I Almost Died and Now I'm A Gamer

by Kamen rider accel 2

First published

If life was a game. How will it lead you to.

Flash Sentry thought he was going to be living an Ordinary life like the others. But that changed when a pop up screen came in front of him saying

'Welcome Player'

He didn't know what but there on then. He's life took a turn for the better to worse. Only he knows about it.

Quest 1: Welcome Player

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It was said that life is what you make of it. Not the other way around. People say all these kind of things in life so that they could show there not to be taken lightly. Many just keep it that it is and just do what they want. While others simply walk through the path that given to them.

Many see life as it seem through there perspectives as a game. Who wins and who lose. If you die in real life thought.... Game over for you.

Walking through the busy streets of Canterlot, Flash Sentry was just having his own day in living his life."So, That's everything I have for now. Let's see, Napkins, Soda bottles, Baking Powder and-" He rambled in his thoughts as he walked through the road.

He is a young scholar who is studying in Canterlot High and is want to live his life as a Guitarist. Well, That's what he's friends say they want to do it but he on the other hand don't feel like doing it. Yeah Don't get him wrong he loves to do music and make new sounds... But Lately he's been getting sidetracked by all the other things around. Like the constant needs on getting him self on guard when ever he hears a scream and not his own. He's school life has taken a bizarre turn of event...

He finds out that he's girlfriend was just using him for her own gain and then broke his heart. He didn't mind much as he knew she was doing wrong and then he found out she was a magical pony from another world aswell as another girl who he fell later for. But couldn't because of there differences in the world. Then the girl Sunset shimmer turn to a new leaf but he didn't help her when she needed it.

Should he have helped her or not.."I should have... But I didn't cause of my own selfish desire." He muttered as he remembered the time. But she gotten better as she got help and some friends."Still didn't excuse my actions thought. I could have helped her in the time of need but I let my revenge got the better of me. Nice on being a hero there Sentry." He muttered to him self.

As he stopped Infront of a zebra cross and saw the traffic light was green as the cars were moving around. He waited for it to turn red as a old lady came beside him as she also stood there. Just then Flash heard his phone rang as he went to check who it was and see it was his friends calling him. The signal turned red as the car stopped in the way which made room for them to cross.




The sound of a truck was heard as the old lady looked to see by her side as the truck came at her in high-speed. Flash saw this as he looked up from his phone as he saw the truck coming in and going to hit the old lady, He didn't know what happened next as his legs suddenly went on there own and he felt the wind flew by as it hit his face.


He was running right towards the old lady as he didn't know why. He's body was like on autopilot as he pushed the old women at the other side of the road to save her. She got lucky... But he didn't.

The lights of the truck came hitting him in the face as he was right Infront of the truck as it came at him. Hah. So this is how he goes out... Car Accident.

'Well, At least I helped someone else's life and did the right thing. No need to dwell on that much longer though as I don't regret it.' This went through his head as he closed his eyes for the impact.



Eyes were still closed."Did I got hit? Is it over already." He muttered as he slowly opened his eyes and looked...

His eyes widen as diner plates as he saw what's Infront. The Truck, The Birds, The people around even the splash of water..All of it stopped. Like Time was frozen. "W-Wh-How! WHAT THE HECK!!"

He looked around as he try to move but find out his body was not moving. He try to but it was in vain. What was happening, is this some kind of Magic doing or something else?! Just then a screen suddenly appeared before his face.

[ Congratulations! You have Passed the Trial of ( A True Hero ) and have been given access to the system ]

[Please Accept the Gift, If not then you would fall in your fate that is awaits Infront of you.

Accept / Decline ]

"What the heck is this! What's going on!" His mind was rasing with so many questions in the matter. Such as how is all of this happening and what it this screen saying. What does it mean that he passed a trail and what about his fate. He accepted it a while back when he saved the women... But, This. This is giving him a chance to survive through this and live or is it playing with him."One thing for sure. Is I don't have enough time to dewell on this matter...."

He looked back at the screen and see the option. He couldn't touch it so he thought of saying it out loud. He took a deep breath and gave his answer. "I-I .. I Accept!"

[Welcome Player! You have just gained the Power of The Gamer]


Time resumed as the truck skidded to halt just after as the driver ran out to see the accident."Hey! Hey! Are you ok!" He shouted as he and the others around ran towards the old lady who was breathing heavily seeing the truck was about to hit her and to the side was the boy who only looked confused as he looked around."Hey! Are you ok! You aren't hurt are you Mam! You aswell are you alright Kid!"

Flash blinked as he snapped out of his thoughts as he looked to see the people giving him looks as the driver asked about him.

"Yeah, Just peachy is all."

[ Welcome Player! You have just received the power of The Gamer ]

"What the heck is this?! Is this some kind of trick or something." Now walking away from the scene he was now standing beside the light post as he was in a secluded area so no one can hear him."Since when can Magic do that or anything?"

[ Congratulation: The system has picked you to be the user. The Game system would allow you to become stronger through your daily life. The effects of the System would also effect your Everyday in life so you would experience change. ]

"Everyday life? So it means that I would experience change in my living then. Is that what it's saying." He muttered."What the heck is this. Is this some Webnoval or something." He read those some times as not many hear would. He was always inspired by the creativity of people on what they had to show. He then remembered what they had to say in to activate there status.

