My Little Pony: Friendship is Cine-magic: Pooh's Grand Adventure: The Search for Christopher Robin

by IndyWriter Productions

First published

The Main 7 are brought into a magical land with talking stuffed animals and a young boy who goes missing.

(Season 1, Episode 3)

The Main 7 are brought into another multiverse mission. This time, they are brought into the Hundred Acre Wood during the last day of summer. Here they meet Winnie the Pooh, a bear stuffed with fluff, and his best friend, Christopher Robin. One day, Christopher Robin goes missing. So, now the Main 7 team up with Pooh, Tigger, Piglet, Rabbit, and Eeyore to save Christopher Robin from a legendary monster. At least, that’s what they were told.

Part 1: Into a Magical Forest

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The rays from the brilliant sun shown down on the waking town of Ponyville. It was rather peaceful morning that day despite the busy streets of ponies going about their day. This day we look over to the ominous forest that was not far from the town's northwestern border. Infamously known as the Everfree Forest, ponies didn't even dare step foot into it's treeline without a good reason. However, we see a familiar, yellow pegasus walking out from dark woods with some dark green herbs in her saddlebag. Fluttershy had gone into the woods earlier to meet with Zecora, a zebra shaman who lived within the Everfree forest. She was a good friend of Fluttershy's and with the rest of her other friends.

On this day, Fluttershy closes animal companion, Angel Bunny, had caught some kind of flu virus. The butter-yellow, pegasus had gone over to Zecora's for a special type of herb. Allegedly, it was used in medicines used for the virus and other similar sicknesses. After hearing about Fluttershy's predicament Zecora was more than happy to provide some of the herbs.

Fluttershy had quickly gotten out of the Everfree Forest as soon as she got what she needed. She looked back at the pathway that led into the woods and grimaced a little. She never enjoyed venturing into the Everfree, even for something important like this. The Everfree was a dangerous place; filled with many dangerous creatures like timberwolves, Ursas, and even that cockatrice that almost turned her into stone. Though, the relieving thing about the forest was that all the dangers it held stayed within the dark woods. That was why, despite living on the edge of the Everfree, Fluttershy never had any of the dangerous creatures venture out near her cottage. That and it also allowed her animals friends to be around her as often as possible.

Fluttershy made her way over to her home. She felt the sun spread it's warmth over her bright coat. She sighed and relaxed It was the start of a new day, no point thinking about something as dark and sinister as the Everfree. Fluttershy opened the door to her cottage, where she was greeted by some of her animal friends.

"Hello, Hummingway." She said to the hummingbird buzzing around her. "Would you happen to know where Angel is?"

The hummingbird pointed its beak over at a blanketed basket sitting adjacent to a flight of stairs.

"Thank you." The yellow pegasus said sincerely.

She made her way over to the basket. Fluttershy could see a small, shivering lump underneath the blanket.

"Angel, I'm back." She said softly, looking down at the shaking covers. "How are you feeling?"

A white bunny peered out from the covers, still shivering. under normal circumstances, he would happily greet Fluttershy when she would arrive home, but, today he did not have the strength to even walk over to her.

"Don't worry, Angel. I got the herbs from Zecora. hopefully it should do the trick." Fluttershy reassured.

Angel merely looked at her with expectant eyes. As if to say...

"Well, are you going to do it?"

Fluttershy chuckled a little before making her way over to the kitchen.

"Don't worry, Angel. Once I got the medicine ready, you should start feeling better soon." Without another word, Fluttershy got to work on the medicine.

Within the center of Ponyville, Twilight Sparkle was trotting through the streets. She had ran out of ink back at her castle, so she was heading to the quill and ink shop to purchase some more. Whilst on her way there, she was thinking about their last friendship mission through the multiverse.

It had been about three weeks since their mission with Cloud and after that Twilight had gotten this tinge of worry in the back of her head. With their adventure with Cloud, they had to go up against an evil gang, cure an alien disease, fight some eldritch horror, and battle the hateful, demi-god that was Sephiroth. Even back with Dusty and his world, he and Rainbow Dash nearly perished in the middle of a stormy ocean.

The more she thought about it, the more she realized just how dangerous these friendship missions in other worlds really were. Twilight was not against the idea of travelling to different worlds to solve problems, she did it before the Cutie Map thing. But, she realized that they needed to be extra cautious when off on these multiverse missions, as she now decided to call them.

The young princess could still remember Sephiroth's sword slicing into Spike's cheek and her friends getting pummeled into the dirt by the One-winged angel. The thought made her blood boil, the experience left Spike with a scar on his cheek. She swore, from that point on, that she would never let anything bad happen to Spike ever again. Her other friends all agreed to be more cautious about those missions

Twilight decided it was best to just stop thinking about such memories. It was a light day for her after all. There was not much paperwork she had to do today and Starlight was off at the Crystal Empire helping out Sunburst. Today was a day for her to relax and take it easy.

"Maybe I can help Fluttershy out after I'm done." Twilight said to herself.

When Fluttershy told her about Angel's sudden illness, she felt bad for the little guy even if Twilight never really connected with him. Regardless, she had told Fluttershy about the special herbs that could help with the treatment and poised the thought that Zecora could supply her with some.

As her thoughts came to an end, Twilight was met with the shop she was looking for. She made the purchase and was soon on her way back to the Castle of Friendship with a saddlebag full of fresh, bottled ink. She arrived back at the castle and unloaded the ink. Spike met up with her at the entryway of the castle.

"Hey, Twilight. Glad you're back." Spike greeted.

"Thank you, Spike." Twilight gave the baby dragon a hug. "Would mind putting the ink away?"

"No problem, Twilight." Spike said, grabbing the bottles and heading to the workroom.

Twilight sighed in content, today was going pretty smoothly, she even thought she would have time to hangout with her friends. At least, thought she was planning to do, but fate had other plans. Twilight started to feel a familiar sensation throughout her body. She looked over to her sides to see her cutie marks were glowing, which meant only one thing.

"Another friendship mission?" She wondered to herself.

She admitted to herself that it had been a while since she and her friends had been on one, but then again, the last mission they went on had them fighting magic-wielding gang members. Still, a friendship mission was a friendship mission. It was their duty to keep harmony and show the power of friendship, in this world or otherwise. Spike came from around the corner with his spines all glowing.

"Wow, talk about perfect timing. Good thing you came back when you did." Spike said.

"Yeah, I guess so." Twilight admitted. "I reckon the girls are probably being summoned here, too."

"Maybe. We'll have to see." The little dragon shrugged.

Twilight and Spike made their way over to the map room. Again, that feeling of worry came over Twilight. She was still getting over the bad experiences from the last mission and the last thing she needed was another one that was just as perilous and dangerous. She looked over to Spike, her eyes falling on the scar on his left cheek, she didn't want to see Spike get hurt anymore than he already has. She couldn't, she wouldn't, she would never see her friends get hurt. The purple alicorn shook herself back to reality.

"You're being too paranoid, Twilight. Just stay calm and take it slow. Not every world is going to be dark and cruel like Cloud's" She thought to herself.

She shook the bad thoughts out of her head and continued to make her way over to the map room. Once there, Twilight opened the door and she and Spike went over to the Cutie Map, which was completely glowing.

"That means were going to another world, again?" Spike guessed.

"Yup." Twilight answered.

Just then, the rest of the Main 7 filed into the room, too.

"Hey, girls." Twilight greeted.

"Hey, there, Twi. Guess we're all bein summoned to another world, again." Applejack assumed.

"It would seem so." Twilight said.

"Well I do hope it won't be cruel or dangerous like last time." Rarity said fervently.

"I agree with Rarity. I don't want to go through that again." Fluttershy said quietly.

"Same here." Twilight agreed. "Oh, by the way, Fluttershy. Did Zecora have the herbs for you?"

"She did and she lend some. I already gave Angel the medicine."

"That's good. I'm glad it worked out for you." Twilight said

"C'mon, girls. We've been through worse." Rainbow said pompously. "Besides it was fun, wasn't it?"

"Didn't you get thrown around like a ragdoll by Sephiroth at one point?" Spike pointed out.

"Yeah...well...let's just get to the mission." Rainbow said grumbled.

Twilight chuckled and readied the portal spell. concentrating her magic, she let it flow onto the Cutie Map. almost instantly, a portal began to form over the table, enveloping it, and dropping to the floor.

"Yippee, we get to meet knew friends!" Pinkie said excitedly.

"Just remember, girls. Try to be careful. We don't know what this world has in store for us." Twilight warned.

The other mares and dragon nodded. Instead of going in one at a time this time, they all collectively jumped into the portal. The Main 7 flew through the portal like before, giving them time to get ready.

"Do you think this world will be dangerous, too?" Fluttershy asked in concern.

"There's always a possibility, but, I'm not going to assume the worst. Not every world is dangerous after all." Twilight said.

Fluttershy nodded in understanding.

"Yeah, maybe we'll have the bestest fun ever!" Pinkie said, completely estatic.

"Pinkie, bestest is not a word." Twilight pointed out.

"I know, that shows how much fun we'll have." Pinkie said.

The friendship princess sighed and decided to not to argue. Another mission was upon them and she was going to be ready, just like her friends. The end of the portal came into their sights.

"Here we go, everypony." Twilight said.

In a spilt second, the Main 7 came out of the portal. Once out, They were greeted with lush grass and few sporadic trees. The sky was blue and full of clouds. It reminded the other of the Everfree Forest, except it was more open and lively and it didn't have an ominous feel to it.

"This place looks absolutely gorgeous." Rarity said, with sparkling eyes.

"Ah'll say. Reminds of our orchids at Sweet Apple Acres." Applejack agreed.

"But, where are we exactly?" Rainbow wondered.

"Something tells me we're about to find out." Twilight said whimsically.

Unknown to the Main 7, their grandest and most extraordinary of all their adventures was about to begin.

To be continued

Part 2: A Boy and His Bear

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The Main 7 took in the breath-taking scenery of the beautiful woods. Compared to the Everfree, this place looked so surreal and whimsical to them. The lush trees, the golden-looking grass, the bright, blue sky. It was truly a sight to behold.

"Oh, my. This place is absolutely gorgeous." Rarity said in awe.

"Couldn't agree more, Rares." Applejack said.

"Uh, this is nice and all, but, shouldn't we figure out what we were brought here for." Rainbow pointed out. "This is a friendship mission after all."

"Oh, come now, Rainbow. Just enjoy the scenery for a little while. There's no harm in it." Rarity assured.

"Eh, thanks, but no thanks. I'm not really into that." Rainbow stepped back. "But, seriously, something bad might be happening here."

But, it's a forest, Rainbow." Twilight said. "What could happen that would be bad?"

"Maybe he knows." Spike pointed his finger.

The others turned and saw, what appeared to be, a little, stout bear. It was pale yellow in color and wore a bright, red shirt. It was currently playing with some butterflies.

"Alright, I'll go talk to him." Rainbow started to maker her way over to it, but was stopped by Twilight.

"No, I'll go talk to him." The purple alicorn said sternly. "We need to be cautious here, remember?"

"Oh, c'mon, Twilight. Don't you think you're being a bit paranoid?" Rainbow asked. "I mean, look at him. Does he look dangerous to you?"

"Maybe not, but, I don't want to take any chances." Twilight stood firm. "Please, Rainbow."

Rainbow sighed.

"Alright, fine. But, I'm telling you, Twilight, there's nothing to be afraid of." She relented.

"I'm not afraid. I'm just being careful." Twilight shouted, but quickly clasped her hooves over her mouth.

It was already too late. The bear stopped what it was doing and turned to the Main 7.

"Well at least you got it's attention." Fluttershy said, standing back a little.

Fluttershy was warm to all animals, but seeing how this was a different world, she couldn't help being a little skeptical.

Twilight gulped.

"Uh, excuse me, sir. You wouldn't happen to know where we are? Would you?" She asked, making her way over to him.

The bear chuckled.

"Well, I haven't see you around here before. You're in the Hundred Acre Wood." The bear said.

"A hundred acres?" Twilight thought to herself. She pressed on.

"Um, is anything happening right now? Anything bad that we can fix?" She asked.

The bear gave it some thought.

"Umm, not that I know of." He frowned. "Is that what you're looking for?"

"Yes. You see, me and my friends were brought here for a mission to solve some kind of problem. It's what we do." The princess explained. "But, if there's nothing wrong here, then..."

"We'll just wait till it happens." Applejack interjected.

"Yes, we'll do that." Twilight said. "By the way, what is your name?"

"My name? Oh, my name. My name is Winnie the Pooh. But, I just go by Pooh." The bear said.

Rainbow snickered, trying to hold in her laughter.

"Rainbow. Have some maturity will ya." Applejack hissed angrily.

"Sorry, sorry." Rainbow collected herself.

"Well, Pooh, what exactly are you doing right now?" Spike asked.

"Oh, I was heading to that big tree over there." Pooh pointed to a small hillside that housed the tree.

"Can we come along?" Pinkie jumped in excitement.

"Sure thing." Pooh chuckled.

"Wait, we haven't introduced ourselves yet." Twilight said to her friends.

The others looked at each other. Their friend was right. This whole time they didn't say their names once.

"Well, let's change that. My name is Rarity, it's a pleasure to meet you...erm...Pooh." The fashionista greeted.

"I'm Twilight Sparkle. But, just call me Twilight." The mulberry alicorn said.

"Howdy, ah'm Applejack." The country warm greeted warmly.

"I'm Rainbow Dash; fastest flyer of all Equestria." Rainbow said enthusiastically.

"Are you gonna do that every time we meet somepony?" Rarity grumbled.

Why, not? Everypony needs to know how awesome I am." The cocky pegasus boasted.

"I'm Fluttershy." The caretaker said softly.

"Hi, I'm Pinkie Pie." The pink mare said, shaking Pooh's hand excitedly.

"And I'm, Spike." The baby dragon said.

"Nice to meet you...ehm...oh, bother. I forget." Pooh said poking his head.

"Already?" Rainbow asked incredulously.

"Don't worry. We'll help you remember." Twilight said.

With that Pooh and the Main 7 all made their way of to the giant tree. They hopped over a dead log as Twilight spoke again.

"So, what exactly are you going to do when we get to the tree, Pooh?" She asked curiously.

"Well, you see. Today, I believe, is a good day for being Pooh." Pooh said as he squeezed his way under a tree root.

"...Okay." Twilight said slowly.

"Was that even necessary?" Rainbow asked.

"Uh, girls. A little help." Pinkie requested

The others looked to see Pinkie wedged under the root with an embarrassed smile on her face.

Rainbow face-hooved and began pulling her friend out. The pink mare popped out and flopped onto the grass.

"Thanks, Dashy." She said.

"No problem, Pinkie." The blue pegasus said.

They all hopped over rocks to avoid walking through a small stream. All the while Pooh started humming a tune.

"And here, I should say, is a good place for being Pooh." He said as they arrived at the tree.

Pooh began to climb up the tree.

"Wait, we can't climb. What about us?" Twilight asked.

"Any reason that I think of is a good one for being Pooh." stuffed bear said, before finishing his tune.

"That doesn't answer my question at all." Twilight said irritated, flying up to Pooh.

Pooh chuckled.

"But the very best reason of all is..."

"Pooh Bear." A voice called out.

Pooh turned to the voice in excitement.

"...being with my very best friend, Christopher Robin." Pooh finished.

A young boy walked up the hill. He wore a bright, blue shirt and a darker blue pair of shorts.

"Oh, you're here to meet a friend." Twilight connected the dots. "Why didn't you say so?"

As Christopher Robin walked up the hill, he saw most of the Main 7 standing around the tree and Twilight hovering next to Pooh.

Oh, hello there. I don't think we've ever met." The young boy greeted.

"Well, that's because we're pretty new 'round here." Applejack said. "We meet yer friend up their not even a few minutes ago."

"Omigosh, hello there. I'm Pinkie Pie and you are the most cutest thing ever!" She said, taking Christopher's hands and bouncing up and down excitedly.

Christopher Robin chuckled.

"You remind me of Tigger a little." He said.

"Who?" Rainbow asked.

"Never mind. Who may you all be?" The young boy asked.

The Main 7 gave their names again.

"I'm Twilight."

"I'm Rarity."

"Ah'm Applejack."

"I'm Rainbow Dash."

"I'm Pinkie Pie

"I'm Fluttershy."

"And I'm Spike."

"Well, it's nice to meet you all. I'm Christopher Robin." He greeted.

"That's a nice name, sugarcube." The farm pony said.

"Thank you." Christopher said.

"You are just in time for the best part of the day." Pooh said to his best friend.

"What part is that?" Christopher asked, letting go of Pinkie's hooves.

"The part when you and me..." Pooh started, as he slid off a branch.

Christopher Robin caught Pooh in his hands, but started to lose his balance.

"...become we." Pooh finished.

Christopher lost his footing and both boy and bear tumbled down the dirt slope of the hill.

"Oh, my goodness!" Fluttershy said in a panic.

The Main 7 scrambled down the hill to check on Pooh and Christopher Robin.

"Are you two okay?" Twilight worriedly.

Pooh and Christopher both got up, pretty much unscathed.

"We're okay." The young boy said. "Pooh, there's something I have to tell you."

"Is it something nice?" Pooh said, eyeing a passing butterfly.

