A Murder Drones Tail

by Kamen rider accel 2

First published

We were left behind and thought we could live in peace. But, It seems the creator didn't want them to love freely.

What happens when the world is left for robots to live in? Well, They try to live in it as much as they could. But some one doesn't want that to happen. So what do they do? They send other robots to slaughter them all That's what.

Chapter 1

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That's what was being described right now. Nothing but coldness and snow.

There was a blizzard going around a town. As the town it self was abandoned it self as the buildings were broken down as well as Houses and stores. They were all tore down and we're destroyed aswell. The blizzard was moving fast as it was making anything freeze to Crystal Ice. There were also dead frozen skeletons on the streets and places as they all had clothes still on. It was like something happened that took them by surprise. And the light of a different moon was shining on the planet. Not a moon but a ringed planet type moon with a small moon on the side.

The most distinguished scene was the pile of Robot bodies lying around broken. It was like a massacre happened as there were some heads in the snow that had a 'ERROR' on the visor.

But then a hole pile of the robot bodies were scene made in to a large mountain as a dome of some sort. A figure then came in to view from the blizzard as it walked through it without any casualties. The figure was described to be a robot it self.

This one was different as it arms and legs were modified longer a bit also with his hands futuristic type and as his legs were metallic white blue boots type. He also had a tail on his back which had a vile with yellow liquid inside as it also sported a sering. It looked like a scorpion tail if being precise. The figure face was the same as the destroyed bots on the ground as it had a visor on it. The visors showed his blue holographic eyes on the screen as well as the mouth underneath the visors that was an actual mouth. It also had blue hair on its head which were comed up in stile but they had Five small circle lights which glowed yellow . He also wore a jacket that was sporting a Lighting shield symbol on its back.

He walked through the crowd of dead bodies as he didn't care for any. He even stepped on some and broke them. He stopped as he picked up a dead bots head as it spilled oil from the bottom. He bring it up and opened his mouth drinking the oil inside, Once he was done he crushed it with his bare hands and throw it away. He began walking again but stopped as he stepped on something weird. He looked down to see it was another bot but it was looked like a baby of some sort as the visor on the screen showed 'ERROR' on it.

He also felt something beside the Baby Bot and saw a hand holding the bot. It reveals to be another Robot but female. He guessed that this is the mother of the child. He looked down on them once again but he signed coldly.

"No, Don't show any regret for the dead." He spoke. His voice was like of a young teen. His arms changed into claws as he grabbed them both and ripped them apart spilling oil on the snow. After he was done he dropped them both as they were left in some peaces. He wiped the oil from his mouth and went off."There gone. No point in keeping the bodies like this if not being used." He told him self.

Just then another figure came in flying and landing behind him creating a bit of dust as he didn't look back. The dust went away to reveal to be another Robot like him but he had white hair. Yellow eyes and was wearing a fire coat. He also had wings behind his back but they went away soon.

"Hey! F.S! Hows the hunt going there?" He asked in a casual toon trying to sound cool."You know. Getting a bit of stomach fuel. Killing the worker bots and.."

"N, What are you doing hear now?" F.S asked the now named N as he looked at him."I'm just taking a walk around. You just happened to drop now?"

"Oh me!" He said."Well, if you asked. I was just coming back from meeting with V as she was doing her thing. You know.."

"Ripping off worker drones organs and feeding them there own intestines Infront of there whole family.." F.S deadpanned.

"Well. That's how she is you know. She's just showing her own mutual side."

"Her mutual side is off a craze sadistic and loves to cause harm to others. Then yeah we can see that already on how she communicate with us." He sarcastically told N.

"Yeah, But that's what makes her more charming." N dreamingly said as he had his hands on his face and his visors eyes were replaced by hearts.

"Then talk to her then. If she knows you even exist around hear or not." F.S muttered."She'll know me eventually F.S. she just needs.. a bit of... Time." N scratch his back as F.S gave him a look."Don't give me that look ok! She's just busy doing her own thing that's all. I'll get her to notice me in no time once I show her my worth!"

"N." F.S signed as he looked at his coworker and friend." The time you let her notice you would be ages away even after our mission is done hear. And by the time she does. She'll say on 'Oh God, Who the heck are you?'"

"No she won't." N scoffed at that."Cause she already said that a whim back." He muttered the last part.

F.S just signed at his antics to get the girl. He just doesn't know what he sees in her that makes him fall for her. On that would be too much exaggeration but still, he has a mission to simply kill all the worker bots and return back to base that's all.

"By the way. What are you hear again?" N asked."I-I mean. You just spend a afoul lot time out side. O-Other then back at ship. I don't have any problem or anything if you may be asking. But, Just a hint of, You know curious?" He smiled innocently and was trying to not pry his coworker private life..

"... It's non of you business N. So stay out of it. Its for your own good!" F.S harshly told making N take a bit.

"R-Right, Right. Sorry for the prying your personal life thing. 'Which-is-quiet-bad-but-good' I was just asking that's all" N gave him a nervous smile.

"Good. Now leave me alone ok. I'm still a bit of hunting." He told

"Oh! Can I come with! Please! I'll promise to be very good and quiet if you let me! So please how about it!" N requested with his eyes turned into puppy type. F.S rolled his eyes at that.

"Fine~" F.S said.

"YES! FINALLY, A CHANCE TO HANG OUT WITH MY BEST BUD AS WE KILL MORE WORKER DRONES TO ALSO FEED ON." N cheered as he hugged F.S, Who pushed him back in annoyence."So what should we do first. Play eye spy! Or how about guessing game. Or Charlie says." He asked as they started to walk away.

"How about a game called.'Who could be the most quiet one around.'" F.S suggested as he wanted to shut him up. His tail was almost close to hitting him in the back of the head.

"Oh! I could do that with no problem!" N cheered not getting what he meant."Prepare to lose cause I'm the best in this!"

"Hahhhhh~!" A tired signed released from a female worker drone as she sitting in the waiting room.

She wore a punk type outfit as she had purple long hair and also wore a hat over her head. She was sporting a bandage over her right visor and had an icepack over it. Beside her could be described a high-tech gun as it was glowing green and was smoking, meaning it was just used a while back. She had kept it close and was not leaving it out.

"Ew, That didn't kill her.." She heard the comment and looked to see two other bots making fun of her. They laughed and went off. She simply rolled her eyes. Well one eye to be precise.

"Again sitting hear Uzi?" Another worker bot came in as it wore a simple football shirt and a cap."Trouble again with the the teacher?"

"I'm an angest teen Davis, Bite me!"

"Hah.. Why did you even have that gun with you again?"

"You mean my.. Awesome Railgun!" She told standing on the seat and pointing at him in the face."Yeah this Baby was made to take care of those Murder Drones outside of the doors! Had to make this out of the left over things found at the stores."

"Your planing on going outside to face the killer Robots, Send to kill all of us and possibly drunk our oil. Which I have been hearing all this time." Davis told her."And doesn't your dad, Khan, make those doors to keep us away from those killer things."

Uzi shoved the gun Infront of his face scaring him a bit more.",Don't put my dad's work into this ok!"

"Sorry, Sorry!" He screams in fright.

She pulled it back."Besides, The last part I need to finish this bad boy up is outside there and I'm gonna sneek there tonight so I could finally finish this and help save the world, And get my dad's respect. But mostly the world save part." She quickly told not to sound uncool. Classic teenager stuff.

"Well. Isn't it a bit. You know... Your personal grudge against those bots." He tried to find reason but was cut off.

"I doesn't involve any of my personal grudge against the murder bots OK and no more feed back on my repression aswell!" She told him."I'm doing this so I could save the world instead of sitting around copping in this base you all call SAFE!" She yelled as she went off."Were done hear. BITE ME!" She went off to another room. But not before coming back."I'm not angry at you or anything!...Just generally Hormonal!" She gave a thumbs up and went away.

Now when the Satrun moons came up and it was night time it was the perfect time for going to fallow her plan.

An alarm started beeping showing it was 3:00 am. The alarm was on her visor as she smacked her face to turn it off and woke up.... That's one way of doing it? But any way she then went and get ready as she strapped her gun on her back. Steadied her hat and gave her self a thumbs up. Then she quietly opened the door of the room and carefully took the Master Key hanging on the hanger.

She sneaked through the halls and went towards the giant door area. She used the mater key and granted access. The door opened but there her dad was standing with his eyes narrowed and had his arms crossed.

"OH, Robo Jesus!" She freaked out seeing her dad there.

"And where are you going young lady at this time of night?" He asked her still keeping his straight face.

"Um... Trying to sneak out to go and make out with my boyfriend. Which I totally have." She made up an excuse hoping he'll bye it.

He looked at her for a second. Then buyers out laughing."Hahah... But seriously where are you going?" He got straight back on topic not buying her story.

"Ok. Ok you caught me... I'm.. uh... Trying to find and... Um.. understand the steel.. hydrolysis.. mechanism of... Door 1!" She quickly told."Cause this... Is a.. school project of mine.. which the teacher... Told me to do. And I really want to understand on how the door works.. you know just like my old man does. Other then playing cards and making doors."

He looked at her daughter seeing her excuse. He bought it."Well. Why didn't you say so in the first place! My daughter taking after her old man works!"

"Yeah." She said in a forced smile trying not to feel to much guilty for lying to him like this." But I. Was hoping you'll let me check the outside door. To make shore on how it's operating and all."

"Oh. This is great! My daughter fallowing her old man's foot step's and making doors rather then fighting like a rebellious teen." He suddenly hugged the door."Good doors. Good. Good doors." He then went back."And your making them so why fight when your safe from the danger out side. For that, I like you to have this wrench." He pulled out a old oiled rench from his pocket."It was the same rench I used to tite the nots on my first doors. And to put your mother out of her misery when the murder Drones got to her by there nanite virus." He said the last part darkly." And I like you to have it."

She ackwardly accepted the wrench." Great.... Therapy is fun." She muttered.

F.S flew in the Strom by his metallic wings. He was flying through the blizzard as he was trying to get something out of his mind. He landed on a roof top as his visors scanned the area around him. No worker bots hear or anything so he's free a bit.

Suddenly his mind start to hurt making glitches appear in his visors."Gah! Not again!" He grabbed his head trying to stop the pain from happening more.

He suddenly saw he was running as a human girl with purple short hair was scene running happily Infront of him as she looked back."Come on Flash. Try to catch up!" She told him. Flash? Who's that and why is she calling him that.

Next he saw he a human family sitting on a table and we're eating food. He saw a orange skin man with blue hair likes his and a white skin violet hair women and the same young girl. He was getting confused."So, Your still up for applying to the police academy there kido?" The man asked him.

This was getting out of hand.

The pain finally stopped as he breathes in a sign of relief. He was breathing heavily as he saw the images."Who the hell are they! Why was I with them and why do they call me FLASH!" He asked no one in particular as he try to make heads or tails of this.

He suddenly felt someone beneath him as he looked down to see a worker drone down the road as he was looking for something. Well looks like he got a bit of hunting done right now.

"Were is that excuse I'm looking for?" The worker bot muttered as he looked around for something."Ah hah! Finally found it!" He said picking up a pair of glasses."This is a good excuse to be around hear."

Suddenly F.S dropped behind him as he was pushed back. The boy looked to see the him as F.S looked more demonic with the sharp three knief claws and the metallic wings spread out as well as his visors showed a huge blue X. He had a murderous grin on his face as he looked at the worker hungrily.

"Gahhh! Please don't kill me! I have so much to live for and I didn't even get to have wife and kids!" The worker bot yelled in fright and tried to make a brake for it but was grabbed by F.S tail as he was held upside down. He was screaming for help but no one would come for his aid."At least let me get to see my Sister for the last time!" He yelled in fright.

F.S stopped in his assault as he was triggered again.

"Come on Flash!" The young girl pulled him by his hand.

The same memory again. This annoyed him so much. He looked back at the worker and then threw him to the side. He's visor went back to normal as well as his hands."Get out of my sight this instant you hear me! If I catch you hear again you'll won't be lucky then! Got it!" F.S yelled at him with his claws out.

"Yes. Yes. Mister murder drone sir. I won't be-"


"Ahhhhh!" The worker bot screamed away leaving F.S behind.

F.S looked back at his robotic hands as he was like trying to see him self. He started to take heavy breaths as he was like gonna have a panic attack or something. He then got mad as he yelled and started to trash things around. He made his hand in to a gun and start to shoot things around him and causing more distruction and explosion. Finally after a few minutes of taking out self anger he finally calmed down.

"Why... Why are these videos, Images playing in my head... Why are they making my work so hard to do?!!" He yelled out at heaven. He stopped in his thoughts when he saw a bright green light in the other part of the street. It was at his launch pad area. He quickly flew off to see what happened.

(10 minutes ago)

Uzi was walking through the blizzard as she managed to fool her dad. It wasn't a good feeling for her but she needed to prove to others that is good to fight back instead of hidding behind the doors. She walker through the desert storm as she finally reached the crash landing area she was looking for. But it shocked her when she saw a whole pile of bodies of mountain around it. She looked at it and tried to not get frightened. It was still hard for her to see death even if she was a robot.

She went further inside through the hole there and saw the landing ship. She went inside and went through the piles of bodies as she looked around. She picked up a useless hand and threw it away. She then saw a glowing small container and smiled as she finally found the missing part. She suddenly felt something coming as she ran into a hidding spot.

A murder drone landed behind some car crashed site as it reveals to be N. He took a worker bots head and drank it's oil. The crushed it by his claws. Uzi looked through the broken mirror to see what's happening. She needs to refill her gun quickly before he gets to notice her. But the moment was ruined when N looked at her holding the mirror.

Uzi saw the danger and quickly mad a run as N flew after her as she turned back and threw the battery up and quickly unloaded her previous one. She caught the battery in her hand and loaded it in her hand and took aim. But N created a crater maming Uzi take back as her gun landed the other way. She flipped back in te right time and took a fighting pose.

"Hah, Guess pirating all that anime wasn't useless at all then." She muttered.

N went directly Infront of her taking her by surprise as she saw his X on his visor. He launched his venom tail at her which she blocked with her right hand. Big mistake, The venom injected in her hand making it burn. He then threw her at a broken car as she grunted. She looked around and found the gun was near her.

