> Flamboyant Fiesta > by Some Leech > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Out and Proud > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Balancing a platter on one hand, Spike gave a courtesy knock on Dusk’s door before seeing himself inside. “I hope you stallions are ready for cupcakes!” A dozen eyes turned toward him, bringing a smile to his face. Aside from Dusk Shine, the stallion who’d hatched and essentially raised him, Rainbow Blitz, Apple Brandy, Bubble Berry, Elusive, and Butterscotch were all assembled for a small get together. While it was a little weird that the ponies, each being well into adulthood, still assembled for the occasional sleepover, neither he nor any of the denizens in Equestria could question what the Elements of Harmony did with one another while they weren’t saving the world. The group of stallions were his closest, most cherished friends, and each was unique in their own way. Dusk was a bit on the nerdy side, Apple Brandy’s powerful physique was the result of lifetime of manual labor on his family’s apple orchard, Rainbow’s sleek, athletic build spoke to his devotion as a flier, Bubble’s bit of pudge and rounded features were the embodiment of indulgent mirth and his baking skills, Butterscotch’s average, masculine figure lay in contrast to how soft-spoken he was, and Elusive was the beauteous, most effeminate and flamboyant of the bunch. In comparison to the studs, he was short and a bit on the svelte side. He thought the world of his companions, regardless of the fact that they were literal heroes, though he’d hidden a secret from all but one of them. For years, ever since he’d blossomed into adulthood, he’d struggled with feelings of attraction toward the Elements. The ponies were all alluring in some form or fashion, from Apple Brandy’s adonic body to Bubble’s curves, and he’d be lying if he said he hadn’t gotten off to the thought of becoming intimate with any of them. His lustful urges had started innocently enough, back when he’d gone through puberty, but they’d only grown stronger as time had passed. Relatively innocent fantasies, such as imagining the stallions naked or while showering, gradually became more and more depraved. Looking each of the stallions in turn, seeing them smiling over at him, his eyes eventually settled on Elusive. The couture was the only soul on the planet who knew about his carnal wants - not because the unicorn was a pervert by any means, but because he was the most outspokenly gay member of the bunch. He knew for a fact that all of the stallions were either gay or bi, having caught them fooling around with one another, though one was a cut above the rest in that regard. Sensual, seductive, and lacking the slightest bit of shame about his sexuality, the unicorn tailor was what he wished he could be. Elusive coyly smiled over at him, gracefully rose to his feet, and sashayed in his direction. “I can’t speak for my fellow gentlecolts, but I’d love something to snack on - after all, considering you’ve delivered a feast for the eyes, it feels only fitting…” Reflexively glancing over to Dusk’s vanity, Spike hastily inspected himself. He looked no different than normal, adorned in a simple tank top and a pair of shorts, though that had apparently been enough to provoke the couture into teasing him. As much as he adored and trusted Elusive, the unicorn wasn’t above casually toying with him or trying to ruffle his feathers. One by one, the stallions unseated themselves and approached him. Each of the ponies was taller than him, with Apple Brandy being the tallest and Butterscotch being the shortest, which did nothing to help his frazzled nerves. He’d paid no heed to it when he’d been younger, giving it no thought whatsoever, but being surrounded by a sextet of big, handsome studs made his heart flutter. “Thanks for that, sugarcube,” Brandy hummed, leaning over and helping himself to one of the confections. Skipping over to his side and throwing an arm over his shoulders, Bubbles plucked one of the cupcakes from the tray. “You even made some with sprinkles? Spike, you shouldn’t have!” “Thanks,” Butterscotch murmured, brushing a  bang from his face as he timidly took one of the treats. Blitz and Dusk both snatched up a snack of their own, offering their thanks, though Elusive’s attention was on anything but the confections. Trotting around behind him, the unicorn’s gaze swept down his back and to his tush. Noticing where the couture was looking, he gulped. Though he was pretty