The Last Long Night

by Archlyn

First published

Luna has been sealed away and now Celestia must cope with the loss and still lead her ponies.

Celestia has ended Nightmare Moon's coup d'etat and sealed her sister away but many questions remain. What drove her sister to this extreme? Will she ever be able to recover from the loss? Can she still lead her ponies?

Mare in the Moon

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At last the adrenaline was beginning to lessen. The world was coming, slowly, into focus. On the edge of her consciousness, Celestia could feel the slightest breath of a breeze across her coat. She stood there, panting, allowing the last of the pent-up energy to leave her body. After what seemed like an eternity, she could finally truly perceive the world around her once more. Her hooves felt the soft touch of grass beneath them. The bitter, metallic taste of blood was on her tongue and the smells of earth and smoke filled her nostrils She could hear the fading sounds of the battle at the castle in the distance and she could just barely make out its outline on the horizon. Tendrils of black clouds obscured the moon’s soft light, but what little remained wreathed her sister’s prone form in an eerie glow.

Celestia looked down at her now, the despair and anger in her eyes stabbing daggers into the white alicorn’s heart. Never before had she had to endure so much pain, nor had she ever conceived that she would ever be in this position. Seeing her sister, splayed before her in defeat at the bottom of a small crater that had formed during the the last moments of their struggle, she could feel the sting of her tears as they began to flow.

“No! Do not cry for me! I would not have your lies compounded! I am truly alone! You cannot understand the pain of it!”

“Luna,” Celestia said, somehow managing to keep her voice steady while tiny rivulets formed on her cheeks as her tears flowed constantly, “nothing I have said was a lie. I love you. Our ponies love you-”

Nightmare Moon gave a derisive snort. “No dear sister,” The vitriol of that one word was palpable enough to draw an audible sob from Celestia’s lips “there is no love in your heart, not for me. Your ponies revel in the day. They shun the night; their devotion is to you alone, I am but your shadow, ignored and unloved!”

Celestia could not bare to to see her sister, the one being in all of Equestria whom was her absolute equal, whom she loved and cherished more than her own existence, belittle herself this way. “Luna! Please! You, part of you at least, must know that is a lie! Listen to that piece of yourself! I beg you! Lower your moon, and come back with me! I will show you the truth and sincerity of my love for you. I promise!”

Nightmare Moon sneered. “Pah! My moon remains where it is! You will have to destroy me and lower it yourself. Perhaps my destruction will visit upon you an equal measure of the pain I suffered as I endured thankless night after thankless night as Equestria’s nocturnal guardian and day after day seeing the adulation on the faces of your subjects as they glory in your sun!”

Celestia felt a chill breeze brush across her coat, as if the night itself was trying to make her feel the cold anger of that statement, and she recoiled. At last she understood. All of this obstinacy, all of the goading, the harsh words. Her sister wanted Celestia to hurt as much as the other mare felt that she had been hurt. The ruler inside thought how much the petulant filly Luna sounded, how, despite the hurt this seemed for all of Equestria like the temper tantrum of a foal being denied some trinket from their parents. Celesia the sister on the other hand wanted to show Luna that she was wrong, that Luna held as much sway in the hearts of ponykind everywhere as she did. She wanted desperately for her sibling to understand that, while everypony slept through her nights, it was her sister’s stewardship that allowed ponies everywhere to sleep without the fear that so grips the hearts of lesser creatures.

These two aspects of her personality warred within Celestia, the ruler asserting that, for the good of all other ponies everywhere, Nightmare Moon had to be stopped and the sun raised. The sister insisted that Luna could be redeemed, that the horrible jealousy and resentment that now manifested itself in the form of Nightmare Moon could be driven out without destroying her. These two personas reached a compromise, Celestia would make a final plea to Luna in the hopes that she could be made to see reason; If that failed...

She took a few tentative steps toward Nightmare Moon, negotiating the gentle slope of the hollowed-out piece of land with relative ease. As she approached, she could hear the anger in her sister’s breath as its pace quickened. “Stay back! Do not touch me! I do not need your false pity any more than I need your false love or your feigned sadness!” Ignoring these words (and the pangs of hurt each brought) Celestia knelt beside her sister, her tears still flowing freely.

“I love you more dearly than anything in this world, Luna. I want you beside me, always. Your nights are wonderful and beautiful and peaceful because of you, I may be able to raise your moon myself, but I cannot shepard our ponies during that time as you do. I cannot give them the peaceful respite you provide to them each night. We each need the other to be complete, without the other we are both diminished ”

Nightmare Moon laughed bitterly.

