> A Thirsty Nightmare > by WinterStormed > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > A Thirsty Nightmare > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Auriel stared at the stoney ceiling. He found himself in some sort of massive cavern. It's sides were smooth and curved, the floor of it was cobbled. Right at the end was an iron door, it being the only way in and out. Visiblity was low as the only form of light came through a small semi-circle hole at the top right, where the side touches the ceiling. The former Vampire Hunter stared at his small window of freedom. He slowly rolled out of the single bed he found himself in. He winced and cursed as his wounds screamed with pain, his neck and chest were throbbing the most. "Haaaaaaaaaaaaa......." His wobbly legs were weak, imploring him to give up, as he stabled himself from falling, his gaze not leaving the semi-circular hole. Slowly, he unfurled his wings, his legs, going into a take off position. "1,2,3 Go !" Auriel took off with a grunt, taking off much slower than expected but all in all, after two failed attempts this morning he was greatful that he actually came off the ground. "Come on Auriel," he muttered to himself, already halfyway there. "Just a few more flaps and we'll be out of here in no time." He could not give up. If he did then It was game over. A fall from this height in the condition he was in would prove fatal. "Please ! You can do this !" Auriels self pleas were to no avail, his flaps began to slow down, his body screaming for him to stop until, just like that, he stopped flapping all together, his body shutting down on him. The ex Vampire Hunter closed his eyes as he fell. Death was the other option anyway. It was freedom or death for him. That's what he decided when he woke up. At least now he could rest. But It was not to be. Auriel opend his eyes as he felt something warm covering him. His vision was covered with a multide of colors. He was a few inches away from death, his only way of escape from this dreaded nightmare. "I hope you have learnt a lesson from this my little pony." Celestia said as she placed him back on his bed. Auriel glared back at the Solar monarch. She had no fangs nor flaming red mane or scary eyes but he knew what she was hiding. He feared her, of what she could do, their last encounter still fresh in his mind. But at this point, he was hoping that she would be ticked of by it. The plan backfired. Celestia gave a sad smile. "I'm sorry my little pony that it has to be this way. Once I'm convinced that you will not run away, you would be free to roam the palace." Auriel growled. "All I'm hearing is that I'd be moved into another but bigger cage if I'm a good dog." The princess moved closer towards Auriel, who stiffend immediately. He should have kept his mouth shut. Upon seeing his reaction to her closing proximity, Celestia's ears drooped. She quickly recovered. "Don't be scared my little pony," she said as if she was imploring him. "I'm not thirsty. I actually came here to give you your meal." Celestia placed a plate of food on the small table by the bed. "I will be unable to visit you tonight. There is a Gala happening in the palace tonight and as Princess I have to be there. " She did not seem happy about, not that he cared. "Tommorrow, you will meet the other princesses and discuss your living accomodations." She wanted to say more but seemed against it. The princess said her farewell which was met with no reply from him and she left with haste in each step. Auriel felt himself breathing again as the door closed shut. She was too close to comfort. His gaze fell on the plate of food much to his expectations. Spinach and sweet potatoes and a glass of water. All that is needed to make his blood rich in vitamns and nutrients. He was half tempted to fling the tray of food across the room but his grumblling stomach prevented him from doing so. "Fine." He mumbled as he chewed on a spinach leaf. "Just a few leaves." He ate in silence as began to ponder and hatch another plan. After finishing the entire plate of food and a few sips of water he finalized his escape for tonight. *Creak* Auriel spun around, his gaze towards the opening door, reavling a dark blue Alicorn. Princess Luna. The Lunar Monarch gave a chuckle. "You seemed to be in a state of shock vampire hunter. " Auriel was frozen on his bed, not by his own accord, it was as if his body knew something he did not. A fear he immediately recognised. The sense of a predetaor approaching. He felt the same when the Solar princess