"Status." Hope for it to work.

Name: Flash Sentry

Title: True Hero

Class: Gamer

Level: 5

HP: 100/100

MP: 60/60

STR: 20

SP: 90/90

VIT: 10

DEX: 10

INT: 10

WIS: 10

EXP: 6,500

LUK: 10

Points: 5

Money: 290 Dollars

He blinked. Two or Three times to get in the game."No Freaking way! I got EXP Point! How did that happened!" Wait is it has something to do with the attack in Fall Formal before.

[ You are cautious and are Analysing the thought. You have gained the skill of 'Analyz' (LV 1) Unlocked ]

Ok that's new."So, If I have gotten this somehow to change things in my living basic. Then that means that it had something to do with the Fall Formal incident and the accident back then. Those two may be connected with one another some how." He wondered out loud as he looked at his status."So this new gamer skill 'Analyz' would be useful to understand things easier."

[ You have made a good guess of understanding the Skills task. Intuition +1]

Hah, That was easy. Wait, if I have these skills and status then that means that I may be able to use Magic aswell. I do have managed points. But are they usable or-

[ Quest:

Go and Reach your Friends House for the Party. As they are waiting for your arrival with the food and supplies.

Reward: + EXP, +REP with friends

Failure: Friends angry at you ]

"Oh Dang! Gotta get to the Party first! Sandalwood and Micro would be mad if I'm late!" He remembered just what he was needed to do."Then again I just got out of the Traumatic accident. But it won't matter now as I been there before." He took and run for the house.

[ You have gained the New skill 'Sprint' (LV 1) Unlocked ]

Ok that's helpful then.

Finally reached the spot he panted as he took in the air.

[ Quest Complete:

You have made it to your friends house as you have brought the supplies.

You have gained + EXP + REP with friends.]

[ You ran through the blocks and the streets. Intuition +1]

"That's good things. Now for the more brainer." He said as he went in the house."Guys I'm back with the supplies! Sorry I'm late!"

"Your not late bro!" He heard a voice from the kitchen as he looked to see Sandalwood coming in with a plate of chips and some pretzels."Your just in time. Micro just finished fixing the Drive and got it working. We just need to set up the snacks."

"Got it. I go set up the things needed then and get the snacks ready." Flash told his friend as he went to the kitchen and put down the supplies. He can't tell them about the gamer system thing until he gets a better hang in on what going on with him. As he put down the things his hand went towards the knife but he didn't see which side was it as he grabbed it." Hah!"

[ -1 Hit]

What the. He looked towards his hand to see he received a cut in the hand. But instead of being hurt he was ok as the injury suddenly healed.

[ You received an injury from a knife. Healing the Injury now ]

[Analyze: A metal level 2 kitchen knife that was made through the copper metal and is used for cutting down vegetables and soft things.]

"Wait, I got healed from the wound." He then remembered something."Of course. Lesser level things can't hurt much of the upper level ones. Since I'm a levels 5 it means that I have chances that lower level items won't hurt me. But that doesn't mean that the upper ones won't." He looked towards his hand and then the knife. He then thought of something then as he looked towards Sandalwood who was busy setting the table.


[ Name: Sandalwood Forest.

Level: 6

Status: Sandalwood is a well known Gardener who loves to help the environment and also the animals. He is also loves to hangout with his friends and has a small crush on Fluttershy. His parents are professional Business people who want there sun to take the family role in the outer life but he's not fully shore how he'll do that. ]

"Wow!" This is cool but also a bridge in people privacy. It is wrong but hey he's not using it for bad reason.

[You have used skill 'Analyz' on a Person. Intuition+1]

"Ok, This is getting good. Time to test more of this power." He muttered to him self as he looked down."If I take part in any action so far then that action which is better for me to gain from it would be developed in to a skill. Like Cooking, Playing, Sports, Clothing sewing and more. Each skill would also mean that they would evolve more and more on the coming time I upgrade them."

[ You have casualty analyzed the things and your power through your thinking. Intuition+1.]

[ Skill 'Analyz' has leveled Up.]

[ Skill 'Analyz' (LV 2) ]

Flash felt like laughing. This whole thing is starting to I turn out good. He didn't know what happening but somehow this power of a gamer would be helping him in a long run in the future. He doesn't know why but it's important.

[ You made plans for the future. You have gained the skill 'Planner' (LV 1) unlocked ]

[ You have started to use the items to make a simple meal for your friends. You gained the Skill 'Cook', (LV 1) Unlocked ]

[You made a Drink for your friends. You have unlocked the skill 'Bartender', (LV 1) Unlocked]
[You carefully analyze the ingredients to make sure there not poisonous. Intuition +1]

"Yo Flash! Are you almost done there bro. I finished setting things up hear." Sandalwood called out to the kitchen."Hey Micro are you done aswell bro?"

"Yes!" The said teen came down stairs."Guess what! Were having our marathon night people! I just finished the fixing the whole thing and now we can watch our Series Marathon of this week. Halo!"

"So, Is it that good then the series or is it equal in terms of it? We played the games and such but the storyline of Halo Reach had got a hitter with the deaths."

