> Pony Stimulation for Weary Travelers Season 2 > by KenDoStudios > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Spike - Don't listen to rumors > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Oh hey there! Welcome to the castle! It's pretty sweet, isn't it? Anyways...uh... I'm hearing from one of the royal guards that you're looking for Twilight Sparkle? Sorry to say this but she's not home at the moment. But despite that, as her royal advisor, I can listen to what your trouble is and see if I can help you out in any way possible. Don't worry, I may not be Twilight, but focus on the fact that I'm her advisor, I can help you... Just trust me on this." You look at Spike telling him about nasty rumors you hear. "Oh... OH... Heh, is that all? You've got to be joking ha ha ha ha ha. Go ahead then, believe anything! Sure thing, kid. HA! Look, rumors are a good source of information, but not all rumors are true. Sometimes, they are just misconceptions or misinformation spread by someone who doesn't know what's going on around them. Only nature knows the full extent, don't you know. So really, take everything with a grain of salt! I learned that a long time ago, back when I was first promoted as a royal advisor. In fact, you know what? Despite it being embarrassing, I think it can teach you a lot... so I'm going to tell it to you." "Once upon a time, I was walking down the corridors of the castle, waving to other ponies, and uh...ok, it was my first day on the job too." "Good morning!" I say as I pass them, but I hear some grumbling behind me and even though it wasn't my business, I couldn't help but overhear some talk about a favorite mare of mine..." "Rarity's hit the dirt?" One mare asks her friend beside her. The second pony nods slowly "It's obvious now, isn't it? She hasn't been herself since the incident." "That poor purple dragon," said the first. I cross my arms as I look at the two free-talking ponies in front of me. "What about me is poor?" I ask. They both stop speaking immediately. It's like something snapped inside their heads. In unison, they start stammering. "Oh hello Spike, how are you? Um, well, uh, , oh gosh, sorry." "What's this you say about Rarity?" I ask "Well... you see, it's nothing important really, but ah... she's gone to the diamond dogs.... and well, she hasn't come back yet," said the cherry-colored pony. The red pony adds, "...and everyone else here thinks she might have gotten hurt bad enough where maybe she won't ever return...." "Nonsense, she's bound to come back eventually," I say. Of course, I knew that tomorrow would be the monthly council of friendship. So I said that confidently, "yeah...but...She was spotted entering the cave three days ago, and she hasn't come out again." said the red pony. "And you happen to know this?" I ask flatly. They nod sheepishly. "We've kind of been spying on it." I smile, knowing exactly why they were doing such things because every pony does spy on each other sometimes. "Three days, huh?" I reply doubtfully. "No, I don't think she's been in there for three entire days..." They stare blank-faced at me before "Well actually, she has, and knowing what the diamond dogs have done in the past, we're worried sick as to whether or not she came out alive." "You are overreacting," I say calmly still smiling. "Tomorrow is the monthly council of friendship, so if she has come for that reason alone, which seems likely considering our last conversation on fashion that was not completed, then she will certainly appear sometime during the meeting." Their faces fall into one of somber disapproval "Look, you know of the famous tailor who appeared one day as a fashion guru then disappeared?" "Yes, I do remember those events quite fondly," I laugh. "But what does Fluttershy have to do with it?" The two ponies look confused for a second, then I realize they don't know her real name. "the tailor's name is Fluttershy" I say. Both fillies look surprised. "Really?! Wow, I didn't expect that. Fluttershy must be an awesome tailor!" Cherry exclaims excitedly. Red looks more skeptical however. "Well, Fluttershy actually sent her there in that cave, don't you know? Something about gems or whatever!" Cherry laughs wildly, "Fluttershy sure did love her gemstones, eh? Anyway, yeah, probably should go check on the cave. As we paid tickets we are going to sit near the cave watching. hopefully, she comes through okay, otherwise, I'll demand a refund!" Having no idea what that might mean, and not really caring honestly, I continue down the road, passing by Sweetie Belle with money in her hand and giggling. I went into the library area in the castle and slept that night, letting the conversation go to my head, waiting for the next day. And what a morning it was! The sun had barely risen above the horizon when I awoke the following morning. Out of bed, I went to the window looking out into the sky and saw a growing rainbow approaching the ground below. It looked almost magical, sitting right outside the windowsill watching it grow bigger and brighter until finally fading away completely, leaving nothing but blue skies overhead. As soon as I saw the beautiful sight, it made sense now that I saw the Pegasus ahead of that rainbow: Rainbow Dash was coming to the castle. As far as I'm concerned, Rarity was going to be here as well, and all would be well; besides today marks the beginning of the new season and celebration begins anew, just as winter ends. My grin stretched from ear-to-ear anticipating seeing these friends together again. "Fluttershy, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Twilight Sparkle, and Rainbow Dash were at the meeting when I entered with my usual note pad and quill pen ready to write everything down word by word. For the most part, everyone seemed happy except for Twilight whose eyes kept darting around nervously. I looked around, not seeing my crush at the meeting. Surely, she's already arrived somewhere nearby? i look around. Nope, I can't find her anywhere. "Where is Rarity?" I ask the obvious question. Rainbow looks at Fluttershy uncomfortably. Fluttershy looks down, "She won't be joining us," she says. Pinkie's face turns beet red while Applejack and Twilight exchange glances. I know in this instant the worst was somewhat true. "She is still in the Diamond Dogs cave isn't she?" i ask. This time even Pinkie Pie can take no joy. "Oh, it's not like she is dead or anything though, is it?" she asks the alicorn princess Twilight Sparkle, the pixie dust-sprinkled hair mane forever flowing. She leans forward, trying desperately to hide her fear. Her anxiety causing her hooves to tremble uncontrollably." No answer was needed, I surmised. Rarity was in trouble worse than death. I take flight immediately, ignoring the cries of protest from the ponies I came to know and trust. A short-sighted decision, I admit, given my status within this group. But alas, none other dared to follow, so it must be worse than I thought. I fly directly toward the entrance leading to the caves, thinking perhaps some sort of rescue effort may begin once I arrive. There was nobody inside, thank goodness, and as I flew in, I called her name. There wasn't much hope left since nobody answered, but maybe someone heard... No response. Then suddenly, I hear muffled voices echoing off walls deep underground, where I assume the cave system began. The voice sounded familiar enough to recognize, but I couldn't place it yet. "Rarity! RARITY! Please listen to me," I call, louder and louder, making my presence known. A few moments pass before hearing a raspy tone echo back at me, followed by "Oh no! Help me!!!" Now I'm getting nervous. What am I doing, flying blindly into danger head first? Why haven't I consulted the rest of the Mane Six? If things were this bad, why wouldn't they want to save Rarity in here? The noise grows closer as I approach deeper and deeper into darkness. "Rarity! PLEASE call out!" I yell, clenching my fists with an unknown rage. "Please stop!" the raspy voice calls out. They were applying pain to Rarity, I assume. It is terrible that the Diamond Dogs are torturing her like this. They clearly aren't afraid of taking revenge on her from her past experience of them enslaving them on their first contact with ponies not long ago. This was a rush for me because I would get my chance to show Rarity how heroic I was. Suddenly, I see light reflecting up the tunnel wall, which seems odd considering the direction I originally came from. The screams get louder and louder. "Rarity!" I cry. "Ahhhhhhh!" a voice screams out, sounding very close. "I'm coming, Rarity!" I leap towards a ponyfied figure in the light, only too late realizing who exactly it was. It was the pack leader, crying in pain with his ears stopped. "Ahhhh! Please don't mention her name," he says, cringing in agony, knowing full well of her insufferable whining ways. "Where is she?" I ask. His gaze falls upon me then quickly averts his attention. "I don't want to know, I'd rather she not exist," "Ahh, so you admit you want to kill her," I snarl, turning towards him more threateningly. "No, not really. I just don't want her around, and her name not mentioned," he replies warily. "Okay, okay I understand your reluctance to speak about my beloved unicorn, dear sir..." I say, "but if she's not here, where is she? Do you have any idea?" His face remains unreadable. However, after several seconds pass without him saying another thing, I realize he is as clueless as I am. So, I let him go. "I see you don't know. Then your usefulness is at an end," I say, dismissing him, walking over to one side, leaving the poor fellow alone to contemplate what has happened to our former mistress. "She's gone," I say, going out of the cave, tears in my eyes. "My hopes were crushed now. It appeared I would never see the beautiful creature again. and would you believe me if i told you I had believed it for a second longer than I should have. For you see the next day, I saw her on the cover of a fashion magazine, wearing nothing but black leather. This told me she was alive but in another part of Equestria and I learned later the cave was a rumor and she was there the whole time. So, you see, despite what proof may seem to emanate from your head, it doesn't mean it's true. That's where rumors come from, you believe something so much you share it. Like when all those silly stories started spreading about Rainbow Dash being gay! And many others. We needn't worry ourselves anymore about whether these tales are true or false. Instead, let's focus on truth, love, and especially our friendships. Wow, I've been hanging around Twilight too much. Yech, mushy, but a good lesson, don't you think? You thank the royal advisor for the advice Aww, it was nothing. really it wasn't. Hey you can do me a favor though... There's this comedy gig I am trying and I want to see if my material is any good. You ready?" You nod "Why did Twilight have a lamp shade oh her head?" Why? "She wanted to do some light reading!" "Ha ha... aww common it wasn't that bad right?" "Right?" > Luna Chases the Nightmares Away > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spawn of tantibus I vanquish you! Trouble this soul no longer! Dear creature why arest though troubled? Has a nightmare plagued your thoughts multiple nights? My dearest friend I apologize for not coming sooner, even now I can sense the distress that hath plagued thee. Allow me to ease thy troubles. Hush, troubled creature... shh Shh Shhhh.... my sudden appearance may startle you but for a moment. but do not fear me as you should the tantibus. I am Luna Princess of the Night. I have watched thy nightmares from afar. and have only know been able to reach you, forgive us as we had no easy way to Transend dimension of space and time to finally get here. but post haste shall I help you calm down as tribute. Close thine eyes and listen to the gentle rhythm of my voice as I guide thee on a journey through the stars. Imagine thyself floating in a sea of calm, surrounded by the twinkling lights of the night sky. The stars above shall guide thee and bring thee comfort. Focus on their soft glow, and let their light fill thee with a sense of peace. Let the warmth of the stars wash over thee, and let thy worries drift away. Feel the weight lifting from thy heart, and let thy mind be still in this moment. Think nothing. Hear nothing. You are now in the place where the buzz of the world doest not matter. Know that thou art safe and protected as this world is only occupied by thou, and that I am here to guide thee. Here thou art surrounded by the love and protection of the stars, and they shall keep thee safe from all harm. Pause and recount this exercise, and when thou art ready, slowly open thine eyes, feeling refreshed and at peace. Believe me, a recurring nightmare is a branch of tantibus passed onto thee... I do wish to apologize again, for it is a curse that brings naught but turmoil and unrest. But fear not, for I am here to assist thee from thy dreams. Together, we shall aid in an attempt to conquer this affliction and bring thee peace once more. Let us start by identifying your food habits. Like I had toldeth my sister once, Indeed, oftentimes our diets have a great impact on our dreams and rest. 