> Chipped Shield > by Toon > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1- The Day After The Attack > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spreading her wings, she opened her mouth out of instinct, yawning at the open, warm air. The wind brushed against her lightly damped feathers as they raised higher. Her horn glowed of golden brilliance as she dipped her torso with hooves outwards, a satisfying 'pop' was the result. The skies were an ocean of darkness that began to slither away to the bleeding glow of gold that arose ahead. As the sun shined, Celestia let her wings extend out to the morning air. A smile began to grow on her face. With the volume of a whisper, she spoke to herself as she saw the golden peaks of her precious sun. "Today is going to be a good day." Humming a tune she heard long ago, her horn stayed illuminated as her magic grasped a hair brush and a mirror from the nightstand. Levitating the mirror to the front of her face with a brush to the side, she smiled happily at the mess that was her morning hair. Turning to the right with her face to the side, her face practically glowed at the tangles and knots of her hair. Floating more items into the frame of the mirror, she confirmed the exact materials she needed for the task. Though the reminder of why she had to do it herself this morning made her smile droop a bit, she kept her cheery spirit alight. Floating over a spray bottle with a collection of hair clippers, she took hold of a string of hair with a particularly bad knot. Putting in a rainbowed clipper, she tugged at it whilst moving it away from her scalp. She used the spray bottle to spurt at the entanglement. Closing her eyes, she began to envision the bedroom. She was ninety-nine percent sure she had left the comb underneath her bed within a box. Without a second guess to her memory, she heard a 'pop' in front of her. Opening her eyes to it, she saw the golden sheen of her prize. A black box with golden stars etched into the top of the case all around with one big full moon at the center of it. Using her magic to hold the box, light shined within the key lock, she used her golden energy to mold itself within the lock. Turning it, she heard the satisfying 'click'. Opening it, she saw a dark purple plastic comb with a white crescent moon embroidered into one of the top corners. Smiling softly, she looked back to the mirror as she let it slide through her mane effortlessly. She was grateful her sister had been with her from start to end. Though they had their failings, they were as thick as thieves. A hoof tapped at the long oak table. A dark purple colored mare held a tight frown whilst still tapping away. Dark bags held boldly underneath the eyes that threatened to stab at any who dared cross her sight. "Chef Suckle, when will my sister be arriving?" Honey suckle, cringed at the use of only her last name however Honey was surprised that Luna spoke evenly with no distaste or malice that was evident in the frown the princess was holding. "I'm unsure Princess, she seemed very pleased with the idea of taking her time to herself." This information only further displeased the royal mare, as the only response she gave was a loud horse-like exhale. While Luna was more than willing to let Celestia take her time usually, today was not the day to test her patience. A loud thud resonated in the dining hall, pulling Luna out of her thoughts she looked to the door hearing a small whispered voice before it busted open. The opening revealed the solar diarch and Luna's sister; Celestia, with a grin. Practically skipping to the table Celestia was ecstatic as she sat down. While Luna was in a disastrous mood she still held interest in her sister's mood even if it was not much different than her usual one. "What has you shining as much as the sun?" "I combed my mane!" Luna just stared at his sister. Celestia's proud smile never wavered. Luna just felt like moving past the conversation, " Well good for you, Tia, I hope that wasn't your only main interest for the day." Celestia waved off the idea. "Of course not," she paused as Honey suckle came by and they exchanged words before continuing. "I wanted to go over the damages from the wedding crash we experienced yesterday." Celestia adorned a serious face. "How bad was it?" Luna quickly adapted to the shift and narrowed her eyes in focus. "Most, if not all of the guards will require counseling and we will most likely have to do the same for the populace." A purple glow began from her horn as a small 'pop' noise came when Luna materialized a folder. Opening it, her eyes ran through the reports as she scanned them. "We will have to create a budget, however, this will likely come at most of the expenses of public education like schools, library donations, and museums. Delaying scholarships, school constructions, and most likely our new project." Celestia's face soured inward, "Must we really take bits from the public schools? I understand cutting from various stipends like libraries but education?" A page was pulled away from the folder floating towards Celestia waiting for her to grasp it with her magic. "Most of the treasury for this month will be pulled from other budgets to cover the public infrastructure. We are already handling private property damage along with having to reassure other nations of our validity." Celestia's face became bewildered. "Validity?" Luna only sighed whilst rubbing her temple with her hoof's frog. "The news spread fast among other things, they have concerns if our deals along with our negotiators and treaties were truly real." Luna paused as she let the back of her head rest on the chair. "Even though these 'changelings' can change to anything and any creature, griffons, and yaks are becoming weary of our letters and words. We will most likely have to come ourselves and show 'proof' of our ponies." Celestia soon began to feel the effects her sister was experiencing, leaning forward with her hoof on her chin she blew a raspberry at the whole idea. "Show 'proof' huh, Is that really necessary?" Luna groaned at the question as she brought her head back to the reports. "It is, as unsavory and time-wasting it is, we will have to begin a voyage within the next week, I was able to convince them to give us time to keep trades open but they are so skeptical, it's destroying our profits. They are very keen to poke and prod at products, occasionally breaking something along the way." Celestia gave out a horse-like noise. "I assume that is also bringing to the question of our security among other things?" Luna smacked the folder down onto the table as she pulled her hooves up, gripping the bags under her eyes, slowly stretching down. "You have no idea." Celestia giggled. "I am glad I have you here, Lu." Honey put down a plate of pancakes with a cyan glow from her horn before setting waffles in front of Luna. "Thank Tia, I'm glad I do not have to suffer alone." Just as Luna was about to dine she had a spark in her mind go off. "Oh! I nearly forgot, there was something of interest in a report lately. Her horn glowed once more with another pop of existence of a folder with pages held by a clip. Looking towards her sister Luna found Celestia had already opened her maw with a fork holding two layers of pancakes. Luna just ignored the sight, opening the contents of the folder she skimmed the documents. "Damage reports showed a particular anomaly in the town," She paused as she squinted her eyes to make sure she was reading it right. "'Star Night's Bastion'?" Celestia's brow raised as she was still in the motion of chewing, quickly swallowing the chunks she licked her lips before speaking. "I don't think I remember that town." "I share the same sentiment but it is not out of the question we have both forgotten the name of a far-off town." Luna's interest only grew at the strange name. "I suppose so, what was the anomaly?" "The town had banded together to fight off the invasion and-" Luna paused. "-won?" Celestia's face was gaping in shock, trying to move her jaw she found no words to the revelation except. "How?" Luna's brows furrowed in focus, "It was led by a pony named Chipped Shield." She turned pages and pages in confusion and bewilderment. "He was very skilled, numerous sources of our guards had compared him to 'top rank generals and possibly better'. He also only used his...hooves." Celestia shook her head. "Hooves? Sister if this is a joke I don't think this would be the time." Luna was just as confused as her sister. "I- I am not." Luna just read aloud as she went further on "'A Pegasus with wings that shot blades at his opponents with a bracelet that summoned a retractable shield-'" Celestia