willowy and short, even after his growth spurt, most of his weight was situated in his rear. His broad hips and meaty thighs supported the biggest rump in the room, even eclipsing Bubbles’ not inconsiderable derriere, and he’d always had mixed feelings about being a bit bottom heavy. On one hand, having a generous behind didn’t actually hurt anything and had on rare occasions caught the eye of stallions when he’d been out and about - on the other, it made him feel self-conscious. Walking to his other side, opposite Bubbles, Elusive pressed his hip against him. “Thank you oh-so much for the treats, darling, but I’m afraid this won’t be enough - you see, I’m positively famished.” “F…famished?” he sputtered, turning and looking into the unicorn’s heavily-lidded eyes. With all his friends situated in front of or beside him, nobody could see Elusive’s hand gliding down his back. It wasn’t the first time the unicorn had played with him in such a fashion, endearingly bullying him for his furtive proclivities, though he’d never been brazen enough to do it in front of anyone before. Feeling a distinctive tingle in his loins, realizing his libido was getting the better of him, he started to back away and flinched when the tailor’s fingers crept down the back of his shorts. “Quite famished,” Elusive affirmed, his voice practically dripping with barely-kept sinful intent. “In fact, I was hoping you’d bring us some of that delectable cake you’re renowned for…” Spike stiffened in more ways than one when the unicorn squeezed his bare ass. This was bad - like, really, really bad. He glanced at each of the stallions in turn and watched as their muzzles split in smug, knowing grins. No - there was no possible way they could know that he was being surreptitiously fondled right in front of them ~ right? “I’m gonna be honest,” Blitz noted, turning and inspecting the confection he held, “I really wouldn’t mind helping myself to something more substantial than just a cupcake.” Leaning to one side, Brandy unabashedly peered at his tush and snorted. “You holdin’ out on us, sugarcube?” “I - um…” Butterscotch whispered, sidling around behind him and next to Elusive. “I’m actually feeling a little peckish myself…” His jaw flapped, his stomach practically did a backflip, and his thoughts toed the line of excitement and panic. There were few times in his life when he was genuinely unsure of what was going on, but be darned if he couldn’t tell if his friends knew what was going on or that they were actually naive to him getting groped right in front of them. Attempting to find something - anything to say, unable to escape lest he make his predicament all the more apparent, he unwittingly turned his eyes to the floor and froze. He did a double take as he noticed the stallions, each and every one, was sporting a tent in their pants or shorts. One of two things was happening, though he couldn’t say which was better: either his dearest friends were growing aroused in concert by the sight of him or there was a very bizarre case of spontaneous erections going on in the room. Drawn to a movement slightly to his left, he felt his mouth go dry as Dusk leaned forward and closely inspected his groin. “It appears as though you’re having a reaction to all the attention,” the alicorn flippantly remarked, adjusting his spectacles. As much as Spike wanted to reply, he remained deathly silent. Though he may not have been screwed in a literal sense, he was sure as heck boned in a figurative one. Shivering as a hot breath washed over his ear, he peeked over and saw Elusive’s muzzle positioned at the side of his head. “How about you explain what has you so worked up, darling,” the unicorn purred, sending a thrilled shiver up his spine. “I’m sure we’d all love to hear what you’re really wanting right now…” Hanging his head and closing his eyes, he took a long, deep breath to center himself. It had been foolish to think he could hide his preferences from his companions, and it was frankly remarkable to consider he’d successfully done it for so long without being found out, but he knew there was no excuse in the world that could save him - moreover, he had questions of his own. He slowly exhaled as he straightened up, squared his shoulders, and knit his brow. Like it or not, it was time to come clean. “Are you guys doing this just to mess with me?” he demanded, glaring at the friends one by one. “So, yeah, maybe I like stallions, and maybe I think you’re all pretty hot, but that doesn’t mean you can all - what’s