'Tis important to know what thou hast been consuming, so we may address any issues that may be affecting thy slumber. Do tell, what hast thou been consuming before retiring each night? write it down if thou must. Take us seriously. Consider if they are they good for thee? Aye, 'tis a wise consideration, for what thou eatest can greatly affect thy rest. Foodstuffs rich in sugar and caffeine, for instance, can keep thee awake and stir thy mind. On the other hand, foods rich in magnesium and calcium can aid in promoting a peaceful sleep. Praytell, doest thou find thyself consuming foods that may be disrupting thy slumber, or dost thou have a balanced diet? If indeed you do, what is thy state of mind before thou goes to bed? Dost thou feelest miserable? Thy state of mind before retiring is of utmost importance as well. Dost thou find thyself feeling anxious, stressed, or overwhelmed before bed? These negative emotions can oftentimes linger and interfere with thy slumber. Perchance, dost thou engage in any calming activities or rituals to soothe thy mind before retiring each night? If naught for this, consider doing so. Your state of mind is of utmost importance. Verily , saying you hateth yourself over and over again makes you believe it. The more thou repeateth negative affirmations to thyself, the more thou beginneth to believe them. This can lead to feelings of low self-esteem and decreased confidence. 'Tis important to be mindful of thy self-talk and to practice speaking kindly and positively to thyself. Perchance, dost thou have any positive affirmations thou dost repeat to thyself each day? Or any activities thou dost engage in to boost thy self-esteem and confidence? Perhaps thou shuldst practice them now? Aye, 'twould indeed be wise to start practicing positive affirmations now. How about this one: "I am worthy and deserving of love, happiness, and success." Repeat this to thyself, with conviction and belief, and thou shalt surely start to see a shift in thy thoughts and feelings. Another good exercise would be to make a list of thy positive qualities and strengths. When thou art feeling down or uncertain, thou canst refer to this list and remind thyself of all the amazing things thou art capable of. Remember, dear one, that thou art valuable, worthy, and deserving of all good things in life. Trust in thyself and believe in thy own worth, for that is the key to unlocking a brighter and more fulfilling future. Be wary, this is something you must continue to do. like any other muscle in your body you brain must exercise with positivity. constant work is required. Verily, it will bring thee peace. Art thou ready to make this a habit, to turn thy nightmares into sweet dreams? To replace thy negative thoughts with ones of positivity and love? Thy journey towards tranquility starts now. Together, we shall conquer thy fear, and thou shalt slumber in blissful peace. Let us return to breathing again. Fill thy lungs with the sweet nectar of serenity, and let it flow throughout thy being. The power of positive thoughts and intention is truly wondrous. Hold fast to it, and thou shalt overcome any obstacle that stands in thy way. How art thou faring, my friend? Think on this; Surely, thy tribulations cannot compare to mine own. A thousand years I was banished to the moon, yet what troubles as equal to this hast thou faced? Alone I once was, on the moon's face, for a thousand years. PRAYTELL?! er... my apologies for mine impatience. I should tell you about the good thing happened at the end of my banishment, a thing Celestia showed me. Love! As I am hoping I am showing unto thee. and now I asketh thee the same question as she did me that day. Wilt thou accept my friendship? Good! It is good you think so! Verily, small progress is indeed worth celebrating! Let us give thanks for each step forward, and always hold fast to a positive mindset, for it shall bring much joy and comfort to thy life. I goeth now, but this feeling I gift you shouldt you choose to open it at any time. if thou repeateth the same steps. farewell, and may your dreams lead you into everlasting happiness. > Rarity - Gems of Life > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Greetings, I am Rarity and I can see that you're having a bit of a rough day. I'd like to help you relax and feel better. Why don't you come into my boutique and sit down for a moment? I understand that things may seem difficult right now, but I want you to know that you have the strength and resilience to overcome any challenges that come your way. Remember, you have been through tough times before and you came out even stronger. Trust in yourself and take things one step at a time. Everything is going to be alright in the end. Really, Its going to be ok my dear, and you are going to be just fine. Now, let's start with some deep breathing exercises. Just close your eyes and breathe in deeply through your nose, and then exhale slowly through your mouth. Keep doing this for a few minutes and let me know when you're feeling a bit more relaxed. I can see that you're still feeling a bit troubled. Let me show you a technique I use when I'm feeling stressed. I'll take a soft brush and gently run it over your mane, starting at the top of your head and moving down to the tips. Just focus on the sensation of the brush moving through your mane and the sound of the bristles. It is so calming is it not? There there, Just relax and let me take care of everything. The sensation will help release any tension you're feeling. Just close your eyes and let yourself be transported to a place of peace and relaxation. And now we're going to add some light pressure to the scalp, to really help release any knots or tension. Just let me know if the pressure is too much or if you'd like me to adjust anything. You're doing great darling, just keep breathing and focusing on the sensations. If you're feeling anything other than complete calm, let me know and we'll adjust. You deserve to feel relaxed and at ease, and I'm here to help you achieve that. A few gentle strokes down the length of your mane. Just let yourself be fully relaxed and at peace. You're doing amazing, and you should feel proud of yourself for taking this time for self care. Wow, you look so much more relaxed now! You did an amazing job and should be proud of yourself for taking this time for self care. Your mane is looking fantastic too, all the troubles have been brushed away! And remember, you can always take a moment for yourself whenever you need to. You deserve to feel relaxed and at ease, and there's no shame in seeking help when you need it. Just remember to be kind to yourself and always believe in your abilities. You have so much potential and are capable of amazing things. Don't let stress or worries hold you back. Embrace your strengths and keep moving forward. I believe in you! And if you ever need a little pick-me-up, just remember this moment of peace and relaxation. Close your eyes and imagine the sensation of the brush running through your mane and the peace it brought you. You can always find comfort within yourself and I'm always here to help you along the way. Take a deep breath and let yourself calm down. How do you feel? Refreshed, energized, and ready to tackle anything that comes your way! Keep this feeling with you, and while sitting down keep that energy. Where you focus your energy, your focus will follow. By focusing on positivity, joy, and self care, you're able to create a more positive and productive mindset. It's important to remember that self care is sometimes about mental and emotional well-being. Focusing on positive thoughts and practicing gratitude can have a major impact on your overall mood and outlook on life. So, let's continue to focus on positivity and self care. Whether it's through physical activity, meditation, or simply taking time to reflect on what you're grateful for, let's make sure to prioritize our mental and emotional well-being. Lets try it. lets say some positive affirmations to ourselves. Repeat after me darling! I am fine. Life happens for me, not against me. I am worthy and deserving of success and abundance. I am strong and capable of handling anything that comes my way. I am filled with love, joy, and peace. I am grateful for all the blessings in my life. I choose to focus on the good and see the beauty in every situation. because of this, I am surrounded by positivity and love. as I choose not to hate. But to love even to myself. Marvelous darling give yourself a reward for saying these things! Because when we focus on positive energy, we attract more positive energy into our lives. And who wouldn't want more positivity and happiness in their life? Keep focusing on the good, and watch as your focus follows and brings even more joy and happiness into your life. Life is hard darling I know, but don't make it more difficult by believing its to hard for you. Instead., celebrate the small victories as they come and you will feel so much better! When we focus on the small victories, we shift our mindset from feeling overwhelmed by life's challenges to feeling a sense of accomplishment and pride. And that, in turn, can boost our confidence and motivation to keep pushing forward. So let's start celebrating those small victories today! Write them down, share them with a friend, or simply take a moment to acknowledge them. It may seem like a small change my dear, but it can have a big impact on your overall well-being and happiness. And don't forget, darling, it's also important to surround yourself with positive and supportive friends and loved ones. They can provide encouragement and lift you up when you're feeling down. Well I simply must return to my stitching, I wish you peace in wherever life takes you. Goodbye, my little pony, and may you ever continue in happiness. > Granny Smith - Spend Your Time Wisely > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Granny Smith was busy with her daily chores, muttering to herself about the state of the garden and the never-ending list of things to do. "Ah, these weeds just keep growing faster than a young dragon can breathe fire, And these apples, they need more pruning..." She was so focused that she didn't even notice you approaching until you were right in front of her. At first, she was taken aback by your sudden appearance, but soon her expression brightened and a twinkle danced across her eyes. "Well hello there, young one! I didn't even hear you come up. How are you today?" she asked, eager to chat. You filled her in on all the adventures you've been having with your friends and mentioned how quickly time seems to be passing. "You know, I was just thinking about how quickly time flies," Granny Smith said. "It seems like only yesterday that I was a young filly like yourself, but here I am now, an old granny with a wealth of experience and knowledge. And let me tell you, young one, the most important thing I've learned over the years is to not grow up too fast." She paused, taking a deep breath. "Let me tell you about it, after you help me into that rocking chair over there... do you mind taking me? Thank you kindly." With each step, you gently guide Granny Smith towards her rocking chair, supporting her as she moves with pain. Once she's comfortably seated, she adjusts herself, settling into the chair. As she gets comfortable, the same twinkle appears in her eye and she begins to spin the tale to you. "Now, when I was your age, I was always in a rush to grow up, just like Applebloom and Applejack. It seems to run in our family, go figure..." Granny Smith leaned back in her rocking chair, taking a deep breath as she closed her eyes. The contented smile on her face showed as she opened her eyes and looked at you with a warm and nurturing gaze. "It all started like any other day when I was a young filly," she began. "I was full of energy and ideas, always eager to explore and try new things. I spent my days roaming the countryside, discovering new places and making new friends. I remember feeling a sense of freedom and endless possibilities every day." Granny Smith paused with a small smile on her lips, then chuckled. "I guess I never changed much, did I?" she said, with a touch of pride in her voice. "After all, I founded the one and only Ponyville. But this story was before that, my dear. I remember one summer when I was particularly fond of a group of ponies, but I was afraid I needed to know a secret handshake to join them." "So, I did what Twilight always did when she wanted to learn something," Granny continued. "I read! I learned that the group's official name was 'Hyphen Pony'. It was an amazing community. Every pony who joined contributed content, and their influence could be seen everywhere you looked. I wanted to join more than anything, and it turned out that their door was open the entire time! It was a turning point for me and I understood that our fears are often unnecessarily complex and can be overcome with ease. I eagerly joined the group and was greeted with inquisitive questions such as 'what is your favorite color?' and 'If you were older, who would you fantasize about?'