> Queen Chrysalis Walks Her Pet > by Dark Tail > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > "Just a nice brisk walk..." > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Celestia awoke slowly to a soft black bed and green sheets. The occupant and owner of said bed was certainly a fan of a classic color coding to be certain and considering where she was, this color also tended to be a common sight. From curtains to sometimes even green lighting, there was just something about the color. Maybe the fact it was also the color of their magic perhaps? Celestia mulled over these thoughts, stretching her arms and legs out. She was inside the Changeling Hive or Changeling Kingdom depending on who you asked. Her arm reached out, expecting to find a certain love bug within reach but found only the empty bed to her out stretched hand. She stirred, now blinking awake as she looked around, her eyes falling on that succulent body just a little ways away from her, admiring their reflection. The room they were in was modest, made up of a large bed, desk, wardrobe, vanity mirror and two doors. One leading out to a small balcony and the other to the rest of the hive. "Good morning my love." Celestia said with a slightly groggy voice. That word love still sounded crazy to her even after all this time. Peace had been achieved a few months ago, after the two had started sneaking off to one another. It was a sort of taboo relationship considering Chrysalis had tried to conquer her nation but as time would show, it was mostly done in desperation. A starving hive will cause you to make drastic decisions. Celestia would come to learn and understand this. Instead of looking to justice, she turned to peace. And in looking for that peace, she had found love. Sure it had been mere moments at a time to sneak off for secret negotiations but over time it blossomed into something far more special. So now the word was out. Peace had been declared and the rest of the nation could only guess at how this was obtained other than divine intervention. Little did they know that Celestia was a love machine, more than capable of feeding a hive with her radiant love that extended well into her own lover, the Queen herself. Between the two, they became a beacon and battery in some ways. A strange love to be sure, but one that felt right and the two had started making sure the Sun Deity stopped by as often as possible to help donate more love through their time together. Chrysalis stared back, currently dressed in a black gown that showed off her bare back and hiked up enough to see her bare leg up to her thighs. It left little to the imagination, those C cup breasts hidden only by the fabric that contained them. Her long black and green hair that went down just past her shoulders while she had placed some hole covered gloves across her hands. Hole covered stockings were being pulled on, an esthetic that Chrysalis just loved. "Good morning my pet." She said with a smile. "I have things to accomplish today... But first, perhaps you should make sure that morning does in fact come." She turned and pointed to the balcony, her eyes tracking over Celestia as the Sun Waker began to crawl from the bed. She slowly rose up, dragging the blanket along with her, using it to cover her body. She was naked after all. Not that she was prude in front of her love but that she was about to walk out onto an open balcony like this. She wrapped the blanket around her best she could before walking her bare feet around the room and to the door, heading out to find an open balcony. The view had once been a wasteland now turned into a lush forest as the kingdom began to thrive once more. Luna's moon was starting to set and that meant she was just on time. Magic radiated from her hands and eyes, a pure yellow glow as the sun began to peak on the horizon. The balcony shook slightly as the blanket fell away, revealing her in her glory for all that might have been looking up at her. She faltered for a brief second, her mind feeling a jolt of embarrassment but also growing feeling of excitement. The task at hand needed to be focused on however so after shaking her head, and feeling the sun climb start to slow, she put more oomf into her power. She smiled, feeling the weight of power start to propel it further once again, watching the light dance across the land, pushing shadows outwards as the ball of light moved upwards and across the sky. Once she had it set upon its needed directory, she let the magic disperse as she picked up the blanket, threw it back around her body and walked back on inside. A personal servant had just arrived it seemed, now going over the schedule for the day with her queen. She was wearing a V shaped cloth top and loin cloth. The Changelings weren't known for their modesty and quite frankly, they were known to be far more casual at times. The loin cloth was green with black highlights, again a mix that seemed to almost have a theme for the Kingdom as a whole. Whether it was to show gratitude for their green haired and black dressed queen who only ever seem to wear black if anything at all, or due to a cultural common place, Celestia could not decide. There was also green magic too so, it could be an easier design choice to help match the magic that would be seen just a prevalent as anything else. She hugged the blanket tighter around her. While she doubted her nudity would even get a sideways glance, it still felt revealing in a way that made her feel things that just about any Changeling within a five meter radius