Bicorns, the 4th Pony Tribe

by GamePlayer64

First published

The 4th Pony Tribe coming out of the shadows.

1 Month has past since Twilight became ruler of Equestria but after two weeks of her reign. The secret of how the Legion of Doom form came out and Twilight is having some problems in handling the rage of not only other creatures but her ponies as well.

(Warning, Story Contents: Misdirection, Corruption, & Harsh Truths)

Chapter 1

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1 Month has passed since Twilight’s coronation. Twilight has made some changes and inspired many creatures with the Magic of Harmony. Twilight has the confidence that she got Equestria to the peace of harmony but after 2 weeks since her beginning as ruler of Equestria, the truth on how the Legion of Doom was formed was exposed by a journalist pony who planned to take pictures of Twilight Sparkle’s 1st coronation. Because of the journalist, Twilight is dealing with threatening demands that Discord should be punished for his actions and if it was a plot created to spread Friendship through manipulation through those who don’t believe it? As she is feeling overwhelmed by it, ask me this question; is there true unity if you demand harmony with another when they refuse?

Twilight came to the Canterlot Hospital, along with Spike to witness over 40 different ponies (Earth Pony, Unicorn & Pegasi) in hospital beds; beaten, bruised and some in body casts. “Oh, my goodness…” she said while some doctors and nurses were giving some morphine to a new patient who was conscious enough to talk.

“(Hurt Female Voice) P…P…Princess…” said a wounded unicorn mare. Twilight flew towards her.

“What creatures did this to you?!” she asked in fear. What creature would do this after her coronation as Princess of Equestria?

“He… He… Ugh…” Before she could say anything, she fainted.

“Princess Twilight.” Twilight turned to a Unicorn Doctor.

“Dr. Medical. What happened to these ponies?!” she wondered.

“All symptoms showed these patients were attacked through physical force.” He explained. Spike placed his claw on Twilight’s shoulder. Twilight looked enraged.

“What group of creatures would do this?!” she yelled angrily as Dr. Medical shook his head.

“Not creatures.” He said, which confused them. “I gathered some information from a patient before he passed out. It was just one stallion.” Twilight gasped on hearing that, but Spike didn’t believe it.

“You’re kidding me, doc. It's impossible that one pony can hurt these many ponies.” He said, Dr. Medical gave Twilight Sparkle, the chart of all the ponies in the medical ward, as he went to help the other doctors. She read all the names that were on the list and looked baffled.

“*GASP* Some of these names are part of the Canterlot Elite Guards, The Elite Wonderbolts and Elite Guards of the Crystal Empire!” She said, which confused Spike.


“SPIKE! This stallion has single hoofly beaten the strongest and experienced in strength, magic, and flight. He might be powerful enough to match an Alicorn!” She said, which made the words Twilight said, really sink into Spike.

“Uh-oh… WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO!?” He screamed in fear as Twilight looked at the list.

“We’re going to get some help.” She said she summoned a quill, sheets of paper, and began writing.

1 Hour Later
Twilight was waiting in the courtyard with Spike as Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Applejack, Starlight Glimmer came in to hug Twilight but got to listen to her. “Hi girls. I missed you a lot.” Said Twilight. Rainbow flew to her.

“Of course! We’ll help in any way!” She yelled, and Applejack stepped up.

“The letter you wrote sounded urgent. I mean, I seriously doubt one pony could take down elite guards.” She said as Rainbow flew to her.

“Don’t forget that this jerk hurt members of the Wonderbolts! I mean, I know those members and they’re the best! Spitfire would flip if word got out!” She said as Rarity covered her mouth.

“Then Darling, you shouldn’t speak so loudly about it. Unless you wish the Canterlot Journalist to release that info!” She said which made Rainbow shut her trap as Spike showed them a map of Equestria.

“From what we gather from the patients, this unknown stallion lives in this area.” Said Spike as he pointed to a clear area, surrounded by trees. “Apparently, that spot is surrounded by a forest occupied by fearsome predators.” Which shocked them.

“So… this stallion’s feral?” Asked Rainbow which concerned the others.

“Apparently not.” Said Twilight as she used magic to reveal a sheet of paper in red ink “There was a note, written in red ink on a Wonderbolt veteran to leave him alone.” She said “While having excellent penmanship. I mean I’ve never seen such elegance.” Applejack sighed

“Focus, sugar.” She said as Discord appeared over them.

“DISCORD!” They yelled in shock as he chuckled.

“What? I heard about what happened and I’m here to lend a claw.” He said which got him glares from Twilight, Pinkie, Rarity, Applejack, Rainbow, and Spike but not Fluttershy. “What?” He said.

“Sorry Discord but you can’t be trusted.” Said Twilight which hurt him.

“WHAT?!” He yelled “What did I do to deserve such distrust?” He said as they narrowed their eyes to him.

“Oh… you still haven’t forgiven me for my… mistake.” He said.

“That was no mistake.” Said Rainbow “It was borderland betrayal. What you did was the stupidest thing you’ve ever done.” Twilight marches towards him.

“All of Equestria knew what you did.” Which shocked Discord “A pony from a news company snuck in during my coronation before the attack and heard everything. She learned what you did and wrote down everything we said, even the part where we tried to keep it a national secret and let you go with a slap on the wrist. She was shocked that we forgave you for saving us but also reveal how Tirek, Chrysalis & Cozy Glow became powerful and worked together because of you pretending to be Grogar. She released it and interviewed Applejack knowing she can’t lie.” Applejack lowered her head.

“They used my strength against me.” She said in shame

“Every ruler and leader was enraged by the truth, they demanded that you should be banished or worse.” Said Twilight, which made Discord cowardly in fear “I managed to negotiate a way to keep you safe but…”

“But?” Asked Discord

“But it’s your last chance. If any creature discovers you did something like what you did before, you’ll be joining Tirek, Chrysalis and Cozy Glow with no one to give you another chance.” Said Twilight grimly “And Fluttershy can’t save you, this time.” Fluttershy looked down as Discord turned to her but frowned.

“I’ve never seen so much anger from our friends.” She said sadly “They even said that my element is making me too forgiving of my friends who betray them. Their citizens will declare war on ponies if we forgive you again. I’m sorry, Discord.” Discord gulps in knowing that Fluttershy won’t protect him if he did something horrible again.

“FINE!” He yelled “I’ll prove that I’ve changed for the better! By seeing this stallion myself!” Which shocked them.

“No wait!” yelled Fluttershy, Discord snapped his fingers, leaving them behind.

“This can’t be good.” Said Spike knowing Discord that his magic is unpredictable.

At the location
Discord appeared looking angry “I’ll prove that I’ve changed.” He said as he noticed a stallion on the ground with his head in the bushes, snoring. “Ah… there he is.” Said Discord, he floated towards him but saw a sign on a tree.


Discord smirked “I won’t but… this bucket says otherwise.” Discord snapped his fingers as a bucket of water appeared, filled with ice over the stallion. “Let’s see how if he’s so-called powerful.” He said as the bucket tilted and spilled the water on the stallion.

Back at Canterlot, after 10 Minutes
“When I get my hooves on that stubborn Lord of Chaos!” Yelled Twilight as her friends calmed her down.

“Twilight, Darling. Despite Discord’s… rebellious personality. He’s doing this to be truly forgiven.” Said Rarity. Fluttershy trotted to her.

“Discord has been cornered after that news exposes his actions. I receive some stink-eyes from nearly every creature since I’m the one who reformed him, but… they believe I’ve failed since he manipulated Tirek, Chrysalis & Cozy Glow to use them for Twilight’s ego is what the rumors are saying.” Explained Fluttershy as they looked down since what that mare did was wrong to their friend, but she only did it because they planned to keep it a national secret and hiding dark secrets has a price when the secret is revealed.

“Ugh… I seriously think what Discord will do will come back to bite us on the flank.” Said Rainbow, while Twilight looked at her.

“I understand what you’re saying, but… I doubt this unknown stallion can hurt Discord.” She said as a black portal appeared over them.

“He’s back!” Said Pinkie as Discord came out falling but battered, broken.


Fluttershy fainted on seeing Discord as Twilight saw a note on him with words written in large print and read it.


“Oh, no.” Said Twilight as she looked at Discord.

Twilight was waiting in the hospital Waiting Room as Celestia, Luna, Cadance, Shining Armor & Flurry Heart came. They looked at the window to see a beaten Discord wrapped around in bandages and different body casts which shocked all of them. “One stallion did that to Discord?!” Said Shining Armor.

“Apparently so.” Answer Twilight. “And Discord isn’t faking it. Somehow, the doctor said that the unknown stallion sealed Discord’s chaos magic.” She said, which shocked Celestia.

“He sealed his magic!?” she yelled as they looked at Discord.