N looked back at her through his visors as he saw her aiming the gun at his face."Bite me!" She yelled as she fired the gun as it blasted a giant green beam which took over half of the spot. Uzi was flung back but was ok as her gun showed it needed to recharge as it take 30 minutes. She looked at her work and saw the Murder Drone head blown off as his body fall down lifeless.

"Holy hell, Hah! Suck on that Dad!" She cheered as she looked at her handy work.

Her cheering stopped as she saw the body get back up and the head was growing back as it was like it wasn't destroyed at all. But the one light was red instead of yellow like the others. "Oh crap!" She quickly looked around and grabbed a hand and ran at the Robot before it could start and slapped it with the hand. The visor of N showed it was rebooting as it soon came back on. He blinked at seeing her and took everything thing in."Did you just slapped me with that arm?" He asked

Uzi got a second to think what happened."Holy crap, It talks." She muttered

"Yeah, My head kinda hurts now. It was like something hit me or anything else." He scratch the back of his head."Hey, Are you new hear on our squad." He asked her as she didn't know what to say."You look a little?" He narrowed his eyes at her. His visors were showing error on her image and couldn't work right."Short for disability drone." He narrowed his eyes at her.

Now she's in trouble as she was being faced by a killer machine who could rip her into pieces and is most likely would do now.

N looked at her in seriousness. Then smiled."I'm self determined N, At your service. I'm kinda of the leader in this group." He tried to play cool."Actually, I'm not, Everyone calls.me useless and an idiot. Well everyone but F.S. as he and I are buddies! Well mostly buddies. We have a good good relationship going on right now. BUT I DIDN'T HAVE TO TELL YOU THAT!" N shouted."Damn Biscuits. Well I can't seem to remember my past whole 3 hours on what happened. But hopefully it would come back to me soon" He smiled at her.

Uzi just ackwardly smiled back at him."Well, It's been nice knowing you N, But ah, I gotta go and... Do some disassembly dorne... things." She threw the arm away as she went for her gun but she felt her right hand in pain as the venom was burning her arm."Gah!"

"Oh, You stung your self by accident. Well why don't you use your saliva then good thing to or I'll be Disassembling.y self alot." N told with a smile as he caught his tail from hitting him in the head. .


"Yeah, Disassembly Drones secrete an anti toxin in our mouths as a defence mechanism, "

"Yeah....And it could only be done by a disassembly drone" Both said at the same time."Right, we could do that. Hey how about we go to the ship. I wanna try something." She suggested quickly.

N looked at the ship and smiled."Sure, I'm up for new things."

Minute later Uzi Fist was pulled out of N mouth as he spit out saliva."Well... I'm up for trying new things." He said ackwardly and was weird out by this now.

"Uhh! We are never talking about this!" She warned him.

"Talking about what?" He quickly said."Consider it, Repressed." He said in a grove fashion.

She then wiped the Saliva off her hand."So, You mentioned there others hear right." She slowly asked.

"Yeah, There are three more of my comrades. First there's V. She's kinda of a......" He was quite for a second."Intense"

Uzi took a second to think about it."Define intense?"

"Like, Pulling your vital parts out and feeding it to you Infront of your family."

She had a full minute to think on what he said." What the actual fuck?!"

"Yeah.. there's our mutual relationship there. But just between you and me, I kinda have a small crush on her. But you can't tell her ok!" He creeped out a bit but chilled down.

Uzi made a zipping motion but still was a bit nervous at him.

"Then there's J... She's kinda of our boss hear and is Awesome... Well she does call me useless and worthless and told me that she'll kill me if the company wanted it to.... But we still have a good on team relationship." He said.

Uzi felt a bit bad for him. Even if his a robot he still doesn't deserve this.

"Then there's our last member F.S. He's my best buddy and... We hang out a lot. Mostly me hanging out with him. He's the only one to at least not throw any insults at me or anything. Nor he try to kill me or forget me that I'm hear." N told her."He's a good friend. Even if he's not showing it."

"Is he... That good of guy?" She asked as he was telling about this F.S in high regard.

"Why not ask him your self.." A voive spoke making them jump in fright.

"Ahhhh!" Both screamed and looked to see someone landed Infront of them. It reveals to be F.S as he looked back at the two startled Robots. He narrowed his eyes at Uzi who was now in panic.Things took a whole lot worse for Uzi now.

"Hey, How's it hanging.." He asked

-To Be Continued-

Chapter 2

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F.S. stood there looking at the two surprised at his sudden appearance.

"Hey F.S! Your back!" N happily said."Oh, you won't believe it. The company sent us another disassembly drone to help us out. She's kinda short but.. she would most definitely help us. See?" N pointed at Uzi who was now in a panic attack seeing the other Murder drone in front of her.

F.S. gave her a look as she knew now she had to act or else she'd be dead. She tried to reach for her gun on the side, but her hands were shaking like a leaf. "N... Why didn't you tell me?" F.S. asked as Uzi closed her eyes as virtual tears came out."That she arrived hear already." He suddenly said.

"Hah?" Uzi muttered in shock toon as she opened her eyes.

"I just did there buddy." N laughed at that."I was just showing her the ropes on what to do and what we shouldn't do. Like the buttons and screen. And stuff like that."

"Did you tell her to not mess with V secret compartment area she told us never to go or else she'll kill us and make us eat our oragnas." F.S told pointing at the area where there was a drawl with. 'Never come hear or Else your dead!' Written with oil on it.

"Yeah.... Yeah I was about to. But got side tracked at that."N muttered while scratching the back of his head."But I was gonna! Just going with a simple.. baby steps to insure that she'll understand us better."

"Well in that case. Let me do take her on the tore then."

"Hah?" Both asked.

"She's new ok. And your not really good at showing anyone around as you tend to get lost your self hear." F.S told as he continued before N could say anything."And Do I need to remind you on the last time we were being given a 'Tore' around the city by you. J was this close to ripping your head off if I wasn't there to stop her. And V aswell." He reminded making N slump down.

"Fine, But I wasn't that bad on the tore. I was just fixing my map and all."

"We were flying in circles for hours, We only found out about the that, is when you we saw the skeleton of the construction worker." He muttered..

"Ok fine. It was that bad." He huffed at him. Soon he signed."Oh, I can't stay mad at you... Just get her back after your done giving the tore." He goffle said to his friend.

F.S grabbed Uzi hand before she could say anything."Don't worry, I will." He told her as his toon was a bit sinister."Come on Rookie. As they say in Japanese,"It's a Senpai duty to show his junior the basics. Or else how would he learn to study.'" he said as he grabbed her gun and flew up taking her with him as she screams.

N just looked at where they went and couldn't help but sign in joy."Hah.. That's my friend there you see. He always looks out for me and the others." He shook his head.

"Wow!" Uzi grunted as she was dropped on the ground."Ow, Ok that hurt." She muttered as she looked up to see F.S hovering above her. She crawled back and try to escape."You! You won't be able to harm me! I-I know karate and Kung Fu! I downloaded it in my self." She bluffed as she tried to get out.

F.S looked at her as he suddenly threw her gun Infront of her taking her by surprise."Hah?" She said as she looked at him."Get out." He simply told her.

"Huh?" She thought she didn't hear him right or else.

"I said Get out of hear kid." F.S said taking her by surprise as a Murder Drone who isn't malfunction is giving her a chance to escape."Stop gawing at me like that and just leave already. Your in a danger zone kid and you shouldn't be hear. Go back to those safe doors you call home. And don't let me catch you hear snooping around or else my colleagues hear won't be to much forgiving." He told her as he landed on the ground and start to walk away.

"Why..?" He stopped as he heard her."Why are you giving me a chance to escape? Why not kill me right now. Isn't this what your supposed to do?" Uzi finally asked wanting to know why she was spared..

"...." F.S was quite for a minute as he looked back at her. Suddenly her image was changed to the girl in his dream. He didn't know why but he felt a bit of... Close bonding with her. Like he could trust her."Hah.... Listen kid, Me sparing your life is a direct change in my system that is against the company and what they stand for. They send us to do one thing and that was to kill the rogue worker bots and be done with them. That's all."

"But why?!" Uzi almost shouted."Why do you do it. Us worker dornes can help you to fix the freaking ship and help you get off this stupid planet once and for all! If you stop with the useless murdering and that. We could help each other out." Uzi tried to reason with him.

"Kid, We don't just hunt for sport. Well some of us don't." He muttered."We do it so we could drink the oil that helps us by not over heating and dying. As you could guess. We're like robot vampires. Except we can't turn others into us and we don't ware capes." He explained.

"But, Won't the company dispose of you when your done with this. Won't they just get rid of you!"

"Well, I don't think they'll do that." Both looked to see N coming in to view as he had a sheepish smile." I mean they never gave us a coming back command. They only have us a one way travel. But that still got a bit of confusion."

"N... How long were you listening to this."F.S asked patiently as he got Infront of Uzi, Surprising her. She then saw something that one of the red lights on N head was yellow. Meaning it was bad news.

"Well.... Not long enough." He told while ackwardly scratching his back."They came in suddenly and fixed my reboot problem and we came in just time to hear this."

"Wait, 'They'?!" F.S got alarmed so did Uzi as two more Murder Bots landed on the top of the ship. They both were female as they wore black jacket. One had her hair done in pony tail and the other wears a black short-sleeved crop coat with a fur collar and cuffs. Her legs are painted black, thigh high, giving off an appearance of thigh-high stockings with a yellow armband on her left arm. They had the neon yellow balls on there head aswell.

"Well, Well, Well, look what we just came in and witnessed for our self." J said looking at the two."Our little 'partner' hear is not fallowing his prime directives given to him. What do you have to say for your self then?" She mockingly asked

"Let's let the kid go J, She doesn't have anything to do with this." F.S stated as she looked at him then soon both her and V burst out laughing at his comment. N simply laughed dryly on what they're laughing at."What's so Funny there J?" He demanded.

J stopped laughing,"Oh poor, Poor F.S. How you became such a rule breaker we don't know of. You used to be this simple bot that fallowed what you were told to do. But now this, Helping our prey in escaping and with a weapon that could kill us? This is not like you."

"Well, Some things can happen and sometimes it's for the better. I'm just saying to let this kid go. She has nothing to do with this or anything at all. She was just fallowing a stupid thing she thought was a good idea." He argued back as Uzi took offence to the last part.

"It is a good idea." Uzi muttered behind him making him look back at her annoyed."Now's not the time when I'm trying to save your life from them." He shot back.

J simply smirked."Oh F.S, Your being corrupted by this worker bot charm.. we can't let that happen van we V."

The physico Robot girl laughed menacingly as she looked at them."Nope, Nope we don't want that. Why not 'Fix' him then. That could be easy." She laughed.

"That's what I was thinking! So we do this. Listen hear N!" She called him out."You take care of that little brat and we 'Fix' our partner hear. Sounds good."

N didn't get the meaning behind the word Fix but he looked back at them and nodded."Ok then," he looked back at F.S and Uzi."I'm sorry about this F.S, But she's corrupting you and stopping you from completing our mission. So I have to dispose of her to get you back."

"N, Do you even know what they're talking about Fixing me. Or are you that stupid!" F.S demanded as he didn't know if his friend was smart or not. But he didn't listen as he got ready to attack."Uzi." He whispered to her."I'll create a distraction for you to escape while I deal with those two. Run fast as you can and hide from N. Don't let him find you ok."

Uzi didn't know what to do right bow as she was in deep shit but nodded."Good, So run on 3... 2...1!"

F.S created a smoke gun and fired down creating smoke to blind the others from seeing what's happening. Soon He flew directly at the two girls who quickly flew back to avoid him. He flew around as he avoided the bullets being fired at him. Meanwhile Uzi got a chance and ran as fast as she could away from them as N chased her.

F.S flew out of the Piller of bodies as he flew around buildings. The two girls were chasing after him as they fired more bullets. He doged the bullets as he took a turn to the right. They turned aswell but we're meet with a swift kick on the face by F.S as he ambush them. They fall back and hit the buildings and fall on some frozen skeletons breaking them in the process.

He then flew and landed where she was. She shot up in anger as she growled at him. He made his hands into blades as he he ran towards her. She made blades aswell as both clashed with one another in quick speed. Both were delivering heavy sets of attacks as F.S used the opportunity when she and her git back and jumped behind her. He delivered a round house kick and flung her to the wall. He then launched his blades at J who cartwheel to avoid them in the nick of time. As she threw her blades at him. F.S simply avoided them but was soon hit with a stinger on his arm taking him by surprise as he grunted.

"Gah!" He looked to see her giving him a smirk as he pulled the stinger out and ripped it out of her tail. She was taken back by this but still kept her smile.

"You know, I really liked you back then F.S. when we first came hear and when we killed all those Useless worker drones. We had so much fun while doing it. I really liked that side of yours more often... But this side. The Rebel one is kinda making me hard to like you. You really hurt me on this." J faked hurt as she looked at him.

"What I'm doing doesn't matter. We were given a mission to kill these bots but they didn't do anything to us. So why should we even do this! They were living peacefully hear before we came in." He argued back.

"Really... We were given orders on to solve the problem. Where's your proof on these bots being innocent." J said with a smile."And beside, You should keep your guard up."

"Hah?" F.S asked but soon was impaled from behind the chest by a stinger. He slowly looked back to see V behind him as she gave him a menacing laugh.

"You should keep your guard up there F.Sy. Hahahaha!" She threw him to the side as he hit the wall. The venom was affecting his body as he tried to get up using the wall as sport."Sorry for this buddy, But like J said. We can't have a rogue worker hear now. So we have to dispose of you." She sweetly told with menace in her eyes."So no hard feelings there."

They made cannon arms and prepared to launch the blast as they smiled wickedly. F.S didn't have any place to escape so he had to do the next thing. He made his hand in to a launcher and fired up to the building roof making it explode as the entire building start to collapse. J and V saw the state and had to bail.

"Well, Looks like your fate is to be barred hear then, If you survive.. we'll make sure to find you then." J said as they both took off flying out from the falling building. F.S didn't had the strength as he couldn't move much. His visor showed system error as he was loosing consciousness and finally fell down. He saw nothing else but darkness..

F.S now felt he was some place else as he opened his eyes and saw he was in some sort of back void. He scanned the place but it wasn't working as he was floating around.

"What the? Where the hell am I?!" He asked no one in particular as he looked around."Okay, The last thing I remember was being impaled behind the back then soon loosing consciousness in a collapsing building..... Meaning I'm now dead. Well that's great." He muttered to him self." I always thought I'll wake up in hell or something those religious people told about."

