The Pink Sheep

by DeathToPonies

First published

Pinkie’s parent’s didn’t exactly like her first party - and they didn’t love it either. Instead, it confirmed their worst fear - their oddly-colored fourth child was a lost cause, and had to be dealt with. *Snuff Story*

Artwork by NovelAI

**Warning: This is a snuff fetish story. Snuff stories romanticize the concept of death, generally describing the death of the main character in extreme detail. If you aren’t used to this kind of content, it can be incredibly shocking.**

She thought it would be fun.

A way to show off her talent. A way to express herself, her individuality on this bleak and desolate rock farm. She was right, of course - this little stunt put on full display the type of pony she would grow up to be.

If she were to grow up at all. Which, as Igneous and Cloudy would agree upon, she would not.

She’s too far gone - and her mistake may cost even more than her own life.

The Pink Sheep

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The awkwardness was palpable. As the glitter slowly fell down into the soft barn hay and the baloons slowly bobbed up and down, the young filly Pinkie Pie’s breathing was the loudest sound in the room, her arms outstretched to present her extravagant party she had set up. Her family stood opposite of her - her cold and collected parents, Igneous Rock and Cloudy Quartz, and her sisters, Marble, Limestone, and Maud.

She was really starting to get nervous - they still hadn’t said anything. She could see Maud beginning to react - she and Maud were very close - but she had really hoped to impress her mother and father. Marble and Limestone wore rather dark and grim expressions - Marble in particular looked quite forlorn. Pinkie gulped.

“Pinkamena,” Igneous broke the silence, speaking in a tone that wasn’t easily discerned, “ What exactly was all of this?”

“A party!” Pinkie gasped, exasperated - glad to at least get a response.

“A…’party’?” replied Cloudy, haughtily.

“Yeah! Well, see, since I love you guys, and you love me…I thought we could have a party together, and celebrate!”

“Pinkamena, our profits are down five times since last quarter. What exactly is there to celebrate?” growled Igneous, now beginning to sound angry.

“Um…us? As a family? You guys are…” Pinkie sniffed, now realizing that her party wasn’t a hit, “…I love you…”

“Well, I thought I loved you, but I’m having my doubts now,” sighed Cloudy, kicking some dirt, “You barely contribute around here - and that’s honestly stretching it. When’s the last time you pulled even a quarter of the weight of one of Limestone’s shifts?”.

Limestone closed her eyes and smiled, satisfied. Pinkie was crestfallen, looking down at her hooves.

“I’m sorry….” she sniffed, “I just thought….I just thought…..”

“No, Pinkie, you didn’t think,” snapped Limestone, “you just went ahead an’ did somethin’ stupid. Like you always do. Honestly, mom, it’s getting really distracting, having her around.”

“Oh, I know, dear,” sighed Cloudy, “And an extra mouth to feed….such a hassle.”

Pinkie slumped to the ground, feeling worthless and stupid. Marble hid behind everyone, thanking her lucky stars that she was above Pinkie’s productivity on the farm, even if only a little bit.

“Put simply, you’re worthless. An inconvenience,” Igneous spoke gravely. Pinkie began sobbing outright.

“I’m so sorry,” she blubbered, sniffing between words, “I’ll…try harder…at the farm…”

Pinkie thought it was odd that there was only silence in response to that. She sniffed again, looking up and wiping her eyes so she could see.

A bizarre sight - suddenly, her parents’ lips were quivering as they glanced at her, then at themselves - as if they were about to start laughing.

Pinkie blinked.


Cloudy Quartz broke the silence by letting loose a guttural laugh. She was joined by Igneous Rock, who began guffawing so loudly the barn began to echo. Their eyes almost seemed to roll back into their heads with how hard they were laughing. Pinkie had never, ever, once in her life seen anything like this. The barn nearly shook with the loud volume of their insane-sounding chortles.

"She thinks-" Cloudy wheezed, laughing so hard that her eyes were filled with tears, "-that she's getting another chance!"

Pinkie blinked, not quite getting it.

"The fool!" bellowed Igneous, unable to contain himself as he fell to the ground in a laughing fit, "Oh, what a prankster our little Pinkamena is!"

"I don't get it," Pinkie spoke quietly and softly, "Why wouldn't I get another chance? Why can't I try another day?"

"Oh, Pinkie," sniffed Cloudy, regaining her composure and walking over to her confused daughter, resting a gentle hoof under her chin and lifting it up to face her. The dim lighting of the barn shone on the back of her head, lighting the edge of her face as Pinkie saw her mother's warm smile, giving hope for only just a fleeting moment, reminding her of a time many years ago when her mother truly loved fher.

"There is no other day. This is it."

"It?" Pinkie whimpered. The dots were starting to connect in her head. They couldn't...possibly mean....

"You aren't leaving this barn alive, Pinkie", gasped Igneous. At the sound of the words, Cloudy breathed in quickly, whimpering in pleasure, nearly orgasming at the words.

"I don't think any of them should, darling," Cloudy could barely contain herself.

Marble’s eyes shot wide open the moment the words left her father’s mouth. Her inordinate sense of preservation causing her reaction time to surpass that of Pinkie, Limestone and Maud - who took a moment to process what their parents had said - she let out a pathetic shriek of agony, putting all of her energy into sprinting towards the door. Unfortunately, Cloudy had already thrown a rope at her, snagging the helpless filly and dragging her against the barn floor.

She bawled and sobbed, screaming for mercy as she was dragged across the barn. Igneous didn’t hesitate, whipping out a sharp knife from his jacket. As the little foal was dragged to a halt, she looked up with teary eyes to see her father with the knife in his mouth, ready to strike.