would start pick up on. More than that, high emotions tended to be picked up by anyone within the hive but those grounded in lust or love, well it tended to become quickly well known to all soon enough. Indeed, it would seem that feelings and particularly love, her love, had a certain effect on any Changeling within eyesight or at the very least, a certain radius. The best way the feeling could be described would be that of a sort of aphrodisiac. Chrysalis nodded as she took the clip board from the servant, the long curly haired, pink eyed fairly short in stature woman with a cute demeaner that seemed to radiate admiration off of her, gave a short bow. Though a Changeling could be whatever they wanted on any spectrum of the imagination, their true form was something that was preferred when at their home within the hive. So it was that Changelings like her would sometimes appear petite, despite perhaps wishing to look sexy to any onlookers. Changelings were an interesting species in that despite having the power to be whatever they wanted, whatever they felt being like that morning even, they still chose to be themselves when wandering around the hive. Now to be fair, there were plenty that could make small changes to fit what they felt, they were usually small cosmetic changes with a few exceptions here and there. Celestia was certain she had seen a Changeling named Zen that seemed to swap themselves around from one walk of life to the other on a whim for example. Their community was so fascinating and she felt like only the surface had been scratched by her own eyes. It was one of the reasons she was here today, to spend time with Chrysalis learning about their day to day lifestyle. A walk in the life of Chrysalis if you will. The Queen turned and smiled. "It seems we have a lot on our plate today. I need to check on few things before we can even get a bath in. So I have a proposal in mind." She pulled open her drawer and pulled out a leash. "How would you feel about walking around as my personal pet for today?" "I think my knees would hate me after the first hour." Chrysalis shook her head. "Not like that. Just simply walking along side me as you are..." Her eyes traveled south and back up to her face again. She grinned. "Only as you are." Celestia glanced down at herself. "Naked?" "Yes..." She said slowly licking her lips. Now this was a turn. Sure, nudity was far from a taboo among the hive but she was not of the hive. Surely her D cup breasts, round ass and strong looking form would turn some heads. Not to mention keeping her emotions in check. Get too lost in the throws of lust and she could have every Changeling painting the floors and walls in their fluids would be the only eventuality. But then again, the idea also excited her on levels she could not fully comprehend. She was a bit of a exhibitionist after all. This could send her on quite the emotional journey to say the least. She really shouldn't say yes. Something so deviant was not fit for a ruler, a deity of the sun... Chrysalis eyed the conflict in her lover and step forward, placing a hand along side her cheek, lightly stroking her hand down to her shoulder as she placed her forehead against her lover's. "I am not going to force this on you. But I also know how you feel about stuff like this. I think we both know how much fun this could be." That was it. The feeling of exposing herself, that thrill of exhibitionism. She could get dressed, walk around like normal lovers. But Chrysalis was right, what fun would that be? Her loins began to grow wet at the thought. "Sure... Lets go with that." She said with a grin. Chrysalis seemed to grow giddy for a few seconds before composing herself. They both knew what this decision would bring about today. A thought that turned her on to no end. The black collar was soon clasped around her neck, not too tight but well enough to make sure it was still snug. Next came the attachment of the long leash and making sure it was secure. Chrysalis pulled on the leash lightly, making Celestia lean against her, their breasts smashing against one another, her C cup breasts crashing against the slightly larger orbs. Their mouths touched as they kissed, locking lips in a brief but lewd display. The reaction was instant. The servant was on her knees, liquid pouring down her leg as her hand dove deep into her snatch. She moaned loudly, tugging at her clothing as her body begged for release. The two leaders broke apart, glancing over at their effectiveness. It was going to be a fun day to be certain. "25 years you have served me and yet a simple act of love has you this turned on?" Chrysalis slyly questioned with a hint of sarcasm in her voice. Juicy shook her head. "I am already in awe of everything you do, it does not take much to make me love you more than I already do." She let out a low soft moan as she continued to pleasure herself with her hand. Chrysalis smiled and rolled her eyes, again lightly yanking on the leash. "Come pet, we have much to do today." Celestia nodded. "Shall it be Chrisy, my love or Master from here on out?" The Changeling Queen paused before grinning. "Master or mistress, I'll except either of those." The blondish, pink highlighted haired woman nodded, already feeling herself grow wet as she began to walk her bare feet out of the room. The two silently walked down a long corridor before turning into a large room with several Changelings milling about, some were doing paper work while others were looking over a large chalk board. All turned to look at the queen and