> Truth or Dare or... > by Crimson Prose > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Truth or Dare or... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight sipped her tea, looking across the table at her brother Shining Armor and his wife Cadance. There had been a lull in the conversation, and Twilight wasn’t sure how to fill it without repeating what they’d already talked about. Perhaps it was time to go home. “Hm, it got quiet,” Cadance commented, wriggling slightly in her seat. “Let’s play Truth or Dare.” It surprised Twilight, as Cadance wasn’t usually the one to propose a childish game. That was normally Twilight. Still, it wasn’t an unwelcome suggestion either. “Truth or Dare?” Shining quirked an eyebrow at his wife, peering at her. “Where did this come from?”  Cadance smiled at Shining, her eyes narrowing slightly. ”Sure, if Twilly doesn’t mind,” Shining relented with a chuckle. “Oh I don’t mind games,” Twilight nodded with a smile. “They can be a great bonding activity.” She felt a bit ashamed she didn’t make the suggestion first in fact. “Oh there will be bonding, I’m sure,” Cadance said in a strangely sensuous voice. Twilight tilted her head. Nah, it was probably nothing. “How about I up the ante, though,” Cadance continued. “I’ll cast a truth spell on the room, so that when asked questions, none of us can lie.” “Blurting out the absolute truth sounds… dangerous,” Shining drummed his hooves on the table. “Well… usually we say ponies can not answer questions if they don’t consent,” Twilight scratched the back of her head. She hated to admit it, but there were things in her life that she’d rather not ‘blurt out’, as her brother put it. “We all agree we consent when I cast the spell,” Cadance insisted, then added with a giggle. “I promise no negative repercussions for anything we accidentally learn.” “You’re in one of your moods, aren’t you,” Shining narrowed his eyes at Cadance, then chuckled at himself and nodded. He hesitated, then added “I’ll go for it if Twilly does.” He took a deep breath after, sitting stiffly in his chair. “Well okay, sure,” Twilight nodded, since she didn’t want to get in the way of everyone’s enjoyment. She wanted her friends to be happy, and the questions in a game like this were normally silly anyway. She concentrated on lowering her magical defenses so Cadance could cast the spell on her freely. “Good,” Cadance’s horn lit up brightly, a haze of her light blue magic forming around the room.  As was the way with her magic, little ethereal hearts drifted around the room. Everything in the room glowed, which gradually shifted to the three ponies. It died down slowly as the little hearts popped. Twilight felt a little dizzy after it sealed itself into her, a sensation that reminded her of when she had a little alcohol at social events. It was probably nothing to worry about. “I can’t believe you, sweetie,” Shining shook his head at Cadance, looking a little dizzy himself.  “I don’t hear you complaining,” Cadance winked at him. “Oh it’s fine, I don’t mind a game, like I said,” Twilight smiled brightly at them both. “Why don’t you go first, Cadance?” “Gladly,” Cadance smirked intensely as she looked at Twilight. “Truth or Dare?” “Truth,” Twilight responded. Fascinated by the spell, she wanted to test how it worked by attempting not to answer whatever Cadance asked her. Such a spell could be really useful in certain cases if used justly, so maybe she could ask Cadance to teach her later. “Have you ever had fantasies about Shiny?” Cadance asked, peering across the table at Twilight. Shining took a deep breath and facehooved, then peeked out from around the hoof at Twilight. “Fantasies?” Twilight tilted her head, brain not quite catching up with Cadance’s intent. “Like… books of the fantasy genre? Stories?” “Oh that would be what you thought of first, Twilight,” Shining continued to hide behind a hoof.  