> Just one Lonely little Changeling: A Changed Girl > by Kentavritsa > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue: 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- <--- --- ---> Summary <--- --- ---> . I had ended up, standing on the middle of the circular table in Princess Twilight Sparkles castle; only for the table top to light up, flooding my body with the purple light of magic. Everything went white, permeated by the force of the light overpowering everything; the reality I had come to rely on, included.  There is no escape, no way to escape what is to pass. The next instant, I find myself on the top of a bed.  I instinctively react, as the Changeling I am; attempting to take the shape of the nearest object, in the sense of any living creature I could pass up as. Incidentally, I had turned into a full-body suit.  Black is the colour coming before me, as a Changeling. Reflexes don’t give you time to think or reflect on your situation; I had no options to consider, this full-body suit is what I had turned myself into. I had only had the time to catch a glimpse of the surrounding, the room in which I had found myself; now I can’t see anything, so I don’t have an idea as to where I am or what I look like.  Though I am fairly sure, this is not the home of a Pony.  I am not in Equestria anymore. “How did I end up here?” I ponder. Fortunately, I did not have much time to ponder, or great over my situation; a girl enters the room, finding me where I lay prone over her bed.  As luck would have it, my head is over where her pillow is resting. My feet, facing downwards.. <--- --- ---> Into the Fire > Conquest: 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- <--- --- ---> Into the Fire <--- --- ---> . Zhiizoo had just fallen asleep, and I am hit with inspiration. It isn’t that she had instructed me, or even suggested that she had wanted this; but I feel an urge to pull her in, from her bed room. “Twilight, you are to be her top, tonight; just that you need to cover her hands and fingers, too!” I instruct my subject, known as Twilight Sparkle. “Pinkie, you will be her tights, tonight!” I point out; “I need the two of you, to slip onto her, from the moment I slip out of bed!” I explain. “Of course!” Twilight responds, with Pinkie echoing the response half an instant later. With that, I slowly slide off of Zhiizoo’s body; only for Twilight and Pinkie to take my place, as well as their limited forms are permitting them to. I continue along the floor, under the door to Zhiizoo’s door; further along the hall, and finally in under the door to her sister’s room. I continue over the floor and up onto her bed; before I start to envelop her entire body, thus gaining control of her. .While her sister: Saqura remains asleep, I fold the corner of the quilt up against the wall; before I slide my feet out from under the quilt, only to find myself sitting up on the top of her bed. “Why do I find this so exciting, exhilarating?” I ponder; as I am pushing myself off of the bed, only to find myself standing on my very own two feet. There is a thud, as my feet are hitting the floor. A soft pitter-patter of my feet is all that could be heard, as I walk over to the door to the room. I open the door and step out of the room, close the door behind myself; before I walk back to Zhiizoo’s door and open it, before I am stepping into the room. I find a conveniently placed second bed, as I am looking into the room; knowing Rarity had taken this form, as she was not required in her Swim-Suit form. As I walk over to the new bed, I fold the corner of the quilt up against the wall; before I am sitting down and slide my feet in under the quilt, lying down comfortably. “What if I had ended up in Saqura’s room, instead of Zhiizoo’s?” I ponder, now reflecting on what my life could have been like. If the original idea had been correct, I had ended up in Zhiizoo’s room; because it had been the best fit´, not just for me in person; but where I would have fared best, as a Changeling too. There is no way to prove the theory, when the data available is insufficient. Her sister is not exactly identical, but close enough for my original form to fit her comfortably. I still tighten up and contract around her, for her to enjoy the tightness Zhiizoo has been enjoying this far. I had simply assumed she really would enjoy this, but I will learn if I had been correct soon enough. I will just have to wait and see when she is waking up. I choose to give her a firm A Cup, in bust size; largely because Zhiizoo had expressed the most comfort, with this size. For now, I am maintaining a rigid form, containing the girl where she is; denying her the chance to leave the bed, and walk out of the room. Step-by-step, I make adjustment after adjustment; building Saqura up to what I picture being her ideal form. Well, why not? I guess this simply is in my nature, as the Changeling I am. In the process, I find myself enjoying this much more than I could have anticipated.