever heard of putting a canary in a coal mine?” “So we use the map and the pooches’ noses. Better to be safe than sorry.” replied Glendon as his face turned pale, “Ay… er… mercury, you said…?” Applejack leaned close as she reviewed the map with Rarity. It was practically impossible to determine where they were now, but fortunately, the cave was linear, with only two entrances/exits. With enough time and patience, they could escape. “We’ll have to trust the mutt’s nose for now. It’s too dark in here, but… at least it’s not claustrophobic. I think… we’re all standing up straight, and if Jugo here is standing right, we could narrow the path down to… these caverns…” Jugo leaned over and examined the map, “The estuary or the mine itself… if we are near the estuary, we cannot let the water into our bodies, even by accident. It’s full of toxic chemicals from the mercury and coal.” Rarity grimaced but nodded. “If it comes to it, and if I can regain my strength, I should be able to find some caves off of the map… and I assume our new friends here could dig us out.” Turning, she glanced at the Diamond Dogs with a raised brow. David sneered, “Aye, we could if ya wanted ta’ be caved in. There’s a reason why we haven’t made a den here: the ground is too brittle.” Rarity sighed, “So much for that, then…” The Mastiff began to clear a path to a separate part of the cave, removing the rubble that blocked their way with his enormous tail. Stepping aside, he nodded his head towards the darkness ahead of them. “Whatever you have in mind, let’s get going… this part of the cave doesn’t smell right…” A strong scent of decay began to linger as the air became thick and dense with the stench of rot and death. Flapping echoed through the cavern when hundreds of ravens from seemingly nowhere suddenly swarmed from the darkness, but the strangest thing about this murder of crows was… laughter, weeping, and whispering amongst the birds. One raven landed on top of the lantern cocking its head between the group, fluttering its wings and tail feathers before appearing to speak. ” A feast in time of famine…” “FEAST!” cried the birds in shrill squawks, “FEAST IN FAMINE!” ” A banquet…” “BANQUET, BANQUET, BANQUET!” “We feast… on…” laughed the raven. The swarm of birds laughed in reply, cackling amongst themselves. The Diamond Dogs howled, the Mastiff backing up and shrinking in cowardice, and David snapped his jaws at the flying fowl. His canines barely missed the crows, teeth bared in rage. Rarity squealed, ducking her head down, trying to avoid the creatures. An icy, sharp fear began to fill her, and it was growing unsettlingly familiar. “I-I wish Fluttershy were here…” “KEEP MOVING!” David shouted above the flurry of feathers and voices, wrapping his tail around the large Mastiff before dragging him to his feet. Jugo screamed at the murder as he lifted the lantern and jabbed it toward the swarm, “THERE WILL BE NO MORE DESTRUCTION! MAAR, SEND YOUR GOONS BACK TO THE UNDERWORLD! BY BOREAS’ NAME I DEMAND IT! THE FAITH DEMANDS IT!” his voice hitched, weakening from his desperate screaming, “EVEN YOU MUST YIELD!! OUR TIME IT IS NOT!” The swarm swirled around the group, pecking and diving at Jugo, specifically the Harpy, who was doing his best to fight against the birds, fleeing with the lantern as they followed him. The lantern’s light flickered as the dozens of birds clawed, pecked, and even shoved Jugo. The Harpy screamed as he was helplessly lifted from the ground, a shadowy silhouette of the creature flailing helplessly against the swarm as a second figure formed from the mass of shadow from the throng of ravens. From the shadows revealed a creature wielding a large scythe. Overlooking the shadows of Jugo and the ravens attacking him and with one swift motion, the shadow slashed into Jugo’s, and the Harpy’s shadow fell limp, the sound of the lantern hitting the stone floor and the flock of birds scattered filled the cavern. And when the swarm finally dissipated, all that remained was the lantern and a pile of dark ebony feathers. “Jugo??” Rarity cried out, struggling and stumbling through the stone debris, “JUGO!” Fear swallowed her, and as she reached the lantern, she knew what had happened. A deep sob left her throat, her ears pinned to her skull as she wept. “No… no, no, no, this wasn’t supposed to happen…!” “Shut UP, pony!” David barked, stomping over. His tail thumped against the ground, his sooty fur a mess of scratches and loose feathers. “If we don’t move, we will be the next meal!” Turning his head, the diamond dog leader growled at his remaining member, “GET UP, YOU IDIOT! We need to move, NOW.” Glendon and Applejack stared at the blackness, paralyzed by fear and shock at what had just happened. Glendon quickly ran toward the lantern, calling, “JUGO, YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO COME BACK WITH US, JUGO MRS. MEADOWS STILL NEEDS YOU! WE NEED YOU, COME BACK DAMNIT!” Glendon stopped at the lantern as he desperately searched. “JUGO! YOU BIRD BRAIN, GET BACK HERE!" he suddenly turned to David, his eyes full of an unbridled rage, "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING, YOU FLEA-RIDDEN MUTT? THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT! YOU KILLED HIM! YOU KILLED US ALL!” snarled Glendon as he quickly fetched a match and grenade from his satchel, lighting the match against the side of the black ball and threatening to light the fuse. “I’LL KILL YOU, YOU DAMN MANGY MUTT! I’LL KILL YOU!” yelled Glendon. Applejack quickly shouted, “PLEASE, WE CAN’T GO ON LIKE THIS! WE’LL ALL BE DEAD BEFORE WHATEVER IS AFTER US CAN KILL US AT THIS RATE!” “Silence.” Rarity’s calm, collected voice muted everything around them. Even the rumbling of the cavern seemed to cease almost immediately after her command. She did not turn to face the group directly, getting to her hooves before delicately tossing her mane. Taking a deep breath, the unicorn slowly turned around, her features locked in a strange position. She looked neither scared nor hurt, but the sadness behind her stoic mask was unmistakable for Applejack to recognize. “Glendon, if you light that, you’ll kill not just the Diamond Dogs but the rest of us in the process. Put that away.” Leaning down, Rarity took the lantern in her teeth, unwilling to test her magic yet. “David, you and your companion find us a path. Applejack, you take the rear. Glendon, you shall be our guard. I have no idea if a firearm will be of any use, but it’s better than nothing.” David raised his brows, opening his mouth to say something before he was immediately interrupted by Rarity, “And yes, I know you have a weapon as well. Just make sure not to hurt any of us in the process. I wouldn’t be surprised if powder-shot would make this cave even more unstable than it already is…” “We are not going to panic. We will find a way out of here, and we WILL find Jugo.” Her gaze turned and locked with Glendon, her brow furrowed. “I promise.” Glendon stared at Rarity, his face full of remorse and rage but not directed at the mare in question. Her beautiful eyes tempered his soul, shimmering in the darkness like gems of their own. He would’ve been blushing had it not been for the stress plaguing him. He lowered his head shamefully as he fell into the rear with Applejack, putting the match out on his tongue before tucking the grenade away. “I only got my grenades… they’re the only things that survived the fall other than the matches… I got a few lead balls for David if he intends on using them on whatever is out there and not my back.” “That should be all well and good. If David can use them, then we shall.” Nodding her head, Rarity trotted to the front of the pack, using the lantern to light the way. Applejack let out a shallow sigh of relief as she turned toward the opposite direction of where the murder came from and trotted forward with the rest of the group. A harrowing silence followed them, the only noise interrupting the quiet being the airy draft that echoed through the cavern, filling their ears with an empty ambiance. The caverns felt like they went on for miles, and with no sense of time or direction, what could have been minutes felt like hours stuck underneath the surface. Before anyone could become content with the darkness and nothingness… some foreign noise or smell kept them on their guard. Applejack spoke if only to break the tension, “Er… David? ... Can I ask you a question?” The Diamond Dog glanced over at the farmer, raising a brow. He didn’t seem very impressed by the equines, but his distaste for ponies had to be ignored with their circumstances. “What do you want, pony…” Applejack chuckled a worn smile crossed her face, “What do you think of the er…Doge of Swallowtail, given that he’s a Diamond Dog.” He snorted, his shoulders twitching before he barked with laughter, “Hah, that old fool? He’s a worthless excuse for one of our own. Couldn’t handle it on the ground, so he had to climb up a tree like a frightened kitten!” “We don’t consider ’im one of our own. That yellow belly runt is just entertainment for all those featherbrained idiots. I hope ya didn’t come down here just t’ get on that bastard’s good side. He ain’t worth the gems he sits on.” The Mastiff lumbered forward, quite literally sticking his snout into the conversation. David shoved his companion back, “Git back there, ya fool! But yeah… don’t trust that worthless hide as far as ya can throw ’em… he’ll sell ya out fer any price.” Rarity glanced back at the group briefly, her eyes lidded, expression unimpressed. “Keep your voices down, and don’t become distracted, dears…” Applejack sighed, “Unfortunately for me and Rarity, that’s exactly what happened. Who would’ve thought visiting Mrs. Meadows could’ve brought us here…” Glendon snapped, “Mrs. Meadows didn’t do a damn thing. If not for these dolts, we could have all had tea and biscuits with Jugo and the Barn Owls.” “Look, fact is… we’re here now, and we can’t go back and stop the wagon theft, or just not steal in the first place…” Applejack said as she gave David a knowing glare, “So there’s no point badgering anybody about anything other thing til we’re out of this pi-” she tripped. “PIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT!” shouted Applejack before a loud, watery crash echoed from the bottom of the massive hole that David nearly fell in himself, barely missing it by a few inches. “Applejack!” Rarity cried out, setting down the lantern before trotting to the edge of the pit. This time, she finally attempted to light her horn, receiving only a minor shock of pain in response. Her horn lit slowly but steadily, lighting up the cave far better than the lantern could alone. “Are you okay?!” “Agh, it’s just some water…” David rolled his eyes, stepping around the crater carefully. “Water… Water!” Rarity’s eyes widened, and she quickly looked around, “She can’t get in the water; Jugo said something about mercury!” Searching through her bags, she found a length of rope and tossed it into the water, “Grab on, we’ll pull you up!” Applejack was at the bottom swimming as she desperately kept her head up, coughing violently as the mare spat as much water from her mouth as she could, “I’M ALRIGHT, I DIDN’T SWALLOW ANYTHING!” she said before coughing. Glendon quickly sprinted over before perching at the edge of the pit and slowly spreading his wings, “Alright– fock, ow ow ow ow.” winced Glendon, “I’ll get her out– Applejack! SWIM, SWIM FOR YOUR LIFE!” “W-What!? Why!?” called Applejack as a large dorsal fin was seen cutting through the water behind her; the massive beast’s shadow could be barely seen by Rarity’s blue light. Glendon quickly dove down with his wings spread as he screamed, “SWIM, KEEP SWIMMING I’LL GET YOU!” Applejack slowly turned behind to see the fin as she quickly mashed her legs against the water, kicking and paddling as wildly as she could. “Aw Tartarus damn it all…” Muttered the large Mastiff. Sparing a glance at Rarity and David, the dog took a few steps back before making a running charge, diving off the pit’s edge and into the darkness below. “WATCH OUT!” Rarity yelled. Thankfully, the diamond dog missed Glendon on the way down, diving into the water with a loud splash. The Mastiff lifted his head from the water, doggy-paddling over to Applejack before swimming beneath her, surfacing with the earth pony on his back. He was much faster than Applejack, but he was a much larger target as well… Beads of sweat ran down Rarity’s forehead, fear and anxiety making her feel trapped. She needed to do something. They couldn’t lose another creature down here, and especially not Applejack. Looking above, the unicorn narrowed her brow, studying the stone ceiling. Glendon pressed his claws to his face as he sighed, “Of course, the big bastard dived in as well. DON’T DRINK THE WATER! How the HELL is that thing even alive? BLIMEY, that’s a big fish!” “NOW’S NOT THE TIME TO BE SAYIN’ THIS GLENDON!” shouted Applejack. The Diamond dog could see the beast, its massive head peeking over the water. It was impossible. The water was tainted, and before then, it was a freshwater estuary with no prey that could sustain such a monster. But his eyes did not deceive him; it was a real great white shark. Its black, empty eyes stared down at the prey with an extraordinary hunger as it swam towards the two. Suddenly, Glendon dove toward the beast, gripping a single dagger he found in his sack. Tossing the satchel full of grenades over the top next to Rarity before the griffin made his hail mary. “DÍOLTAS!” screamed Glendon as he crashed into the water, and seconds later, a violent thrashing erupted. Glendon wildly stabbed and clawed the beast’s eye and face, practically being waterboarded as he clung to the shark’s body, digging his knife into the side of its head as crimson blood spewed from the fresh wounds. “DIE! DIE! DIE!” Screamed Glendon before he was promptly rolled over and forced under the water, out of sight. Giving Applejack and the Mastiff enough time to escape and reach the rope. But the battle, although brave and spectacular, lasted only a minute before desperate splashing, and finally, a blood-curdling CRUNCH was heard. And before anyone realized what had just happened, all that remained was a pool of bloodied water and a single dagger coated in crimson floating aimlessly on top of the water. “Glendon, NO!” Rarity let out a desperate cry and, without thinking, clenched her eyes shut. Her horn crackled with energy before firing towards the cavern’s ceiling, rubble and dirt falling to the ground as a large snap echoed through the pit. A massive stone dislodged from the stony surface and descended to the water below. A loud crash and a massive splash rocked the waters below. Rocking Applejack and the her savior in the rapids. Rarity just managed to flinch back as the boulder made contact with the water, sending an icy-cold mist into the air. David, who was holding the rope in a death grip, shook himself from side to side, trying to dry his coat. Scrambling towards the pit’s edge, he peered into the darkness, looking for his comrade. “We’re okay!” The Mastiff called out, holding Applejack under one of his massive arms. “Then pull yourselves up, ya lazy bastard!” David barked out, glancing quickly at Rarity. “Help me with this, ya mule!” Rarity, however, did not respond, still staring into the murky abyss below. Applejack panted as she quickly looked around, seeing the blood and dagger, turning a deep shade of green as she quickly turned away, “I think I’m going to be sick… RARITY GET US OUT PLEASE!” cried Applejack, her pleas snapping Rarity out of her shock just enough to pull the two out of the pit with David’s help. Applejack panted heavily as she quickly shook herself dry, toppling over as she covered her soaked head, trembling, “How, what, why!?” called Applejack, “IT DOESN’T MAKE SENSE! IT JUST DOESN’T MAKE SENSE; WHAT KIND OF PLACE IS THIS?” “Caverna De La Muerte….” replied a cold voice as a shadowy figure began approaching them from the darkness, revealing a tall, lanky monstrous beast with the head of a raven and the legs of a grey wolf wearing a cloak and wielding a large scythe. “The Cavern Of Death…” he said, reaching toward the group as he walked, “You want to see Glendon, Jugo, and Pugsly? You all easily could’ve done that had you listened… had you obeyed my warning… you’re selfish, all wanting the same luxuries and things, throwing your lives away for worthless trash…” “Only when you’re stripped of your ‘valuables’ do you actually see the benefit of working together… even then, you only do the bare minimum and are content silently loathing and hating each other....” he said, clacking the wood staff against the stone floor. “Unicorns, Griffins, Harpy, Earth pony, Diamond dog, it all doesn’t matter. As long as your species is on top, right? Such a waste of life and space… you should all be thanking me…at least I’m unbiased and efficient… what kind of a cruel, heartless creature would invent new ways to kill and maim? Then manufacture these tools of destruction on mass. Or maybe create a system where forcing a living and sentient creature to do your biding is justified. Who could do such a horrible thing to their fellow creatures.... I’ll tell you...mortals.” The Diamond Dogs instantly began to cower underneath the frosty visage of death, the Mastiff falling to the ground with a thump, tail between his legs, ears hanging low as if he were trying to disappear. David, however, had a bit more spunk and courage left in him, pulling out his firearm and shakily aiming it at their captor. “Why fear death when it may come at any time?!” He howled, pounding a fist to his chest, “Fight me, coward! Or are you going to send another beast after us? Can’t look us in the eye while ya stab us in the back, eh?” Rarity stood numbly, unable to move, her eyes locked onto the creature before them. She recognized this voice back at the tavern. Her heart ached. Why hadn’t she listened? Why did she insist that they come looking for this stupid wagon? Now Glendon and Jugo were… were… BANG! David fired at the creature, baring his teeth with anger and fear, “IF YA WANT ME DEAD, Y’ALL HAVE TO COME N’ GET ME FIRST!” “Put that down!” Rarity hissed. Her horn sparked, struggling to lift the lantern to eye level, trying to get a better look at the monster before them and whether or not the gunshot had done any damage. Maar laughed as he swatted the lead ball away with the flick of his cloak, “You think I didn’t do this myself? You fool, how else is a SHARK going to be in a cavern full of toxic chemicals, or how is a murder of crows and ravens able to find a home at the bottom of this cave? …because I did that. I killed Pugsly, Glendon, and Jugo.” “And they’re with me, forever, and I will have their souls as my playthings for the rest of time, and you will learn soon enough what eternity in HELL will be like.” smiled Maar as he slowly raised his scythe. “STOP!” shouted Applejack as she quickly darted in front of the group, “We didn’t come here to exploit anypony; we aren’t here because we’re selfish. We’re here because we’re selfless! Because we care about folks other than our own ’cause it’s the right thing to do, it’s the only thing to do!” “Are you begging for your life?” sneered Maar, “Most unbecoming…” “No, I ain’t. I’m begging you to see reason. I know who you are, and I know that we can’t beat you, not with guns, not with weapons…” Maar paused as he stared at Applejack, even recoiling back in shock as the mare dared to approach closer. “We traveled across continents, faced pirates, met Queen’s and Doge’s and whatnot, all in the name of friendship! How could you say we did it for ourselves!? We had no idea what we were getting into, and we still packed our bags and went for it! Because we do care, and we live for something other than ourselves!” Maar quickly snatched Applejack by the throat before yanking her up, pressing the blade of his scythe to her neck. The mare wincing and straining but kept her eyes locked on the creature. “I… ain’t… lying.” strained Applejack, “You’d kill me now...if I was lying and just begging for my life.” Maar sighed, “... No… you’re right....you of all creatures aren’t a liar… I cannot strike you down, nor can I harm Rarity if I am to be upfront… I’d get in a lot of trouble if I did anything… permanent to you two…” David lowered his weapon, his eyes flickering from his companion, Applejack, to Rarity herself. The knowledge that his gun had done and could do nothing to damage this creature scared him far more than any cave-in ever could. The canine slowly stepped back, grabbing his friend by the scruff of his neck to try and slip into the darkness unnoticed. Maar dropped Applejack at Rarity’s hooves as he cocked his head up toward David, “Go ahead, David, run! Run, and I’ll see you very, very soon!” he then peered down, giving the ponies an unimpressed look. Finding the display pathetic and near groveling. Rarity gritted her teeth, dropping the lantern to the ground without care, trotting up to the monster that held her friend in its clutches. She showed no fear as she stepped closer, her eyes narrowing, glinting in the darkness. She only stopped a few feet away from Maar, standing her ground, her horn lighting up as it illuminated the cave around them. A blue aura wrapped around the apple farmer, pulling her from Death’s grasp. “Selfish?” Rarity stared, her blue eyes becoming as sharp and cold as ice. “You call us selfish? Taking the lives of innocent creatures who were only trying to do the right thing– and you call US selfish?” “Can you not see the hypocrisy?” She glared, daring to take another step forward. “You consume every creature eventually. You stalk them and have them fearing they may be taken at any moment. And you dare demean us? When you couldn’t just wait for their time to naturally end?” Rarity stomped a hoof, the noise echoing through the caves around them. “Bring them BACK. This INSTANT. I demand you return our friends to us! You had no right to claim them, you– you selfish BEAST! You MONSTER!” Maar peered down, his face inches away from Rarity's, “Oh ho, you’re a very bold little lady. Are you back-talking me now that you know I can’t grab that beautiful soul yet? I don’t do takebacks… besides they all lived their lives and made the choices that brought them here today. If it wasn’t me, it would’ve been something else…” “Besides, why shouldn’t I be a beast… when you’ll only destroy yourselves… are you not aware of the war? Let’s not pretend everycreature here is doing this because they wanted to do the right thing. David and his gang robbed lied, and cheated their entire lives, and they just left you to die.” “Glendon gave his life away to save Applejack and that goon of his, only to turn tail and run away like a coward. At least that griff finally made a decent choice compared to a lifetime of misdeeds and misconduct…” Applejack quickly shot up, “That’s not fair! Glendon was working with Mrs. Meadows and was protecting her property. He helped us up until you took him away! Surely, he could’ve changed his life or was already on that path! And what about Jugo, what did HE do!?” “Life isn’t fair…you of all ponies should know better than that…your mother and father say hi, by the way…” sneered Maar. Rarity gritted her teeth, taking several more steps until she was nose to nose with Maar, leaning up on the tips of her hooves for that minimal gain in height. And without thinking– She slapped Maar right across his beak. For a split second, even she was surprised at her own gall. Would he attack her now that she had laid a hoof on him? Did it even matter, considering where they were? “You have no right to judge or belittle others for their lives. You heartless take and take, yet you call US the selfish ones? Are you really that empty? Is there nothing but hatred and misery in your heart, or do you lack even that?” Her tone was cold but unafraid, staring directly into Maar’s eyes. “Just because you have never held anyone dear doesn’t mean others don’t.” “You may strike me down, perhaps not now, but remember this:” Rarity turned. If looks could kill… “Even when you take my spirit, you will never have the joy we had. The love we experience. The hardships we faced. All of that is far above a creature like you.” “But in a way, I pity you.” She fully turned her back, lifting her head high. “I suppose it’s only your nature, after all.” Maar stared at Rarity as he felt his face with his wing, slowly leaning back with a playful smile on his face. The vigor and liveliness of Rarity was intoxicating. Their anger, fear, and resilience against Death himself were admirable. Applejack, too, had provided him with entertainment that he hadn’t experienced in years. “Unfortunately for everyone, Rarity, it is my right to judge everyone… and you are correct… it is in my nature to HATE life for how wasteful and destructive it is… but I don’t hate you, and I don’t hate you either…” he’d look down at Applejack. “....Celestia would try and kill me if I took your souls now, and frankly… now that her sister is back too, I’m not really in the mood for a death battle… so I’ll make you a deal… I’ll give you the wagon and those three laggards… but I need you Rarity…” he’d look down at her, “I need a kiss.” Rarity nearly jumped a foot at the request, her pale fur fluctuating between a pale green and a bright pink. “Wh-wh-what?! He wanted a-a… what?” She turned to Applejack as if hoping she had misheard Maar. “Oh, for Tartarus sake, just fockin’ kiss ’em, ya daft cu–” David called out from somewhere in the darkness, the end of his sentence muffed by a paw. The unicorn bristled, staring into the darkness, wishing she could give the canine a dirty look before turning her gaze back to Maar. She bit her lip, her brow furrowed. It was only a kiss, and she knew she couldn’t just leave Jugo and Glendon behind over her own pride. She closed her eyes and let out a soft huff before finally opening them again. Hesitantly, she stepped forward, closer to the monster who had cut short the life of her friends. “... Fine. I suppose ‘Death and the Lady’ had some basis in truth after all…” “If it’s any consolation… this was meant for a different horned pony.” He’d flick the mare’s horn before leaning in close and awkwardly pecking her lips with his beak. The kiss itself was unnatural and cold, but in an instant, Rarity could see something. Through the blackness, she could see… herself, older and more regal, wearing an oversized fur coat and playing with that young foal she saw from a previous vision. “That’s going to be somebody very important…” replied Maar as he stood behind her. Turning around, Rarity could see she was in the abyss of darkness, but unlike before, the air was missing its thickness and dampness. The vision into the future glowed a bright blue, soft, dreamy. “The future is always changing, Rarity, and though I can see every possibility within a fraction of a second… it takes less than that for any living creature to make a big difference or change… which is why I must warn you and your friends of Equestria’s downfall.” he’d point to the foal. “You must make sure she lives… do you understand that?... If she dies… Equestria, The Crystal Empire, Equus, as you understand and comprehend it, will cease to be. I cannot disclose when, where, or how… but keep that foal in check…” “I-I–” Rarity’s eyes widened, fear and curiosity keeping her still, trying to keep the image of that foal in her mind’s eye. Chills ran down her spine, but she kept her composure. “But, who– who are they? When will I know…?” She shook her head, trying to gather her senses. “I… I understand. Now, I kept my part of the bargain. Return our friends at once!” Maar stared at the Pegasus foal, watching the older Rarity play dressed up and host a tea party with the younger mare. His expression was fearful, watching the child intensely as he slowly turned toward the present Rarity. Showing a very rare expression fear and anxiousness toward the child. “You will learn in due time…very soon…very, very soon. A storm is coming, and I do not know if you six can overcome it…I will uphold my end of the agreement, bringing Jugo, Glendon, Pugsy, and yourself back to the land of the living, unharmed.” Rarity blinked, suddenly realizing what the kiss had