“You, the almighty Celestia need me? Hah. Resorting to lies again sister? Or perhaps you have forgotten that your ponies need no guidance at night because they are asleep?”

Celestia sighed. She had been left with no other option now. Her tears had ceased only because she had no more to shed. The sadness still tore at her insides and contorted her face but her own emotional turmoil was secondary, The welfare of her subjects had to come first, even if it meant the loss of her own sister. She stood, glaring imperiously down at Nightmare Moon: “Very well” Celestia’s voice became hard. Celestia the sister had given way to Celestia the ruler and The Royal Voice poured from her lips.

“Nightmare Moon, by your actions you have disrupted the lives of all ponykind. This cannot be allowed. Since you refuse to give way and restore the balance of nature, We have no choice but to punish you.” As she spoke, the earth around them shook with the pronouncement. Celestia watched her sister, gauging her reaction. She thought she could now see, behind the anger and bravado, a touch of fear in her sister’s eyes.

“Your punishment will be thus: You will be sealed away within the moon, there you will have a chance to consider what We have said to you. It is Our sincerest hope that you will one day see the wisdom of Our words to you and take your place once more as Ruler of the Night.”
Nightmare Moon gave another cruel laugh. “Coward.” she spat. “Afraid to destroy me outright? Very well. This I swear: I will escape, whether in one, one hundred, or one thousand years. When I am free, Day shall be subverted, Night shall rule all and ponies everywhere will know its beauty!”

Without looking away, Celestia began channeling all of her magical energies once more, the Elements of Harmony, appearing seemingly out of thin air, began to resonate in response to Celestia’s own power, amplifying it into the spell that would seal her sister away. The Elements circled the white alicorn’s body as she wove the magicks and directed them toward her sister. As the spell settled around Nightmare Moon, the area was bathed in a searing white light bright enough to force even Celestia, Ruler of the Day, to flinch from it.

When she opened her eyes again there was no trace of her sister, not even the barest speck of Luna’s magic remained. Celestia panted now, her energy almost spent. She had one more duty to perform though before she could rest. Looking up at the moon , she could see the shadowy outline of Nightmare Moon etched upon its silvery surface. Closing her eyes, she tapped into the primal forces that she used to bring the sun to its apex. Using this force, she pressed the moon down below the horizon and bade the sun take its place. Her duty done, Celestia rose high into the air intending to make her way back to the castle. What she saw stunned her.

Her newly-risen sun had thrown their private battlefield into sharp relief. What were once sweeping hilly plains were now ruined. Peppered over miles were more craters, large and small. Large chunks of displaced earth and broken rocks littered the landscape. Black splotches of burnt grass were everywhere, no doubt caused by the magical expulsions of Nightmare Moon and herself. This... this was too much for Celestia. Her sister was gone, and now to see the terrible destruction their battle had wrought.... Celestia turned and fled, her form becoming a blurred streak of white against the sky as she sped back toward her castle. There, she hoped, she could find solace in the peaceful embrace of sleep, Tomorrow she could begin to cope, to heal, and to digest everything that had happened.

Moments later, the castle came into view, and she slowed herself and, circling a large opening she came into a soft landing. Her body was now moving of its own accord, for Celestia had withdrawn into herself, not wanting to acknowledge the existence of anything other than the the immense jumble of hurt and sadness that had consumed her.

At some point, she realized she had fallen asleep, but it was not to be the blissful escape for which she longed, Fate, it would seem, was to be far more cruel.


Credit for the title go to Ariamaki. And although I didn’t tell you, you’ve given me, well I’m not sure what to call it - You helped me see the mortal sides of Equestria’s rulers. Without that, I’d never have been able to write this at all

I’d also like to thank Quanta over at Equestria Forums for all letting me pester him :) Seriously, your help was invaluable and I can’t tell you how much I really appreciate it

Lastly, I’d like to thank Youtube user ponyphonic, his work really inspired me to write this at all. Go check out his channel!

The Bitterness in Her Heart

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Celestia’s dreams had never been quite like this. At first there was nothing but the blackness she floated in. When she blinked, the blackness was replaced by her chambers in the palace of the Royal Pony Sisters, but something felt off. She could see herself, looking into a large dressing mirror as groomsmares fussed with various bits of her. That in and of itself was odd, as most of her dreams were in the first-pony, but that was not the strangest thing about this particular dream.

Looking in the mirror she could see her sister standing behind the “dream” version of herself, the one being groomed and Luna was speaking to that other Celestia and it sounded like the words were coming out of her own mouth: “ just me me handle these negotiations Celly?”

