> Since That Night > by JD1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Following That Night > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Two months ago… Canterlot was home to many ponies of status. It was also where the Princesses of Equestria reigned, as Princess Celestia and her sister, Princess Luna, ruled over their beloved subjects. The city itself was a constant stream of nonstop action. Ponies walked about the streets of Canterlot, going about their usual business. However, metal clanging could be heard in the castle courtyard. Two royal guards were shown as they stood facing each other, and several of their comrades were standing in a circle watching them. *CLANG* The shrill sound of the blades echoed as it rang throughout for all to hear. *SWISH**CRACK* Blurring metal clashed against each other, each one vying for a chance to deliver a strike against their opponent. The two ponies facing each other were two young stallions; one was a pegasus, and the other was a unicorn. The pegasus held a spear, while the unicorn held a dagger backward in his hand. The pegasus gazed down at his foe as both had been at it for quite a while, breathing heavily. He rushed forward as the unicorn ducked under a swipe and spun around to deliver a kick to their exposed chest from their attack. The pegasus avoided the strike by a hair’s breadth as he countered with his second attempt, and he managed to land a small, thin cut along his opponent’s leg. Unfettered by the superficial wound, the unicorn kept his composure and watched his opponent as he twirled his spear to shift his battle position. He kept a close eye on the spear's tip and his opponent's arm, holding the weapon. He’d been tracking it since the fight started as he picked up on something. As the pegasus went for another spin around, the unicorn counter by spinning counterclockwise to avoid and managed to drive the butt of his weapon into his opponent’s jaw, staggering him. In that instance, the unicorn took his opportunity to strike, forcing his opponent to counter by swinging his weapon upward, making sparks fly. More force was behind the unicorn’s attack as he could knock out the spear from his opponent’s hand. He didn’t stop there, but he quickly shifted his body to rotate into the air. He was shown coming down with his boot and made contact with his foe’s face, knocking him to the ground. The pegasus quickly tried to go for his spear just meters away as the unicorn ran at his downed opponent. The pegasus guard grabbed his spear and turned. He was shown getting to a knee, and at that moment, he ran right into the unicorn, who was delivering a sliding knee to his face. The knee made contact, turning the pegasus’ face from the impact and knocking him back to the ground, with him letting go of his weapon. The unicorn quickly got on top of the pegasus and held the dagger close to his neck, daring the pony to make even the slightest move. “That’s why knives are better for close quarters,” said the unicorn.  The unicorn smiled as he got off his opponent to stand up and removed his helmet. The guard shook his chocolate-colored mane as he dusted his shoulder before extending his hand. The pegasus merely chuckled as he grabbed his friend’s hand and let him pull him up. The rest of the guards surrounding them chatted before a few clapped at them for their performance. “You’re getting better with that dagger, Storm,” the pegasus said to his friend. Sorry about the cut.” “It’s not a big deal,” said the unicorn as he looked down to where his friend managed to nick him. “I’ve taken worst cuts before. ‘Tis a flesh wound.” “Alright, everyone, back to work!” said the squad’s captain. Everyone quickly scrambled as their break time was over, and they all went back to running their drills. Once practice was over, Storm returned to his room as he looked to clean up before his shift. Storm was an ambitious unicorn who dreamed of joining the Royal Guard and protecting his home of Equestria since his father was also a guard before retiring. That dream continued with him as he dedicated his life to craving his path to joining the Royal Guard. He got that chance when he enrolled in Cadet School after high school with his best friend, Shadow. The dark-colored pegasus and cameral-colored unicorn worked hard as they passed the program with flying colors and joined the Royal Guard. For over a year, both did their best; eventually, they were each promoted to Lieutenant and assigned to the same squad to serve as second in command for the pony captain in charge. Storm couldn’t be more happy as he was living his dream. There wasn’t anything else that could make his life any better. Well… there was one thing. And that was getting himself a girl. His father always told him that one of the perks of joining the Royal Guard was the many mares falling at his feet. And he wasn’t wrong about that; anytime he was on patrol along the streets, he would often get passing glances and views from mares as they seemed to flirt with him. He didn’t say much, but a simple nod or even a wave as that often made them faint. While it was nice to see the many girls drawn to him, Storm simply chose not to engage with any of them as he knew he wanted a girl who wasn’t just drawn to him because of his muscle or physique. He wanted a girl willing to love him for what he was and not just find a stud of a stallion