> Pony Hunter > by noncommittal brony > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Flash Sentry. A sixteen-year-old teenager with dark blue hair, yellow skin, and light blue irises. Now he was lying on a single bed in his room. Naked to gray underwear, with a yellow blanket thrown to the floor, Flash put his hands under the back of his head, staring up at the ceiling. There was only dawn. The sun slowly rose over the horizon of the city, until the first rays of light began to seep into the young man's abode through the open window. This continued until the whole room was lit up.  Unable to wait for the alarm to ring, Flash assumed a sitting position. He still had more than an hour before going to school.  Getting out of bed, he walked over to a rectangular mirror hanging on the wall. Seeing his body in the reflection, the young man smiled. Eight packs of abs, with four on each side of the abdomen. Protruding chest, with a distinct stripe relief in the middle. Biceps, triceps, shoulder with forearm, also created a relief on the arms.  The muscles of the legs were harmoniously inflated by the rest of the body. The training regimen created by his teacher from a past life paid off. However, the thought of the man who managed to become a father to him when he was still Garou made the Flash frown, reducing his earlier smile to nothing. Grabbing his clothes hanging on the back of a chair, the young man, dressed in gray sweatpants and a white T-shirt, left the room straight into the corridor on the second floor of the house. Moving on, he stopped at the stairs to the bottom. Going straight into the hallway, Flash opened the door to the street, stepped outside the house, not forgetting to put on his red sneakers with white soles. The evergreen forest, was a place where Garou could once practice using the rock-destroying mountain stream style. It was quiet here, far from prying eyes and the hustle and bustle of the city. Only he and the local vegetation with animals that clearly did not want to interfere with him. Hit. The tree, a spruce, whose trunk thickness was fifty centimeters in diameter, was pierced through by the young man's fist.  Taking out his limb, he looked at the through hole he had left. No doubt. The power he possessed right now was not enough to defeat an ES class hero. But in this world, he could already be considered the strongest person. The Flash was pulled out of his train of thought by the beeping sound of his wristwatch. Time to go to school. "Late again, Mr. Sentry?" At the entrance to the educational institution, the head teacher was waiting for him. And part-time director Celestia's sister, Luna. A woman, with light blue skin, with the same color, but a dark shade of flowing hair down to the waist. Of the clothes, she was wearing dark blue pants, a purple sleeveless blouse, tied at the waist with a belt. White collar with black crescent moon. And white low heels.  "If you didn't have such good grades, it could cause a lot of problems." Ignoring the remark, Flash walked past the woman, straight to the door. At such a rude gesture, she only sighed. This was not the first time she had dealt with this student. Entering the chemistry class, he was met by another disgruntled teacher. But, like last time, the Flash ignored the comments made in his direction. Sitting at the last desk, he stared out the window, not worrying about the disgruntled teacher. It's gonna be another boring day at Canterlot High. Flash wandered through the gray corridors of the school. The young man could feel the glances of the students around him on his back. Each of them was afraid of him.  And there were reasons for this. There were many rumors around the school about how he beat another innocent, innocent student. However, like so many rumors, this was a lie created to try and make life difficult for him. Responsible for this was Santes Shimer. The Flash grimaced in disgust as soon as the image of the named girl came into his head. "How pathetic you are, no wonder your friends are homeless animals." The Flash stopped when he heard a familiar voice. You remember the devil and he will appear. Fluttershy is a girl with lush, slightly wavy, waist-length light pink hair, pale yellow skin, and mint-colored eyes. She wears a white shirt, a green skirt, and matching boots with pink socks. On the right of her head, her hair is pinned with a white hairpin in the shape of a butterfly. She has a reputation as a shy and non-confrontational girl, and loves animals. And for a character that did not allow her to stand up for herself, she became a victim of ridicule and bullying from her peers. One of those who loved to make fun of her was Sunset Shimmer. A girl with reddish-brown hair, bright yellow skin and green eyes. Wearing a black leather jacket with a pink t-shirt with a simplified sun pattern on the chest, an orange skirt, and high heeled black boots. Unable to say anything, Fluttershy just looked down at the floor. Deciding that she had nothing more to get from the girl, Sunset Shimmer decided to leave. However, as soon as she turned