“This pony is clearly too dangerous.” Said Luna as she turned to Twilight. “Is there any more information about this stallion?” Asked Luna.

“Although the note written by the stallion is that he wants to be left alone.” Said Twilight as Shining Armor took his note.

“Well, he injured soldiers and veterans. I must arrest him and put him in a trial for his actions.” Said Shining Armor as they headed for the stallion’s location.

3 Hours Later (Due Rainbow’s impatience)
Twilight and every creature made it to the location on the map while avoiding the predators as Fluttershy talked to them, but the predators fled when they learned where they were going, saying to Fluttershy that the stallion is an evil incarnate. They found the area and were horrified by what was in the location; skeletons of animals, monsters, creatures, and ponies, as they were displayed like a Museum of Bones. Fluttershy and Rarity fainted at the sight of it while falling on Rarity’s Fainting Couch. “This is disturbing and disgusting.” Said Twilight as Cadance covered her daughter’s eyes. They looked around to see a male pony on the ground, covered in dark red spots with him in the bushes.


Celestia and Luna held each other in a hug. “How could any creature do that…” Said Cadance.

“THIS IS UNFORGIVABLE!” Screamed Twilight “I PINKIE PROMISE THAT WHOEVER DID THIS! I SHALL-” Before Twilight could finish, she got hit in the face with a piece of fruit that stained her face a dark red.

“(Deep Male Voice) QUIET!!!” They turned to where that voice came from to see the body of the headless pony crawling into the big bush as they heard some groaning “How many solicitors will it take to see that I’m not interested?!” He yelled as they witnessed a big pony with dark ebony coat, ivory mane style as a mushroom head, blood red eyes with a huge pile of leaves on his head, and his Cutie Mark is a black bone. He looked to see different ponies, a dragon and… “A BABY?! You’re thinking of using a baby to make me believe that Friendship is Magic garbage?!” He yelled as he snarled at them “How low can you jerks go?” He asked them as he came out of the shadows of the trees as they looked at him.

“Solicitors?” Said Twilight and realized what this stallion did to all the ponies and Discord. “You thought all those ponies and Discord were solicitors?!” She yelled as the stallion narrowed his eyes.

“If they been constantly saying that ‘Its mandatory to believe in the Magic of Friendship’, ‘As a citizen of Equestria, you must accept harmony’, and ‘You have to follow Princess Twilight Sparkles’ teachings’ aren’t threats to my rights, then I choose to fight back, right after those jerks destroyed my house!” He yelled while pointing to a wreckage that was once a house, even the mailbox was melted. “My bed! My couch! My collection of old bones! GONE!” He yelled angrily at Twilight as she backed away in shock knowing that this pony didn’t hurt all them ponies because he thought they were solicitors, but they were trying to force a creature to believe in her teachings.

“I’m… I’m so sorry.” She said,

“Sorry? SORRY!!!” He yelled at Twilight as his eyes changed from white to black which frightened Twilight. “This world would never be corrupt, if Earth, Unicorn, & Pegasi tribes never betrayed the 4th Pony Tribe!” Yelled the stallion as Celestia & Luna’s ear rose in hearing of another tribe.

“Wait a moment!” Said Luna as she marched towards the stallion. “What do you say about the 4th Pony Tribe?” She said the stallion narrowed his eyes on her.

“Oh… the 4th Pony Tribe… huh…” He said while trying to ignore her “Why do you want to know? I mean it’s been way… before your existence.” He said which made Twilight curious.

“Wait, tell me who you are and who is this 4th Pony Tribe?” She asked him but he narrowed his eyes “Uh… please.” She said politely. The stallion sighed as he looked at them.

“Normally, I was going to let my security system get rid of you.” He said, which made them be a little defensive. “But since you said please… I am Bones the Brutal and the 4th Pony Tribe I’m speaking of, are the Bicorns.” He said which caused Twilight and her friends to talk among themselves.

“Bicorns?” Said Celestia.

“Bones the Brutal?” Said Shining Armor.

“Excuse me Darling?” Asked Rarity which made Bones look at her “Is your name truly… Bones?”

“Yeah… My name is Bones. Bones the Brutal for 2 reasons. My talent involves bones and I’m a very violent creature.” He said honestly which made AJ a bit frightened by his honesty. “Now, back to my explanation. Long ago, back before the Age of Grogar, the Father of Monsters. All creatures lived in their own territories in peace and the balance between harmony and chaos never shifted. You don’t bother and steal them, and they don’t attack and slaughter you. Sounds like a good deal, right?” He said which made them think differently about it. “All things come from trade, if we don’t have it and they don’t have it, we trade it in exchange for what we need. Like trading a bushel of apples can get you a basket or some gems from a dragon in exchange to remove their bad scales.” He said.


“Tell yourself that when you feel like it, you’re having a rash.” Bones rebuttal as Spike looked embarrassed. “Anyway, Earth, Unicorn and Pegasi were completely cowardly to nearly every creature by their differences and showed some arrogant superiority.” Which annoyed them since that was true, given with Zecora. “But one of the Pony Tribes was kind enough to talk and negotiate with them, despite being natural in dark magic, the Bicorns.” He said, which made Twilight get up in his face.

“THEY’RE WHAT IN DARK MAGIC?!” She yelled at him.

“Is she hitting on me?” He said which Shining Armor pulled her away from him with his magic.

“NO SHE ISN’T!!!” He yelled, which his brotherly instincts kicked in.

“Good because my wife will immediately harpoon her in the eye, along with me.” He said grimly which made Shining look scared. “Trust me, dude. Wives will immediately get jealous of a misunderstanding.” He said as Shining looked at Cadance who narrowed her eyes at him.

“Don’t you think that I would hurt you with a harpoon.” She said, “I'll blast you instead.” Shining gulped in fear.

“So long version short, the 3 tribes were getting tired of the balance and the Bicorns who constantly stopped one tribe who tried to take over the others and developed a hatred for any creatures with dark magic and their differences. So they worked together for one purpose: permanent erosion of the Bicorns.” He said, which shocked them.

“Permanent erosion…” Said Twilight “Does that mean… they tried to…” Bones moved his hoof across his neck and made a gag look which made Celestia and Luna look horrified.

“Not everything written by ponies was entirely true.” Said Bones “I mean didn’t you ever wonder, why nearly every creature attacks Equestria or hates ponies? It wasn’t just magic of this land, grudges created by your heroes & bystanders can be the cause.” Bones looked at them as they looked at each other as Applejack walked up to him.

“Wait a gosh darn minute! How would you know bout them Bicorns when no pony in Equestria heard or even written in any books?!” She yelled at them as Bones put his hoof on his chin.

“Huh… that’s a good question since you’re the 1st one who bothered to ask…” He said and smiled at her. “I know about the Bicorns because…” He paused for a bit which confused them “Building suspense moment…” He said as the leaves on his head burst into a black flame, turned to ash, and revealed two curving horns on his head “I AM ONE!” He yelled as a skeleton of a rat with red glowing orbs in its eye sockets crawled out of his mane and climbed on his left horn and looked at the ponies.

“Dun, Dun, Dun…” It said as the other skeletons’ heads turned to them.

“DUN…!” They all said as their eyes had red glows in their eyes and marched towards Twilight and her group as they were being boxed in.

“HA-HAHAHAHAHAHA! HEE-HAHAHAHA! HA-HAHAHAHA! HEE-HEE-HEE-HEE!” Laughed Bones while his eyes turned black with his red pupils as he looked at Twilight and her friends.

Chapter 2

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Twilight and the group were being boxed in, Bones looked at them. “Now… You can all di…” he held his word as Twilight and her friends were prepared to fight “rect yourselves out of here!” He yelled at them as all the skeletons with claws and thumbs lifted them over their heads and carried them out of the clearing “Sorry but not sorry. I have a dinner party and uninvited guests don’t belong here! So beat it!” He yelled as they were all struggling to get free.

“WAIT A MINUTE?!” Yelled Shining Armor, Bones rolled his eyes.

“What now?”


“Yes.” Said Bones bluntly “What did you think I was going to do? Slaughter you all and display your skeletal remains with the others and conquer the world with my Dark Magic?”

“YES!” Yelled Shining Armor as he got hit in the forehead with a Changeling skull, which made him faint in horror.

“That’s an insensitive and racist accusation to all creatures who use Dark Magic!” Yelled Bones. “Now get lost before I pierce you all with spears!” He yelled as his horns glowed ominously to create bones from thin air and formed them into spears as one of his Minotaur and Centaur skeletons grabbed them.

“He made those bones from Dark Magic…” Said Luna, but before they could act. The Skeletons were about to throw them out of the clearing.

“Sweetie?” said a voice as Bones flinched. He turned around to see a huge black portal appeared with an adult Siren with white scales, holding a gray infant Siren with stubby horns on her head, a gray gem on her chest, a Black and White Siren child with an ebony gem on her chest and a Black and White Bicorn colt with an eyepatch on his right eye and his cutie mark a white Bomb with a black explosion.

