The New Gilda

by Dreamscape

First published

Gilda comes back to Ponyville a changed griffon but only Fluttershy understands.

(My first piece of fanfiction, not only for this site, but literally my first)

When Gilda comes back to Ponyville, she has changed for the better. Fluttershy learns this when Gilda knocks on her door early in the morning. The others find this hard to understand or believe. Fluttershy and Gilda must find a way to let the residents of Ponyville know that Gilda is not the evil griffon they once knew.

This story is using a combination of the FiM episodic style of story combined with my own style of writing.

Chapter 1

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Fluttershy awoke to rays of sun gleaming in through her bedroom window and onto the bed were she was lying. She watched as small particles of dust danced through the sun rays and began to think about preparing Angel and the other animal’s breakfast. Knowing how impatient Angel is when he gets hungry, she quickly got out of her bed and began making it with the help of her wings and mouth. After finishing, she walked to her bedroom window and looked out over the sweeping hills, then at Ponyville in the distance and then at the dark but beautiful Everfree forest and thought to herself that Celestia, and the Pegasi had made yet another wonderful day. Fluttershy turned away and began to gingerly make her way down the stairs and into the living room as not to wake any animals that still slept. Deep in thought about the animals and breakfast, Fluttershy jumped and let out a small squeal as she heard a loud knocking at her door. She thought to herself “Who would be knocking at my door, especially so early in the morning. Oh, I hope nopony’s pet got hurt or sick, that would be just awful.” She quickly walked to the door, paying no attention to the now awoken and angered Angel as he glared at her with his arms crossed.

Fluttershy opened the door and began slowly backing up with her head down as she squealed in horror after seeing the piercing and golden gaze. This gaze could only be that of the griffon named Gilda, the griffon that still haunted her dreams and put fear into her thoughts. “Fluttershy no, I’m not going to hurt you, I know this sounds pretty crazy put I’ve changed. I know what I did was wrong, everything that I’ve done is wrong but now I’m a new Gilda. I…I’m sorry for everything that I did to you and all of your friends. I know you’ll probably never forgive me, it’s what I deserve, but I wanted to come here and say sorry anyways. Sorry for interrupting you so early and I really didn’t mean to scare you…I guess I’ll go.”
As Gilda turned to leave, Fluttershy thought of how sincere and almost fearful Gilda had sounded and raised her head silently saying “wait.” “It’s ok, I accept your apology. You really have changed, you really are a new Gilda and that is so wonderful.”

“Thanks so much Fluttershy, I never thought I’d hear that, but I really should get going. I still need to say sorry to everypony in Ponyville. That’s gonna take a while and I’m guessing they won’t be as accepting.”

Fluttershy noticed a hint of loneliness in the griffon’s voice and kindly said “I was just about to make breakfast for the animals when you came, stay and join us…um if you want to.”

“No, I don’t wanna bug you any longer than I already have or take anything that I don’t deserve.” Gilda quietly muttered.

“Oh, but I have plenty of extra food. It will be no bother, none at all.” said Fluttershy as Angel began shaking his head at her in disgust.

“Ok Fluttershy as long as I’m not bothering you or something like that and thanks again.” said Gilda slightly smiling.

“You will be so amazed Pinkie!” Rainbow Dash excitedly said as she and Pinkie walked through Ponyville which bustled with morning activity. “This is the most awesome routine yet! Let’s go get Fluttershy, she’ll wanna see too.”

“Ok Dashie, I can’t wait! Your crazy cool flying is always fun but isn’t Fluttershy busy with the animals right now?” Pinkie asked as they exited Ponyville and began following the path towards Fluttershy’s cottage.
“I’m sure she’ll have a little spare time. It’s her deal if she doesn’t. She’ll just have to miss out on an awesome show. Come on Pinkie I want to get this show started already.” Dash said with impatience. Rainbow Dash rose into the air and began flying towards the cottage with Pinkie happily bouncing behind her in pace.