approached him but it was more subdued as if he had notjhing to fear. But Princess Luna on the other hoof, his prey instincts were going nuts. "What do you want ?" He said carefully, his voice betraying fear, as he positioned his back against the headrest, avoiding eye contact the lunar Monarch. "Oh, I just wanted to see what my sister chose to satisfy our thirst." Princess Luna began to approach him. Auriel moved back quickly, hitting the wall behind him. "Stay back ! Y-You can't drink....I'm still weak." Princess Luna stopped at the edge of the bed. Her face was emotionless, her eyes were cruel. Auriel felt his heart beating faster and faster as she slowly came on top of bed. "Remember Auriel Aurora Light." Her voice but a whisper. "You are but a blood bag to us. Although my sister feels guilt, I do not. I know what you are. Watch your tone and tongue when you ever speak around us before we rip your beating heart out for you to see. You follow the orders of your princesses otherwise you will face my wrath." "Do your worst Bitch." Kill me ! Auriel felt the stinging pain immediately as her hoof went against his muzzle, tasting blood. " You will regret what you said blood bag." Her voice carried a murderous tone. "Once we are done with you, you will beg for forgiveness." Auriel spat blood on her face. "I'll like to see you try." Princess Luna was furious as she began to change. Her coat became darker, her eyes becoming predatory. "Challenge accepted. I know what you trying to do Blood bag." She said as she licked the blood around her mouth. "I have no intention of killing you but...." She smiled revealing her gleaming fangs. "It will be a close one." Auriel felt himself gulping. He took it too far. Princess Luna pounced on Auriel, her fangs sinking into his neck. Screaming from the intense pain from he fangs digging deeper and deeper he rolled out of the bed, landing on Luna, disorienting her enough for him to make a split second decision. The pegasus lifted his wings and took off with all his might, the fear of torture being his boost. He was a speeding rocket as he went through the hole and into the night sky. He was about to scream out of joy before he felt something hit him. *Slice !* "Arggggg !" He cried as he lost contol of his wings , crashing into a forest. *Huff, Huff, Huff * Auriel could barely breath. His limbs were near to numbness from the fiery pain. Barely concious he tried to wake up only fall again writhing in agony. "I would not move Blood bag. " A voice behind him said. "The spell was designed to tear you inside out whenever you move of your own accord." Auriel felt hooves turning him around revealing an amused Princess Luna. "It seems Celly was right. You are a feisty one. Good. Now where we..... " Princess Luna gazed at Auriels bleeding neck. "Actually let's play a little game. The Gala just started and my sister would be wondering where I am, so it will be quick. All I want you to say is 'Please stop' in your most sincere voice. Succesful and you can go be back to your cage in no time, bandaged as well. Failure to do so would be me breaking a limb . One at a time." Tears began to form in Auriel's eye's, the little movement causing him to writhe once more in pain. "P-P-P-Please S-St-op. I'm SSSSSORY. Ack !" The Princess was taken aback, as the pegasus fell unconscious. "I took that went too far." She muttered to herself, feeling little guilt in what she had done. She left her darkest and deepest desires take over her. It seemed this Pegasus knew how to push her buttons. She once again looked at the broken body of the pegasus. "Time to take you back." Auriel was warm. Which was strange. His cell was not warm but cold and drafty, opening his eyes revealed an immaculate room, with colors of silver and dark blues and a dark ceiling dotted with white glittering spots. The pegasus shifted on the rather large bed for even three ponies. He froze, feeling somepony holding him. Looking at his barrel, which was covered with bandages, was two navy forelgs wrapped around him. "Disturb my sleep again and I will suck you dry blood bag." He felt her voice in his ear. Auriel wanted to scream as he began to tremble as the memeories of last night flooded into the forefront of his mind. Somepony help me ! Luna frowned as the pony in her forelegs began to tremble.She brought him here to heal and bandaged him. His cell was to cold and she decided he could spend the night here. Why was he having some sort of panic attack ? She was half tempted to wipe his memories of last night but thought against