"Only one way to find out a see. Just hope they got the Spartan suite right aswell as the others." Micro plugged in the device to the TV as he got it ready."So, you told your parents right."

"There out so they won't care much." Sandalwood told."What about you Bro?" He asked Flash who came in with the other Snacks.

"Yeah, My family agreed to it as there already wanted to go out. Dad got invited to his old colleges house as they wanted a heads up on an item they discovered in the Egypt Dessert. So they went there as Scootaloo is at her friend's house for a sleepover." He gave his two bits as he set down the things.

[ You have Carefully put Down the items and Organised them in a neat fashion. You have gained the skill 'Organiser', (LV 1) Unlocked.]

"Hey you ok Flash." He blinked as he looked to see Sandalwood calling him out."You been quite for a while and seeing the air. Is everything alright man?" He asked in worry.

He thought about it and see if he can tell them but he stopped as he remembered he still needs to figure out this system him self and then try to tell them. Otherwise it would may look like a lie to them and he doesn't like to lie to his friends on the matter.

"Yeah man, Everything alright just got a whole new idea on getting something my sister in her birthday. No worries." He lied as Sandalwood nodded then believing in it.

[ You have successfully lied through out the conversation. You have gained the skill 'Vixen', (LV 1) Unlocked.]

'Hah, Vixen. What does this one do?' He thought. "Analyze skill." He muttered in a low toon.

[ Skill Vixen:

It Grants the user to successfully lied through out his conversation in one and another and make them be convinced through the lie without any problems. The Person who is this skilled used on would believe the very thing told by the user and won't listen to anyone else's thoughts on it.]

They say lying is bad and you will go to Hell if you do it. But who's to say there telling the truth aswell. It's all up to the person to see what's true and not."Lets get ready guys. Cause there no school tomorrow to the next day so we got these two days to our self. Let's not waste them and enjoy our self."

Sandalwood nodded with the nerd teen."You got that right bro. I say after that we can go out to the zoo to see the animals."

"You just wanna pet the bunnies there. Don't yah?"

"I can neither Confirm nor Denie it."

"I was thinking on going to the electronic store to get new supplies for my invention."

"Now who wants to do there own thing."

"My thing involves around my hobby which is to make technology through out the new era to help people."

"Era, You also say Era. Isn't that what Japanese say."

"I like to take in part of there culture. Is it that wrong to do that."

As they both got in to there own argument Flash just thought in his head on what happened and what's he gonna do now. Well, All he can think is trying to Up his level and see what happens. He may need it for the future as his gut is telling him so.

[ You have analyze the thoughts briefly on your power. Intuition +1.]

[You have made a careful plan for the Future. Intuition +1.]

Oh there's also this. So a double win. He just seems where this goes. Wait, There one more thing he gotta try. As he's friends got ready Flash saw a book on the shelf as it was a Japanese Language Book. As he grabbed it he looked down as a message popped up.

[ Warning: You are holding a Japanese Language Book. Would you like to make your Language of Japanese more better. It would cost 4.67 SP.

Accept / Decline ]

SP: 85

He hit accept on the pad as he felt his body glow a bit. Then soon he felt the knowledge flew into his own brain as he likes knew all about there language.

"Sugoi na! Kore wa subarashī ni chigainai." He spoke in perfect Japanese."Gēmu o hajimemashou"

Quest 2: Getting to Know You

View Online

It was begging of Morning as the sun came out and it's light shined through the windows of the house where the three were at.

[ You have been well rested and have healed your MP and STR.]

Hah, It was real."This isn't the thing you want to wake up to in the morning or so. But it's kinda cool." He muttered as he got up from bed." I actually feel kinda energised now. Must be my health being restored." He muttered as he stretched from his bed and looked to see things around."Oh man, I don't remember how good it felt before is this how Character from game feel when they are healed or something."

He went downstairs as he see the other haven't woken up yet. He could not deal with them for now cause they need there sleep and he needs time to him self for now. So right now he got the living room to him self, That's good he can check the system more."Status!"

Name: Flash Sentry

Title: True Hero

Class: Gamer

Level: 5

HP: 100/100

MP: 60/60

STR: 20

SP: 85/90

VIT: 10

DEX: 10

INT: 10

WIS: 10

EXP: 7,100

LUK: 10

Points: 5

Money: 290 Dollars

"Hm, My EXP points have been gained but I lost some of my SP points." He put his finger under his chin."To gain back my SP points I gotta do some Quest then. That's how most of it works then, One I get a Daily Quest and If I have successfully done the task then I may receive a reward. It's just that..."

What kind of Reward would it be. He has read some of the Webnovals and saw that the Main character had to do some hard task that were not up to his level and the reward for the hard work turn out as a random gift box on who knows what is in it. It could be something helpful to him or something that's completely useless."Ja na, I just have to see for my self then. I could be cautious thought and not rush through it."

[ You carefully analyze the situation of Today. Intuition +1.]

[You made a plan to test out your Power. Intuition +1.]

[ Skill 'Planer' has Leveled Up ]

[ Skill Planer (LV 2) ]

Better Now."Alright. Now before those two wake up. I gotta go out and see if I could level up. If that's possible for me" Flash went towards his bag that he brought and pulled out his jogging clothes."I knew I needed these. Just gotta change- Wait, I forgot one thing."

