Equestria Ninja Girls: Bonds Beyond the Time

by Danyram1308

First published

The Turtles and Rainbooms must join forces with the Time Force Rangers to stop a mutant threat from the future.

The Turtles and Rainbooms end up in Silver Hills after chasing an old enemy, so they have to team up with Time Force to stop a mutant threat from the future.

This story is part of the TMNT/MLP extended universe created by Wildcard25
Idea approved by Wildcard25

Mutants from another dimension

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On the outskirts of New York, in the middle of the night, there was a rather large and abandoned warehouse. Inside the warehouse, Baxter Stockman was working on some sort of device, on his workbench you could see that there were some boxes and some Kraang exoskeletons scattered on the floor, no need to dig any further he had found one of the abandoned Kraang depots. The warehouse was guarded by his MOUSERS who guarded the place from prying eyes. However, no one inside did not notice that six shadowy figures were standing above them on one of the walls of the warehouse, they had been able to enter through an open window.

Even while standing on the wall, they saw a dozen MOUSERS surrounding the area where they were standing. The six figures were careful to avoid detection. They moved along the ledge and slipped into a blind spot, then moved until they were behind a crate, in a barrel, anywhere that could hide them from the view of Stockman or his MOUSERS was used. Four of the six figures were none other than the ninja turtles Leonardo, Donatello, Michelangelo and Raphael; and the other two were Karai and Shinigami.

"All right, here's the plan," Leo relayed to everyone. "We'll find out what Stockman is doing, stop him and get out."

"That sounds easier than it looks." replied Raph.

"Okay, let's get going." Karai said.

Back with Stockman, he was finishing building his device.

"I finally got it done." He said. "My portal generator is finished, now I too can go anywhere in space-time, any dimension."

"Well, we're sorry your journey ended before it started." Leo said and he and the others came in.

"You guys again, don't you know when to give a guy some space?" Baxter complained.

"You wish." Raph said.

"I see you built your own portable portal generator, and where's that going to take you? Down the street? Because after that fiasco with Drakken I wouldn't be surprised." Donnie said.

"Not this time, thanks to the Kraang technology I found, I can travel any dimension." Baxter said.

"That is if we allow it." Karai challenged.

"Well, I think you guys will be busy enough for that." Stockman pulled out a control and pressed a switch and his Stockman-Bots appeared armed and ready. "Attack!"

"Time to crush these robots!" Raph announced as he pulled out his Sai.

"For once, Raph, I believe it." Leo declared as he drew his katanas and the brothers jumped up and engaged the enemy.

"BOOYAKASHA!" Mikey shouted.

Leo slashed all the MOUSERS that came near him, Mikey used his nunchuks to hit anything that moved. Raph impaled every robot in sight with his sai and also smashed the bots with them. Donnie was able to hit any MOUSER that came near with his bo staff. Karai switched to her snake form to slither around and finish off the robots while Shinigami used her kusarigama to cut down robots that came near her. Stockman's robots were always easy to defeat. After a couple of minutes of fighting, the ninjas were victorious.

"That's the best you got?" Mikey said.

Immediately, more MOUSERS lunged toward the ninjas.

"Come on!" Leo complained.

"You'll need more than MOUSERS to stop us." Karai asked as he finished off a MOUSER.

"Be careful what you say." Baxter said and more MOUSERS kept appearing. The guys were finding it hard to stay on their feet with so many enemies coming.

"It's a shame the Rainbooms and the others aren't here, but I guess I'll have to make do with you guys." Baxter said as more MOUSERS continued to arrive on the scene.

At that very moment the Shellraiser and the Party Wagon burst into the warehouse. Who was in the driver's seat of the Party Wagon was Casey and April was in the passenger seat.

"Sorry to disappoint you, Stockman." Pinkie Pie's voice was heard as the Shellraiser turret with her controlling it.

"What? The Rainbooms and the others here?" Baxter said.

"Be careful what you say!" Pinkie said before she started shooting manhole covers as the Rainbooms exited the Shellraiser while Casey, April and Starlight exited the Party Wagon to attack the MOUSERS.

"Looks like your break from Friendship School got off to a good start, huh?" Rainbow asked Starlight before she impaled a robot.

"It's nice to get a little action." Starlight said as she shot a MOUSER.