"Not exactly." Christopher said dejectedly.

"Oh, dear." Rarity said with a concerned tone.

"Then it can wait." Pooh chased after the butterfly.

"Pooh, wait. What if it's something important?" Twilight said.

"Like I said, it can wait." Pooh continued chasing after the butterfly.

"It can? For how long?" Christopher asked.

"For ever and ever." Pooh said, running further into the woods.

Christopher did a double-take. The Main 7 all looked at each other.

And so they stayed together, doing all the things a boy, a bear, ponies, and a dragon could do. And when the day began to end, Christopher Robin had quite forgotten he still had something to tell Pooh.

"Remind me to never take honey from bees without asking." Spike said to himself.

"That was the most fun in forever." Pinkie squealed happily.

"And tiring, too." Twilight said.

"Pooh Bear, there's one thing we didn't do today." Christopher said.

"And what thing might that be?" Pooh asked.

"Uh...nothing." The young boy said.

"Nothing?" Pooh and the Main 7 all questioned.

"Christopher Robin, what exactly is "doing nothing"?" Pooh asked further.

"I would think just not doing anything. Like taking the day off." Twilight assumed.

"After everything we did today, I welcome that." Rainbow said, stretching her wings.

Christopher carefully lifted Pooh onto a low-hanging branch.

"Well, I'm told it means going along, listening to all of the things you can't hear, and not bothering." He explained. "It's when people say "What are you two doing?" And we say "Oh, nothing." And we do it. This is sort of a nothing thing we're doing right now. I wish it could last forever."

"Uh, how are we supposed to get up there?" Rarity asked.

"We got you covered." Rainbow said.

And so, Rainbow, Fluttershy, and Twilight all lifted their friends onto nearby, low branches.

"Heh, ah remember tryin to climb trees at the orchard back when ah just a lil filly." Applejack said.

"Well, then we must do it again tomorrow." Pooh said to Christopher. "And the tomorrow after. And the tomorrow following that."

"Woah, there. Let's not get too enthusiastic." Rarity said.

Christopher Robin gave off a sad frown.

"Pooh Bear,...what if...some day...there came a tomorrow when we are apart?" The young boy asked.

"As long as we're apart together we shall certainly be fine." Pooh said, watching a pair of fireflies flying around.

"Do you not know what being apart means?" Twilight asked.

Being a bear of very little brain, Pooh didn't exactly have the most reassuring answer.

"As long as we're together, then it can only mean good things." Pooh said happily, chasing after the fireflies.

"Yes, yes, of course." Christopher said with a half-hearted chuckle. "But if we weren't together? If I were somewhere else?"

"But you really couldn't be, as I would be quite lost without you." The stuffed bear chuckled.

He caught the two fireflies, but they began to lift Pooh off of the branch.

"Who would I call...on those days when I'm just not strong enough, or brave enough?" He wondered as the fireflies slipped from Pooh's grasp and he flopped back onto the branch.

"Seems like he's quite dependent on you." Fluttershy said.

Christopher nodded.

"Well, actually..."

"And who would I ask for advise when I didn't know which way to turn?" He asked, chasing after the fireflies again.

Christopher climbed to a higher branch. The Main 7 all clambered up too, though not as easily.

"Pooh, we..." The young boy tried to say.

"We...We simply wouldn't be." Pooh said, as he climbed higher and higher to catch the fireflies.

He yawned as dusk turned to night and the stars began to appear in the sky.

"Oh, Pooh." Christopher said softly.

"Sounds like he has some insecurities." Spike said.

The young dragon yawned and rubbed his eyes.

"Wow, I'm more exhausted then I realized." Spike said.

The Main 7 all felt pretty tired from the day they had with Pooh and Christopher, but they didn't have someplace to rest. It was a different world after all.

"Um, I really hate to interrupt this heart-warming moment, but it's getting pretty dark and we don't have a place to stay." Twilight called up to the boy and bear.

"You don't have a home?" Christopher asked.

The Main 7 all shook their heads.

"Not here we don't." Rainbow said, with a frown.

"Not to worry. You can stay at my home if you like." Pooh yawned.

"Wait, really?" Spike asked.

"Yep, it's a house built into a tree. You can't miss it." Pooh pointed west into the woods.

"Wow, thanks, Pooh." Twilight said warmly. "Alright, everypony, let's head over there and get some well-earned rest."

"I couldn't agree more." Rarity said.

The others agreed. The winged ponies helped their friends down to the ground and they all headed into the woods for Pooh's home. With the Main 7 gone for the night, that just left Pooh and Christopher Robin.

"Pooh, If ever there's a tomorrow when we're not together, there's something you must remember." The young boy said.

Pooh Bear let out a long yawn.

"And what might that be, Christopher Robin?" He asked, tiredly.

"You're braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think." Christopher said.

Pooh was too exhausted to catch all of what Christopher Robin had just said.

"Oh, that's easy." Pooh chuckled, clearing his throat. "We are braver than a bee, and, uh, longer than a tree, and taller than a goose. Or was that a moose?"

Christopher Robin chuckled in amusement.

"No, silly old bear." He said, grabbing Pooh's hands. "You're braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem...and smarter than you think."

Pooh leaned against the tree trunk, beginning to doze off.

"But the most important thing is..." Christopher said, holding out his finger to let the fireflies land on it. "Even if we're apart...I'll always be with you."

He placed the fireflies in Pooh's hands and closed them.

"I'll always be with you." Christopher repeated. "Always be with you."

Pooh gave one more hummed, before completely succumbing to sleep. And so concluded their day together. Christopher Robin would eventually take Pooh back into his home. The Main 7 were all already asleep as he laid Pooh down on his bed, putting him under the covers. As he left, Christopher looked back at his best friend and his new friends.

"I'll always be with you." He whispered one last time, before leaving.

To be continued

Part 3: Where's Christopher Robin?

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The golden rays of the rising sun bled throughout the changing landscape. Birds began chirping their morning songs. The leaves of the trees began to abandon their lush green color and changing to red, gold, orange, and brown. They began to break from the branches and dance through the air from the light, seasonal winds. The hundred acre woods was now littered with piles of fallen leaves.

Several of them flew through the open window of Pooh's home. Pooh and the Main 7 were still slumbering under the brisk, autumn air. Pooh slept soundly, muttering what Christopher Robin told him last night. Or, something close it.

"* snore * Braver than our beans. * snore * Longer when we gleam. * snore * Hum dee duh de dum." He muttered while the leaves floated ever so closer to him. “* snore * Hm dee duh-duh dee.”

Pooh smacked his lips as the leaves finally landed on his nose. He chuckled.

"Hello, Christopher Robin. I can't seem to remember the...To remember the, uh,..." Pooh said, still half-asleep.

The bright sunlight finally got him to open his eyes. Pooh quickly sat up and let the leaves fall in his hands.

"It's autumn?" He said, a smile forming on his face.

He leaped out of bed which startled the ponies and dragon awake.

"Hey, what's going on?" Rainbow rubbed her eyes.

"Pooh, what's happened?" Twilight asked, still waking up.

Pooh was too distracted to answer. He looked out through the window and saw all the colorful trees with leaves covering the cooling ground.

"It is. It's the first day of autumn." Pooh said excitedly.

"Wait. That's why you're up so early?" Spike asked.

The Main 7 all peered out through the window.

"We'll, it is beautiful out there." Applejack admitted.

"Yeah, whatever. I'm going back to sleep." Rainbow muttered.

Pooh wooshed right past her.

"A time of hot-chocolaty mornings and toasty marshmallow evenings." He ran into a closet and replaced his pajamas for his red shirt.

Pooh then ran for the door.

"And best of all...leaping into leaves." He cheered, opening the door and jumping for a pile of leaves.

The fall was suddenly halted when Pooh landed on something hard. he stood up in confusion and looked down. He saw a bright, blue honey pot underneath him. He slipped from the top and bonked his head against the ground.

"Oh, someone's left a honey pot." He chuckled. "All alone and lonely. With no one to care for it."

The Main 7 walked outside to see what the commotion was about. Fluttershy took in a deep breath of the crisp, autumn air and sighed in comfort.

"Has that been their the entire night?" Rarity asked, pointing to the honey pot.

"Ooooh. Somepony left a gift." Pinkie hopped in place.

"But, who?" Twilight asked.

Pooh sat down and thought.

"I suppose..." He hopped over to the jar and opened the lid. "I should take it."

Pooh dipped his hand into the pot. Golden honey oozed from the top and dripped all over an unnoticed note attached to the jar.

"Ew. Have you tried using spoon instead?" Rarity grimaced.

"Yeah, that seems a bit unsanitary." Twilight added.

"Hey, save some for us." Pinkie squealed.

Before he could stuff his face with honey, Pooh stop, a thought overtaking him.

"Although it might belong to someone. Though, just as easily not." Pooh said.

"What are you talking about? It was at your front door. It's clearly for you." Rainbow deadpanned.

"Hmmm. Think, think. Think." Pooh poked his head with the honey-covered hand.

"Dude, that is so gross." The blue pegasus scowled.

"It's getting everywhere." Spike said as the honey dripped onto his feet.

"I believe when a question becomes this sticky, I should ask my good friend, Christopher Robin." Pooh began to make his way over to the large tree they met over yesterday.

"Pooh, I'm pretty sure that's a gift for you." Twilight called out.

"Honestly, does he have no common sense?" Rarity wondered out loud.

"Let's just follow him." Fluttershy said.

The Main 7 all walked after the bear. When they finally reached the tree, Pooh was already calling out for Christopher Robin.

"Christopher Robin." He called. "Are you here?"

Pooh walked around the tree, trying to see the young boy in the distance.

"He must not be here, Pooh." Twilight said.

Pooh Bear kept looking around.

"Are you there?" Are you...anywhere?" He said.

"Maybe he's back at his house." Spike supposed.

Pooh look down in sorrow..

"Don't worry, Pooh. I'm sure he's around here somewhere." The alicorn comforted.

"Maybe the others might know." Pooh said.

"What do ya mean by "others"?" Applejack asked.

"Piglet!" Pooh knocked on a door of a another house built into a tree.

"You mean to tell me that there are others living here?" Twilight asked.

"Yeah." Pooh answered sincerely.

"Why didn't you tell us about them. There's more friends to make." Pinkie yelled.

"Piglet! Christopher Robin is gone." Just as Pooh finished, two acorns bonked in the head.

"Christopher...* bonk *...Chri...* bonk *" Pooh looked at the others as more acorns fell.

"Ow! Who keeps throwing those?" Rainbow rubbed her head.

Pooh stepped back and looked up. At the top of the tree, was a little, pink piglet.

"Why, Piglet, whatever are you doing...up there?" The bear asked.

The Main 7 all gasped as the little creature slowly crawled up the thinning branches.

"I'm doing just what Christopher Robin said I should do." Piglet replied. "I'm going to look my fear of heights right in the face and conquer it."

Suddenly, the branch Piglet held onto snapped. Now Piglet swayed helplessly with branch barely holding his weight. He stared downward.

"That is, if it doesn't conquer me first." Piglet's ears flattened as he now realized how high he was from the ground.

He covered his eyes with his hands in fear.

"Christopher Robin!" The little pig yelled at the top of his lungs.

"Oh, no!" Fluttershy cried out.

"Are you looking for him, too?" Pooh asked.

"Gee, Pooh. What do you think?" Rainbow asked sarcastically.

Just then, an orange creature with black stripes tackled Pooh Bear to the ground.

"What in tarnation?" Applejack said in surprise.

"Hiya, Pooh!" The creature chuckled hyperactively. "What's up?"

"Hello, Tigger." Pooh greeted.

"Hey, what's the big idea?" Rainbow asked angrily, getting in Tigger's face.

"Oh, Pooh. Whose your friend?" Tigger asked.

"Oh, that's...uh...Rainbow...Bash?" Pooh guessed.

The rainbow-maned pegasus face-hooved.

"It's Rainbow Dash! It's not that hard to remember." She said irritated.

"And we're her friends." Twilight said.

The other ponies and dragon said there names once again.

"Why, hello, you all. Name's Tigger. T-I-double guh-rrr. That spells Tigger." The spring-tailed tiger said, shaking Twilight's hoof.

"That's not how it's spelled. Or pronounced." Twilight pointed out matter-of-factly.

Tigger laughed.

"I sure I would know how to spell my own name." He said cheekily.

Twilight sighed in annoyance.

"Was it really necessary to tackle Pooh like that?" Rarity asked. "That was just uncalled for."

"Wait, then what exactly are you? What do you do?" Fluttershy added.

Tigger chuckled.

“Oh." Fluttershy whispered.

“Well, I have to admit. I like his enthusiasm.” Rainbow said.

"So, what brings you all here?" Tigger asked.

Several more acorns fell on top of the group.

" up." Pooh pointed upward.

Tigger looked up to see Piglet hanging for dear life as the branch continued to break.

"Help!" Piglet yelled desperately.

"Oh, relax, Piglet, old pal. There's no difference between plunging 10,000 feet to the jagged rocks below and...tumblin' out of bed." Tigger lifted Pooh back onto his feet.

"...What?" Twilight's brained bluescreened at the ridiculous logic.

Piglet slowly opened his eyes.

"Oh. Really?" He asked happily.

"Why, sure!" Tigger laughed. "Except for the splat at the end they're practically similar."

That statement killed all of Piglet's hopes. He covered his eyes again and panicked.

"Christopher Robin!" Piglet cried.

"Tigger!" Twilight said angrily.

"What is wrong with you?" Fluttershy said, who was just as miffed.

Tigger rubbed his chin in thought.

"Hmm. Clutched in the throes of terror, eh?" Tigger told himself. "Well, I guess I just better bounce up there get him down."

"How are you going to get him down?" Spike asked incredulously.

"Stand back, this is gonna take a world's record bounce." Tigger announced.

He bounced on his tail and sprang up to Piglet.

"Woah." Spike said dumbfounded.

Tigger grabbed for Piglet, but he couldn't get close enough. He fell down and sprang right back up. Acorns rained down on Pooh and the Main 7.

"Hey, watch it." Rarity growled.

Tigger missed again and again. As he came down for a third bounce, he looked angrily at his tail.

"What's the matter with wrong?" He asked, grabbing his tail. "Being a second-rate bouncer is not what tiggers like best."

Tigger sprang up once again with acorns raining down.

"This is dumb. I'm going to get Piglet myself." Rainbow said and began flying to Piglet.

Before Rainbow could reach Piglet, the branch he held onto broke off. Piglet fell and collided with Tigger as he ascended. The two dropped to the ground with a mighty thud.

"Oh, gosh. Are you two okay?" Fluttershy asked worriedly.

Their problems didn't end there. The entire premises of Piglet's house began to shake from Tigger's crash landing.

"Uh, what's going on?" the speedy pegasus asked.

A downpour of acorns fell from Piglet's tree and soon the ground was flooded with them. The tidal wave of acorns began to push Pooh, Tigger, Piglet, and the Main 7 with it.

"Everypony hold on." Twilight cried out.

Meanwhile, far up ahead was a field of harvested vegetables. The owner of the farmland was struggling to pull a carrot out of the ground. Rabbit heaved and pulled with everything he had, but the carrot would not budge. He pulled one last time, but the root vegetable pulled back and flung him into a wheelbarrow.

"It doesn't matter if you think you're not ripe." Rabbit said angrily. "This is Rabbit's garden, and Rabbit does things by the book."

He shoved the "Bunny's Farm Company" book in-front of the carrot. He opened it to prove his point.

"As it clearly says in the official almanac, "Today is...*ahem* the first day of fall following the last day of summer." Harvest day." He sneered. "Any questions?"

"Hellooooo!” A voice rang out.

Rabbit sighed.

"Oh, yes, the rutabaga in the back row, "Hello" what?" He asked impatiently.

Then he heard and felt a rumbling sensation. It was getting closer to him. His eyes widened and looked over.

“Incomin’!” Applejack called to the vegetable farmer.

Rabbit screamed as the acorn tsunami scooped him up.

"Hello, Rabbit." Pooh greeted.

"Hi, new friend." Pinkie greeted as well. "Weeee! This is fun."

"No! It’s not!" Rarity cried out.

Meanwhile, again, a depressed-looking donkey just finished building his house. A tent-like structure with sticks leaning against each other. Eeyore stared at it glumly.

"Not much of a house." He said flatly. "Just right for not much of a donkey."

Eeyore lowered his head gloomily. Then, he heard rumbling and panicked gibberish. He looked at see the wave of acorns along with his friends and some people he had never seen before heading toward him.

"Look out!" Twilight cried out.

The acorns swept Eeyore and his house up, but it didn't last long. The acorn wave finally broke apart and the gang clattered to a halt. The sticks from Eeyore's house now held him up helter-skelter.

"Easy come,...easy go." He groaned before the sticks broke apart. He flopped to the ground in a pile of his own home.

"Woohoo! Let's do that again." Pinkie bounced around excitedly.

"Let's not." Rainbow said cracking her back.

"Is everypony okay?" Twilight asked with concern.

The other nodded weakly.

"I hate acorns." Rarity grumbled.

Rabbit ended up on a pile of acorns. Every time he tried to get up, he would slip and fall back down with a thud.

"Excuse me, Rabbit, but would you happen to have a...* thud * a, um,...* thud * Christopher Robin about you?" Pooh asked.

