> Kinky wonders in Equestria > by DarkShadowSpark > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Alicorn and lover > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Equus Novum Written, translated and edited by me: DarkShadowSpark He could feel his hoof pressing into warm, melting pony flesh as he forced his hoof deeper into his lover's gigantic soft stomach. Princess Twilight Sparkle was truly a beautiful strong alicorn and he was glad to be her partner. Not only because it protected him from ever ending up on a princess's menu himself. Well as long as he was still young. Twilight was immortal and he would give himself to her once the time came to be part of her for eternity to come. He truly loved all about Twilight, but especially the way she was beautiful beyond belief. With another lustful energetic thrust of his hoof, he felt the fur and flesh beneath snap and damaged bones crack as Twilight's magic further ate through the devoured corpses of her subjects, dissolving them into its individual base components. Subjects he was responsible for being devoured, as he had helped his lover Twilight shove them into her snout and stomach. Subjects who willingly gave their flesh and life so that their princess could digest them and turn them into a nutritious mush to be assimilated into her body. As he knew and loved, mostly body fat, especially on her wide hips and wet winking marehood. His hoof brushed and kneaded against Twilight's stomach, while the alicorn mare uttered delighted moans as her body continued to take care of the dead ponies within. With soft crunches and sizzles of magic, the alicorn's stomach squeezed and mixed the individual ponies together, beginning to mold them into one. He knew that soon there would be nothing left of the ponies, for even without stomach acid he was aware that his lover could process even the bones and other normally indigestible aspects with her alicorn magic. Once an alicorn had finished digesting its latest meal there was left nothing behind for all became either magic or pudge on their frame. It was just a pity that the fat on Twilight's body would only linger there for a few hours before her body converted it into more of her alicorn magic. After that, she would look as slim and graceful as she always had appeared as an alicorn. Fortunately, there was a simple workaround available; he simply had to assist his beloved in devouring and digesting more of her subjects. There were certainly enough volunteers willing to give up their lives and melt down to mush in an alicorn's digestive system. *End of Chapter* > Sexy immortality > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "And that's for real?", asked Dash incredulously as she stood across from Twilight. Her muzzle was twisted into a wide grin and her eyes twinkled expectantly and delightedly at the lavender alicorn standing across from her. Twilight nodded eagerly. "It really is true. As you know an alicorn is immortal, and also remains young forever. The four of us are so fertile that we four princesses alone could repopulate all of Equus in no time at all. I do not hope that it will ever come to that, but it would be possible. But…that wasn't your question...", Twilight scratched the back of her head in embarrassment. "Sorry!" Dash laughed. "You're right about that, but it was pretty high up there too. So nice to know without even having to ask. Would you mind answering the question for me anyway?". The cyan pegasus tilted her head to the side and looked at her alicorn friend. "Oh yeah, sure, sure," Twilight's words somewhat overlapped as she gathered her thoughts. "Back to your actual question. You wanted to know if an alicorn is really so tremendously reproductive that even our sperm or mare-honey improves vitality and health when in intimate contact. That is also true. More than that, in fact. Not only do my fluids heal and strengthen your body, they can or rather do extend your life." Dash´s eyes got wide as she heard Twilight saying that. "That means if I eat you out regulary, it will strengthen my health and make me more awesome than I already am?" She then cleared her throat. "Well if that would even be possible, I´m already the most awesome pegaus there is." Dash remained grinning wide as Twilight just rolled her eyes. "Whatever you say." Dash didn't seem to have heard her friend, or was ignoring the alicorn. "Or if you mount me and we have a solid intercourse plus you having an orgasm inside of me, will that enhance my life as well? And where is the limit? How far does this effect go?" That were quite a few questions at once, but Twilight would gladly answer them all for her prismatic friend. "As you already suspected, both guesses are correct. Eating my equine pussy, as well as mounting and having sex with you would improve your health greatly. Coming back to the last one...there is no limit." "What really? You could keep me alive with that - forever?" Dash raised her eyebrow, she certainly didn´t seem to have expected