"Are you gonna let her die."

He quickly spin around to find another one inside the void..He was a human teen boy who looked like him but he had organic skin and blue eyes. The teen boy floated there with him inside the void. F.S didn't know what to think of him. Is he some sort of spirit or something.

"Who... Who are you?!" F.S demanded..

"I'm you." He told shocking him.

"What?!" F.S shouted."There's no way that's true. I'm a machine. Your some sort of human who's memories I have for some reason that's all! Your the reason I got into this mess. If you haven't been in my memories then I wouldn't have to fight my comrades then!"

The boy shook his head."It's not true..you are me. You just don't remember that's all." He then made a light shine Infront of F.S as he covered his eyes. He now find him self in a house of some sort making him confuse.

He looked around to find anything when the door of the house opened. He looked back to see the same women from before and the man aswell entering in. He looked at them as the women was holding a baby in her hands, it was a human baby which he could guess is the girl he sees.

"Flash! Were home and look who came with us!" The mother called out to the one called flash he was hearing.

"Is she hear! Awesome!" F.S looked back to see the human teen but when he saw the owner of the voice his mind almost stopped working. Coming in to view was F.S him self. He ran passed through him self and looked at the baby."OH MY GOD! She's so adorable and cute! And she's human just like you."

"Hahaha...Well Flash meet your new baby sister Scootaloo. Your a big brother now and it's your job to look after her." The father said to his son.

"You got it Dad.." He looked at her as she looked at him with her violet eyes."Hey there little girl. Guess what? I'm your awesome robot brother which the other kids want to have. So guess what you get to have me"

The baby Scootaloo looked at him funny and laughed at his antics.

Now back at the void F.S was having a mental break down. What? What was that he saw? Can it be him what he saw or or was it just his memory made up by this boy.

"Your confused right now. Aren't you." The boy told."But you have to wait for that. If you want answers on this then you first have to find your self then."

"W-What does that mean. Finding my self..what do you mean by that?!"

"I'm afraid that It's not my place to answer. In time you'll see. But for now, You have to save the girl. She needs your help right now."

"UZI!!" F.S shouted in realization.

"Yes, Now go back, and remember this.. Never abandon your identity on what makes you special. If you do then you lost your self." The boy told all that and soon F.S saw a bright light again.

In the real world the building had just fallen down barring everything in it. When suddenly the rubble start to move a bit, Then a robotic fist shot up from it.

Meanwhile Uzi ran as fast as she could away from the killer Robots as she ran towards the gate. The workers inside were playing there game when she suddenly opened the door running it. They all complained about it but she didn't have time."Bite me ok! I don't have time for this!"

She used the key card and closed the door in a hurry. But hope seemed lost as the door stops. She looked back and was now full of dread when a claw arm was holding the gate. It opened it slightly reveling N eyes."OH! Are you all playing card game. I wanna play! Oh but I have to kill you all. Rain check!" He launched his tail and stabbed the master key card and the control panel. He fried it off making the system unable as all the doors opened then.

This was the time to run as all the workers and Uzi ran away. While they were running some couldn't escape as n came in charging and ripping them apart as he bounced on some. He then fired shots at them while he was busy with his prey as Uzi ran fast as a worker ran beside her.

"Hey Uzi! I didn't get to give you my name because of the running and shouting but Its-!" He was shut up by a beam that split him in half and fall down.

Uzi ran desperately as she could, When she looked back to see N, he was no where to be found. As she thought she lost him she heard a voice she didn't want to right now."Ok the system is checked just need to." She looked back to see her Dad coming and stoped seeing her daughter and the doors opened. His eyes widen in shock "Uzi... What have you done?!"

Before she could say anything N came in crashing Infront of them pushing them back. Uzi there thought she had screwed everything. Bringing a killer robot hear and endangering the lives of her fellow people. And most of all making one of his own kind try to save him and who knows if his alive.... But she isn't gonna stop hear. If she caused this she'll fix it. She grabbed her gun and spun it around and took aim at him.

"This time. I won't miss." She told

N laughed evil toon as he looked back at her with his neon yellow eyes."Sorry Uzi. But I want my friend back and I can't let you be aiming that at V or F.S. But.. I really enjoyed our time together back there. Even if it was for a short while." He truthfully told as he got in to position.

"Uzi. You brought a murder drone hear, In our palace!!!" Khan freaked out.

"Dad Not Now! I caused this mess. And I'm gonna finish d it the same way." Uzi told but this was her big mistake as N got the chance and attacked her by hitting his metal wing at her right side of the chest making her grunt in pain as the gun fall down and landed near Khan who was shivering in fright."Dad! Aim and shoot! Please!"

Khan got the chance as he was told what to do... But, He didn't take it. The trauma of lossing his wife was coming back. The death of his beloved scared him that he couldn't even do it. He took step back in fright making Uzi go wife eyes. He had to decide that wither save her or the people. He looked at her in sadness on one last time."I'm sorry." Those were the words he spoke as he closed the gate down on them pushing the gun back. Now the only one left were those two.

Uzi couldn't believe on what happened. It looked like she lost the will to fight now. Being betrayed by ones own family is the hardest. She stopped struggling as her hand fell down. Soon the red lights were on as her face showed that it lost all her colour. N looked back at her as he felt sympathy for her as his eyes turned normal. He could tell what it's like to feel betrayed by a love one. He heard someone coming and looked to see his two comrades coming in to view by the vents. He quickly threw her to the side making her yelp a bit.

"Well done N, Hear I thought you were very useless. But now your not not useless at all. I've been trying to get through these stupid doors since forever." V excitedly told.

"You... Name... Remember.." He asked shyly. But she ignored him again.

"The vents will make a perfect way for us to enter the city. Less body counter gets to eat a missile!" V cheered as she flew threw the vents.

J smiled as she went towards him."Nice going there useless, maybe your not that much bad at all then. With this we could finally return to our place and get what we deserve. Power, Riches and The company pen~." She showed him the JC Jensons pen.

"Ohhh." He grabbed the pen as she was ready to go. But there he remembered about F.S as they told they'll fix him from his corruption."Um J, Where's F.S?" He asked making her stop.

"Hah?" She looked at him in question.

"You said,... That he was being corrupted by the worker bot and you were gonna fix him. You told me he needed to have a Reboot or something." N asked."I don't want to question your methods but I heard him talking to previous worker bot, About what our company wants."

Uzi opened her eyes in shock as she heard him say that. She hid behind the box to listen to there conversation.

"I listened to there conversation and that got me thinking. Why didn't the company made only a one way missile and not a way to go back home... Its wrong to think like that! I know that but was just getting a bit curious on why."

"Are you questioning the companies order there now." J asked getting beside him."Oh it's a great thing then."

"It is?" He asked

"Yeah, You just gave me the excuse I finally need." J sinisterly toon.

Before he could question what? He received a punch on the gut as he looked done to see J stabbing him there and installing a virus in him as it started to load. He dropped on his knees as the virus was affecting him.

"The company gave us a prime order. To eliminate these worker bots. They all are corrupted as well and I hate to see you corrupted aswell. So I'm going you a favour and sending you to meet F.S him self." J explained to him as his visors showed corrupted files..

"T-T-Th-T-t-Thank-s-S-s...J..Y0ur aa a real helper-r-r" N told as he fell down and on his back. J gave a mock salute and flew away.

After a few seconds of waiting Uzi came out of her hiding spot and looked at what happened."I-I so screwed up. So-Sorry Uzi for att attacking your palace and making you have an ackward moment with your dad." He told her in glitches.

"And I made you lose your friends and become a rebellious teen. So it's kinda mutual but you also kinda killed people back there so it's kind of a draw in our perspective." She told as she tried to find a way out of hear.

"Yeah, Sorry for that. Just gakde for you to show me the ropes." He told while glitching.

"No! No bounding thing right now!"

"I'm not trying to. I'm just waiting to meet my friend at the other end that's all." He sadly told.

Uzi looked at him and was now feeling way to much guilty as she should be. Can't she have a break."Hahhhhh!" She angry signed."Oh just help me fix this mess ok. I don't think I could do it alone."

"No thanks Uzi. Like I said. I just want to meet with my friend that's all now." N said."I just hope he'll be proud of me on helping you." He smiled sadly. Uzi just can't take with this.

"I am proud of you. But will be mad if you quiet on me now."

Both heard a voice as they looked to see F.S standing there with his arms crossed.

"F.S!" Both shouted in relief.

"Hey sorry I'm late. Got caught up on something." He told them as he went towards his Friend."Hah, Looks like she stabbed you with a virus. No worries I can fix it."

Uzi looked at him and signed in relief for some reason."I'm... I'm happy your ok. Also, Sorry for making you almost get your self killed by your 'comrades' " She told him not looking at him."But it doesn't mean that were cool with this. Were even and that's all! Ok!"

"Don't worry. We'll talk later. Once this is over, we'll stop the other two. Then we could talk in private if you want. But right now we gotta hurry. So you with me buddy." F.S asked as N gave a thumbs up.

A teen worker bot was flung back as oil leaked from him. He struggles from the pain as he tried to get up. The others tried to help him but got back seeing the two muder bots coming at them as they took down more bots.

"People, we need to leave immediately now. The other safe door area can get us out of this mess!" Khan told as he come in to view.

"What are you talking about. There are killer Disassembly bots hear who want to kill us all. And your saying we should run. When we can't even do that from them." Dave shouted at them. He picked up a pipe and got in attack position."Your the D.W.B. You defend us, So protect us then!" But khan couldn't do so as he looked at them in fright. He got back as they came closer with there sharp claws.

Dave looked back to see V right Infront of him with her crazed smile as she stabbed him in the arm. The others ran off in fear as she smashed him on the ground. She held him close enough and was ready to rip him apart..

"Hey!" She was called out as she looked to see Uzi, N and F.S standing there all ok."Put him, down!" Uzi ordered as she and the two got ready to fight.

"So the two traitors survived then." J said as she and V got ready to fight as V threw Dave away."No worries we'll finish you off as we rip out your cores and spline and use them as decorations!" She declared.

Right now they had to pick and fight."Ok. Who do you wanna fight." Uzi quickly asked N.

"J please." He pleaded not to fight V.

"Sorry, She's take." F.S told as he got ready to fight as he had a grudge against her for last time.

"So, good luck." Uzi smirked as she used the pen and threw it at J. Hitting her right at one of the upper core as acid fall down on her. She screamed in pain from the action. As the acid fell on her foot.

"Nice! I go high you go low!" F.S ordered as he flew above and Uzi ran at her. N now had to fight his crush who has no problem what so ever from killing him in a sadistic way as possible. She laughed menacingly as she made two blades and flew at him. N knew now that he's in trouble, way big trouble as his eyes widen.

Meanwhile Uzi ran to the side and aimed her gun at J who in pain still think and made a gun and fired at her. Just as the bullets came at Uzi, F.S landed Infront of her making a shield to block the bullets. He gave her a sign signal showing telling her something as she got what he ment. J took out the pen from her head as she growled at them and fired more bullets. But she stoped seeing only F.S standing there.

"Gahhh!" She looked up as Uzi came in delivering a kick to the face when she also was holding the pen near that as it damaged the visor again. She screamed in pain as she got back. Uzi got in posting but ducked from a beam as it split the wall in half. N was hit back as he dogged the beam from V. She ready to fire again as he quickly made an arm cannon and fired... Hearts?"Gah! My mind's in a weird place! Don't read on it!" Just then a missile landed near him and then exploded as he was flung away.

"Get your head in the game idiot!"F.S yelled as he avoided the blast from J who was firing blast at them widely. She got the pen out and saw somethings on her visors but enough to show him much as she saw Uzi and F.S in position. She laughed menacingly as she launch an EMV around the place which hit them both F.S survived by the shield but Uzi got turned off.

"Uzi!" F.S yelled as he deactivated his shield and flew at J before she could guess he gave her a spin kick on the head and a then came for a right palm strike but instead of a strike as J suspected he elbowed her on the face hitting her back.

N and V were flying above as they fought around with blades. N was losing badly as he didn't wanted to kill v but she was pushing him back. So he had to improvise and think of another way."Sorry on what I'm about to do. Hope you intense this." He suddenly licked her blade taking her by shock as she back away disgusted.

"Ew?! What the hell?!" V shouted getting distracted that gave him an opening as he flew up and delivered a drop kick on her head crashing her on the pavement as it broke with the force.

Back at the other three. J was hit back with the force as she was losing badly. F.S didn't give her a chance to attack as he delivered a palm strike and spin kick with a upper kick. He then gave her a spinning roundhouse kick on the stomach making her flung back." Ugh! Why can't you just die and not annoy me every time!" J yelled as she got up.

"Sorry, but it's my job to take care of rogue bots like you. Who happened to attack an innocent girl and her people." He fired back. While they were Fighting Uzi system got back on working as she got up seeing them. F.S saw her and had a plan. He put his arm back and gave her a sign language signal. She understood it and nodded.

"Your really pushing your luck hear now F.S, I just left you to die so you won't feel that much pain but now, Now I'm gonna make you suffer!" J yelled out in anger as she made chainsaws and pounced at him. F.S simply smirked at her as she fell for it. He got out of the way as Uzi was behind him aiming her gun right at her fully charged.

Before J could do anything it was to late,"Oh shit." She could only mutter as Uzi pulled the trigger launching a giant beam of energy making a big explosion around. F.S had to take cover by the blast as he got up seeing it was over. He looked to see the remains of J which were her two arms and legs left behind. She spatted on the remains of her body to add insult to injury and show further victory.

Uzi breath in a sign of relief as they were down. Soon the worker bots came out of the hidding spot and saw there bravery and cheered. Uzi smiled at that but suddenly got a glitch causing he to loose balance and almost fell dow. Luckily N came in and out her on his shoulder as V was behind him all tied up in her tail.

"Uzi! That was amazing on what you did back there!" Dave stated as looked at her the at the two Disassembly bots."And you two aswell... Who ever you two are?"

"Oh, I'm N! And I'm a Rebel type bot who play by his own rules." N told while acting cool. Then they looked at F.S who was gonna tell them his name but stopped as he remembered the words from the human teen.

"....Flash... I'm Flash Sentry." He told surprising the two others.