so funny?” Holding the back of his hand to his muzzle, Elusive quietly snickered. “I’m dreadfully sorry. It’s not that what you’re saying is funny, but it’s hardly a revelation to us - any of us.” Spike’s gaze swept from one stallion to the next and watched as they chuckled, nodded, shrugged, smirked, or did some combination of the four. Could he have been wrong? Had his friends known about his amorous desires and merely humored his insecurities? No - no, he was being tricked - he had to be. Ultimately glaring at Dusk, the stallion whom he loved and trusted more than any other, he scowled. “Spike,” Dusk sighed, stepping forward and resting a hand on his shoulder, “there really is no reason to be upset. Just think about it ~ why would we judge you when we all have that particular taste in common?” The alicorn’s words helped put his mind at ease, but old habits died hard. “I…it’s not like I’m gay!” “We know,” Brandy mused. “If’n Ah recall, you and that cute little mare Thunder had a fling a while back.” “And I know you have the hots for Lofty,” Blitz added. “I was the one who got her to sign that swimsuit pinup poster for you ~ remember?” Absolutely stunned, Spike’s jaw flapped uselessly. Not only were his friends aware of his bi-curious nature, but they apparently knew he’d punched his v-card with one of his old classmates. He stood silent, trying and failing to collect himself, while his companions all stepped away from him and gave him some space. “So do you wanna have some fun with us?” Bubbles chirped. “We were probably gonna end up getting frisky at some point tonight anyways, so you could always -” “Bubbles!” Dusk squawked, his face darkening. “You can’t just ask him if he wants to have a tryst?” Peaking a brow, Brandy shifted and folded his arms over his chest. “And why not? Like grandpa Cortland always says, ‘ain’t nothin’ wrong with bein’ direct.’” “Yeah!” Blitz exclaimed. “Plus I know I’m not the only one who wants to see what he’s hiding under those shorts - besides, it’s not like he hasn’t had the chance to see our goods!” Twisting in place, Butterscotch peeked over at him with a single eye. “I - um - I want to see him…” Emboldened and as brash as ever, Blitz strutted over and clapped him on the shoulder. “So how about it, champ, you want to have a roll in the hay?” Everyone had a breaking point - for Spike, having gone from being called out about his sexual interests to being propositioned, he’d gone well beyond his limits. Flapping his wings and jumping back, he frustratedly stamped his foot. He still wasn’t sure if he was the but of some bizarre, bawdy joke, but he was about to find out. “So let me get this right,” he began, “you want me to just join an orgy with you?” “Orgy is such a crass word,” Elusive sarcastically scoffed while waving a hand through the air. “Let’s call a congratulatory coming out party.” The confirmation lent weight to his carnal wants, tipping the scales from trepidation to eagerness - if only just. “And we’re gonna just do it now - like right here?” “Now hold on, partner,” Brandy snorted. “Ah ain’t sayin’ you’re wrong, but Ah think Ah speak for all of us when Ah say you should strip first. Like Blitz said, you’ve been peepin’ on us for a while, so it’s only fair that you return the favor.” He swallowed hard, watching each of the stallions beam and nod in agreement. With no other plans for the evening, he had no excuse to turn down the once in a lifetime chance to make one of his longest held fantasies a reality - still, he wasn’t about to fling himself to the horse-hung wolves. Lifting a clawed finger, he fought to keep himself from smirking. “If I - we do this, I don’t want anyone to know about it ~ alright?” he grumbled. The stallions all agreed to his terms, nodding or pledging that what happened in the Castle of Friendship stayed in the Castle of Friendship, though that brung him to his next issue. Knowing he’d gone a beet red, and feeling his erection raging back to full strength, he awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck. “A…and you want me to strip?” Lifting a hand to his chest, Elusive slowly and deliberately began unbuttoning his blouse. “I see now reason why we couldn’t start,” he cooed, glancing over to his companions. “Let’s inspire our guest of honor…” After being hit with the unexpected and very awkward confrontation about his sexuality, plus the proposal to, as Blitz put it, ‘have a roll in the hay’, he thought he’d been done with surprises, but he’d been wrong - so very, very