been, “Wait– you– you tricked me! You… you KILLED me?!” “Rarity… have you never heard of the kiss of Death?” laughed Maar, “I thought you knew better… worry not, I do not intend on keeping you here any longer…” The creature quickly snapped his head, cracking his neck as it violently rattled and popped. A deep cawing escaped from the beast’s throat, seeming to reverberate through Rarity’s form. A blinding white light filled Rarity’s vision, and in the blink of an eye, she witnessed a beautiful grassy field and a deep orange sunset peaking behind the horizon. She spun wildly, looking for her friends, relieved to see the group alive and well, reunited. Sprawled out on the grass just a few yards away from the supply wagon. Applejack slowly sat up as she looked around, “Daddy…?” she quickly shook her head, “Ungh… my head… Rarity? Rarity!” she quickly got up and galloped toward her before nearly tackling her into a hug, “We did it! We did it! We’re alive, we’re all alive!” Rarity blinked, realizing tears had started falling from her cheeks. The all-encompassing cold she had felt in Maar’s presence was gone, but she still felt hollow and empty. A fear that wouldn’t pass so quickly… She wrapped her hooves around her friend and buried her face into her neck. “Oh, Applejack… I… I was so scared. I-I’m so sorry I insisted we go into that cave. I shouldn’t… shouldn’t have pushed so hard. You n-nearly…” "Nearly...but that don't mean it counted." Applejack said, giving Rarity a reassuring smile. A cough interrupted her, the Diamond Dogs looking around wearily. David raised his head, looking around in fright, until his eyes landed on a particular canine. He rushed to his feet, grabbing the figure. “Pugsly! You’re alive!” David grinned, wrapping the dog in a hug. The Mastiff wobbly got back on his feet and pulled the two in for a hug, just grateful everything was over. “Maybe… maybe there was some sorta gas leak… y’know, just… a bad dream?” Rarity felt her coat crawling, “I wish it was…” Slowly pulling from the farmer’s embrace, Rarity turned her head to Glendon and Jugo, her eyebrows knitting with concern. She got to her hooves, slowly stumbling over to the pair. “Are you two alright?” The two scrambled to their feet as they frantically looked around for any danger, feeling themselves down before looking at one another and then Rarity. Jugo slowly looked toward the cavern behind them, surprised to see the entire mountain and cave system was gone. All that was left was the field and grass they were standing in and the dirt roads leading away from the former mine into town. Slowly stepping forward, he stared in disbelief at the emptiness in the landscape. “Where’s the mountain!? Did we get blackout drunk or something!?” Squawked Glendon as he groaned, “Augh, my back is killing me… feels like I got a squeeze from my nan...” The griffin looked around, slowly processing the horrors and past day as he felt himself wither and cower at his own anxiety, “....What happened down there?” Jugo slowly turned around, facing the group with a slight smirk on his face, “....I told you so.” “AH SHUT UP JUGO, GO BACK TO BEING DEAD!” snapped Glendon. Rarity sighed in relief and managed to force a smile onto her face. “I think we should, perhaps, simply forget about that little misadventure… agreed?” Shoving himself away from the large mutt and dropping to the ground, David grunted and dusted himself off. “... fine. But you owe us, pony.” “You have my word.” Rarity tilted her head in acknowledgment. Trading glances with his companions, David nodded and turned his back, taking a random direction and sticking by it. Pugsly wasn’t far behind, with the Mastiff pausing briefly to smile at the equines, “Good luck.” Rarity struggled to put on a smile, “Thank you… Celestia knows we’ll need it.” Once the four watch the trio of Diamond Dogs walk into the sunset, and eventually out of sight. The group sat down and faced the setting sun. Pondering over their mortality, while some had faced death before in the heat of a gun battle or with the natural circumstances of life. Today was the perfect reminder, that Death was the one true equalizer. While some like Glendon and Rarity fretted over their ineviable encounter with him. Others, like Jugo and Applejack were contended knowing that there time was not and to count the blessing of cheating literal death. Applejack counted more than just that blessing, she thanked the stars for Rarity. Looking toward her she felt something...different. Closer, closer than she'd ever felt with her before, and somehow she knew Rarity could feel it to. Despite their adventures, nothing had ever reached the level of fear, terror, and hopelessness. But she never had to solely rely on her either. Glendon spoke up, "We aren't seriously going to honor that agreement with David right? The fock is he talking about *we* owe him, we saved his life the ungrateful bastard!" "Glendon, please." sighed Jugo. > Diplomacy, War, And Friendship > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The damage had been throughly accessed, the locals questioned, and the obsidian statue of the Unicornican attack was taken away. Leaving only Quill and Yellowtail inside the temple to maintain and repair any severe damage left from the initial chaos the forenoon earlier. Quill and Yellow had just finished boarding the floors that Dancing Water had crushed beneath the weight of his obsidian hooves. The two scholars took a seat in one of the benches that lined up inside the temple before Yellowtail fetched a pipe from within his robe and quickly patted himself down, looking for a match. His unicorn mentors squeezed his eyes shut for a moment as his horn burned bright magic. Before Yellowtail’s pipe suddenly had a small burst of flame spark to life inside the pipe before the earth pony puffed on the tobacco. Quill sighed, “You know you really should cut back on that stuff…” Yellowtail exhaled a cloud of smoke from his maul as he sighed, “After today, I needed this… I hope Twilight’s alright.” Quill reached into his robes, grabbing a washcloth with his magic before he dabbed his face with the cloth, “Yes, as do I… I’m sure she’ll be back soon.” The door slowly creaked open, its rusted and battered hinges squeaking loudly. As Twilight poked her head inside before carefully stepping into the temple. Trotting to the pair and gracing them with a friendly smile. “Quill, Yellowtail, I’m so glad to see you’re alright! And you did excellent work with the repairs.” Looking above the group, she relit her horn and managed to reverse some of the burns and cracks in the wood around them. “You may want to look into some flame-resistance charms or sigils in case there’s another… issue.” Her head popped up, “Oop, I’m so sorry, I almost forgot to introduce, er, well… you probably have seen him before… the Doge!” She gave the ponies a nervous smile, “Doge, this is Yellowtail and Quill. They’ve offered to help us boost morale for the grounded.” she said as she presented the Doge as he stepped through the door. The Diamond Dog sniffed, inhaling all the different scents of creatures, smoke, and ancient literature that lined the small bookshelves. The Doge was clad in a cloth dress shirt and dark slacks. Wearing a leather tricorn hat that was cocked upward. Resting perfectly on top of his fat, pudgy face, he stepped inside the temple, minding the decor. He wasn’t much of a fan of Equestrian religion or any religion for that matter. For no god of any origin seemed to do him any favors. “Gentleponies, I have heard many good things about you.” smiled Doge. The two stallions got up from their seats and quickly greeted his Excellency, giving him a bow. “Oh, your Excellency, it’s an honor to meet you in the flesh! I’m sure you’re very busy with the politics in the branches, but it means everything that you’re here.” greeted Quill. The Doge chortled nervously, “Yes, well, about that… we’re actually seeking your input on our… little spat over how we should proceed with the near future regarding Unicornica and our refugee problem...” he’d said, removing his hat and holding it between his paws. The stallions cocked up, looking between each other before their eyes met the Doges. “Our input? But we’re only two monks in a vast community of diverse creatures. We hardly count as an authority figure.” replied Yellowtail. Doge tsk’d, wagging his claw, “On the contrary, given such a response to your community organization. I’d say you hold a lot of power, and that makes our enemies afraid. Shall we discuss this more over some tea?” Twilight seemed hesitant at the conversation, uncomfortable with the ideas the Doge had offered earlier that morning. She was a scholar, first and foremost, and while she knew some defensive and a few offensive spells, she was nowhere near the level of Shining Armor when it came to combat. The thought of waging war with Unicornica sent chills down her spine. “That sounds lovely, Doge. I can prepare it if you three want to begin the discussion.” Anything to get her out of the conversation for a few minutes, if just to think of what she would say. Yellowtail quickly stepped up, “I’ll take care of the tea. I won’t be much of use in a political debate, that’s for sure.” he’d chuckle as he and the group walked into the back room. Twilight’s head lowered, and she let out a soft sigh. So much for that idea. “Thank you, Yellowtail…” The three sat down around the table, the Doge rubbing his temple as he rested his arm on the table. “Such a mess, such a mess…I obviously never wanted to keep my fellow wingless down here. But the refugees and the clashes near the border have only intensified, and with this latest attack… how can we naturally respond to such tyranny and evil?” The diamond dog slowly looked up as his muzzle hitched, revealing his teeth, “I say we prove ourselves and carve out a victory that will be remembered for generations.” Quill tilted his head as he processed the Doge’s words and position before looking at Twilight, “I see, what do you think, Twilight?” The alicorn blanched, wishing the tea was already done so she could hide herself behind a steaming cup. Rubbing her hooves in a circular motion, Twilight let out a nervous chuckle, fidgeting in her seat. “Uhm, well, I…” She took a deep breath, gathering her courage. “I don’t want this to spin out of control. If we can avoid a war, we should do everything in our power to do so. I’m a princess, but I’m no… warrior.” Quill nodded, “I agree with Twilight. It’d be an absolute bloodbath. The mountains alone provide a natural barrier, and on top of that, the Royal Guard has excellent magical defense capabilities. Even with your numbers, you’d need a coalition to win.” The Doge quickly retorted, “And we will have a coalition, we have the dragons, we’ll have Griffinstone, we’ll have the creatures captured and enslaved waiting for us to come in and break down these monsters.” he said, mashing his index claw to the table. Quill cleared his throat as he nervously smiled. Chuckling anxiously as he looked the Doge in the eyes, “Well, I can see that parliament experience… I agree that what they’re doing is evil, but why spill blood when Twilight can change the hearts and minds of everypony by just going to Unicornica?” Doge rubbed his chin as he looked at the mare, “Well, I mean, she’s an intelligent and smart Princess. Plus, her Highness is also a fair lady; I no doubt believe she could sway some, but every unicorn?” Quill nodded, “Yes, every single one. She can disprove their indoctrinated belief system by speaking the truth. Straight from the horse’s mouth, literally!” Twilight let out a soft sigh; at the very least, the Doge was now considering a less violent direction. It was good that they had Quill. Otherwise, they would have no clue what they were going up against. “Yes, in fact, Celestia has a plan that may work. I’ll say that I’m not… overjoyed, but it will get me through the door and where I can do the most good. Her nephew Blueblood is already in Unicornica as we speak.” The alicorn nodded, trying to relax into her seat. “I’m going to… ‘marry’ him. Him, being a direct descendant of the Two Sisters, and I, being an alicorn, will make it impossible to deny us.” Yellowtail, who had been preparing their tea and biscuits, trotted over with the tray on his head before setting the table for the debating diplomats and elder. He’d clear his throat and take a seat. “Tea time.” Doge quickly clapped his paws, “Excellent! I am actually a little peckish. I’ll take cream and three sugars with a biscuit, please.” Yellowtail quickly made Quill's plate and poured his tea, knowing he preferred two sugars from their long-established friendship and time inside the temple. “Twilight?” offered Yellowtail. “Ah yes, please.” Twilight coughed softly, having been imagining what it would be like if she somehow got stuck there, pretending to be Blueblood’s wife. Now that was a fate she wouldn’t wish on anycreature. “Um, one sugar and cream please. And a biscuit would be lovely.” “I just hope that Celestia’s plan works. I just… frankly, I do not like Blueblood. He wasn’t very… princely to one of my friends. I just can’t see him being very helpful.” She sighed, “But I trust Celestia, and her logic is sound.” Quill sipped his tea, stirring his spoon with magic as he nodded, “It is quite clever, but what about your well-being, Twilight? You’ll have to reform an entire society from the ground up with a lot of resistance. The nobles will do everything in their power to keep you away from the throne… they may retaliate.” Doge scoffed as he crunched and chewed on his crisp vanilla biscuit before gingerly sipping his tea, “Hrm, seems like we have the rats cornered… but you’ll need muscle to enforce your claim.” “Well, we can’t use your army; it’ll spark a full-scale war.” retorted Quill. Doge tapped his claw to his chin, “... What if we had somecreature go into the peasant communities and rally support for Twilight, y’know, get them riled up. If things get bad, I’m sure I can get one of my loyal Captain’s to assist them with providing… a defense strategy.” Quill bit his lip, “That’s… risky. A rebellion has been brewing, and the Underground would be more than willing to go on the offensive if given the opportunity. But… what about the future of the creatures living there?” Twilight raised a hoof, drawing everyone’s attention. “We will do everything in our power to prevent a war from breaking out. I will not allow any more unneeded suffering or pain.” Despite her earlier hesitation, Twilight felt surprisingly more confident the more they discussed it. Maybe knowing she wasn’t the only creature who wasn’t exactly sure what to do helped. “I am Twilight Sparkle, Goddess of Magic, and heiress to Celestia right? How can they ignore what I say when I say it to their faces?” She offered a small, incredulous smile. “There’s no way they can translate that into something else, and I won’t allow them to twist my words. I am a pony of the people and will have a way to speak to the public. I know my friends would love to help.” Doge crossed his arms as he gave Twilight a stern expression, “I’m not entirely convinced. What if someone tries to assassinate you? Or threaten you and your friends, or worse, imprison you with house arrest and keep you contained within the walls of Castle Platinum.” He’d chuckle bitterly, “I suppose the first foreigner to enter the Castle ever gets to naturally, stay within its walls for all eternity.” Quill spoke up, “Now hold on, I believe Twilight has a point. I believe overwhelmingly we should do this peacefully, but maybe having resistance contacts arm slave rebellions in the rural regions away from the capital, Platinum, could help. If anypony is going to resist the most, it’ll be the slavers.” Twilight sighed softly, “I might not be a warrior, Doge, but I know how to defend myself. Don’t worry; I’ll handle all of those possibilities. If Spike were here, he’d be vouching on my checklist and my checklist for my checklists.” Taking a sip of tea, she smacked her lips. “Mm, this is very good! Thank you, Yellowtail.” Yellowtail beamed brightly at Twilight’s compliment, “Thank you, ma’am. I must say the dedication to pacifism is much appreciated. We don’t need more war.” he said as he sipped his own cup of tea. She continued, “As for the slavers, I hope to have my friends with me, at least a few of them, to help with that. Rarity is quite good at conversation, and Applejack is very strong. But I don’t want to bring them into that situation if it’s too dangerous…” Twilight bit her lip, running the calculations in her head. Doge shook his head, “I doubt the cultists would want to let you loose like that, or even see their horrible ways. I guarantee they’ll keep you away from the slavers until you formally have power.” Quill nodded, “Yes, as much as I hate to say it, I think we need to help the enslaved creatures and ponies free themselves. If we can show the Capital ponies the horrors of Unicornica, they’ll sober up to the horrible reality. I think it’s the only way to fully convince everypony how truly horrible the Privy Council is.” Twilight let out a soft sigh, but relented. “I suppose you’re right, and it wouldn’t be a bad idea to have multiple plans ongoing, so long as we keep each other notified. I still intend to speak to as many ponies as possible in Unicornica. If I can even change one mind, it’ll be worth it.” “If you can gather as much evidence as possible, I could broadcast them across the kingdom!” Her eyes lit up, “I’ve been working on a new projection spell, and this would be perfect! I’ve been meaning to practice a bit more anyways, hehe.” Doge scoffed, “We don’t have any more time! My creatures are suffering, and the burden worsens the more we wait. We need to act quickly. The peasants and enslaved ponies shall receive their arms from The Republic Guard, even if I have to bankroll the army myself!” Quill quickly cut in, “We should give Twilight a chance! We don’t want things to spill over into full-blown anarchy!” Doge took a deep breath and leaned back in his seat, “I’m sorry… I’m very passionate about the safety of my creatures… I myself was nearly enslaved, so I can’t imagine the horrors the creatures in Unicornica face… but I believe we should have two creatures be sent to help organize a defensive resistance. I’m willing to compromise. I’ll send one of my captains. You can send some pony capable of keeping the peace.” Twilight’s feathers ruffled at the sudden outburst, sinking into her seat as the unicorn and diamond dog spoke amongst each other. Now, this is another thing she wanted to avoid: infighting. She couldn’t bear to fight amongst her friends, even something petty. But a possible war? She could feel the weight on her back, nearly crippling. “I… I suppose that’s possible. But ponies, I think unicorns would be the least suspicious. I’m unsure how they would react to me bringing an entourage of creatures.” She desperately wished one of her friends were here to comfort her right now. Having Spike by her side would have greatly soothed her nerves. “I understand your fears and motivation to strike while the iron is hot, Doge, but this must be performed very delicately. I do truly believe that we can avoid more bloodshed and a war altogether if you give me a chance to work my magic.” Her brow wrinkled, looking up at the diamond dog hopefully. “At least a few days.” Doge tilted his head, “A few days? My dear, that’s idealist thinking a few days will get you through the initial ballrooms and state dinners. There’s no possible way you can coup d’etat the Privy Council.” he’d crossed his arms, “That’s simply idealist thinking, in that time we could arm the peasants and move them to Platinum and have them seize the capital and have your claim be enforced before the fourth day.” Quill looked over to Twilight, “I’m curious to hear you out before I make a judgment…” “I realize that sounds like a bit of an underestimate, but you would be surprised how quickly my friends and I can work together to solve a problem.” Twilight offered, a confident smile rising to her lips. “When I say it, it’s true: there’s nothing friendship can’t fix. I know if we have enough time, we can work everything out.” “I’m not saying we wouldn’t be prepared for a fight. We’ve been in battles before. But you would be surprised how many times Equestria was saved by just believing in each other, having hope, and loving your friends no matter what. It’s very… cheesy, but it’s real. If Rainbow Dash were here, she’d be going on about how many times we’ve saved the day…” Quill smiled at Twilight and turned to Doge for his input. The dog sighed as a soft whine escaped him, “....I want to believe you, so I’ll compromise. We’ll arm the peasants and hold the rural territories for three days time. After that, we march on Platinum. We will take Platinum, or we will be crushed in battle trying to free the continent…” Quill sighed, as he rubbed his temple, “Well, I suppose we should move on to actually supplying the wingless and getting local support for wingless rights, voting, and funding… what an easier topic to cover, am I right?” joked the unicorn. Doge clasped his paws together as his tail clanged against his chair, “Actually, we’re working on that right now, but let me help you. What can I do to help? I can speak to Parliament, and I have a lot of money. Plus, I do have loyal Captains within the Guard who can assist us.” Quill beamed brightly, “Good sir, we could use everything you could give or grant for us. We’re in dire straits; we need food, medicine, clothing, we need to build schools, houses, and provide work.” The Doge smiled, “Well, fortunately, I can buy food and medicine. I’ll gather the documentation for legislation for creature rights and new building grants. Twilight’s friends have actually been gathering support from around the territory and in the branches.” Twilight felt herself relax, letting out a breath of air she hadn’t realized she’d been holding. Slumping against her chair, she took a long drink of her tea before setting it down and then nibbled her biscuit. “Three days isn’t much time, but I’ve worked with smaller windows.” “As for rights, well… I was wondering if maybe… my presence might have some sway over the creatures of the branches? I could encourage them to sympathize with the flightless and help with donations.” She offered, unsure of exactly how to navigate such an issue. The table nodded in agreement with Twilight, another issue resolved quickly. “Oh, have you heard anything from my friends yet?” questioned Twilight. Doge shook his head, “I haven’t heard anything since they all departed, I’m sure they’re in good claws and I trust they’re doing a good job for everycreature’s sake....” Starlight had something of an…interesting experience with the Republic Guard. Having met the General and several Captains throughout the early morning and crack of dawn. Starlight lectured over how creatures without magic could defend against a magical attack and how to brew potions that can provide minor healing and aid in battle. But educating a literal army over the course of the morning couldn’t hold a candle to the group of rowdy teens and Spike simply co-existing in the same space. She examined the cafe table they occupied quietly, watching them gab and talk about the peculiarities and oddities of their situation, not caring for their conversation as the mare’s mind began to wander. Thinking of her heart’s sore, tender pain, it was one thing to be away from home. It was another issue entirely being some pony without a place to call home, being in some far-off and foreign lands. But Starlight found… familiarity and comfort within her surroundings. Sure, the food and creatures were pleasant, as is any fancy urban center. But something else that caught Starlight’s mindseye was… the politics. It was… political here. Different. The way creatures spoke about the world, about each other. It was nothing like Equestria. Creatures were more.. methodical and moved and acted with purpose. However, it wasn’t as if they weren’t perfect. In fact, the locals of Swallowtail were just as susceptible, if not more so, to comfort and luxury than pragmatic and practical policy or decision-making. Instead of a pony waving off any serious thought about their current state of living, surrendering their own personal choice and convictions to Celestia and Luna or Twilight and her friends in some cases. It was the Parliament, the Merchants that served in place of the alicorns, and the Privy Council back home. It fascinated Starlight; the culture of Griffonia reflected a world that Starlight could see just in the corner of her mind’s eye. A free Equestria, a new Equestria, a better Equestria. Something that could be revolutionary and prosperous, unlike anypony as ever seen. A place where harmony existed, and creatures of all shapes and sizes could live in. “Uh, earth to Starlight?” Spike said, clearing his throat, “You’re spacing out. We need you here, please.” “Sorry,” chuckled Starlight, “I had something on my mind. What are we talking about?” Gallus sipped his coffee as he browsed the cafe menu, his eyes peering over the menu as he skimmed the list of pastries and coffee before tossing the menu aside, “No scones? What a dump, say! What are we actually doing?” Spike sighed, “We’re having breakfast and going into a class that you guys want.” Gallus cocked a brow, “Why would we do that now with Starlight?” Starlight quickly turned, looking between the two, “Hang on, you were supposed to be in class? Well… I guess I could put you to work then. I think Rainbow Dash is supposed to be talking to the Pegasus Flight School. Those Flight Captains really took an interest in her… but… hang on…” the mare would flip through her satchel and pull out a book. Spike leaned over, reviewing Starlight’s copy of the schedule, “Hm… we better remind her to check on the local community to persuade them into letting the wingless in.” Starlight glanced up at the rest of the group, “Can you all behave yourselves long enough in the Academy?” “Uh yeah,” snarked Gallus, “Smolder here is a guard.” Smolder was in the middle of eating an enormous ruby when her name was mentioned, lazily turning her head towards the group. “Hey, I’m a guard for dragons, I could care less what you guys do. But yeah, I won’t let them cause any trouble, I guess. I doubt this squirt can even light a fire.” She noogied Spike’s head, giving him a playful grin. “Yona will be good!” The yak nodded eagerly, “Yona like griffin food, taste… good! Different.” “We’ll be fine. Just… go do what you have to. And… don’t tell the Doge?” Smolder snickered. Spike groaned as he squirmed against Smolder, “Hey, I am not completely helpless. I took out a pirate with my fire breath! I wouldn’t be here if I was the nabby-pamby baby dragons like Garble thinks I am.” “Well said Spike, and I can verify that he did indeed light at least one pirate,” Starlight smirked, “And don’t worry, kids, I, of all ponies, am no snitch.” “That’s not even half of it…” muttered Spike. Starlight passed an expression that was a mix of an anxious glance and an annoyed, pointed look before settling with a muddled grunt. “Well, since we’re in the school district, we’re not too far from the Academy. We’ll just have to take a gondola and head up the northeast mouth.” Starlight recounted the instructions Doge gave her. “Or at least, that’s what The Doge told me, is everybody ready to go?” Starlight said as she rose from the table and began fixing her mane. Yona whimpered, her ears falling limp, “Y-Yona, go on flying thing again?” Smolder rolled her eyes, “C’mon, you big hairy lump, it won’t be that bad. Besides, I might be able to…” She stopped herself before she could promise anything, “I’m sure Starlight would catch you.” Yona sniffled, nodding hesitantly. “Yona guess so…” “See? It won’t be so bad, just try to relax. Or, just... close your eyes.” Smolder grinned, “Wait, you guys were serious about the pirates? Now I gotta hear this story!” Starlight quickly trotted over to Yona on instinct as she presented the heifer with her best and most tender smile, “Don’t worry, Yona, we don’t have to fly. We just have to take a boat, and besides, we’ll have enough time to tell that story if we take the gondola. Now c’mon!” chimed