“I can’t Lulu, the situation is too delicate. If we she and change even the slightest detail now the Griffon delegation might decide to abandon these talks altogether.”

That was the strangest part: somehow, she was reliving events of her sister’s life! It was more than just watching them, every sensation was perfectly reproduced, including the exasperated tone of the response and twinges of anger and annoyance her sister felt at the brush-off. “But you’re always complaining about how busy you are and you’re always telling me that I need to start assuming more royal responsibilities-” a knock at the door cut her off.


A guardscolt entered carrying a scroll baring the seal of one of the detachments that had been ordered to escort the Griffonite ambassador and his retainers to the palace. Using her magic, dream-Celestia opened the scroll and suspended it at eye level, careful not to disturb the work of the servants. Luna waited silently as the communiqué was read. ”It seems that there is now little point in discussing this further, as the delegation will be arriving within the hour.”

The abrupt change in the tone and manner of the conversation was jarring, Celestia could feel the hurt that her sibling kept out of her voice: “Very well, sister. The best of luck to you then.” With a slight bow of her head, she turned and left the room.

Why doesn’t she trust me? I spent all that time reading up on the situation with the Griffons. I don’t see any reason why I wouldn’t be just as capable of handling this as my sister.” With a start, Celestia realized that there had been no words spoken as her sister made her way back to her own chambers. She was apparently also privy to her sister’s innermost thoughts. Dream or not, she couldn’t help but feel as though she were somehow violating a sacred trust. There was little time to consider this uncomfortable turn of events as more thoughts were coming through. As she examined them, she saw that they were Luna’s own proposed solution to the problems with the Griffons. Worse, they better than her own plans. She felt an odd bit of pride in the other mare - for mare she was despite her playful facade. Unfortunately, the pony in question was feeling anything but pride. Instead, she was discarding all of these thoughts the way one might throw out so much useless parchment. “All that time, all my effort, wasted! How long will it be before she sees me for the grown mare that I am?

For the smallest fraction of a second, Celestia wondered if her sister was somehow able to read her own thoughts, then she realized that Luna had begun to weep, muffling the sobs with a pillow

How could I have been so blind?


Suddenly, there was blackness again. This time, there was a small kernel of...something, hanging next to her. She reached out to touch it and it skittered away. When she lowered her hoof it took up its position near her. She attempted to grasp whatever it was telekinetically, but her magic found no purchase, as if the thing wasn’t there at all, and yet there it hung. She wondered if whatever entity was doing this (she no longer believed that this was a mere dream) was taunting her.

“Show yourself! I demand to know why you torment me!” No reply was forthcoming. Sighing, Celestia steeled herself and closed her eyes which were moist with tears.


When she opened them again, she was greeted with sunlight. Just as before, she could see herself (although just barely) standing on a raised set of steps, surrounded a throng of ponies. She remembered this day very clearly. They had been asked by the mayor of Canterlot to give speeches during the opening ceremonies of a new school dedicated to the studies of magic. Never wanting to appear distant to their ponies, after the ceremonies had concluded, the two of them had decided to spend some time just being among their subjects, trying their best to answer questions and give words of encouragement where they could. They both had done this sort of thing before, but this time in particular seemed to really upset the other mare She had always meant to ask her sister what was bothering her, but she never had. Now she was going to find out, in a very real and personal way.

Luna stood there, looking on silently as her sister basked in the adoration of the ponies around her. A general melancholy had settled in, and it got worse as time progressed. “Look at them. They adore her. I am here also and yet she is the one who reaps all of their affections!” True enough, the Shepard of the Evening had made no attempt to remove herself from public view and yet she garnered none of the admiration that her sister always seemed to inspire wherever she went. As it was, most ponies offered her only a few words in greeting or the occasional inquiry after her health.

Memories of events like this flashed in Luna’s mind, each one carrying with it feelings of sadness and jealousy. Celestia was amazed at just how little their ponies seemed to notice her sister. She hadn’t realized how firmly the limelight had remained on her and how little room there was for them to stand beneath it together.

Why didn’t you tell me? Why hadn’t I asked?


She was once more suspended in darkness. That nameless thing had grown however, to about the size of an apple. As before, it fled when she reached for it. When she tried her magic this time however, the energy from the telekinetic spell rebounded into her, causing her to recoil from the impact.

Celestia knew the key to whatever reality this was lay within that floating oddity but for the time being there was nothing else for it but to close her eyes and see what her invisible persecutor had in store for her.


