> My Little Drone: The Soul of Empathy > by Lil Snowflake > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Reawakening > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Systems Rebooting... "Come on..." Initializing System Diagnostic... "I know you can hear me. It's time to wake up." Running Core Program Diagnostic... "Wake up, damn it!" Core Program Restored. Zero Threats Detected. Starting Awakening Sequence... Safe Mode Activated. Welcome Back, Number 092... A small moan escaped my lips, as I slightly moved my head to my right. It felt like I was ran over by a stampede of wild bulls or a large truck, which was strange because I don't remember getting hit by bulls or a bus. What I do remember was trying to calmly dissolve a domestic violent situation and ended up getting shot in the heart. Then blurry images of a hospital and muffled voices ringing in my ears. The next thing I remember was being inside a cryogenic pod, filled with liquid oxygen, and then everything going white. Apart from that, I don't recall anything else past that. I felt my strength return to me, as I felt something shaking me vigorously. I let out another small moan and opened my eyes. My vision was in shades of red and digital, with very small, but readable variations of code running the upper left of my vision. That's not right, my vision is normally clear, crisp and in color. Not digital and shades of red. "Oh, good. You're finally awake. I've been trying to get you to wake up for weeks." A small voice spoke from in front of me with a smile in its tone. I shook my head slightly, to recollect myself, and looked ahead. Standing in front of me was a small equine-like creature with a brilliant amber coat and a yin-yang styled sun on its flanks. Its eyes were a cyan color and its curly mane and tail were vivid crimson with brilliant yellow streaks. Its other distinguishing feature was a single horn protruding from its forehead with a single spiral pattern. Standing next to the small equine was another equine-like creature, nearly the same height as a human adult, with a tall and slender build. Its fur was a pale pink-almost white color, with pale magenta eyes and pastel-toned mane and tail that seem to flow in an invisible wind. It wore a golden tiara with a matching regalia that had an amethyst gem in the center, and golden shoes. Its distinguishing features were a long horn, similar to the smaller equine, and a pair of large feathered wings. In a panic, I scuffled back against the wall I was leaning against and raised my arm over my face in a protective manner. That was when I noticed that my hands were white with black joints, had three fingers and a thumb and cybernetic. My arms were grey and flexible. I tried to scream in horror, but my breathing went shallow and my throat went dry. I couldn't breathe, I couldn't scream, I couldn't think. "Deep breaths, young android. We can explain what we can." The white equine spoke in a calm and mature voice. I looked at its eyes, they had a feeling of a kind and strong mother. They made me feel I could trust her. I took a few deep breaths and I calmed down to the point to think rationally. "Now, let's begin." The tall white equine answered with a small nod and smile. "Где я? Кто ты? (Where am I? Who are you?)" I gasped and placed my hand over my throat, as I was able to recognize the language I just spoke, "Почему я говорю по-русски? (Why am I speaking Russian?)" The smaller equine looked puzzled at me, as if she didn't understand a word I was saying. But the white equine seemed to look at me with a knowing look, as if she understood what I was saying. "To start, you're in my castle in Canterlot. Canterlot is the capital city of this country called Equestria." She answered calmly, "To your second question, I am the ruler of Equestria; Princess Celestia. And this is my faithful student; Sunset Shimmer." The small equine waved, "Hi." I registered the information I was given. Equestria. Canterlot. Princess Celestia. Sunset Shimmer. I blinked in surprise, "Таких как вы, лошадок, много? (There are more like you, little horses?)" Sunset Shimmer glared at me, looking offended by my words, but then the puzzled look returned. Princess Celestia smiled with a small giggle, "We're not just equines, young android. We're ponies. And yes, Equestria is mostly populated with ponies of the three tribes; Earth Ponies, Pegasi and Unicorns. Sunset Shimmer is of the Unicorn tribe." "And a very powerful one at that." Sunset Shimmer added proudly. Then she looked at Princess Celestia, "Wait. You can understand her?" Princess Celestia nodded, "I can. Although, she's speaking in a long forgotten language that's been lost in time, but I can understand it quite well." Then she turned to me and asked, "Now it is our turn to ask a question. Where did you come from?" Sunset Shimmer quickly raised her hoof before I could speak, "I can answer that. I found her in the upper caves in the mountaintop. She was frozen in a coffin of ice, so I've trying to thaw her out as gently as I could and wake her up." Princess Celestia frowned at her pupil, "Sunset Shimmer, you know it is dangerous to venture those mountaintops. You shouldn't have gone up there." "But I needed peace and quiet for my study of elemental spells. The foals in class make it nearly impossible with all their noise." Sunset Shimmer whined. "We'll discuss this later." Then she turned to me again and asked, "Now, another question; Do you have a name?" I nodded and opened my mouth to speak, but as I opened my mouth to say my name a realization came to me. My mind has drawn a blank when it came to my name. I've forgotten my own name and identity. I can't remember who I was before all this! I placed my head over the sides of my head and shook my head, "Я... я не знаю! Я не могу вспомнить! (I... I don't know! I can't remember!)" "Okay, I know that reaction is not good news." Sunset Shimmer uttered, as she noticed my reaction. "She says she can't remember her name." Princess Celestia translated to her pupil. She turned to me and placed a hoof over my shoulder, "It's alright. We'll give you a name until you remember your name. Okay?" I looked at the royal pony and nodded slowly. Then I asked, "Как ты меня назовешь? (What will you call me?)" Princess Celestia tapped her hoof against her chin in thought, "Let's see... How about-" "Dorothy!" Sunset Shimmer shouted, cutting Princess Celestia off. "Dorothy/Дороти?" Princess Celestia and I repeated in unison and confusion. Sunset Shimmer nodded, "Yeah, Dorothy Anya Volkova. Or 'Doll' for short, because you look like a doll, as I found the name in a book a couple of weeks back, and I liked it." I was uncertain how this name will play out, but it is better than having no name at all. I gave a shrug and turned to Princess Celestia. Princess Celestia tapped her chin again for a second, then nodded, "Dorothy it is." Sunset Shimmer cheered and threw her forelegs around me tightly, "Welcome to Equestria, Doll!" I give out a lighthearted giggle and wrapped my arms around the small unicorn. Then Princess Celestia spoke up, "Sunset Shimmer, I've noticed that your studies are becoming quite strenuous on you. How would you feel if I appointed you a study partner?" Sunset Shimmer let go of me and turned to her teacher and monarch. She tapped her chin in thought, then nodded, "I guess it's okay. But I want Doll to be my study partner. She can learn about Equestria, and I can learn to understand her." "Well thought, Sunset Shimmer." Princess Celestia nodded, then she looked at me, "Is that okay with you, Doll?" I looked at Sunset Shimmer, as she gave me pleading puppy eyes. She really wanted me to be her study partner, but what makes me so special? I'm just a lost android with no memories of her past. But if Sunset Shimmer and Princess Celestia sense potential in me, I'm not going to argue. I gave Sunset Shimmer a deadpan look, "Очень мило, Сансет Шиммер... Но тебе не обязательно на меня так смотреть. (Very cute, Sunset Shimmer... But you don't have to look at me like that.)" Then I turned to Princess Celestia and smiled, "Я принимаю. (I accept.)" Sunset Shimmer looked at me, then at Princess Celestia in confusion, "What did she say, Princess Celestia?" Princess Celestia smiled, "She said 'Yes'." Sunset Shimmer cheered in joy again, hopping around in a circle. Princess Celestia and I watched her with a smile. I'm glad I was able to make my first friend happy. Let's hope I can do this with the other ponies in Equestria, without making them think I'm just an emotionless robot. Mindless... Obedient... Fingers crossed for hoping. > The Fall of Sunset Shimmer > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Dorothy Anya Volkova's POV~ "So, Doll. How has your studies on Equestrian lore getting on?" Princess Celestia asked me, as we walked in the courtyard of the School for Gifted Unicorns. It's been over a month since I found myself in the world of Equestria, in an robot body and been appointed as Sunset Shimmer's study partner, under the guidance of the monarch of Equestria; Princess Celestia. And I have to say things are really starting to look up for me and Shimmer. The reason I was taking a morning stroll with Princess Celestia was because Sunset Shimmer was going through a mid-term exam right now and I thought it was best that I take a walk around campus and not disturb Shimmer's concentration. I happened to bump into Princess Celestia and she invited me for a morning stroll, I gladly accepted. "Пока отлично. История этого места очень интересна. (Great so far. The lore of this place is very interesting.)" I answered with a small smile. "That's great to hear." Princess Celestia smiled back, "Have you taken the time to learn our native language?" My smiled quickly faded into a sad frown, as I shook my head, "Я стараюсь изо всех сил, но что-то мешает мне говорить на этом языке. (I am trying my best, but something is stopping me from being able to speak it.)" I looked at my hands and balled them into fists of frustration and disappointment, "Кажется, даже заклинания Шиммер не работают. (Not even Shimmer's spells seem to work.)" Princess Celestia lowered her head slightly with a concerned look, "I am sorry for your struggle, Doll." I shook my head, lowered my hands and assured with a smile, "Но наши одноклассники учатся меня понимать. (But our classmates are learning to understand me.)" Princess Celestia regained her smile, "I'm relieved to hear that." I smiled back at her, then the ground started to rumble and vibrate quite violently. Princess Celestia and I froze in our tracks and began looking around for the source of the rumbling. Suddenly, I sensed a surge of magical energy coming from one of the towers of the School. Princess Celestia looked at me, then followed my gaze, as a large vine burst out of the tower and grew to coil around the rest of the building and across the courtyard, barely missing me and Princess Celestia. Princess Celestia smiled proudly, "I see somepony just passed their mid-term." I smiled and clapped my hands in applaud, "Молодец, Шиммер. (Well done, Shimmer.)" *Later That Afternoon, Outside Campus...