Starlight in a sweet sing-song pitch, “Let’s go to the academy!” Spike and Yona, almost out of instinct, immediately followed, leaving Gallus and Smolder behind, puzzled. That was quick. Did she use magic or something? It felt… weird as if the group were living in two different realities simultaneously. But it was very much a present and active uncanny valley for a moment. But before they could think much longer, the three were already climbing aboard the gondola. Gallus blinked as he turned to Smolder, dazed. “W-wha?” Smolder blinked before shaking her head with a sigh. “C’mon, featherbrain, before they leave without us.” Grabbing Gallus by the claw, she pulled him along with the rest of their party. Yona let out a sigh of relief, “No flying! Good. Yona no good with… h-heights.” “Don’t you guys live on a mountain or something?” Smolder snickered. “Yes, but Yak, don’t fly!” Gallus flapped before gliding into his seat next to Yona, leaning back. Yawning, he spoke, “So what’s the story?” Starlight cleared her throat as he tapped her hooves, “Well, we were sailing across the Equus-Griffonian Sea when, during our voyage, we were attacked by a lamb, Captain Shanty, was it?...” Spike nodded, “Yeah, she and Rainbow Dash start getting into it. It’s a real slug match! They were throwing and kicking each other while bullets and bombs flew around us! Meanwhile, Starlight and Twilight were shooting magical lasers and shields while everybody else fought desperately for their lives. It was pretty intense…! That’s was when I burnt a guy with my fire breath.” he said, beaming with smug pride. Starlight blinked, “Yeah… Pinkie Pie and The pirate Captain had a drinking Contest for our freedom, and if we won, we’d get resupplied and freed. But if we lost, we’d be slaves. You can guess how that turned out.” smiled Starlight as she pulled Yona up hard with her magic. Yona finally got into her seat comfortably, letting out a small ‘oof’ at the magic sensation around her. “Pirates were scary, but Yona was in the ship, so Yona didn’t see much…” Smolder let out a low whistle, “Wow, that sounds awesome. Wish I could have been there to see it myself… wait. Captain Shanty? THE Captain Shanty? … Wow.” Yona raised a brow, “What surprise dragon?” “Shanty is one of the most prolific pirates there is! You have no idea how often trade has been intercepted by her crew. Might be partially why we don’t have as many supplies as we need for the wingless.” Smolder settled into her seat, crossing her arms. “And you said this ‘Pinkie’ managed to out-drink her? Now that is impressive!” Starlight raised a magic hand, gesturing her retort, “I’ll have to give credit where credit is due. I didn’t even mention how hard our Captain, Captain Salty Sardine, and his crew fought. They fought like Tartarus and our friend Thorax? He turned into a Kraken and completely wiped out a wave of their goons.” Spike quickly picked up on the mention of the pirates affecting the wingless, “It’s strange, isn’t it? When you look on a map, you wouldn’t think anything involving the ocean would affect a landlocked…what's Swallowtail called again?” Gallus snickered, “I’ll tell you what it is, Spike, it’s blödsinn, complete crap.” “Wow, that is pretty badass…” Smolder murmured, rubbing her chin. “Wait, your friend turned into a Kraken? Can ponies do that?” Turning to Yona, she raised an eyebrow in question. Yona, for her part, simply shrugged. “Pony strong. Yona guess so.” “But anyways, yeah.” Smolder continued, “I’m not really into politics, so I couldn’t really tell you how it all works. All I know is what I get from the rumor mill.” “He’s a changeling.” corrected Starlight, “That’s their special ability among their species…fascinating. I think you would like him. He’s very approachable.” Gallus sighed, “Well, given that I had a lot of time to read ever since we got those printing presses, I’ve been dabbling in the news lately. I mean, with a flourishing and glorious rebuilding of our Kingdom, you’d think we’d have more work for a griff like me, but I guess not.” Starlight chuckled, “You’re wasting your time. Trust me, I was once hot-headed and passionate about it, too. It’s just a lot of heartache and strain.” Starlight didn’t believe that… she was just playing neutral for her standing with Twilight. In actuality, she believed it would be better to encourage talk like that around Swallowtail, but Starlight wasn’t sure if she was the pony to enact such a change, given her history and present standing among her peers. Gallus stretched, “I probably sound like a bookish dweeb talking about stuff like that.” For her part, Smolder completely blocked out the rest of the conversation. Her lips moved soundlessly for a moment before suddenly jumping to her feet, grabbing Starlight’s face with both hands. “You brought a CHANGELING here?!” She hissed, “Are you STUPID!? Why not just bring the whole hive to Swallowtail? Why don’t you?! You do realize what changelings do, right??” Yona raised a brow, “But changeling pony is good.” Smolder whipped her head around, “Changeling, Yona! Changelings aren’t ponies; they’re EVIL! And if you have one here already, who’s to say the rest of the hive isn’t ready to invade? Did you not consider the consequences at all?! There’s a reason why they’re called the HIVEMIND.” Yona huffed, “Changeling pony, GOOD!” Spike quickly spoke up, “It’s alright, everyone, we don’t need to yell! Let’s just calm down and give us a chance to explain ourselves.” offered Spike, “We wouldn’t have brought anyone with us had they been any danger to you.” Gallus looked over to Smolder nonchalantly, “I mean, if he’s cool in Twilight and Eyr’s book, then he’s cool with me, I guess. So far, he hasn’t attempted to brood or eat the harvest, so I think he’s in the clear.” chuckled the griffin. Smolder let out a low growl, a look of distrust still clearly painted on her features. “You’re both idiots. Changelings are meant to slip in unseen. So what if it’s playing nice now? It’s probably planning on sending Swallowtail’s location to their Queen at any chance it can get.” Yona huffed, “Dragon, stop being dumb. Dragon, stop complaining, or Yona throw overboard!” The dragoness released a plume of smoke from her nostrils, “Try me. I bet you wouldn’t like smelling like burnt hair for the rest of the week.” That seemed to shut the yak up. “Whatever. It’s not like it’s even my problem what happens to you pony folk or the big wigs up in the tree. Let’s just get out of here…” Smolder grumbled, crossing her arms as she sunk into her seat. Starlight quickly cut in. “Alright, now settle down, if you must know. Thorax abandoned the hive because he was inspired by Twilight’s friendship with her friends. He left everything behind just to be here today and help you. I’m sure you’ll see the good in him if you give him the same chance we’re giving you. But there is no longer any point in arguing about this; we’re here!” “Whatever, I bet he’d tell you anything just to get fed.” Smolder rolled her eyes. Clearly, that was the end of the conversation as she turned to look out at the scenery before them. The Academy was in sight. Its beautifully crafted wooden and marble pillars held up a massive pantheon where dozens of Griffins and pegasi trotted and congregated around the area well dressed and well disciplined. Wearing a mixture of baby blue officers’ waistcoats and dark gray tunics. With an old, worn cloth flat cap adorning their heads as they moved in and out of the Academy. Starlight eased the gondola to a stop with her magic, pulling it next to the dock before tying down their vessel and climbing out. Stepping onto the wooden fixture as, she looked around the beautiful garden that surrounded the walkway and surrounding area around the Academy. Large dark ebony trees hung over with bright, beautiful green leaves drapped over them, providing shade and a fresh, cool breeze. Dozens of shrubs and bushes full of roses and budding flowers lined up along the cobblestone street. As soon as they pulled into the harbor, they could hear the distant echo of band music and musket fire over the shouting of orders in Griffish tongue. Yona hopped out immediately, grateful to be on the ground once again. Traveling by boat was only marginally better than flying for the poor yak. “Ground! Yona happy to see ground…” Smolder rolled her eyes, “We’re not on the ground, stupid; we’re still in the tree.” Yona huffed, stomping a hoof. “If dragon want to be mean all day, Yona will hurt bad!” Smolder growled, “Whatever! Can we just get this over with already? Otherwise, I’ll just go back to see my dad.” Starlight quickly snapped back and scrutinized the two girls, trotting over as they naturally realigned their posture and focused their attention on her, “Alright, you two, I can see you’re both very headstrong and prideful. Don’t you two realize you have more in common than you actually think?” Starlight turned to Yona, “Yona, you’re a smart and brave warrior from your Kingdom. Why don’t you tell Smolder about the Förkörsrätt?” That seemed to divert Yona’s attention away from their squabbling, her eyes lighting up with joy at the thought of sharing her culture with her new friends. “Ooh! Yes, yes, Yona is on Förkörsrätt. Prove to Yak that Yona is worthy of being Yak! Yona, bring back stuff to Yak so they become stronger!” Smolder rolled her eyes, “Yeah, yeah, that’s cool, I guess…” Crossing her arms, she seemed she wasn’t very perceptive to listening, simply letting the yak babble about her traditions. Starlight quickly pressed Smolder, forcing her into the conversation with a question for her, “Now, what are you here for? Surely, you can relate to leaving your home for the betterment of your people, right? Or you believe in helping others for the betterment of everyone, right?” Smolder bared her teeth, her crossed arms clenching as her irritation grew. “I’m only here because my Dad said I had to be. That I had followed this little twerp,” She gestured to Spike, “Because the Pearl told me to. But that really isn’t any of your business, right?” Yona had stopped talking to the others, cocking her head at Smolder. She didn’t quite understand her anger, but she could empathize with the frustration she felt at the moment. Stepping beside the dragons, she gently bumped her and offered a small, friendly smile. Smolder looked down and raised an eyebrow but huffed, “Can we just stop all this kumbaya stuff and get going?” Starlight quickly tutted, her expression and tone turning cold and firm like ice, “I’m not telling you to like each other. I’m telling you to understand and respect one another. You’re both on a mission. You’re both doing this for your families. So when you disrespect Yona or when you threaten Smolder, you’re only hurting the creatures you care about back home.” “Now then, if I hear any more bickering, I’m going to send you to Twilight, and then you’ll hear kumbaya stuff.” Gallus scoffed, “Yeah, guys, if you need a reminder of what’s at stake here, why don’t we consider my perspective. Your arguing annoys me!” Spike rolled his eyes. Smolder bared her teeth, “I don’t need this! Whatever, I’ll be in one of the classrooms. At least I’ll be away from you idiots…” Stretching out her wings, Smolder took to the air, already disappearing into the crowd of griffins and harpies. Yona let out a sigh, “Yona was too mean… Yona, sorry.” Starlight sighed, “If you change your mind, you know where to find us!” she called, “I don’t think we have anything to worry about.” Spike quickly snapped, “You just sent her away!” “Spike, I may not be a dragon, but I do know that when I was her age, I had a rebellious streak. She’ll mull it over on her own terms…now c’mon, let’s go.” Spike groaned as he turned one last time toward Smolder before sighing, “I hope she comes back...” > Harmonious Equalism > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Swallowtail Officer’s Academy and Flight School was one of the most prestigious schools on the continent, with a beautiful interior and sculpted design from the carved roots and cobblestone pillars that held the three levels and flights of stairs that circled around the glass dome ceiling, illuminating the entrance hall with sunlight. Hundreds of students, officers, and soldiers filled the halls and walkways. Some were marching in and out of the school for drill practice, others were scrambling to get to a class or meeting, sprinting madly through crowds of creatures as they hastily tried to beat the clock and their mentor’s scorn. The group of creatures glanced around at their new surroundings, with everyone but Starlight feeling overwhelmed with the building’s layout and the crowds of tunic-wearing officers and guards-creatures in training. Starlight looked back to ensure everyone else was still together as she approached the front desk. The Captain in question, a white owl griffin wearing a crimson and black cavalier hat, peered up from his large book full of student admissions, sign-ins, and schedules. Adjusting the small round glasses on his beak, he scanned the group slowly before looking at Starlight. “Ah, we’re looking for a Pegasus? Rainbow mane, tail, cutie-mark? Her name is Rainbow Dash?” The Captain stared blankly at her, “Ich spreche kein Polnisch.” Gallus quickly shoved Starlight out of the way, “I got this, wir suchen eine fruchtig aussehende Stute?” The Captain scratched his beak, “Die Regenbogenstute ist draußen im Hof.” “Danke, she’s this way.” Gallus beckoned, leading the group across the main hall toward a set of doors near the back of the building. “... Now I know why Twilight wanted you around,” smirked Starlight. “I’m a scribe and a scholar. Speaking my native language is just the tip of the awesomeburg that is Gallus Gruff.” Gallus pridefully beamed. Spike looked up at the Griffin with a furrowed scowl, “...Awesomeburg?” “Shut up,” Gallus said with an eye roll. “Oooh, Yona could teach Gallus how to speak Yak! Is very good language, better than Ponish.” Yona beamed, intrigued by the language and how fluent the Griffin was in Griffish. “Gallus teach Yona Griffin tongue too!” Flapping her wings before landing beside the group, Smolder sighed, “Isn’t it just like, ‘Smolder eat and then stomp village!’ or something?” Yona turned and grinned at Smolder, “Smolder good, but no, much more to learn!” Gallus snorted, shooting a smug smile at Yona, “Grifffish is easy, well harder than Ponish or Yak but, pretty easy if you’re a smart guy like moi. See? I even know a bit of Prench.” chuckled Gallus. Starlight passed a small smile to Smolder, "Welcome back." Spike gently placed his hand on Smolder’s arm, giving his fellow Dragon a pleased look, “Glad you didn’t ditch us.” She glanced at Spike, “Yeah....Whatever…” Rubbing her forehead, Smolder grumbled, “Let’s just get this over with.” Stepping outside, the group stumbled upon a large patch of earth where griffins, harpies, and pegasi alike were training, lifting, drilling, and exercising to their limit. Yona’s eyes widened in surprise, placing her hooves on the solid dirt. “How did Griffin, Pony, and birds get dirt up in the tree?” Yona wondered aloud to herself. “Probably just brought it up bucket by bucket.” Smolder shrugged. In the distance, a rainbow blur shot through the branches, a black streak following just behind. The two twisted and turned around each other, almost as if they were dancing, before landing on the yard with a thump. Their speed was immense, wind blasting everyone close enough to their landing. “Phew, that was a work-out! You’re not too bad, but no one can keep up with The Rainbow Dash.” The spectral pegasus shook out her mane, hoof-bumping the black Griffin before turning to the group. “Oh hey, guys! Starlight, uh… why’d you bring them? Some kinda field trip?” Starlight glanced over at the group and then back at Rainbow Dash, “They didn’t want to go to school.” she answered plainly. Gallus threw his claws up, “Way to blow our cover, man. I thought you weren’t a snitch!” Rainbow Dash laughed, “Hah, well, don’t worry, I won’t snitch. I blew off flight school back at home all the time, and I turned out great!” Lifting herself into the air, she grinned confidently. Starlight rolled her eyes, “I doubt Rainbow Dash cares as long as you don’t get in the way of things. Speaking of which…” she would rummage in her saddle bag for something, “...where is it–’ Spike would hand her the schedule, “Oh, thank you, you’re quite helpful after all.” Starlight said as she patted Spike on the head with a magic hand and trotted up to Rainbow. “You’re supposed to talk to the pegasus community and convince them to support the Doge’s legislation for creature rights down below. Do you have a speech prepared? Have you taken the time to study the local culture, or… who am I kidding? You didn’t do any of those things, did you?” The grin slowly softened as Starlight began listing off everything she needed to do, her altitude dropping until she was hovering over the ground. Glancing over at the rest of the group, she rolled her eyes and smirked. “Yeah, yeah, yeah, no. I didn’t do any of that, but that’s not how I operate.” Rainbow snickered, “But I have been talking to a LOT of pegasi, harpies, and griffins around here. They’re pretty cool! And getting to know everyone can do a lot more than studying a bunch of stupid books or whatever.” Smolder smirked, “I think I like this one.” “How many more kids did we pick up? We have another dragon?” Rainbow blinked, “Eh, whatever, the more the merrier, as Pinkie’d say.” “Anyways, I figured it’s gonna take more than one day to do this stuff...that...and I have no idea how politics work.” The pegasus shrugged, “I figure it’s better to get to know the creatures before starting anything too big. And I’m not much of a speech pony. If I do, I come up with ’em on the fly.” After a small wink, Rainbow zipped into the air, almost too fast for the naked eye. Smolder’s eyebrows shot up in surprise, her crossed arms dropping to their sides. “Woah…” “But if you wanna write a speech for me, I don’t see why not.” Setting back down onto the ground, Rainbow wiped the sweat from her brow. “As long as it doesn’t have all that weird Equalism stuff in it. I didn’t forget you trying to brainwash me.” Starlight groaned at the mention of the brainwashing, feeling frustrated at the mention of her past, “Look, what do you want me to do? I already apologized, and I’m stuck with you ponies til I’m free to go home.....Why don’t I just do the speech, then? I don’t do half-hoof measures with speeches. Equalism isn’t as crazy as I made it out to be. I actually worked on reforming the idea with Thorax during our time in the Crystal Empire… I had a lot of time to think, actually…” admitted Starlight, “We’ll call it…” she sighed, already loathing the name Thorax suggested to her. “Harmonious Equalism…” “DID SOMEPONY BRING A DAMN POLITICIAN IN MY ARMY!?” boomed a female voice, turning toward the sound of a hen wearing dozens of shiny metals atop of a fine crimson dress uniform, with a large bicorne resting atop of her head with dozens of brightly colored feathers poking from the top of the hat. The General had arrived, hobbling over with a limp in her left back leg as she quickly began hopping and fluttering toward the group. “RAINBOW DASH! THAT WAS THE FINEST FLYING THESE SORRY EYES HAVE EVER SEEN, WITH DRILLS THAT LIKE THOSE UNICULTISTS WON’T SEE WHAT THE HAY HIT THEM!” barked the General. Gallus covered his ears, “Why are you yelling!?” The General quickly snapped toward Gallus, “WHAT DID YOU SAY?” Gallus quickly backed up. “SPEAK UP BOY– hang on…” the Griffin quickly lifted her hat before removing a set of earplugs from her earholes, “Ehehe, sorry ladies, rifle and artillery drills get pretty loud.” she’d clear her throat. “You youngsters must be new enlistees. Welcome to either Flight Camp or Boot Camp grunts! I’m General Gabert!” grinned Gabert. Starlight quickly spoke up, “Er, no, ma’am, these aren’t new enlistees. We were actually just leaving. Rainbow Dash looks like she has this.” Gabert stared at Starlight with disgust and disdain as the mare spoke to her, “Did I give you permission to speak maggot?” Starlight side-eyed the creatures between her, “... No? I’m not part–” Gabert fluttered her wings and squawked, “DON’T think I don’t know about you and your trouble, worm. If it were up to me, you wouldn’t even be here. Now, go make yourself useful. I doubt Twilight or the Doge would want a liability like you around and not be of use.” Starlight took a deep breath as she exhaled through her nostrils, feeling a deep sense of anger and resentment flare up inside her. Just like earlier in the morning, Gabert was still giving her flack and Tartarus for something she wasn’t even a part of. But it wasn’t like Starlight’s crimes were a closed secret...word tended to get around fast, especially when you were so close to a celebrity like Twilight and her friends. "Fine… I’ll help drill the guards.” Yona stomped, her brow narrowing angrily as she stared up at the Griffin. “Griffin not being nice to pony friend…” “Woah, like, I know she’s a pain or whatever, but not cool.” Smolder piped up, her wings lifting her into the air and to eye-level with the General. Her eyes were narrowed, looking as if she were ready to say something else that would more likely than not make the situation worse. Rainbow Dash cut in just before Smolder opened her mouth. “Hah, kids, amiright?” Raising a brow, she silently communicated with the dragoness with her eyes. Smolder seemed confused and put-off, but landed back on the ground. “Listen, Starlight’s not all bad. Just give ’em a chance. And while the kids can’t join up… I don’t think Twilight’d like that… they can at least watch and learn from the best!” Flexing her muscles, Rainbow grinned. “That way, everyone has something to do.” The General nearly exploded on the dragonness and dri before Rainbow intervened, scoffing at the notion of being kind to the species that was her main enemy. Waving off the concept of giving Starlight a chance entirely. But an idea came to Gabert’s mind as she quickly nodded to Rainbow Dash’s suggestion, grinning ear to ear. “Dash, that is a fantastic idea; why don’t you and Starlight agree to some martial combat? I’ll allow her to prove herself on the battlefield, the only place that matters.” she’d turn to Starlight, “Maybe it’d do you good to fight in the dirt like a real mare instead of throwing around magic wildly.” Starlight sighed, “Magic is not wild and unpredictable it’s–” “EVERYBODY CLEAR OUT AND TAKE A SEAT. WE’RE HAVING A SPECIAL LESSON AND DEMONSTRATION TODAY!” shouted Gabert. Starlight’s brow furrowed as red bloomed across her face before the mare stamped off, “I’ll show you a demonstration…” Spike slowly looked up at Dash, “Is this really a good idea?” Gallus laughed, “Not really, but who doesn’t like a good fight? I got a feeling this’ll be good.” Rainbow Dash shrugged before a determined grin rose to her lips, “I dunno, but I think it’s pay-back time for when she turned me into a bird. Spike, I know you can manage the rest of these dorks; just try not to get lost, okay? And cheer for me!” Giving the group a wink, Rainbow spread her wings and lifted herself into the air, the pressure sending a gust of wind through the area. Yona’s braids were tossed back by the force. Yona huffed, “That Griffin mean to pony… Yona not like her.” Smolder seemed a little less upset, crossing her arms as she watched the General fly off. “Neither do I. She’s got a stick up her vent.” “I think I’ll frame this moment of you two agreeing on something forever.” snarked Gallus as he gestured his claws to ‘frame’ the two. Spike nervously began nibbling at his left claw, feeling the rising tension in the air. Quickly fetching a piece of parchment paper from his satchel, he hastily scribbled a message to Twilight. ” Get to the military Academy. Something bad is going to happen very soon. -Spike,” and with a quick puff of fire, Spike sent the message to Twilight. The young drake anxiously watched as the crowd of creatures began to surround the impromptu arena or began to crowd the benches and bleachers that lined the small arena Starlight and Rainbow were standing within. Several creatures hastily built a cage and fence from whatever wood or chicken wire they could get to surround the patch of dirt. The sound of drums would thunder and thump as the guard’s band began to play. General Gabert quickly fluttered between the two mare's, “ALRIGHT, I WANT A GOOD CLEAN FIGHT. YOU EITHER WIN VIA KNOCKOUT OR UNTIL YOU CAN’T STAND ANYMORE. BUT LADIES, TRY TO GIVE OUR BOYS HERE A GOOD LESSON.” She’d quickly hobble off as she drew a pistol from her coat, cocking the hammer, “ON YOUR MARKS, GET SET….” BANG “GO!” Rainbow Dash had moved a split second after the pistol was fired, already within punching distance of Starlight. Her rose-colored eyes flashed in the sunlight, a determined smile on her lips. Starlight was about to experience just how competitive Rainbow Dash could be. “Time to taste the Pain-bow!” Rolling her body in the air, the pegasus struck Starlight in the chest, knocking her back against the arena walls. The crowd roared, a cacophony of chatter and shouting, the excitement almost palpable. Smolder gasped while Yona held her hooves to her mouth, fearing for her mentor. The group had run up to the bleachers once the fight had begun but had to shove their way to the front in order to see anything past the crowd. “Let’s hope your unicorn friend here can actually fight.” Smolder looked down at Spike. Spike slowly looked up at Smolder, “Uhm…do you actually know why she’s here with us?” "Something brainwashing." answered Gallus, ("Who do I cheer for, I hardly know these girls?") Starlight smashed against the scrap fence. The mare strained as she peeled herself off the ground and quickly untangled her back leg from the wire before shaking her mane. Starlight took a deep breath as she encompassed her body with levitation magic before rising off the ground and darting after Dash. What was the point of all of this? It was just a waste of time, and Dash couldn’t even tell that the whole point of the fight was to humiliate her. Smolder shrugged, unable to take her eyes away from the fight. “Nope, and I don’t really care either way. Now be quiet; I don’t wanna miss this!” Rainbow rolled her eyes at the display of magic, lifting herself higher and higher into the air before dive bombing towards Starlight. Right before she would have struck the unicorn, she turned and spun the unicorn around, explicitly trying not to hit her. “Think that fancy magic stuff is gonna work on me twice?! No way!” Rainbow Dash shouted before using her mighty wings, forcing a gust of wind to throw Starlight off course. “C’mon, give me your best!” Starlight winced as she was spun around, losing concentration of her levitation spell as she hit the dirt, quickly tumbling on the ground before rolling back on her hooves and looking up at Rainbow Dash. Panting heavily, she fired at hyperbeam at the pegasus, clearly not putting much effort into the attack. “This is a complete waste of time!” Rainbow easily dodged the attack, twirling around the magical beam before diving straight towards Starlight. Smolder and Yona squeezed their eyes shut, expecting to hear a solid hoof crack against the unicorn’s face. When they heard no such thing, they opened their eyes to witness Rainbow Dash only a few inches away from the unicorn, a lazy smile on her lips. “Yeah, so?” The pegasus shrugged, “It’s fun. Try to loosen up a bit. I don’t want to do this with you if you’re not into it.” The energetic, determined look in her eyes had softened. As if she was concerned but wasn’t able to say it aloud. Starlight sighed before lazily zapping Rainbow Dash with a paralyzing spell. Ending the fight as quickly as it started with one move, “Then you should’ve kept your guard up if you were serious about this.” …… ”BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!” The crowd was incensed, pegasi, harpy, and Griffin alike shouting at the pair. Some seemed personally offended that the unicorn had landed a hit on Rainbow Dash, throwing paper cups and other small trash at Starlight. “Hey!” Rainbow huffed, her brow narrowed as she realized she had been bested once more. A frustrated look crossed her face, almost seeming