PAW Patrol: Equestria

by Robert Emerald Fountain

First published

Equestria gets terrorized by Victoria Vance, but Ryder and the pups arrive to help the citizens stop her.

One normal day in Equestria seems to be going like clockwork when a evil-spirited and power-hungry woman suddenly appears out of nowhere and start causing chaos. Knowing something must be done, Twilight and Flurry Heart send out a call for help. Can this sudden crisis be averted?

Escaped AGAIN

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PAW Patrol Headquarters,
Adventure City,


Ryder and his pups were conducting an experiment for space travel. They had recently built a rescue vehicle designed for low orbit, but now they were starting to expand and search for areas beyond the solar system that were in distress. Tonight was when they were launching a ship with a top-secret prototype deep-space drive. They had fitted their low orbit vehicle, the Space Patroller, with this device as well, but they were not sure if it was going to work properly. This test would determine whether or not adjustments were needed.

Just as Liberty had started the 60-second countdown, a scanner on the Patrol's offshore launchpad kicked in for a final sweep to make sure one last time that all systems were go. As the scanning wave moved over the cockpit, a dangerous tracking signal was picked up, which sounded an alarm at the main base.


Experimental Craft:
Prisoner Identification Detected


"Black Alert" meant that the PAW Patrol's scanner had picked up the tracking signals of escapees from prisons. They had hoped to never deal with this, even though Rocky had designed tracking probes to be used by the prison guards as a precautionary measure. When the alarm sounded, Chase rushed to the computer screen since he was the police pup. Upon seeing the tracker's ID number, he yelled for Ryder in a flash.


Ryder came running up to the viewing area and he turned pale when he saw the ID number.


V57301: Victoria Vance


Ryder frantically started typing in a special code to stop the countdown, but he had waited too long. The timer reached full zeroes three milliseconds before he hit "Enter" to initiate the code. The rocket engines ignited and propelled the ship into the night sky. In frustration, Ryder called out over the base's intercom.

"Pups, we may have a catastrophe brewing. Suit up and equip your crystals immediately.", he said.

Chase rushed to suit up with the other pups and then came running back with them.

"Mighty Pups ready for action, Ryder Sir.", he said.

"Ryder, what's going on?", asked Marshall.

"Take a look at the screen. Tell me if you recognize this ID number.", Ryder replied angrily.

When the other pups saw the identification number, they were both annoyed and shocked at the same time. This was Vance's ID. She had escaped from jail AGAIN.

"You've got to be kidding me.", said Liberty.

"NOT AGAIN!", screeched Skye.

By this point, the rocket had cleared low orbit and the deep-space drive was about to kick in.

"She has stowed away on board our experimental craft. If she dares to try and take control, there's no knowing what will happen.", explained Chase.

"Even then, what's she going to do? She hasn't the foggiest idea how any of the controls work. That means she could possibly crash. Problem solved as long as she doesn't survive. We won't have to deal with her anymore.", said Skye.

"That may be true, but there is still a chance that she WILL survive. If she does, we'd better be there to stop her.", said Ryder.

Just then, the powerful engines kicked in and blasted the ship deep into space. For the moment, the pups could only monitor the ship's status. Minutes later, the deep-space drive shut down and the ship slowed to a glide near an inhabited planet.


On board the craft, Vance was dragged backwards when the rocket blasted off and she got pinned against the rear walls when the deep-space drive's engine fired. She was hit with so much g-force that she passed out during the flight. After the drive had shut down, Vance was left floating motionless until she came to. After regaining her senses and putting her glasses back on; Vance made her way to the front of the cockpit and started trying to work the controls. However, as Skye had suspected, she didn't know how the controls worked. The ship was sent into a steep dive towards the ground until it splashed hard into the planet's largest ocean.

Once the craft had stabilized, Vance found the switches to open the main hatch and she swam to shore after disembarking.


"Looks like Vance survived the entire ordeal.", said Skye.

"I bet she got the wind knocked out of her. She was pinned back hard when the engines fired.", said Rubble.

"At this point, that's irrelevant. We now know that the deep-space drive is working properly. We need to launch the Space Patroller and chase her down.", said Ryder.

"I concur.", said Chase.

At once, the PAW Patrol made their way to the launchpad and boarded the Space Patroller. After launching into space, they quickly plugged in the coordinates that the experimental craft had reached and fired their engines.