was slowly beginning to believe this was real. Looking away she spoke in a lower tone."It's not unheard of for a warrior as adept as this." Luna was still reading away but responded to the off-comment. "It isn't but, in this generation? A warrior like this? This experience and skillset must be fine-tuned for years with various background knowledge. This is not some ordinary civilian." Celestia nodded. "We should make some time to visit this 'Star Night's Bastion." Luna hummed in agreement. "Yes, a warrior able to lead a town to drive away an invasion is worth looking into if not to watch. A danger he could pose, but an incredible ally if he is not a threat." She paused as her eyes narrowed. "Still-" Celestia's ears leaned in interest. "Yes?" Luna's face began to grow dark. "There is no information about him living in Equestria whatsoever." > Chapter 1.5 - The World Will Shine Upon Us > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chip's steps were soft and calm, a smoothed path had allowed for his travel to be easier. Trees were high with their leaves and branches shadowing his every step. It canopied the traveler from the weather. Whether a blazing sun was about to implode or a cold blizzard from the moon, Chip felt this small sanctuary would shield him from it all. The world seemed so peaceful to him. The only sound to come was the flowing soft breeze, leaves brushing upon each other like a hollow whisper, and the rumbling from rolling wooden wheels. The two-dimensional circles came from the oak wagon that gripped on Chip's body, wrapped around his stomach, the connecting leather did him no discomfort. Though he liked the critter-less forest he held some discomfort today. The breeze felt distant, and the rumbling felt more like a horrible mismatch to the scenery, a sort of disrespect to the sanctuary. Feeling he was tainting the holy grounds he began to hum a tune lost to time, a tune that would cover the horrible mistreatment he was marking upon mother earth. He knew today would be filled with horrible reminders of history, most likely whichever kingdom it is now would find his bravery a threat, but he understood why. He had never meant to give such a scene, he didn't even want to help. But as the tune slowly turned less pronounced, the melody became soft, his mind wandered. Patches of golden light would bathe him as he remembered why he fought for them. His lips quivered before he spoke in a soft voice. "Just like they would have." Today he knew he would be reminded of countless things that were lost to time. But at this moment, in this small pocket of time, Chip allowed himself to relish just a bit of history. As he reached his destination a small, graceful smile touched his lips. The kind that shows the tiredness and warmth of an old and weary traveler. His eyes became soft as he unbuckled his belt from the wagon. As the latch came free he slowly bowed his head in thanks. Though the forest was practically hollow, he saw a ray of sunlight coming from above. The warm golden glow was like a beacon of respect, it showered six tombstones. One was alone in the darkness. It was as if the shadowed stone slate was gripped by mother earth herself, vines and roots wrapped the tombstone like it was unyielding to let go. Even the etchings were covered in moss, Chip didn't need to read it though, he knew very well who it was meant for. He didn't care for it much. Taking small steps towards the wagon he would pick a bouquet of roses with his wing and walked toward one of the graves. 'Here lies Quilla, a friend, a wife, and a warrior. To many an outsider of a griffon, to ponies a legend. Fly high and soar through the heavens.' Reading it over even after all these years still hurt. As he lowered his head as a bow with his wings he spoke in a hushed tone. "With thorns, just how you like them, Q." Placing the roses softly onto the lush grass he felt a tear come from his eyes. Picking himself back up he looked at the wagon of bouquets, all of them of different species. He dreaded these reminders. But he's done this before, and he'll do it again and again. No matter how many moons, no matter how many seasons, he'll always come back to pay respect. He will never forget them, as long as he breathes. > Chapter 2 - Had You Been There > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Many things would be unknown about "Ground Zero" but many now believe that there were small precursors to the war. One of these was the "DP's" A.K.A Devil's Poison; Timberwolves that were infected by the Outside Realms corruption. They would hunt in packs and specifically seek out magical beings, we later learned this was due to the corruptions fascination with any beings with magic. This of course led to hunts, a spike in deaths, and the destruction of civilizations if big enough. The main victims of these were small communities and towns. Whilst there were many tales of the horrible personal experiences and collective deaths there was some consistent story that would resurface through the bloodshed. Many tales would recite a hero named "Star Night" ironically a knight of the Lunar Branch during the time. It would detail a brilliant warrior basking himself in the light of the moon, using his armored metal wings to reflect light at his opponents causing disorientation. His main way of fighting would be through daggers hidden underneath his feathers. Many ponies and towns were saved by the pegasus. He would be heralded as a savior in the darkest of nights. But as history went on, fewer and fewer mentions of the hero went on, sputtering until he was forgotten entirely. One of his stands would be on a small refugee that was named "Moon's Orbit" now known as Star Night's Bastion. It would also be considered his last. Scriptures were vivid in detail. Screams and yells echoed the night as fires burned bright. The sounds of hooves hitting the ground would be scattered, and dirt and grime would bathe pony coats, fur, and buildings. Scratch marks and crimson streaks latched themselves unto the brick and brimstone. The inhabitants would've died if not for his intervention. A loud crack fired off as the head of -of whatever that monster was! has crystals as splinters at its snout, it constantly tried to bite off a piece of me as its mouth snarled and barked. It was like crystals were just shoved through its jaw rough and carelessly. Its intrusion was so rough it penetrated the top of its mouth each time it clamped its jagged teeth. It was like the monster lost control of its self-preservation and just wanted to kill me! I could hear the wooden door start to crack, it was breaking from the weight and constant slamming. All I could do was shut my eyes and hope it would be swift. My ears folded as I heard the loudest and biggest wood crack. Moments pass by before I peek a bit at the scene. Covered in swirls of green and purple ooze a sole pegasus towered over the doorframe. Looking down I found the head of the monster that was rabid and full of life just seconds ago. His armor while covered in liquid and bark, shined a bright silver. Panting and looking exhausted he gave a small smile. I could see his wing dripping with a green viscous liquid, his feathers glistened in the light of the moon. It was clear how he cut the head off. "You have to get going before more come, take the wagons, survivors will be boarding those." "Y-yes, of course." His dark ocean blue coat was matted, and his mane held a light cyan that was losing color. But his eyes, his eyes shined so bright, so full of life. His smile was like a furnace, holding a comforting warmth in a cold blizzard. Lost in focus I recollected myself to see as quickly as he came, he left. A knock reverberated from the door. Scowling at the interruption she began to speak. "Who dares disturb me? It better be important!" "I-I'm sorry your highness! Your nephew Blue Blood requested your presence, even after speaking to him of your availability he insisted it was imperative." Luna laid on her back, the bed was so comforting. Giving a sigh of frustration she accepted her fate. 