The Legend of Spyro: From Beyond the Stars

by SonicStreak5344

First published

The purple dragon may saved the world from the Dark Master, but a new adventure will begin. A certain unicorn pony who had a falling out with her friends and family will find her in the crosshairs of a new battle. As the legend continues.

Four months have passed since the war with the Dark Master had ended and the dragon duo Spyro and Cynder are enjoying a much deserved vacation after saving the world. They’re bond has grown stronger and at last Spyro and Cynder have confessed their feelings for each other officially becoming lovers. Little do they know a new adventure laid ahead of them one that is out of this world.

On the opposite side of the spectrum in Eques after the disastrous fallout of the Cantalot Wedding and the subsequent defeat of the Changeling Hive Twilight Sparkle leaves her friends, family, and mentor out of rage, bitterness, and anger for not listening to her warnings about Cadence who was in fact Queen Chrysalis. However, the unicorn discovers a long forgotten portal that leads to the Dragon Realms and goes there not knowing a great adventure like no other lays ahead of her and her loved ones.

What no one knew was Spyro’s world has a long forgotten past. A past that was soon to reveal itself to the Dragon Realms and a new dangerous threat would arrive from the stars from a distant planetary system. Prepare for a new adventure and tale of the purple dragon of legend as Spyro, Cynder, and others including Twi, Shining, and others from Eques embark on a epic mission to save the world and Terra from being taken over.

Additonal Tags:

Romance (for Spyro and Cynder);

Prologue: Earth’s Devastation and Rebrith;

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Prologue: Earth’s Devastation and Rebrith;

The year was 2058, and planet Earth was facing a major crisis in energy. Ever since World War III, the true last world war to end all wars, most of the nations have been banned together as a united species with countless advancements in technology and many other fields of research and study. But the 3rd World War came at a very steep price not just in terms in the loss of human life, but also much of Earth’s natural resources had been depleted and much of the world had colonized the planet Mars with colonies on the Earth’s moon and the moons of Jupiter, Saturn, and Neptune with advanced space ships that could make the trip in days thanks to primitive yet advanced warp drive engines.

Knowing the world needed a new unlimited energy source to prevent society from falling apart the United Nations had launched Project Celestial Solaris a joint venture between the United States, the new pro-democratic republic capitalist government of Russia, the reunited country of Korea, the capitalist republic of China, Great Britain, Germany, France, Canada, the republic of Iran, and Israel to develop a new energy source that could provide unlimited, reliable, renewable, safe, and clean energy to power the world. The project went into full swing as the world’s greatest minds from across the globe worked together on the project. Using the basics on quantum mechanics, energy manipulation, energy development, matter conservation, and other important theories to create an energy that was very extremely more powerful than nuclear energy or any energy sources available at the time. With this new energy came a state of the art reactor to contain and produce energy which never given a name several years later into the 2060s. Tests were done, and everything seemed fine as the world seemed to be on the threshold of salvation at last.

However, Earth or humankind couldn’t have been more wrong. A underestimating mistake that would prove beyond destructive.

Then one day there was a catastrophic meltdown with the reactor, causing a massive explosion that rocked the planet, and anyone or anything in the vicinity of the blast was instantly vaporized, with catastrophic results over a 120-mile radius. The energy from the reactor was scattered across the globe and had interesting and varied effects on the planet’s vast ecosystems and environments, but that was not the bad news, as the Earth was slowly becoming too hostile and unstable for life to survive on thanks to the explosion and meltdown. Many people were lost to the escaped energy, along with livestock and crops that were dependent on food. Many precautions were taken, and many inhabitants had to wear state-of-the art environmental suits with advanced life support equipment to protect them from the spilled energy.

An emergency meeting at the UN headquarters in New York City was held with all the nations in attendance. Many of the world leaders knew that the only way humankind could survive as a species was through a tough and heartbreaking decision. Planet Earth, which had been home to humankind for centuries, had to be abandoned, and humankind must take to the stars and find a new home in which to live. So the UN decided and agreed on the construction of massively advanced starships that could carry 1 million people each and carry as many surviving animals that survived exposure to the escaped energy. Also, the colonies on Mars, the moon, and the other ones on Jupiter, Saturn, and Neptune were to be abandoned to make sure humanity would survive. By 2079, a total of 10 ships had been completed on Earth, while several others were finished on the off-world colonies and were loaded up with survivors, animals, plants, important artifacts of the past, including machines, and much of humankind’s history, including books and other important items. Once the last ship was loaded, the ship known as the Arks launched into space, with all humankind going into deep hibernation states thanks to cryogenic technology as they flew off out of the Solar System and into the great expanse of space. Hopefully, they will return to the world they called home one day.

