> Another Night To Remember > by DATONETWIxDASHFAN > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > We Dare You > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "I can't believe we're in this fine mess.... again, Rainbow Dash!" mumbles Twilight, trying to adjust herself in this tight space they're in once more. Dash wanted to give them some more space but couldn't, as this time around, there was less room in the locker. "Oh, come on, Twi, we're not in danger or something. So relax." "How can I relax!? This is way worse than last time! And we're not in the girl's locker room this time, but..." We pan out to see the golden locker in the middle of the school summer fair, as it was the grand prize to whoever had the lucky winning ticket for the raffle: "MIDDLE OF THE FUCKING SCHOOL FAIR!" Twilight rubbed her face with her hands in exasperation. "Plus, we're in the locker that was meant to have all those prizes for that raffle! If our magic doesn't recover in time when they open the locker to the winner, we'll be found out not just to the school but to the whole town as naked perverts! Our lives are over if that happens!" Dash rolled her eyes. "You're being so melodramatic. We c-can-oh!" Dash blushed and moaned as she felt Twilight breathing down on her crotch area like before, and like last time, she was getting turned on. "T-Twi, can you calm down? Unless you want me to blast your face with my juices again?" Twilight's eyes widened and blushed. She moved her head away from Rainbow's crotch. "S-Sorry... I forgot how close we were, and-" Dash blushed as well. "Yeah, yeah, it's all good. Just stop panicking, and let's relax, okay? Besides, it's not bad this time around." She smirked as she put her hand on Twilight's horn, rubbing it. She could hear her girlfriend giving off cute, soft moans. She put her other hand on the other horn and rubbed it as well. "We have company this time around, right?" Dash looked over to the third anthro person that was across from Twilight, also blushing and naked but just wearing her leather jacket. "What are you doing, Rainbow Dash?" asked Sunset, very confused, why she's rubbing her horn. Dash stopped and looked confused. "Aren't you getting turned on by this as well?" Sunset was taken aback. "W-What?" "I mean, Twilight's horn is very sensitive, so I thought every unicorn in your world was like that as well? Or was I wrong?" Sunset's face was beet red and embarrassed. "W-Well...no...yes...I mean, we are...but...ugh..." Dash burst out laughing, seeing Sunset so embarrassed. "Man, you're so much fun to tease! Oh man, if I wasn't dating Twi, I'd totally date you." Sunset was shocked by the compliment but still a bit annoyed. "Yeah, yeah, yuck it up. Keep up with the damn teasing, asshole," she said, crossing her arms and looking away, mad but a little sad as well. Dash could see her face. She was feeling a little bad now. "Hey, hey, I mean it. I would totally date you. It's just Twilight and I are dating. So..." "You would have dated her?" asked Twilight, feeling something in her chest, which was jealously and hurt. Dash rubbed her nose. "Of course! I mean, have you seen her?" Dash gave a flirtatious grin. "She's a hot babe and a total badass. Plus..." Dash stared at Sunset's exposed yellow breasts, as they're pretty huge. "She has a bigger rack than yo-UGH!!!" screamed Dash, as she could feel Twilight elbowing her in her... "Dash, dude!?" shouted Sunset, blushing super hard as Dash dick shot up, being hard as a rock and twitching, and even started to smack her face and lips, as Dash recoiled from her balls being hurt. Dash put her hands on her balls and spoke in a high-pitched tone. "Sorry, Sunset! Lil Dashie here has a mind of its own. I can't help it." Dash put her hand on her dick, trying to move it away from Sunset's face, but she thought she saw Sunset looking a little upset that she moved it, almost like she wanted to have it near her face. She started to have dirty thoughts as her dick started to twitch more, but she quickly snapped out of it as Twilight grabbed her balls and squeezed them. "AHHH! Twi, what are you doing?!" Twilight glared at Dash, not saying a word towards her, but the look said it all. Twilight, looking over to Sunset "Sorry about this. We shouldn't have pushed you so much; you wouldn't be here,". She squeezed Dash balls again. "RIGHT, Dash?" Dash nodded super quick, as she didn't want her girlfriend to keep squeezing her new family jewels. "Yeah, of course. I'll try to lay off with the teasing, and I swear, I'm not going to do another dare game again in my whole freaking life!" Dash looked down at Sunset. "Why did you double down so much? Did you really wanted to win that badly? I understand that making the losing party do whatever you say can be fun, but how far things went, there has to be another reason." "I agree with Dash on this one; why did you keep going? It couldn't be...huh?" Twilight stopped, as she could see Sunset giving off a furious look and her eye were twitching. She never seen her look that before."...Sunset?" Sunset almost burst out in anger but stopped herself and breathed in and out. She spoke very calmly—well, not really, as she screamed. "ARE YOU TWO FUCKING KIDDING ME?!" Both Dash and Twilight looked at each other and back at her, very confused and worried. "You two are so fucking stupid! Like, how the fuck did you two didn't realize what's been going on? What I was trying to do?!" Dash rubbed Sunset's horn, trying to calm her down, but Sunset furious smacked her hand away. Twilight fixed her glasses, feeling a little scared. "W-what do you mean?" Sunset gave a very annoyed groan, not believing how clueless they were. "Are you girls so fucking dumb to not know how to read a person?! Not figuring out why they're acting the way they are?!" Dash rubbed her neck, as she felt kind of bad for not noticing something sooner, as Sunset were so upset her. "Come on, Sunset; don't say that. You're talking to the girl who is known as the dumbest girl in school. Sorry if I don't pick up social cues that w-well...-oh!" Dash suddenly felt pleasure and looked down, seeing Twilight stroking her cock and kissing it very lovingly. "T-Twi!?" Twilight kissed the cock some more and leaned back, gaving her a sad smile. "Dash, don't say that! You aren't dumb! Don't let people put you down like that. If anyone is stupid, it's me. I don't know how to handle a situation properly without freaking out; I can't even make friends without you and the girls help or I can't even tell if someone is trying to flirt with me, even when they're blatantly obvious." She returned kissing Dash's cock and stroking her balls, but she stopped as she felt Dash's hand on her horn, stroking it as well. "Twi, don't put yourself down either. You're a smart girl and one of the greatest girls I've ever met. So don't say things like that." Dash let go of Twilight's horn and petted her head very caring like, making her feel so much love. "I love you." Twilight blushed really hard and held her girlfriend hand, never wanting to it go. "R-R-Rainbow D-Dash..." she whimper, trying her hardest not to cry. "Aw, that's sweet, you two," mocked Sunset, trying not to sound bitter and jealous. She shook her head and shouted once more. "THIS! THIS IS WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT!" She was breathing heavily but had to calm herself down, as she could see their faces, they were afraid of her because of outburst rage. She coughed and spoke softly, not wanting to scared to them again. "Look, I'm happy for you; really, I am. Glad you two are dating and can finally be honest around each other, but please!" she rubbed the sides of her head. "Stop being so...DAMN HORNY! I mean, seriously?! Are you two always like this?! Always having sex at the drop of the hat?! Always doing it in damn public!" She sighed loudly but noticed their red faces and then noticing Twilight slowly going into panic mode. "...in public...then..." whispered Twilight, starting to go full panic mode. Dash tried to calm Twilight again by quickly rubbing her horn and turned to their friend. "Whoa, whoa! You could see us!?" "Of course, I can see you two!" Sunset furious pointed to her horn, which Dash started to stroke as well. "I'm a unicorn, remember! I can see and feel magic, even more so if the spell is low-level like the invisible spell that Twilight has been casting." Twilight started to hyperventilate under the realizing of what's happening. "When did you-" but she couldn't finish as Sunset shouted again. "FOR PETE SAKE! I COULD SEE YOU TWO EVERY TIME SINCE THE DARE GAME YOU HAD A FEW DAYS AGO! REMEMBER WHAT I SAID THAT DAY!? SEEING YOU DOING ALL THAT WEIRD STUFF! HECK, EVEN THE DAY AFTER WHEN YOU-..." Sunset and the girls were in the parking lot of the town's burger joint, enjoying their meals, but the girls could see Sunset looking a little red. "Darling, are you okay? You're looking a little red in the face. You're not sick, are you?" asked Rarity. Sunset rubbed her neck, still not looking at the girls but mostly looking to her right. "I'm f-fine..." The girls looked at each other, but then Fluttershy might have guessed what was wrong. "Sunset, you miss Dash and Twilight too?" Sunset blushed as she was taken aback what she was seeing, and not hearing Shy question. "WHAT?!" as she was still glued at whatever she was looking. Rarity nodded. "It's true, darling. We've noticed the lack of those two around. They're always together now, since they started dating. We feel the same way. I wish they were here." Fluttershy nodded and spoke softly. "It's true. I do miss them, but they're "busy"." she said, doing air quotes. "It's understandable they want alone time. Even more so with Dash, she's pretty...how can I say this without sounding little mean?" "A horndog? A perv? Thirsty?" replied Rarity. "...yes,, thank you Rarity. That's enough?" whispered Shy. Rarity took out her phone and faced Fluttershy. "You sure? I have more still. Like bitch in heat." she could see Fluttershy becoming very uncomfortable talking about her childhood friend sex drive, so Rarity drop it. "Anyway, knowing Dash, she's probably spending her days with Twilight, doing all sorts of 'activities'." she did air quotes but smiled. "It is quite nice seeing them having such a great relationship though. Dash might be damn horny but I seen how she treats Twilight. She treat's her like a queen...won't lie, if Dash were a guy, I'll never let her go." "That is true," said Applejack, looking over at Sunset, whose eyes were still glued to her right. "But when the honeymoon phase passes, I'm sure they'll hang out with us again. So, don't be so sad, Sunset. They'll be back." "Oh, come on!" shouted Sunset, shaking her head in annoyance as she wasn't really listening to them. "YOU GIRLS HAVE NO IDEA, DO YOU!?" "What are you talking about, Sunset?" asked Pinkie, as she and the rest of the girls looked confused, but Rarity had a smug smile on her face. "Oh, I get it. Someone a little jealous that Dash and Twilight got taken before you could ask one of them out, eh?" Sunset finally snapped out of whatever she was looking at and turned to Rarity and the others, all red, as she heard Rarity comment. "W-WHAT?! N-No! Of course not! I'm just a little mad at them is all." she could see Rarity becoming more smug, so she needed to correct herself before they misunderstood her comment. "No, wait, not like that!" she rubbed her temples and