“A SIREN?!” Yelled Twilight since she fought against 3.

“Hi… honey, kids.” Said Bones nervously which shocked them.

“KIDS?!” Yelled Cadance.

“I didn’t see that coming.” Said Pinkie Pie.

“This… isn’t what it looks like.” He said nervously as the Bicorn colt sank in his shadow, to move towards the skeletons and appeared on the Skeleton Minotaur.

“Ponies with horns, wings, and both. Along with a fat little dragon.” He said, which aggravated Spike.

“I’M NOT FAT!” He yelled as the Bicorn Colt took a deep breath and inflating his belly and pointed his to Spike. Rainbow snickered at the joke.

“NOT FUNNY!” Yelled Spike. “I’M A FIRE-BREATHING DRAGON!” He yelled at the Bicorn Colt who smirked who was holding a small marble-size energy ball in his hoof.

“And I’m Bomb Bomb.” Said the Bicorn Colt as he tossed a little energy ball at Spike, who caught it. The Dragon Skeleton holding Spike reacted scared as he looked around but tossed Spike into a bush as it covered its non-existing ears.


“AAAHHH!!!” Screamed Spike. They all looked to see him who looked overcooked. *Exhausted smog* “That hurt.” He said as he fainted. Bones groaned angrily.

“How many times do I have to tell you… STOP BLOWING UP CREATURES!!!” He yelled at the colt who reacted scared.

“Sorry… dad.” Said Bomb Bomb sadly “But I like seeing suckers getting blasted.” He muttered to himself as Fluttershy was close to hear that.

“That’s not nice to do.” She said as Bomb Bomb dropped one on her. She screamed as it just made a popping sound.

“But it’s funny. Hee-hee-hee.” Said Bomb Bomb as the adult Siren grabbed him by the ear. “OW!!!”

“Listen to your father.” She said,

“ALRIGHT! ALRIGHT! MAMA!” He yelled as she let go of his ear as the Siren child floated towards him.

“~Bomb Bomb’s in trouble.~” She sang as Bomb-Bomb pouted.

“Zip it, Seashell.” He said as the Adult Siren floated to Bones.

“Sweetie… who are they and what happened to our house?” She asked.

“Simple Keynotes. Ask the Princess of Friendship whose loyal subject thought it would be great if we obey their ways.” Said Bones which scared her.

“But Sirens cannot accept harmony! We’ll perish immediately.” Said Keynotes as Twilight looked horrified.

“But the books about Sirens-” When she said that, Keynotes flew towards her in anger.

“DON’T BELIEVE THAT GARBAGE WRITTEN BY PONIES ABOUT MY RACE!” She yelled in Twilight’s face “You… know… nothing about my… race.” She said,

“Except the ones how they’re monsters by that group lead by the weirdo with the bells.” Said Bones which made her turn her head at Bones angrily. “I’m just saying.”

“Why did I marry you?” She asked him

“Because I was the most attractive male who was so negative, you couldn’t stay away.” Answered Bones “All Bicorns always releasing negativity due to our Dark Magic. It makes certain races calm and happy.” He said while smirking, “Along with discovering the most beautiful creature I’ve ever seen.” He said, Keynotes smile while blushing.

“Flirt.” She said, Cadance felt their love was pure and true which made her smile, but Seashell made a face while holding her neck.

“Blech! Blech! Blech!” Bomb Bomb snickered along with Rainbow and Pinkie by the face.

“Now, these uninvited guests are leaving and never coming back unless they want to be mauled by my skeleton creations.” Said Bones orders them to get them out of here.

“WAIT!” Yelled Twilight “Please… don’t throw us out!” She begged “We’ll void the arrest warrant and your trial!” She said as Keynotes raised her brow.

“What arrest warrant?” She asked

“The one where your husband beat up the soldiers and veteran Wonderbolts to the hospital.” Said Shining Armor as Keynotes looked at Bones with narrow eyes.

“They refuse to accept no! Also they blew up our house and the last creature thought it would be funny to dump a bucket of ice water on me. Still can’t believe he fell for the Draconequus’ weakness that sealed their magic for a month.” He explained which shocked them.

“What weakness?” Asked Celestia.

“Simple, trick a Draconequus to say their name backwards and their magic is sealed for a month.” Explained Bones “The funny part of that is, seeing them trying to snap his fingers to make it go away.” He said, Fluttershy managed to escape from his skeletons’ grip and flew to Bones while giving him ‘The Stare’.

“You also hurt my friend! How could you do that!?” She said as Bones snarled at her which made Fluttershy back away seeing that 'The Stare' wasn't working.

“He said if I don’t accept it, he’ll get his friends to blast my race and I with a Magic of Friendship to ‘feel the friendship’ garbage you’re all about. Who wouldn’t take that as a threat?” He asked them as his family turned to Twilight as Bomb Bomb started creating his explosives.

“Alright, alright! Maybe what he said… did sound like a threat.” Said Twilight “And I’m sorry for what he said.” Said Twilight as Bomb Bomb made his explosives vanished as he lifted his eye patch to show he still had another eye.

“Hey!” Said Applejack.

“I’m practicing in case, I lose an eye.” He said as turned to Princess Twilight “Also is this about how your buffoon of a friend pretended to be the legendary Grogar, The Father of Monsters and manipulated 3 criminals to boost your confidence but backfired?” He asked, which made them cringe upon hearing that again. Seashell pulled a newspaper from her bag.

“This was all over Equestria, plus your guards and citizens who are loyal to you, are burning all they can find. Along with illegal arrests but you didn’t hear that from me.” Said Seashell which made Twilight look shocked as another dark portal appeared.

“And… the guests of honor have arrived.” Said Bones as 3 Bicorns Mares came out of the portal; The 1st one was big but muscular with pigtails with a cutie mark that shows a Weight with up and down arrows, 2nd one had long hair covering half her face with a cutie mark that shows a green potion and the 3rd one was wearing a mask that covered her muzzle with a cutie mark that shows a red heart with a black aura holding plates and baskets with food. “Mass the Strong, Poison the Maker & Heart the Feeling. Long time no see.” He said, which made them look at Twilight and her friends.

“What in the name of Grogar happened here?” She asked which Keynotes groaned.

“I just want to have a nice dinner with friends.”

Chapter 3

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“You know… I never would have imagined that I would have attended a unique dinner.” Said Rarity in a calm attitude. “THIS IS NOT WHAT I ENVISION!!!” Screamed Rarity as she was sitting in a chair, along with the others in a long table for over 20 creatures but… the table and chairs were created from bones.

“I had to make something out of the last minute.” Said Bones. “Also, I didn’t plan for more guests!” He yelled at Rarity. His wife calmed him down as she looked at her dinnerware.

“You could have at least had some dinnerware that didn’t look damaged.” Rarity complained, which Bones snarled as Applejack elbowed her.

“In case you’ve forgotten Rares.” Said Applejack, who pointed at Bones’ destroyed home.

“Oh… I’ve unfortunately forgotten his… predicament.” Rarity looked down in shame. Celestia and Luna were uncomfortable since the chalices Bones had made were the skulls of different creatures as Seashell poured a deep red juice.

“Have some fresh pomegranate juice. Careful, it will stain you since your coat is white.” Warned Seashell as she floated to the next guests.

“This… isn’t the oddest dinner I’ve been to.” Said Celestia as Luna was gulping down the juice.

“At least the juice is acceptable and isn’t lukewarm.” Said Luna as she smiled to reveal her teeth had some of the juice on them.

“Uh… I recommend you don't smile for a while.” Said Celestia, which confused Luna. Twilight was writing details about Bicorns. She looked up to see Heart the Feeling staring at her.

“!!!” Twilight’s eyes nearly popped out upon seeing Heart staring at her. It’s almost like Heart is staring right into her soul. “Uh… May I help you?” Asked Twilight.

“…” Twilight blinked and looked left and right, but spoke louder.

“(Louder Tone) I’m Twilight Sparkle! Your name is Heart, the Feeling?!” She asked as Heart nodded after hearing that.

“She’s not deaf.” Said Mass. “Heart is mute since the day she was born but can speak with her mind if you’re close in her range.” Explained Mass, which confused every creature, but Twilight understood that.

“She speaks with her mind!?” Yelled Twilight.

“Correct, Princess of Friendship.” Which baffled every creature, “I also know what is torturing your soul, read your mind, know your fears, and secrets.” Rainbow Dash laughed at her.

“Yeah right.”

“Your biggest fear is the Wonder bolts being shut down forever and eating pie.” Spoke Heart, which shocks Rainbow.

“You can’t guess mine.” Said Pinkie.

“Crazy taffy jump rope and don’t change at the last second.” Thought Heart as Pinkie whistled at her.