'And it was just getting good.' Putting a yellow bookmark with a star at the top she closed the book. Getting up from her bed she ignited her horn to adorn her shoes, "Where did he request to meet?" "The Royal Balcony." That paused Luna as she held her crown. "Verily?" Shaking away the shock she cleared her throat. "Go tell him in haste that I will join him shortly." She gripped the book of history in her aura with a raised eyebrow. "Perhaps there's more to this than a storybook." Taking it in stride under her wing she began to give stealth enchantments on the book. She couldn't be sure that no other spying nations would learn their interest or the changelings. Luna's face soured at the internal mention of the race. Her little ponies have become restless at the idea that they could be back. It was imperative that they found a way to check if their status matched who they claimed to be. Though it was taxing to prove mages and scholars that they were 'real' it was fast work from there. Being able to create a way to detect their real forms by the end of the week. This gave some good news to the princesses and the nation. Though the upcoming headache of meeting rulers face to face was a massive one, it helped they had proof to show validation of their identities. Though she knew some rulers would take suspicions to the newfound spells, they had some basis from older spells. Bits and pieces were taken from the magic that was made to uncover illusions. Though there was some error in the spell. The main fault of it was that any signs of ancient magic would signal a warning flash. Though Luna did not want to recount the many times she had to even 'prove' she was the real deal. That didn't worry her however, ancient magic had been long forgotten, it was archaic and powerful, and those who yielded it would die in very gruesome and ironic ways. So most if not all ancient magic casters were long dead. As Luna kept turning corners and following the red carpet she felt an itch. Her eyes drifted to the book she held. So much history in a mostly historically accurate novel of it. The book was a depiction and account of a tale of Star Night's last fight. Surprisingly from multiple survivors' points of perspective. It was sadly one of the very few credible sources, Luna quickly discovered that finding information about the town's protector was much more taxing than she had assumed. The heroic figure was hardly mentioned other than the typical heroics that were in the Era. But that's what piqued her interest, though something like this was eventually going to be lost to time, it felt as though it was being hidden on purpose. Luna knew the idea was quite the leap to make from the limited evidence but experience with similar cases showed something very clear. It never felt like something or somepony was fighting her along the way. Licking her lips she looked around before a devious smile grew. "Maybe a few more pages couldn't hurt." Her eyes were glued to the words as she began to speak aloud. "One of the Devlish Creatures lunged at me but from the corner of my eye a swift dark blue streak dashed in front of me." With a pocket watch in a blue hue, Blueblood was growing impatient. It had been nearly an hour already. Taking small glances around the area reassured his worries, the coast was clear. 'So why was Luna taking so damn long?' Just as his inner temper was about to begin rising the double glass doors opened to the nocturnal alicorn with her nose into a book. Blueblood snapped in the direction with a less-than-enthusiastic look. "Luna!" Lifting her head in lost focus she saw Blue Blood with red around his cheeks. "No need to be so angry with me nephew, it was only a couple of seconds." She waved a hoof before bringing the book back to her attention. Blue Blood grabbed the book and pulled it down as he shoved the Pocket watch in her face. "It has been an hour!" She looked at the trinket before a spark lit in her mind with a face of concern. "Truly? I did not realize." He just looked at with her a lifted eyebrow. "I assume-" he hovered the book Luna was holding. "This was why you were late?" Luna lifted her nose into the air. "And if it was?" Blue just sighed before continuing, "I'm glad you're taking some serious research about this town but I hardly think this is anything but a foal story." Luna was quick to discredit that sentence. "Ah that's where you're wrong, there is credibility to this book. It just didn't find enough traction to be taken seriously." He didn't even fight it, accepting the conversation he floated a folder with 'Classified' stamped on it. "S.M.I.L.E was able to find more about this mysterious pegasus." Luna gripped the folder, with a spark from her horn she was able to open its contents. "This 'Chipped Shield' moved there twenty years ago." That raised an eyebrow from Luna. "Twenty?" Blue just nodded. "I assume he has lived there his whole life then-" Blue did not comment as her eyes read through the intro document. Her eyes grew at the document. She was surprised, "No confirmed age?" Blueblood simply nodded before speaking in a dry tone. "You were right to employ my team, no dental records, no property documents from the town hall, not even a birth certificate. Something is wrong, it's like he appeared out of nowhere. Residents don't even know much about him." Luna was perplexed at how little information she was given, if S.M.I.L.E couldn't find anything- Blue continued. "It gets even stranger, there were no known family records, not even parents." Luna tried to make more sense of this, "It's not completely out of the idea for ponies to have stayed within tribes." Blue came to a snort, "That's the leading theory. One of our agents has a radical idea that we should explore." Luna tsked. "That will be a problem considering our foreign affairs at the moment." "That's what I said, it'd be strictly impossible to sneak into territories at the moment with all this hysteria." Luna side-eyed Blue. "Now I never said that." His eyes grew. "Are you saying-" Luna clicked her tongue. "I am not saying anything for now, if this matter becomes bigger I will consider it. I'm sure you've heard of the voyages we will be taking tomorrow. Blueblood worked his jaw. "Both of you will be gone for two weeks. Are you suggesting I-" Luna shook her head. "Nay, what I am saying is this will be a mystery we will have to uncover AFTER we recover our global trading status. Snooping in others would be a disastrous play, the news would cripple us after the whole changeling debacle." The word changeling made her want to bite her tongue. "So for now we should just back off?" Luna chuckled." Nephew, while you are conniving and brilliant, you are far too green. We monitor the situation for now and wait for more details. While Chip is very fascinating, it should not be our main goal, merely set aside several agents you can spare." Blueblood frowned. "My agents have their hooves full, sparing even a formal unit would be detrimental. Chasing changelings AND getting resources will spread us thin." Luna was not deterred. "Your casual number is ten correct?" He nodded. "Then put three out. That should not be too hurtful correct?" Blueblood sighed before nodding. Walking to the door he spoke one last concern "I'm surprised my aunt would be so willing to agree with this use of resources." "She's not." Blue stopped. "She does not entirely believe he should be our focus if at all a part of it. This information will prove useful in showing her otherwise. When the time is right of course." Blue slowly turned to look at Luna. "And when is it?" Luna smiled a toothy grin. "When I want to shove it in her fat flank." Sighing, he continued his walk. > Chapter 3 - History > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stretching out his wings he could feel the odd tingles of his muscles extending out. His brown worn-down bag patted against his side as his body shook. The world seemed warm again, colors felt vivid and for once, he didn't feel alone. Watching pegasi fly through the heaven they looked down to give a salute as they glided forward. Chip just smirked as he looked away. Side-stepping around his garden, he tended to the soil. He had expected war but it was merely a few waves of what he now knows as "changelings". Chip frowned at that new piece of information, changelings have never been once recorded as being a thing but it would align with many stories and tales. 