> Necrocannibalis - My Little Pony > by MilvusVolkermord > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 - Mental Decay. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ❪ 📚 | 🍎 | 🌈 | 💠 | 🦋 |🎈|🐲 ❫ 𝟎𝟒.𝟏𝟗.𝟐𝟒 ┊𝟏𝟎:𝟑𝟎 𝐀𝐌     An electric shock ran through her entire body, causing her to become exalt and suddenly wake up. For a second she was about to fall from her chair but she held on to the table in front of her. The room was completely silent and all eyes were directed directly towards those sudden movements. He tried to fix his composure by adjusting himself in the chair but it was a rather uncomfortable situation for everyone. "Sorry Applejack, I haven't rested well and I think I'm sleepier than usual, what were you saying about the harvest?." He coughed after speaking and looked at the blonde who was on the other side of the table. "No problem Twilight, the royal issues are keeping you very... busy." He tried to reorganize his ideas again since they had slipped off his tongue. "...This year's harvests could be a disaster, not only because of the sudden problem we have with magic but also with the response of the citizens. They will not stay calm knowing that we lost 40% of production because of the climate." "40%? When you informed me a week ago it was only 25% of the amount lost. It can't have changed so drastically, you must be wrong." He claimed the one with her multicolored hair as she got up from her chair. "Rainbow, please calm down, it's not like a lady to get excited like that." Rarity mentioned while she maintained her composure. "Unfortunately I'm not wrong. We did a new evaluation and those were the data. I know that the climate is your responsibility but you can't blame yourself because without your wings you can't... help us." " Tsk-, shouldn't Twilight solve it?." She sat down again, maintaining an annoyed expression. "I can't Rainbow, since Princess Celestia wants me away from those matters because of her problem with her sister Luna, I haven't known how to help her, although you should be more aware, you spend more time under her orders as Wonderbolt in that factory." She answered, trying to find out something about that place that seemed enigmatic to her. "I don't work directly with her. It's a shame that the princess is leaving you aside after all, you're also one of hers. Although it seems like she no longer trusts you enough." She rolled her eyes before looking away sighing in annoyance. Twilight felt attacked by that comment she was about to respond but she was right. She lowered her head thinking that she hadn't had a direct conversation with the princess in a long time to even know what was really happening, she felt lost. "Excuse me-." Flutershy tried to speak but his voice was barely audible to be noticed. The pink-haired girl with bright voluminous hair raised her hand and moved it from side to side with her characteristic smiling personality asking to speak although without waiting for a response from her she still spoke making the pastel pink-haired girl give up and she would end up staying silent. "I know!, We can buy the other towns their surplus food, Maybe ah Appleloos-... " "No Pinki, If we don't have food because of magic, they must be relatively the same or worse." Twilight interrupted him before directing her gaze to the front of her again. "It seems that being together was a waste of time, as always... I have things to do, I can't waste time." The one with the multicolored hair got up from her chair before heading to the doors, turning a deaf ear to the complaints of her friends". She took one last look at the room, observing everyone seriously until she noticed the pink-haired girl's face with that typical smile. Her smile and her eyes gave him a chill, feeling how that fixed, empty gaze of hers attacked her in some way combined with that sinister smile that only made him think of all the dark ideas of hers that she hid under that mask of innocence. She left the room, slamming the door behind her with force that echoed throughout the castle. Seconds after she was away from the gaze of the others, her face changed to one of total fear as she put her hand to her head, trying not to remember the dreams where she was. It was torn into pieces and turned into a disgusting "Cupcake". [ 𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐒 𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 𝐖𝐈𝐋𝐋 𝐇𝐀𝐕𝐄 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐒𝐄𝐐𝐔𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄𝐒🕯️ ] "Rainbow!, . . . By Celestia. . ." She sighed heavily before recognizing that her attitude had her reasons. They had spent hours discussing the recent problems and had not found even a temporary solution." I think we should postpone this meeting after all, we still have time before that news is made public. I have some business in another city and I have to leave in a few hours, excuse me sweethearts." Rarity also got up and walked towards the door while behind her was also Flutershy who had not spoken at any time during the meeting but wanted to leave. She felt like a