Don't Mess With a Fashionista Patience

by AndyHunter

First published

Rainbow Dash decides to break her record for pranking one of her friends all day long, which is Rarity.

Rainbow Dash after playing pranks on Rarity all day, Rarity makes a master plan to return the favor.
Rainbow Dash, haven't you learned your lesson?

This story is a request from jBlazer So, thanks to him we have this! :derpytongue2:

Another Big Hit (Featured on 9/3/2023) Thank you all for reading favorites and likes I'm glad my efforts really paid off. :twilightsmile:

Cause & Effect

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Rainbow Dash checked her calendar, there were marks of important days, some had the Wonderbolts logo, they meant the days she had to show up to do shows, there was also a poorly drawn, drawing of Scootaloo head, it represents the days she would spend with her, but the one that stands out the most is the one with Rarity's cutie mark.

RD had planned to prank the fashionista all day, to break her own record for pranks, Rainbow already had everything organized, she just needed to start her plan.

Of all her friends, she rule out Fluttershy right away, it's no fun to prank somepony like her, so why not Rarity? After all, thanks to her, embarrassed Rainbow with Zephyr by making her wear an fancy dress, which Dash dislikes a lot. And about Zephyr, well, he's a creep and Rainbow Dash considers him one of the ponies she'd least like to deal with, besides Zephyr flirts with Rainbow whenever he can which makes her very uncomfortable, It was already enough reason for the victim of her pranks to be Rarity.

Rainbow Dash flew out of her house with an evil look on her face, she somehow convinced Applejack to help her build a catapult, Rainbow had said it was for stunts but not quite, she also used it for heavy pranks.

Rainbow Dash went to Applejack's farm, to ask for the catapult that was stored in the farm, Rainbow did not have space for such heavy and large objects like a catapult in her house, not to mention that it would also be a lot of work, to take it from sky down to the ground.

"APPLEJACK!" Rainbow Dash yelled, she didn't know if Applejack was at the farm and didn't see anypony outside.

Applejack was feeding the pigs, when she heard Rainbow Dash's yell.
Applejack jogged at a moderate speed, maybe something had happened to Rainbow Dash.

"Howdy Rainbow, what is it?" asked Applejack wiping the mud from her face.

"Good to see you AJ. Do you remember the catapult we built together a few weeks ago? I need it now" Said Rainbow shaking her front hooves while holding back her laughter.

Applejack noticed Dash's expression, she knew RD was up to something "Yes, I remember it, I suppose you gonna used it to prank somepony"

"Yes, it's for a prank, I prefer to spare the details. Can you unlock the door please" Said RD desperate.

"Being honest, I don't have time for this Rainbow, think about what you're doing and how you'll make the pony you're pranking feel" Applejack pulled out a key from under her hat, which was to unlock the door. Rainbow Dash entered and pushed the catapult, it was a wheeled one so it wouldn't be that much of a problem for her to carry it.

"Yeah yeah, she'll be fine" Rainbow Dash said without taking Applejack's advice into consideration.
Applejack looked at Rainbow Dash with a worried face, Dashie would surely get in trouble, but AJ had business to attend to, and trying to convince her would be useless, it is known that Rainbow is very stubborn.

Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash carried the catapult through almost all of Ponyville, all eyes were on her.

When RD arrived at Carousel Boutique, she placed the catapult with the green paint balloon nearby at a distance where it would exactly land on Rarity when she walked out the door. Obviously Rainbow would not wait for Rarity to leave the house, Rainbow approached the door and knocked on it with her hooves, with moderate force, without causing a big fuss.

When Rainbow stopped knocking on the door, she marked the entrance to Carousel Boutique with an X, to indicate the position where Rarity should be to throw the balloon at her, she did all this, while she couldn't stand the urge to laugh and how Rarity would react.

Rarity upon hearing the door, jogged towards it, she opened it with her magic "Hi dear Rainbow, can I do something for you?" Rarity asked with a cheerful and lively tone.