her pet as they entered. They all seemed briefly surprised to see the Sun Deity out in the nude but soon turned back to what they were doing as the small intrigue quickly wore off. "I am looking for Carapace, what updates does my royal environmental advisor have for me today?" "Here my queen." Came a low voice. The male looking changeling walked on over. He was wearing a tie but had on no shirt and was wearing nothing but long green business pants and black shoes. His black hair was cut short and gelled back. "Good morning my queen." He bowed respectively. "I regret to inform you that a recent forest fire has set our attempts at cultivation towards bringing back our forest has set us back a bit but we uncovered something wonderful as a result." He turned and pulled some pictures off the desk from behind him and passed them over to her which she took and glanced over. "As you can see, we managed to uncover a small cave that had been over grown so much that it took till just recently for us to uncover it. We found inside a natural hot spring within, warmed by special magic infused crystals. We are currently researching what properties these crystals posses as well as perhaps bringing in tourists to those springs and therefore eventually boosting our love economy in the future." Celestia's interest peaked at that. She wanted to ask about the crystals but a quick glance at Chrysalis kept her mouth shut. Pets were suppose to only talk when spoken to. She knew the rules all to well, she made them after all. It was only a week ago that the roles were reversed though they did not walk around her kingdom as much, mostly sticking to the garden. That will surely changed next visit though. Chrysalis reached out, grasping Celestia's breast with her hand and pinching the nipple, causing Celestia to wince and moan softly. "Interesting. Keep me informed, I may look into this spring later tomorrow." The Changeling nodded, already starting to cross his legs slightly as a tent began to form in his pants. The sun monarch glanced around, already taking in the effect of several changelings now stopping what they are doing as their bodies began to shake and some began to grasp a hand between their legs. One in particular was already rubbing one out. Chrysalis enjoyed the display. It was all one big show for her every time she did this and reveled in its wonders. She slowly snaked a hand over Celestia's moistened slit, a thin piece of gloved fabric slowly making its way over her already dripping walls. She rubbed the area delicately, causing her pet to moan softly at the touch. The effect was near instant as several Changeling began to tear at their clothing and some already began to engage in lewd acts with one another. Her advisor's pants were on the floor now, his dick at full past as he turned and bent over a female changeling now leaning over the desk with her body exposed to him. He plunged his dick into her folds, gasping in delight as they began to bask in the love radiating throughout the room. Chrysalis turned and whispered to her pet. "Come, let us leave them to their devices, we have more things to do and more fun to be had." Celestia felt that hand leave her, feeling needy but understanding that the day had only began. The two turned as the the room began to filling the sounds of moans and smell of sex. As they walked down another long hallway, past a few more rooms on either side, a question began to plague Celestia's mind. Her eyes danced over at her mistress, hoping to catch her eyes as she began to motion towards her neck. The queen paused for a moment, raising a brow at the gesture. "You wish to speak my pet? I appreciate you asking in such a polite manner. You may speak freely until we reach our next destination." With that, she began to walk again as Celestia glanced around her. "Not that I am dismissing the show or our love but... Isn't getting them all riled up like this counter intuitive?" Chrysalis reached out and grasped her pet's right breasts with her hand, slowly squish and squeezing it as Celestia let out a low moan at the touch. "Not at all, they have been quite pent up, famished as well. We are attempting to multitask is all." Her eyes locked on the room next to them, seeing an open entryway and a few Changelings working to mine some resources from rock that the hive was attached to. They were wearing overalls and hard hats. They seemed to look tired at first but as the love began to radiate, they seemed to pick up the pace again. Then the lust took over as they set down their tools and began to group up, slowly stripping away their clothing as they became locked in a sex filled mosh pit. "For example, though they may work themselves into a sex coma, they will awaken later refreshed and more invigorated than before. It is as true give and take I would say." She extended her hands outwards. "My Kingdom has been slow to grow for a long time now. So much so that my kind were starting to evolve to grow up quickly, adapt and prepare for the work that would be needed. With such little love, my subjects would have to venture out, some not returning and those that do could only bring back so much love. It was a slow and delicate process. But now with peace returned and some starting to see us as parasites no longer, we can begin to rebuild like never before." Celestia nodded, still a bit unsure but trusted her lover with her results. There was was no denying the hive had made great strides in just a few months and their hard work showed this quite well. The two moved on, soon