wrong. Acting in unison, the stallions started to strip. A few of them undressed quickly, boldly peeling out of their clothes, while the rest nonchalantly removed their clothing piece by piece. Despite having seen them naked before, at a distance or after accidentally walking in on them, the sight of six big, beautiful, buck naked studs was enough to make his mouth water. Like the Elements of Harmony themselves, each was unique and a wonder to behold. Sensing a bead of drool creep past the corner of his mouth and down to his chin, transfixed by the sight of them, he started when Elusive smiled and motioned over at him. Ignoring the fact that he was the sole reptile in the room, he was now the odd one out. He remained silent as he removed his shirt and loosened his belt. Had he any way of knowing he’d be putting on a burlesque show, he would have worn something more seductive or perhaps brushed up on how to strip seductively - alas, hindsight did little to help him. With one hand over his groin, covering his turgid length, he uneasily grinned and slowly, almost reluctantly exposed himself. “My my,” Elusive hummed. “Give us a little turn, darling.” Hesitantly turning in place while keeping his arms to his sides, he did as the couture asked. Displaying himself in such a way would have been embarrassing, had it not been for one thing - all of his friends were clearly thrilled by the sight of him. Their stallionhood steadily swelled and twitched at their loins, rising into the air as they grew erect, and it was all because of him. “I don’t know about you colts, but I’m more than ready to get a piece of that,” Blitz tittered, licking his lips while he eyed the dragon’s hips. “Hey, Spike, how about you get on the bed and -” “Woah now, partner,” Brandy interrupted, “Ah ain’t about to let you go and have all the fun. Seein’ as how you always try to call first dibs, Ah reckon it’s my turn to -” “Ahem,” Elusive coughed, drawing everyone’s attention. “Pardon me, but I believe it’s only fair that Spike should have some say in the matter. Spike, is there anything or anyone in particular you’d like to do?” Overwhelmed, Spike’s thoughts raced. Truth be told, there were any number of things he’d like to do with each of the studs, but his impulses demanded he make a decision and make it quickly. Considering Blitz and Brandy had seized the initiative, a part of him yearned to let them go first - that and there was something to be said about saving the best for last. With a silly little grin plastered on his face, he strolled over to and crawled onto the bed. “I think I can handle both of them,” he breathed, situating himself on all fours on the mattress while flicking his tail to the side. Hubris be darned. He may not have ever done anything sexual with a guy, but he was far from inexperienced. Unbeknownst to anyone, he kept a small stash of sex-toys locked away in a little trunk under his bed for when he was in the mood - sure, his biggest dildo may have been slightly smaller than the girthy, vein-streaked cock hanging between Brandy’s legs, although that wasn’t enough to stop him. As the throng descended on him, Dusk stopped at the foot of the bed. “Before we get ahead of ourselves,” the alicorn tutted as his horn began to glow. An odd warmth radiated through him, permeating to his core, while the raspberry glow of Dusk’s magic surrounded his body. Twisting his head from side to side, wondering what sort of spell was being cast on him, he peeked over at the alicorn in confusion. The entire experience lasted only a few seconds, ending as quickly as it had begun, yet he felt completely normal. “Preparation spell,” Dusk explained, winking over at him. “All cleaned up and pre-lubed.” “Huh,” he grunted, experimentally clenching his backdoor. It was subtle, but he could sense a slickness in his hole that hadn’t been there moments prior. “That’s…that’s pretty convenient!” “Darn right it is!” Blitz laughed, hopping up and landing on the mattress in a kneeling position. “Since you brought us something to eat, how about you help yourself to an appetizer.” Staring down the length of the pegasus’ cock, he braced his legs and reached out with a hand. Buck it - after all the lewd stuff his friends had done with one another, he doubted they’d be the slightest bit bothered by his enthusiasm. As he opened his maw and extended his tongue, breathing in the heavenly, masculine scent of the stallion before him, he yelped when a pair of big, calloused hands grabbed his hips. “Don’t mind me