> Blue Dew > by SashayGallant > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1: Humble Beginnings > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Blue Dew CHAPTER 1:Humble Beginnings “The whole thing is flooded again!” Dew quickly snatched a shovel from her kit with her mouth. If she didn’t hurry, the plot could be ruined. She dug a trench by the yellow flowers, releasing a flow of water. “Oh Celestia, that was a close one!” she heaved a sigh of relief, and wiped her brow. “One more second, and you could have drowned little guy.” She spoke in a soft baby tone to the flower, as if using a strong voice could rob it of its innocence. “Alright, I think that’s all for today.” She smiled towards the flowers, “Luna will be taking her position soon, and I have a long day tomorrow.” She tossed her tools into her stitched bag; First the shovel, then the pick, and then the can. They were all beautifully organized, she respected her tools. Her house always appeared to be a different color when the sun set. Instead of its normal yellow, it turned into a bright orange as Celestia released her grip on the sun, and Luna fastened hers to the moon. She enjoyed this part of the day the most. She watched as the sun tucked under the blanket of the mountains rolling in the distance, smothering it with the gentle bump of a hill. Not soon after, the moon’s radiance invaded her small cottage from the east, and lit her house with lunar rays. It was time to rest, and Dew’s bed beckoned her to lay her weary head upon its softest and coolest layers. As she lay there, she reflected on what she was to do tomorrow. She was not lying when she said she had a long day tomorrow. All days were long now, and ever relentless. She had many thoughts, but they did not retard her ability to sleep. She drifted to sleep. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Light beamed into the room. It startled Dew from her sleep. Was it really 6:00 already? “Gyahh… It gets harder to wake up every morning…..” she mumbled as she rolled out of bed. Dew lazily made her way to the shower. She turned on the hot water and then hopped in. She stood there, leaning against the wall of her tub, paralyzed by the gentle warm water. Her eyes weren’t fully open, and her Light Blue and Pink mane was still messy from sleep. After a few minutes of “Washing” she turned off the water and brushed her teeth and mane. She paused for a moment, brush still in hoof, and stared at herself in the mirror. “I’m not terrible looking….” She pondered, “Right?” After grooming herself, she trotted downstairs. The sun had barely risen, and yet she was ready to start the day. Dew grabbed her gardening kit and walked out of her little home. She locked the door behind her before facing the ally. It felt larger than it truly was. It seemed as if in the night the walls of the buildings separated to expose more of the road. It always looked like that in the wee hours of morning. The shopkeepers hadn’t opened yet, and the kiosks hadn’t been pulled from their sheds. The town really didn’t start operating until around 8:00. Dew knew this all too well. She checked the clock for a moment. Its old hands pointed at 6:15. “6:15?!” She thought, “Oh Luna! I’ll miss him!” While there were no customers wandering the streets yet, she ran towards her little stand at the far end of town as if Hearts and Hooves Day had come early, and a few unlucky colts forgot to purchase bouquets. She sprinted as fast as her hooves could take her, and ignored the jingles of the equipment in her bag. She rounded a corner, and saw her stand about a block away. “Why did it have to be so far away?” Dew said under her breath. She dashed to her stand, before throwing her bag under the desk. With a quick movement, she adjusted her mane, and made herself look busy. She started setting up the flower displays, but she wasn’t looking at them very often. Instead, her eyes were focused on the small road on which her stand lies. The path led to Sweet Apple Acres for southbound travelers, and that is exactly who she expected. Dew checked the clock again. It was 6:19. “Any second now,” She thought, “Any second….” Something caught her eye a moment later; a silhouetted figure walking southward. “There he is,” she said to herself. A navy blue colt was lazily trotting down the path. His black mane shimmered in the morning sun. It looked fresh from a shower. The colt looked towards Dew. Suddenly, she realized she was staring. Thinking fast, she grabbed the sign on her stand and pretended to be fixing it. “Mornin’!” called the Colt, “How are you today?” “Oh! Hello Sacred!” she spoke as if surprised to see him, “I'm fine, thanks for asking!” Sacred tilted his head and flashed a toothy grin. “Glad to hear it Dew.” She loved it when he smiled. He always seemed so happy, regardless of the time or place. “So how is Sacred Blue today?” She asked giddily. It always made her feel a bit lighter to be with him. “Well, I just finished taking a dip in the lake,” he declared with a goofy smile, “Felt great! It doesn’t get much better than that.” “You know, there is such a thing as a shower.” She said raising an eyebrow. “I know, I know, but what is the fun in that?” he leaned on her little flower booth, “Showers are just sitting in water. Isn’t it better to live a little?” Dew looked into his golden eyes. He had certain sincerity about him that she simply could not find in many others. She felt comfortable with him. “I guess so.” She whispered. Sacred Blue looked at her for a second with a chuckle, before standing upright. He turned his head and glanced at the town clock. “Well, I best be off. Big Mac needs my help to haul some lumber today, so I can’t waste time!” He said confidently before starting to walk away. “See ya later Dew!” Dew blushed then waved back, “Bye Sacred! Have fun!” She watched him walk away until he was over the hill, and the pathway enveloped him. Dew sighed and then rested her head on the stall. Today was going to be a good day.