> One Nightstand > by Gay For Gadot > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > SunFlower Pleasure Chest > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sometimes, the best part of a day was simply getting to the end. Rain soaking through her jacket, boots caked with mud and grime, Sunset Shimmer let loose a breath she had been holding since before the sun rose. The weight of almost twelve hours of commuting, grad school, and a grueling work shift fell behind her as she trudged up the stairs to her apartment. Heaving another sigh, she scrubbed her work boots clean on the welcome mat before fumbling for her keys. With a groan, Sunset suddenly remembered the mountain of chores that waited for her beyond the door. A sink full of dishes, the last load of laundry left in the hamper, trash and recycling that needed to be brought to the curb before the truck came tomorrow morning… In her rush to leave after missing her alarm, she’d neglected to do any of it. And they were her chores. Today was Wallflower Blush’s only day off between appointments and her own college classes. Despite them both being busy, Sunset had been the one slacking at home as of late. No way she was going to offload them onto her girlfriend. Although the last thing Sunset wanted to do once she finally got home was more work, she mentally braced herself for just that. Finally opening the door, Sunset then quietly closed it behind her. Just in case Wallflower was taking a nap, she took careful steps into the living room. Though the TV was turned off, she didn’t hear any snores coming from the couch, so, maybe… As soon as Sunset peeked her head around the corner of the couch, she was greeted with a brilliant smile and a lilting, “Hey there…” Dressed in a thin pink top and pink pajama bottoms, Wallflower Blush waved at her from the couch. On the coffee table beside her were two glasses of ice water, two cups of milk, some napkins, and a plate stacked with homemade chocolate chip cookies. Stomach growling at the sight of those cookies, Sunset wasted no time in taking a seat beside her on the couch. “Hey yourself,” she greeted back, giving her girlfriend a brief peck on the lips before shoving an entire cookie into her mouth. Giggling, Wallflower sat up, then leaned against Sunset as she ate. “Looks like someone liked my little surprise.” Notes of cinnamon, brown butter, and vanilla tingled over Sunset’s tastebuds before becoming awash in chocolatey goodness as she chewed. Lucky for Sunset, her girlfriend was an excellent cook and baker, and her cookies were nothing short of divine. The fact that Sunset had to skip lunch to make it to work on time only made her sweet tooth even more formidable. Before either of them could blink, the plate and Sunset’s milk glass were empty, nary a crumb left. The sound of more giggling snapped Sunset out of her sugar oblivion. Looking down at the plate, she then glanced at Wallflower, a sheepish smile on her face. “Whoops… Guess I got a little carried away!” “That’s okay, hon!” Still wearing that bright smile, Wallflower took Sunset’s least-chocolatey hand in her own. “There’s plenty more where that came from. I can get some out of the fridge if you want more.” “No, that’s okay.” Wiping her hands clean, Sunset held back a sigh as her long list of chores sprang back to mind. “Thanks for the surprise, sweetie.” She rose to get up. “I better get started on the kitchen…” Still holding her hand, Wallflower tilted her head. “What do you mean?” Sunset furrowed her eyebrows in turn. “You didn’t notice? The kitchen was a mess when I left this morning. I overslept, so I didn’t have time to clean up before class, but I was going to—” “No worries, I cleaned the kitchen already.” As she gave Sunset’s hand a gentle squeeze, Wallflower patted the seat on the couch beside her. “Why don’t you sit down and relax a bit? You’ve been on your feet all day.” “Oh, w-well, thanks for doing that, Wally,” Sunset said after a moment, guilt settling along with the sugar rush in her gut. “You didn’t have to. But if you got the kitchen all cleaned up, then that still leaves the laundry and the garbage bins.” Wallflower squeezed Sunset’s hand again. “I took care of that stuff hours ago. Put away the laundry, took the trash and recycling down, even have dinner ready to reheat in the microwave if you want.” Gently, she tugged on Sunset’s arm, urging her to sit down. “Relax, dear.” It took a moment—perhaps several—for everything to register in Sunset’s brain, creaking gears taking longer than usual to turn. Once they did, Sunset finally acquiesced, sitting down beside her girlfriend with a puzzled expression on her face. “I—I thought today was your day off? That’s why I was gonna take care of all that.” “It is my day off, and I wanted to spend it making things easier for you.” Her hand rubbing up and down Sunset’s outstretched arm, Wallflower scooted closer to her on the couch. “And that’s exactly what I did,” she added, her smile growing wider. The scent of lavender and warm sugar wafted into Sunset’s nostrils as she approached. Only then did she note that her long, wavy tresses were still wet, little droplets clinging to her majestic mane here and there. The pieces of the puzzle ultimately snapped together when Wallflower, her mouth at Sunset’s ear, whispered, “And now there’s only one thing you have left to do, Sunset…” Oh. …Ohhh. Whatever thought Sunset let linger disappeared in the brush of Wallflower’s lips on her own. Soft, warm, hinting of chocolate. Longer than their usual kisses. Wallflower’s arms wrapping around Sunset, drawing her closer. Pushing them flush together. Inviting. Beckoning. Summoning. Needing.  Needing her. In an instant, Sunset’s hands moved to the small of Wallflower’s back, pulling her closer as the kiss deepened. The couch cushions squeaked and groaned as the weight above them shifted, Sunset leaning Wallflower back against the armrest. Pressing their bodies together, she took command of the kiss, briefly breaking them apart for air before diving in again. Any and all thoughts of fatigue, or hunger, or homework, or anything other than the absolute urgency and necessity and hunger of Wallflower Blush lying beneath her, kissing her, tangling her arms around Sunset’s neck as she pulled her close and kept her trapped there, was forgotten. If Wallflower had required it, Sunset would have gladly leapt back on her motorcycle and sped away for another ten-hour day—or a twenty-hour one, for that matter—if it meant she could come back to this moment. If the kiss had been a spark, this position was a wildfire, proliferating pure heat and light and energy through Sunset’s veins. Whereas before a pile of dishes seemed daunting, now, Sunset could’ve scrubbed and rinsed and dried her way through an entire army if she needed to. “Mmm, S-Sunset…” Tearing away from the kiss, Wallflower looked up at Sunset with that same unspoken urgency—that other half of the coin—reflected in her eyes. As Sunset caught her breath, she moved a hand up to cup Wallflower’s cheek. Though she knew the answer, she asked anyway, “Bed?” “...Carry me?” was the reply, along with the cutest little pout she ever did see. With a hearty laugh, Sunset leaned her forehead against Wallflower's, and smiled. “I thought you’d never ask.” With Wallflower’s arms wrapped around her neck, Sunset carefully scooped her up off the couch. Lifting with her legs, Sunset then held Wallflower close within her strong, well-muscled arms as she carried her towards their bedroom. A high-pitched, almost shrill, very excited noise was Sunset’s immediate reward. Nearly clinging to her, so tight was her grip, Wallflower beamed up at her with a sparkling smile. If Sunset didn’t know any better, she would’ve sworn she saw hearts and stars twinkling in Wallflower’s widened eyes. The first couple times she’d tried to pick Wallflower up—emphasis on tried—Sunset either couldn’t move her at all, or managed to hold her for maybe more than a second before needing to set her down. A year of working out with Rainbow Dash at Canterlot University’s on-campus gym, alongside a couple summers of helping Applejack out with farmwork, had carved rock-hard muscle out of what little flab she had left. Picking up her girlfriend was a fun party trick, sure—but no one loved it was much as Wallflower did. Once Sunset set her down on the bed, Wallflower burst into an absolutely adorable display of unrestrained glee. Like a child on Hearth’s Warming morning, she rolled from side to side, her happy giggles and little fluttering kicks bringing nothing but sheer joy to Sunset’s heart. “You’re so fucking cute when you do that!” Laughing, Sunset sat down beside her on the bed, then looked over at her with a smile. “I remember the first time I finally could pick you up the whole way! You were giggling so much, and soooo high-pitched, I was afraid you were going to break the mirror on the vanity!” “Can you blame me?!” Still giggling, Wallflower rolled back over to face Sunset. “It’s every lesbian’s dream to have a big, buff girlfriend who can pick her up!” “I wouldn’t say I’m buff, Wally.” “Are you sure about that?” Without warning, Wallflower grabbed at Sunset’s outstretched arm with both hands. Somehow, her wide-eyed glee shifted into gaping disbelief as she squeezed and kneaded Sunset’s muscles—not that the latter minded. “Your bicep is bigger than my entire arm, hon!” “Well, you’re pretty small, dear, so that’s not saying much.” “I’m not that small. Loving pizza takes care of that. Besides…” Sitting up, Wallflower leaned in close to Sunset’s ear, as if she had some obscure secret to share. “Do you remember that time you picked me up?” Sunset laughed. “Well, given that it was less than a minute ago, I sure hope so!” “And… it was hot,” Wallflower murmured in a warm, dulcet tone, her mouth mere inches from Sunset’s ear. Sunset shivered. Oh. Right. That’s why Wallflower asked Sunset to carry her to bed. The slow thump of Sunset’s heart accelerating to an electrifying beat reminded her exactly how slow she could be at times. Wallflower, however, wasted no time in making her intentions known. Her hands moved from Sunset’s arm to the back of her head, then dipped her down into a kiss. Credit where credit was due, Sunset reciprocated as soon as her thick skull allowed her the grace of another thought. Moving her hands to Wallflower’s waist, she leaned into the caress, gradually lowering her girlfriend back down to the bed. Their lips met again and again in quick succession, spurring Sunset’s blood to run and adrenaline to fire. By the time she was on top of Wallflower, Sunset had already kicked off her work boots. Clad in her cute, fluffy pink pajamas, Wallflower was nothing but softness, warmth, and promises of things to come. When they broke the kiss, Sunset moved to continue. She let Wallflower catch her breath—punctuated here and there by gasps and hitches—as Sunset’s lips found her forehead, cheeks, and neck. While her lips trailed a line of kisses down the scoop neck collar of Wallflower’s shirt, one of her hands wandered beneath the hemline and scurried up towards her chest. “Mmmph… S-Sunset… I—” As Sunset’s hand found one of Wallflower’s breasts, the latter cut off in a contented sigh.  “Ohhh gosh… I’ve been wanting this all day,” Wallflower breathed, a faint blush spreading across her freckled cheeks. She looked down at her girlfriend, smiling as she met her gaze. Though Sunset didn’t cease her ministrations, she took a slow breath and reined herself in a bit. As tempting as it was to just keep making her way south, she needed to know where the borders were on the map today. Plus, it was always exciting to make Wallflower spell it out for her. “Mmm, and what is it you’ve been wanting today, babe?” Sunset asked, punctuating her question with a lingering kiss to the crook of Wallflower’s neck. The way her lover tightened her grip on her shoulders, followed by a slight cry, brought a smirk to Sunset’s lips. “Y-you,” Wallflower panted, her hips gently rocking against Sunset’s. “You on top of me like this.” “Anything else?” Using the thumb of the hand that was currently exploring under Wallflower’s shirt, Sunset stroked her nipple. Just as she felt it stiffen in response to her touch, she added another stroke, then a slight pinch.  From these tiny teasings, Wallflower already seemed to be in the beginning states of unravel. It was difficult to tell through the thick denim of her jeans, but Sunset wouldn’t have been surprised if Wally felt warm through her sweatpants… and maybe wet, too. Grabbing at Sunset’s wandering hand by the wrist, Wallflower briefly brought them to pause. The surge of concern Sunset felt was immediately extinguished by the look on Wallflower’s face. A sweet smile, reddening cheeks, and dreamlike gaze proved it had been done to allow her lover the gift of speech, rather than stop Sunset in her tracks. After a moment to collect herself, Wallflower spoke up. “I think I want to do something a little more intense tonight.” The smile on her face grew… as did her blush. “Maybe play that game?” “Game” sparked flint upon the timbers gathering in Sunset’s core. When she saw Wallflower’s eyes drift to the nightstand beside the bed, she felt herself swallow hard. “Are you sure, hon? It’s been a while since we’ve done anything like that.” “All the more reason I want to do it now.” Releasing Sunset’s wrist, Wallflower dragged her hand back to her breast. Then, she squeezed Sunset’s hand as it laid flush against her chest. Although Wallflower continued to speak, the message was communicated crystal clearly with that gesture alone. “I hope you didn’t have anything else planned for tonight,” Wallflower whispered as she leaned up to meet Sunset’s lips, “because I want you to take your time doing whatever you want to me.” Chills rushed down Sunset’s spine, proliferating through her nerves to join the gathering tempest in her core. Now with not only explicit permission, but the explicit desire to let that side of herself—those base, carnal, entirely too human instincts—take over, Sunset let go of her own reins. “Mmmm… I’ve got plans for you, then, babe,” Sunset replied in hushed tones, before returning the kiss. As Sunset pressed herself into her love, kissing her deeply, fully, completely, she let her other hand slip beneath Wallflower’s shirt. Both hands glided over her soft, smooth skin to find her heaving breasts. There, her stiff nipples pleaded for more attention, which Sunset gifted in kind. Moans and gasps stuttered between staggered kisses as Sunset’s eager fingers pinched, flicked, kneaded, and rubbed. Breaking the kiss, Sunset moved her hands back down to the hemline of Wallflower’s shirt. With practiced ease, she sat Wallflower up, pulled the shirt free, then discarded it on the floor. Once she was topless, Wallflower laid back against the bed, her voluptuous silhouette illuminated by the growing moonlight outside their window. For a moment, Sunset’s breath caught in her throat. Despite all the echoes of the past, all the vile lies that had been not just whispered, but screeched into Wallflower’s ears in a demon’s den so many years ago, Wallflower Blush had always been beautiful. No, not just beautiful, but gorgeous. There was no part of her that Sunset found ugly, or was ashamed of, no matter their history or what Wallflower herself thought about them.  From those shining copper eyes, to her perfect smile, to the way her cascading locks of thick, wavy hair framed her face, down the valley of her collarbones and between the mountains Sunset never failed to regard with such awe and honor, all the way down to the treasure waiting between her supple thighs and curvaceous cheeks, Sunset loved it all. And tonight, Sunset fully intended to ravish this feast of a woman, to devour her, to love each and every inch of Wallflower as Sunset brought her to rapture on Sunset’s own terms. Terms that were… according to some… maybe a little unconventional. But, by Galaxia’s blessing and all the luck between worlds, Wallflower happened to enjoy those particular… fixations of Sunset’s. “I can’t wait to see what you have in store for me.” Though rather gentle. Wallflower’s words brought Sunset from her burgeoning haze with an abrupt yank. Blinking, Sunset moved her gaze up Wallflower’s body to meet her eyes. Wallflower giggled. “Getting distracted?” “Maybe just a little,” Sunset said after a moment, her eyes drifting downward again, “but I think you need a distraction, too.” Before Wallflower could reply, Sunset leaned down and gave one of her nipples a long, languid lick. Eye-to-eye with her love, Sunset then did the same to her other nipple. “Haah—y-you’re so good at that,” Wallflower whispered, tangling her fingers in Sunset’s hair. “I’ve had a lot of practice,” Sunset said with a coy grin, before taking the whole of her lover’s breast in her mouth. The fingers running through Sunset’s hair soon became a hand resting on her head as she continued to enjoy Wallflower. Sunset’s occupied mouth busied itself between Wallflower’s breasts, licking, flicking, suckling. Meanwhile, her hands squeezed, stroked, and kneaded whichever one of Wallflower’s perfect pair needed the most attention. Already, Wallflower seemed to be losing herself to rapture, swept up in the waves Sunset was bringing to her shore. The grip on Sunset’s head loosened as Wallflower leaned back against the pillows. Murmurs of bliss and contented sighs were sprinkled between the occasional gasp or hitching breath, affirmations of praise echoing in Sunset’s ears. Pride swelled in Sunset’s chest every time she made Wallflower start to lose control. As she continued her assault, those breathy moans, hasty cries, and shaky hips spelled out that Wallflower was more than ready for Sunset’s next task. Laying her head between Wallflower’s breasts, Sunset looked up at her with a wide smile. “How are you feeling, sweetie?” “Mmm, g-good.” Smiling back, Wallflower flinched at Sunset’s hand trailing down her stomach. “T-ticklish!” “Hehe, sorry. Didn’t mean to.” Sunset sealed the apology with a kiss to Wallflower’s lips. Then, she let her hand—more mindful of its touches now—find its destination. “Ohh gosh, your hand is warm,” Wallflower hummed, pressing against her touch. Through the fabric of her pajama bottoms, Wallflower blazed like a furnace. Warmth spread beneath Sunset’s palm as it pushed against her lover’s crotch, rubbing back and forth with gentle pressure. “Not as warm as you, pretty girl.” Moving her hand up in a harder, longer stroke—delighting at Wallflower’s little hip buck left in its wake—Sunset grabbed the waistband of her bottoms. “I think you’re getting a little overheated. Don’t you?” Her fingers slipped into the waistband of the fabric, a smirk springing to her lips. Upon seeing Wallflower’s eager nod, Sunset pulled them down. The bottoms were a bit more difficult to take off, always seeming to bunch up around the ankles. Nonetheless, Sunset managed to remove them without Wallflower needing to help. They joined her pajama top on the floor. Only a thin pair of panties remained between Sunset and her desire. Well, not counting her own clothes, but this was about Wallflower. At least she wasn’t in her work boots anymore. Not that Wallflower minded seeing Sunset in her work boots; Sunset recalled a particular evening involving her work outfit that her girlfriend had especially enjoyed. Still, tonight, they were playing their special little game. The rules, as such, dictated that Wallflower was the first to be undressed. An eager player, Wallflower kicked her now-freed legs out, letting them glow in the moonlight pouring through their open bedroom window. The alluring smile on her lips silently beckoned Sunset to her. Answering her unspoken wish, Sunset met her in a gentle kiss as her hands slid down Wallflower’s legs. The tender softness beneath her touch only furthered the fire gathering within her, timbers mixing with the coals. Drawn like a moth to a flame, both her eyes and her hands wandered up Wallflower’s thighs on each wayward stroke, moving closer to the source of their desire. Meeting Wallflower’s gaze, Sunset allowed her dominant hand to come to rest against her girlfriend’s panties. To neither’s surprise, she found them noticeably damp. Twin blushes sparked a wildfire of need at the discovery, and it was all Sunset could do not to strip Wallflower bare right then and there. Nimble