Fallen Order

by Stormy Cloud

First published

Before the Elements of Harmony, there was the Harmony Order.

Before the creation of the elements of Harmony, Equestria's protection lay in the hooves of a group of ponies that could manipulate the forces of magic that made up their world. This group was called the Harmony Order.

The once peaceful lands of Equestria are now gripped in a horrible civil war, sun vs moon, light vs darkness, sister vs sister. Forced to choose sides, the Order decides to align themselves with Princess Celestia. However unbeknownst to all sides of the war, a sinister plot was slowly being carried out.


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Stormy Cloud was waiting inside a large chamber within the harmony temple. He and several other Harmony knights were waiting to greet the new foals of Harmony and their new apprentices. Stormy was excited, this would be his first apprentice and his first step to becoming a Harmony Master.

Stormy looked around at his fellow knights, who looked nervous with anticipation. Despite knowing most of them by name, Stormy hardly knew any of them since he was a young foal. Stormy typically kept himself to himself.

Suddenly the doors to the chamber opened, causing an echoey boom. An elderly earth pony mare entered the chamber, she was closely followed by a group of foals, from various races and creatures. The colts and fillies were around the same age of ten years old.

A mystical feeling then washed over him as all around Harmony Knights began to approach the group of foals as if they were being hypnotised. Indeed, Stormy suddenly felt drawn towards a small pegasus filly, with a spiky rainbow mane, her magenta eyes connecting with Stormy's own blue eyes.

The elderly mare then called out, "Let the cosmos guide you!"

Soon Stormy and the young filly were standing right in front of each other, "What is your name, young filly?" Stormy asked, staring at the filly as he sensed that she had a strong connection to the cosmos.

"Aurora, master," the filly replied in a scratchy voice.

"Hello, Aurora, my name is Stormy Cloud, your new master…” Stormy introduced himself, leaning down so that he was at eye level with the young filly.

“What’s going to happen now?” Aurora asked looking around the large chamber to see if there was any sign of what they were going to do now.

“Well first, we are going to meet the Harmony Council, then we are going to go on a very important mission,” Stormy explained.

Aurora’s wings buzzed with excitement, “What mission?” she asked hurriedly, wanting to go on a mission as soon as possible.

Stormy chuckled, “Patience, young apprentice. You will find out later, first, we need to meet the council.”

Stormy then began to lead the young filly towards another large room, inside of this room, lay several large thrones, with a pony sat on each throne. "Aurora, meet the Harmony Council," Stormy announced.

"So this is your new apprentice," a light-coloured pegasus with a red mane and tail said.

“Yes, Master Flash,” Stormy said, moving aside so that the council could see Aurora in her full glory.

“Yes, the cosmos is strong with this one,” Grand Master Star Swirl the Bearded said almost dreamily.

“I believe, you have a mission to carry out?” Star Swirl guessed, humouring the two pegasi.

“Yes, Master,” Stormy said before leading Aurora out of the temple.

Aurora skipped along, her wings buzzing with excitement, “So what is this mission, Master Stormy?” Aurora asked, her voice full of apprehension.

“Every Harmonial carries a magisword. It is a weapon that we use to only defend ourselves, we do not use it to attack other creatures. Unlike your typical sword or weapon, magiswords have a strong connection to the cosmos,” Stormg explained igniting his own blue magisword, which made a humming sound. Both ponies could feel the raw power that was being emitted from the weapon.

Aurora looked in awe at the glowing sword, “Awesome, where can I get one of those?”

“It is not easy to construct a magisword, first we need to find a special type of crystal that can power the magisword, this crystal can only be found in the frozen north,” Stormy explained while taking her to an airship.

“So is that where we are heading?” Aurora asked as they boarded the flying vessel.

“Yes, my apprentice.”


Meanwhile sitting atop a cliff that overlooked the city of Canterlot a lone, hooded figure watched the two pegasi, board the airship.

The figure let out a sinister laugh, “So the prophecy is beginning to come true.”

The figure then walked off, the figure already knew where the two ponies were heading and wanted to meet them there.


When they arrived at their destination, Aurora shivered with cold clutching her light brown harmonial robes close to her body, but they did very little to keep out the cold.

Aurora gritted her teeth, however, and carried on, “How are we supposed to find this crystal, there is nothing here apart from snow and ice.”

“Let the cosmos guide you,” Stormy said loudly.

“I can’t feel anything,” Aurora shouted in frustration as she clenched her eyes shut in an attempt to reach out to the cosmos.

“That's because you are doing it wrong. Sit down and close your eyes,” Stormy instructed, while Aurora gave him a look of incredulity but followed her master's orders, nonetheless. “Good now reach out with your hoof and feel for the cosmos.”

Aurora extended her hoof and waited, but when she couldn’t feel anything, she was about to give up when all of a sudden, she felt a sudden strong urge to go in a direction. “I don't know why but I really want to go in that Direction.”

“You lead the way,” Stormy said, letting the filly guide them towards what would hopefully be the crystal.

After what seemed like hours of walking, they eventually stumbled across a small cave, they entered the cave and were surprised that it felt relatively warm despite being covered in ice.

At the end of the cave, Aurora saw a glow coming through the icy wall, placing her hoof onto the wall, she felt the wall become warmer. “What is it?” she asked looking towards the older pegasus.

“I do not know for I do not see anything,” Stormy exclaimed almost cryptically.

“I think it’s my crystal but it's stuck inside of this wall,” she said, while hammering on the wall with her hoof.

“Slamming your hoof into the wall, ain’t going to solve anything, trust in your ability to use the cosmos,” Stormy said.

Aurora sighed and then stepped back from the wall, she then held her hooves out and then used the cosmos to destroy the section of the wall that held her crystal.

The wall then broke apart, revealing a small blue crystal, Aurora picked the crystal up, which felt warm in her hooves and almost sounded like it was whispering to her.

As this was happening, the cave suddenly became unnaturally cold and Stormy got a sense of overwhelming danger.

Turning around, he suddenly shouted at Aurora, “Get behind me!” as he pulled the filly behind him and raised his wings in a defensive manner while igniting his blue magisword.

At the entrance to the cave, a hooded figure stood there, all that could be seen was a blue muzzle, which was twisted in a menacing smile…