> . “Uhm, where am I?” I ponder, as I am waking up in a bed not my own. The room is dark, pitch black; I can’t seem to open my eyes, for some reason. “Where am I?” I try to say, but my lips refuses to part even the slightest. (of course, there is no response) “Wait, what?” I ponder; “Why is it so tight?” I continue. As tight as it is, I realize I am feeling something, down there; a tongue is slowly lapping at me, on my mound and orchid to be more precise. I soon find this surprisingly enjoyable. The room is quiet, eerily quiet; but the new sensation is calming me down, for some reason. It is almost like one of these strange dreams, but vision replaced with delicate sensations instead. Isn’t that how you determine if you are dreaming, or awake; by pinching your arm, in order to see how it feels? Well, I distinctly feel the tongue licking my orchid. I should be awake, shouldn’t I? Yet, I can’t move or see anything. While her tongue is wet, deliciously slippery and wet; it feels as if I had been smooth, like one of my sister Zhiizoo’s Latex Suits. “Is this why she enjoys wearing these suits?” I ponder, still no answer or response forthcoming. Had she licked me, before; I could have known if it is her, if she is the one licking me. Couldn’t I? Over time, I still find myself growing excited, wet. I enjoy the sensations I am being offered. Why shouldn’t I? It feels so good. She is slow, gentle; and caring. She wants me to enjoy, what she is doing for me. I feel a blush coming on, just as I feel her bare hands sliding in between my legs, sliding further under my rump. I find my cheeks growing hot, hotter; as her hands slowly move further and further in under me, slowly stopping to hold my waist. I imagine my face, bright red like a beet by now. Yet, I am still growing hotter. Still, I find myself enjoying it. While she had not asked me; but I find myself enjoying it, all the same. She is not rough, hard; but soft, gentle. As if she genuinely wanted me to feel good, enjoy it. As her hands slowly press in on my waist; I find my legs spreading wider and wider, while I have no control over it. She is in full control, as her smooth hands hold me in a gentle yet firm grip. “Wait, what?” I ponder; “Did I feel touch-pads at the tip of each of her fingers?” I question; not sure what to make out of the impressions, I am picking up. While I had known, she loves her Latex Suits; but I had thought that was just how far it went, for her. Maybe, just maybe; I had been wrong, and there was more to her desires for these suits. Apparently. “So long as she does not have claws!” I ponder. A moment later, I find myself growing tighter, tighter, and tighter still. Is this the precursor of my first contraction? As in, an orgasm. Whoah! The sensation is lingering, as I feel the sensations slowly grow stronger. Stronger. And stronger, still. I feel warm, excited. “Should I ask her, for more?” I ponder; knowing I can’t even part my lips, as it is. “Eeep.!!” I quietly exclaim, inwardly; between tightly pressed and sealed lips. Nothing could be heard, by anyone but me. “No, definitely no claws!” I realize; “These are long nails; oval shaped, as it were!” I ponder. Well, maybe not quite that long; but still much longer than I am used to, and longer than I had ever seen hers being. (Long nails, had never been my thing; but I am a bit too young for that, in the first place.) In the state I am in now, I am strangely comfortable with these revelations. The hard, smooth rubbery fingers, the delicate touch-pads and these long nails just click for me. Why complain, when it feels so good? I just want her to go on, continue. She is teasing me, on purpose; yet I still want more, I want it all. I want the full experience, and everything that comes with it. Everything that comes with it, now; is the girl wearing these tight and smooth rubber gloves. Gloves still permitting the long nails and touch-pads to be felt through. The scene she had built up for me, for my benefit; makes me desire what she has to offer, even to the point where I want it exactly as she is giving it to me now. Could I still enjoy this, if she did not wear these highly unusual gloves next time? I do not know. I do not care. Wrapped up, in the experience. After a moment; I start to feel myself shudder, as the first orgasm is overtaking me. It is hard, fast and incredibly intense. I could never have imagined this, before. Yet, here I am. “Could I have another?” I ponder, just because I really don’t want to give it up. She does not stop. She continues. I am still tight, feeling the contraction building up, taking hold of me. I gasp; as the orgasm hits me, with each contraction. Harder, faster; with each consecutive contraction, I am experiencing. She continues, persists; as if she had not noticed, or just wanted this moment to last. Could you blame me; for wanting what I am given, as it feels so good?. “Yes.. Yes.. Yes..” I sigh, inwardly. Now I am feeling my hands sliding along my thighs, up towards my waist; my fingers slowly taking a hold, revealing what she had done to my hands. First now; I feel the touch-pads on the tip of each finger, undeniably there and delicately sensitive. She had given me nails, just like hers; long and oval, as well. (this is something I will just have to get used to, even if it feels like a struggle) Yet, there is one more secret, she has not yet revealed to me; something yet withheld from me, left as a conscious reveal for later. (How much later?) Her tongue, still warm; caressing the sensitive flesh that is my orchid, just skirting around and barely dipping inside. Do I want her to enter me? Not sure, I just can not make up my mind. My lacking experience, permitting me to ride the never-ending wave of her attention. I can but permit her to continue, permitting me to experience this unbiased. The room remains quiet. I can make no sound, as my lips are sealed. She is muted, with the tip of her tongue constantly caressing and teasing me. How much longer could I persist, take it? How much longer can she continue? How much longer, is she prepared to draw this out? I do not know, but my face is still red, hot. Slowly, she is slowing down; before her tongue is withdrawing and her face is moving away from me. Yet, the contractions do not end; continuing, as if nothing had happened. My face; still red, hot. Only now; I feel my lips growing warmer, hot. A distraction. My lips part, and the suit is coating my mouth in the process. I slowly feel the vague sensation of the latex flowing into my mouth; coating me inside my mouth, and beyond. But, why? It is hot, exciting me all the same. Now, I want this, whatever she is having in store for me, all the same. <--- --- ---> Pass: Profoundly prophetic purple prose promptly proliferating profusely! Prologue <--- --- ---> > Into the Fire: 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- <--- --- ---> Prologue <--- --- ---> . ”What a perfectly beautiful suit, she gave me!” I exclaim, as I see the full-body suit resting on top of my bed. What a lovely surprise; I had not expected the suit today, but tomorrow at best. The suit lies prone on my bed, as if it had no other option; even if I had no idea, this was a Changeling in disguise.  