none,” Brandy grunted. “Just gonna warm ya up a bit.” “Mmmmm,” he softly groaned as the hulking stud leaned in and feasted on his ass. He’d read about rimming before, but the stories didn’t do it justice. The warm breath washing over his backside and the hot, lashing tongue dancing around his winking hole were phenomenal and fanned the flames of his lust. Subconsciously bucking back against the powerful pony’s face, he was snapped back to the present by something hard gently slapping against his cheek. Holding the base of his stallionhood in one hand, Blitz shuffled closer. “Don’t forget about me, buddy.” Leaping into action, he caved like a house of cards. Maybe it was because all the years of repressing his desires had been for nothing, or perhaps it was due to the fact that all his closest companions were not only willing but thrilled to include him in one of their lecherous romps - regardless, he was more thrilled and horny than he’d ever been in his entire life. Giving the tip of Blitz’s length a small, introductory kiss, he wrapped his lips around the cobalt shaft and quietly groaned. “Oh wow,” Bubbles gasped. “He’s really getting into it!” Lowering a hand and caressing his cheek, Blitz flashed her teeth. “Heck yeah he is! Bet you’ve been dreaming about this for a long time…” “Mmmhmm,” he hummed, coiling his tongue around the stud’s cock. The view of the pegasus looming over him, the taste of sweat and unwashed flesh on his palate, the scent of musk in his sinuses, both feeling and hearing Brandy groan into his tush - in every conceivable way, the ponies around him were a feast for the senses. Zealously driving his head forward, he tickled the back of his throat with Blitz’s stallionhood. He may not have ever sucked an actual dick before, but he’d given himself plenty of practice by fellating his favorite dildo. Clutching the back of his head and preventing him from escaping, Blitz leaned back and brought his free hand to his hip. “How’s that ass of his, Brandy?” Brandy pulled back and affectionately kneaded his ass. “Hoo boy - tastes even better than it looks.” “Don’t worry,” Elusive whispered, laying down beside him. “Blitz will break you in so Brandy doesn’t ruin you.” “Darn right I will,” Blitz exclaimed, bucking his hips and seizing the reins. “Just tap out if I get too energetic ~ alright?” Balancing on one hand, he gave a quick thumbs up. If ever there were a group of studs who could show him the time of his life, it was his friends. Essentially allowed to enjoy himself, blowing one stallion while another ate his ass, he relished every blissful second of being used. He’d initially thought that being watched by Bubbles, Elusive, Butterscotch, and Dusk would detract from the experience, yet their presence kindled an exhibitionistic side of him he didn’t know he had. As he torqued his head from side to side while using his long, sinuous tongue to its fullest, his inhibitions crumbled away to ash. He was the star of the show, the focus of all the attention in the room, and that alone was enough to push him closer and closer to the edge. Hearing Bubbles and Butterscotch conspiratorially whispering to one another, only catching the odd sinful word here or there, he eventually reached his breaking point. Though he’d only endured the two-pronged onslaught for a couple of minutes at most, he wanted - no, needed more. Patting Blitz’s thigh, he prompted the pegasus to slow and back away. With his saliva-streaked pucker positively quivering with anticipation, the time had come to feel more than just a tongue in his backside. “You ok?” Blitz asked. “Y…yeah,” he rasped. “Fuck me.” The room went quiet, so silent that one could hear a pin drop, and he momentarily feared he’d made some transgression - fortunately for him, that was far from the case. Leaning toward one another, Blitz and Brandy clasped hands and beamed. Their reaction to his request was a tag-out in the most literal sense, but it was just a preamble for what was to come. Switching places with each other, Blitz moved behind him while Brandy walked on his knees up to his face. Having gotten a very intimate introduction to the pegasus’ tool, he was awe-struck by the sheer size of the earth pony’s endowment. As thick as his wrist and nearly as long as his forearm, the brawny stud’s stallionhood was as beautiful as it was intimidating. Flexing his groin and causing his length to rise, Brandy smirked down at him. “Open wide, sugarcube.” “W…wait,” he croaked, bringing everyone to a stop, “I…I want…” Elusive