> The Last Remnant of the Daleks > by CombatProductions > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The War to End All Wars > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "YOU WILL LEAD YOUR SQUARANT IN TO THE HEART OF ARCADIA AND DESTROY THE REFUGEE CENTER, DO YOU UNDERSTAND YOUR MISSON COMMANDER SILEN?!" The Emperor asked through the hologram to the commander. "I OBEY!" Responded the black Dalek. "MY SQUAD WILL PURGE THE SECTOR OF ALL NONE DALEK LIFE!" "EXCELLENT , PREPARE YOUR SQUAD IMMIDIATLY COMMANDER!" The Emperor orders through his hologram before cutting the communication. Silen leaves the communications room ready to complete this task given by the Emperor himself, so it must be important. He would never question the Emperor's judgment, that would be treason in the Dalek ranks. He was a feared and well know Dalek commander amongst universe. He was the leader of the Silencer Death Squad Daleks. A secret Task force that was only to take orders from the Emperor, not even the Supreme Dalek or the Dalek Time Controller had command over them. The Dalek Time Controller respected Silen for his cunningness and intellect. But on the the other side of things the Supreme dispised him, believing that he should also have command over the Silencer Death Squad. The Emperor would never allow that knowing that the Supreme was to prideful for his own good, sometimes forgetting his place in the Dalek hierarchy. He boarded his shuttle with all fifty of his soldiers, that's all he needed fifty. He had never experienced the loss of a soldier. This was because they wear the best in the whole empire. The shuttle shook as it entered Gallifrey's atmosphere. The time lords would not be able to stop the whole Dalek fleet. Every ship in the empire rained fire on the planet, demolishing the cities bellow. The shuttle finally landed at the drop sight. One by one the Daleks exited their shuttle. Their silver casing glistened against the fire in the surrounding are, the black domes could strike fear in to the hearts of any Time Lord including The Doctor himself. Silen and his squad had never encountered The Doctor and for good reason, the Emperor wishes to preserve him and his squad for as long as possible. "WE ARE ABOUT 120 RELS FROM TARGET LOCATION!" A higher pitched Dalek reported. This one was the strategist of group and second in command. They moved through the streets and through the carnage. Any Gallifreyan solider was exterminated on sight and without remorse. The squad finally makes it to their target a building almost untouched by the war, until now. "STRATEGIST REPORT!" Ordered Silen "SCANS DETECT MULTIPL LIFE FORMS INSIDE! I SUGGEST USING BREACHING CHARGES TO BLOW OPEN THE DOORS AROUND THE BULDING!" Responded the Strategist. "ACKNOWLEDGED, SPLIT OF IN TO FOUR GROUPS AND SURROWNED THE BULDING AND PLACE THE CHARGES ON THE DOOR. ONCE THEY DETONATE WE WILL ENTER AND EXTERMINATE THEM!" Yells Silen "DALEKS CONQUER AND DESTROY, DALEKS CONQUER AND DESTROY, DALEKS CONQUER AND DESTROY" They all chanted while getting in to position. "CHARGES DETONAITING IN 10 RELS!" Informs the Strategist. The anticipation for the Daleks could be seen in the air, their guns twitching ready to kill. Four explosions ring out around the building as the doors are blown open. Screams of terror are heard from inside as the civilians scramble trying to get to safety. But there was none. "EXTERMINATE!" "EXTERMINATE! " "EXTERMINATE!" The screams of pain could be heard from outside, children crying as their parents begged for them to be sparred. There would be no mercy all of them were to die. The Daleks killed without discrimination, it didn't matter what you were. If you weren't Dalek then you were inferior and had to be destroyed. The massacre came to an end, no not a massacre a execution. Those people thought they were safe in the building, they never were safe when the war started. Hundreds if not thousands died in that building and the Daleks, not one damaged. "REPORT!" Ordered Silen. "NO SIGHNS OF LIFE, ALL HAVE BEEN EXTERMINATED!" Reported the Strategist. "EXCELLENT! SILENCER UNIT 34 OPEN COMMUNICATIONS CHANNEL TO THE EMPEROR!" Ordered Silen. The unit obeys bring up a hologram of the Emperor. "REFUGEE CENTER HAS BEEN PURGED OF ALL LIFE! WHAT ARE YOUR NEW ORDERS?!" Asks Silen. "WELL DONE COMMANDER, YOU WILL REMAIN ON GALLIFREY AND ASSIT THE GROUND UNITS AGAINST THE SOLDIERS OF GALLIFREY!" Orders the Emperor. "I OBEY" Another two holograms appear one is of the Supreme Dalek and the other being the Dalek Time Controller. "OUR SHIPS ARE UNDER HEAVY FIRE FROM AIR DEFENCE, WE MUST REQUEST THAT THE SILENCER SQUAD ASSISTS!" Asks the Dalek Time Controller. "ORDERS CONFIRMED YOU WILL BE ASSISTED BY THEM!" Respond the Emperor "EMERGENCY, EMERGENCY MY SHIP IS TAKING HEAVY