it. She already did enough damage for the week. Luna sighed as she began to stroke his mane. He stiffend by the action. "I'm sorry." Luna winced internally. She needed more than that to say. "What I did last night was wrong and barbaric. I know a simple sorry is not sufficent. Your were my first live drink I had for a thousand years. Celly and I have been drinking from blood bags for some time. It tastes awful. It was much worse for my sister. So I apologise for what I did." She felt the pony in forelegs calmed a bit. "But. If you tick me off again, then I can't promise you anything." Princess Luna turned Auriel to face her. "You belong to us. We can do anything to you without any repercussion. I simply apologised because I wanted to do not because of guilt." She brought him closer, he winced from the pain, and she kissed him. He did not kiss back. The princess ended the kiss. Auriel was trembling but she saw it in his eyes, they were full of hatred.Did she do something wrong ? She apologized. For some reason a tiny part of her felt a sliver of sadness but she covered it up. His feelings of her did not matter. He was merely a blood bag. A living breathing blood bag. With feelings. Princess Luna squashed the thoughts. "I am sending you back to your confinement. Later this morning you will be summoned so we and the other Princesses can discuss your future here." Auriel nodded glumly as he vanished into silver dust. The Lunar Monarch sighed as she went back to sleep. Auriel found himself back in his cavern on his bed. He could barely move with all the bandages limiting his movements. Thinking about what the princess said made no sense. She first apologised and said a bunch of excuses and then she turned a 180 degree into the opposite direction. "Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.............." The former Vampire Hunter stared at the stoney ceiling. Should he just accept his new life ? killing himself was not an option, they seem to be aware when he was in danger nor could he escape. They seem to like is 'fighting' spirirt. What other option does he truly have ? Before he could answer, a distinct popping sound was heard. Turning towards the popping disturbance gave him a near heart attack. "Who the hell are you !?" Discord gave a wide smile. "Glad you ask amigo ! The name's Discord and I have deal that you cannot refuse !" Auriel stared at the strange creature, processing everything, eventually giving his answer. "I'm listening." > The Meeting > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The air was damp in the cavern. It was raining quite hard in the morning and the howling winds did not make it better as it directed the water droplets through the semi-circle hole in the wall. "Haaaaaaaaaaaa....." Auriel watched his warm breath rise, disappearing with the cold draft. Grunting, he held the blanket tighter as the draft became stronger. He had been tossing and turning in the bad. His wounds for an extra-ordinary reason was mostly healed except for some sores and cramps he was doing just fine. I wonder if Princess Luna did something to me. His mind wonder-ed back two hours earlier to Discord and the offer he proposed. His shady proposal. Auriel turned once more, facing the wooden door. Any minute now for the princesses to make there possible entrance. Probably. Discord said they would convene the 'meeting of my fate' here, in the cavern. Since no pony besides the Princesses knew that he was here. The pegasus sighed. Should he trust Discord ? Should he ? He, Discord, was well documented throughout pony history for his trickery and his chaotic pranks. He was. He is, by definition a villian. He led Equestria in chaos in his 200 year reign eventually being defeated by Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. That was the gist he had learnt back at the acadamy. Auriel frowned as he rememberd his orignal homeland. Backstabbing barstards. He shook his head. He learnt a bit more about current and relevent news when he was in Saddle Arabia. Apparently, Discord freed himself from his stone prison and wreaked havoc until he was defeated by the elements of harmoney, wielded by six mares. Actually, Discord mentioned that the leader of the elements, Twilight Sparkle, is actually an Alicorn now. He'd find out soon whether he was bluffing or not. Auriel mulled over his thoughts. Discord said, should he accept his offer, he should say 'Jeg aksepterer min konge'. It felt heavy and powerful when Discord said it. It was nostalgic for Discord, he could see it in his eye's. The