coming upon her thrown. She put her hands at her sides again as the neared the large chair. Sitting down upon it, she crossed her leg over her other leg and rested her hands on her lap. Celestia sat down at her feet, already feeling her mistresses foot begin to absentmindedly play with her. Stroking the sun monarch's backside along the spine, running her big toe up and down it, causing the woman beneath her to shiver at the touch. The captain of the guards step forward, a strong looking female changeling that stood stoically in natural light pouring in from above and casting down on both the throne and those standing in front of it. The room itself was mostly bare, save for a few flags with the Changeling symbol, a small table and a few guards posted nearby, decked out in heavy carapace looking armor. Two other Changelings step forwards, her personal second in command and her combat specialist. Both wearing similar attire though with noticeably less awards than their captain. They also looked similar to their general. Same in terms of the way they stood, had their hair tied behind them and stoicism. The captain wore a more ceremonial robe as did her two entourage. The robe was of course, green at the top before fading into a sharp black. The sleeves were buttoned and she had her long back hair tied up into a ponytail. She bowed in respect. The other two did the same. The captain's medals glimmered as she straightened back up again. "My queen, I am here to inform you of the recent Dragon attack. I am happy to report we have managed to both fend it off and put it into a full retreat, forcing it to abandon some of its wears in the process. We are currently taking stock but we believe there to be roughly between two and three thousand worth of bits among the treasure pile." Celestia looked up her surprise. She was impressed to hear that anyone could manage to fend of a Dragon, let along put it in retreat the point it would give up some of its hoard in the process. Chrysalis seemed to think so too, raising a brow. "Impressive. I shall commend you fully my wonderful captain Fang. You must be famished." She tugged on the leash, gently pulling Celestia towards her, upwards, making the monarch slowly stand up and lean towards Chrysalis. Her mouth opened and leaned against each others bodies. Lips smacking, the two began to make out right then and there. Celestia was surprised at first but knew what her mistress was doing, she was feeding her subjects. Chrysalis broke from the kiss and turn Celestia around with a flick of her magic. She then grabbed her beloved pet, feeling her butt land on her lap as she began to play with those wonderful orbs, sticking her teeth softly into her pets neck, listening to her lovely moans. Her eyes tracked upwards, watching the effect it had on her subjects. They were trying to remain still stoic but they were breaking down quickly. Sweat began to pour down their necks and they began to pull at their robes. It was becoming too much. The captain fell to her knees, practically ripping open her robe. Breasts bounced into view as she began to heartily moan. Her second in command was soon upon her, now half naked as she bent down. She parted the robe the rest of the way and dived upon her soaking wet slit. Meanwhile, her specialist was tearing apart her own garb and mewling at the sight. Diving her fingers into her depths as she watched, enraptured by the sight. The captain noticed this and turned around, putting herself on all fours so she could crawl over and began to lick and drag her tongue over her specialist's captive flesh, her second in command only moving to make herself comfortable again before diving back into her prize. Chrysalis eyed the spectacle with a smile, slowly pushing Celestia back as she stood up. "That should get them started. We should really get that bath. That grand announcement requires us to look our best after all." She let out a low chuckle before tugging on the leash. Celestia silently followed her queen, glancing back only only for a few seconds to watch the sexual scene become more intense as the two left them to their own devices. Walking down a long hallway before making a left, the two went through some sheets labeled bath house. Inside was an anti chamber with bubbling water and a few half naked female Changelings standing off to the side with towels. Without a word, Chrysalis removed her dress, gloves and stockings with a flick of magic, green flames washing over her body before her naked form came into view. With a sigh and a quick run over her hips with her hands, she walked over to the bubbling water. The bath attendants wordlessly nodded as Chrysalis got comfortable before motioning for Celestia to sit beside her. With a small nod, Celestia soon stepped into the warm water, sighing at the feeling before sitting her naked ass onto the stone seating arrangement. Quickly, Chrysalis was surrounded by two Changelings, one that began to scrub her long hair while the other worked a brush along her left arm, both now having gotten in without hardly a splash. Celestia felt a pair of hands wrap around her shoulders as oil was applied to her back. She glanced up at her attendants, surprised at how forward they were and how they seem to know exactly how to take care of her. Taking in the moment, she glanced over at her queen, hoping to catch her eyes as a new question filled her mind. Chrysalis seemed to pick up on this immediately, her eyes glancing over and smiling as she nodded. "You are free to talk once again my pet, please speak