
by BoeingtheDraconequus

First published

Two oneshots invovlving Discord and Fluttershy as the Lord of Chaos deals with his emotions after two certain mistakes.

Two oneshots involving Fluttershy and Discord as the Lord of Chaos deals with his emotions after two certain mistakes.


Do You Forgive Me? On the Tuesday after the Tirek incident, Discord pops in to visit Fluttershy, determined to make things up to her and hear the answer to a question he;s had for a little while.

Chaotic Anger: After the Grand Galloping Gala, Discord and Fluttershy stay over at Canterlot Castle for the night where the Draconequus expresses his anger over the day he had.

Do You Forgive Me?

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Discord laid down on the couch in his living room in his house that resided in his chaotic dimension with a frown on his face. Normally, the lord of all things chaos would be doing something that always kept him in high spirits, spreading chaos being one of those things of pulling harmless pranks on unsuspecting ponies, yet here he was, laying down instead of floating with a depressed look.

He glanced over at the floating calendar that hovered in mid air over by the kitchen and noticed that today was Tuesday, which meant today was his weekly Tuesday Tea with his best and only friend, the bearer of the element of kindness itself, Fluttershy. Normally he would be thrilled, ecstatic even to see his most favorite pony in the entire world, but it only brought out a sigh from the depressed Draconequus.

He knew he should just snap out of it (literally and/or figuratively) and pull himself together, plaster a smile on his face and ho on over to Fluttershy’s cottage for a good few hours of time together, but he would only imagine how unhappy she would be to see him, considering his most recent mistake.

Him betrayel to Equestria.

It had only been a week since the whole insurrection occurred, with Twilight getting her castle as an ending result from the destruction that occurred when the magic-craving creature invaded and persuaded the Draconequus to join him, in hopes of gaining all the magic in Equestria while falsely leading Discord into believing that his reformation was a prison.

He had been a fool. A fool to think Tirek could ever be loyal to him, and a fool to hurt all the ponies, including Fluttershy.

He glanced over at the picnic basket over by the stairs that led to nowhere. He had decided to bring his own treats to their tea party in hopes of making things up to her, handmade treats. “I simply insist that I make my own treats for our tea, Fluttershy, no matter how hard and boring it might be.” he had said to her during the celebration party hosted in honor of the defeat of Tirek.

He had made chocolate cupcakes with chocolate frosting and a tray of cucumber sandwiches, his favorite being both of them. While it was undeniably hard and tiring to make them, a simple smile of satisfaction from the yellow pegasus would gladly please him. He knew he couldn’t avoid her forever and guess she would get worried about his tardiness. Making up his mind, Discord teleported himself with his basket to the front porch of Fluttershy’s cottage as he knocked on the door and waited. He honestly wanted to just pop in and sprawl out on the couch, giving Angel Bunny a troubling time like he always did whenever the Draconequus visited, but refrained from doing said motion, not to mention he didn’t really feel like it at the moment.

Well, actually he did, but was choosing to be lazy at the moment.

The front door opened as Fluttershy smiled up at him, her teal eyes shining with happiness. “Hi Discord.” she said as she flew up and wrapped her forelegs around his chest.

“Hello, Fluttershy,” Discord said as he wrapped his arms around her body in return, forcing a smile on his mouth and inhaling her sweet scent. “I brought the cucumber sandwiches, as well as some chocolate cupcakes I thought you’d like.”

“Really? Thanks,” Fluttershy broke the embrace as she flew back inside her home and opened the front door fully. “Please, come in.”

The Draconequus teleported onto the couch as his cucumber sandwiches and cupcakes materialized on the table that had an already prepared tea set.

The yellow pegasus closed the front door as she went over to her chair next to the couch. “So how have you been?” she asked with a smile.

“Oh I’ve been perfect,” he replied dishonestly, keeping in check that his tone didn’t give anything away. “I will admit I’m still a little…shaken after some recent… ahem…events.”

Fluttershy nodded in understanding. “I know what you mean. I’m still a little shaken from when Tirek took my magic.”

The very mention of the Centaur's name caused Discord’s smile to falter, but refused to frown. “It’s perfectly understandable.” he said as he took a sip of his tea. “It’s almost like getting your blood sucked out of you by a half a million mosquitos.”