burden and had a lot of things on her mind to worry about, but she just couldn't figure it out. I hadn't been able to tell anyone about it. "Forgive me girls." The light-toned Pelirosa mentioned before closing the door behind her delicately. "Look Twilight, we should talk about it on Friday afternoon, it's where we all have the most time, okay?." With her papers in her hand, her blonde was also heading towards the door and Pinki was also behind her. "Yes Twilight, I should bring cookies or cupcakes. What do you think, Applejack? Obviously not carrot cakes, you know Rainbow doesn't like them, although maybe she should bring the chocolate or ice cream fountain." Twilight was still silent as she listened to everything that happened around her, she hadn't been able to hear the last thing Pinki said when she closed the door behind her. The room for some reason had a cold atmosphere and that vibe certainly bothered her but she still didn't move, she wanted to continue getting lost in her thoughts even though they could consume her for hours. A few seconds passed and the door opened again but this time someone of modest stature entered, changing the depressing atmosphere. She approached the purple-haired girl with a quite lively expression. "Twilight? What happened? Could you fix something? Ehh- I saw them all leaving very distressed-..." "No Spike, I'm sorry, we haven't been able to fix anything at all." He interrupted him to put his hands towards her head. She was too stressed to think of anything. The youngest sighed heavily upon hearing her boss's words, he put his hand on her shoulder trying to comfort her in some way. "You should get some rest. Maybe the pillow will help you think of a good idea. Shall I serve you some tea or something?." "No thanks Spike, I think... I think I'll listen to you and get some sleep." He got up from the chair to walk out of the huge room, leaving the scaly man alone. "Well, I think I'll fix it..." The sound of the door slamming shut interrupted his words. "Everything, Yes... everything -Pff-..." He felt worried about the situation but he couldn't do anything since they didn't usually listen to him like before, he grumbled under his breath before putting some order to the whole silent place. ❪ 🌼 | 🛴 | 🎀 ❫ 𝟎𝟑:𝟏𝟓 𝐏𝐌 The bell rang suddenly but was overshadowed by the shouts of hundreds of people happy to hear it, conversations and footsteps approaching the doors of the institute, leaving the place quickly in various directions. Among all the tumult, three figures stood out for the simple fact that they seemed calmer and more entertained in their own conversations. "Why don't we go to Scootaloo's house? We could do all the activities they left us, plus it is closer." The redhead commented, following the pace of her friends. "Well, it's a bit messy, I don't think it's a good idea. Rainbow might get angry." "What's up Sco-ot-aloo? Scared? You said he barely spends time in that new apartment because of his work. What did you say he worked on?." "I'm not really sure, Apple. I only know that he works in Clousdale and regularly travels with the Wonderbolts to other places. He doesn't usually tell me much about that." "What do your aunts think about that? Doesn't living with Rainbow bother you?." He mentioned the one with her purple/pink hair while she was trying to organize some things in her backpack. "They are happy. They say that this will help me be like Rainbow and be able to apply without problems." "Maybe that will help you not be a Chi-ck-en" Apple Bloom laughed at her own comment along with Sweetie Belle while Scootaloo snorted in annoyance and gave the Redhead a judging look. "And tell me, you're not so brave when you talk to Diamond Tiara eh- and we did things with her and her friend years ago. Are you going to the party I invited you, right?. I elbow Apple Bloom's shoulder trying to annoy her. "Ah- well... He-, It still bothers me... If only that..." She laughed nervously looking at the sky. "Sure?!" Swettie Belle and Scootaloo spoke together, looking at her friend. "Yes! By the way I heard that Button Mash is going to go. What do you think, Swettie?." I laugh to look at her friend seeing how her expression changed drastically. "AH-... Pfff I'm not going to give an opinion." I cross my arms, somewhat offended by that comment, trying to change her expression to a more serene one before colliding with a stone and almost falling. The others laughed and the seconds were also followed by laughter as each one supported themselves to stay standing. That good moment was suddenly overshadowed when a loud noise next to them scared them. Several armored vehicles crossed the streets beside him of different sizes and appearances. From above, several soldiers with their typical camouflage uniforms observed the curious gazes that focused on them. They had broken the urban stillness and all the complex observers like the three girls were filled with questions. "Has something happened? Where are they going?." He mentioned the one with the purple hair before taking out a camera that she had borrowed earlier and taking a