FIRE RQUSETING-" The Supreme Daleks signal is cut off, from above his ship has been destroyed by the air defense turrets. "ALERT LARGE BUILD UP OF ENERGY AROUND THE PLANET, IT IS THE DOCTOR!" The Strategist informs. In the distance a large wave of fire is encompassing the planet, the flames destroy the ships above and shred the Daleks on the ground to bits. The flames hit the squad ripping them apart, blinded by the fire the heat damaging Silen's casing. Then all went silent. The sound of the wind could be heard and moving sand. Silen's vison retuned, What was this place? He had not used his emergency temporal shift so he couldn't be alive. He tried to use is inbuilt sonar to find out where he is but it kept drawing blanks, he was in a totally unknow location. "W-WHERE AM I, HOW AM I A-ALIVE?" He questioned to himself. "I MUST RUN A SELF DIAGNOSTIC SCAN." RESULTS OF SCAN: VISON WORKING AT 85% EFFICIENCY WEAPONS WOKING AT 62% EFFICIENCY MOVEMENT WORKING AT 73% EFFICENCY CASING IMPARED, SHILDS DOWN SYSTEMS CRIPPLED This was not acceptable, he had to seek aid from other Daleks if there was any left after the fire... THE FIRE, The Doctor had used a forbidden weapon kept in the Galliryan vaults. He used it to kill the Daleks and his own kind. Silen tried to move but was stuck the sand was restricting his movement. He would have only two other options. 1. Self destruct. 2. Go in to stasis until he is discovered. He knew the Daleks must survive so he chose his second option, Shutting down his systems his vison went black again and in the back of his mind he felt anger, anger that he had failed to assist the other Daleks. All sounds drowned out as the stasis took full hold. > The Museum > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Celestia sat in her chambers reading through the pesky letters from the snobby nobles who are requesting the dumbest things or trying to convince her to go out with them. She sighs and puts down the letter she is reading, rubbing her temples trying to sooth the growing headache. Just the a letter appeared in a flash of green fire. She knew exactly who it was from and was happy to read it. It got her mind off of the nobles for a bit. Dear Princess Celestia The recent expedition to the Bad Lands have turned out great, there has been no casualties thankfully. We have gathered a lot of items from there for the new museum exhibit for the Bad Lands in Canterlot. We have found lots of strange and unique items that may have so fascinating history to them. Before I forget we may have found the crown jewel to the exhibit, a large metal statue was unearthed from the sand. We were luck to find it at all. Only a small amount of the top of it was sticking out, It must have been sitting there for centauries just by looking at the condition of it. I feel you may want to see it in person, it is being cleaned right now as I write this. I hope you will come and see it. Your faithful student Twilight Sparkle This peeked Celestia's interest, a new strange statue that had been buried or years? Perhaps she will be able to identify it. Celestia arrived at the museum just a few hours later. She was immediately greeted by her student. "Princess Celestia! I'm so glad you came." Twilight exclaims giving her teacher a hug. "Thank you Twilight, I am happy you sent me the letter regarding this statue." Celesta said hugging Twilight back. "Oh right would you like to see it?" Twilight asks. "Yes I would." Celestia responds. "Then pleas right this way." Twilight leads Celestia in to the museum, they pass by shelfs of old artifacts all with unique traits. They finally enter the Bad Lands exhibit and right there in the center surrounded by ponies is the metal statue. It was completely black in coloration except for a few bits of silver on it, there was still dirt and grime on it presumably to hard to remove. The yellow mare known as Fluttershy was standing at the front of all the ponies looking at in in wonder and slight sadness. How could such an elegant statue be left like this, with missing chunks and holes all over it. Celestia walks up next to Fluttershy and stares at it in wonder, she had never seen anything like it. This statue was in best word "Alien" to her. "Oh... um good evening princess." Flutershy greats with a small bow. "Pleas Fluttershy there is no need for that." Celaestia states. "I would consider us friends." "Oh um thank you princess." Fluttershy says with a small smile on her face. "So what can you tell me about the statue?" Celestia asks. "Well not much, it doesn't seem to signify anything. The best we got was that the metal it is made of is unknown." Fluttershy explains. "Thank you... I'm sorry but I am in a bit of a rush so I must be off. Thank you Twilight for this break I did need it."Celestia states. "No problem