"No! I haven't seen him." Rabbit tried to maintain balance.

* thud * Acorns flew everywhere.

"Bother.* thud * " Pooh said dejectedly. "He isn't where he should be."

* thud *

"And wasn't where we were."

* thud *

"And seems not to be anywhere..."

* thud *

"...where he can tell me..."

* thud *

"...whose honey this is."

* thud *

"Well, it isn't mine." Rabbit got up. "And I don't have time. It's harvest day! Says so in the book!"

"All right, sugarcube, settle down." Applejack said calmly.

"No! No, I won't settle down. I have carrots to cut, pumpkins to pick, peas to pluck!" Rabbit yelled furiously.

He couldn't continue his tantrum as Tigger tackled him to the ground with the jar of honey in hand. Pooh looked at his empty hands, realizing that Tigger now held the pot..

"Well, of course it's mine. It's got my name scribbled all over it." Tigger said. "T-I double g..." He his hand in honey and stuffed it in his mouth.

Until the actually taste of the honey assaulted his mouth.

"Honey?! Yuck! P-tooie! Blech!" Tigger spat the honey out in disgust.

The Main 7 looked on with varying emotions expressed on their faces

"Oh, good grief." Rainbow groaned.

"How do they put up with him?" Spike asked.

"Tiggers do not like honey." He said indignantly, hopping off of Rabbit.

Rabbit pulled the honey-covered note off of him.

"It isn't mine. Then again, few things are." Eeyore muttered sadly.

"Oooohhh. Why the long face, new friend." Pinkie hopped over to Eeyore. "Why not turn that frown upside down."

Pinkie took the ends of Eeyore's mouth and lifted them up, creating a smile. The pink mare giggled.

"Doesn't that feel better?" She asked.

"No, now please let go of my face." Eeyore grumbled.

Pinkie smiled and giggled.

"Just stick with me, Grouchy and I'll make you happier than you can ever dream of." Pinkie pulled the donkey in for a side-hug.

"Uh, Pinkie, is it? Eeyore isn't much of a happy fellow." Piglet said.

"Well, that's gonna change soon." The pink, party pony said happily.

Eeyore rolled his eyes.

Rabbit wiped and whipped the honey off his fur.

"Oh, here!" He shoved the honey pot in Pooh's hands.

"If only I could find Christopher Robin. He could tell me whose it is." Pooh said.

"Why do you need Christopher Robin for this?" Rarity said, staying clear of the spilled honey. "I'm sure you can figure this out yourself."

"Why don't you check the note and find out?" Rabbit angrily shoved the note in Pooh's face. But, the note stuck to his hands, thanks to the honey. It slapped back to Rabbit's face, forcing him to shove back at Pooh's.

Pooh grabbed the note off his face.

"There was a note on the jar this whole time?" Rainbow asked.

"A note! Why, Rabbit, how clever of you." Pooh chuckled "I'll just read it."

His smile turned to a frown.

"Or would... if I could." Pooh said.

He looked over to Rabbit.

"Perhaps you can, Rabbit?" Pooh asked with a smile.

Rabbit gave him a grumpy look. He harrumphed and grabbed the note from Pooh.

"I could read this with my eyes closed." Rabbit boasted and laughed.

Twilight looked over to Applejack with a dumbfounded look. Applejack shrugged.

"It says...[ahem] ehway ehno umba woohu gleghe seelia wooya. Googoo uoomgum berbum uh eelia culia..." Rabbit stopped and peered over the note with an embarrassed look.

The others had looks of confusion and incredulousness. Except for Spike, who struggled to hold in his laughter.

"Maybe if you did close your eyes you could've read it better." Rainbow joked.

"Well, I could have read it if Tigger hadn't bounced me so." Rabbit huffed.

"Let me see it." Twilight sighed.

She grabbed the note with her magic.

“By the way, I didn’t catch your name. Or any of your friends’ at that.” Rabbit said.

“Oh, right. My name is Twilight Sparkle. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

The rest of the Main 7 shared their names again, much to Rainbow’s.

“Seriously, we’ve said are names dozens of times. Surely you remember at this point.” She said flying up to Pooh Bear.

“Rainbow Dash!” Rarity said defensively. “There is nothing wrong with sharing our names if they didn’t remember the first time. It’s the polite thing to do.”

“Okay, okay. I’m sorry.” Rainbow sighed.

“Eh, right. Rabbit’s the name. I’m sure you’ve Pooh, Piglet, and Tigger already.” Rabbit said.

“Eeyep.” Applejack answered.

“And that’s Eeyore.” Piglet pointed to the donkey.

“Hello.” He muttered.

“Doesn’t seem very happy to see us.” Fluttershy said.

“Oh, he’s like that all the time.” Rabbit said.

Twilight tried to see what the note said, but with all the honey coating the paper, it proved to be impossible.

"I can’t tell what it says. All the honey is making the words wonky and distorted. I can’t discern it." Twilight said.

"What do we do now?" Fluttershy asked softly.

"Well, there's someone who might be able to help." Rabbit said.

"Really? Who?" Applejack asked.

"Follow me everyone." Rabbit said.

The others followed after him.

"So, once we translate the note, we'll find out who the honey belongs to." Spike said.

"It's Pooh's. Why else would it be at his doorstep." Twilight said exasperated.

"Calm down, Twi. They all figure it out." Applejack comforted. "And then we can figure out where Christopher Robin is."

Twilight drew in a deep breath.

"You're right, Applejack. Hopefully this clears up soon." The friendship princess sighed.

"It will, Twilight. Ah guarantee it." The farm pony said.

Unfortunately for the Main 7, things were going to get much more complicated. And much darker.

To be continued

Part 4: Adventure is a Wonderful Thing

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Twilight and her friends sat bored in the room of a treehouse that was the humble abode of another one of Pooh's friends. His name was Owl and, apparently, he had the capabilities and the equipment to figure out what the note said.

"Tar? Jar?" Owl question as here studied the note with a magnifying glass. He pull the loose honey off the paper with a pair of tweezers.

"Oh, far!" he exclaimed.

"Have you figured out what it says yet?" Spike asked dully.

"I sure have, my scaled friend." The brown owl said, clearing his throat. "Dear Pooh" it begins. "Worry about me." "I'm going far away." "Help!" And the note is signed "Crem-flummin Bobbin."

Owl checked the words again and laughed to himself.

"Oh, ho, ho, ho. Christopher Robin." He said.

"Christopher Robin?" Rabbit asked.

"Gone far away? Oh, what a frightful thought." Piglet said.

"And it sounds like he's in danger, too." Twilight.

"You think something kidnapped him?" Rarity wondered with concern.

"Oh, no." Fluttershy whimpered.

The Main 7, Tigger, Rabbit, Eeyore, and Piglet all walked over to Owl's lectern. Pooh stayed put, as if he was unable to comprehending what he just heard.

"Wait! Why? When? Who authorized it?" Rabbit asked angrily, jumping onto Owl's lectern.

"Where will we get the go on without him?" Tigger sniffled, hugging Rabbit tightly.

"What should we do?" Spike asked.

"Well, we don't know what exactly happened to him or where he even is." Twilight stated "I don't what we can do."

"Well, we have to do something." Rainbow interjected.

"RD's right. We have to find the poor kid." Applejack added.

"Christopher Robin." A voice quivered.

The others looked to see Pooh staring out the window at the large tree with a sorrowful look.

"My very best best friend." He said wistfully, turning away from the window. "It simply cannot be. Whatever will I do?"

"Oh, Pooh." Twilight walked up and put a hoof on his shoulder.

"I wonder, Pooh, if...if perhaps u-u-until Christopher Robin gets might possibly be best friend." Piglet stammered.

"Yeah." Tigger sobbed. "And when Piglet gets sick of you...we can take over." He put Eeyore in a bone-crushing hug.

"Exactly, Where all here for you, Pooh." Twilight comforted.

"Yep-yep-yep! Forever and ever!" Pinkie exclaimed.

"Oh, thank you." Pooh said. "But you already are the very best of my best friends."

The Pooh and some of the others came around for a big group hug, crushing Eeyore even more.

"You see, you and I can do anything." Pooh continued as Eeyore flopped to the floor. "But only Christopher Robin and I could do...nothing."

Pooh lowered his sad in depression, Piglet did the same.

"It will be okay, Pooh. He's out there probably looking for you, too." Twilight said softly.

Pinkie hoisted Eeyore got back up, giggling as she did so. Tigger looked on.

"Have a piece of positivity." The party mare said, shoving a cupcake in Eeyore's mouth.

"Poor guy. His very little brain is half gone with grace." Tigger whispered to the donkey.

Eeyore just gave an exhausted expression.

"Hey, I don't see you acting like a genius." Rainbow went face-to-face with Tigger.

Just then, a triumphant laughed echoed throughout the house.

"Ah-ha! I've discovered where he went." Owl chuckled, wiping his magnifying glass. "An O, another O, and... [gasp] Oh, my."

"I mean it's not like you can read or anything." Rainbow jabbed at the rambunctious, stuffed animal..

"Dash, simmer down will ya." Applejack said.

"Oh, I'm sorry that Tigger insulted Pooh." The blue pegasus said crossly.

"Uh, I didn't really mean anything mean by that." Tigger defended.

"Well, you did say he had a small brain." Pinkie said.

"See!" Rainbow sneered.

"Honestly, Dash, you're blowing this out of proportion." Rarity said calmly.

"You're one to talk." The element of loyalty scoffed.

Rarity gasped, clearly offended.

"Now is not the time for arguing." Twilight interjected.

"Um, girls." Fluttershy said, but the rest of the Main 7 were distracted by the argument to hear or realize what was going on.

What was going on was Owl running around the house, barricading it.

"What is it, Owl? Where is it?" Pooh chased after him.

"Somewhere bad, I fear." Owl locked the door.

"How bad?" Pooh asked desperately.

"On a scale of one to ten..." Owl closed the curtains turning the run pitch black "It's not good."

"Hey, who turned off the lights?" Pinkie asked.

Rainbow, Applejack, and Rarity were finally calming down as Owl lit a candle

"He has gone to S-C-H-O-O-L. [gasp] Skull." Owl said fearfully.

"Skull?" Pooh asked in confusion, Piglet shrugged. "What sort of place is that?"

"Well, from the very sound of it, one can tell it's a most forbidding and faraway place." Owl said with the note stuck to his wing. He finally got it off and handed to Pooh before checking over his feathers

"Wait, what did he say?" Twilight was too busy quelling Rainbow and Rarity's anger toward each other to hear what Owl said.

"Apparently, some place called Skull." Rabbit filled in.

"Skull? What kind of place is that?" Spike asked.

"I don't know. I never heard of such a place." Rabbit replied flatly.

"Then we must help Christopher Robin." Pooh said boldly, handing the note to Piglet. "Help him get here. And us. And me."

"He's right. We have to find Christopher Robin." Twilight said authoritatively. "So, please stop arguing

Rainbow lowered her head in shame.

"You're right. I'm sorry, Tigger. I'm sorry, Rarity." She said.

"Apology accepted." The fashionsita said as the two hugged it out.

"Then it's a quest, is it?" Owl laughed. "That's the spirit. Oh, the nobility of it."

"Okay, so we know where he his, but how to do we find were this "Skull" is?" Rarity asked.

"Shouldn't be that hard." Rainbow stretched her wings.

“We’ve barely been here for a day. How can you be so confident?” Spike asked incredulously.

“C’mon, Spike. It’s just woods as far as the eye can see.” The pegasus opened the blinds slightly. “I don’t see how this could be difficult.”

"Oh, it's a long and dangerous journey through the Great Unknown." Owl dug through a bookshelf, fishing out a quill and bottle of ink. "Of course, you'll need a map."

"D-d-d-dangerous?" Piglet stammered, lifting the honey-stained paper off of him.

The gang walked up to Owl's lectern as he began constructing map.

"The Great Unknown?" Twilight asked.

"Yes! The part of the Hundred Acre Wood that nobody has gone to before." Owl explained.

“That’s…kinda unnerving.” The alicorn said in an unsure tone.

Piglet jumped onto Eeyore and lifted himself onto Owl's lectern.

"Oh, Owl, wouldn't suppose we'd meet any, uh...Heffalumps?" Piglet.

"Say, what?" Applejack asked in confusion.

"Oh, thank you, I nearly forgot. Herds of Heffalumps." Owl chuckled. "Down here I fancy, in the...southeast corner of the far west portion."

Piglet lost his balance and tumbled off of the lectern and into Fluttershy's hooves.

"What’n tarnation is a Heffalump?" The farm pony asked in curiosity.

"No one knows. They've been a legend as far as I know." Rabbit explained

"Are those things dangerous?" Fluttershy asked.

"M-m-more than you can imagine." Piglet stammered timidly.

"W-w-what about W-w-woozles?" Tigger asked nervously.

"Woozles! Wonderful!" Owl exclaimed as he continued drawing.

"Jagulars?" Pooh asked with unease.

"Hoo-hoo, just a dozen or three. Here, there and yonder." Owl said. "Not to mention the fabled...[chuckle] Skullasarus."

Owl drew on and on, creating a brand new map. The gang all huddled together for comfort. All of them were clearly frightened.

"S-skulla...s-sarus?" Tigger sputtered.

"S-surely we can take t-them on. Right, T-Twilight?" Spike asked fearfully.

Twilight was about to replied, but then cautious side of her reawakened. She looked at Spike with unsure eyes.

"M-maybe, but I think it's best we hope we don't run into those things." Twilight covered Spike with her wing.

"Should we really be this worried? We've gone against some dangerous creature before." Rainbow argued.

"Yeah, but this is a different world, Rainbow." The alicorn reminded. "We have no idea what those creatures are capable of."

"Y-y-yeah, they’re d-dangerous and s-s-scary." Piglet whimpered.

Fluttershy squeaked in fear. Owl could see the fear plastered all over their faces.

"Oh, come, come, come." He flew over to them. "Without a monster or two it's hardly a quest. Merely a gaggle of friends wandering about." Owl brought them all for a side hug.

"You're not making this better for us." Rainbow grumbled.

"I would prefer a wonder with friends than a quest that has monsters." Rarity whispered, her tone basically summed up what everyone was thinking.

"Hoo-hoo-hoo, how I envy you." Owl said excitedly. "Not everyone has the chance to face the unspeakable terrors of the Great Unknown."

"I salute you. And those of you doomed to never return, I salute you twice." Owl called out.

"Thanks, for that." Rainbow called back sarcastically.

"Doomed to never return?!" Rarity asked in fear.

"That ain't gonna happen, Rares. We'll all make sure of that." Applejack said confidently.

And with that, the gang was off on their new adventure.

Part 5: The Great Unknown

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"And so Pooh and his friends, along with the Main 7, crossed over into...well, that part of the Hundred Acre Wood which Owl called "The Great Unknown." It was the start of their quest for Christopher Robin. They would find him, Owl said, if they could get through the woods. For the woods, Owl said, were filled with Heffalumps...and Woozles,...and...who knew how much worse.

Even before the journey started, the gang were a bit on-edge. Twilight had insisted that they stick together as much as possible to avoid the possibility of someone getting lost. They traversed through the darkening woods, looking around as paranoia began to set in. They soon reached an opening where the woods bordered a clearing.

"Look!" Pooh pointed to a giant rock formation sticking out of the ground. Two trees stood on either side.

"The Upside Down Rock." Rabbit studied the map. "If you've made it this're where...monsters...are."

"Monsters?" Rainbow asked caustically. "C'mon, this is just ridiculous."

"Rainbow, we've had this conversation before." Twilight walked up to her friend. "We're still new to this world. Celestia knows what could be out there."

"Well, even if what Owl said was true, you guys are acting like foals about it." Rainbow countered. "We've taken down the likes of Nightmare Moon and Discord. What could this place possibly throw at us?”

As if to answer her question, a distant growling and screeching could be heard. It sounded as if it was coming the woods the gang was just in. Everyone turned around and stopped in their tracks in apprehension.

"What was that?" Piglet asked anxiously.

"Whatever it was, it sounded big." Spike said behind Fluttershy's hind leg.

"Sounded too hungry for a Heffalump." Tigger said.

The growling continued.

"Too plump for a Jagular." He whimpered.

The gang began backing up from the woods, all except for Rainbow Dash who raised her hooves for a fight.

"Whatever it is, it will have to go through me first." Her tone laced with confidence.

"I'd say it's a...big old...buggy-eyed, saber-toothy Skullasarus." Tigger finished.

"Skullasarus!?" The others exclaimed, horrified.

"You can't be serious." Rarity trembled.

"Say what?" The blue pegasus asked.

The Main 7 and others huddled together.

"Which way do we run?" Tigger asked.

"Where do we hide?" Piglet clung to Pooh's shoulder.

"What's the shortest shortcut home?" Rabbit panicked.

"Tell us, Pooh." Spike said.

The honey-loving bear looked through the map, searching for the best return route.

"I believe...that way is a good way." Pooh pointed.

That was all the confirmation they needed. Tigger, Rabbit, Piglet, Eeyore, and the Main 7, minus Rainbow, all ran off in the pointed direction, panicking. Pooh looked through the map more deeply as Rainbow flew down to him.