deal was simple and very vague : "I'll save you from becoming a farm animal blood bag and in return I want a single favour should there come a time that I am in need of assitance." His excact words. Auriels ear twitched. Sompony's coming. Now or never. He had until the princesses entered otherwise the deal becomes null and void. Well....what choice do I have ? Ah, here goes nothing He said it softly, ignoring the long wooden dining table with chairs materialising in front of him "Jeg aksepterer min konge..." Auriel could of sworn he heard a sigh of relief as he uttered the ancient words. The pegasus, now a bit more confident, stepped out of his prison bed as the Princesses came through the door one by one. Princess Celestia first entered, suprisingly without her regalia, she had a soft smile on her face which Auriel returned with a emotionless one. She sat on the left side, close to where he was expected to sit. The second to enter was Princess Luna in her usual regalia, holding or more accurately trying to keep an indifferent look. Auriel complelty ignored her as she sat on the furthers chair, right on the other end. Directly opposite of him. Last but not least to enter, the Princess that he had not met nor seen before : Princess Twilight Sparkle. She was purple. That was the first statement that formed in his mind. She was pretty, no doubt she will become more beautiful like the other princesses as time went. She was short, about a head shorter than him but she will eventually gain height. Her eyes were mesmerizing to look at. Deep pools of purple, glittering and sparkling like her namesake. She had a nervous smile, her eyes moving from the princesses to him. She sat on the right side of him. There was an awkward moment of silence until Auriel spoke up. "What are you all doing here ? Either free me of kill me. You do not need to hold a meeting for something as straight foward as this." "Calm down my little pony. No pony want's to kill you. We here to just enjoy a meal. " Celestia said her horn lighting up. Yeah, enjoying a meal with a pony you kidnapped in the cell you put him in. Totally normal. Auriel looked down at his plate of food. Salted spinach with mayonaise and a cup of beetroot juice. They were still pulling this stunt. The princesses flinched when he flung his plate, shattering into pieces as it hit the floor. Celestia and Twilight gave him a worried glance while Luna shot a glare at him for disturbing her as she continued to chew her spinach. "Is the food not to your liking ?" Celestia said, concerned. "Stop it." "I do-" "Shut up !" Auriel shouted, suprising all three mares. "Just stop this stupid charade of you caring about me. If you want my blood then take it. It's not like I can stop you." Celestia ears folded as she tried to say something, the words unable to come out. "I-I-III really do care." The pegasus snorted. "If you really cared you wouldnt have imprisoned me in the first place ! Stockholm Syndrome aint gonna work on me you monsters !" Auriel heard Luna growl as she threw him with her magic against the wall *Crack !* "Lulu !" "Princess Luna, Stop !" Auriel groaned as he tried to wake up from the floor only to be pushed back down. *Oof !* He stared wildy with fear at the Princess of the Night on top of him in her vampire form. She was furious. "I warned you Blood bag about your manners. Prepare for excrutiating pain !" Auriel closed his eyes as Luna went for his neck. "That's enough Sister!" The pegasus opened his eyes as Luna was flung back, breaking the oak table on impact. Auriel trembled as he saw Celestia in her vampire form (Daybreaker), she looked angry but it immediately disappeared when she saw his reaction. "Are you okay Auriel ?" Celestia said as she approached him. "Drink his blood sister." A voice said behind her. Luna threw the remnants of the table away. "I know you are weakened. You never drank since your encounter with him. Drink or else or I will....and I don't think I would be able to stop myself sister." "No !" Twilight interjected. "No pony is drinking any ponies blood ! We agreed upon that this morning !" Celestia looked at Twilight, her head hung in shame. "Twilight, we can't." Twilight looked at Princess Celestia in confusion. "What do you mean we can't ? We still have blood banks." Celestia had tears in her eyes. "The blood type we Alicorns need to survive has been used up as off this morning. Ponies of that blood type do not exsist...except for...." Twilight's gaze fell on Auriel, realising why they needed him so badly. But....this was