“Did that ever happen to you?” Fluttershy asked.

“Oh no. I never got bitten by any of those pesky insects.”

“I’ve gotten a few mosquito bites growing up, but they weren’t that bad.”

“That’s good to know.”

The two of them fell into an awkward silence. The only sound that could be heard from the both of them was the sipping of their tea and the chirping and chattering of the animals outside. It was uncomfortable to say the lease, mainly for the Lord of Chaos. So he cleared his throat and asked, “Anything new happened since last Tuesday?”

“Not really,” Fluttershy replied. “I helped a baby bird reunite with his parents after they got separated in a rainstorm a few days ago.”

“That’s nice.” Discord commented.

More silence.

“What about you?” Fluttershy asked as she placed her cup down.

“Same as your reply.” the Draconequus answered. “Although, I did do some redecorating in my humble abode the other day.”

“You did?”

“Indeed. I Added an alarm clock to my bedroom that makes you sleepy simply by hearing it sing a lullaby. Though I advise you not to get one of those, you might fall asleep in the morning instead of waking up if it's set for the time you wake up.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.”

They dropped into yet more silence. As Discord drank his tea, he couldn’t help but feel confused at the yellow pegasus.

He expected her to be slightly upset at seeing him, mad even. Instead, she was happy, happy to see him and wrap her forelegs around her. Why would she feel that way? Didn’t she realize that he betrayed Equestria? Betrayed her? It was confusing even for him, and he was usually the cause of confusion. He hadn't realized he drank all his tea until he felt the entire liquid stop flowing out of his cup and into his mouth.

Discord sat up and reached over for the teapot as he refilled his tea cup and resumed drinking, completely out of character for him since he could use his magic to make the tea float in the air and into his mouth and down his throat.


He lowered his tea cup and looked to see Fluttershy giving him a concerned look. “Is everything ok?”

“But of course!” he immediately replied with a convincing smile. “I’m perfectly fine.”

“Are you sure? You haven’t been saying much and it’s not like you. Is there anything wrong?”
Discord could see the concern in her eyes, but chose to refrain from giving her his honest answer. “Nothing’s wrong. Would I lie to you?” an angel hollow materialized over his head as he grinned innocently at her. “Trust me, Fluttershy, I’m fine. Really, I am.”

She wasn’t convinced. Her expression didn’t change back into her usual smile and it bugged him. Discord didn’t want to make her feel sad, but he could see the lack of escaping this situation.

He let out a sigh as the hollow disappeared and a frown formed on his mouth. “Although, something has been plaguing me for a while.”

“Tell me.” Fluttershy spoke in a soft and gentle tone as she got up and sat down on the couch next to him on his left. “I want to help you feel better.”

Discord stared into her eyes for a moment before letting out another sigh. “I’m sorry.”

This brought a confused expression on her face as he continued.

“I’m sorry for joining forces with Tirek. I know I shouldn't have done that, but he convinced me that being reformed was a prison and acted like he would be my true friend.” he let out another sigh, this one of sadness and a little bit of anger. “I was an idiot. I should have known Tirek was using me in his scheme to take over Equestria, and I should’ve captured him when I had the chance. I only realized my error when I saw you crying and had my magic taken away from me.”

He paused as he looked to see Fluttershy’s expression melt into one of sympathy before continuing.

“I understand if you decide we shouldn’t be friends anymore, and I can’t really blame you for that. I guess it only comes as a natural punishment if you’re a sinner…like me. Just know that I deeply regret ever even locking you up in that cage and allowing Tirek to take your magic. I made a mistake, and I can only blame myself for it.”

The Draconequus turned away as he lowered his ears with a sad expression. Who knew admitting guilt and fault was so…depressing? Sad even? He felt like teleporting back to his dimension and never seeing Fluttershy ever again, already beginning to imagine a life without friendship.

He was about to stand up when he felt a gentle hoof on his eagle claw. He turned back to see Fluttershy smiling warmly at him, confusing him beyond explanation.

“Oh Discord, there’s no need to apologize.” she said. “I forgive you.”

“You do?” Discord asked in surprise. “But I-”
“Yes, you betrayed us, betrayed me. But I saw how sad you were and how you deeply regret your actions.”

“You did?”