"You look so green today Rarity!" Said Rainbow Dash, while activating the catapult, Rarity was standing right on the X that Dashie had marked, the balloon flew at a great speed that Rarity couldn't see.

"Huh? What do you-" Rarity was interrupted as the balloon impacted on her.

"RainBOW DASH!!" Rarity said, her face was red and green at the same time from the accumulated anger, she galloped directly towards where Dash was, but it was useless because RD flew away and could not reach her.

"You look like the inside of a watermelon, I should call you, Rarimelon!" Rainbow dash said as she flew as fast as she could, preparing for her next prank.

Rarity was taking a relaxing shower after Rainbow painted her green, the color she hates the most, what could she have done to cause Rainbow to prank her like this? Rarity wondered in her head, but at least all the anger she felt has vanished, a bath is more than enough to relax and make all negative emotions disappear.

When Rarity finished showering, got out of the tub and with her magic, instead of grabbing a towel, took a spider stuffed animal, dried herself with the stuffed animal, since Rarity had her eyes closed, she wouldn't have noticed until opened her eyes and see something black in front of her eyes, when pushes it away, Rarity screams as loud as she can and throws the stuffed animal out of the bathroom.

"AHHHHHHHHHHH" Rarity yells as she goes to get a broom to "finish off the spider" Sweetie Belle, who was jogging nearby, covered her ears because of how loud Rarity was yelling.

"What's happening sister?" asked Sweetie Belle confused, Still with the hooves on her ears.

"There's a spider in the house!" Rarity said as she hit the spider with the broom, Sweetie bell notices that the "spider" didn't move, nor was it crushed by Rarity's blows. Sweetie realized that it was a stuffed animal.

"Huuuh I think it's a toy spider, Rarity" Said Sweetie Belle as she moved the spider with her hooves, it didn't move or do anything, Rarity upon noticing this, blushed with embarrassment, immediately deducing that it was Dash who made another prank on her.

Rainbow Dash was looking out the window at everything that happened, she was laughing for a long time on the ground.

Rarity was knitting old dresses that had holes or were worn by time, it was her way of entertaining herself when she didn't have much to do anymore. Rarity was starting to get hot, all the windows in her room were closed, so she trotted over to one of them, opened it with her magic and stuck her head out and let out a sigh of relief "What a wonder-" Rarity was interrupted, her entire face was covered in apple pie by Rainbow Dash.

"Got ya!" Rainbow Dash said as she quickly flew away from the scene.

"Grrr You gonna pay for this Dash..." Rarity said as she clenched her hooves in anger.

Days after Rainbow Dash played pranks on Rarity, rumors had spread that an Asian-themed restaurant had come to PonyVille, it is said that fortune cookies somehow predicted the future and told how lucky the pony would be. When Rarity found out about this, she invited her friends to have a good dinner, they hadn't spent time together for a long time because their obligations kept them separate, they all accepted, but Rainbow Dash saw all this suspicious. Rarity will be trying to prank her with all this? Has she forgotten that days before Rainbow Dash was playing very heavy pranks on the fashionista?

The Mane 6 were all together, they were so happy to see each other again, except Rainbow Dash, she is happy to see her friends again after several weeks of course, but she still believes that Rarity is planning something with all this, but if so, wouldn't Rarity have just invited Rainbow Dash? She wasn't sure, but RD would still keep an eye out for anything weird that was about to happen.

Our ponies enjoyed a wonderful dinner together, talking about various topics and activities they were doing while they were apart, how fast time flies since they first met when Twilight arrived in Ponyville.

"Girls, you-haven't realizid trtaht" Said Pinkie Pie with her mouth full, she was interrupted by Rarity due to this disgusting act.

"Pugh Pinkie Pie, that is disrespectful, swallow food first then talk" Rarity said looking away.