calmed down. "Look, you don't understand what's been going on the last two days, and I'm glad you don't." Sunset turned back to the spot she was looking at, seeing Twilight and Dash...both naked...in their pony anthro forms and scissoring each other, right beside her. Dash held Twilight closer and kissed her as they grinded faster on each other vaginas, as they moaned and Dash pulled Twilight's tail, making her leak out bit of love juices. They stopped kissing, and Twilight were panting hard, since she came a little . "Dash, we're going to get caught if we keep doing this." Dash gave a small smirk. "Come on, Twi. They can't see us! Shit, this is great—having sex in public like this! No one can see us, but we can see everyone around us." she held Twilight closer, feeling her breast on her own and fell backwards on the ground, allowing Twilight to flip around, putting her pussy in front of Dash's face, and vice versa. They began eating each other out as Dash spoke once more. "...almost like they're watching us do it, enjoying the show. Damn, this is fucking awesome and hot!" "It is, isn't it? Ahhhh~" moaned Twilight as she was enjoying Dash's tongue within her vagina. Sunset could feel her body getting hotter as she saw them going at it again, that she tried to hide her blush, but the girls kept noticing her red face and still asking if she's okay. "I'm fine! I just need to use the bathroom!" Sunset stood up, dropping her burger and fries, and dashed towards the bathroom in the burger shop, leaving the girls confused. "Well, that was a weird way of showing your anger and jealousy," said Pinkie, looking at the door where Sunset went. Rarity nodded and crossed her arms. "Most certainly it was." "But I do feel kind of bad seeing Sunset being so hurt by their sudden disappearance," added Fluttershy. "She'll get over it," replied Applejack, finishing her drink. "She just needs to blow off some steam, that's all." "Yeah," replied Pinkie, grabbing her milkshake and drinking it.  They were unware that Sunset was truly indeed blowing off some steam... "Damn it," whimpered Sunset, as she was fingering herself and rubbing her clitoral area as she stood in the small one-person bathroom. "Those idiots, they're making me so damn horny as they keep fucking in front of me." She kept imagining them in her mind, fucking each other, as she was wishing it was her and one of them doing it with her. "I need to tell them to stop, but...AHHHH!" Sunset quickly put her arm over her mouth, muffling her moans as she squirted on the bathroom walls. Sunset calmed down from her orgasm and breathed heavily. She was a bit ashamed of thinking the two girls she liked, like they were fap material, but it wasn't her fault as she told herself that. "Not my fault, yup not my damn fault I'm thinking of them as I finger myself! They keep doing exhibitionism shit around me! It's impossible not to get turned on, seeing those two do it." Sunset was getting her breath back in check, fixing herself up, and about to leave the bathroom, but... "You're right, Rainbow. This is much more fun!" Sunset opened the door a bit, her eyes going wide as she could see Dash eating out Twilight, right in the damn middle of the restaurant. "I'm glad you're enjoying this, Dash. You're amazing sweetie, keep at it!" Twilight encourage her girlfriend, she even held her head and played with her pony ears, stroking them a bit and giggling as they twitch from being touch. Dash stopped and looked up with a happy smile. "Thanks Twi! You're amazing, too! Now, let's show everyone our love!" She went back in and started eating her girlfriend out again, making Sunset close the door. "I really need to tell them to stop, but I can't outright tell them." She opened the door and saw the two still at it, as she was feeling hot once more. She closed the door, lowered her pants off, and sat on the toilet seat as she started to masturbate. "Wait, maybe doing that dare game...They wanted me to do it, but the girls came back and we couldn't do it-Oh!" Sunset could feel herself getting closer, and she started to think more of Dash and Twilight, doing all sorts of nasty acts. "I can't dare them to not have sex; that won't be right and they will call me a perv or something! Oh, maybe if I tell them the winner can make the loser do whatever they want, I can just tell them to not have sex this so often! Yes, that'll work! They can still do it but way fucking less." Sunset smiled, but she suddenly heard Twi and Dash's voices as the bathroom door opened, revealing Dash's face completely covered in Twilight's juices. "Jesus, Twilight, it was like I was blasted in the face by a freaking fire hydrant." Dash laughed, as she held the door open, letting in her blushing girlfriend. "Sorry Rainbow. I was a little too excited." Sunset's eyes widen, seeing the two entering, making her darting to the floor and hearing the two quickly noticing her. "Shit! I left the door unlocked! I can't let them know I can see them. Twilight will freak out!" thought Sunset, still going at it but much faster now as she heard Dash laughing her ass off. "OH MY GOD! SUNSET MASTURBATING IN A PUBLIC BATHROOM!? THIS IS AMAZING!" Dash leaned on the wall, holding her sides. Twilight quickly and quietly closed the door, hoping Sunset didn't notice and lock it. "Dash! This isn't funny! Stop laughing!" Dash wiped the tears from her eyes as she tried to stop laughing, but she kept snickering. "Sorry, Twi, but this is pretty funny. I can't believe this! I didn't know she was a closet perv who fingers herself in public bathrooms!" "Shut up, Dash!" shouted Twilight but she covered her mouth, not believing she just shouted and looked to see if Sunset noticed, but she could see they friend eyes were closed and still fingering herself. "Thank goodness. She can't hear us; I thought for sure she could since she's a real unicorn and might somehow sense a spell in the room." "Yeah, well, even if she can, I bet she wouldn't even stop, as she continues to put on a show for us! Look at her, go! GO SUNSET! YOU CAN DO IT! SHOW YOUR PUSSY WHO'S BOSS! FINGER IT GOOD!" Dash clapped and kept cheering Sunset on, being very supportive. "Dash, shut up!" Twilight looked at Sunset and saw her breathing heavily. She could tell that her friend was almost there, so she grabbed Dash's hand and wanted to leave, but she was stopped by Dash who groped her chest and started to kiss her neck. "D-Dash!?" Dash smirked. "Hey, Sunset here is getting off; then why can't we?" "Dash, no!" Dash rolled her eyes as she started kissing and sucking Twilight's neck. Twilight tried to fight it, but she feel herself giving in and started moaning as she liked the idea of Dash being forceful on her. "D-Dash, this is a b-bad idea. We should g-go," whimpered Twilight, trying her best to resist her girlfriend advances, but the more that Dash kissed and played with her, the less Twilight could resisted. Dash chuckled as she loved her girlfriend reaction and then licked her ear. "Twilight, no one can see or hear us, remember? Plus, it's like she's masturbating to us. It's flattering, right? One of our close friends, is masturbating to us! You should be honored that she finds us sexy!" she then kissed Twilight on the lips and pushed her to the wall, never wanting the kiss to end. Twilight wanted to say something, but she couldn't, not when Dash was giving her such a wonderful and loving kiss, that it maded her legs turn into jelly and her arms lost their strength as she held onto Dash's shoulders for dear life. "Mmmmpph~" Twilight was in bliss as Dash kept kissing her. She felt girlfriend hand on her horn and she could feel it getting stroked but with suck with love and passion, that she felt like cumming right there and then. "Hmmm..." moaned Twilight as she started kissing Dash back, not caring if Sunset could even hear her or not, and wrapped her arms around Dash's neck, pulling her closer. Dash smiled as Twilight was kissing her neck now and moved her other hand down, cupping Twilight's vagina, as her girlfriend spread her legs apart, giving Dash full access to her womanhood. Twilight whimpered even louder as she felt Dash's fingers entering her, stroking her insides and then fingering her harder, while the other kept stroking her horn with such care and love, that it felt like she was being attacked by two different people. While all this was happening, Sunset could hear Twilight's moaning, making her blush deep red and getting even more turned on as she fingered herself harder. She didn't want to open her eyes, but she slowly caved in and could see the sex act being done in front of her. It was so damn hot, that she started to play with her breast out of habit. Dash and Twilight kept kissing as Twilight kept moaning. Twilight started to rub her pussy against Dash's fingers, wanting to give her lover some rest but also wanting more, she kept humping Dashie's hand. "Dash~" Twilight wanted more, and she got her wish, as Dash added a third finger and moved even more faster inside her, making her scream out her love for her. "I love you!" "Hehe, I love you too, Twi." she whispered back to her in her ear, even giving her a small peck on the lips and smiling. Twilight gave a small smile, but she noticed Sunset again and how she was playing with her own breast now, while her eyes were shut. Dash took notice as well and laughed harder at the scene. "Whoa! I didn't think she was that type of girl to get off by playing with their breast. Haha! Hey, Sunset, when you're done, mind if we borrow them?" She smirked but felt Twilight playfully smacking her cheek. "Dash, be nice!" "Come on, Twi, it's a joke! Also, she can't hear what I said. Besides it's kind of cute..." Sunset could hear their banter and blushed, as Dash kept saying cute things about her. She stopped fingering herself, reached for her breast with her other hand, and held her boobs together, imagining Dash and Twilight licking and sucking her nipples as she started to play with her hard nipples now. "Mmmm~" Sunset moaned and smiled, as she was enjoying the feeling and image of her friends looking up at her and playing with her chest. Dash couldn't help but looked at Sunset's huge breasts and how she was playing with them now and did a little horny grin. "Maybe later then...when your done...damn, I want to grope those fun bags..." Twilight heard her and rolled her eyes in jealously. "Okay, this is an enough!" Twilight pushed Dash off in anger and forced her to the door. "We're leaving!". Dash groans with a pout. "Awww! Come on, Twilight, don't be like that! It was getting good! Sunset is having a lot of fun!" "We shouldn't be seeing this; she's our friend, and we're in her personal space! We should give her privacy and let her enjoy her alone time, just like we should've done from the start...damn your loving touch..." "Fiiiiiiiiine, but only because I love you." Twilight smiled and was about to unlock the door, but they suddenly heard Sunset calling out their names, making them freeze up in fear, believing they had been found out. "SHIT! WE CAN EXPLAIN SUN...set...?" trailed off Dash, looking at her and realizing she hadn't noticed them still but instead was... "Oh wow, is she...?" she asked, looking over to Twilight, who quickly calmed down from her mini panic attack and fixed her glasses and hair. "I b-believe so...Christ, I think my hear almost stop..." Sunset was calling their names ,as she was having deep and horny