Now she was in the grand hall of the castle. All of Equestria and its surrounding neighbors were represented here. Missives had gone out to all major cities within Equestria and the capitals of the surrounding nations calling for a summit to discuss opening up trade routes amongst them all. Tonight was to celebrate the resounding success of those talks. They had all gathered here to unwind. Wine and food were lavish at dinner, but that had wound down, and the rest of the evening’s festivities were in full swing.

No... please... not this! Once was enough!

This night would forever be burned into Celestia’s memory. She and Luna had had such words that her sister left the castle shaking with rage. With her had gone all of the Lunar Guard.

Two days later, on the eve of the Summer Sun Celebration, they would return, bringing rebellion in their wake.


Instead of joining in the merrymaking, Luna lurked near the edges of the crowd. Anger seethed within her as she watched her sister laughing and talking to a small group of beings around her. Celestia could feel the heat of her sister’s emotions and the strain of her self-control as she fought to keep them in check.

All of that vanished when one of the servants approached. “Would you care for some refreshment my lady?” Celestia half expected the other pony to burst into flames from the look he received from her sister. “Neigh! Begone from Our sight peasant and trouble Us no longer!”

The butler disappeared quickly through a nearby door. Only then did Luna realize she had been shouting at him. The room was completely silent now and every eye was focused on her. She glared at them all and then she spoke, her voice somewhat lowered: “Look at you all, groveling before Our sister, so pathetically eager to lick the dirt from her hooves! Disgusting.”

Celestia’s double was there in seconds, whispering angrily into her ear: “Return to your chambers at once Luna, and we shall discuss this little... outburst.” The Moon Goddess’s face was the image of calm as she turned to leave. Inside however, there was nothing but unadulterated rage.

Moments later Luna arrived outside the door to her private chambers. “Gather the rest of the Guard, Silver Gaze. If I am right in my reckoning, will have great need you all before too long. Wait for me at the edge of the fields behind the castle, I will join you as soon as I am able.” With that the guardscolt saluted and quick-trotted off to carry out his orders. Stepping into her apartments, all she had to do now was wait, and all Celestia could do was look on in despair

Presently, the doors to Luna’s private chambers burst open and the Ruler of Days strode in radiating fury fit to set the room aflame.

What in the name of Equestria was that all about? Do you want to destroy all the progress we’ve made?

“ ‘We’ve made’ sister?” Luna’s tone was calm, hiding the intense anger that threatened every second to erupt “I certainly do not recall having a hoof in creating your little paradise. As with all things in your realm, you are solely responsible.”

The white alicorn stood there in a stunned silence for a full minute before she spoke: “That is a lie and you know it! You’ve-”

“I HAVE DONE NOTHING!” Luna’s outburst shoved her sister’s words back down her throat. Taking a quick breath, she lowered her voice somewhat “Do you not see? You do not trust me to do anything. It feels as though most of the time you do not even see me and when you do happen to grace me with a glance or two, you see a filly instead of the adult mare and equal diarch of Equestria. I suppose that is to be expected as you have never been one to share much of anything.”

“You think me selfish, sister? All of the years I sheltered you and protected you and gave you the chance to live, free of the weight and responsibility of royal life-”

“Please. Do not tell me that this was all for my benefit! We are alone sister, you can at least admit the truth of it here, can you not?”

“And what truth would that be, exactly?” the white alicorn demanded, keeping her indignation under control.

“That, secretly, some part of you enjoys the way you are treated! All of the subservience, the groveling, the way that you are gawked at as you go about your day, the reverence of your subjects... all of it! In some perverse way you crave the attention and are loathe to give it up!”


Celestia’s dream self backhoofed her sister, and Celestia could feel the bruise beginning to form already beneath the deep blue of her sister’s coat. All semblance of restraint evaporated in an instant. “Leave this place at once! You are no longer welcome here! I do not understand what has happened to you, but you are no longer the sister I knew!” With that, the other alicorn turned and left the room, slamming the door shut behind her.

As quickly as she could, Luna packed her saddlebags and stepped out onto her balcony. Closing her eyes, she began working a spell that enveloped her in a magical aura. Seconds later, the spell’s effect took hold and Celestia gasped. Every trace of her sweet, innocent little sister had been wiped away, the anger and jealousy Luna had kept buried for so long was now given form and substance.

Nightmare Moon lept into the night and flew off to join with her forces.