Pinkie Pie Swallow and letting out a contented breath "Sorry haha, as I was saying, you all haven't noticed that for a long time bad things always happen when we plan activities together or there is some important celebration, like when Twilight fell at her living performance?"

"Hey! why did you have to remind me of that? I just took a wrong step!" Twilight said blushing with embarrassment.

"I still remember that day, it's like it happened yesterday" Applejack said, hitting the table with her hooves, laughing.

"For sure Twilight was thinking about books or numbers and that's why she fell off the stage, didn't realize was on the edge HAHAHA!" Rainbow Dash said leaning against the table, dying of laughter.

"That's not true! I was just trying to do the moon trot" Twilight said embarrassed, covering her face with her hooves.

"Girls, leave Twilight alone, anypony can make a mistake, also Pinkie Pie's question is interesting, since in every important event or normal day, something bad or worse always happens, somecreature tries to invade Equestria or like when we were having a quiet day until Chrysalis kidnapped our little sisters" Replied Rarity.

"That's true, but we managed to defeat her, our friendship can overcome any obstacle that is put in front of us, don't you think, girls?" Said Fluttershy breaking her silence.

The main 6 all started talking about their past adventures, and the funniest and most embarrassing moments of each one, it was nice, this time there's not invasion, apocalypse, time travel or a crazy pony trying to removing cutie marks from others for ridiculous reasons.

After several minutes of pleasant chat, each of the ponies was given a fortune cookie, Pinkie Pie ate her cookie in one bite, not knowing that cookies have papers.

"Pinkie what did you do? Your cookie had a paper inside that tells your fortune" Said Applejack while face-hoof.

"Really? I didn't know, at least the paper tasted good" Replied Pinkie Pie licking her face.

"Pinkie being Pinkie" Rainbow responded with a sarcastic tone.

Everypony read her fortune, each one said something positive, like, that Fluttershy would have a good day, or that Rarity would be very successful in the future, except Rainbow Dash, hers said "You will have bad luck unless you apologize for your misdeeds" Rainbow Dash upon reading it, let out a small laugh and threw the paper away, Rarity was sitting next to her, noticing this, she raised the paper with her magic and read what it said, she was disappointed in RD for not taking it seriously, Rarity took the decision to wait outside the restaurant when her friends said goodbye to tell Dashie how she felt.
Rarity didn't want to ruin the moment of happiness they were having and Rainbow Dash, in order not to worry her friends about the fortune that she recieved, did best to avoid that topic of conversation and talk about something else.

Everypony with full stomach gathered outside the restaurant, Twilight would be the first to thank Rarity.

"Thank you Rarity, I speak for all of us when I say that we are very grateful for dinner, we had a great time and we had a lot of fun, I hope moments like these happen again" Twilight said making a small bow with her hooves on her chest.

Rarity wiped a tear with her hooves "You're welcome girls, it's been a pleasure spending time with you again, it's what really matters, no matter how much I have to pay for it"

Everypony gave each other a group hug and said goodbye.
Fluttershy, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Twilight headed home, leaving only Rainbow Dash and Rarity alone.

Rainbow Dash before flying away, Rarity stopped her calling her, Rainbow Dash turned around and Rarity told her "Rainbow Dash, I read your fortune and you act like it's nothing, I don't think having bad luck is something to be taken lightly"

"A piece of paper can't predict my future, how do you expect me to take something like this seriously?" Rainbow Dash said, putting her hooves together as she flew close to Rarity with a sarcastic tone.

"Do not underestimate the importance of a prophecy-" Rainbow Dash interrupted Rarity "Like everypony says, believe what you want to believe and I'd rather not believing in this nonsense"

"You're not even going to apologize?" Rarity said bringing her face closer to Rainbow Dash's, clenching her teeth in annoyance with her.

"About what exactly? I haven't done anything wrong!" When RD said that, Rarity let out a sigh of dramatic surprise, unable to believe that her friend, pretending that all the heavy pranks Dashie did to her were funny to Rarity, when in reality RD was just annoying her.