As for Earth itself, it began to change as the energy that was left behind by the meltdown event began to transform the world as years passed, which changed to decades and later centuries. A second moon was formed in Earth’s orbit, giving it two moons. The energy became elemental at the very core of its center, adapting and harnessing the powers of nature like fire, water, ice, earth, electricity, plasma, metal, life, light, shadow, wind, and other countless elemental forces of nature, with a new core of the planet formed in the center of its old core. This energy led to the birth of magic energy, which now blankets the planet, giving and breathing new life into the once devastated world and brought it back to life in its natural splendor. Also, animals that were left behind after humanity left Earth began to change as the energy exposure began to allow them to evolve, becoming more intelligent, human like despite looking like their ancestors long ago, learning to walk on two legs, and other things, including the formation of new civilizations born on the continents that were once home to humanity, and much of the ruins have been lost due to continental drift, tectonic plates moving over the planet’s crust, and many other aspects as Earth’s resources had been replenished to full capacity and beyond. Even some, like dragonflies, began to develop hands, motor skills, intelligence, and sentience.

But one day a particular species of creature appeared with others as the energy mutated the DNA of reptiles, causing them to grow bigger and stronger, develop wings capable of flight, have human-level intelligence and reasoning power, gain different characteristics and appearances, and be gifted with the power to wield and master the elemental forces of nature. These beings became the dragon race, and they weren’t united and were under attack by their soon-to-be arch enemies, the apes, who had taken a massive distaste for the dragons.

That is, until one day a dragon that was different from the others appeared, born from the marriage of a fire dragon and a shadow dragoness who had two sons and two daughters. One of their sons would become this quite unusual dragon. The major difference was that this dragon had purple-colored scales, which no dragon had ever seen before. His parents named him Warfang and knew that he was special and was destined for great things the day he hatched. Soon Warfang began to master fire, which was odd since he wasn’t a fire dragon. Then came the shadow element from his mother, which made them even more confused, as Warfang wasn’t either a fire dragon or a shadow dragon. Then came other elements like water, wind, light, earth, electricity, metal, plant life, ice, plasma, photon, quasar, poison, and many other abilities. Word soon spread across the world about Warfang when he reached his young adult years and attracted the Apes, who saw him as a threat to them and their goal of wiping out and enslaving the dragons. However, Warfang proved to be extremely intelligent, wise, heroic, and had many other traits, including a strong, noble leader with great integrity. Not to mention extremely powerful. When his village was attacked by the Apes, Warfang gathered together countless dragons who knew that the Apes must be stopped before more loss occurs. Together with several dragons of their respective elements, they formed a united dragon army to face the Apes and took them on. During the final battle of the war, Warfang discovered an unknown element that was purple that matched his purple scales, the same color of the energy that changed the Earth into its new appearance. Armed with this new power and element, Warfang confronted and battled the evil Ape King Warlord Lord Savager in a final battle and defeated the evil warlord king with a powerful blast of pure elemental purple energy that destroyed the evil ruler with unmatched power.

With their leader gone the Apes fled and swore revenge on the dragons as the two races became eternal enemies. As for the dragons Warfang brought the dragons together as a race and because he led them through this conflict with unquestionable honor, leadership, compassion, courage, intelligence, integrity, and wisdom they called Warfang their king and became King Warfang who married a fire dragoness named Pyrnina who fought beside the dragon ever since the conflict started and loved him very much as Warfang loved the fire dragoness very much as well. The two became leaders of the dragon race and with aid from their new allies known as the moles a grand city was built named in the dragon king’s honor. The city of Warfang the capital of the Dragon Race. From here Warfang created the Guardian’s Order with the most skilled, noble, and honorable dragons that helped him in the war became the first guardians and would help train the next generation of young dragons in mastering their elements just in time for the Year of the Dragon where the next generation would be born alongside Warfang and Pyrnina who became parents to a clutch of 12 dragons offspring all fire dragons.

For years the dragons were at peace under Warfang’s leadership until Warfang and the first Guardians all passed on from extremely old age after passing their duties onto their successors and children, but instead of disappearing their spirits bonded with nature and there they became known as the Ancestors. Scribes and scholars at the time decided to call Warfang the first purple dragon of legend after what he did for all of dragon kind and his scale color. As for the element Warfang discovered and created in the final battle of what became the Dragon Ape War was christened as the Element of Aether the most powerful element known to dragon kind and only the purple dragon could wield.