"What what?" They both said in confusion looking at him on why he changed his name. He looked at them saying that he'll tell them later.

Khan came in to view as he looked at the two bots. He still couldn't get towards them even if they saved him. There still murder bots in his eyes. That's when a rench fell Infront of him as he looked to see a not-so-pleased Uzi giving him the look of anger.

Uzi had to repress her anger from going haywire."You left me behind cause you couldn't pick up the gun to shoot so. You can't believe in me in picking up the gun. But no, it's the angsty teen who you can't fully understand." She smacked her cheek showing the grudge meeter resetting."But I'm not staying hear any more because of this... Let's go you two!" She told not wanting to meet her dad right now.

"Ok... I'm N by the way." N greeted him but it made him scared.

"Shut up N!" She yelled as N flew away with V with them as they blew a hole on the roof and went off. Flash looked back at the bots then at khan who was having trouble right now in his presence.

"*Sign* Don't worry, She'll come around." Flash told making him confused a bit."You gotta talk to her to understand her. She's your daughter, So try to understand on what she's going with. She'll warm up to you soon. It just needs a bit more time." He gave him an advice as Khan didn't know what to say but nodded.

"O-Ok then. I will try to. But... Please keep her safe." Khan requested even if his a murder bot but still."She's all I had left."

"... I'll try." Flash told him then flew away through the hole.

Meanwhile in space a shop was being transported through it. Inside the ship a figure could be seen monitoring the acces pad as it's claws clicked on the screen. The figure then received a message that suddenly pop up. It clicked it and it showed the image of Flash as a word was written above it.'ELIMINATE' on it.

"Hah.. well what do you know. You survived and now a target. Who knew you could do this Sentry." The figure said darkly as it looked at his image."But that won't save me from ripping you to shreds. Just you wait."

Back on the planet Uzi was watching the sun as she sat on the car. She looked at the beauty and admired it whole as she didn't get to see much inside the shed.

"I'll join you if the sun didn't kill me!" N yelled from inside the barrier made of bodies."Hope your having major character development right now!"

"Oh, I'm just waiting to murder all those humans. Basic robot stuff. Hope they all are sitting comfey in there chairs... Cause we're coming for them." She said in a sinister toon as her visor showed a warning sign on the screen. She laughed manicingly as it could be heard where Flash was sitting as he avoided the sun. He was still thinking back at what he saw. Who were those people? How was he there? And who was that boy? Why did he showed him those images? Were they memories of his or was it his memories? More and more questions came into his mind as he wanted to find out on what they were.

'Never abandon your identity on what makes you special. If you do then you lost your self.'

Those word still run in his mind. Just who is he?

Chapter 3

View Online

Flash was standing at a playground of some sort as he didn't know how he got hear. He wanted to understand on where he is and why so he went on checking around the place.

Just then he saw two kids sitting on a bench. One was a girl with purple skin and violet hair tied in a bun as she wore a red sun dress with star design she mostly looked like about seven years old as she wore glasses over her eyes. The other was a boy with yellow skin and and blue spiky hair. He wore a white shit with a lightning shield emblem and black pants. He looked one year older then the girl. He was sporting some bruises and a black eye like he got in to a brawl.

"Honestly, Why can't you be more careful there. You simply head first in to the other kids and fought them head on Flash." The girl said as she bandaged Flash injuries.

"But they were picking on the other kids who were little then them Twilight. You know I can't help it on seeing the other in distress or in pain. It's just not my style." Flash told Twilight as he winced."Could you take it easy there. My injuries aren't exactly getting healed any time soon you know."

"Well excuse me as I'm not a professional doctor hear." Twilight said annoyed."And need I remind you that your little hero gig caused you a lot of trouble back in the days. Honestly I should just took on doctor classes in the future, if I'm gonna be dealing with you every time coming in the Emergency room."

"Well, I should try not to get treated by you." Flash muttered but Twilight heard him and gave him another squeeze making him wince."Gah!"

"Your an idiot!" Twilight pouted as she got up."Hope you get your self fixed then cause I'm going home!"

"Hey Twilight wait! I didn't mean that or anything!" Flash they to stop her but she was gone."Hah... Honestly, I can never get girls. There weird."

"That we can agree on there buddy." Flash looked back at a figure behind him and smiled as standing behind him was a worker bot as his fake hair was all blonde and we're the same style as Flash."Hey there little bro. Ready to go back home." The boy gave a smirk.

"Big Bro! When did you got hear?" Flash asked his Big brother.

"Just now, I saw what you did back there thought and I say. It was good that you helped the kid out back there. It takes guts to do the right thing." He said while rubbing Flash hair a bit.

"Yeah, But they got a drop on me back there. I couldn't fully fight." Flash said looking down."But you managed to stop them from picking on the other kids. No other would try to even do that except for getting rewards after this. You did it cause it was the right thing to do and not to get any complement or anything. That's what makes you strong. So remember this, Those who torment the weak are cowards to do so. Use your abilities to protect them not rule them." He said giving the boy a smile.

Flash digital eyes cane online as he was scene hanging upside on a light post. He claimed down as he got up from his rest mode. He honestly didn't know why he needed to sleep as machines can work way faster and are always ready for more work. Rest mode was like just taking a small break or something, But he can't complain as it is a bit helpful. He stretched a bit to get his arms a bit ruled up.

"You can come out Uzi, I know your there watching me." Flash called out as Uzi pulled her head out from behind the car.

"How can you tell it was me?" She asked.

"I have a good sence of hearing and smell. Even if I am a robot." Flash told."Where N and V. Thought you'll be with them right now, planning your stupid Human Extinction plan." He quoted.

"It's not stupid! And it will become successful ones we get the ship working again. I just need the right parts what so ever!" Uzi argued back."And for your information, I went out to look for parts for the ship and saw you sleeping. But I didn't wanted to disturb you so."

"You thought to, then look at me while I was sleep."Flash said to her."It's kinda of creepy and I don't do the way you do. Sorry not interested in a relationship or anything right now."

"W-W-what?! No it's not like that!" Uzi was taken back by his answer as she blushed heavily."And I was just checking to see if your ok or not! You been acting a bit strange lately so I thought to keep an eye on you if your not Feeling well" she quickly told.

"Hahaha, I know about that, Just messing with ya." Flash said as he patted her head but she flung his hand back."Don't do that! I'm not a little kid you know!"

"I beg to differ," Flash muttered as he saw her attitude a while back.'She can be a quiet handful and rebellious but that's just her character, I think'

"So, I was hoping to ask you about something. I couldn't do that a while back but now I could." Uzi said as she looked away a bit."But, I wanna ask is why did you change your name to.. Flash?" This was a big question she wanted to ask since a while back." I mean. Are you imitating a superhero name for your self or anything. Or is it just for kicks."

Flash blinked at her comment, He can guess that he was called by his designation name a long while but never this name. Which can confuse his two new friends a bit, But he can't tell them about the memory and dreams that he has been having a while back. As much as he want to, They'll think it be a stupid thing since he was quite hard on believing it him self."There's... Quite a bit of mystery back on that. But all you have to know is that I picked this for a new identity. You know start over." He quickly made up an excuse hoping it will work.

"Really? What do you take me for, An idiot or something."Uzi didn't bot it the slightest or anything."You desided to help me out instead of killing me and you even fought against your own comrades for me to survive. And lastly you gave a new name to your self.'Flash Sentry.' Not gonna lie, It's a cool name to be precise but my mane topic is, Why?"

".... It's... It's complicated ok." Flash rubbed the back of his head."I can't explain it right now as I'm also confused on that matter."

"Then tell me then, We can help you know. N and probably V. Don't know if she will or anything."

"Listen, I appreciate the help and I really do. But for me to tell you this is gonna get difficult, so let me sort out this for a bit and I'll promise to tell you guys of things get out of hand." Flash assured but he wasn't to him self.

Uzi finally took his word and sighed."Fine, I believe you. But don't forget ok. You helped me back there. So it's atleast I could do you know." She muttered as she had a worried look.

"Don't worry, I will. But anyway I was gonna go to check out the pace around hear. Since your grounded your self from your home so it's wise to know the outside." Flash said waking away

"I'M BANISHED OK!" Uzi yelled at him."How many times do I have to tell you about this!"

Flash just chuckled and went on his way."No on where I'm seeing it. Come on, I'll show you around the palace so no worries!" Uzi looked at him as she then ran after him.

Flash and Uzi walked through the blizzard and the snow as they were looking around the buildings. Uzi could see that some were different kind of buildings and such but they were Company ones aswell. She has a distaste for those ones as she can remember what they did to the bots. She walked passed them as they continued. Finally Flash stopped Infront of a Broken down Game store.

"Why are we hear?" She asked in confusion as she sees this. Flash signaled her to just fallow and she did so. She looked around to see many game machines there as they were all fine but wee off and didn't have dust on them."Huh, I thought the parts of the store would be destroyed."

"In some miracle these things survived the impact. When I found this place. Been coming hear then for the past few months then. If I'm feeling down a bit." Flash told

"How do these things work, There's no power what so ever or anything?" Flash gave her a smirk which she could tell is gonna be good. He went towards the power box and opened it. He took his tail and ripped the yellow venom capsule out shocking her but it grew back. He took the vile and put it on in the box and combined it with the wires. Finally after doing this he flipped the switch and the lights of the store and the booths came to life. After being done with this, He looked back to see the now dumbfounded teen bot as hse had a slackjawed look on her face."So, Are you just gonna stand there or are you gonna come and play?"

Uzi got out of her shock and hugged him tight."I love You!"

Meanwhile back at space the ship was heeding towards the planet destination with full speed. Inside the ship the individual that is piloting it is seen working on the control panel.

The individual revels to be another Robot but it was different as it had red plated armor and a had the posture of a knight. It's helmet was red with two headphones type orbs over its ears and a black visor over its eyes. "We are reaching out planet destination in fifteen hours sir."

"Excellent, Helen control the ship as I go out to get ready. I am in need to get well battle ready."

"As you wish sir." The Voice said as he went out of the cock pit and into another room. He was walking through the hall way as he has a glee in his eyes."Let's get this over with. Hope your ready for our rematch sentry. Cause I'll be ready for you this time." He said as he reached a weapon room and went towards a case. He opened it up to reveal a red katana sword in it. He picked it up as he could feel the vibrations in it."And you want to challenge him dint you. Well hope your ready cause you'll be having his blood over you in no time."

Back on planet 8, The two bots were playing at the game booth and we're having a blast as Flash and Uzi went against one another in every fighting game. Uzi had a sour look as Flash had won each fights with her and even let on a combo moves a lot.

"I know yiu cheated. And I know no one can learn to that many moves easily what so ever." Uzi excused him as she pointed at him.

"Now now, No need to be a sour loser what so ever. Some times a loss can really help to improve." Flash said to her with a smile. She liked her gun at him."I will pull the trigger, I will do it you know."

"Ok, ok, Let's calm down now. So what's up next."

"I was hoping to get some DVDs of some series to watch. I mean anime is good but I really want to see something else." Uzi stated.

"Then your in luck. I know the perfect store for us to go. Come on!" Flash said grabbing her hand and before she could tel what happened. He flew away with her as she yelped in surprise."Woooooooowwwwww!" Uzi screamed."Warn me next time you do that!"

"Sorry, Got a bit carried away."

"Was that a pun in it?" Uzi asked."Maybe. But anyway, This is quite easy to go. With this we can reach the store in a jiffy."

"No one says Jiffy now a days or years you know. And it is kinda good to fly around hear." Uzi said as she looked at the view from up there.

"I know right, I sometimes fly around so I could just get things out of my head and it's a stres relief to do this. When I'm feeling down or anything I just fly to feel the wind and clouds. And some times talk to N to get the problems down."

"Hah. Wish I had wings to fly. Then it be awesome." Uzi muttered to her self."But, How did you and N become friends anyway."

"Oh, Well it's kinda easy. When we were given a mission to you know, Kill you guys, N and the other two J and V were my teammates for this mission. V was kinda creepy but, man can she be cute sometimes when I don't want her to. Then came J, She and I got a long a not different but I managed to make it work a bit. But it was hard aswell with all her murder things in her head or so. But damn with the body of her it's was hard."

Uzi couldn't denied that as she can see the body that way they were made. She was feeling quite jealous but didn't say anything."Then there was N. He, Well he was like a child to be precise. Not wanted to get into trouble and alos wanted to make others proud of him. J didn't like him one bit so I stepped in, Then I got to know him a bit and we'll, That's how he and I became friends. Sometimes he may drive me insane but that's him."

Uzi listed to his story and got a bit to know more about him. Seems to her that F.S or Now Flash is kinda of a kind robot. Even if he was a murderer drone or what. He still helped her save her other worker bots and such. But, It still didn't justify his actions he and his other commrads did to her and her people. But then again"Look out!" She yelled

Flash saw something coming from the sky and moved out of the way in quick speed. He and Uzi looked to see a ship designed as a jet type flew right passed them towards another area."What the Heck?!" He yelled.

"It's that another Ship! But why is it hear?"

"Thats a tuff question, and one I'm gonna had to find out." Flash said as he went to the ground and dropped Uzi off."Hey what are you doing?!"

"I'm gonna go and check out the ship to see if it ain't anything hostile or so. You are staying hear and be safe." Flash ordered as he went flew off and avoided the yells coming from the said teen boy. He had promised her dad to keep her safe and his gonna go with it."Let's just hope your not any dangerous thing or anything else harmful." He muttered.

The shop landed on the empty ground and such. After landing the door of the ship opened as the boy came out of it.

He searched around the place to see for any life or something."No sign of any living individual nor any pulse. This place is deserted like I was told."
He said as he scanned the area."Makes my work easier on finding my target then." just then Flash flew in landing near the space shuttle, Alerting the Knight Bot as he was surprised to see him."Well, Speak of the devil. And he will appear."

Flash was confused on seeing the new arrival and couldn't help but stiffen but he kept him self composed."Um, Are you from the company or something or your new hear. If you are some alien invader then this planet is already dead. It's just us robots then."

The Knight Bot began to laugh uncontrollable as the blue hair bot got confused."Hahah.... Alway with the jokes to ease up your situation sentry. Well it won't work this time." Flash eyes widen as he heard the bot say his name.