How could I?  I just enjoy the most thoughtful gift, for all it is worth. Slowly, I walk over the floor; reaching the edge of my bed, extending my hands as I walk. As I reach my bed, I place my hands on the back of the suit; black, glossy and smoother than I possibly could have been expecting.  This is neither Fabric, Leather, nor Latex Rubber. “Warm?” I gasp, as I feel the smooth surface of the back of what is now my suit. “No zipper!” I realize; “Yet, it seems to be skin-tight all the same!” I breathe; “I will love, wearing this suit immensely!” I proclaim, for any and Everyone to hear.  (Well; anyone close enough to hear me, in the privacy of my own bed room!) I can’t help myself; caressing the smooth, warm material of the back of what is now my suit. I am enjoying the moment; before I can gather myself enough, to lift the suit up before me. Looking at the suit, as I hold it up before me; holding it under the arm-pits, as I permit my eyes to scan over the front of my suit. “How long does a suit last, and how do I care for it?” I ponder; “Or, her!” I correct myself, refusing to see my new suit as a mere lifeless object. “She is warm!” I ponder. “Hope she will like me wearing her!” I ponder; “You don’t mind, if I put you on?” I inquire, as if I had been expecting her to respond. Well; at least, she did not protest. If she did not protest; she would not mind me, at least trying her on? Am I imagining it, or is this just wishful thinking? I end up, caressing her shoulders for several minutes; as if I had expected her to enjoy my care, making her more willing to be worn by me. Well, why not? Either way, it feels good to me; in a strange way, I can’t quite put words on. “I should be Nude in your presence, shouldn’t I?” I ponder, almost as if she would hear me. Am I Anthropomorphizing her, in my mind? Still, it feels better to see her as a Person; a Girl in my own age, a friend who enjoys my presence. “Yes, please..” I hear her response; “I would prefer it; if you were nude, before you put me on!” she concludes. “Then I will undress, before you; before I am slipping in into you, of course!” I respond. “Thank you..” she responds, and it feels as if she is nodding to me. Well; maybe she should see me, face-to-face. I just have to disrobe before I can slip into her; then I just need a full body mirror, for her to see me. I slip my skirt down, blushing a bit as I am revealing my Panties to her. Once the skirt is down, I unbutton my Blouse, unintentionally revealing my top as I go; before I slip the Blouse off of me, as I leave it on the floor before me. I could as well pull the top up over my head, only to leave it on top of the pile. Now I slip my white Cotton Panties down to the floor, leaving me all but nude in the process. I slip my socks of, kicking them to the curb; before I am returning my focus to my suit: Philine. Since I am nude, I turn back to my bed, once more facing her as I take the final step back to my bed. Slowly, I am lifting her up; turning her to face me, as if she would appreciate to see me face-to-face. Even though I know she has no face, and thus could not possibly see me. It does not feel weird, to me; but now I imagine, seeing her nodding her approval. As if she were telling me, she was accepting me, permitting me to wear her. She is clearly warming up to me, to permit me to wear her; after I had undressed before her, permitting her to see me as nude as she is. Since I could not wear her backward; I turn her face forwards; before I lift up my right foot, slowly slipping my foot into her. She eagerly swallows my foot and I continue to slide it all the way down; only to lift up my left foot, sliding it into the tight entrance in her neck. First now I experiencethe liquid elasticity of her skin, as she slowly spreads over me, my skin; as she slowly slide up my body. My skin feels slippery and moist; as if I had been sweating, or covered with a lubricating gel. Possibly, but how and why? I have no idea. Yet, I find myself enjoying the intimate sensation. Only a few minutes after I had started putting my suit on, I find myself covered with her tight embrace from the neck down. “Oh, oh, ooh!” I breathe, excited. Only, there is a faint echo; as if she was expressing herself, just half an instant after me. I feel her warmth, now covering me, my skin; even between my toes and everywhere else. While she is indeed skintight, she still does contract more in certain places; not that I mind, it just puts emphasis on my assets in its own way. I can’t make myself complain, as I realize that I love how she makes me feel. While she is a deliciously glossy black, she feels as if she had been the skin I had been born with all the same. I just can’t quite put a finger on how or why. Maybe she is distracting me, a bit too much for me to focus? Not that I mind, I quite enjoy what she is doing for me. Or, to me, is it? I don’t like complaining, even though I know it may be the best or only way on occasion. Only now, it is the wrong and the worst way to react. While I may worry, a bit; but it does not get in the way of how I feel, or diminish these