“I admit defeat.” Said Pinkie as the others try to keep their secrets hidden from her.

“So…” Twilight tried to change the topic and keep her mind a secret. “I’ve noticed that all Bicorn looked identical, except for Bomb Bomb.” They all turned to her.

“All Bicorns are completely identical.” Said Poison “Well, Purebloods are.” She added.

“Purebloods?” Asked Luna.

“Not like those snobby, arrogant rich ponies you have in your city.” Said Poison “Those who don't have a unicorn grandma or Pegasus uncle or something like that.”

“Any Bicorn who has… you know.” Bones said while looking at Shining Armor who nodded “With a creature of a different race, they gain a bit of a trait from their parents of another race. Like the white spots from their mother or a complete mixture like a little Black Water there.” She said as the baby Siren was with Flurry Heart in a crib (Made from actual bones) watching his Skeletons’ dancing.

“And also…” They turned to Luna “Why do nearly all of you have a title? I failed to understand why you have one?” Asked Luna.

“Well… why is Starswirl called ‘The Bearded’?” Asked Bones which made Celestia and Luna realized their answer.

“Oh…” they said, Poison cleared her throat

“I’m called ‘The Maker’ because I make different poisons that don't just give death.” She said which confused them as Seashell floated over them.

“It means that her poisons have healing properties. She made poisons that don’t kill any creature.” She explained.

“Except… wrinkles.” Said Poison as her eyes turned black “He-he-he-he…” She said as they looked at her, but Rarity appeared next to her.

“Sell me one!” She yelled as Poison looked at her but shook her head.

“Your wrinkles must exist for me to sell you one. Any non-existing ones will give you a bad rash.” She said which made Rarity in a rut. No way she’ll make herself have wrinkles.

“Twister of others’ needs.” Said Mass “Love you baby.” Bones groaned.

“Can we eat now?” He asked which his skeleton creations came and served them but given that there are more dinner guests, all got small servings. “*GROWL* I hate… HATE moochers.” Said Bones as his horns glowed ominously, Keynotes calmed him down. “Why do you wish to stay Princess of Friendship?” Asked Bones which got their attention “I mean I thought you learn about showing some forgiveness to those who commit crimes without a punishment? I admit I wounded all those ponies and Discord for the threats, blowing up my home and bothering me. Shouldn’t your big brother arrest me for whatever accomplishments for it?” He said Shining Armor looked at Twilight but looked down.

“I have no jurisdiction on Equestria soils.” He admitted as they looked at Twilight who looked down.

“She’s down for what is now happening.” Thought Heart “She is trying to prevent a war between all races after she effortlessly made peace with them through Friendship. Am I wrong?” Heart asked as Twilight looked down.

“Yes.” She admitted that her friends and family turned to her while worrying for her. “A… after when I was crowned; I believed that I could run Equestria and continue spreading friendship but… after that one pony released what Discord did…”

“You hate that pony?” Asked Bomb Bomb which made Twilight turn to him.

“NO!!!” She yelled but looked sad “I mean… I hate what caused it but it's also my fault.” Said Twilight which baffled the Bicorns and Sirens.

“Your fault?” Asked Seashell “An Alicorn blaming herself for something she knew was her fault… at least you admitted it.” She said while turning her eyes to Celestia who noticed it.

“I was focusing on my friends and my students when I became an Alicorn, I haven’t received any formal training to be a ruler.” She said “Celestia and Luna say that I’ll be a natural Ruler but… I was scared. I was still scared before what Discord did. No matter how strong the Magic of Friendship is, it can’t make any creature instantly brave.” She said one of Bones’ skeletons handed her a hankie as Twilight used her magic to hold it and blew her nose into it. “Thank you. Despite being crowned, I’ve been plagued by nightmares of my own actions.” She said as Luna got up.

“That can’t be!” She said as all turned to her “I’ve been into the dreamscape and haven’t seen any nightmares from you!” She said as Heart put some thought into it.

“Perhaps, it’s your conscience giving you those nightmares.” Heart Answer “Dreams come from your mind and imagination but if they come from your conscience, it means that you're suffering from guilt from within yourself of actions that you regret. What is your guilt, Princess of Friendship?” She asked which made Twilight think about the main source of her dreams, Tirek, Chrysalis & Cozy Glow.

“I know. Despite the crimes they did, dividing all the Pony Tribes.”

*Error Sound Effect* Made by Bomb Bomb "Almost all the Pony Tribes.” Said Bomb Bomb which made Twilight groan in correcting herself.

“Almost all the Pony Tribes. They were all deceived by my friend who wanted to help me without any creature and myself knowing. Even Sombra, despite him rebelling against Discord. He was brought back from Neither and was destroyed by us as his mistake.” Said Twilight as she started to get emotional. “I thought about it all after our victory but… is it possible that harmony can create evil?”

“Yes/Yes.” Said the Bicorns except for Bomb Bomb which shocked them.

“Good creates evil and evil creates good.” Said Mass “It’s like a domino effect. You know where you carefully set up the dominos, so they don’t tip over and fall. You keep it until you’re satisfied, but then, an arrogant creature comes and ruins all your work by tipping one domino. The chain reaction from that one domino can lead to disasters in any form.”

“Like a friend doing something evil to aid good.” Said Bones “Discord wasn’t using his brain and common sense, which makes sense for him. He was thinking with his heart, but… the heart can betray you. Those villains, as you call them, thought they were aiding and taking down a legendary tyrant, but they were marionettes being used by a Follower of Friendship.” He said as Bomb Bomb looked at Twilight.

“Can a hero be a bad guy… That would make a cool comic.” He said Spike wanted to protest, but he paused. It will sound like an impressive comic to read if it exists.

“Face the facts Twilight.” Said Poison, “Your magic of friendship will one day create villains. I mean, anything is possible, you just have to have an open mind.” She said, which made Twilight slammed her head on the table.

“That is something I always fear, but I… I…”

“Never thought it would happen.” They all said, Twilight groaned as Keynotes lifted her head to her.


“Twilight is fine.”

“Twilight… Ask me this question, has friendship ever once failed or lost in battle?” Asked Keynotes.


“Then that’s the problem. From failure, you learn. From success, you learn nothing.” She said, which made Seashell laugh.

“That’s impossible. Their Magic of Friendship never fails. It always goes down halfway in battle and immediately wins. Hence, it never fails. Except how it gave up on creatures who don’t see your teachings differently.” They all looked at her words and offended her as Twilight. “I mean, isn’t that why you send that filly to Tartarus? Because she sees friendship differently as power because of its victories and zero losses?”

“Are you trying to make me feel even worse than I already am?” Asked Twilight, which Seashell smirked.

“Yes, because your negativity is delicious.” She spoke grimly, “I can be innovative without singing.” Which got her a whack on the head by her mother.

“And you promise me you ask creatures for their negativity.” Said Keynotes, which made Bomb Bomb laugh.

“*Wheezing Laughing*” Bombs sighed.

“So now what are you going to do, Twilight?” Asked Bones. “I mean, you’re in a predicament where your problem involves friendship. I mean, you might need help, but… where are you going to get help from?” He asked.

“Nearly all races are allies to ponies and those who joined you one time might not aid you.” Thought Heart “I am speaking of Scorpan, traitorous brother of Lord Tirek. Celestia and Luna, when he helps you, banished Tirek to Tartarus, and he returned home. One bicorn from that era witness his father King Vorak, using magic to remove Scorpan’s memories of your friendship and Tirek.”

“WHAT?!” They both screamed.

“King Vorak decreed that having any connections with you will cause chaos to his kingdom, so the spell not only removes his memories but placed distrust to ponies and their allies. Which ironically is what Twilight is dealing with. Sad, isn’t it?” Asked Heart as Bones, Mass, Poison and Keynotes nodded. “I know you all wish to undo Vorak’s actions but the spell he used will only be broken if Tirek dethrones his brother but…”

“But he’s trapped in stone.” Said Bomb Bomb who had one of his magic marbles as he tossed it in the air as it exploded like fireworks to form the words.


He tossed another one in the air.


“I’m only 10 and I’m smart enough to know what is right and wrong from my parents. Dad told me about how actions have consequences. Maybe that’s Scorpan’s consequences for betraying his brother to help you? I don’t know but grandpa said that everything involving magic has a price. So… what’s The Magic of Friendship’s price for it?” Asked Bomb Bomb which made Celestia and Luna look down.

“Son…” Bomb Bomb looked scared “I know that what you said is true, but you shouldn’t tell them around others.” Said Bones.

“Oh… sorry.” Said Bomb Bomb as they looked at Twilight.

“May I have something to say Miss Twilight?” Asked Seashell.

“Yes?” Said Twilight.

“I think I have an idea to manage the crowds.” She said with a smirk which concerned the Harmony side.