Cadance shook her head but smiled. “No, I mean sexual fantasies. As in do the naughty with your brother, my husband.” What!? There was no way Twilight could answer that! “Yes, definitely, I just had one earlier today,” Twilight said plainly. So the truth spell did work, and it worked in detail. Gods if there was any secret that she didn’t want other ponies to know, it was that. And now Shining himself knew… and his wife. Her face went bright red, waving both hooves in front of her as she shook her head. “I’m so sorry! I… oh Celestia I hope you’re not angry!” “Don’t be silly,” Cadance leaned forward, not sounding angry but looking intently at Twilight. “I won’t ask a question if it’d make me mad.” Despite her kind voice, Twilight couldn’t keep eye contact with Cadance, eyes darting around the room as she sank slightly in her seat. “It’s fine, Twily,” Shining cleared his throat, then looked at Cadance, adding firmly. “Did you have to start out with that?” “Yes, yes I did,” Cadance replied smugly, then looked back to Twilight, biting her lip a bit. “What kind of…?” “One question per turn!” Twilight cut her off. Her whole body was on fire from embarrassment already and she didn’t want Cadance to finish another question she’d be required to answer. “Okay then,” Cadance nodded. “Go ahead and choose someone, Twilight.” “C-cadance,” Twilight put her head on the table and covered it with both hooves. Her embarrassment made it hard to even say her brother’s name. “Truth or dare?” “I’m sensing you want me to say truth,” Cadance chuckled. “So truth.” “W-why would you ask me something like that?” Twilight wanted to move the subject along, but also really wanted to know. That and she couldn’t get her mind off of it; in fact her nethers were becoming rather sticky against her chair. Was it the spell? Now it couldn’t be, that was only a truth spell. “Because Shining recently told me that he had fantasies about you,” Cadance answered with a smile, puffing her chest out slightly. It felt like she would have answered truthfully even without the spell. “Go ahead and answer one for me, why don’t you…” Shining hid behind his hooves again as his face reddened. “Well I guess it’s my turn. Truth or dare, Twilight?” Were they ganging up on her? For a moment, Twilight wasn’t sure. Was he going to do what Cadance did? Probably not. He was just as embarrassed as Twilight, clearly.  “T-truth,” Twilight said again. “What was your most recent fantasy about me?” Shining asked. So much for him not getting into it, though at least he had the decency to continue blushing while asking it. “Oooh, thank you,” Cadance giggled, looking at Twilight and leaning towards her again in anticipation. “I fantasized that I spilled my tea on myself,” Twilight couldn’t hold the words back, they came forth from her like a fountain. “You licked it off, but started licking my slit during it and then mounted me.” She didn’t raise her head the whole time, and grasped her forelegs more tightly around herself. Why did it feel so good to say that? It was like the magic was rewarding her with a slight burst of pleasure every time she answered. “Well…” Shining nodded and took a deep breath. “That’s a thing… Cadance? Your turn.” “I’ll give poor Twilight a break,” Cadance said. “Shiny, truth or dare.” “Well it seems inevitable at this point,” Shining took a deep breath before answering, “Dare.” Cadance’s horn glowed again, this time using telekinesis to pick up Twilight’s tea cup. The tea was lukewarm at this point, so at least it didn’t burn Twilight when Cadance poured it down the lower part of her back.  “Hay!” Twilight flexed her wings defensively, raising up her head when her back half was drenched. She wanted to ask 'What was that for?', but what came out of her mouth was "Are you going to have him lick that off me? Because yes please." By Celestia’s eldritch mane, this was really happening. How could this be happening? “Indeed. Lick that off her,” Cadance’s eyes narrowed at Shining until they were mere slits. “Uh…” Shining’s eyes shifted slowly to Twilight. “Is that okay with you?” Twilight so wanted to say that it wasn’t, but the spell served its purpose. “It really is…” “Now it’s getting good,” Cadance grinned, hooves tapping on the top of the table. “So should I… uh,” Twilight stood from her seat, but couldn’t make eye contact with either of them, so stared at a painting on the wall. “Make sure you’re where I can see,” Cadance piped up. Twilight glanced at Cadance, and saw her move one hoof under the table. As she sat there on her haunches, the hoof slid down between her thighs and moved slightly up and down. Was she really so openly enjoying this? Well it was her castle so she could do what she wanted, but Twilight looked away again. Swallowing hard and turning to the side, Twilight moved her chair out of the way so it wouldn’t block Cadance’s requested view. She looked directly forward, not daring to look at the two of them