“Who is that with Fluttershy?” asked Rainbow Dash landing on the path her eyes squinted, the sun now glaring directly into her eyes, barely able to see the two figures walking from the cottage.

“I don’t know all I can see is sun.” commented Pinkie as she put her hoof over her eyes.

“Is that a griffon? Huh, when does Fluttershy ever make new friends?” Dash questioned, now squinting even harder.

“Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash has something to show you!” yelled Pinkie bouncing around Rainbow Dash in excitement. “You can watch too whoever you are!”

“Pinkie quit that!” said Rainbow Dash her concentration waning. “I’m trying to see who that is.”

“Oh, sorry Rainbow but I thought you didn’t know who it is.” said Pinkie coming to a halt.

“No it can’t be…but it is.” said Dash, anger filling her face as the image of Gilda immerged from the glaring sun. “Get away from her Gilda!” yelled Rainbow Dash rising into the air.

“You better not have hurt her, you meanie mean meanie!” cried out Pinkie Pie.

“Don’t you dare lay a claw on her!” yelled Rainbow as she began speeding through the air towards Gilda, oblivious to the small “Wait!” muttered by Fluttershy. With a loud crash, Gilda was lying on the path dazed by Rainbow Dash’s charge. “Don’t worry Fluttershy, it’s gonna be okay, come on let’s get you out of here before she attacks again.”

“Oh my! Why did you don’t that.” Fluttershy mumbled in confusion, her hooves firmly planted on the path. Rainbow Dash began tugging on Fluttershy’s legs trying to pull her along.

“Fluttershy, come on, we need to get you somewhere safe!” Dash angrily yelled. “Then I’ll teach Gilda never to come back here again.”

“No, she didn’t do anything to me, you don’t understand, she’s different now…please stop.” said Fluttershy, Pinkie and Dash payed no attention. “Why does no pony ever listen to what I say.” said Fluttershy now frowning and being ever so slowly pulled forward by Rainbow Dash. Small tufts of dust floated up from the path as her hooves skidded along.

“This isn't going to work.” Dash muttered shaking her head. “I think she’s in shock or something she just won’t budge.”

“No, she wasn’t trying to hurt me….never mind.” Fluttershy said to Rainbow who was once again paying no attention.

“Pinkie, do you have a rope?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Yep, I have ropes stashed all over Ponyville in case of rope emergencies.” said Pinkie hopping into the trees beside the path.

“You have a lot of things stashed around Ponyville.” Dash commented watching the pink pony hopping back out of the underbrush.

“Ya never know when there’ll be an emergency or what kind of emergency it will be. What do you need a rope for anyways silly.”

“This” said Dash tying the rope around Fluttershy’s waist.

“Please stop.” pleaded Fluttershy trying to back out of the loop hanging loosely around her.

“Don’t worry your safe now. We just need to get you somewhere safe so you can rest.” said Rainbow, tying the other end of the rope around herself.

“But I don’t need to rest I’m fine! You just don’t get it!” Fluttershy began to yell as loud as she could, which was not loud at all.

“What is happening.” mumbled Gilda unsteadily rising to her feet.

“Look out!” screamed Pinkie alerting Rainbow Dash.

“I’ll be back for you Gilda!” she yelled. “I’m sorry Fluttershy but I need to get you out of here.”
Rainbow Dash began flying off towards Ponyville with Pinkie Pie once again bouncing along at her side. The wind created by Rainbow’s speed brushed her mane backwards, in the distance she saw the expanding outline of Ponyville. She began thinking of the terrible things Gilda might have done to her fragile friend and then wondered why she was once friends with such a horrible griffon. Then she realized something, the weight she carried on the rope attached to her waist seemed very light. With a quick glance behind her she swooped downward her hooves grinding against the ground bringing her to a quick stop.

“She’s gone! How did she…did Gilda…what! Pinkie why didn’t you tell me…you know what never mind. I don’t wanna know.” Rainbow Dash mumbled in confusion.

“That meanie Gilda kidnapped her Dash! We need to save her.” Pinkie said.