fingers tangoed to the borderline of the last barrier between them. Eyes locked on Wallflower’s, Sunset wiggled her fingers into the waistband of her panties. “Mmm, let’s take a look down here,” she said, her fingertips trailing in teasing circles across Wallflower’s mound. The blush on Wallflower’s face deepened as Sunset’s hand gradually slid beneath her panties. Sunset smirked as her girlfriend’s breath hitched, her fingers finding Wallflower absolutely soaked upon discovery. Wasting no time, she ran her index finger up and down Wallflower’s lips, making her lover shudder with each touch. Her hand returning to the waistband of Wallflower’s panties, Sunset said with a teasing grin, “Looks like you’re ready for me to take these off.” While Sunset loved how these cute little black panties, etched with a sexy gold trim, looked on her girlfriend, she had quite a few plans that required sliding them down Wallflower’s thighs. With a breathless nod, Wallflower raised her hips to assist Sunset in the task. “Ah, ah!” Wagging her finger, Sunset moved her hand away. “Remember, sweetheart? During our game, I’ll be the one to undress you.” Though she scolded her, Sunset punctuated the reminder with a soft kiss to Wallflower’s lips. “Just lie back and let me take care of you, okay?” After settling back against the bed and pillows, Wallflower added with a bit of a whine, “Okay… Just don’t tease me too much, Sunset.” “Don’t worry, babe.” As one of Sunset’s hands trailed back down to Wallflower’s panties, the other slipped under the fabric. “I know exactly—” inside Wallflower’s panties now— “what my good girl—” an index finger prodded at Wallflower’s trembling entrance— “needs—” Tight, slick warmth embraced Sunset’s finger as Wallflower cried out at her advance. “Aaah! Mmm, Sunset…” Adding a second finger, Sunset quickly found a pleasing rhythm for her lover, thrusting her fingers back and forth. At the same time, her mouth returned to Wallflower’s nipples, licking and sucking at one breast while her free hand stroked the other. Soon, her ears were once again filled with the melodious cadence of Wallflower’s cute little gasps and moans. Already, Wallflower was desperately clinging to Sunset’s two fingers as they stroked inside her, powerful muscles squeezing and clinching in response to her skillful ministrations. Coupled with the noises she was making, Sunset decided it was time to move onto the next phase of foreplay. Time for a more thorough examination. Without warning, Sunset withdrew her fingers, wiping them clean on the bed. In tandem, she pulled away from Wallflower’s chest, her wet nipple leaving her mouth with a slight pop. Another pout crossed Wallflower’s flushed face, earning her another expression of mock-offense from Sunset. “Patience, babe.” Sunset kissed Wallflower’s forehead. “I promise it’ll be worth it.” A frustrated groan followed. “Fiiiiiiiiiine.” The forced frown fell away, replaced by a flirtatious smirk. “I’m hoping you have something big in mind for tonight.” Matched in anticipation, Sunset assured her with a devilish grin, “Don’t worry, babe, it’s huge.” The two shared a knowing glance before their play continued, Sunset’s hand once again returning to the waistband of Wallflower’s panties. This time, she yanked them down and tossed them aside. Sunset then spread Wallflower’s legs open—an act that never failed to pry a little moan from Wallflower, even when Wallflower was trying her best to be patient. “Good girl, Wally,” Sunset cooed, rewarded her with a gentle kiss. “Now just relax while I get everything ready, okay?” Nodding, Wallflower murmured an affirmative, her flushed face reddening to a deep scarlet. She sat patiently, legs spread wide open, completely naked as her fully clothed girlfriend moved from the bed. Such good behavior would be rewarded, both of them knew. One of the many unspoken rules of their little game, which they had honed through many a long, fulfilling night. Although Sunset had been surprised at first that Wallflower wanted to play this game tonight, by now, she was fully engaged and ready for the next step.  What Sunset knew Wallflower really wanted—what tonight’s encounter was really about—lay hidden in a drawer of their nightstand beside the bed. Tucked away with many other rewards Wallflower had earned throughout nights similar to these, this latest prize wasn’t going to be unveiled so early in their game. Like always, Sunset was going to make Wallflower earn it, in every sense of the word. From the corner of her eye, Sunset saw Wallflower try to sneak a peek when she opened the drawer. Moving to block Wallflower’s view, Sunset shot her a wink over her shoulder. Wallflower feigned a harrumph and eyeroll, drawing giggles from them both, before Sunset turned back to the drawer. Inside the drawer was a large collection of various toys. Starting on one side were the first few toys the couple had purchased together. While both of them had enjoyed these on many wonderful occasions, they primarily had been purchased for Wallflower. The toys were arranged from left to right, in order of both newness… and size. The first item was a plug-in magic wand vibrator with several settings. For external use only, this was the first sex toy they had used together. A tried and true favorite. Ol’ reliable. Something that they often brought out of the drawer, but not usually on nights like this. The second item was a small internal vibrator, barely bigger than the width of Sunset’s two fingers. This was the first toy Wallflower had allowed Sunset to put inside her. While simple, it had been Wallflower’s first taste of penetration—beyond Sunset’s fingers, of course. Its matching remote also allowed for discreet play. Other than a few playful nights at the movies, the two had yet to make full use of that aspect of the toy. Still, it was definitely on the couple’s to-do list. Next to the small vibrator were a set of small dildos, ranging from two to three inches in length, with a narrow circumference. A couple of more moderate dildos, maybe three-and-a-half to four inches, followed, with a slightly greater girth. A rabbit vibrator was next. This last toy was still smaller in size, but a bit more powerful, combining the joys of both internal and external stimulation. The last few items in the drawer had been more recent purchases. Although they weren’t much longer than the prior installments, these toys were larger in girth. More challenging in size. A little wider, a little closer to more realistic proportions. Up until these purchases, Wallflower had mainly been fucked with items that were, at most, maybe two inches in all-around circumference. In terms of width, these toys were closer to a few of Sunset’s fingers than anything else.  However, the last three Sunset had bought—especially this latest one—were anywhere between two-and-a-half to four inches in total girth. This was around the size of a typical store-bought dildo, unlike the custom ones Sunset usually ordered. The newest addition was the full four inches in circumference, and six inches long, to boot—the largest toy Sunset had bought so far. Despite being in control tonight, Sunset was flustered by simply looking at these last items. Although they would, of course, take things slow… a part of her couldn’t wait to see how Wallflower handled that last toy. Shaking her head, Sunset sought to refocus. They would get to that in time. For now, she needed to start slow. That in mind, she selected the rabbit vibrator first, making a mental note of two other toys she would use on her girlfriend before getting to the main course. Amongst all the treasure in the drawer were two other important items: a large bottle of lube, and a strap-on harness. Both were used frequently—and with great pleasure—on nights like these. All of the dildos came with a flared, suction-cup base. Depending on the mood, Sunset would either manually penetrate Wallflower herself, or attach the toy to the bed, the floor, or even the shower wall, and make Wallflower do the thrusting for her. Sunset would watch, encouraging her, assisting her with a hand or mouth, until Wallflower was warmed up enough to move on to the next toy. No matter how their foreplay went, the night would always end the same: Sunset, finally nude herself, the harness snug around her hips, a bullet vibrator buzzing inside her while she fucked Wallflower whatever way Sunset wanted her with the largest toy her girlfriend could handle, both of them crying out in ecstasy as a long night of edging and experimenting came to a joyous end of union and passion. Biting her lip, Sunset shook away both fantasies and memories. With a deep breath, she brought herself back to the present—though she couldn’t help but squeeze her thighs together a little anyway. Rabbit and lube in hand, she closed the drawer for now, then returned to the bed. “Oooooh…” Upon seeing the rabbit, Wallflower whistled. “Off to a good start already.” “My girl deserves the best,” Sunset said with a smirk. “I know how much you love this.” After opening the bottle of lube, Sunset quickly applied a good amount to the toy. Once it was coated in a slick sheen, she got into position, sitting between Wallflower’s legs. Leaving the toy’s vibrating setting off, she positioned it between Wallflower’s lower lips, sliding it up and down in a constant, steady tease. Though she kept her legs spread, Wallflower visibly tensed. “Haaaah…” Stroking her again, Sunset whispered, “This is gonna feel so good on your clit, isn’t it, baby?” One hand moving to her breast, Wallflower closed her eyes. “Uh-huh…” “Hey, now.” Putting on her “stern” tone, Sunset stopped. “No touching yourself, remember? Only if I let you. And open your eyes, Wally. Remember what you have to do.” Opening her eyes, Wallflower set her hands down beside her on the bed, then met Sunset’s gaze. “I…Mmm… I-I have to watch it go in…” she said with a little whimper, clearly anticipating doing exactly that. Not only with this toy, but with everything Sunset would do to her tonight.  