rolled to his back, shifted slightly to one side, and reached up to delicately twist one of his nipples. “What do you want, Darling?” He knew it was stupid, that he’d more than likely regret what he was about to say, yet his judgment was clouded by a lascivious hunger like he’d never known. “Don’t hold back. I want you, both of you, to - Oh buck!” Given no chance to finish, Blitz secured his grip and sank into his warm, welcoming depths. “What? He said he didn’t want us to hold back!” With his jaw hung open, reeling from the fullness the pegasus’ length afforded, he stifled a gag when Brandy inched closer and filled his muzzle. The oral had been enough to get him worked up, and he felt certain that he could have cum from it, yet the spit-roasting was on an entirely different level of amazing. As he rocked forward and back while the stallions synchronized their movements, his eyes rolled to the back of his head.  Overwhelmed in every conceivable way, with one stallionhood plunging into his gullet while a second pounded his ass, his mind went blank. To say he felt incredible would be an understatement of unfathomable proportions, yet he pined for more. The rhythmic Plap Plap Plap of Blitz’s hips impacting against his rump, the grunts and heavy breaths from the studs railing him, his muted gags, and the hushed oohs and aahs from his friends filled the air like a depraved symphony as he inched closer and closer to release. Blitz and Brandy were masters of their craft, each pushing him to his limit but not beyond it, and they gradually increased their speed. Seconds stretched into minutes and longer still, making it all but impossible to tell how much time had truly passed, but things came to an inevitable, incredible head. Grabbing his hips and hilting him fully, Blitz gave a throaty groan as a sublime heat blossomed in his depths. The feeling of having a virile stallion cum inside him was better than he’d dared to dream it would be - sadly, he was given little time to relish it. Brandy grunted furiously above him, fucking his face with only the slightest bit of restraint, before he too met his end. Thick, hot ropes of cum flowed down his throat and directly into his stomach as the powerful titan’s length angrily throbbed and flared. While he considered himself blessed that the pair were pleased enough to gift him their seed, the honor came with a price. Aroused to the point of madness, so hard that it was uncomfortable, he gasped when Brandy shuffled back and painted his face with the final shots of his spunk. He’d been so close to tipping over the edge, having been pushed to the very brink of a climax himself, that he felt like he may go insane - mercifully for him, there were a quartet of stallions nearby who were more than happy to help. “Could - um - you roll over,” a bashful voice inquired. As Blitz stepped back and pulled his softening length free, he flipped onto his back and expectantly spread his legs. He was taken aback that Butterscotch had found the courage to step forward and plow him next, but he was well past the point of stopping to question whom would be screwing him. Wiggling his ass to the edge of the bed and allowing the ordinarily reserved pegasus to get into position, he looked up as a shadow passed over him. “Hope you don’t mind, darling,” Elusive purred, squatting over his face. “As much as I’d love to feel those pillowy lips of yours on my stallionhood, I think you’d like to do something more than simply look at my derriere for once…” Working in perfect harmony, Butterscotch and Elusive struck in tandem. His cum-slickened depths embraced the pegasus’ length with ease while his snout was buried in one of, if not the most phenomenal asses he’d ever seen. It was at that moment, having his lips pressed to the couture’s twitching, taut hole, that he was undone. He’d admired Elusive for years, and he’d imagined what it would be like to worship the pegasus’ ass for as long as he could remember, so acting as the seat of such a godly tush was the final nail in his coffin. Without so much as touching his prick, he came - he came harder than he’d ever cum in his entire life. His muffled howls of rapture and the sweltering cum spattering over his abdomen and chest were a small testament to his rapture, though he didn’t bask in it - on the contrary, he flew into a frenzy. Locking his ankles around Butterscotch’s pistoning hips, he grabbed Elusive’s waist and lost himself. The six ponies had done so much for him, looking after him since he’d