to get that kind of answer from Twilight. "Yes!", Twilight simply replied. "Well, what are we waiting for then?" Dash turned around, flicked her tail to the side and as she braced herself with the front hooves against the crystal wall spread her back legs as wide as she could. It gave Twilight the perfect view of Dash's most secret private bits and the alicorn would have been careless not to seek out said offered place for mating. While Dash still braced herself against the wall with her front hooves more firmly, Twilight walked behind the prismatic pegasus and placed her own hooves on the wall just above the other mare´s head. She then flexed her rear legs and slowly hoisted herself up behind Dash. Slowly, the alicorn thrusted her hips forward and pushed her mighty marecock in between her petals and deep into the Pegasus' slick marehood. She then began moving in and out in slow trusts that became firmer and faster the longer her horsecock was caressed by the small ridges inside of Rainbow´s love tunnel. Anyone who would have been witness outside the doors to Twilight´s private chambers in her castle would have heard loud and lustful moaning of two mares deep in sexual pleasure for hours. Neither of them knew - or cared how often they came to an orgasm, but soon Dash´s middle was bloated with Twilight´s high fertile alicorn-seed and there was no end in sight of either of them slowing down in the near future. > Betrayed Friendship > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Starlight kicked her two rear legs uselessly around as the powerful snake compressed around her skull. Everything had happened so quickly for her that she didn't even had time to light her horn and try to cast a single spell. Then again she never had been the quickest. Why should she? Usually she had forced others to do her dirty work. If they wanted too or not. At times threatening to kill them or their entire family if they didn't obey - or simply out of fun if she felt like it. Usually that had done the thing. But why should they have anything against following her will anyway? She was after all the best pony there was in the entirety of Equestria - well in her mind at least. As it happened Starlight had only been able to lift her front hooves and rest them on the side of the anaconda's broad head. While this prevented her from being further devoured by the gigantic - nearly seventy foot long snake that weighed a good ton - for the time being, even that would only buy her a little more time. In fact, the snake that had engulfed her entire head up to its shoulders was so strong that the terrible beast didn't even need the rest of its powerful muscled body to hold onto its frail unicorn prey. If Starlight were an earth pony, her strength might have been enough to break free, but as a unicorn she was completely powerless with her weak body. It also didn't do her any good that she was able to feel the warm tongue of a pony right between her fat hips, licking and nibbling there as it continued to move closer to her most private bits. The telltale giggling was also very familiar to her, and deeply annoyed, she called out the other unicorn's name. "TRIXIE! That must have been one of your crazy ideas, right?" The licking and nibbling between her hips, close to her pussy, stopped and Trixie's voice echoed muffled through the snake's powerful flesh to her ears. "Of course, what else would you think? It was all my idea, because the great and powerful Trrrrixie comes up with the greatest of plans." Trixie's rolling "r" every time she spoke her stage name wasn't helping Starlight calm down a bit right now. Starlight was puzzled, "and what pray tell is your plan now? To lure your best friend into the reptile enclosure and have her devoured by an anaconda?" She couldn't see it, but Trixie shrugged languidly in disinterest. "Yeah, that was my plan." Starlight tried to make any sense of it. "So what? What did you plan for me to happen next." She heard Trixie giggle mirthfully in response, "well what do you think happens when a pony gets eaten by a snake? Come on Starlight, you're dumb but not that stupid, you know the answer!" Starlight made a cautious attempt. "They are properly digested into mush to be absorbed by the snake like any other meal...?" "There you go, I knew you had the answer. You aren't as dumb as I have always thought," Trixie cheerfully replied. “But WHY?”, Starlight asked, pleading. She skillfully ignored the insult to her intelligence, or at least tried to, being too narcissistic and self-confident of her - according to herself - outstanding talents to let it get under her skin. “I thought we were good friends.” “Because I simply felt like it today. It sounded like fun, nothing more than that and well you are quite right, we WERE. You on the other hoof are now nothing more than an ordinary chunk of easily digestible unicorn meat to be devoured and broken down by the snake into your basic components. Be glad that it's like that, that way you're worthless pony