The darkness again. As ever, that nameless gap in this reality hung next to her, having grown now to roughly her size. Instead of reaching for it, she shrank from it. That last memory had broken her heart and so she feared what lay beyond its unseen boundary. It moved closer to her in response, and Celestia could feel herself, ever so slowly, being absorbed by whatever this was. Eventually, despite all of her struggling, she was enveloped by it. There was little difference between where she had been and where was now, save for a chill that seemed to come from everywhere all at once. She could also feel another presence here with her.

“Who’s there?”

A faint chuckle was her only audible reply, but she did see a figure approaching from out of the nothingness that surrounded her. Moments later, Nightmare Moon was there before her. “What are you doing here? Oh Luna, I’m so sorry! You were absolutely right, I have grown far too accustomed to the brilliance of my own glory and it blinded me to your suffering!” As she spoke, tears had begun to flow and she cried uncontrollably.

Peels of cruel laughter, then: “Ah, sister! It is good to see that my scheme was successful!”

“S-scheme? What trickery is this?”

“Though I desired your throne above all else, as any wise ruler does I prepared for for the possibility of my failure and so I devised this enchantment, that you might know the depth of my pain. Its effects were to be triggered if my own magical presence vanished from Equestria. And now, though I do not have your rulership, I can at least have my recompense knowing that you understand the full measure of that pain and your role in its creation and nurturing. The blame and self-recrimination you will inflict upon yourself for that simple fact will be enough for me!” Nightmare Moon laughed again, reveling in her sister’s misery.

The weight of her despair drove Celestia to her knees, the sounds of her wailing, mixed with the laughter of Nightmare Moon filled her consciousness for a time, but eventually even that faded and her grief subsided enough to permit logical thought, but even that was no comfort because she could find no way to disprove her sister’s assertions. Certainly her sister’s actions were her own, but Celestia’s own hoof in them was painfully obvious.

Presently Celestia became aware of the fact that Nightmare Moon’s spell had faded and that she was now in a real dream. She was standing in one of the towers of her castle and just beyond the window she could see part of what looked like a massively overgrown forest. Before her was a young mare with a lavender coat charging toward...Nightmare Moon? As she looked on in bewilderment, the former disappeared and reappeared behind the latter apparently trying to magically charge several small spherical objects. Her sister was too cunning to fall for such a ploy and quickly positioned herself in front of the younger pony once more.

Now that she had a clearer view, Celestia saw that they were... the calcified husks of the Elements of Harmony! She watched as Nightmare Moon stomped the ground, shattering the husks and taunted the little pony. Behind her, Celestia heard the sounds of several other ponies as they barreled into the room to rescue their friend. Sudden realization struck: These must be the future wielders of the Elements!

Awestruck, she could only watch as each Element reformed for its barer and the six ponies now stood in opposition to Nightmare Moon. She committed each of them to memory: An orange earth pony wearing a strange hat, a sky-blue pegasus with prismatic mane and tail, another completely pink earth pony, a white unicorn with dark purple mane and tail, a butter-yellow pegasus with a pink mane and tail, and lastly the lavender unicorn. Each of the elements let out a blast of magical energy that coalesced into a beam of rainbow light...


Celestia bolted awake, panting

“Was that... a vision? Some sort of prophecy?” she asked nopony, her voice barely a whisper.

Though that last dream had brought utter confusion, it also gave her a very small glimmer of hope. Something told her that she would be able to apologize to her sister for what she had done someday. That day however, was far off and she still had the rest of today and many more days that she must face alone, burdened with the knowledge that this was almost entirely her doing.

And it was time she faced them.


Their Kingdom and Their Subjects

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Shaking her head to clear her thoughts of the night’s events, Celestia stepped out of bed and glanced around. Nothing seemed to have suffered any damage from the events of the battle at the castle. On a small table next to her bed, she noticed a small, perfectly round black stone which she hadn’t placed there. Quickly scanning it with her magic confirmed her suspicions. Somepony had snuck into her chambers during the commotion and placed this here and she could still feel the faint traces of her sister’s enchantment upon it.

Sighing, she glanced out the window - it would soon be time to raise her sister’s moon. This led only to more rather depressing reflections on the situation, so Celestia forced her mind to focus on other things. Giving herself an appraising glance in the mirror, she donned the trappings of her royal station and steeled herself; now was not the time to contemplate her feelings. She had to be strong, their subjects would look to her for guidance now and she could not falter in her duty to them.

Turning, she made her way out of her chambers and stood on the landing overlooking the throne room. The sight before her made her breath catch in her throat. Turning to one of the ponies guarding the door to her royal apartments she asked “What happened here last night?”