couple of photos. "Rainbow should know Scoot, She works with them... The Wonderbolts are special forces." I mention Apple Bloom trying to differentiate a face among those soldiers. "If you should ask him when you come back, that's not very normal." He mentioned the one with the pinkish purple hair while she was trying to find her phone to also take photos. "If I find her, maybe she isn't at home." She checked to see if she had taken the photos correctly one by one and seemed satisfied with the results. "We should go home, maybe something happened. I'm worried about my sister." The redhead mentioned, somewhat worried, hundreds of ideas crossed her head. "My sister Rarity will leave the city in the afternoon. She said she was going to Canterlot because of some clients who called her and she would return the day after tomorrow, I think." "Don't worry, Apple Bloom, it's probably some exercise, Canterlot's founding day is approaching after all, it's always like that every year." I try to cheer up the redhead when I notice her worried expression. "Yes Apple Bloom Scootaloo is right, besides they are not heading to Sweet Apple Acres since she is on the other side, They just like to show off. " The words of her friends seemed to work, recognizing that they were very right. She turned to see the one with the pinkish purple hair pointing at her from head to toe. "The only one who shows off here is you Swettie, every day you go out with a new outfit as if you were a fashion designer." "I have to take advantage of all the clothes that Rarity gives me. It's not my fault that you only have three outfits in your closet and not to mention Scootaloo who looks like she just came out of a sewer wearing that same jacket every day." She was starting to sound like her sister. The three of them laughed again together, none of them bothered by the others' comment because they felt good about how they dressed. "Well, let's go to your house, Scootaloo, if Rainbow is there, we'll ask her so we can have some gossip." I walk again along the sidewalk trying to remember the correct path according to her memories. "Puff- Okay, that's fine... But you'll help me fix it a little, okay?." "Yes, if there is no problem." "Yes, no problem, although Swettie won't want to grab a broom." "No, I'll help him look better, his style of fixing things is terrible." She remembered all the work they did together and how they didn't seem aesthetically correct to her. "Among my disorder I have order." I try to remember where she had the keys before she started looking for them. "By the way Scoot, where is my science book? I lent it to you days ago and you haven't returned it to me." "Over there Apple Bloom." She grimaced trying to remember where she had left it. "Aja..." "Give it up Apple Bloom, that's what happened when I lent her my watch." "You yourselves will look for it when you help me clean better." He turned around the corner and the other two followed suit. "Maybe I'll find my doll, my pen, my headphones..." The redhead mentioned while she counted them with her fingers. "My keychain, My mirror, My cap..." The ones with the purple-pink hair also followed her game, putting together everything they counted on. They mentioned a long list but only Scootaloo managed to laugh while he listened to them, his friends also laughed seconds later, they were already close to reaching the building where Scootaloo was living where they would be a little more relaxed. ❪ 🪄 | 💫 ❫ 𝟎𝟗:𝟑𝟎 𝐏𝐌 The lights of a large theater suddenly went out, voices drowned each other out until there was a deep silence for several seconds that made the crowd filled with intrigue. Several spotlights were pointed towards the center of the stage, illuminating a specific place where a red curtain opened, revealing a figure with a striking purple cape and a pointed hat of the same color. He raised a hand releasing several stars that rose above everyone and illuminated the entire theater for seconds. "Witness the amazing and unmatched magic of the great and powerful Trixie!" He exclaimed with euphoria, observing the entire audience. "Watch in amazement as the great and powerful Trixie performs acts of magic never seen by any creature in this world." With each word her emotion seemed to rise more than it could enthuse everyone present. After that small presentation, a screen of smoke covered the stage for a few moments and suddenly, as it arrived, it disappeared, showing objects that at first glance seemed to be dangerous. "Remember that these acts can only be done by professionals, do not try it at home." Having said these words, the one with the grayish-blue hair proceeded to perform each act that she presented, apparently without any difficulty for a long time. Each act became more dangerous, causing the attention of her audience to not so easily miss something that she loved. Ending all these acts for her considered very "basic" she addressed the audience once again to present a trick that she had been planning for months. "As a final act, I the great and powerful Trixie." He walked a couple of steps before taking