"How do you know my name and me?!" Flash asked but all he got was laughter."Oh you can't remember. Well, Now your making it to easy for me as you can't even use your form. So now be a good sport and die then." Before the Blue hair bot could do anything the Robo Knight launched right at him. This can't be good.

Chapter 4

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“N, for the last time, the control panel will not work with just a mix of duct tape and glue!” Flash had shouted at him. But N had ignored him and said it was okay, that he could make miracles happen. And then he had caused a fire that they both had to put out. N explained this to the tied-up disassembly drone, who looked bored and unimpressed. “But it was still okay. In the end, everything worked out.”

“Except for J trying to rip you apart and F.S trying to build you back together after the assault,” V reminded him. She was sitting next to the drone, equally bored. “I was there when it happened. I laughed my ass off seeing you in panic that time.”

“Yeah… Anyway, that’s how I was able to get away from J’s wrath on getting my guts ripped out that time,” N continued happily. He seemed oblivious to the drone’s lack of interest. “But it was a tough time for me to achieve that type of victory. Boy, it was like… Like…”

He was interrupted by the sound of the hatch opening. Uzi rushed in, looking frantic. “Uzi! You’re here,” N said. “I was just telling V about one of our classic adventures with Flash and me.”

“I was there as well, idiot!” V shouted at him.

“But since you’re back here, how about I tell you the tale of-” N started again, but Uzi cut him off.

“Not the time! Flash is in trouble, he may need help!” she said.

“Wow, wow, easy there, Uzi,” N tried to calm her down as he listened to the news. “What do you mean Flash is in danger? What happened?”

Meanwhile, Flash was fighting for his life against a robot samurai. He ducked under a gleaming blade that sliced through the air with a metallic whir. He felt a surge of adrenaline as he grabbed the robot samurai’s wrist and twisted it with a crack. He kicked the metal faceplate, denting it and sending sparks flying. He followed up with a series of punches and kicks, aiming for the weak spots in the armor.

The other robot blocked the incoming strike with ease and grabbed Flash’s leg with a vice-like grip. He smirked at him. “Nice moves there, kid. But not the ones to actually damage me.”


The robot knight dodged a bullet that whizzed past his head. He let go of Flash’s foot in surprise. “I wouldn’t be so sure about that,” Flash said, smirking back. He flew away and got into position as the other robot recovered from his shock. “Okay, pal, who the hell are you and how the hell do you know me? No, bigger question is, why are you after killing me? What did I do to you that you were willing to kill me off?”

The robot knight didn’t say anything at first. He just stared at him. Then he burst out laughing. Flash wasn’t fazed. He had worked with a crazy one before, so he waited for him to continue. When he stopped laughing, instead of an answer, he suddenly threw his sword at him. Flash quickly jumped over it and ran at him. He delivered a punch, but the samurai grabbed it and twisted his hand. Flash used that to his advantage and jumped to the other side to ease his arm. He delivered a strike to the gut, making him let go. Flash went for a down kick, but he kept his distance from the incoming strikes and grabbed Flash’s leg. He delivered a devastating blow to the head and the gut. He let go and spun around, kicking Flash in the chest. Flash was flung back and hit the wall behind.

“You really think that I’m gonna tell you anything about your past right now, when I have the clear advantage over you?” The samurai robot said as his sword came back to him. He pointed it at him. “I don’t think you understand the situation you’re in right now and I’m here for finishing things.”

Flash got up from the pain. He didn’t know robots could feel this much. He now knew that this guy wasn’t in for talking and wasn’t like the bad guys in the TV shows who spoiled their plans. “Okay, then I’m gonna call you Red Knight then. 'Cause man, you didn’t give out a very good impression on me. So what did I do to anger you so much? Was it something I did to you in the past? 'Cause I’m having trouble remembering this.”

“Don’t worry, it’ll be all over before you know it,” he said as he threw his sword again at him. Flash saw this and sidestepped in time. But suddenly, the red samurai was behind Flash. He took him by surprise and kicked him from behind. Flash cartwheeled his way to the side as he got out of the shock. “Wait, YOU CAN TELEPORT? How is that even fair?”

The red knight threw his sword again at him as he teleported in front of him. They both kicked each other at the same time. Flash gave a clean strike to his gut and leg, but the other was better. He blocked them and kicked his foot back and suddenly twisted it in his leg and squeezed it, making Flash wince. But Flash took the chance and jumped up and kicked him right in the neck, making him let go. Flash took out his two swords and went for the strike, but the other robot simply blocked them without any effort. He dodged the incoming strikes and got into a sword fight with Flash, but it was one-sided. The red knight had the upper hand. He was toying with his prey as he efficiently blocked the strikes and pushed Flash back. He came in for the strike as Flash got his blade in front, but they were soon cut off like butter as they fell onto the wall.

Flash had a second to see his arms go back. “Okay, that’s a very handy sword,” he muttered. “Any chance there are a few more like that for me?”

“Ha!” Flash dodged the sword slashes with his wings and flew back to a safe distance. He formed his hand into a gun and fired several shots at his opponent. The knight robot armor glowed red from the sides of his armor and helmet, deflecting the bullets with ease. “Oh, come on! How the heck is your armor bullet-proof? Where the heck did you even get that armor from anyway?” Flash demanded, frustrated by the lack of progress.

The knight robot armor laughed mockingly at him as he charged up an energy ball in his hand. Flash’s eyes widened on his visor as he gulped nervously.

Meanwhile, the three other robots were on their way to look for the ship and Flash. N and Uzi had gone ahead, but V insisted on joining them, claiming that she could be a great help in finding him. Uzi wanted to argue, but she also needed more firepower in case they encountered any enemies on the ship, so she reluctantly agreed.

“Okay, so where is the ship that you told us about?” V asked as they walked in the direction that Uzi had indicated.

“It’s not too far from here. We should reach it soon.” Uzi said. “Ugh! What is that idiot thinking? No, scratch that. He probably isn’t thinking at all. We could have gone together to check out the scene, so I wouldn’t be so worried about him, but he just had to go off on his own and get himself killed or worse.” She ranted angrily.

“I think he did that to protect you back there.” N suddenly said, making Uzi look at him. “Now, hold on a minute. I’ve known Flash for a while, back when we called him F.S. He acted a bit cold to others and had a bit of a temper, but he’s a good guy. He cares for others as much as himself and he even saved me from getting killed by J or V.” He said, pointing at her as she waved back with her psycho smile. “What I’m saying is, he worries about you as much as himself and he doesn’t want to see you get hurt in the crossfire. He can’t bear to lose any of his friends. Besides, this way he has fewer problems to deal with and he can go all out.”

Both Uzi and V looked at him with surprise, as he made a valid point. That was quite shocking and surprisingly insightful of him. “But why does he think I’m a burden? I can help, you know.” V protested.

“Maybe you can, but you’re still a beginner right now and you only got lucky to take down J with Flash’s help. If not, then you would have been toast, because J is a clever tactical fighter, no matter the boost or not. If you had gotten hurt, then Flash wouldn’t forgive himself for letting that happen to you.” N explained kindly to the young rebellious girl.

Before she could say anything else, an explosion rocked the ground near them. Flash came crashing through the wall of a nearby building with a loud thud. He got up quickly and looked in their direction. “What the? Why are you guys and V here?” He asked incredulously.

“Good to see you too.” V muttered sarcastically. “And what made you fall here?”

She got her answer when the knight robot armor appeared behind him with his glowing armor. “Oh, so you were fighting a red super high-tech armor robot. Must be having a blast.” She remarked.

Flash glared at her as he got ready to fight again. “Yeah, I’m calling him Red Knight for now since he didn’t give me his name and he’s after me for some unknown reason since he got here.” He said with a scowl.

“Why would he be after you when you didn’t even do anything to him? Isn’t that kind of suspicious by any chance?” N wondered aloud.

“Yeah, apparently this guy knows me from my past for some reason and knows who I was.” He said darkly as Red Knight stopped in his tracks.

You are the one who disassembled drones and worker robots. Move aside if you don’t want to be chopped to pieces. I only want him and the rest of you can go free.” He said in a metallic voice as he pointed his sword at Flash. “If not, then prepare to die.

Flash didn’t wait for Uzi to join him. He launched himself at Red Knight with his blade hand. The two swords clashed with a loud metallic sound. “What’s the deal with you? What have I done to you that you’re so bent on killing me?” Flash shouted.

“Killing you?” Red Knight repeated in confusion, making Flash hesitate. Then he laughed and pushed him back. “Me coming here is for a different reason actually. The one who wants you dead is someone else.” He said mysteriously.

“Someone else? Who? And what’s your reason then?” Flash demanded, trying to get some answers.

Red Knight didn’t reply. He just smirked and threw another energy ball at him. Flash barely dodged it and flew towards him again. The two resumed their fierce battle, exchanging blows and sparks.

The other three robots watched the fight from a distance, unsure of what to do. They could see that Flash was struggling against the superior armor of Red Knight, but they also didn’t want to interfere and risk getting hurt themselves.

“Who is this someone else that wants Flash dead? And why does Red Knight know him from his past?” N wondered aloud.

“I don’t know, but this is bad. We need to find a way to help Flash somehow.” Uzi said anxiously.

"Maybe we can use the ship to our advantage. There might be some weapons or gadgets." N suggested

"Just one problem. We don't know where it's parked." Uzi answered as the fight continue on.

“True, we don’t know where it’s parked. But maybe we can track it down somehow. There must be some clues or signals that we can follow.” V suggested, trying to be optimistic.

"Ok fine, We gotta hurry then." Uzi agreed as she didn't have a choice and suing her gun isn't an option as the fighter doesn't stand in one spot. They soon ran out to look for the ship.

Meanwhile, the fight between Flash and Red Knight continued to rage on. Flash was getting tired and wounded from the relentless attacks of his enemy. He tried to use his speed and agility to evade and counter, but Red Knight’s armor was too strong and durable. He also had a variety of weapons and abilities that Flash couldn’t match.

Flash dodged another energy ball and flew towards Red Knight’s face. He aimed his blade hand at his helmet, hoping to pierce through it. Red Knight blocked his strike with his sword and kicked him in the chest. Flash flew back and crashed into a wall.

“Give it up, Flash. You can’t win this fight. You’re outmatched and outclassed.” Red Knight taunted him.

“Shut up! I don’t care who you are or what you want from me. I won’t let you get away with this and hurting my friends.” Flash retorted, getting up from the rubble.

He charged at Red Knight again, but this time he was met with a powerful blast of energy from his chest. The energy ball hit him in the head, sending him flying into a nearby building. He smashed through the windows and landed on the floor.

Flash felt a sharp pain in his head, as if something had been activated inside him. He saw flashes of images and memories that he didn’t recognize. He heard voices and sounds that he couldn’t understand. He felt emotions and sensations that he couldn’t explain.

He felt confused and scared, as if he had lost his sense of self. He didn’t know who he was or where he was. He didn’t know what was happening to him or why.

He tried to get up, but he felt weak and dizzy. He looked around, but he couldn’t see anything clearly. He heard footsteps approaching him, but he couldn’t tell who it was.

He tried to speak, but he couldn’t form any words. He tried to think, but he couldn’t make any sense.

He felt helpless and hopeless, as if he had no control over his own fate.

He felt like he was dying.“Is this how you want this to end?” He heard the voice of the memory Flash again as he saw the boy standing in front of him, looking at him with concern. “Do you want to give up here and die?

“I…I-I want…” He tried to say something, but he couldn’t. He didn’t know what he wanted or what he should do.

He felt a surge of emotions in his chest, as he remembered the promise he made to Khan about protecting Uzi. He didn’t want to lose her. He didn’t want to let her down. He didn’t want to leave her alone.

He clenched his teeth and mustered his strength. He uttered one word with determination.


The memory Flash nodded and smiled. “That’s more like it.”

Red Knight reached him and looked down at him with contempt. He raised his sword and prepared to deliver the final blow.

Flash reacted quickly and blocked the sword with his hand. Red knight was taken back when he saw that the amor plating of his with the lines starting to glow up from head to toe. His inner defense system activated and his body glowed with a similar red light as Red Knight’s armor. He glared at him with defiance.

“Not so fast, Red Knight. I’m not done yet.” He said, pushing him back."Let's see what this backup does." He got up and faced him, ready for another round.

The fight was not over yet.While Flash and Red Knight were fighting, the other three robots were trying to find the ship of Red Knight. They hoped to find some clues or weapons that could help them in the fight.

They searched the area, looking for any signs of a ship or a landing spot. They scanned the buildings, the streets, and the sky, hoping to spot something unusual or suspicious.

“Where could it be? It has to be somewhere around here.” Uzi said, frustrated by the lack of results.

“Maybe it’s cloaked or hidden somehow. Maybe it’s underground or in a secret base.” N suggested, trying to think of possible scenarios.

“Or maybe it’s just a really small ship that we can’t see. Maybe it’s like a tiny drone that can fly around and shoot lasers.” V joked, trying to lighten the mood.

They laughed a little, but they also felt worried and anxious. They could hear the sounds of the fight in the distance, and they wondered how Flash was doing. They wondered if he was still alive and if he could hold on until they found the ship.

They decided to split up and cover more ground. They agreed to keep in touch through their communicators and report any findings. They hoped to find something useful soon.

They ran in different directions, hoping for a miracle.

"Come on Mister Knight of the round table. Show me what you got!"

Flash had gotten a boost in his ability as he was getting in serious combat with the other robot.

The second round of the fight between Flash and Red Knight was more intense and balanced than the first one. With Flash glowing with his inner defense system, he had a boost in his defense and agility, allowing him to go head to toe with Red Knight. He dodged and blocked his attacks, while also landing some hits of his own. He pushed him back with his speed and strength, making him retreat and regroup.

"Come on, I wanna try and see if this works with me or not." He formed energy balls in his hands as he smirked."Up, This does work." He threw them at Red Knight, hoping to damage his armor or knock him down. Red Knight countered with his own energy balls, creating a clash of power and light. The two exchanged blows and sparks, as they fought with their swords .

“You’re not so tough now, are you? You’re just a tin can with a fancy paint job.” Flash said, mocking Red Knight’s armor.

“You’re just a broken toy with a faulty memory. You don’t even know who you are or what you’re fighting for.” Red Knight said, mocking Flash’s amnesia.

“I don’t need to know who I was. I know who I am now. I’m Flash, the fastest and coolest robot in the world. And I’m fighting for my friends and my self.” Flash said, declaring his identity and purpose.