* After passing her mid-term exam, Sunset Shimmer and I met up with each other and sat on a bench to continue and review our studies for the next exam in six months. Best to be prepared for anything, right? During reading over a few books on advanced elemental spells and the history of Equestria, I couldn't help but notice behind Sunset Shimmer was a young lavender unicorn filly playing with an older unicorn colt with white fur and a pink alicorn mare. It looked like they were having fun. I noticed Sunset Shimmer glance at me, so I shook the thought out of my head and returned to reading my book. It was nice and quiet, until a voice suddenly called from the other side of the bench, "Sunset Shimmer!" I gasped in startle, as Sunset Shimmer and I turned to see five unicorn fillies walking toward us. Each of them were different from the each other. One was mint green with a white streak in her mane and tail. One was all-blue. One was white with a pink curly mane and tail. One was yellow and blue. And the last was pale yellow with a red and purple mane and tail. "That vine you made was amazing!" The blue filly complimented Shimmer on her mid-term. The pink-maned filly nodded in agreement, "Really exquisite!" "Would you like to come have lunch with us?" The green filly invited, then she turned to me, "You can join us too, Doll." I smiled and was about to answer, but Sunset Shimmer scoffed and walked away from the five fillies, dragging me close behind her with her telekinetic grip around my wrist, "Hmpf! Doll and I have better things to do than socialize. I'm going to re-read 'Advanced Elemental Magical Practices', and then Doll is going to help me practice for my advanced summoning spells exam. What are you studying for? Nothing, that's what!" My eyes widen in shock of Shimmer's reply. I felt a sensation of hurt in my chest from her insult. I turned to the five fillies and they looked hurt, sad and angry. I regained myself and pulled my wrist back from Shimmer's magical grip, dispelling her telekinesis around my wrist. Sunset Shimmer turned to me, "Doll? What are you doing?" I gave Sunset Shimmer a look and walked back to the fillies. I turned to the green filly and smiled, "Я бы с удовольствием пообедал с вами, девочки. (I would love to have lunch with you girls.)" The fillies smiled at me answer to their invitation, but Sunset Shimmer's eyes widen in shock and anger. "What?! No!" Shimmer shouted as she used a stronger telekinetic spell to grab my wrist and pull me away from the five fillies, "You have to help me with my summoning spells exam this afternoon, not to socialize with a bunch of lowers. They're a bad influence, I can tell. Now, let's go!" "Шиммер, они ничем не отличаются от тебя. Я практикуюсь на уроке нашего учителя о смирении. Так что оставь меня в покое! (Shimmer, they are no different from you. I am practicing on our teacher's lesson on humility. So leave me to it!)" I argued back, pulling my wrist back to my side. On my last sentence, I felt my right eye glitch for a second, which forced Sunset Shimmer to let go of me. My right eye returned to normal and I turned back to the unicorn fillies. The fillies and I were able to spend the afternoon and lunch together, getting to know each other and enjoy each other's company. I learned the green filly's name was Lyra. The blue one was Minuette. Lemon Hearts was the yellow and blue filly. The pink-maned filly was known as Twinkleshine. And the timid one was called Moondancer. Despite only being able to speak Russian, the fillies were able to understand me very easily, which made me happy. *Later That Evening, Inside Canterlot Castle...* "Sunset Shimmer, I have heard that you're not getting along well with the other students." Princess Celestia told Sunset Shimmer, as she, Sunset Shimmer and I walked down the hallways of Canterlot Castle, "Especially to the point that you almost forced Doll not to socialize with them. We've talked about the fact that personal relationships-" "Personal relationships? Who needs anypony?" Sunset Shimmer scoffed, "The most important thing in life is to be the best." "Дружба не делает тебя слабым. Это открывает вам новую перспективу, а друзья всегда рядом, когда они вам нужны. (Friendship does not make you weak. It gives you a new perspective and friends are always there when you need them.)" I spoke up, giving my opinion on personal relationships. Princess Celestia smiled at my words, but Sunset Shimmer shot me a glare, "They also slow you down." I glared back at Shimmer and was about to argue back, but Princess Celestia decided to speak up, "We've talked about friendship and its importance before, and we've discussed that you need to start opening yourself up. And remember that talk we had about humility?" Sunset Shimmer rolled her eyes and scoffed, "I remember how boring it was." Princess Celestia sighed and shook her head. She lead Sunset Shimmer and I to a room with a full-length, well-decorated mirror. Something about this mirror felt magical, but something told me that I had to be careful with where my mind was. "Look into this mirror and tell me what you see." Princess Celestia invited. Sunset Shimmer looked at her reflection and smiled, "A beautiful pony that has nothing but power and potential." Princess Celestia looked a little disappointed, but turned to me, "You give it a try, Doll." Sunset Shimmer stepped aside and allowed me to look into the mirror. Staring back at me was a cybernetic robot, around the height of a nine-year-old child, with neon red eyes and long purple hair. She wore a burgundy-red shirt with black sleeves and trimmings under a black hooded vest. Matching plated skirt and black boots. I reached to touch my hair and the robot in my reflection did the same. As I looked at my reflection, something happened; A colorful vapor surrounded my reflection's body and took the form of six figures. Each in a color of the vapor; Purple, pink, orange, yellow, white and blue. My reflection morphed into a crimson vapor and merged with the other figures, then there was an explosion of color across a familiar landscape. "Я вижу дружбу. Мощная магия, которая принесет мир в Эквестрию и за ее пределы. (I see friendship. A powerful magic that will bring peace across Equestria and beyond.)" I answered with a hopeful smile. Princess Celestia smiled at my answer, then turned back to Sunset Shimmer, "Care to try that again with our talk about humility taken into account?" Sunset Shimmer growled impatiently, and took a step closer to the mirror. I stepped back from the mirror, allowing Shimmer to look at her reflection. "I see a pony who isn't powerful enough. Somepony who could be great, powerful..." The mirror showed Shimmer a reflection of herself as a powerful alicorn, "Somepony who could rule Equestria." But then the reflection did something. The alicorn reflection gave a sinister smirk as it stood up on its hind legs and morphed into something I found very familiar. The reflection reached to touch the surface of the mirror, as flames appeared behind it, engulfing it in the angry fire. I quickly took a step back in fear of what I saw next; Burning cyan eyes and a pair of demonic wings. Noticing my fear, Princess Celestia gently pushed me and Sunset Shimmer away from the mirror, "Maybe we better move on..." But Sunset Shimmer resisted Princess Celestia guidance out of the room, "Wait, what was that? I thought I saw..." "Oh, it was probably a trick of the light." Princess Celestia replied simply, escorting Shimmer and I out of the room, "Our lesson is over for today. Tomorrow, I want you to reflect on the discussion we've just had." But Sunset Shimmer's eyes never left the mirror, and it peaked her interest. During the next few weeks, Sunset Shimmer kept asking about the mirror, wondering if she could see it again, but Princess Celestia kept turning her down, saying that she's not ready yet. Until one day, during a picnic, Sunset Shimmer asked again, "You know what's fascinating? Mirrors... About that that one in..." But Princess Celestia had enough and put her hoof down, "Sunset Shimmer. We've been over this, we will get to the mirror and many other lessons in due time... When you're ready." Sunset Shimmer frowned in disappointment and impatience. Then the wind began to pick up and the sky began to grow dark. Rain was coming in quite quickly. I grabbed the picnic basket and picnic blanket and took shelter under Princess Celestia's wing, as we ventured back to Canterlot Castle. With my audio receptors, I was able to hear Sunset Shimmer mutter, "I am ready." I felt a small fire of anger in my chest, but I was able to keep myself composed, because I learned these emotions are not mine, but someone else's. And this emotion was Sunset Shimmer's. *The Next Night, Inside Canterlot Castle...* I spent the night in my bedroom, staring at the ceiling and thinking about Sunset Shimmer's recent obsession with that magical mirror. It was similar to Lyra's obsession with humans, but at least she is able to keep it under control. Sunset Shimmer, on the other hand, is not letting it go and she won't until she gets answers and power. To be frank and honest, I'm worried about this obsession. If Sunset Shimmer continues down this path, she will become what I saw in her reflection. I have to do something about this and stop her! My train of thought came to a stop, as I heard knocking on my bedroom door. I hopped out of bed and made my way to the door. The knocking became more insistent and harder. "Я иду. Придержи лошадей. (I'm coming. Hold your horses.)" I called, as I reached for the door handle and opened the door. Standing on the other side of the doorway was Sunset Shimmer. She had a huge smile on her face. She's discovered something important. I rubbed my right eye, to simulate tiredness, "Шиммер? Сейчас десять минут ночи. Что ты все еще делаешь так поздно? (Shimmer? It's ten past midnight. What are you still doing up so late?)" "I think I found something about the mirror. You know the forbidden section in the library?" She asked me. I gave her a small nod, "There might be something there. Are you coming with me?" I blinked in surprise. Infiltrate the forbidden section in the library? At this time of night? Has Sunset Shimmer finally lost it? Something about this doesn't feel right. I have persuade Shimmer that this is a bad idea and go back to bed before somepony sees her. "Шиммер, ты знаешь, что еще не готова узнать о зеркале. Ты бежишь прежде, чем сможешь идти. (Shimmer, you know you're not ready to know about the mirror yet. You're running before you could walk.)" I placed my hand over her shoulder, "Пожалуйста, просто постарайся забыть обо всем этом и вернуться в постель. Завтра у нас экзамен по заклинаниям призыва. Для этого нам нужно потренироваться. (Please, just try to forget this whole thing and go back to bed. We have summoning spells exam tomorrow. We need to practice for that.)" "Doll... You saw the same thing I saw in that mirror. We need to find out why we saw it and what it means. This isn't a quest for power, this is a quest for answers. I am ready." Shimmer told me in honesty, then she asked, "Are you with me, or not? I need you." I looked into Shimmer's eyes, behind the obsession, behind the anger, ambition and impatience, I saw a flicker of fear. What we saw in the mirror spooked her. She really needed a friend right now, but she was asking it forcefully. I let out a heavy sigh and nodded my head. Shimmer's smile returned, used her telekinetic magic to grab my wrist and dragged me alongside her to the forbidden section of the library. With a simple lock-picking spell, the doors flew open and we entered the section of the library. "Not ready? I'll show her not ready." Shimmer muttered to herself, "You'd think this place would be better guarded." With that, Sunset Shimmer and I started searching through the books on any information about the magical mirror. After a few minutes of reading book after book, still nothing on the mirror, but the information about Equestrian lore really caught my eye. "Nothing on the mirror yet, but a few of these spells will come in handy..." Sunset Shimmer muttered to herself, as she read through another spell book. I closed a history book and placed it aside. I searched though the shelves and one of the books popped out at me, 'Canterlot Castle: A History Vol II'. I pulled the book from the shelf and opened the book to give a small read. Let's see... 