Perchance to Dream

by Visharo

First published

The Sun and the Moon looked down and saw a world. Perhaps, they should seize it for their own.

A poem, telling the history of the two sisters. Their descent from the heavens, descent into madness, and finally, their ascent into contentment. This is their story as they dared to Perchance to Dream.

Written for the A Thousand Words III Contest

Queens of Infinite Space

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The Sun looked upon Equus she rotates around,
she pondered thoughts of consequence abound.
It wasn't her place to dream, she mustered.
But the brilliance of the sphere left her flustered.

The Sun floated upwards to Infinite Space,
suspending temporarily the cosmic chase.
The Stars of Wise asked her wishful thought.
She asked, they delivered, and thusly was caught.

The Sun was now a being of inhibition.
The wish granted with a single condition.
She must raise the celestial corpse of her past
every single day, for that was what she had cast.

The Sun frolicked amongst the surface with joy a plenty,
the years passed without a thought for many.
Then, upon fate, the condition was upheld too late.
The consequences that followed held pained weight.

The Moon chased dutifully for that was her charge.
While her body was smaller, her job was just as large.
She perused Infinite Space without much regard,
for her purpose was her worthy guard.

The Moon noticed, one day, a deviation in the norm.
The Sun changed direction from the line of form.
She paid no heed, for it surely was a question
from the Stars of Wise, certainly not a transgression.

The Moon then witnessed a disbelief most erratic,
creating a thought in her mind, most static.
Did, The Sun, seek a fortune elsewhere?
Impossible! The two were an inseparable pair.

The Moon sought through Space and further still.
It was then, upon Equus, did she spy the Sun on a hill.
An audience with the Stars of Wise did reveal her
decision to leave Infinite Space and what was once were.

The World is Broad and Wide

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The Once Sun stretched upon the evergrass,
she smiled as the Sun Corpse made its pass.
Despite her soul bound to Equus, there lies
radiance still, bathing the eternal blue skies.

The Once Moon reached Equus with a smile,
the journey, seconds. Pleasure, all the while.
She was to be reunited with her blood kin.
Now, the rest of her days, on Equus herein.

The Once Sun travelled through Equus, smiling.
She experienced all sorts of things, the memories compiling.
It was upon the fourth day of the fifth year, that chance
decided upon a prophecy worthy of a glance.

The Once Moon traversed the land she once protected,
no hide nor hair of her beloved sister, she fell dejected.
It was upon the fourth day of the fifth year, that chance
revealed to her a terrible outlook of an expanse.

The Once Sun took her rightful place as the star.
Trials and tribulations lay before, but they are far.
Today, she set forth with deed in mind,
too far down to be the one that is blind.

The Once Moon charged with frantic intensity,
the future is rife with trouble of such immensity.
Her blood kin must be warned posthaste.
Her world changed to a sliver, so she chased.

The Once Sun rode the hill to the peak,
and saw a scene most bleak.
There, before her, was no glory.
It was a land where everyone were quarry.

The Once Moon found her kin on that hill,
shaking with a force known for their terrible chill.
She wrapped herself around her blood kin, and
held her, the two forever scarred and stunned.

All the World's a Stage

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The Diminished Sun realized her position.
Woke up and shook herself of attrition.
She smiled at the Moon and declared war.
What followed was a resounding roar.

The Diminished Sun marched up to the foe
and demanded the right to know.
She received the answer and spare.
The name given, Discord, Chaos' heir.

The Diminished Sun challenged the throne.
Discord smiled and threw a bone.
She didn't flinch and unceasing.
If anything, the glare was increasing.

The Diminished Sun stood tall.
And then, she was wearing a curtain.

.the world began to shake
the shake began to world.

The Diminished Moon watched in horror
as everything crumbled beneath her.


It was as all belonged to nothing.
To Chaos. To Discord.
The Diminished, Squished, Unsubstantial, Little, Moon


Then, without warning, there was a light.
A holy presence, drawn in by a fight.
Nay, presences. Two sisters standing strong.
Proving to themselves and to him, it was wrong.

The Diminished Moon smiled with satisfaction
as Discord melted because of their action.
Their power, stemming from Unity.
From this day forth, the two will build community.

I Have Thee Not, and Yet I See Thee Still

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The Lone Sun looked upon the new land.
Equestria was its name, much was planned.
For her rule, it started with a calamity.
For her and her sister, there was no amity.

The Fallen Moon looked upon the new land.
The Moon Corpse was its name, a station she once manned.
Banished for love she deserved,
her sister attacked, her adoration preserved.

The Lone Sun looked up, to her sorrow.
It haunts her, every morrow.
It was agony, seeing her glory defiled.
But today, like every day, she entered and smiled.

The Fallen Moon looked down, to her rage.
Trapped in her once body, now a cage.
It was agony, seeing everything ripped.
1000 years, then she's out of this crypt.

To Be, or Not To Be

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Celestia smiled as she witnessed power.
Something she could cultivate and flower.
She took in a protégé and taught her.
The years passed by in a blur.

Celestia smiled as she witnessed growth.
She sent her there, to protect her oath.
The promised day has arrived.
Perhaps, her sister could be revived.

Luna awoke from a nightmare.
There was fighting and a horrible scare.
She blinked warily, and looked around.
Her sister! She pressed her head to the ground.

Lune participated in the rejoicing after.
Filled with drinks and laughter.
But she stepped outside past midnight.
Remembering the mare that cast a blight.

The Sisters comforted each other, cuddled.
Their memories of Infinite Space, muddled,
yet they remember their wish, very clearly.
Still, millennia later, they still mean it sincerely.

The Sisters got up together, as a team,
and continued their Perchance to Dream.