flesh is at least useful for Equestria in some way. Even if it's only as snake food to temporarily fuel a better with your calorie content. Starlight would have liked to retort to this cruel answer, but she was speechless. All she could do was concentrate, and soon she would have enough control over her magic to be able to teleport out of the snake. After that, though, she would snap out of it and tell Trixie what she really thought about the other mare. Already thinking about how to best do it she suddenly remembered a critical fact that massively solidified her fear of not escaping this alive. This was no longer a normal snake that had engulfed her head and was steadily trying to devour her infirm unicorn body further. She had experimented with Twilight at this very serpent and both had searched for new spells for stomach discomfort and indigestibility for ponies. The snake's magical improved digestion was now far stronger than usual and even her spit was lethal to some degree if bathed in for to long. Without even reaching the stomach of the gigantic serpent, being in the snake alone was dangerous enough. Desperately, she tried to free herself with the little physical strength she possessed, but as she moved her front hooves away and gripped the insides of the snake's damp mouth to pull it open, she realized that this had been a grave mistake in her oh so smart plan. Her hooves had been the only factor that had prevented the snake from swallowing the unicorn over its neck. With a mighty jerk Starlight felt her head and subsequently body being tugged forward, now fully inside the snake’s throat as her front hooves where easily forced down by the powerful serpent, following her head and were firmly pressed against it. The devouring jaws were slowly inching along her body and soon made it past her shoulders. Starlight had read a good deal about snakes for her research with Twilight and knew the shoulders were, like, the widest part of a pony. If the snake can eat that, it could easily swallow the whole pony. Starlight felt the constriction worsening, the frail bones of her hooves threatening to break. She needed to get out or this was her end. Starlight was panicking now as the bones in her hooves, and the hooves themselves, were bending and threatening to break. “Trixie! Trixie, get me out of here…please it hurts. Trixie didn't seem to mind, for she never stopped nibbling in between Starlight´s tights and giving the unicorn mare a spit-bath along her inner legs. She also soon reached the edges of Starlight´s virgin pussy and began to push her snout in between those lovely wet petals. Inhaling the equine scent and musk of her ex-friend, lost in bliss, bliss that Starlight certainly didn't have. “Tri…Trixie?! You're not really seriously planning to cunnilate my pussy while you watch me get devoured alive by an anaconda only to die and be digested? Do you?" A snout pushing deeper into her dripping mare slit and a warm, soft tongue beginning to lick her birth canal walls and clit with loud, lustful moans of delight told Starlight everything. Trixie didn't care about her possible imminent death. She only wanted one thing - sweet honey from her leaking purple marehood. And that's exactly what Trixie did with increasing vigor as her snout dug deeper into Starlight's sex and spread her labia around her face. "My oh my, Starlight. You're seriously dripping wet down here - how naughty. I believe you do even quite enjoy being devoured by the snake, giving up your life for nothing and dissolving in its stomach acids to become no more than fat and muscles on its body." Trixie's snout plunged back between her hot and moist mare petals and Starlight finally couldn't hold back anymore. Pathetically squirting her clear-white marecum right into her ex-friends face and open snout while her overweight hips bucked against Trixie. Her meager trembles unluckily aiding the gigantic serpent in devouring her unicorn body more easily - well unfortunate for Starlight at least. As her orgasmic bliss faded Starlight was still speechless - not just because of her post-orgasm - but she could feel the compression getting ever worse on her bending forelegs. The snake’s mouth was just now passing over the end of her throat and swiftly moved to her chest. With a loud crack a second later, her front legs shattered. The splintered bones dug through her flesh like knives, driven by nine hundred PSI snake muscles contracting. Starlight let out a bloodcurdling high-pitched scream as this happened, flailing wildly. The snake, sensing that its prey was not dead from this sudden struggle, tightened its grip even more. Grinding his jaws against the unicorn to have her eaten quicker. Starlight continued to scream as the snake's mouth closed over the start of her belly. She was swallowed faster and faster as her powerless resistance dwindled. Starlight sobbed and cried, not having enough air to scream, as her body was tightly and evenly compressed by the snake’s throat. She couldn’t