feelings in the least. Maybe, just maybe; I am worrying about how to extract myself from within the suit, or how to perform certain functions while inside Yet, she makes me feel so good; I subconsciously project my love for her, and what she is doing for me. While I thought I had enjoyed the feeling; the sensation of the tight, smooth Latex or Rubber covering my skin, but she permitted me to understand the depth of what I feel about it now. Even if she isn’t made out of either Latex or Rubber. She just mimics the feeling and sensation of the suit. As exciting, as that Latex suit may have been; it can’t compare with the warmth and intimacy, of the suit I am wearing now. What would I do without her, now as I know of her? Could I live without her? Could I let go of her, or give her up? No. Had I never found her in my room, on my bed; I would have been blissfully ignorant, thus never knowing what I would have been missing. <--- --- ---> A Dream of What is to Come <--- --- ---> > A Dream of What is to Come: 4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- <--- --- ---> Into the Fire <--- --- ---> . Zhiizoo had just fallen asleep, still wearing me. I enjoy the warmth of her body inside, as I am coating her body from the neck down. (The form I had opted for, as I panicked, as I chose a form to mimic in order to blend in with what is in her room.) Of course, she does own numerous Latex Suits; from the full Cat Suit I had opted to become, to the Panties she can wear in secret. As a Changeling, I had found it natural to stay black. Granted, I could have chosen any colour available; she does have a selection of colours, the suit had been made with. (Of course, it is too late to change my mind now; I had made the choice, and she has already seen me as a black suit from the get-go.) I could change the colour or the cut of the suit at will; but I have to take her dreams and desires into consideration, before I change anything. For as long as she is sleeping; I still am at liberty, to make myself comfortable for the duration of her sleep. Since she is already wearing me, I had taken the form of her body. Well, why not? Still, I had opted for a few adjustments. (When she is wearing me, now; I coat her entire body, not just from the neck down.) She is having a dream. How curious? I had never been expecting, to be drawn into her dream; but the connection is so intimate, I am almost her in the first place. She is lying in her bed, only with me by her side; as if we had been sharing the bed, the entire night. Now she makes me fuzzy all over; as I can sense all the love she is radiating at me, as I am covering her entire body. “She really Love her Latex Suit?” I ponder. “Yes..” she responds; “I do love my Suits, every last one of them!” she concludes. She is folding the corner of the quilt up against the wall; before she is sliding her feet out from under the quilt. With that, she is finding herself sitting up on the side of her bed (our bed), only for her to push herself forwards, finding herself standing up before the bed. “Thud!” is heard, as her feet is hitting the floor before the bed. Apparently; everything is exactly where she had left it, the night before. As she is walking over towards her wardrobe, I hear the light pitter-patter of soft feet; I copy her move, walking a step behind her towards the Wardrobe. “It still feels strange; to be in this form, as a bipedal Human!” I ponder. Of course, we are both Nude; she had undressed before me, and her Dream opted to maintain this image. “This is almost, as if I had been granted a Twin Sister overnight!” she giggles, as she is walking over to the Wardrobe. “Just think of all the fun, we can have together!” I propose, hoping I am inciting some new thoughts into her head. “We already share the room and the bed, but we could always share the wardrobe and private Secrets!” she puts forth. “While I doubt your suits, and your Love for your Latex Suits is a Secret..” I ponder; “but sharing the Love, and the Subject of said Love is still a Thrill!” I suggest. “I love how tight these suits are..” she puts forth; "I love the smooth surface and the scent of the Suits!” she continues. “Smooth, Glossy, Glitter and all the bright Colours!” I suggest. “Finally; someone is understanding me, my Passion for these Suits!” she exclaims. “Metallic Bloody Red Panties and Top?” I inquire. “Sounds delightful!” she responds. “Skin-tight, smooth Latex covering your most Private parts!” I suggest. “Yes..”; “Yes..”; “Yes..” she breathes, as her entire body shivers in excitement. It is almost, as if she had been experiencing wearing these Panties as I am describing them to her. “Then, you need to wear them, right now!” I suggest. “Yes!” she responds. Of course, the Panties are waiting for her in the wardrobe; almost as if I had placed them there, at the same time as I am describing them to her. She is opening the door to the wardrobe; instantly finding the Panties I had described; extracting them, stepping into them in a single fluid motion. “So tight..” she exclaims; “and they’re pressing me in all the right places, too!” she breathes. As I am standing half a step behind her, I am extending my right hand in between her legs; extending my middle-finger, slowly sliding it over her orchid. “Yes, yes..” she breathes, shivering all over. I press the advantage, and she gasps in excitement as she feels the tip of my finger entering her. “Just a little bit further, and I have her Melting in my hand!” I whisper, as I slowly slide the tip of the finger further into her. “Oh!” she gasps; “oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo..” she breathes as she is about to lose it. I hold my hand under her, caressing her for a moment; before I move my left hand towards her with the middle-finger