thoughts of the two, like playing with her breasts. She could feel herself getting close and was now playing with her clitoral, as more horny thoughts filled her mind, like the two kissing her inner thighs, licking her pussy, and wanting to fuck her. She finally opened her eyes, looked down, and could see the two sitting on the floor in front of her and looking at her wet vagina. "Ah! Ohh, please girls, please eat me out." Dash and Twilight heard Sunset's pleas, and Dash felt a little honored that her friend is thinking about her like this, it even turned on her as she slowly played with herself. "Hehe, it seems like she wants us. I can't believe she's thinking of us. It's really flattering, you know! I wonder if the other girls does this too?" "It is and maybe? I don't see AJ doing that though but the others? Totally!" replied Twilight, looking closer at the Sunset vagina and narrowing her eyes at it. "So, it does look human." Dash became confused as she heard that, while Sunset said 'What!?' in her mind. "What do you mean? Of course, it does. Why would it not...wait, do pony pussies look different!?" "I thought it was supposed to be different, considering her real body is a pony. I was wondering if it was still the same, since the transformation magic from the mirror would make her human while also keeping her original form intact a bit. It seems the magic has no trouble replicating a real human vagina...and somewhat? The horse vagina has big veins on the side to stimulate the horse dick, allowing it-" "...Twi, do you look up horse porn?" joked Dash but could see girlfriend blushing dee red as she didn't answer her right back. "...T-Twi!?" "From Agriculture Science and Technology classes! That I learn that info from, okay!? Don't get the wrong idea, Dashie! I don't think about horse cock or anything like that!" she answered, taking a deep look at Sunset vagina, hoping her girlfriend wouldn't ask anymore dangerous questions. Dash was really confused now and quickly wanted to change the subject. "Uhhhh, Twilight, are you seriously analyzing her pussy while she's fingering herself and saying our names? Are you not even slightly turned on by this?" she really hoped that her girl would take the bait, as she really didn't want to know more of Twi's hidden desire for horse cock. Twilight pushed her glasses up a bit, making the light shine on them. "I am; trust me, I'm very horny," she replied, not looking at her girlfriend and still looking at Sunset Privates. "I just want to see if I can understand how the mirror magic works." "Ugggh, you and your nerd shit..." she groaned at the answer but happy that Twilight took the bait, but they both could hear whimpering coming from Sunset, as they could tell she was close to coming. "Please, please, girls...ahhhh, please..." moaned Sunset, as her breathing was getting faster. "I'm almost there. Ah, Dash, Twilight, I need you." Twilight and Dash looked at each other and then at Sunset, both with the same idea, as Twilight's horn glowed, making their hands glisten purple. They put hands on Sunset's cheeks and spoke in sync. "We're here, Sunset. Let it all out." Sunset heard them and was really happy to hear. "Dash, Twilight, I'm...cumming...AHHHHH!" screamed Sunset as she came. Her juice flew everywhere and over her friends, and she collapsed on the toilet, her head resting on the back of the tank. She felt so blissed, as her orgasm was rocking through her body still. She was panting hard, trying to catch her breath, as she eyed back and could see her friends standing right in front of her and covered in her juice, but Dash was just laughing. "First you, and now Sunset. You girls are like freaking fire hydrants...when I discharge my juices, its not this much..." said Dash, using her hands to wipe her face and hair of the sticky consistency. Twilight took off her glasses and cleaned them. "Shut it. It just means we're very virile. And I'll have you know that, even though Sunset came a lot, it was much less than mine." Dash chuckled and groped Twilight's ass. "Jealous are we? Hehe, don't worry. I love your squirting; it's sexy." Twilight blushed and gave a small smile as they exited the bathroom and finally left Sunset all alone, who slowly closed her eyes and realized what happened. "...fuck me. I really need to stop them for their stakes and..." Sunset looked down and saw the floor covered in her juices. "And mine..." Sunset was done retelling her story and could see poor Twilight covering her face from the pure embarrassment, while Dash was still laughing her ass off. "HAHAHAHAHA! Holy crap, so you were getting horny from seeing us go at it and decided to masturbate while we were in there with you!" She held her gut as she kept laughing. "I can't believe it; our dear leader is a pervert! Who gets off by thinking of her friends and watching them!" Sunset glared her annoying friend but there was a tiny bit of a blush to it. "Shut up, Rainbow! It's not like I did it on purpose. You two were the ones who kept going at it! I just couldn't help it, like you try not being fucking horny as you see your friends fucking in front of you! AND STOP RUBBING MY DAMN HORN!" She screamed, smacking Dash's hand away. "I told you, I'm not sensitive there! You keep rubbing like I'm a magical lamp or something!" "Haha, sorry. I just wanted to calm you down, that's all. It works for Twilight. See?" Dash showed her how she was rubbing Twilight's horn and making her girlfriend moan as she lean towards her touch, loving every second of it. "Hmm, Dash~" Dash chuckled and petted her head. "Sorry, Twi. I won't tease you again. Just calm down, okay?" Twilight held Dash's hand and put it on her cheek, smiling. "Thank you... I'm calming down. That helped a lot. Your loving touch always calms me." Dash gave a warm smile and rubbed her cheek, making Twilight purr, while Sunset could see and hear the entire exchange, making her jealous and wanting the same treatment, even though she couldn't believe she was thinking of such a thing. She looked away, but once again, she felt Dash rubbing her horn. "Dash, what have I just said?" She looked up, blushing, and could see Dash giving her such a warm and caring smile. She even felt Dash's hand movement becoming more loving than just plain old teasing, as she was starting enjoying this...maybe even getting turned on by it. "I'm not teasing you, and I believe you that it won't make you horny, Sunset. I'm just trying to help you calm down. I know I can be a handful and a idiot at times, but you're still my friend, so I just want to help you be calm and relaxed. Don't be mad." Sunset couldn't help but smile as she saw how sincere Dash was being, along with how her rubbing was indeed making her feel super relax. "I...thank you. It is helping." "I'm glad," replied Dash, returning the smile and giving a small head pat. "See, there we go. I know this isn't something I'm the best at, but I really care about my friends, so I'm going to do my best to help them out when I can." Sunset laughed a bit. "By giving your girlfriend and friend horn jobs?" Twilight giggled softly, making Dash go deep red. "I don't think of it that way! I'm just helping my friends relax with my hand strokes!" she could the girls laughing at her now, making her go bright red. "Wait, that sounded wrong! Not that kind of help! Stop laughing, you two!" Sunset and Twilight kept laughing as Dash was panicking. But Sunset finally stop and could see Dash wasn't lying about helping her, as she could feel the kindness coming from her, and she felt happiness of how much her friend really did cared about her. "So, that's why you called us out to the school rooftop today?" asked Twilight, wiping her tears from her eyes. "Wanting to do the dare game again, but us vs. you. Making the loser has to do whatever the winner wants, other words, making us having s-sex in the open..." Sunset nodded. "Yeah, sorry, but it was the way to get you two to stop and-" "And stop making you super horny 24/7 as you watch us!" added Dash, but she felt Twilight grab her balls again. "JOKE! JOKE! AH, IT'S A JOKE!" Sunset and Twilight looked at her, not buying her words, as Twilight squeezed Dashie testicles a bit. "Dash, it's rude to make a sexual joke about someone else." Dash held her groin, crying a bit. "Yes, yes! I'm sorry! No more jokes! Please no more!" Twilight released her grip and petted them. While Sunset shook her head and thought back how they got here, how Dash has a dick and balls now, and how all three of them are naked and trapped in this locker... "Wait, what? You wanna challenge us to a dare game against you?" questioned Dash as she and Twilight stood far from Sunset, all three standing on the school rooftop. "Yeah, we have nothing better to do today. Plus, I think it could be fun," answered Sunset as she walked closer to them. "Also, we didn't get a chance to do it last time, when the gang came knocking. What do you two say?" Dash leaned on the wall of the outside entrance of the roof exit, as she had her hands in her jacket pocket and was looking up at the setting sky. "I'm down for it," she said, looking at her girlfriend, who was nodding in agreement. "Well, it looks like we're in it then! Ah yeah, easy money!" Sunset laugh, "Oh, please, Dash. We're not betting money like you always do. The stakes are much higher! Loser is going to listen to the winner's orders for a week!" She gave her a devilish grin, seeing the two a little surprised and worried. "What's the matter, you two? CHICKEN!?" Dash growl. "Hey, don't call me a chicken! I'm not scared of any dare, and sure as hell won't back down!" Twilight held Dash's hand, surprising her a bit. "Uhhh, babe? You okay?" Twilight gave a small nod. "Yes, I'm fine. It's just...this could lead to a lot of bad outcome...like last time." "What are you talking about, Twilight? If we win, we can make Sunset do whatever we want with her! Like, be our maid for a week!" Dash thought of an image of Sunset wearing a sexy maid outfit. Making her blush and drool a bit. "I mean, I'm okay with the bet," continued Twilight, making Dash snap put of her trace. "But we need to know the rules. What are Sunset's terms of the game?" Sunset walked up to them and answered. "No rules. Anything goes! Even using magic, so feel free to dare me to use my unicorn magic." Twilight was a little surprised by this but looked to their left, seeing the fair opening any minute now. "Are you sure about this? Shouldn't we do this somewhere more private, considering everyone in town is going to be here for the school fair? It is the last day after all." "Don't worry, I'll just put a magical dome spell around the rooftop just now, making sure no one can see or hear anything from up here." Dash and Twi could see the door closing and locking. "And I just locked the rooftop door." She could see Twilight relaxing a bit. "So, ready? Whoever taps out first is the loser! Oh, by the way," she gave them a very evil look. "If one of you taps out, then it's automatically lost for the other. You guys are a team, after all." The two lovers looked at each other; both were really worried, but Dash gave a cocky smile. "Ha! Easy enough. All we have to do is keep our cool and not tap out, no matter the dare. Besides, the game can't go on forever, so we should be able to handle whatever you throw at us, right, babe?" Twilight took a deep breath and sighed. "Yes, I believe so." Dash laughed and hugged her. "That's