He put down his bag and then thought about things for a second then spoke."Open Inventory!" Just then a screen came Infront of him which was of an Inventory that had the boxes in it that were blank."Knew it, Gamer have inventory to store there items and supplies when they can't carry them. Man I always wanted to have one of those as it's a pain to carry those heavy items all the time." He excitedly chuckled as he put his bag in the inventory as it become part of it.

[ You have used Inventory. Item "Backpack" Installed.]

[ Inventory is used for helping storing Items that are to heavy or you don't want to carry them. They are safely put in the inventory without any problem as they are stored there until the user needs them.]

He changed into his jogging gear and went out the house and carefully not to disturb the others.

"That's it Darling! That's It! Do that pose! Yes Excellent!"





The flashes of camera were heard as many click's came from them. Inside a Photo studio a women sat on the chair as she was getting her photo shoot.

The women had orange fair skin and long magenta hair that had blue strips on them and also had ruby blue eyes. She wore some designer dresses as she kept on changing for each photo shoot. Weither how much different or revealing the dress was it was easy to look with her wearing it as she made it work somehow. After getting done with the photo shoot the camera man stopped.

"That was Marvellous Reina! Another photo shoot a success all because of you!" The camera man congratulated as she got from the chair."We will personally make sure to handle the editing of the photos but hey, Who needs that when it's just you on the photo!" He gradually said as she shook his hand.

"Thank you Mister click. I was just doing my best like everyone else is all." She tried to be modest but the camera man didn't take the hint."Non sense! You are our diamond of this project! Because of your beauty and well looks we gottan so much of people around in taking appointments in our place. Let's not forget the companies that are paying for there things to be boosted."

The guy didn't even hide it. She just signed as she got out of the room as her day was done with photo shoot. She was now walking down the halls of the studio with her assistant who gave her the day of her next schedule."After this you could have your break time Miss Fell. After that you have 12 o'clock appointment with the head of the movie studio and then after that you have to go to the next appointment in the Hence Fashion studio as they want your help in promoting there next design for you to show in the up incoming fashion show."

She just signed as he continues on. She just been so stressed lately with all the heavy stuff of being famous. With the interviews and the contracts with all the people she had to make so her career would keep on going. Being a Fashion Model has it's own fair shair of hard work and complements but also... Trying to get away from the smell.

'Ugh! It's just gotten a bit better and the smell had to ruin it.' She looked around as no one could but her eyes could see the dark stench that came out of the place.'It's not easy being a idol. But it's difficult to even maintain this persona Infront of others. I just can't deal with all the smell. The Rotten smell!'

"Miss Fell are you ok?" Reina looked towards her assistant snapping out of her thoughts."You were spacing out there. Is there any difficulty. If so then we could take a break longer and let you rest."

She quickly waved it off."No, No. Don't worry about it. I was just thinking about what I would have for lunch is all. Don't need to worry about this jean." She lied as she went on the way."Let's just go and get our food and then we can talk about our time of other things. It be more easy for talking in a healthy environment."

The assistant just signed as he saw her go. He could tell she was lying and was just trying to get away from her thoughts on the matter. She's always like this.

[ You have jogged 1 mile through the streets. You have lost 10 pounds of weight.]

[ Skill 'Sprint' has Leveled Up ]

[ Skill 'Sprint' (LV 2) ]

"Holy Crap! That was that far!" Flash shouted as he sat on the bench with catching his breath. He just ran a mile and with him using the skill of his he was able make it this far."Ok! This wasn't in a Daily Quest or something so I didn't get anything off it except for my own weight loss and level up. That's gotta be good."

He been running for a while to see what he got and so far he hadn't still gotten the Daily Quest. Without getting some Experience Points he won't be able to level up soon as he needs."Wait, This may be my perfect time to see what this fully is." He thought as he looked at the screen."Ok... How do I,Oh yeah. Open Menu!"

[ Welcome Player [Flash Sentry] to the Menu Options of The System.

As you may have now know that the Gamer system is a program that is different from Magic and such things of Supernatural. The Gamer system is used by a selected few who have gained the right to use it through out there journey as it selects the very user through His/Her thoughts on the matter. Many have used this system in the past and have used it for many things. It's also been used for either Good or Evil by the user.

The User him self who has been selected by the System can live there life as a Game as it would effect the daily living of there lives. What effects they gained from the system would effect them through real life.]

"Hm, I knew some about this power. So it's called the System then." He muttered as he stared on the screen for a little while."By this, It means that there were some other predecessor before me and looks like not all of them had a use of well power." He read the screen a little more.

"System, Show me about the status of this and how I use it."

[ The System would provide you with basic needs of understanding. Such as the need of taking care of Mana, Stamina, Power and Health or HP. If the HP goes down to 0 then your dead. The HP would restore you to your original health if you rest or use potions of healing magic to increase the procedure.

Low level items won't be able to hurt you in you health as your HP would heal through it.

