A Vampire's Reunion

by Big Imagination E

First published

Scootaloo returns after Rumble shows her around the kingdom

After when Scootaloo became a vampire to Rumble she wanted to let her parents and friends know she's okay. Rumble takes her and we lead to a reunion.

This is requested by ChazMLPFIM.

Exploring and Reunion

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It was a lovely day at the Dragon Vampire Kingdom and we see two rumble vampires wake up. They were Scootaloo and Rumble. See ever since he first confessed his secret of being a vampire and Scootaloo chose to stay with him they have been together in complete bliss. Now today was a special day for her. Rumble noticed for a while that she needed to let her parents know that she is okay. But at the same time she also needed to get used in the dragon vampire kingdom. Lucky for her her boyfriend Rumble will take care of that.

"Morning baby. I hope you slept well." Rumble smiled.

"I did. But didn't you know that today I wish to let my parents know that I'm okay?" Scootaloo asked.

"Oh yes sweetie. You definitely mentioned that. I already sent them a message and before we go I think I should show you around the kingdom." Rumble offered.

"I would like that." Scootaloo said.

Rumble took her hand and guided her around the kingdom. The first place they stopped at was a garden filled with all sorts of night flowers blooming everywhere.

"This is the Elegant Night Garden where we grow all kinds of night flowers. You might like to grow some later on." Rumble said.

"It's beautiful. What else is there?" Scootaloo asked.

The two walked continuing the tour. Their next stop was a park with a giant vast glassy lake. Scootaloo couldn't stop staring if she wanted to.

"Here we have the Starry Park. A place where vampires can walk around and enjoy each others company. And we sometimes like to go on a canal ride on our gondola boats. Maybe me and you can enjoy a ride whenever we can." Rumble explained.

"Yes. It would really feel like a special moment. But let's continue." Scootaloo agreed.

Rumble nodded and they carried on to their third stop around the kingdom. There was a fashion shop where they go to pick out the best clothes they want.

"Now here is the Vampire's Top Night Fashion Shop. Here we shop for different kinds of clothes that we vampires want. Some of us can be a little picky but once we find what we want then that's all it matters." Rumble replied.

"Well since I'm staying here I definitely need some other clothes." Scootaloo admitted.

"We can do that when we return from seeing your parents. Come. There's a lot more to see." Rumble said.

So we began a montage. Rumble showed his girlfriend everything else that was around the kingdom. Like they went to a museum where they showed all the stuff that happened over the years. Then they went to a few other shops other than the fashion shop. There was a food shop, A toy shop, and a bunch of others that go on. Next was checking out a few restaurants. They went to a few outside seat ones where you can sit outside and enjoy your meal. And the others were obviously where you go sit down and eat. Finally they went to two places where they get their carriages and some tech as weapons where they defend themselves. We end the montage with them waiting for their carriage and sure enough Thunderlane arrived and opened the door for them.

"Come you two. It's time for a reunion." Thunderlane said.

"Yes brother. Come my love." Rumble replied.

She smiled as Rumble being a gentleman stepped beside the door and allowed her to go first. After she got in Rumble headed inside the carriage too and Thunderlane got on the driver’s spot, leading the horses and carriage out to head back to her hometown.

After two hours they finally arrived at Scootaloo's original home. They got out of the carriage and Rumble knocked on the door and waited. After five minutes the door opened and it was her mother and father and also Rainbow. They were all shocked seeing her again. Especially Rainbow since she is like a sister to Scootaloo.

"Scoots? Is that you? You look different." Rainbow said teary eyed.

"That's because I'm A vampire now Rainbow. And listen I made my choice of being one. I really like Rumble I decided to live with him." Scootaloo answered.

"Well is he keeping you safe dear? That's what we want to know." Windy Whistles said.

"That I am sir and ma'am." Rumble said. "You see I'm A vampire too and made my girlfriend into one as well. I know I should have told you all this before but I didn't know how you would react. And don't be afraid but we are the dragon vampire couple together."

The parents took their time to process everything that Rumble said and took a deep breath before facing him.

"Well we will admit that we are a bit surprised that you are a vampire and Scootaloo decided to stay with you. But as long as you keep her protected then it's all okay." Bow replied.

"Thank you. And again I'm very sorry for upsetting you two. But we felt like we needed to do something so you wouldn't get all worried. So we left a message for you." Rumble explained.

"Oh we got the message. We did read it. And yes we were a little upset and scared hearing that Scootaloo left to live with you but when we heard that you were vowing to protect her then we felt better. Just promise us one thing Rumble dear." Windy said.

"And what would that be Miss Windy Whistles?" Rumble wondered.

"Promise us that when you and Scootaloo leave that you will protect her with all your heart and if something happened please let us know." Windy promised.

"I promise. I will protect Scootaloo for she is my girlfriend and I love her. I never break a promise. So you have my word." Rumble vowed.

"Thank you Rumble. Now how's about you both come join us for dinner? We really want to hear how the new life is treating Scootaloo." Bow smiled.

The two smiled and went inside the house to share some dinner and also have Scootaloo share the story of her new life with Rumble as a vampire. After that delicious meal they left and said goodbye to everyone and promised to visit them real soon. And that my friends is the tale of a reunion of two vampires and her original family.

The End.