again, but heard Shining’s hoofsteps circling the table towards her. She closed her eyes and took deep breaths, trying to calm herself, but not all of the fluid dripping down her thighs at the moment was tea. Her whole body tensed when she felt his warm breath getting close to her, then felt his tongue very gently lap at her bottom, just above her tail, slurping slightly as he cleaned tea from her fur, or as much as he could at least. Twilight shivered as he moved slowly across her bottom, not going anywhere lewd for the time behind. Him being polite about it made her a bit impatient. What was getting into her? “Your turn, Twilight,” Cadance reminded as she leaned forward to watch the two.  As excited as Cadance seemed to see her husband lick another pony, Twilight wondered if their relationship didn’t have some aspects she hadn’t suspected before. She’d never thought of them as anything but a completely vanilla couple until now. “S-Shining, truth or dare,” Twilight barely got the words out. “Truth,” Shining said, his voice a bit awkward as he didn’t pause his licking about the base of her tail. Twilight was disappointed he didn’t say dare, then was immediately surprised at herself for feeling that way. Perhaps she shouldn’t be at this point. “Maybe… what was the most recent fantasy you’ve had about me?” Twilight asked, barely squeaking the words out despite knowing they wouldn’t mind at this point. “I’m liking this games theme,” Cadance said. Though Twilight wasn’t looking at her, she could hear some very moist sounds coming from Cadance’s direction. “Ever since the tea party started,” Shining answered as he moved his snout beneath her tail and ran his tongue up one of her rump cheeks. “I’ve been imagining you on your back on the table, me having sex with you front-to-front, while Cadance sat on your face.” “You really love me sitting on creatures’ faces,” Cadance commented with a smirk. Was it really that normal an occurrence? “W-wow…” was all Twilight could think to respond. When she realized he was going lower and that she hadn’t needed to dare him to do that, she hiked up her tail and unconsciously pushed her rump back against him. Shining was slowly licking one ass cheek then the other, slowly working inward with each pair, feeling the warmth move slowly towards her slit from either side. Twilight’s impatience made her roll her hips back slightly against his ministrations. “Caddy, truth or dare?” Shining said between licks. “Dare,” Cadance said without hesitation. “I dare you to come show Twilight how wet you are,” Shining said. “Don’t think we can’t see… and hear… you playing with yourself over there.” Twilight started to speak again, but her words suddenly devolved into nonsense as she felt Shining’s wet tongue finally slide against her soft pussy. He moved up one lip and down the other, coating her labia in his saliva before running his tongue between them, pushing her open and then slurping loudly, letting her juices flow down his tongue and into his muzzle. He leaned back, starting to rub his chin against her nub while he continued. She was so out of it that she didn’t see Cadance coming around the table, at least not until her giant pink behind was in Twilight’s face. Cadance hiked up her tail as well, showing her beautiful slit and immediately making Twilight feel self-conscious about her own. It was every bit as happy as Twilight’s, lips hanging apart and fluid drooling down her thighs. Glancing down, Twilight could see she was dripping onto the floor as well, and her thighs were moist down to her hooves.  Twilight took a deep breath, then was afraid to let it out as Cadance began to slowly leaned back towards her. When Twilight finally did and took another breath, she drew in a perfumed scent, like Cadance had cherry-flavored herself in preparation…  Barely thinking about what she was doing, Twilight leaned forward and ran her tongue up and down between Cadance’s lips. As Cadance leaned back further, Twilight’s muzzle was pressed firmly against her. She moved it around to rub at her labia and clit as her tongue dove deep inside, scooping out juice as Cadance’s hips started to rotate against her. Shining had lost all pretense of cleaning her and was eagerly eating out Twilight as well. She tried to move her hips in the same way the more experienced Cadance was doing, feeling Shining’s tongue feel out every part of her he could reach. “Looks