> My Little Discord: Friendship is Magic Season 1 > by Musiclover435 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue Part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A cloaked figure taller than an average pony is seen running for her life. They were carrying a bundle in their arms, both were hidden in the darkness of the night. The moonlight seemed to be her only guiding light. The cloaked figure seemed to be standing on two legs and panting heavily. she seemed to be limping from a distance, it was obvious that she was weak but her adrenaline was keeping her going. ‘I need to hide him. No pony will suspect him of being around ponies. He’ll be safe here. Star Swirl said we could come for anything if needed. He said that he lives within the Everfree Forest and the castle within. He can help my son, he’s the only one I can trust.’ The two-legged creature found herself near the Castle of the Two Sisters in a garden filled with statues. ‘The Princesses Luna and Celestia, they can protect him.’ The creature kissed the bundle and then set him down. “Stay safe, my son. I cannot return but I know you will be safe here. Goodbye, my baby. Be strong and use your magic for good. I know you can. I’m sorry.” With tears in her eyes and a heavy heart, she left, knowing she could never return. Princess Luna was walking through the garden with a lot on her mind. It had been a few years since Star Swirl the Bearded and his friends disappeared. Things between her and Celestia had started to feel different since then. She started to feel left out of their royal duties. More ponies would go to her for advice since she raised the sun while she would stand in the background, hidden from her sister’s bright shining light. ‘If only I could find somepony that would appreciate my nights.’ A faint crying took Luna out of her thoughts. “Crying, who would leave a baby in the garden? How did the gardeners not catch them? How did the guards not see someone come in?” Luna ran direction of the crying and she soon saw a red bundle in the moonlight. Luna gasped and flew to the bundle. “You poor thing, who would leave you here alone?” Luna carefully picked up the baby and unwrapped the head and was shocked at the sight. It was a baby Draconequus. The baby was brown with a long head, and no horns but would develop them soon. He had no teeth which indicated that he was still young. He had the right arm of a lion, the left claw of an eagle, the right leg of a dragon, and the left leg of a goat. In addition, he had a bat's right wing, a blue pegasus wing, a black mane, and a long red tail with a white tuft on the end. The baby was crying his eyes out. “Shh, shh, it’s okay. I’ve got you, little one.” The baby started to settle, revealing his yellow eyes and red pupils, both his eyes were different sizes. “Where is your mother, little one?” Luna flew to the sky, hoping to find his mother but saw nothing, no pony flying in the sky, no pony running, nothing. It’s like the Draconequus’s mother, vanished. Luna looked at the bundle in her hoofs. He fell back asleep as if nothing had happened. Luna smiled at him, “Well, little one, let’s get you inside and some milk. I’m sure you’re hungry.” Luna brought the baby inside and had a maid bring her a baby bottle and milk. The draconequus woke up moments earlier and once the bottle was in his mouth, he quieted down. Luna was baffled to see a draconequus in Equestria. Star Swirl had told them of Draconequus and their chaotic magic. He met them once but they seemed unbothered and uninterested in pony kind and any other creature in Equestria. The draconequus told him that when the war happened centuries ago, many of their kind were killed so they decided to live peaceful lives away from all creatures. So how did a baby Draconequus end up near their castle? A cooing sound took Luna out of her thoughts, she looked down and saw the baby looking at her curiously. She smiled at him. “It’s okay, little one. It is late for you. I will talk with my sister after she raises the sun.” Luna took the baby to her room and gently set him on her bed. She was able to get a better look at him now that he was on her bed with the blanket removed. He was healthy, with no ribs showing, his fur was soft, his feathers were recently preened and no scales were flaky so why would they abandon him for no reason? Luna curled up on her bed and used her magic to bring the baby closer to her. The baby yawned showing how tired he was but still didn’t sleep even with Luna curled up next to him. “Hmm. Maybe a lullaby will help. I know one that might help you, little one.” “Distant moon so big and bright Softest silver glowing through the night High atop the mountain gold Sun unseen The world is cold The baby's eyes started to close slowly as Luna looked at him with a smile. Here I wait And here I stand Early morning Northern Hour hand The baby’s eyes closed and his breaths started to get deeper as Luna laid her head down with the moon’s light being the only thing brightening up the room. Studying in solitude Looking for a hidden clue I wish to see this world through my own eyes To calm the elders and silence their cries Because of you I now gaze up and sing The Lullaby of The Moon.” The two fell asleep together with a bond form and a story to tell to her sister. They slept peacefully with Luna smiling in her sleep, feeling that for the first time, she could have someone to love her nights, just as much as she did. > Prologue Part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Luna woke up from possibly one of the best sleeps she had in a long while. She saw the baby still asleep clutching her tail like a stuffed animal. She looked out the window and saw that Celestia was raising the sun. Using her magic, she began to lower the moon. ‘Good thing I awoke before Celestia noticed.’ Once the sun’s morning rays shined in her bedroom, the baby Draconequus woke up. ‘I should come up with a name for him.’ The Baby stretched and yawned then looked at Luna expecting something. Luna stood up, stretched herself, and then used her magic to put the draconequus on her back. “Come on, little one. Let’s go see my sister and get you something to eat.” Luna walked in relative silence to the kitchen, mainly because she was lost in her thoughts on how she would tell her sister about the baby Draconequus and more importantly, see if she could keep him. Once she arrived at the kitchen, she saw Celestia eating breakfast and talking with one of the maids. “Good morning, sister. I trust you had a good night.” “Indeed, sister. A productive one at that. I found something unusual last night and I wanted to discuss it with you.” Celestia raised her eyebrow in surprise, Luna’s nights were normally peaceful with not much to report so her finding something was unusual. She turned and Celestia’s mouth dropped in shock. “Is that…?” Celestia walked closer to her sister to get a closer look at the baby Draconequus. “Yes, I found him in the castle gardens wrapped in a blanket. I tried to find his mother but I didn’t find her.” “I remember Star Swirl telling us about the draconequus but it seems strange to find one out here, especially one this young.” “I am unsure myself. With Star Swirl gone and no way to find the Draconequus tribe, I was thinking he could stay here.” “Luna, I don’t know. Draconequus are known for their magic.” “I know but… look at him.” The draconequus in question was still laying on Luna’s back sucking on his tail, giving Celestia the cutest eyes imaginable. Celestia sighed. “Okay, he can stay. Who knows? Maybe his magic will be useful to help Equestria.” Celestia didn’t voice it but she thinks that his mother could return for him or at least someone who knows him, when that happens, she wonders f her sister will be able to give him up. Luna smiled brighter than a full moon. “Thank you, sister. I think he will be an excellent addition to the kingdom.” “I’m sure he will. Have you thought of a name for him?” Using her magic, Luna brought the draconquus to her face and he just stared at her while she stared at him. “Discord.” Discord squealed at the name given. “I think he likes it.” “I think he does too.” From that day forward, Luna and Celestia raised Discord as if he was their own. While some ponies were apprehensive of the draconequus but some soon came to accept Discord, especially those in the castle. Celestia was busy with her royal duties during the day but Luna made any time should could to watch Discord. Discord soon saw Luna as his mother and Celestia as his aunt. As Discord grew older, his magic did as well. Discord’s magic was very chaotic and he was still having trouble controlling it. His emotions normally dictated what would happen. Luna found herself quite entertained when giving Discord a bubble bath, he made himself and Luna float like bubbles. While fun, she had to get Celestia to help get her and Discord down. No matter what, Luna loved Discord. Even when she stopped King Sombra, her mind was always on Discord. When she and her sister found the Elements of Harmony, her mind was on Discord. She feared that others would judge him and hurt him, after all, he wasn’t a pony and his magic was uncontrollable. While she and her sister made sure Discord knew he was loved and many of the castle residents loved him, ponies outside the castle were different. Things began to change a few months after Discord turned 8. Discord could remember this time as if it was yesterday. Very often, Discord would walk through town with his mother and his aunt and he normally wouldn’t leave their side. However, if it involved an important meeting or when they had to raise the sun and moon, he would join his mother since he loved seeing her raise it, even if it was past his bedtime, he normally would be asked to find someone else to play with, read, or go through town alone. This was one of those times. Discord would find himself playing in the gardens or walking through town. Today, Discord decided to walk through town. When his mother and aunt were with him, everypony would bow to them. Whenever he was alone, no pony would bow at him and he could feel the judgmental stares at him. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see mothers beckon their fillies closer. ‘Why don’t they understand that I don’t want to hurt them? I know I look different but that shouldn’t mean anything, right? Mommy said so, Aunt Celestia said so.’ “I can’t believe the princesses took that… thing in.” “He isn’t a pony.” “He’s a freak.” “He doesn’t belong.” Hearing enough, Discord went home. It was the same every time he went into town alone, everypony would talk about him behind his back. He wanted friends, but no pony wanted to be friends with him. After Luna finished her meeting, she walked through the castle looking for her son. She knew he would either go on a walk through town or be in the library. She saw him on the floor with a closed book that was a bit too advanced for his age. She sighed. ‘Again… why do they appreciate Discord like they appreciate my nights?’ She walked inside the library and lay next to Discord. “What are you reading?” “A book?” “Really? It doesn’t look like it. You seem to be laying on the floor with a closed book.” Discord stayed silent. “Moonlight, what seems to trouble you?” It was quiet between the two, while Luna often enjoyed silent moments like this with her son, this was not one of those times. “Why is everypony mean to me?” “Moonlight… I…” Luna was stuck. She didn’t know what to say. “Why can’t I make friends? s it because I don’t look like a pony? Is it because of my magic? My wings?!” Tears started to fall from Discord’s face. “Why does everypony treat me differently?!” “I’m sorry, Moonlight. I don’t know.” Luna brought Discord into a hug. As tears fell down Discord’s eyes, tears developed in Luna’s. ‘I know exactly how you feel Discord. I wish I could make it better.’ Wanting to take his mind off what happened, Discord asked his mother to read him stories and play with him. Since she didn’t have anything else until she raised the moon, she agreed. It helped take his mind off what happened ad helped him see that he still had his mother and his aunt for him, nothing could go wrong. He just wished he noticed the signs before everything went wrong the next day. > Prologue Part 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord could remember this day like it was yesterday, it was the worst day of his life. It started after he woke up and his room was covered in polka dots, and it seemed like the gravity turned itself off. “DISCORD!” He could hear his aunt from outside. He snapped his fingers and everything was back to normal. “Sorry, Aunt Celestia!” Discord got out of bed and sighed. 'I wish I was better at controlling my magic.' He went to the bathroom to tidy himself up. He brushed his mane and fur, checked his pegasus wing if it needed to be preened, and the scales on his dragon leg and tail if any needed to be removed. Once he finished, he left his room to eat breakfast and greet his mother and aunt. After breakfast, Discord had to leave the castle since his mother and Aunt needed to talk with other ponies about the creatures in the Everfree forest so he decided to walk through town to the park. He loved building sand castles with the young fillies and colts, even though he knew their parents did not like him. The pegasi hadn't had it rain in several days so he could enjoy the warm sand. When he arrived at the park, the young fillies and colts were there but other ponies he knew were there. "Barron." discord whispered to himself. Barron and his gang were the meanest to him. If the princesses weren't around, they were always mean to him and no pony did anything to stop them. "Hey, Dipcord!" Discord flinched. "It's Discord." "Listen, Dipcord. This is our park. Right?" "Yeah, freak. It's ours." "No, it's not. It's everypony's park. I can come here like everypony else." "Yeah, but you're not a pony. You're a freak." Discord started to get annoyed. "No, I'm not. I'm not a freak." "Yeah, you are, Dipcord. No pony likes you. I mean, I'm sure the princesses are pretending to like you." "My mom loves me! Aunt Celestia loves me! They tell me that all the time!" Discord shouted with tears in his eyes. "Prove it, Dipcord!" Angered by his comments, Discord's magic started to go haywire. Sand from the sandbox floated out and into the eyes of Barron and his gang. "My eyes! I can't see!" Lightning struck down in the park, causing everypony to flee in terror. The ground paths turned into soapy paths and the playground came alive. Barron slipped on the path breaking his leg and before anypony else could get hurt. "DISCORD!" Discord opened his eyes, not even realising that he closed them. He snapped his fingers and everything turned back to normal. Celestia flew down and she was not pleased. Discord looked at his aunt sadly with his ears down, knowing that he was in a lot of trouble. After apologizing to Barron and taking him to the nearest doctor, Celestia brought Discord back to the castle to talk about his actions. "Discord, I know you have trouble controlling you making but you can't do things out of anger." "Celestia, Discord has told us that Barron and his gang are notoriously cruel to him because of his appearance." "I know that, Luna. But that doesn't give him the right to use his magic in a way that hurts others." Tired of hearing his other and aunt going back and forth, Discord shouted, "I'M SORRY!" They stopped and looked at the young Draconequus. "Aunt Celestia is right. I should have walked away from the situation like you taught me but I didn't. I deserve to be punished." "Discord, you're grounded for three days. No library, no going to the garden unless you are with one of us, and no dessert." Discord nodded and flew to his room. He stayed there until dinner. After one of the maids called him for dinner, Discord walked out to go to the dining room when he heard soft crying. He flew to the noise and saw it was coming from his mother's room. He knocked on the door and called for her, "Mom, are you okay?" He opened the door and saw her laying on her bed. She looked up and saw him, "Discord, what are you doing here?" He walked in and told her, "Cherry Bomb called me for dinner and as I was going to the dining hall, I heard you crying. Are you okay? Did... did I do something to make you sad?" Luna gasped. "No. Never, moonlight. You never make me sad." She walked over to her son and gave him a hug. "I am fine. Just a rough day." "Are you sure, mom?" Luna nodded. "Yes, Moonlight. Come on. I know Cherry has made a great dinner for us tonight." Luna used her magic to put Discord on her back and they walked over to the dining hall together. Discord missed moments like this and he wished he prodded his mother more about her feelings. At dinner, the tension in the room was so tense that you could cut it with a knife. Cherry made the a simple hay berry soup for dinner but his mother and aunt was quiet. Discord may have been young but he could feel that something was off. For the longest time, it felt it was because of him and what happened with Barron today. The three of them stayed quiet at dinner, not knowing this would be the last time they would be eating together like this for a very long time. That night, Luna decided to tuck Discord in bed after they watched her raise the moon. "Mom, will I ever make a friend?" Luna looked at her son with sadness in her eyes. "Moonlight, I know you will. You have me, Aunt Celestia, and the many servants in the castle." But Discord shook his head, "I know but I mean somepony my age or somepony that will like me for me. Somepony who won't judge me for how I look or my magic." Luna sighed. "I am unsure, Moonlight. I wish I had an answer for you. For now, you should get some sleep." "Can you sing me the moon lullaby?" Luna smiled and started her song. “Distant moon so big and bright Softest silver glowing through the night High atop the mountain gold Sun unseen The world is cold Here I wait And here I stand Early morning Northern Hour hand Studying in solitude Looking for a hidden clue I wish to see this world through my own eyes To calm the elders and silence their cries Because of you I now gaze up and sing The Lullaby of The Moon.” Discord closed his eyes as he fell asleep peacefully. Luna gave him a kiss on the forehead. "Good night, Moonlight." She closed the door for the last time. "... and that princess will be ME!" Discord awoke to screaming and sounds of a battle. He rubbed his eyes and yawned. "Mom?" He looked around and saw no one. "Aunt Celestia?" Sounds of a battle outside made Discord look out the window. He saw a black form and a white form flying out side. Wanting to see what was happening, he flew through the castle saw his aunt crash to the floor. "Aunt Celestia?" He looked around, searching for his mother but she was nowhere to be found. "Where's mom?" He was about to rush to help his aunt but she came out with the Elements swirling around her. She flew to the sky with a protective barrier around her. "The Elements of Harmony? Why does she have those? I thought Aunt Celestia couldn't use those without mom but where is she?" Discord walked outside and saw his Aunt and a black alicorn. He hid behind a rock scared of the Alicorn. He couldn't help but think, 'Who is that? How did an evil alicorn come to the castle?' The black alicorn and Celestia fired their powerful magic at each other. However, the magic of friendship was stronger and it overwhelm the black alicorn. Sending her to the moon, "NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Discord's ears perked up. "M... mom?" Tears form in his eyes as a figure appeared on the moon and Celestia flew down with the Elements next to her. Tears fell from Celestia's face, she was clearly distraught. "A.. aunt Celestia?" Discord came out from his hiding spot scared and confused. Celestia looked over and saw her nephew. "Discord?" She breathed out. She held out her hoofs and Discrod flew toward them. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." Fearing the worst, he asked, "Aunt Celestia, what happened to my mom? Why did she look like that? Why did you do?" Tears started to form in his eyes but instead of answering him, she continued to hug him in silence. Later that night in Celestia's room, she explained what happened. Luna had turned into Nightmare Moon wanted to have the night last forever. As hard as Celestia tried, she couldn't help her sister, his mother, so she had to banish her to the moon. Discord remained quiet as tears silently fell down his face. When she finished, Discord just had one question on his mind. "Will... will I ever see my mom again?" With her tears now dried up but with sadness still in her voice told him, "Yes. One the longest day of the 1000th year, the stars will aid in her escape." "Will she be cured?" Discord asked immediately but with sadness in her voice, Celestia said, "I don't know. She might not be. I'm sorry, Discord." Discord stayed silent as he hugged Celestia tightly. "Discord." He looked up to his aunt tears flowing down his face. "This is not your fault. You know Luna would tell you that a 1000 times over." He nodded but said, "Yeah, but why does it feel like it?" They remained on Celestia's bed in silence until they fell asleep. The servents only awoke them when it was time for Celestia to raise the sun. Once she raise it, she returned to her room to rest with her nephew who hadn't moved a muscle. In the days that past, Celestia worked to repair the damages that occurred while Discord remained in his room. Because of what happened, Celestia removed his grounding but he didn't show much of a reaction. Instead, he just stayed in his room, singing his mother's lullaby softly to himself. While he blamed to himself for his mother's banished, Celestia blamed herself for his sister's banishment. It took several weeks for things to return to normal but now Celestia was in charge of raising the sun and the moon. One day, things changed in ways Celestia never expected. "Discord, you want me to do what?" "Make everypony forget that I am a draconequus. I taught myself how to change my shape." With a snap of his eagle claw, Discord turned himself into a young colt with brownish gray fur, black mane and tail, red eyes that looked nothing like his old ones, and a blue unicorn horn. He didn't have a cutie mark on his flank. The blue horn was the only thing that closely resembled his draconequus shape. "See? I worked on this for weeks. Please? I don't want to lose you because of who I am." Celestia walked over to Discord with sadness in her eyes. "Discord, I know that you miss Luna. I miss her too but having everypony forget who and what you are isn't the answer." "Isn't it?! I can't go into town without everypony thinking I did something to my mom. Everypony thinks I did something to her or that I killed her. Please, Aunt Celestia, please?" Celestia sighed. She knew nothing was going to change his mind. He was so scared and frankly, she was too. She lost her sister and she was afraid of losing Discord and he was scared of losing her. "Okay, I'll have everypony forget but please, when we are alone, look like yourself. I want to see you for the real you." Discord nodded. "Okay, I promise." Using her magic, everypony from the servants to the ponies outside the castle, nopony know that Discord was a draconequus. In the days that followed, Discord would go to town in his pony form and tried to make friends but he still couldn't make one. He liked things that others didn't, he made jokes that nopony liked, and many ponies found his blue horn weird. 'Even when I disguise myself, I still can't make friends.' From that point on, Discord remained in the castle. He would travel with Celestia to meeting and attend Galas but he rarely socialized. He grew and eventually created a cutie mark for himself, a twister to represent his chaos, Celestia's idea not his. He grew as time moved on and when alone, he would practice his chaos magic either in the garden at night with no guards around or in his room with the door locked so he could remain in his draconequus form. However, even when they left the Everfree Forest and moved to a new place, he still didn't make friends. This worried Celestia as she knew that Discord needed friends and not just her and the servants in the castle. The only thing that never changed was Discord flying to the highest point of the castle to talk to his mother. He didn't know if she could hear him but he didn't care, he just wanted her to have some company. After 1000 years, when her star pupil, Twilight wrote her a letter addressing her concerns about the Mare in the Moon, this gave her an idea for both ponies to finally make some friends after all this time. > Friendship is Magic Part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord kept his true form a secret for nearly one thousand moons but mainly stayed in his room or the library. He hadn't even left Canterlot and he rarely left the castle since they started living there and now he was en route to Ponyville with his aunt's star pupil, Twilight Sparkle, and her dragon, Spike. He only knew her from seeing her in the library once or twice and from conversations his aunt had with him. 'I don't understand why I'm here. I hardly attend the Summer Sun celebration. I spend that time talking to my mother. Aunt Celestia knows this, I always use this day to spend time talking with her.' He put his hoof to his face, feeling completely bored as the dragon talked to him and Twilight. Twilight, on the other hand, was nervous and upset. First, she was with Princess Celestia's nephew, Prince Discord. She barely knew anything about him besides seeing him in the library and castle a few times. 'Why would Princess Celestia send me here?! Why with her nephew?! Why didn't she believe me about Nightmare Moon?!' "My Dear Twilight, there is more to a young pony's life than studying. So, I'm sending you with my nephew, Discord, to supervise the preparations for the summer sun celebration in this year's location, Ponyville." The clouds parted to reveal a small town with a windmill, an acre of apple trees, and more. And, I have an even more essential task for you and Discord to complete. Make some friends. While Spike sounded happy about the idea, Discord and Twilight groaned in their hooves. "Look on the bright side, Twilight. The princess arranged for you to stay in the library. Doesn't that make you happy? Don't worry, Your Highness, the princess made sure that there was a separate room for you as well." "Please, Discord is fine, Spike. The whole, "Your Highness" thing isn't for me." Discord told Spike as he raised his head to look at him. Twilight thought to herself for a moment as the two were talking then raised her head, "Yes! Yes, it does. You know why? Because I'm right. I'll check on the preparations as fast as I can, then get to the library to find some proof of Nightmare Moon's return." "Nightmare Moon? The old foul's tale? Why do you think she's returning?" Discord learned to keep his composure when talking about his mother a long time ago so his voice remained calm. "Because it's been almost 1000 moons since it happened! She's coming back and we need to be prepared so like I said, I'm going to check on the preparations quickly and then head to the library as fast as possible." "When will you make friends, like the princess said?" Spike asked her, hoping she wouldn't skip on it. "She said to check on preparations with Prince Discord. I am her student and he is a prince so we will do our royal duty, but the fate of Equestria does not rest on me or Prince Discord making friends." 'Well, there's one thing we can agree on,' Discord thought to himself. Once the pegasus guards landed, they neighed indicating their safe landing, the trio exited the carriage. "Thank you, sirs." They whinnied and then left after seeing that they were safe in Ponyville. In the distance, a pink earth pony was walking in their direction. "Maybe the ponies in Ponyville have interesting things to talk about." Discord rolled his eyes, not believing it. 'I've tried talking to ponies about all sorts of things but they all want to talk about me being a prince, my blue horn, or my red eyes.' While his disguise made him look like a pony, the two things he couldn't change were his red eyes and the blue from his goat horn. He tried to get the light brown from the deer antler but it never worked. The pink earth pony stopped in front of the trio, she had dark pink poofy hair, three balloons as a cutie mark, and light blue eyes. "Come on, Twilight, just try," Spike encouraged. "Uh... hello?" The pony jumped in the air, gasped loudly, then zipped away faster than the eye could see. "Well... that was interesting, all right." "I'll say. I've never seen a reaction like that before." Twilight led the way as Spike sighed. With a checklist in hand, Spike, Twilight, and Discord were ready to complete their duties for the Summer Sun Celebration. "Summer Sun Celebration official overseer's checklist. Number one... banquet preparations, Sweet Apple Acres." "Gee, wonder what they sell here?" Discord said jokingly. "Yee-haw!" Spike, Discord, and Twilight watched as an orange cowpony with a blonde mane and tail, and an apple cutie mark kicked a tree and all the apples came down. 'Okay, I will always be impressed with the Earth's pony's strength. They can do amazing things, despite having no magic and not being able to fly.' Twilight sighed. "Let's get this over with." Discord nodded as they walked over to the earth pony. "Good afternoon. My name is Twilight Sparkle." Before introducing Discord and Spike, the earth pony grabbed Twilight's hoof and started to shake it. "Well, Howdy-do, Ms. Twilight? A pleasure making your acquaintance. I'm Applejack. We here at Sweet Apple Acres sure do like making new friends." "Friends, actually, I, uh..." Applejack released Twilight's as she asked, "So, what can I do ya for?" Twilight's hoof was still shaking from the strength that Applejack possessed so Spike helped her stop. She put her foot down as Spike laughed. Discord hid his smile but didn't laugh. Twilight looked at the two a bit annoyed but shook it off. "Well, I am, in fact, here to supervise preparations for the Summer Sun Celebration. And you're in charge of the food?" "We sure as sugar are. Would you care to sample some?" "Yes/As long as it doesn't take too long." Discord and Twilight answered as Applejack zipped away and rang a triangle. "Soup's on, everypony!" Just like that, a crowd of ponies came rushing in, taking the trio to a table. Applejack came next to them and said, "Now, why don't I introduce Y'all to the Apple Family?" Twilight smiled and not wanting to be rude, said, "Thanks, but I really need to hurry." "This here's Apple Fritter," Applejack said as Apple Fritter shoved an apple fritter in Twilight's face. While Twilight wasn't interested, Discord and Spike were. 'I didn't get a chance to eat breakfast before coming here as I was doing my normal preparations for today. But this smells amazing!' "Apple Bumpkin." She puts three apple bumpkins on the table and each apple family member after that threw more apple food on the table in front of Twilight, Discord, and Spike "Red Gala, Red Delicious, Golden Delicious, Caramel Apple, Apple Strudel, Apple Tart, Baked Apples, Apple Brioche, Apple Cinnamon Crisp..." Applejack took a deep breath as she continued, "Big McIntosh, Apple Bloom, and..." Applejack shoved an apple in Twilight's mouth as she introduced the oldest member of the family. "Granny Smith. Up and at 'em, Granny Smith. We got guests." She woke up. "What? Soup's on?" Slowly, Granny Smith walked over the the family and their guests. "I'm, uh, I'm coming, I'm coming." "Why, I'd say they're already part of the family." Twilight spat the apple out and laughed nervously. "Okay, well, I can see the food situation is handled, so we'll be on our way." "Aren't you gonna stay for brunch?" Apple Bloom asked giving Twilight her signature puppy dog eyes. Discord was about to say yes but Twilight said, "Sorry, but we have an awful lot to do." The ponies sighed sadly. Twilight bit her lip. Discord whispered, "Come on, it's food, besides the look on their faces." Twilight rolled her eyes, "Fine." Everypony cheered, even Spike and Discord were happy. "Food's all taken care of. Next is weather." Spike and Discord were walking up ahead while Twilight was lagging. She groaned and said, "I ate too much pie." "I'll say. That food was amazing! The food in the castle is good but, man, I don't ever get food that tastes like that. I should ask my aunt if they could do the next gala. So, who's in charge of the weather, Spike?" "Hmm. According to the list, it's supposed to be a pegasus pony named, Rainbow Dash. She's supposed to clear the clouds." Discord and Twilight looked up and saw many clouds still in the air. "Well, she's not doing a very good job, is she?" Just then, a blue blur crashed into Twilight. They landed in a puddle of mud. A blue pegasus with a rainbow mane laughed nervously. "Uh, excuse me?" Twilight looked at the pegasus annoyed while Spike and Discord stood and watched. The pegasus chuckled again and said, "Let me help you." She zipped off and brought a cloud over. She put it above Twilight and started to jump on it. Rain poured down clearing the mud off of Twilight but leaving her soaked. The pegasus chuckled again. "Oops. I guess I overdid it. Um, uh, how about this?" Creating a mini twister, the pegasus spun around Twilight to dry her off. "My very own patented Rainblow dry." The pegasus landed as she said, "No, no. No need to thank me. You're quite welcome." Once she got a good look at Twilight and her messed-up mane she couldn't help but laugh hysterically. Spike and Discord saw her too and laughed. Twilight, however, was not amused. "Let me guess, you're Rainbow Dash?" Rainbow stood up, knocking Spike off her, and with confidence said, "The one and only." Rainbow flew into the air and in Twilight's face. "Why? You heard of me?" "I heard you're supposed to be keeping the sky clear." Twilight sighed as she composed herself. "I'm Twilight Sparkle, and the Princess sent me and her nephew to check on the weather." "Yeah, yeah. That'll be a snap," Rainbow said non-chauntly as she laid back on a cloud. "I'll do it in a jiffy, just as soon as I'm done practicing." "Practicing? Why do you need to practice and what for?" Discord asked unsure why Rainbow wanted to practice. 'If it's for flying she seems to be a good flyer.' "The Wonderbolts." Rainbow pointed at a poster of the Wonderbolts. "They're gonna perform at the celebration tomorrow, and I'm gonna show them my stuff" Twilight growled in annoyance. Discord put his hoof on her to calm him down, he had a plan to get Rainbow Dash to clear the sky. "The Wonderbolts?" Discord asked her. "Yep." "The most talented fliers in all of Equestria?" "That's them." Dicord scoffed. "Please. I've seen them all the time at galas and various shows with my aunt. They would never have a pegasus pony join if they couldn't keep the sky clear for one measly day." Rainbow Dash looked at him and with a determination in her voice said, "Hey, I could clear the sky in 10 seconds flat." "Prove it," Twilight dared her. With a look of determination, Rainbow Dash zipped through the sky dissipating the clouds one by one. "Hyah! Loop the loop around and whap!" In exactly 10 seconds, the entire sky was cleared. Spike and Twilight were shocked but Discord was impressed. "What'd I say? 10 seconds flat. I'd never leave Ponyville hanging. So, think you can talk to the Wonderbolts about me?" She asked as she landed on the bridge. "Well, I don't know the captain personally but sure, next time I see them. I'll talk to them." Rainbow Dash smiled as the look on Twilght's face was still there. "Haha. You should see the look on your face. Ha! You're a laugh, Twilight Sparkle. I can't wait to hang out some more." Rainbow zipped away and still impressed Spike said, "Wow. She's amazing!" She played with Twilight's poofy hair and laughed. Twilight groaned in annoyance and walked away. "Wait! It's kind of pretty once you get used to it." Spike ran after Twilight with Discord following behind. "Where did you learn to do that, Discord?" Spike asked curiously. Discord smiled. "You learn a thing or two when trying to trick the guards as a colt to sneak off every so often. Reverse psychology is a good thing to know how to do. If I recall, next up is decorations." Spike nodded as the trio made their way to the banquet hall. Inside the banquet hall was decorated with flowers, ribbons, banners, and more. It was done by a professional. "Decorations." Spike looked up from the checklist and then said, "Beautiful!" "Yes. The decor is coming along nicely. This ought to be quick. We'll be at the library in no time. Beautiful, indeed." Twilight commented. "I agree. I wonder if they found a pony from Canterlot to decorate for the Summer Sun Celebration." "Not the decor... her." Spike pointed at the white unicorn, with a curly purple main, sapphire eyes, and gems as a cutie mark. Using her magic, the unicorn looked at various ribbons and said, "No, no, no. Oh goodness, no." Spike looked at the unicorn with hearts in his eyes. Discord rolled his eyes. 'Oh, brother. Love at first sight is utterly ridiculous.' "How are my spines? Are they straight?" Spike tried to make himself look better as hearts flowed above him. Twilight rolled her eyes playfully as she walked over to the unicorn with Discord trailing from behind her. "Good afternoon." "Just a moment, please. I'm in the zone, as it were." The unicorn looked at more ribbons until she found the right one. "Oh, yes! Sparkle always does the trick, does it not? Why, Rarity, you are a talent." Rarity turned to Twilight and asked, "Now, um, how can I help you... ahh! Oh, my stars, darling! Whatever happened to your coiffure?" "Oh, you mean my mane? Well, it's a long story. I'm just here to check on the decorations, and then I'll be out of your hair." "Out of my hair? What about your hair?" Rarity proceeded to drag Twilight out to fix her hair. Discord grabbed Spike and put him on his back as he followed from behind. 'I'm going to hear about lovey-dovey stuff from Spike the rest of the day, huh." Rarity took Twilight to her home, fixed her main, and proceeded to fit her in various outfits. "No. No. Unh-unh. Too green. Too yellow. Too poofy. Not poofy enough. Too frilly. Too shiny." Finally, Rarity landed on an outfit she liked. It was white with various gems and sparkling flowing ribbons on the back. "Now go on, my dear. You were telling me where you're from." Rarity grabbed the ribbons with her mouth and began to tighten the outfit on Twilight. "We've..." Twilight squeaked out. She hardly had any breath in her lungs. "been sent... from Canterlot... to..." Rarity released the ribbons in shock. "Huh? Canterlot?!" Rarity got in Twilight's face. "Oh, I'm so envious and I can't believe I didn't recognize you, Prince Discord. I am so sorry, Your Highness." Rarity bowed and Discord blushed in embarrassment. "Really, it's fine. Call me Discord. So, I'm guessing you've never been to Canterlot." "Oh heavens no but I dream of living there. The glamour, the sophistication and, I can't wait to hear all about it. We are gonna be the best of friends, you and I." Rarity got close to Twilight, excited to hear all about Canterlot. However, once she looked at the center gem on Twilight's outfit, she said, "Emeralds?! What was I thinking? Let me get you some rubies. I think I have just the outfit for you, Prince Discord." Rarity went in a different direction but Twilight was quick to react. "Quick, before she decides to dye my coat a new color." "Let's go!" Discord grabbed Spike and after leaving her outfit behind the trio continued once more to finish the preparations. Spike was still in his lovey-dovey mode after meeting Rarity. "Wasn't she wonderful?" "I guess. Her outfits were nice but Spike, you can't believe in true love at first sight." "What about you? Have you ever seen a mare so beautiful that she just took your breath away?" Discord shook his head. "Not really. I've had all sorts of mares try to swoon me but none of them have been able to capture my heart." "Focus, casanovas. What's next on the list, Spike?" "Oh, uh, music. It's the last one." Twilight sighed with relief. 'Finally, then we can go to the library and find a way to stop Nightmare Moon.' The sound of birds singing took Twilight out of her thoughts. Discord, Twilight, and Spike emerged from the bushes and watched a yellow pegasus pony with a long pink mane and tail, flapping her wings and talking to birds. A Blue Jay was off-beat and the pegasus noticed it so she said, "Oh, my. Um, stop, please, everyone." The birds stopped singing and she flew to the Blue Jay and said, "Um... excuse me, sir. I mean no offense, but your rhythm is just a teeny, tiny bit off." The Blue Jay smiled as the pegasus returned to her normal spot to resume practice. "Now follow me, please. A-one, a-two, a-one, two, three." "Hello!" Twilight's shout started the pegasus and the birds away. She looked at Twilight and Discord. "Oh, my. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to frighten your birds. We're just here to check up on the music, and it sounded beautiful." While Twilight was talking to the pegasus, Discord was just in awe at the sight of the pegasus. He had met plenty of pegasi, unicorns, and Earth ponies in the past thousand moons but none have been able to catch his eye until now. To him, this pegasus was to most beautiful creature he ever laid eyes upon. 'I thought I would fall in love with another draconequus but after failing to find evidence of my kind, I lost hope of finding love but here, I have found the most beautiful pony in all of Equestria. Is this how Spike felt when he met Rarity? I may never know but this pony is beautiful.' Twilight shoved Discord and gestured to him that she was leaving. "It was a pleasure to meet you. I hope to see you again soon, my dear," Discord said, as he bowed to her, which caused her to squeak in fear. Twilight and Discord walked back to the bushes where Spike was and Twilight said with relief. "Well, that was easy." The pegasus gasped loudly. "A baby dragon!" She ran into Twilight and stood in front of Spike. "Oh, I've never seen a baby dragon before. He's so cute!" Smugly, Spike looked at Twilight and said, "Well, well, well." "Oh, my. He talks. I didn't know dragons could talk. That's just so incredibly wonderful. I...I just don't even know what to say." Discord felt a bit jealous at this point, he couldn't believe that this pony liked Spike immediately. 'Maybe if she saw my true form, she would like me...' He thought to himself but he decided against it. Ponies never reacted well to his true form. 