in a suit of armor to make him look hot. Regardless, he was still content with his job, which occupied most of his mind and fulfilled his duty to Equestria and his Princesses. A tower lay high above in another part of Canterlot Castle. The tower was home to someone of considerable significance—none other than Princess Celestia’s prized pupil. The room was littered with tons of books and many pieces of paper. The princess pupil wrote down her latest discovery at a desk while reading some magic spells and transfigurations that caught her eye. Next to the desk was a bed with a nightstand and photos of the mare’s family. The mare was a unicorn, as she had moderate violet eyes, her mane and tail were dark sapphire blue with moderate purple and brilliant raspberry streaks, and her coat was lavender. She also wore a pale, light grayish mulberry t-shirt and matching shorts, a belt matching her mane, and purple boots led by her chair that reached halfway to her knees. The mare was so deep in thought that the knock on the door pulled her out. She groaned as she hated being interrupted in the middle of her studies. Reluctantly, she sighed before exiting her chair and heading toward the door to see who was bothering her. She opened, and there stood one of her friends from Magic school. The pony was another unicorn mare with a Maya blue coat, periwinkle mane and tail with a pigment blue streak, and dark blue eyes. “Hey, Twilight!” “What do you want, Minuette? I’m kinda busy,” said the lavender mare. “That’s what I wanted to talk to you about. Can I come in for a second?” Minuette smiled as Twilight rolled her eyes and allowed her to enter, but not before taking off her shoes. “Wow! That’s a lot of books,” said the unicorn as she saw how flooded Twilight’s room was. “As I said, I’ve been studying. Now, why are you here when I could be studying Clover the Clever’s charms?” asked Twilight as she returned to sit at her desk and picked up her quill. “Well, Moondancer is having a little get-together party at her house. And everybody in the group is going. So we wanted to see if you want to come?” “A party? No thanks,” said Twilight as she quickly dismissed a friend's suggestion to hang out. “Seriously?” said Minuette as she hoped Twilight could get out of her room for once, other than just going for her private lessons with the Princess. “Come on! Live a little, Twilight. You spend most of your time cooped in here when you could be out there, having fun. We’re not gonna be young forever. This is the time of our lives when we’re supposed just to cut loose and enjoy ourselves. You know, have fun. Meet new people, get wasted, even hook up with some stallions, and possibly get laid. Huh?” The unicorn crept closer to Twilight’s face as she raised her eyebrows, hoping Twilight would catch on to what she was saying. “For your information, I’m not interested in a filthy act of ‘getting laid,’ as you call it,” said Twilight, using her hands to do air quotes. “The possibility and thought of giving myself to some stallion to which his only intention is sexual intercourse is primitive and disgusting. Besides, why waste a night like that when you could finish the entire volume of Moon Theories and Curves number 6.” “And that right there is why you need to get out and hook up with someone,” said Minuette as Twilight needed some male interaction. “Do you know how many guys would kill to have a girl like you? And I’m not just talking about your smarts. Take a look at you!” The unicorn moved her finger up and down as she pointed at Twilight’s body, which the lavender mare took notice of. “My body is not a tool for stallions. The thought of them looking at me like I’m a snack adds to the point that I made about sexual intercourse being nothing but emptiness and disgusting,” said Twilight as she returned to her papers before her. “Come on, Twilight. This could be a good chance for you. Just one night. That’s all we’re asking.” “Sorry, Minuette. But my answer is no. Now, please, leave so I can continue my studies?” said Twilight as she went back to scribbling. Minuette sighed. It seemed Twilight was dead set on not going. A thought then crossed her mind, and she figured maybe there was a way to get her friend out. “I got an idea. How about this? You come to the party, and if, after 30 minutes, you want to leave, you can. We won’t judge you, and in fact, we’ll even pitch in and buy you the next Daring Do book that’s coming out.” Twilight stopped writing and turned in her chair to look at her friend. The lavender mare began to lull over what her friend had just proposed; the thought of getting the new Daring Do book was tempting, and the fact that she could leave if she didn’t enjoy herself did entice the offer. After weighing her options and the pros and cons of each decision, the odds were more in favor of Twilight taking the proposition from her friend. “Alright. I’ll agree to your terms,” said Twilight. “Yes!” said Minuette as she at least got Twilight to get out for a few minutes. “I’ll go let Moondancer know.” “But remember, only 30 minutes. Not a second more!” said Twilight as her friend began to head out. “You go it!” shouted Minuette as she opened the door. “What’s the dress code?” called out the lavender unicorn. “You’re good the way you are!” said Minuette as she disappeared down the stairs, her voice trailing off. The door shut as Twilight sighed