With the entire team assembled, the MOUSERS began to dwindle.

"Give it up Stockman, it's over." Leo said as he and the others finished off the MOUSERS.

"That's what you think." Baxter pulled out another remote control and flipped a button with which some sort of tank appeared.

"You like my new vehicle? Isn't it kind of heavy? I built it based on some Kraang walker parts I found at TCRI." Baxter boarded his new tank and escaped with his portal generator.

"Come on, Ninjas." Leo said before he and the others boarded their vehicles. They all exited the warehouse and the road chase began.

Meanwhile the Shellraiser was leading the chase with Leo, Donnie, Mickey, Raph, Karai and Shini, Casey, April and the Rainbooms were providing backup in the Party Wagon.

"We have to stop him now, before he activates his device." Leo said as he drove.

"I'll take care of him!" Raph announced as he fired the Shellraiser's trash cannon.

Meanwhile with Baxter, he was loading his portal generator into his tank's console. "Just a little longer." He said, immediately an alarm sounded in his tank warning that his enemies were attacking, "But for now, it's time for the counterattack." He readied the tank and the cannon set as its target the Shellraiser and fired. A bolt of purple energy shot out and hit the Shellraiser directly. The impact knocked those boarding the Shellraiser out of their seats, Leo was struggling hard to keep the vehicle stable.

"Is everyone okay?" He asked.

"As far as we can tell, yes." Karai replied.

"Leo." Twilight called from the communicator. "Are you all okay?"

"Yes, we are."

Meanwhile with Stockman, he watched as his portal generator was finally charged.

"Yes, I can finally get started on my plan." Baxter said before moving his tank's cannon to the front and preparing to fire.
Once the cannon was positioned, Stockman fired a blue laser from which created a portal, Baxter accelerated and stepped through the portal.

"No! He's getting away!" Mickey said.

"Not by much." Leo said before accelerating as well, the Party Wagon also did the same and the two vehicles entered the portal.

As the Party Wagon and Shellraiser crossed the portal, everyone on board screamed and tried to hold on to each other as multiple things passed through their field of vision, aside from a strong white light.





Meanwhile, in another place.

A portal emerged out of nowhere in the middle of the road and the Party Wagon and the Shellraiser shot out of it.


The guys slammed on the brakes, the two vehicles skidding down the street until finally coming to a stop.

The guys got out of the vehicles somewhat shocked.

"Uhg, my head is going to explode!" Pinkie said.

"Solid ground." Mickey fell to the ground and kissed the ground.

"Donnie what was that?" Leo said.

"Other than the obvious that we're in another dimension, I'm not really sure." The purple turtle replied.

"Is there any sign of Stockman?" Sunset asked.

"Nothing." Twilight said. "We've lost his trail since we got here."

"And now we're lost in a strange dimension." AJ said.

"Ugh, what's new." Raph complained. "I'd like to get a notion of where we are, though."

"I think I can help with that." Donnie said before pulling out his portal generator.

"Did you bring your portal generator?" Mikey asked.

"Well, I made some modifications to it, some time ago Fugitoid and I worked on combining part of my space staff mechanism, this portal generator is linked to the Utroms database of the dimensions they have on record, including the ones we have visited."

"Are you saying you can tell what dimension we're in?" Casey asked.

"That's just what I said." Donnie said before activating his device, said gadget started giving a series of data instantly. "How odd, we've been to this dimension before."

"Really? It doesn't look like anything we've seen before." Pinkie said.

"Maybe because we're in another city." Rainbow said.

"Or rather another time." Donnie said. They all looked at the purple turtle in confusion.

"In what era to be exact?" Rarity asked.


"Great, we're in a different dimension at the beginning of the new millennium, way to spend my days off from Friendship School." Starlight said.

Just then, a store alarm went off.

"What is that?" Casey asked.

"I think it's a store alarm that just got robbed." April said.

"Come on, we might have a chance to catch the robbers." Fluttershy said.

"Alright, let's go there." Mickey said but Leo stopped him.

"Wait Mickey." Leo handed his camouflage device to his brothers.

"Why do we have to use these devices?" Mickey complained.

"We can't risk attracting attention, besides I don't think 2001 is ready for mutants." Leo said before he and the others activated their devices. "Alright go ahead." He ordered and they all went to where the alarm was sounded.