the spirit, Twi! Now, come on! Let's get this party started! Who's up first!?" "Me!" shouted Sunset, cracking her knuckles. Dash and Twilight were taken aback by their friend's sudden raise in her voice, but Sunset was smiling, as she could feel the rush going through her and the excitement to start the game and winning it. Finally she can stop these two horn dogs from having so much sex, especially in front of her, so she can stop being horny every damn day. "Ready!? Not holding back!" She could see the two holding hands and preparing whatever she'd throw at them. "We're ready!" "Good! Now, first dare, is..." Sunset needed to dare something that will make Twilight or Dash break real quick, but the easy target will be Twilight herself. She's easy to fluster and easiest to make her tap out. She thought of her dare and smirked. "I dare Twilight to grope you, Dash!". It was quiet for a bit until... laughter filled the air as Dash held her sides. "Really? That's your first dare!? Making Twi grope me!? Haha, oh Sunset, you really are a perv, huh?" Twilight was blushing a bit and covering her face. "Yeah, this is a little...weird." Sunset growled a bit and was annoyed. "Just do it! Or I win!" Dash finally calmed down and gave a cocky smile. "Pfft, this is easy. Twilight will...Twi?" she could see Twilight being all shy and looking at her feet while playing with her hands. "Uhhhh, Dash. I can't." Dash was a little surprised, as she didn't expect that answer. "What!? NONONONO! We can't lose on the first dare, Twi! Why can't you!?" "Well, it's not because I can't; it's just that...you see..." Twilight was fidgeting and kept playing with her hands, not knowing how to explain herself. Dash quickly looked at Sunset, who was counting down from ten. "Well, out with it!" she shouted, looking back at Twilight. Twilight couldn't look her in the eye as she gave her answer. "I'll be forcing myself on you, and that isn't right. Also, it feels like I'm raping you." Dash was really surprised to hear this. "R-rape? Come on, Twi. It's not rape. We're dating! We're girlfriends, and I'm okay with you groping me...heck, it be nice of change of pace to be honest." she could see her looking at her with bit of confusing. "I mean...It be nice you grope me for once is all..." She nervously chuckled, while Sunset really wished she didn't hear that, as she continued to count down. "I know, I know. I just...feel so uncomfortable with it." Twilight looked at her girlfriend. "I'm sorry. I just don't want to hurt you and make you think I only see you as a sexual object...I'm not making sense, am I?" "Kinda?" replied Dash. "Look, I know you'll never hurt me, and I'm happy we're dating." She put her hand on Twil's cheek. "Listen, lovers do this all the time, even in public. Just showing each other their love. Plus, okay with it, like I said. I love you. You can grope me without worry or fear!" Twilight blushed, seeing how much Dash cares for her, and was really happy about it. "Okay, I'll grope you, Dash!" Twilight very nervously touched Dash's chest and played with them, just as Sunset counted down to one, making her curse under her breath. "Dammit. That should've worked." Dash giggled as she let her lover continue to play with her breast. "Sorry, Sunset. I can't say that was a smart move! Our love will be stronger than your silly dar-ah." Dash moaned as she felt Twilight pinching her nipples. "Twi?" Twilight was in a trace as she's drooling and blushing. "I'm g-groping you! I can't believe I'm doing this!" she's enjoying playing with Dash's breast, even though she was still nervous. She carefully played with them, making sure she doesn't hurt her. Sunset was bright red as she watched Twilight being so bold, Sunset was feeling somewhat jealous, as her thoughts of her friends doing that to her wasn't helping as she got horny... "Awww, babe. You're doing a good job; I'm loving it. Keep going." Dash pulled Twilight close, so her face was between her medium size boobs and held her tight, wanting Twilight to feel like she was safe. Twilight smiled and played with them as Dash was doing a victory dance and flipping the bird to Sunset. "...damn it," thought Sunset, hating how cocky the two were getting. "TWILIGHT, YOU CAN STOP YOU KNOW!" Twilight pulled her face out and turned bright red as she realized she was lost in Dash's breasts. "AH! I'm sorry! I'm done." She removed her hands but making Dash disappointed. "Awww, I was hoping you were going to suck on my nipples," teased Dash, but she turned to Sunset, smiling hard as it was their turn. "Okay, our turn!" she turned to Twilight, and both started to whisper while Sunset looked on. "What are they going to dare me to do?" asked Sunset to herself. Soon, naughty thoughts started to fill her mind, but she quickly shook her head, trying to dismiss such thoughts of her friends like that. "Stop it, Sunset! This is for the best! Once this is done, the girls won't be having so much public sex, and you won't be damn horny all the time as well!" she thought to herself, unaware the two were already done with thinking of their dare. "You're dare, is...show us your melons!" shouted Dash, pointing at Sunset's busty chest. Sunset was confused. "Huh? What do you mean, my melons? I don't have any fruit on me. You're hungry or something?" Both girls sighed, realizing Sunset hadn't fully understood human slang just yet. "No, she means your breast," corrected Twilight as she pointed at Sunset's bust. Sunset looked down and gasped. "My...my chest! Why the hell do you want to see them!? Wait, damn it!" she quickly remembered why she needed to show them and glared at Dash, who no doubt thought of this stupid dare. "Fine!" she said, raising her shirt, showing off her chest, but she could see Dash tsking and wagging a finger. "What!? I did it!" "Nope, not enough," said Dash, pointing her finger at her. "The dare was to show us your breast, not your black bra. Come on, show us your fun bags, or it's our win!" Sunset could feel herself getting angrier, as she knew Dash was right, and she lifted up her bra, freeing her girls from their confinement, making them jiggle a bit. "There, you happy!? I'm showing my tits to you! Is this what you two wanted, huh!?" Both girls were blushing hard as they were seeing Sunset's breast, but Dash had to ask, "Why are your nipples so hard?" Sunset was confused. "What? They aren't...!?" She looked down and gasped, seeing that her nipples were indeed hard, and she could feel her body getting hot. "IT'S COLD! YEAH! COLD! SHUT IT DASH!" she screamed, seeing Dash wanting to make a comment, but Twilight stopped her by covering her mouth. "Well, anyway, your turn, Sunset." Sunset put her bra back on and covered her chest, still embarrassed that she hadn't noticed her nipple being hard or even why her body was feeling warm. She was glad Twilight stopped Dash from teasing her, but she could see the lust in her eyes and was a little scared to think what their next dare would be if she doesn't win with her dare. "Fine, my dare is..." Sunset couldn't attack Twilight again, for one, it would be unfair for Twi, and two, they would start noticing a pattern and be ready for it. She needed to attack Dash this time and make her do something that she wouldn't do, which made Sunset gulp a bit, as she didn't want to dare her to do this, but she needed to win. "Dash! I want you to call Twilight a slut! Do it now or you lose the game!" It was quiet, as both Twilight and Dash were surprised by Sunset's words. "Wha...wha-what? S-slut? Call my girlfriend a slut!?" stuttered Dash, who couldn't believe what Sunset just asked her to do. "I-I can't. I won't! You can't make it, huh?" Dash stopped as she felt Twilight's hands on her own. "Twi?" "Dash, it's okay. You can call me a slut. It won't hurt me, and besides, it's just a dare. We'll forget about it, I promise." Dash shook her head. "But it's not right. You're my lover, and you're not a slut. You're perfect." She looked into her eyes and could see the love and trust in them. "But if you say so, I'll do it. Just don't hate me, please..." Twilight kissed her, and both started to make out. Sunset looked away, not wanting to see their PDA again, and she felt like she was missing out on something. "You ready, Dash?" asked Twilight as they both separated. "No, not at all. But we gotta do it, so here goes nothing." Dash took a deep breath, trying to keep her cool. "I'm sorry for what I'm about to say... You're a SLUT!" Twilight held Dash's hands and gave her a warm, small smile. "Thank you, Dash." "Oh, thank Celestia, that's over," sighed Sunset as she saw Twilight hugging her girlfriend. "Okay, it's your turn again, and...why is Dash crying?" Twilight was shocked to hear that and quickly pulled away, indeed seeing Dash crying. "D-Dash? Dash, what's wrong!?" questioned Twilight as she hugged her again and held her close. "Talk to me." "I'm sorry," cried Dash as she hugged her lover and rested her head on her shoulder. Just repeating the sorry over and over. "Dash..." whispered Sunset, feeling really bad that she hurt her friend like this. She wanted to say something but suddenly saw Twilight ponying up and giving her a death glare. "Shit, did I make Twilight mad!?" "SUNSET SHIMMER!" yelled Twilight as she let Dash go and walked towards her, scaring the hell out of her and Dash. "HOLY CRAP! I actually made her mad!" "What is your problem, asking Dash to call me a slut like that!? You know, I could understand the groping thing, but this was uncalled for, and now you made her cry," she pointed at her. "My turn, and I'll make sure you'll regret it! I dare you-" Sunset prepared herself for anything and could see Dash looking at her with red eyes and tears in her eyes. "...to show us the most dirty or naughty magical spell you know!" Sunset just gave her a blank stare and whispered, "What?" Dash looked up at her lover. "What are you talking about, Twilight?" Twilight smiled as she turned around. "Oh, you'll see. It'll help us win; I'm sure of it!" Sunset could feel her eyes twitching, as she couldn't believe her ears. "You can't be serious! I'm not going to use my magic to-" "Do you forfeit!?" Sunset's mouth was agape, realizing what her was doing. "No, of course not! I just can't believe you're making me do this...but I did say magic for dares were allowed..." She went bright red and pony up. "Just don't judge me for this, okay! I-I..." Sunset felt herself feeling great shame and just wanted to tap out, but she suddenly felt Twilight's hands on her shoulders, which made her look up. "Sunset, I'm not judging you; neither is Dash. Whatever you show us, we won't hold against you or tell anyone. We promise, okay?" She looked over to Dash, who nodded in agreement. Sunset just nodded and took a deep breath, preparing to do her spell. "Alright, just give me a sec, and please, no laughing." "We won't," said Twilight, as she step back away with Dash and prepared themselves for the spell. Sunset started to wave her hands, and reciting a magical spell as horn glowed somewhat dim but getting brighter. Twilight was amazed, and her eyes were sparkling, as she was loving the magical light show and how elegant it was. She didn't know magic could be like this—so pretty. Soon, Sunset was done, and both lovers saw a bright light coming from her, and they had to cover their eyes as it was a little too bright. "I'm done," announced Sunset, as her spell was complete. "Whoa! Really?" asked