and returned to her chair to face her desk. The unicorn was now starting to regret agreeing to the terms of the deal, but she did want that new Daring Do book to add to her collection. She lifted her shirt and quickly sniffed as she caught her scent. “Perhaps I could at least shower,” said the mare, thinking she might as well look presentable for the party. In his room, Storm was polishing his armor. The stallion had most of his armor on the bed beside him while he held his helmet and used a rag to clean it. The unicorn took great pride in ensuring his armor was up to code, as he didn’t want to disrespect the Princess by having a messing suit. He held the helmet up as he saw his reflection, causing him to smile. A knock on his door was heard. “It’s open!” called out Storm as he began to finish. “Hey, Storm. Guess what?” “I’m afraid to ask,” responded the unicorn to his friend. “It’s nothing bad, bud. Why do you gotta assume that?” asked Shadow. “Do you want me to run down the list?” the unicorn said in a deadpan tone and expression. “Alright, first of all, that incident with the chimera doesn’t count. And second, I just got word about a party being held tonight.” “Party? What kind of party?” “Just a small party. I got word from one of the boys that they would head there tonight. I asked if it would be alright if we went there, and he said the house owner wouldn’t mind. So long as we don’t make a mess of the place.” “I don’t know, Shadow,” said Storm. “Come on, dude. It’s just a small party. Meet a couple of ponies, chat up some girls, get a few drinks, and we’re good. Besides, we have tomorrow off.” “Alright,” sighed Storm before smiling at his friend.  Both stallions got ready as they began heading to the party location, which wasn’t far off. And speaking of the party, Twilight had shown up with Minuette at Moondancer’s place as the girl and their other friends were surprised to see that the bookworm had decided to come, given they figured she’d spend the night studying. But their expressions changed once Minuette told them about her deal with Twilight. Regardless, they were still glad she made an effort to appear. Soon, the rest of the invited guests appeared. Along with a few new guests, Moondancer didn’t mind as it meant a new chance to meet new people. Twilight stood in one spot for about twenty minutes and kept to herself. The mare observed and looked around; she was clearly out of her element and didn’t want anything to do. She counted the minutes left before she left so she could return to her studies. Minuette approached the unicorn, who seemed to be slightly tipsy from the few drinks she had. “Come on, Twilight. Get lively and talk,” said the mare, slightly drunk but enough to see straight. “I’m perfectly fine. I’m just counting down the seconds before I leave. As I said, I would have been better off just studying tonight.” said Twilight. “At least have a drink,” said the mare as she handed a cup to her friend before continuing to chat with a stallion that caught her eye. Twilight watched her friend disappear before looking at the punch she was handed.  “Well, I am quite parched,” said the unicorn as she lifted the cup to her lips and took a sip. The moment the liquid hit her tongue and taste buds, it affected her mind and senses. Storm and Shadow had arrived at the place, a quaint little home filled with many ponies. They arrived to see some fellow guards were also present. As they entered, Moondancer approached the two stallions to greet them. “Welcome. My name is Moondancer. So, uh, feel free to talk, and whatnot. Drinks and food are in the kitchen. Just don’t make a mess.” said the mare shyly. “We won’t. Thanks for having us,” said Storm, smiling at the girl before she left to check on some of her guests. “Here, bud!” said Shadow as he handed Storm a cup of punch. “Here’s to a good night.” “I’ll drink to that,” said Storm as he raised his cup. The pair then brought their cup to their lips as it triggered their senses. Safe to say, Storm had a bit more drinks after his first initial one. It reached the point where he barely walked in a straight line, as it occurred to him that it was time to leave. However, he was looking for his buddy, as he was nowhere to be found. As he traveled around the home, he tried not to bump into any other guests, as a few were also feeling the effects of the punch. He accidentally pressed a hand on a door as it was unlocked, and he fell inside. The stallion soon got to his feet as he noticed a bed and began to go toward it, hoping to get some rest to regain his mental stability. As he flopped on the bed, he heard the door creaking open. He turned his head and, with his limited vision, couldn’t make out who had entered as he only saw a dark silhouette. The dark figure then got closer as it headed toward the bed, as that was the last thing he saw before his eyes closed. “Hey! Hey! Hey!” “Hmm…” Storm was shown in a room as he sat on a chair. The royal guard was snapped out of his thoughts when he heard his girlfriend's voice. Below him, on her knees, was Twilight Sparkle; the mare was in the process of sucking her boyfriend off when she noticed he seemed to be thinking about something instead of hearing him make his usual sounds to indicate that she was doing her job of giving him pleasure. She stopped and called out to her stallion, as it was clear he wasn’t thinking about the task