in the opposite direction, she rested her face against someone's chest. Stepping back, she looked up at the living obstacle. "Oh Flash didn't see you." Looking at the young man from the bottom up, Santes Shimer overcame the vomiting urges of disgust, forcefully forced herself to smile. "I'm afraid the lesson will start soon. It was nice to meet you, but I have to go." An attempt to get around the Flash was unsuccessful, the twist of the girl was immediately stopped by a hand resting on her shoulder. Looking at the teenager in bewilderment, Santes Shimer saw a smirk on Flash's face. "You think I can just let go of my friend's bully." At such a statement, both girls dulled their gaze. "Is she your friend?" After recovering from the mild shock, Santes Shimer narrowed her eyes in suspicion. The question from the redhead girl only made Flash's smirk more expressive. As if showing and confirming his words, he approached Fluttershy, wrapped his arm around her shoulder. Fluttershy herself, namely her cheeks, blushed. She was clearly not ready for such close contact. > Chapter 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Yes, she's my friend." Flash pulled Fluttershy a little closer to him, which made the blush on her cheeks even more noticeable. In turn, having heard this, confused by the guy’s intervention, Sunset Shimmer decided to make an attempt to justify herself. “Oh, I didn’t want to seem like a bully. But Fluttershy didn’t consciously take my thing.” “Actually, she’s not yours...” Fluttershy fell silent as soon as she caught an angry look from the red-haired girl. "Anyway. Class is starting soon. I have to go." "Apologize." "Or, what?" "Ask your servants. I think their names were Snails and Snips." Sunset Shimmer slanted her gaze in bewilderment, until a realization immediately came to her. A few days earlier, she had sent Snails and Snipes to follow the Flash, to gather provocative information if possible. But much to her surprise, the next day she found their unconscious bodies in the schoolyard trash cans. As much as the girl didn't want to admit it, Flash was the only one not subject to her power. Grinning in disgust, Sunset Shimmer slowly opened her mouth, preparing to say the cherished words. It would be a severe blow to her reputation. After the apology she'd received from Shimmer, Fluttershy couldn't help her growing sense of fear and panic. Knowing the character of the school's most notorious bully, it was obvious that she was expecting her to pull some sneaky stunt that would ruin her and Flashen's lives. As soon as she looked at the young man, however, panic immediately receded, replaced by a stupefying calm. Without convention, the deed the boy had done had imprinted itself heavily on her mind in a positive way. "One, it's all good now, I'll go." When Flash's limb stopped making contact with her shoulder, Fluttershy was once again gripped by panic. Thoughts went back to a possible... No... guaranteed revenge from the Sunset Shimmer. "Why?" The departing young man turned around, directing a perplexed look at the girl. "Why, what?" "Why did you help me?" Flash remained silent, until eventually shrugging after a few seconds. "I don't know." Fluttershy slanted her gaze. "But... But... Sunset Shimmer can ruin your life! And you don't even realize it?!" Shutting her mouth with her hand, she blushed, realizing how loud her tone could be. "I'm sorry..." Before she could say anything else, the familiar school bell rang. The young man resumed his path again and this time she didn't stop him. Flash's school day was unremarkable. Classes, students, teachers. It was all nauseatingly ordinary. Having memories from his past life, the young man couldn't help but envy Garou. The monsters, the heroes, the risks. His blood boiled with a pleasant adrenaline rush. Why wasn't it all here? Flash was horrified. Would he be willing to put people's lives on the line just to brighten up the gray of everyday life? "The earth summons to Flash Sentry." A familiar girlish voice sounded next to him. A grimace of irritation immediately appeared on the young man's face as he realized who it belonged to. "I told you not to bother me when I'm eating, Rainbow Dash." Lunch break was not only meal time for Flash, but also an opportunity to sink into deep thought without the risk of being pulled out of it by a disgruntled teacher. And now, sitting at one of the many tables in the school cafeteria, his thoughts were interrupted after all. "Don't be mad friend, just thought I'd see how you were doing." Rainbow Dash has long hair in a ponytail with a rainbow color that includes all the colors of the rainbow, pale blue skin and large light purple eyes. She usually wears a white t-shirt with a zipper tag, a dark blue jacket with short elbow sleeves, and a white and purple skirt. On her feet she wears dark blue boots with white laces and rainbow colored socks. Flash gave her a sarcastic stare. As if expecting a different answer. Realizing that she had been exposed for the lie she was, the girl sighed. "Okay. I want to take a rematch from you." "No." Such