The fact that Wallflower didn’t know what was in store for her only added to their shared anticipation. Though they had only just begun, the tension was beginning to throb like a third heartbeat between them. And Sunset was planning on stringing that tension along, plucking it here and there, until the notes it produced had Wallflower begging for the crescendo. Satisfied with Wallflower’s answers, Sunset poked the toy at her entrance again. “That’s right, Wally. Are you ready?” Sounding breathless, Wallflower replied, “Y-yes, Sunset…” Unable to deny her love—or herself—any further, Sunset slowly pushed the rabbit vibrator past Wallflower’s welcoming lips. Inch by inch, both of them watched as Sunset entered her, Wallflower’s body embracing her without hesitation. The toy soon hilted inside Wallflower, its external vibrator—the pink rabbit’s long little ears—positioned directly on her clit. While she couldn’t hold back a few moans, Wallflower remained as Sunset wanted her. Hands to the side, legs spread, eyes locked on the thing she was being fucked with. “That’s a good girl, Wallflower.” Reaching up, Sunset embraced Wallflower in a deep kiss. As their lips met, she pressed the vibrate button on the end of the toy. The combined hum of both Wallflower’s response and the toy’s buzzing followed. “Keep watching, sweetie,” Sunset admonished, knowing that what she had just done would make that task pure, sweet torture. “You know how much I like it when you watch.” “Ohhh gosh!” Wallflower’s legs were already shaking. “It feels so good! Ha-aah! Mmm!” Biting her lip, Wallflower nevertheless kept her eyes open, looking down as Sunset slowly thrust the vibrator back and forth inside her. Each stroke stimulated her both inside and out, sending shockwaves of rapture through her core. “Ohhh God, that feels amazing…” Keeping the pace, Sunset kissed Wallflower’s cheek. “You’re doing wonderful, Wally. Just a little longer, sweetie.” Breathing heavily, Wallflower simply nodded. The buzzing vibrator continued its onslaught, drawing more cries and twitches from her, though she clearly was doing her absolute best to keep some semblance of control. Heat rose and billowed across Sunset’s cheeks as she stroked Wallflower from the inside. Watching her girlfriend’s cute, tight, pretty little pussy be toyed and pleased and penetrated by her—and only her—made it difficult to focus on anything else. The noises her lover was making didn’t help either; she loved every syllable of them. Knowing that Wallflower trusted her so much that she not only let Sunset touch her, but allowed her to be in control of her body like this… It invoked a reaction within Sunset beyond mere excitement or pure arousal. Some primal part of her wanted to do things like this, no matter how much she wanted to deny it or shove it down into a black box labeled “Too kinky”.  Of course, Wallflower was in no way obligated to indulge her, but… This was more than just mere indulgence. As much as Sunset was enjoying this, Wallflower was enjoying it just as much, which made Sunset enjoy it even more, until the pair were caught in the spokes of a revolving wheel of rapturous delight that would’ve trapped them forever if it weren’t for things like obligations, and the existence of other people, and, most irritating of all, hydration and sleep. Doing this to Wallflower was impossible without getting ridiculously turned on herself. Still, ever since they first started this particular game of theirs, Sunset kept her desire in check enough to not undress or touch herself until she was ready to put the harness on. Instead, she allowed herself to savor each and every detail, every shuddering moan, every flushed expression, every involuntary twitch of Wallflower’s hips as Sunset edged her closer to climax. Noting more of those twitches, Sunset slowed the pace a little. “Hehehe, getting close already, babe?” she asked with a titter. Shivering, Wallflower pleaded with a fervent nod, “C-can I cum, Sunset?” Oh, how she loved it when Wallflower asked questions both of them already knew the answer to. Sunset shook her head. “Not yet, sweetie. We still have a few more toys before you get to cum, okay?” “O-okay,” Wallflower breathed. “I—I don’t know if I’ll be able to st-stop, then—” At that, the vibrator turned off. Sunset held the toy in place, but didn’t move it, letting Wallflower adjust. “Then that’s enough of this. You’re already pretty used to the rabbit anyway, aren’t you, baby?” As she took in a few deep breaths, Wallflower nodded. “Good girl. I remember when this was our big finale of the night. Now, look at you.” In a mix of pride and awe, Sunset gave Wallflower a deep kiss. “You’re doing really well so far, Wally. I’m going to pull it out now, okay? Don’t stop watching until it’s out.” “Yes, ma’am.” Though Wallflower still sounded shaky, she also appeared a little more in control of herself. Sunset regarded this with an approving nod before moving on. Together, they watched as the first toy of the night was withdrawn. A small gasp echoed from Wallflower’s lips as Sunset pulled it out. Then, and only then, did her eyes move back up to Sunset’s, those pupils brimming with eager excitement for whatever came next. Sunset rewarded her with a deep kiss and another bit of praise before returning to the nightstand. The rabbit vibrator was put off to the side for later cleaning. Then, Sunset selected one of the three dildos she had bought most recently. This first one, about five inches long and two inches in girth, had been their big finisher last time. The last two—including the big one she couldn’t wait to put inside Wallflower—were a surprise. For now. Toy in hand, Sunset closed the drawer again. As she returned to her girlfriend’s side, she saw Wallflower’s eyes widen at her next selection. “We’re using that already?” Wallflower asked, staring at the decently sized toy in Sunset’s hand. “Well, since you did so good with it last time, I thought you’d enjoy it again.” Well aware of the look on Wallflower’s face, Sunset lubed up the dildo. Once it was ready, maintaining eye contact with her lover, she gradually pressed it against her girlfriend’s lower lips. The toy slipped inside with little effort, earning Wallflower a smile from Sunset. “There we go. Nice and easy.” Immediately, Wallflower’s breathing quickened. “Mmmmmph…” She arched her back, her body silently entreating Sunset for more. Denying the request for the moment, Sunset held the toy still. Her voice then fell into a lower, slower husk as she purred, “Remember how much you came from this?” As she spoke, her free hand wandered in between Wallflower’s thighs, gently massaging them. Wallflower’s hips twitched. To her credit, she didn’t move, only answering with a nod. After a moment, Sunset resumed, pushing the toy further inside her. Wallflower gasped, but kept still, her legs spread wide.  Impressed with Wallflower’s level of control, Sunset stopped again. “How does that feel, baby?” “R-really good.” Wallflower watched as Sunset resumed once more. The dildo was about halfway within now, embraced by a tight hug of Wallflower’s strong inner muscles with every motion. As she went in deeper, Sunset kissed her lover’s cheek. “You’re doing so wonderful, Wally. My good girl.” Wallflower shuddered at these words. Sweat dripped down from her forehead, more moans and gasps escaping her as Sunset continued onward. Inch by inch, Wallflower was spread open, until the flared base of the toy came to a rest. “Look at that, baby.” One hand pressed against the dildo’s base, keeping it firmly inside Wallflower. The other reached up to stroke her hair. Running her fingers through Wallflower’s tangled locks, Sunset pressed her lips to her girlfriend’s. “See how easy it was this time?” “Y-yeah…” After kissing her back, Wallflower looked down at herself in awe. “It’s all the way inside me...” “Mmmm. I like that,” Sunset whispered. While her one hand remained steadfast, the other drifted down to Wallflower’s chest. Her free hand stroked at her nipples and kneaded at her breasts. Delighting in the reactions that followed, Sunset asked in a casual tone, “How do you feel, sweetheart?” “Haah, g-good—aah!” Wallflower gave a shrill moan as Sunset pinched her nipple. “Mmmmmmph, Sunset…” Leaning down, Sunset licked, then sucked, one of Wallflower’s nipples. “No cumming yet, sweetie,” she reminded, even as she continued enjoying her girlfriend’s trembling body. “We still have two more toys to go.” “T-two more?” Wallflower repeated, sounding in disbelief. “Ohhhh gosh, Sunset…” Her thighs started to shake. “I-I feel so full already…” “And I’m going to make you fuller.” Releasing her nipple, Sunset kissed at each of Wallflower’s hefty, perfect breasts, before she kissed her on the lips again. Now both of her hands were on the dildo’s base, pressing the toy ever-so-slightly deeper into Wallflower. “I want to stretch that cute little pussy of yours today, Wally, and I’m not going to stop putting toys in you until it happens.” Through a series of loud, piercing cries, Wallflower managed, “Ohh God… I w-want that too… I want you to k-keep going…!” Sunset kissed her neck. “Good,” she murmured, her hot breath ghosting into Wallflower’s ear. “You like it when I put toys in you, don’t you?” Another shiver. “Uhhh-huhh… Ohh, mmmph, that f-feels so good…” “You like it when I’m inside you, don’t you, baby?” “Haaah…” Though Sunset wasn’t moving anything this time, Wallflower struggled to stay coherent. “Yes! I-I love it so much, and y-you, Sunset…” “I love you too, baby.” More kisses to Wallflower’s neck followed. “Remember when you didn’t want anything inside you besides my finger? Not even my tongue?” Sunset kissed up Wallflower’s neck to her jawline, then up to her forehead. Then, wanting to test Wallflower’s endurance a little, she pushed against the dildo’s base, moving it slightly deeper inside of her. “Remember when the wand was the only toy you’d let me use?” “Aaaah! I-I remember—haaah…” “That wand is still in the drawer…” Despite all of Sunset’s little tricks, Wallflower was doing quite well tonight. Sunset continued in that taunting voice of hers, “Maybe if you’re a good girl and let me put something big inside you, I’ll bring it out. Maybe I’ll even use two toys on you at once.” Wallflower started to say something, her voice cutting off in a squeak. Clearly, she was fond of that idea. “Mmm—I—S-S-Sunset, I—” Sensing