“Your right, I’ll go back there and bam! Gilda won’t know what hit her.” Rainbow Dash said her hooves punching the air in front of her.

“We probably should get help from everypony else Dashie and maybe be a little less punchy.”

“Ugh! But this would work so much better…oh alright!” Dash reluctantly said. The pair sped of towards the busy town, the late morning sun warming the houses and streets within.

Chapter 2

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"Fluttershy's been kidnapped!" Pinkie yelled as she burst through the library's front door. Twilight, Applejack and Rarity were all staring at her with looks of complete confusion on each of their faces, Aj managed to let out a "what?" "Gilda took her, that meanie griffon, we need to get her back, help!"

"Um, do you mind explaining this a little better Rainbow." Twilight said as she looked behind Pinkie and towards RD.

"Fluttershy was kidnapped by Gilda and we need to save her, what else do you need to know...see I told you Pinkie! I knew this would take too long."

"We need quite a bit more information before we can act." commented Rarity.

"First of all, are you absolutely sure she was kidnapped by Gilda? I know the griffon's bad but I didn't think she was that bad." Twilight questioned.

"Yes, well... I'm pretty sure." Dash thought aloud. "Well Fluttershy was with Gilda which is weird anyways, she wouldn't be that close to somepony she's so afraid of unless she was forced to. When we finally got Gilda away from her she was so shaken up that she couldn't even move and was mumbling stuff, I had to drag her with a rope."

"Did you by any chance happen to ask Gilda what was happening?" asked Twilight.

"Um...ya, she was kind of...dazed." mumbled Dash.

"Ya, Dash was like get away from her Gilda! and bam! smashed into her." said Pinkie as she jumped around excitedly.

"Rainbow!" scorned Twilight shaking her head.

"Can we pleaaase just let'r finish the story." Applejack said with impatience.

"Ya, there's more to it. I tried to get Fluttershy outta there as fast as I could, I think I did a pretty great job. I tied her up with a rope and tied the other end of it to me and sped off with Pinkie by my side. Out of nowhere I realized that Fluttershy is a lot lighter than she should be and notice she's gone. Gilda must have somehow snuck up behind us and snatched her right out of our hooves."

"Ya, there's no other way she could have just disappeared, unless she knows teleportation but I don't think she does, so it must have been Gilda." said Pinkie

"What if Fluttershy undid that knot herself?" chimed in AJ. "After all yur not the best cowpony in Equestria."

"But, why would she go back to Gilda? asked Twilight.

"Maybe she wanted to be with Gilda and not tied up like a pig." said Applejack

"How dare you Applejack! Fluttershy would never acquaint herself with such a mongrel, especially after all Gilda's done." Rarity yelled her voice filled with drama.

"Sorry, yur right, Fluttershy would never do that... I can't even see her gettin a word out bein so shy and all." said Applejack.

"Come on Twilight, please, please, PLEASE! believe us. You didn't believe me the first time but Gilda was a meanie." said Pinkie beginning to frown and lower her head.

"Your right Pinkie but I don't want to believe something so terrible like that happened. All you've said points to it being the truth though . If you two are right we need to do something now....oh poor Fluttershy!" said Twilight shaking her head.

"Ya were did she take her RD?" Applejack asked.

"That's exactly why I was trying to hurry! but you had to ask questions....they could be anywhere by now." said Dash her eyes beginning to fill with tears.

"Don't worry we'll find Fluttershy no matter what." said Twilight gently placing her hoof on Rainbow's shoulder.

"Yes, no matter what." said Dash her head rising high into the air. She quickly began brushing the tears from her eyes with her hoof.

"Oh, are you alright?" asked Fluttershy landing beside Glida.

"Ya, I'm fine don't worry about it." said Gilda holding her claw to her head.

"I'm so sorry. I don't know what's gotten into those two." said Fluttershy slowly shaking her head.

"It's not your fault, and I deserved that after what I've done." said Gilda in a very sincere tone.