MP: Your need to use Magic is quite low. You'll be able to use magic by the time of every increase in your Mana status. You would be able to cast spells that are learned through out experience. Each Mana Status increase would be increase in the spell. When the Mana is reached down then you need to recharge it through rest or potion through your inventory.

STR: STR points are gained through Experience as the Damage you take would automatically would repair and use it self as Experience point. Your Strength would increase with each experience you gained such as Exercise, Fighting and Taking Damage through the battle as it would heal on.

Skill Set: With each skill you gained. Wither from doing work or just basic training. You would be able to level them up from using and improving them by time to time. From each experience of level up the skill would improve till you become master of it. The skill that is low level won't work on a hight level user, You have to increase the level for it to work properly through others. There are different types of skills that you can also gain through the program such as Basic skill, Normal Skills,Ultimate Skill, Unique Skill and Sub-Skill.

Normal and Basic Skills: These two are the skills that you gained through out the lifes work that you do everyday. As they keep on evolving with each gain of EXP. There are more to these skills set.

Ultimate Skills: This skills are terrible evolution of one skill that reached it's peak or is combined with other skills to make an Ultimate skill.

Unique Skills: The Unique skill is the skill that only one person can use. Meaning the skill that you have and no one else can be used or copy the skill from you.

Sub-Skill: These are skills that are used by combining two skills together to form a Sub-Skill. The skills needs to match the criteria to make a Sub-Skill. But in any can be used by combining other skills aswell.

With trying to activate the System Power Yesterday you weren't fully merged with the protocol and is still under maintenance on merging as it's in 90%. It would take time to fully merge but you would be able to use the system to level Up.

With each Actions you do and Level Up from the time to time you would be rewarded with 1 Status points. With Each increase in your Status points you'll be able to increase your skill Set. For Example if you do something for your body then that Status points would be going to your STR, HP and EXP for your health. But if you do any type of exercise for knowledge then the Knowledge then you'll be able to increase the INT of yours.

The Points that are rewarded to you through your request are also able to be used to increase one of your skills as you need. When ever you leveled Up then you'll gain a New Point.]

"That's something. So because it was a fast pase I didn't fully get to merge with the system. Well at least it haven't damaged me to much on my health or things." He was glade he knew about this or else he could have been in danger because of this mistake." Now... While the system gets to repair it self to fully link with me. I gotta have to Meanwhile Up my status. But wait, My skill 'Vixen' It worked on Sandalwood yesterday?... Could it be that he was trusting me and the lie made it easier for him to take it well."

As he thought about that he suddenly got a pop up screen come up as he looked towards it and eyes widen.

[ Daily Quest:

You need to do Exercise to increase your Stamina and Muscle for your body to do well in battle.

Do 100 push-up, 50 squats, 50 Jumping Jacks and 100 Sit-ups.

Reward: +HP +STR +EXP points. You'll increase your body use.

Failure: Penalty.]

"Finally, I got what I needed. A daily quest to increase my level. Since I'm close on leveling up might aswell do so...." He trained off as he looked at the board as he saw how much he has t do." Two are good while the other Two... Man 100 Push-ups and Sit-ups. Those are gonna give me a stomach burn for sure."

"If I read the whole Novel right and am Familiar on the matter. Which would likely mean that I'm not gonna enjoy the penalty Well." He said in dread as he remembered that the MC would get shocked or thrown in to a dangerous environment till the penalty time ended. He may be Level 5 right now but he knows that he would struggle to get through the punishment more." Welp better get started."

With that he got on the ground and got into position as he'll do the Pushups first. He then went down and came up as the screen popped up.

[ Push Ups: 1/ 100]

This is gonna take a while.

Rainbow Dash has just gotten out of home to start her daily training routine. She had wore basic jogging gear and had her earbuds on as she listen to her music.

Her being an athletic and all she had to maintain her training regime to keep on moving forward and keep her self in shape. If she slack off a little bit she would lose her skill as she would get rusty. Yeah she is know as the Sports Queen as she likes to call her self that in school. Mostly she's called that by her Fans and her No 1 Fan. She just can't let there hopes be dropped down...as she almost did a while back. Well, At least her friendship with the girls have been ok again... Sunset is getting good at redeeming her self but not everyone is gonna forget what she did to them. The Scars that were left behind take time to heal aswell as the Memory that effects them.

Just then she stopped as she looked to find someone else hear in the park at morning. Huh, Usually she's alone in the park as she gets up at the crack of dawn. The someday on the other hand is one of her school mates and Her friends Ex-Boyfriend,Flash Sentry."What's he doing earlier this morning?"

She went towards him as she didn't make a sound. He was busy doing exercise of his own as he now was doing Sit-ups. She could see the sweat falling off his face and aswell as his tank top as he was building him self up. She decided to call him out"Hey Flash!"

"Hah?" He stopped in his motion as he looked at her. Before he could speak he looked back in midair then continues his workout."Hey, What you doing hear this Early. Usually I'm the only one hear at this time as the others are at home catching there sleep." She asked.

"I'm *Huff* Just trying to*Huff* Get some work. Done!" He stopped in his motion as he got up from his position. He suddenly put a hand on his stomach."Gah! Gonna feel that later!" He grunted.