'I remember from Cadance that love takes time so I just need to be patient.' Twilight used her magic to get Spike on her back and Discord close to her so they could get to the library. "Well, in that case, we better be going." "Wait, wait. What's his name?" "I'm Spike." "Hi, Spike. I'm Fluttershy. Wow, a talking dragon. And what do dragons talk about?" "Well, what do you want to know?" "Absolutely everything." Discord's and Twilight's eyes widened at the sound of that. They groaned knowing what was going to happen. "Well, I started out as a cute little purple-and-green egg." The rest of the trip continued as Spike told Fluttershy his life's story, it went all the way into the evening. Twilight and Discord were annoyed the entire trip, more so Twilight but Discord was more annoyed at Spike rather than Fluttershy. From what he gathered, she seemed to like animals so she was more fascinated with Spike rather than the latter which made him relieved. "And that's the story of my whole entire life... well, up until today. Do you want to hear about today?" "Oh, yes, please." Twilight zipped around to face Fluttershy. "I am so sorry. How did we get here so fast? This is where Prince Discord and I are staying while in Ponyville, and my poor baby dragon needs his sleep." "No, I don't." Twilight bucked Spike off her back, knocking him to the ground. "Aww! Wook at that. He's so sweepy, he can't even keep his wittle bawance." Twilight smiled at Fluttershy, hoping this would make her leave. Instead, Fluttershy flew and grabbed Spike in her arms. "Poor thing. You simply must get him to bed." Fluttershy flew into the library but Twilight was faster so she ran in and pushed Fluttershy out. "Yes, yes. We'll get right on that." "Thank you for your time, dearest Fluttershy. I do hope we meet again sometime." Before being able to kiss her hoof, Discord was pulled inside by Twiight's magic then she slammed the door. "Good night!" "Huh. Rude much?" Spike asked annoyed about Twilight's behavior. "Sorry, Spike, but I have to convince the Princess that Nightmare Moon is coming, and we're running out of time. I just need to be alone so Prince Discord and I can study without a bunch of crazy ponies trying to make friends all the time." "Twilight, Nightmare Moon is a foul's tale. Honestly, where's the light here so we can find proof about Nightmare Moon not existing." The light turned on and there was a parade of ponies in the library. The party noises startled the trio even more so when they all shouted, "Surprise!!" Twilight groaned but Discord and Spike smiled. 'Finally, this is a party!' "Surprise!" The pink pony from earlier shouted in front of their faces. "Hi, I'm Pinkie Pie and I threw this party just for you two. Were you surprised? Were you, were you? Huh? Huh? Huh?" "Very surprised. Libraries are supposed to be quiet." Discord scoffed and said, "Lighten up, Twilight. This is the kind of chaos I live for. Nothing wrong with a good party." "Exactly. Besides, what kind of welcome party would this be if it were quiet? I mean, duh! Boring!" Twilight rolled her eyes. "I'll say. Normally I get horns and somepony announcing my arrival, this is so much better than that. Come on, Twilight. Don't be a stick in the mud." Twilight walked over to a table as Pinkie Pie continued talking. Discord walked with her he found Pinkie Pie fascinating. "You see, I saw you two when you first got here, remember? You were all, "Hello." And I was all GASP. Remember? You see, I never saw you before and if I never saw you before, that means you're new, 'cause I know everypony, and I mean everypony, in Ponyville." Twilight groaned in annoyance. She rolled her eyes as she approached the table. "And if you're new, you haven't met anyone yet." Twilight picked up a bottle and started to pour it into her cup. "And if you haven't met anyone yet, you must not have any friends. And if you don't have any friends, then you must be lonely. And that made me so sad. And I had an idea. And that's why I went GASP." Twilight put the bottle down and started to drink out of it. "I should throw a great, big, ginormous, super-duper, spectacular welcome party and invite everyone in Ponyville. See? And now you have lots and lots of friends." Twilight's face turned red as she turned to the five ponies she met earlier. She was sweating and tears were coming down her face. "Are you all right, sugarcube?" Smoke came out of Twilight's nose as she ran off. In a rush, Twilight went upstairs and stayed there. "Aww! She's so happy, she's crying." Discord looked at the bottle he saw Twilight use. "Huh? Hot sauce." Pinkie Pie poured the hot sauce on a cupcake and then ate it to the surprise of everypony. "What? This is good." Intrigued, Discord poured hot sauce on a cupcake and tried it himself. "Ooh, you're right. This is delightful." "I gotta ask, what's a prince like yourself doin' here, Prince Discord?" Applejack asked curiously. "Yes, looking for a future princess, no doubt," Rarity said hopefully. "Please, call me Discord. I know I'm a prince and all but I'm not big on the royalty thing. And, I'm not technically in line for the throne. Sorry. As for what I'm doing here, Aunt Celestia sent me here with Twilight to help with the preparations." Discord smiled nervously, sure, he was a prince but only through adoption by his mom, who was supposed to come back tonight. He felt bad about lying to Twilight about it but nopony remembered her and he couldn't say that Nightmare Moon was his mom. "What's with the blue horn?" Rainbow Dash asked bluntly then everypony looked at her. "What? It's a reasonable question." "It's fine, everypony. I was born with it. Like my red eyes. I know not everypony has seen anything like this but I was born like this," Discord said, telling the same lie as he had done many times before. "Well, I think they look nice," Fluttershy said softly. "Thank you. Now, as Pinkie Pie mentioned, we have a welcome party to celebrate!" In Twilight's room, she covered her head with a pillow to drown out the noise from below. 'I can't believe this is happening. I need to stop Nightmare Moon from coming but I can't study with all these crazy ponies!' Twilight lifted her head and looked at the clock. It was well into the evening and the party was still going. "Ugh!" "Hey, Twilight! Pinkie Pie's starting "Pin the tail on the pony. Want to play? Discord says that he could beat Pinkie Pie and ponies are playing bets." "No! All the ponies in this town are crazy! I thought Prince Discord would be able to help me but he is just as crazy! Do you know what time it is?" "It's the eve of the Summer Sun Celebration. Everypony has to stay up, or they'll miss the Princess raise the Sun." Twilight rolled her eyes, clearly stressed about the situation. "You really should lighten up, Twilight. It's a party, even Discord is having fun." Twilight mumbled under her breath then laid back down on her bed. "Ugh! Here, I thought I'd have time to learn more about the Elements of Harmony and a prince who liked reading to help, but silly me. All this ridiculous friend-making has kept me from it." Twilight turned to the window and looked at the moon. "Legend has it that on the longest day of the 1000th year, the star will aid in her escape, and she will bring about everlasting night. I hope the princess and Prince Discord were right. I hope it really is just an old pony tale." The door slammed open and Spike shouted, "Come on, Twilight! It's time to watch the sunrise!" Everypony went to the banquet hall, awaiting the arrival of their princess. Spike was on Twilight's back and Discord was right by them waiting for Celestia to arrive. "Isn't this exciting? Are you excited? 'cause I'm excited. I've never been so excited. Well, except for the time that I saw you two talking into town, and I went GASP. But, I mean, really, who can top that?" 'This is one very excitable pony.' Birds took Discord out of his thoughts. 'Well, if Fluttershy uses birds to summon us next time, I won't complain.' A spotlight appeared and beamed down on the Mayor. "Fillies and Gentlecolts, as mayor of Ponyville, it is my great pleasure to announce the beginning of the Summer Sun Celebration." Everypony cheered except for Twilight, Spike, and Discord. "In just a few moments, our town will witness the magic of the sunrise and celebrate this, the longest day of the year." Twilight and Discord looked up at the moon, watching as the stars got closer to the moon then the Mare in the Moon disappeared soon after. Twilight bit her lip nervously but Discord held his breath in anticipation. 'Mom is free. Maybe things will finally look up. "And now, it is my great honor to introduce to you the ruler of our land, the very pony who gives us the sun and the moon, each and every day, The good, the wise, the bringer of harmony to all of Equestria..." Twilight's fears were coming true but Discord felt ready and nervous. 'Please be better. Please be better.' Discord thought to himself. "Ready?" Fluttershy asked her birds. "...Princess Celestia!" Rarity unveiled the curtain only for there to be nothing. Not a royal pony in sight. "This can't be good." Discord nodded in agreement. 'If Aunt Celestia is gone, then my mother isn't back to normal.' The ponies started to talk amongst themselves, worried about the disappearance of their princess. "Remain calm, everypony. There must be a reasonable explanation." Twilight moved her hooves nervously. She feared the worst and so did Discord. 'How is my mother not better? I hoped for so many moons that she would emerge okay and we could be a family again. Without Aunt Celestia, who will use the Elements? Who can use the elements?' "Ooh, ooh! I love guessing games! Is she hiding?" Pinkie Pie looked around, thinking the princess was playing a game of hide-and-seek. Rarity came back after looking around for the princess but she was nowhere in sight. "She's gone!" Everypony gasped in shock and fear. "Oooh, she's good." Pinkie Pie screamed in fear at the purple magic that began to swirl in the air. "Oh, no." From the purple magic, a black alicorn appeared in Celestia's spot. To Discord's surprise, nothing changed but this was the first time he got a close look at her and it was terrifying. The love and beauty he once felt from his mother was gone. The soft glow of moonlight he felt from his mom was gone. This alicorn, she felt evil, she felt like the dark side of the moon that never got any light. "Nightmare Moon." Spike fainted but everypony looked at the alicorn in shock. "Oh, my beloved subjects. It's been so long since I've seen your precious little sun-loving faces." "What did you do with our princess?" Rainbow Dash was about to fly up to the alicorn to fight her but Applejack grabbed her tail with her mouth before she did something dumb. "Slow down, nelly." Nightmare Moon laughed evilly. "Why? Am I not royal enough for you? Don't you know who I am?" "OOh, ooh! More guessing games. Um, Hokey Smokes. How about Queen Meanie? No. Black Snooty, Black Snooty." Using his magic, Discord shoved a cupcake in Pinkie Pie's mouth to get her to stop talking. "Does my crown no longer count now that I have been imprisoned for 1000 years?" Fluttershy turned her head and closed her eyes in fear. Nightmare Moon looked at Rarity and said, "Did you not recall the legend? Did you not see the signs?" "I did." "Twilight, no." Discord tried to stop Twilight but she kept going. "And I know who you are. "You're the Mare in the Moon. Nightmare Moon." Everypony gasped in shock and fear. "Well, well, well. Somepony who remembers me. Then you also know why I'm here." "You're here to... to..." Twilight gulped in fear, knowing her true intentions. Nightmare Moon laughed evilly. "Remember this day, little ponies, for it was your last. From this moment forth, the night will last forever!" Nightmare Moon laughed evilly as her mane and tail formed a storm cloud causing thunder and lightning to strike. Everypony looked in at her in fear. 'Now, what?' "...Mom... > Friendship is Magic Part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "...Mom..." It was faint but Twilight swore she heard Discord say mom. 'Is Nightmare Moon Discord's mom? They look nothing alike!' "SEIZE HER! Only she knows where the princess is!" The pegasus guard flew to Nightmare Moon to stop her. "Stand back, you fools!" Using her magic, Nightmare Moon struck lightning on the guards. She turned into a spectral cloud and left, leaving ponies fleeing the scene terrified. Rainbow Dash freed herself from Applejack's grip and tried to chase after Nightmare Moon but she was faster. "Nighttime... forever?" Using the opportunity, Twilight and Discord fled to the library and Rainbow noticed. "Where are they going?" In the library, Twilight put Spike to bed. He mumbled a bit the sat up, "We got to stop Nightmare!" He quickly fell back asleep and Twilight put a blanket on him. "You've been up all night, Spike. You are a baby dragon, after all." Twilight went back to the first floor after turning off the light, ready to comfort Discord. Discord was pacing back and forth with worry. His mother was gone, his aunt was gone, and now ponies might think of him as their next ruler or at least the one who can stop Nightmare Moon. He didn't want to rule anything nor did he want to hurt his mom. What could he do? He was a creature of pure chaos, he couldn't use the Elements. He barely knows anything about them. "All right, Discord, start talking. Who are you? Why did you lie to me about Nightmare Moon? Are you her child?!" "Twilight, calm down." "Calm down? CALM DOWN?! Not only is Princess Celestia gone, but Nightmare Moon is free and the night is going last forever. I heard what you said back there, you said mom. Is Nightmare Moon your mom?" Twilight asked in Discord's face, no longer respecting his boundaries. He shoved her out of the way and closed his eyes. "Twilight, it's... complicated." He walked to a different part of the room but Twilight refused to accept his answer. "It can't be that complicated. You knew Nightmare Moon was returning and you kept trying to convince me it was just a foul's tale, because she was your mom. Want about Princess Celestia, huh? She's gone now with nopony to raise the sun? Do you want the night to last forever? Do you never want to see Princess Celestia again?" Feeling enraged, Discord turned and shouted, "I SAID IT'S COMPLICATED!" Twilight sat back in fear, Discord's eyes glowed red, he grew sharp teeth, bigger, and in his shadow, she thought she could see mismatched wings and a snake tail, but she dismissed it as fear. Seeing her fearful form, Discord took a deep breath. "I'm sorry." He turned away from her, Twilight watched him turn back to normal, and waited for him to respond. "Twilight..." Discord stayed silent for a second as if he was trying to compose himself. "...please. Trust me when I say... it's complicated." Twilight looked at him and she didn't see a prince, nor the possible son of Nightmare Moon, she saw a sad pony who was going through a lot. "Okay. Do you know anything about the Elements?" Discord shook his head. "No. After I lost..." Discord sighed as he sat down. He rubbed his arm from comfort as he continued, "No. I never read about them. I never asked my Aunt either. Sorry." Twilight put a comforting hoof on his shoulder. "It's okay. Come on, let's work together to find the answer." Discord smiled and nodded. "Okay. Let's do it." For almost five minutes, Discord and Twilight looked through every book for anything on the Elements. "How can I stop Nightmare Moon without the Elements of Harmony? Find anything?" "No. You would think a library this big would have something about the Elements of Harmony but no, nothing." "And just what are the Elements of Harmony?" Rainbow Dash asked as she burst through the door. "And how did you know about Nightmare Moon, huh? Are you a spy?" Rainbow flew to Twilight's face and started backing her into a corner. Before things could go south Applejack stepped in, she pulled Rainbow away from Twilight and told her, "Simmer down, Sally. She ain't no spy. But she sure knows what's going on. Don't you, Twilight?" Rarity, Fluttershy, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie all looked at Twilight waiting for an answer. Out of the corner of her eye, Twilight saw Discord shake his head then pointed to himself. She knew what he meant immediately. 'He doesn't want them to know about Nightmare Moon being his mom.' Twilight sighed. "I read all about the prediction of Nightmare Moon. Some mysterious objects called the Elements of Harmony are the only things that can stop her. But I don't know where they are, where to find them. I don't even know what they do." "The Elements of Harmony: A Reference Guide." Twilight rushed over and pushed Pinkie out of the way. "How did you even find that? Discord and I couldn't even find it in the last five minutes." Pinkie Pie jumped past her saying, "It was under "E"!" "Oh." Twilight used her magic to bring the book closer to her and she skimmed through it until she found what she was looking for. "There are six Elements of Harmony, but only five are known... kindness, laughter, generosity, honesty, and loyalty. The sixth is a complete mystery. It is said that the last-known location of the five elements was in the ancient castle of the Royal Pony Sisters." From the window, spectral dust was watching the girls and Discord. Making plans to stop them after retreating. "It is located in what is now the Everfree Forest." "The Everfree Forest?!" Everypony but Discord and Twilight exclaimed. "Great, let's go!" "Whoa there, Your Highness," Applejack said as Discord tried to leave. He stopped and turned to her. "Your Highness, I think you should stay here." "Nightmare Moon took my aunt. The Everfree Forest has dangerous creatures. You need me. My magic is powerful." "Yes, but we can't have you get hurt plus, if Nightmare Moon learns that you're royalty, she might do to you what she did to Princess Celestia," Twilight explained. 'She may try to manipulate you too.' Twilight thought to herself. Discord sighed. "You're right. I'll stay here. See if I can find an answer to the sixth mysterious element." The girls nodded as they left to find the Elements leaving Discord behind. Discord looked out the window and watched them leave. Once he was confident that they weren't coming back he transformed himself back to normal. He had grown a lot in the last 1000 moons. He was taller, his horns had grown, and he now had a white goatee. He knew what the girls wanted but it's not what he wanted. He flew to the highest window, looked outside, and saw that everypony was in their homes he flew through the night. As much as he enjoyed the moon and the cool breeze of the night, he didn't have time to enjoy it for long. He had a mission. He flew over the Everfree Forest and saw the girls, they seemed to be laughing about something. 'It's nice to see Twilight laugh. I hope she didn't tell the others about me and Nightmare Moon.' Discord continued to fly through the sky until he found the old castle. It had been hundreds of moons since he and Celestia left, it was in shambles but parts were surprisingly still stable. He landed on the front steps. He hoped his mother was here so he stayed himself in case she recognized him. 'Maybe she'll recognize me and turn back to normal. There is also a chance that this won't work... but I have to try.' He knew that this was dangerous but he needed to do this. He needed to find his mom. He needed to help her and fix his mistake. Taking a deep breath, he walked into the castle. "Mom? Mom! Are you here? Are you... in there?" Discord shouted out. His words echoed through the halls but he received no answer. He searched through the broken halls of the castle until he landed on a familiar sight. He went to his room and not much was left. They took everything after leaving the castle. A scroll gleamed out of the corner of his eyes. He walked over to it and opened it, revealing a child-like drawing of him as a child, Aunt Celestia, and his mother before she became Nightmare Moon. He sat down and a tear fell down his eye. The weight of everything had finally come crashing, his Aunt was gone, his mother was gone, and there was no pony left to care about him. No pony who knew about his true form, no pony who knew that he was a draconequus. He was terrified that Twilight and were friends were going to banish his mother again. He was terrified of ponies seeing what he truly was. 'Maybe... I can convince Twilight to help my mom. If I explain what happened, maybe she can use the Elements to help.' With a hopeful determination, Discord stood up and proceeded to the hall of Elements. After transforming back to his disguise, Discord found Twilight with the Elements in front of her. Her eyes were closed, concentrating on activating the Elements. He walked over to her quietly. "Twilight?" She opened her eyes shocked to see him here. "Discord?! What are you doing here? How did you get here without us seeing you?! What happens if Nightmare Moon sees you?!" "No time. Twilight, I have something to tell you about Nightmare Moon. She..." Before he could explain anything, spectral dust flew past them and began to swirl around the Elements. "Aah!" That scream scared the ponies outside. "TWILIGHT!" They ran in to help their friend as fast as they could. "The Elements!" Twilight jumped into the tornado and Discord joined her. The others were too late when Twilight and Discord teleported. "Where did she go?" Everypony started freaking out, wondering where their friend went. "Twilight, where are you?" Applejack called out as the others ran around looking for her. "Twilight and Prince Discord! I don't know how but I saw Discord here as well!" Rainbow Dash shouted. "LOOK!" Rarity pointed out. Another part of the castle was emitting a bright white light from a distance away. "Come on!" All five ponies ran to the castle to save their friends. Twilight and Discord landed in a puff of smoke. They coughed to get the smoke out and when they opened their eyes, they saw Nightmare Moon surrounded by the Elements. She laughed evilly as lightning struck around her. "Twilight, listen. Maybe we can talk to Nightmare Moon," Discord said trying to convince her but she ignored him. Twilight got in a galloping stance and puffed dust out of her nose. "Really?" Nightmare Moon was in disbelief. "You're kidding?" Twilight huffed once more. "You're kidding, right?" Twilight readied her horn as she charged at Nightmare Moon. "Twilight, wait!" Nightmare Moon charged at Twilight as well, knowing the consequences of her actions. Instead, Twilight teleported herself to the Elements. She groaned and rubbed her head. 'Note to self, practice the teleportation spell.' "Twilight, please! Nightmare Moon isn't who you think she is she..." Before being able to utter another word, Nightmare Moon used her magic to slam Discord into the wall then onto the ground, knocking him out. "Discord!" With a newfound determination, Twilight readied her magic. "Just one spark. Come on, come on!" The Elements started to glow but before anything could happen, Nightmare Moon teleported herself back to the Elements. Lightning forced Twilight back, sliding her to an unconscious Discord. "No! NO!" The Elements sparked and Twilight smirked, knowing her plan worked but all of a sudden, the light from the Elements went away. Twilight gasped. "But where's the sixth element?" Nightmare Moon laughed evilly as she slammed her hooves on the ground, destroying the Elements. "You little fool. Thinking you could defeat me. Now you will never see your princess or your sun. The night will last forever!" Nightmare Moon laughed evilly as Twilight lost hope. 'What now? I have nothing to defend myself or Discord and I can't perform the teleportation spell again. What can I do now?' That's when she heard it. She could hear the others shouting for her and Discord. 'They... came for me...' Twilight gasped. A spark revealed itself to her. Smiling, she turned to Nightmare Moon with a newfound determination. "You think you can destroy the Elements of Harmony just like that? Well, you're wrong. Because the spirits of the Elements of Harmony are right here!" The smashed Elements began to glow and lift into the air, shocking Nightmare Moon. "What?" "Applejack, who reassured me when I was in doubt, represents the spirit of Honesty." Gems with an orange glow began to surround Applejack. "Fluttershy, who tamed the manicure with her compassion, represents the spirit of Kindness." Pink glowing gems began to surround Fluttershy. "Pinkie Pie, who banished fear by giggling in the face of danger, represents the spirit of Laughter." Blue glowing gems began to surround Pinkie Pie, who jumped for joy. "Rarity, who calmed a sorrowful serpent with a meaningful gift, represents the spirit of Generosity." Purple glowing gems started to surround Rarity. "Rainbow Dash, who could not abandon her friends for her own heart's desire, represents the spirit of Loyalty." Red glowing gems began to surround Rainbow Dash. "The spirits of these five ponies got us through every challenge you threw at us." "You still don't have the sixth element. The spark didn't work." "But it did, a different kind of spark." Twilight turned to her friends. "I felt it the very moment I realized how happy I was to hear you, to see you, how much I cared about you. The spark ignited inside me when I realized that you all..." She turned back to Nightmare Moon. "... are my friends." A bright glow caused every pony to look up, and a new element appeared. Its bright glow blinded Nightmare Moon and woke up Discord. He rubbed his head as he tried to pull himself up. "You see, Nightmare Moon, when those Elements are ignited by the... the spark that resides in the heart of us all, it creates the sixth element... the Element of Magic." Discord and Nightmare Moon watched as the Elements fused and were reborn within the Mane 6. They all glowed as a rainbow emerged from them. Discord tried to stand up and run to his mother to protect her. "No... No, not again. Please! I can't lose her again!" Discord stood and took a step but he fell. He tried again and again but he couldn't get up, he wasn't fast enough. He covered his ears and closed his eyes, unable to hear her fearful screams again. Unable to see her leave him again. "NOOOOOOO! NOOOOOOOO!!" A rainbow surrounded Nightmare Moon that she was unable to escape from. With the glow of the Mane 6, each pony was surrounded by a bright light, and once Twilight opened her eyes a white glow emerged. After the glow died down, the Mane 6 were lying on the ground. Each slowly stood up with a mild headache. "My head." Rainbow rubbed her head. "Everypony okay?" "Oh, thank goodness!" Rarity was smiling happily, seeing her tail was back to normal. "Why, Rarity, it's so lovely," Fluttershy commented. "I know. I'll never part with it again." Rarity hugged her tail, happy to see it again in its beauty. "No, your necklace. It looks just like you cutie mark." Indeed it did, Rarity was wearing a golden necklace with a purple gem shaped like her cutie mark in the center. "Wha... huh?" Rarity noticed this and saw the same was true with Fluttershy. "So does yours." Fluttershy had a pink gem shaped like a butterfly and she gasped at the sight. Applejack looked at her and it was an orange apple. "Look at mine! Look at mine!" Pinkie's looked like a blue balloon. "Aw, yeah!" Rainbow's looked like a red lightning bolt. Twilight had a tiara with a magenta gem on top, shaped like a six-studded star. "Gee, Twilight, I thought you were just spouting a lot of hooey. But I reckon we really do represent the Elements of Friendship." "Indeed, you do." The sun rose once more and from the sunlight, Princess Celestia emerged, looking as graceful as ever. Everypony bowed except for Twilight, who was happy to see her mentor. "Princess Celestia!" Twilight walked over to her, happy to see her again. "Twilight Sparkle, my faithful student." They hugged, happy to be reunited once more. Once they finished, Princess Celestia said, "I knew you could do it." Twilight looked at her mentor confused then said, "But you and Prince Discord told me it was all an old pony tale." She laughed a bit then said, "I told you that you needed to make some friends, nothing more. As for Discord, he has his own way of doing things. Trust me, he never meant any harm. I saw the signs of Nightmare Moon's return, and I knew it was you who had the magic inside to defeat her. But you could not unleash it until you let true friendship into your heart." Twilight looked at her friends and smiled. Princess Celestia walked to a cowering Discord. She tapped his shoulder and he flinched hard. Tears had fallen down his face, "Aunt Celestia?" She smiled at him. He stood up. "I'm sorry! I couldn't help her again. It's all my fault." She hugged him. "It's okay. Come, we have somepony to see if they have accepted true friendship into their heart as well." Discord looked at her confused as he followed her. The others were confused and Discord asked a question they all thought. "Who?" He followed her to an unconscious alicorn who made him stop in his tracks. He gasped softly at the sight. It was a navy blue alicorn with a flowing spectral mane and tail. Her cutie mark was black with a crescent moon on it. She gasped when she opened her eyes. "Princess Luna." Princess Luna looked up at Princess Celestia as she approached her. "It has been 1000 years since I have seen you like this." While Princess Luna was close to the ground in fear, Princess Celestia went down as well to talk to her. "Time to put our differences behind us. We were meant to rule together, little sister." "Sister?!" Everypony was shocked. 'Now it makes sense why Discord said it was complicated. Nightmare Moon was his mother but inside, she was Princess Luna, Princess Celestia's sister. Maybe this is why he was apprehensive about this.' "Will you accept my friendship?" Princess Celestia stood up, waiting for her sister to come to her. Everypony leaned in closer, hoping for a yes. But Pinkie Pie leaned in a bit too close and fell. "I'm so sorry!" Luna ran to her sister with tears in her eyes. "I missed you so much, big sister!" Tears began to fall from Celestia's eyes as she hugged her sister. "I've missed you, too. And I'm not the only one who missed you." She moved and gestured to the shocked Discord. Luna looked at him with confusion. He bit his lip and with a deep breath, he hit his hoof on the ground. Magic surrounded the Mane 6 eyes and it seemed as though nothing happened and nopony noticed besides Princess Celestia. Discord transformed into his true draconequus form, however, to the Mane 6, Discord still looked like a unicorn. Luna gasped. "Mo... Moonlight." Discord smiled with tears in his eyes. He hesitated at first, thinking this was a dream but he ran to her after seeing a nod from his aunt. "MOM!" He hugged her and she hugged him back. "MOONLIGHT!" "MOM?!" "I missed you so much, mom." With a tearful gasp, Luna said, "I missed you too, Moonlight. I'm so sorry. I'll never leave you again." Pinkie Pie started to get emotional and cried waterfall tears. "Hey! You know what this calls for?" "A PARTY!" Everypony gathered in Ponyville with Luna, Celestia, and Discord being drawn in by a chariot. Everypony was excited to meet Princess Luna. Everypony gathered around and even Spike joined, happy to see Twilight safe and sound. The two hugged as if it had been years. Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, and Prince Discord stood in front of the ponies of Ponyville and everypony bowed to them. Princess Luna looked down, still feeling guilty about her actions when she was Nightmare Moon. Two young fillies brought a bouquet of flowers and tied them around her neck, showing that they had welcomed her. Princess Luna looked at her sister and smiled, feeling welcomed for the first time in a long time. She also looked at her son who was still in his pony form. She was concerned but knew she was going to ask about it later. She smiled at him, happy to be reunited with her family once more. 'My mission is complete isn't it?' Twilight thought sadly to herself. She looked down sadly, knowing what was going to happen next. "Why so glum, my faithful student? Are you not happy that your quest is complete and you can return to your studies in Canterlot?" "That's just it. Just when I learn how wonderful it is to have friends, I have to leave them." Seeing her sadness, Celestia made a decision. "Spike, take a note, please." Spike took out a scroll and started to write down every word, Princess Celestia spoke, "I, Princess Celestia, hereby decree that the unicorn Twilight Sparkle shall take on a new mission for Equestria. She must continue to study the Magic of Friendship. She must report to me her findings from her new home in Ponyville." The others surrounded Twilight, happy that their friend would be living in their home permanently. "Oh, thank you, Princess Celestia. I'll study harder than ever before." Seeing Twilight ready to accept friendship, Discord came to a solution. "Aunt Celestia, after catching up with my mom, can I stay in Ponyville? I've done the same as Twilight for years. Isolated myself and not thinking I needed friends but after seeing what happened, can I stay?" Princess Celestia smiled. "Of course, Discord. You can remain with Twilight in the library." Everypony cheered excited for their friendship to grow stronger and the adventures they would go on in the future. After the party, the Princesses and Discord returned to their home in Canterlot. After fixing up a room for her, Luna settled in her room with her son, who had turned back into his draconequus form. "Discord, I can't believe how much you have grown. Your magic has grown stronger as well but tell me, why are you disguised around other ponies?" Discord turned away and sighed sadly. "After you were banished to the moon, many ponies blamed me for your disappearance. I created a pony disguise for myself and I asked Aunt Celestia to erase everypony's memory of what I used to look like." "Did you make friends? Even after your disguise?" He shook his head. "No. Ponies found my blue horn weird and my red eyes strange and since I was a "prince" most ponies didn't like me for me, they only liked me since I was Aunt Celestia's nephew." "I am so sorry, Moonlight. You must have been so scared." Luna put a comforting hoof on her son. "I was." He turned to her with a smile on his face and his eagle talon on her hoof. "But when I went to Ponyville with Twilight, many ponies didn't question my horn or my eyes. I had ponies be nice to me despite my status and they wanted to talk. I had so much fun with the ponies of Ponyville. I want to reveal myself but... I can't. Not yet. Right now, I want to catch up with you. Show you how much better I've gotten at controlling my magic. You have to see what has changed in Equestria and I want to show you everything. After that, I want to return to Ponyville. I know Aunt Celestia told Twilight to learn about the Magic of Friendship but I want to learn as well. I want to hang out with Twilight and her friends." Discord blushed slightly at the thought of hanging out with Fluttershy. She was the pony he wanted to get to know the most. She smiled at him. "I can't wait to see it with you. I am excited to see you make friends." They hugged, and mother and son were reunited once more. As the night went on, Discord showed his mother his magic and how much stronger it had gotten. He told her stories about his magical mishaps and they even reveled in the silence of each other. Even watching the stars glimmer throughout the night. They soon fell asleep on Luna's bed with Discord wrapped around her. Luna slept for a few hours but woke up before the sun rose. She looked at her son with happiness and sadness. Her son had gotten so much bigger since she saw him last, he couldn't even reach her height, or fly, and he slept by her chest. Now, he was wrapped around her. 'How much have I missed in the last 1000 years?' Luna looked at the moon. Its light was shining through their window. Smiling, she started to sing. “Distant moon so big and bright Softest silver glowing through the night High atop the mountain gold Sun unseen The world is cold Here I wait And here I stand Early morning Northern Hour hand Studying in solitude Looking for a hidden clue I wish to see this world through my own eyes To calm the elders and silence their cries Because of you I now gaze up and sing The Lullaby of The Moon.” She was unsure if Discord heard her as he got closer to her, smiling in his sleep. 'I promise, Moonlight. I won't ever leave you or my sister again.' > Griffon the Brush-off > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After catching up with his mother for the past few months, Discord returned to Ponyville to learn more about friendship. Twilight told him about her tickets with the Gala and Applebuck season at Sweet Apple Acres. Both situations he found funny but happy to learn about the lessons Twilight learned. More than anything though, Discord wanted to get to know Fluttershy. Of course, he wanted to get to know all of her friends but he was more interested in Fluttershy. They had regular tea on Tuesday afternoon since they both enjoyed tea. Now here they were, enjoying each other's company by the lake. After pranking multiple ponies in Ponyville, Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash were hiding in the bushes waiting for their next victim while enjoying a plate of chocolate chip cookies. Rainbow Dash was watching Fluttershy and Discord through a telescope. The duo was feeding the fish, ducks, and turtles who were eagerly awaiting a treat. "Is someone over there? Who we gonna squirt? Who we gonna squirt?" Pinkie Pie asked eager to pull their prank, her mouth had a rubber ball connected to a fake turtle near the shore where Fluttershy and Discord were. Rainbow Dash chuckled. "Fluttershy or Discord." "WHAT?!" Pinkie Pie spat out in shock. "No, no, no, no, no, no. We can't prank Fluttershy. We can prank Discord, but not while Fluttershy is there. She is so sensitive. It'll hurt her feelings. Even our most harmless prank." Pinkie Pie grabbed a cookie and ate it. Surprised by the taste, she grabbed another. "Yeah, you're right. Pbht!" Rainbow Dash thought to herself. "We need another victim who's made of tougher stuff." Rainbow Dash grabbed a cookie as she thought to herself and she didn't even notice Pinkie Pie giggling. "So, who's it gonna be?" Over Rainbow's eye was a black circle, someone drew a marker in the eye of the telescope. "Oh!" Pinkie started to giggle at the prank she pulled. "I've got someone in mind." Pinkie giggled again. "The toughest around." Rainbow smiled and looked back and forth. "Oh, awesome! Who? Who? Do I know them?" Pinkie giggled as she led Rainbow to the lake and pointed at their reflection. "Oh, yes." Pinkie continued to laugh. "You're very close." Rainbow looked at the eye and saw the black marker around her eye. Rainbow laughed at her reflection. "Good one, Pinkie Pie." Rainbow laughed at her reflection again and that's when she noticed it. Her tongue was a rainbow like her mane and tail. She stuck it out impressed by the double prank. "Whoa!" She put it back in. "Impressive, Pinkie Pie, two pranks in a row!" Rainbow laughed but only this time, Pinkie was confused. "Rainbow tongue, I didn't give you that. Maybe mine is rainbow too!" She looked at her tongue and it was indeed a rainbow. "Whoa! We're twinsies! Did you do this?" Pinkie Pie laughed. Rainbow was confused. "No, and if you didn't do it and I didn't do it then who did and how?" "Well, pranks like these can only happen when we eat something but the only things we eat are daisy sandwiches, hay fries, cupcakes..." "Those chocolate chip cookies!" Rainbow flew to the plate of cookies knowing that it was the last thing they ate together. "Yeah, we both eat those while we were waiting for our next prank." Pinkie continued to laugh at her rainbow tongue. "Where did you get them, Pinkie?" "Discord, he said that I might enjoy them. It's a recipe from the castle." Pinkie Pie kept looking at her tongue and that's when Rainbow Dash saw it, a note was under the three remaining cookies. "There's a note." Pinkie looked at Rainbow and rushed to her side. "What's it say? What's it say? What's it say? Is it a party invite?!" "Dear Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie, I heard you were pulling pranks so here's one that took me a while to perfect. You can't prank the Prank King. I request that you don't pull one on Fluttershy or me while I'm with Fluttershy. Don't worry, that rainbow effect should wear off in about an hour. The effects aren't permanent. Sincerely, Discord PS, I would like to join you guys tomorrow on your pranks. If you would let me. "Wow, Discord knows how to pull pranks. I wouldn't expect that from him," Rainbow commented, impressed that the nephew of Princess Celestia enjoys pranks. "I'll say. Of course, Discord loves to crack jokes and loves my parties." They looked at their tongues again and laughed. The pranks were bringing them closer together. At the lake though, Fluttershy was trying to figure out why the turtle was remaining still and not taking any of her treats. Discord, on the other hand, was thinking of a way to explain why it wasn't taking any. The next day, Discord and Pinkie Pie were on their way to Rainbow's house for another day filled with pranks. Pinkie were wearing silly glasses with a fake mustache and a fake arrow through the head headband. Pinkie Pie had a noise maker in her mouth and was blowing it as they were walking. "I can't wait to show you two the pranks I have made and perfected. They may require a bit of magic but nothing I can't handle." Once they arrived, Pinkie shouted, "Raise and shine, Rainbow Dash! It's a brand-new day, and we got a lot of pranking to..." A griffon popped her head over and looked down at a surprised Discord and Pinkie Pie. "Ooh." Pinkie was impressed but Discord was surprised. He had the talon of a griffon so seeing one this close was exciting yet terrifying. "Morning, Pinks, Morning, Discord." Rainbow Dash and the griffon landed in front of the two as Rainbow Dash made introductions. "Gilda, this is my gal pal, Pinkie Pie and my other friend Discord." "Hey. What's up?" Gilda responded. Pinkie was surprised to see a griffon, she had never met one before. Discord has met some griffons but most were vain and rude. 'Never judge a book by its cover.' Discord thought to himself, he knew that from experience. "Pinkie, Discord, this is my griffon friend, Gilda." "What's a griffon?" Pinkie Pie asked. "They are half eagle and half lion, Pinkie," Discord explained. Gilda flew high and landed next to Rainbow Dash as she added, "And all awesome!" She brought Rainbow Dash closer to her. She did a small roar and the two laughed as they did their handshake. Pinkie watched in shock and awe, sure, she and Rainbow were friends but not that close of friends. "Gilda's my best friend from my days at junior speedster flight camp. Hey, remember the chant?" "Chyeah. They made us recite it every morning. I'll never get that lame thing out of my head." Rainbow Dash looked at Gilda excitedly. "Soooo?" It was obvious she wanted her and Gilda to recite the chant. Gilda playfully rolled her eyes, "Only for you, Dash." Rainbow smiled, happy her friend was willing to do the chant. "Junior Speedsters are our lives. Sky bombs, soars, and daring dives. Junior Speedsters, it's our quest to someday be the very best." It was obvious to Discord by their tone and flight patterns who was more excited to say the chant. 'Gilda doesn't seem to like the chant. It's... interesting to say the least.' Once they finished the chant, Pinkie Pie started to laugh as if it was the funniest thing she ever watched. Gilda brushed her feathers with her talon and Rainbow did the same with her hoof. "Oh, that was awesome!" Pinkie said as she walked over to the friends. "I agree. In fact, it has given me a great idea for a prank. Gilda, would you like to join us?" "Huh. Well, I groove on a good prank as much as the next griffon but, Dash, you promised me we'd get a flying session in this morning." Gilda flew into the sky. Rainbow looked at her friends with guilt in her eyes. "Uh, yeah, Pinkie, Discord, you don't mind, do you? I know you can pull some pranks together. Gilda just got here. We'll catch up later." "That is fine with me. What about you, Pinkie Pie?" "Oh, um... well, sure. No problem! Have fun, you guys. I'll, uh, just catch up with you..." Pinkie Pie sighed sadly. "...later." Discord looked at Pinkie concerned. "Pinkie, we can pull a few pranks together while we wait for Rainbow. I've got a few doozys." Pinkie smiled at Discord, she was happy that he was joining but sad that Rainbow wouldn't be there. A few hours later, Pinkie asked Discord to help bring a trampoline to the edge of Ponyville, he was confused at first but didn't question it. He looked and saw Rainbow Dash and Gilda flying fast over town until they crashed on a cloud above the trampoline. He watched as Pinkie talked with them, he couldn't hear much of the conversation but after they flew away and from one look at Pinkie's sad face, he could tell it didn't go well. He was even more baffled to see Pinkie pull hundreds of balloons out of thin air just to fly up to their height. 