'A creature that could change into anything.' It was a terrifying thought, and yet, somehow the town felt confident in its comradery. They saw each other as ponies working together, they never doubted who they were even after the battle. Chip found the thought to trust strangers at this time odd. But he found some kind of weird wholesomeness to it. The lush grass graces tickled Chip's hooves as he continued tending to the flower bed. He felt content to just focus on fixing his small patch of agriculture. During the invasion, it had been muddied and hit ferociously by a bolt of magic in a fight. While fixing a normal flower bed was fine, it had been engineered with magic to adjust to two flower types. This stray bolt had messed with the magic matrix of the soil, but Chip had not found it too horrible to be fixing the mess. Chip's ears perked and twitched, turning around he saw two familiar faces of an earth stallion and unicorn mare. He gave a courtly smile. "Hello, Mr. Jam and Ms. Peanut. How may I help the mayor and his assistant?" The mayor spoke first. "We were wondering how you are faring during the past week." He directed his focus to my bandaged wing. "Straining a wing is never good and that's not considering how much you swung it around." Chip chuckled. "Thank you for your concern, but it's my right wing." Dismissing the caution with his left one. "Nothing too concerning of it." Assistant Peanut Swirl chimed in. "It's wise to not take it too lightly." Chip nodded in agreement. "That's true, however, I have the problem well-" Lifting the wing just slightly, I resumed. "'under-wraps'." The stallion gave a hearty laugh while the mare just gave a disappointed sigh. Chip smiled with pride swelling in his chest. "While I would love for my ego to accept you'd come all the way here to simply care for me. A small voice of reason tells me there's another." The mayor still held his heart on his sleeve. "While I had wondered how our hero was doing, I have to say you are correct." Peanut lit her horn of warm chocolate brown, a small pin in its grasp. Three indigo blue feathers with dark cyan shadow with a heavily emphasized space that was the shape of a star. "We found exactly what you had described, although it's dirty and the back pin of silver has rusted, it was somehow kept preserved." Chip lifted his right arm with his hoof topside. The mare hesitated, Chip raised an eyebrow as she held it in the air. "This ribbon was nearly buried with our Town's hero, while I and many of us are grateful for your support. I- I can't simply hoof this to somepony who has no idea what meaning it holds." The mayor rolled his eyes, "I'll be at the town hall if you need me." Chip waved him off, focusing on Peanut. "I've already said I-" She sighed. "Yes, your family was quite close with him and that reasoning has only made sense so far." Chip was bewildered by how suddenly she became glued to how important this was. "You knowing of it was something else." Her face hardened. "But I will require more verification, I have spent my life trying to learn about this Knight. Even if others don't hold much value to it, I do." Sighing Chip put his hoof down with a smile. "I admire how strongly you feel about this." He chuckled. "If you give me your hoof I can show you proof." Peanut looked at Chip's face, gauging whether this was some kind of trick. Looking deep into his eyes she could see no malice, taking a deep breath she took her hoof out, putting the floating relic on her horseshoe. Chip dug into his bag before pulling out a small gold star. Her eyes lit at the recognition of it. "H-how d-did you?" Chip smiled, "Just wait till the good part." Putting the gold star in the faded socket brought a pulse of magic. Peanut didn't need to be a high-rank mage to feel it was ancient magic. The kind that slayed dragons and whole towns. A flash of light blinded her, sensations and and noises blurred before the world became calm once more. Opening her eyes she could see the town, not the forest they were in nor the village she has grown to, the town long before. Her eyes couldn't believe what she was seeing, homes of hay were lit on fire, glass shards Brazenly scattered along the road with blood splotches just as dispersed. Her mind was trying to wrap around the experience, screams, yells and cries for help swirled together. The whole intake of the fresh new knowledge made her grow nauseous, she couldn't take it anymore. Turning around she saw a corrupted timber wolf lunge right at her. Flinching, she shut her eyes with a scream. The sound of scraping metal echoed in the air, slowly opening her eyes she looked back to see a pony with a navy blue coat. They turned back to see Peanut. Her eyes grew like dinner plates at recognizing her savior. The tainted cyan mane, the duo mismatched eyes, and that smile. Her great-grandmother's stories didn't do it justice. Her worries were soothed at the sight of the enthusiastic and cocky grin. The ear-grating sound of metal scraping brought her out of her trance. Her ears folded and cringed at the nagging sound. Re-focusing her direction she saw the source of the horrible sound was a shield that a timberwolf was trying to bite down on. Its teeth were scraping the shield as it was lodged sideways in its mouth. Star Night held firm as the wolf continued to move forward with its jaw full. She caught a glimpse of his movement, turning his hooves on the ground he side-stepped. The eyes of the creature widened at the sudden lack of resistance, the momentum became faster as he pulled the shield, swinging it to the ground. The motion pulled the body around in a circle before a hard 'CRACK' echoed in the air. His left wing was embedded into its wood shell, with small cracking sounds. As he dislodged his wing, Peanut was able to catch the glimmer of a purple hue. Star Night panted as he took a hold of himself, in this moment she could also see his body in a proper light. His armor was less glamorous, only giving small slips of moonlight as he was covered in green fluids. Looking at his body it was surprising how he was able to even fight. Without the blinding shine, she could see he was barely covered in armor. The torso, hooves and wings were equipped with metal but his hind legs were exposed, nothing covered his horseshoes and his head was completely exposed. Peanut could barely make sense of how he was able to fight for four days in armor that didn't even cover his most vital area. Her eyes widened as she gave a deep look at his body. Bite marks on his neck and legs. She took a sharp gasp of realization, back then they knew nothing about DP's. So they fought with everything they could. Not knowing they were venomous. Their teeth and claws had probably dug deep into him, the venom was probably too far gone. His face was sweating and he was panting. She could see he was weakly gripping the shield inside Its mouth. Stumbling, he took a few breaths before turning back to her, wearing a smile. "You should really be more careful, Sir." Peanut was confused. "I'm not-." She flinched as she heard a voice echo in her mind. 'You saved me!' Star let out a chuckle, "All part of the job." He grew serious, "You should go find wagons in the east, they are transporting villagers. Make haste, more will be coming." The voice spoke before she could. 'What about you? Son, you look worse for wear. You must come with us!' "Go with them!" She pleaded that he could hear her for just a moment. She knew she was reliving a moment in history. It's just- she couldn't see him die like this. A small laugh brought her back. "I'm part of the Lunar Branch, this is what I do for a living." Even Peanut could see how weak he was growing, the small tilting of his legs, and the wobbling. It was a sign of the venom working. 'We are truly blessed by the Sun and Moon to have the Princesses form fine stallions like you. But I can't leave without knowing your name.' Star just smiled, "I am Star Night. Now please, go with the survivors, this will be infested with monsters." 'Of course' The sounds of hooves faded out of her mind. With a step forward he already stumbled, nearly falling. His breathing was somehow stable even with how badly the toxin was working. A small part of her wanted to try something, anything to change even a little part of this situation. The fire crackled but her ears swiveled to her left. The direction led to a dark alleyway, eyes like amethyst glowed with a guttural growl. "Heh, you guys keep coming here, I'd imagine something draws you in, but for the life of me, I can't think of why. I guess we'll just consider this some character development." Groaning he turned to the approaching creature. His ears perked as he heard scraping. Looking around he could see more of them surrounding him, "You've got to be shitting me." He was becoming breathless. "God, if I get isekai'd again, please let the next life be better." The wolves ran forward, lunging at him from all sides, his shield glistened with a dark blue hue and his eyes shined. Barks and howls whipped around as Peanut lost her sight in a flash. Yelping in surprise she shut her eyes, giving moments to calm her beating heart. She steadily opened her eyes once more. Soft light seeped through as she adjusted to the world. Chip was tucking the pin inside his bag whilst humming a tune. Her mouth was agape, "How are you so casual about this?! We just saw one of the finest warriors from centuries ago fight in a clash against a wave of DPs!" Anger subtly began to boil as he gave no care to the world of experience and