The reason for her discomfort was simple: a large tarpaulin had been stretched across the massive hole in the ceiling she’d flown into last night. Bits of the roof and some collapsed stone columns were still being cleared away by some of the ponyfolk. In one of the corners still covered by actual roof, she could see some of the wounded were still being tended to. Others... weren’t so fortunate.

“Well milady, in the commotion of the fighting something magical struck the roof... from the outside.” Out of the corner of her eye, she could see the guard’s worried glance as he spoke. So all of this had been her fault as well. “I see.”

Steadying herself with a deep breath, she made her way down the stairs slowly. Everypony looked up as she approached and went down on their forehooves quickly. “Be at ease everypony. There are far more pressing matters to deal with right now.” As one the assembled group went silently back to their respective tasks. Celestia watched them all for a moment or two, then, seeing one of her closest advisers supervising a small group of ponies, she made her way to him, waiting for him to finish his instructions before she spoke.

“What’s the situation?” she asked, hoping her voice displayed the confidence she didn’t have.

“Fortunately, we managed to evacuate most of the civilians into the lower basements and none of the, ah, enemy forces bothered to go there. We’re keeping as many as we can there until things are a bit calmer. Those we captured during the battle are in the dungeons awaiting your judgement. That isn’t to say there weren’t any casualties, the ballroom has been converted into a makeshift infirmary and the dining hall into a morgue. For the most part, though, things are under control, although rebuilding will take some time.”

Celestia nodded. At least Luna’s resentment had remained focused solely on her. “Good, do what you can here, I must go see to the injured and the families of the lost.”

“Understood, milady. If I may, would it not be prudent to... check the time of day?”

Time of... oh. With the weight of the responsibility that now loomed over her and the emotional whirlwind that was still raging inside her, she’d forgotten completely about her role as deity. “You are quite right. Very well. I shall see to them momentarily. If you will excuse me?” With that the white alicorn turned to leave, catching the barest hint of a bow out of the corner of her eye.

She made her way out of the castle through its main entrance. Finding a small grassy hillock, Celestia stood upon it, with the saddening realization that she was performing the ritual that her sister had done so many times before, and now she must do it alone for some unknown amount of time. And it so it was, tears stinging her eyes, that she channeled her power and set the moon on its wheel, bringing an end to her first day alone in Equestria. Seeing the dark silhouette against the bright white of the moon brought fresh rounds of tears to her eyes.

Oh Luna, I’m so sorry! How could I have sent you away?

Celestia remained there for several moments, awash in doubt and grief. She couldn’t even save her sister, what made her believe that she had any right to rule over anypony anymore? The worst of it was that most of this fell squarely on her shoulders, not just her sister, but all of the injured and those lost in the battle... She hadn’t been there to protect them, and now somehow she was expected to lead all of Equestria?

Of course you have to lead them. Who else is going to do it? Would you really have things be as they were before you and Luna came?

That pragmatic statement cleared her head and she stood once more and made her way back into the castle. She was going to have to make a fresh start of things she realized. Staying in this castle wasn’t going to help anypony. She would have to move the royal seat to somewhere not filled with such horrid memories. Arrangements and announcements would have to come later because now she stood outside the door to the improvised morgue.

Clearing her mind, she focused on the task at hoof of consoling all of the grief-stricken families. At least, she mused grimly, I’ll be able to show them real empathy and not the hollow words of a ruler. With that thought firmly in mind, she stepped through the doors. Everypony looked up and, somehow, through the tears and hurt and pain, bowed to her. “Now is not the time to worry over formalities”, she said gently. “Right now, I am here, not as your Princess, but instead as a sympathetic ear to share in your grief at the loss of your loved ones and to hear the tales of their lives so that I too may remember and honor them”. She gave a small smile and allowed some of her own sadness to show. And so she visited with them all and talked with them. She heard their stories and the names of the dead.

Celestia made sure to spend time with every family in the place.The one thing she hadn’t expected however was that some of them would thank her for banishing Nightmare Moon. The first time somepony had said that to her, it took all of her willpower not to burst into tears and berate them for their callousness. Eventually, as it happened more and more, she realized that nopony had made the connection between Luna and Nightmare Moon as yet. She wondered what would happen when her subjects figured that out.

Even after all of this, nopony thinks of Luna? They don’t wonder where she was?

Isn’t it better this way? Would you really want your sister remembered for this?