'Pinkie Pie must have some chaos magic in her. Not as strong as mine, but a minuet amount. He was horrified when he watched Gilda pop some of Pinkie's balloons. He used his magic to slow her descent but then she ran off, and he watched her use a flying bike to catch up with Rainbow and Gilda. "Pinkie, you are so random. I wonder if you have chaos magic in your system." He watched Pinkie fly in the sky then Rainbow flew off and did some tricks. His stomach dropped as he watched Gilda grab Pinkie's bike and it began to spill out of control. Discord ran to where she was falling and he used his magic to save her. He couldn't save the bike but to him, that didn't matter. "Pinkie, are you okay? What happened up there?" Pinkie looked at Discord concerned and that look told him everything. Pinkie explained what happened as she and Discord went back to the library to discuss this with Twilight. "So, Pinkie Pie, are you sure that this friend of Rainbow Dash is really so mean?" Twilight didn't look up from her book as Pinkie said, "Um, yeah! She keeps stealing Rainbow Dash away, she popped my balloons, and she told me to buzz off! Discord saw it all! Right?!" "I didn't hear the whole conversation, my dear, but she is correct. I did see Gilda pop Pinkie's balloons and she forced her to make a crash landing. I've met a few griffons in my life but none have been this... harsh." "I've never met a griffon at all and I've never seen one so mean. But I bet if I had, she wouldn't have been as mean and grumpy as Gilda!" Pinkie Pie said clearly upset from what happened. "You know what I think, Pinkie Pie?" Pinkie looked at Twilight for answers hoping to hear a good one. "Well, I think... you're jealous." "Jealous?!" Discord and Pinkie Pie shouted. He couldn't believe what he was hearing, sure, Pinkie was upset that she couldn't hang out with Rainbow but he watched it happen. He didn't hear the conversation... sure... but it was no excuse for her to pop those balloons or force her to crash land her bike. "Green with envy, well, in your case, pink with envy." "Not helping, Spike," Discord told him from afar. "Well, yes, jealous. Listen, Pinkie, Discord, I don't want to upset you, but just because Rainbow Dash has another friend doesn't make Gilda a grump. I mean, perhaps it's you, Pinkie, who needs to improve her attitude and Discord, don't encourage her." Discord couldn't believe this. Sure, Pinkie can be a bit nosey from time to time but... Discord sighed internally, maybe she was right, not about the jealous part but they seemed close. 'I know how I would act if somepony interrupted my alone time with my mom.' "Improve my attitude?! But I... but it's Gilda that... are. you seri..." Pinkie nearly screamed in frustration and stormed out. She slammed the door behind leaving them alone. "I'm going to talk with Pinkie. See if I can help her see a different perspective." Discord caught up with Pinkie and explained a possible reason why Gilda could be acting the way she was, how he would feel if somepony interrupted his time with his mom. "Maybe you are Twilight are right. Maybe Gilda isn't a big, mean, grumpy, mean, meany pants. Maybe I'm just a big, jealous, judgmental, jealous, jealousy pants." "I don't know about that, Pinkie Pie. Gilda didn't have a right to pop your balloons or crash your bike but think about what I said okay? Milkshakes on me?" Pinkie smiled sadly as she and Discord made their way to Sugar Cube Corner. Discord got her a strawberry shake and himself a chocolate one and he tried to make her smile with his jokes but she only chuckled sadly at them. 'Man, Pinkie is really down about what Twilight said. I hope she cheers up soon.' Discord and Pinkie perked up when they heard Rainbow Dash and Gilda laughing. Pinkie tried to hid under the table but Discord remained where he was, he didn't feel the need move. They landed near the edge of a home and after a minute or so, Rainbow left. 'Huh, guess she left to do her weather duties.' They watched Gilda look around and she smirked. After a few minutes, Granny Smith walked to a vegetable stand and sniffed them but soon, Gilda's tail came out scaring the old pony half to death. "A rattler! A rattler! Run for the hills! Everybody, run! Save yourselves!" Granny Smith walked slowly away and every pony just looked at her confused. Gilda touched a tomato with her tail. "This stuff ain't fresh, dude." Pinkie returned to her spot on the table as she and Discord watched the whole scene. "Aw, poor Granny Smith. She didn't know it was a joke. How mean!" Pinkie shook her head. "No, no. I can't misjudge her. It was a funny prank, I guess." "Pinkie, in the past thousand moons, I have learned a lot about pulling pranks but you should never prank the elderly. Not unless they are into it themselves or they can fire back. Gilda may have pulled a prank but it scared Granny Smith. Pranks should always end with everypony laughing in the end." Pinkie Pie didn't comment as they continued to watch Gilda, who saw that no pony was looking so she stole an apple and ate it. "I did misjudge her! She's not only a meany, mean pants, she's also a thief!" Discord couldn't agree more. 'Okay, I wouldn't even steal an apple. It only costs a few bits.' "No, no, no, no. She might give it back. It's just a joke," Pinkie said, trying to reason with herself. "Pinkie, she stole an apple. No magic in the world besides chaos magic can bring it back." Discord tried to reason with Pinkie but she didn't seem to hear it. The two continued to watch as Fluttershy walked past them. She was walking backwards leading a family of ducks to a lake. "All right, little ones, this way, this way. Mama duck... you're free and clear." Gilda was walking through town just behind Fluttershy who was about to bump into her. Fluttershy bumped into Gilda who was extremely displeased. "Hey!" "Please excuse me," Fluttershy said calmly but Gilda wasn't having it. "I'm walking here!" Fluttershy started to walk back in fear which was making Discord angry. "Oh, um, I'm sorry. I-I-I was just trying to..." Gilda then started to mock the shy pegasus. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry Why don't you just watch where you're going, doofus?!" The ducks flew away in fear and Gilda continued to force Fluttershy back. "B-b-b-but I...." Gilda roared in Fluttershy's face and she ran off with tears in her eyes. "ugh, all these lame ponies are driving me buggy. I gotta bail." Everypony stared at the griffon in anger, none more so than Discord and Pinkie Pie. Discord could feel his teeth growing sharper in anger. 'No pony, and I mean no pony yells at my sweet Fluttershy like that.' "She's a grump and a thief and a bully... she meanest kind of mean, meany pants there is! I can take it, but no one treats Fluttershy like that! No one!" "Correct, she's lucky that she left or she would have seen the true power of Discord!" "This calls for extreme measures, Pinkie Pie style!" Pinkie Pie didn't even tell Discord her plan, she just asked him to check on Fluttershy. He ran to her cottage first and he could hear her crying. He knocked on the door and when Angel opened the door he called out to her. She looked up from her spot and cried as she flew to him. She started crying on his chest which normally would have made him blush hard but this was a different matter. "Are you alright, my dear?" Fluttershy explained what happened and even though he saw what transpired, he just listened, he knew she needed a shoulder to cry on. He stayed with her the rest of the afternoon and even made her some tea as she slowly calmed down. After a few hours, they were surprised when Pinkie came in and gave them an invite, welcoming Gilda to Ponyville. 'Seriously, I would just use my magic to take her wings away or turn her into a real eagle.' So now, here they were, at Sugar Cube Corner. 'Why are we throwing Gilda a party? She yelled at Fluttershy, stole an apple, and pranked Granny Smith.' Discord just couldn't believe that Pinkie decided to do this. He was so stuck in his thoughts, that he didn't even hear Twilight address him until Fluttershy bumped him. "Discord, have your thoughts changed about Gilda? Were you able to convince Pinkie?" Twilight asked him. "Well... I think it would be better to discuss this elsewhere and a bit later." Fluttershy and Discord walked over to Pinkie, she was causally welcoming everypony inside with a smile on her face. "Um, Pinkie Pie, about this party for Gilda, um, do you really think it's a good idea?" Fluttershy asked her. "Fluttershy is right. Why are you doing this? We saw how Gilda acted earlier." Pinkie Pie just smiled at them. "Don't worry your pretty little heads about mean, old Gilda. Your Auntie Pinkie Pie's got it all taken care of." Pinkie patted Discord and Fluttershy on the head as if nothing was wrong then she walked off. "I'm a year older than you." "I'm a thousand years older than you." "Gilda! I'm so honored to throw you one of my signature Pinkie Pie parties, and I really, truly, sincerely hope you feel welcome here amongst all us pony folk." Gilda was hesitant to shake Pinkie's hoof but she eventually shook it and was zapped in the process. Discord, Pinkie, and Rainbow laughed at the simple prank. "Oh, Pinkie Pie, the old hoof-shake buzzer! You are a scream!" "Yeah." Gilda chuckled nervously. "Good one, Pinkie Pie." Rainbow gestured to Gilda to follow her to her friends. "Come on, G, I'll introduce you to some of my other friends." Before following Rainbow, Gilda had something to say to Pinkie. "Right behind you, Dash!" She stared at Pinkie and said, "I know what you're up to." Pinkie just smiled at her. "Great!" Gilda groaned. "I know what you're planning." Pinkie just laughed. "Well, I hope so. This wasn't supposed to be a surprise party." The comment left Gilda a bit confused but she wasn't backing down. "I mean, I've got my eye on you." "And I got my eye on you!" Pinkie stared at Gilda, freaking the griffon out a bit, until Pinkie stood in front of the party. "Everyone, I'd like you all to meet Gilda, a longtime, dear friend of Rainbow Dash. Let's honor her and welcome her to Ponyville." Gilda was about to yell at Pinkie but smiled nervously at the applause. "Yay, Gilda!" "Welcome!" Rainbow Dash side-hugged her friend, ready to have a good time. "Please, help yourself!" Pinkie gestured to the various snacks on the table. There were carrots, tomatoes, apples, cupcakes, and vanilla lemon drops. "Vanilla lemon drops, don't mind if I do." Gilda ate one and the effect was immediate. "Hot!" It was so spicy, fire came out of Gilda's mouth and Pinkie was able to roast a marshmallow. "G, the punch!" Gilda flew as fast as she could to the punch. She tried to drink it but the cup was a dribble glass. "Well, what do you know? Pepper in the vanilla lemon drops and the punch served in a dribble glass!" Discord commented, impressed but the pranks. "Ha! Priceless! Priceless!" Rainbow Dash laughed at the prank along with a few other ponies but Gilda flew off to find another drink and she found one, finally cooling her mouth down. "Yeah, hilarious." "Hey, G, look, presents!" Gilda smiled as she ran to the presents with a huge smile on her face. She grabbed a cylinder one and proceeded to open it but it was once again another prank. Fake snakes popped out, causing her feathers to puff up. More laughter erupted from the crowd. It was obviously irritating Gilda. 'I swear, once I'm alone with that pink pony...' "Spittin' snakes." Applejack chucked. "Somepony pulled that prank on me last month." "Ha, ha. I bet I know who that was!" Gilda said in a bitter tone but no pony noticed. "You do?" Pinkie Pie blinked as if nothing was wrong. The rest of the party went well and no more pranks to Discord's surprise. 'Is Pinkie trying to get a reaction from Gilda? No... that isn't like her. It could be a coincidence that Gilda is getting the majority of the pranks.' It was a mystery but Discord just let it slide for now. "Cake time, everypony!" Pinkie Pie brought out a large two-tiered cake with a few candles on top. "Hey, can I blow the candles out?" Spike asked, it was obvious that he wanted to do it. "Why don't we let Gilda blow out the candles, Spike? She is the guest of honor, after all." Gilda shoved Spike out of the way, shocking Twilight. "Exactly!" With a big deep breath, Gilda blew out the candles. After smiled at the candles, the flames came back. Gilda blew them out again but the flames came back. Everypony laughed at the sight as Gilda continued to repeat the same actions of blowing out the candles but they kept coming back on. "Relighting birthday candles... I love that prank!" Spike commented. Discord was laughing as well. "Indeed, one of my better prank inventions, if I do say so myself." "Now, I wonder who could have done that?" Pinkie Pie wondered but Gilda already knew the answer. "Yeah. I wonder." Gilda stared at Pinkie with intense anger but was side-tracked when Spike began to dig into the cake. "Who cares? This cake is amazing!" Spike emerged from the top of the cake with a mouth full of cake. "Spike!" "What? It's great. Try some." Gilda continued to look at Pinkie and Spike with anger in her eyes but was taken down when Rainbow asked, "Hey, G, you're not upset about some silly candles, are you?" With a fake smile, Gilda said, "No way, Dash. Like I said, I'm down with a good prank." Rainbow smiled. "Come on, then. Let's have some cake." Gilda looked at Pinkie with eyes full of anger and knew she needed to say something. Ponies enjoyed the cake for a bit until Applejack brought up a new game. "Hey, Y'all. It's pin the tail on the pony. Let's play!" "Oh, my favorite game! Can I go first? Can I have the purple tail?" Rarity asked with politeness and grace. Rarity was about to pick up the tail but Gilda snatched it away from her. "Well, I am the guest of honor. And I'll have the purple tail. Rarity looked at Gilda shocked but didn't say anything. "Yeah, Gilda should definitely go first. Let's get you blindfolded." Spike put the blindfold on Gilda. "Hey, what are you doing?!" Before she could even process it, Pinkie spun her around faster than the eye could see. "We're spinning you around and around, and then you can pin the tail on the pony. Now just walk straight ahead and pin the tail." Pinkie guided Gilda to the pony so she could play the game but this time, Gilda wasn't buying it. "Now just walk straight ahead and pin the tail. Hmph! Yeah, right. This is another prank, isn't it? I'm going this way!" Gilda began to walk in the opposite direction shocking Pinkie who tried to convince her about her mistake. "Wait! The poster is this..." Before she could finish, Gilda slipped on icing and she crashed into the kitchen. She came out covered in icing and the tail on her beak. "Uh, Gilda? You pinned the tail on the wrong end." This caused everypony to erupt in laughter but now, Gilda had had enough. She roared and everything came out as she began to fly. "This is your idea of a good time?! I've never met a lamer bunch of dweebs in all my life! And, Pinkie Pie... YOU... you are queen Lame-o with your weak little part pranks! Did you really think you could make me lose my cool?! Well, Dash and I have 10 times as much cool as the rest of you put together! Come on, Dash, we're bailing on this pathetic scene!" Everypony stared at the griffon in shock but none more so than Rainbow Dash. She looked at her friend who tried to drag her out and did move a muscle. "Come on Rainbow Dash! I said, we're leaving!" "You know, Gilda... I was the one who set up all those weak pranks at this party," Rainbow told her with a straight face. "What?!" "So I guess I'm Queen Lame-o." Gilda smiled, hoping Rainbow was lying. "Come on, Dash, you're joshing me." "They weren't all meant for you specifically. It was just dumb luck that you set them all off." "I should've known. That dribble cup had Rainbow Dash written all over it." Gilda couldn't believe what she was hearing. "No way! I-It was Pinkie Pie! She set up this party to trip me up! Along with her coltfriend. To make a fool of me!" Discord was about to retaliate but decided against it. More anger wasn't needed at the party. "Me? I threw this party to improve your attitude. I thought a good part might turn that frown upside down." "And you sure didn't need any help making a good of yourself." Rainbow Dash decided to put her hoof down and stand up for her friends. "You know, this is now how I thought my old friends would treat my new friends. If being cool is all you care about, maybe you should go find some new cool friends someplace else." Gilda growled and spread out her wings. "Yeah? Well, you... you.. you are such a, um, flip-flop, cool one minute and lame the next! When you decide not to be lame anymore, give me a call." With that Gilda left, severing the friendship between the two. "Not cool." "Wow, talk about a party pooper," Spike commented. "I'll say," Discord added. The ponies mumbled to themselves about Gilda but Rainbow knew she needed to say something. "I'm sorry, everypony for bringing Gilda here. I didn't know how rude she was. And Pinkie Pie, I'm really sorry she ruined that awesome party you put on for her. I'm sorry we weren't able to do our prank day with you yet, Discord." "Hey, if you want to hang out with party poopers, that's your business." Discord nodded. "It's not a big deal. I'm always ready for a prank any day of the week." Rainbow smiled. "I'd rather hang out with you and Discord. No hard feelings?" Rainbow Dash held out her hoof for a shake. "Nope. We can still have an epic day of pranks for the three of us. I have so much planned out." Discord held out his hoof. "No hard feelings." The three shook hooves but were all shocked. They all laughed at the hoof-shake buzzer that all three of them wore. Now, one more pony owned Discord and Pinkie an apology. "Hey, Pinkie, Discord, sorry I accused you of misjudging Gilda. Looks like I'm the one who misjudged you." "It's okay, Twilight. Even you can't be a super-smart, smarty-smart pants all the time." Pinkie told her. "It's fine, Twilight. We all make mistakes sometimes." "Come on, everypony, there's still a whole lot of party to finish!" Everypony cheered at the sound of that. Later that night, Twilight readied her next letter to Princess Celestia about her newest lesson on friendship. Dearest Princess Celestia, Today I learned that it's hard to accept when somepony you like wants to spend time with somepony who's not so nice. Though it's impossible to control who you're friends hang out with, it is possible to control your own behavior. Just continue to be a good friend. In the end, the difference between a false friend and one who is true will surely come to light. Your faithful student, Twilight Sparkle Twilight sent the scroll with a bit of a surprise as suggested by Discord. As Princess Celestia started her response letter she began to notice the words disappearing. She laughed at the small prank. "Oh, wrong ink." She grabbed the right one and chuckled as she continued her letter. > Boast Busters > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord entered Ponyville after spending most of the morning in a secret part of the Everfree forest. What was he doing? Using his chaos magic in his Draconequus form. He would normally use it when he was with his Aunt or mom, but now, he needed a private place to use it whenever he wanted or in his case, needed. He can stay in his pony form for weeks or longer but he had to return to his normal form and cast chaos magic. He did, of course, he returned his secret spot to normal in case somepony found it. He was shocked to see Rarity running past him crying her eyes out. To his surprise, her hair was green and it looked awful. "What kind of chaos magic did that? I must investigate." Discord walked to the crowd of ponies and then Twilight ran past him, her eyes filled with nervousness and fear. He walked up to Spike and asked, "What is going on, Spike? What happened to Twilight and Rarity?" "Her." Spike pointed to a blue unicorn with a purple starry cape on stage. "Once again, the great and powerful Trixie has proven herself to be the amazing unicorn in all of Equestria." With that comment, Discord started to laugh hard. 'This is hilarious.' Trixie looked at him annoyed. "Do you think you can beat The Great and Powerful Trixie?" "You are just a show-boasting pony who thinks she's better than everypony. I barely need to lift a hoof to beat you." Everypony gasped but Trixie looked at him in anger, but she shrugged it off. "Ha! I'd like to see you try." Discord smirked. "Certainly." He walked up on stage with a confident smile. "Rainbow Dash, could you please grab a cloud for us?" Rainbow Dash nodded, she was a bit confused along with everypony else but went along with it. Anything to get Trixie to shut up. Spike was excited, he hardly ever got to see Discord in action. He did use his magic but never told him or Twilight what he could do. Rainbow returned with the cloud, it was the perfect size that he needed. "Perfect, now I just need you to give half of it to me and the other half to Trixie." She did just as she told him. "Observe." Discord grabbed the cloud with his magic and in the blink of an eye, the cloud turned pink. It was now Trixie's turn to laugh. "A pink cloud? Pff. Anypony with a basic magic lesson could do that." Discord's smile grew. "I'm not done." He ripped a piece off and levitated it to Spike. "Here, taste it. It's safe, Spike." Spike took the cloud and ate it. "Whoa! It's cotton candy!" "WHAT?!" Discord levitated several more pieces to the crowd and when they ate it, they were shocked to taste cotton candy. "There is more." He got a bucket and set it under the cloud. Soon, a brown liquid came pouring down. Spike was the first to come up and drink it. "WOW! Chocolate milk!" The entire crowd cheered, somepony was able to beat Trixie at her own game. "Now, you say you're a powerful unicorn, let's see you try." Trixie ground her teeth. "Nice going, Your Highness!" Applejack shouted. "Your Highness as in a prince of Equestria?" Discord nodded at the show-boasting unicorn. "You said you were the most powerful unicorn in all of Equestria. I wanted to see if you were more powerful than a royal pony." Discord hated flaunting his royal status. He asked many ponies to address him by his name, many did, and some didn't but that was okay with him. He was only doing this now to get Trixie to stop bragging. "A cloud into cotton candy? Please. I beat an Ursa Major! Beat that!" Now this was intriguing. "An ursa major? You beat one?" Discord asked in disbelief, he had never seen one for himself but even he knew they were impossible to defeat. "Of course. Besides, you were unfair. You're a royal pony, you studied magic your entire life and learned spells that are forbidden to pony kind. I bet this is your first time leaving your castle without your guards." He could get angry at her and show her his true potential but right now, he had more important matters so he left. "I have better things to do than argue with a show-boasting pony like you." "That's right. Leave! Once again, The Great and Powerful Trixie has proven herself to be the amazing unicorn in all of Equestria." Spike ran after Discord wanting to talk with him. "That was AWESOME, Discord! You showed her the what for. I had no idea there was a spell to turn clouds into cotton candy or make them rain chocolate milk. Think Twilight could learn it?" Discord shook his head. "No. The spell is... complicated. Not even my mom or Aunt could learn it." "Wow, a spell that not even the princesses can learn, that's amazing. I wish Twilight was able to show off her magic. She learned 25 new spells today." "Wow. For a unicorn, that is impressive. Most unicorns only get spells for their cutie mark, I wonder if Twilight's talent is magic." Spike nodded. "That's what she was saying too. I wonder where she went." "Probably back to the library. Speaking of, why didn't she show off her magic?" Spike shrugged. "I don't know. It doesn't make sense, she is just as powerful, if not more so than Trixie. Maybe she's just as powerful as you." Discord chucked a bit. "I'm not so sure about that. I just turned a cloud into cotton candy. That's one of the easier spells that I can do." Spike smiled and with stars in his eyes, asked, "What else can you do? Where did you learn to do it? Can anypony learn?!" "It's a long list that would take a while to explain and as for where I was born with it." That was as honest as he was willing to go with his magic. He could do whatever he wanted with his magic. 'I can turn Equestria into my personal playground if I wanted to but I know better than to do that.' Discord thought to himself. "Sadly, nopony can learn how to cast my magic. As I said previously, it's... complicated. I don't want to explain it. Not now, anyway." Spike nodded. "Okay, but you gotta show me and Twilight sometime. I'm sure she would love to see you cast that cotton candy cloud spell." Discord chuckled. "Fair enough." Spike and Discord continued to walk through town discussing how they could convince Twilight to beat Trixie since she wouldn't accept defeat from Discord. Spike soon noticed Snips and Snails walking backward in a bowed position. "What are you two doing?" Spike asked the two ponies. "Just bring the G&PT a..." "The what?" Discord asked them. "The Great and Powerful Trixie." Discord and Spike rolled their eyes in disbelief, they couldn't believe they believed Trixie's lies. "Just bringing her a smoothie." "How can you fall for her lameness? She couldn't even beat Discord. She said she was the most powerful unicorn so is she more powerful than a royal unicorn?" Spike asked them. "My royal status means nothing. Trixie is a show-off. She is a one-trick pony unlike Twilight, who..." Snips interrupted Discord and said, "The Great and Powerful Trixie vanquished an Ursa Major. Can your Twilight claim that? Can Discord claim that?" "Oh really? Were you guys actually there?" Spike asked them. "Well, uh, uh... no, but..." "But nothing. The proof is in the pudding." Snails smiled at the thought of pudding. "I like pudding." Discord rolled his eyes. "Look, the point is this. I didn't see it, Spike didn't see it, and you two didn't see it. There is no proof that Trixie defeated a Ursa Major. Unless one comes down the street and defeats it, we will not believe a word Trixie says. Neither should you, you would be wise to know who you can trust with their words." Snips didn't listen to that part, instead, he got an idea. "An Ursa walking up the street, eh? Snails, you thinking what I'm thinking?" "Why is it they call it a flea market when they don't really sell fleas?" Snails asked, not listening to a word they said. "Yeah! Uh..." Snips stopped for a moment then had Snails follow him. Spike and Discord returned to the library where Twilight was deep into a book. "Twilight, would you put down that book and just listen to me?" Spike asked her, hoping she would listen to reason. "Didn't you see how they hated Trixie's bragging, Spike? If I go out there and show off my magic, I run the risk of losing them as friends." "Twilight, I went up there and used my magic but not to show off. It was to get Trixie to stop. Twilight, there's a difference between showing off and defending your friends." "Discord's right. You would be standing up for your friends." "No, Discord and Spike. It's exactly the same," Twilight told them, confident in her words. "Come on, Twilight. Any one of these tricks, even the teeniest, would be enough to show up Trixie. Discord went up there, turned a cloud into cotton candy, and made it rain chocolate milk. That didn't get Trixie to stop since he's a royal unicorn who knows all kinds of magic. It has to be you." "Discord is Discord, he can go up there and do what he wants." This comment offended Discord. "Hey." Twilight didn't acknowledge him. "I don't want to be seen as a bragger like Trixie." Twilight summoned two doors and slammed them in front of Discord and Spike. They opened the doors and continued to try and convince Twilight. "Come on, Twilight. Please, for our sake. You are very talented at magic, my Aunt wouldn't have taken you in as a student otherwise. You are the best unicorn I have seen in centuries." "Ugh! Please, Spike! Please, Discord! I said NO." Spike sighed. "If that's the way you want to be then fine." Spike slammed the door Twilight had summoned once he realized it, he left the library. Twilight looked at Discord and the two had a staring contest until Discord gave in. "Fine, my dear. I will leave you alone for now. Twilight, think about what we said, okay? I can do a lot with my magic but you can too. Magic is part of who you are as a unicorn, just like me." Discord went to his room, leaving Twilight with her thoughts. 'Spike mentioned that Discord turned a cloud into cotton candy and made it rain chocolate milk.' It was a question she needed an answer to but right now, she was reading something else. After taking a nap, Discord joined Twilight in the main area of the library, reading a book on animals for no reason. Until Spike came barging in screaming. "TWILIGHT!! DISCORD!!! You gotta come quick!" "Spike, I tried convincing her but she won't listen to reason." Discord told him without looking up from his book. "No, that's not it! It's..." A loud roar shocked all three of them. "Uh, is that what I think it is?" "Majorly." With that Spike, Discord, and Twilight rushed into town, past the scared ponies running for their lives. They ran to Snips and Snails who were watching the chaos happen. 'I am one for chaos but this is a bit much,' Discord thought to himself. "What's going on?" Twilight asked the young colts. "We brought an Ursa to town," Snips said with confidence. "YOU WHAT?!" Twilight and Discord exclaimed. "Don't worry. The Great and Powerful Trixie will vanquish it." Snails said with confidence. 'Time to let the cat out of the bag," Trixie thought to herself. "I can't." She said defeated. "WHAT?!" Snips and Snails were shocked. Trixie had lied to them. "I can't. I never have. No one can vanquish an Ursa Major. I just made the whole story up to make me look better." "MADE IT UP?!" From behind them, the Ursa Major came stomping with anger in its eyes. Everypony in town was scared, no one could do anything to stop it. Twilight looked at Discord with pleading eyes, hoping he could stop it. He shook his head. 'My magic is powerful but I can't just teleport this just anywhere, I need to have a destination in mind, someone for it to go to or be near.' Spike elbowed Twilight, trying to get her to do it. She gulped nervously. 'I researched this. I can do this. Hopefully...' She walked up to the angry Ursa and used her magic to start a gust. From a distance, music started to play. Once it reached the Ursa's ears, it started to coo softly. The music seemed to relax it. "Nice use of number 16," Spike commented. Discord nodded in agreement. 'Whatever she is doing, it's working.' Twilight's horn grew brighter as she lifted a large water barrel and dumped it of its contents. She took it through a barn and filled it with milk. "That's new." Twilight covered the barrel and before the Ursa fell on Trixie, she used her magic to lift it. She gave it the milk and it drank it like a baby bottle. With a strain, she used her magic to take the Ursa out of town and back to its cave. Once she felt it, she released her magic. To her surprise, she heard cheering. "Unbelievable!" "That was amazing!" "Heavens to betsy! We knew you had ability, but not that much," Applejack commented and Rainbow nodded in agreement. "I'm sorry. Please, please don't hate me." "Hate you?!" Rarity, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash said, a bit shocked their friend would say that. "Why, whatever do you mean, darling?" "Well, I know how much you all hated Trixie's showing off with her magic tricks, and I just thought..." Rainbow stopped Twilight's speech. "Whoa, whoa, whoa. Magic's got nothing to do with it. Trixie's just a loudmouth." "Most unpleasant." "All hat and no cattle." "So... you don't mind my magic tricks?" Twilight asked. "Your magic is part of who you are, Sugar Cube, and we like who you are. We're proud to have such a powerful, talented unicorn as our friend," Applejack told her. "And after whipping that Ursa's hindquarters, we're even prouder," Rainbow Dash told her with confidence. "You are?" The girls nodded in agreement. Discord walked by her and told her, "See? Like we were trying to tell you, there's a difference between showing off and standing up." Twilight smiled, she was glad that her friends were still her friends and didn't care about her magic. "Wow, Twilight! How'd you know what to do with that Ursa Major?" Spike asked, impressed she defeated it. "That's what I was doing when you and Discord came looking for me. I was so intrigued by Trixie's bragging that was compelled to do a little reading up on them." "So, it is possible to vanquish an Ursa Major all by yourself?" "That wasn't an Ursa Major. It was a baby, an Ursa Minor," Twilight told them. "That was just a baby?" Trixie asked shocked. "And it wasn't rampaging. It was just cranky because someone woke it up." She looked at Snips and Snails who smiled nervously. "Hang on, since it wasn't an Ursa Major then what does it look like?" Discord asked her. She smiled as she remembered the details from her book. It was five times as large, purple, and with teeth harder than diamonds. "You don't want to know." Trixie walked up to Twilight with confidence and said, "HA! You may have vanquished an Ursa Minor, but you will never have the amazing, showstopping ability of The Great and Powerful TRIXIE!" She released a smoke bomb and after it dissipated, she was seen fleeing town. "Why, that little..." Rainbow Dash was about to fly after her but she was stopped. "Just let her go. Maybe someday she'll learn her lesson." "Twilight is right. Someponies are willing to go to any lengths to prove or disprove a lie. Trixie was shown to be a liar here, once it spreads, no pony will believe her anymore," Dsicord told her. Snips and Snails tried to leave discreetly but Twilight stopped them. "Now, about you two." They looked at her nervously. Snips chucked nervously "Uh, we're sorry that we woke up the Ursa Minor." "We just wanted to see some awesome magic," Snails told her. "Yeah! And the way you vanquished that Ursa Minor was awesome!" It was clear by Twilight's look that no compliments the Colts gave were going to work. They went to their bellies and Snails said, "We deserve whatever punishment you give us." "For starters, you can clean up this mess. And... what do you think, Spike? Should I give them number 25?" The colts looked at each other and Spike knew exactly what she meant. "Oh, 25? Yes. And I think I deserve it, too." "Huh?!" "I think you're right." Spike joined the colts who closed their eyes in fear and in the blink of an eye, mustaches appeared on their muzzles. "Sweet!" The next day, Twilight wrote her letter to the princess. Dear Princess Celestia, I have learned a very valuable lesson about friendship. I was so afraid of being thought of as a show-off that I was hiding a part of who I am. My friends helped me realize that it's okay to be proud of your talents and there are times when it's appropriate to show them off, especially when you're standing up for your friends. "Good job, Twilight. My aunt would be proud." She smiled at him. "So, you finally admit that you're the most talented unicorn in all of Ponyville?" Spike asked. "Well... yeah. But it's nothing to brag about. I mean, Discord turned a cloud into cotton candy and made it rain chocolate milk." He smiled at that, wanting to change the subject, he asked, "So, how did it go with Rarity?" "Eh, she didn't go for the mustache." Twilight smiled as she walked up to her dragon friend. "You know, Spike, that mustache has nothing to do with who you really are. Maybe you should just try being yourself." "Or... maybe the mustache wasn't enough. Maybe if I had a mustache and a beard." Spike smiled with confidence. "Oh, not this again." "Okay, imagine me with a nice long fu manchu-type beard or maybe a goatee. Oh, no... a soul patch..." Spike continued to spout off various beard ideas as he tried to convince Twilight and Discord to make him one. After seeing it wasn't going to happen, Spike gave up on his endeavor, and eventually Twilight removed the mustache from his face. After a few hours, Twilight finally decided to ask Discord about his magic. "Discord, can you tell me more about your magic?" Discord was a little hesitant but this was to be expected, he performed a spell that Twilight had never seen. "Sure, what do you want to know?" "How did you turn a cloud into cotton candy? How did you make it rain chocolate milk? Can I learn this? Can anypony or is this unique to you?" Twilight spat all the questions out faster than he could process but he answered them with one simple answer. "Well... it's complicated. My magic is unique to me. Sorry, my dear, but you can't learn it, nopony can, not even my aunt or mom." Stars appeared in Twilight's eyes, "Really?!" He nodded. "It's a... well... it's a long story." Twilight sat down and waited in anticipation with her scroll and quill. "Well, obviously, I mentioned that I was adopted by Princess Luna years before she became Nightmare Moon." Twilight nodded. "It seems that I am a different kind of unicorn, hence my blue horn and red eyes. We don't know the limitations to my magic, just that it's strong. That cloud was simple for me but in truth, I don't need it." Twilight looked up from her scroll shocked and confused. Discord's then used his magic and a pink cloud appeared out of thin air. Twilight dropped her scroll and quill, shocked at the sight. "That's... that's not possible! You can't just make something out of nothing! That magic is impossible, only in magic tricks." "Well... for me, it is. My magic is powerful, which is why I stayed with the princesses. When I was a colt, my magic was uncontrollable." Discord laughed. "I can still remember a few magical instances that got me in trouble. Aunt Celestia thinks I'm a different breed of unicorn. One whose magic is different from other unicorns." Discord worked on this lie for a few days. He worked out the details for hours and it helps that he sent a letter to his aunt about it. "Wow! That is so amazing! Do you think your species of unicorn is written down somewhere? Or have you met another Unicorn like yourself?" Discord chuckled a bit at her enthusiasm. "Honestly, I don't know. But Twilight, can you not tell the others? Only my aunt and mom know about this and we kept this to ourselves. I asked Aunt Celestia if I could tell you and she said yes. Please, keep this to yourself for now." Twilight nodded. "Of course, Discord. What are friends for?" He smiled. "Thank you." > Dragonshy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fluttershy ran through Ponyville pleading for somepony, anypony to help with the smoke. Her animals could get sick. Her voice was so quiet that nopony could hear her. A ball made Fluttershy squeal in fear as she ducked down. Rainbow Dash came rushing by, bouncing the ball on her head. "Don't be such a scaredy-pony. It's just me, future Equestria ball-bouncing record holder. 146, 147..." Rainbow continued to count each bounce as Fluttershy and Pinkie watched her. "This calls for a celebration!" Pinkie ran off to get party decorations as Fluttershy continued to warn ponies of the smoke. "Oh, no, Pinkie Pie. This is no time for celebration. This is a time for panic, for..." "Ooh! I'm gonna need balloons! One for everypony in Ponyville." Pinkie bounced away to get her balloons and Fluttershy rushed after her. "There's... there's smoke, and... and where there's smoke, there's fire, and..." Pinkie stopped abruptly causing Fluttershy to run into her. Pinkie started to count each pony, one by one. "That's 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6..." The counting messed up Rainbow's so she stopped bouncing her ball and put it under her wing. "Pinkie Pie! Now I have to start over." "We're all gonna have to start over in a new village, 'cause ours is gonna be..." Again, nopony heard her as Rainbow Dash flew off and Pinkie decided to follow her. "Hey, Rainbow Dash, wait up!" "Oh, please. This is an emergency. I-I need everypony to..." "Listen up!" Twilight shouted, getting everypony to look at her, Spike, and Discord. "Smoke is spreading over all of Equestria." "What?" "Oh no!" "That's awful!" "That's what I've been trying to..." Fluttershy started but was interrupted. "But don't worry, we've just received a letter from my Aunt Celestia informing us that it is not coming from a fire." Fluttershy sighed with relief, her animals' homes were safe. "Oh, thank goodness." "It's coming from a dragon," Twilight told them bluntly. Everypony gasped in fear. "A... d-dragon?" Fluttershy opened her eyes in fear. Terrified at the thought of a dragon being near Ponyville. At the library, the Mane 6 and Discord were discussing their plan with the dragon. "What in the name of all things cinnamon swirled is a full-grown dragon doing here in Equestria?" Applejack asked, hoping the two unicorns knew the answer. "Sleeping," Twilight told them as she looked through her books. "Huh?" "Some larger dragons find a cave to keep their treasures in and some can sleep for years. Only leave when they are hungry. Luckily, like all dragons, they only eat gems," Discord explained. "According to Princess Celestia, he's taking a nap. His snoring is what's causing all this smoke," Twilight continued as she packed her bag for the long trip. "He should really see a doctor. That doesn't sound healthy at all." "I know right!? That's what I kept saying to my aunt for years. But nopony has a dragon training cutie mark." "Well, at least he's not snoring fire. What are we meant to do about it?" Rarity asked, unsure why Twilight asked them to come, they could handle a lot but a dragon seemed to be a bit much. "I'll tell you what we're meant to do: give him the boot! Take that. And that!" Rainbow Dash pretended to fight a dragon in the air, acting as if she was winning the fight. Discord playfully rolled his eyes at Rainbow Dash. 'Like she's ever seen a grown-up dragon before.' "We need to encourage him to take a nap somewhere else," Twilight told them. "I doubt it that'll get him to leave if only one of us goes up there so we all need to go, in case things get dicey." "Like you ever seen a dragon before," Rainbow Dash pointed out. "Um hello, Spike?" Discord said in a sarcastic voice. "Oh, right." "Princess Celestia has given us this mission, and we must not fail. If we do, Equestria will be covered with smoke for the 100 next years!" Twilight told them, getting straight to the point. Fluttershy gasped. 