feel the air on her exposed skin anymore. “Help…” She continued to plead softly as another inch of her plump body was taken merciless by the serpent. Her pleas, however, were left entirely unheard. Trixie didn't care for Starlight's wellbeing and immediate death, for why should she if there were far more important and tasty matters at hoof - or snout - and only sucked Starlight's sweet mare honey right from the source of her tight, drenched mare slit. From her front-row seat to the inside of a snake, Starlight saw the pink slimy walls opening in front of her. A little light penetrated the snake’s thick muscles, just enough for her to see faint shapes. A pinkish sphincter opened up and Starlight´s head was forced inside. She recognized this must be the serpent's stomach, and it contracted around her, squeezing her firmly from every possible side. Her broken hooves burned in the powerful digestion acid, and she regretted ever making friends with Trixie. If only she had listened to Twilight back then, when the cunning Princess of Friendship had tried to convince her that becoming Trixie's friend was a terrible idea. Now she had to bear the consequences of her self-absorbed decisions and would never be able to tell the alicorn mare that she was absolutely right. Starlight twitched as she felt the acid-like spit seeping into her fur. Her poor eyesight was blurry and she was light-headed from lack of air. She was so cold, her body in shock from blood loss. Her magic continued to sputter ineffectively. Stomach acid dripped down onto her face, burning her nose as she breathed and her eyes when she opened them. One last time, Starlight tried to light up her underdeveloped, meager horn. This indignant flash, however, lasted only a fleeting second before the beast brutally squeezed, eliciting a pained, desperate howl from Starlight. The crushing pressure was more than enough to bring the mare's common magic to a halt as her ribs crumpled with a searing crack under the far more powerful force of the heartless blow. The injured unicorn's next breath became a muffled gurgle as her body cavity imploded under the relentless force with an erratic chorus of fibrous pops. The overwhelming impact compressed the mare's lungs with a weak gasp in her chest, causing the equine's thin hind legs to buck weakly in a restless spasm as her body tried to process the catastrophic damage to her fractured torso. There was nothing predictable about it; the wriggling twitches were little more than a subsiding twitch as Starlight's body registered that her respiratory system was no longer operative. She could now taste her own blood, as sharp bone shards now punctured the delicate organs that had once been in her ravaged body cavity. Her heart, liver, lungs, all were racked with internal bleeding as they were squashed into a fleshy pulp with a single hydraulic thrust. The pink unicorn already dead, even if her mind had yet to keep up with what was happening, that she now was just a mare-sized lump of easily digestible dead flesh, for the snake to feast upon. Just another curvy piece of meat to be consumed, soon to be safely tucked away as a suspicious, slowly shrinking bulge in the midsection of this well-fed serpent. That final thought of her inevitable ingestion refused to enter Starlight's stubborn mind as she continued to tremble and move in a reflexive twitch that instinctively arose from her weakened nervous system. The mare's erratic movements persisted for a few more moments before reluctantly relaxing with a quivering twitch, she now lacked the means or energy to sustain her panicked protests. The tortured pony quickly went limp, unable to catch her breath, suffocating in her own meager body after only a few unworthy, arid breaths. The reptile sensed the stubborn mare's struggle extinguish with one last awkward tremor. More crunching of cracking bones sounded from the snake's form as more of Starlight's weak bones were pulverized under the sheer force of the snake. Starlight would have cried out again had her front half long since been nothing more than Pony Puree, sizzling as it melted away. The unicorn, by now, had long since suffocated on her own ruined body as her ribcage and lungs were crushed flat by the reptile. In fact, everything behind was already being greatly processed by the snake's magically enhanced saliva and softened up, which worked almost as efficiently as stomach acid. It wasn't long before the snake had had enough of feeling Starlight's ruined cadaver slowly dissolve into nutrients and proteins by it's spit and bit down hard on the frail unicorn's middle. With one nasty crack of splintering bones, the anaconda easily separated Starlight's entire squished torso from her fat rump and devoured it deeper to digest it even more profoundly. Trixie paid no attention, completely ignoring the sound of the splintering bones of her former friend as she continued to feast on the tasty remaining plumb lower half of Starlight’s body and fur; her moist, pleasantly