what was rushing through Wallflower, Sunset immediately stopped stimulating her. “Not yet, babe. Not yet.” Though the edge loomed, she was determined not to bring Wallflower to it quite yet. Hands off her girlfriend’s body, she waited a moment for Wallflower to calm down before moving to the next step. Once Wallflower wasn’t shaking anymore, Sunset returned one hand to the base of the toy. “I’m going to pull it out, sweetie. No cumming yet, okay?” Breathing heavily, Wallflower gave a weak nod. From the deep blush on her face, as well as the sweat rolling down her face, Sunset figured it was all she could do not to cum. Despite how delightfully evil Sunset was being at this point, Wallflower was doing exactly everything as she should. Sunset couldn’t help but shoot a proud smile towards her quivering girlfriend before beginning to withdraw the toy. Together, they watched as Sunset gradually pulled the toy out. Though she didn’t lose her composure completely, Wallflower let out a pitiful whine as she was left empty again. Sunset rewarded her with another kiss, then said, “That’s a good girl, Wallflower. Just one more warm-up and then you’ll get to cum, okay?” The reassurance brought a smile to Wallflower’s lips. “Okay, Sunset,” she said after a moment, sounding a little more stable. “I’m holding you to the wand thing, though.” Giggling, Sunset kissed her again. “Of course, baby. I won’t forget.” As Sunset pulled away, Wallflower looked up at her with those endlessly pretty eyes and sweet smile. While she was more calm now, that adorable blush on her cheeks had spread down her neck and chest. Heat practically radiated off her soft, smooth skin as Sunset ran a hand in between her breasts. When Sunset gave each of Wallflower’s hardened nipples a tiny pinch, she arched her back in response, barely stifling a gasp. “D-don’t you have s-something in the drawer for me?” Wallflower whimpered, leaning back as Sunset resumed exploring her body. “I-I thought that’s what you s-said…” “Mmm, of course I do, sweetheart.” Sunset suckled at one nipple, then the other, Wallflower’s suppressed moans wonderful music to her ears. “I’ll get to it, don’t you worry.” Wanting to hear just a little bit more before moving on to the next toy, Sunset swirled her tongue around Wallflower’s nipple. At the same time, she kneaded the whole of her breasts with both hands. In an instant, Wallflower lost her hard-fought composure, pressing into her girlfriend’s touch as those jolts of pleasure intensified at Sunset’s will. If it were up to Sunset, she would spend a whole day doing nothing but this. Exploring Wallflower’s body, experimenting with different touches and positions, leading her love through a long, winding journey of warmth and delight and ecstasy over and over again. Bringing her to the edge, then taking a few steps back, before diving right back. Hot and wet and endless. Turn off their phones, shut the blinds, forget about chores or calendars or anything other than the most basic of needs. Oh, and sex. Lots of sex. An entire day of gasps and moans and cries and pleas and passion, Sunset and Wallflower coming together over and over, until there was nothing left to do but melt and meld and— “S-S-Sunset!” Wallflower exclaimed, her words a warning as they shook in time with her legs. Before her plans could unravel, Sunset halted. Rather than admit to getting lost in thought, she took it in stride, fixing a look of smug satisfaction upon her burning face. “You’re doing really good, babe. Don’t worry—I won’t make you wait anymore.” Before Wallflower could reply—or Sunset could get distracted again—Sunset returned to the treasure drawer of the nightstand. She picked up the second-to-last toy, the final warmup. Another new dildo, five inches long, two-and-a-half inches in circumference. A bit larger than the last one. Shiny and new, a fun step up from their last record, something Wallflower would likely be able to handle… Just as she started to close the drawer, Sunset’s eyes fell upon the big surprise she had planned for the finale. The full six inches would be fun to watch disappear inside her girlfriend. However… What really made her pause was the toy's circumference. Four inches of girth pushing at Wallflower’s tight inner walls, spreading her open, pressing through her dripping lips all the way around… Even with lube, it would be a challenge for sweet, pure, innocent little Wallflower, stretching her out as Sunset slipped between her soaking-wet lips, filling her to the brim, making her gasp and moan and shudder as she watched Sunset penetrate her, the toy’s size testing her limits and endurance, before Sunset—satisfied to see her soft, fluffy bottom girlfriend being so patient and giving and good as she looked up at her, waiting patiently, on the edge of losing her mind, with a giant dildo stuffed into her adorable little pussy—declared that Wallflower had been a good girl, who, like all good girls, had earned the right to be properly fucked, and then, finally, Sunset would jam the toy into the harness, bend Wallflower over the bed, and take her from behind, thrusting hard and deep into her girlfriend, grinding her hips against Wallflower’s, claiming her with each stroke, until Wallflower screamed her name as she came in one long shaking, shivering, ultimate climax of an orgasm, and Sunset came too, finally, after what felt like hours of just relentlessly teasing them both— Sunset grabbed the big toy, the harness, and the wand vibrator, then threw the puny dildo back in the drawer and slammed it shut. “Mmmm, what do you hav—oh my God!” Jaw agape, Wallflower gawked at the huge surprise. A wicked grin joined the deep blush on Sunset’s face. “Mmm, there’s the reaction I was hoping for.” The bedsprings creaked as she sat down besides Wallflower—who hadn’t moved a muscle. After letting herself have a little laugh, Sunset lubed up the toy. Her girlfriend watched with every motion, never once looking away from the thing that Sunset was going to put inside her. Lube applied in a thick, generous sheen, Sunset set the dildo beside the harness on the bed. To prepare the second toy, she plugged the wand vibrator into a nearby outlet. With a flick of her thumb, she both verified that it was still working, and pulled Wallflower—who jumped at the familiar, yet sudden, noise—from her stupor. Looking from the wand, down to the other toy, and, finally, Sunset’s harness, Wallflower seemed confused. “I—I thought you said there was one more warm-up before—?” “Well, maaaaaybe—” Sunset turned the vibrator off, setting it aside as she turned to her— “you weren’t the only one getting a little impatient.” That coy smirk returned as her hand stroked up and down one of Wallflower’s thighs. “I was going to give you one more step up from the last toy instead of just jumping to the big finisher—” Sunset wiggled her eyebrows— “but I couldn’t stand the thought of waiting any longer.” The awful, unoriginal pun usually drew a giggle from Wallflower, who always shook her head at Sunset’s terrible jokes. This time, however, she didn’t respond, her gaze drifting back to the toy. While she remained in position, her posture seemed stiff, almost rigid. “Hey.” Dropping the facade, Sunset took Wallflower’s hand in her own. A gentle smile replaced her playful smirk. “If this is too much, Wally, we can stop.” She kissed the back of Wallflower’s palm. “You can always say no at any time, even during something like this.” “...I know,” Wallflower responded after a moment, sounding uncertain. Her eyes met Sunset’s. “It’s not that I don’t want to, hon. It’s just…” She swallowed. “I wasn’t expecting such a jump in size, y’know?” “Yeah, that’s fair.” Sunset’s smile turned sheepish. “I miiiight have gotten a little carried away.” Her hand moved up to stroke Wallflower’s cheek. “But that’s only because I love seeing you like this.” Leaning into her touch, Wallflower’s trepidation visibly began to melt away. “I love seeing you this way too. Especially…” She glanced at the harness, biting her lip. “When you bring that out.” They shared a kiss, both seeming to relax afterwards. “Hmmm…” As they pulled away, Sunset ran a hand through Wallflower’s hair. Her face scrunched up in feigned concentration, she let her hand drift down to Wallflower’s shoulders, then her chest. “So, if I’m hearing this right, what you’re saying is… My girl likes it when I fuck her brains out?” “Mmm, may—beeeee—!” The way Wallflower arched her back when Sunset’s fingers found their way inside her brought them both back to the heat of the moment. Quiet moans and hushed whimpers followed as Sunset rocked her two longest fingers back and forth, relishing the soft, wet warmth surrounding them. After a few strokes, Sunset pushed her fingers in as deep as she could. “Give me a squeeze, Wally.” On cue, Wallflower obeyed, clamping down on Sunset’s fingers. Both of them relished the sensations, responding with hums of pleasure and approval. They joined forth in another kiss as Wallflower held Sunset frozen inside her. The latter was impressed; these fun little exercises had strengthened Wallflower’s tight inner muscles just as much as they had relaxed them. Speaking of which… “Relax now, babe,” Sunset whispered, kissing Wallflower’s cheek. Though it came with a disappointed mewl, Wallflower did as she was told. This earned her another kiss as Sunset withdrew her fingers. “Good girl.” Smiling, Sunset pressed her forehead to Wallflower’s. “See? You’ve got such good control of your body now, Wally. I know you can relax enough for the new toy. And if you can’t…” The buzzing of the wand vibrator flicked color into Wallflower’s cheeks. “I’ll help you loosen up, okay?” This time, Wallflower only hesitated for a moment. “Okay,” she said, a cautious confidence in her voice. “J-just, um—” she bit her lip— “even if I can’t, um, handle the toy, c-can you still, um…” Looking away, Wallflower trailed off into an embarrassed-sounding whimper, her face somehow impossibly redder. Although knowing exactly what she was going to ask, Sunset remained silent. Wallflower knew the applicable rule here: Good girls used their words. “...F-f-fuck me…? Please?” Oh, that was the final stirring of the coals that Sunset