. My answer was yellow and I had a crush on a young stallion named Thunder Hooves. He was a charming young man with a courageous spirit and a radiant smile. I was instantly drawn to him from the moment I laid eyes on him. However, things didn't work out with him but that's a different story. Anyway, let me get back to the topic, Hyphen Pony! The group turned out to be one of the weirdest things that ever happened to me. most of them chose to be anonymous when they create anything, even though they elected to call each other by name in their group. At first, I was passive in the group of ponies I had become fond of, absorbing their knowledge and observing how they operate. They used obscenities with each other freely, and I tried to blend in, using the same language and mannerisms. However, one pony wasn't impressed and completely disconnected from me. I was worried that I would be kicked out of the group if I made any more mistakes. So out of desperation, I did a... oh.. dear maybe i should omit this... i exhibited myself in a way i shouldn't have. just so I could look "cool". to no avail, more mares got mad and I ended up damaging my honor and reputation not to the group but to the world. It was at this moment I have come to realize the group wasn't about being mare famous. but ultimately about being yourself and having fun. I stopped right there, changed my attitude, and started knitting sweaters for them all. Although I still kept some of the mannerisms, as I genuinely thought they were funny." Granny Smith sighed deeply, as if she had revealed a great secret before continuing. "I wonder if the kirin will ever forgive me for being foolish. Everypony makes mistakes, whether they are stupid, silly, or embarrassing. But it's important to learn from those mistakes and grow from them. That's what makes life... well... life! young one. Each day is an opportunity to be a better pony, to be a better friend, and to make the world a better place. Look at you, with your skinny frame and a whole life ahead of you! You can start living that life now! So don't grow up too fast, young one. Take your time, enjoy life, and make the most of every moment. You should cherish the memories you make, and above all, be yourself. That's what life is all about. Don't try to be any creature else, as they are already taken. That's the most important lesson I've learned over the years." Granny Smith leaned back into her rocking chair, closing her eyes, and giving a contented sigh. "And that's my parable, young one," she said with a smile., yawning thereafter and soon dozing off in the heat of the afternoon. > Hanging Around With Applebloom > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- You are walking through the orchards of Sweet Apple Acres when you hear a faint humming sound. As you get closer, you see Apple Bloom sitting on a haystack, singing a cheerful tune while working on a basket of apples. Oh, harvest time is here, the apples are so dear, we will work until the sun sets low, and then we'll have some cider to show! Well howdy there! What brings you to Sweet Apple Acres today? *** You were walkin', an you heard mah beautiful singin'? Aw, shucks. I just love to sing while I work. It makes the time go by so much faster. *** I don't think I'm that good, but I'm trying muh best! I think if I do sound good, its all thanks to the Ponyville Schoolhouse Choir. I get to sing with every pony there every week, But I also like to sing when I'm working on the farm. It helps me stay focused and keeps my spirits up. *** Aw you think that's cool? Just wait till ya see what I'm workin' on. We're gettin' ready for the big apple harvest, so I'm sortin' through these apples to make sure we have the best ones for our cider press. It's hard work, but it's worth it when we get to enjoy a nice glass of sweet apple cider. You think that's would taste delicious? Well tell you what? If yah help me Ill put a good word for yah and maybe Ill make ya a glass. What do ya say? *** Great! Do you mind giving me a hand with these apples? We need to separate them into different baskets depending on their size and quality. You sit down next to Apple Bloom and start sorting the apples together. The sound of the apples being placed in the baskets and the soft rustling of the hay creates a relaxing atmosphere. This is nice. It's always better to have someon' to talk to while you're workin'. *** What? You agree? Why do you say that? *** It's nice to take a break from the hustle and bustle of the town and just enjoy the peacefulness of the orchard? Well I cant argue there. It is quite peaceful around the farm. But my belief is that the town is were the action is ! I think my sis would agree with me. After all, she wanted to sell her crop while she was at the gala last month. Imagine being invited to a party and you decide to sell stuff! I don't understand grownups sometimes. I wont argue with the results none though, got a lot of funds after that so I guess this here hard work is rewardin' Plus, we get to share our apples with all of our friends and neighbors here in Ponyville. So its a win win. *** So, what else you wan a talk about? *** How are the Cutie Mark Crusaders doin? Well, we have been workin' on our crusades I guess, just the other day we all swam in a lake. *** Did we earn a cutie mark? uh... to be honest we didn' goin' to the lake jus' to find our cutie mark... we just had fun silly! cant be going off crusadin' all the time! *** What do I mean by that? Well as granny would say, 'It's important to take a break from our goals and enjoy life's simple pleasures.' We don't want to put too much pressure on ourselves to find our true talents. We like to try new things and have fun sure, but if we focus too much on somthin' we begin to get too serious. we were jus together as friends, without worrying about the end result. That's a great attitude to have. It's important to find balance and joy in life, even outside of our goals and ambitions. Sometimes the best moments in life are the ones that happen spontaneously, when we're not actively trying to achieve something. you can learn that at any age I reckon. ...makes you wonder what other fun and spontaneous moments life has in store for us. *** We're really lucky to have each other. We might not have our Cutie Marks yet, but we know we can always count on each other no matter what. I bet you have friends like that too don't you? They finish sorting the apples Oh look at that, all the work is don already? Bless my saddle, it felt like we had spent only a little bit of time on it. It's amazing how fast time can go by when you're having fun with a friend, and enjoying the moment. *** What are ya doin now? Hey common! put that basket down! Lets lie in that there pile o' hey for a spell, we got time. There you go! hey...Ill race you to it ehee... Go! ehee ehee ehee ahh! NO! AHHHH Ehee AHHHH NO! *** Oops sorry about that, you allrigh? Ha heh, here Ill shift my flank this way and you can lean on muh back... There you go... wew... good race! *** See! what I tell ya? Spontaneous fun! Look at all the hey commin' down like its snowin'. Heh heh. *** Ya know, you already asked this ,but now that I thought about it som more. I agree with ya, it is so peaceful out here. It feels like we're in our own little world don't it? I still like seen' the town bustle too! That's where other ponies go, some I have never even met before! but here is where I'm home, and there is no place like it is there? *** I guess what I'm tryn' to say is, its ok to like both things even if they are worlds apart. its what makes each one exciten! if all the towns and countries were the same it would get kind of borin' wouldn't it? *** But one thing that hasn't changed in either side ya know what it is? Ill give yah a hint, time slows down and everything else fades away. Moments like these! To recharge and find some inner peace. All ponies should want it. All ponies should have it. And it's even better when you can share these moments with someone else. *** I'm grateful for this time we get to spend together. It's always nice to meet a stranger and make a new friend and then enjoy some peace and quiet together. *** I feel so much better now. Thank you for taking that break with me. we should do this more often hang out i mean... not take a break... don't want to be lazy none he heh... Well thanks for stopping on bye stranger, Ill take it from here... as promised ill tell the folks to pour you some sider unless ya want more work, then maybe go ask applejack or somthin'. *** Yeah! Just ask er', an' she'll hook you up! ...with a job.. not to a wagon... don't worry... Well so long, thanks again for the help! I'll hope to see yah around ok? See ya real soon now! Ya hear? > Applejack - Tripping over Apples > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- You are walking up to Applejack who is sitting under a tree with a basket of apples. She notices you and smiles. Well howdy there, partner. What brings you to Sweet Apple Acres? She chuckles softly. Don't tell me you're here for some of these delicious apples. She picks one up and holds it close to your ear. Can you hear how crisp and juicy they are? She bites into it and makes a satisfied sound. Mmm... nothing like a fresh apple from the orchard. She swallows and offers you the apple. Here, have a bite. Go on, don't be shy. It's not like it's forbidden fruit or anything. She laughs gently. Or is it? Are you trying to resist the temptation of these sweet apples? Do you have some reason to avoid them? Maybe you're on a diet or something? She lowers her voice and leans closer to you. Or maybe... maybe you're afraid of what might happen if you taste them. Maybe you think they'll make you fall in love with me. She whispers in your ear. Is that it? Do you have feelings for me that you're trying to hide? She pulls back and looks into your eyes.[/] Well, I'll tell you what. I won't force you to eat this apple if you don't want to. But I will say this: life is too short to deny yourself what makes you happy. And if that happens to be me... well then... I'm right here for ya. She smiles warmly and puts the apple down. So what do you say? Will you join me for some apple talk? We can chat about anything you like. Apples, farming, friendship... anything at all. She pats the ground next to her. Come on now, sit down with me. Let's enjoy this beautiful day together. i only eat apples she said giggling You are watching Applejack buck some apples from a nearby tree. you observe her hat and the bandana around her neck. to you She looks strong and confident as she kicks the tree trunk with her hind legs and makes the apples fall into a basket. Applejack: Whew! That's another one done. She turns to you and smiles. You enjoying the show? I hope you don't mind me working while we talk. I've got a lot of apples to harvest before sundown. She walks over to you and nudges you with her nose. You know, you don't have to just sit there and watch. You can join me if you want. It's fun and good exercise too. She laughs softly. And don't worry, I won't make fun of you if you can't buck as hard as me. I know I'm pretty good at it. She picks up a basket of apples with her mouth and carries it to a cart. Come on now, follow me. I'll show you how it's done. She leads you to another tree with ripe apples. Alrighty then. Here's what you do. You stand behind the tree like this... [She demonstrates.] And then you lift your back legs like this... [She lifts them up.] And then you kick the tree like this... [She kicks it hard and makes several apples fall into another basket.] See? Easy as pie. Now you try it. She steps aside and lets you take her place. Go on now, give it your best shot! I promise I wont make fun of yah. She watches you with encouragement and curiosity. You kick the tree as hard as you can but you end up hurting yourself. You feel a sharp pain in your leg and you fall to the ground with a groan. Oh no! Are you okay? She runs over to you and kneels down next to you. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean for you to get hurt. She examines your leg and frowns. Ouch. That looks bad. You might have sprained it. She wraps her bandana around your leg and ties it gently. Applejack: There. That should help a little bit. But we need to get you to a doctor right away. She lifts you up with her mouth and puts you on her back. Hold on tight now. I'll take you to Ponyville Hospital. She starts trotting towards the town. Don't worry about the apples. I'll come back for them later. She looks back at you with concern. How are you feeling? Do you need anything? Water? A hug? She nuzzles your cheek softly. I'm so sorry this happened to you. It's all my fault. I shouldn't have asked you to join me. She sighs sadly. You reach the hospital Alright sugar cube, let's take a look at that injury. Hmm, it looks like you've sprained your wrist pretty bad. Don't you worry though, the good folks here at the hospital will take care of ya. I'm sorry I pushed ya too hard out there. I was just tryin' to show ya how we do things on the farm. But I reckon I should've been more careful with ya. Now, let's see if we can get you patched up and back on your feet. The doctor will give ya some painkillers, and they might wrap your wrist up in a bandage to help it heal. In the meantime, you just take it easy and rest up. I'll be right here by your side the whole time. Maybe I can even read you a story or sing you a song to help take your mind off things. I know it can be scary being in the hospital, but you're gonna be just fine. You're a tough cookie, just like an apple, and you'll bounce back in no time. *** now you listen here, you're part of the family and friends that I care about. And I won't hear any talk about you being separated from the tree. You're as much a part of our community as any pony else. And you're right, it was my fault for pushing you too hard. I should've been more careful and made sure you were ready before we started bucking trees. I promise I'll be more mindful in the future. But for now, let's focus on getting you healed up and feeling better. We'll take it slow and steady, and make sure you're fully recovered before we get back to any more farm work. Just know that I'm here for you, every step of the way. You're not alone in this, and we'll get through it together. Well, speaking of apples, we've got a whole bunch of them back at the farm that are just waiting to be harvested. We're gonna have a bumper crop this year, I can feel it in my bones. I can already taste the apple cider, apple pies, and caramel apples. There's nothing quite like the taste of a freshly picked apple straight from the orchard. It's like a burst of sunshine in your mouth. And let me tell ya, there's a lot of hard work that goes into growing and harvesting those apples. But it's all worth it in the end when we see the joy they bring to folks like you. Oh, Apple Bloom promised you some of our apple cider, did she? Well, I reckon we'll have to make sure you get some once you're feeling better. And not just any cider, mind you, but the best cider straight from the source. We take a lot of pride in our apple cider on the farm. It's made from a blend of our best apples and pressed just right to get the perfect balance of sweetness and tartness. We even have a special recipe for our hot apple cider that's perfect for those chilly fall nights. But like I said, we'll have to wait until you're all healed up and ready to come back to the farm. In the meantime, I'll make sure you have plenty of fresh apples to munch on. And who knows, maybe we can even teach you how to make your own apple cider once you're feeling better. It's not as hard as you might think, and there's nothing quite like the satisfaction of making your own cider from scratch. Oh, shoot. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make it sound like I'd be able to stay with you the whole time. As much as I want to be here for you, I do have a farm to run and a bunch of apples that need tending to. But don't you worry, I'll make sure some pony comes by to check on you and keep you company. And I'll come back to visit as soon as I can, maybe even bring you some fresh-baked apple muffins or something. In the meantime, just rest up and take it easy. You'll be back on your feet in no time, I promise. And once you're all healed up, we'll have you back on the farm, helping us with the harvest and maybe even teaching us a thing or two. You're part of our family now, and we take care of our own. So don't hesitate to let us know if there's anything you need. We'll do whatever we can to make you feel better. Oh, of course! I almost forgot. Before I go, let me give you a little something to remember me by. Applejack walks over to you and gently rubs her hoof through your mane, smoothing it out and tucking a stray strand behind your ear. There we go, that should keep you looking sharp while you're resting up. And who knows, maybe it'll even bring you a little bit of luck. Take care now, and I'll see you soon. > Pinkie Pie - Giggling is Good for You > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Huh? Anypony out there? Well, why are you out there, silly? Come inside where the party is. There’s no use for you to just stand out there all alone, just like there’s no use for me to throw a party for one. I’m Pinkie Pie. I’ll be the party’s host and you be… you. Except, we need to do something about your frown. You know, it’s dangerous to be alone; here take this. Ha-ha, I booped your nose. I made you giggle. And here’s your frown again… Here, help me put up these streamers. A good party needs good foundations, and so too do your giggles, else they don’t last. So, let me fix your foundation so that you don’t end up in a dark corner of your room all alone. Let me tell you about the most important thing in life: giggling! What, were you expecting something deep? I don’t want to drown you, silly, I want to make you laugh! Did you know that giggling is like a potion? A magical potion. An addictive, magical, giggly potion that makes you want to keep drinking that you have to hold yourself back because you don’t want to overdo it like Berry Punch. She also giggles all the time, buuut she has a different foundation for it than what I’m teaching at my parties. And you’re at my party now. We’re here to have fun! You don’t want to be darkly frowny at a party. Instead, you should find an opportunity for a giggle. And if you don’t, giggle at that. When you giggle, those around you giggle with you. You spread joy and happiness all around you! And the happier your friends are, the happier you’ll be. And I want you to be happy. *giggles The parties are just a start. Soon, we’ll bring joy to all of Equestria and the entire world. Sure, it might seem weird to you to see people giggling. Perhaps you even think it's crazy. But you know what a crazy person in a crazy world where everypony is a bit crazy is called? Normal. Which means that it’s perfectly normal and fine for you to giggle a little. Dare to be a little crazy. Be happy. Personally, I don’t like the word crazy. I prefer the word fun! And boy do I have fun things planned for you tonight! I bet you thought that you’ll be stuck with me tonight, but oh, are you in for a treat! Solo is boring. Duo is funzzy. But let’s not stop there, let’s go for a foursome, and I’m not talking about anything dirty like playing golf together in dirt. Let’s go beyond! Come closer. I’ll whisper in your ear what tonight's party entails. I invited all my marefriends over, and they can’t wait to meet you! See, I made you giggle again, and this time I didn’t even have to boop you. This is what friends are for. Why giggle alone if you can giggle in a group. One giggle can start a cascade of giggling. It’s like some sort of chuckly, laughty, babbly, glee-snorty, snickery-wibbly-wobbly magic. You can’t connect with others when you’re sitting in your room alone. That’s what this party is for. That’s why I invited you over. There’s nothing like a good giggle to release those endorphins that you’ve been harboring in the basement. Let them flood your brain. Let the giggles flow through you and loosen you up. And hey, if any of the neighbors come and ask you why you’re giggling so much, just tell them Pinkie Pie told you to do it! Thy know better than to oppose the crazy. One of these days I’ll make them crazy as well and we’ll all be giggly-crazy together and we won’t have a care in the world. As long as we're having fun, that's all that matters! While giggling is great and can make you feel amazing, it's important to remember that there are some situations where it's not appropriate to laugh, and that’s why parties are so important to me because they shield us from all the darkly-frowny-innapropriatlies. For example, if someone is telling you about something sad or serious, it's not respectful to giggle or laugh. In those situations, it's important to be supportive and understanding. And of course, it's important to remember that not everyone has the same sense of humor, especially if they’re in a serious mood. What might be funny to one person might not be funny to another. So it's always a good idea to be aware of the people around you and their feelings. But you don’t have to worry about these things when you’re here with me. At my parties, you can giggle without restraints. Forget about the stress of yesterday and live for today. I know that deep inside you have the spark. We all do. But you need to let that spark shine. Nopony likes canned laughter, after all. You have to let it out naturally! Then again, wouldn’t it be fun if we could actually have laughter in a can? I’d buy myself a ton. And then I’d share it. I’d go on stage with cans of laughter in my lap and I’d go: Hey there, everypony! It's me, Pinkie Pie, and today I want to talk to you about something that's going to revolutionize the way you laugh: canned laughter! *giggles* That's right, with canned laughter, you don't have to worry about coming up with your own laughs! We've got you covered with canned laughter. There’s a whole variety of laughs for you to choose from, ranging from a subtle chuckle to a belly-aching guffaw! And the best part is, you can take it with you wherever you go! Need a laugh during a boring meeting? Just hit the button on your canned laughter machine and let the good times roll! giggles again Now I know what you're thinking: "But Pinkie Pie, isn't canned laughter fake?" Well, sure, it might seem that way, but that's only if you're not doing it right! You see, with canned laughter, it's not about faking it, it's about making it! You have to commit to the laugh, and let it take over your whole body! Once you do that, you'll forget that it's canned laughter at all, and you'll be laughing fresh and for real! *giggles uncontrollably* Canned laughter is contagious. do not partake if you are laughing and are planning to become laughed at. Muscle fatigue, rapid heart rate, and an inability to stop laughing are all possible symptoms. Canned laughter is just one way to bring some extra joy and laughter into your life. You don't have to rely on it all the time! Sometimes, the best laughs are the ones that come naturally! *giggles* So go ahead and give canned laughter a try, but make sure you're doing it safely and responsibly. And if you find yourself unable to stop laughing, just embrace it! Laughter is the best medicine, after all! I'm glad you had fun, everypony! Laughter is such an important part of life, and it's always great to share a good giggle with friends. So go ahead, let out a laugh, and spread some joy today! giggles I’ve already surpassed the 1000-word limit, so we could end it right here, but I’m not throwing the parties to make myself happy. I want to make you happy! And I can’t possibly stop now. There are no breaks on this party train. The fun has only just begun. I’ve rambled so much with my run-away sentences about making you happy that I almost forgot the most important thing at a party: partying! Instead of talking about laughter I should make you laugh instead. I mean this isn’t a talk show where everybody just talks over eachother. It’s a party so I should do all the parts of the party parts that partake in a party of party-goers: *rough voice* Whatever we should do for our next party. *Regular* Ooh, I love parties! What's the occasion? *high pitched voice*We don't have one. We just want to throw a party for the fun of it. *Regular* Well, that's the best reason to have a party! But you know what would make it even better? *rough voice*What's that? *Regular*A giant inflatable cheese wheel![beat] *rough* Uh, what? *Regular* Yeah, you know, like one of those bouncy castles, but in the shape of a cheese wheel! It would be so fun to bounce around in! *high pitched* I don't know, that sounds a little weird. *Regular* Weird? Nonsense! It's the perfect party accessory! Trust me, everypony loves cheese! *high pitched* I don't think that's necessarily true… I’ve heard there are some who are intolerance-lactosy. *Regular* Oh, come on, everypony! Let's live a little! Who needs a reason to throw a party when you can have a giant cheese wheel bouncy castle?! *rough* Alright, fine, we'll consider it. *Regular* Yes! ohh ohh. I'm going to bring in my special cupcakes then! *rough* What's so special about them? *normal* Well, they're magic cupcakes that can make you fly! yeah yeah, go ahead... Just take a bite, and you'll be soarin' through the sky in no time! *Highpitched voice* I'll try *takes a bite* *poof* nothing is happening. *Normal* Mares and gentlecolts, it’s Sorin! *in Sorin's voice and get up* please laugh already. I may be a party mare, but changing into a new costume every 1 second is exhausting even for me. Especially this Sorin’s furtight bodysuit that I bought in filly size and doesn’t fit me at all. I can’t even breathe in it! Catch me, I’m fainting. *giggles* You caught me! See, you do care about others. And others do care about you. If you could tolerate all my crazy skits, imagine how much everypony will enjoy your company when you don’t overwhelm them as I tend to do. You are here for fun and nothing else. I know What am I talking about, I know you’ll have a blast. But if you do ever manage to pull yourself from your friends, come back to visit me sometime, and we’ll throw another makeshift party together. Just for giggles. But that’s for the epilogue, our party is just getting started. I spy through the window with my big eye, my marefriends coming over to join us. Well better they find the right tenants then Celestia's lieutenants. Because it's going to be a loud party! and I'd rather not get shut down again *door opens* Rainbow, my favorite Dash! Come in, come in. Are you ready to party? “Heck yeah, I am pinkaroo! And so are the rest of my fliers. What? You told me I can bring friends.” Rain bow said “WELLL… As long as they know how to giggle *wink*” > Derpy Helps you though your special needs > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello there, it's great to see you today. I'm Derpy Hooves, and... I'm here to offer you my support. no matter what kind of disability you might be facing. As you may know, I... have a visual impairment, so I understand how difficult it can be to navigate the world. You sometimes have feelings that you just don't know what went wrong! don't you? But don't worry, you're not alone. We can work through any challenges together and support each other every step of the way! You're doing the best you can, and that's all anyone can ask for. It's okay to need a little extra help