Light in the end of darkness

by Obsidia

First published

A new life for King Sombra and Queen Chrysalis to start discovering their true selves

A new life for King Sombra and Queen Chrysalis to start discovering their true selves after being in a rehabilitation program for so long by a mysterious orgenization and gaining their sense back.

Frirst Heart's Warming

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It is Heart's warming, what a joy, houses were decorated, kids playing with the snow ; building a snow horse, fighting with a snow balls or just making some snow angels ..., their giggles can be heard in all of the crystal empire streets.

That atmosphere was unfamiliar for the black stallion, maybe because he existed in a time before this holiday or because he didn't ever see this amount of joy in this kingdom.

Sombra walked the snow covered streets still deeply wondering why no one discover his identity yet.

Is it because the ponies are more familiar with his armor, covered face and his signature hairstyle and massive ego ? Because he changed it and shape shifted a little to make his eyes dark pink like ruby and straighten up his horn.

But didn't they notice his out of ordinary massive size and muscular shape ?

Nobody knows anyway, weird but perfect, he can walk without fearing from getting caught, the crystal empire has Changed the last time he was here long ago, the other times does not count.

The memories of " King Sombra " are fuzzy to him, it did not matter to him anymore after he gained back his mind after being brainwashed by that curse for so long.

After walking for some time his sweet tooth hit him suddenly after smell the delicious smell of cookies from the houses,
he decided to buy some ginger bread and some cake for chrysalis.

He looked around and for his lucky day he found a bakery, he pushed the door gently and entered, the smell of fresh
pastries all over the place.

A kind looking stallion approached him and said greeting him : " Hello there young stallion ( young? If he just knew who he's talking with he would know 'young' is not a suitable description ), what can Cinnamon Glory get for you ? "

" Good morning sir, Can I get some rose and crystal shaped ginger bread and 2 pieces of cake please".

" Just a second" Cinnamon Glory had a second look at the black stallion, Sombra stood silence thinking the baker saw
throught his disguise.

The baker broke the silence saying :" I don't remember seeing you around, are you new here ? ",

Relieved he replied : " yes I'm a new visitor " .

Cinnamon Glory asked : " excuse my curiosity but from where are you ?"

"Somewhere far away , that's what I can answer you sir ".

A lot of question marks raised in the baker's head around that mysterious stallion, but politely he didn't say anything respecting his privacy .

A scream caught off both of their attention "Corn Starch STOP PLAYING AROUND THE KITCHEN WE'RE BUSY " it was the baker's wife.

A little pony burst out from the kitchen giggling having a plastic toy soldier with his magic. He didn't notice the big stallion until it was too late, he crashed into him, the kid fell, and his toy slipped out, breaking in 3 pieces.

"OH dear Celestia ! Corn look out next time, I'm so sorry for this sir for my boy's behaving. "

Sombra said calmly :" It's okay I'm fine ".

He looked at the boy holding his beloved toy, some warm tears fell down his little chicks.

The black stallion took the toy from the kid and said gently : "are you okay little boy ?" the child nodded, Sombra added :" Looks like you care about this soldier ? Don't worry I'll fix it for you. "

He used a spell, the toy glowed for a moment and so did the young pony's eyes from amazement, the toy was fixed, no it became better than before.

Sombra gave the child his toy, he looked at him for a moment then said :" Are you the Heart's Warming spirit ? "

He answered : "Yes kind of ".

The kid then ran to his mother to tell her what just happened.

" Thank you young lad for cheering up my son" " It's really nothing, you really have a lively kid" "Yeah ; him, my wife and my other daughter are my only family, that's what's Heart's Warming all about, being with your loved ones".

Sombra took his belongings and asked :" How does it cost".

" No, this is on the bakery for you let's say my Heart's Warming gift for you ".

"Thank you, I appreciated".

While Sombra was exiting the bakery Cinnamon Glory stopped him :" Wait, would you tell me your name ? "

He stared at the baker of a second, and then he said :" It's a secret" then walked out.

The baker smiled " what a mysterious guy, Happy Heart's Warming for you " .

"That's what's Heart's Warming all about being with your loved ones " that phrase was all what Sombra was thinking, he didn't have a loved one or like he ever had.

He arrived at his old house in the middle of Dark Heart forest just to be greeted by Chrysalis :" Welcome Sombra, did you like your tour? "

" Yeah it was okay, I brought some sweets for us " .

He poured some hot chocolate and put the ginger bread in a bowl then he headed to the living room to see Chrysalis prepared some cozy sheets.

They sat next to each other, " You know, I never celebrate Heart's Warming, I always thought of it as a stupid celebration, a source of love to feed on it, I don't even have a family to celebrate with " she said with a sad tone.

Sombra looked at her and said :" I don't have one too, but we can be each other family for now." that cheered her up.

" I almost forgot " she brought a little box " that's for you"she said with excitement.

Sombra opened the gift, he saw a hoof made scarf, that's what she was doing all morning.

This day, the amount of joy in it, the kindness of that baker, the happiness of his kid and then this present, that was enough to make a little smile slip out from his expressionless face.

" Happy Heart's Warming for you Chrysalis ".

" Happy Heart's Warming for you too Sombra."

They sat there absorbing the warmth of the chimney and each other hearts.