extended, gently slipping the tip in ever so slowly. As I am removing my left hand, she is closing her eyes. I permit the inside of her panties to coat inside her vagina, spreading the Latex all the way in, inch by inch until she is completely coated. While the Panties only reaches three inches inside; the slippery smooth, glossy latex is coating the flesh all the way in; leaving her slippery, openly accessible. I change the hue of the Petals of her orchid; as I turn them into stiff Latex, coarse and sensitive. “If she is excited by this here and now, I am sure she will find it just as exciting when she is waking up!” I ponder. . I leave her suit stiff, so that she can maintain the Pose she is in right now; then I help her lifting up her arms up towards the ceiling, in order to make it easy to help her slip the Top on. She is looking before her, with glazed over eyes; seeing nothing, just standing where she stands. I help her extracting the matching Top, slipping it down over her head; leaving it in a comfortable location, for when she is returning to herself. “She is a natural A – Cup!” I ponder, as I am adjusting her bust to the desired size. “She needs larger Nipples (Nibbles)!” I suggest, adjusting her nipples in turn, only coating them with the same Latex as I afforded her Orchid and Anal entrance. “Nice and stiff, highly sensitive!” I proclaim. She feels quite Hot, but I can not hold back. “Wait..” I ponder; “What is that?” I continue, as I feel something deep within me. If only this had just been a Love Over-Doze. But no. It had to be something more, something else; something much deeper and profound. There is a Reason, why the Pure Love had never been intended for the mere Drones and Workers, such as me. This is reserved for the Higher Classes in the Hive. I could barely have contained it, myself, with just a taste, of what I had been given. Only now; I had been fed a rich, continuous stream of the most Pure Love. There is just one outcome, Possible; considering what she is feeding me, unrestrained. <--- --- ---> Pass: Profoundly prophetic purple prose promptly proliferating profusely! An End to the Dream <--- --- ---> > An End to the Dream: 5 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- <--- --- ---> A Dream of What is to Come <--- --- ---> . I am standing before the mirror, in my wardrobe; both doors wide open, as I am examining my reflection. I can clearly see my reflection in the mirror, as the mirror image is standing before me; looking back, as if she had been examining me in turn. Well, that is what a Mirror does. It examines you, in the light available. I should not frown at it, for doing it; but relish in the image, it is revealing to me. My skin is an unblemished light skin-tone, just as I had always wanted it. Furthermore; I am wearing the Metallic Bloody Red Panties and top, just as I had as I went to bed Otherwise I am nude. “You should have been doing this, in your little Girl’s Room; but I can as well give you a hand, helping you to apply your Make-Up right here and now!” she offers, quite generously. “Thank you, Philine!” I respond. “Glossy lips, and Eye-lids!” she explains, as she is applying the Gloss to my Lips and Eye-lids. “Ooh..” I exclaim; “I like it, it looks great!” I respond. Of course, your Eye-lashes needs to be a distinct Black, and glossy!” she explains, as she is applying the Mascara. I feel her stretching my Eye-lashes; with each stroke she is applying, while she is curling them up in a progressive curl. “Just a slight hint of shimmer, to your face and you are done for the Night!”” she explains. . Philine has just applied my Mascara, looking critically at my face. Of course; she is also wearing the Nighttime Make-Up, as she had just finished applying it. “Since you are about to wake up, in a few minutes; I could as well apply your Daytime Make-Up, and be done with it!” she explains. “Let’s go with the Glossy Gold..” she explains; “and add a hint of your beloved Latex to top it all off!” she concludes. “Yes, Please!” I respond. With that, I can see her applying the Golden Lip Stick to my lips. I even feel the tip of the Lip Stick, as she is pressing it onto my lips, applying just a bit of pressure to it. Just as deep as I feel the pressure, the effect is taking hold; leaving my Lips, in Golden Latex. Or, at least the impression of my Latex, she has in her Mind. Smooth, Glossy, and Highly Elastic. I really should not be complaining. “A Matching Eye Shadow to go with your Lips, but with some Glitter on top!” she suggests. “Yes, Please!” I respond, finding myself growing Excited by her attention. Well, why not? Not just because I am not used to this kind of Attention, but she is giving me the Dear here. “I think a light Rouge would be in order; but for you, I will apply it in Glitter Gold instead!” she proclaims. “Yes, Please!” I respond. I can see how my Cheeks are accepting the golden hue she had proscribed, with each stroke of the Brush in her right Hand. I am blushing, and my Cheeks are slowly growing warm under her light touch. “To go with your Black Mascara, I will be applying a Black Eye-Liner!” she informs me. “Yes, Please!” I respond, as I am closing my eyes. I feel the soft tip tracing the outlines of my Eye-Lashes, as she slowly and carefully apply the Eye-Liner along the outer edge of my Eye-Lashes. “Open your Eyes, Wide; so that I can finish your Eyes!” she instructs me. Just as I had opened my eyes, fully; she is applying the light Silvery Eye-Liner to the inner border of my Eye-Lashes. I feel the soft tip, as she is applying the Eye-Liner. “Your Skin could take a touch of Pink, but with just a hint of your sheen to it!” she explains. “Yes, Please!” I respond, as I am gazing at Philine. I feel the touch of the brush, as she is