a harsh answer, took Rainbow by surprise. "What?! But..." "I said no." The young man returned to his meal. However, before putting a piece of sandwich in his mouth, he said: "But, even if I agree, then, what's in it for me?" Tha hesitated. "How about the title, the best athlete in the school? " Flash raised one eyebrow. "Don't you share it with Applejack?" The girl wrinkled her nose slightly in disgust and anger. "Don't mention her in front of me. And who cares what she thinks?" After school, the young man immediately went for a "walk" to the evergreen forest. It was a long way. To get there, ordinary city dwellers needed two, three hours of continuous driving. Going there on foot might seem like an absurd and wild idea. However, not for a martial artist. Passing another corner and coming to a deserted street, Flash bent his legs at the knees, jumped on a two-story house with a sharp jerk of the top. "Time to take a shortcut." Using such a method of transportation was not uncommon for the teenager. Running and jumping from rooftop to rooftop, Flash smirked contentedly. Even if people saw him, he highly doubted they would be able to recognize his identity at this speed. After reaching the outskirts of the city, Flash jumped to the ground. He continued on foot for the rest of the day, immersed in his thoughts. Earlier, the young man had agreed to Rainbow's demand. Provided that they would not have the rematch until tomorrow. "I have more important things to do today." > Chapter 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lying on the floor of the cave with his hands tucked under his head, Flash stared at the ceiling, once again lost in thought about his teenage life. A fire was burning nearby, and a little further away lay the carcass of a deer he had previously killed.  Hunting was one of the few activities that could entertain the young man for a while.  Tracking down prey and giving chase - all this made you feel like a predator and gave you the right mood for training. But when your speed allows you to overtake the fastest cars, chasing ordinary animals ceases to be difficult for you, taking away your already weak excitement.  "Maybe bear hunt?"  The idea that flashed in my head was immediately discarded.  "These woolly freaks are easier to catch than deer, and the meat isn't as tasty." The familiar signal of his wristwatch made the young man look away from his thoughts. With an unhappy sigh, Flash jumped to his feet. After putting out the fire and burying the remains of the deer, the teenager headed back to the city. There were thirty minutes left before the start of the first lesson.  And if he wanted to arrive on time, he needed to speed up. Of course, Flash wasn't too worried about his punctuality.  But a morning run, in his opinion, could be a good opportunity to clear his head from obsessive thoughts about his past life. Without hesitation, Flash got into a running pose. ___________________×××___________________ Apple Jack sighed tiredly. Preparing for the school prom took much longer than she had originally expected. And that’s all, and for the dissatisfied Sances Shimer, who, as it turned out yesterday, couldn’t stand apple fizzybrew. Having told this to my family, who were also preparing for the ball, it was decided to replace the fizzy drink with regular juice. "That's crazy."  The girl was angry. She and her family were forced to run to the tune of this red-haired bitch. "Calm down. This will all end soon."  Taking a deep breath, Apple Jack exhaled, trying to suppress her growing irritation. The girl gripped the steering wheel of the pickup truck tighter and focused her gaze on the road ahead of her. There weren't many cars on the highway, but, according to Apple Jack, that didn't give her the right to take the road lightly. God protects the careful. "It's good that this will end soon. Isn't it, Mackintosh?" Having received no answer, the girl turned her gaze to her brother in bewilderment.  Who, to even greater confusion, sat with widened eyelids and a slightly open mouth. "Is something wrong, Big Brother?" As soon as she followed Mackintosh’s gaze and realized where he was looking, Apple Jack immediately opened her eyes in shock. There was a man running beside their pickup truck. Somehow suppressing the shock, the girl managed to recognize the face of the man in front of her. "Flash?" The young man himself outside the window did not even pay attention to the shocked girl.  