Time passed and 10 generations passed since Warfang’s death and accession with those who became the ancestors the dragon kind faced another threat as balance of the world teetered on destruction as a race of beings known as the Dark Elves who masters of dark, chaotic, dangerous, corruptive, artificial, and evil arts of dark magic had begun to attack the Dragon Realms creating monstrous beasts out of the very earth itself known as golems, but as if the ancestors heard the call from the dragons that they protected when they were flesh and bone a hope came into the world as another purple dragon was born in a normal dragon family and fueled by righteousness, courage, love, determination, and devotion to his friends and family after his father made the ultimate sacrifice when the Dark Elves and their golems attack his village. Trained by the Guardians of his era this purple dragon became a noble warrior and fought the Dark Elves and his monstrous creations with his friends and comrades in what became known as the Dark Elf War. The Dark Elves were pushed to the brink of defeat by the hands of the purple dragon before the Dark Elf High Mage created a massive monster know as the Destroyer. It had only one purpose to do and that was to destroy the world and reform it into the Dark Elves’ image. However, their plans, desires, and species were wiped out as the purple dragon battled them in a final battle and managed to defeat the Destroyer and banish it along with the rest of the golems deep into the ground to never return utilizing techniques like the elemental furies in battle. After the war end peace returned and the world was safe again.

Once the purple dragon of that era passed on 4 more 10 generations passed each having a purple dragon of their own era facing and battling evil forces that sought to concur the world or destroy it. In the end balance was restored and the dragon race had become abundant and dragons began to live much longer than any species some even living 1000 years old or more. During this the elements of the many different dragons were separated into categories being light and dark elements to get a better understanding on their nature by scholars and scribes who were learning about them as much as they could.

However, one of these purple dragons would face a foe like no other when a purple dragon named Timidus who was born from a higher class family in Warfang that cared greatly for the weak and vulnerable with great integrity and courage as his father being one of the legendary dragon knights of Warfang discovered a portal to a world different from his world. A world known as Terra which was under threat by the evil king Gridor and his army of beasts who was attacking the country of Equestria a land of peace and unity that was under the rule of the courageous and noble Prince Solaris and his wife Princess Lunary with their two young daughters Celestia and Luna. Gridor proved to be a great challenge even for a purple dragon of legend like Timidus who had been extremely well trained in the elements and in the art of combat. One moment the purple dragon thought he took the evil goat king down Gridor somehow manages to get back up like he wasn’t phased a bit. Timidus prayed to the Ancestors that the evil demon goat king wouldn’t learn of his home world.

However, the purple dragon’s worst fears came to pass when Gridor learning of Timidus’ world and the portal he came from set his sights on the Dragon Realms and launched a destructive military campaign against the dragons. Fortunately, the dragons were easily prepared for war and managed to force back the evil army. Soon after the Dragon Realms formed a military alliance with Equestria and sent their forces to Terra to stop Gridor and his forces once and for all.

Even though the evil goat king was hard to defeat Gridor’s army on the other claw was easier to take care of and with help of the dragon army from the Dragon Realms at the time including Timidus‘ father Sir Frostor a highly skilled ice dragon knight and leader of the Dragon Knights order. For several years the Dragon Army and their new Equestrian allies battled against their new merciless foe’s army and changed the tide of the war. That is until Gridor himself appeared on the battlefield after all his troops and allies had been defeated by the dragons and the meddling purple dragon that discovered Terra. Despite the best efforts of the army Gridor proved to be a very formidable foe as he whipped out dragons and Equestrians soldiers alike with his destructive powers. Those who managed to survive and escape with their lives were beyond relived that they survived as those who tried to stop Gridor perished. The only one who could go toe to toe with him was Timidus who had been training more than ever in the hope of stopping him for good.

However, one day Timidus awakened his Aether element, but also two new powers with it thanks to his pure of heart that was filled with light and justice. These two new powers were the Time element that gave Timidus control of the fabric of time itself able to stop and start it all at his command and even at times see into the future while dodging enemy attacks. The other power was Light Aether a more purified and more powerful version of Aether itself and caused a transformation in the purple dragon causing his scales to turn pure white and other features light blue and a whitish silver. This form became known as the Light Form and when it was achieved it gifted a purple dragon super mega increased strength, power, speed, and endurance in battle even making the wielder virtually invincible!

Armed with these two new elements and the Light Form at his command with the aid of a young and very skilled and powerful unicorn mage known as Starswirl Timidus faced Gridor one last time in a final confrontation at what would later become the future capital of Equestria known as Cantalot. The two faced Gridor who tried to destroy them, but by using his new Time element Timidus managed counterattack against Gridor’s attacks using all he learned from his teachers and parents. Gridor infuriated by the purple dragon’s resistance and new found power used his full power transforming into a monstrous form created from pure darkness, however, that proved to be his ultimate undoing as Timidus awakened his light form and using its unmatched strength and power restrained Gridor allowing Starswirl to take his bell and placed a spell on it and drained Gridor of all his power, but also stripping him of his immortality as his powers were sealed away. With Starswirl done with his part Timidus finished Gridor off with one of the most powerful Elemental Furies known as the Light Aether Fury that produced a extremely powerful and god like blast of pure Light Aether energy that instantly destroyed Gridor and any of his remaining forces in a wave of pure light energy. After that light and hope returned Eques and the dragons returned to the Dragon Realms while Solarius and Lunary promised to keep the dragon realms’ existence a secret from their world with only the royal family knowing about the existence of their world and the purple dragon itself.