history they had witnessed. She could barely process her own emotions but he was completely unphased! He just smirked. "The world is full of many lost heroes and tales. Though I'm glad you have so much passion for your hero, I'm sure he would not care too much about being forgotten." That did not set well with her at all. She had no care for restraint on her emotions. "Excuse me? I have spent my life on this! A hero should be remembered and celebrated!" She stomped her hooves and shook her head in bewilderment. "How could you say something like that? Wouldn't you want to be remembered? To be praised and recognized for your sacrifices?" Chip sighed. "Honestly," his face softened as he pressed his lips together. His voice was hollow, becoming a small whisper. "No." > Chapter 3.1 Live By A Code (Part 1) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The constant buzz of wings and hooves would cover the forest range. This stream of working changelings had been going on for a week. Pharynx was getting irritated by the progress they were making if you could only call it that. The workload consisted of three groups, one for hunting, one for exploration, and the last one for mapping. It was draining, to say the least, rationing made It harder to be effective and that wasn't taking into account the stupid power of "love". The word made his eye twitch in anger, his race was fearsome warriors! The devious kind that would make you think twice about trusting any creature, and yet somehow the power of love just threw them out of the castle. Anger boiled in his blood, that kind of injustice and disgrace was to be paid a thousand-fold. But what put salt into the wound was the dire situation he and the hive were at. The morale was low, and the Queen was furiously drawing up plans and schemes, or so he was told. Like many generals, he was essentially told nothing of any ideas or plans she had in mind. And while this was normal, today he was starting to get annoyed by the stonewalling. He knew confronting her was absolutely considered insane but his mind ached for some kind of information, some kind of reassurance that his loyalty and strength was going to be validated and acknowledged. With a shaky hoof, he began to walk towards the small tent she was keeping herself in. Each step gained small sips of encouragement, maybe the Queen would understand some doubts he had. Looking around, he let the images of his brothers and sisters being drained stick into his mind. This conversation was long overdue, and he needed to do this for his hive. For the greater good. > Chapter 3.1 Live By A Code (Part 2) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pharynx was many things, a soldier, a brother, and a leader. Brave enough to confront the Queen, disrupting the flow of command? That was not part of his job description. A layer of wool was what stopped his steps, the last chance to go back. To wait things out and let her figure it all out. Looking above he saw gray clouds begin to form on their own, he knew he had to make this quick if not to give more reason to upset his Queen. He gulped, he was starting to get second and third thoughts. It wasn't just his anxious thoughts either, he could feel the overwhelming aura behind the doorway. It tightened any drones nearby, he's seen them flinch and square up with muscles tensed. Somehow his strength of will was enough to keep himself going, bringing a hoof to wave off the wool he stepped inside. His eyes widened at the crime scene of a space, papers, books, and ink were spilled onto a desk and on the grass. She broke away from the focused trance of her work. Her voice was like venom, stinging as words punctuate her victim. "Who's there?" Annoyance and anger seeped into the words smoothly. His attention snapped to her, sat down on the grass with her haunches, still engrossed in her studies. Pharynx straightened up with his head up high, "General Pharynx of Script 4, your Highness." Chrysalis rotated her head two-hundred seventy degrees like an owl, her eyes burning into his mind. "So it is." Turning back she gripped a book in a dark emerald green aura, "Tell me what your purpose is and then leave." Pharynx collected himself swiftly, "I wish to know our plans heading forward." That made Chrysalis stop. Her head slowly turned back to him. Chrysalis spoke the next words slowly in understanding. "You want to know what comes next?" Pharynx didn't buckle. "We've been here for nearly eight days and yet we are not any closer to home." Her eye twitched at that. "I would choose your next words wisely, drone." Pharynx felt a bit of his pride chip at that. "I am just asking to know what is next, we've been doing what you've asked. Sketching out land and looking for anything out of the ordinary but I highly doubt we'd find anything." He felt like biting his tongue at the end. That was a bad play to find fault in the Queen's reasoning. He cringed at the poor use of words. He grit his teeth and braved for the worse. Chrysalis turned back to her studies, gripping the book with her aura again, throwing it at him without a care or focus on him. He caught it in his purple hue, "What is-" Chrysalis cut him off before he could ask more. "This book possibly holds our ultimate weapon. I have been looking around the area for a tomb mentioned in this tome. If you cannot find it then we end the search here and continue on our way to the hive, licking our wounds like animals." She snarled. He opened the old book to a bookmarked section. The word 'Failsafe' was magically bolded with a strange bipedal figure in it's yellowed page. He could hear her chuckle, switching his attention to her he found she was towering over him with a malicious grin. "But, if you were to find an instrument to our ultimate and supreme victory. I would reward you and your efforts generously." She focused on him with anger sparking behind her eyes. "But if I find you had damaged this book-" She pushed her face closer to his. "I will gut you and splay you on the battlefield as a sign. Understand?" Pharynx stumbled a bit before finding his voice. "Understood." "Our recent excavation has led to some clues at site ten, you have until the end of the day." Her eyes became narrow. "Now go!" Pharynx flinched before galloping out. As his hooves pounded against the dirt he heard the malicious laughter of the Queen echo out to the world with rain drowning in it. > Chapter 4 - Eyes Wide > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A guard in gold-plated armor yawned, stumbling a bit as he stood. Eyes increasingly becoming more bleary, he leaned to his staff that had been planted to the ground. Turning his head he looked at his partner who wasn't in much better shape. "It's three days since we've been enlisted onto this mission and I'm still not understanding why." "Then it's great I'm here to relieve you of your duties" The voice ran chills along their spines as they turned around to see the most feared pony in the ranks. "M-Ms. Sparkle! We are still on duty." The young stallion gulped at what he knew was coming next and how much Twilight would savor the feeling. With a smug smile and a shine from the high moon, the purple shimmered in her pupils as she opened her mouth. "Well, I have been told to tell you and your platoon to return to the training ground. Shinning Armor had some very apt wording to hearing about how well you've been faring without your nocturnal potions." The guards winced. "V-very well, we will pick up our belongings and move to the chariot." As he finished he gave out a whistle before trudging through the forest with a sullen look. "While I am disappointed by how our troops are faring with such reliance on the Moon Walkers, I must say I enjoy these small shocks on their faces. Twilight turned to meet the voice. "Princess Luna, I thought I was to take control of the site," Twilight said as she bowed her head and bent her hooves to lower herself. Luna nodded her head to let Twilight stand. "I had intended that originally but something has taken priority and I wish to speak to you of it." Twilight nodded before hesitating with moving her mouth. "Is Shimmer joining us?" Luna smiled, "No, it will be just us for tonight." Twilight sighed in relief, "Thank you, your majesty." Luna gave a hum of acknowledgment before walking forward, Twilight following behind. Roots, vines, and rigid rocks were found aplenty. The air was humid and wet, trees were rare, the land was barren of livestock, and clouds above swirled around the area with crackles of lightning vibrating and echoing the land. Rock and stone were the only paths they followed. Luna's horn glowed before dimming, turning to her right side she found