"Yeah, That usually how it goes for Beginners in the staring. You'll get used to it later on as the pain would stop coming later when you get the hang on it." She gave him a helpful advice."So, You didn't answer my question from before."

Flash stretch his hands a bit."Is something wrong with coming hear to get some work done now and then? It is a free park." He said as Rainbow thought he may have been offended him in some way."Ah Nonono! I didn't mean to sound rude or anything I was just asking in curiosity that all!" She tried to reason with him as he didn't look offended at all.

"No worries. I wasn't a least bit offended at all. I was just doing my own thing in getting my body in fit fat shape. For a few weeks I was lacking the Stamina and was getting to weak in my tasks as I was sidetracked on my mind. So I thought why keep my self from holding back and get back on track. " He told her as she could understand. There was also what happened in the school that made him a bit downer."Hah, I shouldn't be surprised that you'll be coming hear as you are the school fine Sports girl."

"Yeah, I am." She was called loyal to her friends but eh her Ego is quite large as her friends say it ."If your hear then would you wanna exercise together then? I could use a partner?"

Just as he was about to say something he stopped. He looked Infront for a moment then spoke."Hold that thought for a while. I gotta take a leak real quick. I catch you later soon."

As he ran back towards the bathroom stall there. She just watched him go as he ran fast."Is it me or is he getting faster? It's like he's running like a athlete runner?" She thought.


You have completed the Daily Quest! You have gained +HP +STR and +EXP points]

[You Have Leveled Up]

Flash felt his body glow again as he felt quite bit of power."Wow! I finally leveled Up! I feel amazing from the inside. It's like my whole body changed from it." He checked him self. He then saw a screen pop up."Hah, Message?"

[ You have Received Message from your Quest.

Would You like to open it
Yes / No ]

He pressed yes as the message lit up. Infront of him as he read it.

[ After Completing the Daily Quest of your. You have received a Gift from the System as you can use. These are the fallowing skills as you can put one of them in use.

Parkour: With this you can climb on higher buildings and mountains with ease and use the everyday surroundings as your personal leverage. With the better you use this the better chances you'll get from climbing.

Danger Sense: These Danger senses would alert you of the upcoming danger from an enemy on what they would make and save you from the Threats that would try to harm you. I can so sense the presence if some one is to harm you as your body would move automatically and dogge the attack.

Emotion Aura: The Emotional Aura can help you understand the person true thoughts on what they think about you and others around as there colours would show there emotions and true motives in the matter. ]

These are all good skills. But for now he could only pick on skill in the matter. I have to make a decision carefully without any problem. Lucky for me I knew just the skill to use. He pressed the skill and then the skill disappeared as he called out his Status report."Status!"

Name: Flash Sentry.

Title: True Hero

Class: The Gamer

Level: 6

HP: 200/200

MP: 80/80

STR: 30

SP: 90/100

VIT: 20

DEX: 20

INT: 10

WIS: 10

EXP: 9,100

LUK: 10

Points: 5

Money: 500 Dollars

Skill: Emotion Aura: The Emotional Aura can help you understand the person true thoughts on what they think about you and others around as there colours would show there emotions and true motives in the matter.

"Good. While the Parkour and Danger senses are useful in my way. They are actually able to have the tendency on making me lose my way. Both skills can actually be gained by the daily aspects I could do in life and I can create on new skill on the matter aswell with the Sub-skill option. So pretty much Emotional Aura is the only one I need to get now as it can help me understand a person motives way better." He deducted as he thought about it carefully. Now he would need time to develop this skill well so he could use it in tasks."Time to go back. Let's see how this goes now."

After waiting outside the Bathroom place. Rainbow Dash was looking at the sky as the sun started to come out more. It's always good to see the scenery to calm one self."Sorry I'm late. Had to fresh up before I left." Flash came out of the stall as he saw her waiting."So, Let's get going and continue our training then. We're both hear so lets exercise together then." He suggested as she reluctantly agreed.

"Sure, Could use some company around hear now and then. I usually am lonely, It's peaceful but sometimes i need someone to talk to." She told as both then stretched a bit and soon ran forward. They slowly jogged through the road as they gave each other some space to run. Flash took the chance and activated his skill 'Emotion Aura' and he saw the bright colour red as it glowed from her heart.

'Wow, So red means those with Passion and Determination. Meaning she's in her goal on becoming a Sports athletic to the outer country.' Flash knows that his sister is a fan of her and she has a certain charm that draws people to get better a bit."Come on. Let's get to run another mile and we're set!" He snapped out as she called him and ran forward.

Oh it's on. He activated 'Sprint' skill as they ran forward.

After there run both of them were resting on the bench as Rainbow Dash went towards the vending machine as she went for a drink. Flash sat on the bench as he was thinking deep in thought. He didn't feel out of breath now cause of his stamina increase and then there's the Level Up. He could literally feel his body gotten a bit stronger cause of the Level and he felt stronger.

"That would be the rule of the game system then. As it is said in the Previous Top that the person with the Gamer power would experience the events of game in real life and it would effect my living life more. One such occasion means that if I was to gain muscles." He trialed off as he dreaded imagining him full muscle body."Yeah, I keep that minimum and not all this."