"No, it's much worse than that. They...they thought you were trying to kidnap me." Fluttershy nervously mumbled. "I tried to explain everything to them but...they wouldn't listen to me...they never listen to me."

"Alright no worries, well thanks for trying. I guess I have to explain to them that I would never do anything like that, not anymore!" Gilda said struggling to control her anger. "Sorry about that...I really don't like being angry, that's the old me."

"It's okay to be mad for the right reasons, just as long as you don't hurt anypony or let it control you....They were heading towards Ponyville, I'll come with you."

Fluttershy and Gilda began walking the path towards Ponyville. The birds and animals went about their day in the trees and underbrush along the trail , every once and a while one would approach Fluttershy and greet her. Between these small interruptions, Fluttershy and Gilda were talking. The two were talking about everything from animals to the skies and flying to Gilda's past and her regrets.

Chapter 3

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"Well this is gonna be a little hard to explain." Gilda said as they reached the edge of the town.

"I'm sure it will be fine, at least they'll listen to you." assured Fluttershy.

"Well unless they charge me again...whats going on up there." said Gilda gesturing her head towards the town hall. As the two began moving closer they could see Pinkie hanging over the balcony surrounding the top level of the town hall in her hoof was a megaphone. A crowd of Ponyvillians was gathered in front of the hall silently and intently listening to the pink pony speaking on the balcony. Fluttershy and Gilda could barely make out what she was saying but heard the last sentence clearly.

" please everypony, help us find our shy little yellow friend and stop the meanest griffon ever Gilda!..."Wait, there she is...and Gilda! stop her, save Fluttershy!" yelled Pinkie as she leaned too far over the balcony railing. She quickly lost her balance flipping over the top of the railing and let out a yelp. The megaphone flew from her hoof landing on the balcony from which her back hooves just left. Luckily the crowd below broke the plummeting pony's fall and she quickly stood herself up. The crowd began charging towards Fluttershy and Gilda, who were both having a hard time comprehending the situation.

"Are they really...Gilda began to mumble.

"No, they wouldn't...but they are...oh my look out!" said a startled Fluttershy watching the quickly approaching crowd. "Oh please don't she didn't do anything!" Fluttershy tried to yell over the roar of the crowd.

"Fluttershy, it's no use now just wait until this is over and then you can explain." said Gilda staring at the stampede, now completely out of control.

"No...I can't let you get hurt, I have to figure out some way to stop this now." said Fluttershy rising herself into the air her wings quickly flapping back and forth. The crowd quickly began to surround and engulf the griffon beneath her. The hooves of ponies in the crowd battered and bruised the defenseless figure, Gilda would not fight back. "Gilda please, follow me." Fluttershy pleaded. Gilda struggled to open her wings in the crowd, but finally the strong griffon pushed the ponies around her away and began rising upwards. But now Pegasi filled the air around them. Fluttershy struggled to figure out some way to get the griffon to safety and yelled for Gilda to follow her once again. Bursting through a gap in the crowd, Fluttershy saw a clear path to the empty town hall. Her heart began to beat louder and faster with fear, she looked back every few seconds to see that Gilda was still there.

"Fluttershy wait, what are you doing... why!" yelled a confused and angered Rainbow Dash pushing her way through the other Pegasi. She tried her hardest but could not push her way through in time.

After what seemed like an hour Fluttershy reached the entrance and opened a door as fast as she could and closed it once Gilda was in behind her. In the silence of the empty hall, Fluttershy began picking up lamps, plant holders, and small containers, and placing them gently in front of the door.The confused roar of the crowd outside was barely hear able.

"Here, let me help." said Gilda picking up tables, chairs and large cabinets and pushing them along with the smaller objects up against the door, securing it in place. As Gilda placed a final table against the door Fluttershy noticed the fear in her now not so piercing eyes. After what she'd been through in the past few minutes, Fluttershy completely understood, her heart still pounding. She also noticed the ruffled feathers and cuts were Gilda had been hit, she shook her head still not believing what her fellow Ponyvillians had done. The roar grew louder and louder and finally a pounding on the doors began.