'Oh, my. all the animals, the smoke could get them sick. But... it's a dragon.' "Talk about getting your beauty sleep," Rarity commented. "Alright, everypony, I need you to gather supplies quickly. We've got a long journey ahead of us. Let's meet back here in less than an hour," Twilight addressed to her friends as she put the map in her bag and then the bag on her back. Encouragingly, Rainbow Dash shouted, "Okay, girls, you heard her! The fate of Equestria is in our hooves! Do we have what it takes?!" Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Rarity voiced affirmation and then left, ready to tackle their next challenge. Fluttershy was hesitant as she followed them. "Um...actually..." Discord noticed her apprehension but he shrugged it off. 'She probably nervous like the rest of us.' The mares got ready, and prepared their bags, outfits, and everything they needed for the journey ahead. While the others were excited, Fluttershy was terrified. Once they were ready, they returned to the library to discuss their plan. "All right, girls. Listen up. Discord and I are mapping out the fastest route, but we've all got to keep a good pace if we expect to make it up the mountain by nightfall." "M-mountain?" Fluttershy stuttered. Discord pointed to the mountain they were going to climb. It was surrounded by a large cloud of smoke. "The dragon is in the cave at the very top." "Looks pretty cold up there," Applejack commented. Rainbow Dash smiled as she confirmed AJ's thoughts, "You bet it is. The higher you go, the chillier it gets." Rarity was prepared for this moment. "Good thing I brought my scarf." Rarity pulled out her pink scarf and wrapped it around herself. "Ooh! Pretty!" Rainbow chuckled. "Oh, yeah. That'll keep you nice and cozy." Fluttershy looked at the top of the mountain again and fear filled her stomach. 'I can't do this. Maybe I can ask Twilight and Discord if I can stay behind, they don't need all of us to stop the dragon.' Twilight pulled out the map and she and Discord began to discuss the possible paths they could take. "Maybe this one?" Twilight suggested. "Excuse me, Twilight? Discord?" "No, it's short but there are a lot of caves. Dangerous creatures could live in them, we need a fast but safe route to the dragon. Maybe this one?" "I know you're busy, but..." "No, it's safe but it's long. Like you said, we need to get to the dragon fast. How about this?" "But if I could just have a second..." "No, we definitely want to avoid that," Discord told her. "So, um, I-I was thinking that, um, maybe I should just stay here in Ponyville." "Yeah, you're right." Thinking Twilight was talking to her, Fluttershy sighed with relief. "Oh, good! I'll stay here and..." That got Twilight's and Discord's attention. "Wait! You have to come." Twilight told her. Discord walked over to Fluttershy and told her, "Twilight is right, my dear. Your way with wild animals will surely come in handy. Don't worry about the animals in the meadow. Twilight and I asked Spike to take care of them." "You can count on me!" Angel bumped Spike's head with his foot multiple times. Spike freaked out which scared all the animals away. "Hey! Hey! Wait!" Spike chased after the animals. Twilight returned the map to her bag as Fluttershy said, "I don't really think he's up to the task. Maybe..." Discord put a comforting hoof on her. "It's okay. I gave Spike a few tips that you have shown me." Fluttershy smiled at him but even that sentence didn't give her the confidence she needed. "All right, girls. Move out!" With that, the Mane 6 and Discord made their way to the mountain. A loud snore scared Fluttershy, she hid behind Discord in fear. "Whoa! What was that?" Rainbow Dash asked. "That is what it sounds like when a dragon snores." "It's... it's so... high." "Well, it is a mountain. I'm gonna fly up there and check it out!" Discord used his magic to grab her by her tail. "Hold on, Rainbow. We should all go up together. There is safety in numbers." Rainbow crossed her arms. "Oh, all right." Slower than what Rainbow would like, they climbed the mountain. "I hear the only thing that sparkles more than a dragon's scales are the jewels they use to build their nests." Twilight looked at the map again, then put it back, happy they were following the right path. "I might be able to convince him to part with a few." Discord playfully rolled his eyes at that. I have a dragon leg and it doesn't sparkle, course, I don't have an obsession with gems.' "Welcome to my cave, Rarity. Care for a diamond? RRARRR!" The girls and Discord laughed but Twilight was not. "Girls! This is no laughing matter. Fluttershy, you're the expert on wild creatures. What do you think the dragon will be like?" Twilight and the others looked around and saw Fluttershy was nowhere in sight. Rainbow noticed her still on the ground. "Hey, what are you waiting for... an invitation?" Pinkie perked up and looked through her bag, "Ooh! I think I have one in my bag." Pinkie bought out an invitation causing confetti to burst out. "I-it's so... so... steep." "Well, it is a cliff. You could just... oh, I don't know... fly up here." "Come on, Fluttershy, you can do it! Flap those wings." Fluttershy flapped her wings and reached the height of the girls but once the dragon snored her wings closed up, making her fall to the ground. She tried to open her wings but she couldn't. Twilight sighed with frustration. "We don't have time for this." Discord took the map from her bag and looked through it. "Discord, what are you doing?" "I'm going to take Fluttershy around the mountain another way. I'm going to use this to help guide us." Rainbow Dash groaned and Discord slid down the mountain. "Around the mountain? That's gonna take them forever." Once Discord made it to the ground, the dragon snored loudly again. Fluttershy flipped to her back in fear. "Don't worry, my dear. We'll be there as fast as we can." Twilight watched the smoke go further into Equestria, worrying her greatly. The girls continued up the mountain while Discord stayed behind with Fluttershy. 'This is going to be a challenge.' Discord bent down to her level and began to talk to her. "Fluttershy…" "I can't do it Discord! I'm sorry I can't do it, I'm just too scared." He smiled at her. "Fluttershy, it's okay. We're all scared of the dragon. We don't know what could happened. Besides, everypony has fears. Even me." He hesitated but he knew if he said it, it would help her. "Okay, it was a really long time ago, but when I was a colt, I would go to the gardens often. The plants, the peaceful quietness, was so calming to me but..." He bit his lip. "But what?" He sighed. "Can you keep a secret?" She turned over on her stomach and nodded timidly. "Whenever I saw the statues of ponies, I... I ran away." Fluttershy was completely shocked. Discord was one of the bravest ponies she ever met, she didn't think he was scared of anything. "Why?" "Because I had this strange fear that I could turn into a statue or I would be turned to stone." He laughed a bit. "Weird I know, but I just would get this panicking feeling that I'll turn into a statue and not be able to move or talk. I would just be cold and in the dark with nopony to help me. Just alone with my thoughts…" He shuddered in fear. "How did you get over it?" She asked, hoping he had a spell that would help her. "I would talk to my mom about it, Princess Luna, she told me that could never happen and after walking with her through the garden, I eventually got over it. But, if I being honest, I still have that nagging fear about being a statue." "I'm sorry that happened to you." With a smile, Discord told her, "There's nothing you could do about it, my dear. The point is we all have fears, sometimes we just have to face them if we wanna get through what we want in life." Fluttershy smiled at Discord. "Thank you Discord, but I'm still scared. It's so... high." "Hey, I'll catch you and if that dragon hurts you, I'll teach him a lesson he'll never forget. Now come along, That smoke is getting further into Equestria and we need to stop it." He stood up and held out his hoof to her. With a timid smile, she took his hoof and together, they walked to the mountain to their friends. It took a long time, but Discord and Fluttershy made it to their friends, who were waiting for hours for them. "Hello, girls. We made it." They were surprised to see Discord walking with Fluttershy but glad she finally came, even if it took a long time. They continued their trek up the mountain with Discord and Fluttershy slowly following behind them. They reached a gap and Rainbow Dash jumped over first. Twilight was next following Rarity, Pinkie, and Applejack then Discord. Fluttershy hugged a rock in fear. "Your turn, Fluttershy." "But it's so wide." Twilight held in a groan, they didn't have time for this. "Come on, Fluttershy. We should be much farther along by now." Applejack smiled and told her, "You could just leap on over." Fluttershy looked down at the gap. "I..." The dragon snored loudly again. fluttershy squealed in fear. "I don't know." She hugged the ground in fear. Applejack and Twilight just shook their heads. Pinkie Pie had a plan. "There's nothing to be afraid of. It's just a hop, skip, and a jump!" Pinkie jumped back to the cliff Fluttershy was on with ease. "See?" She smiled at Fluttershy showing the the ease of it. "It's not very far, just move your little rump. You can make it if you try with a hop, skip, and a jump." "We don't have time for this." Pinkie kept singing and each time she jumped back and forth, it gave Fluttershy a bit more confidence. "A hop, skip, and a jump, just move your little rump. A hop, skip, and a jump, a hop, skip, and a jump, a hop, skip, and a jump, a hop, skip, and a jump, a hop, skip, and a jump!" Fluttershy stood up and took a deep breath. "Okay, here I go." She went to the edge and prepared herself. "A hop..." The girls and Discord smiled, she was going to do it. They shouted words of encouragement at her. "skip..." Fluttershy jumped and Twilight told her, "Just don't look down." Fluttershy looked down and saw the ground, which was miles away from her. She stopped in fear and when she opened her eyes, her front hoofs were on the other side while the back hoofs were on the other side of the mountain. Rainbow Dash groaned. She flew back to the other side and started to push Fluttershy while Rarity and Pinkie pulled her. "I guess I forgot to jump." Fluttershy smiled while Rainbow Dash, who was under her, looked at her annoyed. 'We're going to be here for weeks!' They continued their trek up the mountain and Twilight noticed the area they were in. She whispered, "Let's keep it down. According to my map, we're entering an avalanche zone. The smallest peep could cause a huge rockslide." Terrified, Fluttershy studdered, "An-an ava...ava..." Twilight shushed her. The group began to walk quietly. Rainbow Dash continued to fly and she flew through a tree and two leaves fell and one Fluttershy's back. "AVALA-!" Discord quickly plugged his hoof into her mouth, her echos could be heard for several seconds. The group remained quiet and when the echoes stopped, everyone let out a sigh of relief. It wasn't over, the ground rumbled rocks started to fall from the mountain. "AVALANCHE!" Rainbow Dash flew around each falling boulder as everyone except Fluttershy ran in random directions, avoiding the falling rocks. Discord noticed Fluttershy not moving as a boulder was about to land on her. "FLUTTERSHY!" He ran as fast as he could and used his magic to stop the boulder then he moved her out of the way. Once the dust settled, everypony coughed. Nopony was harmed but now there was a large pile of dirt and rocks blocking their way. "Everypony okay?" Applejack asked. Fluttershy looked at Discord in awe. "You saved my life. Thank you." Discord blushed. "Yo-You're welcome, my dear. I did what needed to be done." "Whoo-hoo! Let's do it again!" Rarity shook the dirt off herself and it went onto Pinkie Pie. "Uh! This is why a girl always packs extra accessories." Once Rarity put on her scarf, she looked back at the bag. "Oh, please tell me I brought the tiara that goes with this." Rainbow Dash looked at Rarity and told her, "Uh, think we got bigger problems than making sure our hair bows match our horseshoes." She gestured to the large dirt mountain blocking their path. Everypony looked at the dirt mountain, knowing that their journey just got longer. Feeling guilty, Fluttershy said, "Sorry." Discord looked at her and said with sympathy in his voice, "Don't worry, my dear. It was an accident." Applejack confirmed his words to her. "He's right, no big whoop, sugar cube." Twilight smiled at her friend. "Yeah, we'll just have to..." She sighed. "...climb over." After the group made it over the dirt mountain, they continued their trek until they finally made it to the dragon's cave. "We're here." Everypony looked at the cave, not moving a muscle. Their journey up the mountain was hard but getting the dragon to leave would be even harder. Twilight and Discord had a plan. Taking a deep breath, Twilight said, "Rainbow Dash, you'll use your wings to clear the smoke." Rainbow Dash nodded and flew up into the sky. "Rarity and Pinkie Pie, you create a diversion to distract the dragon if things get a little hairy in there." Pinkie Pie took out her rubber chicken, happily squeaking it like a dog with a toy. "Applejack, you're ready with the apples in case he decides to attack." Applejack took two apples out of her bag and kicked them to a tree, smashing them. "Twilight and I have a few spells ready to help in case things get dicey. However, it shouldn't come to that because Fluttershy will do what she needs to do to wake him up. Between Twilight, Fluttershy, and I we should be able to get him to understand why he needs to go. Is everypony ready?" Everypony nodded in agreement except for Fluttershy who hugged the ground in fear. 'No. I'll never be ready.' Twilight and Discord walked into the cave, hoping they were ready for this. "So... what is the best way to wake up a sleeping dragon without upsetting him?" Twilight asked. "I am unsure, Fluttershy, what do you think?" When there wasn't an answer, they stopped in their tracks. "Fluttershy?" Twilight called out but there was no answer. Twilight groaned as she and Discord left the cave. "We don't have time for this." Discord understood Fluttershy's fear but he knew Twilight was right, they didn't have time for this. Fluttershy's face was in the ground, trying to hide. "We have to do this!" Twilight pushed Fluttershy forward but she didn't move. "Now!" Rainbow Dash helped her but Fluttershy used her hooves to prevent herself from moving. "Every..." Twilight pushed again with the others joining her from Discord, to Rarity, to Applejack, then. Pinkie Pie. "that dragon.." They pushed again. "...sleeps is another..." They pushed again. "...acre of Equestria that is covered in..." They started to move her with Applejack's help but it was barely working. "...smoke." Once Fluttershy heard that, she decided to speak up. "I...I... I can't go in the cave." Everypony groaned. "Oh, great! She's scared of caves now, too." Discord glared at her annoyed but shrugged it off as Fluttershy said, "I'm not scared of caves. I'm scared of dr..." Her words faded away. Applejack walked up to her asking, "What's that, sugar cube?" "I'm scared of drag..." Her words faded again. "What?" Twilight asked, still not understanding what she was saying. "I'm scared of dragons!" The dragon snored loudly and a cloud of black smoke came out covering them all. They all coughed it out and when it disappeared, Fluttershy was seen hiding behind Discord. "But, Fluttershy, you have a wonderful talent dealing with all kinds of animals," Twilight reasoned. "Yes, because they're not dragons." Rainbow Dash couldn't believe this. "Oh, come on! We've seen you walk right up to a horrible manticore like it was nothing." Fluttershy turned to look at her and said, "Yes because he wasn't a dragon." "My dear, Spike is a dragon. In fact, I can remember you being extremely interested in him asking him all kinds of questions about who he is and what he could do. You're not scared of him from what I can tell," Discord reasoned. "Yes, because he's not a huge, gigantic, terrifying, enormous teeth-gnashing, shark-scale-having, horn-wearing, smoke-snoring, could-eat-a-pony-in-one-bite, totally all-grown-up dragon." The dragon snored again, more smoke was released into Equestria. This statement terrified Discord, if she was scared of a dragon, what would she think of him as a draconequus. "But if you're so afraid of dragons, why didn't you say something before we came all the way up here?" Twilight asked her, clearly distressed that the original plan wouldn't work without her. "I was afraid to." Rainbow Dash groaned. "All of us are scared of that dragon." "I'm not!" Applejack and Discord rolled their eyes at Rainbow Dash's statement. "Almost all of us are scared of that dragon, but we've got a job to do." Applejack smiled at her, trying to give Fluttershy the confidence she needed. "My dear, Applejack is right. Remember what I told you, we all have fears, but we just need to have the courage to face them. Come on, Fluttershy, you, Twilight and I can do this together." Discord and the girls looked at her with confidence in their eyes but she couldn't do it. "I just... can't." Fluttershy walked away sadly, feeling bad that she was letting her friends down. Knowing she had a job to do, Twilight walked into the cave without Discord, who stood from a distance watching Fluttershy sadly. "I'm going in." Twilight said as she walked into the cave. Discord knew he had a job to do but when he looked at the sad pegasus he knew from experience words wouldn't bring her comfort. 'So, Fluttershy won't help and I just can't teleport that dragon just anywhere. What to do, what to do?' Discord paced as he thought of a different plan while the others tried their own ways. "All right! That's it!" Discord was taken out of his thoughts by Rainbow Dash's shouting. "We've tried persuasion, charm, whatever it is Pinkie Pie does. It's time to stop wasting time! I'm going in!" Rainbow Dash flew into the cave before Discord could stop her. "Rainbow Dash! Don't do anything rash!" The dragon looked at Rainbow annoyed then she kicked him. "GET OUT!" The dragon sneezed smoke on Rainbow Dash then he growled angerly at her. Rainbow smiled nervously, she knew she made a mistake. "Heh, sorry!" Rainbow was roared out of the cave and she knocked everypony down like bowling pins. The dragon stomped out of the cave as the girls ran around in fear. They hid behind Discord but before he could do anything, he roared smoke at them. They all rolled into a large rock when broke revealing a terrified Fluttershy. She peeked out and saw her friends down. 'Oh no!' She looked up at the dragon and then back to her friends. She did the same action again, she knew what she needed to do. With a deep breath, she said, "How dare you?" The dragon didn't hear her so now she was serious. She flew up and started to shout. "How dare you!" The dragon stopped in his tracks as Fluttershy walked on his snout. She walked to his eye and gave him the stare. "Listen here, mister. Just because you're big doesn't mean you get to be a bully! You may have huge teeth, and sharp scales, and snore smoke, and breathe fire. But you do not! I repeat. You do not! Hurt! My! Friends! You got that?" The dragon whimpered in fear while everypony looked at her amazed. Fluttershy was shouting and standing up for them. She was facing one of her greatest fears. Discord couldn't help but be amazed at the sight. 'Wow, she's kind of cute when she's angry.' "Well?" She asked, making sure the dragon understood her. "But that rainbow one kicked me." Rainbow Dash smiled nervously at that. Fluttershy's tone softened as she spoke again. "And I am very sorry about that." Rainbow stopped nodding, confused why Fluttershy was apologizing. "But you're bigger than she is, and you should know better. You should also know better than to take a nap where your snoring can become a health hazard to other creatures." "But I..." "Don't you 'but I' me, mister. Now what do you have to say for yourself? I said, what do you have to say for yourself?" Fluttershy sounded like she was talking to a child who broke a vase and that's when the dragon started to cry. His tears were falling on them like rain. Fluttershy smiled and started to soothe him. "There, there. No need to cry. You're not a bad dragon, you just made a bad decision. Now go pack your things. You just need to find a new place to sleep. That's all." As Fluttershy landed her friends cheered for her, she encouraged the dragon to leave and the smoke would soon be gone. "You did it! I knew you could do it," Twilight told her. Discord hugged her which surprised her. "Sorry, my dear. But you were amazing. Like I told you, we all have fears, but we just need to have the courage to face them. You showed incredible courage today. That was delightful!" The dragon gathered his things and then left to find a new place to sleep. After everypony returned to Ponyville, the pegasi cleared the skies. Meanwhile, Spike was trying to get Fluttershy's animals back in one place. "I said, come back here!" Angel was being the most difficult since he climbed a bookshelf to get away from him. Spike managed to grab him after a few minutes and he held the bunny by his foot. "How does Fluttershy put up with you furry, little things?" Twilight entered the library ready for her next letter. "Spike? Take a letter." He sighed happily as he dropped Angel. "With pleasure." Dear Princess Celestia, I am happy to report that the dragon has departed our fair country and that it was my good friend Fluttershy who convinced him to go. This adventure has taught me to never lose faith in your friends. They can be an amazing source of strength and can help you overcome even your greatest fears. Always your faithful student, Twilight Sparkle. "Twilight, you gotta come see this!" Applejack shouted. Twilight walked out to her balcony and saw Rainbow Dash bouncing her ball. "She's just five away from a new pony record." The girls watched her bounce the ball, getting closer and closer to the new record. "347, 348..." A roar stopped her in her tracks. "DRAGON!" Rainbow fell to her back in fear like Fluttershy did earlier causing all of her friends to laugh. "Why are you laughing? That awful dragon is back!" Discord appeared out of nowhere and roared again. "Like it? I've been practicing it for hours. With some help from Pinkie Pie," Discord told her with a playful smile. "Discord! You scared me!" Her eyes widened at what she said, "I mean, uh... you broke my concentration." Discord smiled and walked away as Fluttershy flew to her friend and said, "It's okay, Rainbow Dash. Not everypony can be as brave as me." A leaf fell and it landed on Fluttershy who squeaked in fear. She landed on her face, frozen in fear as everypony laughed. > Bridle Gossip > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was just another beautiful day in Ponyville, not a cloud was in the sky. Discord had left for a few days to talk about the Gala with his aunt and Twilight told him everything about her first sleepover. It sounded like fun to him, he's never had a sleepover with friends. Course, he never had friends until now. "Wow, what a gorgeous day." "Rainbow Dash must have gotten up early for once and cleared all the clouds away," Spike joked. "Who knows? My aunt's sun is shining, the sky is clear, it just makes you want to fly... if you have wings that is." "Yeah, I bet all of Ponyville is gonna be out enjoying the sunshine." They looked around and saw nopony around. "What? Where is everypony?" The entire town seemed deserted, ponies shut their windows, they forced their fillies and colts inside. "Is it some sort of pony holiday?" Spike asked looking for at least one pony outside. "I don't know. I know some towns have unique holidays but this feels like something out of a horror show." "Does my breath stink?" Spike breathed fire and sniffed the air. "Not more than usual," Twilight told him. "Is it... zombies?!" Discord chuckled a bit. "Zombies are creatures of the undead. In the last thousands moons, nopony has seen a creature of the undead, nor have they been capable of creating one. So, it's unlikely," Discord explained. "Not likely, but possible?" Twilight closed her eyes trying of thinking what to say but she heard something. "Psst." They looked around and saw Pinkie Pie in the dark at Sugar Cube Corner. She was calling out to them. "Twilight! Discord! Spike! Come here!" They stood in place, confused at the sight. "Come here! Hurry! Before she gets you!" With that they ran into Sugar Cube Corner, thinking there was danger in the area. A flashlight shined on them. Scared, Spike hugged Twilight while she and Discord rubbed their eyes at the sudden light. "Who? The zombie pony?" "Z-zombie pony?" Pinkie Pie stuttered. Spike hugged Twilight harder to where she couldn't almost breath. "Spike, there are no zombie ponies. Pinkie, what are you doing here alone in the dark?" Twilight asked as Spike got off her back. "I'm not alone in the dark." Their eyes adjusted to the light and they saw the rest of their friends with Applejack's little sister, Apple Bloom. "Okay, then, what are you all doing here in the dark?" Discord asked them, he couldn't understand why they were hiding. 'Is it a bad pony? Or a creature? If so, why hasn't my Aunt heard about this?' "We're hiding from her." Terrified, Applejack barely opened the curtain and pointed outside. Confused, Twilight, Discord, and Spike looked outside and saw a pony wearing a robe, digging in the dirt. Discord and Twilight watched her, waiting for something bad to happen but she just looked their way, terrifying everypony except for Twilight and Discord. They looked at the ponies and dragon annoyed. 'They're scared of a pony? Why? What did she do?' Discord thought to himself. "Did you see her, Twilight and your highness? Did you see…Zecora?" Apple Bloom asked them scared. Applejack looked at her sister and scolded her, "Apple Bloom! I told you never to say that name!" "And kid, just call me Discord, I don't like being called your highness. It's so... regal," Discord told her. She smiled at him, glad to know he was a cool as her sister told him. "And Apple Bloom, I saw her glance this way," Twilight told her still confused why her friends were scared out of their minds. "Glance e-e-evilly this way!" Pinkie Pie told with spooky tone in her voice. "... and then a bunch of you flip out for no good reason." Discord chuckled. "Yeah, I mean it's just a pony. What harm can she do?" "No good reason and just a pony?" Applejack pulled Apple Bloom closer to her which made the young filly a bit uncomfortable. "You call protectin' your kin no good reason and that weird looking thing just a pony?" Applejack let her go and started patting her head. "Why, as soon as my sister saw Zecora ridin' into town, she started shakin' in her little horseshoes!" She shook her sister back and forth to show her point. Apple Bloom then said in a shaky voice. "Diiid nooot!" Applejack put her on her back then said, "So swept her up and brought her here." "I walked here myself!" Apple Bloom told her. "…for safekeepin'." Apple Bloom got off her sister's back and told her, "Applejack, I'm not a baby! I can take care of myself!" Discord couldn't help but feel sorry for Apple Bloom, his mother and aunt were overprotective of him sometimes so he knew how she felt. 'Wow, and I thought my mom and my aunt were overprotective.' "Not from that creepy Zecora," Applejack told her with confidence. "She's mysterious..." Fluttershy said softly but loud enough for others to hear her. "Sinister," Rainbow Dash added. "And spooooky!" Pinkie Pie said in a creepy tone. Twilight Sparkle and Discord, clearly unconvinced, took another look out the window and found themselves at the bottom of a six-pony-and-one-dragon crush doing likewise. The brown-cloaked figure of Zecora put down her hood which exposed a dark gray and white striped, Mohawk-like mane and gold hoops in the ears. The group gasped at the sight. "Will you cut that out?" Twilight told them. "Just look at those stripes. So garish," Rarity said, horrified by her fashion sense. "She's a zebra," Discord told her bluntly. "A what?!?" The ponies shouted. "A zebra. And her stripes aren't a fashion choice, Rarity. They're what she was born with." Rarity cried out in horror and fainted on the spot. Discord rolled eyes and muttered under his breath. "Oh brother." He couldn't believe that these ponies were so scared of a zebra. "Born where? I never seen a pony like that in these parts…'cept her!" Applejack sounded terrified as she spoke. "Well, she's probably not from here, and she's not a pony. My books say that zebras come from a faraway land. But I've never seen her in Ponyville. Where does she live?" Spike snuck off while the ponies were talking to get a snack for himself. "That's just it. She lives in…the Everfree Forest!" A thunderclap shakes the room, scaring the daylights out of her, Fluttershy, and Pinkie. Twilight knew the culprit. "Spike!" Spike dropped multiple pans and pots while getting the snack. "Uh, sorry." Discord, hoping he could get them to calm down, said, "Applejack, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna and I lived in the Everfree Forest thousands of moons ago, I don't see what's so bad about that." Applejack then pointed out, "Yeah but only because you left after Princess Luna's banishment. The Everfree Forest just ain't natural. The plants grow…" "Animals care for themselves…" Fluttershy added. "And the clouds move…" Rainbow Dash added. Together, the three ponies said, "…all on their own!" Rarity cried out in horror again and fainted. Discord sighed annoyed. 'Drama-queen.' "And that wicked enchantress Zecora lives there doing her evil…stuff! Oh, she's so evil, I even wrote a song about her!" Pinkie Pie told them. Rainbow Dash, in a tired tone, said, "Here we go." "She's an evil enchantress. She does evil dances. And if you look deep in her eyes. She'll put you in trances. Then what will she do? She'll mix up an evil brew. Then she'll gobble you up. In a big tasty stew. Soooo... Watch out!" She struck the best two-legged menacing pose she could and heaved for breath. Everypony just looked at her confused and shocked at the song. "Wow not bad, quite a catchy song actually," Discord complemented. "It's a work in progress." "This is all just a lot of gossip and rumors," Twilight told them. "Yeah I mean, she can't be that bad," Discord pointed out. Twilight agreed with him. "Exactly, now tell me what exactly have you actually seen Zecora do?" Rainbow Dash started with each thing they have noticed. "Well…once a month, she comes into Ponyville." Sarcasticly, Twilight said, "Ooooh!" Rarity then said, "Then…she lurks by the stores." Fake terrified, Twilight said, "Oh, my!" "And then, she digs at the ground," Fluttershy faked dug into the ground. Sarcastly, Twilight said "Good gracious!" While they were pointing out each "evil" thing Zecora has done, Discord couldn't help but think of his draconequus form. Everypony thought he was evil because of his magic or his appearance. Nopony tried to talk to him or be kind to him. If he didn't have his mother or his aunt, who knows what could have happened. 'They are judging Zecora for her actions and looks, just like me, these ponies are being ridiculous.' "Okay, I'm sorry, but how is any of this bad? Maybe she comes to town to visit." Twilight's voice took him out of his thoughts as she made a valid point. "Yeah! Maybe she's just tryin' to be neighborly," Apple Bloom pointed out. Discord smiled uncomfortably adding, "And not doing evil things." "And maybe she's not lurking by the stores, maybe she's going to them, lurk-free, to do some shopping?" Twilight pointed out. "Yeah! Everypony likes to shop. You know what I think?" Applejack looked at her sister scoldingly, "Apple Bloom! Hush and let the big ponies talk." "I am a big pony," Apple Bloom said to herself. The Mane 6 started to talk amongst themselves as Pinkie Pie sang her song about Zecora and once Twilight said, "I am sure there's an explanation for everything Zecora does. And if anypony here were actually brave enough to approach her she would find out the truth." That's when Discord and Apple Bloom got an idea. 'I can go up to her, I'm a draconequus, I can handle myself.' He watched Apple Bloom leave and he decided to join her. They watched her from a distance, digging at the ground, dodging each time they looked at her. "Discord, what are you doing here?" Apple Bloom whispered. "Same as you, kid, I'm going to get down to the bottom of this. Prove that all these rumors are just a bunch of hooey." Apple Bloom smiled at him. Once Zecora finished digging in the ground, she left and they pair started to follow her. Back at Sugar Cube Corner, Twilight was still trying to get her friends to see past the ridiculousness of their actions and ideas with Zecora. "You ponies are being ridiculous!" "Well, I heard that Zecora eats hay," Pinkie Pie told her. Twilight rolled her eyes and retorted , "Pinkie, I eat hay. You eat hay." That wasn't enough for her since Pinkie said, "Yeah, but I heard it's the e-e-evil way she eats hay." That's when Applejack noticed it. "Hey! Where's Apple Bloom?" "Discord is missing too!" Twilight noticed. "The door is open," Fluttershy pointed out. "They went outside!" Rarity said distressed. "And Zecora's still out there," Rainbow Dash pointed out terrifying everypony. A young filly and the prince of Equestria were outside where they would get hurt or worse. "That silly little filly! I told her to stay put." With that the Mane 6 ran out and Twilight told Spike, "Spike, you stay here in case Apple Bloom or Discord come back." "Will do!" From a distance, Discord and Apple Bloom were still following Zecora. Discord just wanted to confront her but he had a filly with him and he needed to be careful. Sure, the girls just told them rumors but he knew that this could end badly if he made a mistake. As Zecora entered the Everfree Forest, the duo followed her. On the outskirts, Apple Bloom hesitated while Discord entered it with ease. "Come on, I'll protect you." With a smile and a deep breath, Apple Bloom walked in the forest. The pair followed her exact path, including avoiding the blue flowers on the way. "Apple Bloom, Discord!" Zecora turned around and saw the pair following her. They turned and saw the Mane 6 in the plethora of blue flowers. "You get back here right now!" "Beware! Beware, you pony folk! Those leaves of blue are not a joke." Applejack ran over and scoped her sister on her back. "Y-you keep your creepy mumbo jumbo to yourself, you hear!" The group, except for Twilight and Discord agreed with her. "Oh, brother." "Beware! Beware!" A fog engulfed the scene and Zecora disappeared into it. "Yeah! Back at you, Zecora! You and your lame curse are the ones who'd better beware!" Rainbow Dash shouted back. "And you! Why couldn't you just listen to your big sister?" Apple Bloom didn't know what to say. "I-I..." Twilight was then reminded of a pony she needed to scold. "And Discord! You gotta be more responsible!" "What? I'm a full grown pony. What makes you think I'm irresponsible?" Discord told her. 'Well, I'm a full grown draconequus but still." Sarcastically, Twilight said, "Oh gee, let me think." One time, Twilight was working on a soup but then it exploded because Discord put something in it. "DISCORD!" "Oops." Another time, Discord crashed through the ceiling while Twilight was sleeping. She woke up with a start and looked at him annoyed. He smiled nervously at her as he waved The third memory was when they were returning from a trip to the shop and the lights were on in the Golden Oak Library. "Discord! What did I tell you about leaving the lights on?!" The lights suddenly flicker on and off until the power went out. Twilight sighed, "I'll get the candles." Discord rubbed the back of his head. "Okay, so yesterday was a bad day. That doesn't mean I'm irresponsible. I was going to protect Apple Bloom incase something happened." "That's not the point! Who knows what kind of nasty curse Zecora could have just put on you two?" Applejack told them. "Just like in my song. Evil Enchantress! With the dances! And the trances!" Twilight was still baffled that these ponies believed this rumors. "You guys, there's no such thing as curses." "Twilight is right. Curses aren't real." Rainbow Dash flew through the flowers and added while pointing out her horn, "Well, that's interesting to hear coming from Mister and Miss Magic Pants themselves." Twilight looked at her annoyed then said, "Our magic, real magic, comes from within. It's a skill you're born with. Curses are artificial, fake magic. It's conjured with potions and incantations all smoke and mirrors meant to scare." Rainbow Dash mocked Twilight in the background, not believing her for a second. "But curses have no real power." "Twilight is right again. They're just an old pony tale." The girls left, leaving Twilight, Discord, and Applejack alone. "Just you wait, Twilight and Discord. You're gonna learn that some pony tales really are true." Later that night, Twilight and Discord both experienced nightmares. Twilight couldn't help but think about what her friends said about Zecora in her dreams while Discord had a night about his friends finding out that he's a draconequus. "Get the freak!" Discord ran as fast as he could, everypony knew. They knew he was a draconequus and they hated him for it. He was backed into a corner. He saw six dark shapes with red eyes and fangs. "Ugh! He's so ugly. Look at that arms and legs. How uncouth!" "I'll wrangle him like a unruly hog!" "Yeah, If he flies, I'll catch him, I'm the fastest pony in Equestria!" "I'll never invite him to a party! "I could never like a freak like you. I can't believe we had tea parties every week!" "It's over, Discord. We have to turn you to stone." The dark shapes revealed themselves to be his friends. They had the Elements on and they were gathering energy. "No, No, NO! I didn't do anything. I haven't hurt anypony. I would never hurt anypony!" The rainbow appeared and shot itself at him. Discord woke up sweaty and freaked out. He looked at his claws and sighed. He turned himself back to normal. 