Meanwhile, in a clock tower located in the center of the city, in which five young adults lived, two of them were sitting at a table, wearing a blue t-shirt, black jacket and black pants. He was the always self-confident, racing champion and conqueror of women, Lucas Kendall, the blue time force ranger. The other was an African American woman dressed in a yellow blouse with a black vest, military pants, she was Katie Walker, the yellow ranger and powerhouse of the team.

They were eating breakfast while on the other side was a boy wearing a green t-shirt and green pants that matched his green hair, he was also wearing an orange sweater, Trip, the green ranger, the only non-human member of the team. He was now checking the contents in a freezer.

"Log: All fugitives are in their containers in perfect condition." He reported in his log.

"Good to know Trip." Said Circuit, his robot owl.

Just then an alarm clock went off and someone fell from the floor above.

"Ouch, that must have hurt." Said Circuit.

Whoever fell started to get up from the floor, it was a young brown haired man wearing red pajamas. He was Wes Collins, the red ranger and the newest member of the team, still having a hard time keeping up with the others.

"What are you guys doing up so early?" He asked as he saw that his teammates were already awake.

"It's not early." Lucas told him.

Once he came out of his shock, Wes noticed that someone was missing. "Where's Jen?"

"Training." Katie replied. "You're not planning on following her, are you?"

"No need." A woman entered the room dressed in athletic wear, she was Jen Scotts, the pink ranger and team leader. "I see you're up already." She said to Wes.

"Rangers!" Circuit announced. "I heard someone is robbing a jewelry store."

"Nadira." Jen deduced. "Come on guys."

"Hold on, I'm detecting Mutant DNA approaching Nadira's position, in fact, I'm detecting six mutants."

"Six mutants?" Wes asked. "Why would Nadira need six mutants?"

"I don't know, but we'll find out on the way." Jen said before of them went to the site.

The ninjas arrived at the place where the alarm was heard, it was a jewelry store that had been broken into, its double doors had been knocked down, they approached stealthily and saw that a group of guys in diving suits were robbing the store.

"Who are those guys?" Twilight asked.

"I don't know, but they're bastards for wanting to rob a jewelry store." Rarity said.

"Why would those guys be robbing a jewelry store?" Casey asked.

"Maybe because of her." Mickey pointed to a pink-haired woman dressed in white.

"So she's the one behind all this? Piece of cake." Raph said.

"All right, here's the plan, Rainbooms, you guys take the front, we'll take the back." Leo said.

"Okay, let's do it." Sunset said.

Now, in the jewelry store, the diver guys were ransacking all the shelves in the place, for her part the pink haired woman was playing with some bracelets.

"Mmmm, these babies look so good on me." She said.

"I'm sorry miss, but you'll have to pay for that if you want to wear them." Leo said and he and the others appeared.

"Ugh, who are you guys supposed to be?" The woman asked.

"We're the ones who will be in charge of taking you to the authorities." Rainbow said.

"Yeah right, like you guys have a chance, attack!" She ordered her minions to attack the ninjas.

Casey raised his field hockey stick to block the blades of two divers, then shoved them forward for Mikey and Pinkie to kick them in the back.

AJ protected herself with her claws from the divers' attacks, only for her to disarm the minions with one move and then give them a spinning kick.

Starlight ran to avoid the minions' shots, she jumped for cover behind the counter, as the minions continued firing she readied her bow and arrow, aimed at a chandelier and fired. The chandelier fell on the minions, as Starlight came out of hiding and saw the minions ended up headless with some visible wires that were responsible for keeping their heads attached to their bodies, just as sparks began to fly from their bodies.

"Guys!" She called out to everyone. "There's no reason to hold back, these guys are robots."

"Robots? That's music to my ears." Raph said before thrusting one of his sais into the head of one of the robots, only to rip its head off.

Twilight threw her spear at a robot, but it was coming up behind her but Twilight could see it and took the opportunity to use her powers to move a sword from the fallen minions and thrust it into the hand of the one coming towards her, she then moved the sword still impaled in the hand towards the robot's neck.

Donnie blocked the robot's sword with his staff. He then swung his staff, lifted the robot and impaled it on the ground with the retractable blade at the end of the bo.