as angry as the crowd, before it disappeared. Her lips curled, and before she knew it, she was laughing. “Ha! Hahaha, wow! Well, I guess I deserved that. Good one, Starlight.” Smolder took a step back from the arena, clearly confused. The rest of the crowd murmured among themselves, unsure what to make of the pegasus’ reaction. “Yeah…” Rainbow’s giggles finally left her, “You got me good.” Starlight chuckled before slowly unfreezing Dash, allowing her freedom of movement before turning toward the General, “YOU WANT ME TO HELP YOU? YOU WANT ME TO GIVE IT MY ALL? THEN TREAT ME LIKE YOU WANT MY HELP. I’M THE ONLY MARE IN THE ENTIRE CONTINENT WILLING TO TEACH YOU HOW TO DEFEND AGAINST MAGIC BESIDES TWILIGHT SPARKLE.” A griffin from the crowd quickly shouted back, “MAYBE WE SHOULD HAVE HER THEN, I THINK WE WOULD PREFER SOMEPONY MORE QUALIFIED COMPARED TO LOWBORN TRASH LIKE YOU! YOU GET THE TRASH BECAUSE YOU ARE TRASH!” The crowd quickly started throwing more trash at the mare, now throwing more dangerous objects at her, like rocks and beer bottles. Yona reared up, angry and frightened of the violent crowd, unsure of what to do or how to react. Smolder ducked down, attempting to avoid the trash being thrown over their heads. As Gallus and Spike dove for cover. Rainbow Dash stared at the hateful crowd, getting back onto her hooves, feeling a little wobbly but no worse for wear. As the peanut gallery grew louder and louder, Rainbow could hardly take the noise before shooting into the air. “QUIIIEEEEEEEEEEET!!” The crowd went silent briefly, trash in claw or hoof falling from their owner’s grasp and dully hitting the ground. “I don’t care if you guys don’t like unicorns! Some of my best friends are unicorns; the fact is that Unicornica is evil! It doesn’t matter that they’re unicorns or pegasi, or changelings or sphinxes! What’s important is that we have to WORK TOGETHER if we’re ever going to win!” Rainbow paused to catch her breath, slowly fluttering her wings before landing on the ground again. Glancing over at Starlight, she carefully trotted over before wrapping a hoof around her neck. “Starlight’s my friend, so if you have a problem with her, you have a problem with ME!” Starlight slowly looked over at Rainbow Dash, puzzled and perplexed, friends?... Was it just for the crowd, or was it true? For a moment, she felt lost and confused. Why would she be her friend? All they did was fight or argue…maybe it was because Rainbow was loyal to Twilight…or perhaps it was because Starlight was loyal to Twilight and by proximity that entitled her to Rainbow’s fierce loyalty? Starlight didn’t know. Her expression was lost and confused as she quietly murmured,” I thought you hated me.” Starlight sighed before tightly hugging Rainbow Dash for a moment, “Thank you… I’m… sorry I turned you into a bluejay… and threw this fight away.” whispered Starlight as she slowly broke away from Rainbow before turning to the crowd. “SOLDIERS OF SWALLOWTAIL! PLEASE HEAR ME. I UNDERSTAND WHY YOU’RE SO ANGRY, WHY YOU WANT NOTHING MORE THAN TO WATCH ME SUFFER! IT’S BECAUSE YOU’VE HAD SOMETHING TAKEN FROM YOU! FOR GENERATIONS, YOU HAD TO CONTEND WITH THE FEAR THAT YOUR LIVES OR FREEDOM MAY BE TAKEN AWAY BY THE UNICORNS!” The mare quickly stamped her hooves as she roared with vigor and passion, that Rainbow had not seen since she met the mare in Our Town, “THAT ISN’T RIGHT, BUT SUBJECTING OTHERS TO PREJUDICE ISN’T THE ANSWER. I UNDERSTAND IT WILL TAKE MORE THAN FLOWERY WORDS AND A SPEECH TO CONVINCE YOU!” She would shoot a look to General Gabert, “SO, I WILL DO MORE THAN JUST EDUCATE AND TRAIN YOU, I WILL JOIN YOU! NOT JUST TO ATONE FOR MY MISTAKES, NOT JUST TO MAKE MYSELF FEEL BETTER, BUT BECAUSE IT’S THE RIGHT THING TO DO! AND SURELY ALL OF YOU KNOW THE MEANING TO DO YOUR DUTY!” The General slowly sat up from her chair as she stared in complete shock. Unsure of how to take this, this wasn’t exactly how she planned this to go at all. “IF I AM WILLING TO FIGHT AND DIE BESIDE YOU, ARE YOU WILLING TO ACCEPT ME? AS A TEACHER? AS A SISTER? AS A FRIEND?” Starlight paused to catch her breath freezing as her speech was met with a tense quiet. Rainbow’s jaw dropped, unsure of what to say for a moment before a grin rose ear to ear. Zipping up to Starlight, the pegasus wrapped a hoof around her once more, lifting her into the air a few feet. “Aw yeah! Now that’s the kinda spirit I’ve been lookin’ for!” Rainbow cheered, “I’ve fought and raced a bunch of you feather-brains today, and not one of you had the grit and fire she does!” Looking out at the crowd, her eyes glinted, her confidence never waning. “I’m the Element of Loyalty, for Celestia’s sake! You think I’d steer you wrong?! Starlight’s one of the most powerful unicorns I’ve ever seen, and you really wanna pass up on that? Are you stupid or something?” “Or am I just not important enough, y’know, being the Element of Loyalty’ n all?” Rainbow raised a brow, staring up at General Gabert. Smolder and the other teens traded looks. Now, this wasn’t what they had expected at all. Just as Rainbow was done with her speech, a pop was heard right beside Spike, followed by a brief flash of magenta light. “Spike, are you okay?! I’m sorry, I was busy with Quill and–” Twilight’s attention immediately turned to the arena, following the crowd’s gaze. “Oh boy… what’s going on…? I thought you said there was a fight?” The Doge spun around as he appeared next to Twilight, desperately attempting to keep his hat from falling off his head as he held himself, “Oh my head…is everything alright? What’s going on!?” “Oh– Doge, I’m so sorry, I only meant to teleport myself!’ Twilight spun around anxiously, “I hope you’re okay!” “QUIET!” snapped the General, “ALRIGHT….” She quickly fluttered over to Starlight, “SO YOU WANNA BE A GUARDSMARE, DO YOU? THINK YOU GOT THE STOMACH FOR WAR, DO YAH? FEELING MIGHTY PROUD AND COCKSURE, EH?” she’d inhale through her nostrils before huffing as she turned away from the mare. “FINE….” she’d snap and look toward the crowd, “WHO AM I TO DENY ANYCREATURE WILLING TO FIGHT UNICORNICA AND FOR SWALLOWTAIL.....IF THAT BE THE CASE. THEN IT WOULD BE MY HONOR TO ENLIST YOU INTO THE REPUBLIC GUARD.” The Doge slowly smiled as he started clapping and whistling among the crowd of soldiers, quickly turning to see Twilight next to Spike and the teens. “BRAVO! BRAVO!” called the Doge, his voice causing the other creatures in the benches and bleachers to look at the Doge with confusion and surprise before quickly erupting in thunderous cheers and applause for Starlight. “WHAT?!” Twilight’s wing sprung open in shock, turning to Spike with profound confusion. “What in Tartarus is going on here, Spike?! I thought it was just a fight, not some sort of… initiation! We can’t have Starlight with the guard; we’re going to need her to deal with Unicornica and–” “Did she and Rainbow even talk to the locals or research anything at all?!” It seemed the anxiety was getting to the princess, one hoof flying to her forehead as if a migraine had just come on. “Jeez, chill out.” Smolder looked unimpressed, “Why isn’t this a good thing?” Gallus nodded, “Yeah, I thought we wanted to beat the bad guys?” Spike quickly cut in, “I don’t know– I thought it was going to be a fight. The General was getting testy with Starlight, and Starlight looked pretty mad. And I thought it was going to go crazy, or maybe Starlight would snap or something! But I don’t know what’s happening either!” Spike swallowed as he nervously laughed and mentally prepared for Twilight to freak out, “Well… we were going to do that, but we kinda got caught up with this…” The Doge turned to Twilight, “You should relax Twilight, this is a great thing! Besides, I personally don’t have any qualms with it.” he’d quickly cheered Starlight, “Congratulations, Starlight!” called the Doge, whistling loudly as he clapped for the mare. Twilight, for her part, was attempting to calm herself down. Taking deep breaths, she fought against the overwhelming anxiety that suffocated her. “I… I don’t think it’s a good idea! Starlight’s too powerful and too reckless! She could really hurt someone!” Yona butted in, “No! Starlight is good, pony; not hurt other creature unless they’re bad creature!” Smolder traded a look with the others, “I really don’t get it.” “Yeah, me neither, but I don’t think we’re going to get an answer from the Princess right now...she seems...uh...stressed at the moment,” whispered Gallus Starlight slowly saluted the General as Gabert saluted the mare back. The unicorn slowly looked up toward the bleachers to see the Doge and Twilight, immediately noticing Twilight’s panicked expression. “Uh oh…” “Hm?” Rainbow followed her gaze, then cringed. “Oh no… uh, want me to fly us outta here? Twilight’s not as fast as I am.” Starlight scoffed, “I’m not afraid; I guess I’ll just deal with that as it comes…” The General sighed, “Well, you better not back out now after that speech… ALRIGHT, SHOW’S OVER. GET BACK TO YOUR POSTS, CLASS, OR WHATEVER YOU WERE DOING, OR I’M MAKING THE FIRST CREATURE I SEE DO TOILETS FOR THE NEXT MONTH!” The crowd of soldiers and students grumbled but quickly dispersed as they immediately flooded back inside the school or flocked to their posts. General Gabert fluttered up to the Doge and Twilight. “Sir, I need to speak to you about a few things. Do you mind if I separate you from the Princess?” Saluted Gabert. The Doge sighed as he rubbed his chin, “Well… I suppose it would be best if Twilight spoke to her group and Starlight.” the Doge placed a paw on the mare’s shoulder, “Have a little faith in your friend, clearly she has grit if she's gaurdsmare material.” He gave her a kind look before walking beside the Griffin general off the bleachers and toward the Academy. Starlight stared at Twilight before turning to Rainbow Dash, “Hey uh… can you take the teens and Spike somewhere else?... I got a bad feeling.” Rainbow looked down and raised an eyebrow but nodded. “Alright, I’ll babysit the squirts for a bit. Just don’t destroy anything, huh?” She soared through the air with a small chuckle and nudge, meeting the teens on the bleachers. “Hey Twi, did you see our fight? It was awesome, even if it was short.” Rainbow grinned before her expression softened. “Er, you alright, Twi?” “Rainbow, are you hurt at all?” fretted Twilight, checking the pegasus for injuries. “Uh, I’m fine…” groaned Rainbow. “Are you absolutely sure? Don’t you remember when she–” “Yeah, I remember Twilight! Geez, calm down, it’s not a big deal.” Rainbow sighed. “C’mon, kids, let’s go see if there’s any lunch in the mess hall.” Smolder eyed Twilight and Starlight before turning to the rest of the group. Nodding at the suggestion, the dragoness shrugged. “Yeah, alright, I could eat.” Shooting a look back at Starlight, Rainbow Dash led the group inside, closing the door behind them with a click. Twilight turned her gaze back to the arena before teleporting beside the unicorn. “Starlight, what are you thinking?! You could have really hurt Rainbow or someone else in the crowd!” Twilight rubbed her forehead, her mane clearly a mess. “I just wanted you and Rainbow to talk to the winged and try and convince them to help, not start some gladiatorial battle to prove yourself!” Starlight scowled as her expression melted into disdain and anger, “So that’s what you think happened? You’re not even asking for my side! I never wanted to get in this stupid fight. That’s why I only paralyzed Rainbow! But you didn’t even know that before you started lecturing me!” Starlight chuckled as she shook her head, “I thought Rainbow was playing me for a fool when she said she was my friend. Maybe to just quell the crowd that was throwing TRASH and ROCKS at me, but no, I guess the real pony I should’ve been second-guessing was the Princess of Friendship.” “You want to know what I did? I signed up for the guard because I wanted to help. Because I want a second chance, and I thought you did too….” she sighed before flying away, “Whatever.” and dissappearing from sight. Twilight, for her part, seemed slightly cowed by the insinuation that she hadn’t even considered Starlight’s side of things. And if she thought of it… all she had really been thinking about was whether or not she had hurt anyone. “Starlight, I…” Twilight bit her lip, “I’m sorry… I shouldn’t have…” But she found her hooves rooted to the ground, “Shouldn’t have jumped to conclusions…” Fluttershy hummed softly as she stepped into the gardens. It was quite beautiful, with a lovely view of the branches below. The sunlight glimmered off of morning dew that had yet to fade, with the soft melody of fauna calling to her. “Such a wonderful place…” The pegasus sighed deeply. She felt as if nothing could ruin this moment. There was tranquility and peace in every corner of the gardens. Every living thing in the tree branches could feel a natural sense of harmony and unity. The Great Tree itself pulsated with an intense energy that Fluttershy could feel in her heart and soul. Refreshing and rejuvenating the mare, the more she spent in the gardens, the more she could feel the tree’s presence. That was before Starlight Glimmer had decided to literally drop in, as she landed in the gardens looking red in the face and enraged as she stamped toward the palace. She trembled with rage that seemed to poison the gardens’ natural calm. The many squirrels, rabbits, and birds that were close to Fluttershy quickly retreated at the sight of Starlight. The unicorn grumbled as she stomped toward the Doge’s Palace, “I should’ve just stayed in Yakyakistan; why did I even think Twilight would seriously give me a second chance? Stupid!” “Eeeep!” Fluttershy jumped in the air, hiding in a low-hanging branch before slowly peeking out, watching as Starlight ranted to herself. Biting her lip, from what she could overhear, something had gone terribly wrong… “S-Starlight?” Gently gliding down from the branch, the pegasus landed beside the mare mid-trot, stumbling as she attempted to keep up. “Are you okay? What happened?” Starlight quickly turned to Fluttershy as she scoffed, “Oh nothing, just realizing that I have no point being here. Since I was supposed to change, right? I was supposed to be good and finally be a good pony, but I guess I was too stupid to realize that I’m not good enough for that. I’m always the bad guy, no matter what I do! So you know what, whatever!” “I don’t need this, and I don’t need to be here! I could just break off and run off to wherever the HELL I want because CLEARLY, I’M NOT WANTED.” Fluttershy reeled back, thrown off guard by just how heavy Starlight’s feelings were. How long had this been building up for? The pegasus’ brow wrinkled, and she stepped forward, laying a hoof on Starlight’s shoulder. “Oh, Starlight, of course, you’re wanted here! You’re our friend,” Her turquoise eyes were clear, and her words were genuine, “Just because you and Twilight had a fight doesn’t mean she doesn’t care about you!” “I’m sure it was all just a misunderstanding…” Gazing toward the palace, she smiled timidly, “Now, how about we talk over this with some tea, hm? I’m sure you’re hungry.” Starlight slowly lowered her head as she squeezed her eyes shut, fighting the burning sensation of her tears as she choked back a sob, “That’s not true. I know that’s not true. Twilight doesn’t trust me, she didn’t even ask about my side…” she sniffled before finally shedding a few shameful, and agonizing tears. “I lost my home, dignity, and freedom, and I deserve all of it… but I don’t deserve to believe in false promises…” Her eyes widened as a wave of guilt crashed over her, “... no…” she’d weakly chuckle, “No… I’m sorry…” she slowly looked up at Fluttershy. “I’ve… been a fool, haven’t I…? I guess I deserve this, too, after what I did to my own family… why would I think I could have friends again. Is that the lesson? Is that the moral?” Fluttershy seemed horrified by Starlight’s words and immediately wrapped her up in a hug, using her wings to dry the unicorn’s tears, “Starlight, you have nothing to be sorry for, and you don’t deserve to be hurt like this. But I know Twilight didn’t mean to hurt your feelings. She’s just…” The pegasus sighed, almost helplessly, “She’s very stressed, Starlight. Twilight isn’t used to such… overwhelming stakes. These are kingdoms, Starlight. We’ve saved Equestria before, but that was usually just one creature. She’s… anxious and scared, and unsure if she’s doing the right thing…” A soft smile rose to Fluttershy’s lips, tipping Starlight’s head so she could look her in the eyes. “Does that sound familiar at all? Starlight… friends always disagree and have misunderstandings, but that doesn’t make you any less friends. Sometimes there will be fights, but we should never hold grudges and give others a chance.” “I’m sure she’s feeling just as awful as you are right now.” Fluttershy gazed below the branches, watching a squirrel scurrying to her family. “You just have to be willing to let her apologize.” Starlight sniffled as tears uncontrollably poured down her cheeks, unable to contain herself in front of Fluttershy despite her efforts to suppress her emotions, just as she had during the duration of the journey. It was hard being so quiet and feeling like she couldn’t speak without fears of rocking the boat or upsetting the greater group. “I know, I know this is all intense for her, for everyone… but it’s not just that…” she’d sigh before she and Fluttershy huddled over to a bench. Fluttershy kept her leg around Starlight every step of the way as they sat down. Starlight took a deep breath before sighing. “I went to the military academy to get Rainbow Dash so we could talk to the Pegasus communities, and the General was giving me a hard time. She didn’t like me before when I had to show up to help show her guard how to defend against magic, but she wanted to throw me into the ring with Dash just to make an example out of me.” “I didn’t want to hurt Rainbow, but she wanted a fight, so I paralyzed her… the crowds that watched us weren’t happy at all and started throwing trash and bottles at me. Rainbow stuck up for me… and I even went as far as to convince the guard I was on their side. I joined them just to prove I wasn’t like the Unicorns they’re fighting… and… maybe I wanted to prove to myself that I could be helpful and do something good.” “Then, I don’t even know how, but Twilight shows up, and she freaks out, and it looks like she was worried about Dash or thought I could’ve hurt her… she didn’t even bother asking my side.” Fluttershy listened without interrupting, her eyes full of understanding. Her wing slowly and gently petted Starlight down her back, trying to help soothe the poor unicorn. “I think Twilight was talking to the Doge earlier. I-I didn’t hear much, I didn’t want to eavesdrop, but they mentioned something about war and plans…” Fluttershy sighed, “I know it’s hard, but I’m sure Twilight feels just awful now. It certainly sounds like an overreaction, but consider this Starlight…” “You are a very powerful unicorn. You could hurt someone, not intentionally, of course. Accidents happen all the time.” Fluttershy’s brow was knit with concern. “Twilight just wants the best for every creature, including you, Starlight. She didn’t mean to hurt you…” “I’m sure if you’re willing to give her a chance, she’d apologize in a heartbeat.” She wrapped Starlight up in a hug once more, “I understand you want to prove yourself. Luna and Discord wanted to do the same, that they had changed. But you don’t need to push yourself, Starlight. You’re not a bad pony. Twilight knows that.” Starlight sighed, “I need to prove it to her, to everyone. Otherwise, I’ll just be like Trixie. Oh sure, everyone says they forgive you, and it’s water under the bridge, but put the chips on the table, and all bets are off.… nopony truly forgets and forgives. Not after what I did…” she slowly leaned into Fluttershy, feeling drained emotionally as her eyes began to feel heavy and tired from crying. “....You were the only one that gave me a fair shot, and I stabbed you in the back.” Fluttershy brows knitted together this time in confusion. “Starlight, what do you mean? You never stabbed me in the back. You’ve only ever been helpful…” “That’s not true… In Our Town, you were the only one who even considered giving Equalism a chance. You gave me a chance, and I broke your trust by trying to brainwash and control you. But you’re the only pony from Twilight’s circle that’s been so… consistently pleasant… and I don’t understand.” Fluttershy’s eyes brightened at the reminder, and a soft smile rose to her lips, “Oh, Starlight… I already forgave you for that a long time ago. I’d never hold a grudge, especially toward a friend. Sure, You did something wrong, but every creature deserves a second chance. And I think you’re doing great.” “I’m not going to pretend that I wasn’t upset and hurt when you… when we were at Our Town. But that was then, Starlight. This is now, and now I trust and care for you. Ponies change, creatures change… you’ve changed. The only creature you’re really trying to prove yourself to is… well, you.” She slowly moved a hoof, booping Starlight on the nose. “And I know it’s going to be hard, but you will forgive yourself in time.” Fluttershy’s voice was soft and soothing, fitting for a lullaby. “And Twilight will want you to forgive her, too. And hopefully, you can find it in yourself to do so.” Starlight wrinkled her nose before letting out a deep sigh, “You’re too nice for your own good, you know that? I feel like I need to watch over you now.” chuckled Starlight as she slowly peeled herself from the hug and sat up. “... Fluttershy, can I ask you a question?’ Fluttershy giggled and offered the mare a gentle smile, “That’s very sweet of you, but don’t worry, I can handle myself.” Perking up, the pegasus gave her a curious look. “Of course, Starlight, you can ask me anything.” “....If creatures in nature live together in harmony, wouldn’t that mean all creatures could live together? As equals, not like Our Town, but… treated the same, with the same level of respect and dignity… I hear creatures say things about one another that just aren’t true, and all it does is cause fighting.” “... I remember joking to Twilight in Yakyakistan that it would be silly to mix Equalism with harmony, but… maybe that’s not so crazy… maybe it’s the answer to all our problems here.” “Well…” Fluttershy paused, considering Starlight’s question. “In a perfect world, perhaps. You can’t force creatures to treat each other with kindness; you simply have to hope they will learn that being kind is better than being cruel. That hatred only begets hatred.” “But there’s always hope. There are always creatures searching to better themselves and be better to others. You’re an example of that Starlight. And I think that you might be right.” She held Starlight’s gaze with an air of comfortable confidence, the smile not leaving her lips for a moment. Starlight’s eyes met with Fluttershy’s, feeling a small warmth bloom in her chest as she quickly turned away. Trying not to get flustered by all the attention she had been receiving, she had done her best to remain in the background and out of the limelight, considering her past. But she couldn’t help but smile as she slowly opened her eyes to the beauty she had neglected during her outburst. Seeing all the beauty and life surrounding them momentarily tempered the pain and sadness. The guilt that weighed on Starlight’s soul lifted for only a moment as she listened to the bird song echoing through tree’s branches. Her mind wandered, “I hope I’m right about all of this…” > Equality In Harmony > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The relative silence of the Palace was the norm. The only sounds were the soft hustle and bustle of the common folk outside, the bird song, or the many servants trotting to and fro with nary a sound. It was a perfect time for one of the guards to slack off, leaning against one of the many pillars, his rifle propped against the wall beside him. Lighting a match, he’d light a small wooden pipe with a match and inhaled, sighing deeply at the flavor rolling over his tongue. Thankfully, his shift was ending soon, and his superiors were on the opposite side of the chateau, leaving him to slack off in peace. POP! The Griffin nearly jumped a foot into the air, and the sudden noise, an unexpected gust of wind ruffling his feathers. Turning around, he caught sight of the fading light of a spell. Only once his vision cleared did he realize who it was. “P-Princess!” The pipe dropped from his claw immediately, scrambling for his rifle and into a salute. “My apologies, I had no idea– please don’t tell my superiors–” “It’s fine.” The Princess waved him away with a hoof, her eyes not focusing on him for even a second. She seemed frazzled, her mane a bird’s nest, dark rings circling her violet eyes. Unsure of what to say, the guard simply stepped aside, watching as the alicorn trotted down the hallway and out of sight. “Why did I jump to conclusions so fast…?” Twilight murmured to herself anxiously, gaze trained on the floor. “Am I really that judgemental? I was just worried... Starlight’s so powerful, she could hurt someone without meaning to…” “But…” A lump formed in her throat, nearly choking her with the anxiety and guilt she felt, “That doesn’t make it right… what I did was cruel, especially when Starlight’s been so hard on herself this whole time…” Glancing upward, Twilight stopped in her tracks, nearly slamming face-first into the door that led to their suites. She was just so exhausted, running around all day, she wasn’t even sure how much rest she had gotten the night prior. Rubbing her eyes, her horn burned to life. She gently opened the doors before slipping inside. She needed to apologize to Starlight as soon as possible, but the mare felt like a sandbag. It was difficult enough to keep her eyes open as they were. And maybe it was for the best to give them both a little time. Twilight knew all too well just how frustrated and irate an upset Starlight Glimmer could be. She just hoped the unicorn was channeling that energy into something productive… The late-day sun beamed through the dozens of windows that lined the palace hall as Twilight attempted to find something to occupy her racing thoughts. The shadows of the many statues of the Doge’s and great Generals from the past peaked through the glass from the gardens. It created an almost pattern of light and darkness, with a portrait of each elected Doge and said general resting on the wall beside their statue outside. Sets of marble pillars held up the massive canopy, which a mural of The Great Tree had been painted across the ceiling. Its trunk and roots sprawled and spanned across the entire ceiling from the hall’s entrance to the exit. The painting depicted dozens of Griffins and Pegasi from times when, cultivating the great canals spread across the trees’ many branches. As her trot slowed, the orange hue of the setting sun coated the reflective marble tile in its color, light beaming warmth on Twilight. Before she could distract her mind with the carefully crafted architecture and art surrounding her, the door from across the hall opened, with Starlight walking out before stopping at the sight of the alicorn. “Hey…” called Starlight from across the hall, her face and body shrouded in darkness and shadow. It was akin to a mask, hiding her facial expressions and body language from the alicorn. Twilight halted at once, her face stricken with surprise, shame, and sadness. She didn’t need to see Starlight’s face to understand what she was going through at the moment. If she could take back the words she had so thoughtlessly spewed to one of her newest friends, she would. Swallowing dryly, the alicorn slowly approached, her eyes unable to entirely meet Starlight’s. “I… Starlight, I’m…” “I’m really sorry. I should have given you a chance to explain and consider your side of things rather than just blindly run in head-first like a jackass…” Her eyes widened, a hoof flying to her lips, “Err– I mean, I was being dumb! Ugh, I can’t say anything right today!” Ears pinned down to her skull, the Princess sighed. “I understand if you don’t want to talk to me, but I hope you can forgive me. I didn’t mean to be so heartless, and you didn’t deserve