'History of the Castle'... 'The Pillars of Equestria'... 'Crystal Mirror', here we go! "Шиммер! Я нашел кое-что! (Shimmer! I found something!)" I told Sunset Shimmer and handed her the book. "Crystal mirror... Every thirty moons, a portal will open to... Another world?" Shimmer read, as her brows raised in confusion, "Why would Princess Celestia hide this from us?" "That's not really for you to know, now is it?" A voice spoke from behind us, startling Sunset Shimmer and I with a small gasp. Sunset Shimmer and I turned to see that the voice belonged to Princess Celestia and she was accompanied by two royal guards. I looked at the princess with shame and anxiety, while Shimmer looked at her mentor with anger and betrayal. "How dare you keep this kind of magic from me!" Shimmer shouted, "You know that I'm ready for this, that I can be great!" Princess Celestia shook her head, "You could be great. I thought I saw compassion and sincerity in you, but it was nothing but ambition." She glanced at me, "Doll has compassion and sincerity in her heart, and she's proven it time and again." Then back at Shimmer, "You, Sunset Shimmer, are being selfish, you need to step back and reflect-" "I'm selfish?!" Sunset Shimmer shouted angrily, as her horn lit up with cyan and black magic, as her eyes emitted a black haze. My eyes widened as I recognized this magic from the books we've just read. I quickly got to my feet and jumped in between Shimmer and Princess Celestia. Sunset Shimmer's horn fired a blast of black magic at Princess Celestia. I gasped and quickly raised my hand protectively, I felt my right eye glitch again, and a strange symbol appeared in front of my hand. The black magic stopped in mid-air, just inches from my hand. I raised my hand and the magic shot through the ceiling and into the sky. The two guards and Princess Celestia looked at me in surprise, as I looked at my hand in shock, the symbol disappeared and my eye returned to normal. Unfazed by what just happened, Sunset Shimmer continued shouting, pointing to a book about Alicorn Princesses, "That book right there says I could become as powerful as an Alicorn Princess. I could rule here. It's selfish of you to keep me from my rightful place." She opened the book to the page of the transformation, "I deserve to stand beside you and be your equal... If not your better. Make me a princess!" Princess Celestia shook her head sternly, "No. Being a princess must be earned... I have been trying to teach you everything you need to know, but you've turned from it. Every time you say you 'deserve' to get something without the effort just proves to me that you are not ready." Princess Celestia stood beside me and opened her wings to announce, "Sunset Shimmer. I am removing you from the position of my pupil. If we cannot get past this, your studies end here. You are welcome to stay in Canterlot, but you are no longer welcome in the castle." Sunset Shimmer growled in anger, "We'll never get past this because you aren't seeing how great I deserve to be. Is that really all you have to say to me?" Princess Celestia shook her head again and the royal guards walked toward Shimmer, "No. The guards will escort you out." The guards took Sunset Shimmer one each of her sides and escorted her out of the library. "This is the biggest mistake you'll make in your entire life." Sunset Shimmer threatened. Princess Celestia lowered her head in disappointment, "One of many." Then she turned to me, "Are you hurt, Doll?" "Я в порядке. (I am fine.)" I assured, then asked pointing to my hand and then the hole in the ceiling, "Что это было? (What was that?)" "I don't know." She answered, then she assured me, "But I am certain that we'll figure it out together, and teach you to master it." "Ты... ты не сердишься на меня? (You... Aren't you angry with me?)" I asked, then explained in a small panic, "Я позволил Шиммер прийти в этот раздел библиотеки. Я нашел книгу. (I allowed Shimmer to come to this section of the library. I found the book.)" "I also know that you tried to persuade her away from this path." Princess Celestia pointed out, "I also saw you with the other classmates. Not only are you compassionate, Doll, but you're honest, generous and strong-willed. You are welcome to stay in the castle, and we'll find you a new friend." I smiled in relief and humility. Princess Celestia let out a small yawn. I took her by the wing and escorted her out of the library and into the halls of the castle, make our way to our bedrooms. However, once we reached a certain room, we found the two royal guards laying on the ground, battered and bruised, and no sign of Sunset Shimmer. Princess Celestia gasped, "Oh, Sunset Shimmer... No..." I quickly ran to the guards and helped them to their hooves, "Что случилось? (What happened?)" "She took us by surprise and just... Just... Jumped in the mirror. I don't know..." The guard answered, uncertain how to react. "Shh. It's fine." Princess Celestia assured calmly, then requested of the guards, "If you're feeling up to it, would you please help move the mirror to a safer place?" She turned to me, "Doll, please return to your room. We'll handle this." I wanted to argue back, but if Princess Celestia tells you to do something, it's for a good reason. I nodded and made my way to my bedroom. I closed the door behind me and leaned against it with a heavy sigh, slowly sinking into a sitting position. Many questions race through my mind. With Sunset Shimmer gone, what will happen next? Who will be my new friend? Will they be the same as Shimmer, or different? What was that power that I just used? > The Night of Nightmare Doll > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Dorothy Anya Volkova's POV~ It's been over a week since Sunset Shimmer disappeared into the Crystal Mirror, leaving Princess Celestia and I to clean up her mess and find a new pupil and study partner. Over a week since I displayed a portion of my own power and saved Princess Celestia from Shimmer's rage. I've managed to have some control over my power to perform simple telekinesis and minor deconstruction, such as building puzzles. Princess Celestia has been looking over the fillies and colts of the School for Gifted Unicorns, and so far, not many have shown incredible magical potential that Princess Celestia wishes to teach and guide. Those that did qualify took one look at me and immediately declined Princess Celestia's offer, much to our confusion. My best guess is that somepony has been spreading rumors and gossip about me being either incredibly dangerous and evil, or being someone who hogs the spotlight for herself, which neither is the case. Well... I'm not sure about being dangerous, but evil and having a huge ego are not in my forte. These gossip and rumors have even broken my friendships with Lyra, Minuette, Lemon Hearts, Moondancer and Twinkleshine. They've grown so afraid of me that they've forgotten all about me and spaced me completely. I feel so alone and depressed. And, as luck would have it, next week is Nightmare Night. The time of the night where fillies and colts, mares and stallions alike dress up in crazy and creative costumes and celebrate the legend of Nightmare Moon with candy and spooky stories. Princess Celestia announced that on the day of Nightmare Night, she would take a small amount of foals camping in the edges of the Everfree Forest, which everypony was excited to sign up. "This is amazing, Doll. Almost every foal in the school has applied for this trip." Princess Celestia smiled, as she entered the throne room, using her telekinetic magic to carry a few sheets of paper in front of her face, as she read them. "Я знаю, что тоже собираюсь в эту поездку, но не вызовет ли это напряжения? (I know that I'm coming to this trip as well, but won't that cause tension?)" I asked cautiously. Princess Celestia looked at me in concern. She has heard the rumors that have ruined my reputation. But she regained her smile and assured, "I'm sure they'll be just fine. And if anything goes wrong, I'll be able to help." I gave her a small smile and nodded with small confidence. During the next few days, I attended lessons and, during the night, packed up what I needed for the trip and planned for my Nightmare Night costume. I was stuck between either a witch or a vampire. Both are cool and creative... Hmm... I'm gonna go with vampire. Eventually, the day of the camping trip came and I had everything I needed packed and changed into my Nightmare Night costume. Princess Celestia and I met up with the other foals at the train station. The foals were dressed up in their Nightmare Night costumes, and packed for the trip too. We took the Friendship Express to a well-built and old-fashioned train station, that lead to a town called Ponyville, and made our way to an empty clearing just within the edge of the forest. Using their magical skills, a light green colt and a pale blue filly gathered firewood and started a fire. "Well done, Firestone and Cedar Twig." Princess Celestia smiled with a nod, then used her telekinetic magic to levitate a clipboard and pencil, "Now, it's time for roll-call. *Ahem* Firestone?" "Here!" The light green colt, dressed as a scarecrow, raised his hoof. "Cedar Twig?" "Here!" The pale blue filly, dressed as a female pirate, raised her hoof. "Cinnamon Sticks?" "Here!" A brown colt, dressed as a knight, called raising his hoof. "Gentle Breeze?" "Here!" A white filly with feathers for a Cutie Mark, dressed as a banshee, raised her hoof. "Cheshire Grin?" "Here." A light purple filly with a smiling cat Cutie Mark, dressed as a monster hunter, called. "Lyra Heartstrings?" "Here!" Lyra raised her hoof, jumping into the air from the back of the group. She was dressed as a mermaid. "Okay. I see you, Lyra." Princess Celestia giggled, then she returned to her checklist, "Twinkleshine?" "Here!" Twinkleshine called, raising her hoof. She was dressed as a vampire too. "And lastly... Doll?" Princess Celestia called, trying to look for me in the darkness of