Karai also clashed swords with the robots, only they were trying to defend themselves against her. She then kicked one of their feet and then impaled it when it hit the ground. She then threw several shurikens behind her at the four incoming Foot-bots, decapitating them all. One tried to slash at her, only for Karai to quickly dodge it and cut off its hand and then its head.

One robot was decapitated by Rarity's kamas. One was about to shoot it with her blaster in the back, but Rainbow slammed it into the wall and impaled it with her naginata.

Shini jumped and slashed at a pair of robots, Fluttershy avoided the slash of another only for her to disarm it and kick it.

Sunset took a spinning leap so that she threw her kunais at the robots around her, April threw her fan to cut off the heads of three robots.

One robot head rolled off towards the woman's feet. "I'm starting to think Daddy was right about the robots." She whined.
Casey and Raph surrounded her.

"Give it up!" The turtle said.

"You wish." She said and from her index, middle, ring and pinky fingers of both her hands she grew claws.

She attacked Casey, he raised his field hockey stick but she snapped it in half with her claws, Raph moved in to attack her but she managed to avoid his blows, then she slashed at Raph's hand where the cloaking device was then kicked him.

The device fell to the ground broken in half and its true form was revealed.

The woman was shocked to see Raph's true form. "Are you a mutant?"

The other turtles also showed their true form, which surprised the woman even more.

"Are all 4 of you mutants?"

"How did I assert to the first one? Usually when we get to another dimension people call us monsters." Donnie said.

"What are you guys supposed to be doing?" she yelled at them. "Since when do you people fight over humans? How dare you attack me? My daddy will rip your heads off when he hears about this."

"What is she talking about?" Mickey asked.

"Look princess, we don't know who your 'daddy' is, and we don't care." Raph said before wanting to get back to fighting.

"Hands up." Someone else yelled.

Everyone turned around to see the Time Force Rangers enter the place.

"Power Rangers?!" The ninjas said.

"Surrender now." The Pink Ranger said to the woman and the turtles. "It's over, Nadira. You and your mutants are under arrest."

"What?!" The Rainbooms were surprised.

"Do what you want with them, I'm out of here." Nadira turned and disappeared.

"Damn, she escaped." Wes said.

"You 4, turn around and put your hands behind your backs." Jen ordered the turtles.

"Hey, this must be a misunderstanding, we didn't do anything." Donnie tried to reason.

"Yeah right, and I was born yesterday." Jen shot back.

"They must be the mutants Circuit warned us about, but there are only four, two more are missing." Trip said.

"Found them." Lucas reported as his scans showed April and Karai as mutants. "Put your weapons on the ground."

"They're arresting us, and they didn't even read us our rights, they didn't give us a 'You have the right to remain silent', no one told me I have the right to remain silent." Mikey panicked.

"Mickey, you have the right to remain silent, what you don't have is the ability." Raph told him.

"Guys wait a second." Pinkie told them. "These mutants didn't do anything wrong, they were trying to stop that Nadira girl."

"That's right, they were trying to stop her, just like we were." Twilight said.

"Guys, I think they're telling the truth." Trip said.

"Are you sure?" Katie asked.

"Yes, I am." He replied pointing to his forehead.

"What do you say Jen?" Wes asked.

Jen didn't answer quickly, it was only a few seconds before she lowered her gun. "Okay, we won't arrest you, but you're still coming with us, we want to ask you a few questions."

"Okay, lead the way." Leo said.

"Are you sure about this?" Raph asked.

"They think we're like the mutants they're up against, we have to convince them we're not hostile." He replied and they walked toward the exit with the rangers escorting them.

While in the future, at the Time Force headquarters, a Latin boy was in a laboratory sitting in front of a monitor reviewing what was happening in the timeline, it was not his official job, but after the escape of the most wanted mutant criminal of the 30th century, the real person in charge of this task needed all the help he could get.

As the boy kept checking the monitor he noticed something that made him freeze, it was then that he saw that the turtles and the Rainbooms had arrived at the time Ransik had chosen to rewrite history.

"No..." He whispered. "You guys shouldn't be here." He said as he began typing some commands into his computer, he already knew about the turtles and that they had already entered the main ranger dimension, but he hadn't counted on them arriving in 2001 even if they hadn't intended to. This only further complicated the task of preventing history from continuing to change, although he didn't know how long he could do it.