Twilight was preoccupied with a book of leather with a strap open. Knowing Twilight Luna assumed that she was no doubt taking in the area in detail as a feather scribbled away at the pages. Luna looked back forward but opted to speak first. "Twilight." The mention of her name caused said pony to whip her head to Luna. "Yes, Princess Luna?" "Tell me what you know of this land." Twilight looked around from the cracks of stones to the swirling cloud formation. "This land is known for now as Icarus, Its surface level is mainly consisted of metamorphic rock indicating some kind of extreme heat had occurred on the surface. Sedimentary is also found which is extremely concerning as they should be found deep within Equess. Most rocks can date back to thirty thousand years ago. Fulgurite can also be found in hundreds around the area. Making it concrete of the desert this area was, many signs show this area had suffered some kind event to cause the land to be like this." "And?" Twilight paused as she furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. A few seconds passed before Luna asked once more. "And?" Twilight flipped through pages of the journal, "And... I uh-" "It is not within the mission report, Sparkle." Twilight tore her head from the book in bewilderment. "What?" Luna chuckled. "In confusing times, common knowledge is not always helpful, which is why you must look further out. Tell me what you know of the whispers." "What?" "The religious group, The Whispers, tell me what you know about them." Twilight was skeptical but played along. "The religion Whispers are devout followers of two deities, the icon of harmony and Harmony herself. This religion believes that Harmony herself had sent down a follower of her to rebuild the world after the original gods had become tainted and spread their sin across the lands. This thus led to the icon of harmony slaying them down and creating Equess anew." Twilight bit her tongue before saying something out of line. Luna raised an eyebrow at the sudden stop, "Why the abrupt halt my student?" Twilight shied away from running her mouth. "You have my permission to speak freely, Twilight." Twilight rolled her jaw."It's just, I don't understand how a cult based around a fake history has anything to do with this." Luna only shook her head, "It is not our place to say their beliefs are wrong, we have spoken about this before." Twilight huffed. "But IF it's all made up shouldn't we clear the air on that? Not let ponies continue to believe in a way of thinking passed on from their elders? I mean believing in harmony is one thing, but thinking SHE alone decided to wipe out a civilization already made? Doesn't that taint what she is IF she was sentient? Why would she send one messenger of her laws? Why do ponies even believe in outrageous tall tales of a merciful god that slayed its kind!" "There are many questions to their beliefs but that is not what we are here to do, we are here to-" "Bring the world to a tighter ring of friendship." Twilight droned on. Luna shook her head. "I suppose my sister has given you enough of that motto." "And her star pupil, Sunset Shimmer." Luna cleared her throat. "The point being, the reason I mention them is that one key point of their history is important to this discovery." It only took a couple of steps before Luna stopped at their destination. Twilight slowly looked up in awe. Two massive doors of rusted iron, "Do these doors remind you of anything from their stories?" "T-the Eye Of Tartarus...They believe this ground to be part of a great battle that was related to the icon of harmony and a sinful god. They believe it is also connected to the sealing of a dangerous entity known as Discord." Twilight was completely dumbstruck, "T-this shouldn't be here! I mean the icon of harmony isn't-" Luna cut her off, "Compose yourself, my student. This is nothing more than a large door at the moment." "I- we- what?!" "The reason I brought up their story was that it had significant relevance to this location." Luna turned to Twilight with a solemn look. "There is something you must understand about history, lives, and tales will be re-written, re-told, and burnt. Fables could be stretched truths and written facts could be loose lies. The reason I requested for you to be here and take control was to show you something very important about history. The weight of tales and what they hold, not whether they are true but what truth they have within them." "I- I think understand," Twilight turned to face the enormous doors. "Just because this exists doesn't mean all of it did." Luna hummed in confirmation, "I will leaving today and in my absence," she moved a wing to hold Twilight in a small embrace. "I wish for you to be the complete overseer of this project. It holds monumental weight, the kind that could redefine our perception of history and magic in which the likes we've never seen before since Starswirl!" Luna held a giant smile whilst Twilight puffed her chest in pride. Twilight turned her head to see Luna's wide grin, "Thank you, princess, I will not let you down." Luna lifted her wing away and turned to the path they walked upon, speaking as she walked away. "I know you won't, keep me updated on any discoveries, even if they may be a day or three late." > Chapter 5 - The Night Life (Part 1) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -while me and my sister have never held the elements before." Luna's form and voice were being projected in a light blue luminance. "The strange thing is I have looked into stories of the elements being of different attributes, while I have no full grasp upon why it has stayed the same I can only assume it has reached its final form." Twilight redrawn formulas and ideas with chalk on a board as she listened intently. Taking a huff she sat down on her haunches with confusion drawn on her face. "But that doesn't explain why they aren't united like before. How did they even escape the vault?" Twilight spoke as she turned to the projection of Luna. Luna sighed, shaking her head in complete loss. "I have no idea." Lifting her head to look up at the classroom they were at she began to light up her horn in thought. A dark blue color matching her horns aura began to draw out the element's gems. Luna's tone grew serious, "No security was alerted, no spells were activated, and it was as if the elements shifted and moved between the lines of our security." Twilight looked at Luna with a bit of shock, "You mean there were gaps in the security?" "Not in the sense you are thinking." Luna began to walk towards Twilight with soft and warm eyes. "Do you remember when you were a foal and we spoke about matrixes and ley lines?" Twilight nodded with a smile. "How could I forget? Learning the basic foundations of magic and spells." Luna smiled at the memory before continuing, "Well the makeup of spells is not always filled with lines of magical tapestry or number-based science. I'm specifically referring to the fact that they have..openings... between spells but they are so thin that only other elemental frequencies or lines could fit into it." Twilight was confused. "Are you saying some creature- grabbed the elements THROUGH the leylines?" "That is also another theory but quite impossible, no I'm speaking that maybe, somehow, magic itself slipped between to take it away." "Princess, with all due respect how could magic possibly have the forethought or even idea to grasp cognitive thought? I mean wouldn't teleporting be more plausible?" Twilight asked with slight glee and excitement at the end. Luna shifted her eyes to her student, her sober look began to crack with tiny bits of a smile forming along her mouth as she looked at her student's obvious excitement. "While a great theory, I must sadly inform you teleporting is still impossible, I've already had select ponies test to see if it was functional after we had discovered they were gone, and that was years ago. Twilight bubbly expression melted with sadness as her dreams were dashed and crumbled. Luna lowered her head to meet Twilight's. "We will find a way to use It again. It will just take time and patience." Twilight stewed in her disappointment for a few moments before sighing and moving forward. "So elements had disappeared from the vault and the only way we know they are still around and not stolen is-" Luna tapped her hoof at Twilight's chest. "Because you had earned the right to bear one a year ago." Twilight blushed lightly at the implication her teacher was trying to put on. "R-respectfully Princess, I don't think fate has chosen me as a warrior." Luna would not budge, "Nay, if a mystical, legendary, and ancient piece of power lost to time