'They hate Zecora. They fear her for her looks and certain things she does. Maybe he should never reveal himself, if they didn't like Zecora then they would hate him even more. He heard a scream and came rushing out. "What?! What happened?" Twilight and Spike were in the library looking through various books. "Twilight, what's going on?" "I don't know!" She turned to him and her horn was now floppy and covered in blue polka dots. "Whoa! What in Equestria happened to you?" She shook her head. "I don't know, I've searched through all my books and I've found nothing. There isn't a cure for this in any of my book!" "Twilight, calm down. There is a reasonable explanation for this," Discord told her. "A curse!" Spike said, looking up from his book. "It needs to be a real reason... something that points to something real," Twilight told him. Spike showed her the book he was reading. "Supernaturals? Spike, the word "Supernatural" refers to things like ghosts and spirits and zombies, which are as make-believe as curses. This book is just a bunch of hooey." Spike looked down discouraged. "But what if you're wrong, Twilight? What if this really is a..." "A pfurse!" Pinkie Pie came in and her tongue was bigger and it was covered with blue polka dots. "A purse? How could it be a purse?" Spike asked confused. "I think she means curse, Spike," Discord told him. "Pinkie! What happened?!" Twilight asked concerned. "Pee pah pah pfurse pah! Pee pah pah pfurse pah pah!" Pinkie spat on Spike and he was covered in spit. "Hey, say it, don't spray it, Pinkie!" A crash shocked all of them. "Ow!" It was Rainbow Dash, her wings were upside down on her and were on her chest under her front legs. "She's..." She kept crashing into the window with almost every word. "Trying to say... ow!... Zecora...she slapped us all with a... ow!" Rainbow crashed into the library and she crashed into a wall. "...curse!" "I'm afraid I have to agree." Rarity came in and her hair had grown long. Her mane, tail, and her white hair had grown to unexpected proportions overnight. She blew the hair out of her face so she could see her friends but it didn't help. Twilight and Spike gasped at the sight. Discord was just in shock, everypony had something happen to them overnight. "I hate to say I told you so, Twilight, but I told you so!" Applejack had shrunk to the size of a pin and her voice was high pitched. Apple Bloom had to bring her since she was too small to walk to the library. Everypony gasped at the sight, what happened to her was near impossible. "It's a curse, I tells ya!" Fluttershy came in and she was the only one who didn't have anything different about her. She seemed completely normal. "But Fluttershy seems just fine." "Yes, there doesn't seem to be a thing wrong with her," Rarity pointed out. Fluttershy looked down, it was obvious something was wrong but she didn't say it. "Fluttershy? Are you okay?" Twilight asked her, but the pegasus turned away, she didn't seem to want to speak. "Is there something wrong with you?" She nodded. "Would you care to tell us?" Twilight asked her but Fluttershy refused to look at her. "So... you're not gonna tell us?" Fluttershy nodded. "Yes, you're not, or Yes, you will?" Fluttershy shook her head but Applejack has had enough with this. "Good gravy, girl! What's wrong with you?!" "I don't want to talk about it," Fluttershy had a deep male voice which shocked everypony but Discord and Spike laughed uproariously. This was the funniest thing either of them have seen in ages. They completely ignore the angry look Twilight aimed at them. "This is simply hilarious!" Discord said between laughs. "Right!" Spike laughed again. "Look at all of you! We got Hair-ity." Discord pointed at Rainbow and said, "Rainbow Crash." Spike pointed at Pinkie and said, "Spittie Pie." Discord pointed at Applejack and said, "Apple-Tini." Spike pointed at Fluttershy and said, Flutterguy." Discord pointed at Twilight and said, "And Twilight Flopple." Spike laughed at Twilight's nickname. "Good one Discord." They high-fived each other leaving Twilight more annoyed. "This is no joke, you two. Now start looking more books so I can find a cure." Spike and Discord couldn't help by look at Twilight's horn which was flopping around. They groaned as they walked over to a pile of books in search for a cure. The group began to argue about whether or not they were cursed by Zecora. Apple Bloom watched them fight and couldn't help but feel guilty. "This is all my fault." Discord could hear the young filly talk to herself. "If I hadn't followed Zecora in the first place, none of this would have happened. I just got to fix this." Discord whispered to Spike about his plan and he nodded. Discord walked out with Apple Bloom not knowing a tiny pony joined them. A few minutes after Discord and Apple Bloom left, the girls noticed that they were gone. Knowing exactly where they went, they decided to go after Zecora. Discord and Fluttershy ran into the Everfree Forest with a mission to find a cure for their friends. "Stop right there!" They could hear Applejack but they couldn't see her. Applejack appeared from Apple Bloom's mane and told her, "Turn around right now, Missy! Discord, I can't believe you brought her here again! Take her home, now!" The two smirked then said, "No!" Applejack was stunned. "No?! You can't ignore a direct order from your big sister! And you, I don't care that you're a prince! Take my sister home!" Apple Bloom tossed Applejack into the air and caught her. She set her on a branch and laughed, her sister couldn't get down, even if she tried. "Sorry, Applejack, but I'm the big sister now." "I promise, my dear. Nothing will happen to your sister." The duo left her alone. She shouted at them but they didn't come back. "Apple Bloom, Discord, you come back here right this instant! I'm gonna tell Big Macintosh on you!" The duo didn't return, leaving her trapped. "Oh, pony feathers." Discord and Apple Bloom arrived at Zecora's hut and needless to say, they felt a bit nervous. "It's okay, Apple Bloom. Remember, curses are just old pony tales. I think Zecora can help, even if the others don't think so." Apple Bloom smiled and nodded. They walked up to the door and knocked. Zecora answered the door and this time, she wasn't wearing her robe. She wore five golden necklaces, she had an odd shaped sun that reminded them of a cutie mark and golden bracelets on his front left hoof. "Hello, my name is Discord and this is Apple Bloom." Apple Bloom waved nervously at Zecora. "You saw us yesterday, remember." She smiled. "Yes, I remember. I saw you and dear Apple Bloom." "Great, something is wrong with our friends and we were hoping you had something that could help," Discord told her. "I do indeed. But I must admit, there are some ingredients I can never seem to get. Come in, I have some tea, but I must admit, all I have is green." "No worries. Apple Bloom and I can get the ingredients, what do you need?" Fluttershy, Rarity, Twilight, and Pinkie Pie arrived at Zecora's home and they were all creeped out. It was like nothing they had ever seen before. "Oh! I look horrible!" Rarity was covered in leaves, sticks, and dirt. Her long hair was getting caught on everything. "Plis place plooks horrible!" Pinkie Pie moved Rarity's hair to show her Zecora's home. "Oh, my. This place really does look horrible." Twilight nervously walked over to the home along with the others. They peeked through a window and saw her decor. "Nice decorations... if you like creepy!" Zecora came into with a face in her mouth. The ponies hid from sight and Zecora poured an odd substance into her cauldron. She spoke in a native language that the girls couldn't understand. Pinkie Pie noticed something and said, "Pfhe psole my psung! Pshe spluh mm mm!" The girls couldn't understand her at all. "She stole your song?" Rarity asked. "Oh, Pinkie. It doesn't sound anything like your song," Twilight told her. Pinkie looked at Twilight then realized she couldn't do much. So, she looked at Fluttershy pleadingly. She sighed and started to sing, "She's an evil enchantress. And she does evil dances. And if you look deep in her eyes. She'll put you in trances. Then what will she do? She'll mix up an evil brew. Then she'll gobble you up. In a big tasty stew. Soooo... Watch out!" "You saw those terrible things. Now do you believe us, Twilight," Rarity said, hoping that Twilight would now believe them. "Scary masks, confusing incantations, and a great big bubbling caldron? Everything is pointing to Zecora being bad. Or…what if Zecora's just making soup?" Twilight reasoned. "Mmm…the perfect temperature for ponies, I presume. Now, where are Discord and Apple Bloom?" Twilight now started to panic, their friends little sister and the prince of Equestria were about to be made into a soup. "Or…what if she's making Discord and Apple Bloom soup?" The ponies screamed in fear just as Rainbow Dash and Applejack came crashing into Zecora's home. "I'm coming for you, Apple Bloom!" Zecora shouted in her native language as Rainbow Dash crashed into various bottles and masks in Zecora's home. Twilight, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy stormed into and Twilight asked, "What have you done with Apple Bloom and Discord?!" "NO! NO!" Zecora didn't answer the question as she shouted at Rainbow Dash to stop destroying her home. Applejack used a lasso to grab Zecora's ear and she wrestled it like a hog but it failed to be threatening. Rainbow Dash continued to crash into the walls and various objects in Zecora's home. "Ponies, what is this you..." Rainbow knocked over Zecora's cauldron spilling the green substance everywhere. "No! You know not what you do! You've gone and spilled my precious brew!" "We're onto you, Zecora. I didn't want to believe that you cursed us, but the evidence is overwhelming." "You made me look ridiculous." "You made me sound ridiculous." "Pfe pfuh pfuh psound puf-pluh-pli-plus!" "You ruined my horn!" This infuriated Zecora, they accused her of things she never did. "How dare you?! You destroy my home, destroy my work, then rudely accuse me of being a jerk?!" Annoyed, Rainbow Dash told her, "You put this curse on us, now you're gonna un-curse us!" "It is unwise to venture down this road. Your actions will make my anger explode!" Zecora told them scaring them all. She could curse them again but Twilight gained the courage she knew that she needed. "Where is Apple Bloom? Where is Prince Discord, nephew of Princess Celestia?" Zecora and Twilight was about to get into a fight until they heard a familiar voice. "Zecora! I think we found all the things you asked for." Apple Bloom and Discord looked inside and saw Zecora's home completely destroyed and their friends and sister in her home. "What in chaos' name is going on here?" Discord asked confused. Applejack gasped, shocked to see her sister alive and well. "Apple Bloom. You're okay!" The small pony was still on Zecora's ear trying to tie her down. "Why wouldn't I be, Discord's been with me the whole time." Discord nodded. Feeling relieved, Fluttershy said, "Discord! Thank goodness you're okay." "Of course we're okay my dear, why wouldn't we be?" Twilight stood in front of them protectively. "Because Zecora is an evil enchantress who cursed us and was gonna cook you both up into soup!" To Twilight's surprise, Zecora Apple Bloom and Discord laughed. "Oh Twilight, did those silly fillies finally get in your head?" Apple Bloom laughed. "Yeah, you know there's no such thing as a curse." "Apple Bloom, sweetie, you can't just stand there and tell me this isn't a curse," Twilight told her as if it was a matter of fact, gesturing to her friends and their cursed appearances/voice. "This isn't a curse." Apple Bloom and Discord walked inside. "If you will remember back, the words I spoke were quite exact." They looked at each other then Discord told them. "She said, Beware! Beware, you pony folk. Those leaves of blue are not a joke." "Yeah, it was a warning about that blue plant. It's called Poison Joke." Apple Bloom told them. "That plant is much like Poison Oak, but its results are like a joke." "What in the hay does that mean?" Applejack asked her. "It means this plant does not breed wrath. Instead, this plant just wants a laugh." Applejack was still confused so she said, "Will somepony please talk normal?" Twilight thinks she understands now. "I think what she's saying is that when we ran in to save Apple Bloom and Discord, we ran into the Poison Joke. All our problems are just little jokes it played on us." "Little jokes?! Very funny." Applejack did not see the joke. Discord took a bow and said, "Created my yours truly." The Mane 6 looked at him annoyed and Twilight said, "What?" "See, before my mom was banished to the moon, I took a heavy interest in plants. I wanted to make one that would be funny or be used to pull pranks. Thus Poison Joke was born, though, it looks far different from when I first made it. It used to be pink but now it's blue an it didn't have four petals, it had five. Evolution is crazy isn't it." Twilight gave Discord her annoyed scowl. "Hey, don't give me that look. I got in trouble when I sent it to a colt. I didn't even recognize the plant." Ignoring that, Rainbow Dash said, "What about the cauldron?" Fluttershy then asked, "And the chanting?" Rarity then asked, "And the creepy decor." Zecora was happy to show them her things. "Treasures of the native land where I am from. The one speaks "Hello" and this... "welcome"." Rarity looked at a mask that had long green viney hair that creeped her out. "Not welcoming at all, if you ask me." Zecora continued her answering. "The words I chanted were from olden times... something you call a nursery rhyme." Twilight was letting it all sink in then she asked, "But the cauldron, the Discord and Apple Bloom soup?" "Look here, Twilight, that pot of water wasn't for me or Discord. It was for all there herbal ingredients. The cure for poison joke is a simple, old natural remedy." She lifted her sister on her hoof as she said, "You just got to take a bubble bath." Twilight read through the book and it did indeed show the cure for Poison Joke. "But I tried to find a cure in all my books and couldn't find anything. What book has this natural remedy?" Zecora closed the book revealing the same book Spike had shown her earlier. "Here is the book. You see? Sad that you lack it in your library." Twilight looked down then back to Zecora. "Actually, I do have this book. But I didn't look inside because the title was so... weird." Zecora opened the book to page she needed to read. "Supernaturals... natural remedies and cure-alls that are simply super. I...I... I'm so sorry, Zecora. I had the answer the whole time, if only I'd bothered to look inside." Zecora laughed. "Maybe next time you will take a second look and not judge the cover of the book." Apple Bloom laughed. "She's right. Twilight, the reason I made Poison Joke was to get back at a pony who judged me. My horn and eyes are not like normal unicorns." Twilight did remember Discord and Princess Celestia mentioning that he had no friends and many ponies judged him for his horn and eyes. She also remembered what he said a few weeks ago but decided to keep quiet about it. "I sent it to him not realizing what my actions would cause. I made a simple cure even when making it but still, it didn't end well. My mom and Aunt found out about it after ponies came to them about what happened. I learned my lesson from that but the point is, you can't just look at a somepony and judge them for their looks or actions. You never know what they can do for you." Zecora nodded. Twilight asked, "Zecora, would you be kind enough to mix up another batch of the herbal bath?" "Mix it up, I certainly will. Yet I am missing an herb from Ponyville," Zecora told her. "But whenever Zecora comes into town, all the shops are mysteriously closed," Apple Bloom told her. Twilight smiled as she got an idea and it seems her friends had the same idea as her. "Oh, well, I think we can help you with that." Discord, Apple Bloom, Zecora, and the Mane 6 entered town and everypony fled into their homes are stores. Twilight approached the flower shop and said, "Daisy, we need to talk." After explaining to the town about who Zecora really is, they went to the spa and Zecora was able to cure them of the Poison Joke. Rarity's hair was back to normal, Fluttershy's voice was soft again, Twilight's horn was straight, Pinkie Pie did a cannon ball and her tongue turned back to normal. Rainbow Dash helped Zecora, Apple Bloom, and Discord pour the remedy into the bath and once Rainbow finished, she joined her friends in the bath. Dear Princess Celestia, My friends and I all learned an important lesson this week and your nephew, Discord, helped us. He showed us that you should never judge a book by its cover. Someone may look unusual or funny or scary, but you have to look past that and learn who they are inside. Real friends don't care what your cover is. It's the contents of a pony that count. And a good friend, like a good book, is something that will last forever. Your faithful student, Twilight Sparkle. Lotus Blossom approached Zecora and asked, "Miss Zecora, I would love to get the recipe for this bath. It's simply luxurious." Zecora smiled and she was about to give it until Apple Bloom realized something. "APPLEJACK! Hey! Where's Applejack?!" The ponies started to freak out, thinking they stepped on her or she drowned in the bath. "I'm right here, little sis." Applejack was in her own bath that was perfect for her previous size, now she's much too big for it. "I ain't tiny no more." "Oh! I have never felt so lovely in all my life," Rarity said feeling so relaxed. "OH MY GOSH! I never realized how horrible it is not to be able to talk! I mean, I love talking so much and when I couldn't talk anymore, my tongue was all... aaaah!" She stuck her tongue out, remembering what the Poison Joke did to her. "It was the worst! Don't you agree, Fluttershy?" Fluttershy smiled and nodded in agreement. "Yes." Her voice was back to normal giving all the ponies a good laugh. A few days later, Zecora requested that Discord come to her hut to talk about something. He wasn't sure what but it seemed serious if she wanted to see him alone. He knocked on her door and welcome in her. "Welcome, Discord. Thank you for coming without an escort." "You're welcome, Zecora. You wanted to speak to me about something." She gave him a cup of tea then said, "I know what you are, Discord. Tell me, why do you keep this disguise? You may have tricked other eyes, yet theirs are different from mine." Discord paled at her words. "What are you talking about? I'm just a normal unicorn, just like Twilight and Rarity." She laughed. "You cannot fool me, I think on this, we can agree?" Discord sighed. "So, you can see through my disguise? Do you know what I am?" She nodded. "A draconequus hiding as a pony, how could this come to be?" Discord started his story, how he was abandoned by his mother, how Luna found him and treated him like a son, and how he got his pony disguise. "I am sorry that has happened to you. Is there any chaos you are going to brew?" "Never. I promised that I wouldn't ever use my magic to harm others. I don't know if there is a draconequus code of honor but I can give my word as a Prince of Equestria that I will never use my magic to hurt others." Zecora smiled at him. "That is good to hear. Though this lie you have, is it out of fear?" "Yes. Ponies hated me. They hated how I looked, they feared I would going to hurt my mom. I would NEVER hurt her or my aunt." Discord slammed his hoof on the table to made his point, he spilled their teas. "Sorry." He fixed up their teas as he continued, "When my mom turned into Nightmare Moon, ponies thought I did something to her. It was awful, I couldn't go into town without fear of getting hurt. I had Princess Celestia wipe ponies memories of me and my draconequus form. I made myself this pony disguise to make friends but even this didn't work." Discord fixed up their teas and even cleaned up the mess. "I am sorry you were hurt but the lies you have spoken can only make things worse." Discord knew she was right but he was so scared. He was scared of ponies judging him, hurting him, he couldn't asked his aunt to erase their memories. Last time it was easy, not with there bring more ponies here then there was over 1000 moons ago, it would be impossible. "If I may, remember today?" He nodded. "Take the message to heart, and you will see that it will not be for naught." "Okay. I will tell them but... not now. Can you keep this a secret?" Zecora nodded. "I will keep this secret for you, after all, it is what friends do." "Now that is true." > Swarm of the Century > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the library, Twilight, Discord, and Spike were cleaning up the library. Princess Celestia was coming to Ponyville tomorrow to visit Discord. It was just a casual visit but to everyone else, royalty was coming to their home. "Oh, hurry up guys! This place isn't gonna clean itself!" Discord and Spike were picking up the books while Twilight was dusting. "It also didn't mess itself up," Spike mumbled to himself. "And this is the mess you created Twilight," Discord told her as he put the books on the shelf. Twilight ignored them as she said frantically, "Princess Celestia will be here tomorrow!" "I thought this was just an unofficial, casual visit for Princess Celestia's nephew," Spike told her. She turned to him and said, "There's nothing casual about a visit from royalty!" She told them as she stopped dusting. Discord fought the urge to laugh as he said, "Twilight, have you forgotten I'm royalty too? Besides you worry too much." "And you don't worry enough, and you never seem to care about perfection anyway! I want this place to be spotless, and you've barely made a dent in the clutter!" Spike climbed the ladder to reach higher shelves, straining to haul the books in his claws. "Maybe you should…start reading them…one at a time!" Spike fell off the ladder but Discord managed to catch him just in time before he hit the floor. Twilight dusted the pile off books while Discord set Spike back down and a book fell off the baby dragon's head. "Everything's got to be perfect. No time for fooling around!" S pike then told Twilight, "You know, this would be an awful lot easier if there weren't three of us here, getting under each other's feet." She smiled then said, "Great dea." She gave Spike the duster as the book fell of his head, and dragged Discord with her magic. "You clean, we'll go see how everyone else's preparations are coming." Discord and Twilight left before Spike could stop them. "Or maybe I should…" He groaned as the door closed, leaving him to clean the library by himself. Twilight and Discord walked through Ponyville and were impressed by the decorations the ponies have done. Flowes, ribbons, and more decorated the town. Everypony was hard at work with the preparations. Twilight and Discord walked to a sign that Berryshine and Carrot Top put up. It said, Welcome Princess Celest. Twilight notcied this immediately. "What happened to the rest of her name?" Carrot Top told her, "We couldn't fit it all in." For Twilight this wasn't good. "We can't hang a banner that says, "Welcome, Princess Celest." Take it down, and try again." Twilight ran off to check on the other preparations while the ponies rolled their eyes. "You did good. My aunt won't be upset about the sign." Discord left and ran after Twilight who was running to Sugar Cube Corner. "Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Cake. How's the banquet coming?" Twilight asked them. Mrs. Cake looked at them and said, "Uh... i-it would be coming a little better i-if..." She gestered a table with partially eaten desserts on the table. Pinkie Pie popped up and ate a chocolate cake with a crown on top. Her face had a buttercream beard and she licked it off her face. "Pinkie! What are you doing?! Those sweets are suppose to be for the princess!" Pinkie smiled and told her bashfully, "I-I know. That's why I'm tasting them. Somepony needs to make sure that everything is tasty enough to touch the royal tongue." Discord laughed at that. Twilight glared at him. "Sorry, my dear. It reminds me when ponies would taste mine and my aunt's food to ensure it was good enough for us." "Yeah!" Pinkie zipped out from behind the table and declared, "And I, Pinkie Pie, declare that these treats are fit for a king... or a queen... or a prince... or a princess!" Pinkie Pie was about to devour the cake on the counter and before Twilight could stop her Fluttershy came in. "Discord! Twilight! Pinkie! You won't believe-" She skided to a stop and sat down after seeing that Twilight and Pinkie seemed busy. "Oh. I'm sorry. I…am I interrupting?" Discord smiled and told her, "Not at all, my dear." Pinkie then said, "Come on in and make yourself at home." Now Pinkie used her tongue and swallowed the cat in one bite. Discord smiled at her antics. 'Pinkie definitely has some minor chaos magic in her. Not enough to affect her element but enough to make her, well, Pinkie.' Twilight stared at her friend who slimed back at her. "What's going on, Fluttershy?" She smiled and said to her back, "You won't believe what I found at the edge of the Everfree Forest. Come on out, little guy. It's okay." The little blue creature she encountered peeked out with a happy little coo and flew out. To her considerable surprise, by a yellow and a gray one followed behind.. She gasped softly at the sigh. She swore that she only found one at the Everfree Forest. Discord nearly paled at the sight. 'Oh no…parasprites.' "Three?" Fluttershy said surprised. Twilight walked to her, amazing at the sight. "They're amazing! What are they?" Fluttershy looked at her and said, "I'm not sure. I'm also not sure where these other two came from." "I'll take one off your hooves. I've never seen anything so…adorable! Besides, it'll be nice to have a companion for Spike and Discord so they won't bother me so much while I'm studying." Twilight hugged a yellow one. 'It would be nice to have a companion besides Discord and Spike.' Discord thought to himself. 'Ugh, no thanks.' "Pinkie, Discord, would you like one?" Discord smiled at her and said, "Splendid offer my dear, but I think I'll pass." Pinkie had a different reaction which surprised all of them. "Blecch! A parasprite?! Are you kidding?!" She started to leave surprising everyone. Confused, Fluttershy repeated, "Ugh?" Twilight was confused as well. "A para-what?" Fluttershy then asked, "How could you not like-?" Before she left, Pinkie told them, "Now I gotta go find a trombone!" Fluttershy and Twilight looked at each other confused then back to Pinkie and Twilight said, "A what?" "A trombone! You know…" Pinkie sat and mimicked the sounded and movement of a trombone before leaving. "Don't say we didn't warn you, Twilight. Wait for me, Pinkie!" Discord ran out and followed Pinkie. Twilight sighed. "Typical Pinkie and Discord." She rolled her eyes at their antics. 'Pinkie, I understand but this isn't typical for Discord. He's random but not Pinkie Pie random.' She ignored her thoughts and smiled at the parasprite. Discord caught up with Pinkie. "Pinkie, you know what parasprites are?" She nodded. "Of course, we had a swarm on my families rock farm one time. They nearly destroyed our crops so the only thing we could do was play music to make them leave. I have a list of instruments to get, I take this half and you take the other." Discord nodded. "Deal. Let's meet in the center of Ponyville before things get out of control. That night, the library was so clean it was sparkling. Spike and the parasprite were sleeping on his bed together but Twilight noticed that Discord hadn't come back. "Where could he be? He's not out this late." Twilight was worried but she was more worried about the princess's visit tomorrow. "I really hope everything comes together in time for tomorrow." The next day, things got worse for the ponies. Everypony except Discord, Pinkie, and Applejack had a parasprite and they have now multiplied by a hundred. Discord saw Rarity leaving her home to tell her the good news. "Rarity, my dear, Applejack has lent me her harmonica." He played the harmonica then said, "It's perfect for me and Pinkie." He saw the parasprites try to escape her bag and he knew things were getting worse. "And not a moment too soon!" Rarity rolled her eyes and said, "Discord, I'm a little busy right now." "And we're not? Pinkie and I still have more instruments to find. Pinkie and I split the list but with your help, we can get this done even faster," He told her with confidence in his voice. "Sorry, Discord but I don't have time for some silly scaveger hunt that you and Pinkie conjured up. I've got a real problem." Rarity walked away to deal with her problem, leaving Discord behind. "You do have a problem. Now, I'm off to find a banjo!" Discord ran off and Rarity just rolled her eyes. 'I can't believe that Discord would stoop this low. He's a prince. He has better things to do then find some silly instruments.' After learning that Rarity, Twilight, and Rainbow were having the same problem, the friends ran to Fluttershy to ask her about the parasprites. She doesn't know what they are and she is struggling with them too. Applejack brought some apples and they decided to use her to help round them up and get rid of them. After failing to round them up with Applejack, Rainbow Dash knew it was her turn to get the parasprites out of here. She flew so fast that she formed a twister and started to suck up the remaining parasprites. "Way to go, Rainbow Dash!" Twilight shouted, relieved that it was finally over. "Looks like our problems are solved!" Applejack told her. "They will be with the cymbals!" Discord and Pinkie came in and Pinkie had some cymbals around her neck making some noise. "Yeah, these took forever to find," Discord told them. The cymbals flew off Pinkie's neck and into Rainbow's twister. "Hey, gimme those back!" Rainbow Dash soon started to lose control of the twister. "I can't hold it! She's breaking up!" Rainbow was knocked into a tree and the parasprites flew out with no damage and into town. "Discord…Pinkie Pie…what have you both done?!?" Everypony looked at them with anger in their eyes. They couldn't believe they were causing more trouble than the parasprites. "I've lost a brand-new pair of cymbals, that's what I've done!" Pinkie told them. "Yeah, don't you know how long to took us to find those cymbals!?" Twilight couldn't believe what she was hearing. She expected Pinkie to act like this but not Discord. Sure, he had his moments but never like this. "Will you two forget about your silly instruments for one second? You're ruining our efforts to save Ponyville! Discord, Princess Celestia, your aunt, will be here soon. Stop ruining this for us!" "Us? Ruin? We're not the ruiners! we're the ruin-ees!…or is it "ruin-esses"?" Pinkie sat and kept saying different words for ruin. Discord then said, "Twilight, if you would just stop and listen. We..." They didn't and Applejack said, "Come on, girls. There's no reasonin' with those ones. They're few apples short of a bushel." They ran off or flew off to Ponyville to stop the parasprites. "Hey! We're trying to tell you all that the ruining is on the other hoof if you'd just slow down and LISTEN TO US!" The girls were gone before Pinkie could finish her sentence. Discord put a comforting hand on her. "Don't worry, Pinkie. They'll have to listen to us eventually. Come on, we've almost completed the list. Let's finish up before things get out of hand." In Ponyville, the parasprites were eating everything in sight. Applejack ran to save her farm but Twilight had an idea. She used a spell to make them stop eating the food but it backfired and now the parasprites were eating the buildings, signs, and anything that wasn't food. Rarity ran to save her shop but was terrified of them after spitting out more copies. She sat on her chair and screamed in fear. The parasprites were eating her outfits thanks to a spell Twilight cast that stopped them from eating the food. "I'll save you!" She looked and saw Discord at the entrance. Stars appeared in her eyes, this was a dream come dream, a prince saving a damsel in distress. Instead of helping her, however, Discord grabbed the flute, blew into it, and once it made a sound, he ran out, leaving Rarity alone. She screamed loudly at the parasprites. Twilight ran to the center of Ponyville and watched in horror as the parasprites were eating everything. Princess Celestia would be here soon and Twilight started to freak out. "Okay, here's the plan. Rainbow Dash, you distract them." Rainbow Dash screamed as she flew past with multiple parasprites chasing her. "Good. Everypony else, we need to build an exact copy of Ponyville right over there. We've got less than a minute!" No pony did anything. Everyone was running in fear of the swarm of parasprites. "Zecora was right. We're doomed." Twilight paled when she started to hear music from outside Ponyville. "Oh no! The Princess' procession is here. It's all over!" It wasn't the princess. It was Pinkie Pie and Discord playing instruments as a two-man-band. Twilight rubbed her eyes but they weren't deceiving her. It really was them. "Pinkie, Discord, we're in the middle of a crisis here. Discord, the princess will be here soon. This is no time for your..." Twilight stopped and looked up. "...nonsense?" The parasprites stopped eating and started to follow the duo like a marching band following the conductor. Twilight walked over to the girls as Discord and Pinkie led the parasprites to the Everfree Forest. Twilight just shrugged her shoulders at Applejack who had no words. They followed the duo out to make sure the parasprites wouldn't leave. "Look!" Twilight saw Princess Celestia land and the girls ran ahead leaving Discord and Pinkie to take care of the parasprites. The girls bowed as Princess Celestia got out of her carriage. The princess smiled. "Twilight Sparkle, my prized pupil." Twilight stood up and smiled back. "Hello, Princess." "So lovely to see you again, as well as your friends. How is Discord doing?" A cymbal crash took her out of her thoughts. She watched Pinkie and Discord play the instruments as they passed her. The girls nearly paled at the sight. Who knows what the princess would think after seeing her nephew playing instruments like? Twilight walked over to her trying to distract her. "So..." She laughed nervously. "How was the trip?" Princess Celestia gasped softly. "What is this?" A parasprite landed on her wing and she smiled at it. "These creatures are adorable." Rainbow then grumbled to herself, "They're not that adorable." The parasprite return to the march as Celestia continued. "I'm terribly honored that you and the good citizens of Ponyville have organized a parade in honor of my visit. I find it even more impressed that Discord is leading the charge. I'm sure it helped him greatly." "Parade?" Then Twilight knew she could use this to her advantage. "Yes! The parade! It was Discord's idea so we thought he could take the lead." Celestia felt guilty as she wasn't able to stay. "Unfortunately, that visit is going to have to wait for another time." The girls were shocked. "I'm afraid an emergency has come up in Fillydelphia. Apparently, there's been some fort of infestation." Twilight just smiled. "An... infestation?" Celestia nodded. "Yes. A swarm of incredibly bothersome creatures has invaded the poor town." The girls just looked at each other but said nothing. "I'm sorry, Twilight, to have to put you all through so much trouble." "Trouble?" Twilight chuckled. "What trouble?" Celestia was about to leave but she said, "Before I have to go, would you care to give me your latest report on the magic of friendship in person?" "My report?" Twilight didn't know what to say then see looked at Pinkie and Discord. "Haven't you learned anything about friendship?" She smiled at her friends then said, "Actually, I have. I've learned that sometimes the solutions to your problems can come from where you least expect it. It's a good idea to stop and listen to your friends' opinions and perspectives." A cymbal crash startled them but Twilight continued. "Even when they don't always seem to make sense." "I'm so proud of you, Twilight Sparkle. And I'm very impressed with your friends, as well. It sounds like you're all learning so much from each other. Tell Discord, I'll be back another time to check up on him or he can come to Canterlot." With that, Celestia left leaving the ponies alone with a new lesson learned. "Thank you, Princess." The girls walked over to Pinkie and Discord as all the parasprites went into the Everfree Forest. "Hey! What happened to the Princess?" Pinkie and Discord stopped playing once they saw that she was gone. "Emergency in Fillydelphia," Twilight told her. Rainbow added, "Some sort of infestation." Pinkie quickly got worried. "Oh, no! Have they got parasprites too? Well, have tuba, will travel!" Pinkie was about to play her tuba again but Discord told her. "Pinkie, I think my aunt can handle it." Applejack, impressed by their actions asked, "So you knew what those critters were all along, huh, you two?" Pinkie Pie nearly rolled her eyes, "Well, duh! Why do you think I was so frantic to get my hooves on all these instruments?" Discord nodded. "Yeah, I handled these things a few hundred moons ago. Nasty little things, who knew that they loved music so much. We did try to tell you." Twilight walked to her friends and said, "We know, and we're sorry we didn't listen." Everypony offered their apologizes to them. "You two are great friends. Even if we don't always understand you." "Thanks, guys. You're all great friends too, even when I don't understand me," Pinkie told them. Discord then said, "I know I can be odd sometimes, but I'm smarter than you think I am." Twilight smiled at them then said, "You saved my reputation with Princess Celestia, she didn't get taken by the parasprites, and more importantly, you saved Ponyville." "Actually…" Discord started but once the group went back to town, it was somewhat saved. The parasprites ate the majority of the signs and buildings in Ponyville. "Or not..." Twilight finished. Pinkie pops up in the foreground, with a trombone. She blows the sad trombone. Then Discord popped up nest to her saying, "That's all folks!" > Feeling Pinkie Keen > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- On the outskirts of Ponyville, Twilight was practicing a new transformation spell that Discord showed her. It wasn't like his chaos magic but it was a simple transformation spell that most unicorns could learn. Spike had a rock on his head, leaves around his neck, and he had a stick in his claws. With enough concentration, Twilight turned the leaves into a suit. "Nice work, Twilight. Now for the stick, just think about what you want it to look like down to the last detail." She opened her eyes and smiled. She closed her eyes again and turned the stick into a cane. Spike then saw something out of the corner of his eye. Twilight noticed this and she said, "Eyes over here, Spike!" "Uh, sorry." Spike looked back at Twilight as she said, "For this to work, it's crucial we keep our concentration totally on the..." The rock on Spike's head popped up and turned into a glossy top hat. Once he heard Pinkie Pie's voice, he became distracted, the hat turned back into a rock and slammed on his head. Spike fell to the ground and the tux and cane turned back to normal as well. Discord winced. "That's going to leave a mark." Feeling annoyed, Twilight said, "Spike! This magic needs our full attention to make it happen! There's no other way!" Spike recovered from his dizziness and told her, "I can't help it! Look!" Spike pointed at Pinkie Pie, she zipped a tree to a bush and even more odd, she had an umbrella hat on her head. She kept zipping to hide under different things in Ponyville. She looked up in the sky with worry in her eyes. Pinkie zipped under a rock, looked up again, then zipped away. Twilight, Spike and Discord look on, totally bewildered by her actions. Twilight signed impatiently, "Never mind her. She's just being Pinkie Pie." "Super-extra-Pinkie Pie today," Spike scratched his head trying to figure out what Pinkie was doing. "Yeah, I mean, we've been here for a while and I've never seen her wear an umbrella hat." Pinkie Pie walked between two houses and she noticed her tail started to switch. "Twitchy twitch-a-twitch-a-twitch." Wanting to keep Spike concentrated along with Discord, they walked over to Pinkie and Twilight asked, "Pinkie Pie, what in the wide wide world of Equestria are you up to?" "Oh, it's my tail! It's my tail! It's a-twitch-a-twitchin'! And you know what that means!" None of them actually knew what it meant and Twilight told her, "Actually, Pinkie, I haven't the slightest idea." "The twitchin' means my Pinkie Sense is telling me that stuff's gonna start falling! You three better duck for cover!" Twilight smiled at her and told her, "Oh, Pinkie, it's not gonna rain. Why, there's barely even a cloud in the..." A frog fell on Twilight's face and it ribbits happily. "Well you never said about raining frogs coming down from the sky. That's impressive, Pinkie." The frog continued to ribbit happily. "Thanks, Discord. Also, he just said 'nice catch' in Frog." Fluttershy was in the sky with a wagon, basket, and bag filled with frogs. "Oh, I'm so, so sorry. You okay, Twilight Sparkle? I just couldn't stand to see the pond getting so overpopulated, what with the frogs all hopping into each other and all so I decided to fly as many as I can on over to Froggy Bottom Bog." "Of course you did," Twilight said as the frog continued to crawl on her face. "Hi, Fluttershy. Do you need any help, my dear?" "No, thank you. It shouldn't take me long to take the frogs down. The swamp can be dangerous if you can't fly, sorry." Discord was disappointed but he understood. 'I do have wings but you would be so scared of them.' He put a hoof up and smiled, "No worries, my dear. How about we have tea when you are done?" F luttershy nodded. "Absolutely. See you later, Discord." She put the basket in her mouth and muffled, "Bye-bye!" With that she flew off to the swamp. "Um, Twilight, you got a little something on your face there." Sarcastically, she said, "Oh, really? Did your Pinkie Sense tell you that, too?" She smiled and said, "Nah, I could just see it." Pinkie walked away happily then the frog jumped off Twilight's head. Twilight held in her annoyance but relaxed. She wanted to complete this spell. "Come on, Discord and Spike, Let's continue our practice session where there's a little less commotion. Discord, can you demonstrate the spell again?" Spike jumped on Twilight's back still amazed by Pinkie's talent. "Wow! That was amazing! Pinkie Pie predicted something would fall, and it did!" Twilight couldn't believe what she was hearing so she said, "Oh, come on. She said something would fall, and a front just happened to fall right around the same time. A coincidence... nothing else to it." "Twilight, coincidences happen but something like that seems unlikely. After all, sometimes the craziest things turn out to be true." Pinkie Pie dashed back to the trio and said, "My tail! My tail! Twitch-a-twitch! Twitch-a-twitch!" Pinkie's tail twitched once again making Spike and Discord look through the sky for something that would fall. Twilight just rolled her eyes as she started to walk away. "Oh, Pinkie, please. Nothing else is gonna, fa-a-all!" Twilight fell in a small ditch shocking Spike and Discord. "Oh no! Twilight fell! Is it safe to go help her?" Spike asked. Pinkie told him, "It's okay. My tail stopped twitching." Pinkie knocked the umbrella hat off her head and walked away singing to herself. Discord jumped down and helped Twilight up and Spike said with excitement in his voice, "Haha! That was amazing!" Discord nodded in agreement. "It truly is. A pony that can predict the future with a twitchy tail. What are the odds?" Twilight just rolled her eyes. "Oh, please." "Uh, Twilight, Discord, why are y'all hanging out in a ditch?" Applejack asked. "Because Pinkie Pie predicted it." Twilight popped her head up and told him, "Honestly, Spike, she did not. Two coincidences in a row like this may be unlikely, but it's still easier to believe than twitchy tails that predict the future." Applejack gasped. "Twitchy tail? Pinkie Sense?" Applejack hid under a cart for the inevitable. Spike walked over to her and said, "Don't worry. It's safe. The prediction already came true." Twilight and Discord got out off the ditch and Twilight baffled that Applejack of all ponies believed this. "Oh, wait. Don't tell me you believe in this stuff, too." "I know it doesn't make much sense, but those of us who have been in Ponyville awhile have learned over time that if Pinkie's a-twitchin', you better listen." Pinkie stood in front of Applejack and shouted, "My ears are flopping! My ears are flopping!" Spike covered his head and said, "Aah! What does that mean?" She looked at Twilight and told her, "I'll start a bath for you." Applejack, Spike, and Discord back away from her in fear. "Huh?" Twilight laughed at the foolishness of this. "A bath? This thing keeps on getting more ridiculous by the minute." A cart zoomed by Twilight leaving her covered in mud. She growled in anger at this. While Twilight took a bath at Pinkie's place, it gave him the chance to run a few errands and time to think. 'Pinkie must have some chaos magic in her. She can't do much with it like me but she has harnessed it.' Discord noted to himself. 'Most ponies can have chaos magic, I have sensed it in them but they can't do anything with it. It's just there. It's so small that they couldn't do anything with it. Pinkie's, on the other hand, is different. She can do things that ponies can't and predict things with her body.' This was fascinating to him. He could sense the chaos magic in Pinkie and it was fun. Most ponies didn't do things like this and maybe once he felt more comfortable showing his own chaos magic to the ponies of Equestria, then he and Pinkie could have so much fun. Discord returned to library and noticed it was quiet. "Twilight, are you back?" Discord noticed the basement door open. "Twilight?" Discord went to the door and saw Pinkie connected to a device. Twilight clamped her legs to it and checked the wires connected to the helmet. "You're experimenting on Pinkie!?" Twilight quickly turned to him and shouted, "No! I just want know how Pinkie is predicting things with twitching. Okay. Now when you get another twitch we'll have all kinds of scientific information." "Okey-dokey-lokey!" Pinkie just smiled and concentrated. Discord groaned as he walked downstairs, "Twilight, this is ridiculous. Not everything needs an explanation. Pinkie's tail twitches, something falls, it's that simple." "No, something like that isn't possible. There is a reason these coincidences are happening." Discord sat down and waited. 'We might be here all day. Chaos magic is unpredictable. Especially for someone like Pinkie, I can control mine easily but hers is random, as chaos should be.' For a few minutes Twilight watched both Pinkie and the chart, while Discord was just sitting there with a bored expression. Nothing happened for several minutes, except for the periodic puffs of steam coming off the recorder. "Any twitches yet?" "Nopey-dopey!" Pinkie smiled at her and the quiet continued. Nothing happened, with Twilight sighing in frustration while Discord shook his head at her attempts. "Now? Anything?" Pinkie thought she felt something so she said, "Wait! Hold on!" After a few seconds she said, "Uh, no." Discord sighed as he stood up. "Are you doing experimenting on Pinkie Pie, so we could get on with our lives, Twilight?" She didn't look at him and she asked frustrated, "Are you kidding me? After a whole day of nonstop twitching, now that I've got you all hooked up, you're not getting a single one?!" "I don't control it. They just come and go." This made Twilight even more frustrated. "That makes no sense!" Discord smiled as he walked over to her then said, "Come on Twilight, what fun is there in making sense?" He elbowed her in a joking manor but she put his leg down. Pinkie then added, "Sometimes you just have to believe in things, even when you can't figure 'em out." Twilight walked to Pinkie and told her, "I will not believe in anything I cannot explain." Discord sat back down and rolled his eyes. "Oh for goodness sake." Pinkie paused again. " Wait! Hold on… I'm feeling something…" Twilight smiled and rushed to her machine. She rushed to her machines and waited for the results. "Oh my gosh! What? What is it?" A loud grumble came from Pinkie's tummy. She smiled and said, "It's my tummy! That usually means I'm hungry. Let's eat!" Discord stood up and smiled, "Pinkie, now you're talking some sense, unlike somepony." He glared at Twilight who growled in frustration. "You know what?" Twilight unplug the machine. "Just forget it! I don't need to know if this is real or not. I don't need to understand it. I don't even care!" Pinkie slipped out of the restraints and the helmet slipped off. "Okey-dokey-mokey!" Pinkie bounced upstairs with Discord and Twilight following her. Pinkie stopped and gasped. "Uh-oh." Pinkie backed up and her ears flopped, eyes fluttered, and her legs wobbled. 