The Twilight Suit

by Penalt

First published

Copper Moon's Nightmare Night celebrations take a transformative turn in Celestia's private quarters

The Long Night came and went on the day of the Summer Sun Celebration, and while Celestia seemed to be okay afterwards she never fully explained what had happened during those 24 hours, only stating that a great danger to Equestria had been vanquished.

In the years that followed six mares were acclaimed as the heroines of that day, going on to vanquish other foes to Equestria, danger seeming to bounce off of them. To the point where some thought the survival of these mares in the faces those odds to be a tad... squishy.

A commission for Copper Moon

Art by Usadude

A Night to Remember

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It was Nightmare Night and the palace was filled to the brim with ponies celebrating the defeat of Nightmare Moon a little over three years ago. Parents escorted their colts and fillies in and around the usually quiet offices of government, where members of the Royal Guard held station instead of the usual bureaucrats, their desks piled high with candies and treats instead of forms and paperwork.

Above the main levels, the ballroom was just as filled with adult ponies who had come to commemorate the anniversary of the great victory of Harmony over Darkness with song, dance and a wide variety of food and drink. Amongst the crowd of Nightmare Moons, Tireks, Sombras and a host of other legendary scary creatures, there could be seen a strongly built, copper maned earth pony, weaving his way through the party dressed in a Royal Guard Costume.

His natural cream coloured fur and solid build complimented his costume well and Copper Moon was feeling a warm glow from the combination of strong drink and the attention of more than a few mares who had taken their turn on the dance floor with him. A slight sour note came to his thoughts with the knowledge that his costume was as close as he was likely to come to actual employment with the Crown, seeing as the pencil pushers in the palace had decided for some unknown reason that anypony with “Moon” in their name, might be a security risk,.

Shaking his head, Copper Moon did his best to dispel the dark thoughts in his head. This was a party and not time to worry about his job prospects after all. Maybe another drink would cheer him up.

Making his way over to the bar, the earth pony was surprised to find the Princess herself was there, passing out drinks as if she was just another serving pony.

“And what can I get for you, my little pony?” the Princess asked Copper, shaking him out of his thoughts.

“Another Applejack’s Best Hard Cider please,” Copper asked, bowing his head to the sovereign of all ponies.

“Oh please, none of that,” Celestia replied with a small laugh, waving a hoof. “Not tonight.”

“Um, okay,” Copper asked, as a golden halo of magic appeared around a frosty bottle and began to pour its contents into a mug. “Do you mind if I ask you a question?”

A smile appeared on Celestia’s snow white muzzle at the question. “As long as it isn’t about politics, I’d be happy to answer. What did you want to know, Mister…?”

“Copper. Copper Moon,” Copper began, not noticing how the bottle in Celestia's magic shook slightly, nor the brief flare of light in his monarch’s eyes. “I was wondering why everpony with a ‘Moon’ surname was—”

Copper Moon never got a chance to finish his question, as both the bottle and mug in Celestia’s magical grip suddenly shattered, sending a jet of the amber alcohol geysering all over Copper Moon’s chest, drenching him from chin to chest.

“Oh my goodness!” Celestia gasped, quickly retrieving every shard and splinter of glass and dropping them into a trash bin. “Copper Moon, are you okay?”

“Just my pride,” Copper said, adding. “I think my costume took the worst of it.”

“I am so sorry, Copper Moon,” Celestia replied, apologetically. “I guess I should have left serving drinks to the professionals.”

“It’s okay. Not everypony can be perfect at everything,” Copper assured Celestia, not noticing her jaw clench at his comment with his eyes surveying the damage to his costume. “I may as well head home. My outfit’s toast.”

“Nonsense,” Celestia replied, lifting her head to nod to a couple of actual Royal Guards. “We have plenty of costumes here in the palace. Come with me and I’ll make sure you get something to wear that you’ll remember forever. I promise you.”

“Are you sure?” Copper asked, feeling some slight embarrassment at making the princess, of all ponies, do something as mundane as getting him an outfit.

“I ruined your wonderful costume. Replacing it is the least I can do,” Celestia responded, catching the eye of another guard, who began to make his way over to the ponies marking attendance at the ballroom’s entrance. “Walk with me, Copper Moon. We’ll have you back at the party before you know it.”

Turning, Celestia opened a door leading out of the ballroom, and Copper fell into step beside his princess as the two of them made their way away from the merriment and hubbub of the party. Copper’s head was on a swivel as he looked around, taking in the sights of the back corridors of the palace. Something few ponies had seen, save the staff of the palace and Celestia herself.