“DADDY, NO!!!” she shrieked, her final words of protest before Igneous made a clean cut across her throat. She let out a truly pathetic squeaky scream as he did, her vocal cords slashed open. The doomed filly kicked and blubbered on the ground, flailing like a wild animal as blood shot from her neck like a geyser.

"W...Wait, wuh..." Limestone spoke, wide eyed, stepping back.

"D...da...Dad...?" Pinkie stammered.

"Oh, shit," Maud spoke quietly.

Pinkie let out a wretched sob, backing away from her parents, desperately looking left and right for an escape.

"W...Wait, wait, hang on!" Limestone spoke desperately, "Wait, why are you going to kill me? M...Mom!!!!"

"We're bored, darling," Cloudy spoke lustfully, approaching a trembling Limestone. "Your idiot sister Pinkamena just so happened to show us this nonsense on the wrong day~"

"F....FUCK YOU, PINKIE!" Limestone shrieked, enraged, at her trembling, cowering sister. Pinkie could do nothing but sob and shrink into the ground in response, feeling as if she had betrayed the sisters she worked so hard to love...

"Oh, shit," Maud repeated.

"MOMMA! WAIT!" Limestone sobbed as Cloudly lunged upon her before she could dodge away. The frantic filly jerked around desperately, shrieking as loud a she could, as her insane mother began to smother her face. Pinkie watched in horror as Limestone actually managed to kick their mother, almost nearly breaking free - but was subsequently subdued as Cloudy grabbed a nearby rock and began bashing it into her skull.

Limestone's head gave way after only a few smashes from the rock, her eyes going in opposite directions as her brain began failing and spilling into mush. She let out a pathetic grunt of despair as her tongue lolled out, and Cloudy felt a wave of orgasmic shivers as she let out a loud, sensual moan, arching her back and pointing her head to the ceiling.

"Dear, this feels AMAZING!" Igneous spoke, out of breath, approaching Pinkie. The terrified pink filly stepped back into a corner, absolutely mortified about what was going to happen to her. Her two crazed parents approached her, spirals in their eyes, ready to brutally murder one of their two remaining offspring.

Cloudy grabbed Pinkie by the throat and flipped her onto her back effortlessly. Pinkie shrieked as Igneous grabbed a sharp rock and, with no hesitation, began slamming it down into her crotch repeatedly. Pinkie sobbed and wailed, the intense pain of genital mutilation overtaking her.

Her mother shoved her face back, nearly snapping her neck, as her father rammed his cock into her now-ruined pussy. Like a mindless animal, he repeatedly slammed his meat into his poor daughter's butchered crotch, screaming in ecstasy as he was lost in a trance. Pinkie could feel her life slipping away, letting out soft sobs, wishing she could have avoided getting her sisters killed.

"OH, DEAR, OH..." Cloudy moaned, grinding her hips, "OH.......OH...!!!!!!?? AUUGHEHEHHH-"

Cloudy suddenly shrieked as a pitchfork was impaled directly through her chest. She let out a desperate shriek of pain, kicking her legs desperately as she collapsed to the ground, bleeding out.

Maud stood behind her, the filly's expression still blank, staring forward, the massive pitchfork held steadfast in her tiny mouth.

"W...WHA....WHAT THE FUCK..." Igneous stammered, as if he had never even considered the possibilty. Maud responded by shoving the pitchfork between his eyes, immediately piercing his brain and killing him instantly. As she slid the pitchfork out, her father slumping to the ground, she stood defensively between Pinkie and her dying mother.

"Fuck you," she spoke calmly.

"F...FUCK....YOU.....!" Cloudy howled in response, trying to crawl towards Maud. However, Maud flipped her on her back, grabbing a sharp stone of her own.

"This is for Pinkie. Her name is Pinkie."


Maud began slamming the rock down mercilessly on Cloudy's pussy, giving her the same treatment Pinkie had just suffered. Pinkie, her life slipping away, watched in awe as Maud pounded the sharp rock repeatedly into her mother's genitals, who shrieked and howled until she stopped moving.

A small smile crept across her face.

"T...Tha...thanks....Maud...." she spoke weakly. Maud slowly blinked, walking over to her dying sister and looking down.

"Don't give up, Pinkie," Maud spoke in her normal tone of voice.

"H...Hey, don't be so emotional! J...Jeez..." Pinkie sniffed. Maud put a hoof under her chin, trying to help her get up.

"Get up."

"Maud, I...I can't...."

"Get up, Pinkie."

"It's okay, M...Maud...just..."

Pinkie closed her eyes, now unable to keep them open.

"Just...spread my parties....across the world...."

Pinkie slowly drooped down, a smile on her face. Maud stared at her, poking her with her hoof to elicit a response. When she didn't move, she tried again.

A single tear dripped down Maud's face.

Many years later, Twilight Sparkle walked into Ponyville for the first time.

"Stupid Summer Sun Celebration," she grumbled, "Why does Celestia have me doing this? I don't need to be making friends."

"Cmon, Twilight. Can we just try?" pleaded Spike, her faithful assistant.

"Whatever", sighed Twilight, "I'm sure there are at least a few normal ponies here."

"Hey there," a new voice spoke slowly to her. Twilight turned to see Maud, the blueish-gray Earth Pony, standing in front of her.

"Uh...hi! My name's Twilight Sparkle," Twilight tried to speak earnestly, holding out a hoof.

There was a moment of silence as the two looked at each other.

"Gasp," spoke Maud audibly, having a sudden realization, before turning and walking in the other direction slowly away from Twilight.

She had a party to plan.