Dash, opening her eyes but seeing nothing different with her or anything around them. "You sure? Nothing changed?" Sunset blushed really hard and then lifted her shirt and bra, showing her breast again, making Dash blush. "Why are you sho-...what!?" Dash felt something growing between her legs and could see something long pushing against her running leggings. "Wha...what the fuck!" She quickly lowered her leggings and could see a big bulge in her boxer briefs. Twilight gasped, seeing her girlfriend was sporting a big boner, and quickly turned to Sunset, who lowered her shirt and now covered her face. "Do you know a spell to give someone a penis?" "And balls!" laughed Dash as she dropped her briefs and saw blue balls dropping into view. "AH MAN, THIS IS GREAT!" "What!?" shouted both girls, seeing Dash being so hyped with a dick and balls. Dash noticed their very concerned looks and had to say something. "Uh yeah, this is a little weird, but man, look at it!" she grabbed her member, fapping it around like a firehose. "It's pretty big and awesome! Plus..." Dash started to stroke it, surprising the girls. "I always wondered how boys felt when playing with their cocks, and wow, it feels good! It's not like stroking a clitoral, but it feels way better; it's different, but man, it's amazing!" Sunset groaned and put her hands over eyes. "You're not helping by enjoying it, Dash...just like my D-!" Sunset covered her mouth in time, seeing that both girls hadn't heard her, and she sighed with relief. "Phew, that was a close one." Twilight just stood there, in awe of her girlfriend jerking off with her new cock, and could feel herself getting horny. "Anyway, it's your turn...Sunset," whispered Twilight, still glued to Dash jerking off. Sunset asked Dash to stop stroking her member, but she was having a hard time concentrating as she could hear Dash groaning and the sound of her hand stroking her shaft. "GOD DAMMIT DASH! STOP JERKING OFF!" shouted Sunset, who was really pissed that Dash wasn't listening. Dash mumbled. "Okay okay. Party pooper." She pulled her hand away from her member and was now waiting, looking up at Sunset. "Anyway, hurry and make your dare. I want to get back to fapping." "NO! DON'T YOU FUCKING DARE, DASH!" screamed Sunset, seeing Dash grab her shaft again and now stroking it harder. "Too late! Hurry up and dare us! Before I cum," moaned Dash, who was enjoying her cock more than she should. Twilight just shook her head. "Just ignore her, Sunset. What is your dare?" Sunset screamed in her head, as she couldn't think of a dare when she could see Dash stroking her penis, also doesn't help that her mind was being filled with naughty thoughts, but she realized something and smiled. "Okay, here's my dare," she said, pointing to Twilight. "I dare you to get naked, and YOU!" she pointed to Dash with her twitching finger. "You can't touch your penis at all for a minute! You break it, it's over, and it's your lost!" "WHAAAT!? No way, that's bullshit!" shouted Dash, who stopped stroking her cock and was glaring at her. "How is that a dare? I can easily do that!" "Can you, Dash? Can you really resist your desire to jerk off and play with your dick?" questioned Sunset, as she knew Dash would have a hard time not playing with her new member. She stepped closer, and in a sexy tone, said "While Twilight is naked and being all shy and cute? Can you really resist not jerking to that? Knowing her naked body is on full display for you and no one else?" Dash started to blush and could see Twilight slowly taking off her shirt. "W-wait, Twi? You're actually going to take off your clothes?" Twilight nodded and could see Dash was having trouble keeping her hands away from her member, but she was a little curious about something. "I will, but Sunset, why did you dare me to get naked?" Sunset quickly looked over to her, asking what she meant. "It's just odd, is all. Like you could have just ordered me to say naughty things to her or flash her, but full on naughty? And not only that, you dare Dash to not touch her member for a whole minute, rather than say five minutes or more. It's almost like you want us to win this round or something." "W-what are you talking about!?" stuttered Sunset, trying to hide the fact that Twilight was somehow right, as she was thinking of her world version of Dash, how she can't touch her cock more than a minute and not this universe version of Dash. She messed up because of her damn horniness and wanting to see Dash cum! Twilight giggled, not believing her. "Come on, Sunset. It's obvious that you wanted us to win." "She's right," added Dash, who had a grin on her face. "Do you want to see us naked and doing sexual stuff?" "N-no! It's not like that." "Are you horny, Sunset?" asked Twilight, making her friend surprised and bright red, and she could see she hit the mark. "I don't know what you're talking about." "Come on, Sunset. Just admit it!" teased Dash, but she heard her screaming to shut up and just do her dare. "Fine! Whatever...besides, we know you think of us when you play with yourself," whispered Dash, puffing her cheeks and looking at Twilight, who created a magical clock and started. "This is going to be easy!" A few seconds in, and Dash was sweating up a storm as she really wanted to play with her cock as she looked at Twilight, who was covering up her nipples with her arm and fidgeting a bit, as it was clear as day she was horny. "You're doing good, Dash," praised Twilight, giving her a small sweet smile. Dash just nodded, trying not to focus on her sexy body. "Yeah, totally easy." Thirty seconds were left, and Dash was starting to get really damn horny, that her cock been twitching nonstop. "You can do this, Dash!" cheered Twilight, seeing Dash was doing great, even though she was sweating and her member started to leaking pre-cum. "Hehe, yeah, I got this," she smirk, seeing only ten seconds left. "Almost done, almost done." "DONE!" cheered Twilight as the clock hit zero. Her and Sunset were spooked as Dash nutted without touching her cock, hitting them a bit. She drop to her knees and breathing hard. "...s-see...easy." whimpered Dash, with a smug look and trying to act cool but wasn't, as she looked like a mess with her cock dripping cum. "Woah, that was impressive, Dash," complemented Twilight, who was shocked by her lover's endurance and stamina...and how much thick cum she release. "Yeah, nothing like my Dash..." smiled Sunset, but then she realized what she just said out loud. "Uh...I mean...never mind." Twilight was curious and was about to ask, but Dash spoke up. "Yeah, yeah, whatever. Anyway, it's my turn now, and it's payback time! ...but..." She stood up and walked up to Twilight and kissed her, surprising her. After she broke the kiss, she told her something. "I got her now, but...what I'm going to dare her to do...just know that I love you, okay? This is for us to win. Nothing more." Twilight looked confused and turned to Sunset, who was sweating and blushing. She looked back at her girlfriend and gave her a smile. "Of course, I love you too." Dash gave her a quick peck and went back to looking at Sunset, ponying up. "It's over Sunset; with this dare, you won't freaking do it!" "And what is it?" asked Sunset, already fearing what it was. "I dare you..." she pointed at her. "To get naked but keep the jacket on." she cough and spoke at the same time. "Because it makes it more hotter." she cough again real quick and talk normally again. "And..." she pointed down at her cock. "Jerk me off!" "What!?" shouted both Twilight and Sunset. "You fucking heard me! I dare you to stroke my dick!" She turned to Twilight, giving her a thumbs up. "She won't do it, see! I got her, we won!" "Dash..." whispered Twilight, pointing, and Dash looked and froze in disbelief, seeing Sunset getting naked like she was dared to do. "Oh no, this is bad," she gulped, as she could see Sunset walking toward her all shy and cute. something she never thought she'll ever see from her friend. She could even see her eyeing her cock and wanting it. "Now, no need to do it! You can tap-" "Hands to your side, Dash," ordered Sunset, sitting on her knees and seeing Dash dick slowly getting hard and raising up. It even poke her nose a bit as it stood firm and tall. Dash gulped and put her hands to her side, preparing for the worst—or, in this case, the best? Sunset gave it a small sniff and licked her lips. She was hungry and started to lick it and suck it, but turned to Twilight, giving her a sad look, as she felt like she was hurting Twilight by doing this dare. "I'm sorry, Twilight. I didn't want to hurt you, but I can't lose. Yeah, that's why I'm doing this. Just to win...nothing more..." she thought to herself while deep-throating Dashie cock. Twilight noticed her sad look and stepped forward, sitting next to her, and patted her back. "Don't worry about it, Sunset. You're not hurting me at all. It's just a dare, remember?" "She's right. Besides, it feels great, you know! Damn, you give heads!" complemented Dash, who was blushing and loving the blowjob. Sunset just rolled her eyes, as she could hear Twilight giggling. "Don't worry about it. Enjoy the blowjob and the taste of her juices." "Oh, believe me. She will," laughed Dash, seeing Twilight sigh. Sunset started to bob her head and was slurping the blue cock, making wet and sloppy sounds. She could feel Dash was getting harder and the tip was leaking pre-cum now. She could taste it, which surprised her by the odd flavor it, like it tasted sweet and kept going. Dash was having trouble standing up and was panting. "F-fuck," but she felt Twilight's magic aura around her, helping her to stand while she's still petting Sunset back. "Thanks, Twilight. I knew I could count on you." Twilight giggled, telling her that she'd do anything to help. Sunset was getting wet, and started fingering herself while also deep-throwing the cock. "Oh fuck! Here it comes!" announced Dash as she started to thrust into her friend's mouth and finally cumming inside, even feeling Sunset tongue stroking her cock, like she wanted more. Sunset was taken by surprise by how much cum Dash was shooting out and tried to pull out but she felt someone stopping her. Twilight put her hands on the back of Sunset head and shoved her down, right to the base of Dash cock. She was holding her there, and Sunset couldn't believe she was making her swallow it all of it. She wanted to out and fight Twilight off, but she could feel Twilight's magical aura, which was calming her down a lot. Twilight put her mouth near Sunset ear and spoke with sure kindness. "It's okay, Sunset. Take it all in, and I'll let you go." Sunset felt defeated, as she couldn't fight against Twi magical powers and such caring words. She had to swallow it all of it. Once she finished swallowing it all, she could feel Twilight finally letting her go, and she quickly pulled away, coughing loudly, and she could taste the cum on her tongue. "Wow, that was great!" complimented Dash, who was looking at her dick and seeing her member was still hard. Twilight sighed, seeing her lover was still hard, and turned to Sunset, giving her an apology, but could see she her glaring at her. "What? Why are you glaring at me?" "I could had choke or something! Why did you do that!?" asked Sunset, feeling mad and betrayed by Twilight. Twilight sighed again and rubbed her forehead. "I know, and I'm sorry, but I needed you to finish