Meanwhile, Back at Canterlot
Starlight was holding off the paparazzi who believed that Twilight abandoned them as a Black portal appeared near Canterlot Castle. Twilight came out, along with Spike and the others came out. The paparazzi took pictures, making claims that they learned Dark Magic but Bones, Keynotes, their kids, and friends came out as the paparazzi looked shocked and dropped their cameras that got smashed as they dropped them on the stone staircase. Bones cleared his throat.

“Greetings, citizens of Canterlot.” Said Bones “I am Bones the Brutal, a Bicorn and this is my wife Keynotes, a Siren. Our kids and friends of ours. Bicorns are the 4th Pony Tribes that your ancestor tribes tried to kill off.” He said which made them look in shock as Mass spoke up.

“We’re here as Twilight will try to make peace with our races.” She said as Poison’s eyes turned black.

“But it doesn’t mean we’ll accept Friendship is Magic.” She said which shocked them “Oh, and We’re also experts in Dark Magic. So don’t expect Twilight to blast us if we decide to fight back.”

“*DARK LAUGHING/WHEEZING LAUGHING*” Bones and the other Bicorns laughed as Bomb Bomb did his laugh as all their eyes turned black while Keynotes, Seashell, and their baby’s gems glow blood red while smirking.

Side Story, (Author’s Note: This Side Story is about the babies, so I’m translating what they said, like you see in Rugrats.
Flurry Heart was in a crib with Bones’ and Keynotes’ baby Siren/Bicorn. Flurry was a bit uncomfortable as the crib was made from bones from Dark Magic. They were watching the skeletons created by Bones, and were dancing in front of them. Flurry turned to her… playmate. “Uh… What’s your name?”

“Black Water.” Said the hybrid “My name is Black Water, what’s your name?” She asked.

“I’m Princess Flurry Heart but it’s just Flurry.” She said,

“Okay Just Flurry.” Said Black Water, Flurry laughed at that joke.

“No… it's Flurry.” She said, Black Water understood it.

“Oh… sorry about that. Anyway, why are your family and their friends here?” Black Water asked.

“I don’t know. They said something about a bad pony but… I don’t see a bad pony.” She said while looking at the bones. “Your daddy has scary magic. Sorry.” She said as Black Water waved her hoof.

“It’s okay. It was scary at 1st but afterwards they played music. They’re not very scary.” She said,


“Watch this.” Said Black Water as she started to cry but the skeletons stopped dancing and grabbed some junk and started playing.

Black Water claps to the beat as Flurry watches it. She was uncomfortable about it but started clapping to the beat.

“This is catchy!” She yelled happily.

“I know. Papa wants me to be happy.” She said, Flurry looked at her.

“Want to be friends?” She asked.

“Sure!” Black Water said happily. "I have one question to ask you."

"I'll answer if you answer mine."


"What's it like to have a fish tail?" Asked Flurry.

"Its okay but its feels like you're half a eel." She answered "Also, what's it like to have wings?" Asked Black Water

"It's cool but uncomfortable when you try taking a nap." Answered Flurry Heart.

"Like a slithering eel, super lame." She said as she looked at the adult table. "Is being a princess a lot of fun?" Asked Black Water, while Flurry frown.

"No. My parents want me to learn some things I don't want to learn and some grown-ups are suck-ups." She said.

"Too bad. If you had my big brother, he'll just scare the adults with his magic. He likes blowing stuff and other creatures up, he said it makes him laugh as they scream." Spoke Black Water.

"But... isn't that bad?" Question Flurry

"Not unless they don't leave you alone." Reply Black Water.

"Ah..." Said Flurry "I wish they understand us babies." Black Water pointed at Heart.

"She can. She's my favorite Babysitter who can read our minds and know what we want. Even a new diaper change." Flurry smile.

"Can she be my babysitter?" Asked Flurry.

"If we can be playdates while she babysit us?"


Chapter 4

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Bones, Mass, Poison and Keystone was surrounded by Canterlot Guards as Bomb Bomb, Seashell and Heart were getting annoyed by the camera flashes. “Princess Twilight.” Said Bomb Bomb “These ponies are getting on my nerves and these flashes are too much. Please tell them to stop or I’ll give them some booming gifts!” He yelled angrily, saying that Spike personally knows what Bomb Bomb’s gifts are.

“Please, every creature! These are my guests who wish for peace!” She yelled to get their attention.

“Peace!?” Yelled a Canterlot noble unicorn mare

“That’s a Siren with rams!” yelled a different Canterlot Pegasus stallion but what he said aggravated all but Keynotes and Seashell. Bomb Bomb had his energy marble on his hoof.

“RAMS!? WE’RE NOT RAMS, WE’RE BICORNS!” They all said as their horns glowed black auras which frightened the crowds.

“They have dark magic!” Screamed a unicorn mare as they rolled their eyes.

“I already said that before.” Said Poison “Clean the wax out of your ears, please.” She said, the crowd yelled angrily which Bones trotted up.

“I’ll get them to stop.” He said with his eyes turning black which worried Twilight.

“Please… don’t hurt them.” She said,

“I won’t hurt them.” Said Bones “But tell me this? Does frightening them to wet themselves count as hurting them?” He asked which confused Twilight.

“No…?” She said,

“Good.” He said as he pointed his hoof at them as his rat skeleton came out of his mane which stopped the angry ponies.

“Dun, Dun, Dun… DUN." said the rat Skeleton. Everypony paused as they all freaked out

*SCREAMING IN HORROR* They all fled from the castle while Bones rolled his eyes.

“They’ve seen a changeling queen, an Umbra, a magic stealing Centaur, a disgrace Lord of Chaos, Wendigos and even a filly who is capable of removing magic from the land, but they freak out seeing something so small?” He said in disbelief while petting his rat, “How embarrassing and pathetic.”

“I saw a guard peed in his armor! He’d peed his armor!” Yelled Bomb Bomb as he laughed at how easily scared the guards of Canterlot get, humiliating Shining Armor that guards from Canterlot broke easily as Twilight looked at them rat skeleton.

“Ugh… can you please… put your skeleton away, please?” She asked.

“His name is Garlic. He was my pet when I was a colt.” Said Bones “Even after… he passed.” Fluttershy felt sad for him.

“Rats… don’t live a long time.” She said sadly.

“They don’t… but this little guy refuses to rest.” Said Bones “Despite not needing food and sleep. He needs a supply of my magic to stay, even after I grow up.” He said, Garlic ran to his cheek and rubbed it. “He wants to protect me, like how I protected him.”

“From what?” Asked Rainbow, Garlic turned to her and snarled.

“Maybe from you, if… you turn on us.” Said Bones which made Rainbow got in his face.

“I’m the Element of Loyalty, bub! I don’t backstab any creature.”

“Correction.” Said Seashell “You’re loyal to harmony, friendship, and your friends. Will you do anything for The Magic of Friendship?” She asked which Twilight noticed what she’s doing. She was about to say something, but Keynotes got their first.

“I know what you’re doing young lady.” She said, which made Seashell flinch. “I know you want to taste negativity from heroes, but we’re guests here. Insult them after we’ve made peace.” Seashell cross her legs.

“Crabs.” She said as she looked at Twilight. “Will that crazy old unicorn with bells on his clothes come here? Because I imagine mom will harpoon him in the eye.” Spoke Seashell, Celestia, Luna and Twilight looked at Keynotes and noticed her eye twitch.

“I will harpoon him, but in the heart.” She said that The Pillars left a bad memory for Sirens. Celestia and Luna appear near her.

“We’ll inform them not to harm you in any way.” Said Celestia as Bomb Bomb pulled on Celestia’s mane.

“Can I blow up the old unicorn’s beard? It looks dumb to me.” He said as Bones looked at him.

“If he harms your mother and sisters in any way.” Said Bones. “You have my permission but blew his mane up first. Start small before going big.” He said, which made both Celestia and Luna look at him.

“Is that how your parents raise you?” Asked Luna.

“Kind of. A Bicorn’s life is harsh and difficult.” Said Bones “I mean, we didn’t have an immortal Alicorn protecting us from whatever lurks in the dark and in the light, along with a group of heroes.”

“Touché.” Said Celestia, seeing that ponies did tend to depend on her for protection to protect them from danger during her reign and the Pillars before they went to Limbo.

“Uh…” They all turned to Starlight who was confused by the ponies with ram horns and Sirens. “Did I miss something?” She asked.

Inside the Castle’s Tea Room
Starlight was baffled in hearing from Twilight and the other princesses. “SOLICITORS?! YOU THOUGHT THEY WERE SOLICITORS?!” She screamed at Bones who drank from a chalice made from bones, filled with apple juice which frightened her by its design.

“No offense but they won’t take no for an answer.” Said Bones “Plus they threaten my race and family. I had no other choice but to fight back.” He said, which made Starlight look worried.