Celestia, the museum is closing anyway so I will see you some other time" Twilight said before trotting off. It was late at night in the museum and Fluttershy had deiced to sneak back in so she can look at the statue more. She was being very carful not to be seen by the night watch pony. She snuck in-between shelfs and other exabits until she reached it, The metal statue. She looked on in wonder at it. She decide to take a risk by crossing rope that was supposed to keep the public from touching it. She got close and stood on her hind legs, sympathetically she placed her hoof on its dome like head. She immediately felt like her hoof was burned by it, pulling it away and looking at the hoof print on the dome as it slowly faded. The horns of the statues head flickered like a light. "AAAHHG-AHG!" The statue made noises "GENETIC MATERIAL EXTRAPOLATED, INITIATING DNA RECONSTRUCTION!" It yelled. Fluttershy fell backwards in shock. It spoke, she scrambled away from it nocking down the rope and running away to hide. "HEY! Whos there?" The night watch pony said as he entered the exabit only to see the statue gone. He looked to his right to see a blue light seemingly looking at him. "What the..." He didn't have time to finish his sentence when two more lights flickered above the blue one. "EXTERMINATE!" The statue yelled before a blue beam of energy was shot from it, striking the pony in the chest. He let out a loud scream of pain as his skeleton was seen like an X-ray before falling to the floor dead. Flutershy gasps at the sight and hides behind the shelf. "I KNOW YOU ARE THERE REVEAL YOURSELF!" The statue ordered at her. She reveals herself to the statue, shaking in fear and trying to look as non threatening as possible. "IDENTIFY YOURSELF!" It ordered. "My name is Fluttershy." She squeaked out. "SPEAK UP!" It yelled. "My name is Fluttershy and I am pony." She says louder. "YOU REVIVED ME AND FOR THAT I WILL GRANT YOU A PAINLESS DEATH!" It tells her. "EXTERM...!" It suddenly stops moving and what appeared to be the eye falls limp. Fluttershy still shaking slowly backs up and sprints toward the door, going to tell her friends about what happened. She runs down the street toward the hotel they were all deciding to stay at. Back in the Museum the statue reawakens. "ERROR CORECTED, WEAPON SYTEMS FULLY FUNCTIONAL. THE DALEKS SURVIVE IN ME!" It yells. "THIS PALNET IS NOW UNDER DALEK CONTROL! WE ARE THE SUPREME BEINGS!" > Questions without Answers > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Dalek sat inside, reading it's data base and trying to locate other Daleks. Either the data base was corrupt or he was the last Dalek. He couldn't find anything, not even the Emperor had survived. After all that time in stasis he was hoping that that some sliver of the Empire remained. The creatures that he encountered, one of them identified as a pony, a form of equine. It had escaped him which angered him to no end, at that moment just before it's extermination his causing began to process new information and a new energy. It was completely unknow, the energy had tampered with him but it did revive him. Outside he heard lots of banging and shouting. It sounded like orders being yelled. He made his way over to the doors to investigate. Outside royal guards where lining up in front of the museum, Twilight Sparkle had informed them of the events that had occurred to her friend. Celestia gave the order to mobilize them here as soon as she heard one of her subjects had been killed. The guards stood tall preparing to enter. They did not expect the statue to suddenly come out the doors of the museum, it stood there watching them. It's eye drifting from one guard to the next. "SURRENDER!" It yelled. The guards stood there speechless. "It spoke" A younger guard exclaimed out loud. "ALLOCATED SURRENDER PERIOD HAS EXPIRED, CONSQUENCE MAXIMUM EXTERMINATION!" The statue yelled once again. A beam of blue light shot from the small appendage on it's mid section striking a guard in the chest. The guard let out a scream of pain before falling down. The guards all looked towards their fallen ally before a blitz of arrows and magic bolts where sent towards the statue. This did nothing to stop it as the arrows bounced of the hard metal and the magic bolts dissipated inches away from the metal. The statue that wasn't actually statue began to fire the beams of light again striking the guards causing them to fall one by one. "THE DALEK RACE IS SUPREME!" It screamed out still firing at the guards. It was at this moment Twilight and her friends came rushing towards the scene all baring their element of harmony. They came to a stop seeing the guards fall and the machine move further out in to the street. "Ok girls you all know what to do!" She rhetorically asked. "Right!" They