fresh smelling marehood and sweet genital juices. The ripped off lower half of Starlight still hadn't realized that without the matching upper half of its pony, the unicorn was already more than clearly dead. Another round of several subsiding death spasms surged through Starlight’s plumb lower body, nestling her damp marehood and fat hips snugly against Trixie's muzzle while the other unicorn molested Starlight's privates as deeply as she could for her own kinky desires. Meanwhile, the snake slurped Starlight's red life essence from her bisected belly, intent on not wasting a single delicious drop of it at all. Trixie herself was not given much more time to lap out Starlight's labia herself so she hastened, for the snake's mouth slithered progressively deeper, once again noisily biting and tearing another piece out of Starlight's abdomen. Ligaments and muscle were torn from the bones, the serpent monster rapidly skeletonizing his dead meal’s torso. Not even the mare´s ribcage could withstand his strong snake jaws and was broken and crushed into many small bits with ease. Inch by inch, the reptile lowered its head over Starlight's body, forced her inside and gorged itself on the unicorn's half cadaver with loud gobbling and ripping noises through her flesh towards Starlight's fat hips. After its first great bite of Starlight´s entire upper half the snake growled in gratitude for the unwilling gift of tasty mare meat the unicorn had given it. Then it sank its teeth deeper into the flesh of her chest and bit down so hard on the unicorn's cadaver that it dislodged her flesh, revealing bone splinters poking out of Starlight´s torn flesh. The snake continued to feed the unicorn's chest into its mouth bit by bit, and its powerful jaws easily shredded her weak body into more and more smaller pieces of unicorn flesh for it to devour and digest into its base components. Starlight's organs like her liver, heart, lungs, womb and much more were a true delicacy for the snake and therefore swiftly torn out of the unicorn’s cadaver and devoured. Then the snake continued to feast at Starlight´s lower body as if it were a long strand of dry spaghetti. Soon the jaws snapped shut over the flanks of his unicorn prey, tearing chunks of flesh and bone from what was left of Starlight's body. Forever destroying her cutie-mark's. Ripping her frame apart and eating the delicious flesh of her corpse ravenously now, like he was starving for a good prey. Trixie squeezed her muzzle between Starlight's slowly cooling velvety pussy lips, her forelegs finding and resting on Starlight's over weight hips and digging into the excess fat of her cadaver they gripped, sucking up as much of the leftover tasty mare honey still leaking from them as she could. Starlight really ought to have done something meaningful in her life, like exercise, rather than trying to dictate her twisted and psychosocial ideologies to innocent and unwilling ponies and become excessively fat in the process. Well, at least this way the snake would get a good portion of a meal once it had completely devoured Starlight's overweight corpse, ripped it into tiny chunks and entirely metabolized her - except for its caloric value - completely worthless unicorn flesh and bones down to nothing but nutrients. Half a minute later, Trixie felt the tip of her snout about to touch the warm mouth of the anaconda and she pulled back from Starlight's cadaver and out of her marehood disappointedly but quickly. After all, she didn't want to suffer the same lethal, crushing, digestive and righteous fate as Starlight had within the serpent. With her hoof deep in her wet, twitching and coal-blazing marehood, she watched with great delight and satisfaction as the snake's jaws slowly descended completely over Starlight's star cutie mark. Ripping further apart the unicorn's corpse and devouring it piece by piece with noisy wet munching of tearing flesh, muscles and splintering bones. Her former unicorn friend was now nothing more than a stretched out pair of frayed, torn mulberry rear legs holding a truly delicious wet female mare slit between them that protruded out from the snake's wide-open jaws. But even that bit left of Starlight's inferior form quickly faded as the snake completely crossed Starlight's fat rump and made short work of the rest of its delicious, long diseased prey as it quickly tore apart Starlight's plump flanks and weak hind legs over and over, eating the pieces with great delight. The giant serpent growled once more in satisfaction as his jaws reached the unicorn mare's leftover crotch and his sharp teeth dug deep into her fur and flesh. The snake's long tongue quickly found Starlight's flavored mare pussy, wiggling it deep inside her soft, leathery but ice-cold labia before crushing down on her pelvis with hydraulic force and swiftly devouring Starlight's sex as well. Trixie watched the action of Starlight's corpse becoming completely shredded and consumed closely. At the first hefty gulp, the snake's