she was doing. “I asked if you were paying attention or not. I’m here, on my knees, sucking you off, and you can’t even tell me how good it feels!” complained Twilight as she didn’t appreciate the lack of attention from her coltfriend. “S-Sorry, I was… occupied,” said Storm. “Clearly. If you’re not in the mood today, I’ll just leave. No sense in wasting time for both of us.” said Twilight as she got up from the floor. “Y-Yeah. Wait, hold on!” said Storm as he registered what was said. Twilight was bending over to grab her bra, clipping it on as she went to put her shirt on. “Twilight, wait. Can we talk?” “I don’t know, can we?” said the mare as she looked to put her shirt on to leave. “I’m serious!” the stallion said as he grabbed his marefriend’s wrist to prevent her from putting on her shirt. The mare looked at the royal guard as she sighed. The royal guard brought her back to the table as she leaned against it, still just wearing her bra; Storm sat back in the chair, with his cock still hanging out but softened due to his emotions. The mare crossed her arms as she awaited what her coltfriend wanted to discuss. The stallion took a moment, placing his folded hands against his mouth before sighing. “What’s the matter?” asked Twilight in a genuine, concerned tone. “I was thinking… about… that night.” “Again?” sighed Twilight, as this wasn’t the first time she and Storm had this conversation. “Look. We were both slightly intoxicated that night, and we happened to stumble upon each other in our drunken state. We had no control over ourselves and our actions.” “Still, though… I can’t get it out of my head. I mean, sure, it was out of our control, and the morning after was a shocking one for both of us. But… I still feel like we’re only together because of that night. And nothing else matters. I mean, what if you woke up with someone else other than me? Would you have just gone along with them?” said Storm. Twilight took a moment to think as she looked at her coltfriend. She then uncrossed her arms and approached him. “Storm, look at me. I’m with you, not because of what happened that night or what followed after that. I’m with you because I love you. Because I want to be with you.” said the mare, grabbing his left cheek to make him look at her. “If all I cared about was hooking up with some random stranger in bed, then I would have done that years ago. I chose you because we have learned about each other since that day and explored ourselves and our feelings. And because of that, I can safely say that we'd still be together even if we never had that incident happen that night and met like normal ponies. Why? Because I love you for other than your muscles, your physique, even your massive cock. Though that last part is just a personal preference.” stated Twilight as Storm’s shaft drove her crazy every time. “The point is: Stop dwelling on the past and wondering how things could have been avoided or turned out differently. What happened happened, and there’s no changing that. But it worked out for both of us in the end, and that’s what’s important.”  The royal guard looked at his marefriend, as he couldn’t deny her points. Despite the unexpected circumstances of how they came to be, they were indeed happy with each other. And wasn’t that what made a strong relationship, the fact that both parties were willing to love and be there for each other no matter what? The stallion looked into the unicorn’s eyes, which shone like stars in the night sky. “Yeah. I guess you’re right.” “Of course, I’m right. And since I’m right, you need to make it up for me,” said Twilight as she got back down on her knees and came face to face with Storm’s shaft. Upon grabbing it, the stallion tensed up as Twilight’s touch was magical. His shaft immediately began to harden as it’d memorized the mare’s touch and hardened. Twilight smiled, knowing she could get Storm’s cock to stand at full attention with just a simple few strokes. She then removed the clips of her bra, allowing her breasts to be free, and exposing them for her stallion to see. “I know a way you can make it up for me. But you have to tell me how good it feels, okay?” said the mare in a seductive and lust-filled tone. “Yeah,” nodded Storm. “Good,” smiled Twilight as she turned her attention to the massive thing before her. The mare took a whiff of her boyfriend’s cock as the smell was very intoxicating and masculine that it started to make her feel wet down below. The studious bookworm then grabbed her boobs and used her magic to guide Storm’s cock so that it was wedged perfectly in between them. The moment they made contact, Storm tensed up as it felt good. Twilight smiled at seeing her coltfriend act up as she began to move her jugs up and down, rubbing against the cock.  “Does that feel good, honey?” asked Twilight with a sly smile. “Y-Yeah,” said the stallion, finding it hard to respond to his marefriend’s actions properly. “I still can’t believe you have this side to you.” “Well, you brought this side out of me with your amazing, big, strong cock,” responded Twilight as she egged her stallion on while picking up her speed. “Oh, yeah. I feel how hot you are. How hard you are. How do my girls feel?” “Soft… and… warm,” said the royal guard as he brought his hand to nest on Twilight’s head to steady himself and her movements. “Can you feel my breasts stroking your big, hard, meaty cock?" stated the studious unicorn. "Y-Yes," said Storm. "I'm going to move faster. Do you want me to?" the mare asked, keeping up the pace. "Yes!" Twilight smiled as she picked up the speed of her breasts. With Twilight upping her speed, Storm nearly lost it at how much more it felt. "It feels so good having your big, hard cock fucking them! You're making me feel...so hot. Go on! Fuck my tits.” “Alright, then!” said the royal guard as he decided to humor his marefriend.  