"I just don't get it." said Dash joining up with the others a short distance behind the mob. "Why did she go with Gilda?"

"Maybe Gilda knows how to hypnotize ponies, that would be terrible." said Pinkie

"I'm not thinkin so Pinkie." Applejack said slowly shaking her head.

"It doesn't make any sense. Maybe Applejack was right all along, maybe for some reason Fluttershy's trying to help Gilda. I just don't know why." Twilight said to the others.

"But wouldn't Fluttershy at least give me an explanation before speeding off!" yelled Rainbow raising her hoof in a questioning motion. "Is she hiding something from us?"

"The approach to the situation was quite harsh, maybe she had no time to speak." commented Rarity.

"Yeah! like I said earlier, we shouldn't be so punchy." Pinkie said.

"Maybe all of us are acting a little harshly but if Gilda is doing what we think she is than we have the right to." said Twilight. "I'm just not sure, maybe once we get in there our questions will be answered." They headed into the crowd and began helping with the doors in any way they could.

"I don't know what to do now, we're stuck." said Gilda. "I...I have to sit down, I feel a little weak." she said easing her back end to the floor.

"Are you alright, I'm so sorry." said Fluttershy rushing to the griffons side.

"Yeah, know worries. I'm gonna be fine, just a little shaken up from all that. We need to figure out what to do." said Gilda. Fluttershy knew that Gilda wouldn't be of much help, she must find some way to stop this herself. Pacing nervously back and forth she began contemplating the situation. She noticed that Gilda had done a wonderful job of blocking the entrance. Even with the pounding and shaking of the ponies on the other side of it, the blockade stood strong. Fluttershy knew she at least had some time.

"What do I do, what do I do." she mumbled still quickly pacing back and forth. Then it came to her. She remembered the megaphone flying from Pinkie's hoof as she fell over the railing on the top balcony. Fluttershy quickly but gently ran up the stairs and to the door which led out onto the balcony. She began reaching for the door but froze in place her eyes growing wide. She thought of the crowd of ponies below, she had to speak to every single one of them. She stood still for a few seconds longer her hoof halfway to the door. Then she said to herself "No, I can't stop now. I need to make them stop, I need to help Gilda. I cannot just leave her downstairs and let everypony beat the doors down!" She quickly opened the door, her eyes squeezed shut, and was on the balcony before she knew it.

"Fluttershy!" yelled a voice that seemed unusually close. Startled Fluttershy opened her eyes and saw the megaphone lying in front of her. But as she looked up she saw Pegasi surrounding her, she hadn't thought of that. She quickly grabbed the megaphone and put it to her mouth pausing for a second to see the vast sea of Ponyvillians beneath her staring at her in silence. She began to speak just as the Pegasi reached her. They paused as she began.

"Gilda did not kidnap or hurt me in anyway. I...I tried to let all of you know this but nopony would listen, so please listen now. Gilda is not the griffon you all remember her to be. I'm sorry...I know this sounds crazy but could you please believe me. She came to my cottage this morning to apologize to me for everything that she did. She wants to apologize to all of you too just haven't given her a chance." The ponies below looked at one another and then back up to Fluttershy as she spoke. The pegasi around her flapped their wings back and forth listening intently. "When she talked to me this morning I realized how much she's changed. Gilda would never hurt any one of you with words or with her claws. She feels terrible for what she's done and just wants to say she is..." The sound of the door opening and closing behind her made Fluttershy stop. She turned her head and saw Gilda slowly walking towards her. The Pegasi slowly maneuvered themselves towards the griffon still weary.

"Speaking in front of everypony in town, you're pretty brave Fluttershy. Now can a borrow that." Gilda said pointing at the megaphone in Fluttershy's hoof. She responded with a smile quickly handing over the megaphone. The Pegasi once again stopped as Gilda put the megaphone to her beak.

