> The Story of Queen Opaline and who she could be > by The_PoppyPlaytime_Pony > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I am so excited! You probably want to know why, don't you? Well, today my family will be going from our home in the Crystal Empire, to Canterlot, and why, you ask? Allow me to introduce myself; I'm Princess Skyla, the daughter of Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, Cadence for short, and the niece of Twilight Sparkle, the ruler of Equestria! So it's only natural that we visit her occasionally, but this visit is more special than the others! Why? Because it's the day where Aunt Twilight announces who her heir will be, as she is retiring soon. I really hope that it's me! My sister, Flurry Heart, thinks that it will be Aunt Twilight's student, Luster Dawn, to keep up with tradition. I don't blame her; Aunt Twilight was the student of the old ruler, Princess Celestia. So it may be only fair that sweet Luster becomes the ruler, but I still hope that it's me, as Aunt Twilight had promised me several times, and no pony should break a promise! "Skyla", my mother snaps me out of my thoughts, "We're here!". Flurry and I rush to the window of the train and witness the beautiful city of Canterlot, its houses, and shops and cafes, all 'divine', as my aunt's friend, Rarity, would say. As we get off the train, and walk through the city, Dad and Flurry exchange theories of who the new ruler will be. "Hey, Skyla!", Flurry calls me over, I trot over to her and Dad. "Who do you think will be Aunt Twilight's heir?", she asks, "I think it'll be Luster Dawn, and Dad thinks it'll be Mother. Who do you think it'll be?". I think for a couple of seconds, and then I make my theory. "Well, there are high chances that it's me, because you're in line to rule the Crystal Empire, and Mom is already ruling the Crystal Empire, so...". Flurry seems content with that answer. Dad is knocking the large, grand doors of Canterlot, guarded by, well, guards. The guards somehow have the strength to open them and still guide us through the castle. "Ooh! I can't wait to see Aunt Twilight and Luster!", Flurry squeals. "I can't wait to see how she's coping with those wings of hers." Mom replies, "I totally agree with you there, dear. Luster has been struggling with those new wings of hers!". Before we know it, we're outside of the throne room and it's still as grand as all four of us remember! As they open, we catch a glimpse of our beautiful aunt on her throne and her gorgeous student by her side. When she looks up from her important documents and sees us, she wears a large grin on her face. "Why, Shining Armour, Cadence, Flurry Heart and Skyla!", she says, "Welcome back to Canterlot!". Flurry Heart flies towards her and squeezes her with all her alicorn might. "Aunt Twilight! I've missed you so much!", she tells her, before rushing to Luster. "Luster, how are the new wings?", she asks. "Hey, Flurry Heart! The new wings are working alright?", Luster tells her. "Hey, Skyla,", says Luster, "How's life at the Crystal Empire?". I tell her that I'm enjoying it. Aunt Twilight smiles and says: "Shall we go outside, on the balcony? Spike is waiting for us as we speak.". > Chapter 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- We make our way onto the balcony, the same one where Aunt Twilight was crowned as ruler. Spike, her dragon friend, is waiting for us. "Hi, everypony!", he tells us. "Hi, Spike!", we reply. "Spike, take a letter.", Aunt Twilight tells him. "With pleasure, Twilight.", he replies. " 'Dearest subjects of Equestria, I am delighted to inform you all that I have decided who my heir will be. She is a lovely and firm pony, who will know what to do when times will be tough. Please may I introduce my heir, my former student, Princess Luster Dawn!' ". What, did she just say? Luster Dawn, princess, of Equestria? What is going on here? "Should I send it now, Twilight?", Spike asks my aunt. "Yes, please do, Spike.", she tells him. He took a deep breath and he blew out a green fire, that made the scroll disappear. "Wait, what? But, she just became a princess", I blurt out. "What's going on?". Aunt Twilight and Spike exchange nervous looks. Everyone is surprised, even Luster Dawn! "We should tell you the truth; Twilight, would you do the honours?", says Spike. "Let's go inside, Skyla. I'm sorry I never told you sooner.", says Aunt Twilight. Everyone went inside, back in the throne room. "So, what aren't you telling me?", I demand. "Well, you're considered, the 