Calling for Help

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Luna saw the craft come screaming down from the sky and rushed to wake up Celestia. The two sisters sent royal guards to inspect the crash site, but several of them were injured and had to be brought back. Early the next morning, a sinister looking woman barged into the dining room as Celestia and Luna were eating breakfast. The princesses were flat out ANNOYED by the sudden disruption of peace and demanded to know who this was.

"I am Victoria Vance, and I seek the most powerful source of energy to use against those who defeated me.", hissed the mean woman.

"You don't sound very trustworthy.", growled Luna.

"That's it!", yelled Vance as she charged at Luna and tackled her to the floor.

"Celestia, get word to Twilight.", shrieked Luna as Vance grabbed her horn and began absorbing her magic in a frightening manner.

Celestia quickly wrote a scroll and began running to her chamber with Vance right on her tail.

"Oh no you DON'T!", screamed Vance as Celestia lit the scroll to send it to Twilight via fire.

Vance angrily knocked Celestia down and grabbed her by the horn just as she had done with Luna in order to siphon her power. As Vance absorbed the magic; Celestia began feeling lightheaded until she passed out. Realizing the possibility that the PAW Patrol might have found her out already, Vance fled Canterlot and headed north to strike the Crystal Empire after sensing the strong power from the Crystal Heart. Cadence defended herself and the heart, but Shining Armor was subdued and lost his power.


As Twilight was finishing her pancakes, Spike suddenly gave out a belch and released the urgent message from Celestia. Twilight took it in her aura and quickly read what was written.



This is an emergency. A sinister woman named Victoria Vance has shown up in Equestria and has stolen my magic as well as Luna's. She said that she is attempting to find the strongest source of energy that she can find in order to beat some sort of enemy she has. I hope she doesn't find out about the Elements, but you need to be ready regardless. Please HURRY!




After reading Celestia's scroll, Twilight sent word to Flurry Heart for help. Flurry arrived as fast as possible, fully clad in battle armor.

"Equestria is being terrorized by an unfriendly visitor. She seems to be searching for the strongest source of power she can get her hands on. She has already stolen Celestia and Luna's magic. Celestia sent the scroll to me just moments before her magic was taken. We must be ready to protect ourselves and make sure we don't lose our own power. They ask that we call for help, because they are unsure of whether or not the Elements can stop this threat.", Twilight explained.

"I agree with you, Aunt Twilight. Mom was able to protect both herself AND the Crystal Heart from this crazy woman when she hit the Crystal Empire, but Dad had his magic stolen.", replied Flurry.

The two alicorns rushed to the Everfree Forest and made their way to the communications tower. Once in the main room, they began calling out.

On the Space Patroller, Skye was keeping an ear to the radio for any signals when she picked up the call from Equus.

"Ryder, I have a signal. It's coming from the planet we are headed for.", she said.

"Put it on-screen.", said Ryder.

Skye nodded and transferred the call to the main viewscreen.

"This is Ryder from the PAW Patrol. Please state your emergency.", he said.

"My name is Twilight Sparkle. I am the Princess of Friendship on the planet Equus.", replied Twilight.

"What brings you to our world?", asked Flurry Heart.

"We are pursuing an enemy of ours. Her name is Victoria Vance.", replied Ryder.

"We are aware. She is apparently trying to find a power that would be strong enough to beat you.", said Twilight.

"How do you know that?", asked Ryder in amazement.

"She has attacked and stolen power from the top rulers in our homeland.", said Flurry.

"Not good. We will be there as fast as we can.", said Ryder's police pup Chase.

"See you when you get here. Flurry will wave you in.", said Twilight.

The PAW Patrol Arrives

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As the Space Patroller entered Equus' atmosphere just twelve minutes after the call from Twilight, Ryder kept a close eye out for Flurry Heart. When Chase spotted her, he called out. Just then, Flurry came up on the radio.

"Follow me.", she said.

Ryder acknowledged that he had heard Flurry and the pups started guiding the ship in a motion pattern to follow Flurry until they had touched down. Vance also happened to see the ship through binoculars and suddenly grew angry. She would have to deal with them much earlier than she had hoped. After Ryder landed the Space Patroller at a recently built space launch platform, Flurry led him and the pups to Twilight's castle. Everyone got down to business after a quick introduction.

"Is this who you saw?", Ryder asked Flurry after pulling out a picture of Vance.

"Yes, that's her.", said Flurry with a snarl.