"Yes, I'm sorry for everything, I truly am. I can't believe how I acted to all of you. I've changed, I realize how terrible I used to be and know I won't forgive myself for that and you won't either. Everything that you did today, I deserved it." Gilda looked downwards and began to walk away but to her surprise the crowd began clopping their hooves together and cheering. The Pegasi landed upon the balcony, one approached her.

"You didn't deserve any of that Gilda. I forgive you, we all do." he said pointing to the Pegasi around him.

Chapter 4

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"I can't believe it, they all forgive me." said Gilda smiling as she and Fluttershy walked away from the town hall.

"You apologized, sincerely, they understand that. I'm so sorry that they didn't earlier though." said Fluttershy.

"It's okay Fluttershy, there was no way they could have sooner." said Gilda

"Hey, Gilda. Fluttershy." said Rainbow Dash landing in front of them, Pinkie Pie approached too. "I'm sorry Fluttershy...I should've listened to you. I guess I just thought that it wasn't important. But I guess it was, from now on I'll listen to everything you have to say. Gilda sorry to you too. After last time I thought you were horrible, well you were, but I never thought you'd change, you did though. I was just scared alright, I shouldn't have hurt you or told everypony that you kidnapped Fluttershy. I was wrong." said Rainbow Dash lowering her head in shame.

"I'm sorry too" said Pinkie "I'm glad both of you are okay and I'm glad your a good griffon now Gilda. Your the first nice griffon I've ever met. Ohhh! want to friends you'll be my first griffon friend ever!"

"Ya, I would love that Pinkie." Gilda said smiling once again.

"Hey G want to be pals with me again too." said Rainbow raising her head.

"Of course Dash, it'll be like meeting a whole new griffon. Three new friends in one day. It feels good, thank you, all of you."

"Just three, I'm gonna throw a "meet the new Gilda" party for you tonight! I promise it won't be as bad as the last one and you'll meet a ton of new friends." said Pinkie excitedly.

"That sounds great. But first I might want to get these cuts checked out." said Gilda staring at the cuts along her body.

"I'm sorry about that, those are probably my fault." said Rainbow Dash

"No their mine." said Gilda.

Later, Gilda, Fluttershy, Pinkie, and Dash conversed with one another as the party raged on around them. Outside Ponyville was now dark with night but the glow from the party lights poured out from the windows, illuminating the surrounding area. "Thanks Pinkie this is great." said Gilda.

"Yeah it is! I'm glad your liking it." said Pinkie. As their conversation continued Twilight Sparkle approached them.

"I'm so sorry to interrupt the fun everypony but I think you've got a letter to write to the Princess." she said.

"Yeah, your right Twilight. We all do." said Rainbow as Twilight levitated a quill and paper towards her.

Dear Princess Celestia, today we learned a lot about friendship. Just because somepony used to be meanie that doesn't mean she'll always be like that, everypony can change. You shouldn't assume that somepony is up to no good just because of what they've done in the past. If you're nice enough and don't make assumptions these ponies or griffon in our case can even become a great new friend and you can throw an amazing party for them!
Pinkie Pie

Also you shouldn't take what your friends have to say for granted. Don't ignore them, always listen to anything they have to say. You never know it could be something really important and even if it's not, it will always be something interesting and pretty awesome.
Rainbow Dash

Sometimes your friends may not listen to what you have to say, they could be distracted, busy, or worried. But if you have to tell them something very important, you shouldn't worry about making them angry or making a big deal out of something, because it could actually be life changing. If you just speak up your friends will know that you have something important to say and they understand that. No matter what they will always listen.

P.S This is Gilda, I used to think that being popular and "cool" is what got you through life and made friends but now I now how wrong I was and how many ponies I hurt. I realize now that what really matters is being yourself, being friendly, and being kind to everypony you meet. Also if you're truly sorry about something you've done and sincerely apologize then you will be forgiven. Sometimes you just have to say sorry. Tonight these Ponyvillians have shown me how magical friendship can be and I'm so glad to have met all of them and am proud to say I've made many new friends.