had just appeared to anypony then I'd believe so. However, as said holder of ancient power has gained such power then I shall say it is safe to assume you have earned it." Luna raised an eye brow with a smirk. "I did not see Blueblood have a floating glowing rock." Twilight just laughed awkwardly, "Well when you put it like that-" Luna smiled triumphantly, "It is like that." Twilight tried to brush off the slightly embarrassing moment. "Well putting that aside, assuming how I got my element is standard to acquiring them then it's all a matter of others unlocking theirs." "Which is precisely why we must find them as soon as possible." Luna's tone was harsh and her face became serious. "If there's a possibility of what caused started 'Ground Zero' then we cannot allow another element holder to replicate the cause. Twilight's fears grew at that mention and began to walk while rambling. "But tracking them down would be impossible, the elements aren't strictly following guidelines, it hasn't shown any favoritism in a species or quality due to it changing the aspect it shows. It even chose a griffon during the Metal Works Revolution!" Luna clicked her tongue. "There is, a possibility, one outlandish but possible." Twilight turned her head to meet her mentor's "What?" Luna's answer was short. "Hope." Twilight looked at Luna like she grew a second head. "Princess, with all due respect, that element has been a myth kept on for ages." "How so?" Twilight began to unravel. "Well for starters it hasn't appeared since Ground Zero, I mean a war that gigantic would burn through the most ancient, and powerful artifacts. With all respect, I think the rumor of it being destroyed has valid reasoning. I mean it hasn't shown up, since!" Twilight was exasperated, she swung her hooves freely as she resume. "And that was over millennia! How could you believe in something that hasn't even shown up within that many lifetimes?" Luna's smile grew, unaverred by the unicorn's conviction. "Because Hope cannot simply be destroyed." Twilight groaned, "Princess while I am a student of the crown, I do not believe in such cheesy lines, feed it to the masses, not me." Luna chuckled. "While I am appreciative of your skepticism, it is true, even through the roughest battles and wars, the elements have braved through it all. Scratches to the elements, yes, but you are forgetting one important part." Luna turned to Twilight with pride swelling in her chest. "You, though it was greatly scarred, it clung to you as Magic's avatar, and as it stayed with you-" She lowered her head to be on the same level as Twilight. "You healed its wounds, its scratches faded as you grew." Luna's face was stern but warm. "You, are Equestria's greatest piece of hope, I have no doubt the elements chose you because of your potential." Luna brought her head back with a sincere look of gratitude. "The kind I saw that day when I laid my eyes upon the world's greatest sorcerer." Twilight's blush came full force at the sudden admiration and praise. "I- suppose there is a line of reasoning." Twilight's lips pressed together in thought. "But the amount of power that came into the element rippled through space, even some believe it affected time. That kind of power would need Faust knows how long to heal." Luna lowered her head again to be right beside Twilight, holding a cheeky smile as she responded. "A millennia's worth of time?" Twilight face-hoofed whilst letting out a groan, she was slowly, somehow, accepting her teacher's weird theories yet again. > Chapter 5 - The Night Life (Part 2) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Princess, the last wielder of Hope burned through his and the other's elements to stop the invasion, you were there! How can you tell me it's been able to survive for this long?" Luna smiled smugly. "Magic has been able to stay intact for this long, Hope will be no different." "But His element was the one that filtered the other elements' magic. It's one thing for previous holders to survive from being drained but it's another for his to be where all the magic is funneled into. With that much power, it should've imploded into itself. You even commented yourself on the report of the day that you could not find it!" Twilight threw an accusatory hoof. Luna was not phased by the logic, only looking more hopeful. "I also spoke of how the elements were unable to activate. Yet we have proof I have been wrong before." Twilight groaned. "Okay, ASSUMING the element of Hope survived after the disaster of Ground Zero which had nearly ripped the elements themselves apart. You're saying we could use its power to locate the other elements?" Twilight was hesitant to follow through. Luna nodded, "Almost every generation of the elements had a story of Hope finding the rest." Luna's lips twitched. "If Hope has not truly recovered properly then-" Twilight caught on the line of thinking, "Then WE need to find the rest? "Yes." Twilight sat down on her haunches as she weighed the possibility of all this being real. "So to be clear, the elements, who have been gathered by the wielder of Hope for each reincarnation, have been so badly damaged that they need to be healed by their new predecessors or by themselves. And with no sign of a holder of hope, we're on our own" Twilight looked at Luna with immense concern. "No big deal, right?" "I'm sure you're up to the task, if any pony is, it would be you. I have complete faith in you." Thoughts and theories were flying by like crazy, it was as if a train was let go of restraint and the conductor was trying to grip onto breaks with all their might. Wheels grinding and sparks flying as it lost no speed, Twilight could only shut her eyes in some small way of control. Then it came to a crash as a bigger concern trumped any ideas she had. "Why look for them now? They sealed Outer Realm, every trace of opening in our world has been patched, Why is it so important to gather them again now?" Twilight looked at Luna with some kind of inkling of deep worry. Luna hitched her breath, slowly turning to Twilight she looked down to the ground in thought. Twilight looked at her in anticipation with ears flicked to her direction, waiting to hear an answer. Seconds passed before Luna took her eyes off the floor, giving a sigh she matched her student's line of sight. "I cannot entirely say as of this moment. Things are unclear but what I can say is, there MAY be a need for them once more soon." "What?" "My sister and I, have come to a small discovery, it bears a small resemblance to what Outer Realm's portal at the start began to look like. A small, very miniscule tear in our reality, it's so thin not even a pixie could fit." Twilight looked out in thought, "But... perhaps small enough for ley lines to come through?" Luna became nervous, "Yes, given our theory of how the elements were taken and how you had acquired yours, I have doubts that they could be taken but if they were, there's a very real danger of being a bigger scheme." "Then that would mean they are being held in place, and the only way out would be" "A new wielder to gain their element." Twilight finished Luna's sentence. "But that would be" Luna swiftly took back the line of thought. "It sounds ludicrous I know, believe me, I thought the same, but years of leadership means you must take everything with a grain of truth and salt." Luna grew uneasy. "If the tear gets any bigger, and if IT DOES reveal to be Outer Realm again." Luna looked away, "It could mean something bigger than Ground Zero. It was a conscious decision to take the elements if we were right. Add upon the fact they are at their weakest, it sounds like a plot by some creature to make a comeback. We barely know anything about the realm, there may be sentient creatures trying to conquer us." Twilight's face grew serious as silence took hold. "How do we get started?" "The 'Eye Of Tartarus', there's a tale of an object being able to find the element wielder of Hope. That will be the first part of our plan, if a creature has been chosen then it should be able to locate it." "And if not?" Luna grimaced. "We'll work with what we have, This tool has been said to have been made after Night Mare Night." Twilight shuffled awkwardly at the mention. "If it fails and one has not been chosen-" Luna bit her lip in thought, pausing before continuing. "-We can at the very least study it." Twilight could tell Luna was nervous about the possibility but swallowed those concerns for later, she had much bigger ones to worry about. "Princess-, stories within whispers, they say behind the door is-" Luna interrupted Twilight, "There is an order in writing from me that will give you nearly complete power to request