like I didn’t even need to dare you for that,” Cadance panted out her words. “But it’s your turn Twilight.” That was still happening? Oh why not. “Shining, Truth or Dare,” Twilight’s voice was slurpy as she didn’t even pull herself back from Cadance’s cooch to speak. “Dare,” Shining’s words were just as wet. “Let me lick you… your uh… penis,” Twilight finally pulled her face from Cadance, fluid dripping down her neck. Given the way Cadance had been acting, Twilight figured she wouldn’t mind Twilight’s mouth moving there. “Oh… sure,” Shining pulled back for a moment. “But I’m going to keep licking you too.” “Mm, sixty-nine it is then, do it on the table,” Cadance suggested. Without waiting for an answer, Cadance’s magic moved everything off the table to place it neatly on the floor nearby. Even if he was blushing and shivering, Shining didn’t waste any time. His front hooves were on the table before Cadance finished clearing it. He seemed to be used to being on odd furniture for this, and immediately rolled over onto his back, legs splayed out wide. Unsurprisingly, his shaft was already free for his sheath. It appeared to be fully hard already.  Twilight had snuck looks at his sheath before and seen it emerge slightly a few times, but this was the first time seeing her brother’s cock in all its glory. She wasn’t sure how to tell if it was above average or not, not having seen enough to compare, but imagined he was on the large side. It was pulsing visible, thick and veiny, with a large ridge along the midsection that she figured was quite pleasing to Cadance, as well as anycreature else she’d had him use it on. Trying and failing to not seem too excited, Twilight jumped onto the table. Shaking so hard she almost fell off, she moved to face opposite Shining. She stood over him and slowly lowered herself down onto them, eyes on the prize as she did so. “Truth or Dare Cadance,” Shining said as Twilight moved over him, sliding his front legs around her rump and encouraging her down. “You can just assume I go dare for this point on,” Cadance laughed, climbing up onto the table herself, the furniture wobbling front he weight of all three atop it. “Sit on Twilight’s horn,” Shining said. “That way you won’t be left out.” Twilight thought that was a bit on the strange side, but was too busy to comment on it. She ran her tongue over the surface of Shinging’s shaft, feeling it pulse against her touch, then pulled the tip into her maw. She whirled her tongue around it, then pushed her head forward, wondering how deep she could take it. She chickened out before it got to her throat, but was enjoying her brother’s musky flesh all the same. Shining rubbed at Twilight’s cutie marks, pressing his muzzle against her and digging inside again. He moved his snout in a circular motion, pressing more firmly than before now that he could really get a hold of her. He was showing no mercy, slurping loudly every few seconds to swallow her pussy juice by the mouthful. There was no doubt that he’d done this a lot for Cadance. Cadance giggled a moment before turning herself around to seat herself on Twilight’s head. She waggled her bottom around to line up Twilight’s horn before pressing it between her nether lips and mm-ing as it slid easily inside. Twilight could feel the lips clench against the base as Cadance took her all the way inside and settled her wet bottom against Twilight’s head. “Truth or Dare Twilight? I’m going to assume ‘dare’ if you can’t answer,” Cadance said. Twilight just nodded, swishing her horn slightly inside Cadance as she continued to take on Shining’s tip. “I dare you to take that lovely dick balls deep into your throat,” Cadance said. “He’s not used to settling for tip play after all.” Twilight’s eyes widened at that dare. She was pretty sure she couldn’t manage that, but it seemed Cadance intended to assist. Cadance’s magic grasped Twilight's head, pushing her down until the tip was at the back of her throat, muzzle pried wide open. Cadance pushed her hips downward, Shining’s tip prying open Twilight’s throat and sinking deep inside. She could feel her neck bulge at his girth. She started to gag, but also felt Cadance’s magic wash over her neck as if to make it easier. The efforts were rewarded when Shining moaned into her pussy, blowing bubbles in her fluid as he pressed his muzzle against her. He pressed more and more firmly, slowly stretching out her labia around