The adventure of Sunrise and Inferno

by brody51

First published

This is a fan spin off of sun mother

This story is a spin-off of the story where we go through the adventure of the kids from the story and I ask permission first from the story


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Flash, Sunset, and Celestia are walking independently with their new baby.

They put the babies on the bed carefully,

" wow, I still can't believe I'm a father," Said Flash

" yeah, I can't believe I'm a mother and a big sister," Said Sunset

" As for me, I became a mother again and now a grandmother," said Celestia

So Celestia smiled and was happy to see that she had a baby, and so did her daughter.

"We should start buying baby clothes, food, and Cribbs." Said Flash

"Yeah, and I'm also nervous since I'm a new father and don't want to mess it up."

" oh, don't worry, Flash, since I am a new mother, we will get through this together, and I know I will be a great mother, and you will be a great father, also a good big sister to my new baby brother, I will love them both," said Sunset

"I think I should marry you, Celestia and Sunset."

"That's true, but what kind of wedding planner accepts that a guy is marrying two women that polygamy is illegal," said Celestia.

" oh yeah, well, we should get a blessing from the church at least."

" yeah, we should, but first, we should get the baby stuff first."

'That true "

So Celestia. Sunset, Flash, and their babies went to the store and bought baby stuff for their kids.

When they got home, they put the babies in bed again and built the two cribs they had bought.

When done, they put the babies in the scribe and smile.

While Flash and Sunset watch the babies, Celestia puts the other babies' things away, such as baby food and diapers.

Suddenly, Celestia's phone started to ring, and she grabbed it to check who had called her.

It was her sister Luna who was calling her.

She answered her phone and said, "Hello Luna."

"Hello, Celestia, how are you doing?"

" I'm doing good, how about you? "

" good also, I heard you just had a new baby."

"yeah, that is true. You have a nephew and a grand niece."

" wait, a grand-niece?"

" yeah, Sunset has a baby too. Her name is Sunrise."

" Oh, that is just a beautiful name, and I'm happy that I'm a new nephew and now a grandaunt."

"You're not mad that you're a grand aunt since I'm now a grandmother since we are still young to be one."

"Of course not. Yes, we are still young to be one of those, but I am happy to be one."

"I am happy too."

"Sunset, Flash, and I will have a blessing ceremony. Are you going to have one, too?"

"Pipsqueak and I decided when he gets older, we are getting married."

" oh, that sounds wonderful."

"Also, Luna, can you and Pipsqueak watch the babies while I, Sunset, and Flash plan the ceremony."

" Sure. That is a chance to get to meet the babies and get a connection to them."

" that is great. See you later, Luna. Bye."

" bye Celestia"

Celestia hung up the phone and went to Flash and Sunset.

Sunset is holding Inferno, and Flash is holding Sunrise.

" hey mom," said Sunset

"Hey Celestia," said flash

"Hello, sweeties, Luna called, and she will come over and watch the kids while we plan the blessing ceremony."

"Oh, that's good. And also, Sunset, we need to look for jobs to support this new family."

" Also, you, too, should apply for colleges," Celestia said

" I don't think we can, Mom, since I and Flash have kids."

"Yes, family is essential, but the second is education. I think you can balance family and college."

" you know what, hon, you're right, and Sunset agrees we can do it. We can get through on anything."

" yes, Mom, your right," said Sunset proudly

"That's How I do, but first, Let's see how our kids are doing," said Celestia

(20 minutes later)

Luna has arrived at her sister's house, and she opens the door.

"Hey, Celestia, PIpsqueak, and I are here," Luna said

"Hey, we're here in my room," said Celestia

"Okay, we're coming up," said Luna while climbing the stairs.

"Hey, Celestia," she said while Luna hugged her sister.

" Hey Luna, here are the babies, " Celestia said while showing where the babies were."

" oh, is that my nephew and grandniece," Luna said happily.

" aww, they are so cute. Can I hold them 'Pipsqueak said

" Sure, just be careful," Celestia said while giving the two babies to Pipsqueak.

" They are so adorable. What are their names ?" Pipsqueak said while holding the two babies.

" Her name is Sunrise, and his name is Inferno," said Sunset

"They have beautiful names, and, amazingly, you named the boy after your father, Sunset."

Pipsqueak gave Luna the babies so she could hold them.

" oh, they are so cute. and amazing."

Sunrise and Inferno giggled and smiled at her, and Luna was happy, so she put them back in the crib.

" so, have you decided who will be invited to the ceremony?" said Luna

" yes, we decided that only friends and family," said Celestia.

"That's wonderful."

" oh, the rainbooms can be the bride mates," said Sunset

((one month later)

The blessing ceremony was on Flash wearing a suit, and Sunset and Celestia were wearing wedding dresses.

The guests were Luna and the Flash family, Rainboom's boyfriends, and their pets.

Also, the bride and mates are the rainbooms, and the groomsmen are Timber Wood and other friends.

So when the Flash kisses Celestia and Sunset kiss, everyone claps.

They were dancing and having a fun time.

(a few years later)

Sunrise and Inferno are four and find out Sunset is pregnant.

When Sunset told both of the kids, they were happy.

" yay, I'm going to be a big sister," said Sunrise

(couple of years later)

They were in school, all three of the kids.

"so you ready sunrise?" said Inferno

" yes, I am, " I said, Sunrise."

Sunrise turns to her little sister. Are you ready for your class?"

" yes ' said Sunrise's little sister.