“If ponies threaten your family, it would be your right to fight back.” Said Seashell which got her a glare from Starlight. “Also the whole friendship magic is starting to corrupt princess’ subjects to commit evil for it, her purpose is becoming Equestria’s new evil.” She said which got her glares from the princesses. “What? It's logical if you think about it. No evil will appear after what you did, it will make sense if your friendship becomes the evil you fight.” She said as Bicorns coughed in their hooves.

“She makes a good point.” Said Mass, Bones nodded.

“My daughter, I raise her to be smart and think with logic and common sense.” He said which Seashell smiled hearing as Twilight flew to him.

“I will make sure that will never happen.” She said,

“You can but it will happen.” Said Poison “Not every creature can prevent a possibility.” She said,

“Princess Twilight!” They all turned to see Starswirl with the rest of the pillars. “We have heard that there are-” He said but stopped seeing 3 sirens and rams. “But I see the rumors are true. Sirens and Rams!” He said which got some Bicorns pissed.

“AGAIN WITH THE RAMS!” Screamed Bones as Mass used her magic to control the gravity around them, making it too much for them to stand.

“Sorry but they had the look of blasting the Sirens.” She said, Bomb Bomb was holding his energy marbles.

“One false move and you’ll go to Boom-Boom City!” He said which shock Starswirl

“You’re… protecting Sirens?!” He yelled.

“That’s my mom and sisters, racist.” He said angrily.

“Heroes that will attack creatures because of their past encounters… start the preparations for war, princess or prepare the execution grounds for old heroes.” Said Seashell grimly.

“We don’t have execution grounds, young lady.” Said Luna.

“Seriously? Or you don’t know of its existence.” Reply Seashell Bomb Bomb looked at his sister.

“Loyal ponies of the crown do whatever they want.” He said “Like in Bicorn history. Arrogance ponies living in harmony, tend to do whatever they want, without consequences.”

“If only he used his brain on his homework.” Said Keynotes as Bones nodded.

“I sometimes wonder why he doesn’t use it.” Reply Bones which made Starlight noticed the baby Siren.

“Aww… She’s adorable.” Black Water turned to her and waved to her. “I always wonder about Sirens that aren’t written in books.” Said Starlight as Black Water laughed.

“Why would any creature write about creatures?” Said Bones “Would you write about their weaknesses?” He said.

“Are you this negative?” Asked Starlight.

“Don’t know? Are there any Alicorns that are male?” Asked Bones, which Starlight made her mouth shut.

“Good question…” She said as Heart trotted out of the castle.

“WAIT!” Yelled Twilight as Heart turned to her. “Where are you going?!”

“To see this city that you rule. I want to see how these rich snobs can manage a Bicorn, trotting around.” She explained and left the door.

“I’m going to see if this city of rich pansies has something that’s fun around here.” Said Seashell as Bom Bomb climbed on her back as they flew out.

“We are not responsible for any humiliation those 2 make to your subjects.” Said Bones as Keynotes nodded. Twilight groaned as this day wasn't going at well but unaware to them, a unicorn mare in a hoodie with a camera around her neck was watching from a far with a telescope, her eyes widened in surprise.

“I smell a scope.” She said,

Chapter 5

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Twilight was worried as Bones, Keynotes, Mass, and Poison were drinking a cup of tea. “So Princess of Friendship… How are you gonna handle us Bicorns?” Asked Mass.

“I agree with my love.” Said Poison “We’re natural creatures of dark magic and accepting harmony magic is… unacceptable.” She said which got Celestia’s attention.

“Why?” She asked.

“Because Monarch of the Sun. If we accept your friendship magic, your loyal subjects will constantly bother us to renounce our dark magic which is connected to our talents and renounce our cutie marks to be accepted by your friends and all.” Bones explained which Luna sighed.

“I find your words filled with wisdom.” She said, “Wise words that no creatures will listen to.”

“Harsh but true.” Said Mass “I mean logic is ignored in favor of harmony. I mean no creature bothered to question how your 4 villains attacked Equestria or how some escaped and returned?” She said Twilight groaned on hearing that.

“I admit that I’ve questioned how Sombra returned to Equestria, but I never bother to research how he’d return.” She complained as Keynotes patted her on the head.

“You had other things on your mind.” Said Keynotes.

“Yes, The Friendship Map, my friends and creating more friendships with other tribes.” Said Twilight as Celestia, Luna and Cadance comforted her. “I should have researched on how Sombra returned and whether Chrysalis could return for revenge or Tirek and Cozy escape from Tartarus but… I didn’t.”

“Because you believe your magic of friendship has solved everything.” Answered Bones “But no offense, a problem that has been solved, many more problems will be created.” He said while looking at Twilight. “Tell me one thing that’s been bothering me?” Asked Bones “You know the truth from Discord who betrayed you, right?” Twilight nodded “Then… why didn’t you reason with them and forgive Discord who caused everything?” Twilight’s eyes widen in shock as she didn’t say anything

(“Why didn’t I do that?”)

Heart was trotting towards the garden as she noticed the statues and plants. (“I sense a massive emotion source of anger, vengeance, sadness and hatred… so much hatred.”) She thought as he looked around.


Heart looked behind her to see smoke and water gushing like a geyser. (“Bomb Bomb… Explosive in the fountain… Who was stupid enough to mock him?”)

At the Fountain Plaza
Some nobles were drenching in water as they screamed that their clothes cost over 10,000 Bits as Bomb Bomb and Seashell were hiding in an alley with another pony with a camera. “Thank you for standing up for me.” She said,

“No problem, Harsh Reality.” Said Seashell.

“AKA the one who revealed Discord’s crime.” Said Bomb Bomb.

Heart was looking around as she stopped to meet a male white unicorn. “Oh my… it’s the ponies who are like rams.” Heart narrowed her eyes at him. “Since you haven’t seen royalty much, I’m Prince Blueblood, nephew of Princess Celestia who made the fatal mistake of leaving a novice to the throne.” He said as Heart raised her brow “I’m sure you don’t understand what I’m saying, I shall explain to you. My Aunt Celestia and Luna have made a mistake of allowing Twilight Sparkle to have the throne to Equestria. After that, the reporter reveals the truth about how the Legion of Doom came to be. Twilight’s friend Applejack admitted that Discord who was responsible for nearly burying Equestria by the Wendigos. She refused to turn that turncoat to stone, along with those 3 villains. Twilight Sparkle is a failure as a Princess of Equestria for allowing an act of treason to go without a proper trial for him.” He said as Heart just stared at him. “What do you say about Twilight Sparkle for learning this truth?” Heart stared at him.

“She’s a fool.” Thought Heart which Blueblood smirked “But so was Celestia.” which made Blueblood flinch in shock.


“Nightmare Moon.” Thought Heart which made Blueblood back away “Celestia let her own sister who was her only family related by blood, isolated her, and chose her ponies. Ignoring Luna’s existence which created negativity in her heart. Nightmare Moon may be Luna’s dark birth but Celestia was the creator.” Thought Heart as she slowly trot towards Blueblood who backed away in fear. “If Celestia wasn’t such a constant glory hog that constantly shines every day, Luna wouldn’t feel like she didn’t exist, her nights weren’t meaningless and transform into Nightmare Moon.” Finish Heart while staring at Blueblood who was backed up to a bush. “You also feel the same as Luna.” She thought Blueblood looked shocked and scared.

“What do you mean?” He said as Heart’s eyes turned black.

“Allow me to show you.” Her horns glowed as Blueblood was horrified.

Seashell and Bomb Bomb were inside the home of Harsh Reality who had many pictures and lines showing some of the accomplishments of The Pillars, The Mane 6, and Celestia. “I’m interested that you have many pictures and documents of your heroes… victories.” Said Bomb Bomb as Seashell saw one where the Pillars banished 3 Sirens.

“I’m not liking that you have some documents and stories of my race’s enemies.” She said,

“I’m sorry but after what I learned from Discord’s Act of Corruption, I had to research the aftermath of their victories.” Said Harsh as she pulled out an old scroll from her filing cabinet. “Like this one I’ve found in a hidden room in the Crystal Empire Record Room. Apparently long ago before the Crystal Empire was banished and before King Sombra took over, there was a race of ponies who are known as living shadows, The Umbrum. Long ago, they once lived in peace with the Crystal Ponies as examples of balance between light and darkness. They were friends until some unknown unicorn sage proclaimed that any creature connected or anything in the forces of darkness are nothing but pure evil.” Said Harsh Reality. “Because of that sage, the Crystal Ponies severed their treaty with the Umbrum, they fought against them and locked them all up in a magical prison.” She said,

“Then explain Sombra?” Said Seashell.

