A Lovely Day for Rain

by Flameon_Heart

First published

Cadance joyfully plays in the rain...

Princess Cadance has missed a lot after moving to the frozen North and becoming the ruler of the New Crystal Empire. She misses the sunshine and the birds, sure, but what she misses the most is the rain. Having so many fond memories of rainy days, and not having any rain within the kingdom's ecosystem, Cadance decides to head for Canterlot when she hears they are expecting a storm. Cadance heads off to Equestria's capital, ready to experience something she has not felt in a long time...

Submitted for A Thousand Words Contest III in the Slice of Life Category

Featured June 24 2024!

Rainy Day

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The sky above Canterlot was gray with clouds. Pegasi moved back and forth, collecting the fluffy vessels for the rain that was sure to come soon. As the winged ponies flew through the sky, the ponies below were getting ready for the coming storm. Venders locked up their shops and home dwellers unclogged their drains. Everypony seemed to be getting ready for the coming storm. Everypony, except for one…

High up in the capital stood the royal palace, its elegance and grandiose a spectacle to behold by the common pony. In the tallest tower overlooking the town sat a single pony. This figure sat and watched the townsfolk go by down below. Lost in deep thought, the pony stared at the gray sky. That figure, with her gracious wings and stout horn, watched over everything as she sat at the lone window.

That pony was the alicorn princess Cadance. Princess Cadance was not your typical pony, for she was the ruler of the kingdom of the North, the Crystal Empire. Cadance had rarely left her throne and her husband to visit her Equestrian neighbors and family, so every time it felt incredibly special. However, Cadance had made this trip down to Equestria’s capital for one specific reason. As the pink alicorn gazed at the sky, she imagined one of the only things she missed from her time before her rule of the Crystal Empire. The rain.

Just then, a bright flash filled the sky as lightning hurdled toward the ground, striking it with a Boom! The first droplets started to fall as the pegasi cleared the way, returning home for the night. Soon, the rain came pouring down in droves, as a light shower formed. Cadance smiled. It was true, she had missed so many things after becoming the ruler of the Crystal Empire, but the one thing she missed most was the rain. She remembers playing in the rain as a young foal, before gaining her alicorn horn, and ascending to princesshood. She remembers the times she would dance in the rain with her sister-in-law Twilight. In the frozen North, the only weather they got was snow, snow, and more snow. There was never an issue of it getting too cold, what with the Crystal Heart’s magic, but she missed experiencing rain in its true liquid form. Cadance had heard word from various sources that Equestria was expecting a long and gentle shower and jumped at the chance she was looking for!

After asking her husband Shining Armor to oversee the royal duties for a few days, Cadance set out on her vacation to Canterlot immediately. Now, as Cadance sat in the castle, her chance to see rain again had finally arrived. The droplets came down fast, hitting the roofs of the thatched houses and running down the brick walls. The pink princess was overjoyed! She slowly leaned back from the window before racing through the corridor toward the front gate. As Cadance zipped past guards and housekeepers she gave quick apologies, flying around corners and bends. Cadance did not stop until she made it to the castle doors. As she landed the guards stood at attention, which Cadance dismissed. The guards unlatched the doors and let the princess out into the yard, where Cadance gasped in wonder. The alicorn princess stepped out into the rain with a cautious step. As she felt the water hit her muzzle she jolted back. She had not felt rain in such a long time that the experience was surprising, to say the least. Cadance sat under the castle canopies, admiring the droplets as they pitter pattered downward.

She finally decided it was time. The pink coated mare stood up and slowly walked into the rain. As she exited from beneath the canopy, she felt her mane and tail start to be matted back with the gentle downpour. Cadance raised her head to the sky and grinned. Suddenly, the small alicorn bolted into the air with tremendous speed, blowing over some lawn ornaments next to her. Cadance soared into the sky, laughing with glee as the rain hit her face. She flew over the city, over the rivers and ponds, and landed in the park. As she did she saw something that caught her attention. A single, giant puddle had formed in the middle of the path, its edges glistening in the dim light. Candance pranced over in glee before jumping into the muddy puddle. As the pink mare played, her mane and coat were coated in mud and water. Cadance, being none the wiser and full of glee, continued to dance around, rain hitting every inch of her. It felt good, it felt fresh, and it felt calming. The little alicorn princess must have jumped around for what seemed like hours, but as she stopped she looked toward the clock tower to see only a couple of minutes had passed.

Cadance once again soared into the air, in search of her next activity. Soon she spotted a small bridge over the pond and flew beneath it. She sat below the rickety wooden structure and watched as the rain dribbled down from the cracks above. The dim light of the evening reflected in such a way that the droplets caught each ray, reflecting them further in every direction. The underside of the bridge seemed to sparkle before her eyes, and she giggled with absolute joy. After staying under there for a good long while, the enraptured princess noticed that it had begun to stop raining. Looking toward the sky, she noticed the pegasi starting to clear the clouds away and let forth Celestia’s sun. The pink princess frowned, but soon perked up and flew all the way back to the castle. As she landed onto the balcony, the princess looked out at the sky just as the last cloud was being cleared away. As she turned to head inside and get cleaned off, she eagerly awaited the next time it rained in Equestria.