her." "WHAT!?" shouted both girls. "But I did! Look!" pointed Sunset, who was pointing at the hardened member. Twilight shook her head and explained that she didn't, as Dash cock didn't go soft. "Now she's going to be horny, and It will make this dare game more...weird? I mean, we're all getting horny with these sexual dares, right? It's getting to weird now." Sunset was dumbfounded to hear Twilight say that. She wanted to scream at them, telling them how was this weird when they had public sex in the open as Twilight cast that invisible spell. She felt so pissed off that she could see them getting worried for her. Twilight felt like she said something wrong to her, as she never seen her so mad before. "Sunset, I'm sorry." "It's my fucking turn!" she glared at Dash. "Get naked as well and smack Twilight in the face with your cock!" she told her in anger. Twilight was confused, and Dash was spooked, wondering why she's asking her to smack Twi with her dick, but she didn't question it since she wasn't going to tap out, as she did as she was told and got naked. "Ready Twi? On count of three, okay?" Twilight blushed, seeing her girlfriend naked, and looming over her. "Y-Yeah." Dash lifted her cock and then smacked Twilight in the face with her hardened cock without counting, surprising her. "W-WHAT THE HELL!?" shouted Twilight, as she was spooked and could feel her cheek being wet, and she touched it, seeing pre-cum on her on fingers but suddenly felt Dash dick poking her nose and then her lips. "Wha-" "Now, blow my dick until I cum!" ordered Dash, breathing hard as she was so horny now, that she needed to had oral sex now. "Wait wha-" Dash didn't let her finish, as she grabbed her head and was making her suck on her cock. Twilight moaned and closed her eyes, and she could taste her lover's pre-cum. Sunset was shocked, as she couldn't believe this was happening.  Dash glared at Sunset, not happy. "You got something against Twilight, or are you really that horny?" asked Dash, not liking Sunset tone when she ordered her to smack Twilight like that. Sunset didn't know what to say, as she could see Twilight sucking on the cock, and Dash was moaning and breathing hard. She could hear nothing but the sounds of slurping. "Fuck! I'm going to cum!" announced Dash, and she started to thrust into Twilight's mouth, making her gag. Sunset gulped and looked away, as she could feel herself getting wet, but she wasn't ready for the next words Dash told her. "I dare you to get on all fours like a damn dog and act like one!" ordered Dash, with burning rage in her eyes, which Sunset had seen before with her own world Dash, when someone hurt their Twilight. She knew she went too far, and Dash is not going to hold back anymore. Twilight could see the same thing but was so happy, as she loved it when Dash would go full protector and was proud that she's not afraid to show her true emotions. Sunset nodded, got on all fours, and started to act like a dog, even starting to bark and it was pretty cute sounding. Dash could see Sunset acting like a dog and could tell she was truly sorry. She sighed. "Sor-!?" Dash stopped and saw Sunset on her back and her tail between her legs, acting all shy and cute. Dash couldn't help but feel turned on by this and started to breathe heavily. She could see her dick twitching and leaking pre-cum. She turned to Twilight, asking what she should do, but she didn't expect what Twilight suggested. "She's a dog, right? Walk her like one." She created a leash and a collar and walked over to Sunset, putting it around her neck. She could see her blushing and looking away. "Yeah... I guess. Let's get this over with." Dash tried to sound like she didn't like this but she was enjoying a lot and started to walk while holding the leash, and she could see Sunset getting up and walking around the roof. They stopped over the edge and saw everyone walking into the fair. Dash looked and could see they were near the parking lot, and she could see Mrs. Harshwhinny getting out of her fancy old no-roof car. She got an idea and smirked. "Hey Sunset?" Sunset looked up, wondering what Dash wanted and barking. "Come." Sunset did, and looking up at her master, wondering what her plan was. But she saw her smiling and could see her pointing down below at something. "Pee on Mrs. Harshwhinny's car, and the dare will be over." "What!?" shouted Twilight, but she could see Dash giving her a thumbs up. Sunset nodded and lifted her leg up like a dog, and a slow, steady stream started to pour onto the car. Dash smiled and could see her teacher looking at her car, confused and looking up but not seeing anyone or anything to make water hit her car. She got closer as the pee ended, realized what it was, and screamed in horror. "MY CAR!!" Sunset barked but it slowly became laughter, making Dash and Twilight joined in. Mrs. Harshwhinny looked up and still couldn't see anyone or anything, but she knew it came from the roof.  "GET DOWN HERE NOW!!" They heard her, and they could see her walking away. Dash was panting, feeling tired from all the laughter, and she could see her dick going soft. She looked over and saw Sunset sitting on the floor, and her legs were close together. Dash and Twilight sat down with her and overlooked the fair. Even though this was getting weird, it was fun for all three. "...o-okay. My tur-" but before Sunset could finish, the roof door started to bang, and they all froze when hearing Harshwhinny yelling to open the door. "Crap! I forgot that old hag was a former runner! She got up here fast!" shouted Dash, freaking out but remembering the spells. "Whatever, we're fine. Right...SUNSET!?" Dash and Twilight could see her looking not so well and realized she was reaching her limit in casting those two spells. "Twi, hold Sunset! I'll get our clot-" but before Dash could finish, Sunset's spell broke as her horn stopped glowing and Harshwhinny knocked down the door. "WHERE ARE YOU!?" She shouted and looked around, not seeing anyone, but... "Clothes?" She gathered them up and realized students were having sex up here, and she quickly searched but couldn't find anyone. "I need to report this and find out who was up here!" she said to herself and started to leave. Once the door shut, they let out a big sigh as they were holding their breathes for dear life as they were still in the middle of the roof. "That was a close one," sighed Dash, and then started to laugh. "Man, the look on her face! I wish I had my phone on me and take a picture!" "DASH!" yelled Twilight, her horn glowing and still holding a worn-out Sunset. "This isn't funny! She got our clothes!" "Yeah, you're right. It's not funny; it's fucking hilarious!" she kept laughing. Twilight groaned and smacked her in the head. "This is bad! We don't have spare clothes in our gym lockers this time! Plus, I don't want to walk naked back to our house with Sunset in our arms! I don't want repeat of last time, as the cops are still looking for Pantyhose perv thieves!" she cringed as she remember seeing police drawings of her and Dash but look nothing like them. "We need to get our clothes back! How are we going to do that!? I can't teleport stuff yet!" Dash was going to answer, but Sunset spoke up. "Calm down. Let's follow her and sneak into the room where she put our clothes in. This isn't a big deal. Twilight is casting the invisibility and noise-canceling spells anyway; we're fine." Twilight calmed down, seeing Sunset giving her such a weak smile and they all stood up. "Right, okay, let's go," she handed Sunset to Dash, who is now being carried by in her arms. "I'm so glad I have you, Sunset. Thanks." Sunset just nodded and could see Twilight looking down, knowing she's upset about the clothes. "I don't know why you are so worried. You guys have been naked in town, so what's so different this time?" mumbled Sunset, but the two asked what she said. "N-NOTHING! Let's hurry!" she forced Dash to run by pulling her hair, while Twi was right behind her and they entered the stairway. They were lucky, as they saw Harshwhinny at the bottom of the stairway and holding her back in pain, as it seemed she pulled something while kicking the roof door open. She went through the door, and they followed her. They kept walking down the hall, still behind her, as they could hear her cursing and saying that kids shouldn't be having sex at this age. Dash felt annoyed by that. "Who the hell cares? So what? We're fucking, no big deal! We're having fun and that what matters!" she whispered as they followed her. "Dash?" whispered Sunset, making her friend look down at her. "Yeah?" "She isn't wrong? I mean, it's fine to have sex, but maybe not all the time? Just saying is all..." Dash gave her a confused look. "Sunset?" "Y-Yeah?" "Shut the fuck up," she smirked, taking out her tongue and winking. "Oh, fuck you," she rolled her eyes, looking away. "If you want, I'll let you." Dash joked, but he could see her blushing hard—almost like she wanted too... "Dash!" shouted Twilight, seeing Dash cock getting hard. "Are you getting horny as we walked the hall...behind Harshwhinny...naked?" she whimper, as she could feel herself getting turned on. It was like they were in a porn movie, where the teacher was punishing them before the sex will start...Twilight could feel herself getting wet. Dash noticed the look in her girlfriend eyes and was breathing hard as her cock twitched, leaking pre-cum. As she too started to think the same thing. "Twi..." she breathed, and they both could feel themselves getting hot and wanted to do it, but they both could hear Sunset coughing. "Can you please focus!?" She begged, feeling herself getting hot, and was rubbing her legs together, as she could see how horny her friends were being...again. "This is serious!" "Oh, you're right! Sorry." Twilight apologized and could see the teacher lobby coming up, and they could see Harshwhinny entering it. "Hurry Dash!" They bolted inside and could see her putting the clothes in a safe, locking it, and putting the chain of the key over her neck. "Glad Celestia finally listened and got this safe to put stuff in. I bet those perverts are following me and hoping to get their clothes back, but not on my watch. They is a lesson for having sex on school grounds AND peeing on my car!" She smirked and then walked out the room. They watched her from the doorway and could see her heading out to the fair. Dash set Sunset down on a chair and tried to force open the safe but couldn't; she didn't have AJ pony up strength. Sunset sighed, feeling her horn. "Shit, if I wasn't so tired, I could have used my magic to teleport the clothes out of the safe....sorry." Dash and Twilight petted her head, making her flinch with surprise. "Don't worry about it. It's not your fault, okay?" comforted Dash as she petted her, while Twilight added, "Yeah, it's not your fault. If anyone is to blame, it's me. I should had been learning how to teleport things than using my magic to have se-." She blushed, not wanting to finish. Sunset's heart was racing as her friends were comforting her, showing their love and concern for her. She couldn't help but squirm her legs together and panting quietly. Twilight took noticed of Sunset's legs and seeing her thighs getting wet. "W-We should..." "Go get the key and open the safe? I agree." Dash agreed, never noticing that their friend was getting wet. she picked Sunset up, and all three of them headed outside and froze as the fair was getting more packed than before. All three started to get horny as they could feel all the eyes looking on them and their naked bodies. "Okay, let's find her," said Twilight, as her juices were leaking onto the ground and she could see both Sunset and Dash were also getting wet. "HURRY!" she begged, and the trio gave chase, trying to find Harshwhinny. Luckily, finding her wasn't so hard, as they could see her walking, looking at her watch, and looking around for someone. "Where are they? I thought Celestia and Luna would be around here. Maybe they're near the storage area." She said to herself, walking off to a large tent while the girls were still behind her. They entered and could see her walking over to their friends, who were stuffing the painted golden locker with random small prizes. "Have you girls seen Celestia or Luna? I need to tell them something very important. Do you know where they are?" Applejack tipped her hat back. "Nope. Maybe they're at the raffle ticket stand." Harshwhinny shook her head. "I already checked. No luck." Fluttershy looked up. "Oh, what did you wanted to tell them?" She shook her head, as they didn't need to know about the perverts on school grounds.  "None of your concern. Do you girls need anything before I go?" The girls said no, and she left in a hurry. Sunset was going to tell them to go after her, but they stopped as they heard their friends talking. "So, no word from Sunset as well?" asked Rarity, putting stuff in the locker. Pinkie skipped over and tossed more stuff inside with little to no care. "NOPE!' "Do you think she's still taking it hard?" Fluttershy asked, walking over and putting small plushies in. "About not seeing Twilight and Dash?" Dash and Twilight looked at each other and then at Sunset. "What are they talking about, Sunset?" asked Dash, setting her down on a box. Twilight kneeled down and holding her hands. "Is everything alright?" Sunset shook her head. "N-Nothing! Everything is fine!" Both girls knew she was lying. "Sunset, we're best friends. Please tell us," begged Twilight. Sunset blushed, seeing Twilight getting closer, seeing her cute breast near her, and gulped loudly. "I-It's nothing. Seriously." "Sunset," said Dash, giving her a stern look. "What's going on? You can tell us!" She gave her a thumbs up. Sunset wanted to tell them the truth, but AJ said something. "Look, we miss Twi and Rainbow too, but we can't bother them. If they don't want to spend time with us because they're still in their honeymoon phase, so be it. We have to respect that. Same with Sunset; she needs to respect their choices." Pinkie, Rarity, and Fluttershy nodded in agreement. Pinkie held an blue pegasus and purple unicorn plushie and made them hump each other. "Plus, I'm sure they're having tons of fun! Maybe they're doing it right now!" All of the girls blushed at that and giggled. They soon all walked out as they were done filling the locker, leaving Dash, Twilight, and Sunset alone. "Oh," whispered both girls, looking over to Sunset, who wasn't looking at them. Twilight took off her glasses and sat down on a box. "We have been so focused on our sex lives that we have been ignoring our friends," she said, looking over to Sunset. "And you. That isn't right." Sunset was surprised, looking over to them. "T-Twilight! It's oka-" "It's not okay, Sunset. We have been behaving as awful friends. Not cool." Dash sighed, feeling ashamed of herself. "Dash right, we need to make it up to everyone, but first, let's get our clothes, we need to the key and ope...n...the...what?" whimper Twilight, falling after standing up. Dash had seen this before and ran towards Twilight, where she caught her in time. "Twi? Is it like?" Twilight put her glasses on. "Y-Yes. Just like before and as Sunset, I'm almost out of mana... I need to-" She couldn't finish as she could hear someone coming and started to freak out. "WE'RE GOING TO GET CAUGHT! "I DO NOT WANT TO BE ARRESTED!" Dash put her hand over her girlfriend mouth and hushed her. "Ssshhh, we're not going to get caught!" she told her as she looked around to find a place to hide and saw the locker and quickly tossed the prizes out and over behind wooden boxes, stuffing the weak unicorn girls in it and shutting it as two students entered and started moving said locker... Sunset sighed, remembering how they got here. "You could have told us, you know? That we have been troubling you," said Twilight, making her look at her. "W-what!?" Dash smiled and put her hand on Sunset shoulder. "It's obvious you didn't like seeing us do that stuff. Sorry, you had to watch us having sex in public." Sunset was shaking and was breathing hard, like she wanted to cry. "Of course I didn't like it. Seeing the girls I love going at it right in front of me, being so hot and sexy, and not being able to do anything about it, how do you expect me to react!?" "So, you do love us?" asked Twilight, making her blush when she realized she confessed her feelings to them. "Well, of course, I love you two! I always have! I mean, how could I not? You're both so nice, caring, kind, and so damn beautiful. It reminds me of mine Twilight and Dash. How much I love them so much. I love you, just how much I love them." Dash and Twilight looked at each other and then back at her, as they both had tears in their eyes. "You mean it?" asked Twilight, making Sunset look up. "Of course I mean it. You're my friends, and I love you both so much." she smiled. "But, do you love us like a friend or more?" asked Dash, blushing. "I-I..." she stopped, not knowing what to say. Dash and Twilight tried to move in and give her a hug but only Twilight could, as Dash couldn't move downward, so she just place her hands on the girls heads. "It's okay, Sunset. You don't have to tell us. We're just happy you love us." Sunset could feel Twilight's warm and caring hug, while feeling Dash warm hand petting her. "Thank you..." All three shared a nice long moment, not saying a word. "We'll make it up to you, Sunset, we promise," said Dash as Twilight nodded. "We'll do anything for you," added Twilight, and the trio smiled. Dash pulled back her hands back and looked through the vents of the locker door, seeing people gathering. "Okay, so how are we going to get out of here? Any ideas? Because I think they're picking the winner of the raffle, so we be-OH! Twi, not now!" shouted whispered Dash, looking down but shocked to see Twilight, not the one kissing her cock, but it was... "Sunset!?" both girls whispered scream, watching her kiss the growing hard dick. Sunset lean back, looking ashamed. "I'm sorry. I just want to show you how much I love and appreciate you and..." she couldn't finish, as Twilight suddenly gave her a very passionate kiss. Sunset closed her eyes and wrapped her arms around Twilight's neck, deepening the kiss, while Dash was lost for words. Seeing her best friend and girlfriend making out was too much; she quickly grabbed her dick and stroked with great fury. "Damn! This is the hottest thing I have ever seen!" groaned Dash, and the two girls broke the kiss. "Yeah, it is," agreed Twilight, panting. Sunset felt bad, knowing Twilight didn't really like how she somewhat confessed her true feelings to her girlfriend. "S-Sorry, Twilight. I-" Twilight put her finger over her lips. "It's fine, Sunset. Like I said, we love you, and if this is how you want to show your love to us, we're not going to reject it. We'll be happy if you join us from now on. Deal?" Dash nodded. "Yeah, that's right! Threesomes are awesome!" she felt Twi's cold dagger eyes looking straight at her balls, so she corrected herself. "..I mean, it be awesome to have you joining us. Sharing our love with you will be awesome." Sunset looked away. "But won't it get weird between us? Like, hurt our friendship?" Dash laughed and stroked her horn in a loving way. "How? We love you, and you love us, right? Think of this as friendship with benefits!" "You mean, like a relationship, but without the title?" asked Sunset, making them look at her. She spoke within her mind. "...just like with mine Twi and Dash..." "Exactly!" answered Twilight, as she petted her. "So, we can all fuck whenever and however we want?" "Yep," said Dash. "And there are no hard feelings?" "Not a single one," answered Twilight, giving a happy smile. "And we'll continue to hang out, like normal, and go shopping and talk-" "YES! ALL OF IT!" said both girls, and the trio smiled. Sunset hugged the girls. well just Twilight, as Dash penis was between the girls and their hugging.. "Thank you, Dash, Twilight." Both girls smiled. "No prob, Sunset. Now, how about we get out of here? I think the winner is bein-OOOH!" Dash looked down and could see both girls kissing her shaft. Sunset and Twilight started to lick her, and they could hear her moaning. "Y-you girls...oh, f-fuck... I can't take this. Ah, shit, this is amazing!" moaned Dash as they kept licking her. "She's right, Sunset; this does feel good. I could get used to doing this with you," smirked Twilight, as she took the whole dick into her mouth and started to blow her. Sunset followed suit, taking her turn sucking it. "Me too; it does taste good." Dash could feel the pleasure getting stronger and could feel herself going over the edge. "F-Fuck! I'm going to cum!" Both girls could hear the warning and decided to do the same thing, placing their breasts against the shaft with more force as they were rubbing and licking it, making it throb. As they were doing this, they didn't realized that theur horns were dim and sparking a bit... "CUM FOR US, DASHIE!" shouted both girls as they sucked hard, and that was when it happned. Dash came all over the locker door, and some got on the floor, as did the girls. Her heart raced seeing them covered in her cum. "Holy fucking shit! That was awesome!" breathed Dash, and she could see her girls licking themselves clean and then kissing each other. "Hey, I know a better way of getting rid of that horniness." The girls stopped and could see Dash's dick getting hard once more and was pointing at them. "Wanna go for another round?" she smirked as the girls giggled. "Sure, why not?" answered both girls, not caring about getting out anymore as the winner was getting picked by Harshwhinny. "Alright, ladies and gentlemen! The winner of the raffle ticket is..." she took out a ticket with the number and signed name of the ticket stub "Trixie Lulamoon! Come on down and claim your grand prize." "YES!" cheered Trixie, jumping up and down. "In your face, Starlight! Trixie is the best, the greatest, the most amazing, and the most luc0whoa!!" Starlight, holding a ton of tickets, rolled her eyes while pushing Trixie to just go already. The girl ran up, and Harshwhinny took the ticket, confirmed it she won, and walked over to the locker, slowly reaching for the handle. While inside, Dash was getting another double titjob and could feel herself coming again. "Oh fuck! Ah, shit! So good!" She groaned, as she could feel it coming out but was not noticing the dim glow from the girl's horns, as it got slightly brighter. She finally released her load but was shocked when the door opened, and her semen was flying out and hitting Harshwhinny right in the face and somewhat big chest. Seeing her teacher covered in her cum, made her dick twitch even more. "Okay, this is super hot. We're boned, but this is fucking hot!" The trio could hear Harshwhinny cursing out loud as she cleaned her