brushing my face down; applying the hue, she had mentioned. Only, once she had applied the final touch to my looks; she is applying a final layer of clear powder onto my skin, coating and covering the skin of my face. Including my Eye-Lids, as I am closing my Eyes to permit her to finish the Treat she is so generously offering me. “Nibbles..” she is pronouncing; as I can feel my nipples grow large and stiff, as she is coating them with a thin membrane of crystal clear latex and adding the final touch of Gloss. “Yes, Please!” I respond; “Ooh!” I gasp, as I am feeling the effect of what she is offering me. Not so much, that my Nipples are stretching the Top; the top is adjusted at the same time, to match the Change in the Process. “Belly Button!” she pronounces; and I can sense my Belly Button being pulled in, in order to form a new Orifice out of it. “Yes, Please!” I respond, feeling the effect of my Belly Button growing to a full Pi inches depth and one Inch in diameter; as she is coating the inside of my Belly Button with the touch of Crystal clear Glossy Latex, in the Process. She is lifting her left Hand, extending the Index Finger; pushing the tip of her Finger into my Belly Button, letting me feel the finger slipping in. Only now, I feel myself contracting around her finger. As she tentatively pulls the finger out, I find my contraction squeeze the tip of her Finger; preventing her to pull it out, in the Process. “Oh.. oh!” I gasp, in response; only for her to pull at her finger again: once, twice, thrice. With each pull, I find myself reflexively contract around her finger; thus preventing her to pull it out. She is strengthening the reflex, she had placed in my new Orifice; with each pull, it grows stronger and deeper. Of course; it is already impossible, for me to ignore. I can neither override it, nor prevent the Reflex by preparing for it before she is pulling. I had tried to prevent the contraction, once; but with no effect, none at all. Maybe, just maybe; this just makes it all the more Exciting, in the end. “Time to move on..” she proclaims; “you have more pressing matters to attend to!” she explains, as she is extending her right hand, slipping in the index finger into my Belly Button. I feel her slipping in her right index finger; then her middle fingers, ring fingers and pinkie fingers in turn. She is clearly stretching the orifice, that my Belly Button had become. She is pulling her hands apart, slowly and ever so gently; spreading her fingers in the process, gripping my now rubbery flesh. As she is pulling her hands away, her fingers slip out; causing my Belly Button to contract, collapseing with a distinct squeak. “There..” she puts forth; “I hope you enjoy your new Orifice!” she suggests. “Oh..” I exclaim; “Oh yes yes yes!” I conclude. . "I believe you were asking for a Plug; so that you can hide the changes, to your Belly Button?” she suggests. “Yes, please!” I respond, nodding vigorously. “Here goes.." she puts forth; “I hope this will be what you had in mind!” she concludes. Just as she is finishing the statement, I feel the Plug pushing into my Belly Button; spreading me considerably, before the head is spreading me taut, only to plop a moment later. As I probe my Belly with the tips of the Fingers of my right and left Hands; I feel the smooth Belly, as if she had never changed me in the first place. Though I feel the Plug filling me up, generously. “Oh…” I exclaim. “I take it..” she proposes; “this is, what you had in mind?” she inquires. “Yes.. Yes.. Yes..” I respond. With that, I feel the tip of my Vaginal Tube entering me; stretching me, momentarily leaving me stretched taut. Only then, the Plug plops and I almost find myself relaxed; only for the tip to advance further, spreading the warm feeling inside me. Just as the Vaginal Plug is plopping, I find my Mound expanding. It is growing hard and smooth, while it is becoming squishy in the process. I feel a Cold, Slippery and Wet gel touching the rim of my Anal lips; just before is starts to push in, slowly spreading me gently but firmly. I am stretched, as the tip is entering me; only to find myself stretched taut as the head slides in. The Plug plops, and I find myself contracting firmly around the Plug as it continues to slide into me Inch by Inch. “Oh.. Oh..” I breathe, as it continues to slide further into me, as if it had no intent of stopping. While the Gel the Plug is lubricated with, may be Cold; the Plug itself is quite warm, warming me up as it continues to slide further into me. There is a sudden, distinct Pinch; as the Plug is riveting itself into me, just as it stops its advance. “Oh.. Oh..” I breathe; “That.. was Intense!” I realize. Just how far up, had the Plug advanced, in the first place? I have no idea. I guess I don’t need to know, but I still do enjoy the feeling it is infusing me with. Of course; there still is yet one more Plug, for her to insert into me. My Oral Plug. Just as the Thought is touching my mind, I feel the Gel touching my Lips; spreading out, as the tip of the Plug is stretching my lips. Only the Gel is causing my lips to contract in the process. I can’t resist the urging reflex the gel is instilling into my lips, as the gel slowly spreads out over my lips. As hard as my lips are contracting, the tip of the Plug still slips into my mouth; spreading it as it continues further into my mouth. As the head is touching my lips; I soon find my lips spread taut, before the Plug slips into my Mouth and plops. There is a distinct Pinch, as the Plug Plops; while the tip of the Plug continues to slide further into my Mouth Inch by Inch. A moment later, I feel the tip of the plug hitting the back of my Mouth, slowly sliding down my throat. I find my throat stretched taut, as the Plug continues down