needed. Grabbing hold of the toy’s flared base, Sunset answered by pressing its tip against Wallflower—who gasped in response. “Of course I’m going to fuck you, sweetie,” she whispered, her lips at her love’s ear. “You’ve been so good and patient tonight, so brave…” Gently, Sunset moved the tip of the dildo up and down between Wallflower’s dripping-wet, swollen, needy lips. “I know you’re just so pent-up by now…” The toy traveled up, down, almost up to her clitoris, then down to her entrance, never touching either. “I could never let my fluffy little bottom girl go without her orgasm…” Eyes locked on the teasing, taunting, daunting toy, Wallflower only could shudder in reply. Her entire body tensed as Sunset zeroed in on her entrance. Legs spread, fingers bunching up the sheets, Wallflower was ready to be spread open—split in half, if needed, by the thing Sunset was so keen on impaling her with. She seemed to almost be holding her breath. Half in trepidation—the other in anticipation. “But you know the rule, Wally—” Slowly, carefully, gently, Sunset began to push. “—Good girls earn their orgasms.” “—Aaah!” Whether at the sensation or the surprise, Wallflower cried out as Sunset entered her. The wider, girthier object was quite more than she was used to. She spread her legs a little wider, her thighs shaking as Sunset continued forth. More resistance than Sunset had encountered in a while followed. Only the tip had slipped inside her so far. A clear challenge already. Still, she knew that neither was ready to give up quite yet. Instead, she stopped for a moment, letting Wallflower catch her breath. “How’s that feeling, baby?” Sunset asked after a little while. “It's really big, b-but, um, it feels good.” Wallflower moaned as Sunset wiggled the tip inside her. “Mmmm, keep going.” To Sunset’s delight, more cries of pleasure followed when she pushed a little more. Small movements were the name of the game now, Sunset pausing every so often to let her lover adjust. Two inches of the large dildo had now made their way inside Wallflower. She didn’t need to clamp down to keep the toy inside, her lips visibly stretching around the intruder. Despite lubrication, a slow pace, and deep breathing, Wallflower clearly was having trouble with the toy. If Sunset was going to get all of it inside her—and her arousal demanded she give it their best try—they would need to bring in a familiar friend. Reaching over, Sunset grabbed the wand vibrator, then brought it right to where Wallflower needed it. “Here you go, sweetheart.” Sunset pressed the vibrator’s rotating head against Wallflower’s mound, just above her clitoris. “This will make things a little easier,” she soothed, before turning it on. On the lowest setting, the wand was nevertheless magic, its effect immediate on her trembling girlfriend. “Ohhhh God!” Wallflower sucked a lungful of air between her teeth. The shaking in her legs resumed, as did her high-pitched cries—almost squeaks—of ecstasy. “Ohhh my G-God, Sunset, that feels so good!” Leaning back against the pillows, she watched as Sunset used the wand on her, moving it all around her most sensitive spots. “F-f-fuck, baby, that f-feels amazing…” More assurances spilled from Sunset’s mouth as her hands worked in between Wallflower’s legs. “That’s it, babe. Focus on the pleasure. Get nice and relaxed.” Holding the wand against her with one hand, Sunset focused on penetrating her further with the other. Distracted by the intense sensations circling her clitoris, Wallflower yielded much further on the second try. While it wasn’t without resistance, Sunset was able to slide the toy in deeper. “Mmm, there we go. Good girl.” After giving Wallflower a brief kiss, she added, “Halfway in, babe. You got this.” Soaked in both sweat and arousal, Wallflower could only nod, but nonetheless stayed in her position. Although her thighs kept shaking, she watched the dildo make its way inside her. Arching her back, she welcomed Sunset inside her—and out. Both dildo and wand were visibly fast-tracking her towards the edge, her fingers white-knuckling the bedsheets beneath them.  “S-Sunset, I-I—ohhhhh gosh! I-I-I’m so fucking close—!” “You’re doing so good, Wally. Almost there, baby.” At the same time that she assured her, Sunset continued onwards, penetrating deeper into Wallflower’s welcoming folds. “Try not to cum until you’re completely full, okay?” Another inch disappeared inside. Grinning at this, Sunset added with a wink, “I keep my promises, remember? If you wait to cum until the big toy’s all inside you, I’ll put it on the harness.” Nodding rapidly, Wallflower let loose a long moan, but stayed as still as possible. Her gaze was laser-focused between her legs, seemingly determined to please Sunset by watching—and waiting—until every last inch was inside her. Moving the wand’s head up and down, circling around Wallflower’s now-throbbing clitoris, Sunset smiled in awe and approval of her lover’s increasing stamina. Wallflower was trying so hard to please her; she had more than earned her orgasm. And Sunset wouldn’t stop at just giving her the one. No, Sunset needed to cum, too… and Wallflower needed to be properly fucked. With that in mind, Sunset grabbed the base of the dildo—and gave a hard thrust. A high-pitched squeal rang out above the buzzing. Out of her volition, Wallflower’s hips bucked, a long stream of gibberish falling from her mouth. Sunset knew she had mere moments left. Along with one inch. “Almost there, Wally. I’m going to fill you up, and then you’re going to cum, okay?” The wand was mere hairs away from Wallflower’s clit—which was practically screaming to be touched. “Keep the toy all the way inside you when you cum, okay?” “Y-y-yes m-m-ma—mmm! Mmm! Mmmmph!” Shivering, Wallflower whimpered in both higher volume and tone as the seconds passed. “Pl-pl-please, Sunset! I—! I-I’m—!” With one coordinated, fluid motion, Sunset thrust forward as deeply inside Wallflower as she could, then brought the magic wand vibrator onto her waiting clit. “OhmyGodohmyGodohMYGODI’mcummingI’mCUMMINGI’MCUMMING!” Wallflower screamed as she came, arching skyward, her legs and thighs shaking, her strong inner muscles tightening around the thing she was being fucked with inside, the thing fucking her on the outside continuing its relentless assault on her throbbing button. The buzzing grew louder and more urgent as the vibrator was turned to the second setting before being pushed against Wallflower’s still-throbbing clit, sending off a rapid round of shaking and twitching and grinding, followed by pleading for Sunset not to stop, don’t stop, oh God please don’t stop— “OhmyGodI’MSTILLCUMMING! HAAAAAH! AAAAH-HAAAH SUNSET!!!” Fully clothed, untouched by even her own hand, Sunset watched in a mix of awe and amazement at what she had done to her nude, shivering, screeching girlfriend. Lost to pleasure, Wallflower Blush howled and bucked and thrust against the wand, her powerful inner walls keeping the huge thing spreading her firmly inside. Seeing the woman Sunset loved more than anything else in the world like this, knowing that she had done this to her, that no one else would ever see or experience or feel her, the most beautiful girl on Earth, like this— “Stopstopstopstopstop…!” With the flick of a wrist, the wand was turned off and tossed aside. And with the biggest toy she’d ever taken still buried securely inside her, stuffing her to the brim, Wallflower was pulled into an embrace of strong, proud arms and a long, deep kiss. Pulling Wallflower close, Sunset only ceased the kiss long enough for both of them to breathe before returning to the caress. Her hands traveled down to the small of Wallflower’s back, pressing her hips into Sunset’s. Still sensitive, Wallflower moaned in the kiss, though she didn’t shy away from the contact. Soon enough, Sunset would be hip-to-hip with Wallflower in another way. A better way. Rather than jump the gun, Sunset kept her clothes on for the moment, the occasional rocking of her hips into Wallflower’s conveying what was next. Wallflower responded in kind, needy whimpers interspersed with their kisses as she gradually came down from her climax. Once she sensed that Wallflower was set in her afterglow, Sunset’s hands moved up from her back to her cheeks. Regarding her girlfriend with a triumphant smile, she asked, “How do you feel, babe?” A broad, almost radiant smile followed. “Good. And full.” Glancing down at the toy buried within her, Wallflower added with a shiver, “Really full.” “Mmmm, good.” Almost absentmindedly, Sunset kneaded one of Wallflower’s breasts with one hand, the other running down her body. “How about we see how you’re doing down there?” “Uh-huh…” That blush sprang back to Wallflower’s cheeks as she let Sunset’s hand wander. “You can look if you want…” Finding her prize, Sunset elicited a slight gasp as she gently stroked Wallflower’s strained, soaked lips. Precise, gradual movements of her expert fingers followed, circling around Wallflower’s clit before her hand came to a rest at her mound. “Mmm, you took it all in. Every last inch.” “Hahhh…” Pushing against Sunset’s hand, Wallflower asked with a put-on—but still adorable—pout, “Did I do good, Sunset?” Sunset pecked her lips. “So good, baby.”  