Celestia couldn’t deny that part of her was happy that her sister seemed to be forgotten at the moment, but she’d have to tell them herself eventually. Better that than to let rumors and suspicion arise in the vacuum. She made her way to the door and cleared her throat. Everypony looked up, waiting for her to speak. When she did, it was as a ruler to her subjects and not the compassionate ear: “I know this may seem inappropriate, but I shall be gathering all of you in the castle together. Not immediately, but soon. I ask that all of you set aside your sadness for a time and come when you are bidden. I shall send a messenger to collect you at the appropriate time.” Nods and murmured assent were her response. “Very well, I shall see you then.”

With that she stepped out of the room and made her way to the infirmary. She was delighted to see that the serious cases had been dealt with and now only comparatively minor ones were being taken care of. She walked over to a particularly frazzled looking unicorn who seemed to be more or less in charge: “Yes yes! I know you need help but we’re doing the best we can here! You’ll just have to wait your turn like everypony else!” Celestia cleared her throat and held in a chuckle; the overworked pony looked like he’d have to be hospitalized in his own infirmary for cardiac arrest brought on by the surprise of her visit.

“Err... hello your H-Highness! I w-wasn’t expecting to see you here!” he stammered and bowed shakily still trying to control his shock. She held up a hoof to calm him. “Do not worry. I came merely to see the progress of your work and to tell you that I shall be gathering everypony together soon so please try to have those that are able attend.” The unicorn nodded. “I understand your Majesty”, he said, clearing his throat, the worry in his voice finally dispelled.

“As you can see, most of the serious cases have been taken care of. Those ponies in need of bedrest were moved very carefully by magic to whatever sleeping quarters could be found. Some ponies will have to double up on accommodations for a while.”

“How long do you suppose that will be? How long do you think it will take before the most grievously injured will be able to walk?”

The unicorn pursed his lips as he considered “Well milady, if all goes well, it could be as little as two weeks. Why do you ask? Are we going to be leaving soon?”

“We will be leaving, but the timetable will depend on many things, those in your care not least among them.”

“I see. I will provide you with updates on the worst of my patients if you wish.“

She considered this. Regardless of when she told everypony, it would still take a long time for the arrangements to be made. There probably wasn’t any need to worry about those recovering. “No, I do not think that will be necessary.”

“Very well, milady. Will there be anything else?”

“No. I’ll let you get back to work.” She began to circulate among the patients still here, offering words of thanks and encouragement. Satisfied, she nodded once more to the doctor and left the infirmary. That visit had brightened her mood considerably. Maybe it was because the room was so empty. Later she would have to get the names of the ponies still in need of long-term care so she could visit with them as well. For now, she had one last loose end to tidy up.

It didn’t take her long to find the adviser she’d spoken with earlier. Walking over to him she kept her voice low as there were still a fair amount of ponies helping to clear debris: “How many prisoners do you have locked in the dungeons?”

“Only a few. Most fled once they felt Princess Lu-- Nightmare Moon’s presence fade.”

Aha! So he knows. I wonder how many others know but keep it secret? No matter, soon everypony will.

“I see. Gather a few of the guards. I’m going to have a little chat with them.”

“As you wish, Princess.” The apprehension in his voice was obvious, but he bowed and trotted off. Since she had sent him off, Celestia remained in his place doing her best to supervise. Fortunately it was only a few minutes before he returned with six guards. She thanked him and informed the guards of her immediate plans. The group made their way silently and unobtrusively down into a small side corridor that led roundabout to the dungeons.

When she stepped into the wing of cells with her escort all of the prisoners eyed her warily. She’d come to decide their fate after all and they had been foolish enough to be caught. For her part, the white alicorn appraised them all in turn. No matter whether it was her own or her sister’s Guard, every member in it was fiercely loyal. She would not let these Night Guards throw their lives away, nor could she simply let them go free to incite more rebellion. Instead, she would appeal to their honor and devotion to her sister.

“We are aware that you have taken up arms against Us, but such was done out of loyalty to the Mistress of Nights. Thus We are willing to forgive your transgressions. We bear you no ill will. We did not destroy your Lady, We merely sealed her away in hope of her redemption. As a gesture of good faith We will tell you something that you must keep secret for the rest of your days, but will ease your hearts: Last night We had a dream, a vision of some distant day. On that day, Princess Luna will return to Equestria and her heart will be changed. She will again be the benevolent ruler She once was.”

She paused, observing their reactions. She could see that one or two were still apprehensive, but most looked relieved. “To those who still have their doubts, We ask that you allow Us to prove our words by allowing Us to share the memory of Our dream with you. We give you Our word that you shall not be harmed. Is this agreeable?”