wrong. So wrong. Imprisoning an innocent pony is wrong. The Princess of friendship slowly walked over to trembiling pegasus and placed a hoof on his shoulder. He flinched but calmed down when she began to gently stroke his back. "Auriel, if you do what I say, then I promise no pony will hurt you," Twilight whispered. He knew she was telling the truth. He could feel her sincerity. But she was a princess. A vampire that needed his blood to survive. He didn't want to die after all and all he could was, a simple nod to the princess. Twilight aknowledged his response and stood up facing the two sisters. "I'll drink his blood. Please leave us alone now." Auriel felt his heart jumping out of his mouth as he tried to bolt away. But Twilight held him firm in her magic. The two sisters were suprised by her statement. "Twilight, why-" "Should I not have a taste ? I mean you two already had a go at him. Why can't I ?" Celestia frowned and was about to argue but Luna cut her off. "I think it's fair. Do as you wish and besides Twilight would not do anything rash with him. Right Sister ?" Luna said with a smirk, looking at her Sister's defeated expressoin. Celestia nodded albeit with resistence. "Very well." She turned around and left the room with Luna. Twilight sat down next to Auriel on the floor realeaseing the magical bind on him. His body twitched uncontrollably as he tried to hold back his prey instinct. " You lied to me ! " "No, I did not. I just want a small taste. That's all. According to the books, the first bite is overloaded with ectasty." She leaned over to him and kissed his lips softly. before biting his neck, draining most of the blood from it. As she was drinking her moans became louder and louder while Auriel's thrashing became weaker and weaker. When she was done, she took out a small vial and filled it with the remaining blood red from his neck. "This is all I need to replicate your blood. You are free to go. There is no reason for them to keep you here. Now, whenever we feel thirsty we can just simply replicate your blood in a tube." Twlight looked at the near unconcious pegasus. "I'm sorry for what I did. I can't help it. When I became an Alicorn and they told me....you could hear me shriek from las Pegasus." She chuckled. "I got over it but from time to time, looking in the mirror, I can't help but feel disgusted by what I have to do to survive." "Can I leave now ?" Auriel said weakly. He did not give a damn about her problems. He just wanted to get out of this nightmare. Twilight shook his head. "I first need to first discuss with the princesses. Worst case scenario, you would be free to go by tommorrow." Auriel nodded. He'll take anything by this point. "Good." Twilight said. Then she stood up and left. Auriel laid down on the bed, his mind troubled by what had happened. She was telling the truth, right ? If not what was he going to do ? The door creaked open. "You did good today Auriel, my man !" Discord said as he skateboarded into the cavern. Auriel sat up in shock and anger. "Discord ! Where the hell you been !" "Ahhhh, sorry about that." Discord said, sitting on a floating cinema chair, stuffing popcorn in his face. "I didn't want to ruin such a steamy scene ! Oh ! Her moans-" Auriel gave him a glare. "Okay, Okay. Deals a deal. I actually had to sort of set the scene for your departure, you know, add some chaos." Auriel gave him a quizzical look but thought nothing of it. "Discord, our deals over. They don't need me anymore. I'm free." Discord laughed at him. "Gosh. You haven't learnt ? Twilight is not the only pony who can replicate blood. They teach that in medical school ! Moon and sunbutt already tried it. It does not work." Auriel slumped his shoulders. Hope was fading away. Discord patted his back. "Hey, a deals a deal. I'll set you free." And with that Discord clicked his claws and Auriel vainshed to someplace far away from Canterlot. Discord looked around the empty cavenern. Pondering his plan. Now I just need some sort of way to nudge the princess in the right direction.....ah that's it ! Discord placed the item on the floor. "Worst case scenario would be a world war but hey the more the merrier." .....And with excitement, Discord vanished, leaving a gleaming ring on the floor. > Princess of Persia > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Auriel found himself in a bedroom. He looked around and realized it wasn't his own. The room was beautifully decorated, with a large four-poster bed, plush carpets, and ornate Middle easternfurnishings. He had no memory