> Loving A Drake > by Lighttone GryphonStar > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Only Chapter > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a cold evening, and a few ponies were making their way through the halls of the College of Friendship. Among them was a certain orange dragoness, her head held high as she rushed towards her destination. She needed to get to her room as quickly as possible and grab that thick sweater Ocellus made for her. She could feel the chill of the weather already. The dragoness let out a deep exhale, the warm air billowing out her nostrils. "I thought autumn was supposed to be nice, not a constant reminder of what's coming," Smolder growled at the ponies rolled their eyes at her. Clearly, none of them cared that she was a dragon. She had to deal with this every time a cold front would sweep through town, and the only thing that could save her from the brunt of it was some extra layers. Passing the crowds she softly smiled at the sight of her room ahead. With a little more speed, the orange dragoness would reach her goal. It wasn't long before her claws was gripping the door. However, she was stopped by a strange sound. A sort of high pitched waling noise, like a wounded animal. Smolder looked over her shoulder, trying to find the source of the sound. None of the ponies at the end of the hall even noticed. They kept on talking and walking as if the cry was completely silent to their ears. It made Smolder's scales bristle. It sounded so close, so real. A strong desire in her heart told her to find it now. Her body moved on its own. Smolder turned away from her room and started searching the other rooms down the hall. She opened doors, looking into classrooms and lecture halls, hoping the sound would get louder. The closer she got, the more it tugged at her heart. After a few more moments, the cry led Smolder to the janitor's room. The worker was sitting outside, completely ignoring the sound. Or simply unable to hear it like the rest of the ponies. He saw her and shrugged, gesturing her inside. He clearly knew who was on the other side, but couldn't sense a single ounce of the pain behind the door. Smolder's claws gripped the knob. Her heart was racing. Who was on the other side? Why were they so sad? What could she do about it? She wanted to help. No, she needed to help. With a turn of the knob, the door slowly creaked open. On the other side was a familiar purple dragon with green frills. Spike sat on the ground, his eyes bloodshot as tears poured down his face. He was completely lost in his grief, and didn't even notice the orange dragoness enter the room. Instead, he continued waling in sorrow, his head leaning against the wall. Smolder stepped inside, closing the door behind her. The orange dragoness stood there, watching as Spike continued to weep. His crying was loud, and his body trembled. She slowly realized what was happening here. "Break up waling?" she asked, getting his attention. The purple dragon sniffed, looking up at the orange dragoness. He wiped away his tears, letting out a heavy exhale. "What do you mean?" Spike asked. He tried to keep his voice stable, but the sadness in his words was as clear as day. "It's a dragon thing... Don't worry, we are the only ones in the college that can hear you." Smolder explained. She stepped closer, taking a seat beside the purple dragon. She drapped her wing around him and asked what happened. "Sweetie Belle broke my heart!! She's cheating on me!" Spike wailed. Smolder felt her own heart break at his words. "Cheating? Are you sure?" Smolder tried to understand. "You two were so cute together... It filled me with such hope against my own failures in love." "No it's not!!" He shrieked. "I found her laying with Apple Bloom! They were doing things far more intense then she ever did with me!! I saw it, and heard it, and it was just... awful." He sobbed. Smolder pulled Spike close, holding him as he wept. Never did she like showing her soft side. However, even with his tears fell onto her chest, the orange dragoness didn't care push him back. Instead, she just let him cry, holding him tightly and softly stroking his scales. "It's okay..." She cooed. "It'll be okay." "How do you know?!" Spike screamed, his voice echoing in the small room. "I-I don't have anything anymore!" He sobbed. "Rarity never wanted me, Gabby just wanted to be friends, Sweetie Belle out right cheated on me!! I'm just some useless, worthless, lonely, and ugly dragon!!" His words felt like knives, cutting deep into her heart. The image of him as the cool and calm dragon she had come to admire shattered. He was just as lonely and broken as she was secretly was. And it struck her harder then she realized. After a solid hours of letting him give it all out, she finally conceded. "Spike..." She started slow, her words shaking. "Y-You're not alone." She broke the embrace looked into his