been little, and now they’d opened his eyes to pleasures he hadn’t thought possible. It wasn’t that he wanted to return the favor, to make them feel as good as he did - he needed to show them his appreciation. There’s only been a handful of times in his life when he lost control of himself, breaking under the strain of his draconic, covetous nature, yet this was paradoxically the best and worst of them. Like the passenger in a carriage, he was left to spectate as he became a whirlwind of sensual movement. His muzzle, his hands, his tail, his backdoor, and even his feet at one point were used to pleasure his friends. The scene devolved from one of an experimental sexual escapade to a depraved gangbang. The studs took turns at his head or rear, plowing him in all manner of positions on the floor, mattress, and even over the ottoman at the foot of the bed at one point, and their hedonism knew nearly limitless bounds. It was honestly hard to say how long they’d all gone at it, since the sun had set a small eternity ago, yet everyone was left disheveled and beyond satisfied by the time things wound down. Spike groaned and held a clawed hand to his head as he lay atop the carpet. Like photos in a scrapbook, fleeting glimpses of the things he and his friends had done flitted through his mind, although most of the finer details were a blur. Cracking one eye open and looking out, hearing what sounded like a weak cough, he went slack-jawed when he saw the devastation before him. Each of the stallions were laid out and absolutely slathered in jizz. Most of them appeared to be only semi-conscious, heaving air into their chests while gazing into the ether, yet there was one amongst them who stirred. With his lipstick smeared and immaculately styled mane a total mess, Elusive drunkenly stumbled over to him. “A…are you ok?” he bleated, struggling to sit up. Elusive squatted down, nodded, and dreamily smiled at him. “I…I’m - Cough - quite alright, darling, though I may be walking funny for a few days. And you?” “I’m…” he trailed off as he peeked down at himself. His typically flat belly was extraordinarily bloated, making him look nothing short of pregnant from what had to be pints of foal-batter that had flooded his guts. He’d heard about stallions or mares who’d been so completely filled with cum that they appeared gravid, but his case was in the extreme. Appearing more like an overstuffed cream puff than a dragon, it was painfully evident that he’d ended up with more seed in him than on him. Reverently caressing his stomach while becoming aware of the cloying flavor coating his taste buds was cum, he quietly snickered than laughed. He didn’t feel bad by any means - in fact, aside from wanting a nap, he felt fantastic. He’d have to thank the Elements later for their generosity, though doing so in a humble way that wouldn’t make him appear too eager for more action may be tricky. “It’s a good look for you,” Elusive mused, pecking his cheek. “So…” Tearing his attention away from himself and over to the unicorn, he quirked a brow. “So…?” “Forgive me for asking, but will you be joining us again in the future?” Elusive purred. “I may not be able to speak for the rest of the colts, but I’d love to have this become a regular thing. Would you like a hand getting to the bed?” “Y…yeah,” he replied as the stallion stood. Taking the unicorn’s proffered hand, he grunted as he was pulled to his feet. Dozing off on the floor wouldn’t have been the worst thing in the world, though laying on an actual mattress would be much more comfortable. Limping along and supporting himself on his friend, he was guided to the bed. “Thanks again,” he sighed, turning and seating himself. Hopping onto the mattress beside him, Elusive dismissively waved a hand. “Think nothing of it, darling. If you really want to thank me, just promise you won’t be shy in joining us from time to time.” He reached over, took the tailor’s hands in his own, and beamed over at the unicorn. “I’d be honored.” “Splendid,” Elusive tittered, “because I have - Mmmph?!” Silencing the stallion with a deep, passionate kiss, he couldn’t help but put the cherry on what was already an awe-inspiring evening. He’d slept with his closest friends at the same time, he’d managed to bed a stallion, and he was happier than he’d ever been, but that was all because of Elusive. As the stud reciprocated and pulled him close, yielding to the intimate moment, he was sure of one thing - this night had been the preamble to a new chapter of his life…