to be accused of such things.” Bowing her head, Twilight choked back a few tears. “I-I… I know things have been rough, and I shouldn’t have put my frustrations out on you. No one deserves that kind of treatment.” Starlight trotted forward, crossing between beams of shadow and sunlight, her hooves echoing against the marble flooring. Approaching Twilight, she met her halfway, and the two stood before each other in the hall. Caught in a beam of sunlight, the pair stared at each other for some time. Lighting her horn, Starlight summoned a set of magic hands and combs, adjusting and straightening Twilight’s mane before disappearing once more. “I know, It’s… I forgive you, Twilight. I can’t expect everyone to be perfect all the time… and I’m… I know you’re probably going through a lot right now, and the last thing you need on your quest is a liability.” She anxiously rubbed her front leg, “Just… hear me out? ... That’s all I ask.” The alicorn’s eyes widened, and a small, hopeful smile rose to her lips. The few tears still lingering at the corners of her eyes finally fell, but now they were of relief. “Th-Thank you, Starlight. I’m glad you can give me another chance.” Sniffling, Twilight nodded, giving the unicorn an encouraging, if somewhat unsure, laugh. “Y-Yeah, okay, o-of course. Can we, um, maybe sit down first? I’m… exhausted.” In fact, her legs were shaking beneath her, as if she was sapped of all energy. Starlight cocked a brow at Twilight, looking at the mare as if she were mad. She still wasn’t used to being forgiven and accepted so readily. Taking a deep breath, she slowly lifted Twilight with her magic and carried her down the hall beside her. “Twilight I’m… I’m in no position to deny anypony a second chance after what I did. That’d be hypocritical and stupid of me.” She sighed as several magic hands began rummaging through her saddlebags and combing her mane anxiously. “I know what I did, and I know how terrible my actions were. I tried to make your life miserable. Understandably, you’ll hold… reservations.” Twilight tensed up at the magical hold before slowly relaxing, allowing her exhausted body to rest. Her eyelids had nearly dropped shut by the time Starlight spoke again, jerking her back to consciousness. “Well… that’s no reason for me to hold things like this against you. Besides, I didn’t even give you a chance to explain yourself. It’s perfectly natural to be upset…” Twilight sighed, looking down at the marble floor, “And a part of why I felt so guilty, and why you being so upset is so understandable is– well, exactly what you mentioned. You lost a lot, Starlight, and while your methods were wrong and immoral, you had good intentions and were devastated when you thought I took your town from you.” “So when offered another chance to prove yourself, and we’ve already come this far, I don’t even give you a moment to explain yourself before insinuating you meant harm or could have harmed someone… I might as well have never given you the chance at all. And that’s not the kind of pony– creature I am. There will always be misunderstandings, and I should have been more thoughtful about your feelings.” “Starlight… I already forgave you a long time ago… Even if I was stressed, I shouldn’t have jumped to conclusions.” Twilight finally managed to meet Starlight’s eyes, “So… I’m really grateful you’ve forgiven me.” Starlight’s eyes met Twilight’s. Her expression was heavy as she anxiously shifted her eyes to the set of doors at the end of the hall. Opening the door before walking through, she pulled Twilight alongside her into another corridor and into the main palace hall before trotting up the main Palace stairs toward the bed chambers. As she climbed to the next floor. “Fluttershy and I talked about it… I know you’re going through a lot, Twilight. Trust me, I know the stresses of our mission can be overwhelming. Remember the voyage here?” She slowly ducked her head low, trying to find the words to say. She wanted to tell Twilight about her vision and commitment to the guard, but the Princess looked tired and drained from the day. The mare shifted her eyes to a guest bedroom before opening the door and stepping inside. Uncaring if it was their room or not, it really didn’t matter for their purposes. She carried Twilight to a lavender couch resting near a fireplace, placing her down before tossing a few logs in the fireplace, lighting them with a spark of her horn. A roaring flame engulfed the logs before settling into a gentle, crackling fire. Starlight stared into the flames as she contemplated her words carefully. A suffocating sense of dread hung over the two, both knowing, despite their weariness and desperation, to leave the conversation on a forgiving note. They both knew there was more to be discussed. “... I joined the Republic Guard.” Twilight let out a sigh of relief, slumping into the cushions, attempting to keep her head up in an attempt to fight off her drowsiness. Rubbing a hoof over her eyes, she sat up as best she could, giving Starlight a meek smile. “I-I’m glad Fluttershy talked with you. She really is the best pony to go to if you need an ear or a shoulder to cry on…” Twilight murmured, glancing between the fire and Starlight. “I… I heard. Again, I shouldn’t have gone so overboard…” “Frankly, I can see you as a guard. You’re certainly powerful enough and capable. No doubt you’d be an asset.” The alicorn grimaced, gaze falling to the floor. “I’m just worried about making this situation worse, sparking a civil outcry… or you possibly getting hurt yourself. But I won’t forbid you from doing what you think is right. I can only hope you’re careful and mindful of what you do and say… for all of our sakes.” “I expect slip-ups, Starlight, so don’t be afraid to ever tell me that you made a mistake. I’m not perfect, clearly… I just hope you can trust me enough, even if you’re scared of what might happen…” That seemed to spur a thought, “Just like I should have treated you…” Starlight paused, taking a deep breath as she turned to face Twilight, “I think Equalism is the answer to all of our problems. Twilight… The fears you hold, the fears every creature holds, are based on ignorance or fears of the unknown.” She slowly began pacing between the fireplace and the couch, “Just today, the kids were arguing about Thorax when we told our newest member about him. There’s fear and confusion about our fellow creatures.” She pressed her hoof to her temple, “This isn’t about suppressing talents, or cutie-marks anymore, or making everycreature physically the same.” She slowly recomposed herself, stopping in front of the fireplace before turning to face Twilight, “The month we were stuck in the Crystal Empire because of… my actions and all the– legal issues we had to side step… Even before that, Thorax was…” she’d chuckled, “Is an Equalist, probably a better one than I, but Harmony...” “Your Harmony to my Equalism is what we need to save Griffonia.” Twilight’s immediate reaction to the word ‘Equalism’ instantly put a bad taste in her mouth, but for the sake of their friendship and mutual forgiveness, she kept quiet, waiting until Starlight spoke once more. Taking in everything Starlight said, the alicorn took a deep breath, soothing her anxious nerves, a hoof combing through her hair. On paper, it sounded perfectly fine, ideal in fact. Who wouldn’t want a world where every creature was treated the same? But would the public be as enthusiastic as Starlight and Thorax were? Could they become confused and twist the message to suit their own purposes? “I… don’t see why we can’t try. And… I don’t exactly have many ideas myself. I’m no tactician.” Twilight chuckled with some mirth, “Sure. Tell me everything.” Starlight’s expression lifted from an anxious scowl to a relieved smile as she slowly trotted toward Twilight and sat beside her. Physically relaxing as relief washed over her, she had fully expected Twilight to shoot down her idea for the name alone. Turning to face Twilight, the unicorn cleared her throat before speaking, “Harmonious Equalism is–” The door would suddenly open as a set of grunting and strained voices entered the room. Thorax and Trixie stumbled inside, dressed in their performer’s attire and carrying Trixie’s boxes of ‘magical’ tools and acts. The heavy crates were quickly placed on the floor before the Changeling shed his disguise and panted heavily. “Trixie… why couldn’t we just ask the servants to help us?” questioned Thorax. Trixie stuck her nose in the air, “Because I don’t trust them not to drop it by accident and set everything off! You really don’t want to see fireworks going off inside a tree, the forest that one time was bad enough…” Twilight blinked, her exhausted mind spinning. She was not equipped to deal with Trixie of all ponies right now. Turning her gaze to Starlight, she attempted a weak smile, “Er, maybe another time would be best?” Starlight cocked a brow at Twilight as she looked over the couch to see Thorax and Trixie. She didn't understand why her and Trixie didn't get along. “What are you guys doing here? This isn’t our room,” questioned Starlight. Thorax quickly perked up at the sight of Starlight, “Oh, um, hi, Starlight! We were just putting the magic stuff away.” Starlight rubbed her chin as she looked between Twilight and the Changeling, “Thorax, we need to talk about Equalism.” Thorax tilted his head curiously, “Oh, um, I thought we weren’t doing that anymore, so we don’t upset anypony.” “Well, Twilight is open to listening to our ideas Thorax.” “...She is?” “She’s right next to me.” The mare peered over from the couch, “Hi.” Twilight gave the Changeling a small, if tired smile. Trixie rolled her eyes, “Oh, THIS again? Ugh, you have fun talking politics. Trixie is going to treat herself to the spa and a massage. Maybe even a hooficure…” Removing her stage suit, she began to gently and neatly fold them before setting them down on the guest bed. “I’m glad to see you’re taking this journey so seriously…” Twilight grumbled. “Yeah, yeah, don’t complain when they try to indoctrinate you too.” The blue unicorn snickered before trotting to the bathroom. Thorax tossed his top hat aside on the guest bed as he adjusted his collar and bow tie, finding his suit appealing and sophisticated. Attentively watching Trixie before looking between her and Twilight during their brief spat. He winced slightly at Twilight’s jab before speaking up. “H-hey c’mon, we’re taking this seriously, don’t worry. We just got back from performing. It was a real hit! The Doge said if we did really well, we’d be able to perform to the upper crust of Swallowtail society.” He’d slowly trot over to Starlight and Twilight as he looked at the two tired mares. His brow lifted in surprise, “You guys look uhm… a little rough.” Starlight rolled her eyes, “Thanks… now let’s talk about Equalism.” Thorax rubbed his leg anxiously, “Ah well… I… when I saw you, Twilight, and your friends, I felt… I felt like I needed to change something. Seeing you work together like that inspired me to try and find a purpose outside of feeding…” “So I left the hive and crossed the Crystal Mountains for a shot at friendship… that’s when I found Starlight and Trixie… Starlight told me about Equalism, and… although she was hiding the… unsavory parts of her ideology, from what she told me, it sounded… fair.” “I did a lot of reading and studying in the Crystal Empire with Starlight. I wanted to keep her occupied and busy… " he turned to Starlight, "I know you’re not keen on forgiving yourself, but I couldn’t just let you… be alone and think that I wasn’t your friend despite your hiccups.” Starlight gave a worn smile to Thorax as she gestured to him to continue. “S-So… I read about you, Twilight, you and your friends. The thing that caught my attention was the Elements of Harmony, so Starlight and I decided to base Equality in Harmony.” “That’s–” Twilight’s eyebrows rose, “That’s really sweet actually… I’m sorry, Thorax, I never really considered how all the changelings felt. To be fair, I didn’t have much time during a full-scale invasion of our capital, but to think I hadn’t even considered the common Changeling’s opinions and thoughts on such things really is an eye-opener.” “And I’m honored that I was able to inspire you to leave your colony. I think that, without you, this whole ordeal would have been a lot trickier…” Trixie huffed from around the corner, poking her head out of the doorway. “Yeah, I’d be DEAD! But to be fair, I would have tried to kill Trixie too if I was being constantly upstaged~” Twilight didn’t even bother to look in her direction. Thorax chuckled at Trixie, looking over at the mare, “Oh c’mon Trixie, I think you would’ve been fine… but the Elements Of Harmony… they’re powerful. I mean, you’ve used them to destroy almost any threat to Equestria. Your bond is stronger than anything I’ve ever seen. It’s magic, it’s power, and it’s all based on friendship, right?” “So, Starlight and I thought about applying the elements in a way every creature can be Honest, Kind, Generous, Loyal, and be able to share Laughter and the Magic of friendship.” Starlight nodded, “A good creature should be Honest, and being honest means being fair, just, and truthful when dealing with anybody. Honesty means gently correcting a creature when they’re wrong, and by showing how and why dishonesty can hurt a creature’s chance at a fair life.” Thorax spoke, “A good creature should be kind. Kindness means lending your fellow creature a helping hoof, claw, or wing in their time of need. It means being understanding and considerate of the differences between creatures while being respectful by treating every creature with respect and dignity.” “A good creature should also be generous! Being generous means giving to those in need regardless of their species, lineage, or origin. It means giving everycreature you meet the benefit of the doubt and allowing the content of their character shine through regardless of species.” “Creatures should be Loyal to one another. Loyalty means being committed to equality and to harmony. No matter how bad things are, and no matter how tense things get, a good creature will never abandon their values based on their loyalty alone.” “And through shared Laughter and joy, we can overcome barriers between creatures and spread the Magic of Friendship throughout all the species of the world.” Twilight let herself sag against the cushions, unsure of what to say. Every single word that they had said resonated with her in a way she hadn’t expected. She opened her mouth, struggling with her words, unable to come up with a suitable response. The only thing that she could finally blurt out was, “Sounds… good.”” Trixie looked at the alicorn incredulously, “” Just… ‘good’? You don’t think that sounds like a cult at all?” Twilight rolled her eyes, “Don’t you have a bath or wine to get to? Or both?” “Feh, I see I’m not wanted…” Trixie trotted back into the room, closing the door. “Mmm…” Twilight rubbed a hoof across her face, “Anyways… I think what you said makes a lot of sense. It seems like you both have a good understanding of the key elements of friendship. Although, I wouldn’t really call friendship power… more like friendship is powerful.” Thorax cocked his brow curiously at Twilight, seeming genuinely shocked by her answer, “How could you not see it as power? You, you beat back an army for a time, y-you killed-” An annoyed huff escaped Starlight, “Yes, she killed Sombra and defeated Tirek, we know. Friendship is power, which keeps ponies together when times are hard. It’s literally a source of magic.” Thorax rubbed her temple as he sat down on the floor next to the fireplace, looking up at the girls, “What’s the plan? Are we going to spread Equalism in through the branches and roots?” Starlight slowly looked at Twilight. “Err…” Twilight shuffled, “Well, I didn’t technically kill Sombra. That was the Crystal Heart and my sister-in-law… and Spike. And friendship’s magic IS powerful, but that doesn’t mean it should be used like a… weapon.” “As for, um, spreading this…” Calling it an ideology would be accurate, but it also made her nervous, “... these… beliefs, I don’t see much of a problem with it, although it may be difficult to convince those in the upper branches. But do be careful… I don’t want to start an uproar or civil unrest while we’re also dealing with a looming war…” Starlight objected to that sentiment entirely, finding Twilight’s stance too soft and not nearly proactive enough for the situation. In her eyes, the war was inevitable; there was no way in her mind that a nation bent on enslavement and brainwashing could be redeemed. The friendship problem was in Swallowtail, and her enemies only exacerbated the issue. “If we’re going to win this war, we need to take the power of friendship seriously. If every creature is friends with one another, then there’s no way they can lose against the Unicorns. If everycreature has each other’s back, there is no way they can be tricked or lied to. If everycreature sees each other as a friend, they’ll defend and protect each other.” “Creatures should be outraged, frankly; look at how they’re living Twilight! Ponies and Flightless below barely scrape by while creatures in the branches party and celebrate like there isn’t a care in the world! The only way we can get this entire country ready for a war is by bringing them together by settling their differences and focusing on the true enemy in a united front.” Thorax swallowed, “Uhm… that’s a little violent. Starlight, I thought you didn’t want to hurt ponies anymore.” “I don’t want to hurt innocent creatures, but I never said I had any qualms with combat, especially with these monsters that call themselves ponies. They’re evil! They deserve everything that’s coming to them.” “Starlight, I’m not comfortable with instigating violence,” Twilight spoke with surprising firmness despite her exhaustion. “I don’t even want a war. I’m hoping that Princess Celestia’s plan will work and we’ll be able to work our way inside the kingdom. Causing agitation, fear, and anger between the branches will not help that.” “Especially if they begin to blame each other…” Twilight sighed. “Creatures are a bit more complicated than that Starlight. Ponies are… very trusting in Equestria.” Thorax quickly piped up, “Princess Celestia has a plan? Maybe this will be the answer we need.” “Well, I’m not ecstatic about her plan, but…” Twilight groaned and sat up as well as she could, “She wants me and a few of my friends to enter Unicornica. She sent her nephew ahead of time… Prince Blueblood. Since he has a direct relation to Celestia herself, they embraced him with open hooves…” “So when I arrive, he’s going to…” She looked ready to vomit, “Eugh, propose to me. Since he’s of royal blood and I’m, well, me, they’ll crown us as rulers. Then… well, Celestia was hoping we’d be able to give the crown to her and take control of the situation… but the Doge doesn’t like that one bit. And from what I hear, neither would the rest of Griffonia.” Starlight would scoff, “Of course not. The culture of Swallowtail is anti-authoritarian. The Republic was founded on the principle that no Monarch or bandit could force the winged into anything. I studied Griffonia and Swallowtail in preparation just as much as you did, and I’m taking this assignment very seriously. If anything, the Parliament will freak out if they find out about this plan. Do you remember Chaircreature Francesco? He threatened to kick us out of the tree if we broke the anymore laws. This could be considered treason or something!” Starlight’s expression twisted. She seemed almost personally insulted by the Princess’s plan. “How can we expect Celestia to take care of this? She has failed these Griffonian ponies to such a heinous degree I’m starting to question her competency! What in the hay is going on in Canterlot!? Where is she and Luna? Why hasn’t the Royal Guard been informed and sent over here? We should be rolling over Unicornica, not trying to play House with a bunch of SLAVERS!” Thorax was taken aback by Starlight’s sudden anger and passion, quickly intervening on his friend’s behalf to soothe any possible tension, “Look, we all know the unicorns are bad, but is violence really the answer? I’ve been in war, it’s not very fun… it’s scary, and there weren’t any guns, cannons, or deathly serious magic being used ... I just don’t want anybody to suffer anymore. It’s not right, and more suffering shouldn’t be the answer to less suffering.” “We should be very careful about using force and the kind of message we promote. Just because we’re someplace different doesn’t mean we have to stop making friends any differently than we would normally, right?” Twilight had bristled at Starlight’s antagonistic reply but quickly switched her attention to Thorax. A small smile grew on her lips, and she nodded with him. “He’s right. And that’s exactly what we should all hope to avoid. Revenge is never the answer. However, I’m not saying those who have done wrong shouldn’t be punished.” “And on the topic of Celestia… there are bigger forces out there than armies that Celestia and Luna have to contend with… They… made an agreement thousands of years ago not to meddle in other lands. If Celestia were to actually step hoof here and begin… ruling, it could spark a war far worse than Unicornica and Swallowtail combined…” Starlight quietly processed the information presented to her, seeming to compare and contrast everything given to her as she tapped a hoof on her chin. Thinking deeply, she slowly squeezed her eyes shut and began rubbing her temple. “I think the stress is getting to me. It’s all so… hazy and unclear… I heard about the attack down by the roots, and with everything we were already told, and the fact everywhere I go, creatures look back and do a double take just to be sure I’m not going to hurt them is concerning, and it’s a symptom of a greater problem.” “That’s why I joined the guard because I want to prove to the locals that I’m personally not a threat… and that any creature, no matter what they are, can be something of a friend. Or at least somecreature they can trust…. so Celestia and Luna are strong hoofed out of the equation entirely?... This is going to be a lot harder than I thought.” She sighed, “Twilight, I don’t want a war, but I don’t think we’ll have much of a choice. Something is going to happen that’ll get everyone provoked and itching for a fight. We’re very close to the anniversary of the first Unicorn-Swallow war…I just think we should act quickly before it’s too late. We should try to show the creatures up top the real problems the creatures below are facing.” Twilight closed her eyes and sighed, her optimistic look dropping. “... I know. Avoiding a war is pretty much impossible at this point, and with Celestia unable to really help directly, we’re on our own. And you’re right, we have to act quickly. I’m just not used to stakes being this ridiculously high…” A thought occurred to her, and her eyes opened once more. “Or maybe… maybe we’re not as alone as I thought. Griffinstone might be able to help…” Starlight tapped her hooves to the sides of her head as she desperately attempted to think of a peaceful solution, “Hmmmm… what if Griffinstone and Swallowtail signed a friendship treaty… wait… what if we all signed a friendship treaty?” “But… that won’t work,” replied Thorax. “It doesn’t have to. It just needs to buy us time.” Twilight nodded slowly, mulling it over in her head before turning to face the two, “Starlight’s right. It might not necessarily stop the war, but it might distract Unicornica long enough to give us time to build a proper defense and hopefully strengthen the relationship between the flightless and those in the branches. We should go over this with the Doge right away!” Struggling, the alicorn got to her hooves… and immediately collapsed onto the floor. “Mmm… hehe, maybe one of you could write him a letter…?” The Doge was walking beside Fluttershy in the gardens, enjoying the late dusk sun as he accompanied the mare through the lush and dense foliage. The gentlecreature took the time to talk to her about the simple pleasantries and comforts of life, what they did when they weren’t attempting to stop calamity. The Doge lifted his robes as he trekked through the grass and brush, careful to avoid snagging any of his fine silks or cloth, on a branch or bush, “I envy you, Fluttershy.” smiled the diamond dog. The Pegasus, who had been marveling at the beauty of the garden, turned to gaze at the Doge with curiosity. “I’m… not sure what you mean, Mister Doge, s-sir…” She still wasn’t entirely sure how to refer to him, “Your home seems so lovely…” “Please, you’re a friend, just call me Donatello ... yes my home is very beautiful, the Palace has been a living tradition for over three hundred years since it was built. But what good is luxury if I have no one to share it with…” His tone was somber and quiet as his eyes wandered across the gardens. Looming toward the bottom of the tree, he approached the edge of a branch. Leaning against the stone railing, he sighed. “Oh, um, okay… Donatello.” Fluttershy murmured, a small blush rising to her cheeks at her awkwardness. She paused, unsure of what to say, but followed beside him closely. Joining him beside the edge, she sat down. “You live a life surrounded by nature and good company. Not having to worry about keeping appearances constantly, you’re accepted… and I see why,” he’d slowly placed his crown on the railing as he turned to face Fluttershy, “You are the most beautiful creature these eyes have ever laid on, the beauty of the palace garden, no the entirety of the Doge’s Palace cannot compare to the beautiful soul you keep.” “I-I…” Her face burned, her tongue turning numb in her mouth. Fluttershy’s mind had gone blank. Sure, a few stallions attempted to ask her out on a date, but they had usually backed off once they realized just how petrified she was. But no one had ever called her… something so sweet. “Th-thank you…” Ducking behind her mane, her face was shrouded in a pink curtain. “I-I, um, d-don’t know wh-what to say… um…” Clearly, she wasn’t used to this kind of attention. The Doge was a hue of red and crimson as he yipped anxiously, clearly in over his own depth as he stroked the back of his ears nervously, “My apologies for being so forward. I understand a lady like yourself must receive a lot of courting and gesturing. But if I am to be so bold as to ask you to accompany me for a private dinner or show? If that is acceptable.” “Umm…” Slowly combing her mane out of her face, she considered his offer, although still heavily flustered by the attention. Ponies had called her pretty before, but nothing quite so poetic. She was incredibly flattered, and she wanted to accept, although something in the back of her mind made her anxious, “N-No, y-you don’t need to a-apologize. Um, I’d l-love to…” He swallowed, surprised by her acceptance as he clasped his paws together happily, “I believe there will be a celebration near the anniversary of the first Unicorn-Swallow war. We can stow ourselves away once all the formalities and such are finished. Until then…” he’d slowly place his crown back atop his head, “Why don’t we find you a dress and an excellent wine in preparation for our evening.” he’d offer his paw to the mare. Fluttershy let out a slightly overwhelmed giggle. Was this what it felt like to be royalty? Gently placing her hoof into his paw, she nodded. “Th-That does sound like fun… but um, y-you don’t need to give me a dress. You’ve already been so generous…” “I am the Doge of Swallowtail, and you are my honored guest. Of course, I will provide you with a dress for the upcoming celebrations. It would be in poor manners and taste if I didn’t.” smiled the Doge as he gently pulled Fluttershy to her hooves and began walking with her, “Let’s see if my personal seamstress and tailor can make something for you.” Fluttershy giggled softly, “W-Well, um, if you insist. I don’t want to be a bother…” "Never." assured the Doge. As they departed and headed toward the Palace, the pair would soon bump into Starlight, Thorax, and Twilight after turning around the corner of a shrub. They turned the corner so fast they nearly collided with one another. “Oh! Twilight, Starlight, and Thorax, I assume