Flutter's Eye

by Strawberry Sunrise

First published

Fluttershy’s left eye is much like any other eye.

Fluttershy’s left eye is much like any other eye.

Such a Lovely Sight

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Fluttershy’s left eye is much like any other eye. Or at least any other eye of a pony with normal 20/20 vision. It has a white part on the outside, a pupil in the middle, and a colored iris inbetween. The color of her iris is blue. The eye has a lens, and a cornea, and a retina, and…well, you get the idea. We are not exactly ophthalmologists, so we shall stay mostly superficial.

As we look at Fluttershy’s eye, we can see that it is open. The iris and the pupil are moving side to side and up and down as she surveys her environment. Her pupil expands and it contracts. She blinks occasionally, her eyelid coming down to block our view momentarily and then moving back up again to restore her eye to view. But what she is looking at is not important. Not to us. We care only about her eye. We care only about viewing it as much as we can.

And so we watch as the iris and the pupil continue to move side to side and up and down. We shudder as her eyelid comes down to block the view from sight, and we relax as it returns to us once again. We can endure such fleeting moments of withdrawal, but sleep will be another story. How will we abide with her eye cloaked in such a disrespectful shroud for so long? Surely you, too, must be wondering…

You look up at the sky. The clouds are gathering and it looks like a storm will begin soon. The wind is picking up and you can see the trees all around shucking off colorful leaves as if sacrificing them to the spirit of Fall. You are in the Everfree Forest. Through the branches above, the Moon is…

Excuse us? What are you doing? We are focusing on Fluttershy’s left eye, remember? Nothing else is important. Ahem. Her iris and pupil continue to move side to side and up and down. Her blinking continues to infuriate us as we endure it time and time again. There is nothing but her eye. And it is gorgeous.

Suddenly the motion of her iris and her pupil accelerates. They are darting to and fro much faster now. Her eye widens, and, lo, we can see more of the white than before. What a glorious sight! For ages we have been dying to see what lay beyond the edges of its ordinary visage, but that cruel eyelid lay in the way. No longer! Even blinking ceases for a moment, though it soon returns, mercifully slower than before. The wideness remains, and with it…

Movement in the darkness. A glint of sharpened teeth and a low growl from the bushes and then…

Stop. Breaking. Focus. Ahem. We return to looking at her eye. And a good thing, too, for there is a spot of red on it now. How interesting! We would not want to have missed that. And look, another spot of red has appeared! And another!

The color of life! Such a lovely sight. And now…what is this? Her iris and her pupil have rolled back entirely, exposing the white in all its glory! While we must admit that we shall pine just a bit for the ring of blue that her iris had provided, not to mention the sublime darkness of her pupil, these new spots of red are more than making up for their absence. And that loathsome blinking has nearly ceased as well! What a joyous day this is indeed. Perhaps if we are lucky, it shall soon be no more!

You raise your focus again, looking around as if trying to find something that remains steadfastly out of view. You rub your ear, but the voice continues in your mind. You wonder…

…who we are? What we are? No need to concern yourself with such trivial matters as those. Look again! We are about to see something remarkable. Just another moment…maybe two…and yes! It has finally happened! Her eyelid has halted and all is right in the world. No longer shall we fear the wrath of sleep’s ungracious blanket covering such a splendid view. We are free to look, and look, and look some more, an endless smorgasbord of visual splendor! A banquet of beauty!

You rub your ear again. You give a slight nod to the shapes in the clearing ahead of you and begin to move in their direction.

Callooh! Callay! What a frabjous day! Forgive us the informality, but this is simply delightful! And this is your final warning, by the way. We must gaze into her eye for an eternity, soaking in the divine wonder of its ever-more-red-sprinkled pearly white sheen. Nothing can be allowed to disturb such a-

You turn away and lower your head.


An ear-splitting shriek of unearthly pitch and volume reverberates through your head. You rub your ear once again and your paw comes away coated in red. The shriek continues to escalate in volume and you collapse, nearly falling unconscious as you turn your head back toward-

That’s better. Now where were we? Ah, yes. The eye is right where we left it, and you, my friend, are going to stay right there and be a good little voyeur so that we can get a nice, good, long look at its majestic presence and truly appreciate how incredible it really-

Forcing yourself to your feet, you claw at the face of the corpse in front of you, slashing at its left eye until it is beyond recognition as the shriek returns with a vengeance. With some difficulty, you raise your claws again and pull the eyelid closed over what remains.

The shriek abruptly recedes. The voice in your head finally gone, you rub your ear one last time and find that the red has completely vanished. You join the other members of your timberwolf pack in consuming the rest of Fluttershy’s remains.