teary eyes. "You still have me." "What do you mean--" He was stopped as she broke away complete and turned away to hide her blush. "I've always looked up to you, okay?" Smolder confessed. "I was so impressed when I heard a dragon like you had being living with the ponies all his life. Yet strong enough to defeat my brother, a real dragon. You were so strong despite all your friendship. I thought if I could just get to know you, then maybe I could learn to be strong too." Spike was shocked by her words. It was as if the clouds had parted, and the sun shined down on him. "You thought of me like that?" "Yeah. I mean, why else would I spend so much time with you..." She grumbled and turned away complete, not letting him see all the sweat on her face. "I was just too afraid to ever say it..." The orange dragoness felt her heart beat faster. Her breath was getting heavy. "I really care about you..." She gritted her teeth and slammed her claws on the floor. "Damn it, I really like you--" the dragoness was stopped as he flipped her around and took her lips. Smolder was completely lost in the kiss. Never had she felt something so intense. It was like a fire, burning deep in her soul. Not once did she expect saying her real feeling to him would lead to this. But in the end, the orange dragoness pushed into back the kiss, letting her tongue slip into his mouth. Their tongues twisted and wheel back and forth, fighting for control. Smolder's claws were pulling him close, keeping their embrace locked together. She didn't want to let go. Her claws rubbed his frills, moving down to base of his neck and to his shoulders. She felt so weak under his touch, his tongue lapping at her mouth and leaving her drooling. It felt like eternity when their lips finally parted. A string of drool hung between their mouths, dripping down to the floor. "You're amazing..." She whispered. "You too." Spike said back. The purple dragon was already starting to recover from his previous emotional state. His tears were still on his cheeks, but his voice was already starting to sound better. However, a strange burning grew in his chest, and it was spreading to his crotch. Smolder's eyes widened as the tent pressed against her dress. She didn't say a word to him, only lower her eyelids and returning to kiss him with greater passion. The orange dragoness slowly leaned back and pulled him over top of her. Their embrace never broke, their tongues still entwining in their mouths. Spike's hands followed her guiding, pulling up her dress and pushing back his pants. His member popped free and the dragoness let out a pleased growl as it touched her walls. She reached up, taking his cock and pumping his length. She felt it pulse and grow with every stroke, and the feeling was just delightful. The purple dragon hissed as he was stroked. She was good, knowing all the right places and ways to make him moan. She didn't stop when he was at full stride. Never saying a word to each other, she positioned it and dropped his hips down on her. Smolder threw back her head and roared in pleasure. Her walls stretched and her body quaked as the pleasure shook her core. Spike was a perfect fit, her deepest walls being struck by his throbbing dragon cock. Spike didn't know what came over him, but he felt a burning desire to breed her with no regard. She didn't stop him once, knowing exactly what this was and loving every second. The two dragons thrust back and forth on the janitor's floor, not giving one note of the mess, and just enjoying the blissful moment. He felt so strong, dominating her with ease and forcing her to submit to his cock. Spike was never so rough with Sweetie Belle. Yet, his instincts burned in his mind, commanding him to mate her. And he listened, because she kept urging him on. Their tongues clashed in their mouths, fighting and slashing back and forth. Her walls squeezed and milked his member, trying desperately to draw out his seed. His member agreed, pulsing just as hard to meet this effort. Spike couldn't hold out. He needed her. He wanted her. His claws dug into the floor and pulled her close. They held their bodies together and their hips slapped as they gave it their last efforts. Spike roared in ecstasy, releasing his seed into her womb. Her own cry echoed his as her climax washed over her. It felt so warm and fulfilling. Smolder's tail curled around his and her eyes rolled back. The orange dragoness's tongue hang from her maw and her wings flapped against the floor. She loved every second of her first full breeding, and couldn't have imagined it any better to have it with the dragon she loved. The two collapsed in their mess of fluids. Spike's body laid atop hers, and her tail stayed locked around his. Both dragons were panting, their body's heaving as the pleasure faded from their minds. Their hearts were racing, and their chests were soaked with sweat. But neither dragon cared. ******