Hesitant nods from the doubtful ponies. “Open the cells.” she said crisply.

One of the guards stepped forward and opened each cell cautiously. The doubters stepped forward. Celestia closed her eyes and began channeling her spell. One by one she touched her horn to them and their eyes widened in surprise. When it was done, they stepped back, visibly shaken. “Every word she speaks is true.”, rumbled the deep voice of one, “What do you ask of us then Princess? Surely you cannot mean to have us return to duty?”

“No, you are right. At least not at first. Instead, We would like all of you to find the others, the ones that fled after the battle. Convince them of the truth of what I have shown you. Tell them that if they return they will be welcomed, but also caution them that to incite further unrest would be unwise. The time spent in this endeavor should give those affected time to heal emotionally. Even then, most of you will probably be assigned duties outside of the royal palace. Speaking of such, when you return, you will likely find this place empty. Come instead to Canterlot and find me there.”

The group saluted. “We understand Highness. Is there anything else?”
“No. Go now and carry out your orders. Leave using the stealthiest of exits. The situation is still too raw. Seeing all of you about could upset a great many ponies.” The group dispersed slowly, each leaving by different exits. Satisfied, Celestia turned to her guards. “Gather everypony in the castle into the great hall at once. Do not forget the ponies in the morgue.” The guards saluted and left. Celestia made her way to the basements where the remainder of the castle staff were quartered. She nodded to the two guards as they opened the door for her.

As she entered, everypony moved to surround her and began showering her with their thanks. She smiled at them but held up a hoof to silence them. “We are glad to see you all unharmed. The battle is ended now and things are relatively safe. Before you go however there are things you should know. Firstly be aware that some of you may find your quarters being used by ponies who are recovering from their injuries. We ask that they be given priority and that you all do your best to find alternate accommodations temporarily. Secondly, we have asked everypony to gather in the main hall. Let us not be late.” Everypony nodded and the group made their way out of the basements. When they arrived, the hall was already rather full. Those behind her merged with the crowd and it parted around the white alicorn so she could move to the front.

Now had come the moment that she had to tell everypony the details of what happened while their hooves were full at the castle. Celestia realized that she’d been dreading this since she’d decided to tell her subjects what had happened, or at least part of it, and with the telling would come the sad and undeniable reality of the truth - that her sister was gone now and she herself was responsible. Next to all of that, her absolute belief in the prophetic vision from last night was little comfort.

Heart heavy, the Bringer of Days began to address her subjects. “As We look upon you who are gathered here tonight, our heart is lifted to see so many faces. Alas, some of us who were here are no longer. In honor of their bravery let us share in a moment of silence in thanks for their service.” For that instant, a pin dropping would have been deafening against such perfect stillness. Breaking the silence, she continued, “There is something all of you should know about the architect of these events.” Celestia paused to settle herself as grief threatened to overtake her.

Eventually she tightened her hold on the emotional turmoil enough to speak steadily: “Some of you already know this, but for those who may not, Nightmare Moon is... was Princess Luna who had been overtaken by jealousy of Our station. Nightmare Moon was nothing more than that corrupted visage,” Gasps and murmurs erupted and spread quickly among the assemblage. Celestia noted that looks of shock that adorned the majority of the crowd. She let this continue for a brief time and then spoke again, a little more loudly at first to get their attention and then tapering off to normal levels

“None of you need worry! We have sealed Our sister within the Moon, where she will remain. Her threat has passed and those who follow her have been dealt with.” The mood of the crowd shifted instantly from worry and fear to relieved elation. Again she let this feeling settle over the group before continuing: “Because of Our sister’s actions though, many have suffered and this palace is ruined. As such, We have decided to move the royal seat to the palace in the nearby city of Canterlot so that all of us can make a fresh start without the constant reminder of what has happened here.”

Surprise met this pronouncement and everypony tried to speak at once “When will this happen? Where will we live in the meantime? How do we even know Canterlot will accept?”

Silence!” the Sun goddess boomed and everypony shut up. “As yet, Canterlot doesn’t even know. We will send messengers in the morning and work out the details. None of this is going to happen at once. We believe the move will be gradual once the new palace begins to function as this one did and the staff will move into their new quarters as space becomes available and need arises. Until then, very little will change.”

This calmed them and heads were nodding in agreement. “And now it is time that we all got some rest.” At this, the group began to disperse and Celestia went to her own chambers to sleep as best she could, tomorrow was going to be a long day.


And so it was that the Palace of the Royal Pony Sisters would pass out of memory and Nightmare Moon would become a spectre to frighten foals.