'Watch out for open doors!' Discord backed up and stayed away from the door. Twilight was hit by the door when Spike opened it. "Pinkie, Discord, have you seen Twilight?" Pinkie bounced out the door and she answered, "Uh-huh." Discord walked to the door and moved it off Twilight. "You okay, Twilight?" Discord asked her. She groaned then asked, "Did you three plan this?" They looked at each other then back at Twilight. "Plan what?" Spike asked. Twilight pulled herself off the door. "Ugh! This is ridiculous! This can't be happening! This makes no sense!" "Twilight, I learned a long time ago that there are things in Equestria that we will never understand. Things we will never learn about. Pinkie's Pinkie Sense is just something that will remain a mystery." Twilight shook her head. "I refuse to believe that. I have to figure this out!" A few hours later, Twilight made the decision to follow Pinkie. She was determined to figure out Pinkie's Pinkie Sense. Pinkie sniffed a flower then bounced away happily. Twilight moved the bush as she followed Pinkie. She sat down and pulled out her binoculars and continued to watch her. She watch Pinkie stare at a butterfly then she bounced away happily. Twilight wrote notes down as she observed Pinkie until... "Twilight?" Twilight screamed and jumped high in the air then landed by the bush. Spike and Discord stared at her then she yanked them into the bush with her. "Honestly, you two, don't you know better than to sneak up on ponies?" "Oh, sorry," Spike apologized. Discord raised an eyebrow then asked, "Isn't that what you're doing?" After taking a look at Pinkie, she gasped as Spike and Discord looked over the bush. "No…" She tackled them down then said, "I'm doing scientific research. I'm observing Pinkie Pie, scientific name Pinkius pieicus, in its natural habitat." She turned back to watching Pinkie while hiding in the bush. "Pinkius who-icus?" "I think she means Pinkie Pie, Spike." Discord told him. Twilight went back into the bush and told them, "There's something fishy going on with the whole twitchy prediction thing, and I'm getting to the bottom of it. So, shhh!" Twilight looked out the bush and saw Pinkie bouncing away happily. "Come on! Pinkius pieicus is on the move!" Knowing they couldn't convince Twilight, Spike and Discord decided to follow Pinkie. At the schoolhouse, Twilight, Discord, and Spike watched as Pinkie rolled around in the grass happily as she hummed to herself. Pinkie's nose started to itch and Twilight noticed this. "Hmmm…itchy nose." Spike wrote it down as she continued to observe the pink pony. Pinkie suddenly gasps wide-eyed and zipping under an oversized horseshoe. In an instant, Twilight knew she had something. "Aha! That makes no sense! See? She's hiding like something's about to fall from the sky, but a twitchy tail means something's gonna fall from the sky, not an itchy nose." Discord looked up and saw something that made him nervous. "Um, Twilight…I don't think that's why Pinkie's nose is itchy." Spike followed Discord's gaze and nearly paled at what he saw. It was a large swarm of bees flying above them. The bees came at them as Twilight still hadn't noticed. "This proves perhaps conclusively, that..." Discord grabbed Spike and ran with Spike screaming. Twilight popped her head dup and shouted, "Spike! Discord! Where are you two going? I'm trying to teach you the value of scientific obser..." The bees went into the bush and stung Twilight over and over making her and the bush jump in place. After getting band-aids on, the trio went to Sweet Apple Acres and hid behind a stack of hay bales. Twilight was watching Pinkie through her binoculars with Discord and Spike just sitting behind Twilight. "What's she doing now?" Spike asked. "Smelling a flower." Pinkie was indeed smelling a blue flower. "Holy guacamole! I wonder what that means!" Spike wrote that down. "I think the flower just smells good, Spike. Nothing more." Twilight then said, "Wait! I'm getting something! Ear flop…eye flutter…knee twitch." Spike's eyes widen at that. "Hold on. You told me that's the combo that says 'watch out for opening doors!'" Spike and Discord ran off away from the barn door. "Heck the deck!" Twilight scoffed at them. "You two really, really believe this stuff, don't you? Here. Let me show you there's nothing to be afraid of." Twilight put her foreleg on the closed lower half of the door and smirked at the duo. "You see?" "Wait for it…" Twilight walked off, head in the air and eyes closed, not seeing a door below her opening. "I promise you there's nothing to fear from that..." Twilight fell down the stairs. "Yep called it," Discord said knowing that this would happen. Twilight crashed on the floor and Applejack's voice could be heard, "Twilight! You came to visit my new apple cellar! How nice!…Twi? You okay?…Uh, Twi?" Discord and Spike walked to the apple cellar. "I'll get a nurse," Discord said in a deadpanned voice. Due to Twilight falling in the apple cellar, she was sitting in a wheelchair with casts on both forelegs, which were propped on the back of a park bench. The binoculars were gripped in the casts, and traction wires were attached to the limbs. Spike and Discord were standing next to her and they squinted ahead at the pink pony. "Here. Let me help you." Spike pumped a lever and it helped lift her forelegs to bring the binoculars to her eye level. Discord was getting tired of these charades, Twilight was going to get herself killed if she continued to do this. "Can we go now? This is honestly a waste of time Twilight. Why can't you accept the fact that not all things need an answer?" She didn't look at him as she said, "Because I need this to make sense and I will not stop until I figure this out." She then noticed Pinkie's twitching tail. "Okay Spike. Take this down. Twitchy tail." "Twitchy tail…" He gasped and goes into a full-scale panic, throwing the notepad away and letting go of the lever. "TWITCHY TAIL!" Twilight's forelegs hit the back of the park bench and she turned to him, "Hush, Spike! We can't let Pinkie know we're here, remember?" "Something's gonna fall! Something's gonna fall! Run for your lives!" Spike ran off with Discord following from behind. "Right behind you!" "Ugh! Spike, Discord, honestly. You're overreact..." Pinkie's prediction once again comes true. A flowerpot, anvil, hay wagon, and piano all crash squarely down on her head. It was a Pegasus moving team with an open cart. Later on, Pinkie is playing with her tongue and she saw Applejack with a barrel of apples. "Hey, Applejack, watcha doing?" "Taking more apples to my new apple cellar. How about you, Pinkie? What you doing?" Pinkie nonchalantly said, "Oh, letting Twilight secretly follow me all day without me knowing?" Twilight came out and said in completely disbelief, "You mean you knew all along? Why didn't you tell me?" Pinkie just laughed. "Silly. That would have spoiled the secret." Discord and Spike returned and Spike asked, "Tail still twitching?" Pinkie continued to smile and said, "All done. Clear skies from here on in as far as I can tell..." Pinkie's entire body jitters briefly. Spike ducked behind Twilight again as Applejack let her basket fall. " Oh, no! What does that one mean?" For the first time, Pinkie didn't even know. "Don't know. Never gotten any like it before. But whatever that shudder's about, it's a doozy! Something you never expect to happen is gonna happen!" Another, longer shudder wracked her as all four watch. "And it's gonna happen…at Froggy Bottom Bog!" Applejack gasped. "That's where Fluttershy's headed!" Worried, Discord shouted, "What!?" "Oh, no! Is it about her?" Spike asked. Pinkie said, "Uh…I'm not sure." Not waiting for another minute, Discord ran off leaving the others behind. "I'm coming Fluttershy!" Discord arrived at Froggy Bottom Bog and smiled when he saw Fluttershy unharmed. She was just releasing the frogs in their new home. "Fluttershy!" He ran over and hugged her. "You're okay!" He felt so relieved that his friend was safe. "Of course." He released the hug but didn't let go of her shoulders. "Are you hurt!? Did something get you!? Have you been attack!? Are there any cut and bruises!? Whoever attack you, they'll..." "Discord! Discord! I'm fine, I'm was just done delivering the frogs." Discord smiled and wiped the sweat from his eyebrow. "Oh, good you're not hurt." "Uh Discord, you can let me go now." Discord noticed this and as he blushed, he let her go. "Oh right, sorry." Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Twilight, and Spike finally arrived to the scene. "Whoo…what a relief." "I'm so glad everything's all right." With a smirk, Twilight said, "Sorry. I know it's not nice to gloat, but…AHA! I told you there was nothing to worry about, and I was right. Pinkie Pie said whatever she was shuddering about was a..." Twilight coughed as Applejack walked away. "...doozy, and..." She coughed again. "...and the only..." She coughed again. "...doozy here is how right I am." As Twilight talked, the others noticed something behind her. "Um…" Applejack did a hard swallow."…Twilight?" Applejack started as she walked to the others but her words failed. "Pinkie's made a lot of predictions today, but..." Twilight coughed again and scrunched her nose. "...ugh, what is that smell? But what we've shown here is that there's no point in believing..." Twilight coughed again. "... in anything you can't see for yourself. Scared, Spike stuttered, "W-W-Well, then, s-s-see what's b-b-behind you, Twilight!" Tired of this, Discord shouted, "For crying out loud Twilight, turned around!" Twilight turned and saw the scaly brown hide. The growl has intensified, and Twilight looked up and saw a four headed hydra. "I see it…but I don't believe it!" Three of the hydra heads roared then the last one joined. "Is that a hydra?!" Pinkie asked. "Yes... yes it is," Discord gulped. "Who cares? RUN!" Everypony, except for Pinkie ran in fear as the hydra licked its maw. Pinkie was frozen in fear. "Pinkie, come on." Before the hydra could eat Pinkie, Twilight ran back and grabbed her tail. Pinkie flew through the air as they ran as fast as they could. Fluttershy past a frog and told it, "Oh, I'm so sorry." Twilight watched as the hydra walked out of the swamp and started to follow them. The hydra head tried to eat the fearful ponies but the heads missed each time, each going into the swamp, grabbing a tree, and one even bit a rock that Fluttershy and Discord were on. They reached a dead end and Twilight spotted a hill. "Everypony up that hill." "HELP!" Spike was trapped in the swamp and the hydra was getting closer. "Twilight, you help Spike, I'll help the others." Twilight nodded at Discord planned and she ran to Spike as Discord and the girls ran up the hill. "I'm coming, Spike." Twilight put Spike on her back and ran back just seconds before the hydra could get them. They had a chance as the hydra was slowed in the swamp. "I think we're going to make it," Twilight said, her voice filled with relief. "But Pinkie's still shuddering!" Pinkie shuddered again, slowing her down a bit until she stopped. "Oh, looky there. It stopped." It did not stop. Pinkie shuddered again so Spike had to push her up the hill. "There... it... is... again!" The reached the end of the hill and it was a dead end. They would have to hop from the cracking rock pillar to reach the other side. They would need to work fast as the hydra started to climb up the hill after them. Twilight gasped in fear. "He'll be up here in no time. Quick! One at a time, cross!" Spike was about to cross but he nearly fell back into the swamp. He ran to Discord and Twilight and asked, "Uh, do you know any spells for turning a hydra into a mouse?" "No." They told him. "How about a squirrel?" Spike asked. "No." Spike then asked, "How about..." Twilight then told him, "No small rodents of any kind!" Discord could take care of the hydra easily but that would reveal more than he would like. 'I can't let him hurt the others but they can't know what I am.' "That's too bad." Remembering what Pinkie taught her about a month or two ago. Fluttershy knew what she needed to do. "A hop, a skip, and a..." Fluttershy gasped as she jumped to the rock pillar. "JUMP!" Fluttershy continued to jump across then Twilight threw Spike across. Pinkie continued to shudder across and before she fell, Applejack grabbed her by her tail. The hydra was getting closer and it wouldn't be long before it reached them. "You three go ahead. I will distract him." Applejack jumped across with Pinkie to the other side. Discord jumped from behind, incase things went south, he could get the others out. Twilight gulped in fear. "Oh, what would a brave pony like Rainbow Dash do?" Twilight's eyes widened when she realized what she had to do. "CHARGE!" Twilight charged at the hydra, she ran under it and the hydra tried to get her. It fell on one of its heads and that's when Twilight made a run for it. "T-T-T-T-Twilight!" Pinkie shuddered out. Twilight ran as fast as she could and before she could jump, the hydra tried to grab her with his mouth and she jumped to miss it attack. The rock pillars were destroyed and she landed on its neck. She shook in fear as she jump off. Her way across was gone. "T-T-T-Twilight. You have to jump!" Pinkie shouted at her. "I'll never make it!" "You'll be fine!" Pinkie told her. "I will not!" The hydra was getting closer as it was roaring loudly, angry that its food was getting away. "It's your only h-hope!" Pinkie shuddered again. Twilight looked down and she saw the ground. 'If I fall, I'll get hurt and the hydra will get me.' "You have to take a leap of faith!" Twilight gulped in fear. She ran backwards then ran and jumped off the cliff. The hydra caught up and it tried to get her but he slammed his head on the cliff. The broken cliff was able to get Twilight closer to the rock so she jumped. She barely missed the rock. "Oh, no!" Twilight fell on a bubble and the impact was so great she bounced on the rocks until she landed near her friends. Twilight smiled and her friends cheered to her safety. Pinkie hugged her friend and told her, "I knew you could do it, Twilight!" In complete disbelief, Twilight said, "I don't know how it happened... coincidence, dumb luck or what. But you said there'd be a doozy here at Froggy Bottom Bog, and I'd say we just had ourselves one heck of a doozy. I mean, that hydra..." To everypony's shock, Pinkie still shuddered. "Pinkie?" "That wasn't it." "Huh?" Twilight said speechless. Pinkie still shuddered. "What wasn't what?" Spike asked. "What are you talking about, Pink?" "I think the hydra wasn't the doozy. Was it, Pinkie?" Discord asked. She shook her head. "The hydra wasn't the doozy." The hydra stuck its tongue out and walked away. "I'm still getting the shudders." Pinkie shuddered for a few seconds then she stopped. "You see? There it is again. Whatever the doozy was at Froggy Bottom Bog, my Pinkie Sense says it still hasn't happened." "Huh? But I... WHAT?!" Twilight couldn't believe what she was hearing. "The hydra wasn't the doozy? How could it not be the doozy?! What could be doozier than that?!" Twilight shouted. Discord nearly paled. 'Is it me? Is my true form the doozy? How? I've learned to master my pony form for centuries.' "Don't know, but it just wasn't it." Twilight growled in anger and in the heat of the moment, she turned a cute which and her mane and tail turned into fire with blood red eyes, much to the shock of everypony. Finally, Twilight calmed down and with a defeated sigh, she said, "I give up." Twilight fell to the ground in defeat. "Give what up, Twi?" Spike asked as he walked over to her. Discord walked over as well, concerned for his friend and said, "I think she means Pinkie's Pinkie Sense." She nodded "I don't understand how, why, or what, but Pinkie Sense somehow... makes sense." Pinkie shuddered more and soon started to shudder more violently. "I don't see how it does, but it just does. Just because I don't understand doesn't mean it's not true." "Y-y-you mean you b-b-b-believe?" Twilight stood up and just said, "Yep. I guess I do." Pinkie shuddered violently then made different indescribable shapes then she just stopped. Pinkie looked at er body then smiled as she looked back to her friends, "That was it! That's the doozy!" Spike shook his head confused then Twilight asked, "What?" She walked to Pinkie. "What is?" Pinkie smiled at her then said, "You believing! I never expected that to happen! That was the doozy! Oh, and, oh, what a doozy of a doozy it was!" Pinkie walked away singing to herself with the others staring at her in silence. "Only Pinkie," Discord joked. The next day, Pinkie and Twilight were in the library laughing with each other. Spike and Discord ran to the library. "Oh, good, Spike, Discord. You're here. Spike, take a letter." "What are you writing to my aunt about this time?" Discord asked as he and Spike entered the library. Spike grabbed the quill and scroll as he said, "With pleasure, Twilight." Discord and Spike stared at Twilight a bit shocked as she spoke. Dear Princess Celestia... I'm happy to report that... "Spike, what have I been saying about focus?" Twilight asked him. "I know, but I..." "Twilight, why are you wearing that on your head?" Twilight just smiled at Discord's question and said, "What? Never thought you'd see me with an umbrella hat on?" "Not really, no," Spike told her. "Yeah, I never expected to see that on you." "Pinkie's tail's a-twitchin'. What else can I do?" Twilight looked at Pinkie and her tail was indeed twitching. The two friends laughed along with Spike and Discord. Twilight and Pinkie walked closer to the pair and Twilight pointed to the letter. Spike continued to write as Twilight spoke. I am happy to report that I now realize there are wonderful things in this world you just can't explain. But that doesn't necessarily make them an less true. It just mean you have to choose to believe in them. And soemtimes it takes a friend to show you the way. Pinkie touched Twilight's nose and said, "Honk!" Spike even wrote that down. "Honk." Always, your faithful student, Twilight Sparkle. Pinkie and Twilight left the library and Pinkie's tail twitched again. "There it goes again." "I wonder what's gonna drop out of the sky this time." Pinkie smiled as she looked up and said, "You never know." The two friends left and just as Spike was about to send the letter. Princess Celestia dropped on the balcony. "Hi, Aunt Celestia," Discord said happily. "Twitchy tail?" Spike asked. Celestia smiled hugged her nephew then took the letter and flew off. "Holy guacamole!" > Stare Master > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After Sweetie Belle made a mess in her shop, Rarity cleaned up the mess. "Won't you at least let me help you clean up?" Sweetie Belle asked her. "No. You've helped me quite enough," Rarity told her clearly upset about the mess. "I'm sorry, sis. I just thought that if I could help, I might find my special gift and finally earn my cutie mark." Sweetie Belle looked at her blank flank in sadness. Rarity sympathized with her sister, she really did but she had a job to do. Rarity set the orange ball of yarn down and then said, "I understand. It's just that... I need this time to fill this order without any... complications." Sweetie Belle looked down sadly as Rarity finished cleaning up. "Okay, all done. Now back to work. I've lost a lot of time and I cannot have any more interruptions." Rarity sat at the sewing machine ready to work but the doorbell rang. She groaned. "What now?!" Fluttershy and Discor came in with a basket on the floor beside them and a blanket tucked over the contents. "Oh! Sorry. I thought the OPEN sign meant you were open, but…I-I must have been mistaken." Fluttershy was about to leave but Rarity gasped and said as she walked to them, "Fluttershy! Discord! Forgive me. I was so wrapped up in my work that I forgot you two were bringing Opalescence back from her grooming." "No worries, Rarity. I've left her there in the basket." Opal jumped out of the basket and purred against Fluttershy's leg. "Even though she was a pain in the neck to deal with." Fluttershy looked at Discord and scolded him, "Discord!" "What!? She was." Fluttershy rolled her eyes but smiled at her friend. "Ooh, she looks great. I just don't understand how you're able to do it." Rarity leaned down to Opal who was rubbing her head against Fluttershy's foreleg and purring contentedly. "I can't get near her without getting a swipe from her claws." Opal tried to scratch her nose with a complimentary snarl before purring against Fluttershy's leg again. "Did you use…the Stare on her?" "Oh, no! I wouldn't! I couldn't! I-I don't really have any control over when that happens," Fluttershy told her. Discord remembered that Fluttershy told her about her stare. She rarely used it and it was only for emergencies. 'Even though I've never seen the stare, it would be pretty interesting to see,' Discord thought to himself. "No. I'm just good with animals. It's my special gift, you know." Fluttershy bent down to Opal who purred against her head. "Well, you should have a picture of Opal as a cutie mark instead of those butterflies." "I think her cutie mark is perfect the way it is," Discord said causing Fluttershy to blush. Sweetie Belle smiled at an idea she got. "Oh, oh, oh, oh! Oh! Oh! Maybe I can be good with animals too!" Sweetie Belle said as she ran to Opal. Opal, who seemed unhappy with the suggestion, swiped at her mane, severing one of its curls. A big nasty smile stitches itself across her fluffy white face. Sweetie Belle said, "Or not." Sweetie Belle looked up and saw Discord for the first time. "Oh, I'm so sorry, your highness. I didn't see you." She bowed to him. Discord had gotten used to the bowing but unless he was doing his royal duties, he didn't care for it. "You can call me, Discord. It's fine, and you don't have to bow down every time you see me. Sweetie Belle got up and said, "Oh, okay." She noticed his horn and then asked, "Hey, how come your horn is blue?" Rarity nudged her sister and scolded, "Sweetie Belle! Don't be rude!" "What? It was just a question." Discord chuckled a bit. "It's okay Rarity. I'm used to that question. Sweetie Belle, I was just born with it like my red eyes." Rarity smiled sadly at the duo and told them, "I'm sorry I can't invite you to stay and chat, Fluttershy and Discord. I've bitten off a bit more than I can chew with this order." Confused, Sweetie Belle said, "But you're not eating anything." Rarity walked to her sister and told her, "No, Sweetie, it's an expression. It means that I've taken on more work than I can handle. I've got twenty of these special robes to make tonight. They're due in Trottingham tomorrow morning." Rarity picked up a piece of glittering yellow fabric with her mouth. Fluttershy gasped happily. Rarity held the material up on her foreleg. "See? I've lined them in this special gold silk. It took so long to make, but I think it adds just the right touch, don't you?" Discord nodded. "Indeed, not bad Rarity." Fluttershy nodded in agreement. "These are lovely, but twenty? By tonight? How will you get it all done?" Unsure how to answer, Rarity said, "Well, I, uh…" Sweetie Belle smiled and then said, "Oh, oh, oh! Maybe I could…" Rarity glared at her, making her stop. "…just……just stand over here and watch." Rarity smiled at her friends and then said, "I'll manage." "Well, maybe we should get out of your mane so you can work," Fluttershy told her and just before she and Discord left, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo rushed past them to Sweetie Belle. "Hi, Fluttershy! Hi, Discord! Hi, Rarity!" "Hello, uh, girls," Rarity said softly. "Hey, Sweetie Belle!" Sweetie Belle perked up and said excitedly, "Scootaloo! Apple Bloom!" "You ready for tonight?" Scootaloo asked. "Yep! Cutie mark planning session is a go!" Sweet Belle nodded. "Tonight is the night we each try to find our own special talent!" Apple Bloom told them. "Even if it takes us all night!" Scootaloo said confident they would do it. "I'm ready. You ready?" Apple Bloom asked. "Very ready." "CUTIE MARK CRUSADER SLEEPOVER AT RARITY'S! YAY!" The force of their yell was enough to shake the whole building and everypony in it, Fluttershy, Discord, and Rarity all winced at their yelling. Discord rubbed his ears and thought, 'Why do kids always have to be this loud?' "Aaand…look what I made us!" Sweetie Belle put on a red cape with a blue patch that displays the yellow silhouette of a caped, rearing filly. Apple Bloom and Scootaloo approved happily. " What does that patch on your cape mean?" Fluttershy asked looking at it. "THE CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS! YAY!" Fluttershy flopped her ears down along with Discord. "Ow! Would you not scream so loud please?" Discord asked rubbing his ears. "We're on a crusade! A mission!" Scootaloo told her. "To find our cutie marks!" Apple Bloom finished. "Yep, and look. I lined 'em with this special gold silk. It took so long to make, but I think it adds just the right touch, don't you?" Sweetie Belle showed off the fabric impressing her friends. However, Rarity recognized the fabric immediately. She rushed to her gold silk, pulled it free with her teeth, and exposed three rectangular holes that Sweetie Belle had cut out. "Sweetie Belle! What have you done?! That was the last of the gold silk! Oh, now I'll have to make more! Oh, I hope I can make more. I'm gonna have to work all night! Which means…sorry, girls. I'm afraid the Crusader sleepover is canceled." "What?!" Sweetie Belle said shocked. "I just won't have any time to watch you if I want to get these robes delivered on time." "But-" Rarity interrupted her sister and said, "No "buts" this time. I'm sorry, Sweetie Belle, it's just the way it has to be." Discouraged, the trio put their heads down in sadness. "Awww…" Fluttershy then proposed an idea, "I, uh…I suppose I could take them for the night." The girls perked their heads up and looked at Rarity with hope in their eyes. "I couldn't ask you to do that," Rarity told her. "Oh, it's no problem at all." Worried, Rarity asked, "Have you met my sister and her friends? A problem is all it would be." Feeling confident in her abilities, Fluttershy said, "Did I have a problem with Opal? You've seen how well I handle small creatures." Thinking about it a bit more, Rarity said, "I suppose that's true, and I do have a lot of work to do." F luttershy then said, "Come on, it'll be fun." "I assure you, they're quite a handful," Rarity reminded her. "These sweet little angels?" The trio smiled innocently as if they had done no wrong. "Come on Rarity. They're just young fillies, it'll be a piece of cake. Besides, I'll be with Fluttershy the entire time and everything will go smoothly." "Well…all right." "CUTIE MARK CRUSADER SLEEPOVER AT FLUTTERSHY'S COTTAGE! YAY!" The girls ran out as fast as they could to Fluttershy's cottage. "So cute. Wait for me!" Fluttershy zipped after them. Before Discord left, he said, "See you later Rarity!" Rarity couldn't help but worry, the Crusaders were sometimes a bit much, even for her, she just hoped Fluttershy and Discord could handle them. The Crusaders ran ahead of Fluttershy and Discord. Fluttershy had so many ideas of what they could do. "Oh, won't this be ever so fun? We can have a nice little tea party, and braid each other's tails, and sit quietly and color, and tell each other fairy tales, and..." "I could show them a few magic tricks," Discord added. "Oh, that would be lovely." The CMC ran past Twilight Sparkle in a giggling mini-stampede that left her spinning in place. Once she regained her balance and her eyes re-focused, she saw them goofing around at a well. "Hello, Fluttershy. Hello Discord." "Oh! Hello, Twilight," Fluttersshy said. "Where you off to?" Discord asked her. "I'm heading to the Everfree Forest, to Zecora's, to get some of my favorite tea." At the sound of that, Fluttershy shivered, "The…th-th-the Everfree Forest? Uh, you'll be careful, won't you?" "Of course. How about you two? What are you doing with the girls?" Twilight asked them. "Rarity has a big order to fill tonight, so I volunteered to take the girls over to my cottage for a sleepover. And Discord's gonna help me." Fluttershy landed on the ground as she talked and Twilight was impressed. "Wow! Sounds like everypony has their hooves full today. Taking care of those three fillies all by yourself? And I know I've never seen Discord taking care of kids before." Discord felt a bit offended by that. "Hey! I know I'm not the most responsible pony in Equestria, but I can take care of a few kids." Twilight smiled at him and said, "Hmm I don't know, your aunt, Princess Celestia, once told me that you couldn't keep an eye on one foal when she was in the meeting with a foal's mother." Discord blushed at that. "That was a long time ago, I've matured since then! It was a young pegasus, I couldn't fly. She could." Unconvinced, Twilight said, "Mmmm-Hmmm." "Oh Twilight, Discord's gonna be with me the entire time," Fluttershy reassured. 'I'm not a little anymore. I can do it! I'm a powerful draconequus. It takes a lot to strike me down.' "You sure you can handle it?" Twilight asked them, she knew neither had much experience with kids. "What? These sweet little angels? They'll be no problem at all." The CMC rushed to Discord's and Fluttershy's side and smiled innocently. "Besides, how hard can babysitting be?" Discord asked, not knowing how hard it truly was. Later that evening, Fluttershy and Discord took the CMC to her cottage and it was quiet... until the girls started to explore the cottage. "Wow!" "Look at this place!" "What's that?" "Are those chickens?" The girls looked at every animal and everything they could in Fluttershy's cottage. Discord and Fluttershy looked at each other worried. "No... problem at all," Fluttershy whispered nervously. Sweat beaded down her face and Discord asked, "Okay, girls, uh, what should we do?" They ignored the question and Scootaloo said, "I'm gonna get my mark first!" "Girls?" Fluttershy said trying to get their attention but it didn't work. "Nuh-uh!" Sweetie Belle shouted. "Should we..." Fluttershy started. "I am!" Discord then said, "Girls, okay, now settle..." "I'm staying up all night!" Scootaloo shouted as she jumped on the dog bed. "Me, too!" Apple Bloom shouted as she joined her friend. "Me, three!" "I-I know you're excited, but... girls, oh, oh, careful with the..." Apple Bloom was about to cause a chair to fail but Fluttershy rushed to fix it. "oh, ah, girls..." Discord helped Sweetie Belle out of a birdhouse as Fluttershy asked, "So! What do you wanna do? Play a game?" "We are the Cutie Mark Crusaders!" Scootaloo shouted. "And we want to crusade for our cutie marks!" Apple Bloom shouted once she was next to Discord. "And, and, and we, um... yeah, what they said!" Sweetie Belle shouted from atop Fluttershy's head. "Mmm, I don't know... how about a nice quiet little tea party?" Discord nodded in agreement. "Or... we could go adventuring in the Everfree Forest!" Scootaloo suggested. "Yeah!" Before the CMC ran out, Fluttershy stopped them in front of the door. "Oh, no! The Everfree Forest is much too dangerous. It's filled with far too many strange creatures." "Yeah, take it from somepony who lived there for years, you don't want to do there," Discord told them. "But you two could go with us and we could catch those creatures. We could be, umm... creature catchers!" Sweetie Belle suggested. "Yay! Cutie Mark Crusader creature catchers!" The CMC shouted against shaking the room and nearly causing Fluttershy and Discord to become deaf. Scootallo grabbed a carpet and a basket and stood on Apple Bloom. She put the basket on her head and covered herself and Apple Bloom to make a dangerous creature. "Arrrr! I am a dangerous creature from the Everfree Forest! Rrrarr!" Sweetie Belle was confused at first then she started to play the game. "Halt, dangerous creature of the Everfree Forest. I am Sweetie Belle, the creature catcher, and I'm here to catch you!" "You can never catch me! I am far too powerful and dangerous!" Scootaloo told her. "You cannot run from me!" The girls started to chase each other back and forth while giggling. "Girls, that's not such a..." Discord started but they didn't listen. "Now, girls, how about we do some nice coloring?" Fluttershy was starting to realize that this was starting to become more than she could handle as she sat down. 'Okay, maybe this was too much for Fluttershy and me to handle.' "Come back, dangerous creature, so I can catch you!" Sweetie Belle shouted. "Never!" Scootaloo shouted. "Careful... you don't..." There was a crash in the corner of the room. "...break anything." The girls stopped their game as Discord and Fluttershy walked to them. "Sorry, Fluttershy. Sorry, Discord," Sweetie Belle started. "Yeah, sorry," Apple Bloom told them. "I guess we aren't creature catchers." "Oh, girls, it's okay. Fluttershy and I..." Before Discord could finish Apple Boom popped up and said, "I know! We could be Cutie Mark Crusader carpenters!" Fluttershy could barely say, "C-carpenters?" As the CMC rushed to get what they needed. They returned with hammers and play doctor's equipment to fix the table. "Hammer!" Apple Bloom said. "Hammer." Scootaloo picked up a hammer and passed it to Sweetie Belle who passed it to Apple Bloom. "Hammer!" Sweetie Belle said. "Hammer." Scootaloo picked up a hammer and handed it to Sweetie Belle. "Hammer! ...Hammer." Scootaloo picked up a hammer and before Fluttershy or Discord could stop them the girls started their construction. Once the CMC finished, it didn't look like a table. "Um ... that doesn't look like a table," Sweetie Belle noted. "We were making a table?" Scootaloo asked. "Somepony needs to put this thing out of its misery," Apple Bloom noted. "We are definitely not Cutie Mark Carpenters," Scootaloo told them. "Who wants a picture of a hammer on their flank anyway?" Fluttershy removed the destroy the table noting to get it fixed later. "Girls, how about a game?" Discord suggested as he led the girls to the couch. "A game?" Apple Bloom asked. Fluttershy smiled at the idea. "It's called Shhh!" Confused, Scootaloo asked, "What's that?" "Well, it's a game about who can be quiet the longest. Sound fun? I'm the world champ, you know. I bet you can't beat me!" Fluttershy smiled, took a deep breath, and stayed quiet. It only took a few seconds for the girls to cave. "I lose!" "Me too!" "Me three!" The girls ran around the room again searching for ways to get their cutie marks. Fluttershy released her breath and sighed. "Okay, now what can we do?" Scootaloo asked. "Ooh! How about Cutie Mark Crusader coal miners?" Apple Bloom suggested as she emerged from the chimney. "Yeah!" The others went appeared from the chimney excited for their next adventure. "No!" Fluttershy shouted. "Alright, girls listen up! We are all gonna settle down. We would not be trying things to get your cutie mark! We would not be breaking things! And for the love of all things chaos, we will not shout 'Cutie Mark Crusaders something!' Is that clear?" Discord said, losing his patience. "Awww…" Fluttershy wanting to bring a calmness to the room said, "I think what Discord means is it's time for bed, don't you think? Aren't you excited to get all toasty and warm in your snuggly-wuggly little beds?" "Snuggly-wuggly? But we have more crusading to do!" Apple Bloom told her. "We've got plans!" Scootaloo added. "And capes!" Sweetie Belle finished. "Uh, okay, um, maybe the crusading can wait until morning…when it's light…and not so…dark?" Fluttershy told them as she and Discord led them to her bed. The CMC were on Fluttershy's bed not feeling tired but they wanted their cutie marks. "How are we gonna find our special talent in our sleep?" Apple Bloom asked. "Maybe you'll have a lovely little dream about your special talent," Fluttershy told them after blowing out the candle. "Yeah, my mother, Princess Luna, says dreams can help guide you to your desires or something like that. She knows about the dream realm more than I do," Discord told the CMC. "But we're not even tired!" Scootaloo told them. F luttershy covered the girls with the blanket and said, "How about I sing you a lullaby?" The girls nodded. Hush now, quiet now, it's time to lay your sleepy head. Hush now, quiet now, it's time to go to bed. As Fluttershy was singing, Discord blushed softly. 'Wow, she sings like an angel.' The girls started to yawn except for Sweetie Belle who recognized the song. "I know this one!" Fluttershy then said, "Oh, how wonderful! Why don't you sing it with me?" Sweetie Belle nodded as she coughed. Scootaloo and Apple Bloom looked shocked then smiled as they covered their ears. "Hush now, quiet now, it's time to lay your sleepy head! Hush now, quiet now, it's time to go to bed!" Sweetie Belle started singing it louder and faster than Fluttershy was used to. "Okay, Sweetie, that was..." Fluttershy started but Sweetie Belle ignored her. "Driftin' off to sleep, the exciting day behind you! Driftin' off to sleep, let the joy of dreamland find you!" "Sweetie Belle!" Discord shouted stomping his hoof down but the young unicorn didn't listen to him. "Hush now, quiet now, lay your sleepy head! hush now, quiet now, it's time to go to bed!" Sweetie Belle's voice was so loud it scared the chickens in the coop into a full panic. "What is that?" The CMC looked toward the half-open window as Fluttershy and Discord finished putting everything back on the mantelpiece. They looked back to the bed and saw the girls were gone. "Girls!" "Where did they go now?" Discord asked as Fluttershy looked out the window. "Fluttershy, your chickens are on the loose!" Apple Bloom shouted. "I wonder what could have caused that," Sweetie Belle said out loud. Sarcastically, Discord asked, "Yeah, gee I wonder who?" "Don't worry, Fluttershy! The Cutie Mark Crusaders will handle this!" Scootaloo told her. "Cutie Mark Crusader chicken herders! Yaaaaay!" Sweetie Belle shouted then the girls rushed to get the chickens. "No! It's time to go to sleep now!" Discord shouted. "I don't think that's a…come back!" The girls chased the chickens around the fenced area as Fluttershy and Discord ran outside to get them back in. "Girls! Stop it right now!" Discord told them. "Please…come on, girls, the chickens are fine…oh…girls…" One of the chickens landed on Discord's head, flapping its wings and freaking out. "Hey! Get off! Get off!" Discord tried to get it off but it wouldn't leave. "Girls!" Fluttershy shouted stopping everypony in their tracks even the chickens. Scootaloo and one chicken peeking out from beneath the ramp that leads to the coop entrance. Eyeing the one still perched on Discord's head, Fluttershy clicked her tongue and the chicken dropped to the ground, then she gently nudged several back toward the coop. Discord sighed with relief as she smiled. "Thanks, Fluttershy." "Come on……in you go…" Instead of going in, she gets a chorus of uncooperative cackling that annoys her considerably. With no warning, the meek pegasus leaned in and with eyes wide open, she gave chickens a surprisingly intense gaze. Her chickens had frightened little squawks, and they slowly back up the ramp as the Crusaders watch, dumbstruck, while Discord is smiling in amazement. 'Wow, that is one intense stare.' She gives them a final one-eyed dose to persuade them to enter the coop, where three briefly get stuck abreast in the entrance before popping in. Once that was done, Fluttershy returned to her normal sweet demeanor. "There are some good chickens. Okay, you three. Isn't it about time you got into bed?" "But..." The girls had so many questions but they weren't going to get any answers. "Bed. Now," Discord said sternly. "Please?" Fluttershy asked softly. They dropped their heads sadly, as Fluttershy smiled at them. Fluttershy and Discord led the girls back to bed ready to get some sleep. "Alright, so, no more crusading for tonight, all right?" Fluttershy asked. "Yes, Fluttershy," Scootaloo told her as she rested her head. "We promise, Discord," Sweetie Belle said as she rested her head. "Good night, Fluttershy. Good night, Discord," Apple Bloom said as she rested her head. "Okay, good night," Fluttershy said as she left the room. "Night, girls," Discord said as he left the room not knowing that the girls were going to brew more trouble as they were gone. The duo rested on the couch from the long evening. "Boy, who knew taking care of fillies would be challenging?" Discord said as he prepared some tea for them. "It really wasn't that hard. I mean, all we needed to do was just show them who's in charge. Nothing's gonna get past Fluttershy. Good with animals, good with kids." The two didn't even see the CMC leaving the cottage. After a few minutes, Discord decided to start a conversation "Hey, Fluttershy." Fluttershy lifted her head and said, "Hmm?" He bit his lip then said, "That was a beautiful lullaby you sang earlier." She smiled and then said, "Thanks, my Mom used to sing that to me and my little brother when I was little. Most ponies sing it to their little ones to help them sleep." Discord smiled at that. "Really? My mom didn't sing me that. She sang a different one." This intrigued her because everypony she knew sang or heard that song. "Really? What was it?" Discord put the tea bag in the pot as he said, "Oh, I don't know the real name. When I was little, I called it the Moon Lullaby." Curious, she asked, "Can you sing it?" Discord blushed as he poured the tea into the cups. "I-I don't know… I'm not a good singer like you Fluttershy." "Please, I wanna hear it anyway." Discord sighed as he set the tea down. "Oh alright." He cleared his throat and looked at the moon out of habit. Distant moon so big and bright Softest silver glowing through the night High atop the mountain gold Sun unseen The world is cold Here I wait And here I stand Early morning Northern Hour hand Studying in solitude Looking for a hidden clue I wish to see this world through my own eyes To calm the elders and silence their cries Because of you I now gaze up and sing The Lullaby of The Moon. Once Discord finished, Fluttershy was amazed. Discord never sang in front of her and the lullaby was beautiful. "Wow Discord…that was beautiful." Discord looked at her with a smile. "Thank you, Fluttershy. My mom used to sing to me that every night… before she..." Discord trailed off, unable to finish his sentence. Thinking about that day all those years ago was hard. Fluttershy flew to her friend and hugged him. "I'm so sorry you had to go through that. I can't imagine how hard it was to lose her." Fluttershy misses her parents when she isn't home but she can see them when she wants. She couldn't imagine not being able to see her mom again and Discord lost his mom for 1000 moons. She couldn't imagine how much it hurt to lose her. Discord smiled and said, "It's alright, my dear, she's back now thanks to you and the others. Which I am grateful for. There is truly no way for me to repay you for that." He did a small bow after releasing the hug which caused Fluttershy to blush but she smiled at him, nevertheless. The room was quiet, too quiet. "Is it me or is it too quiet?" Discord noted. Feeling alarmed, Fluttershy said, "It is!" Fluttershy flew up the stairs and gasped, while Discord ran up the stairs. "They're gone!" Discord shouted, worried out of his mind. "Girls?" They ran outside to find them but there wasn't a trace. "Girls?" "Where are you little tikes?" Discord searched in a different part of the yard while Fluttershy looked in her chicken coop. She noticed that one of her chickens was missing. "Elizabeak! She's missing! Girls?" Fluttershy looked out and saw the broken fence and the chicken feet tracks. "Uhh Fluttershy…you might wanna come and look at this!" Discord showed her torn cape from one of the girls and their tracks. "Oh, no! They must have gone looking for my missing chicken! Which means…they must have gone into..." Fluttershy gulped in fear. "…the Everfree Forest!" Fluttershy and Discord finished. "Those girls have really done it this time! They've really bitten off more than they can chew. Oh just like me. I never should have offered to watch them," Fluttershy said worriedly. Discord put a comforting hood on her and said, "It's not your fault my dear, I should have suggested that we couldn't offer to watch them. Oh, Twilight was right, I wasn't ready to take on fillies." "Don't blame yourself, Discord. Right now, we need to find the girls before they get hurt." Discord nodded in agreement. They walked to the edge and Fluttershy stopped. The forest terrified her. "We'll do this, together," Discord told her. Fluttershy smiled and they rushed in to find the girls. "Girls!" Fluttershy gulped in fear as she called out for them. "Girls!" Discord called out. Fluttershy huddled down with a whimper as the wind kicked up. Discord noticed her discomfort and told her, "It's alright, my dear, it's just the wind. And if something tries to touch or harm you, I'll protect you I promise." Fluttershy looked at Discord as he gave her an encouraging smile. She nodded with a small smile. 