Taking a moment to admire her work, Sunset noted how much she had stretched her fluffy little girlfriend this time. She couldn’t help but beam with pride. At this time last year, Wallflower had barely allowed Sunset to go down on her. In the dark and under a blanket, at that. Now, Wallflower was happily beneath her, completely nude, having just been fucked with two toys until she had a screaming orgasm—and wanting another. Sex used to feel like navigating a minefield. Before, Sunset tried to stick to the sidelines, waiting for Wallflower to initiate or indicate what she wanted, when she wanted it. Acts would be introduced or suggested or tried, only to be taken off the table, then put back on it a week or month later. Through it all, Sunset did her best to remain patient, respect Wallflower’s boundaries, and try not to take it too personally. Sometimes that was easier said than done. Still, she waited, and hoped, and tried not to fantasize too much. Patience was a virtue. Perseverance, even more so. Despite her own insecurities, Sunset clung to both as much as possible, supporting Wallflower however she could. For there was a season for everything, and a time for every matter under heaven. And, in time, that steadfast optimism paid off in spades. Now, with several years of living and loving and exploring—and, most importantly, therapy—between the couple, they were not only able to try new things, but enjoy them, too. More things than Sunset could have imagined, more than Wallflower ever knew she could love. And Sunset loved her, and it, and all of her, too. This latest exploration had tested her girlfriend’s limits, sure. Before Sunset bought anything larger, Wallflower definitely needed more practice with it. Those muscles needed to be worked like any others, after all. It was just common sense. Basic biology. Thankfully, Sunset had just the thing to help with that. “Sunset?” Torn from her stupor, Sunset realized she’d been staring for far too long. “I was just… admiring you.” A sly grin curled across her face as she cupped Wallflower’s cheek with one hand. The other remained down on her mound. “Admiring my good girl.” Leaning into Sunset’s touch, a content sigh escaped Wallflower’s lips. “I love it when you say that.” “Good, because I love saying it. And you know what’s the best part?” With another kiss, Sunset added before Wallflower could reply, “Good girls get to be properly fucked.” On properly, Sunset’s free hand traversed down to the flared base of the massive dildo. Without warning, she started to pull the toy out. Though Wallflower’s body resisted, Sunset’s grip was strong. A startled moan at the sudden movement was her reward, though it was soon followed by a pitiful, almost pleading, whine with continued withdrawal. “Don’t you worry, babe,” Sunset assured, almost all of the toy now outside her pouting lover. “I’m not going to let you forget your big surprise after tonight.” After one last, impatient huff—and a little squeak as the dildo was liberated, leaving her empty—Wallflower replied with a stern-sounding, “You’d better!” Even for dirty talk, Sunset thought it better to heed her warning than not… A rush of buttons, clasps, and zippers rang out in a commotion of undress. Together, Wallflower and Sunset tore the latter free of her clothing, neither wanting to wait a single second longer. Clothes piled on the floor alongside discarded toys and wayward pillows. A mess to worry about later, now far too insignificant to even give a passing glance. The cool night air pouring in from the bedroom’s open window felt wonderful on Sunset’s warm, flushed skin… As did the fabric straps of the strap-on harness around her hips, thighs, and back as she snapped them through. Aided by Wallflower, Sunset got the harness ready for another romp within minutes. While her lover tightened the straps, Sunset guided the dildo, still slick and shiny with both lube and Wallflower’s arousal, through the harness’s O-ring. The toy barely—just barely—fit into the device’s largest O-ring; Sunset would have to buy bigger ones for larger ventures. For now, it fit snugly against the harness’s front pad, equipped for a second round of lovemaking. Inside the harness was a small, two-inch bullet vibrator designed to please the wearer. While it dwarfed in comparison to the massive object on the outside, it was the perfect size to slide right inside Sunset without fanfare. No lubrication necessary—especially right now. A little button on the side of the harness turned it on for extra stimulation. During prior nights, Sunset had found it worked quite well to both keep her going and amplify her stamina. With that bullet buzzing inside her on every thrust, there was no stopping her from pounding Wallflower into the mattress. The sky itself was no limit; by the time she was done, Sunset was going to send them into the fucking moon, Luna be damned. Clenching her jaw, Sunset stifled a moan as the bullet entered her. Her body welcomed the encouraging addition, her own strong inner walls clamping down on the intruder and keeping it in place. She held off on turning it on quite yet. There was something more important to attend to first. After helping her into the harness, Wallflower Blush sat patiently on the bed, looking up at Sunset Shimmer with those alluring copper eyes and adorable smile. “Hi there,” she greeted with a cute little wave, sneaking a peek at the big thing between Sunset’s legs. “Hey there, cutie,” Sunset said, approaching the edge of the bed. “Are you ready?” Biting her lip, Wallflower nodded. “Mmmhmm.” Sunset laughed. “That’s my good girl.” Leaning down, Sunset met her with a deep, passionate kiss. Arms wrapping around Sunset’s neck, Wallflower returned the embrace. Sunset’s strong, toned arms found their way around Wallflower’s waist, keeping her from lying back down on the bed. As the kiss broke, Sunset utilized that strength, maneuvering Wallflower where she wanted her. Nearly picking her up, Sunset flipped Wallflower so that she was almost on her belly. Out of both instinct and practice, Wallflower held herself up on all fours. Grabbing her by the hips, Sunset then pulled her to the edge of the bed. Now at the perfect height and angle, Sunset moved so that she was behind Wallflower. Taking hold of the dildo with one hand, she guided it beneath her bent-over girlfriend, sliding it between her lower lips. “Aaaah! S-S-Sunset…” Wallflower rocked back in response, moaning as Sunset spread her legs wide open. “Mmmph, y-you can put it in whenever you want…” “Mmm, my girl is eager, isn’t she?” Drops of Wallflower’s anticipatory arousal coated the toy further, making Sunset grin. Adding lube at this point would be overkill. Instead, she made a couple test thrusts, sliding against Wallflower’s lips. “Just minutes ago, you were begging me to stop, and now look at you. You already need it again, don’t you?” “Uh-huh…” Sounding far away, almost in a trance, Wallflower gave a weak nod. “I really do…” Drawing back, Sunset rubbed at Wallflower’s clit with the tip of the dildo. “Mmm, but what does my girl want? Does she want to be fucked?” Wallflower’s legs shook in response, another pleading cry following. “Uhhh-huh!” After brushing the toy back through her lips, Sunset brought it to her entrance. Poking. Prodding. Teasing. “Do you want me inside you, Wally?” “Ohhh my God, yes!” Arching her back, Wallflower pushed back against Sunset. “Oh my God, I want it so! Fucking! Bad!” “Geez…” One hand on Wallflower’s hips, Sunset used the other to bring the dildo back in position. “Sounds like someone’s feeling slutty today…” Sunset could hear Wallflower’s face burn in response. “O-only for you—uuuu!” At the same time that she made her first thrust, shoving a good half of the toy inside Wallflower, Sunset turned her vibrator on. Sunset couldn’t tell which one of them shouted first. Of the two, Wallflower was certainly louder. A combination of gravity, lubrication, and Wallflower’s first orgasm made entering her the second time much simpler than the last. Her body yielded at Sunset’s mighty thrust, offering little resistance. It would take just one more to bury Wallflower to the hilt. Though everything screamed in her to continue, Sunset held fast, first asking, “D-doing okay, hon?” An affirmative thrust of Wallflower’s own hips back against her was her answer. If there was any doubt, the supplicant whine that followed as Wallflower looked back over her shoulder, panting, sealed it. “Haaaaah—” Sunset bit back a moan as her own toy whirred inside her— “hope you’re ready th-then, Wally!” Holding Wallflower’s hips tight with both hands, Sunset pushed the rest of the large dildo into Wallflower with one more practiced, powerful thrust. The toy slammed inside her girlfriend, filling her in one swift motion, until their hips touched. “Ohhh f-fuck!” Wallflower panted, her arms trembling as she somehow managed not to collapse onto the bedsheets. From this angle, Sunset could still see how taking every single inch of that massive toy continued to push Wallflower to her limits. Despite the easier venture, Wallflower’s swollen, slick lips dripped with arousal, wrapped tightly around the big thing that was fucking her again, holding it with pulsing determination. Without a doubt, those muscles Sunset had tested and trained over the months were doing their best to keep her in place, milk her for all that she was worth. One orgasm had been far from enough; Wallflower’s body was begging for more. Fully hilted inside Wallflower, separated only by the fabric of the harness, Sunset gave Wallflower’s adorable little bottom a squeeze with one hand. The other slid underneath her, kneading at one of Wallflower’s pendulous breasts as they swayed, her nipples hard and stiff. Gibberish poured from Wallflower’s mouth, mixes of curses and Sunset’s name and pleading for more. “L-look at yourself, Wallflower. I’m buried inside you, and yet you still want more.” A playful smack of Wallflower’s rear accentuated her point. They both cried out in response—Wallflower at the teasing spank, Sunset at the vibrator starting to break her composure. “Haaaaah, mmmph… H-h-hope you’re ready to be fucked, sweetheart, beca—” “Yes! Yesyesyes! Please!” Wallflower all but shouted, grinding against Sunset. “I-I can take it, Sunset! Please! Ple—aaah!” Grabbing at Wallflower’s supple thighs, Sunset pounded away. She gritted her teeth and groaned, utilizing all of her willpower not to focus on how good the bullet inside her felt, how much she wanted to turn up the speed controls on the side of the harness, how the pressure of each thrust against her clit drove her crazy, how desperately she wanted to give in to the tension winding its way through her and just cum. Scholars and philosophers and poets alike in ages yet to come would write in distant lands she would never visit of her legendary self-control. There would be ballads, and sonnets, and entire screenplays dedicated to the sacrifice Sunset Shimmer was making right now. For this was what the entire night—maybe even the whole day—had been leading up to. Sunset and Wallflower, joined at the hip, two becoming one, meeting again and again, over and over, in a rising ascension