“Mmm-hmm.” Fluttershy nodded. “I know being on your beat behavior all the time was really hard for you and you wanted to just be yourself, but I know that you’ll always regret anything bad you do.”

Discord was hesitant to believe her. “Even if I chose to blow up the entire world?”

“Would you really do that?”

He gasped, appalled at her accusation. “What are you talking about? Of course I’ll never do that, even if I was still evil! Why would you ever think that?”

“I know how you feel, and I know you would never do that.” Fluttershy smiled warmly at him as she began to stroke his eagle claw. “I forgive you, Discord. No matter what you do, and no matter how many mistakes you make, I’ll always be your friend, and I’ll always forgive you.” she got up and gently wrapped her fore legs around his chest again as he stared down at her in amazement.

No one had ever spoken to him like that before, and the words she spoke to him tugged at his heart.

Feeling a smile of his own spreading across his mouth, the Lord of Chaos wrapped his arms around her as he felt confort, for the first time in his life.

“I’m sorry,” he murmured. “I truly do regret my mistake.”

“It’s time to leave it in the past.” Fluttershy said as they broke the embrace. The two of them smiled at each other before she looked away for a moment and asked, “Would it make you feel better if we went pranking?”

Discord gasped as he stared at her in disbelief. “You mean it?”

“Yes. unless…you’d prefer to stay in here and just talk.”

A wide grin spread across his mouth as he scooped her up into his arms and stood up, twirling her around while laughing in joy. “Oh Fluttershy, you just made my day! I would love to go pranking with you!”

“That’s great.” Fluttershy giggled as he set her down.

“And we can even have our tea time on a cloud if you want.”

“I’d like that.”

“Splendid!” Discord smiled as he clapped his hands together twice before they both disappeared in a flash of light with the tea set and treats.

Chaotic Anger

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The hour in Equestria was a few minutes past eleven pm and the moon and stars high in the night sky illuminated the grand country of harmony in a night time color as the ponies that lived in it slept peacefully.

It was the end of the Grand Galloping Gala and Princess Celestia offered the MANE 6 rooms for them for the night, to which they politely accepted. Everyone was indeed tired, especially after helping each other out cleaning the slimy and oozy mess that was left all over the ballroom from The Smooze, Discord’s last minute Plus One to the gala.

They all retired to their assigned rooms afterwards and immediately gave their dresses to Rarity before immediately turning in and falling asleep, exhausted but glad that they all spent time together.

Discord and Fluttershy, however, weren’t settled down yet.

The Draconequus laid down on his own Draconequus-sized sleeping bag on the floor in front of the large guest, his suit, tie, and top hat were transported back to his chaotic dimension not too long after the end of the gala. He would’ve loved to sleep in the bed with his best friend, but chose not to due to the potentiality of her not accepting that despite the comfort of the mattress.

Mind you, the Lord of Chaos can sleep anywhere if not everywhere. He could sleep on an impossibly sharp tower spire without getting stabbed, in a volcano on the lava without getting burned, and beneath the sea without drowning. His chaos magic provided him protection from those types of situations, and the hardness of the tile-hard floor was nothing compared to other things he slept on, not to mention he made his sleeping bag soft enough that he couldn’t even feel the floor beneath him.

Not to mention he had other things on his mind.

Fluttershy was currently in the guest bedroom bathroom taking a shower, leaving Discord alone to his thoughts as he recalled the earlier events of today.

He had never gotten yelled at by her in his entire life being reformed, minus the time where the yellow pegasus threatened to use The Stare on him if he didn’t behave. He just laughed it off even after she did just that to him as if it were the most amusing thing he’d ever seen and experienced in his whole life. But not too long ago when she yelled at him, it actually had an effect on him, which made him feel guilty and hurt at the same time. Discord did get the whole ‘multiple friend’ thing and understood how he shouldn’t have tried to send Tree Hugger into that sock puppet dimension out of rage and anger, but he did have his reasons, not to mention how unfairly Fluttershy was towards him all day before the gala.

The way Fluttershy admitted that she had already asked Tree Hugger to be her Plus One.

The way he heard her say that she had never met anyone more funnier than her.

The way she ignored him and never bothered to talk to him at the gala.

The way she called her Treezie.

The way she abandoned him.