Its speed seemed to increase until it overtook the pickup truck and disappeared beyond her vision. ___________________×××___________________ The doors to the main entrance of Canterlot School swung open, letting a slightly road-dusted Flash inside. Looking at his wristwatch, he clicked his tongue in displeasure. The path from the forest to the school took twenty minutes, which did not at all correspond to the result that the young man was striving for. Even if he wasn’t late, the young martial artist’s mood was ruined. As he expected, the training ceased to bear significant fruit. If he wants to progress, he needs to find a worthy challenge for his body and spirit. In his past life, Garou was on the verge of death more than once during battles with opposing forces. Which made him much stronger later. With such thoughts, he headed towards the corridor still filled with students. "Hmm?" Only now he noticed that everyone was looking at their sensor devices, whispering about something and giggling at the same time. Curiosity got the better of him, and he approached the group of teenagers and looked into one of the sensory gadgets. What he saw made the young man immediately open his mouth. The students, previously captivated by watching the video, finally paid attention to Flash. A little surprised and clearly frightened, they, not knowing how to react, decided to remain silent in the hope that the young man would leave after some time on his own. The video lasted no more than a minute, and all this time the students, in tense silence, were afraid to do something wrong, so as not to bring down the wrath of the famous school bully. Hit. Flash's fist passed through the iron door of a nearby school locker. The teenagers standing in the corridor then turned their shocked glances to the young man. It's your turn. Pulling out his hand, Flash immediately headed down the corridor to an unknown destination. ___________________×××___________________ Flash stared at the mirror over the sink in the men's room.  Making sure that there was no one nearby, the young man sighed, trying to normalize his breathing. This aggressive behavior was also caused by the content of the video he watched in the corridor. A girl with purple skin who walked on all fours and carried various objects with her mouth.  If it weren't for the voiceover, which clearly belonged to Sances Shimer, and the background in the form of a school library, Flash might have thought that this was one of those stupid videos from the Internet.  Where a person deliberately behaves inappropriately in public places.  However, the video was created deliberately to insult and shame the girl in it. This made Flash angry.  At the moment of watching, not the most pleasant memories from Garou’s life flashed through his head. Immediately shaking his head.  Flash frowned angrily. "Be that as it may, these are not mine Problems.  Let that girl figure it out on her own." Having said this out loud, the young man headed towards the exit. ___________________×××___________________ "Oh! Hey Flash! Is something wrong?" “Pinky. At least for this week, can you leave me alone?” - Flash answered without turning around. Three lessons had already passed, but the young man could not forget about the video he had watched.  This was very infuriating. And Pinkie Pie's presence only spoiled the already bad mood. "Come on. You look upset. I just want to know what happened." The girl immediately stood in front of the dissatisfied young man. "Pinky... I beg you to leave me alone. I'm in a bad mood right now." However, what was said did not have the effect that Flash expected. Instead of leaving, the girl looked at the young man with concern. “Why didn’t you tell me right away? It’s my duty as your best friend to cheer you up. And I know how to do it!” Flash rolled his eyes, already knowing what the girl was up to. "Let me guess, it's a party?" "Yes! " Realizing that he was unlikely to be left alone any time soon, Flash decided to make one last attempt to get rid of the annoying girl. "Shouldn't you be helping prepare the gym for the ball with Apple Jack?" "No! The hall is completely ready for use!"  The girl smiled. However, after a second, the smile disappeared, and Pinkie Pie's face took on a thoughtful look. "Oh, sorry Flash, I remembered that I have things to do. Don't be boring!" Having said this, the girl hurriedly left. After following her with his eyes for a couple of seconds, Flash smiled gleefully.  "Lucky..." ___________________×××___________________ Flash wandered around the football field in the backyard of the school.  It was here that Rainbow Dash set up a meeting and location for their rematch.  Not to say that he was happy that he had to waste his time on meaningless ball games, but he had already made his promise to the girl. "Hey Flash!" Turning around at the scream, the young man saw Rainbow Dash standing at the gate, waiting for him.  “You were almost late! Did you fall asleep somewhere under your desk again?”  Ignoring what was said, Flash approached the girl with a grin.  "Ready to lose again?" "Don't be so cocky!" Exclaiming this with displeasure, Rainbow hit Flash on the shoulder. A minute later, both were already standing in the middle of the field, ready to start the game. Rainbow held the ball in her hand and was clearly tense looking at the young man in front of her. Flash could rightfully be considered the most worthy and at the same time the most difficult opponent she had ever met. Memories of their first meeting appeared in her head... ___________________×××___________________ Rainbow Dash smiled gleefully. After another goal against the enemy, the students in the physical education lesson looked at her with admiration and envy while her next defeated opponent left the football field in disgrace. "Who wants to challenge me next?!"  