"You do know you just pointed them towards where the noises were coming from right?" The pegasus crossed her hooves.

"You have a point. Although, this way could be better." Pooh pointed it the complete opposite direction.

The others ran past them, running in the newly pointed direction.

"Give me a break!" Tigger yelled fearfully.

"If not over here." Pooh pointed again in a completely different direction.

Once again, the others ran in that direction. This time however, Twilight and Applejack stopped in front of Pooh.

"I don't mean to be rude, but, are you sure you know what you're doing with the map, Pooh?" Twilight asked.

"He's makin us run round in circles. That doesn't sound very adequate to me." Applejack commented.

"Although...there might be particularly pleasant as well." Pooh chuckled.

Rainbow sighed as she face-hooved.

Rabbit stopped as he realized that everyone was running all over the place. No one knew where they were going or where home was.

"Stop it!" He yelled as loud as he could.

The others screeched to a halt.

"Ha, tag you're it." Pinkie giggled as she tapped Eeyore on the shoulder.

"Pinkie! This isn't the time for games." Rarity scolded.

“But, I thought we were playing tag.” Pinkie argued playfully.

"M-M-Monsters." Fluttershy quivered, hiding behind the fashionista.

"Rarity is right. We're getting nowhere fast, Pooh, and that just won't do." Rabbit stated. "A leader must be someone leaderly, quick-thinking, informed. Someone like..."

He put a hand to his chin and tapped his head, as if to overexaggerate his thought-process.

"" Rabbit snatched the map from Pooh.

"Ah nominate Twilight. She's has way more leadership and competence." Applejack stated.

"Agreed." The rest of the Main 7 said.

"Hey!" Rabbit said, offended. "I am more than capable of leading with a map."

The growling came back and it sounded like it was getting closer.

"We don't have time for debates! The monster's upon us!" Rarity screeched.

Rabbit quickly looked through all the landmarks on the map, trying to get an idea of where they were and where they should go.

"Well,...there." He pointed to the center. "Anyone with half a set of smarts can see we lose the beast by cutting across this lovely meadow."

"A meadow? Thank goodness, I thought the woods would never end." Spike said.

"Welp, guess that's are only option." Applejack said.

"Oh, yes. Finally somewhere nice and relaxing." Rarity added.

Much to the disbelief and discomfort of the others, the “meadow” was nothing more than a thick forest filled with spike-covered tree limbs and roots. Crows flocked about and the ground was littered with carnivorous plants.

"And a lovely meadow it is." Rabbit carefully stepped around the spikes.

"Rabbit, dear, I don't see a meadow anywhere." Rarity hissed between her teeth.

"Oh, I'm sure this going to be a redeeming factor about this place." Rabbit said uneasily.

He looked over and spotted something.

"Oh, why look." He gasped. "Is that a golden dahlia-daffodilus? Rare for this location."

The plants slammed its razor-sharp mouth closed with a snap. Rabbit gave a distraught frown while Rarity fainted at the horrid sight.

"What exactly is this location, Rabbit? And might it be nearer Christopher Robin than farther?" Pooh asked, helping piglet up the branches.

"Yeah, you said this a "lovely meadow” Ow!" Rainbow yelped as a spiked branch poked her in the side.

"Why, we're right here, on course, of course. Where else w-would we be?" Rabbit reassured.

Crows cried out from high above.

"Owl where are we?" Rabbit looked at the map. "Nice Peeceful Spot!" Ha! Indeed!"

Piglet carefully made his way through the dastardly foliage. Every so often, however, he would get poked by one of the spikes on the branches.

"Oh, d-d-dear. This is not the place for a small and frightfully fearful animal...such as myself." He whimpered to himself.

"Or myself." Tigger added as he crawled through the spikes. "Or himself."

"Thanks for noticing." Eeyore muttered, crawling under the sharpened trunks.

Pinkie sat on her belly behind him.

"Isn't this fun, Eeyore, buddy?" Pinkie asked excitedly.

"What's so fun about this?" The donkey asked.

"Nothing beats playing adventurer." She giggled.

Meanwhile, Applejack was carefully pulling some of Fluttershy's mane out of the spiked branches.

"There ya go, Fluttershy." Applejack said as just got the last of the pink strands out of the branches.

"Thanks, Applejack." Fluttershy said quietly.

"Anytime, sugarcube." The country mare said.

"Rabbit, are you sure you know where this map is supposed to take us?" Twilight pushed the branches away with her magic.

"Yes, well, uh precisely why I chose it." Rabbit assured uneasily. "No Skullasarus would dare follow us here."

As if to prove the bunny wrong, the familiar distant growling could be heard. Rabbit's ears curled up and flattened dramatically.

"You were saying." Rainbow called out.

Piglet, on the other hand, panicked and ran into a thicker portion of the branches, screaming in fear.

"Piglet! Come back! I can't lose you, too." Pooh cried, trying to fit through the opening amongst the branches.

Piglet ran farther and farther through the foliage. His friends desperately called out his name, but Piglet was too scared for his life to listen. He ran across a log bridge that pushed out of the spiky prison. When Piglet finally stopped to catch his breath, he realized where he was.

Piglet found himself in a lush valley surrounded by tall mountains. A stream cut through the bright grass and flowers of all kinds painted the ground with beautiful reds, purples, and blues. The young pig smiled, taking the colorful sight. He skipped on top of rocks and slid down a hollow log. He found a bush covered in bright, blue flowers. Piglet took a big whiff, but one of the flowers got caught against his face. As it turned out, the flower was actually a butterfly. The insect squeaked and flew around Piglet. He chuckled as the butterfly took a hold of his shirt and pulled upwards.

"Oh, my, my." Piglet heard Pooh's voice. He turned to see the others making their way across the riverbanks. "I believe you've made a friend, Piglet."

"I believe you're right, Pooh." Piglet giggled with delight.

"Oh, hello little guy." Fluttershy said softly to the butterfly.

Both pegasus and bear watch the butterfly pull on Piglet's shirt. The elegant insect soon tuckered out and faltered. It whistled and gestured with it's wing for his friends to help. Soon enough, another butterfly flew from the branch and clung onto Piglet.

"And another, it seems." Pooh said.

More butterflies flew toward Piglet.

"And also that one." Pooh added.

"They're all coming." Fluttershy said.

"And that one, too, well. And he, or her. And her, and him. And they, and them." Pooh said.

In no time at all, all of the butterflies were clinging onto Piglet.

"Well ain't that somethin." Applejack said with interest.

"Face it, Piglet, old pal, you're just plain popular." Tigger said.

"Some piglets have it,...some donkeys don't." Eeyore croaked in depression.

"Well, not with that attitude. Just stick with me, Eeyore and you'll be more popular than Princess Celestia herself." Pinkie threw a hoof over Eeyore's shoulders. The donkey just sighed.

Like magic, the butterflies lifted Piglet right off the ground. The others looked on in wonder.

"Consider yourself 20% cooler now, buddy." Rainbow said flying up to Piglet.

"Why, I believe, Piglet, they want to take you home with them." Pooh said.

"It's very kind of them, I'm sure, but I already have a home." Piglet chuckled.

Higher and higher the butterflies took Piglet into the sky. Piglet realized this and panicked.

"Oh, d-d-dear." Piglet covered his eyes.

"Piglet. Don't leave." Pooh clambered up the remains of a dead tree.

"I would if I could, but I can't." Piglet cried.

"Where are they taking him?" Rainbow flew after the butterfly horde.

"Shoo, go away, all of you." She tried shooing away the incests.

"Don't do that! Piglet will fall f all the butterflies left!" Twilight yelled emphatically.

"Oh, right." The speedy pegasus realized.

"Jump, Piglet. We'll catch you, likely as not." Tigger shouted optimistically.

"I would if I could, But they won't let me." Piglet cried out.

"Perhaps you can ask your friends to bring you back." Pooh called out.

"Why, yes." Piglet squawked. "But I don't know which way back is."

"It's down here. Look." Pooh chuckled.

"Yeah, just look down." Spike said. "Wait..."

Piglet tried in vain to lift his hands from and his eyes, but he just couldn't bring himself to do it.

"I'm afraid I'm too afraid to look." Piglet said sadly.

Fluttershy took action and flew up to the team of butterflies.

"Um, excuse me,...Mr. Butterfly. Could you, maybe, take Piglet down to the ground please? If you could." She asked.

The butterfly shook his head and they all sailed away from the butter-yellow pegasus.

"Oh, if only Christopher Robin was here." Piglet whimpered.

Pooh's eyes widened. He remembered the conversation he had with Christopher Robin the day before he disappeared.

"Christopher Robin." Pooh said with a smile. He set the honey jar on the tree. "Piglet, that's it. He said all I have to do is remember that you are...bigger than a big leaf."

That wasn't right. Pooh struggled to remember what Christopher Robin told him.

"What?" Twilight asked in confusion.

"No, it wasn't that. I mean, uh, bolder when you're not green. Or..." The bear strained to recount his memory. "Is any of this making you feel any less afraid, Piglet?"

"I'm afraid not, Pooh." Piglet swayed all over the place.

"What are you trying to remember, Pooh?" Rarity asked.

"Oh, Christopher Robin told about some things before he went missing. But, I can't remember what he said." Pooh said. "Oh, bother. Hm. How to get a piglet down who is very...up."

As Pooh brainstormed for other ideas, the butterflies flew low enough for Piglet's foot to snag Pooh's shirt. Pooh was dragged into the air leaving the branch to teeter. Tigger noticed the honey jar was about to fall. Just before it could hit the ground, Tigger grabbed it just in time and slammed into a flowerbed.

"Well, that's not good." Spike eyed the airborne bear and piglet.

"Now what do we do?" Rainbow wondered aloud.

"Oh, bother." Pooh held onto Piglet's leg.

"Oh, e-excuse me, b-but is that you, Pooh?" Piglet asked, his eyes were still covered.

"Yes, Piglet, it is." Pooh confirmed.

"Don't worry, y'all. We'll think of somethin' to get you two down." Applejack hollered.

Pooh began to notice that some of the butterflies were beginning to disperse.

"Might we be coming down soon?" Piglet asked desperately.

More butterflies separated from Piglet until there were only two left.

"I believe so, Piglet." Pooh replied.

"Uh, how soon?" Piglet asked.

"Very." Pooh said flatly.

"Oh, no." Twilight grimaced.

The two remaining butterflies couldn't hold the weight any longer. Pooh and Piglet dropped to the ground. Rabbit was unaware of the situation as was too busy thoroughly looking at the map.

"Rabbit! Look out!" The alicorn shouted.

Rabbit noticed the shadows casting over him. He looked up, but before he could anything other than shriek in surprise, Pooh and Piglet landed right on top of him.

"Are you two alright?" Rarity ran up to them.

"I-I think so." Piglet stammered.

"That's throwin' your weight around, Buddy Bear." Tigger came up to them, hoisting them up. "Imagine, being outnumbered by those buggy boys a zillion to one. What a guy."

"Uhm, right." Rarity said.

The unicorn noticed something was pushing up against the flowerbed. Out came Rabbit, backside first. He shook the petals off of himself.

"Are you okay, darling?" Rarity asked in concern.

"Haha. Brave indeed." Rabbit said in a daze. "Now if you don't mind, Chrustopher Ribbon, Ristopher Crobbin, Rustopher Crobbin..."

Rabbit stumbled over to the group.

" this way." He finished.

"Walk it off, Bud." Rainbow put a hoof on his shoulder.

Rabbit shuffled away. The rest of the gang, minus Piglet, followed after. Pooh noticed Piglet was following. He turned to see his best friend with his head down. Piglet was sad about something. Twilight noticed too and walked over to him.

"Is something wrong, Piglet." She asked softly.

Piglet struggled to come up with a response.

"Are you all right, Piglet?" Pooh walked up to the two.

"Yes, Pooh. Thank you." Piglet finally said. "Saving me was very brave of you."

A butterfly landed on Piglet's ear.

"But you're brave, too, Piglet." Pooh said grabbing Piglet's hand. "Braver than...something."

"Braver than you maybe." Twilight teased.

Pooh let the butterfly walk on his hand. He then put on a nearby flower.

"Oh, Christopher Robin said something about being braver than something." Pooh stated.

"I am?" Piglet asked "Oh, what thing is that?"

"I'm not sure, Piglet." Pooh shook his head.

"Do you mean "something" as a place or thing or "something as a concept?" Twilight asked.

"Uhm..." Pooh tried very hard to recall the memory.

"You know what, don't feel the need to answer that." Twilight affirmed. "Whatever it is I'm sire it will come back to you."

"Oh, if only I could remember." Pooh said.

"Those kinds of things always seem to leave you when you need it most." Twilight chuckled. "Trust me. I know what that's like."

"I hope I can remember though." Pooh said.

"I know you will, Pooh." Twilight reassured.

With that, the three went after the others. Leaving the butterfly to rest on the flower.

To be continued

Part 6: Direction Delirium

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This way and that way the map led them, to all the places Christopher Robin wasn't. But to none of the places he was. And still Rabbit refused to realize the map didn't know which way it was going.

The team trekked through rocky mountainsides and desolate outcrops. They climbed over boulders and climbed up hills. It was exhausting. It was at this part of the journey that the traveling became more tiresome.

"How long have we've been on this rescue mission?" Spike stopped to catch his breath.

"Bout eight hours." Applejack estimated. "Though, ah'm more concerned about whether we're goin' in the right direction or not."

The Main 7 were growing more and more suspicious of the legitimacy of the map. After all, Owl didn’t seem to know what he was doing when making the map. Was Christopher Robin really amongst these mountains or was just a bunch of pony- feathers.

"I don't know about this girls. It feels as if we’ve been walking forever, but we haven’t made any progress in finding Christopher Robin." Fluttershy whispered.

"Indeed, darling." Rarity sat down. "My hoofs are aching."

“I need a rest. We’ve been traveling nonstop for too long.” Rainbow complained bitterly.

While the Main 7 slowed down to catch their breaths, Rabbit confidently strutted over to a nearby cliff with Tigger right behind him.

"So we first head east by south, then south by east." Rabbit opened the map. "Of course, minus the magnetic variation, plus the wind drift. We clearly go...this way!"

The map rolled back up around Tigger's snout, who was looking at the map as well. Rabbit yanked the piece of parchment off of Tigger's face.

"I wonder if those rather forbidding looking things might be the Forbidden Mountains, where Christopher Robin is." Pooh stared off into the mist-covered mountains.

"Are you sure that's where he is?" Twilight asked.

"Well, the map does say something about mountains." Rabbit argued.

"You're right, Pooh." Piglet said.

"You found 'em, Buddy Bear." Tigger congratulated.

"Welp, guess we’re all goin' in that direction." Applejack pointed to the mountains.

“Better than putting are faith in that phony map.” Rarity said quietly.

“Christopher Robin, here we come.” Pinkie hopped joyfully.

Everyone, except Rabbit, began to traverse down the hillside to the mountains.

"But, how will we find Christopher Robin among all those mountains?" Piglet asked in concern.

"No worries, Piglet. I can find him in ten seconds flat." Rainbow boasted, flaring her wings.

"Excuse me." The others turned to Rabbit's voice. "The way to there is over here." Rabbit pointed in the complete opposite direction of the mountains.

Pooh and Tigger looked at each other in confusion.

"What?" Twilight asked, dumbfounded.

"But, Rabbit, isn't that them, over there?" Pooh walked over to Rabbit who was viewing the map.

"Yeah, that don't make a lick of sense." Applejack stated.

"The mountains are literally right there." Rainbow pointed in the direction of the mountain range.

Rabbit rolled his eyes and slowly walked over to Pooh.

"Now, which are you going to believe, this official map or you own eyes?" Rabbit asked.

"My own eyes, obviously." Rarity said flatly. "Besides, Rabbit, that map is anything but official."

"For once, I actually agree with Rarity." Rainbow said.

"That was a rhetorical question." Rabbit said sharply. "Besides, look for yourself and you'll see we're right on course. It's all right there in black in white."

As Pooh studied the map, the wind began to pickup. The written parchment acted as a sail, dragging Pooh with it.

"Why would anyone want to wander around wondering which way to go when they have a map to follow?" Rabbit gripped the map away from Pooh.

“Isn’t that the point of an adventure?” Spike asked.

“This is not an adventure, young one. This is a mission.” Rabbit countered.

"Oh, I feel a song coming on." Pinkie's tail twitched.

Twilight did a double-take.

"Wait, wha-"

"Never touch my tail, again." Rainbow hissed angrily at Rabbit.

“Also, why did you think throwing us off a cliff was a good idea?” Twilight asked crossly.

Rabbit was too busy realizing the map had been torn in half by a branch.

"AH! Oh, no! The map!" Rabbit shrieked. "Get the map! With only half a map we're...we're less than nowhere."

"I doubt that would change much." The blue pegasus teased.

"After that map!" Tigger hopped after the second half of the map.

Tigger trailed the paper as dead trees began to litter the ground. He was too fixated on the map to realize he was jumping across a fallen tree that connected two cliffs. He was in the dead center of it, trying to grab the map.

"I got it! Don't have it. I had it! I don't have it now. I want it again. I got it! I ain't got it. I don't have it. I get it! Wait, I'll get it...No! I don't...I have it!" Tigger continuously bounced against the creaking tree trying to grab the map. He was too distracted to notice the deep gorge that loomed underneath him.