face from the white substance and was calling for security, while three girls were panicking, but... "...wait. She can't see us." whispered Sunset, seeing Harshwhinny just looking in the locker and looking away, all upset. Sunset touched her horn, and she could feel her magic had returned. "It's my horn! It's back! My magic is back...well not all of it." Twilight's horn was also glowing, and could feel her magic returned as well. "We can use our magic now!" she whispered, and the girls looked at each other while Dash dick poked out between them. "Great! Let's get the key already!" She pointed her dick at Harshwhinny's neck. They got out of the locker, and Twilight snapped the key necklace off of her teacher neck and ran with Sunset off the stage, but she looked back and could see Dash standing and stroking her dick. "Dash, dude!? What are you doing!?" whispered Sunset, making her look at her. She smiled and kept jerking off. "I'm going to cum on her! Always up my ass during school hours. Now, let's see how she likes a cum shower!" Both girls looked at each other and just shrugged, letting Dash do her thing. "Hey, security, can you get the stage cleared out? I think something must have happened in the locker. It's filthy-AAAAHHHHHH!" She screamed as a ton of white substance landed on her. "WHAT THE HELL!?" she cried, getting covered in Dash's jizz. "Heh, heh. My bad," smirked Dash, and he ran off the stage and followed the girls to the school, getting their clothes back and hanging out under the baseball stands. "Okay, now what?" asked Dash, taking her clothes back. Twilight and Sunset looked at each other and then at her with a sly smile, while Dash felt a little horny. Twilight aimed and fired the toy water gun, hitting the target. She leaned back and smiled. "Staying and joining the fair was the correct call!" She smiled, seeing her girlfriend and friend having a great time. "Yep, I'll never question your logic again, Twi!" added Dash, who started to cheer her on as her girlfriend took aim once more. "Focus Twi!" "Right! Focus!" said the naked unicorn girl, closing one eye, focusing hard, ignoring the clapping of cheeks, as she fired once more, spraying the water on Sunset's face as she was getting railed by Dash from behind as Dash cock kept slapping in and out of her pussy. "AH! Nice one, Twi!" praised Dash, slowing down and kissing Sunset's shoulder. Sunset wiped her face and smiled. "Nice shot, Twilight! Keep it up!" She smiled, and Twilight nodded. "You can do it, Twilight. Just one more!" encouraged Dash, and the girl nodded. "Don't worry, girls. I got this! I can do it!" said Twilight, and she aimed with the toy water gun, pointing at the target, which was Sunset Face, hitting her as Dash and her climax together. "OH FUCK! AAAAAAAHHHHH!" both screamed and fell back, landing on the closed shooting gallery, laughing and panting. Twilight laughed as well, and all three moved on, holding hands and heading to the next booth to 'enjoy' it but Twilight remembered something that she wanted to ask Sunset since back on the roof. "What?" said Sunset, as the three stopped at the cotton candy machine. "The spell you used, the dick and ball spell. You said something about your Rainbow Dash. What did you mean?" Sunset blushed as she remembered slipping up and taking the cotton candy. "Oh, right, see, Twilight taught me the spell, as she's dating her Rainbow Dash too, and they're..." Sunset hid behind the cotton candy as they walked. "...into futa play and other things." Both girls were shocked and could feel themselves getting wet and hard. "Really!?" gasped both girls. "Uh huh. They're both very happy. I'm actually surprised that they don't have a kid yet, as Dashie shots are so thick...." It was pretty quiet between the three, but Dash had a smug look. "What about you? Are you into that stuff too? Like, we just fucked a few minutes ago." Sunset shook her head. "Nope," she answered, taking a bite of her cotton candy, completely ignoring the rest of the question. Dash smirked and quickly put her hand inside Sunset's bag which had her clothes, going through her jeans pockets, taking out her phone and going through it while Sunset chased her. "Hey, give that back!" Twilight just chuckled and was eating her cotton candy as her girlfriend and friend ran around her. "I knew it! You have futa pics on here! When some of you having a penis!" laughed Dash, while Sunset screamed in embarrassment. "NO! GIVE THAT BACK!" "Come and make me, Sunset! He, he!" "DASH!" Twilight could only smile and look up at the night sky. Enjoying the night they had. "Another night to remember..." In Equestria Twilight was reading in her room as a magical letter landed near her. "Oh, is this a friendship report from Sunset?" asked Twilight as she opened it and read it a bit, but then heard someone landing in her room as they came through the opened window. "Twi, please!" begged Dash, who was wearing her wonderbolt suit, and crawled her way to her. "Please! I'm begging you! I can't handle this anymore! Help me, please!" Twilight looked at her while still reading the letter. She sighed loudly and looked down between Dash's legs, seeing a huge of horse boner, as it was stretching the suit under belly. "Why not just jerk off? That's what Sunset does, and she seems fine," she said, making the pegasus whine. "Because it's not the same! Please, Twi! Let me fuck you! A quickie! A booty call! Just help me out! I won't be long!" "Ugh! Fine, but make it quick. I need to finish reading Sunset's report. She's been hanging with our human counterparts. They seem to be getting along really well. They're even doing a friendship with benefits relationship." Dash was surprised to hear that. "Seriously? Huh, and I thought our benefits relationship was special. A little upset, she moved on from us." Twilight stood up and bent over for her girlfriend, showing off her wet and pink horse pussy. "So, what are you waiting for, Dash? You said you wanted a quickie. Don't waste time." "Right, right!" agreed Dash as she ripped her lower part of suit, freeing her cock, and rubbed it against Twilight's wet vagina, making her moan. "Ready?" "Yeah," she answered, and in a flash, Dash slammed her entire cock inside her, making her moan louder and shaking. "Ah! Anyway, the letter says...huh?" Twilight could feel Dash coming right away, upsetting her as she slightly turned her head. "Dash, when you said a quickie, I didn't think you really meant this quickly. You're not even moving and already came." "Sorry... but, Twi, your insides feel so good, like always! Plus, I have been hard since this morning!" Twilight turned around and could see Dash shaking and trying to fight back another powerful orgasm as she moved her hips. She rolled her eyes and read the letter out loud as Dash listened. Dear Twilight (and Dash, since I know she's there for her quickie), "Damn right!" chuckled Dash, but Twilight ignored her. 'I'm writing to inform you about how I've been getting along with your human counterparts. We're friends like always, but ever since a few days ago, things have changed. We're much closer now, not as girlfriends but as friends with benefits. When I see them, I see you girls, and I miss you so much. I love them just as much, so seeing them fucking in public with the invisibility spell got me horny. "Who wouldn't?" added Dash, making Twilight sigh. "Can you let me finish reading, please?" "Alright, alright. I'll keep my mouth shut. But can I move a little faster?" "Just a little, okay." "Yes!" cheered the pegasus, and she began to thrust faster and harder inside of her lover. Twilight tried to continue reading, while fighting back the impulse to moan. 'Anyway, as I was saying, when I saw them, I got really horny and masturbated. Thinking of them reminded me of you two. First, I thought I wanted to stop them because it was driving me damn horny, but as our little night went on, I realized I just wanted your love again.' "Huh, I never would have guessed that." "Me either," whispered Dash, stopping her thrusting and fully listening now as Twilight went on. 'When the spell broke and we were hiding in that locker and I admitted my feelings to them, I was scared of the outcome. Would we lose our friendship? Would they reject me? So many things were on my mind, but just like you girls, they didn't reject my love but instead returned it and offered a friendship with benefits, and we fucked." Dash snickering at that line, making Twilight kick her in the boss, making her shut up. "I never had so much fun before. Not since meeting you girls. Sometimes, friendship can go beyond standard friendship and into something greater. That's how I feel right now. I love you two forever and ever. No matter the universe I'm in.' "And we're happy you found your happiness," said Twilight, as she could hear Dash whine as she came again. "...Dash, really? You...oh, Dash..." Twilight could see her girlfriend crying. She was crying that Sunset was happy and loved again. "I'm so glad for her, Twi," she sobbed as she kept thrusting at her. "I just wish we could have met her sooner. She has a nice heart. I'm glad she found us again in another world. She's really special, isn't she?" "Yeah, she is," smiled Twilight, and she was kissed by her crying girlfriend. "Let's give her the best gift ever, Dash." "Gift? Like what?" asked Dash. Twilight gave a sly smirk. "Let's visit her." "Visit her? As in, meet her for real?" "Yep. Let's pay a visit to our friend. Let's make her a happy girl." Dash could only smile and nod as she fucked Twilight harder, as she couldn't wait to see their sweet friend again. Meanwhile, back in the human world, Sunset, Twilight, and Dash were hanging out with their friends. Everyone was happy that the gang was back together again. They were talking about the fair and what happened to Harshwhinny. Pinkie suggested it was a ghost that left its ectoplasm all over the poor teacher, and the rest was a mystery. "I think that's the closest thing that Equestria and this world have in common," chuckled Applejack, while the others laughed. "Yeah." nervously laughed Sunset, as the girls didn't notice that her horn was out and glowing.  Sunset had a spell going, tricking the girls into believing what they saw, as she was naked with Twilight and Dash. She had a dick now, while both her friends were jerking her off and telling her how much they loved her. "We love you so much, Sunset. So much," whispered Twilight, stroking her cock. "Yeah, we'll always be together, babe." added Dash, and the three kissed as they were moaning while they stroked her cock until she blasted her load under the table. They broke the kiss, and the girls could see that Sunset had a cute climax face. "Thanks, girls. I love you two as well." She watched as Twilight got on top of her and pushed her cock into her vagina. "Ah! Twilight, fuck!" moaned Sunset as Twilight moved her hips and held onto her. Dash picked up Sunset, and her own hard cock went into Sunset's asshole, fucking her in the ass. All three being one, they couldn't be happier... ...until someone noticed them—one of their friends—Rarity as she dropped something under the table and felt something wet and warm hitting her face. She could hear the three fucking, as the spell needed a line of sight to work. She didn't know what to do, as she felt very turned on by the three, so she sat back up and rubbed her legs together, as she wanted to join them... End?