jaws tore Starlight apart down to her hocks and she was just a pair of hind legs; at the second, the unicorn was reduced to a pair of compressed calves; at the third, only the hooves and the pads of her feet were visible. With a crunch of snake jaws, both her weak hind legs fully snapped, the femurs tore away from the rest of her legs, and the mangled bones pierced through Starlight's flesh as the snake gorged on the second-to-last part of the mulberry unicorn. Trixie stayed where she was until even the base of her friend's hind hooves disappeared behind the anaconda's maw with a last crunch of bones and it finally pulled its mouth shut once the job of devouring all of Starlight's miserable self was done. With a touch of magic, Trixie quickly made her way out of the snake's reach before landing herself as dessert. The snake would have no trouble completely shredding and dissolving Starlight's fur, flesh and bones into nothing but nourishment, but she would check back tomorrow to see how far along the reptile was with digesting Starlight as fat and muscles on its body. If she was lucky, the snake would spit out Starlight's skull fully intact once the unicorn had been completely annihilated. > Irresistible Alicorn Pheromones > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- No matter how careful you are, mistakes can happen, even if they are only so very small. For one particular alicorn mare such a day was today. Twilight had not paid attention once and already her rear hoof had slipped off the step of one of her crystal starcases in her castle, sending her tumbling down the hard, unforgiving stairs. Well, at least she would have if the alicorn hadn't caught herself with her magic first. But she didn't even have to do that, luckily Starlight was right behind her and stopped her fall before it could happen. Starlight's mind however was currently entirely elswhere than thinking about the prospect of having caught her generous mentors fall. The lilac unicorn had no idea why her mentor preferred to wear panties, very tight ones, but she would never complain a bit. Not only since it was the alicorn mare's free choice of will and she almost got over her desire to control anypony in Equestria. No! As Twilight wore tight book spotted underwear all the time, the thick and juicy outlines of her butthole and prominent marehood stood out perfectly underneath the silky fabric. In addition, the tight fit on Twilight’s pudgy rump with it´s steel-hard muscles underneath meant that every millimeter of these was drenched with Twilight's sweet alicorn scent and secretions almost constantly. Starlight squeezed her muzzle a little tighter into Twilight's spongy backside right to the spot where the alicorn's panties curved in over her big labia and created a soaken and scented cameltoe for Starlight's pleasure. She took two deep breaths right from in between the alicorn's gorgeous and enchanting smelling pussy into her nostrils as her snout pressed in and parted Twilight's mare slit slightly. However, it also caused some of the alicorn's fresh-fertile juices to seep out of her marehood and get soaked up in her panties. Well Starlight wouldn't let that opportunity pass, of course, as her tongue darted out to lick the wet stain on the outside of Twilight's panties for her honey. Her nostrils welcomed the spicy and fresh-fertile scent leaking of Twilight's marehood and she became almost instantly lost in the pheromones her mentor was producing from within her equinehood. Starlight knew full well that she had fallen completely to the spell of the irresistible mesmerizing alicorn pheromones that enticed mate and prey alike as her nostrils flared to fully take in the potent scent of alicorn mare. But even if she could still care about that through the fog that veiled her thoughts, she still wouldn't care. Starlight paid no mind to which of the two possibilities she would eventually end up as for her mistress. In either option, she would help make the royal alicorn's of Equestria even more striking and powerful. Starlight began to lightly suck on the alicorn's snatch for more of Twilight's juices yet was so subtle about it all, though, that her mentor wouldn't notice exactly what she was really doing at her beautiful rear. Or at least that's what Starlight believed for the lilac unicorn wasn't actually aware that Twilight knew exactly what her personal female alicorn scent did to others. Twilight knew from Luna, Celestia and Cadence how her alicorn pheromones worked and how best to use them to her advantage. Alicorns embodied the three pony species equally, and that also ensured that they were permanently fertile and receptive. After all, all four of them had to be able to avert a disastrous disaster that led to the decimation of the ponies at any time. They, the alicorns, were the last safeguard for keeping the pony race alive. Now, if she wanted to, Twilight could emit a lingering scent from her genitals that no stallion could resist following in order to mount