'wrong hooves', let's say. I have a feeling, that you won't use the powers of an alicorn responsibly. Basically, you would use it for your own selfish purposes.". My eyes widen in shock and then scrunch up in anger. "Seriously?!", I tell her, "How could you think that of me? How does she get all of that power?". "Luster is mature enough to know what to do!", she simply says. The audacity of her to think that of me like that! Am I not mature enough? "I hate you!", I whisper. I run out of the throne room, with tears in my eyes. > Chapter 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I keep running until I am out of the castle because I need air after what I just heard. Aunt Twilight considers me evil, but I'm not. Why would she say that? There could be only one reason for this; Aunt Twilight thinks nothing of me. She considers me selfish, but I'm not. "Skyla! Wait!". That's Luster's voice. I turn around and see my good friend flying towards me. "Skyla, please don't leave! I'm sorry!", she cries. She also has tears in her eyes as she crashes in front of me. "You didn't do anything, Luster. There's no need to apologise.", I reassure her. "I know that, but I just became an alicorn and I never wanted to rule Equestria, I can't even fly properly; I basically stole your dreams!", she cries. "That isn't true, I'm very happy for you. I'm really sorry I spoiled your moment.", I tell her. "Don't worry my friend, I understand. This is just too much to bear.", she says to me. She embraces warmly and I return, but it isn't warm. It's a trick, as I make myself an oath of evil, in my mind. "I, Princess Skyla of the Crystal Empire, pledge to have a cold heart for the rest of my life and feel nothing but resentment to every creature.", I say to myself in my head. I give Luster the warmest of embraces after I pledge to be evil just to prove my selfish aunts' point. I am contemplating that moment of my good friend and I, many moons ago, as I sit on my throne in the Dark Castle, which was once Canterlot Castle. Just then, I get a call from Misty, via her mirror compact. "Opaline? Opaline?", I hear her small, squeaky voice from my magic projection from my water. "Yes, Misty? What have you found?", I demand her. “Magic has returned to Equestria like you said.", she says to me as I give an evil grin. "Excellent! Mwahaha!", I laugh. > Chapter 4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A month has gone by and we are back on the train to Canterlot, once again. I am really happy for Luster Dawn, but we all know that she still isn't ready to rule Equestria. As Mom and Dad talk about it, I'm staring out of the window, and Flurry is lost in her own ditzy thoughts. "I don't understand why Twilight would choose her to rule. I mean, Luster is a good pony, but from the scrolls I've received from her, she still lacks leadership skills and is still struggling to fly.", Mom says. "Yeah, it's so confusing, we all know that Twily means well, but I'm not sure what that 'well' is.", Dad agrees. They continue discussing it, when Flurry starts talking to me. "Hey, Sky, are you okay? You seem sad.", she asks me. "I'm fine, just wondering about how this isn't my coronation just because Aunt Twilight thinks I'm 'evil'.", I reply. Flurry gives me a sad smile. "Well, you're not 'evil', Skyla. You're quite the opposite actually! You are perfect and pure, always looking out for other ponies. No matter what anyone says, especially Aunt Twilight, I think you're perfect.", she tells me. I smile and give my big sister a warm embrace, which she returns. I love my sister, even when she is acting like her stupid, ditzy self. She is the only pony who I can talk to when I am down. And the only pony who can make me happy again. But she is still nothing compared to my hidden evil... I am still sitting on my throne, waiting for Misty to return back. Instead of spying on the pathetic little ponies in Maretime Bay, I am lost in my thoughts thinking about my sister, who I miss and love. I miss the old days where we were playing together in the Crystal Palace as small fillies, her being ditzy getting the better of her. It bugged me all the time then, but now, I miss it terribly. Just then, I hear the door creaking. "Misty must be back.", I think to myself. As she creeps into my throne room, I stand up and spread my wings. "Welcome back, so, what have you found?". > Chapter 5 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The train has finally arrived at Canterlot. Before we get off, Mom pulls me aside and