Tigger bounced once more, but this time, he landed on his rear instead of his tail. The impact almost broke the tree in half. Tigger blinked and eyed his striped tail.

"Hmm. I wonder what's causing this tail to fail." He wondered out loud to himself. Then a depressing thought came over him. "Maybe it just doesn't have what it takes."

There was a thunderous crack as the dead tree began to give away. Tigger was snapped out of his thoughts and looked down. That's when he realized he was right over the monstrous crevasse.

"Yikes!" Tigger yelped as the tree finally split in half and tumbled down the steep cliffsides.

Tigger hovered in the air for about half-a-second before he, too, plummeted into the misty abyss.

"Christopher Robin." He wailed as the torn map slowly floated down.

Fortunately, one of the logs was able to lodge itself against two rock cuts sticking out on either side of the gorge. Tigger bounced off it then landed, grabbing hold of a branch.

The others made their way over to the cliff.

"Sweet Celestia, Tigger. How did you get down there?" Twilight asked in shock and worry.

"Uh. bounced one too many times." Tigger said sheepishly.

"Tigger, of all the safer places to be...I don't think this is one. You could fall." Pooh said.

"You think." Rainbow said sarcastically.

"Yeah. Well, you know what they say. What doesn't bounce up has got to fall down." Tigger laughed weakly.

The rock cut began to crumble against the log's weight. Tigger held on for dear life as the tree lurched and rumbled.

"Oh, no! We have to do something." Fluttershy said, fearful for Tigger's safety.

"Uh...there's no time for this. We've had too many delays." Rabbit inched carefully over to the cliff's edge. "So you just bounce out of here this moment."

Tigger laughed giddily.

"No way. The wind isn't right." Tigger tried to justify.

"But there isn't any wind." Piglet reminded.

Tigger looked up with sadness, his mouth quivering.

"Okay, okay, you've got me." He sobbed. "The truth tail...just doesn't have...enough strength."

"Come on, Tigger, you can do it!" Pinkie cheered. "You just gotta believe."

"Ugh, forget this. I'm gonna go get him." Rainbow flared her wings.

"Oh." Pooh chuckled. "Don't worry, Tigger. Christopher Robin said I just have to remember you're...taller than a beam."

Rainbow snorted, trying to hold her laughter.

"This again?" She wheezed.

"Really?" Tigger looked up.

"Or was it "slower than whipped cream?" Pooh thought.

"Whipped cream?! Where?! I'm really craving whipped cream right now!" Pinkie said excitedly.

"Do you feel any bouncier now?" Pooh asked.

"No." Tigger sniffled as the log slid further down from the crumbling cliff-face.

Then an idea came to Pooh.

"Oh...perhaps your tail just needs a hand." He chuckled.

Taking his honey pot, Pooh inched down from the cliffside and onto a rocky platform that also stuck out of the cliffside.

"Could you...bounce up this far?" He held out his hand.

The platform couldn't hold Pooh's weight and immediately crumbled, causing the bear to fall.

"Pooh Bear!" Piglet leaped from the cliff and grabbed hold of a root sticking out from the rocks and grasped Pooh's foot.

Rabbit, Eeyore, and the Main 7 all gasped as Piglet held Pooh upside-down. He desperately clung to the root and planted his foot against the rocks for support.

"Well, that's not good." Rainbow said awkwardly.

The rock cuts crumbled once again causing the tree to slip farther. Tigger crawled up the log.

"Ooh. How about now?" Pooh asked.

"No, no, no. Thanks for trying." Tigger replied sadly. "I'm goin' out the way i came in."

He slowly grabbed the end of the log, sobbing as he did so.

"A second-rate bouncer." Tigger sniffled.

The root Piglet was holding suddenly snapped and both bear and pig began to fall.

"Oh, Piglet!" Rabbit leapt after the two.

"We have to save them! Come on, everypony!" Twilight cried as she jumped after Rabbit.

One by one, Pinkie, Rainbow, Spike, Rarity, Applejack, and Fluttershy all jumped from the cliff and grabbed hold of each other. Eeyore, on the other hand, try to grab the other half of the map, but Spike grab ahold of his tail, pulling the donkey over the edge. Eeyore was able to grab the root with his mouth, breaking the freefall the rest of the gang was in. Now they hung precariously against the slippery cliffsides. The root tore down the cliffside a little which let Pooh closer to Tigger. Meanwhile, Tigger was sobbing his eyes out, waiting, through snorts and sniffles, for his inevitable demise.

"Um...Uh, Tigger." Pooh tapped his friend's shoulder."

"Hm?" Tigger looked up and bumped noses with Pooh. "Oh...Okay."

Tigger relented and grabbed onto Pooh's hand. Just as his grasp was secure, the rock cut gave way and the entire log dropped into the abyss below. Now the gang were left to dangle helplessly amongst the rocks and vines.

"Look at the biceps on that bear." Tigger said wistfully. "I don't deserve to dangle from the same precipice."

"Would you quit your whinin', Tigger." Applejack yelled from above, holding onto Twilight's hoof.

"Now what do we do?" Spike asked, straining has he clung to both Eeyore's and Fluttershy's tails.

"I don't think I thought this through." Twilight admitted, holding onto Piglet's feet.

"There was no time for thinking. Only acting." Rabbit argued, clinging to Rarity's right front hoof and Applejack's back hoof.

"Whatever you can think of, make it quick, cuz this is starting to hurt." Rainbow winced.

Fluttershy had grabbed ahold of the Rainbow Dash's tail while she held Pinkie's back hooves. The pink mare held onto Rarity's back hooves.

"I'm too beautiful to die like this." Rarity wailed "Why me?"

"Oh, brother." Rainbow grumbled.

Up above, Eeyore gripped the root with his teeth as hard as he could. His tail stretched and tugged on his hide, causing him to mutter something in pain with his gritted teeth.

"What's Donkey Boy saying?" Tigger asked.

"I said "Ouch." Eeyore grunted, this time as clear a voice as possible.

There was a couple seconds of silence.

"Eeyore, please tell me you didn't let go of the root." Twilight said cautiously.

The donkey's eyes widened. As soon as the realization hit him, the chain of friends plummeted into the foggy crevasse. Twilight, Rainbow, and Fluttershy, being winged ponies, were able to take flight and completely avoid the frightening descent altogether.

"Ha! Good thing we have wings." Rainbow boasted.

"But they don't! Fluttershy screeched as she watch her friends dissipate within the fog. Their screams of terror echoing throughout the gorge walls.

Before the three could do anything to save them, they heard a tremendous splash and the screaming stopped. Fluttershy began to tear up.

"Applejack! Tigger! Pinkie!" She wailed as she descended rapidly toward the ground.

"Oh, Celestia. No." Twilight whimpered "What were we thinking?"

The three ponies descended to the bottom where they we met with a muddy creak.

"Where are they?" Rainbow searched the riversides.

T-They can't be..." Fluttershy trembled.

Just then, a flower began to rise from the water along with something covered in mud. Fluttershy hid behind Twilight, scared that whatever the mud thing was would attack them. It turned out to be Piglet, shaking the muck off his body. He rubbed his eyes and looked around.

"Piglet! You're okay!" Twilight pulled Piglet out of the riverbed with her magic.

"Oh, dear. I-I-I think so." He stammered. "Yike!"

Piglet noticed something else was beginning to re-emerge from the water.

"Now, don't worry, Piglet, it's only me." Pooh wiped the mud off his body along with his honey jar.

"But, what about the others?" Rainbow wondered, desperate to find her friends.

Piglet breath a sigh of relief until he saw several more mud-covered beings come up to the surface.

"Yike!" He yelped holding onto Twilight.

"Now, don't worry, Piglet, it's only Tigger and Rabbit and Eeyore." Pooh reassured.

"And Applejack, Spike, Rarity, and Pinkie!" Twilight shouted happily.

"Oh, thank goodness you're all okay." Fluttershy hugged Applejack.

"Don't worry yourself, Flutters." Applejack wrung out her hat. "Gonna take more than a simple fall take us down."

"Speak for yourself." Rarity cried. "My mane is absolutely ruined!"

"That was fun. Let's do it again." Pinkie hopped excitedly.

"Let's not. that was more scary than it was fun." Spike said just before Twilight enveloped him in a hug.

"Oh, Spike. I'm so sorry I couldn't save you." Twilight sobbed.

Spike was a bit taken aback by his caretaker's crying. He wrapped his arms around her to comfort her.

"It's okay, Twilight. I'm not hurt." He reassured.

Twilight's body wracked in sob after sob as she protectively hugged her little dragon. She felt as if she failed him again. That's when the other half of the map floated down from above.

"The map! Whoo-hoo, we have it! We can go now!" Rabbit snatched the parchment out of the air.

Piglet clapped happily, but that was short-lived as a familiar, distant growling could be heard.

"Worry now, Piglet, it's the skullasaurus." Pooh said fearfully.

Fear struck the entire gang. Twilight put Spike on her back and Piglet climbed onto Pooh who grabbed the honeypot. With the thought of the skullasaurus on their tracks ,Eeyore, Tigger, Rabbit, Pooh, Piglet, and the Main 7 all ran splashed through the muddy creak and into the distance as fast as they could, frantic to get away from the monster.

To be continued

Part 7: Thinning Hopes in the Fog

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After their near-death experience at the gorge and the Skullasaurus, the gang of friends continued their mapped searched for Christopher Robin. As the day began to come to a close, however, a heavy fog rolled in through the mountainous biome making it incredibly hard to see ahead. Rabbit, especially, struggled to figure out which we to go, but with all the fog, it was impossible. He contorted the map pieces in every possible configuration, trying in vain to get a sense of direction.

"I know we went over this way...And I came across..." Rabbit said to himself "But then I...I lost my way over...And if I don't...I know..."

"Might you know which way Christopher Robin is from here, Rabbit?" Pooh interrupted.

"Do you even know where to go?" Twilight asked cautiously.

"Uh, well... Uh, I mean the..." Rabbit looked through the map at every angle, trying to get even a sliver of an idea where they were.

He looked back at the group with a reassuring grin then back at the map with an anxious grimace.

"There's this way, of course." Rabbit turned right and walked a couple feet then stopped. "Not that it's the right way."

He walked back to his original position.

"We obviously want to go this way." He walked straight forward then stopped again.

"Though that way's further than farther and nearer than not." Rabbit walked backwards.

“Darling, you’re not making any sense right now.” Rarity whined.

"Umm, Rabbit?" Fluttershy asked with concern.

Rabbit looked around, thinking long and hard of what to do next.

"Although we can't rule out this way." He turned left and walked a couple more feet.

"Do you know where to go or not?" Rainbow asked in frustration.

"Rainbow." Applejack hissed angrily.

Rabbit stopped. His ears drooped to the back of his head.

"Now, if Christopher Robin was here, what would he say?" Rabbit walked back to the others. "Well, he'd say..."


"That Rabbit can't function in this humidity." Rabbit yelled in despair. "It's not his fault. This fog isn't even on the map. And that...that Rabbit is just not smart enough to know where to go or...what to do."

“Whoa nelly. Ah wasn’t expecting’ him to just explode like that.” Applejack said

Rabbit sat on the ground sobbing, hold his hands to his head. He was upset and frustrated with himself for letting things get as bad as they were.

"It's okay, Rabbit." Twilight came up to his side. "We've all had times where we don't know what to do. That doesn't make you any less smart."

"Oh. Christopher Robin says "At a time like this all I have to do is remember." Pooh chimed in, patting Rabbit's shoulder.

"Remember what?" Rabbit asked.

Pooh put a hand on his head, trying to remember what else Christopher Robin said.

"I forget." He said flatly.

Twilight and Rabbit gave him a deadpanned look.

"But it's something like... you're smarter when you're pink." Pooh chuckled. "Does that help?"

"Ooo. I must be a genius." Pinkie bounced up and down.

"No. I don't where we are and where we aren't." Rabbit stood up and walked forward with his head down. "And I haven't known for hours. I've failed us all."

"Oh, Rabbit." Twilight said softly. “Surely we can figure out where we are without the map.”

The others, unfortunately, didn’t share Twilight’s optimism.

"I believe I have as well." Pooh put a hand on Rabbit's shoulder.

"Wh-What?" The alicorn sputtered. "You guys haven't failed. Far from it. We can't just give up now."

"Twilight, the map isn't helping us, not in this fog." Rabbit said dejectedly. "We have no idea where we are or where we should go."

"Let's face it, without Christopher Robin, we don't have a chance of finding Christopher Robin." Tigger sighed.

"But...guys…" Twilight tried to say.

"Twi, ah think they kinda have a point." Applejack came up to her friend with a shivering Spike on her back. "We've been walkin' and seachin' for almost a whole day with a phony map and, worse still, we still haven't found Christopher Robin. We've ran ourselves ragged."

"I haven't been this exhausted in...forever. And it stopped being fun a while ago." Rainbow admitted. “Plus, some of are friends almost died. I mean, I wasn’t fast enough to save them. They only survived from a muddy swamp.”

“Don’t remind me.” Rarity eyed her ruined mane.

“It might be sounding crazy coming from me, but, I’m starting get my doubts about this mission, Twi. And that’s saying something.” Rainbow finished.

"It’s been downright detrimental and terrorizing for some of us." Rarity said solemnly.

"We’re still being chased by that Skullasaurus." Fluttershy whimpered.

Twilight looked among her friends. They were all tired, cold, dirty, and upset. She probably looked like a mess herself. Tears began forming in her tired eyes.

"I'm sorry, girls. I wish it didn't have to be like this." Twilight lowered her head in guilt. "But, this was our mission. I don't think we can leave until we complete it."

“That’s what I was worried about, too, sugarcube.” The orange earth pony breathed slowly.

The rest of the Main 7 looked down in sorrow. Twilight took Spike off of Applejack's back and cradled him, trying to keep the baby dragon warm.

"S-S-So c-cold." He shivered quietly.

“I know, Spike. You’ll be okay. I promise.” Twilight reassured.

Pooh looked up and spotted a large cave in the distance within the fog.

"Perhaps we might rest in there until this mist is mostly...mistless." He suggested.

Twilight gave a defeated sigh.

“Better than standing in the fog.” She said

"Not much else we can do, anyway. Lead the way, Pooh." Applejack said.

The others followed after Pooh to the cave.

"End of the road." Eeyore said monotonously. "Nothin' to do. And no hope of things getting better. Sounds like Saturday night at my house."

"Alright, Eeyore. We get it" Rainbow grumbled.

It had been a few hours. It that time span, Applejack and Tigger made a fire pit where they got a fire going. By now, most of the gang was fast asleep, surrounding the makeshift fire pit. The dimming light of the dying flames was enough to help them sleep cozily. Twilight and Rarity sleep on either side Spike keeping the cold-blooded dragon as warm as possible. Rainbow, Applejack, Pinkie, Fluttershy, Eeyore, and Piglet all slept together with them.

Rabbit slept nearby against a rock using the thin map as a blanket. He shivered and maneuvered in his sleep trying to cover his entire body with the parchment, but it wasn't easy considering it was just two flimsy pieces of paper. Rabbit finally got warm and comfortable enough to sleep soundly. That was short-lived when he heard what sounded like horrible growling. He shrieked in fear and turned to where the noise was coming from. It turned out to be Tigger and his loud snoring. Sometimes he would giggle and lightly paw at the air. Rabbit glared at him indignantly. He muttered to himself and pulled the map back up over himself, trying to got back to sleep. All of a sudden, Tigger's tail unraveled over his chest and smacked Rabbit in the snout, waking him back up. He grumbled to himself changed position so he way facing away from Tigger. Tigger's tail unraveled again and grabbed Rabbit's ear pulling back hard until it slipped out of its grasp causing it to smack back into the back of Rabbit's head. He glared daggers at the sleeping Tigger. His tail unraveled again and again catching Rabbit's nose. The tail pulled back against rabbit's snout. His nose jiggled as Tigger's tail slipped off of him and coiled back up. Rabbit opened his arms a ready to smack Tigger's tail. It unraveled over him again, but Rabbit was too slow and the tail coiled back up in time which ended up with Rabbit slapping himself in the face. He shook his head, ridding himself of the dizziness.

“Hey, Rabbit.” Twilight’s voice sounded.

Rabbit turned to see Twilight carefully making her way over to him.

“Oh. Sorry, Twilight. I didn’t mean to wake you.” Rabbit apologized.

“I couldn’t sleep. I just have too much going on in my head right now.” Twilight lamented. “Guess you couldn’t sleep either?”

Twilight sat down beside the vegetable farmer.

"You could say that." Rabbit eyed the snoring Tigger. "I thought you were keeping Spike safe."

"Don't worry. Rarity and Fluttershy are keeping him warm for me." Twilight looked down in guilt and regret. "I feel as if I failed my friends. This isn't the first time we've done this and every time someone always ends up hurt or in danger. Whether it’s because of an oceanic storm or having to fight a half-psychopath, half-angel with a sword.”

Rabbit was bit surprised at those kind of details, but he shook his head and sighed.

"Twilight, you haven't failed. If anything I was the one who failed, I'm the one with the map for crying out loud." Rabbit shuffled the map to emphasize his point.