Inch by inch. “Whoa!” I breathe; “this Plug is Huge and it is filling me up.." I ponder. “She really did plug me up, well!” I realize. My Eyes go wide, as Wide as they go; as I am following the bulge along my throat, as the Plug makes its way down my Throat. I make an Effort, closing my Eyes. As the Plug grows thicker, my Mouth makes a Capital ‘Oh’. “WoW.. just WoW!” I ponder, “She really knows how to plug a Girl.. Girl’s orifices up, thoroughly!” I ponder. “Since you Love the Experience; I am bound, to perform!” she suggests. “Yes..” I ponder; “but I guess, you already knew that!” I conclude. . “On second thought..” she puts forth; “I think you are in dire need of a Tail!” she suggests. “Yes, Please!” I respond, nodding my head. I feel the tail growing, even with the Panties on; though I guess, these are just part of Philine. Inch by Inch, the two and a half inch thick Tail grows down my legs. “Unless you want to hide your new Tail, I will just let it out through your clothes!” she suggests. “No..” I respond; “don’t hide it, I want to show it openly!” I proclaim. “We will have to correct your clothes, later; so I just give you a Skirt to wear, for the duration!” she offers; “Though I guess; you could wear it, any time you so please!” she puts forth. “I love this Skirt..” I exclaim; “I will enjoy wearing it, again later!” I proclaim. “I was expecting as much!” she responds, with a snicker to her voice; “The Skirt is so Perfectly you, I just can not see you giving it up!” she concludes. “You know me, only too well..” I concede; “I love the tight Latex pressing against my Skin; the Smooth Material, sliding over my skin as I move!” I elaborate. “That is the Only Latex I can offer you, even if I can control the Smoothness, in order to match the Needs of the Moment in a given context!” she agrees. With mery a thought, the tip of my now bare tail moves up before me. I catch it, in my bare right hand; examining the smooth skin, in the same hue as my skin is. Even if she may have adjusted the hue of my skin-Tone, as well as applying the same hue to the suit covering my entire body. While I am grasping the tip of my Tail;, I can’t help but see my hand in the process; the long and slender fingers, aside from the shapely nails reaching from just after the final joint of the respective finger and five millimeters beyond the tip of the finger. I enjoy the smooth curve, as well as the glossy smooth surface of each nail. Well, why not? I barely see the finger, or the skin of the finger; from where the nail begins. Of course; the nail ends in a rounded oval tip, and why not. I feel the Cerise Touch Pads, as I hold the tail in my hand; as it covers the back of each finger; from the final joint of the finger, and all the way in under the nail. She had gifted me with these bright Cerise Touch Pads, highly sensitive and supporting my grip in the process. Curiously enough; I have a smooth and Silicone White Suction Cup covering the entire palm of each hand. Not quite catching my eye, as it is considerably less eye-catching by design. . I extract a Blouse, matching the Skirt I am already wearing. I slip my hand through the sleeve, then my left hand through the other sleeve; before I slowly button the Blouse up with delicate care, from the first button to the very last one just under my chin. I guess I am dressed up for the day, so I take a step back and close the door to my wardrobe. As I had closed the door to the Wardrobe, I walk over the floor to the door out of my Room; sliding it up, before I am walking out of my room and close the Door behind myself. <--- --- ---> Pass: Profoundly prophetic purple prose promptly proliferating profusely! To the Net Café <--- --- ---> > To the Net Cafe: 6 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- <--- --- ---> An End to the Dream <--- --- ---> . “Mother, I am going out, for a while!” I proclaim, as I step into the cloaking Room. “Okay, Zhiizoo!” she merely responds. Of course, she has no reason to hold me back; I am not grounded, and it is a Lovely Sunny day outside. “Wait..” Philine exclaims; “I think I could present you with the Shoes you are looking for!” she concludes. “Oh, okay!” I respond; as I sit down, waiting for her to select the shoes I had been looking for. “These should be perfectly you..” she suggests, as she is presenting me with a pair of Metallic Bloody Red High Heels; looking as if they had been lacquered, only being crafted out of a stiff, glossy, glittery and semi transparent Silicone. “These do look great!” I respond; as I am about to slip down and off of the seat, on which I am sitting. “I have another option, for you to try on..” she now proclaims; “let’s see how you like these!” she points out. My High Heels melts into a pair of 'Crescent Moon' boots. The red hue remains, on what is now the Equine Hoof upon which I will be walking. This particular model is reaching up to the middle of my Thigh. “Nice and Tight!” I exclaim. She had even afforded my boots the Titanium shoes, to go with my boots; in order to cut down on the wear and tear of the boots, as I am walking outside. She had given me Silicone White Socks. The rest of the boot is a glossy black Silicone contracting tightly and securely around my legs. “Thank you, Philine!” I offer. “You are quite welcome, Zhiizoo!” she responds. With that, I am raising to my Hooves, walking over to the door; pulling the door open and step out, before I am closing the door behind myself. “I hope you save these High Heels!” I suggest. “Don’t worry; I will not forget or lose anything, unless you explicitly instruct me to!” she confirms. . After a few minutes of walking, I finally spot the Café I was looking for. Not that I had been expecting to have trouble, finding the Establishment. It isn’t, as if this is