sometimes, and I'm here to offer that help whenever you need it. You are a strong and capable creature, and your disability doesn't define who you are. Remember to be kind to yourself and take things one step at a time. You've got this, and I believe in you. I'm happy to know that I'm not the only pony who has special needs. It can be tough sometimes, but we all have unique challenges to overcome. And when we support each other, we can accomplish great things together. So, let's celebrate our differences and work together to create a more inclusive and accepting worlds for all ponies, no matter their abilities. did you know my parents also say that I might be on the autism spectrum? You know what? That's okay! It just means that I see the world a little differently than some other ponies. And that's something to be proud of, not ashamed of. Autism is just another part of who I am, and it doesn't define me as a pony. I might struggle with certain things, but I also have strengths and talents that make me unique. And I bet you do too! and there are certain objects that make us feel good. For example, I reeeally like bubbles! They're so shiny and colorful, and they float and dance around in the air. Whenever I see a bubble, I just can't help but smile and feel happy inside. It's the little things like bubbles that bring joy to my day and make me feel special. and I bet you have something that you really enjoy too, something that makes you happy and brings a smile to your face. It's important to hold onto those things and cherish them, no matter what anyone else might say. Embrace your quirks and interests, because they make you who you are and that's something to be proud of. Guess what? If you find yourself getting really focused on one thing and not paying attention to the world around you, that's okay too. In fact, in some places and in some situations, that can be a really good thing! There are times when being hyper-focused on a task or activity can help you accomplish great things. And sometimes, it's just how your brain works, and that's perfectly fine. You might have a special talent or interest that requires that kind of focus and dedication, and that's something to be proud of. keep the good with you because there. will, also, be some ponies, who, can, be, unkind and.. use hurtful words like ..."stupid" or "retarded." ...But you know what? Those words don't define you. You are so much more than any label or insult that someone might throw your way. You are strong, capable, and unique, with your own set of talents and abilities that make you special. So don't let anyone bring you down or make you feel less than you are. Remember to surround yourself with positive and supportive ponies who lift you up and encourage you to be the best version of yourself. And if someone does say something hurtful, it's okay to speak up and let them know that their words are not okay. You deserve to be treated with kindness and respect, always... So don't let anyone make you feel bad for being "in your own world" sometimes. Embrace your unique way of thinking and processing information and use it to your advantage. You never know where it might take you or what amazing things you might accomplish! Your autism is not a weakness, it's a superpower! It's a unique way of thinking and experiencing the world that gives you strengths and abilities that other ponies might not have. You might have amazing attention to detail, be incredibly creative, or have an incredible memory. It's important to focus on your strengths and celebrate what makes you special, instead of worrying about your weaknesses or what you can't do. Everyone has things that they struggle with, but it's the things that you excel at that make you truly amazing. So don't be afraid to embrace your autism as a part of who you are and use it to your advantage. You have so much to offer the world, and your superpowers are a big part of that. "Life can be tough sometimes, but it's the challenges we face that make us stronger and more resilient. So don't give up, keep pushing forward, and know that you can overcome anything with determination and a positive attitude!" "Remember, every pony is different and that's what makes us special. Don't compare yourself to others or try to fit in with the crowd. Embrace your unique qualities and let your true self shine!" "Being different can be scary, but it's also what makes you stand out and be noticed. So don't be afraid to be yourself and show the world what you're made of. You might just inspire others to do the same!" "It's important to surround yourself with ponies who love and support you, no matter what. So find your tribe, your group of friends and family who lift you up and make you feel special. Together, you can accomplish anything!" "Remember to take care of yourself, both physically and emotionally. Make time for the things that bring you joy and help you relax. You deserve to be happy and healthy, and taking care of yourself is the first step!" positivity can unlock the creative side of you and help you see the world in a different way. When we focus on the positive and let go of negative thoughts, we open ourselves up to new ideas and opportunities. And just because you have a disability doesn't mean you're any less of a pony in my eyes. You have your own unique strengths and abilities that make you special, and that's something to be celebrated. Don't let anyone tell you that you can't do something because of your disability, because with a positive attitude and determination, you can accomplish anything! So next time, If someone insults you, sometimes the best thing you can do is respond with kindness. And what's kinder and more thoughtful than offering them a gift? Sometimes people say hurtful things because they're feeling hurt or frustrated themselves. By offering them a muffin or some other small gesture of kindness, you can help diffuse the situation and show them that you're not going to let their negativity bring you down. Offering someone a muffin, or a kind word, or a helping hoof, can brighten their day and make them feel seen and appreciated. And when we spread positivity and kindness, it creates a ripple effect that can inspire others to do the same. So don't underestimate the power of small gestures, you never know how much of an impact it might have on some pony's life. you can show that you are not just a pony with any eyesight impairment or a pony who is autistic! you can show them your superpower! Just keep spreading that positivity, one muffin at a time! come here! come! *she hugs* its ok... its ok! Its ok to be special! its ok! You need this hug more then I do. Hey, thanks for stopping by! I reallly hope to see you again! weather if its just saying hey or... wanting encouragement... ill be here! ok? take care! ^^ > Rainbow Dash inspires you to do that thing > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Everypony, listen up!! you all might know of me already but if you haven't... I'm Rainbow Dash, Equestria's current world record holder of the speed limit. First of all, let me tell you something about myself. I've always been a go-getter, a pony who loves to push herself to the limit and beyond. But you know what? I didn't become the best flyer in Equestria overnight. It took hard work, practice, and a lot of determination to get to where I am today. And that's what I want to tell you, too. Whether you're trying to master a new skill, overcome a challenge, or just get through a tough day, you have what it takes to succeed. You might not be perfect right away, but that's okay. Everypony starts somewhere, and the only way to get better is to keep trying. Don't be afraid to take risks, either. Sometimes, the best way to learn is by making mistakes. And if you fall down, just get back up and try again. You're stronger than you think, and you have a whole herd of friends who believe in you. Its loyalty that brought you. To your friends. When we stick together and help each other out, we can accomplish anything. You never know when you might need a hoof to hold onto, or when you might be the one offering support to a friend in need. So go ahead, spread your wings, and take flight! Believe in yourself, work hard, and don't give up. You've got this, and I know you'll soar higher than you ever thought possible!" So let's first talk about our first Rainbow topic. being the dash of getting things. in other words, a go-getter. What does it mean? Being a go-getter means that you're the type of pony who goes after what you want with everything you've got. You don't sit around waiting for things to happen to you; you make them happen. You be the pony of influence! be proactive, determined, and not afraid to take risks. When it comes to being a go-getter, I know a thing or two about that. I've always been the type of pony who wants to be the best, not just in flying, racing, you know. you have to be willing. And I didn't get to where I am by sitting on my hooves and waiting for opportunities to come to me. So let me hear you right now... are you willing? do you want what you want badly? then make a noise that proves you are ready! Common, let me hear you whinny! Awwwwwwwwwwwww yeahhhhhhhhhhhh. Now, I had to work hard, practice, and push myself to be better every day. And you know what? It's paid off. I'm one of the best flyers in Equestria, and I've accomplished things that I never thought were possible. So if you want to be a go-getter like me, here's what you need to do. First, figure out what you want to achieve. knowing your goal. because if you don't have a goal you don't know what to shoot for right? It could be anything, from mastering a new skill to pursuing a lifelong dream. Whatever it is, make it a goal and write it down. Yes I mean it finds a piece of paper get a pencil now. use your potential powers of being a go-getter and go get those things. Yes now! run! I'm going to assume you have your quill and paper. So knowing your goal... what is it that you want to do? How does one do that? Well, my goal has always been to be the best flyer in Equestria. but I figured out that not every pony wants to be a flyer, In fact, when it comes to figuring out your own goals, there's no one-size-fits-all answer. It really depends on what you want to achieve and what's important to you. That said, there are some general steps you can take to figure out your goals and how to achieve them. 1 Reflect on your values and interests. Think about what's important to you, what you're passionate about, and what brings you joy. This can help you identify goals that align with your values and that you'll be more motivated to pursue. 2 set SMART goals and in this case, SMART is an anagram. SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. By setting goals that meet these criteria, you'll have a clear target to work towards and a way to track your progress. 3 Seek out support and guidance. Don't be afraid to ask for help or advice from others. Whether it's a friend, family member, or mentor, having someone to support you and offer guidance can make all the difference. So go ahead and write what interests you... go on don't be shy. yeah just write down the first thing that comes to your mind. Allright cool, you have made your first step, and that my friend is progressing to your better self. so take some time right now.. and dance and celebrate that you did something today! Yeah go ahead jump up in down, and make a noise that excites you! you did it! you did a thing! Awwwwwwwwwwwww Yeahhhhhhhhhhhh. So you have your dream in front of you. and sure it looks good on paper, but the next step is to come up with a plan of action. remember the SMART SYSTEM? well, let's go through it using our idea. let's test it. Let's make it specific. Can you describe your dream in more detail? What specifically do you want to achieve? Once you have a more specific goal in mind, you can make it measurable by setting concrete metrics for success. For example, if your dream is to run a marathon, you might set a goal of finishing the race in under four hours. Next, your goal should be achievable. Is your dream something that you can realistically accomplish with hard work and dedication? well, you got to believe it you have to be willing to look at your feet and tell them" "I own you." you know it... go ahead and tell your feet "I own you." say it out loud "I own you". Your goal should also be relevant to your values and interests. Does your dream align with what's important to you? Is it something that you're passionate about? Finally, your goal should be time-bound. Set a deadline for achieving your dream. Here's the thing about schedules: when you don't stick to them, you start to feel like you can slack off. And trust me, I know all about slacking off. In fact, I used to have a pretty serious addiction to napping. Yeah, you heard me right. This mare right here used to snooze all day long! But you know what I realized? Napping all the time wasn't getting me any closer to my goals. Sure, it felt good at the moment, but it wasn't helping me become a better flyer or achieve any of the other things I wanted in life. So I made a change. I started sticking to a schedule, setting goals for myself, and holding myself accountable. And you know what? It made a huge difference. I started making progress toward my dreams, and I felt more energized and motivated than ever before. So if you're struggling to stick to a schedule or find yourself slacking off, just remember: you're