"Yeah, but." The purple alicorn sighed. "I'm a princess and one of my most important duties as a ruler is to keep everypony safe. And I haven’t been able to keep any of you safe. I couldn’t save piglet from the butterflies and I couldn’t save you all from dropping into the gorge. If I can't keep a handful of my friends safe, how can I expect myself to keep an entire kingdom safe?"

Twilight began to sob and sniffle quietly. Rabbit put a hand on the teary-eyed alicorn's shoulder, doing his best to comfort her.

"I may not be able to relate to you, Twilight. But you can't let a few bad experiences taint your own expectation." He comforted. "There will be instances where you won't be able to do anything. You can't control everything that happens. I was having trouble with my harvest back home. As frustrated as I was that some of the produce wasn’t ripe enough to pick, I understand there’s not really much to control that. Those kinds of experiences are part of life. They help you learn things."

Twilight looked back up at Rabbit.

"Thanks, Rabbit. I really needed to hear that. It just feels like it's been nothing but perilousness throughout this entire journey." She said.

Another was heard in the distance.

"I've tried to find you, Christopher Robin." The voice belonged to Pooh.

Rabbit sighed wistfully.

"I know, Pooh, I'm sorry. You'd have find him by now if...if I hadn't..." Rabbit turned to see that Pooh wasn't with them in the cave.

"Pooh?" Twilight said.

"Pooh Bear?" Rabbit called out quietly.

The rabbit and alicorn looked over to the mouth of the cave to see Pooh with his jar of honey in-hand wondering about on the mist-covered terrain.

"I've looked all the places you weren't. I just can't find the are." Pooh said to himself.

Rabbit and Twilight walked to the entrance of the cave, watching Pooh walk around. They watched as Pooh walked up a rocky slope where an old tree stood at the top.

"I only know that you are where I am not." Pooh said gloomily. "And...where am I? I wish you were here to tell me. Perhaps if I were to wish...very, very hard.

Pooh fell asleep against the tree, holding the honey jar close to his body. Rabbit and Twilight walked up to him silently. Rabbit sighed sadly while Twilight felt tears running down her cheeks.

"Rabbit." She hiccupped. "Will we ever find Christopher Robin?"

"...I don't know, Twilight. I want to keep trying to find him, but I just have no idea how to." Rabbit sorrowfully.

The purple alicorn sniffled.

"He means so much to Pooh." She said.

"I know. He means everything to all of us; Piglet, Tigger, Eeyore, and myself. But Pooh has always had a special bond with Christopher Robin."

"Oh, Pooh. If only there was something I could do to fix this." Twilight sobbed

Rabbit pulled the map off of himself and laid them on Pooh Bear to keep him warm in the foggy and frigid air. He kneeled down and put his hand on Twilight's shoulder in an attempt to comfort the crying alicorn. He looked up into the sky hoping, wondering if Pooh's wish would ever come true.

To be continued.

Part 8: The Rescue Mission

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It had been a few hours of rest for Piglet. It was refreshing and well earned, seeing as the team went almost a whole day without rest or nourishment. He walked out of the cave yawning and stretching. The area was still covered in heavy fog as Piglet wondered out into the open. That's when a feeling of dread starting to seep through his entire body. He turned back towards the cave and his eyes widened in fear.

"Oh, dear." Piglet wailed, flailing his arms.

Pooh, Rabbit, and Twilight were all woken up from what sounded like panicking gibberish.

"What's going on?" The sleepy alicorn asked.

"Piglet?" Pooh called out to his friend.

Piglet was running about in a full-blown panic. The three came up to him only from Piglet to jump onto Pooh's arm, trying to say something.

"Skuh-skuh-skuh-skuh-skuh-skuh..." He stammered.

"Try to be specific." Rabbit chided.

As Piglet desperately tried to speak coherently enough the get his point across, the rest of the group walked out of the cave half-asleep.

"Ugh, can't a mare get any proper sleep around here." Rainbow grumbled angrily.

"What's gotten into ya, Piglet?" Applejack asked tiredly.

"Skuh-skuh-skuh...Skull." Piglet finally said, pointing to the cave.

The others turned to see why Piglet was pointing at the cave. Fear and apprehension struck each and every one of them. They all held onto each other, shrieking as the realization set in. The cave they had been resting in was the skull-shaped cave Owl had wrote on the map and the one Christopher Robin was allegedly in.

"Christopher Robin's in the eye of that thing?" Tigger asked in disbelief.

"We were there...the whole time." Spike quivered.

"Well, on the bright side, at least we weren't actually lost, Rabbit." Twilight said.

"Now is not the time for sugarcoatin', Twi." Applejack interjected.

"How we gonna get way up there?" Tigger asked fearfully.

"By flying up. Duh." Rainbow declared.

"Only three of us here can fly, Rainbow." Twilight clarified. "How is everypony else going to get up there."

She pointed up at the eye-shaped holes on the top of the cave.

"By" Pooh stared into the pitch-black nothingness of the cave's inner passageway.

"Oooo. So this is what Maud must feel when entering a cave." Pinkie said to herself.

"Y-You can't be serious." Rarity trembled.

"But it's dark." Tigger said nervously.

"And f-f-f-frightful." Piglet shakily added.

"It's...terrifying in there." Fluttershy said, her face was drained on color.

"And we have no idea what we'll find." Rabbit said.

To make matters worse, an all too familiar growling echoed out in the distance.

"Oh, no." Spike whimpered.

"But we know what's gonna find us." Eeyore galloped into the cave.

"The Skullasaurus." Piglet wailed.

"Go, go go!" Twilight panicked.

With that, the rest of the gang all ran into the cave.

It had not been long after the group first made there way into the cave. As they walked deeper in, it became much more creepy. Stalactites hung from the ceiling and stalagmites protruded from the ground. Pools of water littered the floor, created from years of water dripping down from the large, stone spikes. Not only that, the temperature became lower and lower the farther they went. For Spike, it was potentially dangerous. To keep him as warm as possible, Twilight put him on her back. She could feel the baby dragon nestling against her fur to keep himself from freezing to death. They had to find Christopher Robin soon.

The gang of friends found a small entrance hole that led to another part of the cave. They crawled through it, ducking to avoid hitting their heads.

"How much further?" Rainbow complained.

" Ah'm afraid we might now know." Applejack stated.

The passage that they were travelling on branched out into five separate paths. Each going in a completely different direction.

"N-n-now which way to the eye of the skull?" Piglet asked.

"Well that's just great." The colorful pegasus said sarcastically. "As if this mission wasn't complicated already."

The others turned to Rabbit, expecting an answer of some kind.

"Don't look at me." He scrunched the map in his hands.

"Oh, bother." Pooh handed the honeypot to Piglet and put a hand to his head. "Think, think."

Well. There's only one way to do this." Twilight stated.

"If each of us went where the other one hasn't...Think." Pooh walked over to Rabbit. "And one were where another wasn't. By which I mean to say...perhaps we should split up."

"There ya go, Sugarcube." Applejack commended.

"Why, Pooh Bear, I believe that's a very smart idea." Rabbit praised.

"I'm so glad you liked it." Pooh chuckled. ""

"Let's just take the paths." Twilight sighed.

"Decent with the smarts, but not good with the memory." Rainbow teased.

"I volunteer to go with Eeyore." Pinkie put the donkey in a bone-crushing hug. "Now is the perfect opportunity to show you all the great things of putting on a smile."

Eeyore had a look of irritation on his face, but said nothing as the pink mare pulled him onto one of the paths.

Rainbow went with Tigger and Rarity paired up with Rabbit.

Pooh and Piglet had to go separate paths which meant being apart from each other. Piglet was resistant at first.

"Just stay with us, sugarcube. We'll let nothin' happen to ya." Applejack comforted.

"Yeah, I take care of a lot of animals at home. We'll make sure to keep you safe." Fluttershy added.

"...okay, then." Piglet relented and the three went down their designated path.

"That's just leaves us with you, Pooh." Twilight said.

Pooh, Twilight, and Spike went down the remaining path. With the gang all split up, it made the cave mission a lot more frightening. Each team found themselves in an isolated part of the cave all on their lonesome. But, they had little to no choice but to press on.

"Christopher Robin." Rabbit's shaky voice echoed throughout the speleothem-filled cavern.

"If you can here us, darling, please say something." Rarity trembled.

In another part of the cave system, Piglet, Applejack, and Fluttershy carefully ventured down the path. It had formed into a ledge that hugged a vine-covered wall and overlooked a smokey abyss below.

"Doin' okay, Piglet?" Applejack asked with concern.

Piglet nodded feebly and called out. "C-C-Christopher Robin."

Growling thundered throughout the cave. The piglet and ponies turned but only saw streams of steam dancing against the cave walls. Applejack could've sworn for a second that the steam formed into an scary face.

"Let's just keep goin'." She gulped.

Meanwhile, Pinkie and Eeyore were crossing a land bridge.

"I even did a whole song about smiling, but, he still wouldn't. Y'know, now that I think about it, You and Crankey are a lot alike except he's more cranky and you're more depressed. But, that's gonna change soon. I have the perfect solution..." Pinkie rambled on and on about happiness and whatnot. Eeyore ignored her and called out.

"Christopher Robin. Yoo-hoo."

Suddenly the part of the bridge he was walking over gave way. Eeyore plummeted into the darkness below, screaming in fear.

"Hey, wait for me." Pinkie jumped after him. "Weeeeee!"

Eeyore's screaming and Pinkie's cheers of joy could be heard throughout the entire cave.

"What's that?" Rabbit turned, looking all over the place.

"Oh, Celestia, why now?" Rarity shrieked.

"Oh, d-dear." Piglet ran for his life.

"Piglet, wait!" Fluttershy and Applejack galloped after him.

Eeyore landed on a vine that sent him flying onto a hand-shaped root that hoisted him up into a gnarly-looking root. He opened his eyes, unsure of what to do.

"Weeeee!" Pinkie landed on the same hand-shaped root.

She looked up and spotted the donkey hanging precariously.

"Hey, Eeyore. How's it "hanging." She joked and began to laugh.

Meanwhile Rabbit and Rarity were still paranoid of the screaming. They walked backwards in fear.

"Oh, who's gonna take care of my boutique if I die." Rarity whined.

Rabbit nervously chuckled.

"There's nothing to be afraid of, it's just the wind. That's right, i-i-it's nothing. Nothing at all."

Since they were both walking backwards, they couldn't see the large hole that lay behind them. They both dropped into the hole. Rarity gave out a blood-curdling scream as they disappeared into the dark.

"Rabbit?" Pooh asked out loud in another part of the cave. He could here the screaming of two of his friends.

"Is that Rarity, too?" Spike wondered. "Should we head back?"

"Perhaps we should." Pooh said.

"Wait, we already gotten this far and they get be anywhere in this place." Twilight debated "I'm sure they're taking care of themselves just fine."

Unknown to them, Rabbit and Rarity were currently tumbling through a long tunnel that the hole lead to.

At the same time, Tigger and Rainbow Dash were searching through piles of jagged slate trying to find the lost boy.

"Christopher Robin." Tigger shouted from behind a rock mound. "Christopher Robin."

"Is it just me or does is this place starting to look more unnatural." Rainbow looked around the walls and holes in the floor.

"Maybe Christopher Robin is in one of those." Tigger peered down on of the holes. "Come out, come out, wherever you aren't."

Instead of Christopher Robin, a horde of bats shot out of the hole and began screeching and squealing at the striped feline. Tigger panicked and ran as far away as he could. The bats then surrounded Rainbow.

"Hey! No! Get away from me." The blue pegasus flew after Tigger.

"Tigger?" Pooh said.

"I can hear Rainbow, too." Twilight added. "What is going on?"

Rabbit and Rarity were still tumbling through the tunnel.

As for Piglet, while he was too distracted with looking back at Applejack and Fluttershy, he didn't notice the multitude of pebbles strewn across the path. Piglet began to slip on the rocks and he couldn't get himself to stop.

"Ooh! Aahh!" Piglet panicked.

"Piglet?" Pooh wondered as the three continued toward another entrance of another part of the cave.

The bear and alicorn turned to each other with looks of confusion.

"Hang on, Piglet, we're comin'." Applejack called out to her friend.

Piglet slid closer to the end of the path. He slipped and grabbed a hold of the ledge, but he couldn't hold on.

"Oh, no!" Fluttershy took off an flew toward Piglet to grab him.

It was too late. Piglet slipped off the ledge and fell. However, his fall was short-lived when he landed on Eeyore who was still hanging from the monstrous root. Applejack and Pinkie looked over the ledge. there they saw Piglet, Eeyore, and Pinkie.

"Hi, Applejack. Hi, Fluttershy." Pinkie greeted, laying on the hand-shaped root.

"Hey...Pinkie." Applejack said warily. "This is where you and Eeyore have been this whole time?"

"Yessirey." Pinkie replied.

Just then, the gnarly root broke free from the wall and the donkey and piglet fell onto another pathway. When Piglet landed on his back, Eeyore thought it was something trying to attack him. He shrieked and ran off down the path.

"Wait, Eeyore. It's just us." Applejack, along with Fluttershy, jumped from the ledge. The three mares galloped after the panicking donkey.

Piglet had his eyes covered as Eeyore ran down the path. When he opened them, all he could see was Eeyore's shadow. But, because Eeyore still hard the large root over his head, it made his shadow look like monster chasing after Piglet. frightened, Piglet covered his eyes and head.

"Eeyore." Pooh called out.

He, as well as Twilight and Spike, had found themselves in a large opening that was filled with giant, crystal structures.

"Wow." Twilight said in astonishment. "This place reminds me of the Crystal Empire."

"Yeah." Spike agreed, just as astonished.

The three walked along behind a wall of crystals. Their reflection looked disfigured and disproportionate from the distorted lighting. Unaware to any of them, Rabbit and Rarity finally tumbled out of the end of the tunnel and landed on the smooth floor. The map came with, bonking both in the head.

"I hate this place." The white unicorn growled.

Meanwhile, Eeyore was still racing down the path when he saw another entranceway. He grinded his feet against the ground in a vain effort to stop. The trail of dust he left behind blinded Applejack, Pinkie, and Fluttershy.

"Where is everypony?" Pinkie wondered.

The three mares then collided into the back of Eeyore as they entered the tunnel, shattering Eeyore's root in the process.

"Ugh, where in Tartarus are we now?" Rarity asked irritably.

"I don't know." Rabbit got up.

"Help!" A voice echoed from a nearby path.

It was Tigger, who was running in a panic and spouting gibberish, too frightened to realize where he was going. Rainbow flew right behind him, eyes covered up.

"Get away, get away, get away!" She still thought the bats were chasing them.

And they were heading right for them.

"Oh, no. Oh, no, no, no." Rarity stepped back.

"Gain way!" A southern-accented voice yelled.

Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie, Piglet, and Eeyore shot out from another tunnel, shrieking in fear.

There was no time to do another. The three groups collided into each other with a cartoonish crash. They all lay pile of themselves, dazed.

"Tigger! Rabbit! Eeyore!" Piglet exclaimed joyfully.

"Thanks for noticing." Eeyore muttered.

"Woohoo! That was fun." Pinkie realized she was sitting in something soft and looked down. "Oh, Hiya, Rarity."

"Hello, to you, too, Pinkie." The snow white unicorn sighed. "Now get off me!"

"Do mah eyes deceive me or did ah actually see Rainbow panickin' alongside Tigger." Applejack teased.

"No!" Rainbow sputtered, a blush forming on her face. "I was just...making sure the bats weren't follow us."

"Wait. Where's Twilight, Spike, and Pooh?" Fluttershy asked.

Just then, the familiar growling echoed throughout the cavern. The gang went wide-eyed and got to there feet. Rabbit was the first to notice.

"There it is! There it is!" He pointed up.

The others turned to see what they were dreading to see the moment the journey started. Among the crystal walls was a giant figure in yellow and red and with a terrifying face.

"It's the terribibblist skullasaurus I've ever seen!" Tigger exclaimed. "Not to mention the only one."

The large figure's face contorted into what look like a wicked smile.

"Weird. It looks a lot like..." Before Rainbow finish her sentence, the giant being stomped toward them.

Panic ensured the the gang all ran for a nearby tunnel. However, the creature in question was nothing more than Pooh's distorted reflection against the wall of crystals. He slowly walked out from behind the wall.

"Did someone say..."Skullasaurus?" He said, inching backward.

He didn't see the naturally-made slide behind him.

Pooh, look out!" Twilight warned, but it was too late.

The bear slipped and slid down the incline. Grabbing Spike, Twilight took off into the air and flew after Pooh. While that was going on, the rest of the gang ran down the tunnel. That's when the saw the dead end ahead. A dead end that ended with a cliff. They tried to stop, but the smooth floor caused them to slip and slide down the corridor and closer to the edge.

"This is not good. This is not good!" Rarity panicked.

The gang grabbed hold of the ledge and vines hanging off from the edge. Finally getting themselves to stop. Rabbit, however, slid to far off. Thinking quickly, Rainbow grabbed his hand. The sudden change in weight forced the pegasus into an awkward flying position. Her wings flapped hard to lift Rabbit back to the ledge. From there Tigger grabbed Rabbit's other hand as Rainbow landed.

"Argh." She yelled.

"You okay, RD?" Applejack asked worriedly.