He placed his hands on Twilight’s shoulders and began to do as the mare asked him to. He then began to give Twilight what she wanted and thrusted as hard as he could. “Oh, fuck! Yes! That feels so good!” responded the mare. “Give it to me! Give me your cum! Give me everything you’ve got! Give it to me! Give it to me!” The mare shouted for her partner to release as he did just that. A few thrusts later, Storm tensed up and reached his climax. He groaned as his penis fired several shots from his tip as they blasted Twilight in the face. The mare was used to this as her mouth was preempted open to catch the seed firing at her. Some of it hit her face as it dripped onto her breasts, and the royal guard just let loose all the pleasure he’d been building up. His cock still rested in between them as it ceased its firing, going a bit soft but still retaining its shape. Twilight smiled as she felt some semen around her mouth and used her tongue to lap it up. “Sticky. Warm. Thick. Satly yet sweet.” said Twilight as she used her fingers to wipe up the rest of Storm’s seed and licked it off. Using magic, she made the remaining on her face dribble downwards to her mouth as she opened it. The mare then gulped down the remaining liquid one swallow later; Twilight opened her mouth to show she had no problem keeping it all down. Their many sessions of her taking Storm’s entire member in her mouth not only stretched it out but had built it up to where she would no longer choke on it. For the stallion, seeing his mare lick off his seed made her look even hotter. It still amazed Storm that this studious mare had this side of her that made her look like a common whore; he’d never think a girl as intellectual and academic as Twilight would indulge in such perverted acts. Maybe she did have perverted fantasies but just kept them shut away so as not to give ponies the wrong idea. Either way, he was glad he’d unlocked this closet, which made the mare much more attractive.  “So good,” said Twilight as she sucked her fingers, making Storm’s cock start to regain some hardness as the sight was rather hot. “How did I end up with a mare like you?” wondered the guard as the mare chuckled. “You saying you don’t enjoy me,” teased Twilight as she stood up and wrapped her arms around her coltfriend’s neck. “Does this answer your question!” said Storm with a smirk as he raised a hand and smacked Twilight’s ass. The mare felt the smack through her shorts as she yelped on instinct before turning her head to see her flank giggle. Seeing her stallion smack her bubble butt made her smile as she turned back to him before pulling him for a deep kiss. The two lovers fell into the kiss as their tongues began to explore their mouths and soon found their intended target. The two touch as they begin to trade spit. Storm put his arms around Twilight’s butt as he began to grope them; the mare knew her stallion couldn’t resist her naturally gifted bubble butt as she often teased him with it. Twilight moaned as she felt the digits of Storm digging into her shorts as they echoed into his mouth. The royal guard then grabbed each cheek and lifted his marefriend into the air. Twilight instinctively wrapped her legs around his waist, letting her stallion carry her to wherever he intended. Storm walked forward a bit until he bumped into the table and laid Twilight on it. The pair were still kissing intensely as Storm brought his hands to cusp her face, making her let out even more moans. They broke apart to catch some air as Storm didn’t stop his tongue assault and began to kiss her neck. The mare put a hand on the back of her stallion’s head as she closed her eyes. Storm began to kiss and whisper sweet nothings into Twilight’s ears as he descended. He kissed her shoulders before going down to her breasts. The stallion latched onto her left breast while grabbing her right; Twilight moaned as it was her turn to experience undying pleasure. After giving her girls much attention, Storm continued down as he left a trail of kisses on Twilight’s stomach before stopping at her belly button. The mare giggled a bit at feeling Storm’s tongue tickle it. He then found his intended target as his hands gripped Twilight’s shorts. With a tug, he pulled them and the panties she had underneath down. He slid them down as they were halfway down her gorgeous, long, sexy legs, leaving the guard with what he wanted.  “Hope you’re hungry, Storm,” teased the girl as she had a meal prepared for her coltfriend. The stallion got in between Twilight’s legs as he teased his marefriend by licking her outer lips, making her arch back and let out a moan. Storm then moved to Twilight’s smooth thighs as he buried his face in them. The mare touched her stallion’s head to keep him there while lightly biting her left knuckle. Storm was giving Twilight a barrage of kisses on both her thighs and pussy as the girl could feel herself getting even wetter and starting to ascend to her sexual nirvana.  “Storm……… don’t……. stop……” The studious bookworm felt herself getting wetter and wetter, which seemed to urge the guard on, causing him to lick harder and deeper into her. The sounds of Storm’s slurping and sucking on her raw, naked pussy were the only sounds heard throughout the room. A sudden jolt of pleasure went through her body as she felt a pressure build up in her stomach; it moved from her stomach to her vagina. “S-Storm……. I’m…… g-gg-gonna……” was all she could get out as she climaxed right then and there. The mare let out a loud moan that would catch anybody passing by, but she made sure to cast a silencing spell the moment they arrived in the room so they could be as loud as they wanted and not have to fear any pony walking in on them. Storm lapped up the sweet love nectar of his marefriend as if he was like a dog licking up water after a sweltering day. Eventually, the guard made sure to clean up his plate as he got up from Twilight’s crotch to lift her legs up. He grabbed her shorts and pulled them off the remaining way to fully expose the bookworm in all her naked glory. “How long has it been?” asked Twilight. “About three and a half weeks since we started dating/fucking,” answered Storm. “No, I meant, how long has it been since our last session?” the mare said lustfully. “About two days.” “That’s too long,” responded the mare as she felt just even a day without Storm fucking her was painful. The intense sexual energy between them was powerful enough to charge the Elements of Harmony. “Well, look who’s become a little whore,” teased Storm, as he knew Twilight couldn’t get enough of him or his cock, as she often made an excuse to at least have a quick fuck session once a day since that night. “Well, I’m a whore for your dick. So put it in me, now!” demanded the mare. Storm smiled as he enjoyed it when Twilight was horny. It made the unicorn become more aggressive and straight to the point. If there were one thing he’d come to understand about the mare he managed to snag, is that she didn’t ask for his dick but demanded it. “Aren’t you a demanding little minx,” said Storm, booping Twilight’s nose. “Yes, I am. Put… it… IN!” shouted Twilight. “What about the table-” “Fuck the table and fuck me!” said the mare as she forcefully grabbed the sides of the guard’s face to make him look into her. Storm could feel his mare's intensity, which made her even hotter. After all, what kind of guard would he be if he denied the request of the princess’ pupil? With the foreplay ending, it was time for the pair to fulfill their desires. Twilight arched her back a bit to allow him easy access to her, which he gratefully accepted. He slid his hardness deep into her, absorbing the wet tightness that surrounded him. She gasped loudly as she readjusted to wrap her legs around his waist. Like with her mouth, the many times they fucked, Storm’s cock had managed to not only defile Twilight’s scared cavern but reshaped it to where she could take its entire length in one fell swoop and that it only fitted his cock. Storm began to thrust into her, using all of his superpony willpower to keep himself from climaxing too soon. He wanted to enjoy this as much as possible, but Twilight wasn’t making it easy, especially with her moving and grinding against him. She hungered for him and would look to feast upon him; Storm brought her legs up, allowing him even deeper access to her pussy. He would reach as deep as possible, and nothing would stop the royal guard. “Fuck! This pussy! So darn tight!” said the stallion unicorn as he pumped into his marefriend hard. “So…. big! Sweet Celestia!” uttered Twilight as she felt her coltfriend assaulting her body with each thrust. Her hands scrambled on the table to find the edges to grab for support. “I don’t think so!” said Storm as he pinned Twilight’s wrists to the table. “Screw you! Oh, fuck me, you magnificent specimen!” said Twilight, letting out intellectual dirty talk.  The table shook violently as Storm fucked Twilight with as much furious lust as he possessed. The mare felt the table starting to dig into her, as she feared she might have endured some splinters, but even if that was the case, her mind was far too gone to even care. The only thing that mattered was getting dicked by the pony she loved. The sound of flesh slapping against flesh consumed the room, interspersed with heated curses and sweat from the pair as the sexual tension was unleashed in a span of a few minutes. Twilight’s eyes rolled into the back of her skull as she felt the first orgasm of what was going to be another long “study” session; her whole body shook as her juices covered his cock and squirted out of her sacred sanctuary. Storm, however, wasn’t going to stop until she was properly fucked. The mare could only lay on the table and moan while the guard continued to fuck her. “TWILIGHT….. I’M……” Seconds later, the stallion reached his climax. He exploded as he began to fire off several shots into his mare. His seed was pumped into the studious bookworm as it filled her in a way that no other food in Equestria could. It continued for a few minutes, and when it was all said and done, Storm collapsed on top of Twilight, and they finally got their sanity to return. His cock popped out of her, releasing all the semen that was being held back. Their juices mixed together on the