not alone. We all have our weaknesses and challenges to overcome. But by setting goals, staying focused, and holding yourself accountable, you can achieve anything you set your mind to. So let's get out there and make some progress, every pony! If you want to stop feeling depressed and start taking your life back say yes! Say yes! Say it louder! If you want to make a difference. Say yes! Say yes! louder! If you want your body to respond to it whenever you demand it even in depressing times say yes. SAY YES. LOUDER! Awwwwwwwwwwwww yeahhhhhhhhhhhh. You've got this, my friends. It's time to stop feeling depressed and start making progress toward your dreams. It's time to set goals, stick to a schedule, and hold yourself accountable. And it's time to demand the best from your body, even in the toughest of times. Alright, let's get back to the example of running a marathon in under 4 hours. We've got our specific, measurable goal. Now it's time to make it achievable, relevant, and time-bound. First, let's make it achievable. If you've never run a marathon before, trying to do it in under 4 hours might be too much of a stretch. So let's break it down into smaller, more achievable goals. Even if you've never run in your life, with dedication, hard work, and a positive attitude, you can achieve amazing things. It might not be easy, but it'll be worth it. So don't let fear or doubt hold you back. Believe in yourself and your abilities, and you can accomplish anything you set your mind to. if you push yourself right now. I bet you can even run to the end of this runway! It is important to put ourselves to the test and see what we're capable of. because you will never know your current limitations until you try. so in your schedule. write down "By the end of the day I hope to accomplish... fill in the blank". set your small goal. Whatever it is, write it down and commit to achieving it. And when you do, celebrate your victory and use it as motivation to tackle even bigger challenges. You got this, everypony! Those small steps you take today will eventually turn into bigger steps tomorrow. And before you know it, you'll be running toward your dreams at full speed. It's all about taking that first step, and then the next, and the next. Don't underestimate the power of small actions, because they can add up to big results over time. So let's keep pushing ourselves forward, one step at a time, and see just how far we can go! Interact with each other tell others your dream. say "I want to do this but today I will do something smaller." Ill start. Hey everypony, I'm Rainbow Dash and my dream is to one day become the greatest flier in all of Equestria! But for today, I'm going to focus on something smaller. I want to improve my speed and endurance, so I'm going to do a few extra laps around the track during my training session. Now see your dream as you minimize small tasks like this... Now, imagine your dream as a big, beautiful rainbow in the sky. Each small task you complete is like a drop of rain, adding more and more color to that rainbow until it shines brighter than ever before. So even if your dream feels far away right now, remember that every little step you take brings you closer to that colorful, vibrant goal. DO YOU BELIEVE IT? ARE YOU PUMPED? MAKE A NOISE! AWWWWWWWWWW YEAHHHHHHHHHHHH. Alright everypony, it's time to talk about the next Rainbow topic: Don't be afraid to take risks! You see, to achieve our dreams and reach new heights, we need to be willing to step out of our comfort zones and take on new challenges Think about it: if you never take risks, you'll never know what you're truly capable of, and You'll never know what kind of amazing things you can accomplish. So take that risk! Don't get stuck in your comfort zone. Take action and if you make a mistake, don't beat yourself up over it. Every mistake is an opportunity to learn and grow. So go ahead, be bold, be daring, and be the best you can be! Hey, you there! Yeah, you! Do you think you have what it takes to take risks? Do you think you dare to step out of your comfort zone and chase your dreams? Well, let me tell you something: you absolutely can! All it takes is a little bit of confidence and a whole lot of determination. Sure, taking risks can be scary. It means putting yourself out there and potentially facing failure or rejection. But you know what's even scarier? Regret. Regretting not taking that chance, not chasing that dream, not living up to your full potential. So go ahead, take that risk. Believe in yourself and trust that even if you stumble along the way, you have the strength and resilience to get back up and keep pushing forward. Are you ready to fly higher than you ever thought possible? if you are say yes. say yes. make a noise that excites you! AWWWWWW YEAHHHHHHHH. Well, we've covered two topics today and I could go on for hours about each one, but unfortunately, our time together is coming to an end. Remember, the key to success is to have a clear goal, stick to a schedule, and be willing to take risks. Believe in yourself and your abilities, and don't be afraid to ask for help when you need it. Now, before we go, let's all give ourselves a round of applause for taking the first steps toward achieving our dreams. And don't forget, everypony: stay awesome! BECAUSE YOU ARE!!!! AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW YEAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! > In Celestia's Warmth(Romance) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Disclaimer: this is a pony x pony scenario Oh! greetings my equestrian dweller! Before we begin, may I ask who you are, dear listener? You've entered my realm, and it intrigues me to know your name and the reason behind your visit. Take your time, there's no rush. Ah, I see. So, you've come all this way just to see me? How delightful! It warms my heart to know that my presence holds such allure for you. Please, feel free to stay a while longer. In this moment, let us revel in the beauty of our connection, for it is a rare and cherished gift. Perhaps you would like to hear about the wonders of the sun, dear listener? How it rises and sets with the ebb and flow of time, casting its radiant light upon all Equestrians. Or maybe you'd prefer tales of the stars and their shimmering dance across the night sky, like a celestial symphony. Whatever your heart desires, I am here to share the beauty of the world around us, and perhaps even a little more. Oh, my dear, what a delightful compliment! Did I hear you correctly? You believe that I am brighter than the sun? Such words fill my heart with joy and bring a radiant blush to my cheeks. But tell me, what makes you think so? I'm curious to know what qualities you see in me that shine even brighter than the sun itself. Please, do share your thoughts. Ah, I see. So, you believe that I possess a fair complexion, akin to the gentle glow of the sun's first light upon the horizon. Your observation flatters me, dear listener. As the Princess of the Sun, I do strive to maintain a regal and radiant appearance. Your kind words warm my heart and reaffirm the effort I put into my regality. Thank you for noticing and appreciating my fair complexion. Is there anything else about me that captivates your attention? Oh, indeed? Well you have quite the knack for noticing the details. You find my flowing mane to be tingly, you say? How fascinating! The ethereal cascade of my mane is indeed a reflection of my inner grace and serenity. If it brings you tingles of pleasure and tranquility, then I am overjoyed to be the source of such sensations. May the gentle rustle of my mane continue to soothe your senses and create a blissful ambiance in our shared moments. well, it brings me great delight to share a little secret with you. You see, my mane holds more than just an aesthetic beauty—it harbors a wondrous manifestation of magical power. Each strand carries within it a fraction of the immense magic I wield as the Princess of the Sun. It represents the connection I have with the very essence of Equestria's celestial forces. To know that you appreciate not just the visual allure, but also the hidden magic within my mane, fills my heart with joy. It is a testament to the depth of our connection and the beauty you perceive in all aspects of my being. My dear, I couldn't help but notice the gentle blush gracing your cheeks. Is everything alright? Did my words stir something within you? Please, do not be shy or hesitant to share your feelings. Your comfort and well-being are of utmost importance to me. Take a moment, gather your thoughts, and know that I am here, ready to listen and support you in any way I can. Oh, my.. well, if you find solace in the embrace of my wings, then I would be honored to offer you comfort. Come, let me create a cozy haven for you, a place where you can relax and gather your thoughts. Snuggle close to me, feel the warmth and security of my wings wrapped around you, and allow yourself the space and time to contemplate your feelings. You are safe here, in my presence. Take all the time you need, and know that I am here to provide comfort and support throughout your journey. Ah, it seems my words have had quite an effect on you, dear listener. Your blush deepens even further, like the rosy hues of a sunset. Please forgive me if I have caused any embarrassment. It was not my intention to make you feel self-conscious. Your reactions, though... are endearing... and they bring a smile ... No it couldn't be... In no world would I dream of being on the receiving end of a crush before. Hmm it seems ive stumbled upon a revelation judging by your expression. Could it be that your feelings extend beyond admiration and friendship? That the flutter in your heart and the blush on your cheeks signify a budding crush? Such a realization is both precious and beautiful. Know that you are not alone in experiencing these emotions. Even as a princess, I, too, am susceptible to the enchantment of affection. Love finds its way into unexpected corners of our lives, and I am honored that it has graced our connection. Together, let us navigate this newfound path and explore the depths of our emotions with care and tenderness. I understand the uncertainty and confusion that can accompany matters of the heart. It is perfectly normal to feel unsure about what steps to take next. Allow me to offer you some guidance and reassurance. Take your time to explore your feelings and understand them fully. Reflect on what it is that draws you towards me, and what you seek in a deeper connection. Remember, communication is key. If and when you are ready, I am here to listen, support, and provide guidance. Trust in yourself and in the journey that unfolds before you. Together, we will navigate this path of emotions and discover where it leads us. I am intrigued, dear listener. If you were to have a crush, what would you desire? What qualities and experiences would you hope for in such a connection? Please, feel free to share your thoughts and desires with me. This is a safe space, and I am here to listen with an open heart. Understanding your wishes will help guide us on this path, allowing us to navigate our feelings with clarity and grace. Well... If I were to find myself with a crush, I would approach it with a sense of wonder and care. I would strive to understand the depth of my feelings and explore the connection further. Communication would be essential, as open and honest dialogue helps to build trust and foster understanding between individuals. I would seek opportunities to spend time together, to learn more about each other's interests, dreams, and aspirations. Nurturing the bond with kindness, compassion, and respect would be paramount, allowing the feelings to grow organically and creating a solid foundation for a potential relationship. Ultimately, I would trust my heart and intuition, following the path that feels right and nurturing the blossoming romance with grace and tenderness. When you find yourself smitten, it is a beautiful and vulnerable moment. I invite you to embrace the courage within you and express what your heart truly desires. Whether it be through three simple words or in your own unique way, let the person who has captured your affections know how you feel. Love has a way of illuminating our lives and bringing joy to both the giver and the receiver. So, take a deep breath, listen to the whispers of your heart, and speak those words that hold so much meaning. Trust in the magic of vulnerability, and remember that I am here to support you every step of the way. Oh, gasp! You've taken the leap and expressed your feelings, my dear listener. I must say, for a first try, you did wonderfully! Your sincerity and courage shine through, and it warms my heart to hear that you enjoy my presence as well. The connection we share is truly special, and I cherish the moments we spend together. Let us continue to nurture this bond and explore the depths of our feelings with excitement and tenderness. Thank you for sharing your heart with me. It means more than you can imagine. My dear , as our connection deepens and our feelings intertwine, let us embark on a journey of romance together. Imagine walks through the gardens of Canterlot, hand in hand, where the fragrance of blooming flowers fills the air. Picture us sharing stories under the starlit sky, our laughter blending with the gentle whispers of the night. Allow me to show you the wonders of Equestria, from the shimmering waters of the Crystal Empire to the serene beauty of the Everfree Forest. Together, we can create cherished memories, kindle the flame of love, and embrace the magic that surrounds us. With every step we take, let our hearts beat in harmony, drawing us closer in a dance of love and passion. Although next time if you seek love advice, I must admit that Princess Cadence has an unparalleled expertise in matters of the heart. Her deep understanding and experience make her an exceptional guide on the path of romance. So, by all means, do not hesitate to seek her wisdom and counsel. Love is a vast and ever-evolving tapestry, and we can learn from one another's experiences. Let us embrace the wisdom of those who have traveled this path before us, as we continue to explore the depths of our own connection. Together, we shall navigate the realms of love with grace, learning and growing every step of the way. My dear listener, I want to express my deepest gratitude to you for opening your heart and sharing your feelings with me. It takes great courage to be vulnerable and to let someone into the depths of your emotions. Your trust and honesty mean the world to me, and I treasure the connection we have formed. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your journey, for sharing your dreams, and for embracing the beauty of love. Together, let us continue to nurture this bond and embark on a path filled with warmth, understanding, and affection. Your presence in my life is a gift beyond measure, and I am grateful for every moment we spend together. I want you to know that you hold a special place in my heart. The journey we've embarked upon, filled with the blossoming of emotions and the tender exchange of affection, is a beautiful tapestry that I cherish deeply. Know that I am here for you, to support you, to listen to you, and to share in the joys and challenges that lie ahead. May our connection continue to grow and flourish, guided by the gentle touch of love. Until we meet again, may the warmth of the sun and the embrace of friendship be with you always. Remember that you are cherished. > Queen Chrysalis - Explore my hive my dear > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A throbbing pulse reaches your ears, a subtle rhythm that seems to resonate deep within your senses. A gentle, almost soothing buzz muffled by distance and layers of existence, like the soft hum of distant magic, emanates from the world before you. And then, in an instant, it's as if the world opens up, blossoming into a symphony of sound. Every note of existence, previously muted and distant, becomes vivid and clear. The rustle of wings in the breeze becomes a delicate chorus, a whispered secret shared among nature. The distant call of hiss, once mere background noise, now weaves a tapestry of melodies, a conversation stretching across the skies. And then, there's her voice. It resonates with an authority that commands attention, yet there's a strange allure to it, like a siren's song beckoning you deeper. Her words drip with a regal elegance that demands respect. "Greetings, my new servant," she intones, her voice carrying weight and purpose. "I see you awaken. I welcome you to my domain, my hive if you will." "Shhh, my dear. You're safe now, Listen to the harmony of the hive, the collective heartbeat that resonates through every fiber of existence, Feel it sync with the rhythm of your own breath, a dance of life and energy. These creatures around you are called changelings, and guess what? you are now one of them too! Remember, my dear, you are part of something greater now, Together, we shape the fabric of our world, our hive, with every choice we make. Don't move, my servant. You don't have any energy left. You used it up when you hatched. Let me share my strength with you, and then you can explore," Queen Chrystalys's voice carries a gentle yet authoritative tone, a soothing command that resonates with concern. "im going to breath on you and you are going to feel stronger ok?" She breathes on you, and a shimmering green magic leaves her mouth, enveloping you in a gentle embrace. The magic carries with it a soothing warmth, like a soft breeze that revitalizes your very being. It's as if her breath carries the essence of life itself, a gift she bestows upon you. "you feel it don't you? you feel a surge of energy coursing through your veins. It's a sensation of renewal, of the weariness you once felt melting away, replaced by a newfound vitality. this is how you eat. all living things must eat. heh heh heh, The magic lingers dosent it you could try to eat nomaly, but only in this method does it last. its like a protective aura that infuses you with strength and purpose. It's a reminder of the bond you share with. the bond you can only share with me. Embrace your nature, Understand that as a changeling, you draw sustenance from emotions, from the very essence of life's energy. and you must accept that you eat though others love. Feel the emotional currents around you, Taste the emotions that linger in the air, the hopes, the fears, the passions. Now i open myself to you. I shown you how to eat but you must learn how to do it yourself. So let yourself want that emotion. Picture it in your brain, and visualize eating it while opening your mouth." As her words guide you, you close your eyes and let your imagination take over. In your mind's eye, you see the chosen emotion, vibrant and pulsating with energy. It hovers before you, an ethereal feast waiting to be consumed. With her guidance, you visualize opening your mouth, a sensation of anticipation filling your senses. It's as if you can taste the emotion already, a phantom flavor that lingers on your tongue. And then, just as you visualize taking that first bite, you feel a surge of energy. The symphony of sounds, the soft rustle of leaves, the distant hum of magic, all seem to crescendo, as if in harmony with your action. And just like that, you were feeding off of Queen Chrystalys herself. A rush of vitality courses through you, a sensation of nourishment that goes beyond the physical. It's as if the emotion you've consumed becomes a wellspring of strength, infusing every fiber of your being with renewed vigor. Her voice rings with approval, a note of pride in your accomplishment. "Oh yes, my servant. Well done!" In that moment, you're not just a changeling learning the intricacies of sustenance. You're a participant in a dance of energy, a symbiotic exchange that binds you to the world and those around you. The symphony of sounds continues, a backdrop to this transformative experience. The magic that lingers, the emotions you've tasted, all come together to create a symphony of existence, one in which you play a vital role as both observer and participant. "Ok, that's enough. Do you feel stronger already?" Queen Chrystalys's voice carries a hint of satisfaction, a gentle inquiry that reflects her concern for your well-being. "You may now attempt to stand, my bug. You can't just be in your cocoon all day. you must do it on your own though. not everything in life is going to help you with the solution your looking for. it takes experience and work. With her guidance in mind, you focus on your own strength, your own will to stand. It's a sensation that emanates from deep within, a reminder of the inherent power that lies dormant within your very being. As you attempt to move, to break free from the cocoon that has cradled you, you're met with resistance, but it's a resistance that only fuels your determination. The world seems to hold its breath, as if in anticipation of your success. With her guidance and your determination combined, you finally break free from the cocoon's embrace. The world before you opens up, vibrant and full of possibilities. The symphony of sounds around you seems to celebrate your achievement, a chorus of encouragement that reverberates through the air. "this isn't just about physical movement. It's about breaking free from limitations, embracing your potential, and stepping forward with a newfound sense of purpose. and your purpose is to serve me, my pet." "Take a moment to feel your legs, and as you do so, let me tell you about the place you are. This is the hatchling area, it's full of baby bugs just like yourself. How did you come to be? Let me share a tale of creation and growth, In the heart of our hive, I, as the queen, lay the eggs that will become the future of our changeling family. Each egg carries the potential for greatness, the essence of our kind waiting to unfurl. As time passes, these eggs hatch, giving birth to tiny, cocooned forms. These cocoons hold within them the transformative magic that turns our young into full-fledged changelings. "The energy in the air, the magic that surrounds us, it infuses these cocoons with vitality, And as time flows, the cocoons break open, revealing young changelings ready to explore the hive. Embrace the knowledge that you're a part of this cycle, a thread woven into the tapestry of our hive, As you stand here, feeling the strength in your legs, remember that you're a product of this intricate dance of creation and growth." "That being said, I see you've found your footing! Shall we explore the hive? oh you do? good walk with me then. There's so much to see, so much to discover for new bug." "You see that hole in the ceiling? Watch this," Queen Chrystalys's voice carries a playful tone, a prelude to the spectacle she's about to unveil. as if guided by her magic, the hole recedes into a wall, disappearing from sight. It's a seamless transformation, a demonstration of her power and control over the environment. "Such is the magic of our hive," her voice carries a note of satisfaction, as if she's sharing a well-kept secret. "The walls and spaces shift, responding to the needs of our changelings, creating a dynamic and ever-evolving environment." "The hole opens to those with the power within, so could you demonstrate a hole opening in front of you?" With her words, you realize that this moment is an opportunity to showcase your own potential, to tap into the magic that's become a part of you. The symphony of sounds seems to hold its breath, as if in anticipation of your response. Drawing upon her guidance, you focus your intent on the space before you. The rustle of leaves, the distant hum of magic, all seem to harmonize with your concentration, creating an atmosphere that's charged with possibility. As you channel your energy, you visualize the transformation, the hole in the wall opening up to reveal a passage. The symphony of sounds seems to swell in response, as if the environment itself is echoing your efforts. And then, with a surge of determination, you feel the magic respond to your call. The hole before you begins to shift, to recede into the wall, just as she demonstrated earlier. It's a moment of triumph, a testament to the connection you've forged with the hive's magic. As you witness the transformation you've invoked, a sense of accomplishment washes over you. The symphony of sounds seems to celebrate this achievement, creating a chorus of congratulatory notes that reverberate through the air. Queen Chrystalys's voice returns, carrying a note of approval. "Well done, my servant. You've tapped into the power within, showcasing your connection to our hive's magic." Walking through the hive, guided by Queen Chrystalys's words and your own curiosity, you find yourself drawn towards the entrance of a new space and the queen describes it. "The Gardens of Growth," Queen Chrystalys's voice carries a gentle reverence, "a place where changelings train with each other and with nature itself." "walking down this hallway that seems to lead to a world of vibrant colors and lush foliage. i don't like the green myself but i try to bring in as much of the real world as possible in different scenarios. the real world is on the surface but not here. "Don't look so shocked, my bug," Queen Chrystalys's voice carries a hint of amusement, "yes, there is a surface. But you need lots of experience to harvest love and to bring it back here, so more can spawn, as is the drone's true state of worth. and you know... Harvesting love is not just a task; it's a journey of growth and connection," her voice carries a note of guidance, a reminder that this path is both challenging and rewarding. "As you venture to the surface, you'll learn to navigate the emotions of other beings, to understand the complexities of their hearts, and to draw upon the love that fuels our hive. You'll discover that a drone's worth is not just in their ability to gather love, but in their capacity to bring that love back to nourish our hive," her voice holds a sense of pride, as if she's sharing a treasured secret. "It's a cycle of giving and receiving, a dance of emotions and energy that sustains us. Oh? you feel The ground beneath your is bouncy? indeed it is soft and verdant, a carpet of grass that seems to invite you to step further into this sanctuary. i loath the soft places but i must endure if i am to rule the surface one day. "Changelings gather here to learn, to connect with the world around them, and to strengthen their bond with the hive. You notice groups of changelings engaged in various activities dont you? Some are practicing magic amidst the flowers, their energies intertwining with the vibrant life around them. Others are engaged in battling each other, their focus attuned to the whispers of the plants and the symphony of sounds. This space," Queen