'Get hold of yourself Fluttershy. Discord's with you and nothing is going to happen to you. Just put one hoof in front of the other.' Fluttershy walked forward and stepped on a fallen branch, which caused her to yelp. "What was that?" She started to back up in fear. "It's okay, Fluttershy, it's just a..." Before Discord could finish she backed up into a tree, which caused her to scream and run away. "Fluttershy, come back!" As she was running, Fluttershy saw a familiar shape. "Twilight? Is that you?" Fluttershy slowed down as she caught up with her friend and Discord wasn't too far behind. "It is Twilight." Discord would admit, he was surprised to see Twilight out this late. Fluttershy felt an instant relief, now there were three of them to search for the girls. "Oh Twilight, it is you! Thank goodness you're we need your help. The girls are out here somewhere and we're afraid that they're..." Fluttershy cut herself off once the moonlight illuminated the unicorn's figure to give her a full view of it. The unicorn has been turned to stone her eyes wide and her mouth hanging open in surprise. Fluttershy and Discord gasps in terror. Discord could feel his heart pounding and his breaths were growing shorter. His thoughts were racing, he couldn't speak, he could barely breathe. Were his ears ringing? He couldn't tell. "What's happened to you?" Fluttershy touched Twilight's stone form as she toppled over as she gives a startled cry. "Oh no! If you've been turned to stone, it must mean…oh no! The girls!" Fluttershy was about to fly off but she heard short quickened breaths. She turned to Discord who was having a panic attack. "Discord? Discord! What's wrong?" Discord didn't answer her. His pupils were small and only focused on Twilight's stone form. Fluttershy's panic worsened when she saw Discord scared, but she didn't have time for this nor did the girls. She needed to help him. 'His fear!' She remembered what happened a few weeks ago when they faced the dragon. Fluttershy sat in front of her friend and held his hoof. "Discord, stay with me. I know you're scared but I can't do this without you. Take a couple of deep breaths. In... out... in... out..." Discord slowly began to follow Fluttershy's deep, calming breaths. "Feeling better?" Discord nodded. "Thank you, Fluttershy. What's going on?" He asked, his nerves were still high but it wasn't as bad. "No time to explain we got to find the girls now!" Discord nodded in agreement. The girls' safety was their top priority. Before leaving, Fluttershy looked at the Twilight statue and said, "Don't worry, I'll be back for you." With that, they ran off to find the girls, before it was too late. The girls were fighting in the forest as they followed the trail of chicken feet to see if it was their special talent then they heard Fluttershy and Discord calling out for them. "Girls! Girls!" "Fluttershy? Discord?" They heard Sweetie Belle shout. They rushed to their side, happy to have finally found them. "Fluttershy, what...." "Girls, we have to leave the forest at once!" Fluttershy told them. "But we haven't found the chicken yet," Sweetie Belle told her. "There's no time for that. There's a cockatrice on the loose." Fear showed on Fluttershy's face as she was Discord pushed them out of the forest. "A cocka-what-now?" Apple Bloom said confused. "A cockatrice. It's a frightening creature with the head of a chicken and the body of a snake. Now, come on." "The head of a chicken and the body of a snake?" The girls ignored that and moved forward. "That doesn't sound scary. That sounds silly," Scootaloo commented. Discord rushed in front of them and told them, "Girls, if Fluttershy says it's serious, then it's serious. just because a creature sounds silly or looks silly, doesn't mean it's not dangerous." "Well, if I ever saw one of them cocka-thingies face-to-face, I'd laugh at how silly it was." Fluttershy joined him and told them, "No! Never look on in the eye. If you look a cockatrice in the eye..." Elizabeck came out of a bush running in fear. "The chicken!" The girls ignored them again as they rushed after her. They ran after Elizabeck, calling out to it but they stopped when they heard the growl of an animal. They looked around and Sweetie Belle said, "There it is." Another chicken popped out of the bushes confusing the girls. "Two chickens?" "I-I thought only one escaped," Apple Bloom exclaimed. Sweetie Belle made a grab for the first chicken but she jumped out and ran away. Apple Bloom tried to grab the second one but it ducked into the bushes. It growled as it slithered out showing it wasn't a chicken but a cockatrice. The cockatrice flew out and crowed at them freezing the girls in their tracks. Elizabeck ran around clucking in fear then the cockatrice landed in front of her and with one look from its gaze, Elizabeck turned to stone. The chicken landed deep in the ground and once the cockatrice spotted its next prey the girls ran off screaming in fear. Scootaloo tripped on a rock and the others fell on her and they instantly saw a petrified Twilight. "See? Now we have to..." Fluttershy and Discord's sudden arrival startled the CMC into a scream. "Girls, please…girls…listen to me girls I uh…please!" The girls ran in random directions with their eyes closed as Fluttershy tried to get their attention. Discord looked off in another direction and gasped as his eyes popped in horror. The cockatrice emerged from the bushes and started to close in. Worried for the girls' and Fluttershy's safety, he used his horn to blast the cockatrice away. The attack missed but it was enough it get its attention. "Hey! Leave those girls alone!" "Discord! No!" Discord shot magic at the cockatrice again. "Fluttershy! Get the girls and get outta here!" Fluttershy refused to leave him behind. "No!" Discord continued to blast the cockatrice until it spotted Fluttershy looking fearful as she screamed. The cockatrice went after her, now not caring about Discord. "Look out!" Discord pushed Fluttershy out of the way but he accidentally looked the cockatrice right in the eyes which slowly turned him to stone. He started to panic. He turned to use his magic to make it stop but it was useless. "Fluttershy!" Discord turned to Fluttershy with fear etched onto his face as he turned to stone. "Discord!" Fluttershy covered her eyes and told the girls, "Girls! Behind me now!" The CMC went behind Fluttershy while the cockatrice was approaching its prey. Taking a risk, Fluttershy glanced behind her and risked a backward glance to make sure they were following orders. The girls' eyes were wide open and full of fear. Fluttershy inadvertently turned her eye toward the cockatrice and started to feel angry at him since he turned Discord, Twilight, and Elizabeck into stone. "You!" Flutershy used her stare on the cockatrice risking it all for her friends. "Just who do you think you are going around and turning others into stone!?" The cockatrice was caught off guard but looked her in the eye. Fluttershy slowly began to turn to stone. "You should be ashamed of yourself! I have half a mind to find your mother and tell her what you've been up to, young man!" The cockatrice begins to get nervous with a shocked gasp. He landed on his feet but undeterred he tried to get Fluttershy petrified. The process was still going slow. "Now you go over there and turn Elizabeth and my friends, Twilight and Discord, back to normal. And don't ever let me catch you doing this again!" The stone transformation, which had spread the entire half of Fluttershy's body, cracks away like an eggshell. As the cockatrice was now on the ground terrified of the yellow pegasus. "Do you understand me?"It can only manage a timid nod and sound of agreement, then it runs off to turn Discord, Elizabeck, and Twilight back to normal. "Are you girls all right? Discord and I were so worried." "Yeah, fine," Scootaloo told her. "Thanks to that stare and Discord using his magic to protect us," Sweetie Belle added. Discord was freed from his stone prison as he fell to the ground. "Thanks, Fluttershy," He told her with a smile. "You're like the Queen of Stares. You're the...." "Stare Master!" Fluttershy nearly blushed at that. "We're sorry we snuck out of the house and into the forest," Sweetie Belle told her as Discord joined Fluttershy's side. "Yeah, we'll listen to you and Discord from now on," Apple Bllom told them. "We promise." Discord and Fluttershy smiled at them. "Oh, you do, do you? Well, you'd better, or I'll give you... the stare." Fluttershy did a fake stare at the girls and they all laughed at the small joke. "Thanks, girls and keep your heads up high, it may not be now, it may not be tomorrow, but one day, you all will earn your cutie marks." Fluttershy nodded in agreement. The cockatrice can be seen flying away behind them as Twilight joins the group dazed. "What... what happened?" Elizabeck can be heard clucking in fear behind Fluttershy as the cockatrice flies away. After resting at Fluttershy's cottage, the next morning, the girls played while Fluttershy and Discord explained to Twilight what happened with the cockatrice. Twilight was even writing a letter to Princess Celestia. "And that's when it brought you and Discord back from stone," Fluttershy told her. "Yeah, not my best moment. Thanks again, Fluttershy. If you weren't there, I don't know what could have happened," Discord told her. "This is gonna make quite a letter to the Princess," Twilight told them. "I was wrong about you. Both of you. You certainly do know how to handle those girls." Fluttershy and Discord glanced at each other and then back to Twilight. "Well... I wouldn't go that far," Discord told her. "Hmm? How so?" "I assumed that I'd be just as good with kids as I am with animals. Boy, was I wrong." "Yeah, I mean, we both worked together and I have handled difficult royal duties but we both learned the hard way not to bite off more than we could chew." Twilight wrote that down in her letter, rolling up the scroll once she was done. "You and Rarity both." Rarity soon arrived to get the girls. "Good morning, Rarity," Twilight told her. "Did you finish all those capes?" Discord asked. Rarity then said with a tired smile, "Just delivered them. I have to admit, if you and Discord hadn't come along, I might not have." Rarity gave them a small hug and said, "Thanks again." "Won't you stay for some tea?" Fluttershy asked. "I really must get back to the shop and clean up. Girls, get your things. Time to go." The girls ignored her as they continued to play. Twilight, Discord, and Fluttershy smiled at each other as Rarity tried to get the girls under control. "Girls, time to..." The girls continued to play with each other while ignoring Rarity. "Girls, your things! Girls, it's time to..." Rarity then shouted, completely frustrated, "GIRLS!" Discord and Fluttershy walked to Rarity and Fluttershy told her, "Allow us." Fluttershy cleared her throat and said, "Girls." The girls stopped playing and ran to Fluttershy and Discord. "Yes, Fluttershy. Yes, Discord." "You called." "Go and get your things. It's time to go. Rarity is here to see you home," Discord told them. "Of course, Discord. Of course, Fluttershy. Right away," Sweetie Belle told them as they ran off to get their things. Rarity was shocked that Fluttershy and Discord had the girls under control. "H-how did you... how did you two do that?" Fluttershy winked at Twilight then told her, "I guess I'm just as good with kids as I am with animals." The girls left with their things thanking Fluttershy and Discord as they ran off. Rarity smiled nervously then said, "Uh, speaking of which, I could use your help with Opal, Fluttershy." "Of course. How about later today?" Opal meowed loudly and Rarity turned to her side, Opal clinging to her coat with her claws. "How about now?" Twilight joined them and they all laughed, knowing that this would be the easiest thing they had done since last night. > Green Isn't Your Color > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The first thing Discord noticed that he was surrounded by darkness. "Odd." Then he noticed his eagle claw. "I'm in my original form? How did I..." Before he could turn himself back, he heard a familiar voice. "Discord?" Discord turned around and paled. "Twilight!" Discord began to panic, Twilight had seen his true form. "I can explain…" Discord backed up on all fours as he tried to explain but his words failed him. "You're…You're a monster!" "What!? No! I..." "How could ya lied to us!?" "You're a beast!" "We're never playing pranks with you ever again!" "Yeah, you're a big meanie and a liar!" "How could you!?" Discord looked around and he saw his friend's angry eyes. They were furious, it made sense, he lied to them for months. "Please... you have to understand. I only did this because...." Discord stopped once Fluttershy appeared, he told her "Fluttershy! Please listen to me! I..." "Save it Discord! You lied to me! How could you! I thought we're friends!" "We are…it's just..." "Don't talk to me, Discord. I won't never be friends with a big scary monster like you!" Tears started to form in Discord's eyes. His worst fears were coming true. His ears perked up when he heard hundreds of ponies shouting. He turned and saw fierce glowing red eyes from everypony. Discord tried to runaway but couldn't move, he looked down and realized to his horror as he was slowly turning to stone. "No! NOOOO! Fluttershy! Help me!" "Why should I!? You're the one who lied to me. You deserve to be turned to stone!" He could hear the girls agree with fervently. "No! Fluttershy, girls, please help me! Please!" "Goodbye forever!" Terrified, Discord shouted, "PLEASE, SOMEPONY HELP ME!" Suddenly, a bright blue light cleared everything up. Discord looked down and saw that he was no longer turning to stone. He looked around and saw his mother, Princess Luna. Relief filled him, he let out a big sigh and said, "Oh, it's just a dream." Luna smiled at him and asked, "Are you alright?" "Mom, I'm scared that…they'll think of me as a freak if they see the real me." Discord couldn't help but stare at his lion paw and eagle claw. He's hated his form his entire life, even more so since his mother turned into Nightmare Moon. Princess Luna saw next to Discord and told him, "I know, Moonlight. But sooner or later, you have to tell the truth." Discord sighed. "I know but I don't know how." "Moonlight, I know you can do this, you have a strong bond with these ponies. I know they'll accept you, just as they accepted me." Luna said as she put his hands in her hoofs. Discord smiled at her. "Thanks Mom, but I'll tell them sometime but... not now. I don't feel ready." "Okay. But when you feel ready, let me or Celestia know. We will help you and be there for you." Luna gave her son a comforting hug then readied herself to leave. "Sleep well, my son." With that, Luna flew off to help another pony with their nightmares. Discord woke up and saw that he was still in his pony. The sun hasn't risen yet but Discord could tell it was going to soon. Discord got out of his bed and walked to the window. He stared at the moon and said outloud, "I wish I knew how to tell them about the real me." Fluttershy was concerned about Discord, she noticed that he wasn't talking much and he hadn't touched his tea. "Discord, are you okay? You haven't touched your tea." Discord blinked and looked at his tea. "Yes, sorry, my dear. Rough night. How about you?" "Huh? Oh, I'm... okay." Discord could tell by Fluttershy's tone that something was on her mind. "Fluttershy, I'm your friend, you know you could always tell me. You can tell me anything." Fluttershy smiled. "Okay…It's just that Rarity wants me to model for a pony named Photo Finish, and I'm not feeling comfortable with this." This surprised him. Rarity knows how shy Fluttershy is, why would she ask her? "You know you don't have to do something you don't want to." Fluttershy nodded. "I know, but Rarity is my friend. And it's the least I can do. She always takes me out for a spa day." Discord felt unsure but Fluttershy seemed okay with this. "Well, if that's what you want, you go for it. But if you don't wanna do something you're not comfortable with, you can always say no. And if it makes you feel better, I'll stay with you on that day." Smiling, Fluttershy said, "Thanks, Discord, that really means a lot to me." "Anything for my friend." It was the day of the photo shoot with Photo Finish and Rarity and Fluttershy were very nervous. Fluttershy was wearing a beautiful black dress with a pink saddle and a pink fluffy rim on the dress. Her headdress was also black with multiple pink feathers. It was a very beautiful outfit. "Hmmm…she's going to want to see attitude and pizzazz." "A-A-Attitude and…pizzazz," Fluttershy whispered. Rarity looked at the dress in the light then shouted, "More light! It has to catch the sequins just so or the whole outfit is just a disaster." Twilight's used her magic to create more light around Fluttershy as she was on lightning duty for the shoot. "Ooh, and the headdress needs more feathers. Pinkie Pie! More feathers!" Pinkie Pie trotted across the floor with a basket of feathers in her teeth. Rarity levitated a few of them and fitted them into place, causing the overall shape of the headdress to become more streamlined and swept back. Rarity gasped at another ting she needed, "And sequins! More sequins!" Discord walked over to Rarity with a basketful of sequins using magic from his horn. The contents are levitated and puffed over all of Fluttershy, she let out a startled cry but the end result left the entire outfit sparkling like the stars. "And more ribbon!" Spike slapped a couple of blue bows on Fluttershy's headdress and Rarity observed it for a few seconds then said, "Oh, no. Less ribbon." Spike took them off and just as quick, Rarity said, "No! More ribbon." She put the ribbons back on which annoyed Fluttershy. 'Gee, didn't think being a model was that difficult.' Rarity looked at Fluttershy from behind and noticed the hem was off. "Oh, this hem is completely off! PINCUSHION!" That was Spike's cue to get rush back to Rarity's side and go to all fours showing he had several pins stuck into his back. She levitated several of them away and she waved to make him back off and he happily obliged as Rarity's focuses on fixing the hem. "Thank you all for helping me. I'm sorry to be so short with you, but I'm... I'm just so nervous." "You just need to relax, the dress looks great," Discord told her. 'And so does Fluttershy.' Spike reached the others and they all looked at his back worried he was in pain. "Ooh! Doesn't that hurt?" Discord asked him. Spike stood up and pointed to his back. "Thick scales. Can't feel a thing. And even if I could…there is no pain that would keep me from assisting…the most beautiful creature in the world." Twilight rolled and groaned loudly as Rarity walked off. 'Oh, brother.' Spike turned around to Twilight, Pinkie, and Discord and said, "I'm gonna tell you three a secret, but you have to promise not to tell anyone." "I promise," Twilight told him with a smile. "You got it, kiddo." "Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye." Pinkie said as with each part she did an action that followed, she used her hoof to make an 'x' over her heart, pointed to her back as if she had wings, and closed her eye to stick her hoof on it. Satisfied with his friends words, Spike beckoned them closer, when they weren't close enough, he beckoned them to come closer. Once they were nose to nose, he whispered, "I have a crush on Rarity." Twilight and Discord ears went down and with a deadpan look. Pinkie, on the other hand, gasped loudly and clapped her hooves on her mouth to stifle it. "Gee, that's a shocker," Discord said sarcastically. 'Everypony knows he has a crush on Rarity, I wonder if Rarity knows or if she is oblivious to it.' "We won't say a word!" "Gimme a break. Everypony already knows how you..." Pinkie nearly shoved her face into Twilight's as she said, "Twilight! You promised Spike you wouldn't say anything. He trusts you. And losing a friend's trust is the fastest way to lose a friend forever!" "But..." "Forrrreeeeverrrr!" Pinkie said menacingly. Discord fought a chuckle as he said, "You know she's not gonna let it up on you. It'll be easier on all of us if you go with it." "My lips are sealed. Though I'm pretty sure Rarity is gonna pick up on your feelings." "Yeah, if I were you, Spike, I'd lose the shirt," Discord told Spike as he looked down at the white T-shirt with a red heart and inside was Rarity's face. The front doorbell rang and a trio of earth pony mares came in. The two on the side had an outlandish hairstyle with clothing to match. The one in the middle takes the cake of most outlandish with a light blue coat; straight, light gray mane cut in a bobbed style; dark gray dress striped with white on the blouse and around the hem. a short magenta scarf with matching diamond-shaped accents on the skirt, and sunglasses with dark gray frames with magenta lenses that completely hide her eyes. "I, Photo Finish…have arrived," Photo Finish said in a heavy German accent. 'Wow, talk about an entrance.' Rarity walked to her saying, "Let me just say what an honor…" One of the mares pushed a case as Photo Finish past Rarity without acknowledging her. "We begin…now!" At that tap of her hoof, the case popped open and set itself up as an old-style camera on a tripod, complete with flashbulb attachment and extendable "bellows" lens. Before Photo Finish started, Rarity decided to have a last-minute talk with Fluttershy. "Attitude and pizzazz!" She whispered and not even a second after Rarity left, Photo Finish started snapping pictures of her. "Yes! Show Photo Finish something!" Fluttershy stood on her hind legs in a confident pose until Photo Finish said, "No!" Fluttershy hunkered down with a whimper which impressed Photo Finish. "Yeees!" She took multiple photos. Another picture was taken and Rarity showed that Fluttershy needed to smile so Fluttershy propped her chin up on a hoof and stretched her face with a smile. "No!" Fluttershy slumped leaving her feeling dejected. Discord couldn't help but worry. Fluttershy was completely out of her element and trying her best but it wasn't working. 'I hate seeing her like this. Wish I could help.' "Yeees!" Rarity felt a bit defeated that her poses weren't working but she was undetered. She struck a new pose for Fluttershy to copy: head and one foreleg lifted proudly, the other three legs planted wide. "No!" Fluttershy huddles down close to the floor making the shy pony feel more defeated. 'What am I doing wrong?' "ENOUGH!" Photo Finish hit her camera and it folded up. Once it landed on the ground, the same mare grabbed it and put it on her back and they left, leaving the group stunned at the scene. "What just happened?" Discord asked, breaking the silence first. "She hardly took any pictures." Feeling sorry about what happened, Fluttershy said, "I'm so sorry. I tried my best." Rarity removed the headdress from Fluttershy as she said, "Well, the headdress is too big for you and the cape had too much sparkle. I can't believe I ever thought I could impress her." The pity party is cut off by Photo Finish's sudden return. "It seems that I, Photo Finish, have found the next fashion star here in Ponyville." Discord was quite stunned at her quick appearance. 'Where the heck did she come from? She's not a Draconequus as far as I know, and she had no horn. Wonder if she has some chaos magic like Pinkie Pie?' Feeling excited from hearing this, Rarity said, "Really? "Yes, really. And I, Photo Finish, am going to help her to shine all over Equestria!" A large grin started to appear on Rarity's face as Photo Finish continued, "Tomorrow, a photo shoot in ze park. I go!" She left as quickly as she arrived with her entourage following in pursuit. Rarity stood at the door as she watched them leave and smiled as she turned back to her friends. "Did you hear that? I am going to shine all over Equestria!" "Oh, Rarity, I was so worried I'd ruined everything." "Oh, never. I knew you'd be perfect." Rarity kept her composure for just a few seconds but as soon as she bit her lower lip, it broke. She giggled and had a jumpy fit of wild laughter, taking no account whatever of the fact that every jemp brings a hoof down on the end of Spike's tail. Spike doesn't seemed to mind it even with a grimace of pain alternating with the soppy grin. Twilight rolled her eyes and grabbed Spike by one of his spines to drag him away. "Come on, Romeo." The next day, Fluttershy, Rarity, and Discord went to the park. "Thank you so much, Discord for coming along and helping." Discord was pushing the rack of dresses for Rarity. "Any time, Rarity." To be honest, Discord was more here for Fluttershy. Yesterday went well, but she asked him to be there with her and he couldn't say no to his friend. Discord stood to the side as Rarity went through several dresses behind a changing curtain. "No. No. No." With each no, Discord used his magic to catch the dresses before they hit the ground. 'Jeez, how many dresses does a pony need?' After a few more nos, Rarity found the dress that she wanted, "Yes!" Rarity closed the changing curtain to reveal Fluttershy wearing a skin tight white nd blue outfit. The outfit was mostly white but it was carefully detailed with sapphires to make it absolutely stunning. "That is definitely the one. Photo Finish is going to love it. Everypony is going to love it!" "Oh, I am so excited for you. Just don't forget us little ponies when you become the most famous designer in all of Equestria." "Never." Fluttershy smiled at that and Discord did as well. He always worried when ponies become famous that they would leave their friends behind and he was glad Rarity said that she would and he had a feeling that she would keep that promise. "Put me down here." Photo Finish came in being carried on a peditasal by two pegasi. They set her down and two earth pony mares joined her side. She looked at the outfit Fluttershy was wearing and said, "Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. The model should be in something simple!" Rarity and Flutterhsy looked at the outfit confused. Discord felt confused as well. 'Simple? What does she mean? I thought this was about Rarity.' "Something inspired by... the nature." Instead of contradicting her, Rarity said, "That's just what I was thinking." Rarity rushed to her dresses to find something new but nothing looked good. She smiled as she kicked them away and said, "Um, give me a moment, and I'll, uh, put a little something together." "Yes. That will not be necessary." "But... but... How are you going to help me "shine across Equestria" if I don't design something new for these pictures?" "Yeah, you did talk to Rarity about her outfits so what changed?" Discord asked her. "I'm going to help her shine. She is my star!" Photo Finish pointed to Fluttershy and the green earth pony pushed her to get make up and a new outfit on. "You two, go!" Rarity gasped at that and couldn't help but watch as Fluttershy was taken away. Discord just watched in silence. He couldn't believe that they picked Fluttershy, the shyest pony he's ever met to be a model. He hated the attention that he got as a prince, he couldn't imagine how Fluttershy would feel. A few minutes later, Rarity was putting away the dresses and Fluttershy used this time to talk to her friend. "I can't, Rarity." Rarity just smiled and said, "Oh, but you must, Fluttershy. Photo Finish wants to make you a star. This is the opportunity of a lifetime. I know we were hoping it would be my lifetime, but nonetheless, you can't throw away this chance. You must do this for me. You must. You must! You mus-s-t!" Discord was about to add his take on the situation but Photo Finish called out, "Floottershy! It is time to make... the magics!" Fluttershy looked back to Rarity and Discord for support but Rarity just smiled. Discord just looked at her concerned. Fluttersly walked off leaving a discouraged Rarity behind. "Oh, Wunderbar! You are like a delicate flower-- so much more alluring without all those sparkles and feathers." Rarity and Discord started to walked off as Photo Finish was ready to take some photos of Fluttershy. "Hmm... something is missing." Rarity perked up at that, maybe not all hope was lost. Photo Finish looked around the park then she spotted it. "You!" She pointed at Discord to the shock of both of them. "Me?!" "Yes! You! You are perfect to be with this delicate flower. So bold, confident, it's perfect for... the magics! Put him in something like Floottershy!" One of the Earth ponies started to push Discord toward the changing area. Like Fluttershy, Discord didn't feel comfortable about this at all. Once he was in a green suit with a daisy on it. "Yes. Brillant! Now, we make... the magics!" With that, Rarity left, feeling more discouraged then ever before. Rarity went home to wallow in her feeling. She was currently sewing a black gown for herself as Pinkie Pie, Twilight, and Spike came to see what happened. "How'd it go?! how'd it go?!" Pinkie asked while jumping up and down. "It didn't." Rarity finished the black gown and drapped it over herself and finsihed it off by tieing it around her neck. "Photo Finish wanted to work with Fluttershy, not me. Before taking any pictures, she said something was missing then she brought Discord in to work with her along with Fluttershy. "Oh, Rarity, I'm so sorry. Is there anything we can do?" Twilight asked feeling sorry for her friend. Rarity flipped the cloak's hood on her head. "I just…vant to be alone right now." Rarity's head went down in sadness and dispair. Pinkie and Twilight were about to walk to their friend to comfort her, but were stopped by Spike. "You heard her. She vants to be…alone." After Spike pushed them out he skipped across the room to be with her but Twilight came back in and yanked him out by grabbing his tail. Pinkie and Twilight looked at Spike annoyed but he just smiled and said, "What? I didn't think she meant alone alone." Photo Finish took Fluttershy and Discord backstage of a catwalk for them to get their pictures taken. After getting their outfits on, A white, green, and Blue dress for Fluttershy with a see-through fabric connecting to the end of the dress. The ponies were fixing up anything they needed to: hairspray and making the dressing look perfect until one decided to put make-up on Fluttershy but not on Discord. "Not enough blush." The make up pony put blush on Discord as Photo Finish looked Fluttershy and said, "Too much blush." The pony removed the blush on Fluttershy quickly then she said, "Not enough." Photo Finish looked at Discord and said, "Too much blush." The same pony removed the blush. "Not enough." The pony put blush on Discord as Photo Finish looked back at Fluttershy. "Too much blush." Once the pony was finished with Discord, she removed Fluttershy blush then Photo Finish said, "Not enough." Both Discord and Fluttershy were getting annoyed with the constant on and off again with the blush. 'Geez, if this is what being a model is like, then I feel sorry for anypony who does this. Oh... why didn't I just said no?' Photo Finish looked Discord then said, "Too much blush." The pony removed the blush which was annoyed him even more. "Perfect." "Ah-ahhhhh... choo!" Photo Finish smiled at Fluttershy's quiet sneeze. "Even her schneezes are graceful!" Discord fought a blush as he didn't want more on his face. "With his bold confidence, it is so powerful!" Photo Finish said outloud and Fluttershy fought a blush on her face as well. "Now go!" The three earth pony mares left, leaving Discord, Fluttershy, and Photo Finish alone. Photo Finish guided them to the entrance of the catwalk and she asked them, "So, how do you feel? Excited? Over joyed? Thrilled beyond your wildest dreams?" 'More like terrifed, annoyed, and not excited that I'm here. But this is for Fluttershy, so I don't have a choice,' Discord thought to himself. "N-nervous." "Yeah, me too. Maybe we could have a pep talk or advice?" Discord smiled, hoping she would agree. "Nervous? Pep talk? Don't be ridicuous! You're only facing a large crowd of ponies who will be watching your every move and silently judging you." Both Discord and Fluttershy felt their stomach drop, Discord was used to large crowds but he already hated it and he couldn't imagine how Fluttershy felt. Electronic music started to play which got Photo Finish excited. "Your cues! Now go!" She shoved Discord and Fluttershy out and all the lights and cameras were on their face. Fluttershy was about to back out but Discord held out his hoof. He mouthed, 'together' at her and she smiled. She took a deep breath and they walked out. "I can't let Rarity down. I must do this. I must, I must, I must," Fluttershy muttered to herself as she and Discord walked out farther onto the catwalk. The duo reached the edge and Fluttershy did a small pose while Discord just stood confidently. This caused the ponies to cheer loudly with their hooves stomping in applause. "So graceful. So confident." "So lovely. So bold." "So perfect for my new advertisement." Each time Discord and Fluttershy went backstage, the changed outside, each in a spring theme and everypony loved how they looked. Photo Finish did interviews for them while they stood behind her as multiple ponies took photos of them. As the days went on, Fluttershy and Discord were the faces of various magazines. They rod ein limos where hundreds of ponies wanted their autographs and pictures. Rarity tried to join them but she was blocked off but security. The duo were soon the faces of Applejack's apple barrels and stand, Rainbow Dash flew a banner with their faces and them drinking carrot juice. Rarity growled at the sight, feeling more jealous each day. It was a normal Tuesday, Discord and Fluttershy decided to go into town to get some tea for their afternoon tea when a group of ponies saw them and said, "Look! It's Discord and Fluttershy!" Their eyes widened in fear and the started to trot off but soon run at full speed to get away from the crowd. They turned a corner but there were more ponies waiting for them. Everypony was taking multiple pictures of them and Discord had a plan. He got Fluttershy's attention and pointed to the sky while he pointed in another direction. She nodded and Fluttershy took off to the skies while Discord used a teleportation spell. He teleported behind a house at least 20 yards from the crowd until he heard more shouts. "There he is!" Discord used the spell again and went to a rooftop. Pegasi photographers appeared and took more photos then he teleported again back to the library and hid behind the door. Multiple ponies looked inside and kept yelling out from him to come out to take pictures. "Discord, you came back fast," Spike noted. "Yeah, I thought you and Fluttershy were getting tea. What happened?" "Crazy ponies is what happened! When I first came here, I could walk through town with just a few photos. Now, we can't walk through town with a horde of ponies hankering for a picture. I just hope Fluttershy was able to escape them." "Why don't you just quit?" Twilight asked him. "That's the thing. I'm doing this for Fluttershy and she's doing this for Rarity. And before you ask, no, I don't want to use my royal status to force Photo Finish to stop. It wouldn't be right. Please don't tell them. I know you're already keeping my unicorn heritage a secret but please, keep this a secret," Discord told her as he walked over to her. Before Twilight could say anything else, Photo Finish stormed in. "Discoord! I have been looking for you everywhere. We have the thing at the place! I already have Floottershy. We just need you." Discord smiled nervously and walked off. "I'll... uh... see you later, Twilight." At a museum, hundreds of photos of Discord and Fluttershy surrounded them along with a group of photographers taking multiple photos of them. Photo Finish did the majority of the talking during the interview. "Obviously, I, Photo Finish, am thrilled to have found them." "Photo Finish?" "They are a natural in front of the camera. They even make the perfect couple." 'Couple?!' Discord and Fluttershy thought to themselves. "Uh, Photo Finish?" "I only need to point and shoot, and I capture... the magics!" "Photo Finish!" Discord shouted. Photo Finish looked at them and Discord held his hoof out for Fluttershy to speak. "I'm so sorry to interrupt. It's just that I'm running late." Photo Finish gasped. "How could I have forgotten?!" Fluttershy felt relief along with Discord. They could finally go home and Fluttershy could have her spa day with Rarity. However, that relief was short-lived. "Your appearance at the ballet opening... everypony who is anypony will be there!" "Oh, actually, I'm supposed to be meeting my friend..." "We go!" Photo Finish dragged them out before either of them could say a word. After Rarity and Fluttershy talked to Twilight about how they truly felt, Twilight did everything in her power to keep their secret. Before leaving the spa, Twilight got a disguise for Fluttershy and Discord joined them after finally being about to get some tea, but he had to wear a disguise himself. "I was just thinking. If you really don't like being a model, you could always quit." "Twilight's right, Fluttershy. I know you want to make Rarity happy, but sometimes you need to put your emotions and well-being before your own. Besides, I don't like the modeling either. I already get enough attention as a prince, I don't need more." "Oh, no. I could never do such a thing. Rarity would be devastated." "But Rarity told me..." From a nearby apple stand, Pinkie popped up starting Twilight, who gasped at the sight. Pinkie shook her head and balanced an apple on her right hoof then switched it to her left and took a large slow bite, indicating that Twilight can't break her promise to Rarity. After taking a bite, Pinkie's eyes widen and and she smiled at the delicious apple. "Mmm! Juicy!" Twilight groaned at that. 'Ugh, I never would have thought keeping secrets was so hard. But I've kept Discord's secret for this long so I can keep Rarity's and Fluttershy's... hopefully.' "Oh, if only all these ponies didn't like us so much, Photo Finish wouldn't want me or Discord to model anymore. She'd find somepony else with...the magic." "Yeah, I'd rather things go back to normal when I was just a prince and not a model and a prince." "I guess you're right." An idea popped into Twilight's head just as fast. She knew a way that she could keep Fluttershy's and Rarity's secret. "You're right! You're right, you're right, you're right!" Twilight hopped around in happiness knocking Fluttershy's and Discord disguise off. The crowd gasped at the sight of their new favorite celebrities. "Oh no." "It's Fluttershy and Discord!" A mob of ponies started to surround them and push Twilight out of the way. After a stressful afternoon of hiding, Discord lost his patience. "All right, as your prince, I demand that you all leave us alone. We want to walk through the town without being bothered!" The mob quieted down at the sound of that and started to back off. "Sorry, your majesty." With that, the mob left them alone and went about their business but some took a few pictures on the sidelines. "Discord! That wasn't nice." Discord sighed and said, "I know, I'm sorry. I just can't stand seeing you like this. I'm also getting tired of being surrounded by a mob of ponies." Fluttershy smiled, "Thank you, Discord." To be honest, Fluttershy was glad Discord did something. She could hear the ponies talking about when their next date was and when the wedding was and all the things that ponies do when they're in love. It was very stressful. "You're welcome, my dear." In Sugar Cube Corner, Twilight was telling Pinkie and Discord her plan, "Don't you see? On her own, Fluttershy could never do something unattractive. But if I use my magic to help her do something unattractive at her next fashion show, no one will ever want her to model again. And if Fluttershy no longer has to be a model, Rarity will no longer have to be jealous of her, and I'll no longer have to keep their secrets! It's the perfect plan!" Pinkie continued to decorate cupcakes as Discord said, "Wow, Twilight. Normally, I would say Rarity and Fluttershy need to work out their issues on their own or at the very least, find a way to get them to discuss their feelings. But this plan sounds so chaotic, I love it! Besides, I've been trying to think of ways to make the modeling thing so much more interesting, it's gotten so tedious that we really need some chaos to shake things up." On top of that, Discord was ready to stop modeling. He missed having tea parties with Fluttershy. "You can't tell anyone about it. Promise me you won't tell anyone?" Pinkie nodded zipped her lips, dug a hole and buried the key along with a few other movements that annoyed and confused Twilight. "So, you do promise or you don't?" "Uh, yes! Obviously, that's why I zipped my mouth closed, then locked it with a key, then dug a hole, then buried the key, then built a house on top of the hole where I buried the key, then moved into the house on top of the hole." Pinkie Pie just smiled as if nothing was wrong and everything she did made sense. Discord did his best not to laugh while Twilight said, "Obviously." The next day, hundreds of ponies were waiting to see their new favorite celebrity couple, even Photo Finish was excited. Discord and Fluttershy were backstage in the same outfits from their first onstage modeling with Twilight. Fluttershy walked over to Twilight and asked, "You really think it'll work?" "They love you and Discord for being yourselves, and with Discord's help, I'll I have to do is make you not be you. Just leave it to me." "Trust us, my dear. Doing this means, things can go back to normal and we'll be having our regular tea parties by tonight. I'll be joining in on the fun as well." Music started to play and that was their cue. Fluttershy walked backward onto the stage while Discord just walked normally. The light shined on them, blinding them for a second. The ponies clamored on about their outfits and how bold and graceful they were. At the same time, Rarity came in with a new outfit. It was pink and blue with lots of gems to match and a headdress to match that covered her horn. "I guess it's time to see what all the fuss is about." Fluttershy walked onto the catwalk nervously and Discord walked confidently next to her. He showed no fear or hesitation for what was about to happen. Twilight smiled as she used her magic. She first caused Fluttershy to tripped and fell on her face. After that, Discord tripped on his own hooves falling to the ground just like Fluttershy. The audience gasped at the sight. They were shocked to see their favorite couple lose their grace and confidence. Twilight continued to use her magic to make Fluttershy do things that she would never do. Discord was able to copy some of the movements but he added his own flare to it. He picked his nose, made goat noises, and did what he could to embarrass himself. Twilight saw what he was doing and did the same. Photo Finish fainted at the sight as Fluttershy flapped her wings, scratched and barked like a dog. Everypony was shocked at the sight. Rarity was doing everything she could to not laugh but after hearing everypony gasp and seeing their disgruntled faces, she knew that she had to do something. Everypony soon started to boo and shout. "Get them off the stage!" "They're an embarrassment to all things fashion!" "I, Photo Finish, have made a terrible mistake!" Behind the curtain, Twilight smiled at her success. 