"My goodness. She looks MEAN!", yelped Twilight.

"You said it. She tried to harness energy from meteors, but we stopped her and got the power for ourselves.", said Skye.

"I have six powerful artifacts hidden in my castle's library. Only those who are worthy can harness their power.", said Twilight.

"What happens to someone who is not worthy?", asked Rocky.

"I have no idea. However, it may not be pretty.", said Twilight.

Just then, Spitfire came running into the room with a frightened look in her eyes.

"The weather factory is all frozen up.", she said in between heavy breaths.

"Take me up there.", said Marshall as he demonstrated his fire paws.

"Right away.", said Spitfire.

"Let's start looking around to see if we can find Vance.", said Ryder.

"We will lend you our strength.", said Flurry as she and Twilight lit their horns and spread their wings.

As Spitfire carried Marshall to Cloudsdale, Ryder led the other pups to start searching for Vance with Twilight and Flurry following close behind.

Chasing After Vance

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Once Spitfire had flown Marshall to Cloudsdale, two weather ponies led him to the weather factory. Spitfire was not kidding when she said the place was frozen up. Marshall saw icicles EVERYWHERE.

"Can you thaw this place out?", asked one of the weather ponies in concern.

"POWER PAWS!", yelled Marshall as he slammed his front paws on the floor.

His paws burst into flames and he started shooting fireballs all over the room. The weather ponies were amazed at how fast Marshall's power defrosted the equipment until it was ready to be powered back up.

"Thank you.", said Spitfire after Marshall left the factory.

"My pleasure.", replied Marshall as Skye arrived to fly him back down to the ground.

"A woman named Victoria Vance was behind this. She said she was trying to gather power to defeat you.", said Spitfire as Skye prepared to fly away.

"I hope we can catch her in time.", Skye replied.

As Marshall was flown away from Cloudsdale, Skye told him that Vance had been spotted in the Dragon Lands.

"It turns out that she's attacking the leader and trying to steal her scepter in order to get its power.", said Skye.

"Then we'd better get going. Step on it.", said Marshall.

"POWER PAWS!", shouted Skye as she sent her jet flying at turbo speed to reach the Dragon Lands as fast as possible.


In the Dragon Lands, Vance was battling Dragon Lord Ember in an attempt to steal her scepter, just as Skye had said. Ember's troops were giving their all to hold Vance back, but she was able to subdue them easily by using the power she'd stolen from Luna and Celestia. Even Ember's father, Torch, was knocked back with ease. Vance finally made it to Ember's throne and raised a wall of rock to bind her. As Vance started absorbing the scepter's energy, something zipped past and knocked her hand away faster than she could blink her eyes. It was Chase, and he was using his super speed.

"YOU'RE UNDER ARREST ONCE AGAIN!", he growled after tackling Vance to the ground.

"I think NOT!", shouted Vance as she shot a bolt of energy from her hands.

Chase was sent flying backwards into the wall and he ended up with a major headache from the impact. Rocky charged in and tried to use his magnetism to grab Vance's belt; but she had other ideas and shot him with another bolt that threw him out the door where he almost hit Zuma in the face. Luckily, Zuma transformed into water to avoid Rocky by only a few inches. Skye arrived with Marshall only a moment later and she started flying fast in circles to make Vance dizzy. However, Vance was able to knock Skye back and quickly charged back to finish absorbing the energy from Ember's scepter. Liberty became agitated and stretched herself out in order to slingshot Rubble into the room and knock Vance down.

"You ready?", she asked Rubble as he transformed into a wrecking ball.

"FIRE!", yelled Rubble.

Liberty shot Rubble through the door, but Vance jumped out of the way and flew out through a hole in the ceiling. Even though Rubble did not hit Vance, he did manage to break the rocks around Ember and free her.

"She's headed back towards my castle.", screamed Twilight angrily.

"I've got a bad feeling about that.", shuddered Flurry Heart.

"Follow me back there, quick.", Twilight replied.

"I'll go with you. Having someone who can fly might be a good idea.", said Skye.

"Time is of the essence. We'll free the other dragons and attend to their injuries.", said Ryder as Marshall deployed his medical pack.

Twilight nodded before she, Flurry, and Skye took to the air and chased Vance back to Ponyville. When they reached Twilight's castle, they watched as Vance smashed through the doors.

"AFTER HER!", yelled Flurry.

Twilight and Skye nodded and they all charged in to catch up with Vance.