Rainbow looked around the entire field. "Maybe you?!"  The girl pointed her finger at one of the students, who, after her proposal, immediately shook her head furiously from side to side, clearly not eager to join the game. This made Rainbow's smile even wider. "Wow, those are muscles." "You think he's on steroids?" "How beautiful he is..." "Showing off." Turning in the direction of the voices in bewilderment, Rainbow saw Flash, to whom all the students’ gazes were now focused.  And it was clear why.  The young man was dressed in a white tank top and red shorts, allowing his incredibly sculpted body to be seen.  Rainbow herself even mentally compared him to Big Biceps.  However, the differences were great.  Flash's body was covered with many reliefs and seemed more graceful.  Big Biceps's body, on the other hand, was rather clumsy. Shaking her head and driving away these thoughts, Rainbow looked angrily at Flash, who, in turn, ignoring those around him, performed various gymnastic exercises.  The girl was aware of Flash's reputation, so seeing the notorious badass receive so much positive attention was, to say the least,... unsettling. Deciding not to stand on the sidelines any longer, Rainbow approached Flash. In her opinion, it was necessary to teach the young man a lesson. And she knew how. "So are you Flash? How much pride does it take to bully those smaller than you?" To the girl’s displeasure, the young man continued to warm up, completely ignoring her. "Didn't you hear? I'm talking to you!" The young man ignored her again. Which started to make Rainbow a little angry. "I came to see if you would like to play with me? Of course, you can refuse. I doubt that someone like you would have the courage to do anything." Flash finally stopped warming up.  "Rainbow Dash... You're too weak." Realizing what she had heard, Rainbow felt anger filling her. Is she weak? Did they just call her weak? “Well, repeat what you said there!” “I’ll repeat it as long as it takes to get it through your little brains. You’re a weakling.” After the words were spoken by the young man, the girl immediately threw the ball that had previously been lying under her right hand into the air. Jumping and spinning in the air, she kicked the ball, sending it straight to Flash's head. However, instead of hitting its target, the ball fell to the ground where Flash was standing a second ago. "Where did he go?" Rainbow began to look around in shock until she felt someone put a hand on her shoulder.  Immediately turning around, she looked with shock and horror at Flash, who, unknown to her, was behind her. "Too slow." Raising his hand to the girl’s forehead, Flash with a light poke of his finger made her fall to the ground in surprise. Still shocked, Rainbow continued to look at Flash with her eyes open. "Now that's all, I'm leaving." Turning around, the young man headed towards the door of the men's locker room. "Wait!" Stopping, Flash turned to the girl. "What do you want?"  The young man asked with obvious irritation in his voice. Moving away from the shock, Rainbow looked at Flash with anger and determination in her eyes. "Shall we play football?" ___________________×××___________________ Half a year has passed since that day, but Rainbow Dash, no matter how hard she tried, could not defeat Flash in any sports game. The young man's speed was absurdly fast. Which made the girl wonder sometimes. Is an ordinary person capable of something like this? The answer was obvious. However, this raised another question. Can Flash Sentry be considered human? Rainbow Dash pushed unnecessary thoughts aside. If Flash could achieve this, then she can do it too. "On the count of three..." Rainbow began the report, getting ready to throw the ball on the ground and start the game. But, before she could continue, the girl noticed the young man’s gaze directed at something behind her. Turning around, she sighed irritably when she saw Apple Jack heading towards her.  "And what did she want here?" > Chapter 4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Apple Jack was far from a gullible girl. That is why, when she heard rumors about the Flash, she only laughed at Sunset Shimmer’s desperate attempts to ruin the young man’s life. Why was she sure that it was the work of Sunset Shimmer? The answer was quite simple. The red-haired girl was the main gossip in school, so there was no doubt who was spreading fictitious stories about the Flash. At first, Apple Jack herself was afraid for Flash. However, when she saw his attitude towards everything that was happening, she breathed a sigh of relief. The young man didn't care about Sunset Shimmer's pathetic attempts to sully his name. It seemed like Flash didn't take her seriously at all. This was admirable. Apple Jack admitted that Flash was one of the few guys she had ever liked. The young man behaved like an adult. He was quiet and calm, but at the same time he could stand up for himself and others. He was a good student and had an incredible body.  