"I think I pulled a flight muscle." The pegasus hissed in pain.

Pooh gasped when he saw that the slide in a half-arch. He rode up the slide was sent sailing through the air with the honeypot and Twilight following behind. He wailed out in fear as a soared across an abyss.

"Oh, gosh!" Twilight yelled.

The gang all heard Pooh's wails and Twilight's panicky words.

"Did you hear that? The skullasaurus. He got Pooh." Tigger whimpered.

"That means it got Twilight and Spike, too." Fluttershy began to tear up.

"No. No, that can't be!" Rarity said in dsibelief.

The Main 5 began to tear up.

"It should've been me. Not them." Rainbow pounded the ground with her hooves.

"T-That monster." Pinkie whimpered.

Luckily, Pooh, nor Twilight or Spike, were eaten by the skullasaurus. However, Pooh landed right into a crystal wall. His body was now wedged within the minerals. The honeypot soon landed on his back.

"Oh, dear. Oh, this is bad." Twilight tried to push Pooh through to the other side, but he wouldn't budge.

"What do we do now?" Spike asked.

"I...don't know." Twilight responded.

She didn't want to risk leaving Pooh and looking for the others. She would risk getting herself lost and even if she did find them, she wasn't sure if she would remember where to find Pooh again. She tried pulling him out, but that didn't work either.

"Pooh! Pooh, can you hear me?" Twilight yelled. But, the wall of blue crystal made it impossible for her voice to get to him.

"Pigwet." Pooh called out. The crystal smushed against his face making it hard to shout or even speak properly. "Wabbit! Tigger!"

far down below, the rest of the team struggled with the supposed loss of their friends, unable to hears Pooh's calls.

"I'm gonna miss that bear." Tigger sniffled, pulling Rabbit up onto the ledge.

"Oh, Pooh. Twilight." Piglet lowered his head.

"Oh, Spikey-wikey. I'm so sorry." Rarity sobbed. Fluttershy came to her friend's side and gave her a comforting hug.

That was when distant growling echoed across the cave. Sadness was replace with rage for the Main 5.

"Where are you, you monster?! I'll send you to Tarturus!" Rainbow yelled furiously.

"You'll pay for eatin' our friends! Mark mah words!" Applejack hollered with rage.

"I may be a lady, but that doesn't mean I won’t RIP YOU TO PIECES!" Rarity screeched.

"Girls, please calm down." Fluttershy spoke softly in an effort to quell her friends' anger.

"Now it sounds like the beastly creature is...(gasp) Look there." Rabbit pointed up toward a giant, circular hole in the cave wall. "The eye of the skull."

"So that's where that monstrous varmint lives?" Applejack growled.

"Whatever will we do?" Piglet asked in despair.

"Well, we could get the kid out of there. If anybody has any ideas how to get up there, that is." Eeyore said.

"That monster's mine." Rainbow began to fly over to the hole. The her wing tense up and she hissed in pain.

"Rainbow, wait! You're hurt, you're in no condition to fly." Applejack said firmly. "Besides, how is everypony else s'posed to get up there?"

"I'm fine, AJ." The rainbow-maned pegasus said within gritted teeth. "I'll just carry you all there."

"At the same time?" The country mare asked skeptically.

"Just watch." Rainbow grabbed onto Rarity and Eeyore, but found that she could barely lift them off the ground.

She heaved and struggled to get back into the air. Finally she gave up when the pain became to great.

"You need to lose some weight." Rainbow sneered.

"I do hope you're referring to Eeyore, Rainbow. Because if you aren't, I am going to smite you!" Rarity yelled.

"Let's just try and think of another way up there." Applejack said.

"But, what other way is there?" Fluttershy asked.

"Maybe Pinkie can jump high enough up there." Rainbow joked.

"Oh, I wanna give it a shot." Pinkie said excitedly.

"No, Pinkie, darling. Let's not risk getting yourself killed." Rarity interjected. "Any other ideas?"

"The map! What's it say." Tigger shoved the two map pieces to Rabbit's face.

Rabbit surveyed the map and came to a startling conclusion.

"Oh, my. I-It's useless." He said. "There's nothing in here about how to get up there. Why, why, I'd have to figure it out all by myself, from scratch. I...I...Can I do that?"

"Yeah, can he do that?" Tigger turned to the others.

Applejack rolled her eyes. "C'mon, Rabbit. You're smarter than...most of us..."

"Hey!" Rainbow shouted.

"...If anypony, er, any-rabbit can do it, it's you."

Rabbit gave it some thought.

"I could try. For Pooh, Twilight, and Spike." Rabbit clasped his hands together.

"Fank you, Wabbit." Pooh said. While they couldn't hear him, Pooh could hear them.

Rabbit brainstormed for ideas. He walked around, smacked his head, and sat down on a flat rock. He looked up with a quizzical look. That's when he noticed a long vine coiled up around a giant root. Then he remembered what Rainbow Dash said earlier.

"Maybe Pinkie can jump high enough up there."

"Woo-hoo! I have it!" Rabbit jumped for joy.

"What's the plan, Rabbit?" Rainbow asked fervently.

"Tigger, you can bounce Piglet to that ledge up there. And, Piglet, you can toss that long viney thing to us down here. And we'll shimmy on up and rescue Christopher Robin together." Rabbit explained.

"Now that's a good idea." Applejack said.

"I have to admit, that was pretty good." Rainbow agreed.

"Me? Make a bounce like that? With a rickety old tail like this?" Tigger asked incredulously. "Oh, Au-contrariwise."

"Tigger. Now is that time to be strong. You're pretty much are only hope sense Fluttershy doesn't seem very...interested in making the flight over." Rainbow looked over to her pegasus friend who stared into the deep, dark abyss with a blanched expression.

"Well, I guess I could try." Tigger complied. "If it'd make Pooh or Twilight happy."

"Vewy, vewy happy." Pooh said.

On the other side of the wall, however...

"But I can't leave you to just go out into the cave all alone. I don't want to lose you!" Twilight exclaimed.

"But, Twilight, were not accomplishing anything by just staying right here." Spike argued.

Meanwhile, Piglet had his own doubts.

"It's a...rather high place for a...a very small animals." He gulped. "But I'll be brave for Pooh Bear."

"Now you're talkin." Rainbow cheered.

With a confident smile, Tigger placed Piglet on his back went for a bouncing start.

"One for the money, two for the show, three because comes before four."

"Yeah, we'll go with that." Rarity said.

"And here we go." Tigger bounced once, then twice, and third one launched him right for the hole.

He sailed through the air, but he ran out of momentum just before he could grabbed a large vine hanging off the ledge. The others gasped and Pooh looked on. Tigger pushed his body slightly farther up, making him look like he was swimming in midair. With not an inch to spare, he threw his arms over the vine. Piglet swirled down his body but managed to hold tight to Tigger's tail. Tigger climbed into the hole and lifted his tail onto the ground. Piglet opened his eyes and felt the ground beneath him. He smiled and look back at Tigger who smiled back.

"Yee-haw. That's how it's done." Applejack cheered.

"Marvelous, darlings. Simply marvelous." Rarity congrulated.

"Yippee! Party time!" Pinkie yelled excited.

Now it was time for the next part of the plan. Piglet carefully walked across the giant root that held the coil of vine. He swayed and stumbled, trying to keep his balance. He stepped forward then tripped. The others gasped as Piglet soared forward. Luckily, he held onto the end of the vine, but now he stared straight into the black depths of the abyss below. Panic overcame Piglet and instinctively covered his eyes with both his ears and his hands.

"Come on, squirt. Show us how brave you are." Rainbow encouraged.

Piglet cranked his hands back and smiled with delight, but realized his still couldn't see. He lifted his ears off his eyes, but found that they were closed. Finally, he forced his eyelids apart allowing him to see. He smiled at his accomplishment. His found the coiled vine and pushed with all his might. the vine slid off and unraveled itself. Piglet, however overcorrected and began to slide down the vine. The end of the vine plopped right next to the gang. Piglet closed his eyes as he coasted down the vine. He came to a stop when his snout bumped against Rabbit's nose.

"He did." Fluttershy said quietly.

"You did it!" Pooh said excitedly. “Hooray!"

Pooh, unknowingly pushed backward in celebration. The strain was enough for him to pop out of the wall and collide into Twilight and Spike. The three landed on a slippery edge.

"Ouch!" Twilight wailed as Pooh landed right on top of her.

The bear, pony, and dragon slid down another slide. Their screams echoed all through the cave system.

Rabbit helped Piglet down to the ground.

"Now that took some bravery. Ah'm proud of ya, Piglet." Applejack said tenderly.

"Thanks, Applejack." Piglet chuckled. "You know,...for a moment, I almost thought I could hear Pooh, Twilight, and Spike, cheering us on."

"Now that you mention it, I thought I heard something like that." Fluttershy confirmed.

"I…guess they must be with us in spirit." Rarity concluded.

Rabbit nodded gingerly.

Pooh, Twilight, and Spike finally came to a rest at the bottom of the slide. The floor was smooth, the walls were curved, and smooth crystals sprouted out here and there. Immediately, Spike was at Twilight's side.

"Twilight, are you okay?" He asked worriedly.

"Ugh. My right wing. I think it's sprained." Twilight whimpered.

"Wait for me, Piglet." Pooh teetered back and tried to run up the walls.

The walls were too steep and Pooh slipped and slid back to the ground like a hockey puck, right next to Twilight and Spike.

"Hold on, Eeyore." Pooh tried again, but slipped and slid back. He knocked into his honeypot causing the pot to slide up the wall a little then slide back down, bumping the bear’s nose.

Pooh looked at the jar of honey, then around the isolated cavern.

"Oh, bother. I believe if there is no way out, then we shall have to" Pooh said sadly.

"No, there's got to be a way out. We just need to look." Twilight tried to stay positive.


Twilight turned to see Spike with his head down, more than that she could see tears starting to flow down his cheeks.

"Spike, it's okay. We just-"

"This whole adventure has been nothing but a nightmare!" Spike wailed in anguish. "We've gotten lost, hung from a cliff and hunted by a monster. We're separated from our friends, they probably think we're dead now. You can't fly us out and there is NOTHING here that can get us out of this chasm. And worse of all, we still haven't found Christopher Robin!"

Spike fell to his knees and began to cry.

"I just want to go home. I'm tired of living in fear and loneliness. I just want this nightmare to end." He sobbed.

Twilight looked at her surrogate brother. She wanted to say that everything was going to be alright. That she could fix this, but, she couldn't. They were stuck, alone in a cave away from there friends. Tears began to leak from her eyes. The purple alicorn wrapped her hooves around the sobbing dragon.

"I'm sorry. I want this to end, too." Twilight sniffled.

Brother and sister. It was the relationship she and Spike had for the longest time. But, as of recently, Twilight began to see him as more of her own child. The sibling love they share grew into mother-son bond. And right now, Twilight felt like a terrible mother. She cradled Spike, letting his tears soke into her barrel.

"I'm sorry I failed you, Spike." Twilight wept. "I'm sorry that we have no choice but to be in here."

"With no more friends." Pooh added solemnly. "No more Christopher Robin. No more...we."

An unknown amount of time had past for the three friends as the stayed stuck in the chasm. Pooh depressingly meandered around while Twilight still held Spike in her embrace. The crying had died down, but they tears and snot still lingered. Pooh sat down next to the two with the honeypot in hand.

"If only I hadn't forgotten what he asked me to remember." He lamented. "Oh, Christopher Robin, if you just could have seen Piglet. He was so much braver than he believes."

Pooh stood up with a smile on his face. Twilight and Spike looked up at him.

"And Tigger was stronger than he seems. And Rabbit smarter than he thinks."

"Wait, you mean you saw them?" Twilight asked.

"Yeah, And they had this amazing plan. Your friends are very supportive, might I add." Pooh said.

"Yeah, they are." Twilight chuckled.

"Even if we're apart I'll always be with you."

The three could hear a echoing voice all around them. It sounded like a familiar boy to them.

"Christopher Robin?" Pooh called out.

"Always be with you."

"Where is that coming from?" Spike sniffled.

The three looked around the cavern, but there was nothing around them. Pooh's eyes fell on the bright, blue honeypot. He held it in front of his face. He shook it a bit and put an ear against it's side.

"Always be with you."

The whispering voice said again.

"Hmm." Pooh thought to himself.

"Is Christopher Robin here or is he not?" Twilight wondered out loud.

"It's a rather puzzlesome thing, but, it's almost as if you had never left me." Pooh looked under his arms. "But that can't be, can it? Or can it?"

"Did you just say "puzzlesome?" Twilight asked.

"Read the room, Twilight." Spike grumbled.

Pooh, lifted the lid off of the jar and gazed into the pool of golden, gooey liquid inside. He could see his reflection off the honey. The realization then hit him and a smile formed on his face.

"Perhaps you are here. So, even though we're apart...we really are together." Pooh lifted his shirt up a little and put his hands to where his heart was. "Then perhaps Owl was mistaken all along."

Pooh sat back down.

"Perhaps the place where you not on a map." He chuckled warmly.

Tears were in Spike and Twilight's eyes, but this time, they were tears of comfort and warmth.

"That was beautiful, Pooh." Twilight said.

"We may not be in the best situation right now, but, at least our friends, even Christopher Robin, are still with us. In spirit." Spike said.

The three hugged each other in comfort.

Pooh closed his eyes in content. "How very nice"

To be continued.

Part 9: Everything is Right

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Twilight, Spike, and Pooh may have found some unexpected self-actualization in the cavern, but the others were not really having the same positivity. Tigger, Rabbit, Piglet, and the Main 5 all arduously hoisted Eeyore up to the opening using the vine from earlier.

"How ya holdin' up down there, Eeyore?" Applejack checked up on the donkey.

"Well, I've had better days. Not that they were good, that is." Eeyore replied in dismay.

The team heaved and struggled to lift the dangling donkey up to them. The vine almost slipped out of there grasp causing Eeyore to fall just a little bit. With one last, mighty heave, they raised Eeyore to the top. Tigger caught him in the air but slipped and fell on top of the others in a dogpile.

"At least we got him up here." Piglet said.

"This could not get any worse." Rarity grumbled bitterly.

That's when loud footsteps echoed across the cave. The others looked and saw a large, monstrous shadow looming against the cave floor and walls. They got the there feet, some with fear in their hearts, others with righteous fury and vengeance.

"There it is! That monster that took our friends!" Rainbow shouted. "I've been waiting for this moment."

"This is for Twilight. And for Spike and Pooh!" Applejack readied herself.

"You'll pay for terrorizing us and killing our friends." Rarity bellowed angrily.

"Woohoo, got get'em, girls." Pinkie waved a flag with the three ponies cutie marks on it. Fluttershy stayed behind her, too fear-stricken to move.

"This is it." Rabbit trembled. "It's...It's...It's..."

The shadow then formed into something more recognizable. Walking out from an entrance stood...

"Christopher Robin?" Piglet said in disbelief.

The boy spotted the group and smiled. The negative emotions the group had all melted away as they realized they had finally found one of their friends. They came up to the boy with joy and excitement.

"You made it." Tigger bounced around excitedly.

"How clever of you." Rabbit shook Christopher Robin's hand.

"Oh, we're so very glad to see you." Piglet jumped in for hug, which Christopher Robin accepted.

"You're alive! And you're okay!" Rarity said joyfully.

"Yay! Happy ending." Pinkie hopped alongside Tigger.

"Hello." Eeyore greeted.

"Where have you been?" The boy asked as he sat down on a rock. "I've been searching everywhere for you."

"Searching for us?" Rainbow asked.

"We've been searching for you." Piglet said. "But on the way I found something else. That I'm brave enough."

"That you did, Piglet." Applejack said passionately.

"Feast your eyes on this." Tigger as he began to bounce. "I'm strong enough."


Tigger's head smashed through the cave wall. He dangled there in a daze.

"That's gonna leave a mark." Rainbow winced.

"Ahem." Rabbit tugged on Christopher Robin's sleeve. "I found I'm smart enough. Pretty smart, eh?"

"And ah thought Rainbow was the boastful one." Applejack teased.

"Hey!" The speedy pegasus shouted, offended.

"Didn't have to come clear out here to find it." Eeyore said. "Had it inside all along."

"Now there's the positivity you've been needing." Pinkie locked Eeyore in a celebratory hug. "I knew you could do it."

Eeyore just sighed.

"Of course you did. It's just like I told..." Christopher Robin did a double-take. "Wait! Searching for me?"

"Yeah. We've been tryin' to find ya for the longest time." Applejack explained.

"Why, certainly." Tigger struggled to pull his head out from the ceiling. "To save you from Skull."

"Skull? Oh, no." The boy chuckled. "I was at school."

"...What?" The Rainbow asked, her tone conveyed both disbelief and anger.

"You got to be kidding me." Rarity growled.

"School?" Tigger popped his head out and fell to the ground.

"That Owl! I knew skull had another "y" in it." Rabbit grunted just as Tigger landed right on top of him.

"I'm gonna kill that bird when we get back." The multicolored pegasus hissed fiercely.

"Ditto that." Applejack added.

"But you said to worry about you c-c-c-ause you were going far away." Piglet pulled out the honey-covered note.

"Yeah, and you needed help." Tigger added.

"That is what the note said. Right?" Fluttershy said cautiously.