of how he got there or why. Ah. Now he remembered He stared at the swirling calligraphy on the ceiling. Farsi, not Arabic. He was in Persia. "God dammit Discord." It seemed this was done on purpose. Auriel felt his heart quicken. Persia was not a good place for him to be. If she catches him here.... The doors opened. Too Late. "Auriel. We finally meet at last." The Princess of Persia said. She was an earth pony of horse descent. Her coat was pinkish white and her long, beautifully braided mane was a light shade of pink. Her light blue eyes sparkled, excited by her new visitor. "The answer is still no, Leila." Auriel said as he faced her. She pouted. "You know if my guards had not found you outside the gates you would have died ?" The pegasus sighed. "And you have my gratitude." He tried to leave but she stood in front of him. She was around the same size as Twilight. Her hoof went against his chest, circling his chest. "I want more than just your gratitude Auriel." She purred. He pushed her hoof away. "Don't do anyhting rash Leila, remember what Hoofiya said." Leila rolled her eyes as she pushed Auriel backwards unto the floor. "What happed to the strong Auriel ?" Auriel felt pain all over his body, he was too weak to resist, still recovering from all his injuries and blood drain. "S-stop Leila, Hoofiya-" "Are you my Step- brother's lover or something ?" Leila said with a huff. "Hoofiya is not here nor does he even know that you are here. In fact he is in Canterlot right now, looking for you." Auriel's eyes widen. "What !?" Leila gave a soft smile as she carresed his cheek. "I think we going off topic." "I don't have time for this Leila." Auriel struggled to get up but Leila was on top of him. "Get off me !" "Only if you call me the prettiest mare in the world." She said with glee. "No." She smirked. Oh, how she missed playing this game with him. She gave him a sultry stare her muzzle close to his. Her breath smelt of strawberries. Auriel felt his heart beating crazy. She was pretty. Alicorn pretty. She could easily rival the Alicorn sisters in the beauty department. Which is an incredible feat for a non-Alicorn, made even more unbelievable that she wore no make up whatsoever. Not that he will tell that to her face. "I'v seen better." He glowered. "Get off me !" Leila's smile faltered, ignoring his demands. "B-Better ? What do you mean better ?" Oh no .He just said it to get back at her. "Look, Leila..." She got off him, glaring. "I'll show you better ! Delicate Silk ! Soft Heart ! Prepare my wardrobe !" She said as she left the room. "Your heart will explode when I'm done Auriel !" Auriel sighed as the doors closed. Can he get out of here ? He eyes fellow on the large window. Could he just glide down ? Auriel thought to himself. "It's worth a shot." Lifting himself up, Auriel limped towards the window. "Today's going to be a good day." He said. A small smile forming. He totally forget the palace was near the euphrates river. He simply needed to jump and let the currents do the work of taking him away from the palace. Opening the window, he stared at the roaring currents. This will work. Right ? Taking a deep breath, he dived into the river. The currents were too strong. "Help !" He screamed his head surfaced and sumberged, fighting to stay afloat. *Splash !* Auriel felt two hooves hugging his barrel. "I never knew you could'nt swim !" " Thanks Leila ." Auriel said as she pulled him towards the banks. They were some distance away from the palace. She smirked. "I think I need more than just gratitude." "What are you doing !?" Auriel said, alarmed as she pressed her body agaisnt his in the wet sand. She was wearing her regalia made out of pink diamond and gold trimmings. No doubt she burst into the room as he dived into the river. "To put it simply Auriel." She said as she kissed him. "I'm getting my reward in full." She hugged him tighter as she kissed even harder. Auriel was to weak to protest. Why was this happening to him ? All he wanted was to go home and live his life. In despair , tears began to roll down. The once mighty Vampire hunter was reduced to a pudding. Leila reined her lust when she saw the tears in his eyes. "Hey. Are you okay ?" She immediately got off him. "I-I-I just want to go home." Folding her ears, Leila looked away in shame. "I'm sorry Auriel. I took it too far this time. I-I just..I've been in love with you since Hoofiya introduced us. I'm sorry." Auriel said nothing as she lifted him up, putting him on her back . He fell into a deep sleep as they entered the palace