the forest. "Doll?" "Who's Doll?" "Beats me." "Is she a classmate?" The foals whispered among themselves. Lyra lit up her horn with her magical aura and created a small light at the tip, illuminating the darkness of the camp. I raised my hand and answered, "Я здесь. (I'm here.)" The foals looked at the back of the group and saw my glowing neon red eyes, which startled them with frightened gasps. "Не веди себя так испуганно. Ты знал, что я здесь. (Don't act so scared. You knew I was here.)" I folded my arms with a sad sulk. "Uh... Do you always have to speak in that ancient language? Can't you speak Ponish?" Cheshire Grin asked. "I don't think she can." Firestone frowned with narrow eyes at me. "Everypony be nice to Doll, please." Princess Celestia told everyone in attendance, "She's been having a rough week, let's go easy on her." "Hey, Doll? Would you be a doll and grab some more firewood? Just in case?" Cedar Twig asked of me. I raised a brow at her. It sounded like she just insulted me, but I can't let it bother me too much. I turned and walked deeper into the forest to find a fallen tree. I could hear distant howling coming from deeper in the forest. The timberwolves are active tonight, I better make this quick and back to camp. I walked deeper into the forest and eventually found a fallen tree. I felt my right eye glitch, as I activated my power and used a combine usage of deconstruction and telekinesis to grab some firewood. The howling was a little louder this time, causing me to jump and look around. All I could see was shadows and glowing yellow eyes circling around me. I took a breath and grabbed as much firewood as I could and run back to the group and Princess Celestia. Once I got back to the campfire, I heard singing and laughter. The foals were having a great time, but the noise would attract the timberwolves to their location. As I tried to walk closer to the group, I noticed a pair of glowing yellow eyes behind them, stalking in the darkness. One of the fillies' ears perked at the sound of my foot snapping on a twig. She turned to me and shouted, "Oh, there you are. Don't stalk in the shadows like that. Come on and join us." Princess Celestia's ears perked and she turned to me. She noticed I had a concerned look on my face, so she asked me, "Doll? What's wrong?" I pointed forward, past her and into the darkness outside the campfire. She turned to look where I was pointing, but couldn't see anything but darkness. The light must be obscuring her vision. She conjured a light from her horn and saw two timberwolves coming straight for her. Princess Celestia gasped and took a step back, but her hoof caught the log she was sitting on and she fell on to her back. The timberwolves leaped over to attack their prey. Acting before I could think, I raised my hand and my right eye glitched, as the symbol appeared in my hand and on the timberwolves, catching them in mid-air and inches away from Princess Celestia. It took a lot of power to hold the timberwolves in place. My head throbbed and my body burned, as my vision showed a warning signal of reaching high temperature. My powers reacted to the high temperature signal, as the glowing red symbol turned burning yellow and black ooze covered the timberwolves. I gasped, cancelling my powers and dropping the two blobs of black ooze onto the ground. Princess Celestia moved away from the blobs, as they exploded to reveal two grotesque, eldritch-like creatures, moving back into the darkness of the forest. Princess Celestia gasped and looked at me with fear on her face. The foals did the same. "She did that?" "She's a monster!" "Witch!" "She's a curse on Equestria!" "Я... мне очень жаль. Я не должен был этого делать. (I... I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have done that.)" I admitted in a whispered sad tone, covering my right eye. The foals gathered closely to Princess Celestia, calling me names, while Princess Celestia gave me a look. Princess Celestia extended her hoof to me, "Doll. Don't be afraid. We can-" I shook my head and backed away more into the darkness. Using my power again, I teleported myself away from the group and deeper into the darkness of the Everfree Forest. Once I materialized and was out of sight, I ran deeper into the forest, looking for a place to hide. I found a dark and hollowed out tree with a door hidden in the darkness of the Everfree Forest. I opened the door and slammed it shut. I noticed windows and used my telekinetic power to close them off too, leaving me in the candlelight of the hollowed tree. I felt another throb in my head and another burning sensation in my body, my systems were overheating again. I had to find away to cool my systems down. I removed my backpack from my back and quickly opened it. Inside there were cans of apple cider, a flashlight, various snacks, and a pair of pajamas. Nothing that can help. I threw my backpack across the room, making it crash and knock over an oil lamp, spilling a little bit of oil over the floor. The oil caught my attention. I turned and looked at the oil lamp. There were five lamps hanging from a strong vine, close to the window. A voice at the back of my head wanted me to drink the oil from the lamp. My systems were overheating, I couldn't think straight, I couldn't breath. I walked over and reached for the oil lamp, until something was burning right through me. I found the source to be the candle's light, I had to snuff it out! I tried using my power to snuff out the candlelight, but my systems were overheating, making it difficult to control. The symbol turned a burning yellow again and I couldn't remove my hand from the candle. The candle's flame turned black and dark, pulsing vines spread from the black flame and covered the ceiling of the hollowed tree. I tried to fight back the power, and the cancelation of the power knocked me to the ground. I needed the oil and I needed it badly... ~Princess Celestia's POV~ It's been over half an hour since Doll vanished into the darkness of the Everfree Forest alone, after what happened with the timberwolves. I've never seen a display of raw power and matter manipulation at that scale. The other foals cuddled close to the campfire and started whispering among each other about Doll and what she was capable of. "See? I told you she wasn't safe." Firestone whispered to Cinnamon Sticks. "Did you see what she did? Witchcraft!" Cedar Twig whispered to Lyra. Lyra hugged herself in fear and uncertainty, "But she was so nice before Sunset Shimmer disappeared..." Cheshire Grin scoffed, "Please. You know what I think? I think that monster hypnotized Sunset Shimmer to go away and never come back. Good riddance to the both of them." "Cheshire Grin. Watch your tongue." I told the purple filly in a stern tone, "Doll had nothing to do with Sunset Shimmer's disappearance. I will not allow this backtalk about my students in such manner." "But-" Cheshire Grin started, but I gave her a disappointed glare, which made her go quiet. Then I told the other foals, "Since you think so ill of Doll, I am assigning you to find her." "But Princess Celestia-" "No buts! I want Doll found and safe." I cut Lyra off. The foals groaned and separated to find Doll. A wave of concern washed over my psyche. First my sister, then Sunset Shimmer, now Doll. I hope the foals find Doll before the forest does. ~Lyra Heartstring's POV~ It was getting darker, the more Cinnamon Sticks and I walked in the Everfree Forest to find the Witch. Cinnamon Sticks conjured a small light from his horn for better sight and illumination within the forest. I'll be honest, it's pretty scary being in a forest where everything works without the aid of magic. I wish I never came to this camping trip and stayed home, where it was safe. During the quiet walk, I kept getting a nagging feeling at the back of my neck that something was following us deep in the darkness, but every time I looked back, I couldn't see anything. "Something wrong?" Cinnamon Sticks asked, as he noticed me looking back every ten seconds. "I keep feeling like something is following us. But I don't see anything." I answered honestly, looking back into the darkness for the tenth time. "Relax, Lyra. If anything comes to attack us, I'll protect you." Cinnamon Sticks bravely assured me, puffing his chest out and acting like a big brave stallion. I giggled, "Oh, my knight in shining armor." Cinnamon Sticks and I laughed, but Cinnamon Sticks then asked me a serious question, "But seriously, do you really believe the rumors and gossip about Doll? I mean, sure she's different from an average pony, but that doesn't make her dangerous and evil, right?" I look at the brown colt, "You saw what she did to those timberwolves. That wasn't good magic she was using, so she must have been using dark magic." "From what I saw, she was protecting Princess Celestia." He argued, "I don't think it was her fault that her magic went out of control for a moment." "Why this sudden defense for a witch?" I asked, "Do you like her, or something?" Cinnamon Sticks was taken back, "What? No! I just think we're overexaggerating and we need to understand her side. There's always more than one side to every story, Lyra. Not every villain is born evil." I blinked in surprise, "Wow... That's very grown up of you, Cinnamon." Cinnamon Sticks smiled at me, then asked, "Besides, you've known Doll longer than any of us. Did she seem evil to you and your friends?" I paused for a moment. Now that I'm taking Cinnamon Sticks words into account, Doll was never mean to me, or my friends, she was nice and easy to get along with. A little on the quiet and shy side of the spectrum, but not evil. Now I feel guilty for trying to ghost her out for the past couple of weeks. I feel like such a jerk to her, maybe I should apologize and rebuild our friendship? My train of thought came to a screeching halt when I realized that I was alone in the darkness of the Everfree Forest. The cold wind blew past me, making the fur on my back stand up and me to shiver. Where was Cinnamon Sticks? Did he venture farther than me? "Cinnamon? Cinnamon! Where are you?" I called from around myself, my voice echoing through the trees, "Come on, Cinnamon, this isn't funny anymore!" "Lyyyyrrraaa..." A deep voice sang from the darkness. My body froze in fear, as I recognized the voice. It was Doll's voice, but something was different about it. It haunted my mind. "D-Doll? Is that you? Where are you?" I called into the forest, hoping I wasn't hearing things. I gathered my courage and conjured a light at the tip of my horn, making it easier to see in the darkness of the forest. I still couldn't see any sign of Cinnamon or Doll, so I gave the spell more juice and the light got brighter, increasing the radius of the light. Down a broken path, I saw Cinnamon waving me over. I sighed in relief, "Oh, Cinnamon. You scared me for a moment." "Stay away..." Cinnamon choked, as if somepony has him grabbed by the throat. A strange claw emerged from behind him and dug into his chest. Cinnamon's eyes widen, then he collapsed on the floor. Standing behind him was a bipedal monster. Long dark purple hair, an LED visor with a neon red symbol that Doll uses for her