You’re delusional, Flash. You’re not a hero. You’re a traitor. You betrayed your own kind and your own mission. You’re fighting for nothing.” Red Knight said, revealing his knowledge of Flash’s past which suddenly made the blue hair teen take back."You were there main lead in getting to the planet extinction but you had to turn your back on him and caused this."

“What are you talking about? What kind of mission? What kind of betrayal?” Flash asked, confused and curious.

Red Knight didn’t answer. He just smirked and threw a huge energy ball at him. Flash barely dodged it and flew towards him again. The two resumed their fierce battle, exchanging blows and sparks.

The fight reached its climax when Flash managed to hit Red Knight with his own energy ball as both clashed with one another attack. This caused an explosion to rocket out as it was big enough to attract the attention of the other three robots. Uzi and N worried, thinking that Flash was hurt by the blast. They ran towards the source of the explosion, hoping to find him alive and well.

V followed them, but she also noticed something strange in the sky. She saw a faint outline of a ship that was cloaked by some kind of technology. She realized that it was the ship of Red Knight, and that it had been hidden all along.

“Guys, I think I found the ship of Red Knight! It’s in the sky, but it’s invisible! You have to look closely to see it!” She said excitedly.

“Are you sure, V? How do you know it’s his ship?” N asked skeptically.

“I just know it, okay? Trust me on this one! It’s the only thing that makes sense!” V said confidently.

“Okay, okay, calm down. Where exactly is it? How do we get there?” Uzi asked urgently.

“It’s above the building where the explosion happened. It’s like a big triangle shape with some lights on it. We have to find a way to get up there somehow.” V said quickly.

“Alright, let’s go then. Maybe we can find something useful on the ship or disable it somehow.” Uzi said decisively.

They agreed to meet at the building where Flash and Red Knight were fighting. They hoped to find a way to get to the ship of Red Knight soon.

Back at the area where the explosion took place, the objects around it were pushed back by the force. Fire and black smoke surrounded the palace.

“Hah, man, that… That was something else.” Flash muttered as he got up and looked around at the damage. “Ok, this was new and I didn’t know I could do that… Or did I?”

Just as he looked for the enemy, he found him and his eyes widened. Inside the smoke, he saw the figure of the red knight walking through the fire. His armor had a few dents and his visor glowed with a glare.

“Oh, COME ON! How tough is your armor?! That blast was huge and I thought it would do more.” Flash shouted as he saw him approaching. “Ok, who are you? I have been hunted down and watched by you and also called a traitor and an executioner. For the love of robot god! Can you at least give me a clue?”

The red knight remained silent for a long moment. He finally spoke in a cold voice. “Just be prepared for what’s about to happen to you and this pitiful planet. He is coming and he won’t take kindly to traitors who have not followed his expectations. You will soon feel the wrath of the emperor.”

“E-Emperor? Who the hell is-” Flash was cut off by the light in the sky as he saw the ship descending below him. The blue light shone on the red knight where he stood. A rope came down and he grabbed it. “Be prepared for what’s to come, Sentry. I was just on my own as others will come for your head.” He warned him as he was being pulled up into the ship."But as a token of our appreciation and for giving me a good fight. I like to give you this."

He threw his teleportation dagger towards him as it landed near his feat. Flash grabbed it as he inspected the dagger."Use it wisely." With that he was inside the ship.

Flash could only look as he saw the ship fly away in to space as he watched the enemy leave from hear. He could only repeat the words in head that he was told.'He is coming.... You will soon feel the wrath of the emperor.'

Just then N with Uzi and V fallowing landed near him as Uzi and N rushed towards him."Flash! Your ok!" She said as she looked at him.

"And alive. Wow who knew you had it in you to go toe to toe with another machine that was way beyond us." N said with joyfulness to his friend."How did you survive the fight. You gotta tell me and Uzi this."

He didn't pay attention to his friends landing behind him as they call out his name. He was just lost in his own thoughts. Finally he could muster out some words."Well, This is gonna be a hell of a surprise."

=Sir, I believe you have successfully completed your mission in eliminating your target.= His Ai asked as he entered the hanger.

"Not quite so Helen, He just got lucky and managed to get the drop on me that's all. But I had gotten in damage his memory so he doesn't know a thing." Red knight lied to her as he sat down."Tell the leader that he doesn't have to worry no more. His target is good as dead. He doesn't know who he is and was and doesn't know the single meaning of even the Emperor."

=As you wish Sir.= The AI said as she shut down.

Red knight sat at his chair as he looked tired out."I'm helping you this once now. My depth has been repaid. Your on your own century as when the emperor finds out that your alive. He's gonna have my head for that." He muttered to him self as he typed in some codes."Let's hope where ever I go... He won't find me. Helen set a course to Copper 3 I think I can get some more bounty there....... Helen."

"I'm afraid Helen isn't in your reach for now." A voice spoke up making him jump as he looked back at the door to see another figure with dark robe."Hello, Scratch. You thought you could go off on your mission."

"You!" Scratch said with sharp toon as he didn't show any sign of fear as he saw the figure. He went for his sword but it wasn't there. He looked to see the other figure held it up."Looking for this. I can't give it to you yet as you have disobeyed direct orders given to you. Which makes you a outsider."

"What do you want from me. I did my job and that's all! You have what you want. I was mearily doing what I was told." The other figure could only shake its head."I'm afraid you don't see what you have done. I was send by our leader him self in retrieve you if you haven't done your objectives right. So your coming along with me for now. And I don't take no for an answer."

Chapter 5

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"Come on! How hard it is to work this damn thing!" Flash muttered as he was clearly losing his patents.

It's had been quite a few days since the fight between him and the red Armor robot send to kill him. He had defeated him and got some major upgrade power and skills as well as a cool knife that could teleport him around. Just one problem was that he didn't know how it worked. He kept on doing the tinkering with the small dager but it was little to no avail.

Its been few days passed, Ok maybe two or one but he didn't care. He had to all out hear Uzi rant on why he leave her behind but he calmed her down when he told her she wasn't in match for him as she could have been killed. They got into an argument and Flash won in the end. But, He promised her that if the next time he'll got into a serious situation then he will call for help as Uzi agreed so. V had been inching to fight him when she heard he unlocked new system powers and had more questions but she brushed it off since she wanted a fight.

"Not having any luck with that aren't you." Speak of the devil. He heard a familiar voice as he expected her to last person to come hear. V landed behind him as she saw his pitiful state."To bad, You would have bring in excitement in our next spar."

"What are you doing hear V, Shouldn't you be. Oh I don't know eating the corpse of the other worker drones or such. Why waist time with me." Flash off handle said as he didn't want to talk to her right now. And not in the mood to fight. "Oh what's the matter there Flashy, Not good to see a little old me hear."

"To be honest, No." He deadpanned at her as she lost her smirk and frown."So what happened to you that you wanted to visit me right now. Why not N or Uzi. Scratch that Why not N?"

"Got board, Desided to break out and come around hear to have a bit of fun." She stated as she sat next to him and looked at the dagger."Do you have no luck still in finding out how this thing work for you. Cause the way you described it back then I wanted to have a peace at it."

Flash held the dagger back from her reach."Yeah, No. Even if I did get it to work I'm not gonna make it for you to use. I know your gonna cause more panic and chaos then usual."

She held her hands back and smiled maniacally."Guilty is charged. Ok, so come one aren't you gonna tell that what was all that back there."

"I told you, I don't know that guy. He was-" "Not that idiot, I ment you and that rebellious girl with the sick ray gun." V asked making Flash look at her weird."You and her are obviously on to something there. The way she was worried for you and the way she was mad when you left her back to have your own fun. So come on spill it. Are you and her banging."

Flash was taken back by her question as he sputter a bit."NO! NO! It's not like that at all! Me and Uzi are on a different relationship and I tend to make a sibling bond with her nothing sexual! Ok!"

V just laughed at his face"Hahah..Oh man you should have scene the look on your face. It was priceless and you even did the speter. Man this is a bonus as you never show it to anyone!" She laughed hard as she fell back kicking her legs up in the air.

Flash could only role his eyes as he see her antics."Why are you hear again V. If you are done with making me flustered can you just help me out in figuring this tech. Honestly this will get you to shut up and leave me alone soon so how about it." He suggested.

V stopped her laughing as she looked at him with mild interest. This was honestly to good of a deal to pass off."Yeah sure. But, You gotta let me try this on later."


"Worth a shot."

So for the later time both were in on testing the tech to see how it works and and what are the functions. So far the tech was kind of way out of the Company league. This honestly to them was more of a future version of tech that was level 20.

"Ok, So far on what you told us. This little thing can teleport the user to the location on where it is thrown as with out any type of side effects or set backs. Which means that the Dagger can transfer the users whole bio data and organs in to it to be stored up well and then let go." V summaries as Flash was taken back by her answer. She saw his look and can guess whats up."What?! Just because I act as a physio doesn't mean I don't have a mind to actually think."

"You couldn't fool me with that act. On what I scene back there I could never know." He said and then ducking from a bullet fired his way from her. "Well, For now let's just give this a rest and do something else. So now, Wanna tell me why your out of those two sight. You broke out or did they allowed it."

"The first one. I got tired of blowing bubbles around all the time and then got tired of giving that purple girl death glares. So in matter I just thought why not just go found you and have a bit of down time hear instead of there." V said with little matter as she walked off with Flash fallowing."You be more surprising cause of the story that is behind your back. You suddenly gaining a heart and saving that girl and then you fought your own comrade-"

"You were trying to kill me without casualties so we don't get to call us comrades that much."

"-But, The most shocking is the new abilities you displayed behind there. I didn't see them but can only imagine that what it was like back there fighting that guy. So wanna fill me in on things." V said.

Flash gave her a skeptical look and then agreed as he was also in talking to someone. He promised Uzi but he may worry her more."Ok, But don't tell Uzi for now. I tell her later."She did a zip in motion and signal to tell."Ok, So you remember when we were in patrol after two days when we first got hear right. That's when something happened. When I was on my way at a two story broken down apartment. I walked in on to see if any of the worker drones were there. I searched around and found nothing. But when I reached the upper floor and searched around there. I found a skeleton of a young girl and another beside her which was of another kid older then her."

"I thought he may be someone to her. Family, Friend or relative. Just as I was about to go out. I started to have pain in my head there. I didn't know what was happening but knew it was not good. Suddenly images began to form in my mind and they were showing me images of a little girl. And the most shocking of all was that it was showing me in them. As of I am now." Now V had a look of disbelief as she heard this. But not because of what he was seeing but because he was remembering.

"Flash." She called him as he looked to see she had a serious expression now."Tell me what did you see in these, Images."

Flash blink being taken back by her question but he reluctantly nodded."Well, It were like Me but also not me. It was like I was someone else aswell. I saw my self running with the little girl and I also remember a baby being carried by two humans who I called family. And most of all. I saw my self as a human and meet a robot who is this right hear." He motioned to him self.

Now V was confirmed about her suspiciousness."I knew it." She muttered as Flash heard her."I knew you were different from the beggining. You."She pointed at him with her sharp claw as he got back."You suddenly showing up from no where and called a team with us. You having no back ground with the JC Company and most of all. You weren't even made my Tessa!"

"Tessa? Your creator?"

"She was more then that." She told with a serious look."And most of all as you called back. You said that guy called you a traitor and you betrayed an emperor or someone! So how is that connected to you."

"Wait, How do you know more about Tessa." This got his attention."When I ask J about her. She only knew about her as her creator. Nothing more. How do you know her?"

"I'm the one to ask questions hear!" She demanded as she suddenly was infront of his face as he got back a bit."My story will be told later first yours. How are you related to that human and how are you and him different and same. Tell me now!"

Flash can feel her doubts as he can tell he isn't the first one she had doubts on and also she has her own secrets. So what better way is to simply get what he wants by a little small talk."Fine, I talk but remember this. If I give you an answer. You give me some of yours. We both have past we have but different status. So what do you say."

V still had her blade up but kept it back a bit."Fine, But don't try to ease your way out. I'll tell you what I can and you tell me your story."

"Deal. Now let's get down to bussines. First I don't know more as I have Flashbacks for a while. Me with the robot when I was human kid, Then there was me with a purple skin girl and then me in robot form meeting my new sister and then Here's the big news. Meeting my inner self who is human and isn the one to guide me to become this." He waved his hands around on him."Crazy right."

V could see he was in distress and was like in middle of breaking down. So she eased up as to not push the bot further as she needs some entertainment."Ok astro boy. Why not ease up now. Get some breathing ground and I'll help you in figuring things out and all. So just calm down."

Flash did that to ease him self more but was getting still hyper."Ok, How about you take in some deep breaths, Well the air is toxic but you don't have a problem to do so. So go on." He started to breath in and out little by little as to stop the mind from going over board. After a few more minutes he finally eased up and relaxed back."There was that so hard." She put her hand on her hips.

"Easy for you to say. But, Now that it's all done. Why not introduce me to your own memory lane. You know I want some answers on your past and what your hiding." Flash asked as she simply waved indicating she'll get into it.

"Ok, But what I'm gonna tell you. Don't tell this to N. NEVER EVER! GOT IT!" Her murder drone side came but Flash wasn't fazed the slightest."Hm, Not afraid anymore. Puie~"

"It gets boring and you get used to it time to time. Just like some bots back there."

"Fine.... So, You heard about the outbreak that had happened back on a distorted planet that was also used in the earth system project right." She asked making him nod."The humans wanted to expand on and make more worker bots and put them in different copper planets so the society will be able to expand. Each Working area had its own disposable isn't and the humans were also send there to keep an eye on them and see what happens."

"But, There was a problem happened on what I was heard with. Copper 2 and 3. The planets went boom with the worker bots told becoming roag and attempted to kill all humans." Flash told as V nodded."What does it have to do with N?"

"I'm getting to that. The first two planets were destroyed and the humans went on an investigation about what caused this. Tessa was apart of that program as she forced her way in it. She soon figure out what happened. An Ai virus was spread and corrupted the whole system with the worker drones in them. They first took half, And then took everything." She told as Flash now filled with dread."It also happened to the other two planets and caused them to become extinct."

"Which was why the company send in us disassemble drones or more like you guys to take care of the other worker drones from getting the virus and to not die or lose another planet." He figured it out but he could tell there was something more to this. Something bigger." There's more to this. Isn't there."