After several minutes of passing through several corridors, and past at least two pairs of actual Royal Guards, the mismatched duo arrived at an ornate door which was also guarded. The amount of security struck Copper Moon as odd and he looked up to see a hard look on Celestia’s face.

“See to it that we are not disturbed,” the Sovereign of the Sun ordered, as she used her golden magic to open the door.

“Yes, your Highness,” responded one of the guards, both of them having snapped to attention at Celestia’s words.

“What’s going… Oh… oh my,” Copper Moon breathed, as he was led into the opulence of Celestia’s personal chambers.

“Sometimes I forget the effect this room can have on somepony who hasn’t seen it before,” Celestia said, the earlier hardness gone from her voice. “I’ll be more than happy to show you everything later, but for now what I have for you is next door.”

Dazed by everything that he was seeing, Copper allowed himself to be led into the next room, which he was very surprised to see was Celestia’s bedchamber!

“Uh… Princess?” Copper asked, eyes going wide. “Are you… are we?”

“And here we go,” Celestia stated, floating a box over to Copper Moon and seemingly ignoring Copper’s question. “You’ll have to take off your other costume, of course.”

“I… you… me… “ Copper stuttered, trying to wrap his head around what was going on. Celestia had taken him through the back halls, to her bedroom, and now she was asking him to strip?

“Here, let me help you,” continued Celestia, at seeing the earth pony’s hesitation.

An aura of golden magic appeared around Copper Moon’s body, gently removing the remains of his soiled Royal Guard costume piece by piece before sliding along every inch of his well-built body.

“Just making sure to get all of that drink and any leftover bits of glass out of your fur,” Celestia commented, and in spite of himself, Copper Moon could feel his stallionhood starting to drop out of its sheath. “Oh, you like that do you?”

“Y-yesssss,” hissed Copper, as Celestia’s magic ran back and forth along his shaft, drawing it out to its full length.

“I’ve always appreciated the stamina of earth ponies,” Celestia stated, gently turning Copper Moon around so that his back was to her, before using her height advantage to lean over his body and whisper in his ear, “Before we go any further, I’d really like to see you in the outfit I’ve chosen for you.”

Copper needed no further urging, and it was with swift motions that he opened up the box on Celestia’s bed, revealing a full bodysuit made out of what looked like purple rubber, that while confusing with its lack of a zipper, buttons or any other sort of opening beyond its open neck, filled his nostrils and made his head swim with the intoxicating scent of pure rubber.

“Let me help you with that,” Celestia said, lifting the suit up and back towards herself. Copper found his head being turned back toward the front when he tried to look behind him to see what was going on.

“Ah ah, no peeking,” Celestia said, in a playful tone of voice, her magic doing the double duty of manipulating the suit and continuing to work Copper’s stallionhood in slow, even strokes that kept it as rigid as an iron bar.

“Lift your right rear hoof,” Celestia ordered in a sultry tone, and cool pressure covered Copper’s right rear leg from hoof to hip as he did so. “Now your left. Good pony.”

The outfit advanced over Copper Moon’s body, as it next captured his tail in a compartment made for it, just before…

Copper Moon had never felt such bliss as when the rubber suit advanced over his turgid member, gripping it in loops of rubber that seemed to bind it in place while taking over the job working him right up to the edge of climax…

Which is when it stopped doing anything other than keeping his cock held at full mast.

“Wha?” Copper half asked, half begged.

“We aren’t done yet,” Celestia said, and he could feel the heat of her body over his back.

Celestia started to pull the suit further into place, covering Copper Moon inch by rubbery inch, advancing the outfit up from his mid back up to his shoulders and the earth pony gave a squeaky shudder as more of Celestia’s golden magic flowed over the suit, gently easing out any wrinkles or creases.

“How does that feel?” Celestia asked, whispering into his ear.

“Incredible,” Copper Moon replied, his need to climax backing down slightly as he began to get used to the feel of the suit. His cock however, was still as hard as ever, thanks to the rubber bands holding it in place and rubbing against some of his most sensitive nerves. “Why are you doing this?”

“From the moment I heard your name I knew that you would be perfect for this,” Celestia informed him. “I don’t often get to enjoy my duties, but this? I always enjoy making a new Element of Harmony.”

“Wait, what?” the earth pony asked, as he tried to get up, only to bump into Celestia’s underside and fall back onto the bed. In the corners of his vision he caught sight of his monarch’s forelegs moving into position in front of his shoulders, caging him in a prison of royal white fur whose immovable bars held him as he lunged forward when something began to press into his rear.