gives me a pep talk. "Listen, dear. Your father and I know how much this coronation will upset you, but please try to keep a smile on your face and try to be happy for Luster as she gets crowned.", Mom tells me. "Gets crowned", I think to myself. Why do those words fill me with such sadness and jealousy? "Don't worry, Mother. I'm completely fine with Luster Dawn being coronated. I don't know what came over to me last month.", I reply. Mom gives me a warm and loving smile and hugs me as Flurry and Dad wait patiently for us. "Hey, guys. I don't mean to ruin the moment, but we should get going! Aunt Twilight is waiting for us at the castle.", says Flurry. We all get off the train and as it leaves, I suddenly want to go home already. I can tell that this'll be the worst night of my life! "Well, Skyla, you just have to get through the night. Even if you are jealous", I think. Just then, I remembered the oath I made to myself last month. Tonight is the perfect night to start on that oath; I must prepare myself for evil and I think I know how... After Misty has told me everything about her little adventure, I am glad and immediately activate my magic water to see what's going on in the Brighthouse. But as soon as Sunny Starscout walks inside, I suddenly get a view outside of the Brighthouse. "No, what happened?!", I yell furiously. "Well, the mirror compact must not work inside the Brighthouse, Opaline.", Misty suggests. "You're right, Misty. I guess I'll have to send one of my allies to Maretime Bay, to spy on those pathetic little ponies.", I say. "Maybe I could go back to Maretime Bay for you?", asks Misty, giving me a smile that implies that she wants to go. I roll my eyes and reply; "Perhaps, Misty, perhaps.", I tell her. "I'll have a think about it, my dear minion. It's not like you'll ruin the plan!". And then, I start laughing. Not the good, genuine kind. It's an evil cackle, that shows that my plans are not jeopardised by anyone! As I keep laughing, I hear Misty laughing as well. I stop and she does too. "If you're going to do a maniacal laugh with me, Misty, at least be in sync.", I tell her. "Ready? Now, mwahahahah!". We laugh again, and Misty is now in sync. "That's better.", I think, whilst laughing of course! > Chapter 6 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Wow, Luster. You look amazing!", cries Flurry Heart. We are now in Canterlot Castle, giving Luster Dawn a brief visit before her coronation, which could've been MY coronation. "Thanks, Flurry!", Luster blushes. "The dress is beautiful, my friend.", I say sarcastically. Mother gives me a dirty look and pulls me aside. "Did you seriously just forget our talk on the train, Skyla?", she demands, quietly, of course. I stare at her blankly and say; "No, I didn't, Mother.". She drags me back to Flurry and Luster, pretending nothing had happened. "I'll talk to you later.", she whispers to me. I roll my eyes and walk away from her. Just then, Aunt Twilight appears out of nowhere via her teleportation magic. "Hey, Twilight!", Mom calls her over. " 'Sunshine sunshine, ladybugs awake! Clap your hooves and give a little shake!' ", they sing together. " Hi Auntie!", calls Flurry Heart. "Why Flurry Heart my dear, how are you?", Aunt Twilight asks. Flurry tells her that she's good and really excited for the coronation. I wish I was excited too. Well, time to get to work on being evil now. I walk away from everyone and start tainting the minds of everypony attending the coronation via their dreams. First up, Luster Dawn's parents; Sunburst and Starlight Glimmer. "Hi, Starlight and Sunburst. How are you?", I ask them, before convincing them that Luster is a bad pony. Then I do it to her other friends, then to everyone who'll be attending the coronation until they're all tainted. I don't bother with tainting Aunt Twilight's friends, the Mane 6. Their minds are too strong for my convincing nature, so there'll be no point. "Excellent, everything is going to plan!", I think to myself as I return to the real world, where almost no one will attend Luster's coronation. The old me would feel bad doing this, but that 'Princess Skyla', is gone. This is the new Skyla, a queen in my own mind and soon, all of Equestria. As revenge for choosing a pony, incapable of ruling, I shall take all of the magic in Equestria, as well as ruin my aunt's legacy of 'friendship'. Friendship can only get a pony so far in life, but a life of tyranny and cruelty can get you further, and that's just what I'll do; just watch me!... The End...