his snout, determined to dig his tongue as deeply as possible. She squeaked and choked again as her lips popped over his muzzle, taking him into her directly. Shining began thrusting his head even as his tongue dug deeper, literally face-fucking his sister. “That’s it Twilight,” Cadance purred. “You’ll find you’re surprisingly stretching as an alicorn.” Cadance started to bounce herself atop Twilight’s head, letting her horn slide in and out of her as she did. Twilight decided to get even a bit, and charged up her horn, letting unspent magic build along the surface. It shivered up through Cadance’s body and up through her, making even Cadance squeal in surprise at the sudden sensation. Still, the love princess managed to keep pushing Twilight down. Twilight barely caught a breath on the outstroke before he was shoved in again, going deeper into her throat with each stroke. She felt his middle ridge pass her lips and forced past her throat as well, and soon was trying to stuff it down further herself. She was certain her face was turning blue, but forced herself down along with Cadance’s magic, and finally her nose pressed firmly against his belly as she took the shaft all the way down her bulging gullet. So firmly pressed, she even managed to lash out her tongue and lick at his sack. Twilight and Cadance together then forced her head in long rapid strokes, her mane swishing back and forth as she headbanged against his groin. Shining was using both hooves to massage her tightly stretched lips as he continued to thrust his muzzle into her. His moans rippling through her body encouraged her as did his tongue reaching new depths inside of her. He grinded against all her most sensitive spots, sending her barreling towards her climax. Twilight creamed herself harder than she thought possible, juice spraying out from around the tight penetration point with Shining’s face. He scooped in tongue-fulls of juice, slurping loudly to take in as much as he could, smearing it around his gums and swallowing down large globs of it. He didn’t let up as she rode her orgasm against his face. “That’s it Shiny!” Cadance said in the midst of a high-pitched moan. “I feel like all my efforts are paying off… now make your little sister cum.”  The repeated magical surges in her snatch combined with that sight of deliciously wet incest sent Cadance over the edge as well. Twilight felt her mane drenched with fluid that drooled down over her face, splattering from the continued moving of Twilight’s head. Her pussy clamped down so tightly on Twilight’s horn that she had trouble moving her hips as she came.  Perhaps Cadance had him trained, because Shining managed to outlast both females. Twilight knew as soon as he was going to go off, feeling his shaft pulsate deep inside her, and pressed her nose firmly against his belly. She loved to feel of bursts of cum surging through his cock and down into her belly, but also wanted a taste, so pulled her head back with a lewd slurp and allowed the last blast of seed to spray against the roof of her muzzle and drool down her gums as she ran her tongue around her maw. Twilight took in the musky, stringy taste of his spunk before pulling her head back and taking several deep breaths to get her wits back. It had been the single most intense moment of her life, but she hoped she’d be getting another soon. She got a good taste before swallowing it, smearing it around her gums with her tongue. “Whose turn was it?” Cadance panted as she pulled her sopping cunt from Twilight’s horn. “I think we can drop that pretense, sweetie,” said Shining. “Time for some siblings to slap bellies then?” asked Cadance. “And for me to sit on a sweet filly’s face?” “I think so… please,” Twilight, rolling off of Shining and turning herself to lay back on the table instead. Shining pulled his shaky body up, turning himself around and rolling atop Twilight, face-to-face with her. She felt his still-erect shaft throb against her belly, the base hot against her slickened slit. She couldn’t help but gasp as their lips came together in a deep kiss. Both were now without any hint of a blush as they looked into each other’s eyes. “Twilight, sweetheart,” Cadance leaned her head down, speaking gently right next to Twilight’s ear. “Are you on foal control?” “N-no…” Twilight answered before slurping into a second kiss with Shining, their tongues battling together. Neither minded their own taste on the others’ muzzle. She pushed her hips upwards, but he was teasingly keeping himself against her belly so she couldn’t get him inside. “I don’t suppose you would be as innocent as you are,” Cadance whispered. “Or were. Do you want me to cast a foal control spell on you now?” “No.” Twilight said without hesitation as their lips parted again and they felt each others’ warm breath on their faces.  “Oh, naughty,” teased Cadance, then her voice turned extra sensual as she added. “We could go a step further though. Should I cast a fertility spell on you both instead?” “Yes!” Twilight and Shining answered together. The truth spell did its job… or was it even needed at this point? At first Twilight thought Cadance couldn’t really be serious about allowing that, but Cadance’s horn glowed and Twilight felt magic flow through her, seeming to center on her lower body as if soaking into her ovaries. She could feel Shining’s erection surge, as if his dick grew in length and girth from the magic. She definitely knew she shouldn’t be doing this, but couldn’t bring herself to go back on it either. The very idea just felt so right; it made her pussy clenched just thinking about it. “Good filly,” Cadance whispered and nipped at Twilight’s ear before rising back to her haunches next to her. “You’re really okay with this?” Shining asked, sliding his shaft downward as he lifted his hips, pushing his tip to snuggle against Twilight’s opening, just barely pushing her lips apart. “Oh my pussy is churning at the very thought of it,” Cadance assured. Indeed, as Cadance straddled Twilight’s head, she could see her slit twitching with excitement. Lowering herself further, she pushed her excitement against Twilight’s muzzle, and Twilight responded with her tongue pressing upwards into the now-familiar deliciousness. Though shivering so much she could barely stay on target, Twilight managed to rub her nose into Cadance’s nub as she french kissed her pussy. Shining licked his wife’s belly, then pushed his hips down, penetrating Twilight with a firm motion. He didn’t wait before taking her all the way, cock pulsing down through her tunnel and landing with his tip snugly against her cervix as he hit balls deep. It couldn’t have been a more perfect fit between the two, and Twilight squeezed as hard as she could in appreciation. Twilight had never felt anything like this. Even before he pulled back and began thrusting, it was the height of pleasure. As he slammed his hips against her, lifting her bottom off the table slightly with each hit, it somehow went above that. Her fertile passage was in a flurry of convulsions, milking and begging him to fill her with his seed. “That’s right Shiny, fuck a foal into your sister’s pussy right in front of your wife,” Cadance certainly loved the dirty talk, and her bluntness made them blush a bit again. She also loved Twilight’s face at the moment, grinding her hips to rub her pussy up to Twilight’s forehead then down to her chin, drenching her before concentrating on her muzzle.  Twilight doubted she’d be a very good seat as distracted as she was, pressed her muzzle against Cadance and pressed her tongue between her nether lips. Cadance did most of the work for her though, pressing down to pop Twilight’s muzzle into her, the tight lips holding her snout tightly in its grip as she lashed her tongue out more deeply. “Goodness I have the best wife and sister possible,” Shining moaned as he licked Cadance’s belly, running his hooves up Twilight’s sides as his thrusting steadily increased. He lifted Twilight’s hips slightly, getting a better angle to take her harder. Twilight shuddered as she felt each push stretch her all the way from her entrance to her womb, feeling every curve and vein as her body clenched around him like a vice. She moved a hoof down to feel her own belly, confirming a swelling there moving up and down with his strokes. Each time their bellies smacked together, his balls landed against her asscheeks, plump orbs ready to pump her full. Fulfilling her lewdest fantasies, Twilight was quite the hair trigger. It didn’t take long for her tunnel to convulse wildly around him as orgasmic bliss spread through her body. He only sped his motions at her climax, sending shivers of overstimulation through her and causing her to moan wetly within Cadance. Twilight pushed her hips in return, matching his own motions and unable to stop creaming herself. “Oh Twilight, you so needed a good fucking,” Cadance giggled, continuing to rock her hips, pulling up barely long enough for Twilight to get a breath of scented air before pushing herself back down again. Every time Twilight moaned, Cadance pushed herself down more firmly to take in every bit of the vibration.  