everything went well between you two? Thorax, I heard good things about you and Trixie’s performance. I’ll be sure to set aside your pay tonight, and I have another job for you two. You can be the entertainment for the anniversary celebrations.” Twilight, who by some miracle was still standing, gave the pair a smile. “Good to… see you... too…” Fluttershy held a hoof to her mouth, “Oh my, Twilight, are you alright? You look exhausted…” “I’m okay. I just need to talk to the Doge for a little bit. Then I can get some rest…” The alicorn rubbed her forehead. “We have an idea to help buy some time.” The Doge pressed a claw to his chin, “Hm, more time, eh? That’s an invaluable asset. Well, I’m all ears!” “We want you to sign a friendship treaty with all your neighbors,” answered Starlight. “....All my neighbors?.... Including Unicornica?” questioned the Doge. “Yes.” “....Hahahaha!” laughed the Doge, “Alright, very funny, what’s the actual plan?” “We don’t expect it to actually work. We just have to entertain them with the idea for a while, at least Unicornica. I do hope we can strengthen the ties between the rest of your neighbors. While we do that, we can hopefully convince them to help us deal with Unicornica. I’m almost certain Queen Gilda of Griffinstone would be willing to offer her help.” Twilight nodded. Fluttershy seemed uncertain, “Are you sure they will actually send someone over to sign the treaty?” “I don’t know, but I think it’s worth a shot, especially if they believe I’m the one handling it.” The alicorn gave her a weak smile. The Doge began biting his nails anxiously as he began adding the political debt and favor he would gain slash lose by doing such an action. Parliament would need to agree to such a treaty and, despite Griffinstone not necessarily being an enemy. They weren’t exactly a friend either. Swallowtail was historically a refuge for Griffins dissatisfied with the old monarchy. “Well… it’ll be hard… but I’ll throw it on the list of things I’ll need to convince the Parliament. Consider it done.” nodded the Doge, “Hm… perhaps we should Capitalize on this. Why not host the Convocation of the Creatures and have Griffinstone sign the friendship treaty there? We could formally invite Equestria by having you represent them! That way, Equestria, Griffinstone, and Swallowtail will be bound by friendship!” Starlight quickly perked up, “Twilight, if you sign the treaty, Unicornica will be even more likely to listen to you. You could actually bring the treaty yourself and use the time to dismantle Unicornica from the inside by following Celestia's original plan too. They believe you’re a god, right?” Thorax spoke, “We could also use this time to help the wingless below. Maybe there’s somepony who could represent them! That way, the roots and branches can also be friends if we include them in the treaty, too.” Twilight nodded her head eagerly, “Exactly! We just need to use this wisely and very delicately. We really only have one shot at this…” Fluttershy slowly stepped over and laid a hoof on the alicorn’s shoulder. “Let’s, um, try to think positively. Starlight is right. You could use this as a way to get inside, and hopefully, we can avoid a war.” “I just don’t know how we can change things from the inside so radically without starting some sort of fight.” Twilight sighed. “I know…” The Pegasus slowly rubbed her back. “But let’s not underestimate the creatures inside Unicornica. I bet there are a lot of creatures there who want to be free, and if you’re there, it might give them the courage to free themselves.” “Maybe… I hope so.” Twilight gazed up at her friend, appreciating the support. The Doge slowly looked between Starlight and Twilight, “Heh…hehehe, hahahaha!” he’d howled in laughter, “How couldn’t I see it before! The answer was right in front of me! Starlight, Twilight, you’re the courage and hope Unicornica needs to free itself!” he’d quickly pace around excitedly. “Twilight is the symbol that we need, the thing Unicornican understands to a tee. You’re a god to them, and Starlight, she’s the competent mage we need on the inside helping the peasants and slaves! Twilight can go to the Capital, and Starlight can be sent with one of my Griffish officers, er…” he’d snap his claw, “Yes! Captain Gerhardt, that’s it; he’ll be perfect for a mission with such stakes.” “Starlight can free the slaves, and Twilight can convince the local ponies to believe her over the council and distract them with the treaty and original Celestia's marriage plan. While Starlight and my Captain stop the slave raids and keep the Unicornian army busy. We want them to be distracted as long as possible so we can tend to the creatures in the branches and roots." “Twilight is the...yin to Starlight's yang. As Strongfang would say.” smirked the Doge Twilight struggled to think of what to say, staring at the Doge before trading looks with Starlight, “I, um… thank you?” Fluttershy gently patted her on the shoulder, “It’s okay, Twilight… let’s get you into bed, okay? You need some rest…” “Yeah.....I think we all could us some rest after today..." yawned Twilight. "Yeah, today was something else..." muttered Starlight. "Yes, I think we can save further discussion for tomorrow after such a busy day..." strained the Doge. > Reunions > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It had been two days since Rarity and Applejack entered the Cavern, and despite the heartache and terror they felt from that day, life carried on as usual. Mrs. Meadows had celebrated the return of her cart and their success. The plantation could continue unmediated, but there was still the normal work and chores that needed to be done. There was tobacco to cut, cotton to harvest, clothes that needed seaming, and new clothes that needed to be tailored entirely. While both mares were exceptional in their respective fields, they could only do so much in a workday. Time felt seamless and fluid; the only sense of stop and go was Celestia's sun's rising and setting. Applejack hadn't minded, and given she was a farmer, it was comforting to focus on work and come home tired but satisfied. No existential terror, no evil unicorns, and no politics. At least for a few days. By the second day, however, Rarity felt like she'd been worked down to the bone despite working inside and out of the sun and elements. She must have patched one hundred pairs of pants alone by now. Had it not been for Mrs. Meadows' maids working beside her, she would've gone mad from the repetitive and dull fabric work. The work day was coming to a close as the six o'clock bell rang from the plantation well. Loudly ringing and clanging for a moment and allowing every creature to retire from work for the day. Rarity immediately stood from her table, her horn gently setting down the fabric she had been working on seconds before. Usually, she would have taken the time to finish the piece before resting, but inspiration took its toll after days of continual work without any rest. Letting out a soft, delicate yawn, she waved goodbye to the maids, intending to find Applejack. Stepping onto the porch, she caught sight of the orange mare approaching, fanning herself with a straw hat one of the other workers had lent her. Rarity had insisted on tying a red ribbon around it, which Applejack obliged with a simple eye roll. "How are you, darling? You look simply famished; I do hope that something filling was made for dinner." She had skipped brunch, only sipping tea now and again during her workload. "Not bad, just like home, if y'ignore the lack of apple trees…" A brief, wistful look passed the farmer's eyes before returning to normal, "I could eat a whole bushel right now.... Y'think they got any iced tea left?" Applejack paused, turning back to face Rarity, who was looking out on the plantation. Following her gaze, she caught sight of what had distracted the unicorn. There, walking up the road toward the large Plantation house, was Glendon, Jugo, and several griffins and earth ponies eagerly awaiting dinner as they made their way to the house. However, what caught Rarity's eye was a younger-looking filly in the crowd that shuffled between the tired mass of bodies. The front doors creaked open as Mrs. Meadows stepped outside beside Rarity. The mare fawned with delight at the sight of her guests, "Hello girls, did you two finish your chores alright? I just wanted to ask if you'd be joining us for dinner tonight or, if you like, you can eat in your chambers. We tend to pack the dining room with about twenty or thirty creatures…" Glendon called from down the road, his voice booming across the property, "HEY, WHAT'S FER SUPPER!?" he said before quickly flapping over to the three ponies, perching on the house's front railing as he scratched his beak and face, his feathers stained with black powder and dirt. "I'm starving after chucking hay around and my back hurts!" grouchily barked the griffin, cocking his brow as he complained. Mrs. Meadows rolled her eyes, "It's always the same with you…" The griffin looked over at Rarity, a surreal feeling passed over him. It felt like years since he last saw her, despite only being a day apart. Part of him wondered briefly if it was because of the incident two days prior. The griffin hopped down from the railing and gave the unicorn a bow, "Well, it's good to see you again, Rarity. Will you and Applejack be joining us for supper? It's like a party between six o'clock and midnight!" laughed the griff. Mrs. Meadows rolled her eyes, "Yes, it tends to get a bit rowdy after the drinking starts, which is why we don't give free beer anymore." Glendon's eyes widened, "No beer!? Bah, well, at least there's always sweet rolls and music..." Rarity seemed to snap out of her revere, giving the group a distracted smile. Her eyes couldn't be removed from the filly, a tight feeling in her gut that told her she had to do something. "Er, yes, we shall be joining you this evening. We're both quite peckish." Turning to Applejack, the farmer nodded eagerly. "Ah, hope y'all have enough for seconds. I could eat a whole spread after today's work!" The farmer chuckled. Rarity laughed along as well but noted that she still seemed distracted. "Rarity, what's on yer' mind?" "Oh, my apologies…" The unicorn blushed gently before turning to Mrs. Meadows and Glendon. "This might seem strange, but… who is that filly? Do her parents work here?" The two looked at the group walking toward them, now a few yards from the porch. Glendon laughed as he gave Rarity a confused smile. Glendon cocked a brow finding Rarity's concern baffling and strange, "Why, you worried about that runt? She's the only one here that can take care of herself better than some adults I know; she'll be fine." the griffin waved dismissively, not giving the filly and the discussion a second thought, "Say, I'll be inside getting some dinner, and I might buy a keg if I'm feeling generous." said to Rarity with a playful wink before swinging the doors open and stepping inside the house. Mrs. Meadows rolled her eyes at Glendon before she squinted at the crowd before pointing her out, a brown and white filly with blotches of color spread across her body and wearing a worn cloth flap cap that was snugly fit on her head. With a fuzzy satchel hanging off her side that appeared to be made out of rabbit pelt. Her eyes were a tired dull green similar to Applejack's, but with all the light and zest for life removed. "Her? That's Spitzenburg; she's been here for a couple of months. She just showed up one day wanting to work and I thought maybe somepony would come for her if I let her stay but… I haven't had anyone come for her." Mrs. Meadows sighed, "The poor thing is probably a refugee or orphan." Rarity bit her lip, a hoof rising to her lips. How could a filly like her be out here all on her own? The poor thing's family has to be out there looking for her. Trading glances with Applejack, the farmer frowned deeply. "A little filly like that came here all on 'er own?" Applejack turned to Mrs. Meadows with a raised brow, "Now, how in the hay did she get out here? It took us hours by carriage… And you say nopony's come to claim her?" "That's simply dreadful…" Rarity murmured. Applejack knew precisely how she felt. Both of them could see their younger sister in the filly, and trying to imagine either Apple Bloom or Sweetie Belle in her position struck them in the worst way possible. "Any possibility you know where she came from?" The farmer asked. Mrs. Meadows shook her head, adjusting her glasses from falling off her muzzle and shaking her head, "No papers, no documentation, nothing. She can decently speak Ponish for a Griffin-Pony. I had to have some of the Republic Guard translate for her, and I've tried teaching her how to speak proper Ponish, read, and write, but I've been busy with the property…" Soon, the workers and farmers stepped up on the porch, greeting Mrs. Meadows and the mares before entering the house. One of the maids opened the front doors and wedged them open. The smell from the kitchen seeped through the doorway and toward the creatures, causing most mouths to water. Soon, over two dozen creatures clambered inside the plantation except for– "Spitzenburg, Esopus Spitzenburg!" called Mrs. Meadows before turning to Rarity and Applejack, "I'll let you talk to her while I get everything ready." The filly strained as she squeezed through the crowd and onto the porch where Mrs. Meadows and the girls were. She was thin and lanky, her expression was much more tired and worn up close. Her face had aged far beyond her years from stress and work. Judging by looks alone, it could be assumed she was fourteen or fifteen up close. Her eyes shifted across the floor before meeting Mrs. Meadows, "...Yes?" "Spitzenburg, I want you to meet Applejack and Rarity. They were interested in getting to know you," explained Mrs. Meadows. The filly turned toward them with an unsure and suspicious expression, "I guess." "Great, let's talk over dinner, shall we?" beckoned Mrs.Meadows. Rarity gave the filly a gentle smile, aware of how her horn could upset her. She had given up on wearing the scarf while on the property, and while many had stared at her with distrust, she had managed to gain a decent impression with the maids of the plantation home. Applejack stepped forward, offering the filly a hoof. “Nice ta’ meetcha, Spitzenburg. Never heard of a filly named somethin' like that before, but I bet my name's a bit silly to you, too. But Mrs. Meadows is right, enough jabberin' out here, let's go get some grub." "Quite right, I'm sure we're all quite famished." Rarity tilted her head before giving the filly a small smile, "A pleasure to meet you." Spitzenburg nodded, her eyes trailing between Rarity's horn and Applejack's eyes, taking Applejack's hoof slowly before shaking it, "The pleasure is all mine..." she said taking off her hat and fanning it to Rarity, before placing it back on her head, "But I would like to eat and talk." The dining hall was packed; the main table was filled with several creatures, and smaller tables needed to be brought to the dining room to accommodate everyone. Dinner was bread, beans, vegetable stew, and roast carp for the griffins. At the same time, everyone crowded around and allowed themselves to be served by the staff. Applejack, Rarity, and Spitzenburg sat at a corner of the table with Mrs. Meadows. As the plates and bowls of food were set, Spitzenburg looked at Applejack, "Du bist ein Alma, Apfel? You are the Apfelyak? Yes?" her eyes fixated on the mare's flank. Applejack and Rarity took their seats, the farmer more than grateful to finally rest her hooves. Turning to face the filly, a small smile rose to her lips. "Eyup, part' o the Apple family. You heard of me?" Applejack raised an eyebrow, a small, encouraging smile on her lips. "Oh, I'm sure she has; we are famous after all." Rarity chuckled, levitating several bowls of stew across the table before gently setting them down. While it wasn't the most glamorous of meals, she wouldn't turn her nose to fine home cooking. "This smells delightful, my compliments to the chef~" "I'll be sure to let the cooks know you like it," smirked Mrs. Meadows as she began blowing air on her spoonful of beans. Spitzenburg flopped her bag on the table as she shifted in her seat, showing her cutie mark to Applejack, "Sie sind Teil der Almafamilie?" It was a large apple tree with its roots and limbs stretched far and wide, with bright red autumn apples of the same name growing in the branches. Applejack's eyebrows shot up at the sight of the cutie mark. The apple tree reminded her of home, and the apple orchards, and a brief misty-eyed look crossed her face before disappearing. A bright smile rose in its place, and she had to resist the urge to wrap the filly up in a hug. "Well, I'll be! We're family!" Applejack sat up, comparing their cutie marks. "I had no idea we had cousins all the way up here, but I'm not surprised! Too bad Pinkie ain't here; she'd be ecstatic." "This is fantastic! Long lost family reunited? This could be in a book!" Rarity fawned. "But how did you get out here, darling? You're far too young to be on your own." Applejack nodded, "She's right; you're too little of a pony to be all by your lonesome. What happened?" Spitzenburg tilted her head curiously at Applejack as she realized they were related but felt confused. She had never met this mare before in her life, and yet she bore her family's mark. Indeed, it wasn't just luck or chance; they both were Alma's. It had to have been fate. But she was suprised to find out Applejack's Cutie Mark had apples, she was told that wasn't true by her old 'managers.'. Spitzenburg tensed up at Applejack's question as she winced; a pained expression crossed her face for a brief moment, "Ah, it's a long story… Mein Ponisch ist nicht gut. I heard you are here because of quest, yes?" Applejack nodded gently, "That's alright, you don't have to tell us right now if you ain't comfortable… or able, heh. But yeah, we're out here lendin' a hoof. How'd you hear about that?" Rarity chuckled, "She must have overheard Glendon or Jugo… more likely Glendon. He can never keep quiet now, can he?" Spitzenburg stuck her head in her bag, rustling inside the rabbit skin for a moment before fetching a cigarette between her lips. She leaned close toward a lit candle in the middle of the table before taking a long drag off her freshly lit cigarette and exhaling a cloud of smoke. She smacked her lips contentedly before turning to the two girls. "Glendon cannot shut up, but that is okay. He has his purpose, like all of us around here. I'm surprised two ponies like you are here with us. I thought Glendon was just spreading blödsinn." Applejack struggled momentarily with what to say, her eyes flickering between the lit cigarette and the filly smoking it. Glancing around the table, her eyes finally landed on Mrs. Meadows, "Excuse me, but y'all just let a young filly smoke? Ya know it's not healthy, right?" Rarity wrinkled her nose at the smoke, using a napkin to fan away the foul odor. "And I do believe it would be best, for all of us, if you waited until after supper. Or at least until you're outside… I heard nicotine stains!" Mrs. Meadows glanced between Rarity and Applejack, patting her muzzle with a napkin as she cleaned her face of any crumbs or stains. She chuckled and smiled, "Tobacco? Unhealthy? How positively unheard of!" laughed Mrs. Meadows, "Tobacco is a natural remedy and plant, Spitzenburg would be the first pony to tell you of its health benefits." "Though, you are right… no smoking in the house…" Sternly warned the mare, "Smoke stains the carpets and curtains…" Spitzenburg sighed, putting the cigarette out on her napkin before placing the now burnt and unlit cigarette back into her mouth, "I am my own keeper, and nopony has treated me like a child since I arrived." "That's right because I don't hire foals or colts. I hire mares and stallions." nodded Mrs. Meadows, "The dear wanted to work and proved she was capable and responsible enough, and with no one to claim her, she's…" she struggled to find the polite word, "Independent at an exceptionally young age." Spitzenburg chewed a slice of bread and leaned back in her chair, peering down the table as she called for Glendon. "Hey Glendon, Wo ist das, Bier!?" "There ain't any beer, Mrs.Meadows ain't providing tonight!" The filly sighed, "Damnit…" Applejack seemed less than reassured. "I know what I'm talkin' 'bout, all those fancy doctors up in Canterlot took a look at one'a my cousins, 'said he had lumps on his lungs from smokin' too much. I don't know the science behind it, but my granny said to never touch the stuff." Her unicorn companion nodded, "It's a terrible, nasty habit, or so I've heard. I would recommend avoiding inhaling the smoke. Especially if there are any creatures here with health conditions." "This just ain't right." Applejack shifted uncomfortably, "Not a single pony has come by to claim her… at all? Have ya tried… lookin' for em?" Mrs. Meadows seemed less than impressed with the accusation that her crop and product were unhealthy, her sweet, warm expression shifting into a slightly offended and sharp glare. The Mistress was clearly not pleased. "With due respect, ladies, I would know a thing or two about the crop I've cultivated for say… fifty or so moons now. But not every pony can handle or appreciate the finer complexities of a good quality cigar or cigarette. But on the topic of my employee… I haven't attempted to find anyone. I'm afraid she doesn't have anything close to paperwork or documentation like I said earlier." Rarity tutted, "I appreciate that this is your business, Mrs. Meadows, but I believe it would be invaluable to understand exactly how it affects creatures over time…" "My family knows I'm here," answered Spitzenburg, not looking up from her meal. Mrs. Meadows looked surprised, "... They do? … Sweetie, why didn't you tell me this?" "I don't like talking about it." Spitzenburg replied lamely, her eyes fixated on her plate and not looking at anyone, "I just don't want anyone to be in trouble because of me…" Applejack rolled her eyes but otherwise didn't bring up tobacco again. "So… you have kin around here, yet you haven't seen 'em? Why's that?" “Ich bin ein sklave, I am a slave.” answered Spitzenburg. "You what?!" Applejack stood up, turning to glare at Mrs. Meadows. The muscles along her legs seemed to ripple. Celestia knew what would happen if Applejack started a fight… Rarity sat her down, placing a hoof on the earth pony's shoulders. "Now, now, Applejack. Let us hear them out." Mrs. Meadows froze, the color washing away from her already pale coat as her eyes widened in disbelief. But she quickly recomposed herself, sighing, "I had a feeling that might've been the case." Spitzenburg nodded as she idly moved her silverware with her hoof, "I am a slave in Unicornica, and my papa and mama thought if we all prepared and planned, we all could escape and be free…." she dully looked up at the mare's, "Ich hatte Glück ... mein familie… didn't have it." Spitzenburg stared blankly at the three, her expression devoid of emotion or energy. Before her eyes dully fell on the table, "So it goes." Applejack slowly sat down, feeling the wrathful energy that had filled her moments ago, draining out of her. Turning to the young filly, her brow wrinkled with concern and… sadness. She couldn't imagine her little Apple Bloom having to go through this all by herself. Glancing at Rarity, she was confident the unicorn thought the same thing. "Oh, you poor dear… I'm so sorry." Rarity offered, "We didn't mean to upset you." "That damn Unicornica… why, if I was there, I'd buck a hole through their castle walls, and tear those ponies a new one..." The farmer grumbled. "At the very least, we're going to do something to stop them." Rarity nodded with certainty. Looking down at the filly, she offered a small smile, "Have you heard Princess Twilight will be arriving there?" Spitzenburg shrugged, "I have heard through prophecy, I suppose. Is it time for the sun to burn us alive for our crimes against her?" The lower end of the table suddenly erupted into thunderous cheers as the doors to the dining hall bursted open. A gaggle of owl griffins, armed to the teeth with guns and kegs of beer, fluttered inside. "Mrs. Meadows, have you gone and served dinner without drinks!?" called a griffin, "Not to worry, the Barn owls always come prepared, right Glendon!?" Glendon burst from his seat, "RIGHT, LADS!" grinned Glendon, "Let's all wet our whistles on me!" Mrs. Meadows hissed, her face bloomed with red, twisting into an embittered scowl, "You damn rats with wings! I didn't want drinks tonight!" She quickly got out of her seat and trotted over to the group, haggling and attempting to push them and their alcohol out of the dining room. "Out, out, out!" cried the Mistress. "Ah c'mon, Mrs. Meadows, just one drink for our parched throats!" pleaded Glendon. Spitzenburg looked at the beer with envy, her mouth watering at the sight of the kegs, "...If Princess Twilight comes with beer, I think I could see her as god, too." Rarity chuckled, "Well, no, not exactly… she doesn't particularly see herself as a god. She was a pony like us not too long ago, you know. And Twilight's not very good at holding her alcohol." "Y'all can keep yer' beer, just ain't the same as hard apple cider." Applejack shook her head, "And ain't that the truth? It's a good thing she got that 'alicorn metabolism' or whatever. Otherwise, she'd be worse than Dash durin' a hangover." Rarity giggled in response. Spitzenburg looked unimpressed with Rarity's answer, scoffing, "Good thing she isn't a god. I wouldn't be able to think somepony who can't even finish her beir as one." Applejack grinned, "Ah well, she might not be the best at drinkin', but she sure is good at everything else. Heck, one time, she harvested an entire orchard with her magic all by herself! No idea why I didn't take her help sooner…" "Darling, we both know how stubborn you are." Rarity tutted, taking a sip of water. The farmer rolled her eyes, "Yeah yeah." Mrs. Meadows, after failing to wrestle the kegs of booze from the clutches of the Barn owls, defeatedly marched back to the table and took her seat. Fuming quietly at the rowdy and improper display from the Barn Owls, passing pints of mead and beer down the table and getting every creature their fill of liquid calories. Glendon had rubbed his claws together as he greedily glugged his portion of the bitter ale, clicking his beak contentedly, "Well, good work, lads! Spitzy, have one on me!" called Glendon, snapping a claw as one of his grunts slid the filly a giant pint of spirits. Spitzenburg beamed as she snatched the drink, gulping down the beverage greedily, clearing the entire pint in just a few seconds. She sighed as she placed the mug down, smacking her lips, "Mmmm, perfect…another, please!" The conversation had lulled as every creature began to dig into their meals. Rarity had no idea how famished she was until finally tucking in, sighing in delight at the vegetable stew. It was savory but not too salty and filled her stomach. Glancing over at the young filly, Rarity chewed her lip, a spark of inspiration causing the cogs in her head to turn rapidly. "Hmmm, you know what you need, young filly?" Rarity stood up, flicking her mane away from her eyes, "Something that would keep you warm during these cool nights! Mrs. Meadows, may I borrow some material?" Applejack looked up from her plate, "Oh boy, here we go…" Spitzenburg turned to Rarity, "Clothes? Well, I suppose… I probably couldn't pay you back in one sitting." Mrs. Meadows, who had been stewing in her silent discontent, turned to Rarity once her name was called, "Hm? Oh, well, certainly, as long as it doesn't interfere with the Doge's work…" Applejack snickered, "Oh, Rarity ain't gonna charge you silly. She's not known as the Element of Generosity fer' nothin'." "And you're not the Element of Honesty for no reason either, darling." The unicorn chuckled bashfully, a slight tint of pink on her cheeks. "Why thank you, Mrs. Meadows, this should just take a moment…" "If any of ya want a magic show, I'd watch her work." Applejack grabbed a large mug of beer for herself, giving it a light sniff before taking a large