“Do you remember the Long Night three years ago, when Nightmare Moon returned?” Celestia asked, pinning Copper Moon in place as he tried to move away from whatever it was that was already starting to part the gates of his rear passage.

“Yes. What are you doing?” Copper Moon asked, his mind trying to find something to grab onto as strange sensations began to pour over him. The feel of the suit around his body, how it gripped and held him, how it felt like a living thing around him as it tightened in places and eased off in others.

“Making you into one of my special ponies,” Celestia said matter of factly, and using Copper Moon’s shoulders for leverage, she began to push her own, previously hidden length into the rubber pocket that was breaching Copper Moon’s defences and in spite of himself, he pressed backwards until he felt Celestia’s underside against his body.

“This… why does this feel so good?” Copper begged, as Celestia began to slowly move her length in and out of him.

“Because it feels good to obey your princess. Good to let me change you ,” Celestia told him, picking up speed. “Change you into one of the Elements of Harmony

“You. Can’t. Make an Element,” Copper gasped, even as his body responded to what Celestia was doing to him.

“I do what I must. Especially after your ancestor took away the six ponies who were to be Equestria’s shining hope for the future,” Celestia explained, as her royal cock began to probe every inch of Copper Moon’s now rubber lined depths. “And the fact that both of us are going to enjoy every second of the process is just an added bonus.”

“Yu-you can’t… oh sweet Celestia!” Copper cried out, as the rubber suit began to massage his captive length again, the motions of his body becoming less struggles to escape, and more writhing in pleasure.

“I know. It’s not your fault,” Celestia said soothingly, smiling and knowing now that the earth pony under her was fully in her power now. Fully hers to do with whatever she wished, and what she wished was to drive him wild with pleasure before she ended his life and replaced it with that of another.

“But no pony knows what happened to my sister, Twilight Sparkle, or any of her friends during that long night,” Celestia recounted, feeling herself start to near her own climax alongside Copper Moon. “Luckily, the Elements of Harmony remained, and each of them carried an impression of their bearers personalities. Personalities I’m able to transfer into other objects. Objects like the suit you’re wearing right now.”

By now, Celestia was driving in and out of the fully sheathed depths of her newest rubber toy like the piston of a steam engine, with almost the same amount of power and stamina. She knew that the pleasurable motions of her body were carrying her magic into every part of Copper Moon’s body. Moisture began to dribble from the royal cock, the pre-cum acting as lubricant and allowing Celestia to pick up the pace even further.

“Huhn Huhn,” Copper Moon gasped, making a last effort to escape the prison of rubber and flesh he found himself in. All Celestia did in response to his attempt, was to press herself deeply into the earth pony and freeze there, holding him pinioned on a pillar of pleasure from which there was no escape. Not from her cock, not from his pleasure, nor from her desire for him, nor her magic that broke down his mental barriers.

A moment later Copper Moon’s body went back to answering the rhythm of the incandescent orgasmic pleasure within it while overriding his mind’s desire to get away.

“Such a good pony, aren’t you, Twilight?” Celestia asked, picking up the pace. “Doesn’t it feel good to be my faithful student?”

“Yuh, yes,” babbled the pony beneath Celestia, her magic flowing in and around him now.

“When I first lost Twilight, her friends and my sister, I considered hunting down every pony of Nightmare Moon’s bloodline and executing them,” Celestia continued, her magic reaching into the box and pulling out the remaining item inside. “But this way is so much better, don’t you agree, Twilight?”

“Who?” Twilight Moon asked, looking up to see the smiling face of a unicorn mare in front of him. “Who’s that?”

“Why it’s you,” Celestia replied, drawing the rubber hood in the form of Twilight Sparkle down to where the pony she was filling and changing with her magic could see it.

As the face drew closer the hood’s eyes seemed to take on a life of their own, looking directly into Twilight’s own eyes, telling her that yes, she was Twilight Sparkle and all she had to do was open up, all she had to do was let Celestia make her… her. Her mouth lolled open, a combination of the incredible pleasure her princess was giving her, added to the utter lack of ability to do anything else other than to surrender to the wonder that she was being given.

The hood rotated so that it faced away from Copper Sparkle, which is when she saw the cock-like shaft coming down through the hood’s entry hole, coming towards her open mouth from above. Which is when Celestia reached down with a gentle hoof to tip Twilight’s head back.

“Good girl, just like that,” Celestia soothed, and as the tip of the rubber cock touched the inside of Twilight’s mouth, she thought it was the sweetest thing she had ever tasted in her entire life, her tongue licking out to bathe the bottom of the gag, even as it slid deeper into her mouth.