“My theory is that he was a newborn and managed to get through the cracks of the magical prison.” Said Harsh Reality “Then the Crystal ponies managed to re-lit their dark past on him and made him the monster history described him.” She said, “These are dark facts of history that any creature on the side of harmony will destroy to keep the real truth from being exposed.” Bomb Bomb looked at one involving Tirek and Scorpan.

“This is almost true except that Scorpan didn’t willingly take the throne.” Said Bomb Bomb as Harsh pulled out her notepad.

“Please tell me what you know!” She yelled as Bomb Bomb smirked.

“If you tell me more of the dark secrets you know?” He said.


Poison & Mass were brought to the general ward by Celestia and Luna, where they witnessed all the ponies that Bones put them in himself. “So these are the ponies Bones himself sent to the medic ward. Now you know why he has the title ‘The Brutal’. But I can’t blame him because I remember he did say ‘no’ to them, and they refused to accept no and blew his home up.” Said Poison as Celestia and Luna looked ashamed.

“I don’t know why they would force any creature to accept Friendship.” Said Celestia.

“I believe they might be doing this because of Discord’s actions, they’re forcing ponies to believe the Magic of Friendship to prevent another betrayal of harmony.” Said Luna, Mass looked at them and sighed.

“Preventing another betrayal but using force… I guess ponies aren't the candy-coated buffoons I thought they were.” She said, “You are capable of evil by using forces of good as your crutch and banner.” She said as Cadance stared at her.

“Are all Bicorns cruelly honest?” She asked.

“No but we’re using logic and common sense.” Said Poison and she pulled out a potion with a red liquid from a bag she summoned with magic. “One drop of this will do.” She said as she handed it to Celestia. “But not taking a sample for any of your medical staff to recreate it for their own benefits.” She said as she turned to the medical staff “If you dare steal from me, I’ll poison ivy you all so bad, you’ll be peeling your skin off!” She yelled at them as Luna looked at her.

“I imagine this potion is personal to you?”

“That’s my personal brew. Only I know what kinds of ingredients are needed to make them.” She said as some doctors mocked her until Mass used her magic to make them feel the pressure of gravity.

“I’ll be the one who will administer their healing.” She said as she went to Discord first.

“Ah… the one who nearly got Equestria destroyed.” Said Mass “Surprised that he wasn’t turned to stone with your villains. What did he say to escape that fate?” Celestia and Luna looked away in shame since it was Discord who gave them the idea which got them to avoid his punishment. Poison pulled out a mini baster, collected 8oz and released a small drop in his mouth. They watched as they waited, even the doctors as Discord glowed a bright green and all his bandages and cast came off as he was instantly healed.

“I’M BACK!!!”

“No, you’re not.” Said Mass as he turned to see her as he screamed.

“It’s the Ram Pony! He’s turned himself into a hideous mare!” He screamed which caused Mass’ eyes to turn black.

“Tell me where the Canterlot Morgue is, SO I CAN SEND HIM THERE MYSELF!” Roared Mass as Fluttershy flew to Discord.

“Discord… this is Mass, and this is Poison. Friends of the one who hurt you after you dumped a bucket of ice water on him.” She said which Discord looked at them.

“The Lord of Chaos who was stupid to say his name backwards.” Said Poison “Try to snap it all away.” Discord snapped his fingers, and nothing happened

“What a fool.” Said Mass as she helped Poison to aid the other patients.

“Ugh… it's like losing my magic again…” He whined.

“Get used to it.” Said Poison “You should never believe that you can get away with your crimes.” She said as she healed another victim as Discord pouted as Mass was measuring him.

“What are you doing?” He asked.

“Learning your measurements for your coffin or you prefer to be cremated?” She said as Discord gulped.

“Have I mentioned that you have lovely eyes?” He said.

“Keep talking or prepare to be mounted or stuffed.” Said Mass as Discord coward to her.

Twilight was looking for Heart as she was worried that she might aggravate some ponies. She flew around to hear something.


She turned to the garden “Oh no…” She flew to the garden to see something she had never in her life seen; Blueblood was crying on Heart’s shoulder. “Blueblood?” She said as Blueblood continued crying.

“I… I… I only became selfish for Auntie Celestia’s attention!” He yelled sadly as Twilight flew behind a hedge wall. “She never actually spends time with me that doesn’t involve the Great Galloping Gala or her politics. After Twilight Sparkle became her student, she spent time with her willingly and left me to the staff.” Twilight was shocked to hear that. “I understand how Auntie Luna felt when she was ignored, I just wanted to be loved like being a member of the family.” Heart patted his head.

“Have you ever told Celestia about this?”

“I have… but does she notice it? She was oblivious to my feelings, like how she was oblivious to Luna’s. She’d only cared when she witnessed her family transformed into a monster, maybe that’s the only way for her to care.” He said which made Twilight’s eyes widen.

(“That’s how Blueblood really felt?! Wait… why didn’t the Map of Friendship didn’t show us that problem? … Does Celestia and Luna don’t see him as family because of his attitude and actions?”) Thought Twilight.

“You don’t need to do that.” Thought Heart as Blueblood looked at her “Despite how you truly feel about your family problem, I say… cut your ties with them.” Twilight was shocked to hear that as Blueblood looked at her.


“I’m not an expert on friendship or family but I’ll say this to you, maybe you need a change in your life. A change from nobility, from the Alicorn Sisters and start a new life for yourself. Maybe you’ll find something you’re good at, something you find actual happiness and maybe find a mare or stallion that loves you. Also why keep trying to be loved by a pony who ignored you?” She asked him as Blueblood stood up and wiped away the tears.

“I… I… need some time to myself.” Said Blueblood “Thank you for trying to help.” He then trotted away as Heart turned her eyes to the hedges.

“I know you’re there, Twilight Sparkle.” She said as Twilight was shocked “I can speak through telepathy, remember?” Twilight came out from hiding and looked at her “Let me guess ‘How could you tell Blueblood to cut ties with Celestia and Luna’?” She gave her example.

“Yes…” Said Twilight.

“I don’t know to be honest. I was just saying what I believe might be right.” Said Heart “I mean why would any creature waste their life to be loved by another creature who never or rarely cares for them? You don’t need that kind of baggage in your life.”

“I… never thought of that. When Starlight helped Celestia and Luna with their Friendship Problem, I thought something like that was over but I never thought about Blueblood.”

“Because he’s been a jerk to you, Spike and what happened to Rarity?” Twilight looked at her “Whenever I use my magic to delve into others, I see their memories to help unload their painful baggage. Dark Magic has its uses that aren't corrupting others.” Said Heart

“I… never knew that’s how Blueblood really felt.” She said,

“He made himself a powerful mental defense that shielded his true feelings.” Said Heart “I bet you didn’t notice it because you were focused on books and studying nor did Celestia who treated you like a daughter she never had.” Heart said as an example.

“Why are the words from a Bicorn showing some painful and dark truths?” Wondered Twilight.

“We’re focused on reality instead of bliss. Makes you understand why the tribes betrayed the Bicorns. We know the price if you want what you want.” Said Heart as Twilight looked at her and in a certain direction.

“Will you do me a favor?” Asked Twilight.

“If it's to help you date that Pegasus guard in the Crystal Empire, ask your sister.” Said Heart which Twilight hushed her.

“I can’t let my brother know. He’s overprotective about Cadance, I don’t want him to protect me from my love life. Also, I don’t want my husband to be a dictionary.” She said, “I need you to talk to a certain group of three.” Said Twilight.

“The Legion of Doom.”

“Yes… I never helped them because of what they did. They have many reasons to hate me and the Magic of Friendship. Maybe you can.” Wonder Twilight as Heart smirked.

“Lead me to the patients.” Said Heart as Twilight teleports herself with Heart to the statue.

“Here they are.” Said Twilight as Heart sees them covered in garbage.

“Your subjects need to stop that.” Heart said as her horns glowed and burned away the garbage off the statue. “I’ll be busy. If your subjects throw garbage at me, I’m asking my mom to give them an awful rash for 3 months.” She said as her eyes turned black and her horns glowed as she made a magical connection to them and her.

Chapter 6

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“5 MINUTES! GIVE ME 5 MINUTES!!!” Yelled Keynotes as Bones, Poison & Mass were holding her back as Discord was cowering behind Celestia and Luna.

“You had to insult her odor.” Said Bones. “As her husband, I want to give her the reason to harpoon you in the eye.” He said Shining Armor and Cadance aided in holding Keynotes back.

“Must you joke about every creature you meet?” Said Cadance.

“Also insulting some creature’s wife is a death wish.” Said Shining.

“Well it's not my fault.” Complained Discord.

“IT IS YOUR FAULT!” They all said.

“No matter what you do, it always has consequences that you don’t care about as long as it's gone.” Said Bones.

“Lord Tirek, Queen Chrysalis, the filly and King Sombra. You were planning to use them to raise your Princess of Friendship’s confidence, but it failed on you, and you got every creature to clean your damn mess.” Said Mass.