Once the age that Timidus had created had passed after the purple dragon joined the ancestors alongside his predecessors and parents. Everyone thought things couldn’t get any better when the next purple dragon was born and raised by the Council of Dragon Elders in Warfang. Little did they know they would end up creating the most vile and dangerous dragon that the world had ever seen that would bring an age of war.

The dragon elders named this purple dragon Malefor. At first he was a kind, caring, gentle, eager, and energetic dragon, but that soon changed when he reached adulthood as the Elders taught Malefor more of their techniques and secrets of their elements as they had no idea how powerful a purple dragon was as the purple dragon began to get mean, arrogant, destructive with his powers, prideful, and to everyone’s worry began to crave more power as he sot more to feed his hunger for power. Because he didn’t stop seeking for more power the Elders exiled Malefor from the rest of the dragon race into the wilderness of the outside world this left him with a very bitter taste in the purple dragon’s mouth and vowed revenge against the Dragon race for exiling him out of malice, hatred, and vengeance. Soon Malefor done the unthinkable as he sot out the Apes which became his minions and his army and taught them how to artificially harness the power of spirit gems. During this time Malefor developed and created a corruptive element that became known as Dark Aether which changed and corrupted him into a monster and created the Mountain of Malefor which gained the name of the Well of Souls. Soon after Malefor returned to the land he was exiled from and declared war against the dragons and their allies. At that very day the Dark Wars began and countless dragons fought bravely against the Dark Armies which served Malefor who was now known as the Dark Master. However, the Ancestors intervened and imprisoned Malefor’s essence in Convexity a world that exists in another dimension where he would never escape from until someone could defeat him for good while his soul was trapped in the Well of Souls. However, before he was defeated by the ancestors a prophecy was written of a purple dragon would be born to stop and defeat the Dark Master in the future 10 generations from then. Those who were loyal to Malefor’s rule and devoted to his cause were determined not let the prophecy come true while the Apes only sot out Malefor’s power in their revenge against the dragon race after their ancestors were defeated by Warfang and the Ancestors long ago.

What no one knew was this purple dragon was in fact a direct descendant of the true 1st purple dragon King Warfang as his father is also a descendant as well. This new purple dragon would become a legend and a hero as he was raised by the Dragonfly family that adopted him when they found his egg on a small mushroom top boat. They named him Spyro a legend in the making and grew up alongside his dragonfly stepbrother Sparx until Spyro discovered about what he is and the destiny that laid ahead of him which he accepted it without hesitation or question. Spyro face many foes and rescued the Guardians Terrador, Cyril, and Volteer from the clutches of the Dark Armies and eventually Ignitus and battled a survivor of his Year of the Dragon a black dragoness that was a puppet of the Dark Master and the future love of his life Cynder as the purple dragon defeated her by using the Aether element to free her from Malefor’s control and changed her back to being a normal dragoness that was the same age as him. Eventually Spyro faced Gual the Ape King at the Mountain of Malefor on the night of Eternal Darkness and defeated him, but got trapped inside with Sparx and Cynder. Knowing they had ride out the storm that was to come Spyro saved them and himself by using his newly acquired time element powers to incase them in a time crystal putting them into a 3 year old slumber trapped in the rubble until the Dark Armies broke them out and captured Spyro and Cynder to destroy them, but were rescued by Hunter of Avalar and Sparx. From there they faced Malefor’s forces and up to final battle with Malefor himself at the core of the Earth and Malefor was imprisoned by the Ancestors in the core of the planet which was braking apart thanks to the Destroyer that Malefor reawakened to destroy the planet, however, Spyro used his powers to prevent the world from being destroyed and saved it just in time. Now Spyro and Cynder are enjoying the new era of peace as evil had finally been defeated.

Little did the two dragons or their friends and allies knew the past has a tendency to return in ways unexpected and a portal to a world in a different dimension. One that was just as magical, but had species that were different from what Earth had on it now. As Earth’s long distant and forgotten past is about to be revealed as human kind and new alien allies return to the Solar System as a new evil that will launch Spyro, Cynder, Sparx, and others including a certain group of ponies into a new adventure that’s literately out of this world!

An adventure like no other.

The Legend of Spyro

From Beyond the Stars