“That’s it. Slowly,” cautioned Twilight’s princess, her absolute ruler in all things, who softly rubbed the new Twilight’s throat, helping to ease the rubber cock gag down her throat, until it pressed down on what had been Copper Moon’s vocal cords, silencing them forever.

“Yesssss,” hissed Celestia, sealing the hood around the rest of the rubber costume, even as she exploded in the depths of her faithful student.

What had been Copper Moon tried one final time to reassert itself, to come back from being a rubber suited re-creation of a long lost mare, but then he heard a voice in his ears.

“Why?” asked Twilight’s voice. “Why fight against this? As me, you can be so much more than who you were. You can help so many ponies.”

Wordless denial was all that Copper Moon’s personality could muster in response.

“But doesn’t it feel good to be like this?” the voice reasoned. “Celestia can do this to you every day if you want. You can always feel this good, and besides…”

There was a slight giggle, followed by, “You already are me.”

Agreement, then denial again

“Silly pony,” continued the voice. “You already sound like me. In an hour or two you won’t look like you’re wearing a Twilight costume. You’ll look, sound and smell so much like me, that even my own parents won’t be able to tell the difference.”

Sad questioning

“No, they don’t know,” said the voice, soberly. “And by becoming me, they don’t ever have to know.”

Weakening protest.

“Twilight always likes to talk to the pony she rides,” added Celestia, from outside, as she continued the process of enchanting the rubber suit so that no pony would notice that it wasn’t flesh and blood. “And no, no pony will ever know that Copper Moon was here. Even before he stepped into my bedroom, my guards were erasing his name from the record books.”

Weak outrage

“Once we’re done here, I’ll cast a memory spell on everypony in the ballroom. Any memory they have of the pony from the traitorous ‘Moon’ bloodline will be replaced by memories of Twilight Sparkle awkwardly dancing,” Celestia confidently continued.

“I’m not that bad of a dancer,” Twilight protested, even as she tried a few, very awkward looking, moves in front of her princess.

“Twilight, I love you dearly, but you are a terrible dancer,” laughed Celestia.


“It’s okay,” said Twilight’s voice, comfortingly. “Just let go, let me ride your body and you’ll be a part of me. A loving and loved part of me.”

“You would have lived an ordinary life, but now you get to share in an extraordinary one,” Celestia added, using her magic to monitor the final stages of the transformation. “Besides, it’s already done. Just let yourself drift, and I promise you that Twilight will bring you back here for more of this on a regular basis. I can promise that you’ll find yourself enjoying it as much as the others did.”


“Wonderful!” Celestia said, her smile wide as she stroked herself back to hardness. “Ready for Round Two?”

Six Months Later

“Trixie knows she broke the law, but do you really need to bring her in front of Celestia bridled and on the end of a leash?” asked the cornflower blue mare, struggling a bit against the sturdy chain whose other end was held by Twilight Sparkle.

“The princess wanted to take care of your punishment personally,” Twilight replied, casting a critical eye over the suppression ring built into the headgear that she had locked onto the showmare following her rampage in Ponyville using the power of the alicorn amulet.

“Particularly as you recommended I exercise my royal prerogative instead of allowing Trixie’s case to go through the courts,” chimed in Celestia, appearing in the suddenly open door in front of the two unicorns.

“Copper Moon suggested it,” Twilight replied. “He said that having you taking care of Trixie Lulamoon’s punishment would be for the best.

Celestia tipped her head to one side, giving a slight chuckle as she did so. “Copper Moon’s become quite the advisor to you, hasn’t he?”

“He loves helping me,” Twilight responded, hoofing over Trixie’s leash to Celestia.

“Later on I’ll make sure he is well rewarded for his service,” Celestia stated, before turning toward the showmare and drawing on the leash, pulling Trixie closer. “As for you, Miss Lulamoon, the first thing we need to do is dress you appropriately for what I have in mind for you.”

Trixie’s nervous gulp pressed against the inside of the collar around her throat as Celestia lifted a suit of white rubber into sight.

“Trixie thinks she might prefer prison,” the showmare said, trying to resist Celestia's inexorable pull on the leash.

“Oh, you’ll love it,” Twilight said, closing the door behind the pair before settling down to wait outside of Celestia’s rooms.

An hour later, Twilight felt Celestia’s privacy wards go down as she heard:

“A cape AND a pointed hat?!” exclaimed a cultured voice. “Whatever could I have been possibly thinking of when I chose this ensemble. Thank you very much for putting me in a position to rectify this crime against fabulosity.”

“It was my pleasure, Rarity,” said Celestia’s slightly out of breath voice. “My pleasure.”