How Ticklish Are You?

by AndrewsArchive

First published

You wake up late in the afternoon while snuggling with Zipp. Little do you know that she was feeling mischievous at that moment.

Zipp is mostly seen as a rebellious, smart, and tomboyish mare to say the least. But when with you, she shows her more softer, cuter side to you. But that doesn't mean she isn't the dominant one in the relationship. Especially when it comes to finding your "weak points." You find that out when napping with her one afternoon.

How Ticklish Are You?

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You groaned quietly as you feel yourself slowly awake to see the shared bedroom of your pony friends. The sun was shining through the windows. It looked to be still day outside. All you could hear was the faint sounds of birds chirping outside.

You gently raised your hand up and rubbed your eyes to dispose of the eye discharge. After doing so, you wanted to move to try and get in a more comfortable position and continue your slumber that the one you were in currently, but you felt a pony's forehooves wrapped around you tightly alongside soft and delicate wings. You quickly remembered that you were embraced in none other than your marefriend, Zipp Storm. Holding you close, her spiked up mane completely messy.

It had been almost a year since she confessed to you on the beach that day. And since that day, you and she had gotten closer to one another during that time. You and Zipp did eventually tell Sunny and the others about your relationship to one another, and they were taken aback by the news like you expected.

But despite their shock, they actually were supportive of you and Zipp's love for each other. But unbeknownst to the two of you, Pipp had already knew that when she and Queen Haven had a nice stroll through Maretime Bay and saw you and Zipp on the beach together.

And today, Zipp had gotten exhausted from her detective work and when Pipp saw her like that in Maretime Bay, she insisted that she should take a break so she wouldn't suffer from inevitable burnout. Zipp knew her sister had a point and had gone to the Crystal Brighthouse to take an afternoon nap.

Zipp had met you there as you had recently gotten off your job early and also came there exhausted. She offered to let you sleep with her. You at first wanted to decline, not wanting to make her feel awkward with you. But you decided to accept, mostly because you were starting to get tired of sleeping on the couches downstairs.

And here you are now. Snuggling closely with your marefriend in the afternoon. Her multicolored wings wrapped around your body and your arms doing the same thing. You didn't want to move and possibly wake her up. So, you closed your eyes and tried to go back to sleep.

But despite still feeling a bit groggily, you couldn't go back to sleep. You sighed in annoyance as your body wouldn't let you go back to sleep.

“Look who awoke early.” a voice whispered into your ear. You froze as you looked up to see Zipp had awoken and was staring down at you.

"Yeah... sorry, Zipp." You apologized. "Did I wake you up?"

"No, I was already awake before you." She replied. "But I didn't wanna move since I didn't know if you were asleep or not."

"Right, neither did I...." You say back. She snickered at your response. "Well... I guess this means we have to get up now.... don't we?"

"Aww already? But I feel so comfortable like this." Zipp pouted while trying to hold back a smirk.

She was right. You and she were very comfortable in the others embrace. It always is a pain mentally to get out of bed when you're in a comfortable position. Let alone snuggling with your marefriend too.

"I mean, it's not like we have anything else to do for the rest of the day...." You speak. "So, I don't see why to get out of bed yet...

"Awesome... If it means being close with you~" she says showing her soft side to you. It was pretty rare to see her more softer side. But only when she was with anypony else. She has shown you it to you before. Both her tough and soft sides were very sweet to you. Because you loved her regardless of which personality she showed.

"Hey Anon?" She suddenly spoke up.

"Yeah, Zipp?" You reply.

"How ticklish are you?"

"I....Umm...." You stammer as you try to come up with an excuse. You knew she was planning something devious. Zipp snickered seeing you blushing completely red.

"I think that answers a bit for me. But how much? Only one way to find out~"

"Zipp! No wait-" Your protests fell on deaf ears as Zipp suddenly began running her hooves all over your body very quickly. Causing you to break out into uncontrollable laughter. Zipp herself laughed a bit as well "torturing" like this as she continued rubbing her hooves against you all while you were begging for her to stop.

"Stop now? Where's the fun in that?" She says while continuously tickling you. "Why stop now when I've got a cute alien boyfriend to mess with?!"

You couldn't control your laughter. The tickling was half unbearable. You felt like you were gonna die of laughter if this kept up. Making you slam your fist down on the bed countless times while squirming from her grasp. But unbeknownst to you and Zipp, she was moving you across the bed since she was also pushing you a bit as well. And by the time you both realized it; it was too late as you fell off of her bed.

"Woah-woah-woah AAAAAAAHHHH-"

You cut yourself off as you landed on the ground with a loud thud. The air being knocked out of you. A sharp pain ran through the back of your head as you grab it on instinct. Even though you knew Zipp only had the intention of playfully teasing you, it still hurt incredibly badly. Zipp looked down at you in worry now seeing she had gone too far. She quickly jumped off her bed and landed right beside you. Kneeling down to you. Her expression of concern and worry still upon her face.

"Oh hoofness... Anon... are you okay?!" She asked you, helping you sit up all while you kept holding the back of your head in one hand. "Are you seeing double or feeling dizzy at all?"

"Urgh... Kinda...." You say between hard breaths due to temporarily being unable to breathe right. Zipp helped you up and gently held onto you as she brought you onto her bed by flying you up slowly. "My head hurts a lot..."

"D-don't worry... I'm gonna go get an icepack from downstairs. Just stay there..." Zipp says as she quickly flew downstairs to the kitchen. While searching through the freezer side of the fridge, she made a mental note never to go too rough on you like that again. Her guilt getting worse knowing that your body isn't as strong as her or anypony in this world.

After a bit of searching, she finds a frozen ice pack and quickly heads back upstairs to you and hands you the ice pack. You take it from her and slowly place it on the back of your head. You wince as the cold temperature stings the pain a bit. But it was worth healing said pain. All while Zipp stood there, still feeling guilty.

"Are you feeling any better?" She asks you.

"A little bit." You respond." "Hopefully it'll be better by tomorrow..."

"Yeah... hopefully..." She nervously chuckled before sighing. "Look, I am really sorry about hurting you... I...I didn't mean for this to happen... I just.... I-I..." Zipp was interrupted by you lifting your free hand up to her chin. Making you look directly at her.

"Zipp, look at me..." You tell her. "I know you didn't mean for me to get hurt. And I did kinda enjoy being tickled by you. But please take it easy from now on, okay?"

Zipp just sighed as she looked up at you. Her ear twitching a bit. A smile crept up upon her face. "Well... No promises~"

"There's the tomboyish pegasus I know and love. "You smirk, now teasing her back for once. Zipp just looked at you completely unamused.

"Anon, you can be such a dork sometimes, y'know that?" Zipp said, before smirking back at you and giving you a peck on the forehead.. "But you're MY dork."