> My Point Of View > by TheKing2001 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter I > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I gave a yawn and stretched out in bed, idly reading Sunset’s message with a wide smile. You probably have no idea who that is so. Sunset is my marefriend but she lives across a magic mirror. Yeah I know. That took a lot for me to take in too. We make it work though. She and I often stay up late talking about things and life, us missing each other shit like that. Anyway, I guess I’m just gonna give my side of how we got together because believe me, it wasn’t just me walking up and going, “Hey I’m single and so are you, you’re hot as hell date me.” I was terrified of even asking her out. Flitter got really pissed with me a few times about my lack of action. Anyway! So here we go I guess. I stepped through the door of the house I shared with Flitter and dumped my bag containing my Wonderbolt uniform on the chair nearby as I kicked the door shut. I had been gone for about three weeks at the Academy again. “Sis! I’m home!” I shouted and continued trotting inside the house. It wasn’t much but we had enough space to comfortably live without feeling we were living on top of each other like we did as fillies. “Flitter!” “Heyo,” Flitter waved a foreleg lazily from the couch with a book in her wing as I plopped down on the couch. “How was the Academy?” “Long. Spitfire was riding us hard as usual. I got assigned to my team though so there’s that. I work under Misty Fly, thank Celestia. She’s easy going like Soarin is. Got Surprise, High Winds, Raindrops and Dizzy Twister. How’s life been here?” I asked as Flitter shrugged and turned a page of the book. “Normal Ponyville life. Working my flank off after my promotion to weather manager. Clear Skies has been helping me out a lot with the switch to being a boss. Thank Celestia for her,” Flitter sighed and shoved a bookmark in her book before she closed it and set it down. “Oh! There’s a party down town tonight Pinkie is throwing. Something about a visiting mare? Not sure. I didn’t hear much from Junebug and Noteworthy.” “That’s nice,” I commented and groaned slightly as I popped my back. “You can go. I’m staying here because I’m exhausted. Bring me back some cupcakes please.” “No, Pinkie said you had to come but she didn’t say why. She was a bit weird about it in all honesty,” Flitter admitted and rubbed her chin with a hoof as I raised an eyebrow. “It’s Pinkie Pie. When isn’t she weird?” “True but she was scarily adamant about it. I don’t know why but she said something about her Pinkie Sense going off about you coming will change your life,” Flitter explained and I rolled my head to look at her. “You know how she gets about her Pinkie sense. And besides, it’s always right.” “Flitter, I love you but I’m not going. Academy was hard and then I fly home on sore wings. I’ll make it up to Pinkie tomorrow or sometime soon, okay?” I answered and yawned. “Just bring me back a cupcake, deal?” “No deal. If I massage your wings, will you come? It’s in an hour or so,” Flitter offered and I sighed before rolling onto my stomach. “Better hurry up,” I looked back at her as she already started to rub my wings with her hooves. “Oh sweet Celestia it’s been a long. You should be a spa pony.” She was lucky she was family. For pegasi, wings are damn near sacred and allowing strangers to touch them is the equivalent of being a prostitute in a way. Only close family, friends or your partner is allowed to touch or preen your wings. And I can safely confirm I trust Flitter with my life. Hell, Raindrops and Parasol have been allowed to preen me a few times and I’ve done it to them occasionally. Flitter nuzzled my wing before she spat out a broken one and I gave her a grateful nod. I had done a hasty job at the Academy before I flew home but it was roughly a two hour flight back and I was exhausted. Especially at the base of my wings as Flitter started rubbing that spot of my body. “Better?” Flitter asked and I nodded. “Now come along, hold up your end of our little deal sis.” I blew out some air and growled a curse word into the pillow on the couch. “Fine.” I sat at a table with Flitter as she bobbed her head slightly to the music and I looked around curiously. I didn’t see any pony new yet. Everypony I saw was ponies we already knew. Some I didn’t really like, some I viewed as family and others were exes so things were slightly awkward. Only one or two were exes. Never mind, three were. Reminder to avoid Roseluck, Shoeshine and Cold Stone. “Having fun?” Flitter asked once she set down her punch. “Yeah kinda. You?” “Yeah,” Flitter answered and pushed a cupcake my way. “Learn anything fun at the Academy?” I was a bit glad this whole Wonderbolt thing wasn’t an issue between us anymore. We had fought bitterly over it for hours and we both had refused to speak to each other for a few days till Derpy forced us to sit down and talk to each other. Flitter was mainly just annoyed I was up and leaving and I was angry that it didn’t seem she was supporting me following my dreams. Communication is key we both learned that day. “Learned some new maneuvers. Misty is a pretty fair team leader. She doesn’t tolerate bullshit but she’s always there to listen if needed. Normal shit. It’s nice to serve under somepony like that,” I commented and tossed her a grin. “Kinda like I’ve been hearing about you being all stern at work, Miss Manager. I’m proud of you. Mom and dad would be too.” “Thanks Cloudy,” Flitter blushed and traced a circle in the puddle of water her punch had created. I started taking the cupcake out of the paper and paused as I felt eyes staring at me, glancing around curiously till my eyes fell on my old boss Rainbow Dash, the other elements of harmony and a fiery maned unicorn with bright teal eyes staring at me. “That’s the new pony I think. Never seen her before,” Flitter commented and I took a bite of my cupcake with a raised eyebrow before I smiled at the unicorn and she gave a nervous yet warm smile my way. “She’s cute,” I muttered before I could stop my stupid mouth. “Fuck.” “Ooh,” Flitter teased and wiggled her eyebrows. “Falling for the new mare I see. You do know how to pick em. She’s the perfect mix of slim and heavy. Go talk to her.” “You do realize I just broke up with Cold Stone last month, right? I’m definitely sure that the unicorn over there doesn’t deserve my mopey ass,” I scoffed and my eyes lingered on her for a few more seconds as I eyed her frame up and down. She was pretty decently built in all honesty. “Now come on, I wanna another cupcake and I’m pretty sure you’ll want to dance once before we leave.” I stretched and stepped out of the bakery after having quickly left to go use the bathroom at Berry’s house down the street. Stupid bathroom at Sugarcube Corner being closed for repairs. I tilted my head curiously at the unicorn from before trotting next to a very drunk looking Rainbow as she leaned against the mare before Rainbow started pushing her to me. The unicorn said something and apparently was fairly intimidating if Rainbow looked nervously and I inhaled. “Hey Rainbow,” I stood in front of them with a warm smile and my eyes flicked to the unicorn. “Hey stranger.” “H-hi,” She stammered and I pushed down my curiosity. Probably was fairly shy like Fluttershy or tired. I know I got stammery after a long day. “Hey there.” “Hey Cloudy,” Rainbow grinned and hovered behind the unicorn as she wrapped a hoof around her neck. “This is my friend, Sunset Shimmer. She’s visiting from out of town for the next few weeks.” Sunset Shimmer. Huh. Fits her cutie mark and her colors well. I should have figured it would have been Sun something. “Pleasure to meet you,” I said smoothly as I shook her hoof. “Likewise,” Sunset said as she took a deep breath before letting my hoof go. She was pretty soft unsurprisingly. “I’ll see you around Rainbow. Gotta escort my baby sister home,” I rolled my eyes and smiled again at Sunset. “Thank Celestia Flitter is inside still otherwise she’d give me the twin lecture again.” Rainbow gave a low chuckle as Sunset yawned behind a hoof. I waved to the two and felt Sunset’s eyes burning a hole into my back as I approached an eager Flitter. Sweet Celestia help me, she’s gonna badger me with questions, isn’t she?