or obtain permission for anything you will need in this discovery. Above the given materials and units I have permitted you may use guards, mining equipment, royal lab resources, and even the Reserved Royal Unit. Although I would appreciate it if you did not need to go to such lengths, our budget is going to be thin this year, and well," Luna gave out a bashful laugh, "I may have not completely cleared this with Tia." Twilight gaped in shock, "Are you saying Princess Celestia doesn't know about this?" "Well, I'm going to, just after we find out more." "Does Blue Blood know about this? Does Sunset know about this?" "Of course not, this will be a direct command from me, signed via quilt and my magic frequency. My word is equal to my sister's, no pony or creature would be able to deny anything you ask. I would like to remind you to only use this when necessary, since this was more of a spontaneous move, none of the staff will know of its existence and I would like to keep it that way until such event requires it " Twilight anxiously slowly tapped her hoof upon the floor. "Still I, I'm not sure if I'm combat ready Princess." She looked up with her eyes in loss as she tried to seek an answer from her mentor. Luna held her head high, "I have been training you in magic and combat since I took you as my pupil. I have prepared you for battle. Whatever the storm brings, you will be worse. Can I count on you, Twilight?" Twilight still held doubt, taking a deep breath she shut her eyes. Counting to ten just as her teacher taught her, she opened her eyes to Luna. Her body held firm as her eyes. "Yes, Princess." Luna smiled before a tug came at her body, looking behind, she frowned. Turning back to her student she spoke. "It seems my connection is fading, me and my sister will be visiting the Yaks first, and I will most likely not have a good vantage point to reach your dreams. Inform me through a letter of any questions." Her form began to shake and the once straight outlines of her body began to turn into zig zags. "Remember Twilight, some stories hold truth, if these do, you will not be alone beyond those walls. Tell no one of your expedition and find the compass that leads to Hope." Luna's form began to fade. "Please begin as soon as possible, I fear we may not have all the time in the world." > Chapter 5.1 Live By A Code (Part 3) Syntax Error > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rain increased in speed, its once pitter patter now pounded against Pharynx's exoskeleton, he was gripping the book with dear life in his newly constructed umbrella. He knew if even one drop claimed a piece of yellowed paper his head would be on a stake. Or at least that's what his Queen loved to threaten his fate with. His eyes were solely focused upon the now drowning dirt, his eyes hastened in search of something, anything. His executioner had left a bookmark which led him to read through a couple of pages, it spoke of how the entrance would be planted underneath the soil, the rain was not helping and he only had one shot at this. Eyes scanning for some kind of abnormality all he could see was sticks sinking into the brown mush. Flicking his eyes back to the tome he landed on a clue. His happiness ignited as he was able to discern a marking of a hatch with some kind of symbol, looking back to the muted forest he was greeted with the blurring rush of gravity as he lost his footing, sliding off a slope. Clutching the book in his hooves as he curled himself into a ball, his horn ignited to put against a protective layer but his body fell to the ground hard with a metallic 'thunk'. Hissing, his body was pounded by pain. The initial blow was painful, it bounced against his body over and over like waves washing over him. Writhing in pain he could only clench his teeth and force his eyes to focus on the canopy of leaves above him. Groaning he lazily rolled to his right. Begrdugingly he was able to activate his magic to grip the book. Lifting himself from the ground on all fours a thought passed by that caused him to hitch his breath. Hesitantly, he tapped the dirt. A small reverb rewarded his experiment. Wiping away dirt cautiously, bits of faded gray peeked out, beginning to grow faster with his swiping he hit against something hard. A slightly rusted handle made of steel onto a square metal plate. Small roots clung to the edges with flowers and leaves flourishing on the sides. But the really important detail was the symbol in the center. While not intact, faded yellow and red auras in different outlines surrounded a dark dirt brown orb. An outer layer of cyan blue was like a shadow around the three colors. A comet. Small excitement held Pharynx as his body relaxed. He found it, whatever this book was leading to. He found it! Queen Chrysalis would find what she needed and lead the rest of the changelings they still had back to the hive. ...What was inside? Pharynx wasn't a soldier to ask questions and never had the interest to do so, not until now. The dark bleak entrance sent small shivers down his spine. This felt...different. His eyes shifted from the faded symbol to the handle. Why did he not recognize the comet? Surely something like a government or royalty had to have the power or resources to abandon a bunker. So why was the imagery not connecting with anything in his mind? Why was Queen Chrysalis so interested in it? Splitting his magic he kept hold of the book on the left and used the right to take hold of the metal bar. Pharynx gritted his teeth as he tried to pull, somehow the weight was much heavier than he expected. He could feel enchantments around it, coursing through his aura like small electrical currents zapping in small spurts, but they were weak, brittle. He could feel the magic tethers that bound them, whatever coating clinging to the hatch was snapping as he tugged. It was harder for him to focus on using magic for two different things at once. With more strength and power he dug his hooves into the dirt to gain more stability. A few seconds of more pulling led to the final tether echoing a large 'snap' swinging the hatch wide open. The force slammed him back to the ground on his back. The impact caused the pain from the hatch to ache again but nowhere near as extreme. Lifting himself back with the book he looked to the dark open space. Wind passively blew from underground, the atmosphere was dead quiet. Only now noticing the rain had died down, Pharynx took slow steps to the opening, eyes peaking as he stood a little higher. Once he approached the cube opening he could see a ladder against the wall of the direction that was behind him. Turning around to face the south, he steadily put his back hooves onto the first steps before dipping low enough to start using his front hooves as well. Darkness filled the room, tentatively he stepped onto the floor the sound creating a hollow echo. His horn and the book he held as his only form of light. Taking the book like a torch he flicked to the right and left whilst taking moderate steps. As he got closer to the end of the room a small green light illuminated around a cube-like object. His body tensed and he jerked back. No sound came, no sudden movements. His eyes narrowed to the object. What is that? The green box was accompanied by bold words. "Setup Rebooting..." Lines of wording slowly trickled in, sentences began to formulate and quickly sped by. Pharynx couldn't decipher any of the words or numbers. Quickly picking up a pace to reach the strange device the strings of sentences abruptly ended, turning back to black. Coming to a halt his eyes flickered back and forth in anticipation for some kind of ambush. Green lights shined from the ceiling in strips. The sudden flash caused him to stumble and close his eyes. Disorientingly he tripped over his own hooves back before righting himself. Opening his eyes again they were met with a room flooded with a green hue. The boldened words were now different. "Project Phoenix" The screen now held a rectangle with a bottom line flashing in and out of existence within it. And in front of the square object, only a couple of hooves ahead held two long coffin-like rectangles, sort of like the hive's incubators. They both held tinted dark glass covers, Pharynx tried to get closer but the cases didn't show anything inside them. The darkness of the glass cases made anything inside completely blurred. He could also sense some ancient magic encasing both, the magic was nowhere as weak as the hatch, but why? The rampant green blinking from the screen gave no answers. Everything was wrong, with no answers he steeled himself to at least one ending train of thought. He needed to report back to the Queen.