> Fire? > by Jhoira > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Fireplace? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "FIRE!" Rainbow Dash yelled as she presented Applejack with her gift: a massive bonfire in the middle of her yard. Applejack stared, slack-jawed, at the enormous fire, which, of course, could only be a good thing. "I know, I know, when you asked, you didn't expect such a glorious fire, but everything I do is awesome!" Applejack's gaping wasn't from being impressed, as anyone besides Rainbow Dash could have guessed. "I know I didn't wrap it, but do you have any idea how expensive fireproof wrapping paper is!? It has to breathe to let the fire live, and be fireproof!" She shook her head, crossing her forelegs. "That's just unreasonable, Applejack." Applejack shook her head and managed to find her voice. "Ah... Rainbow Dash." She looked around and nodded to herself, no need to be actually mad. It was inconvenient and weird, but she hadn't put it anywhere dangerous, so it was just an annoyance. "Rainbow Dash, I didn't say I wanted a fire." Rainbow Dash's eyes widened. "What!? You didn't want a fire? But I thought you said you wanted a fire!" Applejack shook her head and facehoofed. "Cover, Rainbow Dash. A firep..." Rainbow Dash nodded, determined to right the wrong she had enacted. "AH! A cover! Got it!" And she sped off, leaving a rainbow-colored stream behind her as Applejack finished her sentence. "Place cover... Oh, this isn't going to end well..." Applejack looked up in confusion as she heard a distant boom. Wondering who was setting off fireworks on Hearth's Warming Eve, she shrugged, apparently, someone had a new... An admittedly odd holiday celebration. She shook her head with a small smirk. She didn't want to say that her traditions were better... But... She blinked as a pile of metal tubes were deposited in front of her, followed by the loud bang of a crate behind them. Rainbow Dash beamed at her, quite self-satisfied. "There you go! Fire cover!" Applejack frowned and looked at the items before her eyes widened. It took her a little time to recognize the items that had been deposited in front of her. "Mortars!?" Rainbow Dash nodded. "Oh yeah, I just had to get them from the Wonderbolts' armory! What do you need them for anyway? Someone trying to move in on your apple goods?" Applejack shook her head in utter bafflement, again, Rainbow Dash could only take that as wonderment. "I know, these are the highest quality. They have their own range finders and everything! You can even time them to fire after a delay; they're amazing! Will bring down anything you need them to!" Applejack opened and closed her mouth a few times before she looked back at Rainbow Dash, shuddering. "Rainbow Dash! Take these... Dangerous weapons back!" Rainbow Dash blinked in surprise. "And listen to me carefully." She made long, meaningful eye contact with Rainbow Dash. Even to the point where it became uncomfortable... Which then Rainbow Dash ruined the seriousness that Applejack was trying to convey. "Are we going to kiss?" Applejack reared back. "What!? No! I was just trying to tell you how serious I was!" Rainbow Dash smirked. "Ah, too bad. But just tell me what you want! I mean, you've said fire, then fire cover, what next?" Applejack sighed, shaking her head. "Ok, listen to me, Rainbow Dash. I would like, for Hearth's Warming, a fireplace..." "GOT IT!" And with that, Rainbow Dash was gone. "Cover... OH COME ON!" Applejack could only slump in defeat. Applejack could only groan as she heard the loud crash outside. Looking out her door, she wasn't surprised to see Rainbow Dash with, somehow, an entire brick fireplace in her front yard. At least its weight had smothered the remains of the earlier bonfire. Though that was somewhat rendered meaningless as Rainbow Dash had restarted a fire in the fireplace that was now in the front yard. "There you go!" Rainbow Dash patted the top of the fireplace. Which was kind of just a standing brick box with an open top and front since it wasn't attached to a building. "A new fireplace! Wasn't the easiest thing to find, and had to call in a favor from Bulk." She motioned over her shoulder, showing that indeed, Bulk Biceps was flying away. "But I got it here!" Applejack sighed and just accepted her fate. "Thanks, Rainbow Dash, that's real nice of ya." Rainbow Dash nodded, preening slightly as she was praised. "I know, I gave you not one, but three..." She paused. "Well, I guess two, since you made me take the mortars back." Applejack blew out a long breath and nodded, smiling. At least Rainbow Dash... Tried. And the effort counted. She gave her best smile she could manage, which... Wasn't a great one, but maybe it'd pass. "Well, thank ya again, Rainbow Dash. Now, if you'll excuse me," she motioned back to the farmhouse with her head. "We were gonna open family presents." Rainbow Dash nodded, beaming at her friend. "You're welcome! I hope you like your present!" And with that, she flew off. Applejack shook her head as she walked back into the house. Well, at least nothing bad happened, especially when Rainbow Dash brought explosives of all things! She froze on her way through the family room. "Big Mac?" Big Mac poked his head out of the kitchen. "Yeah?" Applejack pointed at the new cover on the fireplace. "Where did that one come from?" Looking at it, Big Mac smiled. "Rainbow Dash said it was your present. She distracted you so I could put it in." And with that, he pulled his head back into the kitchen to continue his work. Applejack gaped at her "proper" present... Then turned around and glared at the front door, hearing distant snickering as her trickster of a friend not only knew what she was doing the first time, she continued to play it up for her own amusement!... Though, Applejack had to admit, it was a bit funny at least.