"... One didn't know about the virus spread happening until it was to late and caused another outbreak to happen but some how. Some how it was stopped." She let out a sign as she was getting to the hard part."The bot who's was responsible for this. Had his mind erased and was left to a new mission. One he didn't know he was the cause of it."

Flash knew where she was going at and knew it was getting to the hardest part."It was N wasn't it."


"That. It all makes sense now. Why you wanted to kill all the bots. It wasn't because you were physio. That was your cover. You were doing it to make sure the virus wasn't left behind and to make sure there weren't any chances. And the reason why you spared N all the time J wanted to kill him. You knew his memory was forgotten and to keep him away from finding out again. If you did then it would have caused a Pandemic." Flash theories."You think it's stil there."

"I'm hoping not, I had to deal with it before when it came on me and I don't wanna do it again." She told him with shuddering her last memory." Huh, I was out hear to talk to you and blow off some steam. But all I get was me and you telling secrets that no one should know off."

"You'll be surprised what conversation led two. And in this, when you and I are still clothed and having a conversation. Then it's safe to say we're not doing it. Usually it leads to that and clothes flying." He joked to ease up the tension. He was right as it did.

V laughed as she also eased up,"Hey, You never know. I can say you may not disappoint but I have my doubts." She smirked.

After a few laughs the atmosphere returned as they now looked serious."So, What happens now? Were are we gonna go from hear, What should we do?"

"....... Nothing."


"Nothing, We pretend that we haven't had this conversation and we keep things simple until the time is right to tell them about this. Uzi has enough right now and she doesn't need more information. She has already enough tolerance from others as society doesn't get her and she doesn't get them. And N is venerable right now as he may not take it well. So for when the time is right we tell them. But after we got the whole story on what really happened." He stated as V could understand this."So, Once I get a full idea on who's after me, Who's this emperor and what is my past and who am I. We can get answer on N and the virus. Cause for some reason."

"Both seemed to be connected somehow aren't they." V finished her thoughts."So were gonna do some secret investigation of our own. That be good for me as I gotta have some time off." This was gonna be good.

This is not good! Uzi thought as she phased around the ship control system. Why not good cause V just broke out and escaped.

"How did this happen! She was all changed up and I thought for sure that she wasn't gonna get out." Uzi thought out loud. Now she's gonna be in more stress as the killer is out again and is unsupervised.

"Well, Us disassembly bots were made quite strong and agile so we can fight tuffer opponents when in heat of battle. Chains aren't gonna hold us back." N explained making Uzi give him a glare as he got back in fright."Well, couldn't have thought of that before. Now she's all out there and who knows what she'll do again. She knows the entry of the gates and the Worker bots are stupid that they'll let her in!"

"Uzi, Let's try to calm down. I know she may cause harm but she-"

"She isn't to be taken easy. Flash is someplace else and he may not even know about this. Also he's gonna be pissed that she got away and-" Her rant was cut off as the hatch opened and The bot of the hour came back. Making the two gaw at her.

"Hey, Got back from my flight." She waved at them. N was the first one to get out of the shock."V! Your back!" He went off and hugged her as she stopped him by her hand on his face.

Uzi had her railgun up her face as she was close to pulling the trigger."Where the heck were you!"

"Who are you? My mom. I'm a free girl and I can do whatever I want. Plus went out and talked with Flash. Had a good time." Uzi still had her gun up.

"What were you doing?"

"Making out." She simply told.

"WHAT!?!!" Both shouted in shock.

V then burst out laughing at there faces."HAHAH, Just kidding. I was out to see what's he up to and found out he's still messing with the teleporter dagger." She waved of as she enjoyed there look of disbelief."He got nothing so I told him about somethings and he told me about somethings and we then separated. And don't worry there girl. He and I only talked so no need to get your panties wet."

Her gun was still up."Just be glade I'm sparing you now. So you better be truthful!" She eased her stance and put the gun down. Now tell me, What did you two talk about."

"He told me about anime and shows. We then talked about what anime characters can beat who and what they can do and then some thoughts came. I and him debated on saying that Gojo can kill Misaka mikato in a one on one fight. I say that's bogus but he said I was just crazy and walked off." She said making up a cover story.

"He's right. You are crazy." And they bought it up. Niw to continue."But don't worry. I'll be having my playdates with him later. He is surprisingly a very good chatting guy once you get to know him but I can't with all the time. I gotta have some me time. So you may get to side." She pushed her to the side as she went to the chair.

N desided to break the silence to ease it up."Well, Isn't that great. She and Flash are now getting along quite well. Which mean that soon they won't be on each other throat's no more." N said happily without understanding the situation."N, Really you gotta understand the situation. How come at first she was in on killing him and had no remorse over it and and now she's being buddy buddy with him all of a sudden. How is that possible in a few days."

"That's Flash for ya. He knows what to do. I mean he even got you on board and you see him as a brother figure."

Uzi signed as it was hard to make him understand. But he did have a point in this. Flash has a tendency of making friends. Just not the kind that they aspect.

"What's else will be coming in. One my human killing program and two trying to see what the fuss of the emperor and three trying to make Flash let me use the cool teleporter dagger."

"Trust me there short stuff. He isn't giving it that easy." V told.

The bot in question was sitting on a car as he was lost in his thoughts. He tried to tap into the trip down memory lane but he couldn't access that as he had to fully focus. But, No matter how much he tried he couldn't see it again. He remembered the deal he made with V.

"There's a near cabin and radio station in the woods below. I strolled down there a couple of times as to have some out time from the two coworkers. I saw some tools that may help us in finding answers."

Flash agreed as he could take some chances with that."So the area is deserted then."

"Yup, No one in sight and we can go and see what else is there if you want."

"No thanks, I have to find some answers and then we can go sight seeing later together."

"Fine then." V agreed."But, Just to be careful were gonna be needing some back story coverup."

"Leave it to me"

He still had his thoughts about this. Just what will his memories may lead to. Will they be good or will they be bad. He doesn't quite understand as he only saw half of it and what V said to him. The conscious did give him some powers But He had to be careful as to think that he may be more dangerous then others if what the red knight told him. But he also said he was-


He slowly looked down to his chest to see a blade was sticking out of his chest as oil was leaking aswell. He blinked a few times to see if it was real or not. Then the pain kicked in as he felt it through his whole body. The blade then moved around and swing him to the other side as he was thrown towards the wall. An impact was created as he hit it. He slowly got up to see what or who hit him.

Infront of him stood another bot, He was same size as him but had black covered Armor plating and chest plate with balde sticking out from behind his legs and arms. As his hands were neon green and red. His face was covered by a hazard mask that only covered his mouth and showed his red visors. He also had two sword shelts on his waist that carries his swords. He held the other one in his hand.

"Even there Sentry, It's nice to see you again." The attacker said as his voice was filtered as Flash heal his chest injury."It seemed we have an unfinished business that we left out some time back." He took a simple stance.

"And I attended to finish it." He launched him self at him in attend to kill.

Flash quickly jumped to avoid it. But as he was in mid air he suddenly felt another presence as he turned to see the attacker was right beside him in mid air. Before he could defend or attack he was suddenly kicked with enough force as he was sored around air and crashed into a building then through it to another and finally falling down to the ground as he skid to halt and crashed into a wall. He could feel his body aching as it was quite bad.

The attacker landed swiftly on the ground Infront of him as he looked at him.

"Let me guess. The emperor guy send you after me." Flash managed to say through the pain.

"You are good. But not better." The attacker sated as he glared at him. Things just got bad."Don't worry. I'll end this quick for you and swift." Now it gotten worse.

Chapter 6

View Online

I was at a large building. The logo of the company that had deployed the Disassembly bots was on the wall. The JC Jensen company, known for making futuristic technology and helping humanity to live a better life through Earth and other planets. The CEO of the company was in his office and was not in a good mood whatsoever.

"And you may tell me why you were rebuilt and came back here, Serial Designation J," he asked in a commanding tone as I stood in front of their leader with a nervous gulp. "You were assigned to go to the planet known as Copper 9 and were supposed to eliminate the remaining bots there before the infection could have expanded. So dare tell me how you ended up here."

I had to steady myself as I looked at the CEO. "W-Well..."

"I'm waiting, but you know I'm not an easy man. Time makes money and you're ruining it." He snapped. I gulped and then spoke.

"Well, we were doing that for about two months so far and eliminated the population of the remaining worker bots up to 89%. We were up to 90 but we had something occur that caused our mission to stop."

"And dare tell me what caused this?" He raised a brow at me.

"I-It was a worker bot. She was known to be a rebel and wasn't as gullible as the rest of her kind. She thought about our strategies and came up with her own. With also making one of our own to go rogue as well."

"Could it be Serial Designation N by any chance?" He asked as I nodded. "I was afraid of this. He was most of our system and didn't have the full means of understanding with the trust he lacked and had. And you're saying this worker bot had caused his system to be corrupted."

"Yes, after I found out, I was infecting him with the virus that was meant to be used of the Disassemble Drone become corrupted. It worked but then he survived it with the help of another one of our comrades."

"Was it V?" He asked as I shook my head emphatically, making him blink in surprise. "What other comrades would be there? I picked only three of you to go there."

I blinked as my visor eyes showed full confusion. "Sir, there were four of us that went to the planet Copper 9 and we were told that it was a four-man mission."

"Who the hell told you that?!" He demanded as I backed away. "Tell me. Now!"

"F-from one of the executives of the company. He told that we had four comrades. Me, N, V and F.S."

F.S. What Designation was he? He didn't have any data on that Disassembly Bot. He was- Wait! F.S as in short for...

"J. I have an assignment for you to do. Now!" He ordered her in serious toon.

J stood steady at her boss as he looked at me with pure fury. "Find out who was the worker that gave you the order and bring him to me. Either in good or bad condition I don't care. What I want is him alive no matter how you do it. Do I make myself clear?" He ordered. I nodded quickly.

"Good, so leave me as I have a call to make." He dismissed me.

I hurried and left as the man sat back at his desk. He went under the desk and pressed a button that was underneath the table. Soon the wall behind him split to reveal a big flat screen. The TV started to turn on and show glitches. Soon the screen lit up showing a dark silhouette of someone or something on it as the figure sat on a throne. The figure on the other end eyes showed which were orange as they looked at him. It was as if he was looking at his very soul.

"....What have you called me for? I am not to be disturbed by anymeans for now."

The CEO bowed his head. "My apologies, my lord. I have called you for a certain news. It's bad, as I would say." He spoke in sacred toon as his heart was beating a mile away. One wrong word and it's the end of him if not careful.

"Speak..." His tone was not pleasant as he promised pain in the end. The CEO sweated bullets as he was trying to ease his breathing.

"The thing is, my lord, that the problem we thought that had been eliminated years back... is actually not as we expected."

".... So, he's alive and I can say he was under your nose as you thought and slipped by without you even noticing, if I'm right. And I am."

"I'm truly sorry, my lord! I was in the meeting room when this took place. The one who would have snuck him in had gotten-"

"All I'm hearing are excuses. So why are you wasting my time and not doing it yourself and anything else."

The man dreaded as he could feel the seriousness in his master's voice. He nodded quickly as the screen went dark. Right then, he began to check on the desk as a holo screen lit up. He started to type on it, sending out signals

Outside the company a man was going through the truck as he tucked his hand over his face to hide his identity. He finally put the box in and closed the truck. He went towards the driver seat and closed the door. The man had a laptop on the other seat as he opened it and inserted a USB in it. The screen lit up as it started to show display of files and a program that formed around.

He took out a black phone and quickly dial a number. He waited for the caller to pick up."Yeah it's Me....... Hah yeah. It's done...... They didn't had a clear suspicious yet but now do..... Yeah I call you later I'm sending the data to you now.... Yeah, You to." The man hung up as he started the engine and drove off.

Present Time:

"Hah!" Flash dodged a swing and gave his own as he clashed with the sword bot. "Seriously, man! Can't you give me a break? I've just known myself for two or three days. Why are you after me as if I know you like now?"

"Quite the talker, as it's your coping mechanism, isn't it? Always hated that when-" He was cut off by a headbutt, making him stagger back as Flash jumped and spin-kicked him right in the neck with a heavy blow, chopping it off. "How's that for a coping mechanism... Yeah, it was bad, but still."

He flipped back as the body still moved on its own, swinging the swords. The head grew back as the Assassin kept on his assault. He deliberately kept on pushing Flash behind the corner as his attack patterns got more erratic; each attack was different than the last as Flash kept on evading the sword with his energy blades and his metal sword, making clanging sounds as they collided. He side-stepped and ducked from the side swings, using the ground for support and using his hands to push himself up to avoid the downswing. He delivered a swift blow to the assassin's chest, making him stagger back, but he didn't stop there; suddenly, the assassin's hand disconnected from his arm, revealing an energy rod holding it together. Flash went wide-eyed, exclaiming, "Seriously! You have long electric joints. Am I fighting in an anime or something?"

He jumped in the nick of time as the hand came towards him in a punch. The assassin smiled as he was waiting for this and moved his arm as the hand changed direction in mid-air and came at Flash, grabbing him by the leg. However, he didn't have time as he was pulled down hard, crashing onto the ground. He was then thrown around the area, getting hit with multiple objects. "Ha!" He hit the wall. "Gah!" He got hit by a store. "Come on!" He was flung towards a building and again, and again.


Flash had enough as he whipped his new weapons; three energy blue claws came out of his hands as he sliced the hand straight off, setting him free. He landed on the ground as he got back up. "You're in for a surprise. I found the new weapons a while back and had an urge to use them." He ran at him in quick speed and blinded him by the second, hitting him in the face, but the assassin bot blocked it inches away from the attack. Flash grabbed his hand in mid-air and jumped behind him, hitting him in the back with his claws and kicking him to finish the attack. The assassin bot flipped in mid-air and used his swords on the ground to stop the momentum and used them to launch at Flash, hitting him back.

Flash had to think fast as this guy was getting to his open area and not giving him an opening of his own. As he came towards him and launch an assault his body glowed blue as he used his hand to block the strike. When the fist made contact, it heavily broke in halt as he scream in pain, giving him the clear opening. He saw the pain look of the enemy and launched a direct hit at his face with his hand glowing. The assassin bot was flung back as pieces of his mask and face broke from the impact of the punch. He crashed into the wall, creating a crater.

