From The Past

by Jhoira

First published

An old friend (Discord) visits from the past. To annoy Pipp.

Discord comes out of the distant past to visit the new world. He could bring great wisdom, teachings on harmony, or even just general help with his great magical powers. But he's Discord, he's just decided to pester Pipp.

For the May Pairing Contest 24.

I Return!

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"From the ancient annals of history, a being of great power emerges! He, the Defender of Equestria, Master of Chaos, Keeper of Harmony’s Edge, Bringer of Joyful Pandemonium, Lord of Laughter, Champion of Cheer, Architect of Wonder, Enigma of Enchantment, Harbinger of Hilarity, Sage of the Surreal, Sorcerer of Surprises, Maestro of Marvels, Oracle of Oddities, Titan of Transformation, Conqueror of Conundrums, Wizard of Whimsy, and Patron of Playfulness, the mighty, the invincible, the powerful, the glorious, the magnificent, the formidable, the resplendent, the unstoppable, the majestic, the unyielding, the radiant, the peerless, the supreme, the renowned, the illustrious, the triumphant, the unassailable, the venerable, the legendary, the dauntless Discord!"

Pipp had jumped back at the appearing of the portal, and had been concerned as the strange hodgepodge of creatures But then he starting announcing himself, and the concern changed to bafflement. "What... Are you?"

Discord grinned. "I am the Defender of Equestria, Master of Chaos, Keeper of Harmony's..."

Pipp interrupted him. "Ok, ok! No need to take up more of the time with a long meaningless jumble of words."

Discord tilted his head to the side. "Excellent! Then we can get right into it! I took up a lot of our time with my introduction."

Pipp sighed, she was sure this apparently very important creature from the past had an important reason to be here, but then he went and wasted a bunch of his time with his monologue. She couldn't help but grin just a little, it made her think of Zipp. "Well if you only had a little time... Nevermind." She shook her head, calling him out on it wouldn't help. "Why'd you come here?"

Discord eyes danced with merriment. "Well, it's not so much a time limit, watch. I'll see you in a month."

Pipp looked around, concerned something was about to happen but then... Nothing. She paused for a little, remaining silent until she just had to ask. "And... What's happening?"

Discord gave no answer.

Pipp, one month later, returned to the still motionless Discord. "Ok, it's been a month!" She then muttered to herself "Why didn't I just send Sunny, she'd be way more interested in talking to Discord."

Discord shook himself and stretched after his month of motionlessness. "Because, dear Pipp, that would have disqualified our encounter from my intent. And it's already on thin ice as it is!"

Pipp sighed in relief, the statement was almost nonsense to her, but at least they were talkin about Discord's reason for being here now... After a month. "Ok, so, what is that intent anyway?"

Discord smiled. "I, being such an amazing power from the past, have many secrets and knowledge of the great times of unification to share!"

Pipp nodded along, smiling as well, this was an odd creature, but if he knew how to help the ponies get along and be unified that was great. "Excellent! What is it?"

Discord grinned. "Well, milady, I once had a friend named Fluttershy... Isn't that an amazing secret of history!?"

Pipp scowled slightly. "Actually not really, when I asked about you Sunny told me that! Don't you have any, like, advice from the times of unified Equestria?"

Discord brought himself up to his full height, and said. "Be nice to each other."

Pipp deflated. "Well... Yes. It'd be nice if it was that easy, but... Uh... Any more detailed advice?"

Discord grinned. "Well, not everyone likes details, some just thrust to the point, even when more details should be given."

Pipp stared for a long moment. "And...? You can't just recognize that details would be good and not give them!"

Discord sighed, looking off into the distance, as if a memory was playing behind his eyes. He didn't respond immediately, as if he wasn't actually in the moment, but settled into a long distant past as if it was the current world. A memory that took every array of emotion into account. A small smile played across his lips, then his brow furrowed, his claw clenched into a fist and then released as it relaxed. Taking a deep breathe he steadied himself. Unable to voice everything that was going through his mind, he needed to think up how to sum up an entire 11 seasons of lessons into so few words to make them useful for Pipp. He thought of the odd habit people had to call a period of time a season. Outside of the literal seasons people used it for just indeterminate times in their life. But that was all secondary, his mind had really gotten off track form the beginning of this. But he turned now, and with great gravity said. "How was that?"

Pipp blinked, confused. "How was what?"

Discord grinned at his semi-private joke. "Nothing for you to worry about. Just know, that it was very clever."

Pipp sighed and face hoofed, this shtick was getting old. "I feel like this is getting very repetitive. Your from thousands of years in the past! Say something meaningful! Or did you just come here to be random?"

Discord grinned and conjured a top hat in his hand, flipping it up onto his head. "Well, I was looking for someone new I'd never talked to before! And how much easier is that a thousand years in the future? I was looking for... A new pair, if you will."

Pipp groaned and shook her head. "What did you do, just pick my name out of a hat to come irritate me, knowing we'd have no previous interaction or something!?"

Discord smiled and chuckled. "Of course not! I did it so I could make this joke, and console the my poor audiance."

Pipp frowned and looked around at the empty plain they were in. "I'm your audiance."

Discord turned, and looked straight into thin air. Pipp had to double check that there was nothing there. There wasn't, but Discord seemed to be looking right at someone. "At least it was short."

Pipp wrinkled her nose. "HEY!"