to the summit of a mountain they had long carried with them. Pull back, just a few inches. Thrust forward again. In. Out. In. Out. Quick thrusts, with her weight behind them. Her hands firmly grasping Wallflower’s hips, pulling her back as she pushed them together. The creak of bedsprings, slap of flesh-on-flesh, grunts and groans and cries of ecstasy. A haze of want and need and desire, sweat and nectar and night air. Cascades of Wallflower’s green locks tangled and matted, waving in the wind as Sunset pummelled into her. Holding herself up by sheer force of will and desire to please her lover, Wallflower remained on all fours, pushing back against Sunset, each thrust making her shake a little more. Sunset, her own wild mane a mess—forgot the hair tie again, dammit—was shining with sweat and exertion. Standing at the edge of the bed, holding her girlfriend in place, testing the integrity of the harness’s straps with every passing second. Tested just as much by the vibrator trembling inside her and the brush of the harness’s front pad against her own throbbing clitoris on each entry. Every single one of Sunset’s thrusts was sheer delight for both of them, and as the seconds and minutes and what felt like hours must have passed, Sunset found herself returning to her words now and again as an anchor. A distraction from the command burning through her core. “Mmm, y-you like me fucking you, babe?” “Yes!” Wallflower shrieked, now barely holding herself up with one arm. She raised her hips, meeting Sunset as much as she could, grinding and pushing and yearning for more. “I-I-I love it when you f-fuck me!” Sunset’s hands wandered between hips and breasts and Wallflower’s tempting rear, squeezing, pinching, stroking. Her mind wandered along with them, every inch and aspect of her girlfriend’s body spurring that roaring fire building within her. She was inside Wallflower already, and yet she wanted more of her, all of her. Endless, eternal, everlasting, stuck in this moment forever. Drunk on love, on lust, on joy and pleasure and trust and intimacy and adrenaline and estrogen and oxytocin— Alicorns above, if Sunset Shimmer could do nothing but make love—no, not just make love, if she could fuck Wallflower Blush from the ends of the Earth, ‘til kingdom come, and, somehow, by some Equestrian magic or new-age crystal or scientific discovery, fill her with that love, wrap her inside it, submerge them both in until they had no want for air— “OhhhmyGodSunsetIfuckinglooooveyou!” “I-I love you too, Wally!” “H-harder!” Wallflower shouted, struggling to stay upright. Now held up almost entirely by the force of Sunset’s hips, and the toy she’d stuffed inside her, Wallflower let loose a muffled string of moans as her girlfriend responded in kind. “Mmmph! Aaah! D-d-don’t y-you dare stop!” Drawing close to the edge, Sunset found her mind no longer bound by anything but a primal edict. Harder, faster, more. Thrust, grind, push, pull. Deeper. She focused on the rhythm, on the warmth of Wallflower’s smaller body beneath hers, her soft skin and supple hips, bottom, and thighs, her perfect breasts as she kneaded them with a free hand. How much she wanted to really be inside Wallflower… How much she—she wanted to— With a sudden burst of fantasy, Sunset teased something she had never voiced aloud before. “Y-you want me to cum inside you, huh? D-don’t you, Wally?!” Anatomy be damned, Wallflower responded with her best impression of a banshee. “Yes! Yes! Oh my fucking God, Sunset, yes! I want that! F-fuck! I want—” “I could—oh Galaxia, fuck!—I-I could buy one of those squirting dildos and f-fuck you—” Sunset heaved for breath, mind running wild with the fantasy she herself was inventing on the spot— “f-fill you up, like the g-good girl you are!” As Sunset doubled her efforts, thrusting into Wallflower somehow even faster, the latter finally let herself be overwhelmed. Face in the mattress, hands scrambling for purchase on the bedsheets, Wallflower gave in, arching her back and crying out as she was fucked from behind. “Yes! Aaah! Sunset! Mmm! Haaaaaaah-aaaaah-d-don’t stop! I-I’m close!” “Sh-show you off, sh-show everyone my good little slut—” Sunset dragged out those syllables, relishing in that taboo, filthy word, something she would never call anyone, let alone Wallflower, outside of this very moment in suspended space-time—“who just loves to be f-fucked senseless!” “Yes! YES! Haaah! Aaah! Aaah!” Buried face-first in the mattress, Wallflower’s entire body shook and trembled from the force of Sunset’s efforts. “Oh my God! OhmyGodyou’resogoodSunsetfuckmeeeeee!” Lost to pleasure, swimming through a blazing haze that roared between what she was doing between Wallflower’s legs and her own, Sunset Shimmer made her last stand, thrusting with every last bit of venom left in her, pressing her body into Wallflower’s as she plunged into her, taking her, claiming her, marking Wallflower as hers, her one, her only, her always. Before Sunset could warn Wallflower of her own impending zenith, Wallflower’s left leg stiffened, her right leg shook, and the night crested over the both of them, tidal waves crashing over the promenade. Together, Sunset gave a few final haphazard, shaky thrusts, Wallflower welcoming them with a quivering stream of affections, as they soared at last into that endless sky, that true midnight north, summiting the peaks as their hands found each other on the sheets, fingers tangling as they both rode out the edge of the edge. And when Sunset found herself on the other side of somewhere, buried inside Wallflower as they took deep, heaving breaths and gradually returned their souls to their bodies, she found the sense to, carefully, untangle them. Then, after slipping out of the harness, she joined Wallflower on the bed. Laying on her side, Sunset wrapped her arms around her girlfriend’s waist, ushering her close. Even as she still was finding her breath, Wallflower turned to face Sunset, scooting into her embrace and wrapping her arms around her in turn. Face flushed, hair drenched with sweat, eyes heavy with exhaustion, Wallflower Blush was the most beautiful girl Sunset Shimmer had ever, or would ever, behold. “Hey there, sweetie,” Sunset whispered, stroking Wallflower’s cheek with her thumb.  No matter how many times she had seen it by now, that cute, satisfied smile that followed made Sunset’s heart soar. Unable to respond with more than a dreamy “Hi,” Wallflower instead leaned into Sunset’s touch. Those beautiful brown eyes met Sunset’s own, peering up at her with what felt like a reflection of nothing but the utmost care, trust, and love. With a contented sigh, Sunset leaned forward, letting their foreheads touch. She closed her eyes as Wallflower reached out with a shaky hand and laid it on Sunset’s cheek, returning the gesture. They laid like that for some time, relishing the gentle closeness and soothing warmth. Whenever Sunset opened her eyes, she found Wallflower looking back at her, that beloved smile never leaving her lips. Soft kisses interspersed the silence, along with a few last little gasps for air. Once their breathing slowed to a calm, Sunset cleared her throat. “So…” In a jovial tone that, if one listened closely enough, betrayed a bit of lingering anxiety, she asked, “How are you doing, hon? Was it everything you were hoping for?” Taken aback, Sunset flinched when Wallflower giggled in reply. Then, Wallflower said, “Of course, dear!” She gave Sunset a sweet kiss before continuing, “I know we’ve mostly been doing more… tame things lately, but trust me…” She lowered her eyelids. “I love it when you get so into it. And me.” “Well, good!” Sunset laughed, relieved. “I was just making sure.” She laced their fingers together. “I just get a little nervous sometimes that I might be pushing the limits, y’know?” “Well, I’m not sore, if that’s what you’re worried about.” “Heh, I meant more like… the slut stuff, actually. Or maybe the cum thing.” With a sheepish grin, Sunset admitted, “Sometimes I get so horny, I swear I just say things. Like Galaxia only gave me enough blood to power my brain or my clit, but not both.” They shared a laugh. Then, Wallflower gave her another smile and a slow shake of her head. “Not at all, hon. You’ve been so patient with me, and I know that if there was something I wasn’t into, you would respect it and not push further.” With a happy sigh, she snuggled into Sunset’s chest. “That’s why I feel comfortable exploring all these things with you. Because even if you’re on top, I’m the one in control.” Hugging her tight, Sunset kissed Wallflower’s forehead. “Always, Wally.” “Although…” Wallflower raised and lowered her eyebrows in rapid succession. “I know there’s times where you’d like me to be on top.” “Annnnd you’re such a good little bottom—” Sunset playfully poked Wallflower’s nose— “that you’ll do your best to try and top.” “Hey!” Wallflower sounded offended. “I know how to top, too!” Sunset smirked. “But we both know I’m better at it.” “Funny,” Wallflower mused, her words muffled between Sunset’s breasts, “I couldn’t hear you complaining last time, you were screaming so loud.” With a mock-shrug, Sunset half-heartedly rolled her eyes. “Fiiiiiiiine… Let’s call you an occasional switch, then?” Quickly, Wallflower looked up at Sunset, then down her cleavage, and back. “I don’t think my Nintendo’s down here.” They shared another round of giggles. As their laughter died down, Sunset laid her head atop Wallflower’s, then sighed. Closing her eyes, she felt herself sink into their embrace. “I love you so much, Wally.” “I love you so much too, Sunset.” Wallflower’s words were breathless, already belonging to some faraway land. Bathed in afterglow, Sunset surrendered to the beat of Wallflower’s heart against her own, letting her thoughts lull into the haze of the moment. Tomorrow would come clean-up, and a joint shower, and work, and chores and errands and Celestia-knows-what-else. The toys would go back in the box, life would continue anew, and the two that had become one would await their next joining of souls. Unity, however, need not be physical. And, just as she began to hear Wallflower’s gentle, lilting snores, Sunset soon joined her in a deep, peaceful sleep.