"How dare you say that? You don't remember what you were doing to me several days ago!?" Asked Rarity clenching jaws.

"No, and if you're done with your drama, I'll be busy being awesome, thanks for dinner" Said Rainbow flying at high speed leaving a small cloud of dust

"You'll pay the price, just wait for it" Said Rarity looking away from RD arrogantly.

Days after RD's argument with Rarity, Dashie still hadn't apologized to her, still maintaining her arrogance believing that all ponies enjoy her pranks.
Rainbow was on the top of a mountain, dragging her hoof against the ground to get ready and fly, she galloped to the edge and flew as high as she could before descending and flying through a forest while dodging trees.
She was enjoying the wind blowing on her face, when Rainbow left the area of ​​the trees and was in the open field, she found a big caramel cake in the middle of the road.

"A cake in the middle of the road? That's very random, even for Pinkie Pie" Rainbow Dash said in her head, laughing inside, she was going to try to dodge the cake but RD began to feel a strange sensation in her body, as if something or somecreature was controlling her.

"What!?" RD said trying to fly to the left to avoid the cake, but she couldn't, her body was being manipulated by something unknown "Nooooo!" Rainbow Dash covered her eyes with her front hooves, before hitting the cake.

More than half of her body was covered in cake, then Rainbow landed in a pile of fabric, she tried to get out but couldn't move, a big blanket covered her, she saw everything dark but in a matter of seconds, the blanket came off of her by herself, only for Dash to realize that she was wearing a pink V-neck gala dress.

"What is this?" Dash was looking at herself, she was wearing gold heart-shaped earrings, a pearl necklace with the same colors as Dash's mane and it had the shape of her cutie mark too. A true beauty of fashion!
She tried to take it off but she couldn't, the caramel cake made it sticky and can't fly either because the wings were inside the dress, making it impossible to flap her wings.

Rainbow Dash let out a disgusted sigh. "Whichever pony is doing this, show yourself!" When Rainbow Dash finished her sentence, looked up, saw a box full of glitter and jewelry on top of her, the box with glitter fell on top of her, she couldn't see anything, was blinded.
"What? I can't see anything!" Rainbow Dash tried to remove the glitter, she couldn't, it was too sticky to remove it.
Dash in desperate attempts to remove the glitter, headed towards a beauty salon, where the stylist notes her presence from within the saloon.
"So, you are the appointed customer" Rainbow Dash was confused, scratching her head asked "Customer about what?"

"Oh, somepony told me you were the appointed client, don't be shy I'll take you inside and make you look divine dear" Said the mare putting one of her hooves around Dash's neck.
"But I don't-" The stylist interrupted Dash by putting her hoof in Dash's mouth "Shhh just relax, I'll take care of everything dear" The stylist with her unicorn magic levitate Rainbow Dash to one of the chairs that were available.

The best way to start, was with some mica powders, pink color with a grade of 50 microns in the proper shape of Rainbow Dash's face.
Once the mica powder color shade is chosen, the stylist carefully adds power binder in spray to the mixture to create a wet sand consistency.

The stylist transfers the damp powder to a glass lip balm container, also placing a paper towel directly over the shade.
She Continuing to press the entire top of the shadow, laying the shadow on a counter, covers it with a paper towel until the powder is completely dry and ready to use.

With the powder ready to use, the stylist applies charcoal powder as an eyeshadow by blending it into the eyelid with a rounded eyeshadow brush, using the powder as a black eyeliner as well without any water applied.

With Rainbow's short lashes, the stylist looks for a lengthening mascara with a smaller brush with thick bristles
and small wand to allow the stylist to get very close to Rainbow's eye and make sure the coat each lash with precision.
The Stylist applies a black shade giving the illusion of length and thickness.
Adding as well a eyelash curler to allow more light to hit Rainbow eyes so they look bigger and brighter.