"Hah! TAKE THAT!" Flash fixed his injured hand as he shook it a bit. He went towards the attacker to ask for questions when suddenly he got up and threw something on the ground, making a big light that blinded Flash for a second. He looked to see he was gone. "Dang it, he got out." He muttered. "Great, who the hell is after my back to go this far?"

He needed to go back right now as he needed rest. "Gotta go back before he gets Uzi or the others." He quickly used his wings and flew up fast.

"For the last time. I'm not going to kill your stupid Boyfriend! So why don't you leave me alone!" V shouted

"And for the last time. He's not my Boyfriend! So why can't you get it right!" Uzi shouted back.

This has been going on for a while as both girls were in an arguing mess as they had gotten together. Uzi wouldn't stop trying to get answers from V on what she had been doing outside. But she wouldn't budge and kept on saying she simply talked with Flash. Talk, Yeah right. She's gonna get to the bottom of that and nothing will stop her.

"I know you were up to something and nothing good. You coming back that easily without any sort of struggle and willingly. And let's not forget you were hear trying to kill me every minute." Uzi kept on accusing."So let me hear it buster. What really happened! And no more of the bullshit of you and him making out! I had enough of hearing it and N wining about this."

V clearly wasn't phased by her look as she kept on her poker face."Fine. You wanna know the truth. Simple, He promised me that he'll fight me with his new weapons and give me a well fight. I was getting pretty board on just fighting you guys who couldn't fight back and hide except you who did fight but still almost lost. Flash and N are the only one to give me a fight. And Flash the only one I wanna go all out on and kill. N..... Not feeling it to kill that guy."

"So he agreed to this.... Huh. Actually I can believe that one." She muttered."Ok, Now you have a good explanation on that so I won't bother much. But I wanna know something. Why is Flash different. I know his not a Disassembly Bot and his also not one to be created by the company. Cause what ever he is, He's clearly made different."

"Oh, And how you say that?" V raised an eye brow. Thinking she may get it so she Humor her on more as to not let his secret out yet."He could be from the company and was made by an enemy to infiltrate us and kill all of us and you."

"There's some logic to your words. I mean who knows what those humans are and what they have caused so they may have made Flash to do there dirty work. But, at the same time it's not that... He talks way to different and the way he looks after me the time you wanted to kill me... It's like he's."

"Not made by the company but someone else." V had to give her some credit. She can keep her crazy face on and her pocker face on."Eh, Don't know don't care. All I care about is getting me some oil and killing more of your kind. And for right now..." She went close to Uzi face as she had her crazy smile."You are making me hard not to kill you and slice and dice you aswell."

Uzi got back and held on to her gun as she gave her a glare. A fight would happen and it won't be pretty."Ok you know what lets calm down. This isn't getting us anywhere and as long as this is happening were gonna be going on a complete knockout fight."

"Hm, I wanted to do this. But since I did my swear so I'll agree to this and we'll call this a draw." V got back on the seat." So mind telling me about what you and Flash been doing this past few days. You been out a lot."

"He took me to some stores that somehow still got the goods so far on anime and Light novels. I really like this new Manga called 'Vigilante' Flash said he'll be getting the Show out as he already has the DVD." Uzi explained to her as she had her time of day with Flash."I say the Manga is good and with the past story and the Main character."

"Is there blood shead?"

"Oh yeah, There's the best fight and the slaughter fest the human do to one another. My favourite was Vigilante first introduction with the Child murder." Uzi explained as she did liked the fight and the intro. V smiled "You know there are changes in Manga and The Dramas as some don't fully go with the plot right."

"I know but it's just- wait how do you know about that? Didn't think you'll be one to watch it." Uzi said with a raised brow.

"I got curious on one of the Drama called City Hunter. It's anime was a bit different but good with R Rated things but the series were a complete different attention with all the plot twist and such. So I got some in mind and before leaving the Earth. I snatched a few series that are still in releasing as I'll get the update everyday on them and a bit more." She told her with a smirk as she show her a pad with the series on it.

"No Way! You gotta let me use it!" Uzi exclaimed as she try to reach it but V held it back."Come on! I wanna see it!"

"Nope! This is mine!" Now another argument came up as she and Uzi try to wrestle for the Pad.

As that was happening inside the pod. N right now hanged upside down as a bat. He was right was on sleep state and was getting rest. He didn't wanted to burn down his system with all the work and all so getting a bit rest was good for him. Plus he's mind wasn't on this as he was thinking on how his friend is different and what is the secret between Uzi and her mysterious eye. It all doesn't make sense and it's getting him in a bind.

"N....N! Hey N! I need you hear buddy!" He quickly snapped out as he looks to see Flash calling him from below."Could you get down hear! I'm gonna need help!"

"Coming!" N said as he flew down towards him."What do you need brotato. Anything happened." He said trying to play a swang.

"First of all, Worse swang ever. Second of all. I just got attacked by another one of the assassins." Flash quickly told him making N worry."Wow. Another. But we just got away from the last one and he wasn't much friendly to be precise. Well he did leave a gift behind."

"Yeah, But he's still out there and he may cause another attack and may hurt Uzi and V... V may held her self well but Uzi won't and that also doesn't mean he may go easy on V by not tricking her. So you and I need to work together on stopping him." N eyes widen when he heard this.

"You mean like a buddy buddy adventure!"

"More like a Hero and Sidekick but you know the Basics. So anyway let's go." He told but N had a question in mind."Wait, I'm still confused. Why not we have get help from the girls, Uzi is good with her weapon and she can also help in modified."

"We can ask her later. She'll be to reckless and she hasn't fully know what danger's there actually are and what they can do. She'll ran in and cause more problems for all of us." N frowned as he heard Flash say that. That may be true but he didn't have to say it like that."Come on, Once we dealt with this guy we'll tell her about it later. She'll get over it once we give her some new tools."

"Well.... Ok then. But let's hope what were dealing with won't be to much or else we have to put them in the battle."

"Don't worry, It be ok." Flash waved his worry as he and N soon flew off. As they went away few moments later Flash was running towards the pod as he didn't slow down.

He opened the patch and jumped in as he sees Uzi and V doing there own thing."Uzi your Ok!"

"Flash? Yeah I'm ok. V didn't get a chance to do anything to me so yeah. How-"

"No time! V we got a new enemy in our hands." V smiled menacingly as he explained to them on what happened and who he fought back there and the abilities of his."Wait, So this guy is more of a quick kill guy then cause he wanted to end this quick and you said he can fight without a head meaning his another Disassembly Drone then.. Or something else." She theorised.

"What else he may be then." Uzi chipped in."If he's hear to kill Flash then he's a gunman for hire or something cause the thing about killing you is not everyone thing. You said the Samurai bot wanted to test things out with you so which means he was hired to kill but wanted to do on his own."

Flash nodded."That's the sum of it actually. The thing is that this guy after me. I think he wasn't alone in the matter." He told making them blink."Hear me out. He didn't come hear alone as I could some how feel that there was another one with him. As he/she was helping him in the matter."

"So it's a two on one." Uzi said

She quickly thought about the scenario in her mind. With each anime she had watched and got heavy knowledge over bad guys plans is that they always come on groups and sneak attacks. But that only goes with those who want to endlessly kill there enemy or are two egoist to not let go of there kill. Witch mean that they would some how give an opening to find them or bait them with-"Um Guys. Where's N?" She suddenly asked.

"I don't know I thought he may be with you guys. I didn't see him outside or so." Danger rang in Uzi head as she heard this."This isn't good! N might be in danger!"

Flash and V shared a look as they thought about this. Yeah. He could be in danger and one that may be out of there reach.

N and 'Flash' have been flying for a while as N looked around to see if he spotted anything at all. It was quite hard to find someone around with all the snow and all so he scanned around the areas to see any unsourced energy fuel.

"We've been looking for this person for quite a while and we still haven't found him yet. Are you sure he's still around?" N asked as he looked at his comrade But all he received was quite."Um Flash anything wrong?"

'Flash' soon went down below as N fallowed him. They both landed on the ground as 'Flash' turned towards him."So, What do you find? Did we found the enemy? Are we gonna kick ass?!" He cheered.

"Yup we are now." N smiled excitedly But before he knew it something hit him on his stomach really hard. No not that. Something went through his stomach right now. Something sharp. He slowly looks down towards his stomach as he sees a fist implanted in it and the owner of the hand was standing Infront of him with a toothy grin."F-f-L-Flaj-Flash? What's g-Gk-Going on!"

"Oh it's so easy to fool the sunder heads. They don't even see it coming do they." 'Flash' spoke in a female voice as He/She pulled there fist back from his stomach as there was a badge on it witch was showing a loading process."Hah, Another on caught in this. You guys can come out now!"

As He/She shouted out, Some worker drones started to come out of the buildings and broken cars as they were all wearing black leather clothes and wore police raide helmets and held up equipment that was of standard police raids. N couldn't move as his whole body was in lock down for some reason as what ever this imposter did had stopped him in his tracks."Got a fresh one hear. He's a bit of air head so try to go easy on him and make sure steel doesn't break him to much. I wanna have my share of fun in it." She told as she pressed her side head and the body changed as now standing in Flash place was someone else. This one was a female worker drone that had long red hair and wore a pink shirt and a black sleeveless jacket with styled pants. She had pink visors and a start symbol on her cheek."Surprised little guy. I bet you are with all this but can't spill the beans just yet so you have to wait when we get back to the guild. You'll get your answers soon."

As she talked to him the worker drones were carrying him over as they started to take him away. N try to give out a cry for help or anything but he couldn't move one bit."Hey, Don't bother trying to call for help. Your friend will be joining soon enough. And the chip implanted in you keeps you from doing anything so your pretty much useless." He heard one of the worker drone saying to him.

"Oh Gary, Lighten up a bit. He's a young boy and don't spoil the fun to quick. We still have a lot to cover up."

As they went on there way. They didn't notice someone or something was watching them from far off with it's one yellow eye. And it was hungry for fresh oil and metal.

[Back on Earth]
Inside a big room, There were people working around with computers and a big screen was on top showing the map of the planet.

At there a girl stood over watching the screen with not losing focus. She had purple long hair and orange skin. she wore blue and black jeans and shirt and a black jacket with a lightning shape emblem on it with a shield. She watched the map with focus and had to memories each spot."Anything on the hist so far." She called out to the near worker.

"Negative mam. The spy's haven't contacted back and the one who did so far hasn't come back yet." The worker told as he gave the report." Any report on the team so far. Have they gotten to meet the him or not."

She got the same answer like before."Dang it. Fine then once the spy's contact back make sure you get the update report on the company and the Gigi's got it. I want them on my desk as soon as possible." She ordered as the worker nodded and left.

As she went back to her staring just then another figure came in the room wearing black suite."You look down. Anything happened." Asked the person.

She looked at the figure and signed."Not now Spike. I'm not in the mood to go with small jokes. I'm trying to get this done. The retrieving team haven't contacted back in a while and the spy's are still in out of getting back the data on JC Company." She saw him held up a Flash drive Infront of her."You got it."

Spike smirked cockily at that."well, did you ever doubt me for a second. I had my skills work just fine in the field of hacking. And they didn't even notice it till later." He explained as he handed her the Chip."So, Now that it's done, You may want to ease up a bit as I got a report back. I got food news and bad news. Which do you wanna hear first."

She simply waved at him to give both."Ok, So the good news is Flash is on the planet we thought he was and safe. The bad news is the Emperor knows as well as the company." He gave her the Abridged version as he waited for the response. He got it when she banged her fist on the wall in anger."Yeah, He's sending out some of the league of Assassination wannabe to get your Brother's head on a silver platter."

"Dang it! One wasn't enough!" She muttered in anger as she has now new mission."Ok, I'll think of something new to have backup for him. You get this chip to the recovery team and the Hackers. Find out what's in it and report back later. I gotta make a call."

"Will do." He saluted as he left her alone. She quickly got into action by taking out a black phone so no one can hear her conversation. She dialed a number on it as she waited.

"Come on Scott, You know how I do things, If someone is in trouble then I'm gonna help no matter what. Even if I don't get appreciated. I still feel fine as long as the the others are safe."

She closed her eyes as she remembered those words. Those exact words he told her. She stopped her self form crying as she focuses on the task Infront of her. That is helping her brother.

He woke up later as he found himself in some sort of dark room with the light coming only from above. He was still paralyzed and couldn't move around much as he waited for whatever was to come. Suddenly, he heard steps approaching him.

As the figure came towards him into the light, N's eyes widened in shock at how large he was. Larger than a truck, perhaps, or a boulder. The figure wore a dark metallic suit that had red glowing eyes and also had two large antennae on his head and down below his eyes, making it look like a crown and mask. He also wore a faceplate over his mouth that had teeth-like designs. His hands were covered in the same metal with two large bracers that had spikes on them, which were also on his feet as well. His back had a machine gun attached to it with a heavy arsenal of bullets. The large armored figure looked at N as he could tell he was glaring at him, and it certainly didn't seem like a friendly gaze.

"You have all the time to look me up, Murder Bot. It will be the last thing you'll see when I'm through with you." He spoke in a deep, hostile voice as he glared at him. "But, you're going to be a bit lucky for now, because someone wants your little partner's head, and they're giving us the records we need to make it happen. So, be patient then." The Armor Bot said as he could see the eyes of the Murder Drones filled with shock and fear. He smirked, knowing he was going to enjoy this.

Inside a CCTV room, the video was being shown of what was happening in the room as two bots were looking at the computer. "Hahaha. Oh look, looky, he's gonna be going into battle with Gutsy! I hope he doesn't break him too much." A female voice giggled.

Let's hope so; we don't want to make our guests angry now, do we? He was kind enough to donate this equipment to us, and he even gave us these models in question. The second voice said as it was also female, just like the first one, and they continued to chat along. By the way, where is he?

He stood in the same room as them. "I want to catch you off guard," he said, his voice laced with menace. The first girl pointed at him, her eyes wide with fear, but she couldn't help but let out a creepy giggle. "I love surprises, and I definitely gonna love this!"

Back in the room where the Murder Drone and Armor Bot were, a figure was watching them from the shadows. It was revealed to be the Assassin bot himself, waiting patiently for his prey to arrive. What better way to get their attention than having someone take care of the Murder Drones? As they say, 'An enemy of my enemy is my acquaintance.' All I have to do is wait for the right moment.