"No, no, no." Christopher Robin said. He pulled away some of the honey and re-read the note. "Don't worry about me. I'm not going far away. Just to school. Be back this afternoon. Help yourself to this honey." And it looks like Pooh did."

The groups' heads lowered. Christopher Robin looked around and only then came to realize something was wrong.

"Where is Pooh?" He asked.

"Oh, Christopher Robin. The Skullasaurus gobbled him up." Piglet whimpered.

"And Twilight and Spike, too." Pinkie's mane deflated.

"The what?" The boy asked incredulity.

Just then, the all too familiar growling echoed throughout the entire cave system.

"Where is that monster? It has a date with more back-hooves." Rainbow hovered in the air.

Rainbow, Applejack, and Rarity all stood there ground. The others, however went into a full-blown panic. Christopher Robin watched in confusion as they ran around, flailing and screaming in fear. They ducked behind the rock he was sitting on while Piglet leapt into his arms.

"That's no Skullasaurus." The young boy chuckled. Piglet looked up at him. "There's only one thing that makes like that. The rumbly tumbly of hungry for honey...Pooh Bear."

Rabbit, Tigger, Eeyore, Pinkie, and Fluttershy peered at from behind the rock in bewilderment.

"Wait. What!?" Rainbow asked in shocked.

"Are ya meanin' to tell us that thing don't exist and that we got riled up over nothin'?" Applejack asked irately.

"I suppose so." Christopher Robin replied cautiously.

The three pony seethed.

"It's official. That owl is toast." Rainbow said with gritted teeth.

"We went on this perilous journey and nearly got ourselves killed. And for what? The one we were trying to rescue was in school the entire time!" Rarity shriek in fury.

"Umm. Girls." Fluttershy tried to say.

"That good for nothin'...Ah hope his affairs are in order." Applejack growled.

"I swear I'm gonna defeather that guy!" Rainbow yelled.

"Um, excuse me." Christopher Robin said. The three ponies turned to him. "I think your friend is trying to say something."

With deep breaths, The three calmed down.

"Yes, Fluttershy?" Applejack asked.

"Um, it's just that...if the growling is coming from Pooh's belly, then there was no Skullasaurus to begin with. That would mean he's still alive. Right?" Fluttershy hypothesized.

The others gave it some thought. She had a point.

"yer right, Flutters. He must be around here somewhere if that's the case." The country mare said.

"But, that would also mean Twilight and Spike are still alive, too." Fluttershy added.

There was a pause. Then the realization hit like a ton of bricks.

"They're still alive...They're still alive!" Rarity squealed joyfully.

Our friends are alive!" Rainbow cheered. "We got worked up over nothing."

"But how will we find them?" Rabbit wondered. "This cave system is huge."

"Don't worry. I know just how to get them." Christopher Robin said.

Pooh dipped his hand in the honeypot. He pulled it out, now with honey drizzling down his arm. He was about to eat it when he stopped himself.

"Now, Christopher Robin, I was saving this honey for you. But since we're together, if I munched a small smackerel you'd have half, would you not?" Pooh asked.

"Why not save some for us?" Spike suggested.

"To be fair, honey won't really help us still alive down here much longer." Twilight pulled Spike closer to her. "Honey doesn't have any protein which we kinda need to survive. Still, it would be nice to have something in my stomach."

"Although, to be fair to us all, I should munch twice as much." Pooh dipped his hand back into the jar.

"That doesn't sound fair to me." Twilight said. "If anything the honey would only last..."

"But then this would only last...half as long." Pooh moaned. "Oh, it's a bothersome thing eating for two and sharing with two others."

"What did you expect? It's a tiny jar being shared amongst the three of us." Spike commented.

To make things more problematic, the three heard growling echoing in the distance. They quickly stood up and began walking backward.

"Sounds like we've got another guest." Spike said fearfully.

"When there's company of three..." Pooh then bumped into something.

The three turned around to see a large honeypot sitting there with a rope attached to it.

"When did this get here?" Twilight wondered.

"Oh! Look what someone has left." Pooh said.

He dipped his entire upper-body into the massive pot and began to feast on the honey. The rope tightened and began to lift Pooh and the jar into the air. Thinking quickly, Twilight and Spike grabbed to the sides of the honeypot. They were raised higher and higher until finally they were lifted onto a ledge.

"Well, that gets us out of there." Spike said.

The pony and dragon let go of the jar.

"Thanks for helping us..." Twilight stopped herself when she was face-to-face with their savior. "Christopher Robin?"

"Twilight! Spike!" A voice cried out.

The two turned to see the rest of their friends standing there with happy smiles. The Main 7 were reunited. The ponies and dragon all hugged each other, tears forming in their eyes.

"We thought we lost you two." Rarity sniffled.

"We thought the Skullasaurus got you." Fluttershy cried.

"I was scared you wouldn't be able to find us." Spike wept.

"Oh, Spike. We would never abandon you two. Never." Applejack spoke softly.

"It's okay. We're together again." Twilight said between sobs of joy.

"Oh, Twilight. Your wing." The yellow pegasus said sorrowfully.

"It's just a sprain. I'll be alright." The alicorn replied confidently.

"Welcome to the club." Rainbow said.

Twilight then looked up and saw Christopher Robin.

“You’re okay, too!” She said joyfully.

“Of course. Why wouldn’t I be?” The boy questioned.

“Uhh, yeah…’bout that, Twi.” Applejack went on the explain Owl’s egregious spelling error and Christopher Robin’s whereabouts.

The purple alicorn stood slack-jawed.

“Are you kidding!? We endangered our lives for nothing!?” She said angrily.

“Well, we learned some things.” Rabbit pointed out sheepishly.

“Some self-confidence, yes. But, that doesn’t matter now. We’re all just glad you three are safe.” Rarity soothed.

Twilights anger dissipated. She smiled warmly.

“Thanks, girls.” She said happily.

Meanwhile, Pooh was still happily munching on his honey. Christopher Robin knocked on the jar to get Pooh's attention.

"Hm?" He muffled with a honey-covered hand in his mouth.

Using his hind legs, he began to pull himself from the pot. He struggled a bit and his feet slipped, but, finally he popped out and tumbled to the ground. Pooh's eyes fell on Christopher Robin, who smiled down at him. Pooh was surprised, but overjoyed as well. They young boy pulled him in for a hug.

"Oh!" The bear said happily.

"Silly old bear." Christopher Robin teased.

"Well, that completes our mission I guess." Twilight said. "Now let's get out of here."

"Best thing I've heard all day." Rabbit replied in relief.

Christopher Robin peaked out from the eye of the cave. It was bright out and the fog had long since dissipated. He began to climb down the side.

"And we looked and looked." Pooh chuckled joyfully. "But every place we looked was one of those places you weren't."

Christopher Robin helped Pooh down to the ground while Tigger bounced out after them. Fluttershy followed suit, carrying Spike on her back.

"So glad we're out of that nightmare." Spike sighed.

"And by the time we thought to look where you were, well...well, you...Um..." Pooh's words halted as he got a good look at the cave again. "Exc...Excuse me, Christopher Robin, but wasn't that a"

"Yeah. And a whole lot scarier?" Tigger agreed.

"Now it just looks like any regular cave." The baby dragon said.

The others began filing out of the cave.

"Well, things can seem that way when we're alone and afraid. Or so I'm told." The young boy explained.

"I understand. That happens to me a lot." Fluttershy said.

"But now there's nothing to be afraid of." Rabbit chuckled, right before he slipped and tumbled down the cave side and into a bush.

"Watch your step there." Rainbow peered from over the edge.

"Nothing to be afraid of at all." Piglet said cheerfully.

"Finally. Some fresh air." Rarity sighed.

The day was slowly coming to an end. The sun began to set giving the sky a brilliant, golden glow. Pooh, Christopher Robin, and the Main 7 were all walking over to the large tree that sat on the hill. pooh soon got distracted by a butterfly.

"I still am not certain why you went to this school, Christopher Robin." Pooh was so hooked on the butterfly that he didn't realize he walked right on top of the boy's head.

"Well, I went there to learn things." Christopher Robin said.

"That's the whole purpose of a school." Twilight added.

"We learn things here." Pooh replied.

"I mean things like...where the sun goes at night. And how words are spelled. And how they're not." Christopher explained.

"Oh, Rabbit will be so proud." Pooh hoisted himself onto a branch, stilling chasing after the butterfly.

"It's rather fun really, in a different sort of way." Christopher Robin climbed up the tree.

"Wait. What about us?" Rainbow asked.

"Maybe this should be just between those two." Twilight consoled. “Besides, I need to talk you, Rarity, and Applejack about earlier.”

“He had it coming, Twi.” Rainbow said.


“Please! I’m sorry! It was a honest mistake!” Owl pleaded while being chased by three angry ponies.

“I’ll show you mistake! Get back here.” Rainbow shouted furiously.

“I’ll show you the wrath of the Apple family!” Applejack said angrily.

“I shall personally see to all of your feathers get pulled off and BURNED!” Rarity screamed with righteous fury. “Consider this punishment for putting us on this pointless adventure and endangering me and my friends. Especially poor Spike-Wikey.”

“Help!” Owl cried out.

End of flashback

"It was scary at first. But then...I remembered how brave Piglet can be. And that helped." The branch holding up Christopher Robin almost snapped apart, leaving the boy swaying in the autumn breeze. "And sometimes I didn't think I'd have the strength to go on."

Christopher Robin's grip began to loosen from the branch. He slipped, but grabbed onto Pooh's leg while the bear held onto another branch.

"Then I thought of Tigger." He continued. "And once I found myself feeling very much alone."

"What did you do then?" Pooh asked. He slipped from the branch and the two fell from the tree.

The Main 7 gasped. Thinking quickly, Twilight caught the boy and bear with magic and laid them down gently onto the grass.

"I...thought of you, Pooh." The young boy answered softly.

"It's what I would have done." Pooh chuckled.

"We would have done something similar, too." Rainbow added.

As Pooh brushed himself off, Christopher Robin walked over to the edge of the slope.

"Pooh Bear. I'm told that tomorrow I'll be going again." He said sadly.

"Again?" Pooh asked in surprise. "Shall I find you again?"

"No. I'm going to school." Christopher Robin laughed.

Pooh walked up alongside his best friend.

"I'll be back, long as you're here." The boy sat down on the ledge. "Promise me you'll be here. Always. Even when I'm 100."

Pooh tapped his hand to his head, thinking really hard.

"How old shall I be then?" He asked.

"Ninety-nine." Christopher Robin said simply.

"I promise." Pooh replied whole-heartedly.

"For ever and ever?" Christopher pressed on.

"Yes, Christopher Robin. For ever and ever." Pooh answered back.

The Main 7 came up to them.

"Wanna make that a Pinkie Promise?" Pinkie said brightly.

"I don't have a pinkie." Pooh looked at his hands.

"Don't worry. I know Pooh will always keep a promise." Christopher Robin said.

"I just glad we're all okay." Twilight then felt the familiar sensation on her body. She looked to her cutie mark and saw it was glowing. "Looks like are mission is done, girls."

The rest of the Main 7 saw that their cutie marks were glowing, too.

"You're right. Though I don't know why this had to happen on such a heartwarmin' moment." Applejack said.

"Why? What does it mean?" Christopher Robin asked.

"It means that our mission is over and that it's time to head home." Twilight said.

The portal formed in-front of the Main 7, ready to send them back home.

"You're all leaving, too?" Pooh asked sadly.

"Unfortunately, yes. And we probably won't return tomorrow or anytime soon." Twilight said. "But, we might return someday and, like with Christopher Robin, with be with you, even in spirit."

"Let's just hope we don't have to go on another dangerous journey next time." Rarity said.

"Well, you're certainly no fun." Rainbow said dully.

"I just want to be safe." Rarity argued.

"And you don't have to look for us either. We'll be alright." Spike solaced.

"This is goodbye I guess. We hope to see you again." Christopher Robin said.

"I hope so, too." Fluttershy said.

They all came in for a large group hug.

"Tell, Piglet, Rabbit, Tigger, and Eeyore we said goodbye to them, too." Twilight said.

"Don't worry we will." The young boy said.

"Oh, I promise we'll remember you guys, too." Pooh said.

"Thank you." Twilight said. "Goodbye."

With that the Main 7 walked through the portal while Christopher Robin and Pooh waving goodbye to them. Once the portal disappeared, the two held each other in a side-hug, staring off into the autumn sky.

And so it is here we shall leave them. And here we shall find them again. For the boy and the bear and the Main 7 will always be together in this remarkable place called the Hundred Acre Wood.

It had been a few days since Twilight and her friends had gotten back from there latest adventure with Pooh and his friends. Twilight was currently on a train heading for Canterlot. Earlier in the had she had Spike send a letter to Princess Celestia asking her for a private meeting.

Ever since Spike and her we left stranded in the cavern, Twilight felt as if the inter-dimensional mission was not a good idea. Over the course of there three adventures, she and her friends we forced into life-threatening situations. They were forced to fight a gang, Rainbow had fly through a stormy ocean, and they all were hung precariously over to gorge to save someone. Granted, they did most of these things to save or help someone, but it didn't make Twilight any less scared for her friends safety. Her thoughts were interrupted when the train began to slow to a stop. When it halted at the station, Twilight stepped out of the passenger car and made her way to the castle.

Celestia had agreed to meet in one of her private reading rooms. Twilight knocked on the door.

"Come in." A voice said from the other side.

The purple alicorn opened the door where Celestia was sitting at a table with a cup of tea.

"Twilight. Glad you could make it." The solar princess greeted. "How was the trip?"

"It was fine. I was too busy thinking of things to take in the scenery." Twilight said.

"What kind of things?" Celestia asked.

"Well, that's the reason why I asked for this meeting." The friendship princess responded.

Twilight took a seat adjacent to her mentor.

"Tea?" Celestia levitated a cup of freshly brewed tea to her student.

"Yes, please." Twilight took the cup in her magic.

"So what is it that you wish to discuss?" Celestia asked softly.

Twilight drew in a large breath.

"You know how me and my friends have been sent off on these friendship missions to other worlds, right?" She started.

"Yes. You have written quite a few letters to me detailing your adventures." Celestia said.

"Well, it's just that...I..." Twilight struggled through the next few words.

"Take your time, Twilight. We have all day to get through..."

"I'm scared." Twilight finally said.

The white alicorn stared at her and smiled.

"Well that's perfectly normal. I can imagine being in different worlds can be quite jarring." Celestia said.

"It's not the new worlds that worry me. It's what happens in those worlds." Twilight clarified. "We've only done three of these missions and already we've been through a lot of perilous things; Rainbow almost drowning in an ocean, Forced to fight an evil gang and a deranged demi-god with a sword. My friends fell into a gorge, for your name's sake.

At this point, Twilight began tearing up.

"I thought I lost them for good if it wasn't for the marsh at the bottom." The purple pony sobbed. "And Spike. He means so much to me. I love like he was my own son. if something were to happen to him...*sob* I could never forgive myself. These missions are becoming too dangerous. I don't to risk my friends lives any longer. And what will this mean when I become the new ruler of Equestria? I don't want think of what could happen to any of those ponies out if I can't do anything to save them. All I'm proving to myself is that I'll become a horrible ruler.

Tears streamed down Twilight face as she sobbed to herself. Then she felt a body press up against her. It was Princess Celestia.

"Twilight, you're not going to be a horrible leader. I chose you to be my student and as a princess because I saw to great potential within to be a even better leader than me." Celestia consoled. "You won't be able to control every situation that happens. That's something even I had to learn. But, you can't let that discourage you from showing others the magic of friendship even in other worlds."

"But, how can I keep my friends safe if I have no control over a situation?" Twilight sniffled.

"You keep them safe anyways. Not only that but they can look after themselves, too." Celestia explained. "Twilight, you are stronger, braver, and smarter than you realize and you've shown better leadership than most other ponies. You may feel as if your failing your role, but you're not. And don't let those bad situations discourage you from carrying out friendship missions to other worlds. If anything, they give you the opportunity to become better at leading and protecting. Remember you and your friends are the Elements of Harmony, your duty is to protect and show the power of friendship.

"Stronger, braver, and smarter. Just like Tigger, Piglet, and Rabbit." Twilight thought to herself.

She was better than she thought she was and Celestia knew that. Her faith and words of comfort made her feel better. Yes, missions were always going to have some amount of danger, but as long as she did what she was destined to do, then there was nothing to be afraid of. She would protect her friends, she would protect her son no matter what.

"Thank you, Celestia." Twilight finally returned to hug.

"You're welcome, my faithful student." Celestia said softly.

Twilight felt a great sense of relief wash over her. She felt more capable than she ever felt. She was braver than she believed, stronger than she seemed, and smarter than she thought.

Tara Strong - Twilight Sparkle

Cathy Weseluck - Spike

Ashleigh Ball - Applejack & Rainbow Dash

Tabitha St. Germain - Rarity

Andrea Libman - Pinkie Pie & Fluttershy

Nicole Oliver - Princess Celestia

Jim Cummings - Winnie the Pooh

John Fiedler - Piglet

Ken Sansom - Rabbit

Paul Winchell - Tigger

Peter Cullen - Eeyore

Brady Bluhm - Christopher Robin

Andre Stojka - Owl

David Warner - The Narrator