Just then a soda can as held Infront of him making him look to see Rainbow Dash was holding it. He accepted the drink as she came and sat down."You know it's nice for the Town to have it's own Vending Machines now and then. I thought they'll be only in Tokyo and Japan cities." Rainbow stared with a light chat to start a conversation.

"Yeah, That's actually because there's a company sponsoring the items of there place to hear so they can get friendly with ones another more. You know get to know one another better so a future alliance can be made easily." Flash looked at the vending machine as it showed the Company Logo 'Mishima Industries' as he took a sip."Which is good actually. I always wanted to visit the City of the Rising Sun and explore the place not to mention study there. They have amazing culture aswell as there world of Supernatural and such." He told making Rainbow perk up.

[ Rainbow Dash likes your ideal in going out aboard. You have gained 1 affection point.]

Hah, Was wondering when would that option show up. He could see that it's a friendly affection not a romantic one. So that's good.

"Yeah, But I wanted to go to New York and get my studies there. Cause for two reasons, 1: There are well Sports Events that are held there so it would give me a big chance to be picked out by big companies to higher me for next sporting events they want to and also give me a contract. It would also give me sponsorship on my studies aswell if I'm lucky. 2: It's..... because of the food. I just love some American dish as they make the best burgers there." She muttered sheepishly as she rubbed the back of her head. Flash just smiled a bit as they continued on as Flash drink his sofa.

[ A Harmful substance has entered your body. It would be bad for your health so the system is removing the problem.

Healing Now.]

Flash stopped him self from doing a spit take as he saw the board.'What the! What does it mean that a Harmful substance has entered my body. Does that mean that it can detect poison or something?' He felt his body glow green a bit then stopped.

[ Healing Complete]

'Man, I think it's a Gift and a Curse. Dang it so meaning I can't get drunk or enjoy drinking now can i.'
Glade Rainbow didn't see him right now. Speaking of the said girl she was busy thinking about something as she had a look. She then turned to him and spoke."Hey Flash. Are you doing ok?"

"Yeah, why wouldn't I. I'm just getting rest and-"

"Not that. No what I mean to ask is.. Are you doing ok, after the...You know Fall Formal incident." That brought back some painful memories that were brought back."Listen Flash, I know what happened and Sunset did to you and others. Especially you that time around, She... Really didn't comprehend what her actions were leading her to and that made her hurt others in a way that is still hurting. She's trying really hard to-"

"If your asking me to forgive her for what she did and what she caused for others..." Flash said cutting her off as she looked at him and waited in anticipation for what he would say next."Then you don't need to worry. I already forgiven her and her actions."

This surprised her as she couldn't believe it. Many are still not ready to forgive her and they still give her a stink eye now and then but Flash. She thought he'll hold much more of grudge against her for playing with his feelings and all and that the one thing that leaves a scar for life on a person heart."T-Then, If you have forgiven her and her actions then.. why have you been avoiding her all this time. Why are you not even seeing her when she wants to talk to you?" She asked.

"..... Because, I can't look at her for what I done." This sentence left her confused as he looked down on the ground."I always have a knack for helping others in a time of need. Even if there not big or they won't actually give me anything in return for it. I help them even if I won't get appreciated for my actions and such. That my thing, But..... When after the Fall Formal. Sunset needed the help as many turned on her for what she done and they even try to hurt her. All I could do was watch from behind and not do anything to help."

"Flash, it's not your-" She got cut off again."It is my fault. I said I want to be a Hero and help others in need just like my dad. But, When she needed it the most I chicken out cause of my own damn fear." He muttered as he looked down."Some Hero I turned out to be. Can't even help someone who needed help the most. I watched all of you help her and still I didn't even try."

"Stop it."

"Hah," He blinked when Rainbow Dash spoke in a clear toon. She got up and looked at him dead in the eyes."Stop berating your self from your mistake. One mistake!"

"But I-" She put a finger on his lips as she looked at him dead in the eyes."You may not have been able to help her in that time of need that we know. But don't beat your self over it ok. Your not a machine that has to do all the things needed nor a perfect being. Your a Human. You have flaws and you can learn from them. Flash I know about you on how you are suffering from this, But beating your self up is just doing a favour for what the guilt wants you to do. You made a mistake so why not learn from it and move forward through it. If you don't then the Mistake would haunt you from the rest of your life." Rainbow Dash gave him a pep talk as Flash could see she was speaking from experience.

"Let me guess, you speak from experience?"

She nodded slowly as she sat back down."Back then, I had ego around me more but also my arrogance aswell. I constantly challenged others in sports to show I'm better then them and it was always this as I made others loose hope on sports. I was bitchy as Sunset back then." That Flash could actually see but he didn't say it out loud and just listened."At one point, I made a Hudge mistake that made stop. Back then, There was this new girl name Canses as she was a track runner in her previous school and was told to be fast. I challenged her one day and in the end she almost won..I couldn't accept that and try to sabotage her but when I did that. She injured her leg in that and it was a critical injury. I went towards the hospital and try to check up on her but my fear didn't let me aswell as my own arrogance aswell."