To add more dimension to Rainbow looks, the stylist uses a small wand taking into account Rainbow's short lashes to be easier to control the application and get close to her eye.

"You look beautiful dear!" Said the stylist banging their front hooves against each other, proud of her work.
And pushes Rainbow Dash towards the exit with her front hooves without giving her any chance to defend herself, even saying something.

"What did you do to my face? I still can't see!" The stylist couldn't hear what Rainbow Dash said since she had closed the salon door, going back to her work.

A big wind blows through the place, Rainbow was still struggling to remove the glitter.
But the wind did all the work by impacting in the opposite direction towards Rainbow Dash, removing the glitter very easily.

Rainbow Dash opened her eyes for 2 seconds, her vision was blurry because her eyes were covered without the possibility of opening them for a considerable period of time.
Rainbow shook her front hooves on her face to make sure that annoying feeling of having something stuck on her body disappeared.

"I hope that crazy pony hasn't painted my face as a clown" Rainbow went to a nearby window where she could see her reflection, she got closer and closer, until RD saw how she was made up, she didn't like it at all.

She stepped back in fear, trembling that all the ponies would look at her like that, coming from Rainbow Dash it would be seen as something unexpected and weird.

"I'm going to find a way to take this off, elegance is not my thing. Everything that has been happening today, it was very strange, it is as if-" Rainbow Dash was talking to herself while jogging, until a perfume girl sprayed a sample of floral perfume near Dash's nose, causing her to sneeze and almost fall to the ground, being caught just in time by Zephyr.

"Rainbow Dash, my future wife, be careful where you go" Said Zephyr looking at Dash with a flirtatious look.

"Zephyr? What are you doing here?" Dash said looking away with a frown.

"I went to that restaurant that gives out fortune cookies and my fortune is that a beautiful mare with sparkling eyes will fall on your hoof and share a passionate kiss. Is obviously referring about you Dash" Zephyr gave Dash a passionate kiss, Dash was red trying to get Zephyr off.

The perfume mare took a photo of both of them kissing "A souvenir photo"

Zephyr stopped kissing Rainbow and asked "How's the photo Rarity?"

"Fabulous, divine, spectacular dear, look!" Rarity said showing the photo to Zephyr with her unicorn magic, Zephyr took it with one hoof and gave the photo a hug.

Rainbow kept her eyes wide, after analyzing well what was happening, it was Rarity all this time, she planned all this from the moment Rainbow collided with the cake.
An angry Rainbow Dash approaches Rarity, still blushing "So it was YOU all this time, how could you do this to me? Do you know all the humiliation I went through today?" Dash said gritting his teeth.

"Now you know what it feels like, do you remember the pranks you were doing on me several days ago? I just return you in favor" Rarity said looking away from Dash arrogantly.

Rainbow Dash was thinking about what Rarity just said, and she was right, Rarity was not amused by the pranks Dash was making on her.
This made Rainbow feel bad about herself, RD was silent for a while, she was looking for the words to apologize to Rarity.

"I... I'm sorry Rarity, I thought my prank were harmless, I didn't realize that was hurting you, nor did I take your feelings into account... I'm a terrible friend" Rainbow Dash apologizes looking down.

Rarity raises Rainbow's head and hugs her "Don't worry dear, the important thing is that you accepted your mistake, now you know that you shouldn't mess with the patience of a fashionista!" Rarity said in a happy and proud tone.
Dash let out a small laugh.

"Hey Rainbow when are we getting married?" Said Zephyr showing his teeth with joy.

"Huuuh I'll marry you when pigs fly" Said Rainbow Dash sarcastically.

"Oh come on tell me when, the fortune cookie told me and I believe it!" Zephyr galloped towards Rainbow Dash to kiss her again but Rainbow, noticing his intentions, flew away and Zephyr followed her, asking the same thing.

Rarity was laughing "They make a very good couple haha!"