Vance's Tragic Consequences

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As Vance searched Twilight's castle for something with more power to fill her veins, she broke into the library and discovered the Elements of Harmony. Using the power she had stolen from the Royal Sisters, she could sense that these artifacts just might be her ticket to overpowering the Mighty Pups and completely defeat them at long last. However, Twilight, Flurry, and Skye barged into the room as she was beginning to absorb the energy. Twilight was horrified when she saw Vance absorbing the Elements' power.


"SHUT UP, PONY! The Mighty Pups beat me once, and I seek a way to pour out my wrath, starting with SKYE!", hissed Vance.

Skye started flying fast to dodge Vance's attacks, and she only got grazed once. Moments later, Vance started feeling weakness and extreme pain until she felt her legs give out. Suddenly, her face went pale and she spewed a massive volume of fluid out of her mouth. Upon seeing that the fluid was red, she started to panic.

"WHAT IS HAPPENING TO ME?", she shrieked.

Flurry put up her shield and rushed over to assess Vance's condition with a bio-monitor. When the results came back, Flurry was startled.

"You have absorbed so much power that you are having symptoms of radiation poisoning. You need to let it all go before it's too late.", Flurry said worriedly.

Suddenly, Vance's skin began giving off light and she began to scream loudly. Simultaneously, Flurry's radiation sensor began to go ballistic.

"SWEETHEART, TAKE COVER!!", Twilight yelled as she and Skye dived under a table.

As Flurry ran and ducked behind a bookshelf; Vance managed to stand up, even though it was painful. Before she could relinquish the power that she had stolen, her arms and her head began glowing brighter than any other part of her body. With a bloodcurdling scream that made everyone's ears bleed, including her own, beams of blinding light flew from her hands and around her neck. Eventually, her screams faded and the light in the room died down.

When Twilight looked up, she saw that the Elements were back to normal and all of the stolen magic had begun to scatter and return to its owners. Skye looked up and heard what sounded like something falling to the ground. Following the sound, she followed Flurry over to Vance after putting on a safety suit. Vance was lying facedown and motionless on the floor and Flurry's sensor was continuing to show high levels.

"It's too late. She absorbed so much power that it all escaped her body at the same time. In the process, it seems that the excessive energy dealt her a massive dose of radiation. She's gone.", said Flurry in a saddened tone before laying a lead-lined blanket over Vance.

Just then, Ryder showed up along with the other six pups. They had seen the bright light from the beams that burst out of Vance as they came back towards Twilight's castle.

"Is she about to strike again?", asked Chase angrily.

"No, she's not going to be of trouble for you ever again.", replied Flurry Heart.

"She isn't? How so?", asked Ryder.

"She's dead. It turns out that the power she absorbed somehow had a radioactive effect on her.", said Twilight.

"GEE WHIZ!!", yelped Rubble.

"OH DEAR!!", shuddered Liberty.

"YIKES!!", cried Zuma.

Ryder and all seven pups got to work and quickly repaired the damage from Vance's attack on Twilight's castle. They also placed Vance in a lead-lined casket as protection from the radiation she had absorbed. Knowing that the princesses would recognize them soon, Twilight advised that they get a good night's rest and everyone laid down after finishing the repairs.

Allying with Ryder

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The next morning, Ryder and his pups were recognized by Celestia, Luna, Twilight, Cadence, and Flurry Heart for their actions in stopping Vance from stealing all of the strongest power in Equestria. After being given medals of honor with crossed phoenix feathers, Equestria's highest award, the PAW Patrol signed a truce with the Royal Sisters to form a permanent alliance with them. If Ryder and his pups needed help with something involving massive amounts of power, they could reach out to Equestria. Similarly, if there was a serious rescue that Twilight and her friends needed help with, they could reach out to Ryder.

"We are honored to have become allies with you, Your Majesties.", said Ryder as he and his pups gave a bow to the princesses.

"LET'S HEAR IT FOR THE PAW PATROL!", cheered Celestia to the crowd.

Immediately, the audience erupted with applause and began taking pictures once the PAW Patrol had turned to face them.

Two hours later, it was time for Ryder and his pups to return home. They boarded the Space Patroller and blasted off. During their trip back to Earth, they shot Vance's casket into deep space where it was eventually reduced to ashes by the heat of a supernova. After safely returning to their headquarters in Adventure City, they remained allies with Equus for many years until they passed the torch to new members and retired.