the first time I am going there, by myself; as a matter of fact, I had found it several years back. Back then, I was barely even old enough to be permitted to enter by myself. Well, that was back then. Back then; Computers were a Novelty and very expensive. I am in my mid Teens now, so I rarely am considered a mere Child, who needs constant supervision anymore. I am approaching the Lobby, wherein the Girls tend the Desk; in order to manage who enters, and how long one is to stay. The Crystal Clear Sapphire glass is barely even visible, if not for the reflections the Sun gives off. The two Twin sliding doors eagerly slide up before me, granting me entrance into the building. I step in into the lobby, walking over the smooth, glossy stone tiles the floor had been laid with, as I am approaching the desk. “Clip clop, clip clop..” is heard, as I am walking towards the desk. The desk is four foot high, an inch thick sheet of crystal clear Sapphire glass, identical to the walls of the lobby. She is looking at her screen, as I approach, only stopping three feet from her. “Welcome to the Digital Desire Internet Café!” she exclaims, as she is looking up to see me. “Hello, Urano!” I respond; “I hope you have a booth available!” I supply. “I believe your regular booth is available!” she responds; “Place the palm of your right hand on the Plaque, then spread your fingers in order to Confirm!” she offers. “Of course!” I respond, as I am extending my right hand towards the plaque. “Ah, Zhiizoo..” she responds; “so nice to have you back here with us!” she concludes. “Of course, Urano..” I respond, winking at her; “not as if I would leave this Establishment, willingly!” I point out. “Just step right in, Zhiizoo; and have fun!” she concludes. With that, I step over to the floor; approaching the door to the Café proper. I extend my right hand, pressing the palm onto the Plaque; spreading my fingers wide, in order to open the door. There is a click, as the door is unlocked; before it slides open, before me. I step in and the door is closing behind me. The Lobby is largely just Sapphire glass, with the black Stone floor. The inner wall is Five Inches thick, laid with red Cherry-wood panel to give a warmer atmosphere. The door to the Café is untampered stainless Steel. . “Clip clop, clip clop..” is heard; as I am walking over the light Linden wood parquet floor, laid with a thick, soft Blue Mat akin to the Royal invitation. The hall is lit with warm white LED lighting, in the form of a Star Skape for the Atmosphere. The walls have been laid with a light Linden wood. There is a three foot high picket-fence of pink Cherry Wood, for extra comfort and built in railing to hold on to. I walk up to the final door, leading to my Booth of choice. I am lifting up my right arm, extending the palm of my hand to the Plaque; pressing the palm down as I am spreading my fingers, in order to open the door. I feel the familiar warmth, as I am pressing the palm down; feeling the smooth rubbery surface, under the palm of my hand. “Miss Zhiizoo” I sense it pronouncing, as I am identified and granted entrance to the preferred booth of my choice. There is a distinct click, as the lock is disengaged. The door slides out of the way, as I am granted access. The floor had been laid with the same Linden wood as the hall outside. The one thing missing, is the Cherry-Wood Picket Fence. There is no need for it, inside. As I step onto the floor, inside my booth; the door is swishing closed, and the lock engaged. I am alone, in my booth, if not for Philine, that is; but I am the only one knowing of her in the first place. I step over the floor, to the hexagonal conference table in the middle of the room. I slip the chair in under the table; as I am making myself comfortable, sitting in the chair. Once seated, I am placing the palms of my hands squarely on the table before me; spreading my fingers slowly. Now I notice the key-board lighting up, as it is activating under my touch. “How convenient, almost like Magic!” Philine pronounces, I just nod in confirmation; it really is convenient. With the screen active; I have access to both the Screen and the mouse as well. . I am calling up my Profile; showing it to Philine, permitting her to see the images and read all the text. In the Process; I am familiarizing her, with the System and the options I am offering her. “Neat!” she puts forth, snickering. “Yes.” I respond; “I guess, it kind of is!” I conclude. “Technically..” I put forth; “I may not have to show you; but it just feels like the way to go, considering the Relation we have!” I explain. “I think, I want to create my own Profile!” she points out. “Yes, but of course..” I respond; “Let me move over, to the seat opposing my seat..” I suggest; “and I can help you, setting up your Profile the way you want it!” I conclude. “Just a moment..” I suggest, as I am pushing my chair back; “I’m moving over to the chair of choice..” I explain; “If you prepare yourself, so you can initialize your Profile!” I point out, as I am pulling the chair out. I soon sit down on the seat I had claimed for her. “Ready?” I inquire; “Yes..” she responds; placing the palms of her hands on the flat surface before her. Since she is in the form of my suit; her body has the same measurements, but she has distinct difference available to her. “Name: Philine” I read, as she is typing her name into her Profile. “Age: 16” she is filling in. Well, but of course; she will be the same age as me, naturally. They don’t need to know her natural age, as a Changeling; the Age means nothing to the System, and they don’t know what it means in Human years in any event. “Twins!” I exclaim. <--- --- ---> Pass: Profoundly prophetic purple prose promptly proliferating profusely! Profile <--- --- --->