Flash could feel her colour change in to sorrow."But, You know what happened next. I was about to just head out and not look at her when I suddenly found her limping towards me in the hallway. I couldn't look her in the eyes there but she did and the look she had... It wasn't anything of Anger, Nor Disappointment, Nor Fury... She just looked at me with calm eyes. We had a talk there and she told me she wasn't mad at me for doing that to her. I was confused on why wasn't she mad at me or furious at me for ruining her career in the sours. She told me that 'It takes courage to admit you were wrong. We all make mistakes in life that haunt us forever. What we can do later is either let the Guilt haunt us till the end or we learn from it and move forward.' I didn't know what to think back then as she told me that but after a while. I finally understood what she was trying to say."

She looked at Flash as he can see her colour change now one again with red."I had to stop holding my self back from the guilt and learn from my mistake to become a better person. After that I promised my self that I would succeed for not just me but for her aswell and make sure I become a better person then I was back then. I'm not just doing this for my self but for her aswell so her dream could also live on."She looked back at the teen as she continues."Now you known why I do this. I have weight of others with me on who couldn't get through. It helps me to continue on and work hard. You can either let the past haunt you and stop you from doing what's right and stopping your potential or you can learn from your mistake and move forward. It's all up to you on the matter."

As she finished Flash was now in deep thought. He heard her story as she went through that ordeal and came out like this. She was right thought, As he has been letting his own guilt and fear cloud his judgement back then and he didn't get to help the person in needed of help. But, He gotta stop holding him self back because of the fear. He got to stop!

He looked back at her with New Determination."Thanks, I fell better now." He thanked her as she waved it off."No need to thank me. I'm just doing what right and beside I think helping someone else with the same problem that I had made me realise how she felt back then. It's good. Wish I could have given this talk to Sunset back then."

[ You have gained 1 affection point from Rainbow Dash ]

"So, Now your out of the slump. What's you gonna do now? Would you be alright." She asked as the teen nodded with determination.

"Yeah, I will. I'll stop holding my self back this time." He said with determination in his voice.

Suddenly He nor Rainbow saw his eyes as they changed colour green for a near second then went back to normal.

[ Quest:
A Hero's Beginning

You have found a new resolve to continue on. Walk the path of your new beginning and strive through the hard ship through your Resolve and Courage and Become a True Hero and Saviour through the path. The life of a Hero won't be easy as you'll face countless enemies and beings stronger then you. You would also meet allies as well as become stronger through there bound and loyalty towards you.

Would you like to accept the Quest and start your Journey.

Yes / No]

With a determined expression. He pressed 'Yes' as the screen changed.

[ Your Journey Begins from hear on out. Make sure to survive through. Young Hero]

"What are you doing?" He looked to see Rainbow Dash giving him a weird look. He just smiled and activated 'Vixen' cause she is at the same level as him."Nothing, Was just imagining things is all."

"Hmmm... Ok then. Come on let's continue on our run."

"Yeah, I could use a level up."

After a day of running through the park and getting some talk with one of his school mates. Flash felt like a New person right now. He didn't know who gave him this power but he knows this. That he's gonna do everything to become stronger and become a Hero.

"So, Now then that's done. Time to see if there is a Quest for a Dungeon Raid." He knows that Dungeon attacks are the best place to get to level up and get loot. Since he saw that he had 500 dollars then before meaning that the game gave him the money."Come on. Ok system give me a quest for Dungeons Please."


Nothing happened."Guess it doesn't work like that huh. Fine I'll wait till. Wait has the System Merged with me yet." He asked when the screen lit up.

[ The system has fully merged with the host. Now the Host can use the system power to alter there daily life in tasks.]

"Good! Now let's practice some more till I get a pop up quest somehow. For now I'll have to increase my status. Which means that time to use my points." While he heard that the points can be used to increase the number in his status so he can use them. The only thing is that he has 5 points for now. Meaning he has to use 2 and leave the 3 for later."Ok, I got strength all ready.... So let's go with INT cause I gotta be cautious enough to keep my self focused in battle."

Name: Flash Sentry.

Title: True Hero

Class: The Gamer

Level: 6

HP: 200/200

MP: 80/80

STR: 30

SP: 90/100

VIT: 20

DEX: 20

INT: 12

WIS: 10

EXP: 9,100

LUK: 10

Points: 3

Money: 500 Dollars

Skill: Emotion Aura: The Emotional Aura can help you understand the person true thoughts on what they think about you and others around as there colours would show there emotions and true motives in the matter.

[ You have carefully made the Decision for using your points. +1 intuition.]

"I feel not different on the Brain part but I think that's gonna take time." Just as he walked through the streets he was in his own thoughts on the matter as he didn't see where he was going as the streets started to change.

The Background began to take form of a room and the buildings disappeared as the place became Dark as there were some broken down walls and some of the roof had holes on it. Flash stopped walking as he felt the atmosphere change around him. When he looked around his eyes widen. The place he was in was like some sorth of old Dungeon that matched the Prison place as there were torches on the walls and aswell skeletons of old dead people who lay on the floor as some had armor on them and weapons.

Flash didn't know how this happened but looked like he got his wish granted. The screen popped Infront of him showing the name.

[ Welcome to the Warden Dungeon.]

Danger rang in his head as he stood in the place."Oh Boy. This is gonna be a killer."

He first Dungeon Quest. Hope He'll survive.