a huge cloth, throwing it to the ground and revealing a huge fish tank filled only with water. "I will submerge myself tied with chains of hands on my back and her entire body. They will be amazed when I free myself before her eyes." She climbed a couple of stairs to a platform above this water tank. The lights went out for a few seconds and came back on, revealing that she had the chains I mentioned before. "And to make this act more interesting, this fish tank will be sealed with this metal plate. Do not waste a second because you will NEVER witness this act again." She stomped heavily, revealing that what was actually covering that platform was metal, taking a second step forward, falling into the fish tank and due to the weight of the chains she sank quickly. The mechanism of the platform was activated, completely sealing the huge fish tank. Inside the huge tank she smiled while holding her breath, something that made the public intrigued and asked each other how she would be freed. Something that he noticed at that time was how difficult it was to move with the weight of the chains. His arrogant attitude had not allowed him to make these preliminary calculations. A memory immediately crossed his mind when he mentioned to a prop assistant that they needed chains. real and big to impress as much as possible. (Okay Trixie, This is just child's play this is not a problem for you.) Ah, despite that, she continued to maintain a smile in front of the public, she adjusted her hands to try to reach a key hidden behind her right wrist that she managed to take from her with the tips of her fingers, removing it. She felt quite relieved to have it in her hands, she moved the key towards the lock that was behind her back, but when she tried to open it with a bad movement it slipped out of her hands. (Shit, shit, shit, shit!.) She tried to grab it several times as the key sank deeper and deeper until it was no longer in her reach. Her body shook and her mind was filled with hundreds of thoughts that made her panic and small effervescences escaped from her breath. She sank completely to try to look for the key with her chained hands, something that the audience took as an action part of the act and murmured in admiration. (They are not Damn!.) She continued to bubble and her strength was quickly exhausted giving up on searching for the keys, she pushed herself up with her feet to try to get out of her but the enormous weight of her chains did not allow her to reach halfway. she. In a desperate attempt to ask for help, she kicked and moved as best she could to try to get the attention of the public or an assistant, but they believed it was part of the act since it is something she used to do on many occasions, only this time it was all real. . His gestures ended up losing strength and, unable to breathe, he lost his last breaths that became bubbles ascending in a dance towards the surface. He closed his eyes while time was distorted in a whirlpool of despair and remorse when he felt his lungs burning in search. of air that I couldn't find. A force enveloped him and all that weight he had was suddenly released. She opened her eyes again to notice how she was standing on the stage of an emerging cloud of smoke that was fading around her, all soaked and agitated trying to breathe aggressively, she watched as the audience rose from their seats applauding and shouting. his name at full lungs. The curtain slammed shut and he could not resist her own weight as she fell to the floor coughing and gasping. She heard how many people surrounded her and many murmurs that she did not understand seemed to speak to her. A figure knelt next to her and held her face, trying to revive her by repeatedly touching her cheek. "ome on Trixie wake up!" She recognized her voice opening her eyes as she sneezed and tried to get up. "Starl-...ight, Yes... you came." She whispered weakly accompanied by a smile. The girl with the turquoise hair hugged her tightly after hearing her words, taking the air out of her again and separating again when she noticed her mistake. "Sorry." She apologized to her as she tried to give him some air by waving one of her hands. "Don't worry... The great and powerful Trixie is more than perfect." She tried to tune her voice with a sneeze. "I guess it was you, always arriving at the worst time to save me huh-." "Tss-... Yes, I took you out, you really got lucky it seems..." She cast a murderous look at everyone else making them take a couple of steps back. "Since none of these noticed what was happening." An atmosphere of guilt invaded the place but that didn't matter to her friend who euphorically hugged her savior. "I knew you would arrive, you always do." While their hearts were still beating from that shock that they had just witnessed, their souls were in a moment of intense emotions that was reflected in how they clung to each other with fear of being lost in the universe if they let go, in that single moment only they mattered and no one else. more so that words were not enough, causing that single moment to be eternal and irrefutable.