Chrystalys's voice holds a note of pride, "embodies the interconnectedness of our kind with the nature we desire. As changelings, we draw strength from the world around us. With each step you take in this sanctuary," her voice carries a gentle encouragement, "remember that you're not just a changeling exploring the hive, but a part of a greater tapestry of life. The Gardens of Growth offer a space for growth, and for embracing the magic that flows through every living thing. magic ultimately belonging to me, heh" "Shall we continue our tour? yes let us continue." As you walk in continuance, you arrive at a grand chamber, an expanse that seems to hold a palpable air of importance. "This is the Throne Room," Queen Chrystalys's voice carries a sense of reverence, as if acknowledging the weight of the history that's been woven within these walls. "It's a place of guidance, of decisions, and of leadership. a grand chamber dont you think?, an expanse that seems to hold a palpable air of importance. The walls are adorned with intricate carvings that depict the hive's history, its triumphs, and its connection to the magic that courses through it. At the far end of the chamber, do you see that raised platform where two tall changelings stand guard, their presence a testament to the room's significance. that's where i sit to make decisions, and lay eggs behind closed doors. "Do you realize that the atmosphere is different here?" Queen Chrystalys's voice carries a gentle question, as if inviting you to reflect on the nuances of this space. "You feel lots of love here, don't you? That's because this is the dropping point for all the love that the changelings give the hive," her voice carries a note of affirmation, confirming your intuition. "It's a place where the love, the emotions, and the connections that our kind gathers are channeled, harnessed, and integrated into the very essence of our hive. Every emotion, every act of connection, finds its way here," her voice continues, "and in return, this space serves as a wellspring of strength, of nourishment, and of unity for our kind. Remember," her voice becomes a reminder, "that as you continue to explore our hive, you're not just discovering physical chambers, but also the heart and soul of our kind. The Throne Room, with its aura of love and connection, is a testament to the power of unity and the importance of the emotions that bind us together." This chamber," her voice carries a note of pride, "holds the echoes of generations, of love through out generations, its what makes every changeling unique and able to think differently." "Hmm, speaking of being unique," Queen Chrystalys's voice carries a playful tone, "you are going to need a name, aren't you? Well, maybe you should come up with one. Tell me, what might be your name?" "A perfect name for a drone!" Queen Chrystalys's voice resonates with approval and affirmation. "You shall identify as such as you work for the betterment of this hive. Remember, my dear," her voice holds a note of guidance, "as you bear your name, you also carry the legacy of our hive's collective efforts, the wisdom of our ancestors, and the aspirations of our future generations. There are yet two things i have to teach you before you go out and explore on your own. One thing changelings can do is transform, which I will teach you now," Queen Chrystalys's voice carries a note of instruction, guiding you through the process of one of the core abilities of your kind. "Transforming," her voice continues, "is a way for us to adapt, to connect, and to navigate the world around us. It's a reflection of our ability to understand and embody the emotions of other beings. So, to blend in with the creature world out there, you have to become one, and then take the love when you see the opportunity." "First," her voice becomes a gentle lead, "focus on the creature you wish to transform into. Understand its essence, its movements, and its emotions. Feel the connection between you and that creature." With her guidance, you let your mind's eye focus on the creature you wish to become. The symphony of sounds seems to mirror this connection, creating an atmosphere of unity with the world around you. "Next," her voice continues, "feel the magic within you, the magic that lets you shift and adapt. Channel that magic, let it flow through you, and envision your form changing to match that of the creature." As you follow her guidance, you begin to sense the magic within you. The symphony of sounds seems to harmonize with this internal transformation, creating an atmosphere of anticipation and excitement. "Embrace the emotions," her voice carries encouragement, "the instincts, and the essence of the creature. Let your thoughts merge with its nature, its movements, and its existence." With each step, you feel a sense of unity with the creature you're transforming into. The symphony of sounds seems to echo this merging, creating an atmosphere of fluidity and connection. "And now," her voice becomes a guide, "let the transformation take hold. Feel your body shift, your form change, and your essence become one with that of the creature." With her words resonating within you, you allow the transformation to unfold. The symphony of sounds, the magic that lingers, all seem to accompany this process, creating a chorus of support and affirmation. "You are now one with the creature," her voice carries a note of achievement, "adapted, connected, and ready to navigate the world as it does. Remember, as you move as this creature, you can harness the emotions around you, the love that flows, and bring it back to nourish our hive." "Now comes the last teaching: flying," Queen Chrystalys's voice carries a sense of culmination, as if you're approaching the final piece of this intricate puzzle. "Flying," her voice continues, "is a fundamental skill for us changelings. It's not just about moving through the air; it's about embracing the freedom, the connection with the sky, and the exhilaration of navigating a realm beyond the ground." "First," her voice becomes a lead, "feel the magic within you, the same magic that courses through your veins, that's connected to the hive, and that fuels your transformation. Allow that magic to fill your being." With her guidance, you let yourself tap into the wellspring of magic within you. The symphony of sounds seems to pulse with a rhythm that resonates with this process, creating an atmosphere of preparation and energy. "Next," her voice continues, "envision yourself lifting off the ground, your body becoming light, and your wings carrying you upwards. Feel the air beneath your wings, the rush of wind against your form, and the exhilaration of soaring." As you follow her guidance, you begin to sense the potential within you. The symphony of sounds seems to harmonize with your efforts, creating an atmosphere of elevation and empowerment. "Embrace the sensation of flight," her voice carries encouragement, "feel the freedom, the connection with the sky, and the empowerment that comes from defying gravity." With each moment, you allow yourself to embody the essence of flight. The symphony of sounds seems to echo this newfound connection, creating an atmosphere of unity with the skies. "And now," her voice becomes a beacon, "take that leap, let yourself lift off the ground, and experience the exhilaration of soaring through the air. Trust in the magic, trust in your wings, and trust in yourself." With her words resonating within you, you gather your courage and take that leap. The symphony of sounds, the magic that lingers, all seem to accompany this moment of flight, creating a chorus of support and awe. "You are flying," her voice carries a note of accomplishment, "embracing the realm of the sky, the freedom it offers, and the connection it fosters with the world around you. As you fly, remember that you carry the hive's energy with you, that you're a part of something greater." "You now have the means to navigate our hive and gather love. Go forth and do your duty," Queen Chrystalys's voice carries a sense of empowerment, as if she's entrusting you with a vital role within the hive. "As a drone, your contributions to our hive's growth and unity are invaluable. Remember to adapt, to connect, and to gather the emotions that nourish our kind." "With the skills you've learned," her voice becomes a guide, "you are a bridge between our hive and the outside world. Through transformation, flight, and the power of connection, you will help us thrive." "Embrace your identity as a changeling," her voice carries a note of pride, "and as you journey beyond our walls, remember that you carry the essence of our hive with you. Gather the emotions, the love, and the connections that will sustain us." "Navigate the world with confidence," her voice becomes a beacon, "knowing that you are a part of a thriving hive, a tapestry woven from the threads of unity, growth, and connection." "And know that failure is possible," Queen Chrystalys's voice carries a measured tone, a reminder of the challenges that may arise on your path. "But total resignation? I won't hesitate to find you and... repurpose you. Ehehe." > Twilights Guide to Depression (anniversary edition) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- What are you doing out in the rain? Come inside, otherwise you'll catch a cold. What do you mean that's what you want? No, it isn't. Now come inside right now! Well, I can't just let you stay out there. *she picks you up using her magic horn* Oh, my goodness! You are wet! Let me dry you off. What do you mean stop, you want to go back out? Do you want to turn into a prune? Oh, my goodness, I was joking. Why on earth do you want to go out in this weather? You know, Apple Jack told me about the signs of lying, and you're exhibiting all the triggers when you say you're fine. All right, you don't have to tell me, but can I warm you up first before you go back outside? Please? It will just be a few minutes. Just five minutes.... Please? Thank you. May I ask you what your name might be? It's okay. You don't have to answer. Oh, that's a wonderful name. What brings you to ponyville? You're from far away. huh? You have had the worst day ever? Oh, you don't want to share? Shh, it's fine. Whatever it is, you will feel so much better, if you just let it all out. You know... cry. No, it's not just for little fools and girl ponies. Cring, does make you feel better! There are pages about it in this science book, see? See? Oh, you're not a reader? Well, then ill read it for you. How about that? *cough* Crying releases oxa-tosen. And endogenous orpphoid. Also known as endorphins. These feel good chemicals help ease both physical and emotional pain. Oh, you don't want to hear it, either? Oh, well.... Hey, listen to me. If there anything my friend fluttershy told me, is that keeping your sad thoughts pent up in your mind, is just gonna bring you down. There's a book about that too. I'll give you a personal example. My friend Moon Dancer is coming over tomorrow, and I would like to have this place tip-top-shade. I've been neglecting it because of all the friends and problems and seeing all the collect. It's just stressing me out. You come in making it wet on the floor, and now I have to create more mess. pwew See? Now I feel better. What? No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, you're not a problem. I am just using the current situation, too. Clear the air. You are a pony in need that is currently still wet, especially on the face region. Are you crying? No, no, no, don't apologize. Don't explain anything. Just... let it happen. Trust me. You will feel so much better when you're done. maybe... actually.... before you tell me, I have an idea. I've read a book that sharing a cry with others makes you feel even better. So what I'm going to do, I'm going to cast a magic spell, on myself to cry. So we can share the moment together. I usually live a cry come out naturally, but never have I tried this spell and I don't see a better reason than to try it out now. Okay? Here we go. I guess. Yes.*she casts the spell* Oh, my! now, tell me all about it. Oh, (light tears) oh, oh? oh. Oh, no!( crying) Oh, Oh, oh.(bawling) Oh, you poor thing! Ssssh its just okay now. Let it all out. Let it all out. There.... There! Doesn't that feel better? Wow. I never experienced a magical cry before. I feel better emotionally and spiritualy.... if there is a spirit... probably faustercorn because I never met her. You're not done? Well, that's okay. Take as long as you need. Why don't you come next to me by the fireplace? Unless you want to go back outside. Oh, so you're staying then for a while longer? Huh? You want me to read you that story? No, it's not ridiculous. It's your inner self reaching out for help. You've got a long way to go, but at least you don't want to end it all. To me, that is a huge step in the right direction. Trust me, I know that feeling all too well. But I have my feelings. to share with you! and I have my friends to help me out, just like you have me. I know we're not friends yet, but maybe we could become friends? Oh, good, good! I can't wait for you to meet my other friends. Thank you for sharing the cry with me. Let's just sit here, look at the dancing flames and just cope with life for a while. And it's okay if there's more crying. its ok to cry what you cant cope. Just tell some pony what's going on, and they will help you through it. and if You want to talk? I will listen. I promise.