all said. Their necklaces lighting up and ready to turn the machine to stone. They shot a large rainbow at the machine, Immediately it began yelling. "ALERT, ALERT CASING IMPARED!" It yelled "WEAPON NON FUNCTIONAL!" What was left of the guards saw their chance and rushed the machine, hauling a net over it. the machine was screaming at them to remove the net. They dragged the machine over to a large wagon and hosted it in to the back. Twilight didn't understand. The elements should have turned it to stone but instead they merely disabled it, though that did stop it. Perhaps on of the elements didn't affect it? The question ran through her mind screaming for an answer. The castle dungeons, such a awful place to be. But it was necessary, as it held some of Equestria worst criminals. But the latest arrival was the worst, a murderer the likes Equstria had never seen before. "... Why did you kill those ponies?" Celestia sat at the other end of the cell questioning the machine. It hadn't responded to even one of her questions, it just sat there watching her. "You called you're self a Dalek, is that the name of your race?" It continued to just sit there watching her. She had questioned it for 45 minutes with no results. She got up and left the room frustrated that she was not given answers. She walked around the cell to look at the chained up machine through the one way glass. "Sister, perhaps I can make it speak. You know I have made any prisoner here speak." Celestia's sister Luna requested. She had been watching the interrogation go down, unhappy at the lack of answers as well. "You may try Luna, But don't hit it around to hard." Celestia responded before sitting down next to the her student and her friends. Luna entered the cell, acting calm and composed and began asking the same questions Celestia did. None of them were answered. Luna dropped the composed mask and hit the Dalek with her foreleg. "YOU WILL ANSWER THE QUESTIONS OR THINGS WILL GET BAD FOR YOU!" She yelled at the Dalek. It was still un phased by her threat. She began the circle it, kicking it now and then while asking the questions again. It's head rotated around to look at her as she circled it. The Dalek did not answer. "YOU WILL ANSWER THE QUESTIONS WHEN I ASK YOU THEM!" She yelled in the royal Canterlot voice, hitting the Dalek one last time. Then it spoke. "YOU WOULD MAKE A GOOD DALEK!" It said to her in it's crackly voice before falling silent once more. This took Luna off guard, she visibly shook from the statement. She backed out the room. She came back in to the room with her sister. "Luna are you alright?" Celestia asked, worried for her sister. "N- no I'm not. That thing I fear it." She responded, still shaking from the encounter. "Um Princesses if I may ask, can I try speaking to it. If you don't mind." Fluttershy said her face partially hidden behind her mane. The Princesses nodded, they didn't see any other way. Perhaps speaking to the one that revived it would make it give them answers. Fluttershy entered the room, the Dalek immediately fixated on her as the trotted in. She was about to speak but it cut her off. "YOU... YOU WERE THE ONE WHO REVIVED ME!" It stated, knowing full well that it was the truth. "Um, well yes I did but no intentionally. All I did was touch your head and you woke up." Fluttershy responded with slight fear in her voice. "I CAN FEEL YOUR FEAR! WHY CAN I FEEL YOUR FEAR?" It asked "Well I don't kno-" She was cut off by it. "DALEKS DO NOT FEAR. YOU HAVE CONTAIMNATED ME!" It screamed. "YOU WILL BE EXTERMINATED! EXTERMINATE , EXTERMIATE, EXTERMINAT! " The Dalek's weapon fired narrowly missing Fluttershy. She squeaked in fear as the beam passed her. "WHY CAN'T I KILL YOU!? I MUST EXTERMINATE YOU!" It continued t o scream. "Princess! I have done a magic scan on the machine and it appears to have traces of the element of kindness in it!" Twilight informed Celestia from beyond the glass. "What how is tha-" Then it hit Celestia. When Fluttershy touched the Dalek, it absorbed some of the magic of kindness from Fluttershy. It also must have absorbed her D.N.A which is causing it to not be able to kill her. By the time the interrogation ended, the Dalek was still screaming. Calling itself impure and how it will kill all life on the planet. It screamed and screamed never letting up. > What is a Dalek > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "What do you mean organic Twilight?!" Celestia asks completely shocked. "Princess inside the metal armour is a living creature made of organic tissue. It explains why Fluttery's DNA is in it." Twilight explains. "What we don't know is what it actually is." "Sister may I suggest cutting it open to see what it is. I can make it quick and easy."Suggests Luna. "No Luna, we will go speak to it once it has stopped screaming and we will ask what it is." Celestia responds. "How long has it been screaming for?" "Um about... 