magic. Two pairs of insect-like wings and a tail with a strange appendage on the tip. Its forearms and hands were skeletal claws that were oozing a neon red substance. And it wore a tattered and torn vampire outfit. Horrified, I stood frozen on the spot. I couldn't move. I couldn't breathe. I couldn't think. My mind was telling me to run and find a hiding place, but my legs wouldn't budge. The glowing red symbol appeared around me and levitated me into the air. Doll giggled maniacally, as she scuttled toward me and used the trees to gain some altitude. She glided through the air to attack me, until a cornflower blue magical shield blocked her attack. Doll gasped as Cheshire Grin emerged from the darkness. Cheshire Grin lowered the shield and struck Doll with a magical blast, knocking her into a nearby tree. Doll laid under the tree's lower branches, trying to catch her breath. The symbol disappeared from holding me, and I dropped into the mud. "Go get Princess Celestia." Cheshire Grin told me, "She needs to see this." I quickly picked myself back to my hooves and ran as fast as my hooves could carry me. I'm not getting Princess Celestia, I'm getting outa here! ~Cheshire Grin's POV~ With Lyra Heartstrings gone, I can focus on keeping the witch busy until Princess Celestia arrives to see what her 'precious student' has become. "Чешир... Пожалуйста... (Cheshire... Please...)" The witch tried to beg, as she reached out her hand from the tree. "What's the matter, witch? Trying to prove to us that you're completely innocent in all this?" I asked in a mocking tone, as I walked closer to her. "Ты... не понимаю... Могу ли я... поговорить с принцессой Селестией? (You... Don't understand... Can I... Talk to Princess Celestia?)" She asked between breaths. I scoffed, lighting up my horn with my magical aura again, "After what you've done tonight? I'll make sure you can't." The witch scuttled back into the darkness again. I heard a giggle from beside me, as I narrowly dodged, the witch's tail. The appendage opened its mouth and grabbed me by the foreleg, throwing me into across the ground. Using her dark magic, she snapped a branch with her boot and used her telekinesis to throw the sharp branch at me. I quickly used my magic to deflect it, but the witch used her speed to approach me and pin me against the tree behind me with her tail. The witch readied her claws to stab me in the chest, but I was able to think quickly and conjure a shield. The witch growled and threw me from the tree, across the ground. On all-fours, the witch pinned me to the ground, giggling maniacally, and readied the appendage on her tail to bite me in the neck. Suddenly, there was a bright flash of light coming from above us, and a powerful voice spoke, "Enough." The witch winced from the light, as it burned her, and she quickly hid under a tree for shade from the light. I looked at the light and emerging from the light was Princess Celestia. She didn't look happy. "Princess Celestia!" I smiled, as I got back to my hooves and trotted toward her, "Thank goodness you've arrived. You see my point now? The witch is evil! She tried to kill me, Lyra and Cinnamon Sticks." "Lyra and Cinnamon Sticks are fine, Cheshire Grin." Princess Celestia explained, then frowned at me, "It's you I'm disappointed with." "What? Me? Why? What did I do?" I asked with my eyes wide in shock. "Obviously, you don't see when somepony is trying to ask for help." Princess Celestia answered, as she walked toward the tree the witch was hiding under. I heard whispered sobbing from the witch. "Help?" I repeated, then noticed what Princess Celestia was doing, "Princess Celestia, don't! She's dangerous! She can kill you!" Princess Celestia ignored my warnings and lowered herself to meet the witch. "Doll? Are you hurt?" She asked the witch in a kind tone. "Пожалуйста, держись от меня подальше. Я превратился во что-то ужасное. (Please stay away from me. I've changed into something horrible.)" The witch sobbed, as it scuttled back farther away from Princess Celestia. "Doll, there is no true monster than a lack of compassion." Princess Celestia told the witch, "I blame myself for all that has happened tonight. I should've known you were struggling and I should've helped you sooner." She lowered her head sadly, "I'm so sorry, Doll." The witch moved the trees from her face, so she could see Princess Celestia's face, her expression saddened, "Нет. Мне жаль. Вся эта ночь была моей ошибкой. Я не должен был пытаться решить эту проблему самостоятельно. Я должен был спросить раньше. Я должен был доверять тебе, Селестия. (No. I'm sorry. This whole night was my fault. I shouldn't have tried to tackle this on my own. I should've asked sooner. I should've trusted you, Celestia.)" My eye widened at this interaction. Why is Princess Celestia acting so kind to the witch? The witch is probably trying to lower her guard so she can take her out! I don't trust the witch as far as I can throw her. The witch cannot be trust, period. She should be banished for what she's done tonight. Princess Celestia extended her hoof to the witch, "We will solve this problem together. I promise." The witch hesitated for a moment, but placed her hand over Celestia's hoof. Princess Celestia pulled the witch out of her hiding spot. I blinked in surprise, the wings, tail and claws were gone. The witch looked like her old self. The witch twiddled her fingers nervously, until she asked, "Палочки из корицы. С ним все в порядке? (Cinnamon Sticks. Is he okay?)" Princess Celestia smiled, "He's fine, Doll. His chainmail protected him from your poison." The witch sighed in relief, "Слава Богу. Я тоже должен перед ним извиниться. (Thank goodness. I owe him an apology too.)" Princess Celestia giggled, "I'm sure he'll be glad to hear it." With that, Princess Celestia, the witch and I returned to the campsite and the witch apologized to Cinnamon Sticks and Lyra for trying to harm them. Hopefully it won't happen again. The next morning, we returned to Canterlot and the other foals were starting to become more friendlier to the witch. I refused to trust her and refused to be her friend, since she almost tried to kill me last night... I received a few days of detention for attacking a student that was in a crisis, while Princess Celestia started teaching the witch to better control her magic. I'm just glad nopony else was hurt and everything has returned to normal... > The New Protege of Magic > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Dorothy Anya Volkova's POV~ It's been nearly six months since the incident at Nightmare Night. Princess Celestia has been teaching me more on the powers that I displayed during that night, as well as that awfully horrifying form I took, to better control and understand it. But one thing is for certain, that night scared me and I vowed to never use the power, which Princess Celestia and I called 'The AbsoluteSolver', unless it was absolutely necessary. And that's not the worst of it. It turns out that the AbsoluteSolver has turned me vampiric. The very essence of the day and sun causes me great pain. I have an insatiable craving for oil that gets worse when my systems overheat. And my powers shatter every mirror I look at. It's very concerning, but Princess Celestia promised that we'll figure a way to make me feel comfortable with these 'inconveniences'. It was a few nights after the Summer Sun Celebration, in Canterlot, when Princess Celestia and I were in the courtyard, practicing on switching from one power of the AbsoluteSolver to another. I couldn't help but feel like something was watching us, and it was coming from the statue of the creature known as Draconequus. It was creeping me out and minorly distracting. "Very good, Doll. Now, let's try switching the symbol and multiplying the rose, okay?" Princess Celestia instructed me, as I used the 'Translate' power of the Solver to carefully pluck a rose from the rosebush. I nodded and focused my thoughts on Princess Celestia's instruction; To multiply the rose. I felt the symbol in my hand switch to a more circular symbol and it appeared around the rose. The rose multiplied into two... Then three... Then four. All four in different colors. I gasped and smiled in accomplishment and Princess Celestia smiled in pride. Suddenly, there was an explosion from the sky that startled me and I dropped the roses onto the ground. A massive shockwave of rainbow colors expanded from the sky and I sensed an explosion of power coming from one of the School for Gifted Unicorns' exam towers. It caught Princess Celestia's attention as bright purple lightning surged through the windows and a large purple and green dragon's head burst through the ceiling of the tower. A powerful display of raw magic. I looked Princess Celestia, "Должны ли мы провести расследование? (Should we investigate?)" Princess Celestia nodded in confirmation, then she flew from the courtyard and toward the school, while I teleported into the exam room, where the powerful surge of magic was coming from. Inside the room was a young unicorn filly, about eight to nine years old, levitating in the air with a powerful and raw magical aura around her. The teachers were levitating in the air under the same aura. Two plants stood by the doorway, which I didn't recognize. And the dragon, of course. I took a step back, as Princess Celestia walked closer to the filly. She placed her hoof over the filly's shoulder and the filly looked at her. The magical surge calmed and everything returned to normal. The teachers stopped floating. The plants changed into a grey unicorn mare and a blue unicorn stallion, which I was guessing were the filly's parents. And the dragon shrunk into a newborn dragon. I caught the newborn dragon from mid-air and rested it in my arms. The dragon looked at me and cooed happily as it grabbed a claw-full of my hair. I couldn't help but giggle at the cuteness of the newborn. "Twilight Sparkle." Princess Celestia started. "I'm so sorry. I didn't-" The filly apologized, but Princess Celestia cut her off, "You have a very special gift. I don't think think I've ever come across a unicorn with your raw abilities." "Huh?" The filly, Twilight Sparkle, raised a brow in confusion. "But you need to learn to tame these abilities, through focus study." "Huh?" Princess Celestia smiled, "Twilight Sparkle, I'd like to make you my own personal protege, here in the school." "Huh?!" Twilight Sparkle repeated with more surprise and confusion. "Well?" Princess Celestia asked the filly. Twilight Sparkle turned to her parents, who nodded in acceptance. This was a dream come true for them. Twilight Sparkle leaped into the air and cheered, "Yes!" But Princess Celestia raised her hoof, "One other thing, Twilight." "Huh?" Twilight asked, as she plopped onto the ground. Princess Celestia pointed to Twilight's flank and there it was. A marking of a large pink star circled by five smaller stars. Twilight has earned her Cutie Mark. Twilight looked and her smile brightened, "My Cutie Mark!" Overjoyed with excitement, Twilight hopped to her hooves and started hopping around Princess Celestia, repeating the word 'Yes' over and over again. I was relieved, a new student