Leftover anger from earlier boiled within him as Discord narrowed his eyes and let out a sigh. He could honestly find Tree Hugger and give her a piece of his mind, but chose not to. It wasn’t her fault that he felt so upset he could throw the sun into a back hole without a second thought, it was the yellow pegasus that happens to be his best and only friend.

Why couldn’t she see the way he felt? Why did she have to treat him like he was nothing but the invisible air around her that she breaths? A quiet growl rumbled in his throat as he heard the bathroom door open.

Discord sat up and turned to see Fluttershy stepping out of the now warm bathroom, carrying her dress in her foreleg as she placed it down on the dresser. “Oh. I’d thought you’d be asleep already.” she looked over at him as she got onto the bed and sat on the front of the mattress.

“I'm not tired yet.” Discord murmured as he gazed outside the window, which was closed with the curtains drawn over it to prevent anyone from looking inside. Well, he was exhausted after helping out with the clean up by not using his magic, but was still a little grumpy from earlier events.

“I hope you're not still upset over the gala.” Fluttershy said as she reached over with her hoof and lightly stroked his head. He welcomed the gesture without any hesitation as he closed his eyes, allowing an ever so small smile form for just a brief second before frowning once again.

“I can’t say that I’m happy about the way today turned out.” Discord said honestly as he let out a sigh.

“About that…I’ve been thinking about it while we were cleaning up and I was showering.” The yellow pegasus gave him a look that seemed to combine sadness and concern. “Do you still think I abandoned you?”

The Draconequus turned to look at her as she retracted her hoof. “Well, your treatment earlier today wasn’t exactly the best of hugs if you know what I mean.”

“How so?” Fluttershy asked.

Discord couldn’t help but narrow his eyebrows a little bit. She still didn’t know what she did, even after he made his anger known to the entire ballroom? Letting out a sigh, he teleported onto the bed behind her as she turned around to face him. “Let’s start with the fact that you invited Tree Hugger to the gala and not me. I was honestly hoping to spend time with you, which was completely thrown out the window.”

“If you’re still upset over that, then I’m sorry.” Fluttershy said. “I didn’t mean to make you feel left out.”

“Well, that leaves me to checkbox number two, my dear.” a list that read ‘List of Things That Went Wrong Today’ materialized in front of him as he pointed to the second bullet point. “Let’s also move on to the way you treated Tree Hugger, not to mention the way you said to her that you’ve never met anyone more funny than her.”

A small gasp got released as the yellow pegasus put a hoof to her mouth. “You heard me say that?”

“I did.” Discord replied, adding a little bit of hurt and anger into his voice. “Now let’s talk about the way you treated me tonight. Now don’t get me wrong, I learned your lesson in friendship over the whole ‘multiple friend’ thing, but your absolute ignorance towards me is a completely different story that I’d like to know about. Did you know that while you did say that we should all hang out together, you never even bothered to even glance at me while I was with The Smooze? I brought him here in hopes that you would notice me and hopefully divert your attention from Tree Hugger for a few moments and converse with us, but noooooo, you never so much as heard me! Even if you did, all you did was treat me like I was nothing but thin air like you just didn’t care about me anymore!”

Anger was seeping into his voice and his volume was getting louder. He didn’t want to get upset over it again, but his emotions were still cascading with him and he needed to let them all out.

“I wanted to have fun with you, Fluttershy. I wanted to talk, laugh, share jokes, heck even a slow dance would’ve been nice, but you ignored me. You were too, ‘interested in your other friend’ and not me, and thanks to that I ruined the entire evening for you, for me, for everyone! All because I was jealous, jealous that you paid so much attention to Treezie and not me, and talking to her and not me!”

Discord’s angry expression melted into one of sadness as he lowered his head in shame. “Your best night ever was ruined, and it’s all my fault.”

Fluttershy stared up at him with mixed emotions. That’s when it all made sense. She did ignore him and paid her full attention to Tree Hugger, not even bothering to speak with Discord unless he was the one who popped in to get at least a few sentences in with her before returning to whatever conversation she was having with her friend, and when he didn't, he had to cough hard and forcefully as if he were choking. “Discord…I…I had no idea how…blind I was...”

He heard a sniff as he looked up to see tears forming in her eyes, much to his regret. “Oh Fluttershy, please don’t cry. I didn’t mean to-”

Discord was cut off as the yellow pegasus threw her forelegs around his body and sobbed into his fur, staining it with her own tears as he looked down at her.