gulp. "Now I just miss cider even more…" Rarity excused herself from the table before trotting out the dining room and entering the hallway. Turned left to the seamstress's room and quickly galloped toward the room like a gitty foal on Harth's Warming. Stepping into the workroom, Rarity's horn lit up, gathering several materials. The fashionista quickly got to work, taking out a pair of fabric shears and pilfering a bit of cotton in a spark of inspiration. Selecting a suitable colored thread was only a minute before she was satisfied with her creation. Hiding the garment behind her back, she trotted back into the dining area, a very pleased smile on her lips. "Are you ready, dear? I know you will positively love this!!" Rarity practically sang. A gray and black owl griff under Glendon's command leaned toward his superior grinning, "Why don't you try your luck wit' the unicorn?" he smirked. Glendon turned away from his roasted carp and sneered, "Please, don't be ridiculous." He shifted closer to his peer and whispered, "I'll try after dinner." Spitzenburg looked between Rarity and Applejack with intrigue and confusion, "I see. You're just acting within your nature, I suppose. But I don't understand, why wouldn't you want anything? Why give away something for free when we only just met? … Don't think I am not grateful, it is just…what?" she tilted her head. "Was ist das?" Spitzenburg watched as Rarity left the room, shifting and lifting her ears as she moved her head around to pick up on the subtle sounds coming from Rarity's fabric work in the other room. The filly turned to Applejack before looking down at her lap, feeling overwhelmed and conflicted. Before she could think on it deeper, the unicorn would soon return. Spitzenburg turned her attention to Rarity, her expression was confused and empty, but she reached out for Rarity's gift. Rarity was practically glowing with excitement, eager to show off her gift. "Now, now, there's no need to be nervous! I love giving gifts, and while I appreciate you want to return the favor, that isn't necessary, darling. In fact, you can pay it forward! Be generous to another creature the next opportunity you get." She gave the filly a wink before doing a little giddy dance. "Oh, sorry! You must be dying of curiosity! Here we are…" Pulling the gift from behind her back, Rarity presented a lovely red cloak with cotton lining. The material was dense and warm but adjustable for warmer weather. It had several pockets, outside and inside the garment, shiny yellow buttons on the front, and a drawstring around the hood for the nippier weather. "It's also reversible~!" Rarity practically sang, turning the coat inside out. The soft, pearly white cotton would make any filly look closer to a sheep, but in an adorable way. Rarity would not stand for her fashion to look like a costume. "What do you think?! Please be honest, dear; I want you to be comfortable in it!" Applejack chuckled, "I think it's a lovely gift, Rares." "You did all that so fast!" replied a bewildered Mrs. Meadows, crossing her front legs as she leaned back in her chair, "...Would you be open to being part of the Plantation? I'll make it worth your while!" smiled the Mistress. Spitzenburg stared at the gift with awe and disbelief before slowly taking it from Rarity. Her expression turned empty as she cradled the fabric in her front legs and hooves. The filly's eyes slowly burned and trickled with tears as she slowly put the garment on. Feeling its comfort and warmth reminded her of something. Spitzenburg sighed as she held herself shortly, ".... It's nice, thank you. I don't deserve it." Rarity chuckled, a soft blush rising to her cheeks. "Ohoho, well, I really appreciate the offer! But I do have my own fashion line in Equestria. However… this cotton is so fresh and expertly spun. Perhaps we could set up a trade? I'd love to use them as materials!" Applejack stood from her seat and walked around Spitzenburg, giving the filly a soft smile. "I think it looks real nice on ya… and don't say that. An Apple can tell when somepony works hard, and yer' a hard worker. Like Rares said, just try to pay that same kinda kindness forward to other creatures." The unicorn snapped out of her revere and faced the filly, "Oh darling, of course you deserve it! Every creature deserves to feel beautiful, and every creature deserves help now and again. I wouldn't be a very good pony if I gave someone a gift and asked for something in return, now would I? That's certainly not what a 'gift' is!" Shaking her head, Applejack snickered. "Exactly. Just… try to enjoy yer new cloak. I think that's all Rarity needs in exchange." Rarity smiled and gave a tiny nod, "Quite right." Glendon stood up from his seat at the table, tipsy and his face stained with carp and beans. Cleaning his face up before clearing his throat and raising his pint up, "Aye, let's have a toast to Rarity! She gave us all clothes and hats for the winter in one workday!" The table erupted in cheers and small applause as beer mugs clinked and Rarity. "And Applejack, she helped too with the chores and thar wagon!" added Mrs. Meadows. Glendon stood from the table, "Aye, are you calling for a celebration? Ah damnit it all we might as well be grateful for another days end and managing to see tomorrow!"" grinned Glendon. "Wait, no, I–" "Hey Jugo, play us a song!" called the griffin. Jugo pulled his guitar from under the table as he strummed and played a song in an instant with his Harpy tune and song. The dining room turned into a party room as food, beer, and songs passed along the room. Spitzenburg got up from the table and trotted over to Rarity, hugging her tightly and burying her face into her chest. The unicorn could feel a faint wetness press against her coat as Spitzenburg quietly wept. Her cries were just barely audible over the celebration as Spitzenburg suppressed her whimpers. “Danke… danke, dass du so ein wunderbares Geschenk gemacht hast.” choked the filly. Rarity ignored all of the noise and music as the filly pressed herself into a hug. The unicorn couldn't help but freeze, if for a second, before wrapping a foreleg around Spitzenburg, rubbing her back gently. A lump had formed in her throat, and she was struggling to come up with what to say. "... Think nothing of it, dear." Rarity murmured soothingly. Applejack, rubbing her ears from the explosion of music and cheers, trotted over to the pair. A bittersweet smile rose to her lips, a soft ache in her heart. What that poor filly had to have gone through… she couldn't imagine it. Gently as could be, she set a hoof on Spitzenburg's shoulder. "You look properly pooped. How 'bout we get you away from all this noise, huh? … I could tell you some stories from back home." Spitzenburg turned to Applejack, looking between her and Rarity as a worn, sad smile crossed her face. "That's the thing. I'm worried if I go to sleep, I'll wake up and find out all of this had been nothing but a dream. Today doesn't feel real…" She rubbed her red and glassy eyes as she felt herself become overwhelmed with emotions, the filly covering her face with the hood on her cloak, "I thought I would never see any of my family again after I left Unicornica… and I never thought a Unicorn would give me… a present." A sour taste grew in Rarity's mouth, but she ignored it. "Well, I am from Equestria… and Applejack is one of my best friends. It simply wouldn't make sense to treat you as… lesser. You're perfect as you are, Spitzy. Don't let any creature take that away from you, okay darling?" Leaning down, she nuzzled her cheek against the filly, hoping that she would take her words to heart. Applejack sighed but gave her an encouraging grin. "Hey, we'll stay right beside ya til' the morning; how's that sound?" Spitzenburg smiled, "Thank you… you've made my life better by being here…" she rubbed the back of her head, "Well, the thing I sleep in the work stables. It's not as nice as the house... I'll be okay…promise you won't leave." Applejack shot a raised eyebrow toward Rarity. The farmer had no problem sleeping on hay; she'd taken naps in the barn plenty of times. The unicorn let out a small huff, tossing her mane left and right. "I may be a lady, and while I usually wouldn't sleep in… straw… a lady never breaks her agreements." Rarity gave Applejack a firm look before swapping it with a far more gracious smile towards Spitzenburg. "That's the spirit." Applejack grinned. "Don't you worry, Lil cousin, we'll take care of ya." "And that is a promise, darling." The carriage bumped and rattled over the rocky trail with Starlight, Beeswax, and Bixby. Beeswax tended to her long wings, for she was the Queen, beautiful and powerful. Alongside her was her loyal assistant, Bixby. The three traveled together, making their way to the birthday party at The Comb. Starlight managed her royal highness' trip as she examined the carriage. Brimming with potions and trinkets from their long travels in Candy Land, odds and ends tinkling against the carriage walls. The Queen was a proud monarch, a pony-like creature with a large thorax and stringer with a pair of magnificent wings to match. Wearing a crown of antlers and a dashing purple cloak. She was an exotic black and yellow, soft to the touch, her fur and body smelling rich in honey. Bixby the Jester hung close to the Queen, wearing a purple suit with light blue bells attached to her headpiece and hooves. Her fabulous natural blue coat matched her calm and smug exterior. The Jester was well aware of her abilities being the most talented mare in the land. "Your Highness?" called Starlight, turning to the Queen. Her bright yellow and brown coat and large black eyes commanded the attention of any onlookers. Being the biggest among the three travelers helped as well. Bixby huffed, the blue mare flopping on her back as she pressed a hoof to her head, "The great Bixby tires of such a journey. She needs something to break the monotony." whined the Jester. Starlight blinked, adjusting her horn before placing the appendage in her mouth and sucking on it idly, "Right….Queen Beeswax, are you okay?" The Queen touted her impressive thorax and stringer as she watched Bixby with interest, "Bixby, my dear, don't be so sour; let your Queen take care of you." Starlight huffed, "I guess I'll check if we'll make it to the birthday then on time then." Starlight said as she climbed to the front of the wagon. Staring at the carriage, driving itself without any creature pulling it. She scratched her head, "I thought we didn't have those." huffed Starlight. She looked up to see what was down the road ahead of them, her eyes widening with fear and terror at the sight of the small village on the horizon. She quickly turned back to the Queen and Bixby. "We shouldn't go there," warned Starlight. The pair turned to her with a puzzled expression, "But that's home." answered The Queen. "No, no. You live in The Comb with the other bee ponies." correct Starlight. Bixby scoffed, giving her a smug expression as she tossed her mane, "You don't belong there, you belong here." "...I don't–" "Heads high, ponies! Marching proud! All together now, every one of you! No pony left behind!" The unicorn quickly scrambled to get me out of the wagon, "No, no, I'm not going back there!" " Life is so grand in Our Town… we're always filled with cheer…." The Queen and Bixby were suddenly on top of her, pinning Starlight to the floor despite the two being across the unusually wide wagon floor from her. "We never have to look around to know that we're all here…" Starlight thrashed, smacking her head against the floor as she failed against the two, "Let me go! I don't want to go back there, I'm not like that! I can't be like that again!" she strained as she began bucking and kicking. Frantically flailing her body around like an enraged toddler. "Looks like someone is having issues fitting in…." replied another voice. Starlight froze, feeling her heart crawl into her stomach as her eyes trailed up from the ground to the source of the voice. Her eyes trembled in their sockets at the sight of herself standing over her with a cruel and vindictive smile. Starlight gritted her teeth as she bowed her head down, pressing her nose to the floor and feeling her horn surge before blasting her doppelgänger with a crackling surge of magic. Striking the mare perfectly and causing her to fumble. Her doppelgänger strained as she fought against the sensation of magic pulsating across her body, laughing madly as her body slowly began turning to stone. "You'll never get rid of me; I'm you! The REAL you, the one you betrayed to go be Twilight's little PET! You'll never come out of her shadow, and she'll NEVER see you as an equal!" laughed the copy. Starlight quickly sparked her horn to hasten the spell's entrapment effects, watching as her copy turned entirely into stone. Laughing and laughed the entire time until she was forced silent and the weight pressing Starlight down was lifted off of her shoulders. She quickly stood up and looked around, baffled by the change in setting. She was now standing in the middle of her childhood bedroom. Not having time to process the shift before the bedroom door opened, Firelight stepped inside. The stallion fumbled, looking at Starlight as if he had seen a ghost. Starlight quickly galloped forward, squeezing her dad in a loving bind, "Dad! Dad, I'm… I'm sorry, I shouldn't have left all those years ago without saying goodbye… I was angry, I was angry, and I wanted to see the world outside our little town… and I didn't even think of you…" Firelight gently patted Starlight's back, "Uhm… are you alright, Princess Twilight? … You appear to have broken into my little Starlight's room, heh…" Starlight quickly pulled away, staring at her father as if he insulted her, "What– what did you say?" She slowly turned to the mirror resting on the wall on the opposite side of the room. Her jaw dropped as she saw Twilight in the reflection. She quickly ran toward the mirror and stared at herself, "No, no, no, no! I didn't want this! This isn't what I meant; I don't want to be like this!" cried Starlight. The mirror warped and shimmered in the light, turning odd colors, the material of the mirror itself almost glinting like gemstones in the moonlight. The mirror gurgled before distorting as if someone was blowing a balloon with the mirror itself. The glass expanded and stretched like rubber before suddenly- POP! The glass shattered, fragments flying in every direction, tearing at the surroundings like a blade through the fabric. Starlight Glimmer's foalhood room slowly disappeared, the shards tumbling farther and farther away until they were nothing but specks in the distance. A bright, white light pooled over Starlight, the only illumination in the room, if you could call it a room. It was more akin to the void. "Starlight Glimmer…" A voice murmured. A hoof entered her field of vision before a body joined it. Starlight could finally see the pony as they approached her bastion of light, a blue mane fluttering in an invisible breeze. "What troubles you, young Glimmer?" Princess Luna's voice was cool and calm, her eyes betraying nothing. Starlight fumbled at the mirror's shift and changed, tumbling backward on her newfound wings. Finding her new form and body to be completely unmanageable, it wasn't hers after all. She watched as the shards of glass raced off into the newfound darkness surrounding her. The alicorn looked up toward the whiteness that shined on her, her eyes widening at the sight of Princess Luna. Straining, Starlight forced herself on her hooves, limping away like a wounded animal, her wings covering and hiding her body as she attempted to escape Luna. The mare fell on the ground her body twisting and contorting, breaking itself into shape, as if her insides and bones knew this wasn't this body wasn't hers. Starlight kicked and failed her legs as she strained. "Nothing is wrong! I'm fine; get away from me!" she strained, breathing heavily as her wings and legs flapped and kicked. Princess Luna stared down at Starlight with distant interest, gazing across the void for several seconds before returning her gaze back to the younger mare. Letting out a sigh, the Princess trotted slowly forward, placing a hoof on Starlight's shoulder. "No one expects you to be perfect, Starlight." Her eyes betrayed a soft sadness but understanding. "It's honorable that you think Twilight is a good pony, but you don't have to be like her." "I used to think that I should be more like my sister. Perhaps then our subjects would show me as much love as they do her… but it wouldn't have worked. Because I am not my sister." She let out a small sigh, "And you are not Twilight Sparkle." Starlight flinched at Luna's touch, visibly uncomfortable with being so helpless as she attempted to get up, fighting every muscle in her body as the unicorn breathed heavily through her nostrils, her eyes following Luna cautiously as she slowly forced herself up on her belly, sitting up and facing the Princess. Starlight ducked her head low as she pressed her hooves to her face, instinctively cowering beneath her wings, "... I-I don't know what else to be… this whole journey, I've been trying to be like Twilight, or act within her interests at least…" she sighed, "I don't know if I'm doing the right thing or… If I'm just falling back on old habits…" Luna paused momentarily, seemingly thinking of something, before she slowly trotted around and sat beside Starlight. One of her midnight-colored wings stretched out and wrapped around the shivering unicorn, giving the pony a moment to catch her breath. "Considering you haven't attempted to take control of Swallowtail or lead a coup, I doubt you will fall back onto your old habits, Starlight." "I, too, was afraid that I would repeat my mistakes when I first returned to Equestria… as myself. I was terrified that the Nightmare wasn't truly gone, just hibernating, waiting for a moment of weakness to strike once more…" "Acting within Twilight's interests in itself is not a bad thing, Glimmer. But making choices solely on what Twilight would want you to do is not the way." Looking up into the void, the shimmering glass in the distance flickered before glowing brighter. A larger fragment became bigger and bigger before finally transforming into something familiar– a crescent moon. "Twilight Sparkle trusts you to make your own decisions, Glimmer. She may be worried, but she has always been incredibly anxious. My sister has told me of her anxiety during simple tests… to imagine her dealing with a burgeoning war? I'm surprised she hasn't collapsed from exhaustion." "Starlight Glimmer… you have to trust yourself and trust that your decisions are your own. You are your own pony; neither Twilight Sparkle nor my sister can change that. I understand what it is like to try and… forgive yourself. It will not be easy." A small smile rose to the Princess's lips. "But it's worth it for that peace of mind." Starlight listened closely to the Princess's words, sighing as she slowly got up on her hooves, now feeling… more like herself. She examined her body, relieved to see her natural colors and body shape again. She turned to glance at her back, missing the sensation of not having wings for a brief moment before turning back to the Princess. "... It's… not that I don't appreciate the advice and the help, I'm just curious as to why you're helping me. The first time I actually met you, I was throwing a tantrum, and you helped me then, and why are you helping me now?..." Princess Luna chuckled, nearly turning into a giggle, a melodic sound that seemed to go on forever in this small pocket of space. Rubbing a small tear from her eyes, the Princess stood up and approached Starlight, laying a wing across her back once more. "Because I see much of myself in you, Starlight Glimmer." Luna's smile did not fade, gazing down at the unicorn. "I understand deeply what you are going through. Sometimes you need someone who relates to you in order to process what you've been through…" "If you ever need me, Starlight, simply call my name in your dreams. I will help you in any way I can." Starlight looked up at Luna, feeling tense and unsure about the prospect of accepting Luna's help. A part of her felt distrustful of somepony of such authority, fearful of Luna using her status as a Princess to turn her into some pawn or lackey. Her expression was conflicted as she glanced between the ground and Luna. "If I accept your help, what would that make me? Your student?" Princess Luna's eyes brightened as if she had never considered such a thing to be an option before. The smile on her lips grew into a soft grin, gazing down at Starlight with a glint in her eyes. "I've never had a student before… I suppose if you agreed… I could take you on as a protege." Luna offered, "I've… never been a teacher, but I always thought I might enjoy it if I had the right student." "I will… leave that decision up to you, Starlight. But if you wish, I would love to do so." The Princess bowed her head slightly. Starlight rubbed her front leg, surprised by the Princess' reaction, "It's not that I'm not opposed to the idea, I'm just… a hard mare to work with… and I'm not exactly a foal or colt you can easily mold either…" "But I'll be honest, I could use the help. Any help would be appreciated right now, and I could use somepony with the kind of…' insight' we both have… so I'll be your protege." Princess Luna chuckled, "I do not expect you to be like Twilight Sparkle, young Glimmer. And I should hope that you do not expect me to be like my sister, either. I understand that this may not be simple… most things never are. But I am willing to try and guide you the best that I can." "Hopefully, with any luck… you might blossom just as brightly as Twilight has." Luna smiled, "But let us not get caught up in the future, for we live in the present. Is there anything you wish to ask of me?" "Can you teach me how to fight like a Guardsmare?" "Oh, Starlight Glimmer, I'll teach you everything I know…" > Three 'P's' In A Pod > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Paprika and Gerhardt marched into the thicket of wilderness per the Alpaca's instruction, a thick tension clung to the air. A mix of anxiety and guilt plagued Paprika while stress and confusion haunted Gerhardt. Paprika felt mournful for inadvertently pushing her friend away, pondering the recent heartache and drama while pulling the supply wagon along. Gerhardt, on the other claw, buried his frustrations deep into his stomach as he retained his focus and composure on the surrounding wilderness. Keeping his sharp owl-like eyes on the treeline, he held his musket and bayonet close to his chest as he crept along the trail on his hind legs. Paprika looked up from the ground and huffed before looking over toward Gerhardt, "Did we do the right thing? Are we being a bunch of meanies?" questioned Paprika aloud. Gerhardt paused as he turned around to face the Alpaca, resting on his rifle as he looked Paprika in the eye, "I… don't agree with Pinkie Pie's… tactics, but perhaps after… tensions dispersed and once we reach those amber caves you discussed earlier… maybe we could talk to Pinkie Pie about the prisoner." Paprika nodded, turning back toward the wagon that housed her friend and perceived enemy, "I hope we can still be friends after all this." Gerhardt chuckled, "I'm positive you both will make amends sooner than you may realize." Within the wagon, Pinkie sat with her new friend, her mood having alleviated slightly after a small nap. Still, the usual bounce in her hooves wasn't nearly as playful as before, and the joy in her voice was tampered down as if worried she would draw unwanted attention and begin the argument once again. "There's no way you never played 'Pin the Tail on the Pony,' Soaring! That's just silly!" Her voice was just above a whisper, a small smile on her lips. "There's got to be a lot of games you played back at home…" Soaring sat flat on his flank, with his tail between his legs, attentively and thoroughly invested in the conversation at hoof. From the hour since they met each other, Pinkie quickly realized how ignorant Soaring was of… most things, and not just the realities of Equestria, more so the realities of life in general. The purple Unicorn pressed a hoof to his chin as he dug inside his skull for any recollection of playing games back home, shaking his head soon after. "I never heard of anypony playing such a game, but if the adults are having a party, they usually play cricket or bet on races." Soaring replied, "I guess there's chess, but I can't remember how all the different pieces move, and my dad says I have too much air in my head, so I've been meaning to get that checked out. The medics and doctors in the royal guard won't look into it, though…" Soaring shifted slightly against his binds as the wagon jumped and rocked against the trail, "Mistress, if you're not here for the end times, why are you here? Are you really here to play games and meet new ponies? Why don't you just send us a Yulelog or a Hearth's Warming card? Isn't Equestria far away? ... Are you on vacation…? I'm sorry your vacation is like this." He fretted, squirming uncomfortably. Pinkie looked absolutely horrified. How could they not have any games in Unicornica? Every filly and colt in Ponyville knew how to play Pin the Tail, Tag, hopscotch, and so many more… Soaring was probably just a little older than a colt. The thought of any creature not knowing the joys of such play nearly sent her into a fit. "What?! Well, we'll have to fix that as soon as possible! I think I have some games in my luggage, I'll just have to look…" Digging into her long, thick mane, she produced several items. Some toys and trinkets were far too large to realistically fit within the confines of her hair, yet somehow came out without an issue. The most oversized item was a giant pinata, and from the sounds of it, it was already full of treats. "Oop, you can't really play games if you're all tied up, huh?" Scooting over to the Unicorn, Pinkie leaned down. To Soaring's curiosity, she didn't unbind him with her teeth like any other earth pony would, but instead, her mane began to untie the knot as if it were prehensile in some manner. "There ya go, feel better?" Soaring watched unflinchingly as Pinkie sifted through her mane and curls, slowly blinking as he stared at her. Before finally sitting up once he was untied, he trotted over from the corner he was trapped in and examined the many trinkets and toys scattered across the wagon floor. Picking up a party favor with his magic before slowly eyeing the toy. The purpose of the colorful paper and wooden mouthpiece eluded the Unicorn as he slowly put the item against his lips and blew, watching as the toy burst to life. Springing the party favor forward like a long serpent's tongue as a loud wheezing squeak crumpled from the faux instrument. He watched with amusement as the paper retracted and sprung forward; the young stallion bucked and tooted on the toy like a foal. Pinkie's lips split into a wide grin, giggling with joy. It was such a small thing, a party favor. Practically every party Pinkie had ever thrown had dozens, if not hundreds, of such toys, and she made sure that every pony that was present left with at least a dozen or so. It was… sad that he had never played with one before but also bittersweet to think that such a small thing could give joy to someone. "If you like that, you're gonna love the rest! I've got yo-yos, paddle-balls, bubble blowers, flutes, all the bells and whistles! I even have bells and whistles, hehe!" Pinkie joined Soaring, pulling out bags full of assorted party accessories. "Pick whatever you like!" Soaring stared at the bags that appeared from thin air, watching as the mare pulled out the different toys and nicknacks. His eyes lit up with wonder and innocence; he walked over to a small flute and picked it up with his magic before placing the mouthpiece between his lips. Closing his eyes, he began to play a familiar tune for Pinkie. The Pony Pokey doing a small dance as he played. Pinkie's smile never faltered, getting up on her hooves as she danced to the song. "You put your right hoof in, you pull your right hoof out~" The sing-a-long was subtle, but the wagon seemed to