that shows a lot of potential in magic. Let's hope she doesn't end up like Sunset Shimmer and rebel against Princess Celestia at the last minute. Princess Celestia calmed Twilight and spoke up, "Come with me, Twilight. There's somepony I want you to meet." Twilight nodded and followed Princess Celestia toward me. Twilight look at me with confusion and interest in her eyes. Obviously, she's never met someone like me before. "This is Dorothy Anya Volkova. She's going to be your study partner." Princess Celestia introduced me in a warm tone. I extended my free hand to her, "Пожалуйста. Можешь звать меня Кукла. (Please. You can call me Doll.)" I gave the filly a sweet smile, "Приятно познакомиться, Твайлайт. (Pleasure to meet you, Twilight.)" Twilight raised a brow at me and shook my hand, "Uh... Nice to meet you." Then she turned to Princess Celestia, "Why does she talk like that? Can't she speak Ponish?" Princess Celestia shook her head, "No, Twilight. We've tried, but no luck. She can understand it, though. Which is a good thing." She smiled, "But don't worry. Given time, you will learn to understand her too." Twilight nodded in understanding, then looked at me and smiled, "I look forward to studying with you Kukla." I giggled at the filly's innocence, as Princess Celestia explained, "'Kukla' means 'Doll' in her language." "Oooooh! I'm so sorry." Twilight apologized. I smiled, "Все хорошо. В конце концов ты доберешься туда. (It's all good. You'll get there eventually.)" Twilight smiled back at me, then her parents escorted her out of the room, so she could pack and get ready for her first day as Princess Celestia's pupil in the School for Gifted Unicorns. As Twilight exit through the doorway, the baby dragon started fidgeting and moaning in my arms. Princess Celestia looked at the newborn and smiled, "Looks like somepony is getting hungry. We should get him some gemstones." I nodded in agreement and took the newborn dragon to the kitchen. From one of the cupboards, I reached for some rubies, but the newborn moaned and shook his head. "Ты еще недостаточно взрослый, чтобы есть драгоценные камни, не так ли? (You're not old enough to eat gems yet, are you?)" I asked. The dragon shook his head. I thought for a moment, then an idea came to me. Dragon egg milk! It's perfect for newborn dragons. I left the kitchen and walked into the exam room where Twilight took her entrance exam. It was still in a bit of a mess, but I managed to find the broken eggshell on the ground. The newborn dragon cooed excitedly as he saw the eggshell. I picked up the shell pieces with my AbsoluteSolver power and returned to the kitchen. I crushed the shell pieces into a powder and put a couple of scoops into a baby bottle. I filled the rest of the bottle with warm milk and gave it a good shake. The newborn dragon smiled and reached his hands out for the bottle. The liquid in the bottle turned a lavender color and I gave the bottle to the newborn, "Вот, маленький парень. (Here you go, little guy.)" The newborn dragon grabbed the bottle, brought it to his mouth and started drinking the liquid in the bottle. I watched the little dragon with interest and my mind wonder about the nature of dragons. After a few minutes, the dragon finished the bottle and started moaning again. I picked up the newborn dragon and lifted him over my shoulder, gently patting him on the back. The baby dragon burped with a small flume of green fire, which gave me a small throb in the head, but I was able to calm it. I rested the baby dragon in my arms and he yawned, falling asleep in my arms. I smiled and whispered, "Я назову тебя... Спайк. (I'll call you... Spike.)" I walked out of the kitchen and into the filly's dormitory of the school. I noticed a crib next to Twilight's bed, which I guessed was for little Spike. I gently and calmly put Spike into the crib and tucked him in. Once I tucked him in, my head throbbed again and my vision showed warnings of high temperature again, as my body began to burn. "Нет... Не сейчас... Когда угодно, но сейчас... (No... Not now... Anytime but now...)" I begged in a shaking whisper. I quickly left the dormitory before I alerted everyone of my presence and made my way to the kitchen. Once I was inside the kitchen, I began looking for where Princess Celestia hid the oil. The throbbing pain got worse, pulsating as the clock ticked. I tried taking deep breaths and calm my thinking, but the pain made it difficult. I found a bottle of apple seed oil in the cabinet next to the stove, I opened to bottle and downed the oil. I didn't care if it wasn't from a machine or oil lamp, oil is oil, even if it was from an organic source. The apple seed oil did the trick, as the throbbing and burning subsided and my temperature went down to moderate settings. That was close, I didn't want to go feral in front of little Spike... Or Twilight Sparkle. But this close call got me thinking... What if my systems overheat again? What if I can't protect little Spike and Twilight from myself? I can't venture into daylight, as it burns me... The AbsoluteSolver has proven to be dangerous. And if I end up changing again, I'll scare Twilight and little Spike. I cannot stay in Canterlot. I have to relocate... And soon... I grabbed a piece of parchment and quill and started writing my resignation letter to Princess Celestia, 'Dear Princess Celestia, It almost happened again. My systems overheated and I almost went feral. As much as I would love to study magic with Twilight Sparkle and her little dragon, which I named Spike, I cannot risk overheating and going feral, scaring Twilight and Spike, and the other foals like Nightmare Night. With your permission, I wish to continue my studies in another location. Somewhere there's an abundance in apple seed oil and where I can experiment with the AbsoluteSolver without risking anyone getting hurt. Like the Everfree Forest. I'm sorry, Dorothy Anya Volkova.' I sighed and sent the letter by bird to Princess Celestia. With a low head, I walked to my bedroom in Canterlot Castle. I began packing my things and Philomena came flying to my window with a scroll in her beak. I gently took the scroll from Philomena and the phoenix flew back to Princess Celestia's balcony. I opened the scroll's seal and un-rolled the scroll. It read, 'My dearest Doll, I am very sorry that you feel this way about your condition. You have my permission to relocate, but I have a better location than the Everfree Forest, as I believe the forest will re-open some old wounds. I am assigning you to relocate in a small town just outside of the forest; Ponyville, and I wish for you to try and make some friends there. I don't want you to seclude yourself and become lonely like Sunset Shimmer has. There is an apple farm in Ponyville that will supply you with apple seed oil, and you'll be staying in the library within the town. I've already arranged your trip in the morning. With wishful optimism, Princess Celestia.' I smiled and sighed in relief, leave it to Princess Celestia to plan your assignments ahead of time. At least I'll have time to say my good-byes and get some rest before my trip to Ponyville. I just hope Twilight and Spike understand that I couldn't stay. Let's hope things at Ponyville are more easier than they are in Canterlot... > Ponyville: New Home, New Faces > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Dorothy Anya Volkova's POV~ I sat on the seat in silence, trying to avoid conversation and interaction with other ponies and foals that passed by me in the cart of the Friendship Express. I already packed my things and said my good-byes to everyone I knew in Canterlot, but some of them were still ghosting me. I guess they were still afraid of me after what happened at Nightmare Night. I can't say I blame them, but Lyra, Spike and Cinnamon Sticks were really upset about me leaving, and Cheshire Grin was more than happy to see me go. I let out a sigh and looked out the window, as the Friendship Express circled around the Everfree Forest and the conductor entered the cart to call in a loud and clear voice, "Next stop: Ponyville. Last call for Ponyville. ETA: 5 minutes." I watched the conductor trot to the other end of the cart and exit the cart. I looked out the window, but caught a glimpse of my reflection. My right eye glitched into the AbsoluteSolver symbol, but I caught it and covered it before it could crack the window and cause any damage. I looked away from the window and checked my backpack if I had everything I needed, as my right eye returned to normal. That was a close call. Now, my essentials... Notebook... Check. Scrolls... Check. Quill and inkwell... Check. Book that allows me to contact Princess Celestia... Check. Toothbrush and toothpaste... Check. Hairbrush... Check. Hygiene essentials... Check. I'm good to start my new life in Ponyville and make some new friends. The train came to a stop at a old-fashioned, but well-built train station outside of a large apple orchard and a medium-sized town. I grabbed my luggage and walked out of the train. I stopped just at the other end of the station, as I noticed the sun was shining toward the ground, thank goodness I was in the shade or I would've burned pretty badly. I grabbed my umbrella from my luggage and opened it. I placed it over my shoulder, as the fan blocked the sun from my body, and resumed walking down the dirt road toward Ponyville. Once in the town, I noticed how friendly the community was. Everyone was meeting each other with kind smiles and waves. I reached into my backpack and fished out a map that Princess Celestia gave me, to help me locate my new home in this town. I believe it was called the Golden Oak Library. Then I noticed something, the town suddenly grew quiet and the streets were empty. All in the matter of seconds? Was there something about this town I don't know? Or was it me? I guessed it had something to do with me, because I don't think these ponies have met someone like me before. I took a step forward, then I heard someone shout, "Incoming!" Before I could react, something grey and blonde crashed into me, knocking my umbrella out of my hand and onto the ground. I felt the sun's rays burning into my body, causing great pain and discomfort. I tried curling into a ball to try and stop the rays, which somewhat helped. ~?????'s POV~ I recovered from crashing into the tall bipedal creature and picked myself back to my hooves. I looked over and saw an umbrella resting on the ground and the bipedal creature was laying on the ground, curled into a ball. "Oh! I'm so sorry, miss. Are you okay?" I quickly apologized and asked the creature. "Зонт. Мне нужен зонтик. Быстро." The creature spoke in a language I wasn't familiar with. I tilted my head slightly in confusion, then I looked at the umbrella. It must want the umbrella. I grabbed the umbrella's handle with my teeth and raised it over the creature, blocking the sun from its body. The creature uncurled from its ball-like form and looked at me. The creature was metallic in appearance, with a visor for the upper half of it face, which displayed a pair of neon red eyes and thick brows. Its mane was dark purple and it wore a burgundy-red shirt with black sleeves