Normal Day.

by CosmicShenanigan-er

First published

A very normal day in Equestria... Yes, normal... Very... Normal...

Okay, this... Uh, Equestria being happy? No otherworldly beings? No near deaths and destruction of the whole world?

Huh... This is weird.

Very normal.

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Rosa Light, a well known time traveller, walk beside Twilight Sparkle, the alicorn of Friendship and Magic, who's reading a book about ponies in earth.

"Hrmm..." Twilight narrowed her eyes, before closing the book, she then looked at her companion beside her.

"Do you feel like something's wrong?"

Rosa looked at the princess, before thinking. "... Nah! Nothin'." She shrugged before grabbing her soda from her floating tophat, and proceed to drinked it.

Twilight seen it already for the past 100 times so she wasn't bothered by that, what was bothering her is...

It's too normal.

But that wouldn't be it since everything is normal, except for the monthly super villains attacks.


In twilight's castle, both Rosa and Twilight were in the map room, Twilight reading another book and Rosa having some strange black rectangular thing with a screen, with said screen flashing some other images... She's overthinking this, calm down.

Seconds passed by, turned into minutes, Twilight feels like somethings wrong today, she checked the calendar, it was May 15, she frowned, something was clearly wrong.

Rosa looked up from the device and saw Twilight's expression, raising an eyebrow, she asked.

"Something's wrong?"

"No..." Said Twilight, pausing a bit before adding. "Well, yes, but i don't know..."

"Well, something is clearly wrong." Rosa said before getting up and stretching.

"What are you doing?" Twilight asked the time travelling pony, the response she got was.

"I'm gonna look for something not natural, i think that was the missing part." She concluded, didn't even think about it, after stretching with little to hearable 'pop' noise, she headed out of the room and out of the castle.

"W-wait! Let me follow you!" Twilight hastily get up from her seat and quickly followed Rosa.

"Your choice." Rosa shrugged before pushing the giant doors with just one hoove.


"What?" The question was left unanswered as Rosa rushed out of the castle, Twilight yelp in surprise and quickly followed her.


The two ponies waled together in silent...

Or loudly.

"And when i asked Diane 'Hey! What's your favorite pie!' she suddenly froze and start rambling about her family and actual pies, it didn't helped that her family is named after pies too."

"Yes, rosa, i get it, but where are we going?" Twilight groaned and swiped down her front face using her hoove.

"I think- what?" Rosa stopped her discussion before looking at Twilight with eyebrow raised.

"What are we doing again?" She asked, smiling sheepishly, Twilight just shook her head and sighed deeply.

"We're trying to find something 'unnatural', because you claimed that was what's missing." She explained, which the response was an 'Oh.' from Rosa.

"Right." Rosa looked serious for a second, then her usual causal look came back with a quick cough, shifting her eyes to the left.

"I have no idea what we are supposed to do.

Twilight's hoove met her face once again, she groaned and started walking to the sugarcube corner.

"What? Did i say something wrong?" Rosa followed her, oblivious to her own stupidity.


They made their way into sugarcube corner, was greeted by a well known pink pony.

"HEYA GIRLS!" Shouted by Pinkie pie behind the counter, waving to the two of them, Rosa waved back.

"Diane! I gotta asked what's your favorite-"

"Don't." Twilight stopped Rosa from talking further, she then look at pinkie.

"Pinkie, do you seen or feel anything strange happening?" Twilight asked, pinkie tapped her chin while looking up.

"Nah! Cupcake?" Pinkie pulled out two cupcakes from nowhere, Rosa gladly took one but Twilight shook her head a bit in decline, Pinkie shrugged and proceed to devour said cupcake in one bite.

Classic Pinkie pie behavior!


Twilight and Rosa, who finished her cupcake right after they got out of the sugarcube corner, went to sweet apple acres, where they meet applejack, who was bucking the ever loving apples out of the tree.

Applejack wiped away some sweat as she look up and saw Rosa and Twilight.

(For the applejack fans, i am very sorry but i don't know how to write the way she speak.)

"Hey Twilight, Rosa." She stood up, clearly being tall, Rosa muttered something they can't hear.

"Hey applejack! Have you seen something weird happening lately?" Twilight looked up since applejack was a bit taller than both Twilight and Rosa.

"Hm... I haven't seen anything yet, I'll just call you if i did." Applejack said before going back to her work, Twilight sighed, Rosa blinked rapidly.

Twilight look at her mint friend and asked, "are you okay?"

Rosa's blinking decreased a bit, before responding, "Yes but actually No." Twilight looked confused to that and decided to shrug it off.


"Anything weird, darling? Oh my! Hopefully it doesn't happen."


"Sorry, twi. Haven't seen anything weird in the sky too, I'm gonna go back practicing my new trick, see ya lates, Rose, Twi!"


"Oh, um... I'm sorry, Twilight... I haven't seen anything weird lately... I'm very sorry to disappoint you..."


"What? Why would you try to find something like that?"


"... Who are you two again?"


"Normally, i would be the cause of such thing, but the plot of this story doesn't allow me."


"Uh... How did you two entered my house?"


"No use! We asked everypony we know and not know!" Rosa flopped her head to the Map table, Twilight thinking deeply.

"Maybe... Maybe i know something."

"You do?!" Rosa raised her head and looked at Twilight, who nodded.

"Yes... It might be..." Twilight paused for the dramatic drums that pinkie currently in the background.



All was silent a bit.



Rosa blinked, thinking before sighing, "that might actually make sense... We were the one being weird today... Still a fun mini adventure tho."

Twilight smiled and looked at rosa. "Yeah, even without doing so much, it really was a fun adventure."

"... Wanna cook some pancake?"

Twilight chuckled, "sure, why not?" And both went on their way to the kitchen...

They somehow messed up and summoned some Eldritch god from a dormant universe and now needs the whole Equestria to defeat it.

The end.