Not a guy, but a dream. However, the most mysterious and unpleasant feature was the character of the young man. All their conversations boiled down to Flash's demands to leave him alone.  Therefore, Apple Jack couldn't say that Flash was a sociable person. The only time he seemed to enjoy talking to someone was his first meeting with Fluttershy. That day, the girl tried to find the owner of a lost cat on school grounds. Much to the shock of the other members, the only one who volunteered to help was Flash. Apple Jack, being busy painting the stairs at the entrance, saw everything from afar. The young man approached Fluttershy and immediately struck up a conversation with her. At that moment, for the first time, she saw Flash sincerely allow himself to smile. This made it clear that Flash is much kinder than she initially thought. ___________________×××___________________ "This guy overtook the damn Car!" Apple Jack couldn't get over her shock. Flash Sentry overtook a pickup truck moving at eighty kilometers per hour. At the same time, he did it with a calm face, as if such a thing was trivial and commonplace. The girl planned to talk and ask Rainbow Dash for help with Twilight's preparation for becoming the school's prom queen.  However, seeing Flash nearby, Apple Jack hesitated. What should she do? This guy overtook a car, and she has to drive like nothing happened? "I can't let Twilight down." It flashed through her head. Taking a deep breath, Apple Jack walked towards the two teens with determination in her eyes. In her thoughts, the girl managed to scold herself several times for her cowardice. If not, she acted as if Flash was a serial killer. "Rainbow Dash, we need to talk." Apple Jack said with a firm tone. "Talk? What if I don't want to?" Rainbow Dash narrowed her eyes at her ex-friend. Before continuing her conversation with the girl, Apple Jack turned to Flash, who was standing next to her. "Flash could you leave us alone?" Hearing this, the young man, not wanting to argue, nodded, immediately turning around, ready to leave. “He won’t go anywhere! We have a rematch scheduled for him!” Grabbing the boy's hand, Rainbow Dash glared at Apple Jack. "If you need anything, speak here! But Flash isn't going anywhere!" Both girls looked at each other for a couple more seconds before Apple Jack decided to speak. "I'm sorry." ___________________×××___________________ "At least they managed to start a conversation." Rarity said with a smile, turning to the three girls. “Of course it’s a pity that this rude Flash is with them...” "Don't say that Rarity. Flash is very cute." Fluttershy said in defense of the young man. "Fluttershy is right! Flash may be gloomy, but he is very kind inside!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed, deciding to hold her shy friend. However, such a statement did not impress the fashion lover and why, she just rolled her eyes. "Have you not heard of his misdeeds?" "It's just a rumor!" Fluttershy immediately covered her mouth with her hands. "Sorry Rarity, I didn't mean to raise my voice at you..." A little surprised by the behavior of her friend, Rarity immediately made a guilty face. "It's no big deal, honey. And forgive me. If you're so protective of him, then Flash Sentry is definitely not a bad person." After that, Rarity turned her attention to Twilight, who was sitting silently. "Are you thinking about something, dear?" The question was ignored. Twilight Sparkle's attention was focused on Flash. When he stood up for Fluttershy in front of her eyes, it left a good impression of the young man on her. Judging by what Twilight saw, Sunset Shimmer was the main fear of almost every student in school. Even teachers were afraid to cross whose path. That is why one of the four princesses of Equestria was even more impressed by the young man’s action. "Earth Summons Twilight Sparkle." "And what?" Twilight blinked several times before looking back in bewilderment at Rarity, who snapped her fingers near her nose. "Rainbow Dash and Apple Jack are getting ready. They're coming here now." The girl immediately turned her gaze to three figures walking in their direction. "So are you Twilight Sparkle? I'm Rainbow Dash and this is my friend Flash Sentry. We heard you want to overthrow Sunset Shimmer." Twilight nodded, again turning her gaze to the young man, who turned away and stared towards the school, clearly not involved in everything that was happening. "Can you stop staring at me already?" The girl shuddered, realizing that Flash was talking to her. "Sorry, I just..." Finally turning his head and looking at everyone with a lazy gaze, Flash clicked his tongue and turned to Rainbow Dash. “I’m tired of being here. We scheduled a rematch. Instead of creating a club of offended children.” "Hey! We're not resentful children! We're just tired of Sunset Shimmer being bullied!" Rarity exclaimed in an attempt to defend her injured honor. "Flash calm down. We're all friends here." Rainbow Dash placed her hand on the boy's shoulder.  