A few minutes after Twilight went off, Cadance exploded around her muzzle as well, clenching so hard that Twilight couldn’t have pulled her face back out if she wanted to. Twilight sucked as hard as she could and was rewarded with a mouthful of juice, which she smeared around her gums before swallowing down. When Cadance pulled herself off, there was a final burst of fluid all over Twilight’s face. Shining had lifted her bottom further off the table, holding it high as he jackhammered downward with his shaft. He clenched his teeth and tensed his whole body in an effort to hold it in for as long as he could. Twilight could feel him throbbing hard inside her, coating her walls with a thick coat of pre as he went towards the point of no return with her. “I think he wants you to beg, Twilight,” teased Cadance, running her hooves down Twilight’s form to feel the swell of her husband’s cock inside her. “Come on and plead like a proper slut for brother’s dick.” “BBBFF,” Twilight groaned. “I want it all inside me, I want all your sperm, impregnate me…” “Could be brasher, but I’ll take it,” Cadance chuckled. “Knock our newly-minted slut up, honey.” Twilight could feel the swell of Shining’s thick load through his cock even before it burst out his tip. He pushed fully inside, his first load blasting through her cervix and painting her fertile womb white inside. Both their bodies convulsed together as he continued shooting, pumping his hips again as if to pack his spunk deeper inside her. Her hips slammed upwards in response, keeping him tightly packed as her belly swelled slightly with his load. She went over herself again, gushing around him again even as he filled her passage, milking him for all he was worth inside of her. They must have spent several minutes just smashing their bodies together making sure every drop of seed was inside her. “Aaand loaded with foal,” Cadance giggled. “That’s my own spell, you’ll definitely be popping one out for him now. Up to you two if you want to let everypony know who it belongs to.” “I’ll leave it up to Twilly,” panted Shining. “But I wouldn’t mind it being known that much.” “Oh Celestia, what have I done?” Twilight said as she came down just a bit from her erotic high. All the same, she pulled Shining back close to her, sharing another kiss with him to pass Cadance’s fluid back and forth as she continued to squeeze his shaft inside her.  “Whatever you’ve done,” Shining said after they finished the long kiss. “I hope this isn’t the last time.” “I don’t make a foal every time,” Cadance chuckled. “But you’re welcome to him any time you want, you don’t need my permission, just tell me the wet details later if I wasn’t there.” “Your relationship is… way different than I pictured.” Twilight admitted. “Oh I’m not in the habit of letting him knock up other mares, you’re special,” Cadance tapped Twilight’s nose with a hoof. “But we have been known to have three-or-more-somes with discreet creatures or couples, yes.” At that point, Twilight really started to realize how much energy she had used up, laying her head back on the table and taking a deep breath. She then squealed a bit as Shining started to pull out of her without warning, a long lewd slurp followed by a pop as the head of his cock pushed past her labia one more time. She looked down at the thing drooling and covered in their juices. Twilight pulled herself up off her back, turning to face Shining again before pushing her head beneath him. She turned her head to keep from poking his gut with her horn, then began meticulously cleaning her juice off of him with her tongue.  Shining grasped the back of her head, pushing his shaft into her muzzle again. He went all the way again, not stopping until his belly met her nose, then more slowly pulled back. As he went, she slurped him clean on the way out, all the way from base to tip as he throbbed in the grip of her muzzle. “You two wanting to go again?” Cadance laughed at them. “I think so…” Twilight panted. “Possibly a few times, yeah,” Shining confirmed. It seemed their tea party might turn into an all-day event.