and trimmings under a black hooded vest. Matching plated skirt and black boots. I smiled kindly at the creature and the creature smiled back. It gently took the umbrella's handle from my mouth and rested it over its shoulder. "Hi. Welcome to Ponyville. I'm Ditzy Doo, but you can call me Derpy." I introduced warmly, "What's your name?" "Мне тоже приятно познакомиться, Дерпи. Меня зовут Дороти, но ты можешь звать меня Кукла." The creature replied with an equally warm smile. "Kukla? Is that foreign for something?" I asked. The creature just giggled, it had quite a sweet giggle. I giggled back, then noticed, "You look a little lost. Are you looking for somepony or somewhere to stay?" The creature, Kukla, nodded and got out a small map of Ponyville. She showed me the map and pointed to a tall oak tree just outside the center of Town Square. I remember the tree being Golden Oka Library. I smiled, "You're looking for Golden Oak Library?" Kukla nodded. I beckoned her to follow, "I know where it is. Follow me." ~Dorothy Anya Volkova's POV~ I followed Derpy through the center of Ponyville. Once everyone saw how kind I was, and accompanied one of their residents with no ill will, the other ponies came out of their houses and resumed their day, occasionally waving toward me as I passed them. I waved back with a kind smile, of course. Derpy lead me past the Town Square and to the other side of the center of the town center, where a large oak tree with windows and a door stood proudly. "Here we are. Golden Oak Library." Derpy smiled as she showed me the library. I smiled, glad that I was able to arrive to my new home and make a new friend in the process. Derpy turned to me, "Well, I better head home. It's nearly lunch time and I don't want to be late." Then she asked me, "Are you gonna be okay on your own?" I gave her an assuring nod. Derpy smiled and flew off to the other side of the town. I returned my attention to the library and walked toward the door. I opened the door and entered the library, the interior was well-decorated and even doubled as a house, as it had a bed and nightstand on the second floor. Shelves upon shelves of books I haven't read yet. I couldn't wait to get started on my studies. But first, I needed to get unpacked and settled in. I closed my umbrella and placed it in an umbrella stand near the door. I walked up the stairs and removed my backpack from my back and onto the bed, and pushed my luggage bag under the bed. I unpacked my backpack and placed my essentials where I believed they would fit and placed my notebook, scrolls of parchment, inkwell and quill onto a desk on the first floor. It was a perfect fit. Princess Celestia must've planned ahead, in case something were to happen. Once my essentials were unpacked and placed into their rightful places, it was time to unpack my luggage. I placed my pants and skirts in a chest of drawers and hung my t-shirts and other things in a wardrobe. When I was almost finished with unpacking, there was a knock on the door. I placed the shirt in my hands on top of the drawer and walked over to the door. I opened the door and standing on the other side of the doorway was Derpy. She had an envelope in her mouth. "Hey, Kukla. You haf mail." Derpy smiled, as she took the mail out of her mouth and into her hoof. She extended her hoof toward me. I smiled and took the letter from her hoof. I gave Derpy a thankful nod, Derpy nodded back and flew off. I closed the door and walked over to my desk. I opened the envelope and it turned out to be a letter. I unfolded the piece of paper and read the contents. It read, 'Hello, Kukla... I hope I spelled that right... It's me, Derpy. I just would like to tell you it was amazing meeting you. And I hope we get to hang out after you're done packing. I can treat you out for a smoothie at SugarCube Corner, I don't mind. Anyway, I hope you enjoy your stay in Ponyville. It's not every day that we get a new resident, let alone somepony as unique as you. Hope to see you again soon. Your friend, Ditzy Doo/Derpy.' A small smile grew on my face. Not even an hour in my new home of Ponyville, and I've already made my first friend. Talk about progress, I hope it keeps going. I returned to unpacking my clothes and once I was finished with that, I laid on my new bed and stared at the ceiling for a few minutes, wondering what I should do next. Maybe I should go to SugarCube Corner and have that smoothie that Derpy offered, or I could go outside and see if I can make some more friends. Wait! I should contact Princess Celestia and tell her how well I'm doing. Yeah. I bet she's wondering if I made it to Ponyville safe and sound. I hopped off my new bed and walked down the stairs to my desk. I grabbed my book, as well as a quill, and opened the book to a new page. I took a breath and started writing, 'Dear Princess Celestia, It's Doll. I've arrived to Ponyville safe and sound, and found the Golden Oak Library no problem. However, there was a small accident with one of the locals. No need to worry, it was just that she bumped into my and accidently exposed me to the sun for a few minutes, but we recovered and became friends. Maybe you've heard of her, her name is Ditzy Doo, but she likes being called Derpy. Everything is okay. I hope Twilight Sparkle's studies are going well, and she's making friends too. And I hope Spike isn't growing too fast for you. I know it's been a day, but I can't help but miss you guys already. Your faithful student, Dorothy Anya Volkova.' Finished writing my first report on my progress in Ponyville, I closed the book and leaned back with a small sigh. I looked at the clock and noticed it has been only two hours since I came to Ponyville and made my first friend. Two hours? My goodness how time flies. I picked myself up from my chair, and was about to explore the rest of the library, until I heard another knock on the door. I scratched the back of my head. Two letters in one day? That doesn't usually happen. I walked over to the door and opened it. Standing on the other side of the doorway wasn't Derpy, but another filly with a big smile on her face. She was all pink, except for her blue eyes and a Cutie Mark of three party balloons. "Э... Привет? Могу ли я вам помочь? (Uh... Hello? Can I help you?)" I asked, slightly tilting my head to my left. "Hi! I'm Pinkie Pie." The filly introduced herself, as she grabbed my hand and vigorously shook it, "Just like you, I'm new to Ponyville too. I moved here about two weeks ago, and I'm trying to get to know everypony in Ponyville. What's your name? How long have you been in Ponyville? What's your favorite color? Wanna be friends?" "Приятно познакомиться, Пинки Пай. (Nice to meet you, Pinkie Pie.)" I replied, with my voice reverberating from how fast Pinkie was shaking my hand, "Я прибыл в Понивилль всего пару часов назад. (I just arrived to Ponyville just a couple of hours ago.)" Pinkie Pie beamed and gasped, "You're super-duper-newly-new to Ponyville?! You must meet everypony else, if you're going to get comfortable here." Then her smile lessened, "You also missed two of my questions; What's your name and your favorite color?" "Ну... Меня зовут Дороти Аня Волкова, но друзья зовут меня Кукла. (Well... My name is Dorothy Anya Volkova, but my friends call me Doll.)" I answered her first question, then the next, "И мой любимый цвет зеленый. (And my favorite color is green.)" Then I noticed something, as I looked at the pink filly, "Ждать. Ты можешь меня понять? (Wait. You can understand me?)" Pinkie nodded and waved her hoof, "It's not that hard. I just read the Ponish subtitles." I looked at the pink filly with confusion. Subtitles? She's a little eccentric, isn't she? But I was glad there was a pony here that didn't need a translation spell to help understand my language. Pinkie Pie smiled at me, then grabbed my hand and began to pull me out of the library, "Come on, Doll. We've gotta introduce you to everypony!" I struggled to keep myself under the safety of the shade in the library, but Pinkie was stronger than she looked, "Пинки, стой! Я не могу выйти на улицу в это время! (Pinkie, stop! I can't go outside at this time!)" But Pinkie Pie ignored my warning, and pulled my hand out on the sunlight. My hand burned in searing pain, causing me to hiss and winced. I felt my right eye glitch with the AbsoluteSolver as the 'Scale' symbol appeared around Pinkie's hoof. Pinkie gasped in pain, as she let go of my hand and turned to me with a pair of wide cerulean eyes. I quickly snatched my hand away from her and placed it over my chest, and I covered my eye before Pinkie could see the symbol, before my eye could return to normal. The look on Pinkie's face indicated I was too late to cover my eye. She saw the symbol and she was afraid. I took a few steps back deeper into the library, with a sad and apologetic look on my face. "That was the-" "Мне очень жаль, Пинки. (I'm so sorry, Pinkie.)" Pinkie whispered, but I cut her off with a sad whisper, as I reached for the door and slammed it shut. With the door closed and locked, I removed my hand from my eye and I leaned against the door, sinking to the ground and curling into a ball, hugging my knees very close to my chest. Poor Pinkie... She must think I'm a freak now. That shouldn't have happened. I warned Pinkie, but I should've known better and never opened the door if that was going to happen. Now, I've lost a second possible friend, all because of the stupid AbsoluteSolver! Why do I have this power? Why trust me with something I struggle to control? I can't be trusted with something so dangerous and costly! No. I can't think like this. I was given this power for a reason. I must find a way to control it and stop it from hurting anyone else. I blinked for moment as an idea came to me, I remember there was a basement in this library. I can start learning to control the AbsoluteSolver in there and try to live a normal life in Ponyville. I picked myself up from my previous position and walked to a door on the other side of the room, between two bookshelves. I opened the door and it revealed a flight of stairs, leading underground. I walked down the stairs and there was a huge room full of dummies and training equipment. Almost like a martial arts dojo. Princess Celestia did plan ahead for this. Clever. I took a breath and smiled with determination, but my thoughts were cut short, as there was a knock on the door. I walked up the stairs to the main floor and walked to the door. I opened the door and it was Pinkie Pie with a group of ponies in every shape, color and size. "Surprise!" The ponies called in unison. I raised a brow, "Пинки, что это? Я думал, что спугнул тебя. (Pinkie, what is this? I thought I scared you away.)" Pinkie gave me an apologetic look, "You did, but Derpy explained to me that you can't come out during the day, so I decided to move my welcoming party from SugarCube Corner to you." She finished with a beaming smile. "Вечеринка? Для меня? (A party? For me?)" I gasped in surprise. Pinkie Pie nodded, "Yup. It was all Derpy's idea. She said she invited you for a smoothie, right? She wanted to throw a welcoming party for you, so you'll have lots and lots of friends." Derpy