your mind." Celestia took a deep breath before letting it out slowly. "1000 years and you'd think I'd have seen it all yet I still seem to have so much to learn. Are you by an chance related to Sucubi in any way?" The Changeling queen couldn't help but laugh as she placed a hand over her eyes. "Oh my, ha, now there is a question I have not heard in a long time." She removed her hand and watched as the attendant began to scrub her right leg, lifting it up out of the water and running the brush up and down it. "Yes, in a way at least. Your sister being the princess of the night could probably explain it better but while we do share some similarities, I can assure you we are not related at least not in any meaningful way. They too tend to run on love and lust but at the very least, we intend to do far more with it than simply suckle on it for eternity." She reached her hand out and pinched the nipple of her attendant, delighting as she seemed to release a soft moan but diligently continuing her work. "For example, we once led some of best brothels in the country and even had some of best trade of aphrodisiacs just before the fall of the Lunar Rebellion." Celestia squirmed in her seat. This era was not something she looked back on fondly, already well aware of how much history and culture was lost in the chaos that took place once she took over. It was a hard time and many mistakes were made before things were stabilized. She stilled owed several creatures under Luna's care some major apologies and reparations for the sorry position she left them in. Changeling surely being one of them. Probably the bat ponies and werewolves being a close second. As if to read her mind, Chrysalis shook her head. "No need to say anything of the past. We have all made mistakes in the past millennia. What matters is what we can build going forward." Chrysalis released her hold on the attendant and turned to look at Celestia. "What you have done and continued to contribute to my hive has more than helped in getting us jump started once again. After all, with how little love I had to work with, it was becoming almost impossible for me even bring offspring into the world. Almost two decades as a matter of fact. But because of your efforts, I may be able to start producing subjects again soon. For that, and the long list of other achievements your actions recently have made possible, you have my thanks..." She smirked. "That being said, we still have a long road ahead of us and I hope that you are more than willing to continue to give us that much needed surplus." Celestia let out a low chuckle. "Always." "Good because I am have this thing in mind that is going to require..." Her voice was interrupted by the sounds of feet quickly slapping against the smooth surface as Juicy came bolting around the corner, pushing past the fabric blocking her as she did so. She was covered in sweat and breathing heavily, her hair a mess while her v shaped garment was lopsided, letting her right breast slip out. She took in a deep breath. "A thousand apologies my queen but it seems there was a failure in communication. The speech that you were going to give that was scheduled for in one hour was instead moved up and everyone has already begun showing up. Should we send them away for an hour?" Chrysalis rolled her eyes, clearly annoyed by the sudden change and noticeably wanting to remain relaxed and pampered next to her lover. But this large speech was important and getting everyone in the hive together like this could be a nightmare at the best of the times. Its a wonder the spa attendants missed out on this and it made her wonder if others may have missed the memo too. "No, tell them I will be there in a few minutes. Instead, make sure that the word has really gotten around, don't want anyone to miss out on this though I am sure... No no, best to play it safe. Send out a magical letter to any not already in attendance. Make sure you are ready and waiting for when I arrive." She waved her hand, her attendants nodding and moving to get out of the water, their hands quickly finding towels. The Changeling Queen and Sun Deity stood up, soon finding towels placed over their bodies and dried off. As the attendants quickly went down their arms and legs with the towels, a glint in the Queen's eye caught Celestia's notice. "I think a casual appearance will be quite fun for both of us, don't you?" Celestia held back her tongue as she stared back in shock. Surely she had to be joking. Again, nudity was far from a strange occurrence but surely for a big speech she would at least put on something. But no, the Changeling Queen began to walk forward, proudly displaying herself for all to see as she tugged on the leash for her pet to follow. The attendants nodded and followed, also interested in this speech. Celestia followed her mistress down past the fabric doors, taking a left, then a right down a short hallway, and heading up several stone steps. They spiraled upwards before coming to a short hallway with two ways to go. An opening on the right and left. They took the right, went up a few more stairs and soon came out onto a large balcony. There was a large plush chair and marble railing. The floor was smooth and the room that opened up in front of them just past the balcony was massive. The two strode out, Juicy already there and kneeling off to the side. A large sea of Changelings spread out before them at least a solid thee stories down. Heads all turning to stare at their naked queen, some showing shock while others showed