However, the limb was immediately knocked off by Flash himself.  Clearly making it clear his dislike of unnecessary touches. The girl decided not to respond to such a rude gesture, but only return to the topic of the rematch. "And since you're talking about a rematch, how about we play right now?" Flash just nodded. The young martial artist was not in the mood. After meeting the girl from the video he watched today, his morale worsened. Unpleasant memories from Garou’s childhood flashed through the young man’s head. Beatings, constant humiliation from students and teachers.  Flash Sentry felt hatred and disgust for unknown reasons. "These emotions. I can say with confidence that they are not mine..." This is exactly what Flash was afraid of.  He was losing his mind. For many years he suffered from not knowing who he really was. Is he Garou or Flash Sentry? Or maybe something in between? What if he's crazy? Are past life memories just hallucinations? But then where does he get such strength? The last time he asked these questions was in childhood.  However, such unpleasant memories of Garou again caused Flash to fall into paranoia. "After him, I'll leave. And I won't play those childish ball games with you anymore." Flash managed to maintain his composure. What was said made the Girl smile widely. "Great! Let's play until five points. Twilight come out onto the field." "What?!" Twilight looked at Rainbow Dash in confusion.  Seeing her look, the girl decided to clarify. "Defeat Flash and I will help you" Flash, in turn, said nothing. He didn’t care who he went on the field with. Standing opposite each other in the middle of the field, Twilight anxiously awaited Rainbow Dash's countdown.  At the same time, trying to calm myself down. "Knowing from experience from Equestria, Rainbow Dash is the most athletic pony I know. Flash can't beat her in this game." The former alicorn princess became convinced that Rainbow Dash decided to put the young man against her in order to make her task easier and give her a chance to win. "One... Two... Let's start!" As soon as Rainbow Dash finished her report, she immediately threw the ball towards the two. Not knowing what to do, Twilight swung her right leg to hit the sports projectile. However, as soon as she tried to do this, the ball and Flash immediately disappeared in a sharp gust of wind, and her foot kicked into the air. "What?" Before Twilight had time to understand what had happened, a whistle immediately sounded, signaling the first victory. "One zero for Flash!" Turning back, Twilight froze in shock. Flash stood at her goal, and next to her was a ball hammered into the net. “How is this possible?! Is this teleportation?! Is there magic in this world?!” Twilight's head was bursting with questions that had accumulated there in this short period of time. Roughly similar thoughts and questions came to the heads of the shocked Fluttershy, Apple Jack and Rarity who were watching the game. "Of course, I knew that Flash was fast... But I didn't think that much..." Apple Jack said quietly. Rainbow Dash was only a little surprised.  After all, she had long been accustomed to such tricks from Flash. But seeing the faces of those present, including Twilight herself, she could not help but smile. Standing opposite the girl again, Flash placed the ball on the ground between them. "Ready to continue?" "Yes." Twilight answered a little hesitantly, realizing that she was unlikely to be able to win. "Get ready..." Rainbow Dash started reporting again... ___________________×××___________________ Exhausted, Twilight collapsed to the ground. The former alicorn princess lost to Flash four matches in a row. The young man was able to move so fast that he created the effect of teleportation.  The task was complicated by the fact that the young man decided to mock her after his second victory. In the third match, Flash, instead of immediately ending the game, began to wander around the entire field, forcing the girl to sweat quite a bit in trying to catch up with him. No matter how hard she tried, even despite the young man’s frivolous attitude towards what was happening, she still failed to keep track of him and take the ball away. "This is definitely magic! No living creature is capable of this!" She screamed in her head. Twilight swore by Celestia herself that after she got her crown back and this whole Sunset Shimmer thing was finally over, she would ask Flash about his abilities. "Have you given up yet?" A grinning Rainbow Dash stood over her. In response to the question, Twilight remained silent. "You have one more match. Don't let us down." Somehow managing to get to her feet, Twilight, gathering all her remaining strength, prepared for the final match. Even though she knew she would lose, the former alicorn princess didn't want to just give up. "I'm ready!" She said decisively. However, as soon as she looked around for the young man, Twilight realized that Flash had disappeared. "Where did he go? The game hasn't even started." However, before she received any answer, a rending boyish cry of pain was heard from behind the stands.