“I did ignore you,” Fluttershy said in between sobs and sniffs. “I did say that we should all hang out together and have fun at the gala, but I completely forgot about you. I didn’t mean what I said to Tree Hugger earlier today, she just likes compliments and wanted some positive vibes. I meant what I said to you earlier when we had tea, and you are the funnest person I’ve ever met. And I’m sorry, I’m just so sorry!”

She buried her face into Discord’s chest as she let out all the guilt and sadness she held back since entering the room. He just continued to stare down at her before wrapping his arms around her, lightly rubbing her back in an attempt to calm her down. Fluttershy was a gentle soul that needed soft comfort rather than stern words.

“Um…there there.” Discord spoke in the gentlest tone he could muster. He wasn’t exactly an expert on this sort of thing, which made it more awkward.

Despite her saddened state, Fluttershy felt a small smile tug at her lips as her sobs began to subside. “T-thank you.” she sniffed as she whipped her eyes.

Seeing that his comfort was working, the Draconequus looked down at her for a moment before grinning with an idea. “Don’t be sad, Fluttershy. Just seeing you like that makes me feel even worse.” his expression changed into one of a sad puppy as his irises enlarged and sparkled and his lips quivered. “Like this,” he said in a fake, saddened tone.

The look he gave her was so cute and over exaggerated that Fluttershy couldn’t help but let out a small giggle.

This pleased Discord as he grinned at her. “Oh? Is this amusing to you?”

“A little,”

“Well, in that case…” a clown's outfit materialized on him. “Allow me to bring a smile back on that pretty little face of yours.”

He began making a series of silly faces and sounds while squeezing his clown nose as he began doing a silly dance, earning a more audible giggle from the yellow pegasus as they soon transformed into laughs.

“Discord...you…you're so funny.” Fluttershy managed to say in between laughs. “You really are the funniest person I’ve ever met.”

“Ah there we go!” Discord clapped his hands together as he made his clown unicorn disappear. “It feels so good to hear your laughter, my dear.”

They smiled at each other for a moment before bursting into laughter together. The Draconequus teleported onto the bed and laid down next to her and brought her into his arms. They continued to giggle together for a few more moments before calming down, catching their breaths.

“Oh, I don’t think I’ve ever laughed that much since you use your stare on me.” Discord chuckled as he summoned a breathing mask connected to an oxygen tank and breathed into it before making it disappear.

“Me neither, and I really like it when you make me laugh.” Fluttershy said as she shifted her position to smile at him before letting out a yawn. “Oh goodness, I feel so tired.”

“Here, let me tuck you in.” the Lord of Chaos pulled back toe covers using his magic as he gently placed his friend underneath them before pulling them over her body. “Are you comfy enough?”

“Yes, and thank you for that.”

Discord turned away and was about to crawl off the bed when he felt a hoof on his lion paw. He turned back to look at Fluttershy as she shyly asked, “Um, Discord? Would it be okay if you…slept in the bed with me?”

He looked at her with surprise. “Do you want me to? I wouldn’t want to disturb your personal space.”

“You won;t be, and I do want you to…snuggle with me.” Fluttershy finished that last part in a low mumble, but still loud enough to be heard.

In a brief millisecond, Discord disappeared in a flash of light before appearing to her right. “My ear, it would be an absolute honor to be your snuggle buddy.”

She snuggled into her pillow and rubbed her back against his chest as she let out another yawn. “Thank you, and I’m still sorry for ignoring you.”

“My dear, you are absolutely forgiven.” Discord said as he wrapped his arms around her body in a gentle embrace. “And I’m sorry for ruining your evening with Tree Hugger, not to mention yelling at you.”

“I forgive you. And if you want, I can be your Plus One for next year's gala.”

He grinned down at her. “Fluttershy, it would be an honor.”

She smiled back up at him as she yawned once again and rested her head against the pillows. “You know, just laying here together may have just made tonight the best night ever.”

“I completely agree.” Discord murmured as he let out a yawn of his own and rested his head down the pillow. “Goodnight, sleep tight, and don’t let the bedbugs bite.”

“Ok.” Fluttershy mumbled as they both closed their eyes and fell into a peaceful sleep.