13 hours."Fluttershy whispers. In the dungeons the Silen kept screaming, his rage was more powerful than ever. How dare that lower lifeform contaminate him, how dare it make him feel anything but hate. He resented her, his weapons were back online. Now was his chance to destroy this planet. He had noted how primitive they were, using outdated weapons to fight the supreme beings, pathetic. He moved back and forth slowly pulling the chains apart, all he thought about was the rage he felt. But he could feel fear, fear on what had happened to him. This could not stand he would kill all of then to show his purity. He stopped moving when the sounds of hoofs hitting the floor could be heard. He temporarily deactivated in an attempt to hide his attempt of escape. "No Twilight we are not cutting it open, we already know how strong the metal is and we don't know how it would react." Celestial could be heard from beyond the one way glass. "B-but this is for science and for the good of Equestria." Twilight said in a desperate attempt to change her teachers mind. "No." Celestial simply stated. "Sister I could just enter its dreams and find out that way" Luna suggested. "Ok Luna, its better than trying to cut it open." Celestial agreed. Luna closed her eyes and tried to enter the Dalek's dream. But she couldn't all she could find were memories, did it not dream but rather remember? Luna entered not sure what to expect. It flew by so quickly, creatures growing in confined boxes. She couldn't get a good look at them as she was thrown in to another memory, she was standing in the middle of a room surrounded by bronze Daleks all looking up at a red and gold one. It was significantly grander than the rest, barking out orders and asking for constant feed back on missions. Luna was ripped from that memory and in to the next, this one was recent very recent in the Dalek's memory. She was standing amongst a group of bipedal creatures, they looked terrified. Luna could hear explosions from outside the building, she could see children crying and asking their parents what is happening. That's when it happened, four explosions rang of around the building. Black and silver Daleks entered led by a recognizable black Dalek. The creatures began screaming in fear, Luna couldn't help but do the same. She watched as the creatures were killed one by one, she screamed in genuine fear. She had never felt this scared before. She felt herself being pulled from the memory still screaming. She opened her eyes to see her sister hugging her out of concern. "Luna what did you see?" Celestia asked, concer throughout her voice. "Death, horror, fear." Luna responded, her breath shaking. "Did you find out what it is?" Twilight questioned. "From what I could see it is a genetically engineered creature, grown for other creature's cells. And there is a whole army of them" Luna said shakily. "They killed innocent creatures and their children." Luna brok down in to tears, but this was like no other crying she had experienced. What she saw was so horrific that Nightmare Moon couldn't even consider the idea let alone come up with it. But to actively do it, that was something more terrifying than death itself. Silen reactivated to the sound of the door being opened then slammed. "Could you belive Princess Celestia would allow us to cut it open?" A masculine voice said. "She must of found out something awful about it." A feminine voice responded. Silen did not reconize either of the voices. He activated his vision to see two equines with a lage device. They both had their back turned to him making this easier. "EXTERMINATE!" He yelled shooting one of them in the back. The equine let out a scream before falling to the ground. The other one turned and screamed at the Silen in fear. He finally broke the chains that held him and aimed his gun at the female equine. "P- please don't hurt me." She pleaded falling backwards on the ground. "EXTERMINATE!" Silen screamed not giving her another chance to plead, he shot her hearing her scream in pain was satisfying to Silen. They had left the door open making it easier for him to escape. He roamed the halls of the dungeon exterminating any guards in his way without hesitation. Then he saw her, the yellow and pink maned mare. She had to die, he had to kill her for what she had done. "EXTERMINATE!" He yelled. The mare froze at the sound of that word, turning to see the blue beam just barely pass her. She stood there staring at the Dalek. And it stared back. "Why... they were just children?" She questioned. The Dalek stayed silent, just looking at her. "Why did you kill them!?" She yelled. "THEY WERE INFERIOR!" The Dalek said "THEY DESERVED