move an inch left or right with her light her bouncing. "You put your right hoof in and shake it all about!" "You do the Pony Pokey, and that's what it's all about, yeah!" Jumping up, she floated back down to the wagon's floor, letting out snorts and giggles. It was nice to ignore the argument from earlier, a small weight being lifted from her shoulders. "Hey, you're pretty good at that! You can keep it if you want." Soaring examined the small flute with warmth and care, "Really? Thank you, I'll cherish it for as long as I live." Slowly, he pressed the mouthpiece against his lips and began playing another song before singing. Switching between playing a joyous and high and flighty flute and singing. "Cranky Doodle Donkey came to town riding on a pony, stuck his 'fella' in her snatch, and called it his macaroni! Donkey Doodle, dinged it up, Donkey Doodle’s dinger! Find the movement in your step and keep your head up, ready!" "The cranky mule looked up and saw with wonder, wondering how Doodle got stuck and led him to this blunder! Cranky Doodle, keep it up, Cranky Doodle Donkey, find the movement in your step and keep your head up ready!" "My sergeant taught us that song for when we march around all day." smiled the Unicorn. Pinkie was unsure of how to feel, initially grinning and moving her head along to the beat before slowly falling to a stop, her cheeks tint a soft red in embarrassment. "Uh, well, you're a great singer! But that's not how it goes from where I come from… hehe." Rubbing the back of her head, Pinkie couldn't decide if he knew exactly what it meant. "I actually know a Cranky Doodle… but uh, he's not from the song… I don't think he'd like that version of it either…" Soaring blinked, "Wait, Cranky Doodle is a real creature? I thought that was just a joke. The seasoned unicorns play on the new enlistees to get them to do stuff. Y'know, 'Private Soaring, go stand by that tree and guard it; Major Cranky signed you off specifically. My mother also calls my dad a donkey too whenever he does something she doesn't like. I keep telling her dad is a unicorn, and she's a pegasus. But I don't blame her; sometimes I forget I'm a unicorn myself." Soaring picked up a paddle ball and began playing with it, smacking the rubber ball against the paddle with his levitation magic as he distracted himself. Clearly, the Unicorn was somewhat… sheltered despite serving in the military. "Well, I don't know if he was the donkey the song was made after, but I know he's a donkey named Cranky Doodle! He's… definitely cranky, but nice once you get to know him!" Pinkie gave the younger stallion a soft smile. The smile twisted as he spoke, feeling increasingly uncomfortable at the usage of 'donkey' as a slur. "Well, that's just plain mean. Donkeys are wonderful folk! I hope you don't say that kinda stuff…" Pausing, she shifted a bit closer to Soaring, tilting her head down to catch his attention. "Hey… what other kind of stuff do they do where you're from?" "Don't worry, I wasn't allowed to speak very often until I went to the military academy. Unless my father or mother spoke to me or I had uhm…' something of substance,' as my mother would say." He placed the paddle ball down and switched it for a yo-yo, stating, "Now that you mention it, I never met a donkey until I went into physical training. I think they're pretty okay; I just wish they stopped making me do push-ups every time I saw one…" Soaring perked his head up at Pinkie's question, tilting his head curiously, "I thought we did all the same stuff, to be honest; we're both ponies, aren't we? Well, you are an Earth Pony, and I'm a Unicorn, but you're really important according to my Archmage, so you are basically like my dad," he smiled. "You can tell me what to do and stuff. Actually, lots of ponies do that… you're one of the few who can tell me what to do…and stuff." Pinkie cocked a brow, utterly confused by the thought. She couldn't put it into proper words; a pony like Twilight would have been better at her than that. To Pinkie Pie, it was like Soaring came from a world entirely opposite to her own. "I don't wanna tell you what to do… I like making creatures smile, pony, Harpy, Griffin, dragon– it doesn't matter. The only thing I'd really want you to do is…" The party pony paused, considering her words as carefully as she could. "... try to keep an open mind about all this stuff, y'know? I know Gerhardt was being really mean earlier, but he had some bad experiences with unicorns. But he knows deep down that not all unicorns are bad." "I just hope we can prove it to him…" The mention of Gerhardt had her mood sinking immediately, her bouncing pink hair deflating before Soaring's eyes. Soaring listened attentively to Pinkie Pie, placing the toy he had been playing with beside him and lying on the wagon floor before looking up at Pinkie. He quietly allowed the mare to loom over him in respect. He blinked and crossed his front legs as he finally spoke up. "I'll keep an open mind for you, Pinkie Pie; I have no reason not to believe you. After all, you're Pinkie Pie, and you're mostly right about everything according to my Archmage, my mom, my dad, the Council." He watched as she deflated to the floor, quickly shuffling toward her as he flopped his head in front of hers. "I think we can; it just takes a while to show someone they're wrong. But not me. I'm used to being wrong all the time", Soaring said as he gave the mare his best smile. A small snort left her nostrils, as a lazy smile tugged at the corners of her mouth. Looking over at Soaring, Pinkie Pie shook her head and scooted beside the younger stallion, laying a hoof around his shoulders. "I know we can. I just hope he's cooled down after so long…" Glancing towards the window, she sighed. "I can't blame him, losing his eye and all…" Like clockwork, there was a firm knocking on the wagon door. Gerhardt's voice barked from the other side of the wagon door. “Pinkie Pie, es ist Mittagszeit, komm aus dem Wagen, hol das Einhorn langsam heraus!” Soaring shifted as he heard the Griffin Captain's voice, cowering slightly as he feared physical retaliation from the creature. Suddenly, the cart doors flew open as Paprika stood on her back legs at the end of the wagon with an animated expression of sorrow and remorse painted across her fluffy and fuzzy face. "Pinkie! I'm sorry for letting you down!" sniffled Paprika, "I wanna be a good friend to you, and if that means being friends with Soaring, then okay!" she said, trembling from the fear and anxiety awaiting Pinkie's answer, with the weight of such a responsibility that came with this promise bearing down on her, and it was showing. Soaring blinked as he sat up and climbed up to his hooves, a small smile on his face, "Does this mean I'm free?" Paprika sniffed as she quickly tried to clean herself up, "Uhm…no, Gerhardt is in charge of…that." she replied awkwardly. Soaring frowned as he lowered his head, "Oh." Pinkie looked surprised, but her expression melted away as she threw her hooves around the Alpaca, pulling her into the cart and a bone-breaking hug. "Oooooooh, I couldn't stay mad at you! I forgive you, Paprika!" Nuzzling her face into the Alpaca's chest fluff, Pinkie looked up with teary eyes, "I'm sorry for getting all grumbly and huffy, but I don't think it's right to be mean to someone who hasn't done anything to you!" She wiped away her tears and sniffled, "Just please give Soaring a chance. He's not a bad pony, I promise! So, umm…. How is Gerhardt doing…?" Paprika squeezed Pinkie tightly with a bone-crunching bind of her own. Burying her head into the mare's frizzy pink mane, "He's okay...Pinkie, I was wrong for acting like a scare-dy cat; I should've trusted you from the beginning… it's just… the adult Unicorns are…really mean and scary…" she gently set Pinkie down outside the wagon. Turning away from the dense ebony forest and its bright green leaves, she could clearly see the wagon had pulled into the mouth of the large cave that was open on the side of a large mountain, one of dozens that seemed to line the territory for miles, acting like a natural border for all traveler, soldier, and animal alike. The inside of the cave was dark, and the sun's light could only reach toward the entrance before becoming consumed by the cavern's darkness. Gerhardt had made camp inside the entrance, with a sizeable crackling fire and Griffin-oven. The Captain had prepared an army stew for the group out of his army rations and skimmed the back of the sides wagon for supplies to save as much of the food and wares for the Alpake as possible. The Griffin the stew pot as he hunched up, perching on his back legs as he scanned the territory, his posture next relaxing, and his eye always wandering the countryside for potential threats. "Pinkie Pie, good to see you. I know we had our spat earlier, but regardless, I am still your protector, and you are still Doge's valued guest and attache. I'll put my pride aside and allow you to watch the prisoner, but he is a prisoner until we get back to Swallowtail; we can't be sure he isn't a spy or assassin…" Gerhardt said with a stonewall expression. “Die Suppe ist fertig! Los Los!" clapped Gerhardt, "The soup's still hot…" Pinkie Pie let out a raspberry but quickly trotted over and wrapped Gerhardt into a bind, pressing her face into his feathers. "I know you don't like unicorns, but please, please, please give Soaring a chance! And I'm sorry for getting all angry earlier at you guys; I know you have a reason to be scared, but he's just one pony!" Looking up at Gerhardt, the pink party pony gave him the most enormous puppy dog eyes he had likely ever witnessed. "Y-You'll make a bowl of soup for him, right?" She stuck out her lower lip, blue eyes sparkling in the firelight. Gerhardt tensed up at the touch, the sound of feathers rustling against cloth and coat snapping his attention away from the frontier. His musket rattled and jostled with the pair's movement as Gerhardt gently patted the mare's back with a claw, "I don't have personal animosity toward all Unicorns; I'm just sticking to my training and orders Ms. Pie." Affirmed Gerhardt, fumbling at the mare's expression, ".... He'll be fed and taken care of while we head toward the Alpake, but I'm not going easy on him till he proves he's trustworthy or we reach The Doge." Soaring slowly climbed out of the back of the wagon as he looked at his surroundings, smiling as he stared toward Celestia's sun; it was midday now. He then stared aimlessly between Paprika, Gerhardt, and Pinkie. Paprika uttered an uncomfortable chirp and grunt as she shuffled closer toward Gerhardt and Pinkie. Gerhardt sighed, "You untied him, didn't you?" grumbled the Griffin. Pinkie chuckled nervously rubbing the back of her head, "Ehehe… maybe?" Gerhardt pried himself from the bubbly party pony as he began rationing out the army stew, the lump sum of the dish being made of vegetable stock, hardtack, beans, and water. It smelt…dry, like the inside of an old cupboard. Gerhardt handed Pinkie a small tin bowl and spoon before spooning a bowl for Paprika. "Here, eat. We must move quickly if we want to be there by the evening." Paprika collected her bowl and gingerly ate the stew, "Don't worry, we'll make good time after we head through the Amber Caves, and it's super safe. Only a few creatures know of this trail. Mostly my tribe…" she quickly perked up at the sight of the camp, "Guys! We need to be super, duper, careful when we leave and pack up, like REALLY neat, like no creature ever stepped foot here. It's super, duper, important that we keep this place hidden." "Why does Griffonia have so many secret ancient paths and trails?" questioned Soaring, silently sitting and staring at the three expectantly. He made himself a bowl of soup and sat down unnoticed during the time between the group's brief conversation. Grabbing at the stew, Pinkie guzzled it in one gulp, quickly tearing through the beans and hardtack. It seemed as if the hardtack was barely an obstacle for her, but then again, she had been raised on a rock farm. "Mmmm, reminds me of home!" "We'll make sure we clean up, Pappy, don't worry!" She nodded towards the Alpaca, "I'll make sure it's extra-squeezy clean! And Soaring… huh, I'm not really sure why. I guess it's because of the bird lady?" She tapped a hoof to her chin, trying to remember her name. Gerhardt perked his head up at the mention of 'bird-lady,' "You mean Eyr? That's just a myth; the God's of old are just 'Wise owls' tales. The reason mein 'friend' is because of the constant banditry and war that plagues these lands, no thanks to your kind." Soaring blinked and picked up his soup with his magic, lifting the bowl to him as he sipped the broth, his expression puzzled and unsure at the taste, "We made the trails?" “No you!-” Gerhardt sighed, “Nevermind.” Soaring cocked a brow at the Griffin, "Griffins are what keep society unproductive and hardheaded is what my dad always said. You should be like Pinkie more." Gerhardt's expression lifted into an offended scowl as he berated the colt, "Be quiet and eat your stew, Pferdchen!" snapped the Captain, clearly growing impatient with the affair by the minute. Paprika looked up from her bowl of army stew, cleaning her reddish-orange stained face with a napkin, "Eyr is real Gerhardt, and just because you don't fall on your belly and grovel for Eyr doesn't mean she isn't willing to help! She helped me and Pinkie!" Gerhardt took a large bite of stew and chewed, huffing, "Is that so? I thought Celestia and Luna were the only Gods out there." "That is the only correct answer." replied Soaring matter-of-factly. Pinkie giggled, licking the stew stains from the corners of her mouth with her abnormally long tongue. "Mmm-mmm, that was good, Gerhardt, you gotta teach me how to make that! But Paprika is right– we met Eyr! She was really serious and had us go on this scale thingy to weigh us or something? It was fun!" "I dunno if Celestia and Luna are 'Gods' though," Pinkie rubbed her chin, "I mean, Queen Chrysalis beat Celestia during Shining Armor and Cadance's wedding. Cadance and Shining were the ones to banish her! Celly is really strong and important n' stuff, but she can't tell the future or read minds…" Pinkie stopped and looked around suspiciously, "... Or can she…?" Gerhardt chuckled, "It's 'Army Stew,' and trust me, if you were with me often, you'd get sick of it. I just put something quick we could eat and hold us over til supper..." his eyes widened, "You were judged on her scales? So she really is real, huh…" Gerhardt said as he sat down to process the information, now conflicted with his memories and past, shed in a new light. "That 'retched cockroach' bested Celestia because of her trickery. If it were a real fight, Sol Invictus would've won easily." assured Soaring, repeating what he heard from his mentors and genuinely believing in Celestia's prowess, "Celestia and Luna created the universe, and we circle around their Sun and Moon because of that fact, that's what my Archmage told me." smiled Soaring. Paprika pulled out a water canteen from her picnic basket and took a large swig before passing the bottle along the campfire, "Elder Adobo told me that long ago, when the earth was just a seed, Mother Gaia shed her tears so the world could blossom, creating everyone and everything. But the darkness from the outside tainted our little seed and caused everything to go upside down and wrong! 'Only by turning toward the earth and nature can we find peace' is what we're taught since birth!" "That's silly." responded Soaring, "Nature is…dead because it isn't a pony or real like Celestia or Luna." "That's not how that works." grumbled Gerhardt, "Nature is real regardless of whether mother Gaia is..." "I dunno really know how the world was made… my parents said that the planet is one big rock and that we were put here to toil and take care of it since we're, y'know, earth ponies! Kinda makes sense that would be our name if we're meant to take care of the planet." Pinkie mulled it over, "I don't think Celestia and Luna made it, though… all of my friends and I performed the Hearthswarming Eve play, and I don't remember Celestia or Luna being mentioned… but Twilight would know way more than I do, that's for sure!" "You're right about that, Gerhardt; nature isn't dead! Everything has a soul and spirit. Everything has a name and a dream!" Pinkie jumped up, plonking to one of the cave walls before picking up a large stone. Returning to sit beside Soaring, she raised the stone to her ear. "Mhhmm, yeah…. Uh-huh… I'll tell him!" Pinkie turned to Soaring and grinned, "This is Amethyst, and she totally loves your mane!" Soaring brightened as he pressed his hoof to the large rock, "Thank you, Amethyst, I really like your name." Suddenly, there was a rumbling moments later as heavy paws and a deep bellowing echoed from the cave. Demanding the group's attention, Gerhardt quickly snapped his musket from his shoulder as he shouldered the rifle, "Are there any predators around here, Paprika?" "Not that I know of. Nothing can live inside the Amber Caves for too long; there isn't any prey or water in the cavern...." Soaring turned away from Amethyst as a massive brown bear stepped out from the cavern. Sniffing and grunting as it looked up, Gerhardt flapped into the air as he kept his musket on the beast, noticing the hole that was created in the cavern wall from Pinkie's brief moment of freaky power. The bear was a massive brown bear, similar to Harry, the bear but smaller and pumper, with a dirty and tattered fez and vest adorning the bear as the animal sniffed the air. Soaring blinked as he stood up and walked over to the campfire, fixing himself a bowl of army stew as the group froze. Pinkie froze in place, staring up at the bear for a long, silent moment before jumping to her hooves and giving the bear a big smile. "Hiya, my name's Pinkie Pie! Would you happen to know my friend Fluttershy? She's got a friend who's a bear. His name is Harry!" Setting down her rock, she patted it on the 'head.' "You stay here, okay, Amethyst?" "Wouldja like some stew? I bet you're hungry!" The bear pattered over on his hind legs, his expression lifting at the offer for food as he waddled toward Soaring and Pinkie. Gerhardt cocking the hammer of his rifle and taking aim at the bear's heart in case of disaster. Soaring lifted the bowl of stew and handed it to the bear with his magic before the giant beast grabbed the stew and sat down on the ground. Slobbering down the army stew as it bellowed and growled. Gerhardt fluttered down near the group with musket in tow, staring at the two ponies in disbelief, "What-where? How!?..." "It's a circus bear; his name is Pavlov, and he's looking for his merchant band," explained Soaring as he smiled curiously at the giant bear. His shiny brown fur and pudgy face reminded the colt of his stuffed bear back home. Gerhardt cocked a brown at the Unicorn, "How do you know that!? He hasn't said anything!" "You can tell by the expression on his face and the look in his eye. He looks like… Pavlov circus bear." explained Soaring, turning toward Pavlov, "Is that your name, Pavlov?" The bear looked up from his bowl and grumbled, nodding his head. "His expression? His eyes!?" snapped the Griffin feathers, ruffling and his eye bugling in disbelief and anger at the ridiculousness of it all. Paprika tilted her head and stroked his muzzle and chin, "Hmmm, well, I guess you could tell from his clothes, but where'd you get that name?" she said, turning to Soaring and cocking a brow. "I just know." shrugged Soaring. Pavlov carefully reached up, grabbed his red cloth fez with his paws, and flipped it upside down to show the bottom and inside, revealing a patch stitched at the bottom that read. "Pavlov Bear: Property of Chaircreature Franchesco, and The Merchant Guild Circus and Entertainment Company." With an emblem of a Harpy, Griffin, and Pegasus. Each held a different item, the Harpy held a scale, the Griffin welded a sword, and the Pegasus kept an hourglass. With the fine print being just barely legible. "Fair, Fierce, Fast In Courts, Barter, and War, The Merchant Guilds of Swallowtail" Pinkie's face went from overjoyed excitement at the possibility of a new friend to shock and horror at the realization of what he was. Circus bears weren't uncommon in Equestria, but their treatment was watched closely to ensure their safety and well-being. The fact that this bear was all on his own in the middle of nowhere told her as much as she needed to know. Stepping towards their new companion, Pinkie Pie sat down beside him, offering him the rest of her bowl of soup. "Chaircreature Franchesco? Isn't he…. One of the members of the Swallowtail thingie-majig? You poor thing… I wish Fluttershy were here. She could translate for us…" Gerhardt stared in disbelief, "The Parliament… and we have the Chaircreature's Circus bear…? I guess…" he sighed and rubbed his face, "I guess we'll have to take him too. Maybe he can drag the wagon…" he lifted his head up. He scratched his head, "Well, we can't go back now. We're way too deep in enemy territory to caravan twice over." Soaring gently nudged Pinkie and looked into her eyes with a broad stare and a small smile, "I can help. I understand him very well. I used to pony-watch, and I can get a read on most creatures easily. What they're thinking of, who they are, it's a talent of mine." "Sounds like you just mind-reading creatures with magic," replied Paprika, feeding Pavlov Bear an assortment of fruits and vegetables from her picnic basket. Pavlov stuffing his face and eating as if he hadn't had a proper meal in weeks. Judging his figure was hard to tell because he was still a healthy bear despite being ill-equipped for natural life. "I don't think he was abandoned." asserted Soaring, "He seems lost." "That we can agree on, I doubt the Chaircreature would want his Bear to be abandoned after training it and raising it by claw for years." nodded Gerhardt, slowly turning his head toward Soaring, "Do you think we could… ask it to pull the wagon?..." "Can I stop being a prisoner if I help you? … It's only fair since helping the enemy Captain would be treason, and I'd be grounded for a real long time if my mom or dad ever learned about this…" fretted Soaring as he grasped his mane with his hooves and magic. Pinkie sighed and shook her head, stomping her hooves to get everyone's attention. "We're not bringing back the bear! Can't you see that he left on his own? Why else would he be out here by himself?" Plopping down next to Pavlov, she rubbed a hoof against his fur, wincing as she noticed several raised scars just beneath his dense coat. "And Soaring isn't our prisoner; he's our friend, so stop being rude, Gerhardt!" A huff left her nostrils, giving him a curt nod before looking over at the colt, "Do you think you could ask him to join us on our journey? I bet he knows the way around this place more than we do." Rummaging into her mane, she pulled out a pastry and offered it to the bear, "Aaaaand I have plenty of sweets you might like~!" Paprika nodded, swooping next to Pinkie Pie to join her as she crossed her legs disapprovingly, standing on her back haunches to prove a point, "Yeah! You just own a living creature; it's slavery! What's the difference between owning a Griffin and a bear!? There isn't one! It's slavery; it's all wrong!" Gerhardt scoffed, "They're completely different things. Animals aren't like us, but we shouldn't treat them like the Unicorns treat slaves; that's barbaric! We'll discuss the bear's fate at our journey's end… we'll put a tack on this discussion." Gerhardt said, sweeping the discussion under the rug to deal with later, he could argue property law where they weren't in enemy territory. "But Soaring is your friend. He's still a prisoner until I know he isn't a threat…" Pavlov tackled Pinkie, gently licking the mare's face as he picked up the earth pony and stuffed his mouth with the pastry. Carrying Pinkie like a baby and cradling her as he happily whimpered and bellowed, sucking on the tasty dessert as he waddled around the encampment like a happy cub. Gerhardt sighed, shaking his head as he began to tear down the campsite, putting out the campfire with a bucket of water before scrapping the Griffin-oven for army stew, "Anyone want seconds? I'm feeding it to our…' guest' otherwise." he said, gesturing his claw to Pavlov. Paprika followed the bear and pony around as she giggled and laughed at the playful sight, "He's so cute! Good thing he doesn't think we're food, hehe!" Pinkie squirmed and giggled from the bear's kisses, wrapping her hooves around his arm to steady herself in his grip. "Wheee, he hee! This is gonna be great; we have a new friend joining the party—" Her eyes widened, and she gasped, snapping herself out of the bear's grip like a rubber band. "Omigosh, we should totally throw him a 'Welcome to the Party' party!! Wouldn't that be amazing?! I can get us food, and Paprika can decorate– oooh, Gerhardt, do you think you can make more stew? C'mon, pretty pleaaaaase? Or are we still moving?" "'Cus if we are, I can throw us an 'on the road' party!" Throwing up her hooves, confetti shot out from behind her from seemingly nowhere, the pony giggling and snorting joyfully. Gerhardt swept up the confetti and glitter with a broom that he grabbed from the back of the wagon. As he turned to face Pinkie, he shook his head, "Sorry, we'll have to keep it quick, quiet, and clean so we aren't detected." affirmed Gerhardt as he quickly swept the dirt over the campfire and then lifted the heavy stewpot using his wings to help ease the weight as he walked over and hitched the Griffin-oven to the side of the cart. "Oh, whoops…" Pinkie blushed, remembering they had to keep everything clean lest they be discovered. Plus, it just wasn't good to litter! Trotting over to the pile of confetti, with a strange revving noise, she sucked the bits of paper back into her mane like a vacuum. "Aww… well, I can make it a quiet, teen-tiny party!" Holding up a hoof, one could see a tiny cupcake in the center if one had good vision. "Yeah, Pinkie and we still have to make friends with my entire Clan!" beamed Paprika, "We'll have so much fun after we're done convincing the Elder to let me back in!" "Oooh, ooh, you're right! Don't worry, Pappy, I have a whooooole plan for your Alpaca Pack… hehe!" The Griffin turned to Soaring, who was aimlessly staring into the treeline, his expression devoid of emotion, his eyes unflinchingly stared intensely at nothing... "Soaring, get the bear to pull the wagon," ordered Gerhardt. "... no…" answered Soaring, his tail flicking against the ground as he slowly turned to look at the Captain, "You hurt my feelings." "Ernsthaft?" replied Gerhardt in disbelief and near outrage. Looking between Gerhardt and Soaring, Pinkie quickly stepped beside the young stallion and nodded in agreement. "Hey– yeah, you can't just be mean to Soaring and then ask him to do stuff for you! You gotta ask nicely, and you should apologize for being a big meanie-pants earlier!" "He might not be your friend, but he's my friend, and you're my friend, and that means you gotta respect that!" Gerhardt sighed, "Very well, you make a clear point… I'm sorry, Unicorn, I should have been nicer to you. Now, would you please tell the bear to move our wagon so we aren't strung up by bandits or the Slavers and robbed or put into chattel and bondage?" "Okay." nodded Soaring, climbing up to his hooves before trotting over to Pavlov, who was sniffing the cart and searching for more food. Walking on his fours as he sniffed and clawed for anything before Soaring tapped his shoulder and directed him to the wagon with his right hoof. Pavlov stood back on his hind legs and sniffed the air as he stared at the wagon before setting himself back down and walking over to the wagon, ready to be hitched. Soaring, remaining eerily still, and staring off into space afterward as he hummed to himself. Gerhardt slowly approached Pavlov and tied him to the wagon before climbing up to the driver's seat and resting his rifle on the floorboard, "Alright, let's go." called the Captain as he gently flicked the Circus bear's reins. Soaring trotted beside the back wagon wheel as Paprika quickly ushered Pinkie to follow, "C'mon, let's go home!"