“I’m surprised that you’re not locked up. The reason was that you got the villains angry to free your ‘friends’, along with convincing the Sun and Moon Alicorns to turn them to stone. And used the term friends loosely.” Said Poison which made Discord feel bad.

“Haven’t I suffered enough?”

“Don’t push us.” Said all the Bicorns.

“Oh and Discord. My friend, Icy and his clan will wait until winter to jab an icicle in your head.” Said Keynotes which concerned them. “They know that you’re responsible for bringing them and got him and his clan blasted away.” She said which confused them.

“Wendigos hold a strong grudge.” Said Bones which now shocked them “Like how your ancestors blamed them for your hatred between the tribes that they didn’t do anything but feed on their hatred with each other.” Shining Armor turned to him.

“How much of our history is wrong?” He asked.

“Don’t know?” Said Mass “How wrong were The Pillars wrong about their friend who they thought was stealing their magic?”

Heart was in a meditated state and floated as her magic on the statue as Twilight watched her. “Be careful.” She said as Heart entered their mindscape. Heart appeared in a white void of emptiness.

“So this is what the mindscape of those who are petrified. I thought those who are in comas have a better mindscape.” She said as she trot to find them. “Hmmm… if I know about those who are in their own mind, they’ll be focusing on-


“Each other.” Said Heart annoyed as she found Lord Tirek, Queen Chrysalis and Cozy Glow inside cages made of stone.

“Again I say, you should have never let that mutated weasel enraged you!” Yelled Chrysalis.

“Remind you that he is known for getting under every creatures’ skin or exoskeleton for you!” Yelled Tirek.

“Also you should have followed my plan! We would never be encased in stone if you follow my idea!” Screamed Cozy Glow.

‘Oh shut up!” Both adults said to Cozy as Heart rolled her eyes.

“Unbelievable.” She said which made the villains turn to see her as she floated towards them. “So these are the powerful villains who nearly turned Equestria into a Wendigos’ paradise and got Earth, Pegasi & Unicorn Tribes to go to war with each other? To be honest, I think they deserved it for the crimes of their ancestors.” Said Heart as they looked shocked and confused to see a pony with horns of a ram.

“Who in Equestria are you?!” Yelled Cozy Glow as Heart cleared her throat.

“Ah yes… I’m pretty sure most of you might have heard of my race. My name is Heart and I’m a Bicorn.” She said, which made Tirek and Chrysalis gasp in shock.

“Bicorn?!” Said Tirek.

“I thought you were all extinct.” Said Chrysalis.

“HEY!” They turned to Cozy Glow. “I’m tired of being the only one who doesn’t know everything! Now can anypony tell me, What’s a Bicorn!?” She yelled as Heart patted her head.

“Mean but demanding to know. I like that kind of honesty.” She said, “To answer your question is very simple, Bicorns are the 4th Pony Tribe.” She said,

“That’s impossible.” Said Cozy “I thought Alicorns are the 4th.” She said,

“Apparently not.” Said Chrysalis “Bicorns are a very powerful tribe of ponies who specialized in dark magic. They were considered the leashes of Earth, Pegasi and Unicorn to prevent them from expanding their territory.” She explained.

“I also heard from my grandmother that they were the only pony tribe that negotiated with other creatures. Until the 3 tribes turned on them and exterminated them.” Said Tirek, which Cozy looked shocked to hear.

“Exterminated? You mean-” Heart slid her hoof across her neck “Yikes… and I thought we were evil?” Said Cozy.

“Yes and because of their betrayal, they had no control over their actions and notice the consequences of their actions.” Said Heart which made them curious.

“But what are you doing here?” Said Cozy “Were you turned to stone like us?” She asked as Heart shook her head.

“Nope. Just checking on the group of villains by a certain pony’s request.” She said as Chrysalis snarled.

“Whose request?!” She yelled at her “It better not be Discord! We were already betrayed once.” She said,

“Nope.” Heart’s horns glowed an ominous black aura which frightened them as she created a massive hole to reveal herself there, asleep and Twilight Sparkle. “Hers.” She said which only enraged them.

“OH COME ON! ANYPONY BUT HER!!!” Yelled Cozy Glow.

“My one regret was letting that weasel Discord flee to you!” Yelled Tirek.

“I should have ripped your pet’s wings off!” Screamed Chrysalis as Heart looked at them and turned to Twilight.

“Cruelty… they really hate you with their hearts and that’s the only thing they agree on.” Said Heart as Twilight sighed in sorrow.

“I know and the feeling is mutual for what you all did.” She said “They purposely separated all… I mean nearly all the pony tribes.” Heart nodded after hearing Twilight’s correction. “But to be honest, I’m guilty of your punishment.” She said,

“And what’s that?” Asked Cozy “Letting your ego know that you failed to reform us.” She mocked her.

“No… Letting Discord use you for my confidence.” She said,

“So she finally admitted it.” Mocked Chrysalis “And how many years did it take?” Heart turned to her.

“Years? It's only been 6 weeks and 2 weeks after a reporter revealed Discord’s hidden crime to the public.” She said which shocked them.

“6 WEEKS!” Yelled Chrysalis. “Why does it feel like years?” They all thought and answered that question with ease.

“Discord.” All of them said in sync.

“That weasel still hasn't forgotten that we stole his magic with the Bewitching Bell.” Said Cozy.

“Yes, well let's ignore the bell for now.” Said Heart. “Discord’s crime of being Grogar and using you is out in the public. They’re demanding that Twilight banish or turn him to stone with you but after what Bones did to him, he wishes he has his magic to snap everything to stop hating him.” She explained which made them laugh.

“And you’re here to make sure that we’re reform and care for friendship?” Said Chrysalis, which disgusted Heart.

“No way in the name of the underworld will that happen.” Said Heart. “Bicorns are not on the side of harmony. My race’s purpose is to balance Earth, Pegasi and Unicorn tribes’ harmony. Not imbalance it for siding with Harmony and no, you will not find Bicorns who will help you take down Twilight and her friends.” She said that she heard tongue clicks “Her friends are doing it by themselves because of one news release.” Heart summoned a newspaper and showed them the front page “Forgiving Discord was the reason for the news release.” She said that Cozy, Chrysalis and Tirek laughed at it.

“I knew Friendship was a disease!” Said Chrysalis “It blind all the fools who believe in it!”

“Some pony wasn’t dumb enough to forgive their friends.” Said Cozy.

“And Discord being hated is the best revenge.” Said Tirek as Heart looked at Twilight.

“They really hate friendship.” Said Heart “I mean with how your friend used them for you, it would logically make sense.” Twilight looked down upon hearing that and sighed.

“FINE! I DESERVED WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU 3 AND SOMBRA!” Yelled Twilight as she sighed.

“Enough already.” Said Heart. “She suffered enough to have her conscience to give her nightmares about you. She asked me to help you.” They roared in anger “But I’m not going to get you all reform for harmony.” She said, which made all even Twilight turn to her “I mean I’m a pony of disharmony, helping your opposite that’s already corrupt is insanity.” She said that she noticed Twilight’s stare “Don’t give me that. Remember what Keynotes said, your Magic of Friendship never fails, and you’ve seen what your followers tried to force others to believe in friendship.” She said which made Twilight lower her head.

“You’re right.” Said Twilight as Chrysalis laughed.

“If you’re really pitting us, then destroy your Tree of Harmony.” She said, which angered Twilight.

“ARE YOU MAD?!” She yelled but realized something “Well, you’re too late. Sombra destroyed it but it regrows itself thanks to the Spirit of Friendship.” She said which confused Heart.

“What spirit?” She asked.

“The Spirit of Friendship was created from my friendship with my friends and the Tree of Harmony was created by The Pillars of Old Equestria.” Explained Twilight which Heart looked shocked.

“A Spirit whose anchor was destroyed but regrew its anchor again… Not possible.” Said Heart.

“And what do you mean not possible?” Asked Cozy.

“Un-natural Spirits who had their anchor destroyed ceases to exist.” Said Heart. “Trust me on that, that’s one of the dark facts about spirits who haven’t been created by a creature sacrificing their mortality.” She said which confused all around her.

“Wait… if what you said is true…” Said Tirek.

“Then how did the Treehouse of Harmony manage to be created for the Young 6?” Asked Twilight which made Heart turn to her as her eyes widened in shock as she removed her mask to show a nasty scar on her muzzle.

“CORRUPTION!” She yelled, which shocked them.

“WAIT!” Said Twilight “You can talk?” She said which Heart rolled her eyes.

“I’m mute in the real world, Princess Dimlight! This is their inner mind!” She yelled “But that’s not important to focus! We must make sure that no Bicorn gets near that tree!”

“Why?” Asked Cozy.