TO BE EXTERMINATED!" "No... they didn't! Why do you kill?" She continued to question it. "IT IS MY PURPOSE, TO MAKE SURE THE DALEKS ARE THE ONLY RACE ALIVE!" "What do you want now?" It stayed silent. The other mares that had imprisoned him came around and glared at it. "Pleas there has to be more than killing." She asked one last time. "I WANT... FREEDOM!" It finally said. It's voice much lower and subdued. They all stared at it in astonishment, it wanted freedom. "I AM DYING, I ONLY WISH TO SEE THE STARS ONE LAST TIME!" > Exterminate > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The journey to the castle's gardens hadn't taken long, the group of ponies led Silen out in to a large grassy patch with one tree in the centre of it. "There, your outside." Fluttershy said Fluttershy looked to the sky and saw the stars shining down on them. Silen moved his eye stalk so he could see the stars as well. His mind was full of thoughts and feelings he could not understand or explain. Ideas ran through his mind, ideas that no Dalek should be able to think of. "WHY... CAN I FEEL?" Silen asked hesitantly. "Twilight believes when I touched you, you absorbed my DNA and the power of the Element of kindness" Fluttershy explained. She looked back at the Princesses and her friends with uncertainty in her eyes. A cold breeze passed by and Fluttershy shivered at the feeling. Silen saw her shiver from the edge of his eye. "WHAT WAS THAT MOVEMENT YOU MADE?" He asked "It just feels very cold outside right now." Fluttershy answered. Silen pondered the word "feel". He hadn't felt many things in his life, only the inside of his casing and the burning hate for all other life. His life had been full of nothing but death and destruction. But now with the DNA of this strange creature he felt so many things, things Daleks should never feel and it was killing him. He continued to look up at the stars but he wanted to look at them with his own eye. Not this false eye on his casing. Low hissing noise emanated from his casing, the mid section split in two before being pushed down and out. The neck rings split and opened as well. Fluttershy noticed this action unfold. She walked around in front of Silen to fully see what he is doing. She was not prepared to see a small shrivelled up, squid like creature with pinkish skin. It looked at her with its single eye looked on at her, it moved ever so slightly and slowly, confirming to Fluttershy that what she was looking at was alive. "This... this is the real you?" Fluttershy asked. "Yes, this is the Dalek's true form." Silen said in a weak voice. "I never asked if you had a name." Fluttershy said. "I am commander Silen, leader of the Silencer Daleks." He responded. He felt weak, so very weak. He felt his mind burn as he thought back to the day he lost everything, including his own people. The Daleks, the supreme beings wiped in a single moment. "Where is the rest of your species?" Fluttershy questioned. "Dead, they were lost in a great war along with my planet. I am the last of the Daleks." Silen simply stated. He looked on at her, feeling her sorrow as if they were the same creature. But it was merely her DNA in his blood. He was no longer a Dalek, but rather an abomination to the Daleks. He knew he was inpure and had to be destroyed, but for the first time in his life he was afraid to die. He couldn't do it himself, he needed to be ordered. And the closest thing to being his superior was Fluttershy, only because he shared her DNA. "I have... a request," He said "I want you to order my death." Fluttershy looked at him in suprise and consern, not knowing what to make of his request. But in the end she couldn't do it. "I... I can't." She said hesitantly. "I can't do that." "But you must, You must order my death. My life is worth nothing now. I am alone and my purity has been taken from me." Fluttershy looked down at her hooves before looking back at Silen. She didn't know what it was like to lose her own kind, she didn't know what it was like to have her DNA mutated. He was right she had to give him the order. "Ok... ok, I order you to... die." Ordered hesitantly. "Are you frightened of death?" Silen asked. "Yes." "So am I..." His voice was slow and weak. "Exterminate." Slien said one last time. His casing closed around him, putting him back in to the unfeeling dark. He saw through the false eye and elevated up of the ground. With a few thoughts and taps on his control panel he activated his self destruct. He looked down at Fluttershy one last time and closed his eye, he heard the crackling sound of electricity before a loud boom occurred. Then just like that, there was silence. Nothing, not sight, not hearing, no feeling. Just absolutely nothing. But perhaps that is for the best. Perhaps this was the way it was ment to be.