wooden structure beneath them as both panted heavily, trying to regain their senses. The pair looked at each other and smiled as they gave a small kiss. “You… better hope… that my butt isn’t sore,” said Twilight. “Hey, you’re the one who said to ignore the table and just fuck you,” responded Storm with slight teasing in his voice. “I’m a guard. My job is to follow orders, and I was just following yours, Your Highness.” “Smart ass,” responded Twilight to her coltfriend for making fun of her. Storm smirked as he slapped Twilight’s butt, making the mare yelp. The stallion enjoyed watching the fine bubble butt jiggle from his smack. “Well, you’ve got a sexy ass.” The bookworm couldn’t help but chuckle at her coltfriend’s joke as him being a dork was one of his traits that she loved about him. The pair shared another tired kiss as they lay, drenched in sweat and sexual fluids. “So… are you ready for round 2?” asked Storm. “Do you even need to ask?” responded Twilight with a smile as the guard looked like a predator about to devour his dinner. Shadow was shown approaching the door to his and Storm’s room. The pegasus opened the door and saw that it was empty. The stallion then noticed a note on Storm’s bed, which he picked up and read.  “Well, it seems Twilight is going to need Storm for another ‘study session,’” Shadow said. The pegasus knew about his buddy and the bookworm. He was the first pony his buddy told him about that night with Twilight. And he also knew about the intense sessions that they often did. The pegasus was happy his buddy not only managed to score a mare, but that mare was none other than the Princess’ apprentice. He couldn’t ask for anything better for his best friend as he hoped he realized how lucky he was to have Twilight as his girl.  Shadow then approached his desk as he pulled out a magical scroll, and began to write something down. “Hey, Minuette. I was wondering if you wanted to go out tonight. Storm’s busy with Twilight, likely for the rest of the day, so I’m free. And if you want… maybe… tonight we could have our private session? I don’t see why Twilight and Storm should be the only ones, eh?” The pegasus finished his letter as it disappeared. When the stallion got a response from his marefriend, he put his quill away and unfurled it to see what she said. “I’ll see you at six. And… bring the cuffs.” “Are you sure about this, Twilight?” “Yes. Besides… we haven’t tried anal yet.” The mare was presenting her bubble butt to her coltfriend as she wiggled it. It enticed the stallion as he grabbed a hold of her hips, looking to proceed with their latest round of this session as it was starting to get late compared to when the pair first started. The royal guard got into position as he knew Twilight was eager to try this, but he was fearful things might go wrong. Twilight had read that anal could be a painful experience, but she was an ambitious mare. More importantly, she read that it was to be performed with someone both parties trusted. And there was no pony Twilight trusted more than her coltfriend. She trusted Storm with this particular first of hers and gave him a reassuring smile. Storm started as he spread Twilight’s cheeks to reveal her delicious ponut. The sight alone was tantalizing as he couldn’t help but stick his tongue out; Twilight yelped and moaned as it felt so good. The guard grabbed a hold of the purple cheeks and began to attack the mare’s ponut like he was eating a full-course meal. Twilight moaned loudly as she didn’t expect Storm to do what he was doing, but she wasn’t complaining. Eventually, Storm ceased his assault as he got up and prepared to go forth with what his mare wanted. He positioned the tip of his cock near her entrance. For the studious pony, it did feel a tad bit odd having something go up into her ass rather than coming out. Part of her was scared of how it would go as she was used to having Storm’s cock in her pussy that it became second nature. But this was uncharted territory, and there was a chance things could go south very quickly. However, Twilight was a studious mare and was eager for new experiences. Storm grunted a bit as he entered her slowly, not wanting to hurt his marefriend. Inch by inch, he managed to get his tip into her as his head disappeared completely inside. The guard couldn’t help but feel how tight Twilight’s ass was; he dare say that it was even tighter than her pussy. It felt so incredibly good that he so badly just wanted to ram into the mare, but it took all his willpower to remember that this was his marefriend and he would never do anything to hurt her. As for the mare, she felt amazing. While it was a tighter fit, the mixture of pain and pleasure was like she never felt before. “Twilight… are you sure you still want to do this?” Storm asked. While both might have felt incredible, he didn’t want to go through with this if her heart wasn’t set on it. “I’m sure. I appreciate you being concerned. I really do. It’s why I’m lucky to have someone like you.” said Twilight as she lifted her head and shifted her upper body to look at her coltfriend. After hearing that, the guard smiled. He held out his hand to bring Twilight’s head closer, and he captured her lips. The two moaned into the kiss as they broke apart, and Storm caressed her cheek. “Go right ahead.” “If you want to stop, just say the word.” The mare nodded as the guard took a deep