and impregnate the alicorn in question. Even though an alicorn's natural beauty and grace made it almost too easy to captivate stallions anyway. However, there was another side and a mare, especially an alicorn, needed gigantic amounts of magic, food and energy for the reproduction of its following offspring of up three foals per pregnancy. A pregnancy that happened in weeks not months no less and could be repeated right afterwards. Something that the body of female beings, but especially other young mares could provide plenty of. Therefore, the pheromones of an alicorn also had a spellbinding effect on mares, compelling them to sacrifice themselves for their superiors when necessary without question. While it was rare, as the native magic of Equus could sufficiently supply an alicorn, the possibility existed at all times. The alicorn was a perfected predator and omnivore, and sometimes they just felt like it.... > My Life As A Short Dragon > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spike couldn't help but stare blankly at Twilight's bare, uncovered equine backside with wide eyes as the young alicorn mare reared up on the chair she used to get to higher located books. Her tail was held straight from her body for better balance. Spike had never understood why Twilight bothered with using her hoofs to get the books she wanted. He knew rather well how gifted Twilight was with magic, even as still a unicorn. Now she was a beautiful alicorn and her magic multiple times stronger than before. He had also never seen a marehood so simply flawless and pristine like the one of his big sister/mom/caretaker. Probably another perk of the lavender mare now being an alicorn. So big, juicy, deep purple, wet…Twilight's equine femininity was nestled perfectly between both her buttcheeks, poking wide out from her rump. All his life he had had glimpses of Twilight's feminine equity - pony´s didn´t wear clothes after all. Yet now he saw Twilight - or rather her big perky mare slit, in a totally new light. Literally as how the light shown through the castle windows of Twilight´s home and framed the lavender mare's physical body and her damp backside and winking pussy perfectly. Mares had generally always rather wide hips and plump ass-cheeks, as they were the ones to get pregnant, carry foals and bear them from between their lower folds. Twilight, or alicorns in general, topped that and his caretaking protector had the fourth greatest backside in entire Equestria and one of the most beautiful, most exquisite, most magnificent marehood’s in the world. And that also meant her marehood and teats were far larger and prominent than they were for other mares. Not just because of the stark contrast of dark-violet of her genitals in comparison to the bright lavender coat of Twilight. Or the fact an alicorn had a very slim and graceful frame. The damp upside down exclamation mark shape of Twilight´s pussy stood wide out from the rump of the alicorn. Her large teats hung down just below her femininity, equally as broad. Spike still wasn't sure, but he likely had never seen one that was so perfect and smooth. Slightly darker and redder than her fur, the bulb of it bulged out from between her ass cheeks in a pouty little way that seemed just perfect for his prim and pert princess friend. Her pussy lips followed the line of a slight inward curve and showed just the barest hint of a deeper, brighter, wetter pink in the tiny gap between them once they closed. Even where the curves of her pussy met the ring around her asshole and flowed up into the curves of her rump, there wasn’t a single wrinkle or blemish. He’d truly never thought such an immaculately perfect pussy was possible… Yet as an alicorn, a being considered a god by many? – well either way, Twilight could consider herself very lucky to have such an attractive body and female biology. A second glance at her dark-violet equine-pussy caused Spike to grin, while in the same breath his nose jerked. It was apparently the special time of the year for mares again. In the bright glow of the summer sun shining through the castle-library´s window, he could detect decent increasing moisture collecting on both labia of Twilight´s marehood. A string of marecum ever so slightly forming at the end of her folds of her barely parted pussy. Coating her big heart-shaped clit with her increasing wetness, leaking out over it and hanging down wide from her mare slit beneath the more the alicorn stretched her body upwards to reach her books. There was also a rather characteristic female equine smell in the air today that wafted from within her rich pink, wet depths from under Twilight far raised tail down to his nose. It was spicy and intoxicating, but also kind of sweet all through the room and her involuntary slow winks of her marehood almost forced the scent to and into his nose. The rich, distinct mare scent Spike could smell oddoring from the alicorn mare's dark pussy was still less pleasant than the one of a female dragon, but