emerged from the crowd of ponies and smiled at me, "Do you like it, Kukla?" A smile appeared on my face, "Мне это нравится, Дерпи. (I love it, Derpy.)" Then I stepped aside, "Заходите, все пони. Вечеринка начинается. (Come on in, everypony. The party begins.)" The ponies looked at with mixed faces of confusion. Pinkie giggled and translated, "She's inviting us inside, so we can start the party." Everypony smiled and trotted into the library. Pinkie walked in with trays of cupcakes and other catering foods and drinks balancing on her back. With great balance and dexterity, she managed to move the trays carefully on the centerpiece table of the library. She grabbed a music player from her poofy and wild mane and started the music at full volume for everypony to hear. I smiled as everypony started dancing and mingled with each other. Thus the welcoming party began. And so my training to control the AbsoluteSolver and my new life in Ponyville begins. > Ponyville: The First Winter > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Dorothy Anya Volkova's POV~ I have to thank Pinkie and Derpy somehow for being so understanding of my predicament. It's been over about six months since I've moved to Ponyville and made a bunch of friends with the residents within the town. Summer and Fall has come and gone, with Nightmare Night just passed. I didn't do much for Nightmare Night, except kept my distance from everyone, in fear of what happened last Nightmare Night might happen again. I'm still haunted by the actions and Cheshire Grin's attack that night. I almost killed three foals that night if Princess Celestia didn't stop the fight. I never knew how powerful the AbsoluteSolver was that night, and I can feel it growing stronger within me. Speaking of the AbsoluteSolver, I've been getting better at controlling it, thanks to the training dojo under the library. I can still feel its influence trying to take over my mind, but as Princess Celestia said, my will is my ultimate strength and I must not give into temptation or listen to the AbsoluteSolver's pleas for release. I am in control... Anyway, I'm rambling too much about what has happened. With Nightmare Night passing and everything calming down from the festivities, winter has arrived, with temperatures reaching their cold areas, the sky is overcast with dark clouds and everything was covered in a blanket of snow. Hearts Warming Eve will be coming soon... And I just realized something while I searched through my clothes for some winter attire... I had no winter clothes to keep me warm during the winter cold. Spending so many months in Canterlot, it hardly gets too cold for ponies to go outside and enjoy the snow and clouded skies, despite being built around a snowy mountain. But there is one good thing about winter that I'm very thankful for; due to the dark clouds overcasting the sky, I can come outside without worry of the sunlight harming me. It's a shame that this is the only time of the year I can come out during the day... Damn my vampirism... As I was putting my clothes away for the third time in a row, to make sure everything was organized and tidy, I heard a knock on the door. I closed my closet and walked down the stairs to the main floor of the library and toward the door. I opened the door and standing on the other side of the doorway was Pinkie Pie. She was wearing a raspberry pink scarf around her neck and a blue and yellow puffball hat. She looked happy to see me. "Привет, Пинки. Что я могу сделать для вас? (Hi, Pinkie. What can I do for you?)" I greeted with a friendly smile. Pinkie smiled warmly, "Actually, I think I can help you." I tilted my head slightly, "Ой? (Oh?)" The pink filly nodded, "Yeah. I noticed that you have no clothes for winter, to keep you warm during the cold and snowy weather. So, I think I know somepony who can help you." I folded my arms in playful suspicion, "Ты шпионил за мной? (Have you been spying on me?)" Pinkie quickly shook her head, "Nope. I just happened to have noticed your wardrobe during my last visit. Doesn't it get cold in Canterlot?" I shook my head with a casual shrug, "Не совсем. Несмотря на то, что Кантерлот построен вокруг горы, в нем достаточно холодно, чтобы снег мог сохраняться в течение трех месяцев. (Not really. Even though it's built around a mountain, Canterlot is only cold enough to keep snow around for three months.)" Pinkie tilted her head in confusion, you could almost see a big question mark appearing on top of her head. "Магия единорога. (Unicorn magic.)" I simplified with a small giggle. Clarity dawned upon Pinkie, "Oooohhh. Okie-dokie-lokie." Then she told me, "I'll bring a friend of mine over to come and take a look at you. She's great with fashion and really knows her colors." I smiled and raised a hand, "Вообще, почему бы нам обоим не пойти к ней? (Actually, why don't we both go see her?)" Pinkie looked at me with concern, "But it's half-past twelve in the afternoon, right now! The sun is in the dead center of the sky! You could burn yourself to death without some coverage! Why the sudden boldness?" I smiled and walked out of the library into the snow. The light from the day was uncomfortable, but the clouds covering the sun made it bearable to adventure without experiencing pain. Pinkie gasped and examined my body. Once she was done she exclaimed, "What?! How?!" I pointed to the sky. She followed the direction I was pointing and looked at the dark overcast of clouds. She couldn't see the sun, so she looked back at me and regained her smile, "Of course. The overcast during winter clouds the sun. You're okay, as long as the sun isn't out." I nodded in confirmation. Pinkie grabbed hold of my hand and grinned, "Okie-dokie! Come on, then. Let's go see Rarity!" With that, Pinkie Pie lead me through the Town Square, up the streets to the north side of town, where there was a cute little boutique with a carousel-like motif and yellow curtains sitting in the background. I started to feel anxious the closer Pinkie and I got to the boutique, as numerous thoughts raced through my mind at a hundred miles an hour. What if this pony can't help me? What is this Rarity like? This boutique looks pretty fancy, what if I can't afford what she offers? What if this Rarity is like the boutique owners in Canterlot? Okay, now my head is starting to hurt. I need to stop overthinking these things. Everything will be fine. I'm sure Rarity is nice, everyone else in Ponyville is. Pinkie Pie and I arrived to the front door of the boutique and Pinkie knocked on the door. A second of silence, and the door opened to reveal a white unicorn filly with a curly purple mane and tail, azure eyes and a Cutie Mark of three blue diamonds. "Oh! Hi, Pinkie Pie." The unicorn filly greeted Pinkie, not really noticing me, "What brings you here?" "Hey, Rarity." Pinkie greeted with a bright smile, "I've actually come here with a friend. She needs some winter clothes for her wardrobe." The unicorn filly, Rarity, tilted her head, "Oh?" Pinkie gestured to me, as I shyly waved my hand to her with a timid smile. Rarity looked very surprised to see me out in the open, as I stood at least the same height as Pinkie, if she was standing on her hind hooves. Rarity smiled, "You must be the new resident in Golden Oak Library." I nodded, her smile grew bigger, "This is perfect! I've been needing some experience with bipedal creatures." The she opened the door completely and beckoned us inside, "Come on inside, out of this bitter cold. The weather is terribly dreary!" Pinkie skipped inside the boutique, while I followed close behind the pink filly. The inside of the boutique was just as fancy as the outside. Beautifully decorated with mirrors, mannequins and even cases and cases of fabric in different colors and materials. Rarity closed the door and smiled, "Now, how can I help with this new wardrobe. Any colors your prefer, or styles?" "Ну... Я не такая уж девчонка, но, может быть, что-нибудь удобное и в рамках моего бюджета? (Well... I'm not much of a girly-girl, but maybe something comfortable and within my budget?)" I asked in uncertainty. Rarity looked at me with a tilted head and raised brow confusion. I lowered my head and my posture. Another pony that doesn't understand my language, I should've seen this coming... I need to find a way to use the AbsoluteSolver to translate my language to Ponish. Pinkie cleared her throat and translated for me, "Doll says that she has a tight budget, but she likes anything comfortable." Rarity tapped her chin in thought, then a memory struck her, "Oh! I think I have just what you're looking for." She trotted over to a large box and started digging through the clothes inside, "I was going to throw these out, because nopony was interested, but I guess recycling never goes out of style." Using her telekinetic magic, Rarity got out two pastel-toned puffer coats, three turtleneck sweaters in lavender, sky blue and pink, three shirts, two puff-beanies in lavender and pastel green, and three pairs of winter performance leggings. I stared in awe of the choice of clothing. Although I seem to wear a lot of reds, blacks and purples, I do like pastel colors, if they collide with my choice of fashion. Rarity is truly talented with fashion and art. Rarity noticed my expression and smiled, "And the plus side, these are just perfect for a bipedal creature, like yourself." Her magic levitated the clothes toward me, "They're all yours." I took the clothes, but a concerned frown appeared on my face, "Спасибо, Рарити. Но... Сколько я тебе должен? Я знаю, что они не будут дешевыми. (Thank you, Rarity. But... How much do I owe you? I know these won't be cheap.)" Rarity noticed my concern and waved her hoof dismissively, "Don't worry about the price. I was going to throw them away, or use them for new projects." She walked over to me and placed a hoof over my hand, "I'm just glad you came along and showed me that there's still use for them. They're yours, free of charge." My eyes widen from this gesture of generosity. I was shocked I couldn't speak from this. All these clothes and they're free? Such a generous offer. I shook my head at Rarity stubbornly, I have to find a way to repay her. It's what friends do. Noticing my body language, Rarity tapped her chin with her hoof for a second, then she smiled, "Tell you what. To repay me, you can treat me and Pinkie at SugarCube Corner. Hearts Warming Eve is coming and I really enjoy their peppermint-flavored hot chocolates. How's that sound?" I blinked in recollection and smiled with a nod. That sounds like a brilliant way to repay such a generous gesture. To be honest, I like peppermint-flavored hot chocolates too, especially during Hearts Warming Eve. I think I've made another new friend from this experience, but I am not going to take advantage of her generous nature. Pinkie beamed with a vigorous nod in agreement. Knowing her, Pinkie would ask for something sickly sweet for her part of this bargain. I'd be surprised if she didn't. Pinkie Pie really knows how to make everyone around her smile. I'm glad I was able to make a new friend during my first winter in Ponyville. I wonder what will happen when it's time for Winter Wrap-Up?