admiration. Chrysalis stood in front of the railing, Celestia just beside her, unsure if she should cover herself or try to look as proud and dominating as Chrysalis did in this moment. Her mouth briefly lit up as her green magic so that it allowed for her voice to carry across the vast and large room. Green flames and natural light poured across the room at once, turning on large torches and opening green curtains that were once covering the sides of the cave, allowing for some sunlight to pour in. "My Changelings, we are gathered here in celebration." She called out, a soft chatter and mummer dying out as all gave their full attention. "It has take hundreds of years but finally we are starting to crawl back up to the powerhouse we once were. No longer having to hide. Trade is something I had only dreamed we could have once again. A steady stream of food unlike anything we have had in so long, only myself and some trees may remember." There was a soft chatter of reflection across the room before the Changeling Queen continued. "We have fought tooth and nail to survive. Tried desperate things that may very well have lead to our demise. But we never gave up. We persevered. And in doing so, we have managed to crawl back out of the shadows, soon we will begin to grow once again." A slight pull and Celestia was nudged forwards, now standing with her body truly there for all to see. It was exciting and terrifying all at once. She did her best to look stoic but on the inside she was screaming in several different ways. "With the help of Celestia, relationships with the outside lands has improved significantly and our love shall only grow from here." She smiled. "The worst kept secret, I know, is our love for each other. How it affects and feeds all of you. Today I want to give you all a feast, use it to bring us back to our glory we once had. Today you shall feast, tomorrow you shall rest then the next day..." She grinned. "We expand and work like never before, let this Kingdom truly rise from the ashes!" A crowd erupted with cheers as Chrysalis held up her hands. The cheers quickly died down as she continued. "So without further ado, let us get this feast underway." With that, a green flash appeared between her legs as a fairly large dong swung from her. It quickly went hard as she walked over and stood behind her love. "Let's put on a good show for them." She whispered. "I can't believe I am about to have sex with you in front of hundreds." Celestia muttered under her breath, sighing as she felt the large object push past her inner legs and rub against her moistened lower lips. "Do you want me to stop?" She asked softly, pushing her cheek against her lover as her hands rested on her D cup breasts. "I didn't say that. You have a lot to feed after all." She replied with a smirk. "Good, then let us begin." With that, she reared back and drove her hard cock deep into Celestia's folds. The act was instant and the reaction was like a wave. Lust and love poured across the room at once as hundreds of Changelings shuddered and began to eye one another. Chrysalis softly love bit into Celestia's shoulder, pulling out a bit before smalling her wonderful cock back in again, feeling those lovely walls clamp down on her member. The Sun Deity watched as clothes were removed and hands found their ways onto others. In mere seconds, the largest orgy she had ever seen began to unfold before her. Some were simply kissing or snuggling against one another while others were quickly to placing their cocks in whatever willing place would accept them. Mouths, asses, pussies, were all accepted. Some were smashing their sexes against one other, some were spit roasting while others basked in each other's bodies. Celestia placed her hands on the railing, watching the scene unfold in amazement. Chrysalis hugged her tightly, really starting to go to town on her, picking up the pace as she dick went in and out in rapid succession. Juices spilled onto the floor. Juicy was crying out in ecstasy as her hand dived deep into her neither region, her clothes scattered across the floor as she sang out her Queen's name over and over again. Celestia felt her own orgasm building, her body ready to accept the cum that was surely on its way. She been waiting for this moment, ready to accept the love about to be poured into her. Chrysalis let out a low growl before screaming out. "OH CELESTIA!" Like tsunami, a wave of powerful love spread outwards, coving the the room. Cum and feminine juices gushed out, covering their bodies and floor. A cacophony of cries and cheers shot forth as Celestia came like never before. She felt her juices coming spilling down her leg just as a wave of hot, sticky love came shooting deep into her core. She breathed a ragged breath and moaned, feeling Chrysalis fill her up to her up before removing her cock and splashing more cum across her butt and back. With a swift motion, Celestia was picked up with her magic as the two teleported onto her chair. Celestia sat across her lap as Chrysalis held her close. "Thankyou. This should keep us going for quite a long while." She whispered. Celestia chuckled. "And if not, I would be more than happy to return and give you more." Chrysalis eyes went wide for a second before let out a low laugh. "Yeah, this is one of the several reasons I love you so much." Celestia snuggled in closer. "And this right here is one of the several reasons I love you too." She said with a smile, the two basking in each others embrace as the Changelings continued to party it out right below them.