Spike knew from his studies with Twilight that the female pheromones of an alicorn were vastly different than those of other ponies. Twilight could emit a lingering scent from her pussy that no stallion could resist following in order to mount and impregnate the alicorn in question. The same was true of her mare honey, whose fragrance and taste hypnotized and subdued stallions and mares alike. Even though an alicorn's natural beauty and grace made it almost too easy to captivate stallions anyway. Mares and all other creatures of Equus weren't much different and the alicorn-pheromones compelled them to subject themself to the prime race known on Equus – the alicorns – if necessary without objection. While an alicorn mare was in heat, these special alicorn pheromones were constantly there to a grade wafting up out of their marehood’s from under their tails, surrounding them. They were far less concentrated then when knowingly distributed by an alicorn mare and didn't have the natural irresistible effect to non-alicorns but still were far more potent than that of any ordinary mare. Spike knew they would both be getting a lot more eager visitors in the near future. Now that the strong sweet scent of fertile alicorn mare had already filled Twilight's entire library and would probably soon have taken the entire of her castle in its billowing grip. And the simple fact Twilight was rated even hotter than Rarity OR Fluttershy. Not only in Ponyville but far beyond. He just hoped it wouldn't be like last year and the delighted sounds of Twilight were keeping him awake all night, from all the studs willingly offering themselves to satisfy her. When else could one legally have sexual intercourse with such a lovely, beautiful royal alicorn of Equestria. A true, immortal deity at that. The opportunity to completely satisfy your princess with your mere mortal body? Probably only two days a year... And impregnating an alicorn wasn't just a thing for two particular reasons. With their ever heightened durability and fertility an alicorn could carry multiple foals at once, even from more than one stallion if chances were given. Twilight however was still too young she believed and not nearly ready to settle down and bear a foal herself. The other reason was marginally less pleasant and fortunately just as rare. In order for it to happen, several things had to go wrong at the same time and for even one of these things to occur, let alone all at the same time, was almost exclusively impossible. To grow an offspring – or several – in the womb of an alicorn mare, an alicorn required gigantic amounts of biological, magical energy. Like the power they needed to cast spells, they drew it from their power source, the astral dimension. It was technically impossible to happen, but in the event that an alicorn mare was cut off from the Astral Dimension and could no longer draw any energy for her offspring or spells from her alicorn magic source, the alicorn species had found yet another way to ensure their existence and reproduction. Much to the chagrin of their subjects, however, who they actually wanted to protect and rule with all their strength. The four alicorn princesses therefore monitored their connection to the astral dimension at all times so that they would not fall under the ban of this irresistible urge of their bodies and harm their beloved subjects. You see, an alicorn was an omnivore and their alicorn magic able to easily break down really every available matter completely into their unique and divine magic. Unfortunately, much to the alicorn's chagrin, the best source of magical energy was the body of their dear ponies. Ponies – and unicorn´s on top of that – had by far the highest magical energy content of all creatures on Equus. If an alicorn mare was truly cut off from her power source and became pregnant during that period, she could not prevent herself from afterwards devouring her mating partner whole and alive. Not even if she had felt true love towards her partner. Likewise, if they had to cast an extremely powerful spell to generate sufficient protection for their subjects. Within minutes, the alicorn's magic would have completely ate true, melted down and digested the body of its unfortunate prey into its base components and absorbed it all into magic and energy for the alicorn mare. In the process, an alicorn's body would also not leave any trace of its prey behind and even the bones were just as easily entirely digested as the fur, flesh and organs of their subjects. It was only luck that the entire process was painless for both parties. It was by far the greatest danger posed by an alicorn. Yet such an incident had never occurred due to the care, caution and precision with which the alicorn princesses monitored their bodies, magic and connection to the astral dimension. Nevertheless, it was a fear that was inherent in every alicorn, for they wanted to protect their subjects and not prey on them to replenish their magic or produce heirs.