breath to prepare himself. He then sunk himself deeper into her cavity as he felt her tighten up. Twilight bit her lower lip as she felt her insides clutching Storm’s shaft on instinct; soon, he began to move as it felt marvelous. The tightness between the two was indescribable; words alone couldn’t describe how incredible it felt. Storm wrapped his arms around Twilight’s midsection as he wanted to feel his marefriend for what he was about to do. The stallion then began to move, getting a high-pitched yelp from the studious mare. She instinctively covered her mouth to avoid anypony hearing them but remembered they were good, so she screamed to the heavens instead. Storm instinctively tightened his hold on the mare, afraid he might come loose from this wonderful connection. Each thrust was a nea pleasure for Twilight, a new wave of emotion and feeling driving her to madness. The purple unicorn could feel her mind going blank as she tried to form conscious thoughts or words to describe this experience but couldn’t. She felt her mind starting to slip and being broken by Storm’s massive cock that she was turning into a mindless slut. Storm was like a rabid animal as he continued his relentless assault on his marefriend and her butt. Seeing Twilight stick her tongue out was rather hot and made him shift into high gear. Twilight was in a far-gone place with a look that matched it as she felt Storm’s inner animal starting to come out and ravage her like some piece of meat. The stallion muttered some words into the mare’s ears, but she couldn’t register them due to the insane pleasure that flooded her brain; at that moment, the pair were nothing more than animals. Ponies resorted back to their primal ways of mating because it was their biological duty. The sound of flesh slapping against one another was in harmony with the moans and grunts the two ponies were making. This state of joy was one that neither had expected and was looking forward to even moreso than before. “FUCK! Harder! Faster! More! Give me more!” cried out Twilight. With that, the guard began to rail his mare into submission. He honored the bookworm’s request as he went harder and harder. Twilight could only groan at this moment as she felt the extremeiness of her coltfriend giving it to her. Letting his lust take over, the stallion raised his hand to smack the unicorn’s ass. The studious pony was too gone even to feel the hard smack she received, as the only thing on her mind was the pleasure she was experiencing and how it was life-changing. It was better than any magic lesson she had with her mentor. “Twilight… I’m gonna…” “Don’t stop! Cum inside me! I need it! I want it!” shouted the mare, almost wishing the entire castle could hear her to know just how much enjoyment she was currently in. The last of Storm’s willpower vanishes when he hears his marefriend tell him to ruin her as if she were nothing but a piece of food. And so he kicked into overdrive with his last thrusts as he felt himself reaching his high, and it happened as he lost control and fired his seed off deep into her cavity with a loud grunt and such vigor. The mare felt the rush of fluid, making her feel a shockwave of emotions. She came the moment Storm fired his first two shots as she had drool coming out her mouth with her tongue hanging out and her mind literally broken. The strength in her legs and arms gave out as she fell forward onto the table but was too numb to register the bump. The adrenaline coursed through both ponies as they couldn’t feel anything but the high they were on. Storm pulled his dick out as a river of ooze seeped out of Twilight’s hole and onto the floor below them. The stallion lay on top of his mare, making sure not to apply his full body weight on her as he still had his arms around her stomach. The afterglow was something else, as the only sounds were the heavy breathing from both ponies, trying to gain some air to reactivate their senses after going all feral with each other. The scent of sex was so strong and filled the room that if any of the maids entered, they would immediately recognize it and have to spend the entire day just getting it out. But thankfully, the pair were in a secret room that only they knew. “That was… amazing,” said Twilight, unable to express what was on her and Storm’s minds. “Definitely worth it,” responded Storm, glad they tried it. “So… is anal now your favorite position?” “What makes you say that?” teased Twilight, not denying her coltfriend’s claim. “The fact that you were begging me to ruin your sexy bubble butt,” said Storm as he gave one last smack to her lavender cheeks. “Guilty as charged,” smiled Twilight in a lust-filled state as she didn’t even try to hide how much of an anal slut she’d become after something like this. The mare turned her head to kiss her stallion as he held her face. For the rest of their time together, the pair just remained in each other’s arms as they passed out on the small couch in the room. Luckily, neither had anything to do tomorrow morning, but that didn’t mean they were safe. They both needed to make sure that nobody saw them when they left the secret room and that they got back to their rooms to avoid suspicions from others. However, at this moment, the only thing they cared about was each other. And how wonderful this relationship of theirs was. It was safe to say that this… was only the start.