'Finally, Discord and Fluttershy can stop modeling and I can keep Rarity's and Fluttershy's secret.' "Bravo! I say, bravo!" Twilight paled at the voice. She looked behind the curtain and saw Rarity cheering on their friends. "Bravo!" 'Oh dear.' The crowd looked at Rarity shocked that somepony could like the horrendous display that they just saw. "Bravo?! who could possibly say bravo to that horrid display?" "Such attitude! Such pizzazz! They've invented an entirely new kind of modeling!" "Who is saying these things?" A pink unicorn gasped as everypony looked at Rarity. Fluttershy and Discord paled at the sight. 'Oh, no. Rarity, what have you done?' "The unicorn in the gorgeous cape and headdress. Now, that is a pony who clearly knows a thing or two about fashion." "Well, if that fabulous pony likes it, then I do, too! Bravo!" The crowd cheered on Discord and Fluttershy as Twilight just watched in disbelief. Discord and Fluttershy looked at each other and sighed. 'Great, we're never going to be able to stop.' Discord went to Fluttershy's dressing room in a new black suit. He saw Rarity and Fluttershy laughing so he asked, "Fluttershy, what's so funny? Photo Finish just told me that she has a few shoots lined up for us so I wanted to tell you before she did." "Discord, you don't have to model anymore. Fluttershy told me everything. You two really didn't like modeling?" "Of course not. I'm already popular with Princess Celestia being my aunt and being a prince of Equestria. Plus, it's so boring. I've been at royal meetings with more chaos than this." Discord took off the suit with tossed it aside. "I'm glad you talked about your feelings. I guess keeping secrets about your feelings isn't always good, huh?" The trio laughed at that and just then Photo Finish came in. "You were bwilliant! Bwilliant! I've already got six photo shoots lined up for tomorrow alone." "I'm sorry, Photo Finish, but I don't think Discord and I will be able to make any of them." "Wha-a-a-t?" "We go!" Fluttershy and Rarity did a double hoof bump and they left Photo Finish behind as they laughed. "Vhat has just happened?" "Sorry, but the modeling industry isn't for us. Come on, Twilight." "Spike has a crush on Rarity!" Twilight shouted after removing her head from the potted plant. She covered her mouth just as fast, embarrassed that she reveal that secret. Pinkie appeared in the mirror and sighed. "And you were doing so well." That afternoon, the girls and Discord were at the spa just relaxing. "Now, this is a wonderful way to spend an afternoon," Fkuttershy said while relaxing in the hot tub. "I agree. We must plan an afternoon tea soon, Fluttershy. I have so missed doing those with you." Fluttershy nodded agreement. "I concur," Rarity said from the steam room. She was even covered in seaweed with cucumbers on her eyes. Twilight was in a small bath, ready to have a hoof pedicure and as she was there. She was ready to write a letter to Princess Celestia. Dear Princess Celestia, Being a good friend means being able to keep a secret, but you should never be afraid to share your true feelings with a good friend. "Did you get all that, Spike?" "No, I did not." He leaned and whispered loud enough for her to hear but soft enough so no pony else would. "I still can't believe you told someone about my secret feelings for Rarity!" Twilight smiled and said, "You're right. That was wrong of me, and I'm very sorry." "Apology accepted." "Now Weill you take down my letter to Princess Celestia?" "I would love to, But I'm a little busy at the moment," Spike said as he fanned Rarity with a paper fan. Twilight sighed as she playfully rolled her eyes at the sight. That night, Discord was lying awake on his bed thinking about the past several days. He couldn't stop thinking about secrets. Secrets can be good but not telling the others about how he was feeling on the inside didn't feel good. These past few days and even months have shown him that maybe... he can trust them. They were his friends. Feeling confident, Discord made a decision. He took out a scroll and began to write. Dear Aunt Celestia, I think I'm ready tell Twilight and her friends about my draconequus form. It's hard to explain but thanks to my friends, Fluttershy and Rarity, I think I'm ready. I plan to tell them when we return to Ponyville after the Gala. Sincerely, Your Nephew, Discord With that, Discord sent the letter. He knew that the Gala would be perfect. He heard from all the girls that they were excited and that it would be the best night ever for them and maybe for the first time, it would be for him as well. > Over A Barrel > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- That night, after Applejack read a bedtime story to Bloomberg, her apple tree that she was taking to Appleloosa with her friends. Rarity was trying to get her beauty sleep but the others were chatting. "For crying out loud in the morning!" Rarity covered her ears with the pillow as the others were talking loudly. Spike was just as grumpy. He was exhausted from making the snacks and wanted to sleep. "Do you guys mind? I was up early fire-roasting those snacks you're all eating, and I'm pooped!" "Uh, speaking of, some of these popcorn kernels didn't get popped," Rainbow Dash told him elbowing her popcorn. "Okay, fine." Rainbow's eyes popped as she ducked down. She barely avoided his blast of green fire as it burned the popcorn to a cinder. One kernel was left and Rainbow came back up and in that moment, the kernel popped in her face. "Good night!" Spike stuffed himself back under the covers and tried to go to sleep. "Uh…maybe it's time we all got a little shut-eye. We've got a big day ahead of us tomorrow." "Awwww…" "Come on, Twilight. I've never been on a train. It's always a carriage if I'm needed being on a train is exciting." Twilight playfully rolled her eyes. "Yes, Discord, it's late and we need some sleep, even you." Discord pouted as she sighed. "Sometimes, you're no fun." Twilight chuckled as the lights went out. Leaving the tired dragon and the cranky Unicorn relieved to finally get some sleep. Until Rainbow Dash said, "Pssst! Pinkie Pie! You asleep yet?" "No. Are you asleep yet?" "If I was sleeping, how could I have asked you if you were asleep?" Rainbow Dash asked with a candle in her hoof as she stood in front of Spike's bed. "Oh, yeah." Pinkie giggled at that. "When we get to Appleloosa, you think we'll have to carry that heavy tree all the way from the train to the orchard?" "What tree? You mean Bloomberg?" "No. Fluttershy," Rainbow Dash said sarcastically. "Fluttershy's not a tree, silly." Rainbow looks at Pinkie in disbelief as she missed her sarcastic remark. Hearing the commotion, Discord and Twilight joined the conversation. "What's all the commotion?" Discord asked. "Rainbow Dash thinks Fluttershy's a tree." "I do not think she's a tree! I was just..." Before Rainbow could finish her sentence, Twilight asked, "Did you say she was a tree?" "No-well, yes-but-not exactly..." "You know she's not a tree, right?" Twilight asked her. "Why on earth do you think Fluttershy could be a tree? I mean, I have heard of ponies turning into trees from a sickness but it hasn't happened in centuries." "She's not a tree, Dashie." "I'd like to be a tree," Fluttershy piped in quietly. "Oh, for Pete's sake!" Spike shouted in frustration. He grabbed his pilled, jumped out of the bed and left the cart with slam of the door. "Well, that was kinda huffy," Twilight commented. "Huffy the magic dragon!" Twilight and Fluttershy laughed at that joke. Discord laughed as well then he added, "Good one my dear, and maybe his wife Mrs. Puffy would join him." They laughed at the pun with Rainbow Dash and Pinkie joined in. Having enough of the noise, Rarity shouted, "Would you all be quiet, NOW!!!!!!" The light of the candle light Rarity face enough to show a mud ask on her face and cucumber slices on her eyes. The anger in her voice along with the shadows surrounding her face scared the ponies half to death. Twilight blew the candle out and the ponies went to bed. "Remind to never get on Rarity's bad side," Discord whispered with Fluttershy nodding in agreement. A hard rumbling knocks Rainbow Dash out of bed. The ponies looked outside and saw a heard of buffalo outside running with the train. "A buffalo stampede!" The ponies were in awe at the sight. Even Discord was impressed at the sight, not something he would see from a carriage. "I just love their accessories." Twilight then noticed something and it worried her. "They're getting awfully close to the train." Discord got a bad feeling in his stomach as Twilight said that, "Something tells me they're not here for a pleasant visit." Feeling nervous, Fluttershy asked, "What do you mean, Discord?" Before he could answer her question, the buffalos rammed from the side of the ponies pulling the train and the sleeping car. They all screamed and they bounced off the floors and walls. "I want to…speak to the…mana..." Another hit cuts Rarity off mid rant as they continue to bounce. In the luxurious sleeping cart, Spike continued to sleep like a rock even as the bed moved back and forth, the tree didn't even move an inch. After the buffalo hit the lead stallion again, he was able to knock the wind out of the leading buffalo but it was only for a second. The girls and Discord were able to recover from being knocked around as Pinkie noticed them outside again. "Ooh, looky! Now they're doing tricks! Ooh, ooh, ooh! Now do a backflip! Or just jump?" One buffalo jumped on another and a young small buffalo jumped on one then jumped on the stack. The girls and Discord watched unimpressed as Pinkie said, "Ooh, now do a backflip!" The buffalo just jumped on the cart landing with a thud. "Or just jump?" "Something tells me this isn't a circus act," Rainbow Dash commented. The young buffalo started to run to the end cart and Discord quickly realized what was happening. He dashed over as fast as he could without the girls noticing. Discord made it to the cart before the buffalo and he tried to wake the sleeping dragon. "Spike, wake up!" Spike barely moved an inch as he continued to snore away. 'Geez, I know Spike is a heavy sleeper but man, I didn't expect this.' Discord took a deep breath and shouted, "SPIKE, WAKE UP!" "AHH!" Spike fell out of the bed and noticed a frantic Discord, "Discord, what's going on?" "There's no time to explain we gotta..." Before Discord could finish, the car stopped moving and just as quick, it began to move in the opposite direction of the train. "Oh poo." The girls made it to the end of the train but they were too late. Spike, Bloomberg, and Discord were being taken away by the buffalo. "They've got Bloomberg!" Applekjack said as she watched them take her tree away. "HEEEEELP!!" Twilight watched as Spike shouted behind a window "And Spike!" Discord popped his head upend watched the girls move farther away. "And Discord!" Fluttershy shouted worried for her friend. The girls arrived to Appleloosa and before Applejack could say anything, Braeburn took them on a tour of the whole town. Applejack, after getting tired of being interrupted by her cousin, shouted, "BRAEBURN!!" "Uh…yes, cuz?" "You have a very nice town and all, but we have a huge problem. Some of our friends are missin'!" "A stampede of buffalo!" Fluttershy told him. "They took Spike!" Rarity told him. "They also took Discord, the prince of Equestria." "Rainbow Dash went after them!" "And we can't find Pinkie Pie! Oh, I hope Discord's okay." "Don't worry Fluttershy, Discord may be odd from time to time, but he can handle himself and he's smartest and bravest prince I know, he'll be okay and he'll keep Spike safe." Twilight gets annoyed with Discord... a lot... but she fully believed that he would keep Spike safe and with his magic, he was a pony to be feared. Fluttershy nodded, but it didn't lessen her worry for her friend. "And we had an apple tree with us for your orchard, but they took that too!" As the girls talked, Braeburn froze and his eye twitched. It was obvious that he knew their problem. "Did you say "buffalo"?" Braeburn sighed heavily and turned away from the group. "Them buffalo! They want us settler ponies to take every single tree you see here off this land. They sure as hay don't want any new ones added in." "But why?" "Beats me. We put a lot of hard work into this land, so we could feed our town, our families, our foals. And now they're sayin' all these trees have to go? T'ain't fair." The girls looked at each other worried for their missing friends and Braeburn's home. Rainbow Dash and Pinkie were trying to save Spike and Discord from the buffalo but were caught by their yelling. Before they could do anything, a shout stopped all of them. "STOP!" The buffalo stopped their charge and moved to reveal Discord and Spike completely unharmed. "Hi, guys!" Discord said with a wave. Dash, Pinkie! 'Sup? Hey, no worries, I know those guys. They're cool." "If you say so, Spike. Catch you later, bro." The buffalo gave Spike a hoof-bump then he and his friends stampeded away, leaving a properly bewildered pegasus and earth pony in their wake. That night, the four friends sat by a campfire in the buffalo's home. "Seems they took us by mistake. They feel awful about it too, poor guys. Fortunately, they totally respect dragons. so they treat me like an honored guest." Spike snapped his fingers and the buffalo brought Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Discord a bowl of food. Rainbow sniffed the food and she pushed it away just as quick. "They respect dragons but they still don't like ponies much, though," Discord explained. "Huh. Well, I still don't trust 'em. I say we turn tail and bail while we still..." Rainbow looked around to make a quick getaway but Pinkie asked with a face covered in food, "Before we finish eating? Are you loco in the coco? "You gotta try this, Rainbow. This stuff isn't half bad," Discord told her as he ate his food a bit cleaner. "Ew! No, thanks." "Suit yourself," Discord shrugged as he continued to eat. The young buffalo from earlier came with a bowl full of gemstones for Spike. "Can I please have more of that mushy stuff, whatever it was?" "I won't mind having seconds as well," Discord told her. "Certainly! And Mr. Spike, you like gemstones, yes?" "Turquoise!" Spike ate the gems in one bite and as he ate, he said, "This here's Little Strongheart. And these are our friends Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash." Pinkie Pie waved happily and Rainbow looked at her briefly before looking out to find a way out. That's when she realized it. She turned back recognizing Little Strongheart immediately. "You!" Surprised to see her again, Strongheart said, "You!" "That's it! We are outta here!" Rainbow Dash started to leave then she grabbed Pinkie by her tail and started to leave dragging Pinkie with her but Discord and Strongheart stopped them by standing in front of them. "Rainbow, wait!" "Please accept my apologies for what happened on the train. We didn't mean for anyone to be hurt." "Yeah, right. You practically kidnapped the prince of Equestria." Rainbow rolled her eyes again and turned away but Strongeheart rushed in front of her again to explain herself. Discord nearly groaned, 'Why does everypony think I can't take care of myself just because I'm a prince. Even my mom and Aunt can take care of themselves.' "We only wanted the tree. The settler ponies have overtaken the land and have planted an orchard all over it! Because of their thoughtlessness, we can no longer run over our traditional stampeding grounds." "Huh?" Pinkie and Rainbow looked at each other confused. Discord walked to Strongheart and told her, "Strongheart, I think it's time they met Chief Thunderhooves." Rainbow Dash squinted at Strongheart untrustingly. Chief Thunderhooves joined his heard and the four friends by a campfire. Chief Thunderhooves was the largest buffalo among them and had a large feathered headress and he had a deep voice. "We have a long and winding stampeding trail that we have run upon for many generations. My father stampeded upon these grounds, and his father before him, and his father before him, and his father before him, and his father before him, and..." Many buffalo were starting to fall asleep as Chief Thunderhooves went on. Strongheart stopped her chief and told him, "I think they get the idea, Chief." "Hmph. It is a sacred tradition to run the path every year. But this year, these…settler ponies, these…Appleloosans…" Chief Thunderhooves snorted in anger and before anything could happen, Strongheart stopped him by plugging his nose. "They planted apple trees all over it without asking our permission." "Really?" Discord asked. He can remember that many ponies would take over certain parts of land without asking anypony about it and it didn't bother him until now, 'Man, I never realized that making new places can harm others around me. I wonder what we can do. We can't force them to leave but this is their land. Aunt Celestia would know what to do with this.' "Well, that's not very nice. Right, Rainbow Dash?" Pinkie asked her but Rainbow didn't answer her as she turned away, crossed her forelegs and sat down. She was a stubborn pegasus and still bitter about the train. "The ponies refuse to move their trees, so we are stuck here, and it is not fair!" "See, Rainbow Dash? They had a good reason to..." Before Spike could finish, Rainbow flew up and slammed her hooves on the ground, shocking all of them. "I'll say they had a good reason!" "Rainbow, wait!" Discord tried to stop her from doing something rash but it was too late. Instead of defending the Appleloosans, she flew to the chief then told her friends, "Come on! We have some apple-picking Appleloosans to talk to!" The girls and Braeburn were about to confront the buffalo about the missing tree, Spike, and Discord but the four missing friends were waiting outside town for them. "Hi, guys!" Fluttershy tackled Discord in pure happiness. "Discord! We're so glad you're safe!" Discord blushed lightly and told her, "I'm fine my dear, we're all safe and sound." "Sorry, I was just so worried. I thought something awful happened." "It's more than a couple of buffalos to take this prince of Equestria down. Speaking of which..." Discord turned to a rock and Little Strongheart came out shocking their friends. "We brought our new pal Little Strongheart here to explain to the Appleloosans why they should move the apple trees off buffalo land." Rainbow pushed Strongheart to Braeburn. Braeburn smiled and said, "That information will be quite helpful..." Braeburn didn't finish his sentence as Applejack pushed her cousin in Strongheart's face as she said, "That's weird. 'Cause my cousin Braeburn here wants to explain to the buffalo why they should let the apple trees stay." Strongheart smiled as she said, "That would be a useful thing to..." Strongheart didn't finish as Rainbow interrupted her, "The land is theirs! You planted the tree not knowing that. Honest mistake. Now you just got to move them. That's all." Strongheart smiled at Rainbow Dash standing up for her but Braeburn stared at her in anger. "Well..." Braeburn chuckled nervously but once again Applejack interrupted him, "They busted their rumps here and now they're supposed to bust their rumps again just 'cause some buffalo won't stampede someplace else?" "Plant the tree somewhere else!" "Where? It's the only flatland around these parts." "The buffalo had it first." "The settler ponies need it to live!" The girls continued to fight about whose land it was but Discord had enough. "Girls, stop fighting! The buffalo and the settler ponies have good reasons for using the land. There has to be something we can do." "Discord is right. We have to think of something." Pinkie Pie popped up and said, "I have an idea." Pinkie decided to put on a performance for the settler ponies and buffalo but instead of bringing them together, it divided them even more. They were going to war. Twilight, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Applejack tried to convince the settler ponies to talk about the buffalo but they wouldn't listen. They refused to listen and were ready to fight the oncoming buffalo. The buffalo were sharping their horns and putting traditional face paint on their faces. They were ready to defend their land. Rainbow Dash and Discord were sitting with the chief. They were trying to find a way to get him to call of the fight. "I know you don't want to do this." "But they have taken our land. What would you have me do, Your majesty?" "Uh... please, call me Discord and I don't know." "Besides the point, it's never too late to think of something," Rainbow told him. "Yeah, Rainbow is right. There has to be something we can do." "At noon, it will be too late," Chief Thunderhooves said with a determined look on his face. It was almost noon. Ponies were hiding in their homes, others were preparing to fight, and the buffalo were waiting for the right time. Rainbow Dash kept trying to think of something to get the two to get along but the pressure of time left her stuck. 'What can we do? Both have good reasons to stay and claim the land. Ooh, what would Aunt Celestia do?' It was too late. The clock struck high noon. The settler ponies waited in anticipation but Braeburn looked at the buffalo and the clock worried. He didn't even know what to do. Strongheart put her hoof on Chief Thunderhooves face and with one look from her he sighed. He knew this wasn't right and harming ponies wasn't their way. The groups of friends noticed this. "He's not gonna do it!" They all sighed in relief but it was brief as Pinkie Pie came and starting singing the same song that upset the two groups. "....say? You gotta share, you gotta care. It's the right thing to do. You gotta share, you gotta care." "Pinkie Pie! No!" This angered Chief Thunderhooves and he ignored his past feelings. "CHAAAAAARRRRRRGE!!" The war was on. The buffalo charged through the barrier as if it was nothing causing the ponies to feel. The Sheriff had ponies throw pies at the buffalo stopping some in their tracks but not all of them. Some ponies jumped on their backs and giddied up. A buffalo crashed into the clock tower and more chaos continued to happen with no pony able to stop it. Chief Thunderhooves started to charge at the sheriff and the sheriff, with nothing to fight him with, was ready to accept his fate. However, a pie was thrown into his face causing him to fall to the ground. Ponies and buffalo alike saw the tragedy and cried at the supposed death of the chief. Instead, a small piece of the apple pie fell into his mouth and he licked the rest of the pie off his face. "YUM! Hey! I've got a much better idea." The ponies took down some of the trees leaving an open path for the buffalo to stampede but their trees could still stay up. Applejack whislted once they were ready and Rainbow Dash lead the buffalo through the new path. "We will allow the apple orchard to stay in exchange for a share of its fruit..." The buffalo stampeding caused hundreds of apples to fall. "Those delicious apple pies." As the buffalo passed, ponies put an apple pie on their heads. "I'd rather eat turquoise any day of the week." "You do that, Spike. Anyway, I just need you both to sign the bottom of this treaty." Chief Thudnerhooves and the sheriff signed the bottom line of the treaty. "And with the royal stamp of approval." Discord stamped his hoof on the treaty giving it the royal approval. "And now, no matter how many years pass, the Appleloosans and the buffalo will share this land in exchange for apple pies. Man, what a weird treaty." Chief Thunderhooves and Strongheart bowed to the Sheriff and Braeburn who did the same before leaving. But... now before Strongheart, Rainbow Dash, and Applejack hung out one last time. Dear Princess Celestia, Friendship is a wondrous and powerful thing. Even the worst of enemies can become friends. You need understanding and compromise. You've got to share. You've got to care. Your faithful student, Twilight Sparkle After a long day, the ponies returned home to get the rest they needed but Discord's mind was racing. He couldn't get his mind off what Chief Thunderhooves and Strongheart told him. When Discord and Spike were captured, Discord stood in front of Spike to defend him. "Leave us alone! What do you want with us?!" Discord powered up his horn, ready to fight, but Strongheart calmly walked up to them and said, "Please, we mean you no harm. We just wanted the tree." Confused, Spike and Discord looked at each other and followed Strongheart to the chief's tent. "Chief, we got the tree but we caught a dragon and... pony by mistake." The chief observed them for a few moments then said, "Dragon, would you like some gemstones? I can get you the finest gems we have." That got Spike excited. "Yes, turquoise please!" "Hang on! You still haven't explained what you took that tree." The chief sighed and started his explanation. Apparently, the land where the Appleloosans put their trees was a sacred land where the buffalo stampeded each year. It was a tradition that they have been doing for centuries but the ponies planted the trees without their permission and now they couldn't do anything. They have been taking the trees intended for Appleloosa from the train but haven't taken any ponies until now. "I'm not sure what we can do maybe we can think of something. My name is Discord and this is Spike." "Welcome, Spike. The others can take you to get some turquoise if you would like," Strongheart suggested. Spike nodded and quickly left. "Gee, thanks." Discord was about to leave as well but... "A moment... please." Strongheart told him. Discord stopped in his tracks and what Strongheart said next shocked him to his core. "We know you're not a pony." "What?!" Discord shouted shocked they found out so fast. "I mean... I am a pony. Just a unicorn with a weird horn color and red eyes." Discord started to swear nervously as he smiled hoping they would buy the lie. "As the chief, I am able to see even the strongest of magic disguises and Little Strongheart here, can as well. We know not your true species, but we know it is not a pony." Discord sighed. "Does everypony pony who isn't a unicorn, Pegasi, or earth pony know what I am?" Discord groaned in his hooves. "We won't tell the others but there's something you need to know," Strongheart told him. He looked at them and the chief told him, "Someone is watching you. You don't see it but someone is watching you and they know what you are." He kept this to himself and he wasn't going to tell him mom or aunt. He wasn't even going to tell his friends. If somepony was watching him and they knew he was a draconequus then he could be a danger to his mom and aunt. He was doing the same with his friends but he had a feeling that whoever was watching him, wouldn't do anything with the Elements around but the question is, who is watching him, why, and what did they want with him? > The Cutie Mark Chronicles > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After the fiasco with his aunt's phoenix, Discord was happy to have a bit of normalcy before the gala. He would have to leave in a few days to do the last minute preparations for the gala which meant he would miss Pinkie's surprise birthday party the girls were planning. For now, he was content with hanging out with Fluttershy and helping her with her animals. Fluttershy stood in the middle of the road as the CMC raced down the road. The girls screamed and Scootaloo skidded to a stop just in the nick of time but the girls fell off and landed on the ground hard. "All right, little ones, this way." The small ducklings happily walked across the road with Discord following them from behind. "You really should be more careful. Somepony could get hurt." "Yeah, where are you going in such a hurry?" Discord asked after the ducklings were safely across the road. "We're trying to find Rainbow Dash so we can hear how she earned her cutie mark." "Oh? They would be interesting. You know, I wouldn't have gotten my cutie mark if it weren't for her." "Rainbow Dash? Really?" "Oh, yes. It all started at Summer Flight Camp." As Discord listened to her story, the race she briefly talked about sounded familiar but he couldn't put his hoof on it. Discord was taken out of his thoughts when he heard Scootaloo said, "What happened to Rainbow Dash? What about the race?" "Oh, well, I wasn't there, so I don't really know what happened." "Come on, Crusaders. We've got to find her. Besides, I can't take anymore singing." "Maybe my sister knows where she is," Sweetie Belle suggested. The girls smiled and left the two ponies to themselves. "Bye, Fluttershy! Bye, Discord!" "Bye, girls!" "Bye, girls! Good luck finding Rainbow Dash!" With that, the girls went on their way leaving Fluttershy and Discord alone to continue with what they were doing. The Mane 6 and Discord were at Sugar Cube Corner with Rainbow Dash and they told her that the CMC were looking for her. "I hear you're looking for my cutie mark story." Scootaloo sighed with relief. The CMC sat down and listened to Rainbow's story. Discord listened in as well as Rainbow talked about the race at Summer Flight Camp. As she spoke, it began to sound more familiar and when she talked about making a Sonic Rainbow that's when he remembered. During that time, he sensed a magical disturbance and left to check it out near Cloudsdale. It was a purple Alicorn and a pink unicorn fighting over their destiny or something. He couldn't quite remember what they were fighting about. The Alicorn recognized him quickly and called him an ally while the unicorn saw him as an enemy. He wasn't sure what was going on but he needed them to stop or they could disturb the time stream. Somehow, they were able to stop and make up with them returning to their timeline with destroying this one. He isn't sure when they are from but he has a feeling he will meet them again one day. He was taken out of his thought when the girls kept shouting that if it wasn't for Rainbow, none of them would have earned their cutie marks. "Wow, that's amazing. One small action had the greatest impact on all of you." Discord commented. 'They really are connected through the elements and their cutie marks.' "What about you, Discord?" Scootaloo asked hoping to get rid of the nappy-pappy talk. "How did you get your cutie mark?" "I... I don't know. It's a not very interesting story. It's not as cool as theirs and probably won't be as cool as yours when you get them." The girls gave him a pleading look along with his friends. He sighed. "Okay." He would have to make up his story as he told it, after all, his cutie mark wasn't a real one. "I was probably your age when I got mine, maybe a bit older. Most ponies look at mine and think it's a twister. While it is, it's more than that. See, my magic is different than most unicorns. I can create anything I want. When I was a filly though... I couldn't control it." Discord could remember all the times his magic would make something out of nothing or completely change how something looked: talking plants, soap floors, checkered ground, and more. If he thought it, it became a reality. "One thing I liked as a young colt was causing trouble. It was fun to play pranks on ponies and cause chaos but it would get out of control sometimes. I can still remember a few times when I had the castle turn upside down. It took hours to fix it." Discord smiled at that memory. His mom and aunt said his magical outbursts were worse when he was a baby. They were lucky that they were able to fix it but it was difficult. "Anyway, one day, I looked at the clouds and thought to myself, 'wouldn't it be cool if they were made of cotton candy and it rained chocolate milk?' and in an instant, the clouds changed and started to rain chocolate milk. After that, my cutie mark appeared, you know, after the ponies freaked out. I fixed it, but man, was my aunt so upset. She was happy I got my cutie mark but she made me fix the clouds. Took forever to fix them though." Everypony laughed at his story. It was sprinkled with a bit of truth but the others seemed to believe it. "Wow, who knew you were a trouble maker? Guess that's why you're always so good at pranks," Rainbow commented. "Yeah, but it took me a long time to learn not to take them too far." "But like I said, my story isn't that special. Girls, I know you want your marks more than anything but they take time. Finding out what one is supposed to do takes time. You'll find your marks one day." "I have an idea. Let's sing a song!" Everypony agreed except for Scootaloo who screamed, "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Later that day, Twilight returned to the library with Discord, who needed to pack the last of his things to leave for the gala. Dear Princess Celestia, Today I learned something amazing. Everypony everywhere has a special magical connection with her friends, maybe even before she's met them. If you're feeling lonely and still searching for your true friends, just look up in the sky. Who knows? Maybe you and your future best friends are all looking at the same rainbow. "Groos. When did you get so cheesy?" Discord chuckled as he watched Twilight look out to the sky. "Just keep writing, Spike. It's a long story," Discord told him as he brought his bag upstairs. "Need any help? I'm sure I could help once I finish writing this." "No, thanks. Luckily, this is my only bag. The carriage should be here soon and I'll be in Canterlot until the gala is over." Spike's ears drooped. "Don't worry. You'll see me at the gala. I'll have to be with my aunt for a bit but then we can hang out with our friends." Spike smiled at that. Twilight watched the rainbow and as she did, she noticed the approaching carriage. "Discord, the carriage is here." "All right, I'll see you at the gala. Stay safe, Twilight." "You too, Discord." > Best Night Ever > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- For Discord, the gala was always so boring. Everypony kept saying hi to him and his aunt. They hardly had a chance to speak as everypony would come up to them to say hello, well, mainly his aunt. He was glad that his friends were coming but from what he talked about with Fluttershy, the others had their own plans. At least it wasn't going to be terrible, Twilight ran up the stairs to greet them. "Princess Celestia! Hi Discord!" "Hi Twilight! Wow, you look great!" "Thanks, Discord." Princess Celestia smiled at her and said, "Twilight! It is so lovely to see my star student." With a huge smile on her face, Twilight stood by her side and said, "Oh, I'm so excited to be here! We have so much to catch up on." "Well, I want you right by my side the entire evening, so we'll have plenty of time together." Twilight zipped by her side as fast as she could. Now Discord was on her right and Twilight was on her left. "That's just what I was hoping you'd say." 'Somepony's eager tonight,' Discord thought to himself. As time went on, more ponies came to say hello to him and the princess. "Hello. It's nice to see you again." "Hi. Welcome to the gala." Out of the corner of his eye, Discord noticed Twilight's disappointment. 'Man, she really wanted to hang out with my aunt. I hope this night isn't a total disappointment for her.' It took another hour before ponies stopped saying hi to him and just focused on his aunt. Discord took this opportunity to walk away to find the others. 'Maybe their night is going better than Twilight's.' Turns out, Discord was wrong. He watched Rainbow try to talk with the Wonderbolts but was unable to. He saw Pinkie trying to liven up the party but no pony was participating. 'Maybe Applejack's apple stand is going well. I should check on her.' Discord walked to her apple stand and she still had loads of food but at least Rarity was there with... 'Oh no.' Discord ran to them just as Applejack set out the apple fritters. "It's okay, Rarity. I've got you covered." He could hear Applejack say to her. "Here." Discord put in a couple bits. "You're here to make money. Might as well help out," Applejack smiled at him. "Thank you, Discord. At least somepony here has good manners." Blueblood took a bit of the food and he immediately spat it out. "Fritters! Dumplings! Caramel Apples! My royal lips have touched common carnival fare! I'm going to the buffet for some hors d'oeuvres." Discord growled in annoyance as Rarity left with him from behind. "I really hate that guy." "Well, no wonder no pony wants my food. They're filling up on all those fancy-schmancy vittles. Well, my down-home apples are plenty good enough for this crowd. I'll just dress them up a bit." Before Discord could stop her, Applejack was already gone. "I wonder where Fluttershy is. Maybe the garden." Discord arrived at the garden and saw Fluttershy's dress and she herself were a mess. "Maybe later. Even though, this is kinda hot." Discord entered the ballroom and he watched as everything started to fall apart. Pinkie tried to get everypony to dance but failed as she fell on the cake that Applejack was a bringing in. The cake flew into the air and instead of it landing on Blueblood, he forced Rarity in front and it landed on her. She angrily shook cake on him and he crashed into the statue that Rainbow caught but it was too heavy and she lost her balance. Multiple pillars fell down leaving a large cloud of dust everywhere. The statue broke from her back just as Celetia and Twilight arrived. Discord walked over to them as Twilight said, "Well, it can't get any worse." A tremor shook the entire room which scared everypony in the room. Another set of doors burst open, it was all the animals from the garden running in fear from Fluttershy. "You're…going to LOVE ME!!!!!" 'Wow, she is furious. It's kinda attractive.' The crowd went into a full stampede. Animals and ponies alike where running everywhere in fear causing more chaos then ever before. "Um, um, uh…" With one word, Celestia whispered to Twilight, "Run!" Twilight whistled to her friends and waved them toward the door. The Mane 6 retreated without another thought. "That sounds like the worst night ever!" "It was!" Everypony laughed heartily. It may have been a terrible night, but once they all told their story, they couldn't help but laugh. "I just hope Princess Celestia isn't upset with us for ruining the Gala," Twilight said sadly. "Well, actually Twilight..." "That was the best Grand Galloping Gala ever!" To everyponys surprise, Celestia was here with a smile on her face. "Princess Celestia!" "Pardon me, Princess, but tonight was just…awful!" "Oh, Twilight, the Grand Galloping Gala is always awful." "Which is why it's my least favorite night of the year. It's the same thing year after year, it's so boring." Surprised, Twilight asked, "It is?" "That is why I was thrilled you were all attending. I was hoping you could liven things up a bit." "And trust me, it was the best gala I have attended in a long time." "And while the evening may not have gone as you planned, I'm sure you'll agree that in the end, it didn't turn out so bad for this group of friends." Twilight smiled. "You're right, Princess. Discord. Friends have a way of making even the worst of times into something pretty great." "Yeah! Hanging out with friends!" Rainbow Dash added. "Talking!" Fluttershy added on. "Laughing!" You mean doing exactly what I wanted to do the whole time?" Twilight smiled at him. "Yes, Spike. You were right." "As horrible as our night was…" Applejack started. "…being together here has made it all better," Rarity continued. "In fact, it's made it…" Pinkie Pie began. "...the best night ever!" Everypony laughed at that. The night started out bad but in the end, they ended it together as friends, making it all better. Celestia invited the Mane 6 to stay in a few guest rooms in the castle for the night. After all, the train ride home is long and after a night like theirs, a night in the castle was going to be relaxing. Fluttershy was sleeping peacefully when she head a knock on her door. She looked outside and the moon was still up. "Who could that be?" She got out of bed and walked to the door. She opened it to reveal Discord waiting for her. "Hey, good. You're up. Come on, I've got something to show you." "Discord?" Fluttershy yawned loudly. "The princess hasn't risen the sun yet. What do you need to show me?" "It's a surprise. Come on. You're going to love it." Confused, she followed him. Discord led her to the garden. Flowers were everywhere and the sun still hadn't risen. Discord sat down as Fluttershy joined him. "Fluttershy, before I met you and your friends, I only had my aunt. When I... when I lost my mom, I lost so much hope. The night she was going to be freed from the moon, I hoped she would be better... but she wasn't." Fluttershy looked at her friend sadly. She knew from her talks with him that Discord was lonely and sad when his mother was in the moon. "Fluttershy, you and your friends helped her. You healed her and brought my mom back. I spent months thinking of a way to thank each of you. An ancient book for Twilight, a rare priceless gem for Rarity, a delicious cake for Pinkie, and I haven't figured out what to get Applejack and Rainbow Dash but I know what I wanted to get you." "What?" "It's going to take a moment but watch." Discord was right. As the morning sun rose, hundreds butterflies came out. It was butterflies of all different species: Monarchs, Swallowtails, Viceroys, Peacock Butterflies, Fritillaries, and more were fluttering through the air. "Oh my! This is beautiful! How did you..." "Know? Your cutie mark, for one. And I had a feeling that you would love a sight like this. They do this almost every morning. I don't come out here often but the sight of the butterflies always perked me up. I knew it was the perfect way to say, thank you for saving my mom." Two butterflies landed on their noses and they laughed. "Thank you, Discord. This really made this the best night ever." "Thank you, Fluttershy. Thank you." The two watched the sun rise as the butterflies flew off their noses and went back with the others. Unaware that someone was watching them from a distance. "The master is going to be please. A draconequus here in Equestria. Ooh. From my observations, he's the prince and he's in love with a pony." The stranger nearly gagged. "No matter. That will all change once we get him to turn on his friends."